By Sergey Latyshev
Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard
cross posted with
Speaking in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the assistant to the Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell stated that the US punishes Russia because Moscow prevents Washington from establishing control over Eurasia in order to restore its world supremacy…
The US, at last, openly admitted why they fight against Russia, and that they won’t accept any other outcome in the current confrontation with Moscow besides its capitulation, because America’s world supremacy is impossible without total control over Eurasia, which so far they don’t have.
All of this isn’t the conjectures of “conspiracy theorists” or “Putin’s propaganda”, but the quintessence of the policy of the US stated the other day by the assistant to the Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell in his speech in front of members of Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Mitchell explained to the Senators that the State Department’s financing depends on the essence of the US’ policy towards Russia. He named the “recognition that America has entered a period of big-power competition” as “the starting point of the National Security Strategy”, having emphasised that the previous administrations weren’t sufficiently prepared for this and didn’t prepare the country for victory in this competition.
The senior representative of the State Department further emphasised: “Contrary to the hopeful assumptions of previous administrations, Russia and China are serious competitors that are building up the material and ideological wherewithal to contest US primacy and leadership in the 21st Century”.
And after that Mitchell detonated a bomb. However, this will be a surprise only for those who don’t understand that Russia is already in a state of active hybrid war with the US:
“It continues to be among the foremost national security interests of the United States to prevent the domination of the Eurasian landmass by hostile powers”.
And here Mitchell detonated an atomic bomb, with terrible destructive consequences, and not just an ordinary bomb.
Firstly, establishing total control over Eurasia is declared as the most important task for the US. A claim is made for the clear victory of the civilisation of the Sea over the civilisation of Land, the center and the only pillar of support of which is Russia. Secondly, Washington openly declared a priority of the most strictest demands of geopolitics of the most catastrophic character (The Sea must flood the Land) over any human rights trivialities used in “public diplomacy”.
Thirdly, a challenge is laid down to the very existence of Russia – it can stop its domination in its own geographical area of existence only having become fragmented or being divided into small puppet states. Fourthly, Russia is called a “hostile” country. This implies that hybrid war was declared to it long ago, and that the Americans will try, as Mitchell noted earlier, to win. Thus, he recognised that Moscow’s attempts to reach an agreement with Washington can be welcomed only if it is a question of capitulation.
Well and, lastly and fifthly, Mitchell’s mention of “hostile powers” in plural can only mean that he meant the strategic ally of Russia – China, the only independent power on the periphery of Eurasia. The US considers China to be its main economic competitor and military threat, which in some respects is just as mighty as the Russian threat, and in the long term even more dangerous. Thus, “preventing the domination” also of China in the open spaces of Eurasia provides this same scenario as for Russia: dismantling the Celestial Empire into which that compete for the attention and favor of Washington, and which don’t lay down any claims concerning geopolitics.
That’s the scale of things.
Should we prepare for the third world war?
In general, whatever one may do, Mitchell declared that the US prepares for a universal conflict, a new world war, and “the central aim of the administration’s foreign policy is to prepare our nation to confront this challenge by systematically strengthening the military, economic and political fundaments of American power”. The way to victory in it is the shattering of Russia, against which it is necessary, according to the plan of the State Department, to incline and unite its neighbors dancing to the tune of Washington and the American vassals in Europe.
Diplomacy, according to Mitchell, is a minor element in relations with Russia, which, by the way, influential circles in Moscow stubbornly refuse to recognise, cherishing the illusion to “agree” with Washington about something besides capitulation. The senior representative of the State Department clearly designated that “our Russia policy proceeds from the recognition that, to be effective, US diplomacy toward Russia must be backed by ‘military power that is second to none and fully integrated with our allies and all of our instruments of power'”.
Mitchell bragged that for the last one and a half years (when, we will add, the “Russian agent” Donald Trump was already sat in the White House) the US obtained from allies in NATO a $40 billion increase in military expenditure and “achieved virtually all policy objectives” in this direction, including the establishment within the framework of the North Atlantic alliance of two new Commands, the implementation of hybrid war preparations, and “major, multi-year initiatives to bolster the mobility, readiness, and capability of the Alliance”. Moreover, here it obviously means offense and not defense. And it is not only about NATO countries.
The language of Mitchell reveals that the US considers its policy towards Russia in military categories: “We have placed particular emphasis on bolstering the states of frontline Europe that are most susceptible to Russian geopolitical pressure. In Ukraine and Georgia, we lifted the previous administration’s restrictions on the acquisition of defensive weapons for resisting Russian territorial aggression”. The Caucasus, the Black Sea region, even Central Europe is called by Mitchell zones of geopolitical combat against Russia, competing “for hearts and minds”.
And here the US State Department according to him, finds itself on the front line: all 50 American diplomatic missions in Europe and Eurasia “develop, coordinate and execute tailored action plans for rebuffing Russian influence operations in their host countries”. In this regard the Balkans merited a special mention, where “American diplomacy has played a lead role in resolving the Greece Macedonia name dispute and is engaging with Serbia and Kosovo to propel the EU-led dialogue”.
