Saker comment: I have to admit that I agree with every word Paul Joseph Watson speaks in this video.
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Saker comment: I have to admit that I agree with every word Paul Joseph Watson speaks in this video.
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American public opinion has come to rely in what would be buffoons, minstrels and clowns,
The “A-Listers” are the fulcrum where the Clintons popularity is stengthened, “Actors, thespians ” become the authorities on affairs of all kinds, your Bonos, Oprahs, Clooneys bring Shine and luster and credibility to any candidates campaign, not to mention millions of dollars. The psychophants on MSM are simple soldiers compared to the power that those wield. The clowns Colbert, Kimmel, et al, nightly pound on the Trump’s every move, speech and hair out of place, loyal soldiers of their masters.
Here is a buffoon who is actually irreverent, hope he does not appear suicided anytime soon.
Zach Galafiniakis, ” Between Two Ferns” Interviews HRC.
@ Aztlan,
Ill- ery seemed extremely uncomfortable doing this. Strange as all heck, that such narcissist and murderous arrogant woman would consent to do this .
Can anyone please explain? I am totaly baffled here. Thank you.
Carmel by the Sea
I think Colin Powell said it in one of his emails, HRC is full of Hubris, and I might add real ignorance of the real world, her team is likely to be immersed in that miasma. To not know what Galifianakis does in his small YTb interview show, demonstrates just how Ignorant they are.
Look at his other interviews with Obama, and assorted Narcissistic “elite” types.
It is a pretty good laugh.
And a sad realization that these Exceptionals are wearing the King’s shiny new clothes.
Same as the King, they don’t know it.
“The two Hillarys”
I agree with those words too,Saker. So the question we all need to ask is ,what does a murderous,ruthless,immoral,leader of the CCC (Clinton Crime Cartel),forebode for the future of the World?
If the second provocation is done.There is little anyone can do about it.It would certainly be easy for them to accomplish in the US.The first provocation is much more serious.And if they do try it.It will beyond any doubt show to the World war is around the corner. With almost no way to prevent it.If they can arrange something like that.It means they control the US military.And that military will let themselves follow Clinton orders,even into the risk of a nuclear war.Russia will need to understand that clearly.And make plans for a war to come very soon.
Its no longer a “surprise” for me since some Trump supporters were filmed “abusing and attacking” a “Muslim” and a “Gay”:
The mutt’s take on Ted and Debbie on Hulu are a must-see! :)
The character of Richard III by Shakespeare cannot compare to modern despots in the extent of evil doing. A woman now can be worse than a man. Patriarchy no longer discriminates by sex, except in the highest echelons. Hillary is a useful puppet who follows orders. Strangely I’m feeling compassion for her; who knows what brutality and neglect she suffered as a child; if she wasn’t outright programmed for evil by the masters of terror.
I don’t think P.J. Watson has found a clue to the roles of HRC and D. Trump. Their fundamental role, I think, is to keep American public continuously divided on more or less trivial issues, to keep them glued to TV with fake fights about meaning of MSM regurgitated slop and heavily spinned news, to keep them distracted and frightened. Just read the recent Jimmy Carter’s article in NY Times (and I have my doubts that he wrote it) to see how much deep state is worried about real American people getting news from alternative sources.
No one becomes US presidential candidate without serious vetting process that they will be absolutely controllable, that is to say, critical (and other important) decisions are made elsewhere, president’s duty is to loudspeaks them in a verrry serious way. In that sense, both HRC and D. Trump are deluding the public as to what they are going to do. Whoever is chosen will perform exactly the way previous presidents performed, that is, they will read prerecorded text (that they didn’t write, much less decided upon), and respond to the criticisms in much the same prerecorded way, without any genuine sense of humor.
In that sense neither R. Nader or Ron Paul had any chance becoming presidents, two persons in recent history that I think had real interests, intellectual and moral capacity to put US on the right track benefiting 99% of the people.
I don’t expect D. Trump to be rewarmed G.W. Bush or B. Obama, but it is highly unlikely that he will be allowed to do anything without deep state approval.
