At the very end of last year on the 31st of December, the Pentagon once again acted out an intrigue around its military bases in Syria. US defence minister James Mattis warned, that any attack on US bases would be repelled and the attackers would be punished.
The media agencies ‘Russia Today’ and ‘Sputnik’ proved the existence of 10 American military bases in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. However, Iranian intelligence agencies have provided more detailed data, which suggests that there are 14 American bases in Syria, of which 12 are located in the north of the country and 2 in the south. What is more, Turkish media outlets have reported about the existence of 13 US arms depots in Kurd territories, which are located in close proximity to American bases.
- The Dirik base
The Dirik base is the furthest point of American presence in Syria. It is located on the Turkish-Syrian border and includes two military bases from which groups of American paratroopers provide help to the Syrian Democratic Forces. The Dirik base also serves an airbase for American logistic flights.
- The Sabakh-al-Khair base
The Sabakh-al-Khair base is located is located to the south-west of the city of Al-Hasakah and is especially important because of its proximity to the Syria-Iraq border. This base only holds American combat helicopters, which transport arms and assistance to the Syrian Kurds.
- The Ayn-Issa base
The Ayn-Issa base is located between the Turkish border and the Syrian city of Raqqa. It is from this base that arms and ammunition are supplied to troops of the Kurdish ‘Democratic Union Party’.
- The Tal al-Saman base
The Tal al-Saman base is the second American base located between the Turkish border and Raqqa. It is the most important espionage and bugging station in Syria.
- The Al-Tabka base
The Al-Tabka base is located to the south of Raqqa and serves as an airport for US aircraft.
- The Al-Djalbiat base
The Al-Djalbiat base, which is located to the northwest of Raqqa, is an unsanctioned military zone and is the location of 40 modern military-logistical aircraft, a landing strip, launch platforms for several kinds of complex missile, and several other types of aircraft.
- The Kharb Ishk base
The Kharb Ishik base is part of eight bases close to the northern border between Turkey and Syria. It holds American military units.
- The Jebel Mashnur base
The Jebel Mashnur base is the most northern in Syria. Its defining feature is a radio relay used by American and French special forces.
- The Sirin base
The Sirin base is located to the east of the city of Manbij. It is from this base that American paratroopers leave to execute various missions in Syria.
- The Al-Talf n0 1. and 2 bases
The two bases in Al-Tanf are shared by American and British forces, as well as soldiers from the new ‘Syrian Free Army’.
- The Tal-Tamir base
The Tal-Tamir base is also used by British, American, and SFA forces. It is located in north-eastern Syria not far from the city of Al-Hasakah. 200 American and 70 French soldiers are located at the base, as well as training barracks for the FSA.
- The Manbidj base
The Manbidj base has the most strategic importance as it is located in an area with a high risk of confrontations between the Kurds and the FSA. It appears that this base was opened in order to avert conflicts and prevent the area from being accessed by Syrian forces.
- The Aleppo base
The Aleppo base was created in a strategic region to prevent conflict between the SFA and Kurd forces and to deny the area to Syrian forces. The Americans are planning to monitor the region from this base.
The presence of American military infrastructure in northern Syria is evidence, that the Americans are stabilising their position in the region for a long time. The bases’ geographical locations correspond with the widened territory of Syrian Kurdistan, the autonomy of which is secured by the Pentagon by deliveries of light and heavy armaments and military vehicles to the Kurds. The arming of Syrian Kurds and the breakaway of this territory corresponds to the new plan of proxy warfare to contain Iran in Syria and the eastern Mediterranean.
Source: Alena Bajowa, Курдский проект США: иранская разведка рассекретила 14 американских баз в Сирии, published on 11.01.2018 at, accessible via:
Translated from the Original Russian by Edvin Buday.
“We live like sheep in line waiting to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse. We eat and laugh and fight as we see those in front of us fall to the knife”
Bangambiki Habyarimana
I believe this quote best fits the position that American soldiers in the above bases, and all the bases in the middle east will find themselves in the not so distance future.They are all sitting ducks that have being lined up in a row. Will they be used as canon fodder in a false flag attack to rally the masses in a future conflict?
I doubt it. And Russians ain’t gonna attack – here – its like this – when that Gaza flotilla that Ken O’Keefe was on in 2010 was attacked by the Israelis – the people on board – mostly Ken I think – managed to capture 2 Israelis ‘commandos’ – that is – two men in uniforms that were trying to kill them.
What did they do with them ? These killers ? They patched up their little wounds – given to them by Ken – and sent them back to their friends – the other Israeiis- that were driving the helicopters – airplanes and boats – that assassinated 10 passengers with bullets to the heads at close range – and that were seriously trying to sink that entire ship –
That’s what the Russians and the Chinese and the Syrians will do to those American pigs that rape the natives and do drive by murders and perform executions on children and old people and do drugs and kill people.
