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Last week, the US Navy launched Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Ash Sha’irat military airfield operated by the Syrian Air Force near the city of Homs. The launch followed a large-scale media campaign aimed at blaming the Assad government for an alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun. The move was described by the mainstream media as a justified response to criminal actions of the Assad regime. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that “steps are underway” on an international coalition to pressure the Syrian president from power. It is worth noting that no investigation was made by the US-led block to confirm these accusations. Despite this, a number of countries, including the UK, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia expressed their full support to the US military actions.
Following the incident, Moscow suspended the memorandum of understanding on flight safety in Syria with the United States, suspended work of a hotline with the Pentagon and announced that it will take additional measures to strengthen the Syrian air defense capabilities in case of possible attacks against the country.
According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, President Vladimir Putin described the US attack as an act of “aggression against a sovereign nation,” which was carried out based on a “made-up pretext.”
The meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the issue showed further deep divisions among sides involved in the conflict. The US-led block continued blaming Damascus, Moscow and Tehran for the ongoing escalation and opposed the Russian suggestion to investigate jointly the Khan Sheikhoun incident.
US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, threatened more military strikes on Syria and blamed Russia and Iran for casualties among civilians. Later, Haley clarified the Trump administration’s attitude towards Syria in an interview to CNN. According to the US official, the regime change in Syria is now one of the top priorities of the US foreign policy and a political solution of the crisis is not going to happen “with Assad at the head of the regime.” Haley declared that decreasing the Iranian influence in Syria and combating the ISIS terrorist group are important goals of the current US administration and added that President Donald Trump is already considering the issue of imposing new sanctions on Russia and Iran.
Separately, the Pentagon continued with accusations that Moscow was also responsible to the Khan Sheikhoun incident and it was finding out whether Moscow took part in the alleged chemical attack. Tillerson also pushed the idea that Russia had failed to prevent Syria from carrying out a chemical attack on a rebel-held town.
The large-scale US-led media and diplomatic campaign against the Iranian-Russian-Syrian alliance was strongly supported by the UK. British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson canceled a planned trip to Moscow and announced that London will call for new “very punitive sanctions” on Russia if Moscow does not cut ties with the Syrian government. Johnson also threatened Syria with new military strikes from the US.
In turn, Russian Deputy Ambassador to the UN, Vladimir Safronkov said that the US aggression against Syria works towards the strengthening of terrorism and its aftermaths would affect negatively the regional security. Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova emphasized that the US actions are not related to attempts to learn about chemical weapons in Syria.
“Only recently the Americans and their western allies demanded inspectors sent, some investigation begun into the aircraft which delivered strikes on the militants’ depots and production facilities,” she said. “They demanded a probe into those aircraft and the equipment used in the strikes, and then they deliver strikes right on that equipment.”
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that a US missile strike against a Syrian airbase last week was “basically wrong” and “benefited terrorism.” He emphasized that “A repeat of such an action could be very dangerous for the region.”
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying declared that China opposes “the use of force” against Syria and it is important “to prevent further deterioration of the situation and uphold the hard-won process of political settlement of the Syrian issue.”
The US missile strike against the Syrian military airfield became another rung on the escalation ladder in the ongoing Syrian war and complicated dramatically any efforts aimed at searching a political solution of the conflict. If the Trump administration continues such actions, the progress in reconciliation of interests of various powers in the conflict will be reversed and the region will be pushed back to the brink of a regional war. The situation will become especially dangerous in case of any incidents between the US and Russian militaries operating in the war-torn country.
Mattis is trying to back-pedal, in his press conference (preceded by playing Glory Glory Halleluja), claims the 59 Tomahawks were a “singular response on chemical weapons” and “priority remains defeat of ISIS”.
Mattis is still claiming he has actual info on Syrian use of chemical weapons… where do they find such gullible morons?
Well Mattis has produced a 4 page “declassified” report to back up his claims on Syria’s use of chemical weapons:
This article sums up how weak this “declassified” report is. It also has a copy of the pages.
This SF report presented a summary up to Monday. Things changed today. Very important news coming from Russia today:
Russia Has Intel on Upcoming Chemical Weapons Provocations in Syrian Regions
“Russia has intelligence from “trusted sources” that chemical weapons provocations are currently being prepared in more regions in Syria, including Damascus, Russian President Vladimir Putin said after talks with Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella Tuesday.
“We have information from various sources that such provocations — and I cannot call them anything else — are being prepared in other regions of Syria, including in the southern suburbs of Damascus, where they intend to plant some substance and blame the official Syrian authorities for its use,” Putin told a briefing.
Russian President Putin announced that Russia will officially turn to the UN in the Hague for an investigation of the chemical weapons’ use in Idlib.
“We discussed the situation with President [ of Italy Sergio Mattarella] and I told him that these events strongly resemble the events of 2003,” Putin said at a briefing, outlining the prelude to the US intervention in Iraq.
