The big news today is that those evil Russkies have fired a Tochka-U missile with a cluster warhead at the city of Kramatorsk, killing scores of innocent civilians. The “entire civilized world” is disgusted and immediately announced even MORE sanctions, MORE condemnation and MORE anti-Russian virtue signalling.
Minor problem: Russia does not have Tochka-U missiles, which are 30 year old Soviet missiles which have been far surpassed by modern Russian missiles (of which Russia has plenty enough). How do we know that it was Tochka-U which was used?
Because of the tail section which separates from the warhеard during the flight. Here it is:
No Russian tactical missile in service with such a tail section, and only the Ukrainian Tochka-U have.

Tochka-U tail and control surfaces
How much of a problem is that for the Empire of Hate and Lies?
Very minor, really. Remember that their PSYOPS are directed at two kind of people:
- Those with low intelligence
- Those who don’t care about the truth
Russia did not have the old-model Buk which allegedly shot down MH-17 either, which did not stop the Empire of Hate and Lies to instantly blame the shooting down on Russia. And Russia has long liquidated her chemical weapons stores, unlike the US or the UK, by the way.
But who cares about that when hating Russia and Russians is all which really matters?
In fact, this is straight out of the Western PSYOPs book:
- Execute a false flag, then
- INSTANTLY blame Russia and lean on all your colonies to do the same in the name of Western “solidarity”
- Thereby make absolutely certain that no real investigation can take place or, if it does, it will be so far down the road that nobody will care.
So we have a major false flag in Bucha, and now we have that Tochka-U in Kramatorsk. What will come next?
God only knows, but the goal is to associate “Russians” with “atrocities” in what is left of the mind of the eagerly scatophaging serfs in Zone A.
In the meantime, inside Russia a scandal is brewing with the latest statements of Dmitry Peskov who said a lot of very dumb things in his latest interviews. Frankly, the day Putin fires Peskov I will personally feel an immense sense of relief. During peacetimes having folks like Medinski and Peskov is painful enough, but during war times folks with their mindset are a real DANGER for Russia as they are directly injecting fear, uncertainty and doubt in the mind the the Russian public. The only good news, but it is very good, is that more and more Russians are getting really upset with these characters: they support Putin and the military operation, and they are really getting fed up with the Atlantic Integrationists and their way to patronize 5th columnists (which is what Peskov did).
I very much hope for the day when the likes of Peskov and Medinski are given their retirement package and are replaced by a completely different kind of person.
[Sidebar: I wonder if those who emphatically denied even the existence of Atlantic Integrationists will how have the honestly to admit that they were wrong. Probably not :-)]
Now let’s take a look at the recent vote to suspend Russian from the UN Human Rights Council:
First, notice that neither Hungary nor Serbia had the courage and decency to abstain (nevermind oppose).
Second, while this map does not accurately reflect how the actual people in these countries feel about this war, this map does a superb job showing us the list of pure comprador colonial ruling classes. So here is the score for our planet: the Empire, while already dead, still rules, by momentum, over 151 governments and only 24 countries have what it takes to openly oppose the voting directives from the Empire of Hate and Lies. The 58 countries which, like Pilate, have washed their hands from this vote are particularly pathetic, just like those who did not have the courage to even show up for the vote.
As for those who “voted green”, I wish I could send them each a small bag with 30 silver coins inside.
Radovka posted an interesting map showing how the world is split:

Legend: from L to R: pro Ukraine, sympathetic to the Ukraine, neutral, sympathetic to Russia, pro Russian
And here is a sanctions map I came across recently:
Of course, this is just a still-shot of an evolving situation. But the real value of these maps is that it shows three different groups:
- The real modern Nazis (CA+US+EU+AUS+NZ+JP).
- The comprador regimes who vote “correctly” but many of which do not want to put their money where their mouth is and who also want to get goods and services from Russia (I think of them as countries with huge stomachs but tiny balls).
- The 25 countries which dared to defy the Empire of Hate and Lies and openly voted “no”.
Since the beginning of this war, the Russians have suffered many casualties trying hard NOT to harm civilians or the civilian infrastructure. The Ukronazis did the polar opposite: not only have they kidnapped thousands of people who have been “disappeared”, they have openly attacked civilians in the LDNR and since the SMO they have unleashed their hatred against almost every town they had to evacuate (to make the local “separs” pay and to blame it all on “Russian atrocities”.
And the West noticed absolutely *nothing*.
At least officially. In reality, of course, this is directly the result of the kind of “instruction” the Ukronazis have received from their Anglo masters.
Here is the ugly truth nobody wants to openly admit: the West wants to genocide Russia and the West is ALREADY genociding the people of the Ukraine. If the Empire of Hate and Lies has its way, this war will last as long as possible, include as many horrible atrocities as possible and a total destruction of the civilian infrastructure of the Ukraine.
As for Russia and the Russian people, there is only one thing I have not heard from our wonderful Western neighbors yet: the screams “crucify them! crucify them! crucify them!”. Of course, that is not how the modern Crusaders express their feelings, they just want to “cancel Russia” – different words, same meaning.
If all this sounds demonic, it is because it is. Literally. And Russian history is filled with such genocidal invasions, and today, in conclusion, rather than use words, I want to use a few paintings by the Russian artist Il’ia Glazunov. I don’t want to “explain” them, just look at them and you will maybe understand the Russian people and their history a little better than before, at least that is my hope.
Vucic has declared on public television that Serbia HAD to vote with Europe to avoid sanctions from Europe & US. Make of it what you want.
Still cowardly, but there are others who were forced to vote for, er else. This is why the world needs a new direction, and another option.
Serbia is a landlocked nation surrounded by states that have no problem following the Empire of Lie’s dictats. If Serbia had voted as the people wished, it would be cut off from all external contact, ground and air, by these vassals under EoL’s orders. For what? It would not have changed the result. On the other hand, it lives to fight another day. Realpolitik isn’t nice.
Could have abstain, come late, or not showing as some others pressured did.
Every country is a subject of pressure and veiled or not veiled treats. Members of EU and NATO even more than others, since many of them are simply held hostages.
That did not stop Milorad Dodik denanucing zaionazi BS. I guess, one has cojones, Vucic doesn’t.
As for Victor Orban, Serbs respect that guy for obvious reasons.
Serbia gets its oil through a pipeline constructed by Socialist Yugoslavia. This pipeline starts on the Croatian island of Krk and transfers crude oil to the Pancevo oil refinery near Belgrade. This oil refinery, which was bombed by NATO, is now majority owned by Gazprom. The Croats have threatened to cut oil supplies to the “Russian-owned” Pancevo refinery. After the Serbian UN vote the threat of an oil blockade was lifted. Think what you like about Serbia’s President Vucic, but the fact is that Serbia is surrounded by NATO, and is a country that has been bombarded and occupied by NATO. Serbians don’t blame Russia for not supporting them in 1999. They know Russia under Yeltsin could barely protect itself. Please have some understanding for Serbia’s position. My guess is that Serbia, Republika Srpska (part of Bosnia), and Hungary discussed their predicament with Russia before the vote.
Vucic claims he spoke to Putin on April 6th to speak about these two things, the vote and energy (especially with Croatia sanctions on Gazprom etc)
The problem with this type of foreign policy is its not viable long-term as the polarising force of this world war will eventually force all those on the fence (voting against, then voting for Russia) to come down on one side…
First of all, whether any pipeline leading to Serbia would be shut down is a big if. Second, that’s not up to the small vassal countries who wouldn’t profit from such a movie, but it’s up to US/EU. If Serbia gets sanctioned, you can’t transfer oil to it without being sanctioned yourself. This is also why countries don’t do business with Iran. It’s not that none of them wouldn’t want to, but if they do they will be sanctioned as well.
> This is also why countries don’t do business with Iran
Correct, only if you use USD to buy it in the first place
Venezuela…a no show? Heck. It’s not like they have anything to lose at this point by voting to assist Russia. Venezuela has been subject to a full blown US “National Endowment of Democracy” funded regime change program for years. So; they are already fully sanctioned in an open trade war, including direct US naval blockades, subjected to CIA-funded Colombian mercenary saboteurs operating against infrastructure inside the country, likewise, subjected to continual US electronic warfare attacks against utility and amenity infrastructure grids from outside the country, and not least the US having long declared they don’t recognize the sitting, ruling, Venezuelan government, the US having declared their support for their own preferred alternative, who they seek to install into Venezuelan Presidential power, without any credible legitimacy.
Given all this has already happened, the Venezuelans may as well have shown up, and raised a hand in support of another country high on the US based Neo-Con’s hit list.
I wrote a comment about some exceptional voting cases on page 2. Venezuela couldn’t vote because its voting rights have been suspended due to unpaid debt to the UN.
I was not aware of this. Thank you for the information, this is why I like this forum, I get benefit of others knowledge I missed. That all actually makes a lot more sense now. Be good.
11 Countries are behind on membership dues, and eight have had their right to vote suspended. Iran has blamed US sanctions for the lack of funds and Venezuela as well .. they cannot vote.
Vucic is in permanent consultation with Vladimir Putin. He doesn’t move the little finger without Putin’s blessing. He had a phone conversation with Putin prior to the vote. I have the feeling that people on this blog react with their guts. State politics are a cold head discipline, not a matter of treason, of love or hate. The main task of a president is to save his people and state in difficult times. Why so many poeple would like to présent Serbs as traitors? Perhaps some have interest to create distrust among Russians and Serbs?
Vucic is a US-European owned clown and a puppet and let it go at that. What more proof does one need of this when only today, a Russian defense and intelligence blog published that Serbia has decided to purchase French Rafale fighter-bombers instead of Russian Su-30s???? There is no better indicator of where Vucic’s loyalties lay. The Serbian people need to run him out of town like the traitorous carpet-bagger he is and they are more than capable of doing it.
Serbian people may run him of town, but not for the reasons discussed here. Last few days I exchanged opinions with six Serbians from Belgrade, one from Novi Sad – I speek passable Serbo-Croatian. Serbians are in their majority oriented to the West, except some in the deep country. They believe sooner or later their place is with the West and in EU. The fact that to be in EU one has to be in NATO , they prefer not to talk about.
They are not against Russia, they simply believe that they belong to the West as they were during Yugoslavia days and pretend to be the leader of the non-attached countries as Yugoslavia did. It was interesting to observe as I did their disbelieve in the 90’s when their Western allies bombed them. Serbia is not urged or pressured by the West to become part of EU (and NATO) as the countries from Warsaw pact were 30 years ago, Serbia wants to join.
Their love for Russians shows when artillery or bombs start falling and fades when the same West takes them back. The first time in 1914 this caused Russians to jump in the WWI which ultimately led to the destruction of the Russian Empire. The second time in the 90’s Russia couldn’t do the same and I am glad,although I firmly sympathized with Serbians.
Back to Vucic- Serbians I spoke to, say that one cannot find a government or related job if one is not firmly on the side of Vucic party, that Vucic rule is one of gross corruption, that his pretending to ballance between Russia and the combined West is doomed and better to declare Serbia to the side where it belongs, i.e. the West. There are exceptios as I said, but that’s about it.
I do not blame Serbians, but one has to be realistic. Being unrealistic will cost us dearly.
Interesting what you say
but completely opposite of my experience (I am in Belgrade).
Most people (probably everyone I speak to) thinks EU are a bunch of predatory psychopaths. Some young people would like to study in EU (before CONVID democide) but everyone else thinks that if they were to join – Serbia would quickly be forced to become another Greece – an indebted colony of NATO.
Everyone I know likes Russia – and everyone I know thinks Germans, Brits etc are the worst scum
I don’t know about getting a government job – but I can tell you there are lot of jobs here – many more than say in Toronto where I lived until recently. Lots of IT, construction, healthcare etc jobs – I have not seen anyone here complaining about lack of jobs. And many people told me that the only way not to get a job is if you don’t even try.
Apart from a couple of my family members I don’t know anyone who likes Vucic or his team. And these few cousins like him mostly because he keeps good relations with Russia.
Absolutely true. Unfortunately, Serbs are seemingly, back in the focus of the “free” world for being once more opposed to the “democratic values and freedoms”. Serbs will pay the price again, no doubt. And, it seems to be a paradox that, once upon the time, on the one hand, Russia was very much appreciated as a reliable partner for its support to US and NATO in the Balkan war which decimated the Serbs, and, on the other hand, Serbs being again ostracized for supporting Russia in the time of Russia’s need.
Zdravo Tomo, veoma se nadam da je tako kako kazete, moj utisak je malo drugacii. Izvinite za greshke.
Majority of Serbs are against NATO, some younger people brainwashed by western propaganda are for EU, believing they will have higher standard if we join EU. And we have had that kind of people always, they were the ones denouncing Orthodoxy and becoming muslim during the Ottoman invasion. If we can speak in general terms; Orthodoxy and traditional values are core of Serbian identity. And Orthodoxy creates strong ties with Russia.
About the Vucic part, yes there is corruption always was and always will be, but nobody I know is in Vucic’s party, and everybody has a job in a private sector. I guess for higher tier jobs in state sector one has to be politically active, but that’s also nothing new.
On final notice I believe lots of Russians doesn’t even know about Serbia, while you can see lots of people in Belgrade wearing tshits with Putin or Serbian & Russian flags.
Whats happened to the Serbian people that they vote for a coward like Vucic anyone with honour would have told the Reich to go ….itself like General Mladic did in that Reich Court in the Hague.
Listen, the last time Serbs reacted like that it was in march 1941 and the conséquences were defeat, bombing of Belgrade, genocide, and 1,5 millions deaths. Is that people really not able to keep a cold head?
If the People of Serbia, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, England, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland feel betrayed by their governments, then it’s time for the people of these Nations to clean their own house.
