[this article was written for the Unz Review]
I have lived in the United States for a total of 24 years and I have witnessed many crises over this long period, but what is taking place today is truly unique and much more serious than any previous crisis I can recall. And to explain my point, I would like to begin by saying what I believe the riots we are seeing taking place in hundreds of US cities are not about. They are not about:
- Racism or “White privilege”
- Police violence
- Social alienation and despair
- Poverty
- Trump
- The liberals pouring fuel on social fires
- The infighting of the US elites/deep state
They are not about any of these because they encompass all of these issues, and more.
It is important to always keep in mind the distinction between the concepts of “cause” and “pretext”. And while it is true that all the factors listed above are real (at least to some degree, and without looking at the distinction between cause and effect), none of them are the true cause of what we are witnessing. At most, the above are pretexts, triggers if you want, but the real cause of what is taking place today is the systemic collapse of the US society.
The next thing which we must also keep in mind is that evidence of correlation is not evidence of causality. Take, for example, this article from CNN entitled “US black-white inequality in 6 stark charts” which completely conflates the two concepts and which includes the following sentence (stress added) “Those disparities exist because of a long history of policies that excluded and exploited black Americans, said Valerie Wilson, director of the program on race, ethnicity and the economy at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning group.” The word “because” clearly point to a causality, yet absolutely nothing in the article or data support this. The US media is chock-full of such conflations of correlation and causality, yet it is rarely denounced.
For a society, any society, to function a number of factors that make up the social contract need to be present. The exact list that make up these factors will depend on each individual country, but they would typically include some kind of social consensus, the acceptance by most people of the legitimacy of the government and its institutions, often a unifying ideology or, at least, common values, the presence of a stable middle-class, the reasonable hope for a functioning “social life”, educational institutions etc. Finally, and cynically, it always helps the ruling elites if they can provide enough circuses (TV) and bread (food) to most citizens. This is even true of so-called authoritarian/totalitarian societies which, contrary to the liberal myth, typically do enjoy the support of a large segment of the population (if only because these regimes are often more capable of providing for the basic needs of society).
Right now, I would argue that the US government has almost completely lost its ability to deliver any of those factors, or act to repair the broken social contract. In fact, what we can observe is the exact opposite: the US society is highly divided, as is the US ruling class (which is even more important). Not only that, but ever since the election of Trump, all the vociferous Trump-haters have been undermining the legitimacy not only of Trump himself, but of the political system which made his election possible. I have been saying that for years: by saying “not my President” the Trump-haters have de-legitimized not only Trump personally, but also de-legitimized the Executive branch as such.
[Sidebar: this is an absolutely amazing phenomenon: while for almost four years Trump has been destroying the US Empire externally, Trump-haters spent the same four years destroying the USA from the inside! If we look past the (largely fictional) differences between the Republicrats and the Demolicans we can see that they operate like a demolition tag-team of sorts and while they hate each other with a passion, they both contribute to bringing down both the Empire and the United States. For anybody who has studied dialectics this would be very predictable but, alas, dialectics are not taught anymore, hence the stunned “dear in the headlights” look on the faces of most people today]
Finally, it is pretty clear that for all its disclaimers about supporting only the “peaceful protestors” and its condemnation of the “out of town looters”, most of the US media (as well as the alt media) is completely unable to give a moral/ethical evaluation of what is taking place. What I mean by this is the following:
By repeating mantras about how “Black anger is legitimate” the US liberal media is basically placing a seal of approval on the violence and looting. After all, if Black “anger” is legitimate, and if “White privilege” is real, then it is quite “understandable” that this “anger” “sometimes” “boils over” and leads to “regrettable” “excesses”. Just take a look at this image of Biden kneeling down before a Black demonstrator:
Of course, Biden and his supporters will claim that Biden was only kneeling before a cute little girl and her peacefully protesting father, but when combined with the attacks against Trump’s “law and order” rhetoric by Biden and his supporters (including four former US Presidents!), I believe that these kinds of photo-ops are sending a very different message: keep “protesting” as we are on your side which, coming from a guy like Biden, the ultimate symbol of the 1%er elites and a perfect example of “White privilege”, just goes to show that the hypocrisy of US politicians really knows no bounds or limits.
[Sidebar: I have to note here that these riots also represent a potential danger for both factions of the Uniparty in power: for the Demolicans the riots probably represent the very last chance to prevent a Trump-reelection, but if the Demolicans are too obvious in support of the riots, then it could backfire against them and turn all the frightened “law and order” types against them. But if they do not support the riots, then the Demolicans will alienate their core constituency (a hodgepodge of various “minorities” pushing their narrow identity-politics agenda). Likewise, for Trump this is an opportunity to show his “law and order” credentials and promise the White people and the relatively fewer Blacks of his base that he will protect them. However, if he is too direct about this and if Trump orders what might be seen by many as unfair or excessive force (of which there has been a lot almost everywhere), then he risks pushing many moderate Republicrats over the edge and side with the Demolicans (or, at least, withhold their vote). In other words, both factions of the Uniparty feel that the riots are both an opportunity and a threat and this is why neither faction can come out and speak truthfully about the real causes of the riots.]
The exact same message of weakness and even submissive impotence is, I believe, sent every time a cop kneels when confronting even peaceful demonstrators like on this photo. While this might be intended as a message of compassion, and maybe even an apology, the only thing the rioters will see here is a powerful sign of surrender of the local authorities and I find that extremely dangerous.
Yes, there are plenty of racist, violent and otherwise incompetent cops in the USA. And yes, many of my Black friends reported feeling singled out and treated rudely by cops. But having extensively traveled the world, I want to assure you that the US most definitely does not have the worst cops out there. In fact, I believe that most US cops are decent people. Much more importantly, these cops are the “thin blue line” which protects society against criminals. And while I do believe that US policemen ought to be better educated, better trained, better led and better supervised, I also realize that there is also no short term alternative to them. It is all very fine to dream about educated, peaceful and non-racist cops, but if you remove the existing police force from the equation, there are no other alternatives (the national guard or the regular armed forces do not qualify and don’t have the correct training to deal with civilians anyway), especially in those states which have successfully killed the 2nd Amendment by means of what I call “death by a thousand regulatory cuts” (including NY and NJ).
Then there is what Solzhenitsyn called the “decline of courage” in the West: the vast majority US politicians have basically lost the ability to criticize Blacks, even when it is quite obvious that many of the current problems of the Black population of the USA are created by Blacks themselves: I think of the truly vulgar, obscene and overall disgusting “rap culture” with which most Black youth are now “educated” in since early childhood or how many Black youth have been brainwashed into considering gang members and street prostitutes as the measure of what “looking cool” looks like in terms of clothes, language and overall behavior. I believe that it is pretty obvious to any person who lived in the USA that Blacks are very often (mostly?) the cause of their own misery: I can tell you that my Jamaican and Sub-Saharan African friends (who live in the USA) have told me many times that a) they think that US Blacks have opportunities which they would never have in Africa or Jamaica and that b) local Blacks often resent Africans and Jamaican Blacks because the latter do so much better in the US society. I can also testify to the fact that I have seen a lot of anti-Latino feelings from US Blacks. As for how Blacks often feel about Asians, all we need to do is remember the LA riots in 1992. Finally, I do believe that many (most?) people in the USA know that the strongest and most frequent form of racism in the USA will be anti-White, especially from politically engaged Blacks.
I can personally attest that there is plenty of anti-White racism in the USA. Not only did I experience it myself (I lived in Washington, DC from 1986-1991), but it has been amply documented by people like Colin Flaherty whose books “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It” and “Knockout Game a Lie?: Awww, Hell No!” are excellent primers on Black on White violence and racism. Yet, anybody daring to suggest that US Blacks themselves are at least partially responsible for their own plight will immediately be labeled a “racist”.
To those of you who live outside the USA, I would recommend this simple thought experiment: just take 20-30 minutes and watch the footage of BOTH the “peaceful protests” AND “the violent riots” and look carefully not only at what the folks you see in the footage are wearing, but also how they speak, how they act, what they say and how they say it and ask yourself a simple question: would you want to hire any of these guys and pay them a decent salary? I very much doubt that many of you would. Frankly, most of these rioters are unhirable, and “racism” has nothing to do with this.
The fact is that what is sometimes called the “MTV culture” is, in reality, nothing else than a systematic glorification of criminal mayhem. Forget about rap hits like the famous “Fuk Da Police” or “Kill d’White People“, I would argue that 99% of rap is a glorification of all the worst problems of Black communities in the USA (drugs, violence, promiscuous sex, objectification of women, alcoholism, glorification of criminal behavior in the streets and in prisons, etc.). Yet most US politicians seem to be paralyzed and feel the need to pretend like they are absolutely charmed by this so-called “Black culture”. But it is even worse than that.
Combine an emasculated ruling polity which does not dare to call a stone and stone and which promotes a (pretend) “culture” which glorifies violence and hatred against all non-criminals, including law abiding Blacks who are called “Toms” and who are also singled out as in this “beautiful” rap which includes the following “verses”: “Then you got niggas that’s blacker than the night, Running around town saying their best friends are white, Niggas like that are gonna hang up from a tree, And burn them up alive and let everybody see” (check out this “beautiful” rap here and for the full lyrics, a truly fascinating read, here). Next, throw in a completely dysfunctional state which is owned and operated by a tiny gang of obscenely rich narcissistic bastards (of all races, very much including Blacks), add to it a total absence of any real social opportunities, then toss in the COVID pandemic and the worst recession in US history with record high levels of unemployment even among those who would be employable (folks with dropped down pants, excessive tattoos, past felony convictions and a comprehensively non-professional attitude would not even get a job even if the economy was booming). Then, you get a relatively localized “spark” (like the murder of George Floyd by a gang of arrogant imbeciles in uniform) to start a fire which will instantly spread throughout the entire country, especially since there are so many other groups besides Blacks who want to “piggyback” their personal agenda on top of the one of Black Lives Matter or Antifa (I am, of course, referring to the real cornucopia of Trump-haters which never accepted his election).
Conclusion 1: this is not the US version of the Gilets Jaunes!
Some might be tempted to say that what we are seeing in the USA is a US version of the French Gilets Jaunes. I assure you that it is not. For one thing, the Gilets Jaunes had a pretty clear political program. US rioters do not. Next, the Gilets Jaunes were mostly peaceful and much of the violence was instigated by the French police forces (including the use of fake rioters). While there are definitely peaceful protesters in the USA, neither BLM or AntiFa have truly denounced the riots (and why should they when the USA media and politicians don’t have the courage to do that either?). Finally, the French ruling classes and media did not show the kind of “understanding” of the riots which did take place although Macron did pose with two “gangstas” in an effort to look “cool” (which failed):

Not only Biden, in Europe too…
Conclusion 2: this is not a revolution or a civil war
Some are now fantasizing that what we are witnessing today is either a revolution or a civil war. I believe that this is neither.
For a revolution to take place there must be a force capable of changing not the person(s) in power, but fundamentally change the regime, the polity, itself and replacing it with another one. Declaring that “Black lives matter” or looting stores or even demanding that the police be defunded, does not have this kind of potential capability.
For a civil war to take place you need a least two sides, each with a clearly identifiable political agenda. Since the see real power in the USA is hidden from the public awareness, there is no potential for a “the people vs the rulers” kind of civil war in the US. A “Right/Conservative vs Left/Liberal” civil war is also not possible, because both the US Right and the US Left are, in reality controlled by a deep state which is neither liberal nor conservative. Finally, a “rematch” between North and South is not possible either because the modern USA is not really split along North/South lines anymore. In terms of geography, there is somewhat of a “Big cities vs rural USA” split, but it takes place in both the north and the south of the country. Instead, what we do observe is a social breakup of the USA into “zones” some of which will be doing much better than others (big cities with a strong Black population fare the worst, mostly White small towns fare best; that is even true within the same state). In some of these zones, we will see more of these kinds of acts of self-protection:
These kinds of confrontations, even if they are not violent, are yet another illustration of the state being simply unable to take charge and protect the people.
Conclusion 3: this is an insurrection which has initiated the systemic collapse of the US society
I call what is happening today an insurrection: a violent revolt or rebellion against the authorities as such. When you burn a police precinct you do not “protest” against the actions of a few cops, no, what you are doing is expelling the cops from your neighborhood (I know that personally. In Argentina I lived in a suburb of Buenos-Aires in which the police station was attacked so often that it closed and was never rebuilt). And since in a civilized society the state should have the monopoly on the (legal) use of force, you are basically rejecting the authority and legitimacy of the state which operates the police force. This insurrection is most unlikely to remove Trump from office (hence it is not a coup or a revolution), but the anti-Trump faction of the ruling elites have now clearly adopted the strategy of “worse is better” simply because they realize that these riots are probably their last chance to blame it all on Trump (and Russia, why not?!) and maybe, just maybe, defeat him in November.
Right now all we see can only be called a mob-rule (technically referred to as an “ochlocracy“). But mobs, no matter how violent, rarely succeed in achieving tangible political results as they act ‘against something’ and not ‘for something’. This is why the real (behind-the-scenes) ruling classes need to instrumentalize this mob-induced insurrection to their political advantage. So far, I would say that neither the Demolicans nor the Republicrats have succeeded in this. But there is a very long and potentially extremely dangerous summer ahead and this might well change.
Irrespective of whether either faction will succeed in instrumentalizing the riots, what we are seeing today is a systemic collapse of the US society. That is not to say that the USA will disappear, not at all. But just like it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse (roughly from 1983-1993), it will take the US many years to fully crash. And just like a New Russia eventually began taking form in 1999, there will be a New USA coming out of the current collapse. Total and final collapses are very rare, mostly they just initiate a lengthy and potentially very dangerous transformation process, the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict.
However, just as the Russian people had to stop kidding themselves with silly dreams about “democracy” and had to tackle the real problems of Russia, so will the people of the USA have to find the courage to deal with their real problems, frontally and deliberately. If they fail to do that, the country will most likely simply further disintegrate into numerous and mutually hostile entities.
Time will tell.
The Saker
This is indeed an insurrection (more like a coup, actually) which has initiated the systemic collapse of the US society. But, I submit that this has been the plan all along. It follows on the heels of the real looting that went on in the USA, the COVID-19 justified $6 trillion heist conducted by the banksters and the big corpse of the US treasury that has sent the US economy into a tailspin and small businesses into bankruptcy. They are about to be bought up for pennies on the dollar and the jobs that they once provided will never come back.
The lower classes are fully aware that this is happening and their rage, both black and white, will hasten the collapse of US society. What do they have to lose at his point? The second Industrial Revolution will make unskilled workers as superfluous as pack animals, as their jobs will be replaced by automation and robots. They will respond with violence and self-destructive lifestyles, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Can you really blame them? We are headed for dark times. May Heaven help us all.
Tommy Apeiron
“But, I submit that this has been the plan all along”. You could well be right. Analysts have pointed to the Montana – Colorado region, which has more oil than Saudi Arabia ever had. This oil is untouched, being kept in reserve for Canada. What this means is that once the US breaks up, the northern US states will end up in Canada, while Dixie Land, the former Confederacy, will be resurrected, being placed under Rothschild’s control. North America is already under Rothschild’s control. However, a broken up US will be easier to control, while Canada would assume the role of the US.
The Saker is certainly right that a rematch between the North and South is impossible, something I have pointed out on numerous occasions. Who would fight a new civil war, especially in present circumstances, with so many unemployed ? Who would leave their family behind a join some new army ?
However, I have to disagree with The Saker that “the modern USA is not really split along North/South lines anymore”. I am afraid it is. Why were so many Confederate monuments pulled down ? This was a foolish attempt to have the memory of the Confederacy eradicated. The opposite happened, the actual memory being refreshed. The Civil War of 1861-1865 had nothing to do with the question of slavery, as Lincoln could not afford to have the South depart from the Union due to the revenues from the southern states, not to mention cheap raw materials and northern financial investments in the South. The Civil War was a white mans quarrel, the Celtic South fighting the Germanic North. The culture of the South was basically French, while that of the North was Anglo-Saxon Germanic. Even those southerners of English origin became assimilated in the Celtic French culture of the South, as witnessed by the Southern accent, which is English spoken with a French accent.
The US is standing on very fragile legs. All multiethnic and multicultural countries have weaknesses, some more, some less. Besides a heterogeneous cultural situation among the white ethnic group, you also have the Afro-American ethnic group, the Latino, the Chinese, and remnants of native Americans. As the saying goes in the US, different ethnic groups do not live among each other, but rather next to each other. This hardly gives the US a strong social basis. How many times did the US see race riots, and how many times was the National Guard called up ?
Finally, we have the question of the gigantic US foreign and domestic debt, so huge that analysts and professors are in disagreement just how huge it is. What is going to happen when the dollar crashes, as you cannot go on printing it in eternity, backed by nothing ? Will the US then break up ? We shall see. Personally I am not an optimist that it will survive, and apparently neither is the US elite, which for years has been buying real estate outside the US, preparing getaways. A repetition of history. When ancient Rome fell in 476, the first to flee was the Roman elite, leaving the city to the impoverished citizens.
My people were the ancestors of the french cultured south.
We are acadians living on the east coast of canada, we were deported to the south in 1755.
Cajun is short for Acadian.
The real issue you bravely highlited, wich is the collusion of governments to bail out high finance, so that these financial firms can rob the country blind, with no benefit to the people. Trickle down economics is a lie!
Im looking forward to Ramin Mazerhi’s next article.
There are two levels of the “deep state”! There is “distraction deep state” made up of those such as the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, the DNC, and those affiliated with them directly. Then there is the “banking deep state” made up of the MIC, the FED, the IMF, the BIS, that used “covid 19” to begin the roll out of a cashless system with a CBDC:
The same actors that pulled off the last financial crises that began in the USA with unlimited printing that is going on today will help force the need to move to cashless as they encouraged China to jump on board with CBDC:
Notice all the global banks headquartered in the USA that are also members of this “working group”!
This blow up of global fiat will set in motion the phasing out of cash as they phase in their own electronic currency that the public is being conditioned to think is money:
While the world is distracted by a plandemics and riots; the true criminals are quietly organizing a global currency collapse so they can put us under an electronic currency that will fully manifest by the midst of the tribulation:
Okay, you are right in some way, but the distraction deep state is Trumps deep state.
The master of deflection always names himself and his intentions in a reflective mirror which is projecting his acts or intended actions at ” look over there, a thief” While filling his pockets behind your back while you pursue the wrong target, the innocent…the honest, the trustworthy..the Truth……Trump has practice his craft a long time.
He ahs some of the most intelligent people blinded by his lies upon lies upon lies. The man?…never could tell the truth and would lie about what he had for breakfast in front of those who joined at the table an hour later.
ad hominem removed … mod
Thats why President TRUMP did not take one penby of his presidential salary but donated every penny!!! is that lineing his pockets ?? but i am sure you have not even heard one word about this !! from the lieing leftist media ..look it up its a fact
The main cause of the American civil war was the demographic transformation of the nation by the Irish and German immigrants during the 1840s. The nation went from being essentially Anglo-Celt Protestant in 1840 to being demographically altered by 1850. The population went from 17 million in 1840 to over 23 million by 1850. By 1860 the population had reached 31.5 million. Almost all this 20-year gain was in the North, pushed there by the Irish famine and the failed European revolutions of 1848. Because Northern merchants unleashed a demographic flood to suit their economic needs, the Southerners, who numbered only eight and a half million at the beginning of the war, saw no further reason to remain in a nation in which the northern part was now culturally and ethnically estranged from them. If you think about what is happening to the USA right now, you see the same process unfolding before your eyes, except the new immigrants are even more estranged from all of us. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
You basically confirmed what I wrote. Yes, the Irish flooded the North due to the potatoe famine in Ireland, ending up fighting the Irish resident in the Southern states. As for the Germans, the came to the North after the failed 1848 revolution. So many of them joined the Union Army that the South ended up thinking they were fighting an army of Hessian’s. Currently the white ethnic group in the US is seeing a reduced birth rate, while that of the Afro-American and Latino is on the rise. I fear this will not end well.
You have a point. As an outsider to the USA I have noticed how few white politicians now have English or Scottish surnames. The character of the white population I would propose is very different today from the original settlers or from that of as little as 60 years ago when a recognizable Anglo-Saxon culture was still dominant. The white population that I see on American political media is dominated by central, eastern and southern European surnames, areas of Europe that have had fascist political regimes at times, some quite recently. Is there a connection? Have they inherited a zeitgeist from their ancestors homeland for elite rule?
“What this means is that once the US breaks up, the northern US states will end up in Canada”
Ahhh…did you ask the Canadian people about that? As a Canadian, we rather see the USA wallowing in its own crap than having anything to do with those hoodlums. Who wants a destabilizing element of an inherently violent society that is unable to control itself. Fuck off I’d say, join Jamaica of Mexico.
Peter Moritz
I am afraid that the Rothschild’s will have the final word. Don’t forget that your President is the Queen of England.
The real interesting question is, if the US and China will survive and resemble anything of their current form. These destructive dynamics are not only present in the US, but everywhere in the world. I think the third industrial revolution, coupled with biological and socio-political cataclysm, will demolish geographical and political formations.
You are exactly right, automation will make vast parts of the population superfluous and today, there is almost nothing left to rescue them from further degradation: Organized religion in the West is dead, education is becoming more and more irrelevant, because you don’t need masses of qualified people to operate fewer and fewer factories (which are also more and more automated), families are falling apart left and right, contemporary “values” are a joke, political parties are joke, generations live completely separate (therefore intergenerational knowledge is not transferred), political ideologies are also mostly discredited .. the list goes on. You also can see these tendencies in our Western “culture” which is a unrecognizable rehashing of past fads and a bulimic throw up of past thoughts, incomprehensible and hollow.
Concerning the US, if it will stay a constitutional republic on paper, in a very divided and fragile form or disintegrate into smaller entities as Saker writes.
Concerning China, if it can transform its export driven economic model into an internal steady closed system.