It is unlikely that serious people had even the slightest doubts about who Russia and Greece owe for the crisis in their relations, that it’s not at all that Russian diplomats tried to disrupt mutual understanding between Athens and Skopje, and that they “bribed” someone, sometimes using for this purpose “spies in cassocks”. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova, for example, directly pointed a finger at the Americans as the creators of the diplomatic scandal, declaring: “we know”. And now it is also Mitchell who confirmed that it is the State Department that did everything, and not the despised by Greeks Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who simply ran across to the side of Russia’s enemy.
Defeating Russia economically
“In tandem” with these efforts aimed at shattering Russia, according to Mitchell, the US carries out a whole series of events of an economic nature: 217 Russian physical and legal entities are under sanctions, six diplomatic missions are closed, “60 spies [were] removed from U.S. soil”, and the State Department “closely and effectively coordinated with European allies”. Here, by the way, Mitchell involuntarily admitted for what reason Anglo-Saxon intelligence agencies needed the “Skripal affair” and who organised this provocation.
The senior representative of State Department expressed satisfaction with the course of the economic war with Russia: “on average, sanctioned Russian firms” lose about a quarter of their operational revenue, the total asset evaluation of such a company falls by 50%, and it is thus compelled to reduce its staff by a third. According to the estimates of State Department experts given by Mitchell, “our sanctions, cumulatively, have cost the Russian government tens of billions of dollars on top of the broader impact on state-owned sectors and the chilling effect of U.S. sanctions on the Russian economy”. Mitchell gave the situation with the RUSAL company, and also attacks on the Russian ruble, which strongly lost weight for this reason, as an example of successful hybrid war against Russia.
We will crush them until they capitulate
However, if Russia stops resisting the US’ expansion in Eurasia – first of all, in Ukraine, stops countering the US’ policy in Syria – which Mitchell characterised as “Russian aggression”, and we will wave the white flag, then America will be ready to negotiate capitulation: “But in all of these areas, it is up to Russia, not America, to take the next step. Our policy remains unchanged: steady cost-imposition until Russia changes course”.
There are some more curious moments in Mitchell’s speech. By arguing about the policy of Russia, but without having the opportunity to know what it really consists of, he attributes American logic and its foreign policy methods to the actions of Moscow.
Here are quotes:
“Our strategy is animated by the realization that the threat from Russia has evolved beyond being simply an external or military one; it includes unprecedentedly brazen influence operations orchestrated by the Kremlin (in reality – Washington – ed) on the soil of our allies and even here at home in the United States”.
“The threat from Russian influence operations existed long before our 2016 presidential election and will continue long after this election cycle, or the next, or the next. As the recent Facebook purges reveal, the Russian state has promoted fringe voices on the political left, not just the right, including groups who advocate violence, the storming of federal buildings and the overthrow of the U.S. government. Russia foments and funds controversial causes – and then foments and funds the causes opposed to those causes. Putin’s thesis is that the American Constitution is an experiment that will fail if challenged in the right way from within. Putin wants to break apart the American Republic, not by influencing an election or two, but by systematically inflaming the perceived fault-lines that exist within our society”.
Having accused modern Russia of using “Bolshevist” and “Soviet” methods in the geopolitical standoff with America, Mitchell made from Putin the “father” of the leading for quite some time US’ foreign policy doctrine – “a strategy of chaos for strategic effect”.
Thanks, Mr Mitchell, for your frankness
In general, it is worth being grateful to the prominent State Department employee. Mitchell not only outlined the purposes of the US’ foreign policy, but also revealed the methods that Washington intends to use to put them into practice, he showed everyone who is ready to look at the truth in the eyes what a frightening danger the US constitutes for the rest of the world and, first of all, for Russia.
Tuning in to Paul Craig Roberts:
The Saker’s review of the same book.
Sure, nice new(???) theory…but have you asked yourself why all this?
What are the gains by “da US” ?
What? Cheap oil? Obviously no.
What? Regoinal stability? Ditto.
You tell me, what is to b gained by the average Anerican.
Now, what I can do for you is to list a number of objectives of israhell, that coincide with certain “american” projects.
There is not one in the abovementioned “american goals and objectives”, that can not be realised cheaper, easyer, faster and more securely using traditional diplomacy, trade and general good will.
Project for a new american century. Look it up. Then look up the authors of it.
There is nothing american about it, or hardly any.
It should have been named PNIC.
The Jews know full well that they teach the master class in arrogant patriarchal exceptionalism. Here in USA it is interesting to watch just how subtly and craftily they retain their mastery over the question of managing exactly what good, virtuous and enlightened people should think. Dare to contradict them and non Jewish Americans will turn against you. Goys are so easy.