It is not the responsibility of Russia to liberate the whole world from the Fascist Empire.
What the conflict in Ukraine have shown is how deeply many Nations have been infiltrated by political agents working on behalf of a globalist cabal.
If the people of each Nation want a democratic government working on behalf of the population, they must take action themselves and replace their own corrupt governments.
Stop blaming Putin or Russia for not supporting Your population, before you have cleaned your own house.
The solution is for the people in each Nations to start organizing popular resistance.
Start locally by electing an MP you can trust, and make him/her meet your local organization each month.
Every person has the right to strike, so organize and do.
Every person has the right to protest, so organize and do.
Every person has the right to cancel their News media subscription and Facebook account, so do it.
Every person has the right to stay out of debt, and prepare for hard times, so do it.
Every person has the obligation to fight for your Human rights and Homeland, so do it.
Take action now.
In Denmark we have an old proverb: Many small Creeks makes a big River.
That will be the flood supporting Russia and the multi polar world by flushing the Fascist empire into the abyss.
Yes it is not the job of Russia to defeat the Empire Of Lies – that is the job of the citizens of the west and despite the propaganda the support for Ukraine is nothing like as high as its made out to be. Even the most non interested geo political friends I have do not side with Ukraine. But what the wests anti EOL citizens do need is for the Empire to be weakened on the global stage and Russia and China, and India can help that if they stick together. Once weakened globally the Empire can be defeated in the west.
India hasn’t decided yet to joint this axis, so far i know. Cheers.
First of all, Yugoslavia was created after WW1 by the Serbs when they came out on the winning side despite tremendous losses. The main goal was to have almost all Serbs living in one country. Serbs didn’t look forward to dismantling their Yugoslavia even thought it was designated by the West for the chopping board. The west, especially Germans always looked after interests and desires of their pro-German clients like the Slovenians and Croats. Also, historically they were always un-sympathetic to the Russia-inclined Serbs. Six or seven new states were created and from every new state the Serbs had been ethnically cleaned and prosecuted while being accused for doing that themselves. However, Serbs fought against the “international community” completely alone and they held out for as long as they could.
On the other hand, USSR was voluntarily dismembered primarily by the Russian elites. Although their communist upbringing couldn’t be considered as an asset in making decisions of such historical importance, nevertheless, it is quite impossible to understand why they did it the way they did it unless they were getting all their wisdom from vodka (as seems to be the case with Yeltsin according to some eye witnesses). There is a historical phenomenon that the Russian elites have always been very much fascinated by the western culture, like for example, Peter “the Great” who idealized Swedes, and so much so that very often they completely ignored their history and recklessly left behind their own people. In order to show that they are worth it often they were willing to do much more than the “partners” had asked for. Is this not reminiscent of Russia of the 1990s and even for a while of the 2000s.
Along these lines it is, to an extent and very generally, possible to follow the path to the current Russian predicament. All those years, for almost three decades, Russians had been uncritically focused on their own relations with West ignoring their friends and historical allies. They seemed hellbent to achieve the goal whatever the cost. They unsuccessfully tried to become member of both NATO and EU. Their aspirations and their dreams (I mostly talk about Russian political, cultural, financial and other elites) totally contradicted with aspirations of the eastward gazing Serbs who have always looked upon Russia for their support. Therefore, for many years during the war in the Balkans Russia supported the western clients like Croats, the people with so many parallels with the Galician Bandera fascists, against their own – the orthodox Serbs. It is quite mind-boggling.
Even though I personally have never been a supporter of A. Vucic for I do not trust him just like many other Serbs, however, it has to be said that hi has been consistently supported by Putin and the Russian government. There are many Serbs who do not appreciate that. I guess Russians figure that in Belgrade it is better to have a half-hearted friend than an open pro-western enemy. On the other hand, having in mind the unfortunate recent history between Serbs and Russians, and the fact that because of that history Serbs are very doubtful and insecure about Russian support in the future, it is only sensible to assume that the Russians are not really in position to ask from the Serbs anything more than what they are themselves willing to offer. I contend that Serbs do try to help much more than their current geostrategic position allows them to do so safely. Besides, for the Serbs there is no debt to be repaid.
It is true that the criticism of Serbs is completely misplaced. Russia was willingly complicit party to dismemberment of Yugoslavia. To resolve the issue of Yugoslavia maybe they thought it smart and helpful to assist the “international community” by applying the same methods they used in dismemberment of their own country- USSR. We fought our war then, they, to their own surprise, have to fight it now. In the process they chose the side to support which they did not only politically but also militarily. That side was NOT Serbs but their enemies. So, if anyone today, A. Vucic notwithstanding, criticizes the Serbs should know that for example the Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians as well as the self-styled “Montenegrins” (yet another splinter newly-invented “nation”), they all owe to Russia much, much more than the Serbs. Whatever the Serbian support for Russia is it comes from the warm and profound brotherly feelings and from probably unique understanding (to due to their own very comparable experience), and not from the feeling of political or any other sort of indebtedness.
They blackmail people, countries. To do as they want. i listened to the whole deposition Victoria Nuland had in Senate in US, a while ago, and she said it clear that they push through ambassadors, they push through influnencers (jouranalists etc they pay of course and give Nobel prise for trashing their countris if they want to change regine in that country).
Anyway, they do damage, bit at the end they will loose, in any timeline they lose the only variable is how much damage they will produce: how many people will still be here on Earth when they will loose. But they know they will loose, their mirrors projects told them decades ago they will loose. They know. They just want to produce as much damage as possible.
On the map Myanmar is painted brightest red, and it is indeed supported by Russia and in favour of Russia; but Myanmar voted yes in both UNGA votes.
This is a direct indicator of blackmail, it can’t be explained in any other way.
– Myanmar currently has armed US/UK trained and supported proxy terrorists who at this very moment are fighting a large scale offensive against the government (thousands of fighters, hundreds of people killed by the terrorists);
– there are many US and UK militry trainers and military advisers on the ground supporting insurgents and helping them kill Myanmar soldiers and pro-Myanmar ethnic soldiers;
– the US/UK are running a mammoth propaganda campagne using illegal in-country broadcasts which have a devastating effect;
– the US/UK have created – and help to hide – a full-blown Guido-style illegal “alternative government” with its own terrorist military force – the misnamed “Peoples Defence Forces” which bomb schools, holspitals and other soft targets because they are too cowardly to fight genuine targets;
So it would seem impossible to explain the Myanmar double Yes vote in other way than outright blackmail. The US/UK are holding a knife at Myanmar’s throat, Myanmar is a human shield like those in Mariupole.
Myanmar openly supports Russia. BUT:
“Afghanistan – ruled by the Taliban – and Myanmar, which is run by a military junta, are represented at the UN by ambassadors appointed by the countries’ previous democratically elected governments. The Taliban and Myanmar’s military rulers have named their own UN ambassadors but they have not been recognized by the world body.”
What a pathetic excuse. Serbia always votes against Russia while saying how much they like Russia. Guess what, America threatens EVERYONE, and yet some countries resist and some act like obedient slaves. If you only do the right thing when it’s profitable, then it’s profit you’re after, not justice.
In the beginning of the SMO, there was talk in the news that Serbia (and Vučić) resisted calls and requests to NATIONALIZE the Russian-owned oil company in Serbia.
As in, the EU straight-up wanted Serbia to do what no EU country did – steal an entire company – and even THREATENED SANCTIONS if that wasn’t done. And I don’t mean toothless sactions, I mean proper sanctions that would literally make car-driving an impossible luxury.
But as you know – Serbia didn’t nationalize anything. So maybe cut us some slack and recognize that this is what success looks like. Remember – not everybody is as big and strong (and geographically isolated) as Russia.
My country is even worse in regard to this whole Russia/Ukraine situation. The population is brainwashed and the politicians are US/EU puppets. The point I was making is that you can’t use “we were threatened with sanctions” as a justification to vote against Russia every single time, while calling Russians ‘brotherly people’, ‘friendly nation’, and what have you. I understand that Vučić does what is more profitable for Serbia, but I’m not a Ferengi so I can’t call that a “success”. There are many countries that are smaller and weaker than Serbia and still refused to vote against Russia despite US threats.
Hey dude, Serbs newer send a single soldier on Stalingrad during WW2, not a single soldier! We bought valuable time for SSSR with rebellion against Hitler on 27.03. 1941. Also Russia did not support Serbia in some occasions trough history – recognition of Croatia, support of Bulgaria (San Stefan, 1878), independence of Montenegro… at the end newer support us during 1999 when we were against whole fucking west ALONE! So please, do not talk about Serbian support to Russia, we are only country in Europe that newer imposed sanctions on Russia! But we are basically colony with NATO occupation of Kosovo and all NATO countries around – Croatians, Muslims, Albanians, part of Montenegrians they all hate us same as ukro Azov garbage hate Russia. So, please, you need to understand that without proper weapons and economy Serbs can not do more that they can and of course Russia is aware of this. Our planes still fly to Russia despite everyday bomb alarms, all Rusian diplomats are still welcome in Serbia, we have not imposed sanctions on Russia, we make support meetings on streets and football games etc. for Russia…so show some gratitude since Serbia is in middle of European continent, we are not surrounded by Russia and Belorussia and Armenia etc. but with nato/nazi kvazi states that hates our guts and only wait for western sign to start doing same things Ukranians do in Donbas now or genocide Bandera or Croatians did in WW2. Our wounds are fresh, deep and bloody and we need to play smart even though we would like to act with open cards but you can not expect us to vote in every occasion as you like especially in situations were our vote would change nothing for Russia but could inflict great damage to Serbia. So what you ask Serbia to do is lose lose situation. And that is precisely why she avoid it since that do not help Russia nor her Serbian allay.
You brought it all on yourself and now you endlessly whine for decades and decades. Maybe if you didn’t attack almost all your neighbours and former allies, you would be in a better position now. You start first, others retaliate, then you cry foul. You assassinate Austrian archduke (1914.) then play victim. Assassinate Croatian representatives in Yugoslav parliament (1928.) then play victim. In the 1990s you attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and then Kosovo, and after all that you again play victim. It’s the same thing the US does. They keep provoking and attacking, and when others retaliate they make the other side look bad and whatever happened prior is forgotten.
You need to read Peter Handke ‘Between Two Rivers’
You brought it all on yourself and now you endlessly whine for decades and decades. Maybe if you didn’t attack almost all your neighbours and former allies, you would be in a better position now. You start first, others retaliate, then you cry foul. You assassinate Austrian archduke (1914.) then play victim. Assassinate Croatian representatives in Yugoslav parliament (1928.) then play victim. In the 1990s you attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and then Kosovo, and after all that you again play victim. It’s the same thing the US does. They keep provoking and attacking, and when others retaliate they make the other side look bad and whatever happened prior is forgotten.
Yeah, right.
Serbia is the same as the US which bombed Serbs in 1995. and 1999., fighting on the side of those you designated as the victims of the Serbian aggression.
Dude, you need to learn some facts. You got it all messed up/upside down – out of ignorance/western brainwashing or pure malice, who knows. I bet it’s the combination of the two.
Serbia attacked none, Kosovo is a part of Serbia, for God’s sake…as for Croatia and Bosnia – guess what?
Serbs have always lived there, it’s their territories! They defended themselves there against croatian/muslim nazis, supported by the US!
As for the Archduke and the start of the WW1…the Austria-Hungary would have attacked Serbia anyway, they were just looking for an excuse. And they KNEW what was brewing in Sarajevo, but did nothing to stop the Archduke from visiting it.
I wonder why?
WW1 was unavoidable because Germany wanted it.
To make the long story short, you are a clear case of a nazi-ustaša spewing his genocidal poison against Serbs.
You’ll lose again ;)
Post-moderna čoveče, post-moderna.
You know everything from and explain everything from your Croatian corner, it is acceptable for me. Who attacked who is shady, very, very shady and You know that. I’ve got used to that kind of narrative, from my, Serbian, corner. AND all of You writing about guts/balls, and most of You do not state your names. Pseudo people…
Andrei You are right, 30 silver pieces for all.
irrelevant statement removed … mod
When you are only powerful enough to be a vassal you are a vassal. Its like being a slave, you can only speak when spoken to and you have to balance all things. You don’t get to have Pride, pride and suicide are synonyms to a vassal. Germany at its size is also a Vassal and they dwarf Serbia in every way. They are right now eradicating their industry for the Empire bc they have 30k occupying troops in their country and are not allowed to have Pride but, you want/expect it from Serbia? Funny.
A country of 7 million people and a negligible army on the world stage is pointless and can be crushed with minimal effort. Serbia is not as tough as Yugoslavia was in the 90s. This particular iteration of Serbia is also surrounded on all sides with impossible odds and has a proven history of being Abandoned by those same Russians since the 90s.
After all Putin offered to join NATO himself. Putin told Serbia that Russia cannot be bigger Serbs then Serbia when asked for help.
They have a population of 150-200 million and an insurmountable landmass. They can slap a few mouths on the world stage.
Serbia has less total Population then Baghdad alone not even Iraq, and thats after the Empire’s Freedom enhancements and humanitarian bombs. It is also occupied directly by Russia’s enemies and has the largest Enemy base in Europe on it called Bond Steel and a 2 million strong enemy population surrounding it.
So when placed in such a position, had its government converted to puppet status (with Russian support at the time or atleast without complaint from Serbia’s “great brotherly” nation)
Not sanctioning them and allowing flights is basically the equivalent of winning a war. The fact that this goes unrecognized by the vast majority of commenters here is just a shame.
Everything else they do on the level of theater is whats necessary for any sort of survival. And voting in the UN for pointless non-binding resolutions and Kabuki expulsions from non-critical money laundering operations disguised as councils is part and parcel of vassal sized countries without capability for full autonomy.