China has many advantages in this new epoch. Homogeneous population, pragmatic power class, pragmatic ideology of “doing what works”, applying violence where needed and a powerful military.
The world is in for an enormous change. Most are not ready. War on the periphery of nuclear states, internal war by comprador elites, who will sell out the political areas resources to the highest bidder. Contradictions all other the place, even not so much between poor and rich, but technology haves against have nots. Topped by on going ecological collapse.
I find it hard to comprehend, where all this will go and very hard to realize, the existence of different pockets-isles of opulence surrounded by chaotic hell.
Thing about automation is, if people, workers, were in charge of the economy, it would just mean a shorter work week and more leisure. It only becomes a bane when those in charge of the economy are just using it to extract profits and people are disposable.
Purple Library Guy, If some, present workers by chance became in charge of the Economy they would simply Morph into the Owner class, your role in the economy determines your behavior, all human behavior is performed by Humans, where they stand in the Hierarchy determines how and what that behavior manifests!
There is no Utopia but, when all people were considered Human, just as once we were all Citizens, with the birth tights that conferred, there was more possibility for human compassion and I believe there was more Love in the World, the biggest negative now is the incoming anti-human technological regime where it is imagined that the ‘Humans’ will control the machines that will control the much larger but ‘Similar looking’ group of less than human creatures! I
You have a point, but the keyword is “some”. I’m a direct democracy kind of guy. If the people are in charge of their own firms and communities, if control isn’t handed over to managers and representatives, that’s what it would take for things to be different.
I agree with your comment about what will happen, and that we haven’t seen anything yet, but I disagree with your direct democracy comment. The representative government, although not without flaws, is a form of specialization. Ideally leaders we trust would be elected to do the work of wading through the difficult political tasks that most of us neither have the time nor inclination nor skill to manage. Now more of us are quite capable of it than we realize, and we are lazy enough and foolish enough for slick and sleazy salesmen to take advantage of us and end up in office along with their personal corruption. Direct democracy has its flaws as well, but the US’s republican form of government was originally designed specifically to protect the rights of minority groups while acknowledging the voice of the majority. That it has been corrupted and abused does not mean that the system is flawed, necessarily, but that it has been mismanaged by corrupt people, in this case; as go the people, so goes the government.
I was surprised when the PTB (powers that be) tanked the world economy. Readers here are conscious of the fact that the elites of the rigged in their favor system regularly get together and conspire among themselves in private. They have the means and power to actually get their plans to manifest – this time the plandemic. With the advent of jet travel (private jets), world wide electronic communication, air conditioning they no longer care about the country they might live in. Gated communities,prestigious private schools (even boarding schools in another country like Switzerland), 2nd and third homes in safe areas all over the world. No allegiance to any country. It doesn’t matter any more to try to make the American or European worker better off than a worker in the former Soviet Union. American unions are mostly broken.with the process started in the 80s by the Reagun admin. American ball players can go on strike but not many others. .Actual slavery> feudalism> wage slavery> debt slavery Before “who they gonna get to do the dirty work when all the slaves are free”. I believe that now “they” think Artificial Intelligence has advanced to the point that robots to do the work are a given. There has always been more of us than “them”. So “they” would prefer that “we” just go away. As Prince Phillip (married to one of the richest women in the world) said, ” “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”
Enter Bill Gates with his plan to vaccinate the world. You know mandatory vaccination is in the works. Now the corona virus is not a deadly enough virus. It kills old people with pre-existing health conditions. Some unhealthy younger people mostly poor and a little more black African Americans. – for the 1% what’s not to like. A perfect setup to get the people ready for mandatory vaccinations, while also looting the US and Europe on a bigger scale than in 2008, in the short term buttressing the dollar system while making a big step for the totally digital financial system. Medical martial law anyone? Gates has already said this is Pandemic1 and more chillingly “The Final Solution, Which Is a Year to Two Years Off, Is the Vaccine.” April 29th, 2020. How do I somehow believe that was not a poor choice of words?
Trump is already getting the military ready to administer corona vaccine.
This pandemic is just what Pompeo said, …a live exercise.. to get us ready for the future. A future which I hope I am wrong about.
By the way, I’d have to claim we have seen little as yet. Currently, there is some support going to many of the people thrown out of work by the crisis. But their unemployment benefits will run out in a while and their jobs will not have returned. At the state level, US states are not allowed to run deficits, and their revenues are tanking; they will be going full austerity just when people need the most help. Moratoria on evictions will be expiring soon. And the US political system finds it very hard to have political will to do anything about this sort of problem. A lot of people are going to be hurting, perhaps even starving. Then we’ll really see some riots.
Well like a house, If it’s not proper maintained and that’s why broken beyond repair you will have to tear it down and build it new – we will learn from our mistakes little by little
“The second Industrial Revolution will make unskilled workers as superfluous as pack animals”.
You know I hear this garbage all the time, what Tommy does not realize is if its not hand made in most cases its worthless, like the worthless piece of Chinese crap used to type this comment. Us “pack animals” have something the modern human, the rich and their robots will never have, a soul.
WWI was at least more honest…it killed off the factory hand and agricultural generation to make the way for machine agri-business and consumerism of freed colony sweatshops. Our elite plan far in advance…..
The WWI soldiers saw themselves as sacrifices to Moloch, a popular cartoon all over Europe.
The depression of Americans is not so simple. Our culture teaches us to blame ourselves for not being winners and working all the time. We have no sacred days…holidays that fill the streets with joy and flowers like India, Mexico, and other sane, wholesome cultures. We are taught living to work, not working to live and the worst insult is not ‘criminal’ or ‘liar’ or ‘traitor’ but the great American damnation, ‘LOSER’.
Many of us simply reject all of it and live in our own little country as Catholic, Orthodox, Torah Jews, arty people….the ‘campfires of the gentle people’ as Garrison Kieller calls us.
Behind the curtains I can see Wall Street bankers backslapping each other, laughing incessantly with a cigar in one hand and glass of Champagne in the other.
Troy, I agree with your comment. I have the impression that the people do not yet understand what is happening to their country (none would even think of their country collapsing!). It is almost as if subconsciously they react to all the reasons The Saker gave at the top of his analysis, but it has not reached their consciousness. They “fight” amongst each other and their anger has not yet reached the true target.
Nothing was mentioned about the solidarity protests in various countries but are they truly in solidarity or is it that they also feel the despair? The rule by the elites is truly taking its toll on the common Man (I hate being politically correct!).
George Carlin once remarked ” the economy is just fine. It is just that you are not part of it.”
I see what you are seeing. My impression too that people do not yet understand what is happening to their country. People are living in their subjective consciousness and don’t look out around them to see what is really going on. They have no objective reasoning ability. The problem in this country has been for many years that the people are crewing on poppy seeds; that is distorted values, making it impossible for people to take their personal experience as a guide, thus making it necessary for them to take another’s experiences as their guide.
The Saker is on to something. But as always it is possible another conclusion can happen out of the blue.
For example with over 40 million people out of work with most of their jobs not coming back the congress could pass a bill requiring compulsive two years paid public service to restore the infrastructure and build new towns with light manufacturing that requires human labor.The only institution in this country that could facilitate this is the army.
The people today have no vision and without a vision the people die. It is a truism that is stated in the Bible. Our young have no vision. Why not give them one. Two years compulsory service to rebuild the country is far better than young people rioting in the streets because they have nothing else to do.
” I have the impression that the people do not yet understand what is happening to their country ”
I agree with Alexandra and Robert.
I don’t understand what is happening to our country.
I see a general collapse, and I know that the covid-19 narrative and “unintended” consequences are part of the picture. But just how the pieces fit together I cannot see.
Regarding The Saker’s view of the role of African Americans and also their behaviors, I can’t really get on board with this. I also detest the whole rapper culture, pants hanging down past bum crack, etc.
But a longer view is needed to grasp what has been done to African Americans in this country.
I am currently reading Thomas Frank’s “Listen, Liberal,” and I highly recommend it. I do hope the Saker reads it before he comments further on contemporary black communities. It is, actually, an extremely entertaining read. Extensively documented
He catalogues the betrayal by the Democratic Party of all of its traditional (since FDR) constituents under Bill Clinton, and how and why this happened. Since I well remember the Clinton years—first the sense of relief after the Nixon, Reagan and Bush years. We were still pretty close to the shocks of the assassinations and the sense that somehow the country had to get off this awful detour.
Then the letdown—the sense of “wrong turn” re NAFTA; Glass-Steagall; construction of prisons as profit centers; welfare “reform”: introduction of three strikes and you’re out; major favors to banks; the outrage of different punishment for use of crack vs. powder cocaine (connected to getting those prisons full); and other legislation designed to prove that Dems were sincerely repudiating and “correcting” their “legacy.” The Clintons did more to undermine the viability of black communities in this country than any Republicans coudl have done. But NOT JUST BLACK COMMUNITIES. That is IMO the kicker. Clinton’s legislation also suckerpunched the white working class.
This was before The Saker arrived in the USA. Then the Bush years, and again the betrayal at the hands of the Clinton-Obama Democratic party. As the chief executive Obama had all th epowers at his disposal to deliver on his promises. If he had wanted to make any genuine change to benefit the American people, he could have done so. Frank makes this clear, and it is clear to anyone who reads the Wiki entry on the powers of the executive. It is IMO not realistic nor fair to comment on and condemn black lifestyles without taking on board the repeated blows to both black and white working class and poor. And middle class of course, too.
This dsytopian Dem Party legacy brought Trump to power.
Thank you. These were my thoughts exactly. The Saker really falls short about understanding the dynamic of the plight of the African American in the US.
While blacks can definitely do more to extricate themselves from their situation, they definitely were not the ones who trapped themselves into it. From the prisons to the mandatory minimums to loss of economic power. These have all contributed to the crumbling of the black family and the rise of single parenthood. And then the cycle keeps repeating itself.
What many do not understand..is that social support is very important to the normal upbringing of a human being. He/she needs two parents.. and if there isn’t two parents..he needs uncles or aunts that can fill that role. The black family is basically in ruins. It can not produce children that can grow up to change their destiny. Also imagine having your history erased from you so you don’t have any ancestors that you can be proud of and hence develop a good sense of self and have good self esteem. You will always end up feeling inferior and lesser than others. You also don’t have your own language and have to use the language of the master that brought you here. (The reason Malcolm X out that X on his name, it was the unknown. Testimony to the erasure of black history from these slaves that were brought).
Many of the Africans that come from Africa do succeed because they did have that good family system and also never had their entire history erased. In fact, many of them are actually well educated in Africa and know their history and language and hence their self esteem is very high. They don’t care what others think of them and hence can go very high. Regrettably the black society is castrated in America and primarily the black man (as head of household) is castrated.
It’s a complex issue and I think the Saker should do more reading on it.
I think the Saker has many good points on the bigger scheme of things and how perhaps the blacks are being led to slaughter by the liberals. Malcolm always talked about the white liberal and how he was the fox while the conservative was the wolf. They both want to eat the lamb but the wolf is very clear about his intentions (and hence has lesser of a chance of succeeding) while the fox hides his intentions.
“Malcolm always talked about the white liberal and how he was the fox while the conservative was the wolf.”
Malcolm X was a true leader because he was able to see that racism was only part of the problem: setting white working class and black working class and poor against each other prevented progress in this country. I see this occurring again. The immediate problem may be a racist attack on George Floyd, but it is convenient to ignore the plight of the white working class and prevent a rainbow coalition of all who have been disenfranchised—economically, socially, politically–just within the past three decades.
I think it is a mistake to harp on the past **within the context of forming a political program now**. Because the damage that all of the USA is suffering from now was done fairly recently, IMO. Continually talking about the deep past of slavery **in this context*** is a tactical mistake, because the past cannot be changed. Whereas legislation passed from Clinton on, by the Dem Party, has been a class fight that benefited the top at the expsnse of the bottom. This is the brilliance of the 99/1 %. The image is clear, and it encompasses all of the disadvantaged.
If Malcolm were still alive we would not be where we are today. Where is Jesse Jackson? We need a Rainbow Coalition that spotlights the class nature of Clinton’s and Obama’s policies and the huge damage done, not just to blacks. No point in trying to get the Repug to act differently. As Thomas Frank clarifies, the Repugs could *never* have gotten through the legislation that benefited the top, the way Clinton and Obama did. IT is called the “Nixon-to-China” affect (the Dems could not have engineered the opening to China that Nixon-Kissinger were able to do).
Therefore we have to concentrate on those disgusting *betrayals* of the *whole* 99% by the “party of the people” *quite recently*. The perps are still walking around and still get to play “leadership” roles (Larry Summers, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Tim Geithner, Hank Paulson, Robert Rubin, and many others).
Framing the catastrophic situation of the USA today purely in terms of racism is IMO a dead end. Carping about black life styles is kind of pointless. Somewhere I read recently (here??) that the number of black men in American prisons now is more than the total number of slaves in the USA in 1850.
Did you know that there is such a thing as a prison REIT? That is, a REIT (real estate investment trust) that owns prisons and offers opportunities to investors to earn a very good regular dividend from the virtually unpaid labor of prisoners? It made me sick to realize this.
Dumping on black life styles IMHO is not really political/economic analysis.
A refreshing comment Katherine.
You’re firing on all cylinders Katherine. The Saker misses the mark in several areas though as usual he is spot on in others.. For one thing, he should consider his language more carefully. These are PROTESTERS. Why adopt the language of the State? Especially, the same STATE that has engaged in a lurid, unreal and false demonization of Russia. It is the fascist infested police that are the rioters. A good portion of the violence and looting is being done by agent provocateurs. I am sure you must’ve seen the video captured by a local camera crew of the thuggish, cowardly brutalization of an elderly Buffalo man. A white man no less showing the class rather than raced based roots of police brutality. This is the true face of the police. They are the bodies of armed men of the elite. Sanitizing them, as you appear to do in your piece at times, serves the Empire not we the people. Then again, to the extent looting is happening by the PROTESTORS, so what. The entire land mass of the USA and the bodies of the ancestors of African-American were looted. The looting has not stopped either. Looting of the population took place in 2008 and again just recently with the misnamed CARES act. A piece of satire @ the Onion (https://www.theonion.com/protestors-criticized-for-looting-businesses-without-fo-1843735351) captured it best pointing out that “calling for a more measured way to express opposition to police brutality, critics slammed demonstrators Thursday for recklessly looting businesses without forming a private equity firm first.” There is looting and then there is LOOTING.
For another thing, living in a largely English speaking Caribbean speaking community for many years I know of well the tensions between African-Americans and people from the islands. Some of it is just the tired, mundane rivalry that exists between the natives and the new arrivals. That happens in every community by and large. But another dimension is that to the extent that the new comers “make it” is because of the ground work laid down by African-Americans paid for literally in blood. The new comers often forget this and turn up their noses at the people who’ve lived in the darkness of US society for centuries. Even more to the heart of the matter, frequently people from the islands arrive with a petty bourgeois outlook that grates on the sensibilities of African-Americans and, more troubling, form a conservative block that rather than standing with their African-American brethren, instead help feed the negative stereo-types of them rooted in White Supremacy. In essence, they become an internal 5th column within the community aiding and abetting, wittingly or unwittingly, the larger depredations of Capital. Sounds familiar? It should as this is precisely what’s happened in Russia. The rise of a 5th column that cares more about the West than of Russia. I luvya Saker but please think more deeply about areas not totally up your alley. At this moment in time we need solidarity not off the cuff, back of the envelope analysis.
In truth, historically, the Democrat Party has always waged war against black Americans. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and the KKK. Dems today work to try to hang their own history on Republicans. Under Jim Crow about 3500 blacks were lynched and about 1500 Republicans who worked to elevate black Americans. Following the Civil War, the Democrats spent decades passing laws that were designed to prevent blacks from being truly free. They were never on board with black liberation until they discovered that race pimping might help them to win elections. The party advertises itself as a civil rights organization but consistently serves the ruling elite at the expense of workers. Democrats have no interest in the American people and would like to end the republic to replace it with a global government (a real plan and one that is very advanced). Every word they have ever said about President Trump and his supporters was a conscious lie. Just an example: Democrats and their puppet media smeared Breitbart and Steve Bannon as “Nazis” for a very long time. Breitbart is Jewish owned and operated. Aaron Klein, one of their editors, was just hired by Netanyahu as an advisor. They were never “Nazis” or “alt-right” and the Democrats knew it. It was all a scam, like everything they say and do. President Trump has tried to save this country from those who wish to destroy it. I fear they have outmaneuvered him with the virus and the riots. They have intentionally destroyed his legacy – and our economy – hoping this will enable them to win in November. Don’t regret that they brought Trump to power. Regret that he has been so aggressively undermined. The Democrat Party is and always has been poison. While many Republicans are silent collaborators, there are some Republicans who do care about the people and who fight against the elite agenda. This can’t be said of any (or many) Democrats.
May I argue that the reason for protests in other countries, is that the portrayal of the protests to the world, is not a clear and accurate picture of what is really going on in the U.S.?
Pretty spot on.
I am a Trump-hater, by the way….but not one of the ones you’re calling out here…I have my own reasons for detesting the man, none of which have to do with Muller or Russian election tampering.
So I will be happy to see him go….I think the way he managed the health crisis (badly) and the associated economic crash (not his fault..but then neither was “the. recovery” he wanted to take credit for)….will take him down….
But the other side is definitely exactly as you portray them. The big picture….I think you get it. Uniparty. Very good.
I read someone the other day who said….”Whatever side you are on…let me assure you that I am not on it.” That resonated with me.
Taking sides with any of these people is to pick the flavor of your preferred delusion.
My only disagreement really is whether this is the beginning of the end….or just another crisis like many others that we’ve seen come and go…..with BAU managing to somehow not completely disintegrate. I think it might depend on the pandemic and how that plays out here.
“Taking sides with any of these people is to pick the flavor of your preferred delusion”.
Loved your turn of phrase, especially “flavor of your preferred delusion”.
In a way, I think this is neither a crisis like many others, nor necessarily a beginning of the end, at least not yet. I see it as the US going through a painful process of adjusting to a changed world. The world has changed in terms of geopolitics, in terms of the relative strength of economies, in terms of comparative advantages that nations enjoy, in terms of approaching the limits of multi-cultural, multi-racial, and a multi-belief society that can remain viable. A belief in the almighty dollar, in super-duper armed forces, in being the land of the free and the brave, the home of freedom and democracy – all these beliefs are slowly going to turn to dust as reality – long neglected and shielded from – starts showing its face. That is when the beginning of the end, or the beginning of a new beginning will start.
These kind of historical transitions can take a long, long time to unfold. And can be very painful and dangerous: not only to those directly affected but to the world at large, as painful internal problems cry out for resolution through military misadventures abroad. May God grant the US a soft landing, and show it the path to a new and better beginning.
Trump wanted a reasonable approach to what turns out to be a minor health emergency (unless you are 90, and living in a nursing home). There was no need to destroy the economy, and our society, unless you think there is no problem turning a majority of the people into the kind of germaphobes we used to consider as mentally ill. But, Trump doesn’t stick with his instincts, unfortunately, and let himself be bamboozled by the despicable Fauci. I watched his last act 40 years ago with AIDS and could not believe this creature was still alive, like Dracula.
I have never voted Republican in 48 years of voting, but Russia-gate, the ‘lockdown’ and now these riots have convinced me that the Democratic Party has actually become an existential threat to the country. Trump and many Republicans are incredibly stupid, but the Democrats have turned positively evil. And, as it was in 2016, if it is stupid vs. evil, I guess I have to pick stupid.
I’m with you. This is a total (Removed language.MOD) and in the reality I live in those who support trump only do so because the viscious and profoundly sickening narrative engineering of the corporate ‘media’ (CIA).
9/11 bitchez…
You handle it or you don’t.
Yep! (Would be nice to have these like uptick thingies).
Looks like NYC wants a replay of 1863.
Simple solution declare both parties and their backers “terrorist organizations feeding off the people” once they are removed, then the country can heal and move on, but not until because one party will work against each other to maintain the status quo of the one percent.
bluedogg, There is the 1% and there is the Herd, the 1% has their media and their two Political Parties to control and manage the herd, their control and management is ever growing more efficient, they can see things objectively while the Herd has only emotion to guide it, if you control the ‘Herd’s’ emotions you control the herd, these riots or whatever are techniques for crowd control although I do see signs that they think this will not be needed in the Future Technocracy where reward and punishment will be ever handy and may be administered individually and possibly instantly, Human’s and their Machines think, the herd emotes!
Trump has neither been “reasonable” nor is this a “minor” health issue, with 100,000 dead and counting. A caring functional society would have acted swiftly to both minimize the spread and provide economic and heath services to its people.
Re “provide economic and heath services to its people.”
It has been noted that the rioters have no political demands.
Seems to me like the most obvious demand–in addition to the arrest of all four killers, which I think has now been done—is universal health care NOW. If standard 21st C health care had been available to all citizens the covid situation would have looked, and felt, a whole lot different.
Agree re Dracula Fauci. What a piece of vermin.
Trusting the Covid number of deaths from NY and NJ is like trusting the numbers from China. This was a serious virus, but it is blatantly obvious that the shutdown was a massive over reaction. I don’t think we are a caring society when we warehouse our elderly in government run centers. The fact we as a society are still wearing masks proves how docile we have become.
You have 24 years and I have a lot more. This is not unique in many ways. The 1960’s were at least as turbulent, and the race riots looked very similar. That is what is so telling. After all these years, the situation with Blacks in the US has not changed. Whether you believe in Black responsibility or White suppression, the bottom line is that this is very similar to 1967, which has to make one wonder if there will ever be a change. What has changed a lot is the weakness of the general population. I can’t even imagine governments getting away with the ‘lockdown’ back then.
Why can’t we see some truth in all that is presented? Why must it always be binary? Why not say, we have
– White suppression and
– Black responsibility
And agree also that
– we have a % of psychopaths in all races
– we have decent human beings from all races
– Some people are more privileged than others, even within the same race and that whites, having colonised most of the world and enslaved other races are more privileged than other races.