Ad hominem removed … mod The war and confrontation with Russia makes billions for the defense industries. That was the reason for the Persian Gulf War. Sure, any modern mega-empire would want to control who has access to oil and gas – especially those nations that might be economic or military adversaries. That was a lesson learned in WW1. Though access to oil and gas was certainly a factor, the Gulf War was mostly a response to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The US-Soviet ‘Cold War” was ending and the gravy train of blank check military contracts was suddenly derailed. The US needed a paradigm to justify the continuation of that military spending. Six months before Iraq invaded Kuwait, American generals were talking up a new model of military readiness: the ability to react immediately to threats to US interests by highly mechanized armed forces in developing nations. They were describing what would soon be a response to an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait which was totally manipulated by the first Bush administration. On the eve of the invasion, Saddam Hussein heard diplomatic ‘green lights’ not just from US Ambassador April Glaspie, but also from her boss, Asst. Secretary of State for the Near East John Kelly and State Dept. Spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler. The mounting calls for a “Peace Dividend” in the US – a massive shift of government spending from the military to public needs like schools, infrastructure and healthcare – were all but silenced. Empires don’t need “The Jews” to act like most empires have done for countless centuries. That isn’t to say that Israel and powerful Jewish-American organizations don’t have a near stranglehold on US Middle East Policy. They do and I’ve working to expose it for decades. I am an anti-zionist Jew who has also been fighting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism in the United States for decades. But I would also be a hypocrite if I didn’t point out and denounce anti-Jewish racism when I see that as well. Like the anti-Jewish racism in your comment. And the comment below as well.
Eduardo Cohen! Bravo for all anti-Zionist Jews with the courage to speak out!! Thank you! And thank you for your well written blog entry.
Eduardo; I am glad of your post, and respect it. You are not the only person who gives me this criticism. You have helped me to see more clearly where and how I need to heal myself. For that a sincere thank you.
No, no and no.. The war and confrontation with Russia makes billions for the defense industries. That was the reason for the Persian Gulf War. Sure, any modern mega-empire would want to control who has access to oil and gas – especially those nations that might be economic or military adversaries. That was a lesson learned in WW1. Though access to oil and gas was certainly a factor, the Gulf War was mostly a response to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The US-Soviet ‘Cold War” was ending and the gravy train of blank check military contracts was suddenly derailed. The US needed a paradigm to justify the continuation of that military spending. Six months before Iraq invaded Kuwait, American generals were talking up a new model of military readiness: the ability to react immediately to threats to US interests by highly mechanized armed forces in developing nations. They were describing what would soon be a response to an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait which was totally manipulated by the first Bush administration. On the eve of the invasion, Saddam Hussein heard diplomatic ‘green lights’ not just from US Ambassador April Glaspie, but also from her boss, Asst. Secretary of State for the Near East John Kelly and State Dept. Spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler. The mounting calls for a “Peace Dividend” in the US – a massive shift of government spending from the military to public needs like schools, infrastructure and healthcare – were all but silenced. Empires don’t need “The Jews” to act like most empires have done for countless centuries. That isn’t to say that Israel and powerful Jewish-American organizations don’t have a near stranglehold on US Middle East Policy. They do and I’ve working to expose it for decades. I am an anti-zionist Jew who has also been fighting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism in the United States for decades. But I would also be a hypocrite if I didn’t point out and denounce anti-Jewish racism when I see that as well. Like the anti-Jewish racism in your comment. And the comment below as well.
The Outlaw US Empire’s #1 policy goal since the announcement by GHW Bush of the New Global Order is Full Spectrum Dominance of the Planet as later declared in Global Vision 2010, updated in Global Vision 2020 and reiterated in the National Defense Strategy(NDS) published in January 2018. The first two weren’t even classified so strong was the Neocon hubris, but all we get to read of the NDS is an Executive Summary, which reveals numerous weaknesses and the usual overload of hubris.
Most importantly is the apparently forgotten fact that the Empire stabbed itself in the back via its Neoliberal Doctrine of outsourcing most of its supply chain and is incapable of economically dominating any of its announced rivals, and it has decapitated its Space Program such that it must rely on Russian rocket engines and its carrier rockets to get its people to the ISS–a contract that expires early next year and won’t be renewed. Ultimately, insanely gross levels of corruption will be the death of the Outlaw US Empire.
If a new gansta movie was about a gangsta who vowed to kill any potential rival before they could challenge her for power, the audience would agree that she was an insane mass killer.
Notoriously missing from this analysis is the link to the testimony on which it’s based. There; rectified. Note at the top the announcement of a document called “Russia Integrated Strategy,” and that all have Trump’s approval. In looking for that document, I first came across what seems to be its predecessor, as nothing else appears online or within the US State Department other than the reference given it by Mitchell. As with the NDS I linked to above, this previous “Strategy” begins with a total prevarication of the actual conditions within Russia and worsens from there. One must wonder how anyone can expect a policy based on lies succeed.
The Neocons said they’d create their own reality, but one must insist that instead of some alternative reality what’s stated in these extremely important state planning documents is plain fantasy.
the ISS–a contract that expires early next year and won’t be renewed.
According to this RT article, it could be renewed:
However, Russia may continue ferrying US astronauts to orbit if a new deal is struck, Sergey Krikalev, executive director of manned space programs at Roscosmos, told TASS.
“This is a working issue. The current contract ends, but it doesn’t mean that we’ll stop delivering American astronauts on the ISS. There’ll be other contracts. No tough measures are implemented,” he said.
Discussions on the next contract are already underway between Roscosmos and NASA, but “there have been no specific decisions yet,” Krikalev added.
The discontinuation of the Space Shuttle program seemed like a minor inconvenience in 2011, when the US and Russia were on relatively good terms. Today, however – amid a bitter political stand-off between the two nations – the fact that the US has to rely on Russia in some aspects of its space exploration is considered humiliating by some people in America.
Looks to me as if the Russians are trying for a price increase. The price for a ticket has gone from $20M to $80M over the years.