Now if Serbia can fully isolate and achieve everything on their own. Food, fuel, resources, technology, full sovereignty on its soil etc without outside trade I would agree. But it is none of these things. So it is indeed being blackmailed bc the vast vast majority of its population doesn’t want to go back to driving Yugos and raising chickens.
They want upward mobility, they want the opportunity to earn/experience luxury. They want a longer life expectancy. They are unwilling to sacrifice these things as a whole. Therefore they vote for their best personal interests, for the people willing to deliver, at the least cost to their ability to sleep. Hence why you get Vucic instead of Cedo or Seselj.
Emotions on the world stage is foolishness. You don’t survive an ocean full of sharks in an emotional state. You remain calm and make cold calculating moves especially when you are currently prey.
All is true. Just stop this sharade how you are the bigest brothers of the Russians, look after your interests and be yourselves. Croatians are at least honest in this regard.
It’s not “Serbia” that is voting, it’s the compradors from the zio-imposed government on the country while 90% of the people are pro-Russian. It’s true that Vucic got re-elected, but the key to his success is promising everything to everybody while delivering only on the promises made to the evil empire. Serbia is not a country anymore; it’s a population deprived of everything ruled by the western banks, NGOs, and a psychopath who was trained by the MI6 and installed by the zionazi underworld. He never worked for a day in his life but has been in the politics for more than 30 years!
One pillar of the evil empire’s successful ruling over its target dominions is it knows how to keep the right cadres disorganized while the scum is very tightly organized. Serbia is but one example.
Agree 100% and talk about nationalizing N.I.S from Gazprom has been an agenda for ages as many politicians complained that this valuable asset was sold off on the cheap.
Speaking to Serbia’s national media channel RTS, post winning a second term as President:
“They are blackmailing Serbia, not me personally” On the occasion of the vote in the UN General Assembly, he stated that our primary decision was to abstain, but in that case to get heavy pressure from both sides. He explained that the EU postponed the decision on the import of oil by 6 pm, in order to see how Serbia voted on the suspension of Russia from the Human Rights Council at the session of the UN General Assembly, which started at 4 pm.
“They cannot blackmail me, but they are blackmailing the country,” the president noted.
He pointed out that today and in the coming days it will be decided whether we will be exempted from the package of sanctions for oil and that it will be decided whether we will be able to import oil after May 15.
“Due to the decision of the EU, which is such that we can import oil until May 15, from anywhere, then it can’t, because Gazprom is the majority owner of NIS. We can import, but three times more expensive,” the president explained.
Vučić repeated several times that Serbia is the only country in Europe that has not imposed any measures or sanctions on Russia, has not nationalized any Russian company, nor has it sanctioned the families of Russian statesmen in any way.
“Serbia is the only country that has not adopted any restrictive measures, not against Putin’s children, but no company. We are not the only one to nationalize any of their companies, but we are talking to them and we are ready to give up the right of pre-emption in NIS if they want to sell.” , said Vucic.
Serbia keeps its course honest, moral and private, on the EU path, and does not turn its back on its traditional friends, says Vučić.
“The decision is such that from May 15, we cannot import oil from anywhere, because Gazprom is the majority owner of NIS.” Especially from the territory of the EU, we cannot import. Or we can, but three times more expensive. And then they tell you, well, the voting is at 4 pm “, said Vučić.
He pointed out that this is not decisive for making every decision, but that what the Croatian press announced today, about the nuclear strike on Serbia, is hovering over us at all times. He says that this is not a real strike with atomic missiles, but sanctions against Serbia, which means stopping Serbia’s European path.
“For all the smart, great patriots, who did not receive the Nevsky Order or who cowardly agreed to the pressure in Brussels – do not do that. “Serbia is the only country in Europe that did not impose sanctions on Russia and did not co-sponsor that resolution, and they are Romania, Bulgaria, BiH, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, everyone,” Vucic said.
He also pointed out that Serbia has not nationalized any Russian company, it is ready to give up the right of pre-emption, it is not taking away Russian property.
“We endure to follow this course, honest, moral and honorable, without having that kind of pressure to be removed from the rest of the world, but proudly sticking to the EU, we want to improve it, but we will not turn our backs on traditional friends.” , said Vucic.
A reminder that Vucic when he signed the Washingtom Agreement in the White House committed to point 8 which reads:
“Both sides (Serbia & Kosovo*) will agree to diversify their energy supply” that at the time already attracted public attention and around which various theories had already begun, especially after the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that the Serbian delegation managed to expel American LNG from that point.
And then it is a possible bow on the part of the infrastructure package of the Agreement in which (points 2 and 3) the continuation of activities on the construction of the highway and railway from Belgrade to Pristina and to the Albanian port on the Adriatic Sea is announced.
Although it is not mentioned by name, it is the port of Durres, which with this Agreement received the status of the focal point of economic relations in southern Europe. As for the diversification of supply sources, the Washington Agreement means the end of Russia’s monopoly on the Serbian gas market and the opening of doors for this energy source from other countries, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States.
After all, back in 2015, the then Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić said in a conversation with US Vice President Joseph Biden at the Security Forum in Munich that “Serbia is ready to use gas from several sources and will accept the US suggestion to reduce dependence on Russian gas.”
Interpreting the Washington Agreement, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić explained that American LNG could be transferred to one of the Greek ports or on the Croatian island of Krk. That Greek port is Alexandroupolis, where the company Gastrade built a floating LNG terminal, and last spring announced that the reserved capacity of 2.6 billion cubic meters of gas for the next 15 years (full capacity is 5.5 billion).
If you look at Wikipedia there are a few clues to give an indication about the man and his politics. It doesn’t look very promising.
1) The first is the name of the party Serbian Progressive Party. What does that mean? Then the word “populist” pops up. This is a code word for selling off the country’s assets to the lowest bidder, including health system and education, and redirecting all available funds to military spending.
2) “he served as a member of the Serbian parliament, Minister of Information from 1998 to 2000, and later as Minister of Defence from 2012 to 2013. In April 2017.” The words “Minister of Information” in reality means Minister of (Dis)Information. The Ministry of Truth has now been renamed Ministry of Defence because of the rather negative Orwellian connotations.
3) “Since the establishment of the new party in 2008, he shifted away from his original far-right and hard Eurosceptic platform toward pro-European, conservative and populist political positions.” Because of the rather negative association of “far-right” and “Eurosceptic” with racism, it has now been changed to “pro-European”. The word “conservative” still means what it always meant (hatred of the poor). Refer to 1) above for the word “populist”.
4) “also to move the Serbian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.” – no explanation required.
5) “He is one of the initiators of Open Balkan (formerly known as Mini Schengen Zone), an economic zone of the Balkan countries intended to guarantee “four freedoms”. The words Open Borders/Open Balkan is code for unabated refugees pouring into the country.
6) “four freedoms guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people”.
a. “free movement of goods” is code for “free movement of arms”
b. “free movement of capital” is code for “free movement of capital out of the country”
c. “free movement of services” usually means their removal
d. “free movement of people” is code for “unabated refugees pouring into the country”
7) “worked as a merchant in London for some time”. Interesting use of the word “merchant”, but is most probably code for City of London.
Here is a useful guide:
It is not proper to accuse the Serbs or A. Vucic, or for that matter, Chinese, Venezuelans, Syrians, N. Koreans, Greeks you name it, for not being pro-Russian enough while the personages like the oligarchs Lisin, Deripaska, Fridman, Abramovich and many others like Chubais, Nabulina, Siluanov, Kudrin then people like Peskov…are openly acting against Russian policies and interests and sow defeatism right from the center of Moscow. In the rest of the world these people are perceived as possible “democratic” successors to the current “dictatorship” and are taken very seriously thereby discouraging potential support to Putin and Russia. Also, it is very discouraging to see the Russian authorities to be very slow and inefficient in dealing with such people in time of war and emergency.
How about having secret ballots in the UN? That is, except for the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council.
With a secret ballot, the empire of hate and lies has no way of finding out who voted which way!
An excellent idea but one that will be likely never done. How else could America enforce its decisions if it can’t see who votes which way?
Russia,China,Iran,India,And supporters must set up a parallel architecture to the UN ,and offer superb trade deals to those that come on board. Offer security via troops sent in from all the subscribing members, offer loans etc
Hardly any will ; as they will be scared of being “regime – changed “by the US but it will bring some around in time , and of course the new parallel architecture will gain inertia and become normalised.
It doesn’t matter Ravi. UNGA votes are non-binding , i.e. only for show.
The major problem for the United Nations as a global peace-keeping organisation is that the UN Secretary General’s office has been sidelined and taken over by the US State Department; even his spokesman is from State.
If you watch TV news, every time you see the US President say this or that about any other country – ask yourself why isn’t the UN Sec. Gen. saying that.
Always remember a former UN Sec. Gen., the Swede, Dag Hammarskjold was shot out of the sky by the British on his way to peace-talks in the Congo in 1961.
If they can get away with it once, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t try it on again.
I watched the 2 hour documentary on BBC4 “Murder in the Bush: Cold Case Hammarskjöld – A Storyville documentary. Mads Brügger and Göran Björkdahl investigate the mysterious death of Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations secretary-general killed in a plane crash in 1961.”
Alexander Jones is a former mercenary who used to work for South African Institute for Maritime Research (SAIMR), which, according to the New African, already had a reputation for masterminding coups and other sorts of violence across the continent in the 1970s and ’80s. The research done by the Danish and Swedish filmmakers brought them to Jones who was more than willing to speak about the work he did over three decades ago. Among his revelations: Jones told the filmmakers that he and his SAIMR colleagues deliberately spread the HIV virus in Southern Africa to wipe out Black people.
Especially considering that according to SAIMR documents dug up by the filmmakers, it was an organization that operated with the support of CIA and British intelligence. One among the million reason this fact is problematic is that, because letters with SAIMR’s official letterhead were found suggesting the CIA and British intelligence had agreed with the nefarious plan, were among the reasons that Hammarskjöld, the film’s original subject, needed to be removed.
Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to…’
Exclusive research reveals that a British-trained Belgian mercenary admitted the killing of Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961.
Another Swedish UN peace-keeper to meet with an air accident?
It was not an accident that my friend Bernt Carlsson, the U.N. commissioner for Namibia, was killed in the crash of Pan American World Airways Flight 103. (Lockerbie)
Carlsson was returning to New York for the signing of the agreement on ****Namibian independence****, the culmination of his most recent mission.
Carlsson was utterly firm in his opposition to American destabilization.
I live in Serbia and I can tell you that Vucic is full of sh*t. I don’t trust him much. It is possible that EU tried to blackmail us, but they can repeat it endless times. So what then, we have to bow our heads and accept everything?! This is so disgracefull, I’m speechless.
On the other hand, maybe they blackmailed him personally or members of his family? I wouldn’t be surprised.
Most of our politicans don’t have spine, don’t have balls…they are not resembling to Serbs, but to maggots, if you ask me.
The great Russophile Amfilohije Radovic the late Metropolitan of Montenegro once said that if it was not for Russia Montenegro would never be independent. As we now know in 2006 with Russian money (Deripaska) and political support (Putin, Lavrov etc.) as well as with the support of collective West M. Djukanovic organized referendum and most likely fabricated results and than declared independence. Russia instantly recognized it just Island and Switzerland were quicker. That was the way how Serbia got landlocked and got completely fenced off by the NATO. Today Serbia is a captive and powerless country regardless who is at the helm of the state. If Serbia still had access to the Adriatic sea the whole story could have been different. The Russians who nowadays like to call Serbs their brothers actually did not show much brotherhood of their own when they could have helped us and themselves too. Nor did they show much strategic thinking.
Dragi Aleksandar,
what you write is correct and must also be mentioned. It does not diminish the sympathy for Russia | Putin if it is recognized that also in Putin’s environment the strategies concerning Yugoslavia | Serbia were not foresighted. When the coup was carried out in Belgrade in October 2000, Putin was already in power. 8 months later Milosevic was extradited to The Hague, the Serbs did not stir and the Kremlin did not stir either. Only a few weeks later, Putin preferred to speak in the German Bundestag and shake hands with those aggressors who bombed Belgrade in 1999, upholding the German tradition (Belgrade was bombed by Germans 3 times in the last century). Why did Putin do that? Simply because he was pursuing Russian interests! Unfortunately, he was not far-sighted enough at that time to realize that the Yugoslav scenario was also threatening the Russian Federation. When he realized it and saw through his enemies, who are also the enemies of the Serbs, it was too late.
The Western bastards realized that there would be no resistance in the Kremlin to the dissolution of the rest of Yugoslavia, and so followed the secession of Montenegro, and with it the complete loss of Serbia’s ability to act. Serbia became a landlocked country surrounded by hostile neighbors whose governments took every opportunity to act out their psychopathic hatred of Serbs. Regardless of who is in power in Belgrade.
TO ALL: I also consider Serbia’s vote in the UN a big mistake, a disgrace and I was screaming, wishing for a different result. The choice was between plague and cholera and I hope there was an agreement between the Russian and Serbian governments on how to proceed. Yes, there have been bolder countries, but are they in the same geostrategic position? Serbia was always in the way of the great powers who thought they could lay claim to this territory, who thought they had to re-educate this people and kill those who did not obey. This story does not stop and does not stop, it is exasperating.
Shame on you Serbia, you voted in support of killers of your children, not to mention those who took Kosovo from you. Look at little Cuba 90 years of sanction and Venezuela. . I am ashamed of you.
Vucic is one of the most awful figures from Serbian history.
He is ready to betray Serbia and Russia for a few more months in power.
The most of Serbians would unfortunatelly follow him.
