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Thanks for Eugenia for translating and subtitling this video over the week-end!!
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Thanks for Eugenia for translating and subtitling this video over the week-end!!
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Well, if they can really be made on a shoestring budget, the USA may have no problem making their own versions.
Is there a rule in military doctrine to never develop a new escalatory weapon without first, or simultaneously having the antidote?
Can’t have it both ways: Crowing and chestthumping aside: Apparently can be made on a shoestring and are impossible to defeat. Not either/or.
– Regards, Shyaku.
Ah, but that’s not how the American system works.
1) The Merchants of Death present a proposal for such a huge escalatory weapon so powerful that the enemy is not only destroyed but vaporized.
2) The Merchants of Death hire the usual bunches of congresspeople, military officers and the media to spread the word about how soon history will be over when the USA has its new weapon.
3) This all sounds so wonderful that Congress votes and the President approves trillions of dollars for the new wonder weapon.
4) Production is delayed, and there are cost over-runs and the price of the new wonder weapon goes up by several hundred percent.
5) When the weapon finally arrives, it fails every test. New tests are rigged to make it look good. Serving military officers are guaranteed big fat post-military-retirementment jobs with the Merchants of Death, so they approve the weapon for production even though it has a hard time hurting a fly.
6) The American people are told that yes, the weapon is not what it was meant to be when the sales con-job was done, but that now it is too late and too much money has already been spent not to go ahead and purchase the entire original numbers.
7) The Merchants of Death throw a big private party where they all celebrate how rich they’ve become from this latest dud of a wonder weapon.
8) The enemy reacts to all of this in ways that were always predictable, and now the new wonder-weapon is completely countered and the enemy reveals they have their own versions that actually work for a fraction of the cost.
And then the process begins again, as now America needs to produce both the next generation wonder-weapon and the counter-measures to the enemy weapons. The Merchants of Death plan a campaign to begin both projects, both of which will cost more than the original wonder-weapon, and begin dreaming of how much richer they will become from this latest development.
More Americans end up living under highway overpasses.
I totally agree this is exactly how it works when the US is de facto unchallenged and there is only a fake ‘missile gap’.
– Regards, Shyaku.
Under 5), test is deemed a success if it does not swivel around and fire wildly toward the reviewing stand.
Just watching our local Austfailian ABC presstitute vermin literally foaming at the mouth with Russophobic hatred over the oh-so-convenient poisoning of a Russian traitor in Salisbury in the UK. The female presstitute UK ‘correspondent’, a veteran liar and Imperial propaganda stooge, turned to Bill Browder of all creatures as an expert commenter. In fact Browder has appeared a couple of times recently on the ABC, feted and his posterior kissed, of course. Browder, who in my opinion would be a far more likely suspect if this is a poisoning, raved and hissed and spat lies and hatred and his habitual demands for yet more aggression and sanctions against Russia and Evil Putin, egged on by the presstitute.
As I think I’ve said here, there is NO WAY that the USA and the Zionazi International will allow the FIFA World Cup to go ahead in Russia. NONE WHATSOEVER. This provocation was met by the Evil imbecile Boris Johnson ranting in the cess-pool of the UK Parliament exactly that, that if the poisoning could be laid at Russi’s door, then England could not go to the Cup (they wouldn’t be missed, nor their football thugs). And he had the diabolical impudence to rave on about the ‘taking of ‘innocent’ life’, as the UK continues to aid the Sauds murdering tens of thousands in Yemen, and sending takfiri butchers to attack Syria. What truly, deeply, madly Evil monsters these thugs are.
It’s astonishing that countries are still so stupid that they don’t know they are being totally played by US Ampdberican elites, whose heads are truly up their backsides, whose souls reside in hell, and whose goals are for everyone but them to die, so they can pick their pockets. It’s simply astonishing.
I’ll take tamari-roasted sunflower seeds, thank you.
Sudan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are following Turkey in line for S-400.
Pakistan and Vietnam tuck in close with Russian military.
Philippines show indications of close military cooperation.
South Korea under Pres. Moon wants a very tight relationship.
And Egypt, dear tormented Egypt, wants so badly to be an ally of Russia.
Libya begs for Russian assistance in the fight for its life.
In this quick listing, Lebanon is very clear and loud about Russia as ally.
Many nations, like Indonesia, have gone head-strong with the Su-35 for their air force.
US is in shock.
Argentina, even with a right government, is aware the North intends harm to its sovereignty, and is working closely with Russia.
