Dear friends,
This week I will be away from home until Sunday the 12th. I will have an Internet tablet with me and I will do my utmost to update the blog as best I can. Still, should you notice a relative slow down – please forgive me and know that this is due to my private circumstances.
Also, if at all possible, please do not email me. If at all possible, delay your email until next week when I will try to answer it as best I can. This week this will be tough for me.
Question: I am thinking of posting a “summer fund-raiser appeal” when I come back next week. The bills are coming, the donations are not. Is that okay with you if I decide to post a summer fund-raiser appeal next week?
Please let me know what you think. Not only about a possible fund-raiser next week but more generally.
Are you satisfied with the way the blog has been performing over the past 6 months?
Are there changes you would like to see?
This is a good time to ask for your feedback – so please let me know how you fell, okay?
Thanks a lot, hugs and cheers,
The Saker
A small suggestion: a bluetooth keyboard can raise productivity. And I would be looking forward to a new podcast…
Words cannot express the immense and timely work you are doing in our present zeitgeist. You are one of the men of the times. On the good side of the fight. Keep up the good work. And yes a fundraiser in the summer to keep everything churning along is a no-brainer.
If I could over any suggestions I would only say that a little bit more kindness and patience from you towards the frustrations, inquisitiveness, and misunderstandings of fellow blog contributors especially in the comment section would be really wonderful. A bit more reserve in judgement of the intentions of the contributors and who is a troll and who are simply honest people just questioning or disagreeing with you or things on the blog. There is a curtness and venom in your responses that I think is beneath you and this blog that you have put together. I know these virtues of kindness, patience, understanding, and “seeing it from the Other’s point of view” is in serious short supply in our times. But I believe this is in fact the time for us to insist in those virtues.
Sorry, have been meaning to make a steady commitment.
As of today I will pay the $ equivalent of 100 DKR per month ongoing.
Your blog has, for me, opened the doors to the church that is the body of Christ, Angel of the Great Council.
For that I am truly thankful.
Orthodoxy in all things is more or less a heresy from fraud. Satanism is becomming commonplace.
We are in a civilisational war, no reason to call it anything less.
blog has been super-but would much appreciate a press up and down arrow thingy to quickly reach top and bottom of comments especially when there are several pages!
It might be too sophisticated for website to have a “switch” button for readers to have option of “latest comments at top or at bottom “too?
Hi JJ, for this you can use your browser’s (page_ search function and as search string enter your nickname or the date in Florida, such as
and then
June 07
your arrows have been added. the switch button will take a little more time. … saker-webmaster
I made a comment yesterday and it was not posted.
So I hope that the views I express will not be ignored. I have been a reader sometime commentators since I discovered the information here on what was happening in ukraine. Which told what the MSM Was not saying
The site when it started had a strong voice with original ideas and you yourself contributed a lot. Colonel cassad was also giving reports. Your information about ukraine / Donbass now is weak to non existent.
Wanting to know what was happening in ukraine is what made me seek out alternative voices – now I find that I don’t know much anymore from the site, which is a shame.
You seem to contribute less and less and other writers appear and some of their views I can take or leave
It has resulted in my view that the site now has a lot of what I could only call “speculation” and the negativity flourishes in the comments to fill the vacuum of real information. You need to get back to the original thoughtful analytical writing.
I also don’t like the lone posting of video updates from south front which in 2 minutes tell nothing much. It should be supported by candid written updates.
One more time. What is wrong with my words?
I understand your feelings. I was on the blog more than two years ago fearing a world war. Where is Donbass today? Scott is a good contributor, but he sometimes talks against himself. He says there is understanding between the powers that be, then he says war is around the corner.
Saker should not expect contributions from me this time. He lives in Florida and does not understand the situation in Europe where I live. He can live with his Muslim immigrants, all two of them, while I am lost in this new landscape and so is my family. My pension is in danger, my children can’t find an apartment and must stay at home and they depend on me, old man. They must go to expensive private dentists, private doctors, to take care of their health. Immigrants come first. I am angry. The blog is not what it was.
Saker, not happy about the lack of info wrt the Donbass.
Me too.
Although info can be optained by clicking at the blog’s Top on NewsSources or BrothersInArms, I cannot even remember when Donbass was really subject of a full evaluation (other than just part with a few superficial lines of some “Ukraine” SitRep, which is an insult in itself to DonBass)
Reporting about DonBass doesn’t appear to shed a good light at the “outcome”.
So it’s not done, or what?
Crocolies and deep diving Dolphins may be interesting, but the DonBass is 20 zillion times more important (and that’s an understatement).