Ken O’Keefe on his ordeal on the Gaza Flotilla
US Special Services in a drive by execution in Afghanistan
So, the Vietnamese and Taleban are so far the only people who know how to get rid of US pigs. All the rest are wagging their little tail ups and downs
Correct, only the Vietnamese and Taliban have killed Americans, the rest are all amateurs who can only talk about killing Americans.
But Russia wins whether Russia kills Americans or not. ‘It is best to win without fighting’ but its also boring.
Navajos did pretty well.
I have heard their campfire stories…
The names in Navajo as spoken that they gave to the locations of the tactical victories are themselves terrible to hear. Generally they turned the captives over to the women…
These too are people of the land, the steppe…and share some Slavic qualities.
@ann I doubt Russian will as well as Iranians as long as they think the Nuclear deal are holding and no direct hostility against them. That leaves the Syrians and pro Arabic natives of the northern Syria. Syrians can rally their local allies such as liwa al quds, iraqi volunteers and Hezbollah as well as the pro government afghan militias to combat the kurdish dominated SDF. Defending the SDF would be a challenge in political realm though they rarely take caution in this regard these days. So i think that will depend on how effective they can be under a condition where the USAF would be active against them.
The Chinese are not messing up in Syria. If they could then they would intervene before NATO/Kurds partitioned Syria. If the Russians could then they would finish their job in Syria, long before NATO Created a foothold in Syria, since with military operations in Aleppo.
Russian military has a long experience in very complex and big scale operations as:
“A view of the artillery arrayed against Berlin.”
The Battle of Stalingrad that marked the beginning of the end for the German invasion of the USSR.
The Battle of Kursk was fought by about 4 million men, 13,000 armored vehicles and nearly as much aircrafts. As such, it was one of the largest battles of World War II and the largest tank battle in military history.
Russians know how to do it, but they don’t wanted to do it.
Now any attack against any NATO military base in Syria, would trigger a swift response with massive B-52 carped bombing of Syrian, Iranian, and Hezbollah troops in Syria, toppling Assad regime once and forever.
So all the Syrian war enterprise remains a mystery and who knows what is decided behind the closed doors.
Imagine a few B-52 downed in Syria? A small arm as Pantsir(Tunguska) can hit them, it doesn’t need to be Russian… and what then? More B-52? How would American people react?
Sadly, mercans would react the same way as was done with 911.
Whatever MSM says – goes.
I watch as the toilet is flushed and the s*** goes down the drain. Hope not to get sucked down with it.
Try to down only one B-52 bomber over Syria, and you would face the fury of NATO. Even Russia has not the means to face the N.A.T.O, unless going Nuclear.
It is hard for me to believe that Russians would trade Moscow for Damascus.
American people will support their government’s decision, and will fight to death to protect their Freedom.
(mod-to note: statement deleted – presumptuous and unnecessary) if your assumption was accurate, RUSSIA WOULD NOT HAVE ENTERED SYRIA.
US and NATO do not need to be attacked, if they wanted to bomb Siria, they make a false flag attack .
where they do not do it is because they think twice.
Remember, the territory of US has never been bombed because they faced a force that could do it, they are cowards, massacre defenseless countries.
Well done Putin,’victory” he said..what a joke.
President Putin has the right to proclaim victory. Many of the strategic goals that were set by him for the Russian military forces in Syria were achieved. They were successfully implemented with a small number of Russian military personnel, who achieved their victory with very little military hardware at their disposal far away from home, with minimal loss of life.
The survival of the Syrian state is not the sole responsibility of the Russian Federation. It is the responsibility of the Syrian military and government. More importantly, with the addition of these bases on Syrian soil, the states that are at risk of splintering are Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria on the existence of a future Kurdish state.
The presence of these bases are not only a threat to Syria, Iraq, or Iran but they are an existential threat to the survival of Turkey as a cohesive state. The presence of these bases are not currently an existential threat to the Russian state.
So, my question is why should only Russia be expected to carry the weight of the security of the Syrian state? Many people are having difficulty with President Putin’s victory, but it is only because we don’t know what victory looks like from our own military.
I second ur opinion
“President Putin has the right to proclaim victory”
Yeah, sure, he does, why not, anyone can say just about anything one pleases, that is called “freedom of speech”: recall how G.W. Bush, a few years back on deck of that big aircraft carrier, publicly declared a similar “victory” in Iraq? Same thing…
Its a question of Russia is either a ally of Syria or not? you can’t fight a war with one hand tied behind your back,as long as the Empire believes they can act as they wish without anyone confronting them head on they will continue to act in this way,they should never have been allowed to set up bases in the first place,the so called SDF have to be attacked soon,then we will see how far the US wants to take it.