Vucic is always whining that Serbia is in a terrible position with EU pressure. Didn’t Serbia have enough blackmailing for 30 years from so called Europe? The long line of puppet leaders continues in Serbia who betrayed their own heroes to the Hague Tribunal and that included Kostunica, Djindjic, Tadic, Zivkovic and the rest after the fall of Milosevic. The only difference is that Vucic has appeased Putin to a certain extent but he is certainly not the leader to free Serbia from its shackles and chains.
Even more disappointing is the Greek Prime Minister puppet leader Mitsotakis who had the audacity to allow a Nazi Azov battalion member to speak at the parliament! Shame on you! I never thought in my lifetime to see both Greece and Serbia subservient to Empire of Lies and Deceit joining the Balkan brethren Romania and Bulgaria.
Lets also add the so called Patriarchate Bartholomew of Constantinople who instead of teaching peace makes political statements against Russia and the Russian Patriarchate Kirill. Greece is now hosting the Jesuit Pope to visit Greece, they might as well join the Catholics because they are not Orthodox has far as I am concerned.
Patriarchate Kirill is the leader of all Orthodoxy as far as I am concerned.
Greece had a regime change, mid-19. The last legitimate prime minister was Tsipras.
Don’t confuse the us-puppets, who have ignored no-confidence motions and massive calls to resign, with the overwhelming support of Greek people for Russia.
And Church of Greece is autocephalus, not subject to Costantinoupolis Patriarchate.
PS: We have been revolting for years, since 2010. With massive rallies in 2011 and 2012. With referendums in 2015, which took off the mask and showed clearly fascist EU. Where were you, the Russians back then? Believed every single word of the western MSM.
Now, we hear different words, of course, from our Russiand friends, and relatives. “Oh, you were right after all..”
Lesson learned?
Never abandon your kind.
Dragi Konstantin,
that’s right, Vucic is not the person who will free Serbia from the shackles and chains. Unfortunately, I don’t see any other person in Serbia who would be able to do that. The enemies are ruthless and do not shy away from murder. A few weeks ago, Vucic’s ex-wife died completely unexpectedly _ a ‘natural’ death or a warning to Vucic?
Greece is also in a terrible situation, their enemies are the same. The Asov show was basically also a demonstration of the power of the leading NATOstanis. They took it to the extreme by presenting the figure of a contract killer and there were actually such stupid sheep in parliament who applauded it. A disgrace. Not all Greeks put up with it but I don’t know how the majority of the population feels about it. There’s nothing about it in the media, they’re now completely switched on to the same thing.
Unfortunately, the majority of the young Greek and Serb generation is extremely apolitical. They only see the pseudo-glittering world in the West and do not realise that they are only seeing a mirage. Their future will be bitter, just like the future of all young people in Europe. We must educate them and support them where we can!
The Deep Empire of Lies also wants this war to be a revival of the Christian religious wars: A few days ago Pope Francis kissed a Ukrainian flag with a certain cross painted on it.
So basically Serbia was blackmailed.
That’s obvious Marcel ?
Why risk it on an unimportant shitty vote on a ridiculous human right council..
Dear Saker
We are FUMING down here with our government’s vote! Scores of former voters (myself included) are swearing not to vote this party again! We feel betrayed too!
We are subordinated to the IMF, again, it seems. Not even taking into account the NATO base in Malvinas. I FEEL ASHAMED and FULL OF ANGER.
Very sorry.
You are not alone. We also feel ashamed our Government vote. They suck the blood out of us, they took us hostages, loot everything and they dont work for us, but for their masters, the ones that bribed them and promised them good jobs in NATO (our president sigend: give up debbt to Germany – Germany worked for him being ellected, others many). He is hating us, worked against us, against the people.
And now they vote as they vote.
But the tribulation is on going, they will pay for all their sins. Our governments are not working for our benefit, but for their own gains, and their masters. They dont own us and they will pay for what they do
To live in the “West” today is hell for anyone still capable of some independent thought. The only way to retain sanity is NOT to watch TV, NOT to read the newspapers, NOT listen to the radio and NOT to engage in more than superficial contacts with others. I would think there are between a quarter and a third of people in most “Western” nations that are appalled by the interminable deluge of nauseating propaganda poured out over their heads. First it was some killer virus, now it’s the Russians, just like during the Cold War.
Those people firmly reject the image of Russia that is being presented every day now. It would be a good thing if the Russian army would continue liberating and denazifying the other nations of Europe after having liberated denazified the Ukraine.
“It would be a good thing if the Russian army would continue liberating and denazifying the other nations of Europe after having liberated denazified the Ukraine.”
Every normal person dreams about it but …… what to do with those 3/4 of the population. The only advice is to cut off all media … but how ? The collapse of civilization predicted by some (as Pepe wrote, the slow harakiri of the West) may help in coming to terms with this obsessed majority of society
@Janek Spot on Janek !!!
What many fail to realize here is independent thought and critical thinking skills are basically banned in America and many Americans will not tolerate a different point of view now. I feel sad and have cried as I have defended this country in two wars. I stopped listening decades ago as most of the news is just propaganda.
I have seen and followed this conflict from the start and it is sad and comical at the same time as our media spouts off about subjects they know nothing about.
They nothing about feints or military maneuvers. Just tonight more crap about war crimes and the USA has killed more people on this planet in the last 2 decades than any other country and we want to point fingers it just makes me sick.
This conflict better end quickly or this world will be in WWIII. Zelinsky is nothing more then a TV actor set in place by the CIA and the USA. I am sick and never ever thought I would type this. Russia and China has more credibility then the USA and the EU correctly.
Media won’t be able to operate without oil and gas. So there won’t be TV to watch, radio to listen, papers to read, no Internet and no travel… We could all start to talk to our neighbours and read books.
I concure. After the mask came off, and outright hatred of all russians was expressed, I’m seriously considering relocating. There is no liveable future in that kind of society.
Russia had better prepare for an enemy, the Ukraine, on its borders for generations to come. Ukraine is being led done the dollar covered road into the dark ages. Grim.
Ukraine is over. They should rename it Rus, and start recreating a new nation along those lines. Those not happy about it, could move to EU and take with them their share of the IMF debt.
New Ukrainian “social advertisement” would make ISIS applaud
Daesh-style video (NSFW):
True national spirit of the “country in the heart of Europe”, or is it Heart of Darkness ?
The West, the Anglo-Saxons are hardly original. They used the same method during World War II. Originally the Germans were supposed to liquidate the Soviet Union. This failed ….. and the war was to drag on until both sides bled to death. That is why they waited so long to open a front in the West. Of course the Anglo-Saxons were wrong in their assumptions. The Soviet soldier destroyed fascism, or rather (as we see today) only one head of fascism
Have you even thought about why the Americans invaded the West Europe in 1944? Why not in 1943, 1942? The Empire of Lies officially claims it was because they were not ready. Of course, it is a BS explanation. They invaded the Western Europe at the same time when the Russians crossed the border of Soviet Union on their way to Berlin. The American, the French and, of course, the Brits believed Berlin was not the final destination for the Russians. The cost of Atlantic ocean was. Even when the Russians and Americans met in Berlin a war between them almost started. Eisenhower almost started it, to be precise. I think it was the Brits who reminded Eisenhower that such a war would not go well for the Western countries.
What we are seeing now in Ukraine is just a continuation of WW2, which by the way never ended.
WWI, II, III, all the same war. Read Douglas Reed’s classic The Question of Zion. Someone found the MS on top of his fridge in his house in SA after he died. Was finally published. This book has the real truth about who/what is behind these endless wars and how they must end with Christ’s victory.
Actually The Controversy of Zion
They “had” to open the second front, because, if not, the Red Army would go until the shores of France
The chasm deepens and with all trust basically finished between both sides, best case scenario we have a real cold war with an uneasy true, worst case nuclear Armageddon that destroys the human population.
They have successfully changed the regime in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. I wonder who is next?
China and Russia are watching while their friends are being kidnapped.
I Haven’t seen anything about Pakistan yet, that the vote of non-confidence already took place.
Do you know more?
It’s not so grim.
The war party lies are quickly refuted these days. The refutations go viral. With every lie refuted, a few more Zone A normies are entlightened. Once someone is entlightened, they never go back.
Alexander Nevsky – I first saw it at the Hollywood Bowl during the late Cold War era. Imagine trying to place that film on the schedule today. That’s a tell my friend. A tell that the war party is worried.
The war party is worried because it’s internal data all points to the great mass of citizenry no longer believes their lies. What’s even more worrisome to the war party – they also realize the citizen despises them.
Biden = Andropov
The UN is a den of hired liers and saboteurs performing as diplomats. In my country, Ethiopia, UN supplies trucks, logistics, satellite telephone and name it to the mentally demented and hate drenched black ukro-nazis in the north of the country, marshaling regime change causing the death of tens of thousands and displacing over 12 million. @ Geneva, this same UN stages a humanitarian talkshow sponsored by the Empire of lies. I am happy that my country stands on the side of Russia at this naked show of disgrace.
Thanks to Russia, a new world order has just ushered in.
We don’t hear much about the war in Ethiopia. Any good source for what’s going on?
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker“Minor problem: Russia does not have Tochka-U missiles, ”
I am pretty sure Russia still has those missiles, it is not like Russia invents a new technology and throws away all pre-existing technology. They are likely just in storage.
I can imagine Russia bringing them into service again to use against targets were less precision is required, like large clusters of nazists.
Sorry, but Russia is currently using far better Iskander. It is like saying that Russia could brought some T-55s, because there are still some of the them sitting somewhere in the fields of Syberia.
Here from the very official and anti-Russian source, Wikipedia:
Reach your own conclusions.
Rocket’s serial number was shown publicly. It belongs to the same batch of rockets, which were used against Donetsk. Beyond any doubt it is Ukrainian one.
If I wanted to disable Kramatorsk railway station, particularly one crowded with women and children, I would not blow up the station but the railway lines leading to the station. This fact plus knowing that ‘for the children’ was scrawled on the missile itself, obviously for theatrical effect tells me it didnt come from a Russian military source. It’s a PR exercise and is in line with the many that Ukraine has tried to float over the past month, all of which have been questioned, and many of which have been demonstrated to have been false flags.
Realistically it is almost impossible for countries like Hungary and Serbia (or any other in a similar position) to openly and publicly oppose the Empire. I don’t know about Vučić but Orbán seems to do whatever he can to walk his own path. And he is under intense pressure. He was forced to give NATO two additional bases and allow the passage of NATO troops through Hungary towards Ukraine. If he would straight up oppose NATO – he openly opposes the EU – they would Maydan him or try a military led coup d’état on him. Or ever wondered what that new 5.000 men EU army are *really* for? Hungary and Serbia are geographically isolated surrounded by enemies and vulnerable in every way imaginable. NATO/EU has already threatened Serbia with cutting off oil, gas, oil. And NATO is preparing war against Serbia through Bosnia and the forces that are coming in via the Greek ports. They are only waiting for a “reason”. Very difficult situation.
Maybe Hungarians weighted the options: if voting truthfully would not have changed the outcome, only provided additional ammo against us, it was simply not practical to do the right thing and openly stand by Russia. I would not make a suitable politician, I cannot think ahead two steps even, but I noticed that Orban and Szijjarto don’t make gaffes. When they say or do something that gets a strong negative reaction they are never surprised or unprepared.
I think you are right. True, Fidesz won this Sunday (yay!) but one of hell’s minions already said publicly that they cannot be dislodged by voting. Well, if not by voting, what is the other logical option? Luckily most Hungarians don’t have a taste for a violent colour revolution at home.
Unfortunately Russia seriously fails when it comes to the art of doing global propaganda. More than 90% people and even ruling politicians in those countries which abstained have no truthful or possess mostly false information about the history of Donbas/Crimea/Ukraine-Russia or the real reasons of Russia’s military operation. This is because – global media, news channels are mostly english speaking and totally ruled and/or controlled by the corrupt USA-EU. Common citizen does not have time(and strong reason) to find the truth but rather believe (rubber stamp) what they are shown by mainstream news media in their respective countries. Americans are very good in selling (be it a third class product or fake narrative) with effective marketing strategy.
Russia should employ trained geopolitical experts and strategists from native english speaking countries who respect Russia and can help in doing global propaganda on behalf of Russia, for e.g Paul Craig Roberts or Dr. Michel Chossudovsky etc
Russia has no way of countering the propaganda in the west even if they
wanted to.
This is very true, especially the part about normal citizens not having the time or inclination to dig deeper.
Most are busy making ends meet, or engaging is mindless entertainment. I am guilty of that as well.
But I read as many versions of events as I can, and things are generelly complex, so there is no great or amazing pay-off to that time invested.
It’s not nearly as gratifying and stimulating as the mindless entertainment. On the contrary, it’s frustrating because you start to spot the lies and distortions.
But when you try and explain to others who don’t read many perspectives, you find yourself ostracized or scorned.
A traitor, even, which I heard today when I suggested that maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to accept everything that comes out of Ukraine as fact.
It was, apparently, a well known fact that Russian warfare war particularly gruesome for civilians, so we could probably accept the version presented by Russia’s enemies.
It is very frustrating, and I feel alienated, not only by my country, but by my friends. No-one is interested in open discussion or debate.
It must be black or white.
I am losing faith.
It is very frustrating, and I feel alienated, not only by my country, but by my friends. No-one is interested in open discussion or debate.
yes, that happened to me too. but this is an eye opener which I welcome. Any truth is preferable to any lie, at least I think so.
I have not lost faith in humanity as such, but in Zone A, yes, especially Europe where I was born and for whom I know feel a profound sense of disgust.
And I most definitely have not lost faith in God, Who predicted all this.
In its essence, this is a SPIRITUAL battle fought inside our hearts. Even the one in the trenches fought with modern weapons STILL remains primarily a spiritual battle.