Following Putin’s presser, Russian General Staff released a statement announcing that it has information of militants bringing poisonous substances to areas of Khan Shaykhun, West of Aleppo and Eastern Guta in Syria.
Chief of the Russian General Staff Main Operational Directorate Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy said that the militants are trying to provoke new accusations targeted at Syrian government for alleged use of chemical weapons. The militants aim to incite the US to conduct new strikes, Rudskoy warned, adding that such measures are impermissible.
Rudskoy is obviously pulling his punches saying the terrorists are behind the plan, since Putin makes it clear israeloamerica is running this. By comparing the current situation with the WMD fraudulent pretext for the Iraq war, Putin makes it very clear he thinks israeloamerica is working a similar strategy against Syria now.
See also:
Russian General Staff Warns Against New US Missile Strikes on Syria
“Moscow warns against new US missile strikes on Syria, chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Directorate Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi said at a news briefing on Tuesday.
The general reiterated that the Syrian army does not possess chemical weapons, while the remaining two chemical weapons production and storage facilities in Syria are located on the territory controlled by the so-called armed opposition groups.”
This article has more detail and a summary of the WMD false flag that already took place. See also:
Idlib ‘chemical attack’ was false flag to set Assad up, more may come – Putin
I want to stress that Putin does not make statements about things unless he has the facts. He is not a scare monger. He doesn’t exaggerate.
Too bad no mention is made that Syria had all it’s chemical stockpiles destroyd, the last batch in 2016:
“Destruction of declared Syrian chemical weapons completed”
Monday, 04 January 2016
While it is known that the armed opposition does possess chemical weapons, and they were never destroyed:
“FSA – Turkish Chemicals – Nerve Gas test on Rabbits and promise to use it against Syrian minorities!”
“BBC News Carla Del Ponte ‘stupefied by Syrian opposition sarin use'”
The chemicals were destroyed by the USN:
US Army destroyed Syria’s chemicals
RT spoke to Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US Army colonel and former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell.
LW: I hope he’ll (Tillerson) explain to Sergey (Lavrov) the less than truth that Tillerson has been spreading around the world.
And that is that Russia was responsible for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stocks. This is preposterous. I can’t believe we are lying this way.
The US Army and its contractors destroyed 600 metric tons of Syrian chemical weapons stocks. The entire operation was under the OPCW and the UN. It wasn’t just Russia that was responsible.
Did Bashar Assad hold some chemical weapons back, like VX and sarin? Possibly, that could be the case. But to blame Russia for that failure as it were for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons is preposterous.
From my understanding 10 0f 12 known sites were verified cleared of chemical weapons.
2 sites remain unverified because they are in areas controlled by terrorists.
This means that terrorists have access to the remaining chemical weapons in Syria in case anyone is too American to understand this.
The Zionist war-machine is in full attack mode. Laughably it claims that it will simultaneously fight the Jihadis and Assad. Russia will be invited to abandon its allies, but it would be very foolish to do so. As Alexander Dugin argues:
The neo-cons understand the American missile attack on the Syrian base as what it really is: a military attack on the Russians. Trump expressed this more softly: “Assad’s friends will be disappointed”. This is the rhetoric of a delusional parrot, not a victorious realist who decided to make America great again. The Swamp applauds.
One thing is clear: this is a war against us.
But this war will be dressed up as a war against our friends and allies, against Assad (of course), against Iran, against Shiites and Hezbollah in particular. As a bow-out – here once again CFR’s networks come in – Moscow will be offered to join operations against Assad and Tehran on the side of the US and its allies: “Trump changed his position overnight. Come on, you guys. You’re supposed to be ‘realists.’” Someone will calculate that if we surrender, then we can avoid a Third World War. But we cannot. It is being waged against us, and our friends are only a secondary, local target, the main test of our endurance. If we surrender them, they can do whatever they want with us.
FUBAR or deliberate fake or staged propaganda is interesting question about claim of chemical attack. but 4th r always use anything, smallpox, anything at all, choice is simply based on effect.
the third reich might have said the same things – just as the 4th reich say now…
The affair at Bari was similar FUBAR,,, Bari? You never heard of it?
poison gas…
The Daily mail says Putin will meet Tillerson.
He is supposed to be going there with ultimatum
Wish I could be a fly on the wall
Putin and Lavrov will perhaps invite Rex to enjoy some Bavarian beer and pretzels and watch a movie…
(Nuremberg docu)
Oh, please!
The daily mail!!!
For the sake of your sanity (and soul) stay away from such sprigots of fake news.!!!!!
Visit TASS – the Russian news agency. Get your news straight from the horse’s water trough.
Forget also AP and Reuters- both are “owned”.
The Duran is reliable and has more frequent updates than Saker. (Reflecting the different premise of each site).
And of course, RT.
It’s an information war – you need to get armed!
After the attack on Syria:
“Syrian people should decide Assad’s fate, Tillerson tells US media”
I hope Trump doesn’t change is mind again. The terrorists feel supported by that US attack on the Syrian army, and might provoke another one with yet another gas attack, blaming it again on Assad. After all the White Helmets get paid to do their part.