The statement “the war is finished” is used for the internal policy purposes, especially for the president’s elections.
Maybe South Front could make a map with the coordinates and so all the amateur Syrian techie folks could assemble drone kits bought on the open market, assembled in their basement rooms and sent to do surveillance in a kind of a do-it-yourself drone war per the Pentagon fantasy world.
So, Be afraid, dudes, very afraid of Syrian teenagers armed with chicken wire and airplane glue and cell phones. and don’t forget the gateway explosive instructions so readily available for those times when chlorine and fertilizers are scarce.
This is not a game for children.
how aggravating – the Americans need to be thrown in the same pit with the Israelis
I agree with you that “this is not a game for children,” unfortunately, for the children growing up in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and many other war torn countries in the middle east these children already know that this is not a game.
These same children are learning from their fathers, brothers, and grandfathers about military and technical strategy in active warfare.They unlike their western counter parts are not learning about war from playing their Xbox 360.
Some of their parents may not have the spine to stand up against the occupation of their homeland today, because they have been programmed by Rambo movies portraying American military might. However, in the next ten or twenty years, these same children in less than one generation will be the Qasem Soleimani’s of the middle east who have sharpened their teeth in active warfare.
Their point of reference will not be American propaganda films portraying American military might, but it will be their experience of viewing atrocities commited by American soldiers against their mothers, sisters, and grandparents. Many people don’t remember that in Vietnam it was the children that were most feared by American soldiers. They had one hand extended for candy and the other hand they held a grenade behind their back.
A major weakness of Western culture is that it’s people have very short memories and they want instant gratification, but those from Eastern cultures have very long memories and their patience last generations. when I mention that American soldiers are ducks, or sheep lined for the slaughter in a future conflict, many assume that it will be today or maybe in a year.
However, no one thinks that the future maybe ten or twenty years from now. I predict that some of these children, who are hearing stories of atrocities commited by american soldiers at their mothers breast, will grow up without an ounce of fear, and they will have a profound hatred of those occupying these military bases. If a states history can be considered it’s people collective memory, then the children of the middle east will be the future hairs or heirs that break the camels back.
The Syrians, Turks, Iranians and their friends will deal with these bases when the al Nusra, AQ and ISIS remnants are liquidated.
The US is illegally inside Syria. Missiles will pulverize these bases. They are unsustainable against the kind of weapons easily used against them.
There is one war the Kurds do not want. It is the war the US is setting up for them to fight.
Not only are they being set up to fight, they are being set up to die. In horrifying numbers. With terrible destruction, that will last for generations. The goal, as always, is genocide.
This guy makes a lot of sense here:
“What is more important is that the U.S. is planning to establish a Kurdish state in Syria in defiance of Turkey’s absolute hostility to the idea. And, as the Syrian government has pointed out repeatedly, such action would be in violation of international law. So far, the Europeans have been most punctilious in adhering to such laws as evidenced by their near-unanimous condemnation of Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist Settler State. Even if Britain was in cahoots with the U.S. in trying to set up a Kurdish state, their announced rejection of deviation from the traditional positions of Europe in dealing with the Arab-Zionist conflict would seem to belie that. I see a massive disconnect coming between Europe and the United States thanks to Trump. With this coming this year, one can detect the friction from Vladimir Putin rubbing his palms feverishly in Moscow.
Trump will seal the fate of the United States with more than Europe. He has already ostracized Pakistan for taking American money without returning anything. He has also decided to stay the course in Afghanistan even as the war there enters its 17th year with no end in sight and the Taliban extending their writ over more captured territories. With Britain and France unwilling to share his Pollyannish optimism about the longevity of the Kabul government, it can only be expected that with the rise of Jeremy Corbin in the U.K., that the Brits will abandon the sinking ship and fly back to Old Blighty. The French will do the same.
The patsies in all this are the Kurds who are signing on to their own extermination. Turkey is not going to accept any state for them in Syria or Iraq and the Turks know they have an ally in Dr. Assad. The Iraqis are just as anxious as the Turks since an effort to build a Kurd state in Syria will almost certainly gain ground in northern Iraq. Iran, of course, with a Rabelaisian interest in extending its natural gas pipeline to the Syrian littoral, will do whatever must be done to dash American hopes. That means that the Kurds had better prepare themselves for all-out war with Syria’s, Iraq’s, Turkey’s and Iran’s militaries. There is no way out of this conclusion even if the U.S. decides it will fight to the last Kurd to make it work.