Knowing I am dealing with Trump, I would make it $800 million/ticket if I were Russia :-D.
Th gang of bullies that run the US live in luxury. Who cares what little people get hurt? For the Elites, the Aristocrats and their supporters, it is great fun bombing and pillaging the world.
You’ll know there is a real populist movement for change when you hear their candidate asking… “6 trillion dollars in Afghanistan. What did you get for that? Did you as a taxpaying American citizen see your life improve in any way for spending that money? Did you get any free gasoline or free heating oil from invading Iraq? Was there ever a day when you got to use a card given by the government to collect your free tank of gasoline that you earned from the Iraq war? Did you even get a free Afghan rug for spending 6 trillion dollars? Is there anything specific you can point to and say, yes, my life is better because I got that from the wars? What American taxpayers got were their children coming home in body bags, or coming home mentally broken, and a very big tax bill. Its time for this to end.”
Don’t hold your breath waiting for a corporate politician to say that on corporate television. In many places in the American free and fair elections, such a candidate won’t even be allowed on the ballot.
”You’ll know there is a real populist movement for change when you hear their candidate asking… ’6 trillion dollars in Afghanistan. What did you get for that? Did you as a taxpaying American citizen see your life improve in any way for spending that money?’ ”
Yes, most definitely that would be a sure sign of a ”real populist movement for change” Pindo style. Of course not a word about the real victims of overwhelming, premeditated imperialist violence and lawlessness ravaging the world’s oppressed countries; just this despicable self-pity on the part of the beneficiaries of imperialism for not getting what they are supposedly worth. But, then again, they are exceptional and indispensable, after all.
Nussinimen, well said. The British Empiricist Ethic of Enlightened SELF interest: what’s in it for ME? Candidates who get elected on an anti-war ticket based on Enlightened Self Interest are likely to wage wars based on Unenlightened Self Interest.
Dont forget that most of that money came back to the American economy as: wages for the combat troops, payment for food and equipment made in the US.
Every big infrastructure investment in Afganistan, was awarded to coalition Companies.
So yes, the American people did get something from this 6 trillions of $.
I see that Wess Mitchell is demanding that Eurasia submit to imperial control of a former colony, known as the United States, so that the neocons in the US can have full global control. No, that is not acceptable. It will never happen.
In 1917 the Wall Street bankers financed the Bolshevik Revolution, bringing Lenin and Trotsky to power. In 1924 Lenin dies from syphilis, and is replaced by Stalin, who was not under banker control. At the same time an obscure character by the name of Adolf Hitler appears on the German political scene. He is backed by Wall Street bankers and corporations, who invest in the country. In 1941 he invades the Soviet Union (Russia). America enters the war in December of 1941, when it becomes clear that Hitler will be defeated at Moscow. Everybody knew what happened to Napoleon. In 1812 he was defeated in Russia and in 1814 the Russians enter Paris. This, of course, has to be prevented. Hitler and the Germans are ostensibly fighting for Germany, but in fact they were fighting for the globalists of the day, who were using Germany to defeat Russia, after which the Anglo-Americans would conclude the affair by defeating Germany. Both Germany and Russia would then be broken up. Well, it did not end up that way, although Germany was broken into two parts for a brief period.
After the end of the Second World War, NATO is set up. It was created before the Warsaw Pact. It’s mission was “protection” of Western Europe. However, it’s real aim was the destruction of Russia. In 1989 the Warsaw Pact collapses and NATO moves towards the East, later on joined by the EU. Both stage the 2014 coup d’etat in Kiev, the aim being to drag Ukraine into NATO and the EU, so that NATO missiles systems could be placed along Russia’s borders. The aim was also for NATO to grab the naval base in Sevastopol, so that NATO could control the Black Sea. It did not come to that.
What do we have now ? NATO is encircling Russia and China, while both have concluded bilateral economic treaties. Both have introduced international trade organizations. Washington is looking into the rise of Eurasia, which it wants to control. It is still dreaming of breaking up Russia, before moving towards China. It has introduced sanctions against Russia, hoping to destroy the Russian economy. The opposite happened. Russia invested in it’s own infrastructure, becoming self sufficient. It’s agriculture is experiencing a boom. The figures on Russian economic losses which Wess Mitchell presented to the Senate Committee are basically fiction. Most Russians do not even notice sanctions. Dmitry Orlov, the analyst, has stated the following, and I quote:
“The effect of the sanctions in simultaneously driving down both the ruble and the Russian stock market has allowed the Russian government to sell dollars high and to buy up Russian industrial stocks low, effectively re-nationalizing Russian industry at bargain-basement prices, shifting the share of its government ownership from around 16% to at least 65% while squeezing out Western financial interests. The profits that would have otherwise been pocketed by Western investors are now flooding into the Russian treasury, to be spent on health, education, housing, roads and bridges and so on”.
The sanctions also had a double aim, preventing EU-Russian trade. By the second half of 2016 the EU lost 100 billion dollars in trade with Russia. Germany reacted by opening up subsidiaries in Russia, which now employ more than 140.000 Russians. Europe is now slowly turning to the East.