So, we see around the globe, on all continents, there are many nations of all sizes and ideologies and systems who choose Russia.
Of course, the bitch-slapped and sodomized EU and ex-USSR and Warsaw Pact nations we fondly call vassals wallow in adoration to the Hegemon. But they are lost in their Cult of Liberalism, Globalism and the decadent Feudalist dream-state they work so hard to achieve. Nothing can save them from themselves.
It’s not “countries” that are stupid, but a tiny handful of specific individuals in each country who have control of most of the levers of power. Those individuals can be – and often are – purchased, effectively putting Washington in control of the country without the trouble, expense, or bad publicity of an invasion. As Paul Craig Roberts has explained,
‘In the 1970s my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, then a very high-ranking official in Washington with control over international security affairs, asked me to undertake a sensitive mission abroad. I refused. Nevertheless, he answered my question: “How does Washington get foreign countries to do what Washington wants?”
‘“Money,” he said. “We give their leaders bagfuls of money. They belong to us.”’
Ah yes. But America is still dangerous.
After all, it has already fired back a bitter and devastating blow to Russia.
They made a “documentary” called Icarus, the American Modern Fairy tale, of a drunken Russian with mental issues telling stories about holes in walls and “Kremlin backed sports doping” and such — and gave it an Oscar. [Presumably for the lucky ones to have something to rest their heads on when they just want to sob at realising how much Russia has totally dissed them].
This could be a blow to Russia – they could pop hernia’s laughing after all.
”/…/ drunken Russian with mental issues telling stories about holes in walls and ’Kremlin backed sports doping’ and such”
Sounds like an average two-bit Russian Liberal to me. What language does the alleged Russian speak in this (supposedly fabulous) movie? If Russian, then done deal. In that case, the title should be changed to ”Yeltsin tells the truth about Putin’s Russia” :-D
Yes Isabella, no big surprise that a Russia bashing film won an Oscar… Another oscar winner this year was a movie about mass murderer Churchill…
We have “director” Angelina Jolie making films demonising the victims of US carpet bombing in the Balkans and in Cambodia. George Clooney making fawning documentaries about the White Helmets…
Holly-weird is highly politicised.
I have to say I was surprised that Guillermo del Toro’s Shape of Water won so many awards. It is a beautiful film filled with magical realism. It also does not show US in a very positive light, so I was pleasantly surprised they did so well.
Hollywood is run and controlled by nefarious Jews. They are mostly behind the Russia bashing in their owned and controlled media in the west.
Wherever you look, you will find Jews pushing for a confrontation with Russia. They are behind it all. Judea international has in effect declared war against Russia years ago. Just like when Judea declared war on Germany.
Same story. These pathological war-mongers need to pay a high price for their sowing of discord, wars and unnecessary human suffering they bring to humanity. Enough is enough with these barbaric, disgusting folks.
It all boils down to the Jew sand their diabolical Talmud which preaches to Jews that they must subjugate mankind and rule the world. After which they are to build a temple in Jerusalem for their God, the anti-Christ, Dajjal.
I didn’t like this one.Ruslan Ostashko usually makes good stuff, but this one I did not like.
1. Ukrainians will not train with actual ammo they use simulators. This is how its done generally and this is how USA specifically has said that they will do.
2.Is he suggesting an UAF attack on Donbass would lead Russia to use its new strategic weapons on Ukraine? That is ridiculous, if Russia nuked Ukraine, Russia would really become an international pariah for the coming 100 years. I can only assume he was joking here and I was too morning tired to get it.
wow its strange how different people are – this was my very favorite ever – I love his humor – so sarcastic and so brutal –
I dislike the fact that very little he said was true, he had a very positive spin on everything, but his positivity was based in reality. I would say it was a propaganda peace, meant to make his viewers feel better.
Like he made it sound like USA was losing in Donbass, USA cannot lose in Donbass, the donbass conflict is the greatest geopolitical victory USA has had over Russia since the fall of USSR, the fact that it even exists is so wonderful, it is hard to imagine by neocons, USA loses nothing in Donbass, but the conflict has huge gains for USA.. Ukraine literally means nothing for USA. But it is critical for Russia.
If the war goes on forever, USA thinks that is wonderful.
If the war end sand UAF wins, USA thinks that is wonderful.
If the UAF attacks NAF and NAF and Russia counter-attack and defeat UAF, USA thinks that is great!
If UAF attacks and is defeat only by NAF, hey, that is great too, they will just say Russia invaded anyway!