This plan is a Zionist plan. If you remember Dr. Bashar Ja’afari’s analysis which I mentioned in several essays, you will immediately understand why Netanyahu is committed to a Kurdish rump state. As Dr. Ja’afari explains it, Zionism needs to Balkanize the Near East into statelets, each with a peculiar religious or ethnic core, in order to justify the apartheid Zionism is practicing against the Palestinians. Only through the existence of a Maronite state, a Druze state, an Alawi state, a Sunni state, a Jewish state and a Kurdish state, can the Jews inside Palestine justify the perverse structure of their Warsaw Ghetto nation. The Kurds are playing right into this illogic and their fate is uglier than that of the Khwarezmian shahs.
Chris tells me that there are thousands of Marines inside the Kurd enclave we shall call “Rojava” despite the well-established fact that the Kurds have little history in Syria. The U.S. is kiting the lie that the marines are there to protect borders. Of course, this is very laughable and typical of the undying stupidity of the imbeciles in Washington D.C. It is a new plan promoted by the CIA to offset the disastrous consequences of its previous support for terrorists obsessed with ousting the Syrian central government. As I have written before, there are still remnants of the CIA team which refuses to accept the collapse of their project in Syria which has led to a redirection of the plan to block Iran’s pipeline. What this means is that Dr. Assad was never the real target – he was only incidental to the plan. He and his government had to be removed only because they had acquiesced to Teheran’s machinations. Now, the CIA is not interested in Dr. Assad’s duration in office, that’s simply obvious; instead they have shifted their emphasis to the Kurdish state they expect to recognize once all the attributes of statehood have been established. Then, and only then, will Nikki Haley, WOG of the YEAR, be able to present the U.N.S.C. with the fait accompli she expects the members to swallow. They won’t and she will be back threatening and posturing.
In the meantime, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran will be doing everything possible to sabotage this miserable stratagem. Now, for this plan to work, it requires military preparation. If and when Iraq finally tells the U.S. to get out along with its aircraft; and the Turks tell Washington to pack up its hardware and leave Incirlik, the U.S. will be constrained to maneuver militarily to protect Rojava. However, if you have been following the news, the U.S. has been building air bases in the target area and all this in anticipation of the rancor that is going to be unloaded on the American plan to redraw the Middle East. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive.
Trump’s plan is going to flop in a big way. If you will take notice, the U.S.airbases in the Kurdish area being developed for statehood are within easy reach of Syria’s artillery. It is even within reach of everybody’s artillery. If you consider Syria’s vast missile arsenal, which is designed to disable Zionist airbases in Occupied Palestine, it becomes even easier to understand how this plan must fail miserably.
It appears the U.S. is anticipating respect for its combat troops in Syria because, well, they are American, after all, and should not be assailed in any way lest the aggressors be willing to sustain the unleashed wrath of America’s incomparable military. YAWN. The U.S. has not won a war since Russia handed it a victory in WWII over Germany (with the exception of triumphs in banana republics like Panama and Grenada). Whether it’s Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan, the U.S. record is dismal. This Syrian adventure will not improve the American record. Nay! It will convince everyone that the U.S. is a paper tiger no more powerful than Saudi Arabia.
No rest for the wicked. No sooner does Syria vanquish the terrorist rodents than the U.S. props up another villain for Damascus to fight. But, as Chris, has written to me frequently: this battle for Syria is not viewed as some frivolous sideshow – rather – it goes to the heart of American/Zionist/Masonic plans for the Middle East. It is a part of America’s expected future in its dealings with Europe. As Chris has opined, the plan to steal the oil of the Golan Heights; to destroy Iran’s burgeoning power; to enslave the Iraqis; to further entrench retrogressive regimes in the area are part and parcel of Zionist hegemonism whose stench leads straight to the ornate chambers of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. This plan is not going to go away any time soon because it was developed to serve up the lifeblood of the Arab peoples to the Zionist hordes infecting the land of Palestine. Ziad”
let americans recognize the Kurdish state. so the syrians will have the legal basis to declare war to the new state. for now, kurds are just part of the syrian people and the conflict with them would be a real civil war where Americans & Co. would have the legal right to represent the kurds and do what they want. let’s wait for the moment when the americans make a mistake and, in the wake of their own stupidity, destroy every option for kurds.
What we have here is international gangsterism by the US. It has openly invaded part of a territory of a sovereign country, using it to train a new batch of mercenaries to be used to overthrow a legitimate president of a country. The world is watching and drawing conclusions.
The world is watching and drawing conclusions … and cannot do anything about it.
They CAN do something about it if they want to,the Vietnamese did something about it,question is do they want to?,if not Syria will cease to exist as a single State,this is the Reich’s plan B.
You are very, very wrong. When the Romans created their empire, the world of that time, too, was watching and fighting that empire. Same today. Imperial Rome fell in 476 when the Vandals took it. I don’t think anybody wants to conquer Washington D.C., but many can turn against it. What is Washington going to do ? Fight the whole world ? Just watch what happens when the world discards the use of the dollar.
There were many reasons why Rome Fell.
Invasions by Barbarian tribes.