And Washington ? It’s controlled by the same old team, applying the same old mentality. It is still living in the past, unable to understand the present. It’s foreign policy conduct is based on illusions and wishful thinking. At the same time it is looking into a huge foreign and domestic debt which it can never pay off, while countries in the world are beginning to discard the US dollar. And what are the neocons going to do ? Apply more of the same ? If they do, they will end up like the Roman Empire in 476, totally bankrupt and destroyed.
Thanks, B.F. for the note of realism/optimism. I was taken aback by the directness and threatening tone of this pile of ___.
After reading this diatribe by mitchell, I was struck with a momentary flash of discouragement-it seems that the neo cons had no trouble doubling down on replacing the odious nuland with this neo con \. BTW, nuland moved over to CEO slot of neo con CNAS, kicking the founder Michelle Fortnoy to the curb.
On one hand, I’m struck with the passivity of Putin but I continue to read that he is playing the long game. I would think at one point that he must send a message to these neo con clowns but that is just my thinking. I’m a little concerned as to how much latitude he has, i.e. what is the strength of the atlanticist cabal festering in Moscow.
Taras 77
Don’t worry about Putin. If the liberals in Russia had any real power, they would have prevented him from establishing bilateral trade agreements with China and from sending the Russian military to Syria. Putin is playing the waiting game. So is China.
One could add the oil price at $75 also pours dólares or many rubles into Kremlins state budget.
Your history can be improved.
Stalin was a puppet for Wall Street. A Soviet dissident informed congress in 1946 that responses delayed from Moscow could be expedited by calling a Manhattan phone number. Hitler was a hero for WS and was pictured on the cover of Time magazine as Man of the Year in January 1938. It was only after he attacked Stalin that he became the villain.
Hitler had capitalized upon the public animosity of Jews to get into power. Jews had obtained control of admission to all high-salaried occupations, Germans were being raped with economic oppression from the Munich treaty, and 90% of the businesses were Jewish owned. Germans resented being second-rate citizens in their own country. FDR stripped military goods from the Pacific stocks to save Stalin from defeat. The globalists supported Hitler, a dictator they thought they could control, until he turned on Stalin. They also funded, through the CIA, Castro, Qaddafi, Hussein, Somoza, bin Laden, the Shah, and others until they put national interests ahead of globalist’s goals.
The USSR was a straw enemy used by WS to hype the need for profitable military industry which they controlled. How much debt to Wall Street was dissolved by USSR bankruptcy is unknown but it seems to be a watershed event.
To the moderators:
I’m not entitely certain if the above submission is sincere, but if that’s the case then I have the following to say:
I understand the urge felt by Western crackpots to submit their anti-Stalin garbage — but the aptly named writer here is rooting for so much unsubstantiated drivel that it at least should warrant a warning, thank you.
Good point. That poster may well be trying to sow discontent; we have a fair number of posts and posters like that. We moderators also have a common, shared “Banned/Troll” list with email addys and ip addresses. We use this list to attempt to screen out the trolls and consistently bad actors. Some posts are however a mix of (relative) truth and intentional falsehoods. When these are obvious, we “trash” them which means send them to The Saker to decide. Often however, the dis-info is more subtle. Personally, I approve those posts trusting that our responsible readers will (respectfully) respond to the false information.
Hi there, just look for the Rothschild family and you’ll understand why the World is going crazy. There is 187 countries in the world, their owned 163 banks …. Of each country
Money is power, who’s control the money, control the power …. And the people …
” Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell stated that the US punishes Russia because Moscow prevents Washington from establishing control over Eurasia in order to restore its world supremacy…”
I keep writing, wherever I can, that the use the of the World “Eurasia” should be stopped by anyone who claims to have Russian interests in the battle against the Evil Empire.
Words are used to frame our thinking – Bernays knew this, and has proved it over and over and over.
Never has this been shown more clearly than the sentence above, the name of the Secretary of State, and the entire context.
To start with, this title is “for Europe AND Eurasia”. What does this tell the subliminal mind? That the Empire sees and acknowledges that the countries which constitute Europe are separate from Russia.
However, do they acknowledge the country Russia? China?.
No, they actually now call Russia “Europe + Asia”, which is what the word “Eurasia” tells us. ‘
As soon as you hear or read “Eur….” the mind completes the word to “Europe”. Test this by seeing why you can read such pieces as “En7ir ppl cn knw ths sntnc”.
We will always be able to fill in, extrapolate and anticipate.
So “Eur…” will always to complete to “Europe….”
So — why is the Evil Empire calling Russia by another name?
Because it’s the beginning of ownership — and they want Russia to accept it.
As soon as Russia accepts the American Fascists calling her “Europe / Asia” she begins to lose some sense of identity – which is why The Fascists are doing it.
Never, ever use this disastrous world. Already, the American Encyclopaedia Britannica has a map which shows Russia as in Europe, and labels the Russian Steppes “The European Steppes” and has wiped out the name “The Taiga”, saying “it’s only [sic] a Russian word for wood.
It’s a way to steal ownership – and it’s working. Why did the Belorussians, Russians, Armenians, K and K “stans” call their association “the Eurasian Economic Union” and not the BRAKKS Co-operative, or similar?
What do any of those countries have to do with Europe, which stops the other side of the Baltics and Balkans???
Because they are starting to accept being labelled as America wants them to.