And while neither side is of a pure white color, one side is demonically black.
Those who do not see that are spiritually blinded, even if they are highly educated clergymen.
My choice is simple:
1) side with the world
2) side with the victims
That is a basic, simple, choice we all face.
If not, then we are just more “salt which lost its saltiness”.
Please don’t lose hope or faith – this too shall pass :-)
And, as the Quran says: “And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah”
Kind regards
Thank you Saker, I might not be religious, but there is still solace to find in that spriritual warmth.
I do indeed rather experience painful truth, that soothing lies, but it can sometimes feel lonely and sad watching your friends turn you away.
But life goes on.
I can empathise with that. I had the experience 30 years ago and again and again afterwards. I want to give you comfort: you are not alone in this world. Find new friends, get involved with people who feel the same way. It is not easy but not impossible.
All the best!
Its what always happens in war. Traitors and cowards will vilify anyone honest and courageous enough to side with truth/love, as traitors and cowards. Authoritarians are all slaves and they cant face it. They desire to control others because they can’t control themselves. It doesn’t matter how high you are in the master-slave hierarchical pyramid, the capstone is permanently occupied by a force that owns your soul until you face yourself and take back your control/power responsibly.
Those who lie to themselves, will always accuse others of what they themselves are. When someone tells you what you are, they are actually exposing what they are, because they don’t know themselves.
You can see because you chose what is right over what is easy. They have not suffered enough yet to think for themselves and choose to do what is easy instead of right. Keep your faith, you earned it. Don’t lose your faith by placing it in those who have not yet earned it.
I have often felt this same kind of despair, but currently I work in New York state in a county public library system, which are mostly bastions of neo-liberalism. There are a few people who have worn ‘I stand with Ukraine’ t-shirts, but the two other people with whom I work on a bookmobile are completely tuned to the foot-to-the-pedal propaganda that the MSM, NATO, and the US are currently spewing. The other day, one of them even said, “I’m about ready to buy an ‘I stand with Russia t-shirt and plant a Russian flag on my front porch’. Granted, I have been vigorous in discussing the true nature of this war on Russia with them, but they were very receptive to my efforts. Interactions like this give me hope.
No. Not English speackers, they dont need to pay another entitled Brit. As Brits just want to have it all on the back of others. It is in their nature. They cannot win in the western world.
Russia must concentrate their efforts in the resg of the world. When I watch videos from Africa, india, China, SE Asia etc, comments are full of positive towars Russia.
If Governments of some countries are against Russia, why concentrate there? Conservatives in those countries are pro russia as they know NWO will mean annihilation for Humans as we know. These people have to be helped. But to pay for the normal westerner? NOOOO The normal westerner WANTS to take it all on the back of others, they feel entitled to do so. They feel they deserve this.
So better give to people in each country that is Pro russia. Give it all to the supporters. Concentrate there where they sustain Russia, dont give to the traidors, it will make 0,002 % difference. But with some strong allies, 100% dedicated… this means survival.
Give 0 to UK etc, France, too little. I dont want to give something to Romania, to people that today will say something pro russia and tomorrow 20 things against. I am pro truth no matter what and so many peoppemin western or UE countries (I am from Romania we are a collony of the western eu countries, but I see situation in US etc UK I know their minds)
Give to Sirians, to Cubans, to all those that voted pro Russia. They will keep s a cuntry the back of Russia. The rest, as me, I dont need to be paid to keep fighting for the truth as I know it is not about economics, but about fight between Globalists Satanist that wnt to enslave us all and the normality. All of us like this will stand with Russia no matter if Russia gives or not to somebody in our country. So concentrate the efforts to the rest of the world, non western!!! Give it to them!
You are right Valeria. We, in the countries factually colonized by Anglo power, certainly don’t need the Anglo mindset. Maybe there is a case for their language. Many a leaders of colonized countries stated that the language of the colonizer is war booty. The Indian independence movement used English to kick Britain out of India. The Algerians used French to kick France out of Algeria, etc. We, in the Anglo-colonized Euro-stans should try to use their language to kick their rule out of our continent.
The only hope for lasting peace between the Eastern and Western branches of European civilization is for Western ethnonationalists to overthrow the globalist elites who control their governments. If Russia is to survive Russians must begin a propaganda offensive intended to assist Western ethnonationalists in achieving revolutionary change in the West. Needless to say, this will need to be done in the English language. Most specifically, this message should be targeted at people of Germanic/Nordic descent for these people are the natural kings and kingmakers of the West.
It seems that destiny has decided that East Slavs and West Slavs wish to go their separate ways; one to the east and one to the west. The present Ukrainian conflict should be treated as an internal matter to be settled by East Slavs amongst themselves. The West has no business interfering other than to keep West Slavs (e.g., Poles) tethered to the sideline of the conflict. However, such an arraignment cannot presently be achieved because Germanic/Nordic ethnonationalists are not the masters of their own house.
Russia doesn’t need to speack to the West. The West… entitled things that take it all because they are for a certain country. Let me get thigs straight: I dont expect anything and I give a lot of portion of my time online with no gain to stand for the truth.
If I will see Russia is validating the same entitled and priviledged westerners, I will be mad. And I am seeing this, and I will put it out loun din any media.
Russia doesnt have to pay Western media and people, the same entitles spoiled, priviledged ones., but people from all over the world except colonists countries. This will be for the worse. The world is splittiing right now: Russia is standing and supporting the ones that keep Russias back or the others??
Russia has to decide.
I am pro Russia pay agencies in all over the world doesnt matterexcept UK, US, France, Italy etc, colonists.
This means they validate people that are bullies and not the ones that keep theri back. Give it to Syrian agencies, Cuban, Venezuela, in those countries that voted pro Russia in UN. This is the best policy. To give to the people in those countries that supported Russia (mine is none of this we werent even neutral).
Support the people in the countries that support Russia, this is the best strategy and that that will win the war, dont stepp on the people that help to give to the entitled
It’s very odd. Many people criticise and distrust the US government because it constantly lies, deceives, and misrepresents.
Yet some people criticise Russia because it doesn’t.
All governments in the world including all the UE Knkws exactly what happens in Ukraine.
All of them have intelligence agency looking the internet and spying.
Do you think they don’t see the videos we see?
But they are threatened, this is what people don’t see. In the West politicians are threatened and in the Zone B full countries are threatened.
People is threatened with their life’s, with a campaign against them or whatever.
– Unfortunately Russia seriously fails when it comes to the art of doing global propaganda.
When facing a propaganda machine with half the world national broadcasting in it’s pockets, funded by tax money, all big tech and all big media corporations, even Joe Rogan with a million subscribers will have a problem.
Russia has maybe the media resources of 1% of deep state
Rick, as many here at the Vineyard have pointed out, the collective West’s population is only 13% of the world’s 7.8billion people.
Consciousness matters.
Vucic stated to Tass he was blackmailed by the threat of sanctions. Many are probably in that case. It is a reign of terror, not a real coalition.
US blackmailed other countries to vote Russia out of UN Human Rights Council, envoy says
No surprise from the Empire of Lies.
Dear Saker,
Thank you so much for including the very poignant and haunting works of art.
I have purchased all of your Saker works and am working my way through them
Could you please recommend a history of Russia and its culture?
Thank you and thank you for this wonderful and informative site
How come that Peskov and Medinski are still around? Is there some political reason?
As the time goes on (and Ukrainian military is on the ropes), we are likely to see more
of these “attrocities” attributed to Russia appearing. It seems the longer this drags on
the likelier it is for the west to get more involved. The neocons in the US don’t know how to stop
or abandon their lost project. And many European governments also can’t afford for the Ukraine
to lose.
Is there any noise in Russia about Putin being “too soft”?
Its clear which side just wants to win in their heads, and which side wants to win in reality.
The psychosis is palpable. Any illusion is better than facing the reality that you are what you project your ‘enemy’ to be, and they are what you pretend to be, which is why you hate them all the more.
Accusation without evidence equals smear. What did Peskov say to earn your smear?
On the vote, a commentator at Escobar’s VK page broke the vote down by population to see just how much of Humanity wanted Russia off the UNHRC–
25% of humanity voted Yes
46% Abstained, which in essence is the same as a no
29% voted No
Thus we have 75% of Humanity voting for Russia to keep its seat.
I would respectfully disagree. An abstention is in practice a yes vote. The UNGA typically requires a percentage of yes/no votes, not a percentage of members. Thus, every abstention reduces the number of yes votes required to obtain 2/3 majority.
It’s somewhat of a minor critique of process, but also I think revealing that nothing major has changed (yet). If, and only if, large numbers of countries actually vote with the RF (or a bunch leave the UN entirely) will we have publicly available knowledge that things are really changing behind the scenes.
In some ways I have more respect for votes like Hungary and Serbia that acknowledge the reality of their limited options than countries that weasely abstain on something that, theoretically, should be as central to international relations as human rights.
– I would respectfully disagree. An abstention is in practice a yes vote.
It is Western logic you practice. Either it is true, and if not it is false. 99% of knowledge is not like that, and Eastern logic represents that better.
PERL (programming) will set what is unknown to equal “false”. They just define “unknown” to false.
The Tochka-U is not just a psy-op. It is important for the AFR to have Kramatorsk and Slavjansk evacuated, because this is where the cauldron will be shut, and the AFU again is hiding behind civilians.
(If anything, it shows indirectly that phase 2 of operation Z is shaping up.)
So AFU has motivation and means for this crime. And, as far as methods, this comes straight from NATO’s cookbooks.
It started in Slavjansk in 2014, it will end up in Slavjansk in 2022. How symbolic.
The US military Biden complex wants the Ukraine war to last as long as necessary to distract voters attention to inflation and scandal from his Crackhead son Hunter. That is why the US was so frightened that Kiev would fall.
If Russia decides that the Donbass and a corridor to the Crimea is a face saving short term gesture, Ukraine would fall off America’s news media faster than Bidens hand fell off Barack Obama’s shoulder at the tete-a-tete last week.
The total war against Putin is just about “inflation” and “Hunter Biden” ??
US must do everything it can, including nuking Russia, to stop Hunter Biden investigation? Hunter Biden is priority #1 for Biden-admin?
I think it would be more about Ghislaine Maxwell if that is the reason, but I don’t think so, it’s all about the dollar as reserve currency, also the sale of US LNG and weapons, as well as placing nukes next door to Moscow. They have attempted to destroy the Slavs for the past 1000 years, once or twice every century and every time they got a bloody nose
Been reading this blog for a while now; I’ll try to convey my words and keep them short.
As a Mexican, im actually happy that my country abstained, tells me that more people are becoming much more inquisitous about Russia- Ukry war. Or that at least exist some important percentage of people leaning towards Rus.
I would be a total GLEE if we had said no as pure fuck you to our brutal neighbour, whom in their stupid not so well tought decision making style, flooded this country with weapons since forever and all the shit that has rained upon us with Narco orgs.
As for me, i support Rus entirely.
I remember the day i saw the killings at Odessa, oh boy that i felt sad and dejected.
Yet also felt great when i saw the uprisings against Ukry; Motorola, Zarkachenko, Givi; Ilovaysk, The battles for Dntsk Airport, Debaltseve…
Leave the time works itself, for many countries DO find too difficult to emancipate from globalization A LA USA.
Take that chart and see the positive side of it.
Doubt against Anglo rules-based order IS BREWING.
Motorola, Zarkachenko, Givi add Buzina…all murdered by the Noodleman-gang.
In the west we have “indoctrination” and then “continued education” from those who control the information flow. It is what it is. It cannot be stopped. It will take an apocalyptic event to put an end to the lies.
I feel blessed but alas also cursed to be able to see directly through the lies.
I respect that Russia has a conscience.
However, after what we’ve seen for the last 40 days and 40 nights ….the bashing and canceling of all things Russian….the lies …etc….
There sadly isn’t anything Russia can do to counter this. The lies spread around the globe dozens of times before the truth is ever even mentioned. The enemy knows this.
Well there is one thing Russia could do. They could say “okay….you want us to be the bad guys huh? No problem ….we aren’t and you know we aren’t ….but perhaps maybe we need to become exactly that which you wish us to be….we don’t want to do this ….but okay ….you’ve asked for it” and then take care of business in the only language the enemy understands.
Here we are almost 80 years after WW2 ….and the “history” books spread nothing but lies about it.
Does anybody think it’s going to be different this time?
If you’re going to be portrayed as the bad guy regardless of what actually happened ….you may as well get your bloody money’s worth.
Many will continue to urge Russia to “take the moral high road” ….and not to “lower themselves to the level of the opposition”
I get it.
But ….Is there a high road in war? Is there a high road when dealing with an existential threat?
I don’t have the answer to this.
Russia has declared this to be an existential threat.
Russia needs to decide what they are going to be willing to tolerate from this point forward. I hope they do not underestimate the depths of lowliness and cowardice the opposition is capable of.
Am I wrong in suggesting that the opposition will go to any lengths to destroy Russia? And I mean any lengths ….
The “opposition” has already clearly demonstrated that there is nothing they consider “out of bounds” for use against Russia.
The objective is to destroy Russia entirely, and help themselves to Russia’s assets effectively “free of any charge”, and reduce the Russian population to an entirely dependent serfdom.
This conflict IS the “Existential Threat” clearly mentioned by VVP, and if necessary VVP WILL authorise use of nuclear weapons. After all, Russian defence policy is extremely clear in this respect.
It’ll be interesting to see if the “for profit / maximum skim” American ABM systems are any better than their ineffective Javelin ATGMs. On the basis of past events, I’d not bet on them providing anything like an “impenetrable shield” to any Russian MIRVed warheads, so the US population are going to find out what war is really like, from a first-hand perspective. Just two or three missiles getting through = 20 – 30 warheads, and that’s more than enough to completely destroy the US from a functional basis.