– neo-colonialism exists
– US and the west abuses international law
– that the countries that are neo-colonized also have many instances of crimes against their citizens by their elites
– that inequality exists
– that each individual has different intelligence, abilities, skills, opportunities or lack thereof, problem solving skills etc.
– that most countries have two-tier legal systems for their citizens
– that in short, legitimate grievances exist and personal responsibility as well as national responsibilities exist, along with injustices.
Finally, hypocrisy reigns supreme, because we choose sides based on our interests most of the time and not based on Justice and Truth. If u were on the other shoe, you would probably be demanding the same things and condemning the other side which you now can’t because you are the other side. If u were black you probably would support BLM, and if American, you would probably support US hegemony, if Russian, the oppose said US hegemony etc. But all in all, if we let the Truth stand, we all would live in peace. That is why if an eye for an eye was truly practised, injustice would stop. We love taking the other guy’s eye out but don’t agree to ours being touched.
Another point is that very quickly, in fact overnight, Trump lost all control over the lockdown fanatics. I live in a State where the pipsqueak Mayor of a city < 100,000 has decided, on his own, that everyone will be required to wear a mask in any private establishment in the city. Incredible. And the people (at least the people we have now) put up with it.
So, now you get to wear a niqab or suffer state threat.
Cool, just like the Wahhabi regime running Arabia controls women.
Must feel like a (Removed language,MOD), eh?
But the upside is you get to confuse the G5 tracking systems — unless, of course, they are going to chip you like your pet dog.
Good one, Saker.
I have a very long view of life in the USA, and have never lived elsewhere, so I see this for what it blatantly is.
Anarchy aimed at Rule of Law, the Bill of Rights and traveling along the paths of class warfare, demonization of the police and racial division. Those three paths are well traveled in American society. They are easy to exploit.
The Cult of Liberalism has come to the final obstacle to total power. It must destroy the institution of the Constitutional law which encapsulates all Freedoms and Responsibilities of the citizenry and the officials who govern.
We have seen insurrections like this before. The late sixties were wars in Newark and Detroit, among others.
LA has had several of them. Miami, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. have had these irruptions.
Nearly all of them were hijacked and manipulated to confront the institutions of governance. The worst had help from feckless politicians who held back police, national guard and common sense.
What I saw today with the presser from AG Barr was the Federal Law Enforcement forces ready, willing and able to crush anymore of this chaos and to prosecute the leaders of the violence and mayhem. They all have a cause and purpose that allows them an opportunity to regain the confidence of the public which had been lost by Comey, Obama, Holder, and the phony Russiagate and Mueller probe.
Many of the rioters are professionals. Trained and paid by leftists like Soros and his Open Society minions.
Some will be arrested soon and prosecuted. Then the whole story will come out.
Meanwhile, understand, the US society is in deep need of repair. But the COVID-19 virus is still a threat and will be for another year or so. And 40 million people need to get jobs. These are the real threats, once the streets are back under control of the Rule of Law.
Larchmonter, I’ve lived in the US for fewer years than The Saker, but I put my time in enough to have some kind of understanding. But I’ve also lived where there is urban insurrection, lets call it urban war. If those guys don’t get to be under control (and they have nothing to be under control for), they ‘aint gonna do it. This will end up in a type of guerilla urban warfare that in the US, you’ve only seen short term periods of. Urban insurrection cannot be fought by law and warfare alone. Understand, you’re not going to make these people scared or fearful of the cops or the law or whatevers … You have to bring the basic values back – and that Trump is not doing and neither is anyone else, because short term, the tools do not exist in the zeitgeist of the population. And yes, Covid-19 is still there. And yes, people don’t have jobs, and yes, there is this little problem of debt that cannot be paid, and the rest of the world turning their backs. (And a clear disrespect for the Law).
Without re-establishing the value base, and I would question the Constitution as the whole make-up of the US has changed and you don’t have a bunch of ex-europeans looking for a better life with that kind of work ethic and get up and go), this urban guerilla war will take its toll on the population and on any cohesion.
People may now laugh at the antics of Antifa for example. But, the command and control structure here (and there is one) was trained by Kurds. So now, it can be identified, but the heads of leaders are not identifiable. These people are learning and learning on the job. Today they are looting and breaking windows but tomorrow they may be bombing. What I hear, is that CIA color revolution tactics are being employed and trained in.
There is something else. Trump is losing support of his ‘Generals’. Here is two, but this is all over and the talking heads are beginning to talk coup – military.
“You have to bring the basic values back – and that Trump is not doing and neither is anyone else, because short term, the tools do not exist in the zeitgeist of the population.”
You wish, amarynth, and so transparently so that you ought to feel some slight twinges of shame.
Maybe not now, because you can’t see it ………because you don’t want to see it.
But later. Because it’s coming.
Maybe you can’t see what’s coming……because you just aren’t looking for any solution other than “Burn, Baby, Burn…..Burn Down the White House!”
SO, without me linking a little evidence for ya…..you’d NEVER see (or want to see !) any contrary, sobering evidence such as this livestream today held by 4 black men……..:
Drew Brees, Real Black History, BLM, David Dorn, and American Solutions
……..4 black men. that in your present mindset
(that the Empire Strategists LOVE…by the way…..”You GO..Girl!, I can hear them thinking!}
you might disbelieve could actually break profile and observe things about Floyd George you’d probably never face the reality of in this present lifetime of yours…….without some cathartic change of heart.
That and the “Pimping out of the Black Struggle” in general they clearly see with 2020 Vision…..but you are …as yet….. willfully blind to.
It’s transparent, obvious….and quite disappointing.
Mathis one of “Trump’s Generals”??
I thought he let the man go. Maybe Mad Dog’s poor little old ego is a little butt hurt.
Who cares???
Evidently you do, because it kindles your wishes. Which are very much the opposite of these four black men’s wishes.
And I guarantee you, their commitment to their righteous wishes is considerably stronger, and has infinitely more support than your ill wishes.
Well how about them apples!
Mmmmmm! Nice and crisp and tart!
(I don’t like ’em sweet and mushy. No Red Delicious or MacIntosh for me. Granny Smith’s are my thing!)
Let me leave this for you as example. These are young testosterone laden cops having to walk together and shout loud to handle their own fear boogyman and to keep up the combined courage, not even knowing that if you forcefully push an older person backwards, they are liable to fall and crack their heads. See how many try to walk by and simply wash their hands of the situation – the man lying on the street bleeding from at least his one ear. See the one who has instinct to check out the man lying bleeding on the sidewalk and how his colleague convinces him to just walk on by. And they walk by … he tripped and fell, they say, callously disregarding the situation – the thin blue line.
You are projecting things that do not exist and regarding the generals, is Mattis alone? Clearly not, if you follow the story. Start here https://www.businessinsider.com/marine-corps-generals-leaving-trump-administration-kelly-mattis-2020-2?r=MX&IR=T
Trump with his threat to have the military in the streets touches something that is unthinkable to the older military cadre. They do not act against fellow Americans. So, if your projection stops and you follow the story, and it is now widely out there, you may also be really concerned. But, like I said, no tools to handle the shredded social contract and like The Saker said,
“… will the people of the USA have to find the courage to deal with their real problems, frontally and deliberately. If they fail to do that, the country will most likely simple further disintegrate into numerous and mutually hostile entities.”
My interest is the empire. While the actions on the streets are being watched, there is more legislation sanctioning everybody and their dogs around NordStream2. Your leaders are so concerned about the situation in the US (not) that they have time to sanction others and deprive them of income and work and commerce. You have made enemies everywhere. If this cannot be looked at frontally and deliberately, my experience tells me there is a leadership vacuum and no-one can truly even know who will attempt to take up that vacuum. I think there is an outside chance that whatever these generals are brewing up, is such an attempt. But one has to do the work and go and follow it up.
4 Black men? I would have said 4 men. We know this is not about racial tensions and this is only one of the pretexts, if you actually did The Saker the favor to read his work and understand it dialectically, instead of doing like those cops, try to push someone backwards and then walk on by, i.e., attempt walk over the other guy which is so typical. I am quite done with your continuing story that it is everyone else’s fault, continuing to ascribe motives to anyone else while you surely do not know why people say what they say because you are not in their heads.
I agree with The Saker, the systemic collapse is now clearly visible.
We hear this morning that the older man that was pushed backwards in the video is 75 years old. One only can see things like this, the young policeman pushing the old fellow back so that he falls, in fascist countries. Again there are apparently firings about this, but nobody has been arrested or charged.
This is where I disagree with The Saker in his writing here, regarding the US cops. There are worse in other countries, I am absolutely sure of that. But the US cops are pretty out of control with their Israeli training, militarization, very poor education and recruited a little low on the intelligence S curve.
1) True. U.S. cops are militarized and very often are needlessly violent.
2) The Saker is correct. At this point what we are seeing is a confused, inchoate insurrection, that so far lacks clear direction. It’s not a revolution in its present form. This is a point that Pepe Escobar has also ably made.
3) You are correct. The generals who are openly criticizing Trump are something new. Agreed, the possibility of a military coup cannot be ruled out. But if the military intervenes, which branch and which factions, and what will be their policies and objectives? A governing, military junta or a rapid return to nominal civilian rule?
Yes the Democrat and RINO Republican establishment Generals might think of a coup.But in 2016 61% of the veteran population voted for Trump.And I’ve seen stories that his support among the lower ranks and lower rank officers was even much higher today.A first coup might instead lead to a reverse coup that would send those establishment generals to the gallows.
My observation of the old man who got pushed backward by the cop: First of all he should not have toyed with the cop. Second of all he had plenty of time to turn around and catch his fall. Because he didn’t it is indication that he was not in conscious awareness of himself. In other words he was sleep walking until he hit the ground when he woke up and crossed his legs.
This is a bad example to show police brutality.
People don’t realize this but the role of the cops changed when administrative law became the law of the land in the second half of the 20th century when all the States accepted the administrative procedures act. The role of the cop went from peace officer to law enforcement officer.
Why should this be that a local police department paid for with local taxes should be required to enforce laws that were created outside their jurisdiction? Like seat belt laws and the latest coronavirus rules that are not even justified since there is no statute in administrative law that these rules can be justified from. So our leaders are operating outside the rule of law and they wonder why many in the population are defying them?
This problem with the police is deeper than their poor training and education. It goes right into the administrative laws they are enforcing. Administrative law has no conscience built into it. So it requires people with no conscience to enforce many of these laws.
Anyone any higher on the intelligence curve wouldn’t and maybe couldn’t do the job. And face it, at this oint approaching cops is inciting cops. What possibly could have the 75 year old been thinking?
Often the key is not so much the initial violence, but the fact that all the other police ignore both the violence and its outcome. One thug lashing out is one thug. The whole force looking on and discarding the option of help (serving or protecting), filing on by ignoring an unconscious bleeding man, and then giving mendacious accounts, that is systemic. It’s the same with the Floyd murder–the murder itself is chilling, but the other officers taking this as normal and facing out at the witnesses, backing the process up makes it a matter of “police” as an institution rather than “One deranged killer”.
I ll be higly cynical in my comment. Just like the us ruling elite, which does this everytime and everywhere, I am watching what s happening in the usa with this mantra: using any weak point to exploit.
I am a supporter of a world freed from us emparialism. And honestly I thing that what s currently happening in the us is globally a good news.
The us is the core of the empire. If the us needs to focus more on its own problems and lick some self-inflicted wounds it will have less ressources and less energy to invest in its reckless, crazy and extremely violent foreign policy. In other words if what we are seeing in the us is the beginning of the end of the us empire, I think it s a very good news for the rest of the world.
But I also think that if the current ruling elite in the us understands that they do not have much time because their empire is doomed there is a risk that they will increase their pressure on the countries they consider their ennemy (basically iran russia china) and thus they will further increase tensions and provocations which will bring the world very close to a complete catastrofe. In french we describe this as “fuite en avant”.
Like the saker wrote in his article time will tell what will happen next.
Empire doomed? Not at all.
The United States, *the country* is going through some major upheaval and experiencing problems, but the empire, the entity that controls things globally, which the US inherited in the 20th century, is still very much alive and kicking.
The empire still controls the global propaganda narrative (and there has been an uptick in censorship and de-platforming), the financial levers still exist and may even get worse as we move to a cashless society, and a non-state sponsored organisation like BLM is able to simultaneously stage mass protests and riots in most USA and W. Europe.
Nothing is resolved in the Balkans, Ukraine, Middle East. It’s all status quo and maybe about to get worse in the ME with the imminent annexation of the West Bank…the empire is not crumbling…
@Serbian girl,
I agree. Empire is doing more this year than ever. Containing China is full spectrum, and the hybrid war is 24/7 against Russia. It is stirring up Central Asia, expanding military operations in many African nations, roiling North Africa, trying hard to put the finish on Serbia with Kosovo. It goes on and on.
Definitely it is not crumbling.
There is an old saying you know – a candle flame flares once most brightly just before it goes out for ever.
I suspect that is what we are seeing here – the final flare before it goes it out.
@ Serbian Girl and @Larchmonter.
I think both are happening. The empire is crumpling with coast-to-coast lawless rioting, the economy is financial fraud and global terrorism, nobody has jobs, the people are mindless ignorant fools. Sure the elites are still intent on looting – it’s what they live for – and they are great at it. The military is still intact and is still capable of training homeless takfiri thugs how to effectively murder civilians and steal their valuables, and the military can still shoot civilians and bomb hospitals, churches, apartment buildings, power plants, etc, but the world is creating a multi-polar system, excluding the US, confronting the US militarily, and US influence is decreasing daily.
No doubt the US empire is disintegrating before our eyes, and no doubt it is not dead, and it is still extemely dangerous to the planet. But we’re talking patterns here. The US empire is definitely falling apart, decreasing in power/influence, the dollar is shaky, and the world is creating alternatives to the dollar.
So, yes, the empire is still strong, still a powerful evil force, and the world is trying to stay out of direct conflict with it, but it is also clearly losing its grip on its hegemony.
As part of it’s 24/7 war on Russia Empire has now effectively occupied Norway.
but the empire cannot find work for 40 million americans. what are they going to do with them?
who is going to pay for the lock down..how fast can they morph to a cashless society then?
for the empire to continue the people must continue to support it not so, to ‘believe’ in the propanda? but if the empire is not delivering the goods how can they support it? no breadand circuses…the saker said so himself?
is the empire making a grand play with no clothes on..or maybe no underwear for sure? with the base of the empire looking rotted can the empire sustain all it is now pressing on the world?
and the empire is not alone..but in confrontation with enemies working to test the empires’ sustainability at this point in it’s career. the empire must do as it is doing but where are the resources coming from..like military manpower.
as the need for social control at home rises exceedingly demanding military response what about overseas then? and what role is our friend Covid-19 playing relative to manpower? will the empire start recruting for its military overseas? or maybe recruit among the 40+ millions who just lost their jobs?
does anyone see a severe problemdeveloping aroudn all these issues that makes Serbian Girl and Larchmonter 445 probably wrong?
@Serbian girl
Dear Serbian girl:
You write “It’s all status quo(…)”. But ‘status quo’ is short for ‘status quo ante bellum’: (same) ‘state as before the war’. Seems to me the state of affairs have much deteriorated compared to before the intensifications of the various conflicts and unrests were initiated.
Kind regards!
The us empire cannot survive without the us especially when the other main componant of the empire, the eu, is also in a very bad shape. A weakened us plus a weakened eu means the end of the empire on the long run.
The world has changed a lot since 1991. The period of time in which the us was the big winner and the only power in the world is finished. The us empire is losing its ability to get what it wants. Why the us has been acting like a mad man since 2015? Because they think that by increasing brute force they will obtain what they want, the same things that they were able to obtain in a much easier way between 1991 and 2014. The thing is the more they put pressure on several countries, the more those countries unite and in the end the us obtains the opposit of what it wants. Think about that. Do you think that russia china and iran would have organised joined military drills in 2019 without the us pressure uppon them? Personnally I don t think so. Look at the rise of china in therms of technology and industrial power. The us represented 17% of the world industry in 2018, china 28%. If we look at GDP in purchase parity power china has been the strongest economy in the world since 2016. There are many other examples.
The us empire right now is weaker than it was 20 years ago. It s not weak it s weaker. But if we want a world freed from us emperialism that is a good starting point.
A world freed of US imperialism replaced by what? It almost sounds like your rooting for communist china? A world ruled by china sounds truly utopian.
China doesn t want in any way to control the world. There is no emperialism in china russia iran etc.
The us empire wants to control the whole world. The world, especially now, is too big and too complicated to think one power can control all of it. Unlike the us china and russia are not delusionnal they know that. That is why these countries are working to create a world composed by sovereign nations, working together according to the international law. The kind of cooperations we can see between syria and russia for instance, or between iran china and russia.
To promote this new world order (a truly better one if you ask me) russia and especially china need to be strong. Without china the new silk roads are impossible for instance. Moreover if you want to be freed from the oppression of the us empire you need to be independant. The only country with the industrial, financial and technological cabalities to make that possible is china. That is why the rise of china is very important especially if china unites with other powerfull countries like russia, iran, etc. The us knows that very well. Why do you think the us has decided to attack china since 2018?
Soros a lefty?? lol
My theory is that the boomer generation is so large and influential that when it finally turned into a bunch of grumpy old republicans, like their parents said they would, it changed the definition of “left” to suit its depends dependent mood. (Note, I am a boomer too.)
Does he not suoport ideology on the left? Yes.
You should have said the destruction of the constitution, for as Bush said “its only a GD piece of paper” and set out to destroy it” Patriot Act, Homeland Security and before that the War Powers Act to get around the constitution,most of the amendments to the constitution has been compromised to the point they have very little meaning,we will be very lucky to even hang on to the Bill of Rights which is the most important of the two.
I think much of the faith of the people in its government was lost in 63 with the public execution of a sitting president,people weren’t as dumb as they thought then add the murder of Robert, King and the other peace makers,as one said who was there I’ve never felt the same way about the government since for on that day we became nothing more than and third world nation and in that respect he was right.
Soros and his Open Society are not in any way ‘leftist’…please don’t mix up real left wingers with their cynical imitators.
I’ve never been to the United States. However, some friends for years have commented that the Americans do not know what “Left” is because there is no left there, it is all right. Now I read one of the most prepared commentators on this blog, whom I admired, calling Soros a leftist. Have I gone mad. Is that the same blog I liked to read?
When an American says “leftist,” it does not at all mean what the rest of the world thinks it means. He would also say “liberal” meaning the same thing—not the universal meaning. A “leftist/liberal” is someone who is supports the “Democratic” (also a misnomer) party and their causes such as: legalized abortion; legalized marijuana; women, homosexuals, and blacks (and possibly Hispanics) in power, based simply on their race/sex/lifestyle label, not on their other qualifications; euthanasia for elderly and disabled, expansion of the “welfare state”, socialism (as defined as taking from the taxpayers and giving to the freeloaders, see also communism), environmentalism (defined as imposing impossible regulations to protect the dolphins to the degree that normal commerce, and thus the economy, is severely impeded), gun control/anti gun regulation (one of America’s founding principles is the right of the average citizens to protect themselves, with force, from a tyrannical government), and big government (read the empire). Now most Americans on the “left” would argue that they are not as extreme as all that, but they vote against republicans because they are against “big government” (and for abortion). Mostly I see it as the left is for not being told what to do in their personal lives and the right is for not being told what to do in their business lives.
Basically all Americans (not simply people who claim U. S. citizenship on their taxes) are libertarian—we want to do what we want with out being told what we can or can’t do. We all don’t like government in general and especially not the one we have. We are ripe for a revolution, however 95 percent of us have no strength of character, so we are actually ripe for being taken over and plowed under/massacred/enslaved by a despotic maniacal bunch that is always waiting in the wings for their chance to rule the world.
May God help me to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
“Covid 19 is still a threat” ?
Germany’s federal government and mainstream media are engaged in damage control after a report that challenges the established Corona narrative leaked from Germany’s Ministry of the Interior.
Some of the report key passages are:
The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
The people who die from Corona are essentially those who would statistically die this year, because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation).
Worldwide, within a quarter of a year, there has been no more than 250,000 deaths from Covid-19, compared to 1.5 million deaths [25,100 in Germany] during the influenza wave 2017/18.
The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
A reproach could go along these lines: During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.
So far, so bad. But it gets worse.
The report focuses on the “manifold and heavy consequences of the Corona measures” and warns that these are “grave”.
More people are dying because of state-imposed Corona-measures than they are being killed by the virus.
The reason is a scandal in the making:
A Corona-focused German healthcare system is postponing life-saving surgery and delaying or reducing treatment for non-Corona patients.
Berlin in Denial Mode. The scientists fight back.
Initially, the government tried to dismiss the report as “the work of one employee”, and its contents as “his own opinion” – while the journalists closed ranks, no questions asked, with the politicians.
But the 93-pages report titled “Analysis of the Crisis Management” has been drafted by a scientific panel appointed by the interior ministry and composed by external medical experts from several German universities.
The Report “Analysis of the Crisis Management” (KM 4 – 51000/29#2 KM4 Analyse des Krisenmanagements – Kurzfassung) can be found and downloaded (PDF in German) at: https://empamil.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/BMI-Leaked-Corona-Studie.pdf
The Saker wrote:
That is so true and so perceptive.
What a Presidential election season it will be. Given President Trump’s narcissism it does not seem inconceivable that he would refuse to accept losing to the Democratic candidate. A call to arms to his supporters would likely ensue. And they do seem very well armed. The inchoate rage of the current insurrection may well burn down to a sullen simmer but November 2020 may see it reignite into a focused conflagration.
Stephen – What complete nonsense. I can see you allow conspiracy Lefty TV do your thinking for you.
In early 2016, people on right-leaning websites were saying the exact same things about Obama….that he wouldn’t leave office. He’s an epic narcissist too, as is Hillary.
The election is setting up to be an total fraud with so many states offering mail-in ballots to everyone. Scam central.