It’s a disastrous step – and the use of the phrase by a member of the Fascist empire to label Russia so is more evidence of that fact.
Bum bom it goes two ways. Putins dream of Lissabon – Vladivostok all included in the word Eurasia.
I take the “Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia” and the irritation over Russia, as a laughable Emperor who owns Europe but cannot get hold of 2 naughty vassals Russia and China presenting Eurasia.
In this context Eurasia is W-Russia is E-Eur(ope) and E-Russia + China is Asia.
Wouldn’t be better to acknowledge to call ‘Russia’ what it really is, an Empire ‘with an elbow resting on China and the other on Germany’ as Pyotr Chaadaev knew some two hundreds years ago?
Interesting, yet disgusting. Is this top level intelligence or agitprop amongst the pseudo-elite? Who can refrain from cynicism when the web is so tangled. Theater of the absurd.
“assistant to the Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia”
If I’m not mistaken, that’s the title that Hillary gave Victoria Nuland when she hired her off of Dick Cheney’s office staff to run the coup that overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine. So this guy is Mrs. “Bleep the EU”‘s successor in that office.
Exactly! Nuland is now CEO of CNAS, neo con tank. She kicked the founder of CNAS, Michelle Fortnoy to the curb.
She knew what she was doing when she was giving “doughnuts – donuts buns or whatever” to the Maidan masses.
And she is certainly channeling Robert Kagan, author of PNAC. And her sister in-law Kimberly Kagan, of the ‘Institute for the Study of War’, described as ‘an influential member of the foreign policy brain trust in Washington’. It’s a small world.
What utter BS policy statement.
It goes clearly isolationist Trump statement and policies.
Breaking up of Nato / alliance with spineless Europe or declaration about “EU almost as bad as China, just smaller’ not being the least.
Not sure to understand how it is consistent with the Wess Mitchell statement.
US is roting from the inside out.
Still spending money for the MIC insteed of investing in productive, science or infrastructure.
It all reminds of the following article.
Russia denounces the diarchy at the heart of the UNO and the USA by Thierry Meyssan
“And yet, during his electoral campaign, Donald Trump denounced the existence of this « deep state » which, according to him, no longer serves the interests of the people, but those of transnational Finance.
Of course, no foreign state has ever taken a public stand about a question which concerns the interior politics and the sovereignty of the United States. Except that last week, President Vladimir Putin took steps in this direction. On 22 August – in other words two days after the public intervention of his Minister for Foreign Affairs against the UNO – while commenting Washington’s sanctions against his country, he declared – « And it is not only the position of the President of the United States which counts. It’s the position of the institution which pretends to be the state, the ruling class in the wider sense of the term. I hope that the realisation that this policy has no future will one day become clear to our partners, and that we will then be able to cooperate in a normal fashion » [3].
Yes, you have read that correctly. President Putin is stating that the United States are governed not by one Power, but two. The first is composed of the elected members of Congress and the Presidency, the second is illegitimate and sometimes more powerful.”
Yes you are correct, Mr. V.V. Putin as many others before him correctly identifies duality in US government.
I’d like to bring your attention to well known speech of President J. F. Kennedy, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City on April 27, 1961 where JFK clearly identified this “other” US government.
Continuation of government plan might be a place to look for more information.
Another piece of Pindo Certified Human Garbage delivering the same enjoyable mix of reactionary vomit and excrement that supposedly makes America great again. Excellent proof positive of the fact noted by the Soviets: Western ideology = Mental illness.
Quite amusing that the Zionazis are not only nedogovorosposobnye — in addition to that, their arrogance is so strong they cannot even be troubled to consider the impact their ’manners’ have upon the credibility of their puppets and bootlickers everywhere. It’s the behaviour of a long-time drug addict.
With adversaries like these, Russia will get standing ovations when the offal is resoundingly defeated.
Again, as always, reading the political class of the West makes me think only one thing: time to leave – this place is about to burn.
USA values, demonstrated by their action for 100+ years – are Theft, Greed, Violence, Hypocrosy all sugar coated in syrupy Protestant Zionist do-good preaching language.
The American Empire economy depends on the ability of the mass to Consume. With majority of their populartion now in Poverty, the corporations will not be able to make internal profit for much longer. The Empire will then need to use open theft of other nations rescources to keep going. Anyone with investments in USA needs to remember that the state will take their money and do sanctions, whenever it wants. And in India, Brazil, Colombia and some African countries, the elites are happy to prostitute their countrys soul to the USA empire, in return for becoming rich themselves.
The only way we can stop Anglo Zionism is by a mass boycott of the Dollar by Europe and Asian countries (the main weapon of USA is not submarines or bombers, but pieces of worthless paper) and entire economy of Israel, USA,UK and Saudi, cut them off from global trade. China and Russia are onto the early stages of this, de dollarisation?
Putin Needs to Sacrifice the Donbass to Survive. (Not Really).
Nothing new but always satisfactory to see it officially declared. Too many hope too much. Thanks for the article.
This Wess Mitchell is so unconscious of himself that he doesn’t realize that in his description of the threats and methods of Russia he is describing the US. He knows nothing about the psychological shadow and projection. He sees the US as only good and noble and throws all the accumulated muck of US shadow material on Russia, China, and Iran.