Well, You better go home with a clear conscience once it is over otherwise it is never over…and the Russians understand this.
Ukrops started today with yet another campaing of lies against Russian soldiers, which is taken straight from the Goebbels 44-45′ propaganda playbook. They are falsely accusing Russians of raping everything from 8-80 years old. I hope that Banderovites, famous for brutally hacking babies with axes, will renounce everything at the gun point. That’s my great wish.
Some words about Serbia. Serbia is a country with population decline. A lot of their people work in the EU. The EU needs educated work force. They still have quite good universities. So a lot of young people get educated and leave the country. The government is actively promoting foreign investments. Mainly in production. There is a lot of labour intensive production and food production. Eu needs cheap countries nearby. I often see nearly finished cranes on the road to Germany. Serbs or Croats do all the hard work and finish the product 90%. Then they move them to Germany for a final touch and a sticker made in Germany is put on. That kind of cooperation is not possible with Russia or China. Another thing are visas for travel between Serbia and Eu. Every holidays in Europe a lot of people drive back home. They are long waiting times at the borders even on intra European ones. Three years ago at the end of Christmas holidays there were two more than 10 km long lines on both highways near Salzburg and Passau and no control at all smaller border crossings between Austria and Germany. This is not for protectiong border, this is for torturing returning foreigners. So a Serb from southwest of Germany must wait for a few hours to enter Croatia, than Slovenia and than Austria. This treatment is on pourpose and could get worse and expensive with visas. So, Serbia have problems with stealing young educated people, next is leaving the countryside, population decline and a need for free travel because of divided families. They are dependend from EU. They like and support Russians but they can’t afford to left the EU. UK is a much larger country but there are allways some sanctions for them because they left EU (North Ireland problem, Channel island electricity, fishing disputes, port delays, Uk individuals are searched for food and their own sandwiches are thrown away because they will “poison” Europe with them) There are a lot of small revenges. The same and much worse would be for Serbia. Serbia also has no sea access. Through EU Greece or Croatia or through Montenegro. Montenegro is a small country with a president whose place should be in jail. So, he is willing to do anything. Also the country has an international reputation for their lazyness and is doing nothing than trade and tourism. Serbia has no support from them even they are the same nation. I hope that someone would better understand Serbian position in todays Europe.
Whoever leaves the country for the EU-robistan deserves to be treated like a second-clasa citizen. Even inside Serbia.
How about you don’t leave and work on your land, for the betterment of your countrymen?
Don’t be a slave for western capitalists.
Thanks for posting this.
I just wasted the last 3 hours of my time arguing with randoms elsewhere whom are convinced that every single Tochka fired off by Ukraine is actually a Russian missile and only Russia uses Tochka’s, not Ukraine. And that every single warcrime Ukraine commits was actually done by Russia, no matter how easily disproven they are. When pointed to articles like this one they just scream “RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA111!!1!”
There is no helping these sheep. It is truly a waste of time.
Not sure I can subject myself to this torture much longer.
It is like in Orwell 1984. MSM produces today “new truth”, doesn’t matter what was accepted yesterday. Brain dead people hooked on new drug -MSM lies. Maybe hunger will clear their minds a bit.
Someguy, “It’s easier to fool people than convince them that they’ve been fooled.” – US writer, humorist, lecturer, publisher, Mark Twain (1835 – 1910)
I listened to a very chilling explaination of the “situation” in western Ukraine today, given by a retired Cold-War Warrior (retired Army Major, UK).
He explained why neither the Russians nor the West are seizing western Ukraine, nor commiting more than very tentative forces on the ground in the west.
I can summarise the entire 30+ minute long and very depressing talk by quoting just a few of his words,
“That is the region which both sides have decided on “first use” of nuclear weapons. Either side is likely now prepared to use them to prevent the other side from seizing it”.
He finished by stating that, in his opinnion, it is inevitable that tactical nuclear weapons will be used in Ukraine, it is simply a matter of when, and of which side initiates it.
Having listened to many other experts talk about this, and having read many articles on many blogs and websites on this matter, I feel the weight of evidence strongly suggests that both NATO and Russia have decided that western Ukraine will be the area where either side is “stopped” – and it wont be by conventional munitions.
Not sure how true this is. Russia didn’t send in enough troops to take Western Ukraine in the first place anyway.
I think NATO isn’t sending in any “peacekeepers”, even to only west ukraine to create a mini-banderastan, so far because they truly are terrified of over-escalating.
It’s good enough for them to just drag out the war as long as possible and keep fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian.
@ someguy,
It was the opinion of the retired Major that Russia had already decided that western Ukraine would be see nuclear fire before the war started – as Putin himself had warned that “the relevent decisions had already been made”.
The Major said any Officer familiar with subtle use diplomatic threats would know what that would mean, and just for good measure – given the low calbibre of todays Officers and Politicians – Putin publically warned that his nuclear forces were on high alert and that no nation should interfere with the operation or face consequences they have never faced in thier history before.
I would like to be optimistic, but the weight of evidence suggests that the old border lands of western Ukraine have been designated as the ground upon which, for Russia certainly, any invading army will be stopped (by nuclear weapons).
As always, I do not hold a fixed opinnion and I am pleased to listen to any evidence that this assumption is wrong.
Simply on account of the fallout Russia has every reason not to use any nukes anywhere in the `hood. Plenty of conventional hardware around to accomplish anything.
There are more fruitful targets for those…but let us not conjure up Mizz Pandora yet shall we… 😉
If we see a massive buildup of NATO forces on Poland’s border then the
probability of Armageddon becomes close to a certainty.
If only I was VVP…
I would invite and coordinate militarily with Poland, Hungary and Romania to take what they like from their old territories – in exchange of immediate declaration of exiting natoistan…
Two flys with one swipe… 😉
Hold a round-table conference with not just Poland, Hungary and Romania, also Belarus, Slovakia & Moldova, on the understanding that an agreement must be reached on a one-in-all-in basis
There would be no *single geopolitical initiative more instrumental in *fracturing, not dissolving, NATO more than this.
If I hear “Russia didn’t send enough troops to do blah blah” again I’m going to barf.
Russia sent enough troops to bait the UAF into revealing where the targets are by activating its war plan. It sent enough troops to disrupt that plan and degrade the UAF to the points its options are limited. It sent enough troops to cause the UAF to consolidate its remaining effective maneuver force into controllable pockets.
All of this makes the next phase easier. Then you will see more troops. And no, I have no formal training other than front line grunt experience as a weekend warrior after a few years active in the US Navy. It’s duh obvious.
Despite the public perception, Major’s not much of a rank – just one up from Captain (which is what most Commissioned Officers graduate from Sandhurst with after all). Same goes for the equivalent ranks in the other Services (Squadron Leader, Lt. Commander).
Whilst none of us are privy to the real battle plans, it is always useful to remember VVP’s comments, especially those relating to Russia facing an “existential threat”.
He has made it VERY clear to the West what will happen, and the time for the West to listen, and listen carefully, is now. If NATO decides to use, (or maybe “accidentally” uses) tactical nuclear weapons, that is a very slippery slope, and the step from Tac.Nuke to strategic is extremely small.
Saker, can you reliably confirm the message on the Tochka is ‘for (the) children’, and is it in ukrainian or Russian?
Many thanks.
It clearly visible on the picture. It is in Russian. Yet another provocation from Ukrops.
No, it is not clearly visible, otherwise I would have been able to get it translated. Maybe you saw a clear photo – where?
Yes it is. First picture posted by Saker.
In my mind, a “shaking” of the nations may be taking place, resulting in a separation of the good from the evil. In other words, the wheat is being separated from the chaff.
Dear Saker, have you noticed that none of the following countries voted “yes” at the UN?
– Saudi Arabia
– UAE (Emirates)
– Qatar
– Bahrein
– Kuwait
– Oman
– Irak
Along with Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen and Syria as well
It’s good to see that Uncle Shmuel doesn’t rule anymore at the Middle East
Yes I noticed that too. Middle eastern countries – except Israel – recognize where their future lies. It’s with Russia guaranteeing peace in the region. Not with America and its endless chaos.
I think their abstain voting is understandably issued and authorized by the masters. How can they explain to their people that Russia is an aggressor and occupying County while Israel is not. Israel is the same as Ukraine chosen Natzis. Their vote is not by free will.
Russia’s actions are in self defense. No country with a grain of dignity and iq of 60 would accept what the zionists and its slaves are to ring it with nuclear weapons, and attack and destroy Russia. I’m certain this is an Israeli zionist war on Russia.
Those who voted against Russia are owned and managed by zionists with West with its might the $$$ to enforce its orders.
Remember when Russia in the 90s was privitized (handed over to the west), this is done to us, the Arabs over 100 years and and we can’t get out of their clutchs. Not that we tried in the least. Now if our beloved wardins could, they won’t know what to do without the master.
Russia on the other hand, in few years reversed the privatization and got back in charge of its destiny without any help from anyone. That is called independence and sovereignty. Russia does not owe anyone anything. This is something to be proud of. Who needs dead weight anyway.
The people of those countries are with Russia.
Those countries who voted against will be on their hand and knees begging Russia to be their master.
Notice the hand-written inscription on the side. It reads: “For the children”.
It reminds me of that 2015 picture showing two 122 mm shells DPR captured on Azov battalion’s positions.
“The best for the children” states the dedication on the shells.
Ukro-nazis sign, one way or another their crimes and satanic rituals.
It’s part of their pagan metaphysics.
Yep, and those Pagan once obliterated by Russian Army and Crushed by Chechens will go straight into eternal HELL!
Dear Saker and my Rusiian brothers, as I have seen this voting list, my stomach turned in disgust.
Because I am a Serb, I am deeply ashamed of what my government did, even if I never voted for them, and never would.
As Dostoevsky wrote, we should not judge a nation by how low it can sink but by how high it can soar.
Russia had Eltsin, who makes even the worst Serbian politicians look decent and honest.
So please don’t feel bad, your people are beautiful, courageous and kind.
Your politicians? Meh – just typical, garden variety prostitutes.
Like most politicians anyway.
Kind regards
First the article is for 2 minutes silence, because it is a sad thing to have faced so much evil and still be able to stand up and maintain a so long and proud culture.
Then recently Medvedev did an interview where he emphasized the difference between government policy and the civil world.
“Government has to look after the country as a whole, notwithstanding any suffering big native oligarchs or big native corporations suffer”.
We out here should take this into consideration, that our governments dont do it for us and our opinions (the voting) but for the interest of the country in the situation as a whole.
So dont be too angry on governments…………some times ;-).
Just comparing the U.N. vote on removing Russia from the Human Rights Council vs the March 2 vote condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine, it’s easy to see that more countries voted against Russia on March 2 than the vote this week.
It’s a victory, however one wishes to gauge it.
Most notable is that China, instead of abstaining as it did on March 2, voted against removing Russia from the Human Rights Council.
‘this is directly the result of the kind of “instruction” the Ukronazis have received from their Anglo masters’ – I was thinking that after the eu offered ukraine €500 million* within mere hours after the kiev atrocity, is that the eu must be complicit with shitze, or if he acted independently of it, then what an incentive for him to commit more similar atrocities – and collect €500 million a time. This is how satanically shit the kiev & the west are, and it is a spiritual war first and foremost.
* How much of the €500 million has been assigned to the victims’ relatives from the eu, even 1 cent???
Tomorrow, Peskov announce that he feels sorry for the Tochka strike an apologize for Russia…. By the way, Nabiullina is another catastroph#submarine rubber stamped by the IMF
Why doesn’t Putin get rid of Peskov? He is so unpopular, he is hated in Russia. Is there some reason why he can’t be fired?
Think how depraved you have to be to bomb your own people at a train station. The Ukrainians who this are dumb backward P.O.S. The real Evil behind this deranged act are duel citizen (Ukraine/Israel) Khazars.
They are not Evil, but true manifestation of “Shaitan / Satan” as the Chechens referred to UkroNazis Bandera ‘cursed in eternal hell’ army, in short army of satan, the right hand of Anti-Christ. So this war is literally an opening gate before the great war taken place, as it is aligned the world of Justice against the world of Evil.
I consider this conflict in eschatological terms. It is not so much an attempt to destroy Russia as an attempt to destroy Holy Russia – the guardian of Orthodoxy. If we remember Saint Paul:
“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming”
then we can come to a conclusion that Russia is that which sustains …. lies, and the father of lies is the devil.
But this is just a religious digression …
More pro US Russian Kremlin 5th wrong eco column decision:
Foreign currencies sales allowed as of next week.Easy to imagine what will happen: major capital evasion to the West.
CBR cutting interest rate from 20 to 17%. In theory not bad to finance entreprises and individuals, will it make the Ruble fall again(today at 74.98 vs usd)?
In other news but connected to the war indirectly:
European Markets Freak Out As Odds Of Le Pen Victory In French Presidential Elections Jump
To be sure, a Le Pen victory over Macron, the self-styled successor of Angela Merkel, and defender of the European project, would be a shock for the European Union on a par with Donald Trump’s U.S. election victory and the Brexit vote in 2016. Armed with a veto on most EU initiatives, she could bring the bloc to an abrupt halt and could effectively spell the end of the EU, one of the core Western alliances in a thunderous win for Putin.
Titanium, Paladium (RU of course) prohibited in the metal market in London(the biggest).
Nor more airbus or boeing but it will take at least a year to show real bad consequences.
There is some evidence the ruling class is pumping up Le Pen as the expectation is that in a Run Off with Macron she loses.
France has a weird electoral system. I don’t understand it. How much would you have win by to avoid a run off?