Hey mod, I see you are excising swear words.
Might I suggest you also start cutting the terms “left’, “right”, “communist”, “socialist” and “fascist” as most of the commentors here have little idea what they mean. The words are devalued to meaninglessness by their overuse for pot-stirring and dog whistling.
I think we should let Saker decide what to permit on his Blog.I do agree though that many people overuse and misunderstand those terms.
My sense is that the result will not be that sexy. This insurrection has no moral fiber or ideological sophistication. The Right will stomp it out fairly easily with the full approval of the silent majority.
We will become a worse kind of police state and our once economic greatness will continue to deteriorate. Frog in the kettle.
I’m not a resident of the US, but have visited and worked there. So here is a perspective from the outside.
A lot of the world detests, openly or quietly, what the US has been doing particularly since WW2. A reset can’t come soon enough. Hopefully something better will result, but I’m not confident.
I am an American and I, myself, detest what my government has been doing.
If America has to fall in order to stop it – then, so be it.
From what I see all around me – and not just the riots – the fall of the American empire seems inevitable. And it just might happen far faster than anyone imagines. Just like what happened with the Soviet Union.
I just hope that the post-America world is a better place and not even worse place than what we have now.
Fantastic essay. I’m not quite as pessimistic but this hits the nail on the head in many ways. I’ve never owned a gun in my life, which is pretty long at this point, and I live in a very safe part of the country (that is not an accident), but if I did not, I would probably be giving serious consideration as to whether I should be armed or not. And, I do expect gun sales generally to get yet another boost.
We should condemn unnecessary rioting and violence from any party. I believe the society we see in USA today, including blacks, have moved further away from moral values. This degeneration was not started by African Americans. They were brought in as slaves and put to unprecedented oppression. This didn’t help the cause. Any revolution is unthinkable without a leader like Imam Khomeini or Malcolm X(in recent times). According to me, the most successful revolution in the past 100 years was the Iranian revolution, and others can learn a lot from that.
Are you suggesting Islamic Revolution to US? And what we can learn from Iranian revolution? I´m European, and definitely Europeans don´t want Islam here, and I strongly suspect that neither do Americans.
I think you have missed his point entirely. You don’t have to be Iranian or Muslim to draw lessons from the Iranian revolution. You don’t have to be black to learn from Malcolm X.
Exactly my point. What I suggested was to draw lessons from Iranian revolution, not an Islamic revolution.
Are you saying that Iranian revolution wasn´t Islamic revolution? Besides, my question was: what can we learn from Iranian revolution? I didn´t miss the point at all, and you didn´t answer my question.
No, I didn’t mean that. Iranian revolution was an Islamic revolution. What I meant was that we can learn from it. You don’t have to agree with my suggestion 😊 and can choose your own inspiration. Now regarding what lessons we can learn, it would be a long discussion. One that stands out is: courageously denounce the oppressors and unite the masses against the oppressive system. So we need a leader who can get people to identify with him and eventually adored by them.
Well Prospeller, lets see, if you can write too! I do love reading comments ooooozing of ignorance. I doubt, that you can fill half a page with your none existing knowledge of Islam. Being european, does not give you the license to speak on behalf of hundreds of millions of people, specially when Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet, and that includes Europe too. Not that I am in any way, shape or form indignant of your comment. You are a gift to us muslims. For your information the number of people converting to Islam sky rocketed after 911, thanks to the constant Islam bashing of the western media. Funny enough it was by far the women, who converted to Islam in Britain! Then again your cup seems to be full!
You are though welcome to prove me wrong!
With regards to the Islamic revolution and how it changed the world, you can read some of your western intellectuals essays and learn something!
For native europeans Islam is something from the moon, or Mars, completely alien. In my country most of the people simply hate it. Possibly not because of Islam itself, but because of the behaviour of many muslims. Right or wrong, that´s the reality. In my view Islam is a political system, not a religion. That´s why I was a bit sarcastic, when speaking about the Iranian revolution.
To say that Islamic revolution changed a world is a bit perverse.
To say native european is a contradiction in terms. I am sure, you can figure that out all by yourself. Who knows, maybe the real europeans do not consider you european to begin with. Psychologically a brit would say, he or she is from england or britain, a frenchman or a german would do the same. After all they are and have been, what defines being a european historically, culturally and politically. Somebody from the “periphery” of the political and economical Europe without any mentionable political or economical influence would try hard to attach themselves to Europe, somebody from for example Bulgaria or Slovenia ….! These kind of places, that are forgotten by the rest of the world, because they do not matter! I could be wrong though!
I am originally from Iran, which means “The land of the Aryans”. It literally means that! Even some of our centuries old mosques are decorated with swastika! Here is the fun part though; since both Italy and Iran were hit badly by the corona virus, some scientists decided to compare iranian and northern italian genes, and it turned out, that the northern italians and iranians share almost 100% of their genes! In fact all the iranians will die too, if someone decides to eliminate northern italians using biological weapons! The fun part is, that the northern italians are kind of racist too, being real europeans and all that jazz, unlike their brethren in the south!
Here is the thing though, I am a muslim and therefore cannot be a racist. That would be a contradiction in terms too! You could actually be from the moon or mars and it would not matter to me. In Islam all mankind are equal before God, and it is your deeds, that matter and not the color of your skin. Perhaps you are not aware, that Christianity is a middle eastern religion too! Not European!
With regards to the behavior of some, who call themselves muslim, while their every action is a disgraces towards everything Islam stands for, I have only one question for you: who told you, that all muslims are angles to begin with? And what has ones religion to do with committing crime? My bad; the only religion that actually considers committing crimes against ones fellow man a vertue is judaism! After all they believe, that the 7 billion of us have no soul, and that God has created us to be their slaves, whom by the way they consider to be lower than dogs in their eyes!
Still I doubt, as it is my experience after having lived in Europe for decades, that you have even talked with a muslim or have had a muslim friend in your entire life. You sound as the broken record, that you are, regurgitating what the media want you to think! There are people behind the newspaper, that you read, the radio, that you listen to, and the tv, you watch. And they have their own agendas. Maybe you should remember that. It will help you become a better human!
Maybe when you are older and have read a few books, you will learn, that it is never about the color of your skin or where you are born. Maybe this song by one of my favorite singers may help:
Do you know, what is perverse? The fact, that where ever you are from, I promise you, that your leaders are without a shadow of a doubt lapdogs of the americans! That, you can take to the bank!
“Here is the thing though, I am a muslim and therefore cannot be a racist.”
How on earth this conversation turned to racism? We are discussing about Iran and Islam, not races. As you hinted in your response, “European” is much wider concept than race. But I´m sure you know that Islam is not the original religion of Iran, quote from Wikipedia:
“Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is one of the world’s oldest continuously practiced religions. It is a multi-tendency faith centered on a dualistic cosmology of good and evil and an eschatology predicting the ultimate conquest of evil with theological elements of henotheism, monotheism/monism, and polytheism.[1][2][3][4] Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian-speaking spiritual leader Zoroaster (also known as Zarathushtra),”
I suspect that swastika comes from Zoroastrianism, not from Islam, because Zoroastrianism is much older that Islam. BTW, when will we see Zoroasterian revolution in Iran?
To sum something from this conversation: I´m a nationalist, and understand what´s good for my country and what´s not. And Islam doesn´t belong here “under the Northern star.” Still, if you want Islam in Iran, it´s your own business, you do what you see best for your country. I respect all patriots, also Iranian, like great late commender Suleimani. He was a hero who fought for his country.
But I´ve heard that some powerful factions in Iran were happy because of his death? Maybe, who knows? It´s useless to blame US for everything, since it seems to me that ME is really divided, and many different factions try to use foreign powers for their own advantage. That´s the root problem of ME.
In general, Islam is clearly globalist by its nature, trying to impose its influence outside ME. To me that explains the unholy alliance of liberals and Islam. Here in Europe you are in bed with gays, pedophiles, transsexuals, with every little thing that´s against the laws of God. That makes Islam anti-Christian, and as a Christian myself, how on earth I could support such a combined anti-Christian front?
For above mentioned reasons, I´m a strong supporter of multipolarity. Because that´s the only way we can respect each other and live in peace, with our own belief systems.
Lastly, God bless Iran, I´m aware of the great history of Iran/Persia. In the Bible there´s a story about great Persian king Cyrus, who was Gods anointed(means messiah, as you probably know). Cyrus saved tribes of Israel from diaspora, from the yoke of Babylon. So, maybe your leaders should tell this to leadership of Israel, for the sake of learning and understanding history. We should never forget our true historical roots.
It is a shame, that one can not see, what is right in front of one´s eyes. Take a look around, it is not us the muslims destroying European lands, but you killing us by the millions, plundering and destroying our countries. Don´t be the rapist calling “rape”!
I do believe, that you have the revolution within you to fight. Don´t worry about the followers of Z. They are not big enough to fill a stadium, and less to start a revolution in Iran. And why should they?
You seem unable to understand or unwilling to accept, that one can actually be a muslim from West Asia (we prefer that to the colonial ME) and live in Europe and be a nationalist too. I am a living proof of that! Why not? You are a nationalist and a European. What did you do, when the Europeans were bombing Serbia or when the Europeans were plundering Greece? Being European is as a fake a concept as the infamous pan-arabism!
Soleimani was a different kind of a patriot, fighting for his fellow man against some of the worse animals dressed in human skin, paid and bought with amongst others European money and arms. You good God fearing none globalist none colonialist none imperialist europeans kill us by the millions, and this is how we defend our Christians against you:
Don´t worry though, your Christians will skin you alive for a handful of dollars, when time be. Just look at Greece, while we the Shia give our arms, money and lives to save other people from you! Do you see, how easy it is, talking of real death and destruction, unlike your imaginary, none existing world view! Soleimani was a Shia soldier!
Instead of imagining things, you could actually read something from a Shia scholar like Ali Shariati, who was one of Sartre´s favorite students:
May I suggest his: Hajj – Pilgrimage, Islamology, An Approach to Understanding of Islam and Reflections of Humanity. Personally, I have read 30 of his books 4 times!
With regards to liberalism and Islam suffice to say, that Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Revolution fought them all his life. Once mor; liberalism is wester and your doing, not ours!
The fact of the matter is, that few nations in this current world of ours have as much a reason to be proud of their country as we the Iranians!
Thank you for your kind words. May God guide you to the real truth!
Minute by Minute,
Thank you for your insightful and wise words. It is good to know that there are people out there who can see clearly and articulate as well.
Might I suggest that what you believe in is also what Christians believe in, and what is written in the Jewish Tanach? Many, however who say they are Christian, are not one in their heart, as many who are “circumcised Jews” are only Jews in their physical bodies, and I can say that many who claim Mohammed as their prophet are not true “followers of God” or Muslims. This is where all political and national strife comes from. You say you are well read, have you read the whole of the Christian Bible? (The first portions are the same as the Jewish Bible.) I would challenge you to read it to become more aware of some of why the Jews have become as deranged as they seem to be and why Christians follow what they do (and why so many don’t).
Thank you for your kind words Sorrow. Of course you are right. To tell you the truth, I push a little but can see a great future for someone like Prospeller. That is if I am right and he is a young person. He knows more and understands more than billions of people already. I hope, that he is lucky in this life and receives the knowledge, that he needs in the appropriate time. It takes a lot of luck to ask the right question at the right moment and receive the right answer, when one is in need of one!
Personally I go, where the information takes me. I am a generalist and as such I have followed Christianity too. I have also had to study some aspects of Christianity as part of my university studies. Regardless I know enough to know, that The Bible is flawed, if for nothing else, then for its portrait of God´s Prophets as thieves, murderers and rapists. What may come as a surprise to you, is that The Quran is in many ways a response to, what we consider falsifications in current Bible and Torah. Still we muslims are bound by our faith to honor Jesus and Mother Mary and all the Prophets of God. Our Prophet Mohammad praised Mother Mary as being amongst only a handful of the most gracious women to have ever walked the earth. And my own relationship with Jesus is a personal one. I met him once and I hope, that God will show me kindness and let me see him once more before I die. I do love him! That said, we are also bound by our faith not to ally ourselves with the jews and those who are their allies. In the Christian world we are natural allies of the Orthodox Church. According to our eschatology, we will stand by the Orthodox Christians, when the time comes.
With regards
Then there is what Solzhenitsyn called the “decline of courage” in the West: the vast majority US politicians have basically lost the ability to criticize Blacks, even when it is quite obvious that many of the current problems of the Black population of the USA are created by Blacks themselves: I think of the truly vulgar, obscene and overall disgusting “rap culture” with which most Black youth are now “educated” in since early childhood…
First I am not saying this is wrong. But there is a deeper reason:
As you have mentioned you have spent 24 years in the USA. I am 69 and I can safely say I spent over 50 years paying attention to what was/is happening in USA.
Every heard of the MoTown sound: {https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/best-motown-songs/} Well that was the sound of black music when black people felt they were joining the middle class. Lots of optimism. From 1973 on the destruction of that dream for black people became very real. Rap is the music of that reality. It was brought about by the destruction of opportunity for black people to be middle class.
It also happened to the rest of the middle class. It was by design. Now I speculate an idea I have never seen written. In that era (’60s, ’70s…) acid raid was a scourge. The air pollution from what is now called the rust belt descended on New England in the form of Acid Rain. I believe the very wealthy folks of New England decided to offshore manufacturing to the Far East. Kill manufacturing (steel, autos and much more) and you kill acid rain on their very expensive estates.
With the destruction of hope for blacks. What was there to sing about?
Yet, anybody daring to suggest that US Blacks themselves are at least partially responsible for their own plight will immediately be labeled a “racist”.
The Gig economy is a way to reflect on what happened to the blacks a few decades before. A great many white people no longer participate in the middle class. There will be no inheritance to hand to their children. In fact they don’t own their own home or have retirement. This is the fate of the people of the Gig economy. When the dust settles from that there is going to be a lot of anger. In a few generations no one will remember how it happened. No history will be honestly taught. It is obvious why that type of history would be memory holed. Not unlike the Native Americans that have the Boot of the BIA on them so they don’t get out of line or make a public stink.
I came from the middle class. While I lived in it I thought to myself that I had earned every cent and the land I owned etc. I truly worked hard for all I had. Then I gave it all away. I fell from the middle class to the very frugal class. It was an eye opener for me. I could begin to understand that my former situation was a blessing/gift which I had taken care of. But once it was given away I realized I was no great shakes of a person. Looking at humanity around me. I rarely see the rich. The poor the maimed, the mentally and emotionally ill; “there but for the grace of God go i”.
That is no excuse for the self destruction of the rap culture. But there is even less and excuse for the Banking culture. And while there is a critique of the Banking culture. It fails to show the true horror that is done to humanity and all living creatures and the earth itself. The person who would honestly document that and have the possibility of that documentation taken seriously (Think Rachel Carson as an environmental equivalent) would be quickly memory holed.
Saker I deeply respect your work and the website you provide for opinions. I support it. Your work and website is a pearl of great price. I agree with your analysis of the current situation. It has been coming for my life time.
An observation about MTV. Before MTV hijacked and trivialized music. The various movements of the era, such as the anti war, environmental and equal rights movements saw real transformative action taking place. Think EPA for example. It had balls in those days. MTV was able to dumb down music into a commodity and trivialize honest protest and work for solutions into pink hair and junk music. Another words, MTV legitimized protest as long as it was trivial and mostly cosmetic. Young bands sold out to make money. In the end we all did. We went to sleep only to wake up (if we do) to our current mess.
William, Rap was created to give a bunch of ‘black jewish’ kids a sense of identity, a place to work, and a business model they never had, because most other music forums are for ‘white jewish’ kids. Crunch the numbers. Do some research.
Cheers, M
Thank you Leprechaun.
I haven’t done a deep dig. What you say makes sense. What rap does is turn black mental and emotional energy into an ingrown hair so to speak. There is no solution to their problems in that world view.
If you can post a link about the origins of rap to get me started I would much appreciate it.
“It was brought about by the destruction of opportunity for black people to be middle class.
It also happened to the rest of the middle class.”
Very important point.
If you have time, to get chapter and verse on the betrayal by the Democratic party and the poisoning of hope in African America, read Thomas Frank’s “Listen, Liberal.”
I disagree. Everything will return to normal in a few weeks, except some funded outbursts to try to embarrass Trump. This is all funded and promoted just to make Trump look bad. I don’t support him, but can see the obvious, and Trump will stomp Biden in November.
Where are the protests for another stimulus check, or better health care, or ending wars?
I hope indeed that the protests will find focus on the underlying problems of our society, but that requires leadership of which there seems none.
There are certainly those who would like the blame for these riots to be put at the feet of the Donald, but I think everyone knows he’s not the cause of this. But to say that this is all caused by those opportunists is to ignore the immense rage underlying our society, and the legitimate grievances of the lower classes.
“But to say that this is all caused by those opportunists is to ignore the immense rage underlying our society, and the legitimate grievances of the lower classes.”
Thank you. I think the above statement is very informed and balanced.
To be fair, the black community has suffered from many attacks against its core, such as when the CIA deliberately distributed huge amounts of crack cocaine into their communities while simultaneously unleashing the drug war upon them. The crack epidemic combined with the drug war had a hugely negative impact on the black community, and the evidence that the CIA/FBI was responsible for introducing crack cocaine into their communities in the first place is enormous. Furthermore, there are many other underlying socioeconomic issues regarding the black community which have led to this culture of gang violence which have never been rectified. And as long as those social and economic issues exist, this will never change. Obviously neither political party cares about helping with these problems.
Anyway, I agree that we are witnessing the societal slow-motion collapse of the USA. Although it may seem dark and negative, without this catalyst change will never come. Perhaps it is a good thing it is happening. Maybe the empire will be distracted from slaughtering millions of more innocent people for a while. Better for the USA to descend into internal chaos and strife rather than to inflict said strife on yet another helpless nation. It is sad to say, but this NEEDED to happen, both to draw political attention to the very real issue of police brutality and the surveillance state but also to draw attention to the underlying socioeconomic issues of classism and racism that this country is facing and which badly need to be addressed before it’s too late.
As for Donald, his chances of re-election are getting slimmer by the day. I personally consider this to be a good thing. Not only will he probably start a war with Iran if he is re-elected, but at this rate his atrocious leadership and saying things like “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”, evoking 1960’s era racism is only tearing the country apart even further and will lead to even worse riots and societal breakdown, possibly to the point where he might actually have to make good on his threat to deploy the military to quell social unrest. And although it’s hard to say what might happen with Biden, I’d rather have a clueless dementia patient talking about his hairy legs rather than a Zionist-controlled narcissist threatening war with both Iran and his own country’s citizens at the same time.
Over and out.
“his atrocious leadership and saying things like “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”
— I’m no Trump defender but your comment is nuts. He was right. As of Thurs morning, 12 people have been killed since this fake racism kabuki theater display. The looters are animals and have no value for life.
Too bad if everyone has become such snowflakes and cupcakes that they can’t handle direct statements.
Sorry if I offended you, but if you think that invoking 1960’s era racism in a country which is known for slavery and oppression is somehow a good thing then you are undoubtedly a part of the problem. We need unity, not a bonehead promoting more arrogance and division. As for the looters, yes they are a problem but there is no need to literally quote a 1960’s police chief talking about his racist crackdown in order to deal with looters.
But thanks for trying.
Why is it that folks think that America is/was the only country where slavery/racism exists? Does anyone remember how people of “other colors/races” were treated in England, Europe, Asia, etc. ? Remember, it was the larger, superior tribes of Africa who sold those they could round up, to the European countries, and America. The ships from Holland collected them, sold them etc.
From time immemorial, tribalism has existed, and people have treated each other (those not in their tribes) with distain, and it still persists.
Even within Islam, there are factions that fight each other.
Has there been a black prime minister in England yet, or in France, or in Canada, or Australia? How about Germany? Have the Arabs allowed a black man from Africa to be their “leader”?
The U.S. did elect a half black, half white man as president, and this particular person took it upon himself to sow more discord and hate in the country than any other ever did.
Why is then, that it’s only the U.S. that is seen as racist? Plus, you must be aware that by now, the very term “racist” has been hijacked at this point, that it is almost null and void. When a term is misused as often as this one is, it ceases to have the same impact; do you realize this? Plus, people now say that ONLY Caucasians can be racists; no one else. How can this be true?
Racism [ˈrāˌsizəm]
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
You can’t tell me that black people can’t be racist, when they spew hatred (for ANY reason) against whites, Hispanics, Jews, Orientals, etc.. Other “races” likewise spew insults (racism) against others over and over and over. Yet, only whites can be racists?
We also MUST remember that the party who claims to be on the black man’s side is the democrat party; this party evolved from the Dixiecrats in the deep south who fought in the war to keep slavery an institute. The northern, party of Lincoln, the Yankees, were Republicans, and over 300,000 young northerners died supporting the cause. Thousands of Dixiecrats died, fighting for their cause, as well- to keep blacks on their plantations. After the war, and upon emancipation, most blacks rallied to Lincoln’s party, becoming Republicans when they finally gained their right to vote. It wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that they fled to The Great Society, created by a Democrat, Roosevelt. From the south’s plantations to the north’s cities; another plantation.
Give it some thought?!
This is just a side note, but relevant in light of the current crisis. The slavery issue was a non-issue pre civil war until a few powerful people high up in the US government, including people on both sides of the civil war, sold out to foreign interests, to incite a civil war. Abolition was popular at the time, all over the country and there was some pushback, especially in the South. The instigators used this, pouring gasoline on, to ignite the fires of war. The goal was to divide and conquer the U.S. and return her to British rule. Thanks to Lincoln, who, incidentally was pro-slavery (nobody mentions this!), the Union was preserved and strengthened for a time. Those who would usurp the U.S. would have to come up with more devious and sneaky ways, which they did, by weakening the U.S. in multiple areas. Now we have a union which is crumbling because the foundational pillars have been removed, all at the same time, and we will crumble much like the three towers of the World Trade Center.
