Dear friends,
As I have explained recently, the Saker Community, the Saker blog and my family have been negatively affected by the SARS-COV-2/COVID19 pandemic. Even though most of us are still in good health, our environment has changed in many ways (we had to totally shut down our small business for 2 months at least, probably many more!). Furthermore, the future looks bleak, especially economically. So let me clarify something most important:
This time, I am asking only those who are financially comfortable to help!
Why? Because unless you are yourself truly financially comfortable, you will soon need your money for your family and/or yourself. Or to help others in need. Therefore, I ask you NOT to send me even a penny, unless you truly feel that it is a penny you will never need.
However, IF you ARE financially secure, then this my friend is the time to help those who aren’t!
My sole argument here will be to quote Saint Basil The Great who taught:
Oh mortal, recognize your Benefactor! Consider yourself, who you are, what resources have been entrusted to you, from whom you received them, and why you received more than others. You have been made a minister of God’s goodness, a steward of your fellow servants. Do not suppose that all this was furnished for your own gullet! Resolve to treat the things in your possession as belonging to others.
Please do not advise me to use a paywall, or accept ads. I will never do that, that would be a betrayal of our Community’s ethos and a betrayal of my personal principles.
I am profoundly convinced of the moral and even practical superiority of collectivist societies over individualist ones (albeit not in every case, of course, some collectivistic societies have been, and still are, truly horrible). Oh, I know that I am in the minority, at least in the West. Yet, I don’t care. The Saker Community has helped (and even saved the blog) *many* times and I want to believe that being a Community gives us all a collective advantage over other models.
I hope and pray that this time again you all will help both the blog and myself.
Thank you,
The Saker
“Here is the endurance and the faithfulness of the saints!”
The main dimensions or the ongoing events are spiritual, Sergei (that’s why I’m addressing you by your christian name). Take heart “as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”, take to Holy Scripture and the Church Fathers as deep as you can fathom, and praying the Spirit to be your second, and main, breathing. No easy talking, I’m hardly hit and have no illusions. Hope has very little to do with optimism. Any liturgy within your reach?…
Je crois d’ailleurs qu’on aurait beaucoup à gagner avec un bon bout de vraie communicaton en suiveurs du Christ. Apris à l’École du NT : évaluer, former jugement, confirmer, récapituler – c’est on ne peut plus à propos du moment présent. Et surtout s’en remettre à la toute-puissante bienveillance du Sauveur.
“Et pour vous craignant mon Nom un soleil de justice rayonnera, la guérison sur ses ailes!”
Google translate,MOD:
I also believe that we would have much to gain with a good bit of real communicaton as followers of Christ. Having learned at the NT School: evaluating, forming judgment, confirming, recapping – this is very much about the present moment. Above all, rely on the all-powerful benevolence of the Savior.
“And for you fearing my Name a sun of justice will shine, healing on its wings!”
Saker I sent my small help, hope many will follow. This site is invaluable, we have to help each other to keep it going on.
Some thoughts about The Saker Blog-the Vineyard and You:
What is this common space?
Why do you return to the Vineyard?
Why do you read and comment?
What have you learned from the Vineyard?
What value is this blog in your life?
Some thoughts in the form of queries so you can evaluate the time you invest in the Saker Blog versus that time spent in other forms and modes of learning, communicating, questioning, or being entertained.
Your time has value. So does the content of the Saker Blog have value.
You pay for entertainment and you pay for education and you pay for information. You get the Vineyard for free.
The Saker gifts the Blog to everyone. It is hard to estimate its commercial value, but it would not be out of present range of subscriptions to be no less than $19. That might be for an annual fee or a monthly fee. But let’s take the lesser range–annual subscription. $19. That is 19/365= 5 cents/day. Would you pay a nickel a day?
19/12= $1.50 a month. Would you pay $1.50 a month to access the blog?
Think hard about what the years of reading, the comments you have made, the information you now rely on.
It has value to you. But it is given to you by Saker, a gift. A world of knowledge, analysis, opinion on the most relevant topics, served daily, free, with Cheers and Hugs, Russian-style.
Now, as the economic crush is forming, taking out millions of jobs, reducing incomes, it is time for us all in brotherhood with the Saker and in common with all the Blog populace to pitch in economically.