Regards, Spiral
The totally negative media coverage Trump is getting across the board in MSM seems to indicate he is not controlled? Sanders was a trojan willingly or otherwise. I have seen two here in oz that did well for a bit with totally negative media. One went to jail, the other screwed the powers that be in this little puddle for what he wanted then rejoined them. I’m guessing Trump will end up in jail, but perhaps he will screw the deep state for what he wants then join them. Or perhaps he will stay out of jail and keep walking the talk.
The coming US elections seem to come down to a choice between the ultimate tafiri suicide bomber or a volunteer who will preside over the collapse of the USSA.
US economy is in intensive care, the injections of quantitative easing that kept it alive are about to wear off. It seems the quantitative easing all went into speculation to buy the US time to take control of Russia’s resources and contain or control China.
Both of these goals have failed miserably and the end is inevitable. Hence Russia constantly buying time, and the hurried and botched actions of the US of late.
This should be on all social media, but published here, that is only possible to the computer literate, which all those not learning to read on computer at four years old, are too often clueless about. HELP!
She is and has been, probably since a very young girl, brutally ruthless 100%. William’s sexually pathogical disfunction suited Mrs William Clinton’s power obsession just fine, as it still does today.
She and the hit-men of the US CIA have been on the very same page since William was enthroned and sexually shamed the entire Federal Government, trashing the soon to be dismissed US Constitution, as she sees it: just for her!
Please DO NOT post anything by this man or his affiliates. PJW is a known and discredited disinformation agent for .gov as is the entire intelligence-backed Infowars.
Seriously, before you post ANY thing from the U.S. you and your moderators need to spend a lot of time and vet these sources as all of them are rife w/ intelligence infiltration.
The disinformation/divide and conquer campaigns directed at the US populace by its government are the most sophisticated and full-spectrum mechanisms the world has ever seen – literally – and wading into – e.g., commenting on US Presidential politics – should be done with the most circumspect caution.
I would argue that to get at the truth of the domestic political world in the US is much MORE difficult than discerning what other nations are doing on the world stage. Everything is a part of the Spectacle here and I mean everything. Every single word is at best a half-truth.
I say this b/c other sites that at times intelligently discuss geo-politics – MoA, Pat Lang, etc, – embarrass themselves when they turn their seemingly discerning eyes to the media-saturated Spectacle that is US domestic/political life.
I say that these sites/commentators embarrass themselves b/c while they more or less consistently are able to demonstrate discernment vis a vis geo-politics, the fall prey to the EXACT SAME propaganda directed at the US populace and become the very cheerleaders – e.g. pro-Trump, pro-Hillary, etc – that TPTB want them to be. For example, b at MoA perfectly exemplifies how the non-Spectacle-inured mind of the European – yes, it’s bad there but not completely full-bore yet although they are quickly catching up – easily becomes a cheerleader in the utter nonsense that is US politics. Utter nonsense not so much in the sense that it doesn’t matter – which is true as noted by Spiral – but in the utter nonsense of the day to day distractions that grip the minds/attentions of propaganda-inundated citizens.
As I believe you know, it takes a lot of time, thought and discernment – A LOT – to remain an intelligent, thoughtful and grounded human being residing within the U.S. and I would just wish that people who have taken the time to figure out the machinations of the world at large would also take care and not go up against the full battery of psychological control/manipulation that is aimed directly at the US population lightly. It is has been honed and re-honed and – judging by its effectiveness on said commentators above – it is highly effective.
Please do not let also let yourself become a victim of this weapon. Too many of us depend upon your insight.
“The disinformation/divide and conquer campaigns directed at the US populace by its government are the most sophisticated and full-spectrum mechanisms the world has ever seen – literally”
I came to this realisation not long ago. Specifically when Saker made the post about A trojan designed to split and set up for ridicule, those who believed or suspected US government in 9/11.
Looking at Putin, he was never a rebel, or controversial, always worked within the system, communism or through the nineties, on coming to power he was an unknown, a mediocrity.
He has totally changed Russia.
Could a similar thing happen in the US? For anyone to gain power in the US they would at least have to pretend to go along with the system in some ways.
Hillary is the Elite’s ‘Samson Option’, and Trump is the People’s Hail Mary Pass.