I always assumed it was because in each of those countries there was no black man in government willing to take the position as leader. It’s almost as bad as calling the USA “sexist” on the grounds that no woman has become president of the United States.
Frankly, Dana, saying “When the looting starts the shooting starts” was the dumbest thing any one could say. I have been pro-Trump, but, hell, the man just shoots his mouth off without thinking. He is his own worst enemy.
You know what any smart politician would have said and done? He would have flown over to Minn. He would have condoled the people of the town and promised prosecution of the criminal police officers to the fullest extent of the law. Then he would have promised the people that he is posting the National guard to protect them from any further incident. Then he would have ordered intelligence to get to the bottom of who, if any one, is trying to instigate violence. Thus he would have had the people on his side thanking him for timely and strong action.
A god smart politician does the right thing and makes everyone think he is doing the right thing. An idiot does random and unpredictable things, manages to annoy many with idiotic utterances, then ends up doing very little. That is Trump for you.
> I’d rather have a clueless dementia patient talking about his hairy legs rather than a Zionist-controlled narcissist threatening war with both Iran and his own country’s citizens at the same time<
Whatever one thinks of trump it is likely that with h Clinton instead we would by now be looking at global nuclear conflict.
In my view trump has prevented some of the various lobbies who want conflict from achieving their aims, not because he is moral or ethical but simply out of a strong instinct for self preservation.
Israel wants the us to attack and destroy Iran for instance, and trump has resisted (so far) the pressure from aipac etc and the many Zionists in the us government.
Best of a bad bunch.
A multipolar world will be good for humanity.
Very good point about CIA/FBI crack cocaine and stealing money from the poor to pay for off book black ops. Now some may say that Blacks had a choice and could have refused the crack. Well consider the Mother of all drug pushers Great Britain and the opium wars against China. Britain and the USA worked together to make pushing opium a success. The Chinese have a culture and ethic that given a chance should have prevented the success of Great Britain’s drug pushing. But still the Chinese became addicted. The black community did too.
On who maybe President. No matter who it is, both are Anglo-Zionist controlled. The US is a train riding two rails, the Democrat and Republican. Two rails on the railroad to H–L
The future is hard to see. John Michael Greer has been talking about this very situation and beyond for a very long time. It might be worth peoples time to check into what he sees about now and the future
Great essay. For a long time academia has been pushing identity politics, and the idea that White people are evil. So for a lot of the young people, these racist attitudes are what they were taught in school. The Saker is right about US politicians afraid to tell the truth, The systematic lying by MSM and politicians has not helped either. The ruling elites have permitted this to avoid an uprising against the 1 %, but prolonged anarchy will bring them down too.
Incisive and courageous insights, especially in these times of political correctness, and virtue- signalling.
I was personally quite surprised at the level of mobilisation in the form of protests and riots in European capitals and around the world. As if a global force exists, pulling the strings.
The US can no longer prevent Venezuela and Iran from trading, or even get Russia invited back to the G7. It seems like the US will no longer be the face of the empire.
I dont know about Sakers fulsome critique of Black americans. I think there is some merit in it as there ought to have been Black leadership by hook and crook, who saw through the propaganda and devised the ways and means to keep Black people straight for the most part and all the time. but the younger generations of American Blacks have not so much degenerated but have been directed away from the truth of this age and so have become superfluous
but I have no credentials comparable to the Saker and others who claim to have lived in the USA for long periods. so I must limit my comments on that save to point out a definite hypocrisy on the part of west indians in critiquing Black americans..and the saker giving some legit to that critique.
Jamaicans are west Indians..and while some Black west Indians do well in the America how much is that relative to the quantity of west Indians there?
I live in north america but not in the States. there are a lot of west indians here and they do not do all that well and by behavior are not better than Black Americans. and it is the same in the west indies where I was born and grew. the west indies are outpost of empire, full of Black people and what have we done there? nothing of course that prevented us from needing to migrate to get a chance.
the factis that west indians have no basis at all to critique Black americans..NONE! in America, Canada, England the white people recognize west Indians as a milder form of Blacks more indoctrinated into the usages of whiteness than Black Americans. add the need to create divisions between Black groups, when the employing white man..or any white man with opportunities to select for..hears the west indian tones of voices he goes to them first when he wants Blacks for anything
so West Indians get breaks for political reasons. and when they realize the white mans preference and why they never mind exploit fully..for themslves alone..it is a very individual response with hardly a collective component resultingly. the west indian with a break and doing reasonably well does not side with his own in any way but find ways to justify their individualism by putting down Black americans whom he is being used against..which includes obviously ‘ratting’ on their own people..for one, to such as the Saker in preparation of his column above
its a whole long story but an integrated one..in which the empire uses all the people at home and abroad to maintain itself. and in that usage I see how the americans Blacks have been used ever so long..how Rap became a means of hijack and misdirection.
I mean when the the west indies were given independence in the 1960’s as recalled by CLR James in his book Party Politics in the west Indies..reporting on a conversation between the British Colonial Secretary and Dr Eric Williams first Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago: Williams was asked what he wanted..up to and including the ameican Military base at Chaguaramas?
and after all of it the Colonial Secretary noted ‘well you know what we want!’ of course: the Treasury of Trinidad and Tobago, including control/ownership of the currency of the new nation. that is how the west indies began and still is at this very moment with nary a fight for real independence in the mean time..only by little Grenada led by Maurice Bishop..a population of 110 thousand people
yet again and ultimately, we Black people are responsible for ourslves, and must see the game and devise means to survive by dealing with the game effectivley at all turns in time. so effectively that we do not descend and degrade as has taken place in the Rap age. someone decided to reward Rap handsomely, gained control and directed Rap into a degenerate form that weakened Black culture generally, stopped dead the flow of the great, artistic music generated by Black americans for more than a century in the USA.
Jazz is done and there are no more Sly Stones and Marvin Gayes flowing out of the american artistic woodwork. no more great writers too, leaders, orators, thinkers, father figures..little indeed of a socially stabilizing nature. we have a mass of corrupt Black politicians now, in league with and just like their counterparts who are white, brown.. ethnic.
and we do have quite a bit of very rich Black people in the USA now..billionaires even..even Kanye West with his beautiful caucasian wife and mixed family is a billionaire. Kanye West has earned all of 3 billion dollars. these of course are with the rich and play the games of the rich which has nothing to do with race save to exploit all people regardless of race
yes Black people are to be blamed but we cannot lift the Black american situation out of context and treat it individually and on its own. we must see how it arose, the overall conditions that gave rise to it.. to be able to properly prescribe for it
The comments to this article are varied and accurate in many ways ; But I am astounded that not one commentator on this article ; to this point has even broached the subject of how the “Main Stream Media” including Broadcast, Television and Newspapers, Magazines and any other conventional means of News and Events reportage are in sync. with each other. The reportage and the hand wringing serves to exacerbate all of the negatives. Who controls and essentially owns the mainstream media?. The answer is Talmudic Jews. They are the ones who have a primary loyalty to their Tribe which supersedes any Nationality , or country they live in. The creation of the former Soviet Union { now a Christian country} is a graphic example of the Talmudic’s handiwork. The USA is next on their agenda.
the ameican situation appears to be revolutionary..whether ordianry people are conscious of it or not. the american rich are conscious but ordinary americans do not appear to be by any order of magnitude
the ingredients appear to be technological advance that is forcing a systematic change in that nation. capitalism cannot remain as the mode of social organization. how can it when the people by capitalist econmics can no longer be sufficiently employed to keep american capitalism going?
and if no capitalism what then?
the options are 2: Brave New World or popular democracy. the capitalist are pre empting the popular democracy option..first by Covid-19 which has destabilized american society..and now by turning what is a natural protest by the people for all the reasons the saker listed and descfibed precipitated by the open murder of an american citizen by american polic
that is what I mean by revolutionary..ameica will not b the same..capitalism is over one way or the other. at the end of this we will have an evolved society, for better or worse
What if we are all wrong about the reasons/incentives for the problems, COVID and riots? What if a group of the most powerful decided they had to correct an different earthly problem as serious as global warming?
Most media don’t mention overpopulation. If you think TPTB are concerned about this, then you see a possible different meaning/motive to many things that are happening. Are we being set up to reduce the population ourselves? How do these things affect who lives and who dies to get to their desired world population.
Can the population be lowered with only the desired group left to carry on?
Who, if any one, is manipulating us to get there?
If they are working on a solution to overpopulation, and nuclear weapons used might they eliminate the wrong resources and/or people?
Would having control of a vaccine given to the world population be way to control who lives and who dies?
Could a world threatening virus be a way to force everyone to be vaccinated?
Wouldn’t this be a much better way to control who lives and who dies than wars?
The questions never quit once you see overpopulation as a problem that has to be solved for humans to have a long future.
I bet to differ from experience on the ground. I have had luck to tour through South America for the past years. I have seen a lot of vacant land and vaste stretch of territory sparsely populated. There are of course big cities like Lima or Buenos Aires but they are far and in between. I met bikers who cycled through Central Asia and it points to similar account. I believe the earth has enough to provide for us if we do it right. The distribution of population is very nonuniform and most talked about problems really only concentrate in big urban areas.
Good column, Saker. Similarly to “it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse,” the start of the American collapse started shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union. One business book-writer (can’t remember his name) stated it well: His metaphor was of upper-class business types – including the hidden ‘masters’ – as a wagon and ordinary society as a cart pulled-along by the wagon. As long as the USSR existed, the cart had to be pulled along. Otherwise, socialism/communism would become too much of a draw to the masses. So, substantial resources were ‘dedicated’ to sustaining a middle class, social safety nets, etc. Not because the upper types wanted to, but because they had read history.
When the USSR fell and socialism/communism became mostly ineffectual, there was no longer the need to prop-up society. This was when the ‘outsourcing’ phenomenon began and social systems came under continual pressure. Plus, tax cuts of every nature were pushed/slid through to benefit the rich and corporations. In the metaphor, the upper-class business types – including the hidden ‘masters’ – looked-around, wondered why they were still supporting society, and pulled the pin connecting the cart to the wagon. The cart still had inertia, so it only gradually slowed down. But slow-down it did…
Now, we are twenty years or so since the pin was pulled. The long-term effects are now obvious to all. The current rioting is one expression of the cart slowly rolling to a stop. It is thus an effect, not a cause. So is the simmering rage in the shrinking middle class. “The systemic collapse of the US society” began long ago, as soon as the decision to pull the pin was made.
It is too bad that the upper-class types – including the hidden ‘masters’ – want a master/slave, noble/serf, or Harkonnen-style planet (“Dune” reference). It could have been fairly pleasant for all. Now, America is heading into unknown waters…
But having extensively traveled the world, I want to assure you that the US most definitely does not have the worst cops out there. In fact, I believe that most US cops are decent people. Much more importantly, these cops are the “thin blue line” which protects society against criminals.
Right now all we see can only be called a mob-rule…
This is the bit where I strongly disagree with you, Saker. Not the worst but you look at all the videos posted – definitely worse than most places in Europe and other Anglosphere when it comes to unnecessary violence against completely peaceful or merely angry protesters. I’ve yet to see a single video of the police reacting to the actual looters. When I look at the videos it seems to be inching towards the way the Israeli soldiers treat the Palestinians, the main exception being fewer bullets used. And I’ve yet to seen any large protest which is a “mob rule” – most of them (not all) started peacefully until the cops came in heavy handed, trying to simply intimidate the crowd with violence or threats. Just compare the recently white, heavily-armer Covid protesters and what happened to them (nothing) and contrast to what whould have happened if the same were black.
There’s also systemic racism and classism in metro police departments. If the latest shooting wasn’t captured on video everyone would have walked free and even with the video it took a tremendous amount of pressure to bring charges to the cops. And watch Bill de Blasio being completely beholden to his cops – no condemnation of the cops running over people in cars etc.
And there’s also the question of the Black society, which you claim correctly, is very problematic with their trash ideals. However, after decades (or rather centuries) of systemic discrmination, and the Deep State killing the legitimate protest movements and their leaders (MLK, Malcolm X…) it’s no wonder that the current Black society is in shambles, both economically and spiritually.
And regarding the last thing – the “thin blue line” which protects society against criminals”. Sorry Saker, you’re way off here. Where are these good cops when the white collar criminals get away with massive white collar crime? Where are these good cops when the sociopathic or untrained cops dish out unnecessary violence? Where are these white cops when private prison complex collude with the authorities to legalize slave labor?
Anyhow, I agree with your assessment that the US society is breaking down – the picture is very bleak. Too much damage has been inflicted, be it deliberately or accidentally. I can only suggest everyone ‘normal’ to emigrate to a more ‘normal’ (i.e. less screwed up) country. The overseas Empire chickens of violence are coming to roost at sweet home of the US of A.
I think a real possibility is martial law with the military taking control. This is the fate of republics that get addicted to militarism.
Great analysis, thank you!
Gramsci quote: The old world is dying. The new one takes time to appear. And in that chiaroscuro the monsters arise.
Very well put. Perhaps one addition to this very complicated situation is that the only potent political force in America is now Donald Trump – he is literally worshipped by his base…this will probably strengthen. ALL opposition to Trump is weak, nefarious, no policies except anti/never Trump and of course the deranged anti-Russia stuff etc. A pragmatic and charismatic political force needs to emerge that is free of corporate corruption. Maybe this will emerge eventually .
LARRY ROMANOFF — COVID-19: FEMA and Mossad Stealing from Peter to pay Paul — June 04, 2020
Dear Saker,
What do you think of the impact of social media on this?
I was shocked to see marches /demonstrations in The Uk / Netherlands / France /Sweden /Germany /New Zealand /Canada
As for what is going on in the USA looking at it from here in the UK. Your analysis is the clearest that I have read so far – thank you.
Too much emotion – not enough clear thinking is on display in the USA.
The Alternative media have been a let down – going along with this clown show.
Kneeling Biden sure looks like a vulture from the famous picture, just waiting for that malnourished black kid to die… I see this disgusting picture as just another level of sophisticated hypocrisy in US politics towards non-white fellow country memebers…
Wow what a way to characterize that picture of Biden!
Andrei My Orthodox Brother,
With the exception of Ukraine I can say with certainty that living in the San Francisco Bay Area (where I was born and raised) makes me wish I lived somewhere in the former Soviet Union. If you say this isn’t the Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 I say I hope your right. I pray to God you are right. The BLM and Antifa were both heavily involved in this anarchy and they are from what I’ve heard Marxist Revolutionary groups. I hope you are right. This is very bad. I’ve never seen anything like this in my country and I’m almost 40. God save America. Not the damn empire but the Nation and the Constitutional Republic. I know we need reform. We are run by thieves, but we don’t need this chaos and mayhem. If this continues the country is finished.
There are a thir hypothesis, don’t listed by the Saker:
Could the present events in USA be a “colored revolution”, Ukranian style?
In others words: a maneuver of deep state to provoke a regime change?
„There is plenty of anti-White racism in the USA“
I do not agree with this. More precisely, I do not agree with the underlying understanding of racism.
In my eyes, racism is something like: It is just unthinkable that the other one has the same value. In order to understand this, just ask the question: how many spiders (or flies or …) are equivalent to a human? I think that nobody would give a number. If there is a number (one Israeli is equivalent to 1000 Palestinians, for example), then there is already a little „progress“.
So clearly, if we speak of racism, we cannot abstract from power. In my eyes, racism is only possible from the side which has the power. Certainly, anti-White feelings and anti-White acts are strong in the USA, but this is not racism. Of course, this does not mean that anti-White feelings and anti-White acts should not be criticized. But for other reasons, not by calling them racist.
“So clearly, if we speak of racism, we cannot abstract from power. In my eyes, racism is only possible from the side which has the power..”
Do you have a word which means discrimination by race, but independent of the power of the discriminator? Is there such a word in common use?
One of George Orwell’s more interesting inventions was NewSpeak, which tried to remove the possibility of certain concepts by just not having words for them. I wouldn’t want to accuse you of plagiarism though.
…and then this, luciferian, demonic display, showing the total moral decay right in front of our eyes. The USA, the former is gone. They can say …”God Bless America”… all they want, but this shows the total testament to evil. Would some one please turn out the lights on the way out.
My thoughts exactly, Saker. The riot was the tipping point in what has been a steady attack on not only the 99% of US population but also every other nation onto which the globalists project absolute power. From the time of 911 (some would convincingly argue the assassination of JFK) we have been under attack in every direction from terrorism, global warming, unrelenting psyops through fake shootings designed to introduce gun laws, LGBT rights and marriage equality, the division of men and women under the guise of gender equality and the division of society through attacks on race, religion, politics and an unprecedented lockdown.
You can be certain of one thing when the rioting and protests subside, the black man will be blamed for some of the looting and crimes committed by the many white agitators who would magically appear during a peaceful rally to ensure widespread destruction and further hardship is spread throughout society. Then there will be more rights taken away and yet more severe repurcussions to follow.
Would people please explain how so many pallets of bricks would suddenly show up at every major rally? The media conveniently neglects to bring up or explain how not only the bricks and Molotov cocktails get used, but also fail to show how some black people are preventing agitators from causing more damage to buildingd, stopping those from looting and actively protecting the welfare of police who have lost contact with colleagues on the street. You only need to spend some time on Twitter to see how gracious the black community has been. Yet the MSM have shown none of these exemplary deeds.
The tipping point is now. There has never been a better time to launch a counterstrike against the establishment. Instead of targeting police, protesters should rally outside of every news desk in America and bring down the media – we saw them give CNN a taste of their displeasure when they vented in Atlanta. This should continue until we see a basic level trust as well as freedoms restored in society .
It is a globalist plan all the way. And of course the black peoples play into it. It is easy for them to hate white people. And I see that hate and racism expressed by many black peoples as their main struggle ie. anything white is the enemy. But it is not restricted to America. It is the case in Europe. Muslim immigrants hate whites, and it becomes the main mantra. It is a globalist policy. It was introduced by John F. Kennedy’s clan by an exact policy of affirmative action, meaning a underrepresented person must be represented before any other person and by this policy discrimination was introduced on a large social dictatoriol scale of government. That is the background of racism and any other discrimination in society and the “overprivileged” (white) must disappear accordingly. John F. Kennedy was of the Fabian Society “London School of Economics” extreme socialism, and a globalist liberal. According to the liberal theory today, white people is an invention, meaning it is a social supremacist identification. “The invention of a White People” is also a title of a book. This is the poisonous situation today, as the globalists redefine race as global socialism run by the corporations of course.
The race is likely to be further redefined as zionist and the supremascist jewish, the way these politics are pointed right now. Race is based on these main religious beliefs they have adopted.
There exist a white race that became isolated in the Caucasus after a cataclysmic flood. Long enough to create specific features adopted to living in snow and ice. It happened after the last ice age over both Europe and the sparsely populated Americas, related to Europe everything north of the mountain ranges of the Middle East, Asia, and the Mediterranean was flooded catastrophically.
During the end of the iceages peoples had moved north after a refuge in Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean Area, the white european race were called the Cro Magnon after archeological finds.
Everyone were wiped out in a great flood ca. 5500 bc – 6100 bc. (dating events are uncertain, some dating only suggest at the end of the iceage such as the flood marks in the Storegga slide, the English channel were carved, flood marks in the Altai Mountains and in North America).
A new race that survived in the Mountains of Caucasus developed as living in snow and ice for probably a millenia developed blue eyes and white skin perfectly adapted to the Norther European climates into which they migrated eventually. The dating of blue eyes also suggest the end of the last iceage.
Caucasus is also the bottleneck of migration seen on a larger historical scale. As studies in migration suggests, peoples have migrated to Africa during the extreme ice ages for survival , European “Cro Magnon” peoples in essence , peoples that returned to the north. So there is definately a white race both in historical “european” and in the Caucasian bottleneck of the “first” caucasion to Northern Europe and beyond after they forgot the flood event that had kept them living in the mountains that were also becoming overpopulated so they had to expand in order to catch enough food .
The globalists find the truth troubling also in this field. Everything is based on their socialist ideologies and the racewar against white peoples have reached a stage where the white race is the new nazi enemy using all methods including rewriting history, such as in wikipedia the caucasian race is now asian and african as well.
That is out of the historic context and knowledge of races. It is similar to the globalist socialism government ideas run by their corporations that they are now implementing, such as the disappearance of gender.
I see the racist ideology of nazism in BLM and in Antifa as active organisations, and in many black leaders that are frequently promoted by the corporate media.
The theory of a major flood around 6.500-5.500 BC – to which you allude – is probably the theory of the flood in the Black Sea. This theory has not been verified. There was a rise of the water level and it probably did force people to move, but this migration cannot be seen in archeological and genetic evidence in Europe.
A better theory is the Ukrainian refuge theory, which places the expansion to Europe (return migration of Eastern Europe from the refuge after the last ice age maximum) to around 9,000-6.000 BC. Sinking of the land masses between England and Norway did happen and there were people, but it did not cause a major migration. The white race existed long before these events in the sense that there were hunter gatherers in Europe. The Western Hunter Gatherers (WHG) were not white by skin color, but they had blue eyes and some of European genes go back to them. European white people as they are today are not older than 3.000 BC because Yamna people make about half of their genes. In other words European whites share a lot of their genes with descendants of a people who lived north of the Black Sea in current Russia and Ukraine.
From the moderator.
Getting off topic here – please take this discussion to the MFC.
Nationalism of the oppressed and the nationalism of the oppressor is not the same. in the context of USA, how many white people suffer under the black nationalism dominated state institutions? you cannot compare oppressed peoples nationalism with oppressors intitutionlised nationalism.
oppressed peoples national conciousnes is originated and formed by the their collective sufferings caused by the dominant nations institutionalised oppression.
If black people in USA enjoy some kind of freedom and equality now, that is not because of white peoples sympathy. They came to this point from slavery by their struggle.
please dont blame the victims for their sufferings.
One can predict the outcome of a continuation of the current establishment, the raising of taxes which is directly dependent to the raising of the cost of living, is primarily what got the country to where it is today.