I used $19 as a token. That’s a lot for some people. Understood. That’s pittance for others. Understood.
The beauty of a collective effort, a barn raising, is a large group of people have to do very little to get a large job done. So, do something. Do it now.
No one is exempt. If you can’t do something now, save your nickels and when you have $2, $3 or $4, send it in.
Times are going to get harder around the world. The global economy is going to be in recession. Jobs will be lost, businesses shut, and you will need the Blog as respite and source of knowledge. It will become a resource. It will also provide solace and joy, because hard times inspire people, also.
Do it today. Saker needs to know his time is worth keeping the Vineyard going.
100% agree with you.
This blog is certainly worth 100$ this month from my part ;)
I hope next month will still be financially stable (you should wish me good luck too :p )
If not, it wouldn’t in any way diminish the quality of this blog of course.
Dear friends, as you know, I’m not in a good shape financially, it wasn’t the case last year, a year ago…and it is no different now with the big circus around. I got used to refrain from many things which for many of you may be hard to cope but waging a war without sacrifice is not possible moreover when you want to survive and continue fighting against an enemy which is without any mercy. I did offer many times before my art works – and then were still “normal times” in comparison with what we have today – Now I do it again, I have artworks which are free to take for anyone who helps Saker (and this blog) financially, in the spirit so well described by Larchmonter. Personally I would be much happier to have those drawings, paintings given for a noble cause than having them put on fire which otherwise would be their final destiny together with my photo albums and other belongings, not having a family left behind me. Being a piece of antiquity myself, I enjoyed and continue to enjoy this place, agitating for the sake of a global friendship and cooperation thinking on you who have kids and family, having in mind the prospect of a better future. Everything shall pass but the fighting spirit needs to be kept alive !
As promised I have committed to making a small automatic donation on a regular basis via my credit card.
May I humbly suggest that others who can afford it do the same. As opposed to responding to each request for donations, just make it smaller and regular.
As Craig Murray puts it at his blog,
“Subscriptions are still preferred to donations as I can’t run the blog without some certainty of future income, but I understand why some people prefer not to commit to that.”
If 100 readers do this, it will create a reliable financial foundation for the blog. Even it it is a small foundation, “reliable” is big.
By way of comparison—purely of the cost for the news, not of the type of news—the Sunday edition of the New York Times costs $5 in New York, $6 elsewhere. They currently have a special offer of the digital edition for $1/week (the normal cost is $4.50).
An advantage to you of “subscribing” to the blog is that you will not have to waste mental energy in the future trying to decide whether or not to donate, or feeling guilty about reading the blog regularly but not donating. If you are self-employed as a writer, translator, editor, or other worker in the communications field, you can [probably] deduct your subscription from your income tax, on the Schedule C.
If for one am happy to subscribe, in order to ensure the continuity of news and analysis, plus the opportunity to hear others’ points of view—and weigh in myself—on a moderated platform.
Excellent thoughts and action plan.
I aspire for the Light to prevail. I have faith that better times are coming i have faith that we will come out of this stronger then before.I can only share this faith that it will be alright. I hope you can accept this from me
Done, not much but it does add up
I keep you in my prayers.
Donation done.
Dear Saker,
Needless to say, I’m sorry you and your wife have been hit with this. The economic conditions have been getting worse year by year and now we have arrived at this mess. I’ve been waiting for this for the past 12 years.
I read my saint for the day this morning, St. Eutychius who was the Patriarch of Constantinople for a number of years. He spent some time in banishment during one of the heretical uprisings. After describing some events of his life and the miracles that were worked through him the account includes this:
“During the Persian invasion of Amasea and its widespread devastation, they distributed grain to the hungry from the monastery granaries on the saint’s orders, and by his prayers, the stores of grain at the monastery were not depleted.”
I’ve read such experiences time and again. Our God and Saviour is ‘everywhere present and filling all things. Treasury of blessings and giver of life’. I don’t have much but have learned to live with much less than I used to. I live in a tiny, run-down cabin in the woods. If I have mercy on hungry and injured animals to help them, I think I can at least find a little to contribute to help a fellow brother in the Lord.
How does one do this? If everyone gives a little, as Larch gently calculated it can multiply.
Duh, never mind. As I look up at the screen my old eyes see this big orange button which says ‘Support the Saker/Donate’. LOL. I’m slow but I get it eventually.