Last info from Donbas. Nadia Savchenko made a proposal to negotiate directly with DLNR and ofereed herself as a negotiator. DLNR ( Zaharchenko and Pushilin) accepted her proposal, provided that she is autorized by Ukraine to serve in such capacity. There was an uproar in Ukraine hunta ( she was called a traitor, Putin spy and even suspected to be an impostor by the name of Arcadii Shipitko, allegedly the real Nadia died in Russia). Poroshenko refused the proposal, about which Savchenko immediately informed the media. She also visited Slaviansk in the ukrainian controlled part of Donbass, where an attempt to kill her and blame the Russians was prevented by the DNR intelligence. Obviously she was well informed what happened and was mad.
Ukrainian “voluntary” formations are shouting both at Donetzk and Ukrainian army, there are many victims among Ukrainian soldiers.
Hi R,
thanks for this valuable info:
“””””where an attempt to kill her and blame the Russians was prevented by the DNR intelligence. Obviously she was well informed what happened and was mad.””””””
In Lwow the Nazis tried to storm the Lwow rada:
Then I read on novorissia blogs that DNR Zacharchenko has warned, that it cannot be ruled out that the Nazis blow up nuclear plants (e.g. Saporoshye).
I don’t even want to think about how it could all end .
Many Ukrainians were just born into a corrup system with liars as “politicians” and with media controlled by AZ liars.
Amazing news!!
I have just been ‘ educating’ some Americans in the truth of the Maidan z’ revolution’ and had warned about the ‘marketing’ of Savchenko as a ‘heroine’.
Now this ?
I wonder if she is in a power struggle with Yarosh. Or in league with him as the fascist battalions degenerate into uncontrollable apolitical criminality? He is on recite as having respect for the rebel spirit of Donbass…
Is a putsch coming propelled by an unlikely alliance between DNLR and a politically purged ‘ Right Sektor ‘ ?
Alliance between DLNR and Right sector, purged or not is impossible. If there will be “putch” or rather change it will come from the growing demand from the regions, now mostly in western Carpat parts of Ukraine for decentralization/ federalization. Today, Ivano-Frank region raised the issue of relative independence again.
What is Savchenko? We will see. For now she is like yeast in the Ukrainian political toilet.
@ anon:
If even half of what you’re saying is true (and I’m not suggesting you’re lying, btw)…
I’m literally gobsmacked.
OM-freaking-G, is in order in here, I believe.
Warning: the illustration picture is misleading.
Here is the real picture of the Saker on the road:
@Waly, after having listened to the latest interview with him and Peter Lavelle I must now say that you chose a too modern horse-car.
Here is my suggestion:
@ Waly, Martin from S.E.B.
Wrong pictures. Here’s how Saker left for U, S and A:
Yes, summer appeal is appropriate but it would be advisable to avoid using PayPal everyone! Blog is awesomely good and has place for many different people. The Duran interview with Peter Lavelle was very heart centered—good chemistry there.
I would be grateful if you’d consider interviewing Richard Dolan, NYC based historian with expertise on the national security state, Cold War and (to the detriment of his academic career but credit of his soul and courage to seek truth) UFOs.
Thanks for considering and thanks for your fabulous website.
peter from oz,
there are many interviews with r dolan published on the net. dolan wrote books too, so how could saker or this community be helped by another interview and with what prospect in mind?
sit back and relax until benevolent et entities take their well belated initiative?
How many readers of Saker’s Vineyard know of Richard Dolan’s work? There is still massive silos regarding knowledge across different topics, particularly in the realm of “conspiracy” oriented topics. People often know about increasing income inequality, or distrust the media, or have awakened to the banksters and the Fed Reserve, Rothschilds etc, or they have an interest in geopolitics, or 9/11 truth, or spirituality, or consciousness and quantum physics, or saving the environment. But less have connected the dots across more than a couple of these topics.
Yet the Universe is a whole. Things are connected. The UFO/ET issue impacts on all those areas.
Dolan got into UFOs because like Saker his expertise was on military and intelligence services and history. He found a book focussing on the “above top secret” nature of UFOs in his university bookshop one day many years ago and opened it because of his interest in secrecy and agencies like CIA etc. He was taken by the scholarship of the book and realised the UFO matter was serious and not something to scoff at.
So Dolan would be the perfect person to at least show to sceptical Vineyard readers how the UFO issue might relate to the nature of power and secrecy and geopolitical struggle for power on this planet.
Others like Stephen Greer also. Greer and Carolyn Rosin (a young physicist who was P.A. for Werner von Braun, ex-Nazi “Paperclip” scientist brought to USA at end WW-II to assist military-industrial complex and named a TIME magazine man of the year as “father of the rocket”) explain why passively sitting back and hoping benevolent ETs save us from ourselves, is probably not the best policy.