Thinks are not as perky as he made it sound. Also those strategic weapons will have no effect on the Ukrainian conflict.
The only strategic weapon the Russians need for the Kiev -U.S. war-mongers is for Russia’s MoD to send in the Chechens again.
That’s all that’s needed. Javelins are useless in the type of conflict afflicting Ukraine-Donbass. Just like in the Battle of Debaletsevo, Ukrainian armored columns were simply outflanked by the Chechens and militias and the result was a disaster.
The Donbass need not tanks, but specialized commandos working in small units moving very rapidly and fluidly.
Tanks are not the core of the Donbass resistance, so I don’t see where Javelins will change the fortunes of Kiev-U.S. It is the Donbass militias and their Chechen allies that will be equipped with anti-tank, etc weapons. And the Chechens are a lethal bunch of hard-nosed warriors.
So, nothing much here , really.
No, Javelins are very useful, offensive are dependent on tanks and other IFVs, SAA had such slow going in Idlb province relative to all other areas because there was such a high density if ATGM, they could not move around a corner without their APCs, tanks and other mechanize equipment getting blown up.
Javelins are particular good as you do not need to stay and aim them, you just lock on, fire and run away and the missile will auto-track, this is very good against the old types of vehicles used by NAF
“That’s all that’s needed. Javelins are useless in the type of conflict afflicting Ukraine-Donbass. ”
-No, they are perfect. Old tanks vs modern auto-tracking fire and forget missiles.
‘Givi’, ‘Motorola’ and other Donbass heroes might fight Ukro nazi forces again (love Surkov subtle comment about naming new weapons). This time in much deadlier form. Certainly not with nuclear warheads but rather conventional.
Motorola is no longer alive. May he rest in peace.
This is all hyped up non-sense for the President of Ukraine and his enablers in Washington to show that they are still in the game. In effect, they lost the game years ago. Javelins or whatever will change nothing.
This sale of Javelines is for Ukrainian domestic consumption, nothing even close to a game changer.
The Russian advisers, Chechen commandos and the various militias are ready, any time the U.S./Kiev decide to miscalculate, again.
Russia need not get involved in an overt way at all. Simply put, Ukraine/U.S. don’t have an effective offensive army to get the task done. It will be another rout, only this time the whole government in Kiev will collapse as a result.
Bored, Melotte knows that Motorola, the soldier is not alive.
He or she clearly is suggesting that Motorola, Givi and other dead leaders of Donbass may yet fight on until ajust peace is won, defending their people in the form of arms named in their memory and honor.
The flesh is very mortal, other components of the entire equation, much harder to kill.
Two questions, which hope someone will answer:
1) Please explain the reference to “Givi,” I think it was, as the name for the missile being a “hint”
2) Putin referred to Major Philippo, if I remember the name correctly. I Googled it, and came up with nothing. Would someone explain the reference?
Thank you.
Hi – the reference to Givi – he was one of the leading figures in the resistance of Donbass – and he was needlessly assassinated years after that first big war on Kiev on Donbass – was over – by some sneaks – from Kiev no doubt – But by that time Givi had been given a job – possibly by the Ruskies – and was killed on his jobsite – it was an office job –
I guess Russia remembers her own. The unstoppable missiles – are in remembrance of the assassination of Givi
If the suggestion is adopted – as I think it should be – I hope that something can also be named for Motorola.
Brave, decent, upstanding men whose services should never be forgotten.
Alternatively (or additionally) perhaps the streets where the US and Ukrainian embassies are located could be named for Givi and Motorola.
David … this may help
Major Roman Filipov was shot down by terrorists in Syria (Feb 2018) during a routine flight over the de-escalation zone. He then fought to the end detonating a grenade when surrounded, was posthumously awarded a Hero title.
Major Filipov was the Russian pilot whose plane was recently shot down and he sacrificed himself by detonating a grenade killing several terrorists.
Dear Victor,
Major Filipov was a Russian, and he was a fighter, and he took on the enemy and robbed them of any victory. He was in the same mould of the young Russian soldier who called on the artillery to bomb his own position to stop the enemy from capturing him.
These actions are not sacrifices, they are made in earnest by soldiers who know that they are to die, but refuse to give one iota to their enemy. One may argue that there may have been a chance to run away, but the reality was there was none and there was also the knowledge of what the enemy had done to previous Russians who had been captured.
May their children and grandchildren be given their names and their courage so that neither will ever be forgotten, but always remember it was never a sacrifice, but rather a fight to the death, and a fight they won in death.
