Translated and subtitled by Eugenia
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Translated and subtitled by Eugenia
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There is an active measure underwater in the English language editing/composition strata of Sputniknews. In the above article can be seen quite deliberate destruction of syntax and spelling.
There appear to be persons working in Sputniknews who are sabotaging English language articles…destroying the reading experience of English speakers…it is sabotage.
Please note … this is a Russian video translated by Saker volunteer “Eugenia” as noted at the top of the video … mod
As always, please say thanks to Eugenia for her translations. My own education was the sort of poor one that us privileged white Americans got in the mountains of Appalachia. Thus, I am handicapped by not understanding a word of Russian. It is only through the work of people like Eugenia that I am able to access such information at all, and I am thus always grateful.
Back in the early days of the internet, when many people were limited by dial-up bandwidths, I tried taking some audio of a speech I thought was important and transcribing it so some would have the lower-bandwidth option of reading text instead of downloading the audio. That is much, much harder and more time consuming than most would believe. And that was dealing just with English, and not having to translate it, only transcribe it.
Thanks for the translations!!!!!
Two points.
One, this is branded as from an outfit named “PolitiRussia” or something like that. I didn’t see a Sputnik brand anywhere. I don’t know the background of PolitiRussia or its funding source, so if you know this is Sputnik then you have information that might be useful to share.
Second, I had no problem at all following the translation. While watching it, I’d forgotten your comment until I came back here and saw it again, and thus I am left only with a response of “whaaaaaaat?” It is more clear than for instance writing that “active measure” is a verb and forming run-on sentences by including ellipses to join various sentence fragments.
Of course there will be renewed calls of ‘interference’ – the Democratic party still refuses to establish a platform that addresses income inequality, lack of health care, college debt, racist policing, voter suppression, military spending, increasing aggression against sovereign states, etc. … I very seriously doubt that they will gain enough seats to obtain a majority, and that they will continue to blame anyone but themselves.
The Democrats do still have a massive problem with finding a message. The problem is of course that they have to find a message to appeal to ordinary Americans that are dealing with for-profit health care that desires to bankrupt them when they have finally after decades paid off their loans to pay for for-profit education in an economy that increasingly stiffs workers in a ‘gig economy’. The problem is that any message that appeals to ordinary Americans is rejected by the Wall Street barons and oligarchs who fund and control the top levels of the Democratic Party.
That said, the Democrats will almost certainly retake a majority in the House of Representatives. Even the Republican sites are admitting this, at least the ones that don’t froth at the mouth with Trumpism. The conventional wisdom is that the Democrats won’t retake the Senate majority in this election. Mainly because the seats that are up for election are the largely Democrat class of incumbents who were elected with Obama in 2012. There are much fewer Republican incumbents running this time than Democrats, which makes it difficult to gain seats.
That said, I think the conventional wisdom is underestimating things. There are a few interesting signs. For instance, Ted Cruz is in a competitive race for his Texas Senate seat. In Texas, the recent history of statewide elections includes electing George W. Bush twice as Governor. Current Energy Secretary Rick “Had Goodhair when I was young” Perry, who recently got headlines for traveling to Russia and stating that Russia had to do what the US says or be punished, was also elected twice statewide in Texas as Governor. The US NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchinson who threatened first strikes on Russia to take out the missiles also was elected by Texas as a US Senator, I think twice. Thus, Texas is not exactly a peace-loving, liberal place, and it is rather surprising to see Ted Cruz having to work hard to stay in the US Senate.
There are a few other signs along those lines. At best, the Senate is going to be very close for Trump, which means that a few Republican Senators like Collins of Maine or Paul of Kentucky can block Trump like they’ve done for the last two years. And the sight of some races that are unusually close like Cruz in Texas makes me wonder if the Democrats are about to do better than the conventional wisdom suggests.
And among this, I see little sign that Trump’s minority Tea Party faction in Congress is making any gains at all. Thus, it appears that in January the Democrats will control the House and that Trump might hold on to a very slim margin in the Senate, perhaps having to rely even more on VP Pence as a tie-breaking vote. Trump is in no way gaining power as his portion of Republicans in the Congress will stay the same or shrink against the mainline Republicans that already outnumber him.
This will not lead to impeachment however. American parties always talk big on issues like that, and never deliver. But Trump will be seen as fading and not a political force for the future and the rats will be leaving the ship at an even faster rate. By late 2019, Trump will announce that due to his age and or health, he won’t be running for re-election in 2020.
Long ago (years and years before the internet was contaminated) there was quoted a former US President: “Two sides of the same coin”, Democrats~Republicans.
Frida Kahlo said many sayings, too: e.g.,
“Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh AND TO ABANDON ONESELF, TO BE LIGHT.”
The Western hemisphere of planet EARTH is controlled via Barbarians and there were also in past times Chinese Emperors (ET AL) the East and South, et al Barbarians controlling Earth & Nature.
“Become like water”, the Tao.
Saker you are noticed in the energy of Sun Tzu btw. Thanks for keeping faith in the portal that is very powerful light.