The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes.
Were only 2 of 8 reasons why Rome Fell.
8 Reasons Why Rome Fell
You are comparing the apples with oranges because:
Roman Empire and New World Order are two different things.
The New World Order isn’t Failing, but in contrary, they are Expanding.
10 Kingdoms – The Abolition of Sovereignty.
En Route to Global Occupation. By Gary Kah.
On 1972 the Club of Rome published their New World Order plan.
Since then they are developing their project.
1. NAFTA-CAFTA (America, Canada and Mexico)
2. The E.U. – countries of the European Union, Western Europe as a whole
3. Japan
4. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
5. Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and the former republics of the Soviet Union
6. Central and South America, Cuba and Caribbean Islands
7. The Middle East and North Africa
8. The rest of Africa, except South Africa
9. South and Southeast Asia, including India
10. China (Mongolia is now included with China)
These ten regions are headed by the first three: NAFTA-CAFTA, the E.U., and Japan. Region #1, Region #2 and Region # 3 (totally COMPLETED).
These are the three power economic/money regions of the earth.
After they Dismembered Russia, fixing the region #5. They found Russian off Guard and Exceeded their expectations removing Ukraine, Georgia, and many other republics from Russia.
Now they are working hard fixing the region # 7 (The Middle East) destroying Iraq, Libya and now Syria.
First by partitioning Kurdistan.
Second by taking out 25 % of the territory, 20% of population, 80% of Oil / Gas resources from Syria, and creating NATO military bases East of Euphrates.
With a strong NATO foothold in Syria, and taking of the resources the Assad regime is in peril.
So what are left are region #4, #6 and #8, that can wait until region #9 and #10 will be fixed.
The New World Order is expanding, and this was published on 1972 by Club of Rome, and predicted since 1950:
On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate:
“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
They are also trapped and cornered in a mega cauldron of sorts, easy targets for popular uprisings not only by the majority, Arab tribes within the occupation but certainly from outside.
I.e exactly what General Soleimani and his thousands of various battle hardened militias such as PMU and Hezbollah promised, should the Yankfags decide to stay. US did and the General, just like Hezbollah sec.Gen,Hassan Nasrallah, is known to keep his promises….
Why is that? Because US and their Turdish opportunistic backstabbing clients desperately need a corridor to the sea, the Mediterranean for this second “israel” entity to be viable in any meaningful way (export of stolen Syrian oil to mainly “israel”, not to mention the overall logistics incl. military).
With or without the unpredictable medieval goat-molester Erdogan on board, that is not going to happen. That’s why US are stuck and that’s why they are prone to desperate but dangerously reckless attacks such as the high tech drone attack on Kmeimim.
Thanks Mikhas, i agree. Looks like a futile waiting game.
Reports in media today re Manbij…..hundreds of locals protest against SDF as they had taken 2 locals prisoners and executed them.
Putin has learned that American trick – declare defeat to be victory and leave ‘allies’ to their fate.
@ Paul, If you followed last years geopolitical maneuvering by Russia, you will find that many states in the Mideast made a beeline to meet president Putin in Moscow. It is not only because Russia came to the assistant of the Syrian state, but it is because Russia is seen as an honest broker with allies and non allies, or they are “agreement capable,” unlike their American friends who are “agreement incapable” a term used by the Russians themselves.
I must once again repeat that as Americans or westerners we don’t have a context to know what a military victory looks like. So, we have Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan as a context of American “victory” and now we believe we can apply the American standard of victory on Russia. It is disingenuous and reeks of jealous envy.
Silly. Putin is a bully handler. Bullies, blinded by their megalomania and narcissism, are guaranteed to dig their own graves earlier or later. For the last millennia or so this has been inconsequential as the Jewish Mafia bullies had a monopolistic hold on the Western world, and therefore there was hardly any agency around to profit from its long list of deadly faux-pas. But in the age of Putin, things have changed…
It seems that the flies have conquered the flypaper again. Syria has become a vast kettle. The logic suggest that this works to advantage Ru, as these “bases” are surrounded by hostiles, cannot be supplied without hostile agreements. Not by air, not by ground.
They are meat on a hook. Anytime.
A sea power in a landlocked situation proposes to dominate Land Powers?
Not smart strategy.
Why would Ru force them to leave? They are in actual fact, hostages.
Boy Scouts, kids, can see this. Poor schmucks are simple fodder units.
Turkey Vows to ‘Tear Down’ YPG Forces, Opens Artillery Fire on Syria’s Afrin
“The Turkish army opened artillery fire on the Kurdish militia positions in the Syrian city of Afrin, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.
According to the newspaper, the Turkish Armed Forces fired 10 shots from the territory of the Reyhanli district in the country’s province of Hatay.