Another even more terrible example of this is the NATO general that said the “Russia is an existential threat to our whole being”. This goes deeper than the shadow. He projects out of his wholeness (the psychological self) absolute evil on Russia that leaves him inflated with absolute good. Therefore anything or any method he uses against Russia is imbued with absolute good. Any suffering, mass murder, destruction on Russia is sanctified by the destruction of the absolute evil.
By listening one can read the unconscious. What I describe above I hear consistently in the West while hardly at all out of Russia or China. This process of projected demonization of Russia has reached the level of being self-reinforcing. No matter what Russia, China, or Iran do it justifies more of what the US intends and does.
The US is marching the world to disaster and as everything it does is for the absolute good it will keep making the next escalation. I therefore do not see how we can avoid a very close call with catastrophe and the best I can hope for is that during that coming Cuban missile like crisis we get a lucky break like we did with JFK. If we have to depend on a lucky break then I do not give our survival much of a chance.
”Another even more terrible example of this is the NATO general that said that ’Russia is an existential threat to our whole being’. This goes deeper than the shadow.”
Absolutely correct that it ”goes deeper than the shadow” because, at bottom, the statement by that NATO general is profoundly true: Russia doesn’t promote Satanism (sexual degeneracy, greed, and cruelty); it opposes it with all its might. Russia should be proud when such sincere, if unintended, acknowledgments of her moral stature are being made.
Is it anything new in that? Mitchell repeats word for word the principles of the ‘Project for the New American Century (PNAC)’, formulated in 1998 by William Kristol and Robert Kagan (not by chance the husband of Victoria Nuland), premised on the assumption that a war against Russia, or any coalition that challenges the divinely ordained hegemony of America is ‘winnable’ due to the unquestioned (and unquestionable) superiority of the American military. Absolutely every move of America since are stages in the implementation of this plan. No surprises whatsoever. Any pupil of the MacKindergarden know that destruction of Russia is the ‘pivot’ of the plan. MacKinder formulated the principles of PNBEAC (British Empire cum America) at the beginning of the 20th Century.
But that was nothing new either. Actually, more diligent students of history know that a ‘Project for the British Empire following Centuries’, was formulated in the reign of the Virgin Queen Elizabeth by her ‘Magus’ and astrologer John Dee (incidentally one of the fathers of the British Secret Service – some diligent students of history know that Free Masonry was a creation of the Secret Service as a tool for fomenting revolutions).
This is really the moment of the first moves of the ‘Great Game’. The alarm bell for the Merchant Adventurers cum Pirates was the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan and the liquidation of the Golden Horde by Ivan IV and the following conquest of Siberia.
What is surprising is the conviction of some that Russians are not aware of all this. Its Secret Service is certainly older than the British one.
Has anyone been able to find the set of questions and answers after the testimony? One of our writers is keen to get hold of this.
I think this link would be very useful in that regard:
Thank you!
The simple fact that spineless “analysts” omit to say is that WW2 was a war for supremacy amongst anglo and german Nazis.
Russian, Serbian, Polish, Roma and others were simply collateral damage.
Today’s Nazis, unified under american-anglo leadership, controlled by Zionists + satraps are waging a war against part of Humanity that wants to remain Sovereign, FREE of perversions respectful of Universal Laws.
This guy is really SICK !!
The State Department is “admitting” what influential Anglo-American imperial strategists have been stating openly for a *century* no less from Halford MacKinder to Nicholas Spykman to Zbigniew Brzezinski.
It’s not a secret and certainly not a conspiracy.
Brzezinski’s 1997 book The Grand Chessboard is one of the best representative statements of the American Empire’s global dominance designs, particularly with respect to contemporary post-Cold War geopolitics:
“For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia… Now a non-Eurasian power is preeminent in Eurasia – and America’s global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained.”
“Two basic steps are thus required: first, to identify the geostrategically dynamic Eurasian states that have the power to cause a potentially important shift in the international distribution of power and to decipher the central external goals of their respective political elites and the likely consequences of their seeking to attain them;… second, to formulate specific U.S. policies to offset, co-opt, and/or control the above…”
“…To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”
“Henceforth, the United States may have to determine how to cope with regional coalitions that seek to push America out of Eurasia, thereby threatening America’s status as a global power.”
“America is now the only global superpower, and Eurasia is the globe’s central arena. Hence, what happens to the distribution of power on the Eurasian continent will be of decisive importance to America’s global primacy and to America’s historical legacy.”
America’s behavior towards Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and indeed all the lands from Europe to Asia (aka Eurasia) can be understood in light of Brzezinski’s imperial dictums.
And it will make no different what regime is in power in Washington DC–Democrat and Republican, Obama or Trump.
All Washington regimes will pursue these fundamental imperatives of Anglo American world empire.
Indeed, Washington is trying to get back into a game it’s already lost.
That Washington, in their “reality-creating” Hubris took their eye off the ball and and failed to notice, much less “prevent collusion” on the Eurasian continent is the fundamental strategic blunder that will destroy the Empire. Ignoring Imperial Imperatives is like that and that astonishing blunder will resonate through the coming decades and centuries…
The full impact of the rise of the China-Russia-Iran axis is some distance in the future, but any attempt to reverse its development is likely to fail. The great question is what happens when even the dopes in Washington realize that failure stares them in the face. Their only hope was to use America’s soft power, augmented by a modicum of hard power to drive wedges between the three. That soft power has been ab/mis-used and Brand America ain’t what it used to be. So it is with its financial power, and with its equally ab/mis-used military power, especially relative to its rivals. This ain’t 1995 any more Toto.