The politicians answer to coming out of this crisis is to raise taxes once the event has stabilized, this will only lead to a greater disruption event in the future as fewer young people see their future in a favorable manner.
They will react in a similar manner only on larger scale which will further degrade the weakening of the country until a reasonable resolution can be achieved.
Interesting example: Yesterday 12 of 13 members of the Minneapolis City Council supported abolishing the police force, mostly replaced by social workers and medical workers. Enlightening to see what will happen.
(What can you expect from Minneapolis: I’m originally from St. Paul.)
There is mounting evidence to suggest George Floyds’s death was staged. Three bloggers have forensically dissected video footage and analysed the reportage. Perhaps this is deep state agip prop to put Mr Trump in a sticky position?
https://youtu.be/6aHPQmzCWgo – 18 mins well worth a watch.
http://chrisspivey.org/think-floyd/ – This British blogger is particularly experienced and adept at analysing video and photography.
http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2020/05/minneapolis-riots-george-floyd-staged.html – powerful, insightful analysis
A couple of red flags for me are:
1. Why do the medics who arrive in an ambulance wearing army garb and bullet proof vests?
2. Why are there two different dates on the video footage – 15 & 16 May?
There are many peculiar things about this event and the people involved. Why does a Derek Chauvin have an IMDB profile for acting?
Why is Michael Baden, the forensic pathologist, who is now pushing 90 (!) who investigated the Kennedy assassination and the Epstein suicide involved?
At the end of the day, does it matter? it’s like the assassination of the Archduke that triggered WWI. The event itself was just the spark. The conditions that caused events to spiral out of control were in place long before.
few more staged killings in history-(for people who believe George Floyd murder was staged)
Killing Rodney king in 3rd of March 1991
Murder of Natasha Mckenna in police custody
Eric Garner murder
Ahmaud Arbery
brutal police attack on o”Failed staged scene” -if you wish
Martese Johnson.
Police shoot unarmed man with hands up
Manuel Ellis
philando castile
Freddy Grey
Sandra Bland ” staged Suizide”
some people finds strange ways to find the truth- some others try to escape from the truth using same ways
After the PATRIOT Act nullified the Constitution, the rule of law was no longer possible. It destroyed the legitimacy of the non-representative government.
What I see is big money ‘ smoke and mirrors ‘. Neo-Babylon is fallen, fallen. Chaos is the Devil’s favorite tool, when confronted by justice. Pseudo-Israel must aslo fall ,then He will come. But ,then again ,says who?
redhorse4380 says:
June 5, 2020 at 10:13 am GMT • 200 Words
I agree with most of what Saker has put forth– however!
The glorification the ghetto culture, the refusal of offers of education,leading to gainful employment, are real problems for all living in the United States. The cultural thinking that we should have a promise at birth, that life is fair and I WANT WHAT I WANT,AND I WANT IT NOW!, forgets the old saying—If you don’t work, you don’t eat. If society would quit babysitting and supporting every single knucklehead that is able to get on the internet or television, and whine about how bad they have it,we’d all be better off!
Wake up people— There is no money left to buy or satisfy all your dreams of equality, it’s all been stolen! Perhaps the golden age you dream of could have been reached if the past governments would have focused on education for all, Mandatory education for all. They did not, and gave you mammon to continue your childish ways.
Thorogood -had it right–“Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job!
Eagles– I might feel better if they gave me some cash
I suggest another narrative to this analysis, by Chris Hedges. It also address the collapse of the U.S., but its focus is on our gangster ruling class.
Thanks Weniger, that is an excellent article from Hedges. And it is correct, the way he describes the ‘why’ of the violence makes it very clear.
Hedges zeros in with the data and better background on the issue of for-profit prisons that I raise in an earlier comment. Hedges also reinforces my point re the relative recentness of the legislation that has destroyed American lives of all colors but with special targeting also of many of our poorest (Clinton’s welfare “reform”) **and their children*, America’s children.
” Their [minority] lives are of no consequence, unless they are locked in a cage where their bodies can generate as much as $60,000 a year for the multitude of corporations, including the for-profit medical services, food services, money transfer services, commissary services, phone services, private prisons and prison contractors, not to mention the large corporations and state governments that exploit the cheap and bonded labor of 1 million of our 2.3 million prisoners.
The prison system is a multi-billion dollar a year industry with lobbyists in state capitals and Washington making sure these bodies remain in cages or are put back into cages soon after they are released. The neo-slavery in our prisons is the corporate model envisioned for all of America.
The two ruling parties are equally complicit in this assault. The Democratic Party, in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, is trying to sell us a presidential nominee, Joe Biden, who was one of the principal architects of de-industrialization and responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of good, union jobs. Biden and Bill Clinton also destroyed our welfare program, where 70 percent of the recipients were children, and orchestrated the doubling of our prison population and the tripling and quadrupling of sentences.
The longer the ruling elites refuse to address the root causes behind these protests, the more they loot the treasury to enrich themselves and their fellow oligarchs, the more they engage in futile and absurd efforts to deflect blame, the more unrest will spread.
Biden, as Naomi Murakawa points out in “The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America,” was a driving force behind the notoriously harsh penalties in the Anti-Drug Abuse Acts of 1986 and 1988, and the three-strikes legislation in the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which also provided funding for 100,000 new police officers and the aggressive prosecution of 60 new capital crimes. He sponsored legislation to dramatically curtail the ability of those in prison to appeal and led the passage of the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 and The Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. He oversaw the militarization of the police and the massive expansion of death-eligible crimes, which he has repeatedly bragged about. . . . ”
The New Slavery.
When prisoners are exploited for investor profits, “slavery” is not a metaphor (as in, say, the phrase “wage slavery”). It is a descriptive word.
Many slaves had a far better quality of life than men currently in American prisons.
For evidence of the truth of this, read Frederick law Olmstead, “The Cotton Kingdom.”
And how many prisoners are also raped.
“Prison rape in the United States. Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. In 2001, Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 4.3 million inmates had been raped while incarcerated in the United States.”–Wikipedia
Does anyone care?
What about the #MeToo crowd?
” Biden and Bill Clinton also destroyed our welfare program, where 70 percent of the recipients were children, and orchestrated the doubling of our prison population and the tripling and quadrupling of sentences.”
No wonder the DNC was apoplectic about a Bernie candidacy and were determined to get him out of the picture and Biden into it. I’ll put money on the sudden appearance of Michelle Obama as VP candidate. African American voters will swallow the skin-color Kool-Aid. If you were a black American wouldn’t you? It will be a third Obama presidency. And watch the liberals jubilate and swoon.
Thank you Weniger and Katherine. I, too, agree with Chris Hedges point of view. I think he explains the current situation with erudition and he brings to the discussion a deep understanding of the forces of institutional racism. One doesn’t have to be black, although it helps, to understand, but one does have to be open to hearing and learning about things which may be uncomfortable. And, imho, it helps to simply ask questions, if there is no personal experience upon which to draw.
I’ve read the Saker for many years but have rarely commented. I’ve learned a great deal from him and from many commenters about geopolitics, especially as it pertains to Russia and the Middle East. However, I was very surprised by this article.
I’m a black female physician and grew up in the segregated South. Both my parents were activists, and still are, although they’re now quite elderly. I’m an activist, too. In my experience, it’s unusual for the Saker to write about a subject that he apparently knows so little about. For just one example, he states, “Right now, I would argue that the US government has almost completely lost its ability to deliver any of those factors, or act to repair the broken social contract.” This comment shows a lack of awareness, since many people of color in this country, especially blacks, feel that the government has never had a social contract with them. So there was nothing to break, because it has never existed in the form that the Saker defines.
I’ve noticed that younger generations–millennials and Gen Z– get it. They seem to understand the need for unity–refusing to play the game of division, used for ages, by a tiny group of criminal oligarchs. They’re aware of the tools used for division and control such as race, gender, religion, ethnicity etc. — and many seem to be refusing to fall into the trap.
We are all one race–human — and that’s powerful. It is a quality shared by 7 billion of us. Imho, it’s only by focusing on our common humanity that we can make the systemic changes that are needed to improve all of our lives –changes such as universal health care, universal basic income, public banks, etc.
The protests against the brutal murder of George Floyd and police brutality have resonated with people of all races and nationalities worldwide. This coming together is an opportunity to open our hearts and minds–to try to understand each others perspective and pain and even if we don’t completely understand, just the act of expressing empathy frees us and others, so that we can be vulnerable enough to have an open conversation about the real issues that affect us all. My Gen Z son attended the protest in Washington DC yesterday and he said in a tweet, “The turnout in DC today was incredible. Love wins in the end.” I agree. I believe it will.
The greatest danger to the US working class is (1) finance capitalism and (2) white supremacy, the latter being entwined into the very fabric of US society. People all over the world are astounded and horrified at the brutal killing of George Floyd, in the “land of the free and home of the brave,” by the police who seemed to enjoy a kind of perverse sadistic pleasure in committing this heinous crime, with not one word of condolence from the Ignoramus-in-Chief who, in true fascist fashion, threatened to unleash the military on the population. In order to understand the present juncture, it is necessary to read or reread the famous “Diary of an American Slave” by Frederick Douglass which lays out in great detail the practice of white supremacy that persists to the present day. And this white supremacy is both cause and effect of the wholesale kidnapping, chaining and transportation of millions of African people to the “New World,” splitting apart entire families and selling human beings like cattle. And it is here where one can also discover the roots of the obscenity and vulgarity that is observed in the discourse of some African-American rap music. For a people, who have been totally uprooted from their ancient land, culture and civilization, have to create a culture anew, however degraded. Southern US slavery was a unique phenomenon in world history with pernicious socioeconomic, psychological and cultural effects, especially since this type of slavery was subsumed in the capitalist mode of production. Ultimately, the conflict between these two modes, one backward and reactionary, the other modern and advanced, led to the US Civil War.
Aside from the fact that Facts elude you, to accuse Trump of never saying one word of condolence to the Floyd family is preposterous.
You can listen and watch and then understand.
And your charge that there is White Supremacy in the US is total fabrication.
Whites are at every disadvantage for the last forty years in America. The destruction of the middle class has been the destruction of mostly whites.
Whites are blamed for all the calamities of non-whites. Time for some of the non-whites to take responsibility for the outcomes of their lives. They avoid education, training and interning. They accept the dole instead of wages. And they cultivate a low life culture of whoring, pimping, drugs, crime and violence. They drag down the majority of their own race and blame whites.
Your statements are race-baiting drivel.
You paint all cops as murderers and sadists
Were the cops who were ambushed and shot in Dallas (5 of them) murderers and sadists? The threw their bodies over women and children to shield them from the sniper who murdered them. White cops defended the black citizens. Very privileged and supremacist, eh?
You basically vandalized this blog with garbage.
Slavery was not unique in world history. You know little to nothing about both subjects, world history or slavery.
When you indict an entire Race trying to make a case that 250 million or more Americans are what you say they are. Which of course, you can not. But you indeed have slimed them all.
And the civil war was fought over states’ rights, the Union Federation, not slavery.
The Slave Trade was European and African (tribal war) not just American business.
Slavery had been common circumstance globally for two or more millennia on every continent.
Get an education.
Larchmonter445 recommands us to educate our self. so I did some readings about the issues of white supermacy. here is the link to an article-
here is some quotes from the article written by Brando Simeo starkey
Many white people rebut the notion that white privilege augments their lives. That’s because they consume the world in a specific manner, through what sociologist Joe Feagin calls the “white racial frame.” Think of a frame as the process by which people take in new information, sift through the data, sort the important from the unimportant and decide how to feel about it all.
Feagin argues that American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible…”
“..The white folk who most view the world through the white racial frame will interpret events to defend racial injustice and a whites-on-top racial hierarchy. The wealth of evidence demonstrating police officers often brutalize black people, for instance, establishes that black people deserve the blame. The white racial frame deludes white folk into believing the system is operating as it should when it advantages them and disadvantages people of color.
Believing the system, when the system favors them, warrants vociferous defense, has become a cultural-family heirloom, much like grandma’s pearl necklace or grandpa’s gold pocket watch. Thus, when many white people hear requests to scour their lives for signs of white privilege, they are being asked to execute a mental routine they have been trained to perform poorly. White privilege is unconsciously considered both normative and normal — meaning, the system should privilege them and the daily privileges they receive never register as special…”
“..Charles Mills, in his book The Racial Contract, argues that this ignorance produces “the ironic outcome that whites will in general be unable to understand the world they themselves have made.” This country was built on privileging whites over nonwhites. But this truth has been lost because many white people have programmed their antennas to disregard that signal.
White folk who do detect white privilege have learned to neither reflexively disregard evidence of their privilege nor twist it into proof against its existence. Only a minority of the population, sadly, has reprogrammed itself in this way…”
“..J.D. Vance, the author of Hillbilly Elegy, a memoir of an economically struggling and largely white small town in Ohio, articulated a version of this thesis in a podcast with Vox’s Ezra Klein.
Vance invoked the hypothetical son of an unemployed West Virginia coal miner who resides in an all-white economic wasteland. This son, confined to a pocket of poverty, tastes no hint of his supposed privilege. Thus, Vance told Klein, “If you’re asking [him] to check his privilege … you’re asking just too much from basic human cognition. That kid cannot look at his life and say about a group of people that he doesn’t understand, that he doesn’t even interact with a lot day to day, that their lives are much worse than his, and I think that’s one of the things that the modern discourse around racial privilege and racial disadvantage misses.”..”
“..To understand that white privilege is real only requires believing people of color when we tell our stories, and belief is not contingent upon socioeconomic status. The white working class hears these stories. But many choose to disregard them and castigate minorities for blaming the white man for all problems.
Now some might respond that the white working class has its own story, one imbued with struggle. Their story rings true — people born into economic turmoil, regardless of race, face tough times indeed. But the two stories don’t conflict.
Pre-Civil War, when poverty captured lots of white folk in its vast net, white privilege was nonetheless a strong force — not because white skin protected against descent into poverty but rather because it ensured white folk would never endure a range of negative experiences inflicted upon only people of color. Then, it was slavery and now it’s something else.
“..Privilege checkers” likely pursue a more emotionally thrilling mission — basking in the sweet catharsis of telling white people just how we feel about them.
Consequently, Vance is right — the white privilege conversation features glaring imperfections. And that might push a person to conclude that some portion of the problem is that we talk about privilege in the wrong way.
In the future, wise thinkers might devise more persuasive arguments to convince white people about their privilege. But many will still choose ignorance over knowledge until they resolve to see the world as it is, not how they imagine it to be…”
You forgot to mention the part about raising people (blacks) as livestock to be sold as plantation slaves. That was for a long while the number one cash crop in Virginia. Not too many people can wrap their heads around that one. Frederick Douglass is a must read for all Americans.
This point also explained in Frederick Law Olmstead’s The Cotton Kingdom.
Olmstead is very good on explaining the economics of all the different aspects of the plantation system: the different geographical and the different products (cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, a few others).
Complete with figures from various agricultural journals, US censuses, etc.
In addition to incredibly vivid descriptions of the places and people he encountered during his long sojourns in the antebellum South.
You present a modern, Hollywood version of the War between the States (i.e., Civil War being the modern term).
President Lincoln and the North waged war against the Southern States to preserve the Union! It was not a noble war to free the slaves as history revisionists would have you believe. I urge everyone to study the Civil War to find out the real reasons of why it was fought.
Camden, NJ restructured its Police dept. to emphasize de-escalation. Mental health was prioritised over confrontation. Crime went down 24%.
No the police don’t protect society from crime.
@ John McManus:
You extrapolate illogically reform over confrontation with reduced crime.
What actually reduced crime was doubling the police force.
“The transformation began after the 2012 homicide spike. The department wanted to put more officers on patrol but couldn’t afford to hire more, partly because of generous union contracts. So in 2013, the mayor and city council dissolved the local PD and signed an agreement for the county to provide shared services. The new county force is double the size of the old one, and officers almost exclusively patrol the city. (They were initially nonunion but have since unionized.) Increasing the head count was a trust-building tactic, says Thomson, who served as chief throughout the transition: Daily, noncrisis interactions between residents and cops went up. Police also got de-escalation training and body cameras, and more cameras and devices to detect gunfire were installed around the city.”
So more police = lower crime rates.
More community relationships equals less confrontation.
But first, you need cops to stop crime.
Welcome to Reality, John.
Very interesting article (as usual) by the Saker. I see the ongoing chaos in the US, but my mind goes into “another direction” ie. Hope that this chaos increases, stays as much as possible. I have nothing against common Americans but the fact that the US is in disarray might distract it from attacking other countries (Venezuela, Iran, etc) in the name of “freedom” and “democracy”. What I mean is that out of this bloody mess, something positive (for the rest of the world) could come out.
Saker: I’ve been reading this blog for a while, and usually have found it to be full of insightful analysis of world events, especially as relates to Russia. But you’ve really lost me here.
Your denunciation of black youth and culture is dismaying, but all too typical of whites in general in this country, and ironically manages to highlight exactly the point they are trying so hard to wave away: that the real systemic structural racism is so prevalent as to be almost invisible to most, like water to fish.
Yes, the cops are much worse here than in comparable liberal western countries, particularly to minorities, and especially to blacks. That most whites cannot see it is precisely because it is not directed at them. Read “Black Like Me” for how this works.
To deny that centuries of exploitation of blacks in this country have not had economic consequences is hard to support. To assert “US liberal media” is encouraging violence and looting is strange, as they have been the first to denounce this as unreasonable aggression without any context of where the rage of the lower classes comes from.
Of course, while denying the existence of racism against blacks, whites will scream racism at the first sign of any violence directed at themselves, some of which is indeed racist too. But on the balance, which is the bigger problem?
Finally, to denounce all rap music as being “a glorification of all the worst problems of Black communities” is to mistake the reflection for the image.
In general, I would say this attitude qualifies as a classic “blaming the victim”.
Other than that, I do agree that this is an insurrection that is long overdue, and hopefully will lead to much needed and profound change. But if history is any guide, this resistance will be crushed, and the impoverishment of the masses (the “real” looting) will continue.
oh mi god! where was I..lost that is what.
since last nite I have dug into Rap music to rest my mind on its evolution ans trajectoy through out lives. there was no reason at all for me to have doubted Rap, declined to a low realtive to Rap. Rap has been hijacked and a nasty propagandized strand of it used to mislead the young.
I walked away from Rap with the rise or Nikki Minaj and Drake and some of the rest who are nothng compared to the real Rap artists..like Coolio here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPO76Jlnz6c. a most relevant song and a masterpiece of Rap..a truly brilliant entry
I went ot bed late and woke up early for a long trip and return today. I was on my way by 6 a.m tuned in purposely to 93.5 Flow FM..and WBLK FM.97.. out of Buffalo New York for the Rap music. and I was not disappointed
for two hours amidst the chat both stations played glorious Rap music from the great Rap arttists. there s nothing wrong with Rap Music. it is a grest art form, used artictistically with postive purpose in mind. it is indeed a continuation of the tremendous artistic skill and content of Black americans who have dominated the world for a century or more creating music for the ages and the styles of life, design and dress, that go along with the music, living ‘well’ by which I mean living happy…and having a good time..which is crucial to life, to be able to go on.
I am admitting my bad but I dont care. I can be wrong too..even egregiously wrong as I have been in this issue..but I am more rght now, again. I wont get out of rap for a while. I have to deepen my knowledge, regain my full contac’..unxdrstand the form and its emergence fuly
I never considered that there is another explanation for this so-called force majeure called Covid-19. The reason why I’m gradually leaning towards this narrative is because I spontaneously happened to read a series of articles and watched some interviews corresponding to them. The author is an independent investigative journalist by the name of Whitney Webb. She currently writes for a website called the Last American Vagabond. Apparently she is the only one that I know of who researches this material with impeccable scrutiny and delves deep with due diligence into every significant detail. It’s more than just basic analysis and speculation, for she provides more than ample evidence to support her thesis. I highly recommended reading them and reaching your own conclusions. Basically what we are experiencing is the beginning to the next stage of Capitalism as an economic system and all the political and cultural aspects that branch out from it. We are entering uncharted territory of an Orwellian/Huxley type dystopia. It’s a transition from the classic financial kleptocracy to what should be labeled as a “technocracy” (or more accurately techno-tyranny). Unlike the previous model that featured multi-national corporations, this one revolves around supranational ones, for the distinction is crucial as I’m about to explain. But let me first side tract by stating that the conflict such as the trade war and accusations about the virus between China and the US is real without a doubt as portrait by both the MS and alt media. However (this is the critical part and where I’m going back on track) there is more cooperation between the US and the Chinese conglomerates, especially Hi-Tech. One example is Israel selling US technology to China without any reprimand from any US official. Another example is the collective and bilateral bio-genetic research between the Chinese and American scientists. I posit that there will be more of these exposed but obviously below the radar. For there is more an alliance between the billionaire class and their respected corporations of the 2 countries than we are lead to believe and for good reason. Getting back to Covid, this crisis was their “9/11 event” so to speak. Instead of the Zionist Neocons and the MIC, the dominant actors here are High Tech, Big Pharma, Amazon, and mass security and surveillance systems. What it basically did was give them “carte blanche” to fast-track their influence and extend their tentacles into every facet of every-day living/society. This all smells like a precursor to a police state considering mandatory vaccines( gene editing with nano-technology) look like a sure bet relatively soon. Also just a little more food for thought, look at all the “hot” college majors/concentrates such as Cyber Security, Big Data, Robotics, A.I., etc. The losers here are small and medium sized businesses,
particularly the brick and mortar ones.
These multiple riots will be used to justify and subsequently expedite the process with the desired outcome- as I mentioned above. An exampleI is the 8 PM curfew just recently imposed- of course the justification is our safety and security . Another occurrence is polarization of the current rally in the stock market— it’s highly concentrated in growth-focused US technology stocks and “FAAMG” (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google). The total market capitalization of the FAAMG group now exceeds that of the eurozone equity market!