Following the military operation, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a possible military operation in Syria’s Afrin on January 13, adding that Turkey will clear its border of “terrorists.”
“If the terrorists in Afrin don’t surrender we will tear them down,” Erdogan told the country’s ruling AK Party in the eastern Turkish city of Elazig, speaking about the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) militants, which are considered to be a terrorist group by Ankara.
“The US sent 4,900 trucks of weapons in Syria. We know this. This is not what allies do,” Erdogan said. “We know they sent 2,000 planes full of weapons.”
The statement was made amid Ankara’s recent summoning of the US Charge d’Affairs twice within 24 hours over the issues of Washington’s support for Syrian Kurds and the US listing Turkey among countries, not safe for travel.
As Erdogan stated, Turkey’s possible military advance in Syria’s Idlib province would eliminate Kurdish militia in the area, which neighbors Afrin. The Turkish army entered Idlib three months ago as a guarantor of the peace settlement process and has repeatedly accused the Syrian government of violating the de-escalation zone borders.”
Glad you spotted that…also so called syrian democratic council announced SDF Kurds going to go to Idlib to fight “terrorists” …..Maria Zakharova held press conference today- well worth listening to via RT- stated SDF were charging locals in a town to de-mine it…despite 89 civilians being killed injured by explosives mines etc left behind by isis.
Still potential to be a big mess in parts of Syria…still statements being strongly made against illegal prsencees in Syria……but amazing progress seems to being made by hard fighting SAA and tiger forces and Russian airsupport against HTS.
Very extensive article re history of usa FSA and al nusrah “associations” against legitmate sovereignty of Syria.
The zio-gay media openly promoting a known terrorist.
‘Very brave Syrian reporter’ in WaPo tweet unmasked as jihadi propagandist
“The Washington Post bureau chief in Beirut commended the courage of a battlefield reporter in Syria, despite being informed the man is in fact a radical Islamist. She has refused to take back her words.
On January 11, Liz Sly retweeted a video featuring a man with a microphone cowering in front a camera in the middle of an airstrike, purportedly shot near the northern Syrian city of Idlib, a current focal point of fighting between the opposition and government forces.
In any case, Sly told RT she has nothing to apologize for, as she was commending the jihadist supporter’s “bravery,” while the supposed journalist’s pro-IS views are irrelevant here.”
The wp is owned by bezos, owner of amazon. That alone is good reason to boycott amazon.
Articles in western press today…just as SAA majorly winning against HTS in eastern Damascus…..white helmets claiming chemical attacks very recently in east Ghoutta by “murderous Assad regime” ….uk military persons calls for no fly zone which had protected Kurds in north Iraq he said etc……might not take much for DT to send off more missiles etc to support the new defence army being trained up by usa, and maybe protect kurds etc who are going to have a serious go at Turkish military….an attempt to further consolidate their “territorial claims” with sympathy one supposes….
So, are we to assume that the 14 bases and the ammo dumps precise geo-coordinates are now known to the Persian Forces, and also presumably thus announced these specific locations are expecting swarms of hostile model airplanes…And the Ru, and the Syrians too, and all together, all know where these brave and illustrious defenders of democracy and freedom – and their arms and servile quisling stooges – dwell and sojourn. Precisely dwell.
Nice job fellas. Naught save meat set to rot in the deserts, or to experience surrender under fire?
Zugswang. Pitiful.
What was it that the Brave US AF General Jack Ripper said? “Two can play that game, soldier!”
Their lordships are going to need additional pharmacological help! More dope for the generals!
Further into the Big Muddy. They always double.
Personally, I find it amazing that the Russians, together with the Iranian, Syrian, and Hezbollah forces have been so weak in the face of a patently illegal presence of the American bases. Why on earth did they let them even begin to build one base, let alone 14! An Iranian general has threatened the American presence, but this seems to be a “paper tiger” outburst.
I can not imagine that the American forces and the American proxies would be able to withstand between the armies of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Russia and their allies. Those will eat them for the dinner in a few months.
The article above is a testament to Erdogan’s sheer stupidity. Instead of his megalomaniacal New Ottoman Empire, he is left with a million-strong Kurd army as a hostile Hegemon’s proxy standing across the border in Syria and in Turkey proper. Well done idiot Erdo!
Russians should stay firm where they are at the two Mediterranean ports which is what the Russians always needed and is incidentally Syria’s prime real estate anyway. The rest of Syria is unfortunately up for grabs. The Yugoslav precedent will be used against it.
When do you think will be dinner time? I see no sign of it coming.
I think you know that a lot of the citizens of Kurdistan are non-Kurds; and that they are very unhappy for being forced to speak Kurdish, and love Kurdish history. Add them to the previously mentioned – and you will get a stupid uprising, with 5 external, and 3-4 internal enemies: just a wonderful piece of a chaos, just what Americans like, but not under their control.