As Bismarck famously said, great questions are answered not by politicians, but by blood and iron. That was then, but now the danger is that they’ll be answered by atoms in collision.
Unbelievable, both in its arrogance and stupidity. Just translate it into various languages and unite the whole world into being anti-American
Everybody loves America and would like to be an American.
”Contrary to the hopeful assumptions of previous administrations, Russia and China are serious competitors that are building up the material and ideological wherewithal to contest US primacy and leadership in the 21st Century”
Oops, for f**k’s sake, Mitchell: Don’t ever admit in public that Russia and China outsmarted each and every one of your previous Pindo regimes. You should understand that it seriously calls into question the quality of ”US leadership in the 21st century” as a corollary.
It is well documented that Wall Street used a false flag operation– with the HMS Lusitania– to involve the U.S. in WW I. John Stinnett in DAY OF DECEIT relied upon official government documents obtained by FOIA to document WS’s use of 17 months of economic sanctions and their crony, FDR, to force the (not so sneaky) attack on Pearl Harbor. WS used their crony Allen Dulles to establish the CIA so Wall Street’s nefarious acts could be concealed behind ‘national security.’ William Blum in KILLING HOPE and John Perkins in CONFESSIONS OF ECONOMIC HIT MAN detail the multitudinous continuation of what has been mis-identified as the U.S. foreign policy. Domination of the entire world, including the United States, appears to be the Wall Street objective.
It is alleged the above acts of Wall Street’s psychological obsession have been funded by embezzlement from the US government facilitated by the Federal Reserve system. Ref.
Ever since Noah left us, the primordial battle remains Sea Power vs. Land Power. A century-old refrain on this bifurcation, McKinderism, is alive and well in 2018. The lineage? A sea-borne baton stretching through Phoenicia, Canaan, Tyre, Carthage, Venice, Black Nobility, the Anglo-Saxons (Brit-US empires). Representing the Eurasian landmass? Continent-straddling Russia primarily and China with its BRI initiatives, the New Silk Road; Iran; the satraps India, Japan and South Korea.
Recent scale-tipping developments? Hypersonic missile technology (aircraft carrier killers; China and Russia have amassed an advantage here for obvious tactical reasons), the collapse of geographic distance with the advent of an information economy (when will the Cloud learn to feed us?), fast railways and trade routes destined to link Beijing with Berlin and Lisbon i.e. a growing imperviousness of Land to Sea.
This is the subterranean reservoir from where Russian collusion mania within our political discourse percolates up. It’s a civilizational anxiety that transcends Trumpism. We are being fatted up on war consciousness. Our minds are being girded for war. Trump serves as a strange and coterminous instrumentality for this, an expeditious accelerant.
Extrapolating Assistant Secretary of State Dr. A. Wess Mitchell’s recent testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sergey Latyshev points out that American hegemony requires the fragmentation/dissolution of Russia. No accommodation short of this will do:
“Firstly, establishing total control over Eurasia is declared as the most important task for the US. A claim is made for the clear victory of the civilisation of the Sea over the civilisation of Land, the center and the only pillar of support of which is Russia. Secondly, Washington openly declared a priority of the most strictest demands of geopolitics of the most catastrophic character (The Sea must flood the Land) over any human rights trivialities used in “public diplomacy”.”
The Russians can read too. The choice being offered is a starkly binary one: WW3 or self-immolation. There is an urgency too. It can be felt in the manic repetition and incommensurate violence of the rhetoric. Trump is an ambivalent vehicle only, with a mechant’s soul, hardly a combatant’s. The natural aversion people feel for him is being wed to transcending geopolitical imperatives. The Sea must flood the Land in short order. Before the Land forever escapes the Sea.
Finally, some mythic proportions:
Nationalism (rootedness) is a preoccupation of Land. Cosmopolitanism (the fluidity of human existence) is a ‘fixation’ of Sea. Taken to toxic extremes, the former degenerates into xenophobia and provincialism; the latter, into toxic exceptionalism, aloofness and oligarchism.
It’s a shame there aren’t more Poets in America as this dichotomy is so alive and urgent today that only a Poetic sensibility can truly deliver understanding to the People. True discerners in the lineage of Whitman and Ginsberg.
The ‘roots’ of alienation are found in terrestrial creatures cast atop the sea; contra naturam. Blood and soil (the provincial coordinates of unimaginativeness) preceded the seafarer. The arbitrage opportunties were huge in Marco Polo’s era; before Alibaba and Amazon delivery drones flattened illicit pockets of value. Once upon a time, your trash was another port’s treasure.
Sea Power is also inherently mercantilistic, exploitive and extractive. It involves plundering the indigenous peoples (the people of the Land) and hauling their G-d-given birthright elsewhere.
The corporation, indeterminate as an ocean mist, is a banker’s invention, recently endowed with personhood. It ‘resides’ in Delaware, yet extends its grasp into every corner of the world like a vaporous spirit. –FSD