List them with the saints of Russia as that is where they belong; but a sacrifice, never.
Andrew S MacGregor, very well said.
Phillipov was the downed Russian pilot in Syria who fragged himself and a few headchoppers last month to avoid being captured while shouting “this is for the boys!”. That’s guts and glory.
I have extracted the subtitles because it is too fast for me to read. In case anybody also prefers to read it calmly:
The Ukrainian Javelins, the American grief, and Putin
The Pentagon, State Department and Kiev found a way to immediately take revenge on Putin
for his tough Presidential address to the State Duma.
Several hours after the President had finished his presentation, in which he demonstrated the American missile defense system in tatters,
another American system, i.e. the White House bureaucratic apparatus, came up with and implemented a horrible revenge.
That is what the Interfax reported on the subject:
“The American Department of State agreed in principle to supply Ukraine with anti-tank missile complexes Javelin,
as reported by the Pentagon Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
“The State Department approved a possible sale of Javelin Missiles and Javelin Command Launch Unites to Ukraine in the amount of $47 millions”
– reads an announcement on the Agency’s site.
Here they come, the Javelins. I believe there is a celebration today in Kiev; people dancing on the streets;
fireworks; and in Maidan many thousands of excited Ukrainians are shouting slogans in support of President Poroshenko.
No? Why? Because it is cold? Gazprom turned off gas; tariffs are high; the power in the country is taken over by thieves;
future looks hopeless; IMF isn’t giving any more credits. Yes, that doesn’t look good.
But there are Javelins instead – almost. Yes, paid for by credit but every Ukrainian from now on will know
that in the distant USA Ukraine is so beloved, supported and appreciated
that the Ukrainians have been given an honorable right to collectively suffer for the American geopolitical interests.
Is that not happiness? What do you mean Maidan didn’t stand for this?
That is precisely what Maidan stood for, and whoever says otherwise is a “vatnic”, separatists and Putin’s agent.
What I want to note first is how petty people in Washington have become.
I am tempted to remark shaking my head: “Petty, Khobotov, petty”.
Khobotov, this is petty.
What are 210 Javelins and what are the intercontinental missiles of unlimited range or nuclear underwater drones?
By the way, if anyone harbors doubts that Russia would respond symmetrically, then don’t.
Donbass is such a special place where in the old mines and under bushes
not just light weapons have accidentally been found but also pretty decent APCs and even tanks.
If a stray Javelin really makes it to the front line, which is somewhat doubtful,
then I believe the Donbass militia will unexpectedly find under some bush or other quality anti-tank devices.
In addition to this, I’d like to draw your attention to another matter.
This sale of Javelins – I repeat if it actually happens – does not mean by itself that the Ukrainian army would be ordered into the “last and decisive battle” against the DPR/LPR.
If indeed the preparations for something like that were going on, then there would be completely different numbers of Javelins mentioned.
The Javelin complex consists of the Launch Unit and 6 Missiles, and together they cost approximately $1.3 million.
If we divide the sum of the American contract by the price, we’ll find that there will be enough Javelins to make 216 missile launches.
And that is if the Ukrainian soldiers won’t have any practice,
and all Javelins will be used exclusively in battle. Not impressive, to put it mildly.
Naturally, it is possible, with this number of Javelins, to support the Ukrainian forces along the main line of offensive,
but it is impossible to radically change the balance of forces.
So far, it seems more like an attempt to please the manufacturers of Javelins than a serious preparation for an offensive.
This is also evident from the fact that, although our neighbors always say that Javelins will be “given” to them,
the American sources clearly talk about the sale of Javelin anti-tank complexes.
It appears that a quick American response to the Putin’s speech is going to turn out to be
a banal operation to appropriate the bank under the pretext of the Russian aggression.
However, if the Americans very much want to organize yet another carnage in Ukraine,
I believe after the Putin’s address yesterday everyone understands that the resulting meat grinder would destroy the last battle-worthy units of the Ukrainian Army.
I’ve read in the Western media that the advanced Russian weapons have not yet been tested in the real battle conditions, which, of course, is true.
If the Ukrainian Army wants to play a role of a living target, for the entertainment of Pentagon, then why not?
By the way, for those who do not yet fully grasp the new power balance in the world geopolitics,
the Putin’s special envoy in Ukraine Surkov purposefully and very publicly proposed to name the new Russian missile “Givi”.
This is a clear hint, and one has to be exceedingly dumb to fail to understand that hint.