To surmise, as cities burn(figuratively and literally), we are witnessing the slow demise of the post WW2, 20th century empire transitioning into a new world order. I already alluded to the restructuring underway before our very eyes to those that are paying attention. For the fabric of our faith in Capitalism as we know it is being proverbially torn apart at its very seams. Most of us will only address the symptoms, institutional racism, police brutality, and the incompetence of the presidency, but as usual, be oblivious to the underlying, fundamental root cause. For it is the very structure of the capitalist economic system. These endemic symptoms will not disappear but only get progressively worse, for patching up the problem with a band-aid approach will no longer suffice without acknowledging and addressing the root cause. For the structure of the system is unraveling as we witness a slow but sure economic collapse. As a former Soviet citizen who escaped the failed experiment known as Communism for greater pasture only to realize that Capitalism will fail as well. The difference is that the consequences will be much more destructive and devastating as we already see them play out in cities across the country. The irony would be quite amusing if it wasn’t so lamentable. The rhetorical question to ask is whether this transformation into a totalitarian police state is transient and something better , a non-ideological alternative will arise from the ashes, or will it truly wind up a self-fulfilling prophecy. Quite disconcerting indeed.
This is an excellent and extremely wise commentary following on Saker article which is also very excellent ( sorry for sounding like Bridget Jones).
I agree with both articles completely, but there is more to be said. And am sorry as English is not my mother tongue, so I might sound clumsy.
To elaborate, it is not only about USA or Western Europe where there are now similar protests which Serbian Girl was surprised about. Notice the logo of the raised fist for BLM, it is the work of Canvas, specialized in color revolutions all over the world ( started with Serbia, proceeded with Egypt and North Africa, and all the other color revolutions all over the world). Not good.
1) January Davos meeting 2020 was all about ‘Industry 4’, or the fourth phase of industrial revolution.
More about it here:
WEF, World economic forum, research the future world
, many will be useless in the new world of technocratic, AI intelligence, 5G world, where there will be so called dark factories which do not need people.
2) To avoid unavoidable upheavals ( like Luddites in 1st Industrial revolution who were breaking the machines which threatened their livelihood), there must be absolute control of the dispossessed masses. These are growing all over the world and the planet, desperate for work and food.
3) Organize live exercise ( fat Pompeo quote on Covid, actually a lock down, like in prisons) of control.
4)The tested method of the upheavals in the societies all over the world since 9-11, are now imposed on the USA and western world in Europe. The aim is to impose the total lock down, as a consequence to the unrest, will be excused by the fear of Covid spread. It does not have anything to do with justified reasons for the anger, the ‘protests’ are orchestrated now to serve the interests of the elite, like always,they are infiltrated, research Yugoslavia( the test case), Arab Spring and more…
5) We have gone through this in Yugoslavia in 90ties, Ukraine, Soviets and now it is not only ustase, cetniks, ISIL, the ‘virus’ is there… All the same, I recognize the patterns so well.
The aim is the total control of the people who are very soon going to go crazy, as they will be hungry, as they will be deprived of livelihoods, as they will understand that in this next industrial revolution they will be not important. They will be replaced by intelligent machines in Industry 4. Like a heard. Pay attention to ‘Heard immunity@, culling of the animals big time in USA, UK, to destroy the food industry etc.etc…
And this virus was just, whether it exists or not, used as the exercise 1, stage 1 of the lock down for the population, and the test for its control. It worked well.
The organized riots which will lead to martial control and are condoned by the governments will be stage 2.
Sorry about my language, I piled all of my thoughts so fast in this post, in a hurry to now go down the hill, take care of the deserted animals I still take care about. I love them…
We will all have a very hard time, my fellow planet neighbors on the Saker site…
Because, for a very long time, since maybe 70ties, in a very perfidious ways they ( the NWO cabal working for the total control of the planet) have worked with their bought servants in the world to disunite us, on any given reason, the gender, the race, the class, every stupid possible reason we fell for…
Let us not do it…
Hard times are coming for us as humans, and we have to be aware of the causes, not consequences…
Research color revolutions, and R2R, all will be clear, all the terrible hypocrisy…In the background of all the simple rape and pillage of the weaker world…
Cry the havoc and release the dogs of war….
Thank you, Azra, for making the effort to write this comment.
It makes sense.
It is terrifying.
I can foresee pitched battles as communities struggle to feed their children and find a place to sleep.
Thanks for your insights. Very good. (Your language is fine.)
But there is even more to add. Environmental scientists around the world agree in general there are presently more people on this planet than the planet can support. Actualy numbers vary by a large degree, but my personnal estimate from cursory calculation and having lived many years on this planet is the world can comfortably hold only about 2 billion people. That means around 6 billion got to go. The only question is who, how, and when. Scary science yes. Actually really really scary science.
Thank you Robert for your comment, but I disagree respectfully…
There is enough for all of us on this planet if the means of life were distributed honestly. No one has to be hungry or desperate if we humans were ( I am fighting for words here, hard ) well if we humans were really conscious and aware of all the other humans and species in the world.
What has killed us and animals and plants who are sharing this space with us, is the terrible greed, of the 1% who dominate us. The dangerous class of robbers and murderers who are on top of us everywhere.
Because they have taken all away from us, and now many of us, they claim, are expedient and not needed anymore. They have taken too much, and still want more…
I am a socialist from Yugoslavia-the country which was conveniently destroyed in 90ties, because it was threatening to the world of greed, it was based on honest principles. It was a n experiment, a miracle in making.
The dirty war was a ‘present’ to us to destroy us, and destroy it did us…
BTW, the symbol of the BLM is the creation of one Canvas, NGO funded by Soros and his big bosses, it was used in color revolution in Yugoslavia long ago.
Now we live in small hateful colonies totally subjected to this command of the ultimate greed
and we suffer immensely, both in our minds and bodies. Yet, most of us did not make this terrible realization yet, we bark and we speak hateful stupid things, and we lie about our history, and we are miserable, like all colonies and defeated useless idiots.
This, my friend, is what Syria has to fight against, and thank to this forum, we can follow and I cheer for them with all my heart.
No- we are not too many if the world was only based on equal and fair base, there is enough for all of us and our furry neighbors, and noble trees and all which breathes and lives here on planet earth…
With love
I admire and share your compassion for your fellow humans, but…. this is not the forum to argue the issue. However, I do suggest researching population growth, energy consumption, and planet sustainment. You’ll be shocked. It shocked me. Micheal Moore recently released a good documentary touching on the subject “Planet of the Humans”. The 1% has been trying to censor the film, so go figure. I believe this plays into what the Saker is describing in his very astute article. It is not just greed driving this thing, but also some very ugly cold brutal math. In the coming future, we ordinary people are going to be in for one heck of a ride; not only in the U.S.A., but also the rest of the world.
As to greed, and the 1% getting us into this mess in the first place, I totally agree. But let us remember also that the 1% are not the only ones who are greedy.
Cheers, Peace, love, and plant trees.
(I had a good friend from Yugoslavia; Serbian.)
” Michael Moore recently released a good documentary touching on the subject, “Planet of the Humans”. ”
I am not so sure that Jeff Gibbs’s film (he was the director, writer, and on-screen talent) supports your point. One of the primary messages of the film is that the “official” green movement has tried to sell the story that renewables will enable humans to continue with the same life style as ever. I think the film made this point pretty clearly. One motivation to do th is is to make a profit from this narrative, which is false.
The jury is still out on whether there is “room for all” for the current human population of planet Earth.
But I think the jury is in as to whether the current human population can continue with its current version of the good life (for some) on planet earth. The answer is no.
It will be really interesting to see how birth rates look nine months from now. Higher or lower?
With lockdown and social distancing conditions it could go either way . . .
Peter Joseph (Zeitgeist) covers all these topics of scarcity, sustainability, resource depletion, and Malthusian theory. As far as energy is conserved, Dmitry Orlov explained that so-called renewables are a myth because it takes more fossil fuel to active them then then it would by the traditional method. In addition, minerals that they depend on such as lithium are not limitless in supply. As far as unsustainable population growth, it a bit complex because we are talking about mostly urban centers. The density and clustering being the result of the industrial revolution is what is really being emphasized by the global elite (Davos, etc). There aren’t enough opportunities “back home” in rural areas because of globalization (dearth of factories/manufacturing(
and elimination of “mom and pops” by retail behemoths such as Walmart. Now since the cities are getting more crowded while simultaneously machines are becoming more intelligent and subsequently more prevalent, human labor will gradually be rendered semi-obsolete. They don’t to wait to the “last minute” so what do they do?
Having said that, the problem that they are going to face is that there are too many competing moving parts. There are still the previous structures in place that want to preserve the status quo. As I mentioned there is still competition between China and the US, the so-called old guard is still there, governments are made up of many bureaucratic elements. Basically, there is no confluence like there was was when the system was more stable and intact. So now what we will be witnessing (already are actually) is the in-fighting among the elite. The paradox being the inherent contradiction of Capitalism- competition eventually leads to its elimination. Remember these elites are nothing more than the product of the environment. They are doing what they are essentially forced to by the circumstances imposed on them. This unstoppable, abstract force is the system attempting to preserve itself like an sentient entity. Dmitry Orlov called it the Techno-sphere. As matter of fact, he just discussed this concept on his latest article. I simply label it as the market economy and the culture it emanates to maintain itself. Now it’s at a volatile point because it is having a difficult time and putting us all in a very precarious situation, for the foundation that it is based upon is unsustainable- infinite growth on a limited planet where income, production, and consumption are necessary for survival.
Thank you Robert,
I am going to watch your recommended movie now…Planet of the humans.
Actually I agree with you, more I am thinking more I am disillusioned now, maybe the greed is just inherent to our species, as a kind of cruelty. Eat, consume, take take… Oh, the horror…
Thus, it will enable the 1% to rule us so successfully, we support it, it is in our nature… ‘Homo homini lupus’
There is something I would like to recommend, The Bitter lake:
I did not plant anything today, but every day I walk down from my property ( high, very high up in the hills like suspended in the sky above the sea) and take care of the street cats, I feed I hug… Every day is a gift for them and I. Another day of life, another day of love…
Thank you, I will watch the recommended movie now… Always something to be learned…
Kind regards
I was writing very fast, in a hurry, and just wanted to add, I agree with Saker article, but think it is much bigger than the USA. USA is the example..
The great upheaval is coming to all of us on the planet, we are going through the Industry 4 agenda ( Davos 2020 theme in January), the 4th industrial revolution.
To restrict the unavoidable upheavals which will result from the transformation of the societies into a streamlined ones, lots of traditional jobs gone, lots of people hungry and desperate, deprived of existence as they are not needed anymore… We had these exercises for absolute control all over the planet.
1) Lock down with the virus, whether real or not, it does not matter….Social engineering worked everywhere…
2) Instigated riots which will take us all to martial low…
We await stage no, 3, will not be pretty
Appreciate the compliment and thanks for further elaboration, Azra. I only recently started to research this material- really by coincidence. Before that I felt like something was missing as if some thing just didn’t add up. Now as I see things progressing/ events unfolding it’s starting to make more sense. Unfortunately these topics aren’t shed to light event in the alternate media. We know that automation and robotics will replace
human labor (as I mentioned in my analysis) but we put that thought on a back burner because we never truly contemplated when or how the “powers hat be” would act upon it in order to maintain their power and control from the proverbial pitch forks. Even the independence media was leading us astray with the China vs USA narrative (granted unwittingly yet nonetheless). As far as the masses in the US, they are all so distracted and divided by identity politics particularly police brutality and racism, that they wouldn’t figure out what’s happening right before their eyes in a million years. For they would simply dismiss you as a crazy conspiracy theorist. Albeit i must confess that if I did t stumble upon this info most likely would do the same.
I came back from my feeding expedition, here I take care of many little animals, I feed and I cuddle them, guess I am a crazy cat lady… It is tough for me because I am aging…But I love them, it is simple.
I live high up in the hills, it is tough on me, I have to walk a long time.But my place is beautiful, facing the open sea and woods.
There is something I can see since a while, even in the so-called alternate media- it is not anymore truthful or challenging any more, I only check now whatreallyhappened, like Mike from Hawai, global research, counter punch, .Not enough, and you are right. The alt media is taken over, most of it. The result- no information.
The information is totally hidden from us, even in the so called alt media. I come to Saker page every day because he is so honest, and there are other honest people here I like, it does not matter if we agree or disagree.They do not lie.
I am so glad met you…
I like Ms. Webb, read a lot from her, maybe you will like going to unz.rewiew which publishes her, she is a real investigative journalist, a brave person.
Here in this forum, given to us by the Saker ( Mr. Desert submarine), we can meet with love and understanding, from wherever we are. I like this, and thus I have lived all my life, from Yugoslavia to Egypt to here in Croatia…Romantic, as Saker is….
Thank you. It was a pleasure to have this exchange with. I feel very frustrated because no one will listen to me and feel I can’t communicate what I have uncovered with any friends or family.
They either don’t want to hear it or don’t believe me. I feel I have always been different from others in the sense in how I perceive reality (the way my mind works) in addition an unquenchable thirst for the unadulterated truth. I freed myself from the shackles of all ideologies (since they only function in a vacuum) and realized that we are conditioned and indoctrinated into subscribing to them from inception. Btw, that’s why I also enjoy reading Paul Craig Roberts, for his goal is to be objective in order to find the truth, albeit I don’t always agree with him. I feel he misses some of the nuance. So cheers, sounds like you live in a wonderful environment.
Do not be sad Udall, I feel completely the same about the environment…It is not wrong to be different, mostly it means you are more clever then them…Or you are searching…Searching is tough…
That is why I come to Saker’s page, he is different as well, read about him, a submarine in the desert.
He has all my trust and respect, and believe me, it is not easy with me, I am an old ass…le…I know a lot…
My best friend always stops me and clamors I am the conspiracy theorist whenever i confront him with some uncomfortable things, he is British and I am Yugoslavian,with colorful past and life in two continents ( Yugoslavia and Africa!!!). Love is there and we disagree on so much….
I do not feel shackled to anything but the truth in my mind.
Also the same with my family and friends, they do not want to hear the uncomfortable truths about the lives they have chosen, because they have committed treason to do it, maybe they are weak.
Do not be sad, and here is, if moderator does not freak out, (MOD: Ay Yi Yi Yi Yi !!!) a present for you, Katherine and all, it’s a balad, very old, from Yugoslavia, maybe 50 years old:
The lyrics are so beautifull, the singer has, of course died…
In our hearts we keep so many worlds, I have my Yugoslavia, my Egypt, and, reluctantly am here now, but still.
You have as well, the worlds…
I guess, this is my way to send the love, so I still have not shriveled and died…Bloody hell, I have Saker still…
Come to the cafe here on the Saker as I have posted something for you and Katherine ( thank you Katherine ) and all… A present…
I love PCR, he is sweet but hopelessly western minded and thus limited in his understanding, he will never understand the world of the East and Russia. Has all the right intentions, but clueless. I often laugh at him, he is hopeless. Guess because he does not understand anything but poor USA, parochial… But I like him, respect him. Seems honest.
Come to the Moving feast cafe, I am waiting.
The previous email was incomplete
Here’s a prediction:
Donald Trump is America’s Mikhail Gorbachev–only a lot more ignorant, retarded, arrogant, and delusional.
And Donald Gorbachev will be the last president of the former United States of America.
No God, no peace.
Know God, know peace.
I haven’t read the whole article, but what stopped me was what you wrote about black immigrants to America. In law school in the library I met a black man from Nigeria. He was an attorney from Nigeria and was studying to pass the bar in NJ (he hadnt gone to law school in the US, but was trying to pass the bar on his own). I remember him criticising black Americans for the way they dressed and their gangsta culture saying he was ashamed to be associated with them.
Rap, especially the anti police rap, is a project that is sponsored and promoted by the billionaire owners of Media/Entertainment corporations. It did not spontaneously arise from Black performers.
Anti-fa is the same thing, a project run by the spooks who get their orders from the Corporate Owners.
Trillions of USD were just handed over to the Corporate Owners, because of the socioeconomic impacts of the over the top fascist response to the over hyped virus.
With the riots and looting now happening, nobody has time to think about yet another trillion dollar theft from the Treasury by The Usual Suspects.
Guess what, the precipitating incident for the civil disorder was just another hoax from the same group.
Something that will add to the misery of the U.S will be the collapse of the U.S dollar.
U.S citizens have enjoyed the privelage of the dollar being the reserve currency of the world for many decades.
This has given the country the ability to print dollars and get goods and services in return, in abundance.
The rioters have this time looted shops of expensive merchandise and goods.
What will happen when there is no merchandise to loot, there is little food in shops, rolling black outs and just total misery.
This is what is coming, then what?
Who do the population turn their anger towards, it may well be the cops again, but this time also the establishment. And with all these guns about, things can really spiral out of control.
So as as I am concerned, it all hinges on the dollar, it’s going to collapse and then the show will really get going.
Collapse of the US dollar= civil war in the US. Beisde the plunder of other countries resources with the US dollar, IMF, etc will no longer be possible. The US/ the American people have to do real work to pay their bills, something they are not longer used to.
You are way off and obviously not well read on the history of afro American in the USA. Most of the problems they face are not because “they have done it to themselves”. 1 You have to take into account slavery. I don’t care how long ago it ended (1865 not long in the big scheme) it was probably the most brutal form to ever exist. The affect this has had on blacks today cannot be overstated. You cannot compare them to any other ethnic group that came up in the US I.e Irish, Italians who also faced discrimination. I’m from Baltimore MD I lived in a mixed ghetto. I saw how police treated black folks on a daily basis. They humiliated them at every opportunity. The police were a occupation army nothing more, and they acted as such. I’m white and I was a “criminal” meaning I sold drugs so I could provide some income for my family. I don’t know what you consider a criminal but the looseness with which u use the term leads me to believe you don’t know many “criminals” bc most are regular people that did what they had to do. “White Privilege” is also a very real thing. I used it to my advantage on a regular basis. The idea of a pervasive white racism is a joke, what white ppl have a hard time getting into Ponderosa. So called white racism is just a natural fact of a changing world, one where rap has made white kids want to pretend to be black. As far as rap culture having a negative impact on blacks and there neighoods you by admission didn’t live here in the 80s when certain areas were 100 times worse then then now. Rap was just explanaining musically the black experience it didn’t create it. Violence had dropped steadily in major cities since its peak in the early 90s. Rap has now been commercially hijacked by corporations and is mostly garbage today. To ignore the conditions the majority of blacks in the USA live in is to be willfully blind. Even the poorest whites have a better chance at life. I do agree that this country is on the verge of collaspe and personally can’t wait. I do find it humorous to hear these country white boys talk about how ready they are, even though most of them haven’t ever shot anything but a deer or rabbit. I live in Vermont now 96% white almost all lower and working class whites are just bitter and cowardly and hate that black men are able to screw white women so easily. Even though when given a chance to confront these men they get on their knees to. Also most police are not good people. They may seem so off duty but on the job they are bullies and cowards and can’t win a shootout unless the person is unarmed or severely outnumbered. Btw due to the terrible “war on drugs” rural police are no better than city police. They can’t wait to beat people up and arrest them for petty nonsense. The race problem is real in this country.
At the 37:00 minute mark of this video Catherine Austin Fitts https://youtu.be/HCeEzmmCd5c says this:
“what we were doing in the African American Neighborhoods was Genocide pure and simple. It was no difference than what the Clintons and Bushes were doing than what Hitler did. We were rounding up innocent people and throwing them into slave labor camps where they worked for the military. Thats what it was! It was covered over and papered over by a whole lot of very fancy very expensive financial engineering. So much more expensive than I’m sure of the Nazi system but it was basically the same Nazi stuff.”
If white people are to blame for this believe me CAF isn’t one of them and neither am I nor I imagine a great many people on this blog.
Where we are being led is livestock management pure and simple and that it begins with the poorest of us all will I am afraid swallow all of us up into being chipped and mind controlled.
Lastly, I see and hear Michael Jordan is donating 100 million dollars? Think about that for a moment!
Pity the RICH??????????????? Try this on for size and why CAF is right about them seeking an inhuman system to control the masses? The below is applicable to us here in Canada!!!
“Where does it end?
With taxes, of course. The need for cash will be insatiable. And enduring. Some believe we’ve crossed the Rubicon, thanks to this virus. Now we all get a pony.
Well, this is a profound problem. These days four in ten households pay no net federal income tax, thanks to benefits like the cash-for-kids program. That leaves the other six to fund it all. But most of them (90%) earn less than $81,000. Hmm, so the top 10% of us – anybody earning $96,000 or more – currently bring in a little more than a third of all the income but already pay 54% of all the taxes.
Let me repeat. Ten per cent of Canadians pay 54% of the income tax. Of those, just a sliver are ‘rich’. The top 1% (earning $235,000 or more) number only 271,000. (Of those, 120,000 live in Ontario.)
This is why ‘taxing the rich’ won’t work. We don’t have enough to milk.”
and you want to know what is the most galling thing of all? There are people who actually believe they were born better than others and as such feel they have the divine right of rulership or ownership. It’s called Freemasonry. This crypto Jewish organization that has hijacked the world for their precious idolatry which is Satanism. Washington and London the key centers of it all!!!!!!!!!
Wasn’t Satan right when he said to Christ, if only you will bow down to me all of these kingdoms and riches will be yours.
At one time in America’s history there were those who exposed and attacked this cult and tried to end it but unfortunately the story of 2 Kings 13:18 is most applicable:
“then he said, “Take the arrows,” and the king took them. Elisha told him, “Strike the ground.” He struck it three times and stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times.”
America not even once!!!!!
HA, if the timing isn’t just perfect!!!!!!!! picked this up from TOO website:
I ended COVID with a quote from a journalist from the ‘1920s and ‘30s, H.L. Menken. “The urge to save humanity,” Mencken pointed out, “is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it.” I would modify Mencken’s quote to bring it up to date: “The left’s professed aim of saving humanity is a thinly disguised effort to rule it, and in the process, bring white people to their knees.”
How do you like them apples???
The Saker: “but the real cause of what is taking place today is the systemic collapse of the US society”.