Thank you Eugenia for your excellent translations. I enjoy watching and listening to Ruslan Ostashko and without your translations we wouldn’t get the opportunity.
The US Cyber command has started this just before the mid-terms to keep the Russian interference narrative alive. At the same time the UK and US are attacking WADA about Russia being re-instated and off to the White House with crocodile tears……its non-stop.
Don’t forget about me and Scott :) This YouTube channel is a team effort by three volunteers to bring the Saker Community translated Ruslan Ostashko videos. Stay tuned for another upload later today.
The CIA, MI6, and Mossad have been running false flag operations in Europe since WW2 and I’m supposed to believe that they suddenly became angels?
This US cyber command is just being added to what came before.
Social media companies are in open conspiracy with the Atlantic Council and NATO to control narratives on the Internet and operatives are saying this is just the beginning.
US officially admitted to attacking Russian journalists
Washington, November 1
According to the newspaper The Washington Post
“Offensive cyber operations are being carried out right now,” confirmed the presidential adviser
on national security, John Bolton.
According to him, it is necessary to protect the elections in the country from alleged foreign inter-
ference. In this case, Bolton did not specify whether these actions give the desired result for the
Although Bolton did not officially disclose the nature of the special operation being conducted, it is
known that the US Cyber Command is responsible for these tasks. According to some information,
they send messages to Russian journalists that their personalities are known. According to the US
military, this is a kind of warning not to try to interfere in American politics, which is aimed at alle-
gedly “protecting the integrity of the American electoral process.”
“Our opponents are aware of this and understand this,” said Bolton.
Bolton confirmed that these offensive actions are below the level of an armed conflict – this will not
lead to death, damage or destruction, therefore no “signature is required” from high-ranking officials,
which usually precedes the use of military force.
Kate Charlie, a former Pentagon official, said that a text message or email cannot be considered an
“offensive action.” However, an electronic banner or pop-up window that says “We are watching you”
should be interpreted as an attack.
The publication cites the opinion of an expert who considers such actions ineffective. It is empha-
sized that this is part of a broader strategy for the US Department of Defense to force the behavior
of those who, according to some American officials, interfere in the American elections, to change.
Our goal is not to lead unlimited cyber war. Our goal is to create deterrent structures and make our
opponents understand that if they personally participate in cyber attacks, this will cause incompa-
rable damage to them, ”stated Bolton.
As it became known earlier, journalists of the Federal News Agency were attacked by the US mili-
tary. On personal mail and phone numbers they receive messages, which contain the requirement
not to go into the affairs of the United States. It does not reveal how the actions of journalists could
affect the outcome of elections in the United States.
Editorial FAN notes that the demand of the US Cyber Command “to stop interfering in the affairs of
other nations” looks like blatant arrogance. While the US has created and is paying for the activities
of dozens of organizations that really interfere in the internal affairs of other states, including Russia,
Russian journalists are trying to shut their mouths with blackmail and pressure from the military.
One of such messages came on October 30 to the personal mailbox of Evgeny Zubarev, General
Director of LLC “FAN”. Editorial FAN appealed to the state bodies of Russia, which should protect
the work of the media, with a request to respond accordingly. FAN notes that such US moves
threaten the existence of an independent press. Editorial FAN has repeatedly stressed that the
resource did not interfere in the American elections and has no relation to them.
Recall, a number of US politicians claim that some “Russian hackers” influenced the results of the
presidential election, which was won by Donald Trump. However, over the entire period of these
accusations, Washington was never able to provide a single proof. Moscow denies all accusations,
pointing out their unsubstantiated and absurdity.
(Google translation)
The American authorities go to great lengths to interfere in our elections. As Russian interference in that interference runs the risk of swinging the results back to the original result, we ask that you mind your own business.
just confirmed am currently blocked from accessing from within USA… on VPN set to europe it is accessible… what bullshit
The US Cyber Command has launched an offensive against Russia,the victory is near:
Replacing the windmills with nuclear centrifuges the same culprits launched another episode of cyber warfare against Iran, Stuxnet 2.0.
The real estate,the stocks,the Russiagate,etc,like all the bubbles end up the same way like Aesop’s Frog :
I can’t figure this out, why do these countries (any to be exact) insist on using Microsoft Windows. Haven’t they heard of scanning their software before putting it on line? Also, how about strict rules prohibiting the use of attaching any devices to important systems and computers, disabling any and all ports allowing access from outside? Firewalls (not based on devices made by an outside companies)? Did they not hear of Open Source?
Plus against SWIFT when Iran uses it too…..usa deathwish for itself. Plus Bolton against some south american countries…when is rhe rest of the world gonna wake up against this insane terrorist country screaming its head of in its temper tantrums?
For Americans, enjoy the respite from the Russian hysteria. It will start up massively if the democrats don’t take over the House the day ofter the midterm elections. If democrats win, really watch out. Schiff will take over the Intelligence Committe and turn it into the HUAC of the 1950’s–he will be the new McCarthy. It will get ugly. Of course normal everyday Americans won’t care. But come 2020, it will be remembered that democrats did nothing to make the lives of everyday people better.