Sadly, I have very little info on the Kurd issues within their region. Wish someone could provide some details.
What could provide for a peaceful resolution (apart from outside meddling) ?
RT Documentary: Her War
16:05 15.01.2018 Interviews
“The presence of Turkish forces in Syria is aggression and cannot be justified by any name or pretext,” …
Syrian Deputy FM to Sputnik: Turkey Must Withdraw Its Forces, Stop Interference
“We demand that the Turkish government withdraw its forces from Syrian territory and stop interfering in its internal affairs,” Mekdad said, speaking to Sputnik Arabic on Monday.
14 January 2018, Press release regarding the statements on the establishment of a so-called “Syrian Border Security Force” under the PYD/YPG terrorist organization’s command © 2011, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs
RT FRONT PAGE: Published time: 16 Jan, 2018 13:56
Erdogan demands NATO take stand on US-backed Syrian Border Force
Pentagon: US Does Not Support Kurdish Forces In Afrin
#SYRIA#USA 16.01.2018
The US does not support the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria’s Afrin and the area was not a part of US-led coalition operations against ISIS, the spokesman of the US-led coalition Col. Ryan Dillon said in a written statement to the Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu on January 16.
“The Coalition’s mission has not changed: to defeat ISIS [Daesh] in designated areas of Iraq and Syria and set conditions for follow-on operations to increase regional stability,” he said in a response to Anadolu ‘s question as to whether the US or the coalition would support Kurdish forces in Afrin where Turkish forces may launch operation soon. “We are not operating in Afrin. We are supporting our partners in defeating remaining ISIS pockets along the Middle Euphrates River Valley, specifically in areas north of Abu Kamal, on the eastern side of the Euphrates River.”
Meanwhile, the Turkish military deployed more military equipment including at least 10 battle tanks near the YGP-held area of Afrin and continued shelling YPG positions there.
Search this topic: Erdogan and NATO
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“ NATO’s response to Erdogan request to take stance over border force ” …
do a search for Gulsen Solaker to update NATO’S participation in Erdogan request for assistance to take stand on US-backed Syrian Border Force. 2012-2018
Erdogan’s Karmic Trap
1491 Views January 17, 2018
A message from 1963 … “you are on your own” Ho Chi Minh
all surrounded by hostiles and infiltrated also while resupply via land is impossible under fire. air owned by Ru. outcome is surrender of invading force.
like salamis, sorta
Does USA not fly its aircraft over Syria at will? I don’t see Russia preventing American aircraft from flying over Syria. Am I wrong? Nazi air force over Stalingrad – rerun!!!!
Simply not shooting, or shooting, is at the option of the dominant party.
Ru owns the air over Syria. For reasons of strategic logic Ru permits air operation of invading forces, and land supply too.
At any moment the situation can change, but the invading forces cannot control that, only Ru controls this.
The invading forces are therefore hostages. Is simple.
Surrender under fire is worst possible outcome for invading force. This would be a very dangerous situation to have created, as delusional invaders would make irrational violence. Domestic matters control, inside usa. And these matters would oblige murkinchickenhawks, who have never been to war and know only fairytales and comfort, to panic and murder – possibly millions.
Correct Strategy is to bleed the invading force in a modulated and proportionate way. What will probably happen is that zillions of megabuck cost and buckets of blood will in time create the ground upon which the amateur chickenhawks will see that the force cannot be protected and cannot be sustained. And then the forces will either be abandoned or removed – it depends.
Not that’s it’s any of our (America’s) business but vot tak has given us a perfect model for the Israeli One-State Solution – bust the country into dozens of Jewish and Arab cantons. I’d suggest importing Kurds into the sparsely populated areas to balance it out.
I would support Kurdish independence, if that country could be anything other than an American military base in the heart of a relatively free states.
Some Kurds are truly Syrian and not in the pay of foreign forces and need to be included in Syrian future….Lavrov also saying need to be included.
Lavrov live on RT annual q and a…lots detail discussion Syria especially.
US military not only admits to training Syrian militants, but says they do not care if they choose to fight with terrorist organizations
January 15, 2018 – Fort Russ News – Paul Antonopoulos
DAMASCUS, Syria – The United States Central Command (CENTCOM), the United States military branch responsible for North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, has admitted to a journalist that they only train militants and does not care if they join internationally recognized terrorist organizations afterwards.
Sharmine Narwani, an award winning journalist, asked a CENTCOM spokesperson what they thought of US-trained “rebels” allying with Al-Qaeda.
In response to the question, the spokesperson responded with “We don’t ‘command and control’ these forces – we only ‘train and enable’ them…Who they say they’re allying with, that’s their business.”