Naturally, a couple of dozens Javelins do provoke the Ukrainian military to show their imbecility and valor,
but, perhaps, they shouldn’t do idiotic things, after all.
We shouldn’t worry about any of this. Our opponents as well as the neighbors by acting stupidly would only harm themselves.
I suggest we watch calmly how our Western “partners” go through all 5 stages of grief, in full accordance with the so-called model Kubler-Ross.
Look here: yesterday there was the stage 1 ‘denial’. They wrote that the render was skewed, the animation was bad, the missiles do not fly, and Putin lies.
By the night, they moved to the second stage “anger” and decided to send Javelins to Kiev.
We are expecting “bargaining” next: some king of a typical American trick
like “We’ll give you Poroshenko and you’ll cut Sarmats for scrap metal”.
The fourth stage “depression” will come when the Americans will be told where exactly to shove up their proposals.
And only at the very end, perhaps, if everything goes well, the stage 5 will be reached – “acceptance” of the inevitable and the beginning of normal talks.
We are in no hurry, and it’s truly enjoyable to watch the Americans right now.
I suggest we relax and get either some sunflower seeds or popcorn, depending on your personal preferences.
thanks a lot
Excellent take on the situation. Unfortunately the ruling band of people who managed to capture the reigns of power in Ukraine are the likes like Sobchak in Russia. Javelins: knowing the thieving nature of the Ukrainian oligarchy (the same band) I am convinced that majority if not all of those weapons will be sold under the table to someone and the money will be shared with their American friends. Again, as before many servicemen in Ukrainian army do feel Russian so many will cross the line, except the ones from Galicja. US naively thinks that their training will actually convince Ukrainian servicemen to fight for their cause. Fat chance. Putin will not send his army overtly to Ukraine. No need for that. As you said in your comment Voyentorg (North Wind) does the job and the “volunteers”. Putin is not worried, not the least. I am also sure that dark force in the US possibly knows this, but they are posturing to look good in the eyes of their populace.
Thanks for posting the transcript.
I essentially agree with everything Ostashko said in this video except his claim the javelin sale to orcland was in response to Putin’s speech. This sale has been in the works for some time and was a sure thing long before the speech.
How ukrainian soldiers are being trained…but I read elsewhere yesterday that the ukraine will maybe not be fully integtrated into NATO for 15 years……could that mean they are dispensable with plausable deniability to NATO f they do their own thing against Donbass and Russia as their latest legislation claims Russia is in the Donbass…perhaps?
So a falsehood becomes the potential for underhand action against a rival…..same M. O. as usa using the Kurds….and isis daesh to establish usa presence in the middle east….?
USA creates terrorists to justify presence in middle east says Hezbollah
Graham says Trump must impose no fly zone over Syria as Russia is main threat in middle east…..coupled with
USA upping the anti to justify further action against Syria and Russia?
Israel vows to prevent Iranian prsence in Syria…..
Plus Bahrain “claims” has found Iranian terrorists..possible false flag?
Note Syria is pushing that this proof goes to UN.
I wonder how long it will be before some Ukrop sells a Javelin or two to the Novorossians. Displaying them on TV would then be a brilliant PR move.
No more cybersecurity folks….is cyberwarfare now more probable…remember VVP quoted pretence by usa of cyber attacks would justify usa “defence” mechanisms becoming operational…..hunker down…usa creates situation to stop joint usa Russia talks on cybersecurity…
In 2002 USA withdrew from ABM treaty and can now only regret that she did. It is very possible that in the future USA will regret blocking talks about cybersecurity as well.
What can make a nation so self harming as Ukraine is now? Only the constant, unceasing river of anglo propaganda which has been flooding Kiev since the end of the USSR. Young people have only known this propaganda, they know no different. Young Ukranians have the mentality of slaves especially the ‘students’ of humanities. Humanities students in all countries are always the most pro-anglo element. ‘We have no choice but the western model, USA is our ally, we want liberalism and democracy’, the same song they sing at all color revolutions.
Poroshenko’s Ukraine wants the honor of sacrificing itself completely for the Empire, to live in poverty, with debt and diseases of the anglo lifestyle like diabetis and cancer and freezing alive because they have no gas, marrying fat old anglo perverts, destroying their own traditions, all to make Anglo imperialists sleep proudly at night dreaming of their victory in the backyard of Russia.
Dear GeoPol,
“diseases of the anglo lifestyle like diabetis ”
Do you know what actually causes Diabetes type 2? Have you ever considered the possibility that it is a side-effect of medication for the heart or blood?