Evidence – and yes it sounds bizarre from materialist paradigm – from several sources (eg Corey Goode, James Gilliland) that humanity needs to be active conscious agents in ushering in a world of peace and enlightenment. That means to start looking at this issue seriously for a start.
I approved this comment here, since it was about the suggestion about things for Saker to cover. Any further discussion about the subject belongs in MFC. (MOD)
Dear Saker, you did a wonderful job with this blog. Especially I’m glad with the Movable Cafe as you probably observed but I do like other threads also. Thanks
dear saker, did you know that you’ve made the john batchelor show twice? june 3 and june 7 there you are and your letter of warning being discussed on a nationally broadcast show. congratulations.
It was also in the highlights section of my FB page, maybe because of my browsing habits, but still among lots of MSM stuff. The Saker is sort of a hidden treasure for me, so I was surprised to find it in such a public space. It was the version from The Duran.
Good idea to have a summer fundraiser. I think the site is very good and informative.
In regard to comments above about Donbass – I think you have mentioned this before Saker – things are in a limbo situation at the moment and there isn’t much to write about apart from shelling etc. which is on the regular news.You also have the news site links and Bro in Arms sites above which have information too.
You can’t be all things to all men……….
Hello Saker,
I can only say thank you for all that you have done so far.
I wish you well and I would like to tell you that you, your blog, your team, your commentators have become a very important part of my life.
Needless to say, I am on your side.
You have an exceptional talent for writing plus you are highly intelligent and compassionate.
Regarding your article “Russian warning” – I wonder if there are no other ways to avoid a war.
Since the tragedy of MH17 I have been following the news and for an a-political house-wife, lacking in knowledge on world affairs I quickly realized who is who and what is what on the global arena. For me, the most frightening, the “biggest threat” are the bankers. I believe that we, the people of Earth are going through transitional times and it is not going to help to nuke Russia or America or any given place on Earth for that matter. We have to eliminate the Club 300 or whatever it is called apart from nwo, the neocons, the zionists; we have to get the UN acting without favors, we have to get this EU dissolved and nato banned. The msm should get a set of new rules (e.g. fact -proof). We need mental therapy, too. I do not know how this can happen but it is a safer option for all of us and it is just. I’ve had enough of people talking, taking sides, blaming each other and no constructive talks about how could we peacefully get out of this madness. I believe that we have already the means: referendums,voting, elections etc, to change this situation but our leaders are not keen on applying them without twisting them. And one more thing: whoever wrote the ten commandments have missed a very important one: mind your business. The government of usa must learn to mind its own business.
Great post Valentina – agree with every word :)
Please do proceed with the fundraising.
I inadvertently hit the donate button twice this month. Oh well. :) I hope it helps.
I’m really enjoying your book and enjoying the opportunities to explain it to interested people.
I hope your trip is nice.
Have a great trip Saker.
At the end of this month I too will be traveling. I am heading to Sevastopol, in the Crimea (krimea; Krime?) I must see this wonderful part of Mother Russia. I also plan to sample some of the great Kremskoya (sp?) wine.
May God guide both of us; keep us safe and return us home safely!
Any fundraiser is fine. I agree with some other comments. Came initially for donbass info, which seems now quite scant.
I already sent a donation for your very valuable service, and thanks!
The blog is wonderful. Yes, your absence has been noticed. Yes, asking for more loot is cooler than cool. My situation is no better but am alright yet again. Death attempts
were advanced, and am healing back to normal. My son is still being Federally refused his passport in order to move to Amsterdam with his family, wife, son and daughter and dog.
He was set to fly here last September. All requests are not answered as to why. I think it was to keep him away as a few more death attempts on me were done at the end of last year. My NL pension was being stolen by the NL bank that issues it in order to punish me for helping my son survive last year using my very own, not NL, funds. As of One July 2016, that has ended abruptly. A refund of sorts is on the way.No apology ever expected as the punishment was probably ordered from Washington. MY FBI file begun by Hoover in 1964 the year my one remaining and first son was born in order to watch and make sure he never attempted to enter the ancient family international NL firm. His grandfather grew up with Queen Wilhelmina the Netherlands War Queen. He, grown, advised her never to start the Bilderberg Group or the US would take over Europe. She never did. He was killed for so warning her, his ancient family Netherlands archives removed going back hundreds of years, incinerated so it looks like he never existed. This is to be done to me, my brother and his children.About 20 family have been assassinated so far. Bush1 fully approved.
What’s up with this ??
Fund raiser good idea. Should be a bit more aggressive about the need for funding your efforts. Leave your Russian modesty at home. Your work is vital and requires support.