Terminally ill psychopathic supreme leaders are always a disaster for their society, since they have no personal hope for the future, and generally exhibit ‘I’m taking you all with me’ syndrome. The Elites have long known they have to pull off their global population cull before the People break through the MSM curtain of illusions, and fully awaken to the horrific evils committed by the Elites… then kill off all the Elites in righteous vengeful rage.
So the Elites need someone they can trust to actually press the WWIII nuclear button. Hillary is exactly that and nothing more. I’m convinced her sole ambition now is to stay alive long enough for the Soros/Rothschild funded progressive/leftist/Dem/media-whores/deep-state… whatever you want to call them, minions to vote-fraud Hillary into the Presidency, where she will immediately kick off WWIII as violently and messily as she can. It’s likely she’ll die within a year, she’s demented, Satanic and a known serial killer, so she’s perfect for that role. The ultimate global-scale suicide bomber. Even if she has to be on green-screen life support to get her into office, doesn’t matter. You can fool enough people for long enough, and after that they’ll be dead so who cares how fake it looks now.
Trump on the other hand… yes, to some extent he’s preselected and may have failings. But it’s hard to tell what he really believes, and what is just camouflage to allow him to survive until he has the power of the Presidency. Does he love or loath Israel and the Zionists? Is he going to arrest and try all the known 911 conspirators? Under a Trump presidency, will the Three Letter Agencies be shooting into the crowds, or facing arrest themselves, or finally making themselves useful rounding up the corrupt bankers, MSM CEOs and the like?
Who knows? The hysterical foaming at the mouth hatred he gets from the MSM six corporations is definitely a good omen. Just the faint hope Trump might be able to put America (and the world) on a radical detox program to flush the Zionist, Neocon, Globalist poisons, is enough cause to support him. We know what he *can’t* say now, if he wants to live through the next few months. We hope that’s what he would be saying if it wouldn’t kill him, his chance at the Presidency (and really the future of the world) to say it now. There’s some evidence from his past to indicate his aims are worthy, but on this battlefield it’s suicide to reveal true intent too soon.
Hail Mary, and hope to God this last minute game-saving try can succeed. God help us all if it fails. Keep Trump alive, ruthlessly audit the vote, and keep your weapons close to hand.
Hillary has vacular dementia and frontal lobe damage. A demented president, how this get more and more bizarre.
Rumour has it that The White Dragon Society has put out a new hit list which includes Bill and Hillary, Obama, a whole bunch of neocons, central bankers and mid level banksters and of course David Rockefeller. Both Bushes, Rumsfeld and Cheney.
They are offering gold, so when neocons start disappearing, we can neither confirm or denigh that such a list ever existed.
I have never understood this essentially baseless notion of importance pertaining to who’s currently occupying, or will soon occupy, The Offal Office. What we can see here is that while a rabid Zionazi such as Hillary Clinton promotes all-out global conflagration, Donald Trump professes increased chauvinism and repression within US borders. The problem with this latter approach, however, is that the very moment the ruling US corporatocracy faces a serious political problem anywhere in the world, the prevalent fascist gung-ho mentality of the overwhelming US majority — Donald Trump included — will instantly align with Hillary’s thirst for total chaos, mayhem, violence, and destruction (with a little help from the Ziomedia, of course).
To illustrate further the West’s terminal degeneracy, one only has to look at the abominable EU and its equally rotten imperialist institutions. Does anyone here at The Saker believe for a moment that the prevalent party affiliations, sexual orientations, religious creeds, etc. of the serving apparatchiki would ever endanger imperialist lawlessness and neoliberal austerity?
On second thought, however: Western imperialism’s showdown with Russia and other countries in the process of leaving the Western orbit actually means that human civilization is hanging in the balance. At this level, it might indeed be accidentally decisive if a violently insane Zionazi or just a “plain” US bigot is Head of State. But the bloodlust and exceptionalist insanity of the dying Empire will contribute to immense suffering regardless.
Mrs William Clinton each time she does her theatre of hate shows, makes the United States look worse internationally than it looked the day before. No problemo. Whatever pleases the CIA choice for US President, the largest hit man group in the globe, is all that matters.