I like Gonzalo Lira’s videos A LOT, but today I am posting one without seeing it (I don’t have the time), so I cannot say that I approve (or disapprove) of what he says. If you disagree with X he says, please don’t blame me :-) That being said, I am pretty sure that he will be spot on. Andrei
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Ah, The Minsky Accords, aka, Talking through your Vagina Monologues, file under flatulence.
Talking about flatulence, the old windbag Merkel, unlike her old phone-tapping comrade Obama, is unlikely to be picking up his 6 & 7 figure sum speaking engagements from the glitterati, especially after watching their pipelines (lifeforce) being blown the Euro-mafia’s all but having to pawn what’s left of the family silver.
I like Gonzalo Lira BUT I seldom watch right through his videos – especially ones like this that run for an hour ! A transcript sure suits me best & I suspect a lot of others.
Really ? To me it seems you neither like him nor is familiar with his material.
Appart from this one snippet, his short updates last between 4 to 18 min.
His Roundtables have an approximate average duration of 2 hrs.
I listened to the end. My remarks:
Gonzalo describes this as a primer of how we got here, intended for people who know nothing about Russian or Ukrainian history, or whose lessons came from the Western media.
I think this is a very good introduction for those people we know who are neophytes, clueless or misguided. Send this link to your nice Aunt Ditzy who favors sending Arms to Azov.
All of it is consistent with my understanding. Those who frequent this site won’t hear any surprises.
Gonzalo has a way of selling stories that is easy to listen to, which makes it digestible. This tape is not caustic.
It’s a bit long winded if you are in a rush. That’s his style. That’s part of why I find him agreeable, and that’s an important attribute here.
He does a nice job of explaining how the Maidan coup was a strategic US gambit intended, in part, to grab Sebastapol and arm it a US/NATO base, to use that to threaten Russia further, and that part of the reason the US is so pissed off is that they feel cheated out of their expected plunder. (This last sentence is my paraphrase in my vocabulary ).
Missed “Yats is our man” Yatsenyuk. What a cast of characters we’ve seen in the Ukraine! Yats the dweeb, the oafish debauched neo-nazi thugs and the atrocities they dare to commit, even a femme fatale known for a shot in her lingerie and a taste for ill-gotten booty! An airplane departing in the dead of night carrying away one country’s entire stash of gold! And the secretive biolabs run by the coke-snorting son of a vice-president, “vice” being particularly apt, but now lo and behold, he has become, gasp, US President! And God help the world if whatever they had brewing there ever got out! Zelensky’s there for comic relief.
Ian Fleming could not have written the script better if he’d been tasked with it. Martin Scorsese could not have directed this incredible smash-up any better than George Soros has. This is a veritable masterpiece of mind-boggling “[—] the EU” [—-]ery!
Wonderful summary by Gonzalo, BTW. This one’s worth sharing around.