That’s kinda like how the Democrats wanted to set up Donald Trump against Hillary. ‘casue they thought Trump couldn’t possibly win. Trump was supposed to be the safe bet for Hillary.
“The 58 countries which, like Pilate, have washed their hands from this vote are particularly pathetic” – a rather pathetic comment.
Whilst many countries support Russia in her current struggle against the empire of hate and lies, to vote for or against is to accept that pathetic vote, that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Some countries simply do not wish to play that game. No body has the right to force me to make choices that they have defined.
Your comment reflects a very narrow vision.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to kneel in Hagia Sophia and speak some words in my mind. I am atheist. I heard recently that the Vatican authorized the purchase of Rubles in order to continue purchasing Russia’s gas. What a historical irony, and a small pittance for the tragedy of the fourth Crusade. My heart bleeds as I see Orthodox brother against Orthodox, alien to those beliefs as I am, the colossal human sadness touches my soul. If there is a god, then he is truly with the Russian soldier. Your god is powerful indeed, if I can feel the power through seeing the news today, in my heathen and unspiritual mind, I am touched by the divine, and although I don’t know the words, I don’t understand the prayers, I offer humble words on my behalf for all who need them nevertheless.
In other news, I have read on Global Times (CCP “official” mouthpiece) that they are willing the militarily ground any American diplomats that are thinking of flying to Taiwan to drum up support for “independence.” This cannot be taken lightly. I have to stress, the Chinese as a matter of policy DO NOT threaten military action unless their backs are against the wall and they have no other choice. I repeat, the Chinese are NOT in the business of threatening war or military action unless they have absolutely no choice. I assume Chinese intelligence is aware of something. Please hear my words. When the CCP threatens military action, it is best to take heed, as Chinese as a rule often look down on warmongering, warhawks in general and are always sober-minded.
Dear ABC,
Are you Chinese? I’m Orthodox myself, and from my personal, limited experience, I find more in common – philosophically, politically, morally, spiritually – with my Chinese atheist friends than with my Western ‘Christian’ ones. This comment:
“in my heathen and unspiritual mind, I am touched by the divine, and although I don’t know the words, I don’t understand the prayers, I offer humble words on my behalf for all who need them nevertheless”.
This is an exemplary demonstration of Orthodox phronema. Humility, humanity, compassion, and benevolence. This reads like something that could have been written by St. Macarius or St. Anthony – among the greatest saints in the Orthodox faith!
As for your second point, perhaps the Chinese show such wise restraint in their bellicosity because they are intimately familiar with both The Art of War and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. If only the idiot warmongering chickenhawks at the head of Western ‘civilization’ could spend as much time reading the latter as they have the former, they’d recognize the looming civil disaster at home rather than waste time instigating a civil disaster abroad. One way or another, “The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide”. And those of us trapped here in the Empire of Lies can do nothing but watch as history yet again repeats itself.
“How much of a problem is that for the Empire of Hate and Lies?”
Like plot holes in Hollywood movies: Surprisingly easy, barely an inconvenience.
The concept of Zul-Karnain in the Quran, which has been the subject of discussions and studies for centuries is very important and interesting. One pillar of this concept in the modern times , according some modern scholars mainly Sheik Imran Hussain, is Russia, while the other pillar in the ancient times was the Achemanid Persian empire, mainly Cyrus the Great.
Both of these powers stand against darkness of evil, firmly and courageous in different epochs.
The allied forces of evil will try to cancel truth and harm it, non stop, but they can not do any significant or lethal harm to Zul-Karnain (Russia).
If this prophecy is correct, then all powers of evil consist of Eins (human) and Jinns (demons) will join hands together to destroy the Zul-Karnain, but they will never prevail. The forces of light will join Zul-Karnain and by Almighys grace they will be untouchable.
I have found references in byzantine-era texts, about this, as Δουλκαρνεη and refering to Alexander. Also, as a calendar month in Persia.
“Lord of two horns”, with horn meaning the sound instrument announcing the start and the end of a battle.
Reference about Δουλκαρνεη is in the Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, I don’t remember which volume.
Spot on Saker, ukies are now going to ban Othodoxy in the country(or what is left..)seize properties etc…for sure kill all religious, then all followers which means killing 80 % of ukrainians.
Ukraine might Ban the Russian Orthodox Church and Take All of its Property and Money
A bill banning the Russian Orthodox Church has been submitted to Ukraine’s parliament, the country’s media reported.
The bill is not yet on the voting schedule but is likely to be voted on by a large majority. It envisions that all property of church authorities and the administration of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the country be nationalized within 48 hours of the law’s adoption.
Just want to share some good news. There are still people in the EU with a clear mind. It’s breathtaking how this Irish women (Clare Daly) speaks out the truth in the EU-Parliament. From RT Deutsch. The text is in german but the (short) video is in English. Definitely worth a look.
I’m curious: Why didn’t the Russian missile defense shoot this down?
Ukrainians fired this on themselves.
Why no shoot down….Because it was staged….it’s a movie set, and the bit of unscratched metal that is passing itself off as a rocket….. is a prop put there by gaffers. You will see it all spliced together at next year’s Academy Awards….. blond chick with Ak and Kafka gets the nod as Best Walk On in a Mocumentery. Sean Penn gets Best Director In Absentia.
Cheers M
Thanks again for the thoughtful analysis.
I think for me, the abstentions in the UN vote reflect Western influence on the political elites and systems of those countries rather than support by the people of those countries. The CIA is notorious for subterfuge against leaders, forcing them to tow lines rather than vote their conscience or the will of their citizens. Of course, the West itself is a reflection of the gilded class (Western oligarchs, billionaires, the one-tenth of one percent, deep state, elites, or however one may describe them) and its corruption of the corporate media and the messaging centered on “evil Russkies.” It saddens me – the corruption of the soul for financial gain – but this is the world we likely have always lived in.
Furthermore, the end game is not Russian genocide in my opinion, but rather to bring Russia to heel, or in a more common expression, force Russia to bend the knee to the will of DC and its minions. Clearly the West is running out of tools to force anything on Russia short of escalating into direct war. Ukraine’s complete and utter defeat is only a matter of time, and Russia, despite doing everything it can to minimize civilian casualties, including accepting losses to its own forces, will most certainly prevail. Long term, I can see Russia, upon winning this war, moving forward with demands to further undermine NATO, and NATO likely succeeding to these demands in arms limitation treaties with Russia.
That said, a second front is brewing. It’s in Asia, and China is preparing for it. The West, not content with its own to this point ineffective economic war on Russia, is pressuring China, India, Indonesia, the Middle Eastern sheikdoms, etc., to reinforce its sanctions against Russia or face sanctions itself. China was already sanctioned for the mere crime of beating the USA in the production of goods and services, and as Michael Hudson pointed out in the article you recently posted:
“As President Biden and U.S. national-security reports announced, China was seen as the major enemy. Despite China’s helpful role in enabling corporate America to drive down labor’s wage rates by de-industrializing the U.S. economy in favor of Chinese industrialization, China’s growth was recognized as posing the Ultimate Terror: prosperity through socialism. Socialist industrialization always has been perceived to be the great enemy of the rentier economy that has taken over most nations in the century since World War I ended, and especially since the 1980s. The result today is a clash of economic systems – socialist industrialization vs. neoliberal finance capitalism.”
Now, in addition to sanctions against China, China is facing a more robust military threat as NATO is now making threats (don’t ask me what a European military alliance is doing making threats against a country on the other side of the world), the USA/UK/Australia have announced a joint effort to produce a hypersonic missile, and of course we have AUKUS nuclear submarines pushing forward as well. Along with these pronouncements, China is now facing more weapons shipments to Taiwan (thanks to Uncle Schmuel) and diplomatic visits to Taiwan by high-ranking USA politicians in direct contravention to its WRITTEN agreements with China. Shocking (not), but this again demonstrates that regardless of the method employed in its agreements, written or verbal, the USA cannot be expected to hold to its treaty obligations. Trump demonstrated this most recently by doing away with the IMF, something I expect will likely be up for discussion in future negotiations between the West and Russia once Russia finishes its SOP in Ukraine.
From my armchair, Russia holds all the cards – regardless of the USA psyops and “atrocity of the week” canard parroted by its corporate media. Heading into warmer months, Europe can likely postpone its capitulation to Russia. But when winter comes and its citizens are cold and angry and its economies falter under the weight of higher energy costs and/or a Russian embargo, the economic war against Russia will be replaced by political fallout against the elites in Europe and the USA.
I’m still trying to find the sense in sanctioning what essentially is a self sufficient country….
I suppose the hubris is in thinking the one’s money is worth more than what one can get for it.
With all the demonisation turmoil raging at its maximum level I would like to draw attention to the fact that these agitprop activities that are being concocted by the Western secret services, brought on the stage by US trained Ukro battalions and constantly dished up by the servile MSM media are actually quite short-lived. The life-span of each newly featured ‘breaking news’ item that is being dropped like a bomb shell (by the CIA/MI6) is one or two days at the most. After two days being idolised with awe and fear on the altars of the MSM temples, each aging ‘breaking news’ story is mercilessly being dumped into the realm of oblivion. So is all this present hysterical agitprop rattling of the MSM media in the West able to cause a long term harm to Russia’s interests? I think not. Not many people nowadays have acquired an awareness that enables them to see and understand what is happening in a historical perspective. Even the leader of the West, president Joe Biden, is offering a typical leading example: he doesn’t understand what is happening. My optimistic view on Russia’s future is founded on the ‘dumb and dumber’ mentality that engulfs the US.
This event doesn’t feel genuine to me. Where is the real photographic evidence? I’ve not seen any photos of the carnage.
Just because you haven’t looked properly doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
I have seen many photos and so have others.
I told you that the acusations will just keep on pilling up.
Russia has to finish this quickly, before NATO-stan prepares yet another false flag for their zombified public.
They are preparing the public for the upcoming NATO intervention inside western Ukraine. They know that the Ukie army is done for.
As for the vote, things are not looking good there. This vote maybe was trivial, but next one might be worse. You can say that this was just trial for the real deal – expulsing Russian Federation from UN.
I don’t know. My only hope is that russian officials or whoever pulls the strings inside RF now knows what they’re doing.
Something about the Tochka-U missiles to keep in mind. Russia has destroyed Ukraines abilities to provide targeting information to these missiles. With that said, the targeting that killed all these people came from NATO in Poland. If we weren’t already in WW3, we are now.
This is a real possibility.
Russia would never make such mistake. I fear what Russian answer might be. There surely are many dead Russians among those 50 dead civilians.
When will you understand that they are all Russians. Ukraine is a synthetic nation, the product of psychological engeneering. Provincial particularism exist but they all have the same origins. The hate of western ukrainians (Galicians or Russins) come from their apostasy of orthodoxy in the XVI century, when they choose to unite with Rome. But the change of their national counscious occured only in the end of the 19th century and the begining of the 20th, when they were submited to a psychological campaign by uniate priests and Austria.
Richard Medhurst’s take – “the days are numbered.”
What days? The dollar-denominated empire of lies….
I highly recommend his latest video demonstrating the rise of the multi-polar world, courtesy of Russia…..
I am ashamed of my government’s decision.
Years ago I saw the Soviet film “Alexander Nevski”. The scene I best remember is when the Teutonic Knights are attacking (across the ice, I think) and in a close-up, one of the Russian knights smashes the great helm of one of the Teutons down into his body with a huge hammer.
Looking forward to seeing that again in the current modern remake of this classic.
Thanks Saker for another excellent update. I share your frustration and anger over the behavior of my fellow westerners.
I’ve been reading about hardliners in the Russia government/military who want to take the gloves off. How thin do you think Russian patience is wearing? Regarding the conventional military, with a clear technological advantage it must be a terrible temptation to teach NATO a lesson.
As the current bad joke goes: most Americans would celebrate if Russia nuked DC. Throw in Ottawa, London & Brussels! But why should Russians soil their conscience to clean up the parasitic mess all westerners are responsible for?
Fingers crossed that Russian patience wins the day in the end. The entire West really deserves to be introduced to the Failed State Experiment. Might be the first step towards salvaging the western soul.
“As for Russia and the Russian people, there is only one thing I have not heard from our wonderful western neighbors yet: the screams “crucify them! crucify them! crucify them!”. Of course, that is not how the modern Crusaders express their feelings, they just want to “cancel Russia” – different words, same meaning.”
They are cowards and inveterate hypocrites and narcissists. But they actually carried it out. Early in the SMO, to my regret, I watched a snuff film: a gagged Russian POW who was nailed to a cross in the dead of the night, then set on fire. I avoided all “war films” thereafter. Their actions proclaim them, and who is their real “father.” The two opposing sides are stark and unambiguous, to any with some spiritual insight. And we need to focus on these actions, and like the Russian MoD, to tune out their endless verbal diarrhea and to not waste time with these bent people. Gentle economists who dispassionately see a WW3 process unfolding over decades while the usd devours the euro miss the spiritual inferno which is lit. At the current pace of events, the process may reach denouement in weeks to months.
From Smoothie, a link to a recent sermon. A written accompaniment to the spiritual paintings above:
Unfortunately, Russia has to dedicate more resources and manpower for this war.
Ukraine is in full mobilization.
Please Moscow, do us all a favor :(less ru soldiers kia and wia + civilians both K and W), carpet bomb the all donbass cauldron(1 hour to surrender no more).
Then after the ukies army destruction, no more fake negos: tell zelinsky once and for all, he has 24h(not one minute more) to surrender and capitulate at RU full conditions. Otherwise as of midnight, full bombing of Kiev + Llov + ivano fr and co..
Odessa and Kharkov will then surrender much easier.
Then RU Mil bases at western UK border with missiles even nukes if necessary(as the polish are asking to take Kaliningrad over today).
For the rest of ukraine, only police forces allowed, csto may help if needed for mil policing missions(on request).