What process can cause a national society to collapse? This collapse occurs slowly, due to the replacement or subversion of the principles inherent to it, by an ideology foreign to this society. This can happen in many ways. In the American case, the main factor of this rupture was and has been the massive and deleterious Zionist influence in all, really in all, the country’s social, economic and political structures.
The creation of the FED in 1913 completely destroyed the financial and economic management by American society, transferring it is known to whom. Without financial and economic management, the country lost its capacity to think and plan its present and its future. Anyway, it has become a group of beings that seek only to live, to live materially the best possible. A country that lives only in the present.
This has happened before, as you can see in Mr. jps73’s comment to the article “How I Went from ‘Soft-Hearted Cosmopolitan’ to ‘Out-and-Out Anti-Semite’, by Adolf Hitler” – https: // russia -insider.com/en/how-i-went-soft-hearted-cosompolitan-out-and-out-anti-semite-adolf-hitler/ri30538. I do not share the content of the article, nor can I prove the content of the comment, but even if I cannot specify where, I have already read the Jewish influence and control in German society at the time from other sources. Here’s what Mr. Jps73 said:
“Jewish Influence in Germany
The Jewish influence on Germany in the 1920’s was enormous. When Jews are in charge of a business or corporation they only advance other Jews and push non-Jews out. For example in this way the Jews were able to take control of Germany’s financial institutions. Out of the 1500 members of the German stock exchange 1200 were Jewish, even though Jews were only 1% of the German population. They were in control of other areas to. In the Berlin 23 out of 29 Theater Managers were Jewish, they controlled most German newspapers, the movie industry and the banks …………
The Jews used this dominance in newspapers, theater and the movie industry to ridicule the German traditions and way of life. They also ridiculed Christianity as well. Homosexuality and Lesbianism were openly flaunted in Jewish theater and the cinemas and Berlin became known as the sex capital of Europe. The same thing as happened today in the Jewish run Hollywood. Berlin became a place of moral degradation, nudity and it was well known that the Jews controlled the pornography and the prostitution at that time in Germany. On top of this the Jewish banks caused the hyperinflation of 1923 and it nearly broke the German economy. People’s life savings were just wiped out and starvation was ripe. People needed to have a suitcase of money just to buy a loaf of bread. The German people had to sell their houses just to survive. The Jewish banks easily purchased this property and the transfer of wealth went from the German people to the Jewish banksters. ”
I ask, is it or is it not possible to draw a parallel between what happened in Germany and what has happened in America?
“This collapse occurs slowly, due to the replacement or subversion of the principles inherent to it, BY AN IDEOLOGY FOREIGN TO THIS SOCIETY.” (emphasis mine)
This is wrong. Fundamentally wrong. This is exactly how history does not work and never has. It is the opposite. Civilizations collapse due to ideologies and principles that are very much their own, often the very ones which brought them to their earlier success. What happens is either that conditions change, and social principles that worked before start causing problems, or groups that had been useful gradually increase and consolidate their power and share of resources until they stop being useful and ultimately cripple the society.
Aggressive capitalism is effective as long as there is a frontier. After the US ran out of frontier in America, it turned further outwards and had the “frontier” of imperialism. After basically every country in the world had been incorporated, nearly every resource was being exploited, and there was very little “frontier” left, the oligarchs, whose whole existence was predicated on never having enough, had nothing to do but intensify stealing from the American people. That’s where we are now and it is causing instability; it may yet lead to collapse. Some of the oligarchs are Jews but they do not control or drive the process; some of the victims are also Jews, but they do not control or drive the resistance.
With all my respect, I dare to disagree, I don’t want to believe that American society is inherently bad, but, yes, it was poisoned from the outside, by another culture, harmful. As in Germany, and in Russia in 1917, by 85% of Jewish revolutionaries.
Nobody WANTS to believe that their own anything is bad. Takes courage to face reality rather than inventing dreams of it being all someone else’s fault.
Can you please enlighten me about which good american culture are you talking ? As far as I know every culture in America ( except indigenous peoples culture which was destroyed by Europeans) whether they are European, Asian, Middle eastern or African all of them came from outside. Which ones of these cultures are bad and which one of these cultures good? Anglo Saxon American culture? French american culture- German American? Irish american etc…?
Pepe Escobar: Esta é uma guerra de classes muito mais do que uma guerra racial e deve ser abordada como tal. No entanto, foi sequestrada desde o início e se revelou uma mera revolução de cores.
Machine Translation: Pepe Escobar: this is a class war much more than a race war and should be approached as such. However, it was kidnapped from the very beginning and turned out to be a mere color revolution.
What a precise and delectable analysis!
Excelent deep analysis about cultural questions
I actually do believe we are in a civil war. It is not a political war, but a cultural civil war (as all civil was are at heart).
As has been said by many, including Natzi generals, most people want nothing to do with wars of any kind, they just want to be left alone to conduct their private lives. However, most normal people do have a culture of some type, so in a cultural civil war, they are by default on one side or another. Most people do not really know what side they are on, but by asking and answering a few question, they and others can get a good idea of just where they are.
Those questions include:
1. Do you attend church regularly?
2. Are you married with children?
3. Do you own a gun and use it regularly?
But I believe the overarching and most important question determining ones cultural class is:
4. Do you use marihuana?
It is this latter question that really divides people, and has for a number of decades. Why is this? It is because the use of weed actually changes ones mind and thinking. One can not think rationally when ones mind is regularly steeped in THC. It is simply not possible. This, more than anything else, divides this country into those who think rationally and those whose thinking is based on fantasy.
This is the cultural divide, and we are in a cultural civil war over this divide.
The results of this cultural civil war are unknown, but what history shows is that rationality has survival value.
The opposite side of the coin is that the weed unlocks the brain to let it be creative and productive. Drugs and alcohol bring out the true personality of the person, so those who cant handle their drugs and alcohol and become abusive under the influence will have a different perspective b/c they dont want their true personality to be brought out and subject to criticisms.
Culture is one thing, beliefs are another, personality can be a completely different animal from both.
In somewhat related news, America is ratcheting up its censorship of social media, as mega-corporations like Google, Instagram, and Facebook are aggressively banning alternative media that question the Anglo American Empire or its wars of aggression.
The most Orwellian facet of this American censorship is that the USA is using the pretext of “combating foreign disinformation” to justify this media crackdown.
In general, this media censorship campaign is another symptom of the collapse of America and its (fake) Free Press in particular, which is being exposed as nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the Anglo American Empire.
FBI launches open attack on ‘foreign’ alternative media outlets challenging US foreign policy
The people in the US must take on the “Deep State” and get rid of the gangsters who rule in Washington. The next step is to implement real democracy with new parties not corrupted like democrats and republicans are today! And the states which want to regain their freedom from Washington should be allowed to leave the union! This is the only peaceful way to dissolve this failed state USA. The riots in US are just symptoms of the enormous problems which shaking the union!
From the 1999 movie American Beauty:
“… This country is going straight to hell …”
12 seconds clip:
This article doesn’t go straight to the source of the problems, it only tells about the symptom that is now crashing the social structure in The U.S…gotta go back as far as The Slavery and the Genocide of Native Indian Americans, even back to the whole Colonial Era…the exact same mindsets are the cause of all World’s problems down to the Mid East, South East Asia, Africa…that need to be changed now…no more tolerance for that kind of outdated and dangerous mind set in this new world…but anyway The West and all of its problems due to its own attitude of being exceptional and violent way of life are now exist only in its own Bubble…the rest of the world have moved on. Greeting from Indonesia.
While I agree w your point in the context of the Culture War, I disagree over all. This doom and gloom is getting a bit old. The rural areas and small towns are alive and well. I’m in Upstate NY and drove through several small towns. I saw people getting ice cream, mowing their lawns, playing w their kids, just living life. America is so much more resilient than the spoiled brats throwing s**t in their rooms. Once people are allowed to just life their lives again, this economy is going to go absolutely WILD.
Politically, all of this has given President Trump stature he wouldn’t otherwise have. There is no hero without the villain, no achievement without the challenge to overcome. As depressing as it may have been, the coup has failed. The Deep State screwed the pooch because they didn’t “kill the king.” They got really really really damn close, but failed. We’re gonna be ok.
Agree with this wholeheartedly
Kind of hard to make excuses and refute what the Saker has said here. Allot of this has to do with consequences. Both intended and unintended. The culture of the USA is sick and decadent. In many US cities, it is no longer a fit place to raise up children in. Lifestyle choices have consequences. Too many black men abandon their families. Did not George Floyd abandon his little daughter in Houston for someone else to raise, while he moved on to Minneapolis to “start a new chapter in his life” as I heard on television {poison}. Of course there was the five years in prison he spent for armed robbery of a pregnant woman. He stuck the barrel of the pistol into her belly and told he would kill her unborn child unless she gave him some money. Then there was the porno movie he did. Life long drug and alcohol abuse addictions. Passing counterfeit money for cigarettes at a store while intoxicated. This man is sadly not the exception, but a typical lifestyle of a black man in America today. No one forced him to be this way, he chose to be the monster that he became, void of all humanity.
Not too long ago in the scheme of time, this man would have been labeled a degenerate, and society would have been seen as better off without him. But today, he is a hero. A victim. Like the Jew before them, blacks are the eternal victim. What is to be of a society and people with such an upside down view of how life is supposed to be? “As above, so below”. They have perverted our culture and people’s minds. What was wrong or “bad” yesterday, is the ideal of today. What was the ideal of yesterday, is to be rejected and cursed today. One could just about draw a line down the middle of the country; one half on one side, the other half on the other. It is no longer the “United” States. The only thing that has held it together this long was a halfway decent economy that was somehow muddling along. As long as the spice flowed……..
But that ship has sailed. I know a thing or two about how the government does things from personal experience; If they are admitting to $6 trillion in spending, they spent at least twice that amount, and probably more. Negative interest rates are the canary in the coal mine. It shouldn’t be much longer now before something breaks that they can’t paper over. “All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty back together again”. You remember that one? I’m sure that is the reason for all of this sabre rattling with China, they will probably cancel the debt owed to them, then when that doesn’t work, they do what they always do; Bombs away! We are just pawns in their game. All we can do, is chose the kind of person we want to be. Reject the influences of so much of modern culture, which is a dead end, and live more in touch with the spiritual life.
I do not see what Foster’s past life has to do with him getting murdered by a racist policeman with a history of murderous behaviour kneeling on his neck for nine minutes.
Yes, BP.
If we want to start in on executions of clearly bad guys, let’s start at the top, not the bottom.
With the *powerful* bad guys and gals, not the chumps at the bottom of the social ladder.
That would be real leveraging. Each single top bad guy/gal we can get rid of improves things for a lot of citizens, so it is the most efficient approach.
We might really get somewhere with the pitch forks that Obama so memorably alluded to.
Metaphorically, of course.
Wonder what he actually had in mind when he said this.
He could have gotten rid of or prevented a lot of bad s— with Executive Branch pitch forks such as appropriate legislation and, mainly, instructing his cabinet appointees to get cracking on cracking down on top DC mafiosi, rolling back Clinton’s terrible, punishing legislation, pushing through genuine universal health care for all Americans, etc..
Didn’t do it because he didn’t want to do it. The scum
Kind of hard to make excuses and refute what the Saker has said here. Allot of this has to do with consequences. Both intended and unintended. The culture of the USA is sick and decadent. In many US cities, it is no longer a fit place to raise up children in. Lifestyle choices have consequences. Too many black men abandon their families. Did not George Floyd abandon his little daughter in Houston for someone else to raise, while he moved on to Minneapolis to “start a new chapter in his life” as I heard on television {poison}. Of course there was the five years in prison he spent for armed robbery of a pregnant woman. He stuck the barrel of the pistol into her belly and told he would kill her unborn child unless she gave him some money. Then there was the porno movie he did. Life long drug and alcohol abuse addictions. Passing counterfeit money for cigarettes at a store while intoxicated. This man is sadly not the exception, but a typical lifestyle of a black man in America today. No one forced him to be this way, he chose to be the monster that he became, void of all humanity.
Not too long ago in the scheme of time, this man would have been labeled a degenerate, and society would have been seen as better off without him. But today, he is a hero. A victim. Like the Jew before them, blacks are the eternal victim. What is to be of a society and people with such an upside down view of how life is supposed to be? “As above, so below”. They have perverted our culture and people’s minds. What was wrong or “bad” yesterday, is the ideal of today. What was the ideal of yesterday, is to be rejected and cursed today. One could just about draw a line down the middle of the country; one half on one side, the other half on the other. It is no longer the “United” States. The only thing that has held it together this long was a halfway decent economy that was somehow muddling along. As long as the spice flowed……..
But that ship has sailed. I know a thing or two about how the government does things from personal experience; If they are admitting to $6 trillion in spending, they spent at least twice that amount, and probably more. Negative interest rates are the canary in the coal mine. It shouldn’t be much longer now before something breaks that they can’t paper over. “All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty back together again”. You remember that one? I’m sure that is the reason for all of this sabre rattling with China, they will probably cancel the debt owed to them, then when that doesn’t work, they do what they always do; Bombs away! We are just pawns in their game. All we can do, is chose the kind of person we want to be. Reject the influences of so much of modern culture, which is a dead end, and live more in touch with the spiritual life.
BP: What exactly about that policeman qualifies him to be a racist in your mind, the fact that he is white {as we all know, to be white is to be a racist, right?}. Is it because he is married to an Asian woman that makes him a racist? Most cops have a history of violence, unfortunately it is part of their job description. Floyd’s lifestyle put him in a position for something bad to happen to him, remember that thing called CONSEQUENCES? Some would call it Karma. He was 6’6 and weighted 265lbs. In other words, he was built like a NFL player. That is about the same size as an Offensive Linesman, who are some of the biggest men in the game. Add to that he was high on a combination of two highly lethal drugs. He struggled with the police, as most of them do when they are being taken into custody. I WOULD HAVE SAT ON HIM TOO. It was the only way the much smaller policeman could get control of him. Using reason with this man was obviously futile.
Just like all of the other cases before; the Duke Lacrosse team, Tawana Brawley, Micheal Brown, on and on, there is always a rush to judgement. The other side has to keep it simple for their followers: white man baaaaad, black man gooood. Then after enough time or at trial, that inconvenient thing called the truth comes out, and things turnout to be very different from what was first presented to us. I believe those other three policemen were charged for one reason, and one reason only: To get leverage over them, so the prosecutor’s office can get them to testify against the first officer. The corrupt legal mafia in Minneapolis wants to sacrifice this officer’s life for a few weeks of peace. They know that should he be acquitted, the riots that follow will be worse than the first, just like in the Rodney King trial. That is why he will probably face a handpicked jury, who’s minds are already made up. How is it possible that this man can receive a fair trial in Minneapolis? Of course, too many Americans today have lost all of their morals and ethics, and could care less about some mundane concept like discovering the truth.That is why we have the political system we have, it is like a mirror of the people it represents.
Revealing background information. The press fail to report any of that.
I have seen some bloggers post whole videos, while the mainstream corporate media only post selective edits.
Apparantly the victim of police restraint tactic against persons resisting arrest, the victim violently resisted arrest even after being handcuffed by refusing to be taken into custody by refusing to go inside a police vehicle. And after first being brought inside, he managed to get out and continued to resist by several times falling to the ground both before and after he was brought inside the vehicle. He was subsequently immobilized by three officers just outside the vehicle. The senior officer (in charge on scene) used the tactic of applying pressure to the neck, while two others kept him down as well by restraining his back and legs respectively. A bystander had tried to get through to the man shoutinb that he should not resist, that he could not win against the police. He brought it on himself. Police brutality cannot be overlooked however. The tactics shutting off bloodtransport to the brain is probably not taught by the police academy. The governor of California confirmed today that it was a known (former) police tactic that they do not use any more there.
But it could be that the veteran police officer on the scene actually was just doing his job applying methods he had learned along the way against people resisting violently. I don’t think anything particularily indicate there was a racist motive behind it. There could even be a reverse racist motive in that the black man did not respect white officers.
There are too many omissions in the official story and the subsequent events, creating a false flag event for BLM and Antifa, and which has now become a big Dem party false flag event.
I have seen longer videos that do not show Floyd resisting arrest.
It looks like there were other passengers in Floyd’s car.
There is footage of police doing something to Floyd in his car.
There seems to be an interruption of footage between when Floyd was in car and when he was on ground.
There are also videos that show odd events in other vehicles, by other people (e.g. driver of vehicle).
The counterfeit $20 bill payment as reason for arrest also came into question.
More going on in this story than meets the eye.
Some favors police; some favors Floyd.
Bottom line: Execution of a detainee is not an option.
Except that it does seem to be an option for many law-enforcement thugs
Dear Saker,
as I put some comments on this article elsewhere, I think, I have to make a note on the following sentence…
“… just as the Russian people had to stop kidding themselves with silly dreams about “democracy” …”
Instead of “Russian” you ought to use “Soviet”, otherwise there is a contradiction… If “Russian” means RF, then very soon after 1991 there were no illusions about “democracy”, even elected Parlament parties were far away from democracy and democratic rhetoric. Needles to remind about the shooting down of “White house” in October 1993. So, there were no illusions regarding the “democracy” among Russian people in 90s under Jeltzin. May be there were some liberal brain washing from the media, controlled by Oligarchs and in some political discourse, but not among the majority of the people. I’d say all the illusions were mostly in the Gorbatchov’s period.
If “Russian” means “Soviet”, then the period 1983-1991 was exactly where the people (not only Russians) experienced the whole beauty of the “democracy” and got enough of it. Some of them Belarus, Kazakhstan managed to avoid further liberal degradation after 1991, RF does not.
Generally I would rather compare US with SU, not with RF, unless you take Russia as Empire and Russians as a political nation, not just as an ethnos. From this perspective, yes, I’d agree to set SU equal to “Russia” and thus compare it with US. And thus there might be less successful successors like Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia and more successful ones like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaidjan…
Your comparing African and Jamaican blacks who emigrated to America being “more successful” to American blacks is invalid. Well of course these immigrants from Africa and Jamaica are more successful; only the rich, well educated people from Africa and Jamaica will emigrate to America. They have the education and the resources to succeed. I am not rich and well educated enough in a marketable skill to do that so I wouldn’t succeed either, let alone some migrant labourer, say.
that is not true at all..not in my experience! the majority of west indians in north america I know are quite ordinary people, hardcore ordianry even poor and somewhat illiterate but energetic, ambitious and moving
I am looking for studies on this issue to give an idea of what the nature of west indian immgration to north american is made up of. the west indies do not have so many people rich, educated and exportable, to comprise for any significant part of, or a majority of west indian immigrants to north america. not by any kind of shot!
I actually do believe we are in a civil war. It is not a political war, but a cultural civil war (as all civil wars are at heart).
As has been said by many, most people want nothing to do with wars of any kind, they just want to be left alone to conduct their private lives. However, most normal people do have a culture of some type, so in a cultural civil war, they are by default on one side or another. Most people do not really know what side they are on, but by asking and answering a few question, they and others can get a good idea of just where they are.
Those questions include:
1. Do you attend church regularly?
2. Are you married with children?
But I believe the overarching and most important question determining ones cultural class is:
3. Do you use marihuana?
It is this latter question that really divides people, and has for a number of decades. Why is this? It is because the use of weed actually changes ones mind and thinking. One can not think rationally when ones mind is regularly steeped in THC. It is simply not possible. This, more than anything else, divides this country into those who think rationally and those whose thinking is based on fantasy.
This is the cultural divide, and we are in a cultural civil war over this divide.
The results of this cultural civil war are unknown, but what history shows is that rationality has survival value.
In a previous comment on another article I wrote that I consider that we are in a period of time very close to the 1930s and that the us is looking more and more like nazi germany.
I wrote that statement a few days ago.
It seems that chinese are thinking in the same way. You can see that by yourself by reading this article published on global times website a chinese media on june 7th.
This is the link: https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1190837.shtml.
For those who won t read the whole article I post below the most interesting part of it.
“Boasting an extreme ideology, lying publicly and fabricating charges to attack other countries, Pompeo behaves as if he is the infamous Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany rather than a top US diplomat. He is fanning the flames of world division and hostility. Kind-hearted people are concerned that world peace will eventually be destroyed by fanatical politicians such as Pompeo.”
I suppose most people here are familiar with the Battle of Culiacán, in which 700 armed men from the Sinaloa Cartel defeated the Mexican National Guard in a battle, at the end of which the President of Mexico ordered them to surrender to prevent “further loss of life.”
Well, that seems a lot like what happened when the Minneapolis Police Department abandoned their station to be burnt by the mob for pretty-much the same reason.
Granted, crime in America isn’t nearly so well organized as in Mexico, so America isn’t ready for a Culiacán moment quite yet. But given enough time, it will be. Here is an interesting article: https://www.twilightpatriot.com/2020/06/uncomfortable-lessons-from-george-floyd.html
“Kingdom against Kingdom” Nation (race) against Nation. Even at the front of it, top economists
say that while this is happening, the green is going back to their safe. Always about money, they
don’t really care what will happen to people. We do have a way out – our LORD is coming for HIS
people shortly. The book of truth is open (mostly Daniel 11) that was guessed at by Henry and Darby
but the new knowledge (new wine) was not available until now. Time is short, come to the LORD, ask for
forgiveness and accept HIM as described in Romans.
Its dubious that anyone is coming for anyone anytime soon, if they were, they would have been here by now. God helps those who help themselves and no one else.
God has a 6000 year plan starting with Adam and Eve and ending 6000 years later. We are at the end of those 6000 years. It is true that God helps those who help themselves, but the helping oneself involves seeking God through Jesus and following his Laws. If you do that, God will help you succeed. It is your choice to make.
“ big cities with a strong Black population fare the worst, mostly White small towns fare best; that is even true within the same state”
i was recently in Spokane, WA for business. couldn’t see many people of colour (probably 1-2 fir the whole week). i guess Spokane qualifies among the small White towns that will fare best