Sharmine Narwani
A detailed reminder that the US-armed “Free Syrian Army” was mainly a PR front for Al Qaeda, ISIS and other jihadist terrorism in #Syria. A must-read: …
Sharmine Narwani
5) Here’s what a CENTCOM spox told me when I asked what the Pentagon thought about its “rebels” working with Al Qaeda: “We don’t ‘command and control’ these forces – we only ‘train and enable’ them…Who they say they’re allying with, that’s their business.” Literally, wow.
This is the first such admission from any US official as they usually deny that the militants they support, arm and train collaborate with terrorist organizations.
This also highlights that the US is prioritizing regime change in Syria over defeating terrorist organization…”
Since centcom admits to supporting terrorists are they going to arrest themselves? Just askin’
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia and its partners will undertake measures as a response to the US-led coalition’s decision to create the so-called “Border Security Force” on the Syrian territory controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces militia, Chairman of the Defense Committee of Russia’s State Duma Vladimir Shamanov told Sputnik on Sunday.
On Saturday, the Defense Post news website published an article, in which the spokesman of the US-led coalition fighting against the Islamic State (Daesh) terrorist group said that the coalition was engaged in a training of a 30,000-strong force on the territory within Syria currently controlled by SDF to maintain security in controlled area along the Syrian border.
“[Such a behavior by the US-led coalition] stands in direct confrontation [with Russia’s interests], and we and our colleagues will certainly undertake certain measures on stabilization of the situation in Syria,” Shamanov said when asked whether such actions of the US-led coalition intersected with the interests of Russia in Syria.
The United States has been leading a coalition of more than 70 nations aimed at defeating Daesh operating in Iraq and Syria since 2014. The activities of the coalition in Syria are authorized neither by the UN Security Council nor by Damascus.
Turkey has already reacted to the reported US plans to create the “Border Defense Forces”. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s representative Ibrahim Kalin stated that such move is unacceptable and “worrying.” Later, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has issued a statement condemning the plans of the United States to create the forces, also noting that the coalition did not hold consultations with Turkey about the creation of such forces.”
Turkeys “role” in Idlib explained…
16:05 15.01.2018 Interviews
“The presence of Turkish forces in Syria is aggression and cannot be justified by any name or pretext,” …
Syrian Deputy FM to Sputnik: Turkey Must Withdraw Its Forces, Stop Interference
“We demand that the Turkish government withdraw its forces from Syrian territory and stop interfering in its internal affairs,” Mekdad said, speaking to Sputnik Arabic on Monday.
Pentagon: US Does Not Support Kurdish Forces In Afrin
#SYRIA#USA 16.01.2018
The US does not support the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria’s Afrin and the area was not a part of US-led coalition operations against ISIS, the spokesman of the US-led coalition Col. Ryan Dillon said in a written statement to the Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu on January 16.
“The Coalition’s mission has not changed: to defeat ISIS [Daesh] in designated areas of Iraq and Syria and set conditions for follow-on operations to increase regional stability,” he said in a response to Anadolu ‘s question as to whether the US or the coalition would support Kurdish forces in Afrin where Turkish forces may launch operation soon. “We are not operating in Afrin. We are supporting our partners in defeating remaining ISIS pockets along the Middle Euphrates River Valley, specifically in areas north of Abu Kamal, on the eastern side of the Euphrates River.”
Meanwhile, the Turkish military deployed more military equipment including at least 10 battle tanks near the YGP-held area of Afrin and continued shelling YPG positions there.
Iraqi Kurdistan’s Government Wants Russia to Help Solve Independence Crisis
“A source in the KRG told Sputnik they would like Russia to help solve the crisis diplomatically, by potentially serving as a mediator to facilitate and catalyze bilateral reconciliation negotiations between Iraqi Kurdistan and Baghdad.
“We would like Russia to help the KRG settle its dispute with the Iraqi federal government peacefully and diplomatically, based on the constitution. The KRG considers the Russian government to be a friend of Iraqi Kurdistan and the Middle East, so we believe they can help us end this crisis, and prevent any further damage or escalation, for the good of all parties,” the source told Sputnik News.
Russia is well-positioned to organize and mediate such negotiations, as it has maintained good diplomatic and trade relations with the KRG and Iraq, with a number of defense and oil deals signed throughout 2017.”
Extrapolating from the above, one can see there is a thought out strategy to the way Syria/Russia are dealing with the israeloamerican occupation in northeast Syria.
How quaint. 14 miltary bases in a Syria that serves no real peaceful purpose but as agent of destabilization and chaos, along with a unilateral decision to set them up without permission from the host country. This sort of act is not endearing to people with their common sense intact. Well done.
Just like a faux-policeman camping in your own house, fully armed, helping any wannabee robbers and murderers to commit their crimes, even putting ads to hire some. For those wondering why the US isn’t getting any popular, this here is just ONE of the many examples.