Ok, monthly ammo sent, in keeping with the thoughts of Mr. Larchmonter and Katherine. (Even though I can be a real butt, I do value and listen to some women).
Although Saker won’t get to see it, when I filled in the Patreon form I filled in the name on my card using all caps. I got a smile over that because Saker doesn’t like all caps and like I said, I can be a butt.:)
I’ve been reading this blog for awhile now, and have valued its reasoned and thoughtful approach to commenting on world events.
I’ve made a small monthly donation, as per Katherine’s suggestion.
Keep up the good work, and thanks to you and everyone here!
The corona pandemic is tearing apart all types of existing commercial/economic systems – small ones are worst hit (as I am witnessing myself). At this juncture, all well-wishers of your blog-site should come forward with whatever donations possible. I have just donated a little.
Wish you and your team a long but successful journey ahead in search of ‘truth’ with a stronger ‘vineyard’.
Saker, your undertaking is truly a ministry for the culmination of this age… a voice of Scriptural morality and sanity amidst the roar of amoral confusion broadcast by the dragon, the beast and its image. It is worthy of tithes from all Orthodox believers in an Eastern sense (as well as “orthodox” in the sense of genuine Christians in the west, as well).
Ours is a period of “strong delusion,” sent by the Father, Himself [2nd Thessalonians 2: 3-16, n.b. verses 8-11]. The deception is worldwide, except for a relatively small remnant. [Matthew 24:24]
Our struggle is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood, but with the despotisms, the empires, the forces that govern this dark age… and the spiritual hosts of wickedness arrayed against us in the heavenly realms. [Ephesians 6:12]
If you have paypal donating takes something like 20 seconds. I know, I tried it. Felt very good to do.
Come on, stragglers.
Дорогой Андрей,
Храни Вас Бог! Вы столько делаете для нас, – я чувствую себя Вашим вечным должником.
Google Translation,MOD:
Dear Andrey,
God bless you! You do so much for us – I feel like your eternal debtor.
For Saker readers, simply: put your money where your mind is.
I continue my monthly subscription, just increased it.
Hey Saker! I just sent you US$30, ~30 minutes ago (as of 2020-04-11.) Thanks for all that you do. I hope it helps a little.
Donated. If you reactivate your subscribestar, I had a monthly donation active that I am willing to keep up.
As far as I know, subscribestar is active. If you still have problems, let me know at the saker assistant email at the bottom of the page.
I’m about to send my modest contribution to help you continue the great job you are doing. Thank you Saker for what you do and the way you do it.
On top of direct contribution from your readers, wouldn’t it be a good idea to consider suggesting your readers to use the Brave browser as using it can kick back some money to your site, without the threat of being at the mercy of advertisers?
Personnally I would be glad to use Brave instead of Gmail ou Edge or whatever.
Yeah … that is on my list to set up. I’ll get there :-) promise
If you look at on Brave you will see that I’m almost done.
I want to donate through Patreon. Apparently I’m technically challenged.
Please help me understand how do this.
I finally figured out how to donate. I appreciate your work
Цењени Андреи ,
Христос Васкресе.
Translation from google – Mod
The values of Andrei,
Christ Vasquez.
Small translation correction, not Christ Vasquez, it should say “Christ has risen (from dead)” = “Happy Easter”. Христос Васкресе is well understood by Russians and Serbians – it archaic Slavic language used by Orthodox Church services (Russians, Belorussians, Serbs, Bulgarians). Orthodox people greet each other on Easter morning by “Христос Васкресе”. The reply is “Ваистину”, meaning literally “Thai is true” or “Indeed he’s risen”
Where do we send money. I will send $$
Ashu, at this link you will find the ways.
Jawahar Bhagwat has forwarded my contribution . It is always interesting to read Vineyard of Saker.
Sergei, thank you for being there describing always what you see going on in the world right now …I can help you a little here , may the Majesty and Benevolence of God protect our Families in these hard times of endurance …Be well my Friend and Fratello Cristiano, from Southern California ..Gio
Dear Saker, do you have a Paypal link, or an address I can use to give you a donation? Please email me the information, thank you for the great work you do.
I’ve sent you a contribution. Good luck my friend and hoping you can continue with your great work here.