This proud FSA clip is subtitled, the other one I posted a link to isn’t:
“FSA Terrorists Threaten Alawites and Government Supporters with Genocide
Using Chemical Weapons”
You should realise that Johnson only speaks for the dictator of Britain, not the British people.
The British people are all economic slaves to the private owner and joint (98%) shareholder of The Bank of England.
Johnson is a puppet, a very nasty individual behind the clown facade, and an inveterate liar.
Never trust Johnson, May or Rudd any further than you can throw them.
Johnson’s ancestry is Turkish, he is not really British at all, just that he went to posh private boarding schools in England and has more money than sense!
The buggered zionazi subhuman the tuppence regime uses as their press conference mouth claims Assad is worse than hitler.
Sean Spicer forgets Holocaust, claims Hitler did not use chemical weapons in WWII (VIDEO)
““We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons. So you have to if you are Russia, ask yourself is this a country and a regime that you want to align yourself with,” he said.”
What a pathetic israeli faggot club this regime is turning out to be.
And speaking of “closet cases” (look at the freak, if you doubt it):
Mad Dog’s Proof: I Saw Intel on Syrian Chemical Attack Myself
“It seems that Mattis must be trusted on his word that Assad acted to kill his own people, because he seems unable to furnish any evidence for his bold claims. “The Syrian regime attacked its own people using chemical weapons,” Mattis said. “I personally reviewed the intelligence, and there is no doubt the Syrian regime is responsible for the decision to attack and for the attack itself.”
Yeah, sure, faggot. This israeli owned traitor should have been hung after his war crimes committed in Fallujah.
the correct English usage when speaking of hanging a man is “hanged”, never “hung”. One does not say “He ought to be hung”, rather one says “He ought to be hanged” or “He was hanged”.
After the war, some may expect, the fine points of English grammar will be entirely forgotten in favor of fine points in Russian and Chinese – but please! While the empire still lives let us maintain standards!
(please forgive an old English major (academic, not army))
Pedantry and the eclipse of empire :)
Trump: US Not Planning to Intervene Militarily in Syria
“We’re not going into Syria,” Trump told in the interview with Fox Business, which will be aired on Wednesday.”
You are already there, you pathetic lying israeli butt toy.
“During the interview, Trump reiterated that the immediate action in Syria was necessary and should have been taken by former President Barack Obama’s administration.”
You already just stated the opposite you israeli owned traitor. Make up your mind, freak.
He just moved more troops there.
It’s useless to try to take anything a US politician, or military leader, or the corporate media, says — they put out lies constantly from all sides and angles
Assad needs to insist that any force not invited get out of the country, and make it clear that those who do not are subject to political, legal and military action, as invaders and terrorists. The sane and lawful in the world need to back that. Or this will just get worse.
On the eve of the zionazi ultimatum about Syria, Putin throws down the gauntlet.
Putin Calls US Missile Attack on Syria Evident Violation of International Law
“Commenting on the recent US cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday there’s no evidence that Damascus used chemical weapons, but there’s clear evidence of international law violation by Washington.”
I hate to say it but I think Gaddafi was right(not sure if he actually said it but I assume he did) that Arab nationalism and unification are dead. The Syrians should be a lot more militant about spreading Arab nationalism but it just doesn’t seem like that will happen. Which leads me to think that Assad will eventually be overthrown, Islamism(the competing ideology against Secularism in the middle east be it in its Shia or Sunni form) will win out and Syria will be carved up by it neighbors.
All what matters now is just military power. The rest is just theater. I’ve nothing against talks. I bet bastard will become decent when the gun barrel is sticking to his temple.
did anyone see this very rational article by Alexander Mercouris ?
Well I have now, thx for link.
Mercouris writes in final pars:
The missile strike does not come across to me as intended to resolve internal problems within the US or the Western alliance. On the contrary it seems to have been cobbled together hurriedly, without much thought.
But that does not explain why the USS Porter left Spain on March 29 to be sitting off Syrian coast by April 4-5 ready to strike on April 7.
The Hollywood Helmets comedy-chemical show was April 4.
USS Porter was already in position on that date
USS Porter has now returned to Spain.
So – vessel out of port for just one week, and happy-coincidence, just happened to be in striking distance at EXACTLY the right time to discharge tomahawks to Shayrat?
If you believe that I’ve got a bridge in London to sell you.
You may well be correct, but it is a standard practice to run a navy, or an army, and not to allow it to be idle – thus they practice attacks all the time. When the Reich demands an actual attack there’s often “assets” in or near firing position – that is why the 1000+ foreign forward operating bases – well, they also do other stuff too. None of this is secret – but people simply don’t know, or care, unless they get whacked…
just the plain fact. ugly and rude. shameful too.
except the last paragraph – but I think Alexander is wrong – I’m hoping Putin is right – GBP – God Bless Putin –