And of Cancers, what actually causes cancers, after all we have so many different cancers today than we had 50 years ago, when they first started the ‘Anti-Cancer’ campaign to raise more monies for ‘research’.
Welcome to the sacrificial Altars of Mammon, At least when the Ukrainian girl reaches the West she can run away from her Galahad and find a Lancelot.
But I am always reminded of the old Russian adage: What they told me of Russia was a lie, but what they told me of America was true.
What causes and boosts cancers and diabetis is indeed the Big Pharma.
just to get to a conclusion, better go to and live in Cuba -where there is no big pharma -as a normal citizen for three years and take a glance on the level of their cancers and diabees.
I like it.
Excellent video. There is no question that the US is directing Poroshenko to attack the Donbass, probably during the Russian Presidential elections, or during the World Cup. Not a good idea. The Donbass Russians are dug in, while the Ukrainian Army will be in the open. This means the Donbass Russians can see the advancing Ukrainian Army, while the Ukrainians in most cases will not see the Donbass Russians. There is no way Poroshenko can win, while at the same time he will risk a Maidan in reserve. During the past three weeks there have already been two demonstrations against him in Kiev.
Why do people rave about the Javelin? We know two things: 1) The infamous video where it destroyed a T-72 on a test range was rigged. 2) The system performed poorly against Iraqi tanks in 2003. During the battle for Baghdad airport, T-72Ms deflected incoming Javelin rounds with crappy Chinese jammers. So once again, it’s a case of Anglo-American extreme delusion about their own equipment. I.e. tell yourself that your weapons are infallible and awesome, then believe what you tell yourself.
I would wager that Javelins being used against more modern Russian jamming tech would be about as useful as throwing a hatchet at the tank.
The weapon system assumes an attacking force of armor coming at them .
When the Donbass tanks and other vehicles of armor and mobile artillery move, the Ukies are fighting for their lives, running the hell away, often through their own mine fields.
They won’t be firing Javelins. A fusillade of GRAD rockets will have preceded the Donbass movement.
To assume the Javelins would be used in an attack by the Ukies is silly. They would have to be a few miles out front of the Ukie tanks leading the attack. It takes 6-8 minutes to set, aim and fire these weapons. Ukie tanks would be moving at 30-40 mph past the Javelin firing line. That is highly unlikely. So neither as defense or offense are the Javelins in Ukie hands of much value.
Thus, their utility is to bolster the nervous Nazis of Kiev. The Ukies hallucinate in taking out 200+ Russian tanks and winning the war with Exceptional Firepower. Sort of a masturbatory fantasy. And with the Americans holding their hands, a JO Buddies affair.
Your comment is good, also as for the grad, I suggest watching old Katyushas in action during WWII. As bad (according to the west very inaccurate) as they were they gave severe “runs” to the Germans. Katyushas were far cry to the Grads.
There is no omnipotent queen of the battlefield in this day and age. Whether or not Uncle Sugar gives or sells ‘offensive’ weapons to the orcs, nothing will change, and in that vein there isn’t much in the way of weaponry that is not ‘offensive’ one way or another. Besides, US regime and it’s lackeys in europe have been selling weapons and ordinance to the orcs since the very beginning of the Novorossiya War, common knowledge.
Javelin is no better than weapons Novorossiya has in their arsenal. It is a matter of training, leadership, logistics and luck when it comes to warfare and Novorossiya is triple motivated, knowing what is in store for them and their families if they lose, therefore they will not lose, they have no choice but to win.
When the war does heat up again, and it will, have no doubts, from the looks of things it’s going to be hard and bloody and when Novorossiya prevails, the screams from the west regimes will be the stuff of legend and guess who will be blamed for the unimaginable defeat of the sainted forces of Orcland and their embedded foreign troops. This time, however, there will be no 12 or 24 hour stand down to allow the foreigners to run for cover, once it starts it will not stop and in the Victory Parades I would aver that there will be some interesting faces in the crowds of orc prisoners.
Never The Last One https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK A Deep Look In To Russia, Her Culture And Her Armed Forces
An Incident On Simonka https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Probably nothing you did not know Auslander but good for public reassurances…..
LOL … enjoy the popcorn! :)
This looks terrible. Why is there such a big group of police for such a small number of people protesting? Why is the main street near Rada full of knee deep snow? People seem to be desperate. Person put on a stretcher at 1 min into the video looks dead. I guess as long as there is a Bandera picture present (1:32) all is well.