For Novorussia: referendum proposed (even with western observers, but they will not come as for Crimea),choice between: confederation of republics or merger with Russia, which will get 20 millions new citizens.
No such thing as ukrop army allowed.
Denazification during one generation (at least).
Russian only official language, reconstruction (China + India and other friendly partners welcome).
Ukie dialect ‘tolerated’ west of Kiev, but must be Ru predominent for business/law/studies like French in Québec
@war is on:
You can’t just do carpet bombing over cauldron in which there are many civilians.
Russia has deployed more forces over and above what they withdrew from Kiev and Chernihiv, however your point is taken. I have friends from Omsk, Russia who signed up to be volunteers many weeks ago and still do not know if they will ever be able to go. These are active reservists. They have their own weapons, ammunition, kit, they are good to go. That is just to dispel the “lack of weapons” nonsense I hear some people repeating as to why volunteers are not being used. It is absurd on its face, as Russia is the #2 arms manufacturer in the world.
Anyways, the mood in Russia is one of frustration. I would not be surprised that as much as 100,000 have signed up to be volunteers. Since the torture and execution videos came out there is little sympathy for Ukraine. Most want a proper military campaign the way Kadyrov has advocated.
Possibly a mention that the US withdrew from the UN Human Rights Committee in 2018.
Can somebody, please, tell the Russians to stop using the fucking word “Provocation” to describe a TERRORIST attack. They MUST use the word TERRORIST to call it at it is a terrorist attack. The word provocation has no impact outside Russia. People don’t care about that word. All false flags and violent acts are terrorism. So call it a terrorist attack.
My earlier deleted comment about Buryatia was not off topic. The destroying Mongol horsemen depicted in Glazunov’s second painting have descendents who fight today for the defense of Russia and the Donbass. They were mentioned in a recent Saker article as ‘fighting Buryats’ (5th GuardsTank Division?).
“Second, while this map does not accurately reflect how the actual people in these countries feel about this war, this map does a superb job showing us the list of pure comprador colonial ruling classes.”
This is important. So-called Western countries are not democracies. Their puppet governments are dragging the people in directions that they do not wish to go. The mainstream media – which is the propaganda arm of those puppet governments – have already lost a good portion, perhaps even the bulk, of their formerly complicit audience.
“But the real value of these maps is that it shows three different groups:
The real modern Nazis (CA+US+EU+AUS+NZ+JP).”
Again, this is important. No matter which way the pie is cut, this time around WE ARE THE BAD GUYS. More people than the puppet governments and their propaganda media organs yet realise, already get this. We start to get a feeling about who we can trust when police violently assault and shoot unarmed peaceful protesters with rubber bullets, deploy and use military grade directed energy weapons against their citizens, and shut off the bank accounts of anyone who disagrees with the government.
The end game (when it finally happens) will likely be similar to prior episodes of this character – namely politicians and other assorted war criminals hanging from gallows. Much more mayhem to ensue in the meantime, unfortunately.
Remember if you are in USA, you can on;y commit treason if Congress has declared war. No DOW, no treason. I was in the Weather Underground 1970-1973 and US govt could not arrest us for : giving aid and comfort to the enemy” because of no declaration of war. As far as peer group pressures, ask them their sources of information, then direct them to The Saker. Moon of Alabama. Martyanov.s site. We are in a conscious raizing time as we rally more people to resist the New World Order in any way they can,
Aug 15th 1945 the japanese signed the peace treaty ending the original struggle against Fascism. On Aug 15th Kabul was liberated from the NWO, We are winning against the Death Worshippers.
A few thoughts.
First, thank you Andrei for this update. Very revealing in many ways.
Second, let us not forget that this War is not against just Russia or the “East” for that matter. We need to envelop this war in the context of the War against Humanity. This War crosses All borders. While I am still hopeful that Russia has a firm Moral Compass and is behaving accordingly, I am not convinced as of yet. My apologies if this sentiment offends anyone – there are too many outstanding issues to reach a conclusion at this time (btw – these sentiments have nothing to do with false flags or propagada).
Yes, good things are coming about for the Donbass region (with much sacrifice from all).
Speaking of sacrifice, how many Ukrainian civilians and Russian forces must be sacrificed in this War which is not strictly temporal? When is enough enough?
While I am certainly not a proponent of escalating and expansionary War, I do realize that is where this is eventually heading. To quote others “there are no peacemakers”. Therefore, things will escalate and expand; and because of this, perhaps a more “expedient” Russian solution to the Ukraine problem is warranted. If for no other reason than to free up Russian energy, forces and resources for the larger conflict. Perhaps that strategy would save lives; and maybe not. Things are so f**ked that it is very difficult to say what action or non-action will benefit localized peoples and other peoples beyond the Ukraine geographical area.
In conclusion, little to say other than…
God Bless Russia and God Bless the human species.
Why is Russia allowing this? They should use the s400 to shoot missiles down. Hello!?
You think they have an S-400 every 10 km? I think a pantzir is more efficient & cheaper (see in the Dombass) , but they didn’t expect the Uk to strike Kramatorsk.
It was fired form ukr occupied territorry, flew over ukr occ. terr. and landed on ukr occ. territory.
Even if air-defenses were 100% effective – where do the Russian air defenses come in the picture?
They are busy enough tracking trajectories, that endangers points of interest to them…
Everyone has conveniently forgotten “1984”.
There is no war; there is no East Vs West.
Wise up!
Why does the NATO West kill real people just to make propaganda “snuff” videos for Western TV audiences? They could film “slaughter in the Ukraine” in Hollywood studios and the BBC, CNN, etc would broadcast them and swear they were real. The murder of frightened and helpless Ukrainian civilians for western TV exposes the depravity of the West.
It is also done to terrorise the local population.
The longer this goes on, with Russia doing its best to protect Ukrainian civilians
1. The more false flags kill Ukrainian civilians.
2. The more countries are put under financial pressure and threats to get into line behind Warshington.
3. The more Russia is demonised.
At some point it becomes counterproductive to try to protect civilians who are being mass murdered by their own side, and a swift victory going all out will kill fewer civilians. I believe we are already past that point and every day’s delay now is counterproductive for Russia.
And the more Russian soldiers are dying almost for nothing, just to ”save the life” of ‘supposed brothers’ who in the vast majority after 8 years of 24/7 brainwashing are all anti russians to the death.
How is it possible to be so naive?
There is no such thing or concept of ‘slow/light’ war this is tragic.
The only effect is economical destruction of Russia.Fith columnists are still pushing their agenda:
Bank of Russia may cut key rate to 14-15% per annum, experts say
The high key rate holds back not only those who want to buy dollars, but also economic growth
This slow operation only push msm narrative which pushes politicos to even crazier actions and sanctions.
Their ultimate sanction will be: ”we sanction russian because they exist” then ”we must kill them all” they are almost at that level overseas.
Expect the first assassination of a Russian expats, even people like saker or smoothies soon could be victims sooner than later(hopefully not of course).
Some don’t realize the level of hate now in zone A, never seen before in history(even againsy nazi germany).
Having let the internet, cellular phone networks on was a MAJOR mistake. In 2022 you don’t do war like in 1915 or 1943.
Europeans don’t like arabs and muslims who sometime(a very little minority) kill their people in terror attacks as we had during ten years in Europe..but it is just ”don’t liking”, not ”hating” like now against Russians.
Even educated people falling in full hating mode, Phd not in the neocon line usually.They don’t even know the concept of neocon here.
More easy RU money seized…here we go:
Cayman Islands financial institutions freeze $7.3 billion worth of Russian assets – report
How is it possible to be so naive not to say idiot(or complicit maybe?), that knowing there is a real possibility of war coming, let’s say in 2021, even a small one (20%?), to let any amount of money in the west?
If I was Russian, I would have never ever take that risk, even with a 3% chance of war.
We deal with ideologues, psycho/sociopaths here, one must adapt to their behaviour.
More sanctions: Yankees sanctionning…fertilizers, good luck with that,famine coming.
Biden signs bills on tightening trade regime with Russia, Belarus, banning energy import
US authorities expand export restrictions for Russia and Belarus
The list, published on the US Department of Commerce website, includes hundreds of products, including pipe valves, fertilizers and bearings.
Do they know in Moscow that the US declared war on them??????
” How is it possible to be so naive? ”
Its not possible and the Russians arent dumb, therefore, other options must be considered.
May the Good Lord bless and protect the great people of Russia. In my daily prayers, I ask the Almighty may Russia achieve the goals it has set out to do and bestow success in its endeavors. And bring peace to their hearts. And I will continue praying for them as long as I have breath in my lungs.
So far in AUS the propaganda has been pro Ukraine but anti Russian generally just in passing altho anti-Putin explicitly. After all there is a Russian community in the country.
However the propaganda has been very effective and Parliament all bowed down to Elensky.
Government announcements are framed in terms of imposing costs on Russia for having violated national boundaries, the form of words articulated by Secretary of (Deep) State Blinken when he visited on Feb 9-10 to give his vassals their riding instructions.
One hopes they know Ukraine is not Australia’s business and may even realise the war exists to justify imposing costs on Russia rather than the other way around, but maybe not.
AUKUS came into existence because of the long game outlook of conflict between China’s national interests and Australia’s, not Russia’s and Australia’s.
It was specifically formed to provide a framework whereby Australia could jettison its increasingly expensive but stalled program to buy French nuclear powered submarines modified to run on diesel and instead buy American boats to run on their nuclear propulsion systems. Blinken made sure the Australian government knew to get on board with poking a stick into Russia as part of the deal, and provided the script to follow.
The ridiculous thing is that is very much in Australia’s interests to be on excellent terms with China! Remember if it wasn’t for China continuing to but Aussie coal and iron ore, we’d have had it far, FAR harder during the 2008 financial collapse.
The fact that we’re currently demonising “everything Chinese” is very much noted by the Chinese, and rest assured they will NOT be so willing to help us out next time around.
There’s people commenting in the commentary section of portuguese newspapers that Russia reintroduced the Tochka missiles in middle March. They quote this site:
I find it hard to belieber, but I’d like to know your opinion!
Support for this war is soft both in the U.K. and the U.S. In a week or so The Bubble will have moved onto something else, and this rocket business will be forgotten. Russia will win the war and dictate the terms, unless the Russian government snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, which is quite possible. I do know that the conflict won’t be won or lost on the Internet.
I hope the Russian establishment is smart enough to keep an eye on China while all this is going on. It won’t do Russia much good to prevail in this little war if she is ultimately captured by China.
I wish my ideal president ruled: He would show his experts the picture of the broken missile with “for our children” written in it. He would ask how many believe that this “missile” never fell from the sky and that it was like that already for the message to be read. He would fire all those who say the missile that just fell there with the letters of these words remaining intact for all to read, as a thing that happens once every three million times, and that some of them wonder why it says ‘for our children’ instead of…” He might ask them if they believe in the tooth fairy just to make sure. There’s an expression used in Spanish: “There is no right to be that stupid.” And even less to make everybody else stupid, as anyone else who believes that becomes.
He could have this question: “…There was no need for those words to be there. When the devil himself steps out like that, you smash him.” True or False.
I find it amazing that we are expected to believe that Russia would launch an attack on refugees as the UN is voting to condemn them for the alleged atrocities around Kiev. Russia has every motive imaginable to not do this.
I can imagine that Russia might have some of those old missiles in inventory. However; the solid fuel rocket motors have a very limited shelf life without monitoring and maintainaince. The quantum leap in accuracy makes the old missiles not worth the hassel.
It is extremely improbable that Russia might target such a sensitive area with such an in accurate missile.
Did anyone else notice the grid fins?
Of course this distracts from the fall of Mariupol.
You misdiagnose your enemy and those who rule over the “west”.
Anglos are being genocided with everywhere. Our rulers are zionists: look at the ethnicity of the cabinet of the United States. Look at those who are executives in the media companies who push the narratives.
The goal is a brother war where anglos and Slavs exterminate each other.
Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.
*I want to start with a snippet from a popular song in the ex-Yugoslavian cultural space from the early 80s. It’s a Slavic pathos with a reference to the Roma pathos in the form of a lament*. Full translation is bellow for those interested.
Balkan (excerpt)
Mi smo ljudi cigani sudbinom prokleti,
uvek neko oko nas dodje pa nam preti.
[we’re a race of gypsies destined to be damned,
always ‘nother neighbour tries a threatening hand]
Dzoni Stulic – Azra
Some facts to better understand Serbia’s vote:
1. Serbia has been privatised under the neo-lib regime
2. Our education is foreign conceived and implemented, even the school books are printed abroad.
3. Serbia is a country that has been ‘taken’ by the empire through a combination of foreign designed civil war, economic sanctions, negative propaganda i.e. ‘the black legend’, financial warfare, brain drain, and on and on, too many forms of hybrid warfare to list here.
4. Serbia is surrounded by NATO and EU, both of which have waged war on us, and remain unfriendly
5. Serbian opposition is a sorry sight. I have been living in the west some 30 years now and am by no means expert, or even ‘well informed’, but the ‘opposition’ mostly consists of… well, you guessed it, foreign paid parties.
6. Hungary had a COMPLETELY different experience in the last 30 odd years and is therefore not a good comparison.
7. All that’s happened to Serbia in the 90s is now happening to Russia, not to Hungary
8. Serbian national interest is ALWAYS pro-Russian, because Russia is the ONLY friend we have, a situation same or slightly worse than in the last two world wars. This is the true reason the Serbs historically sometimes feel betrayed when Russia favours Bulgars over us, the same Bulgars who attacked us in both world wars, and are now in the NATO/EUstan.
9. Serbia has its own anti-Serbia, which is all (minus nominally Bosnia-Herzegovina) united in NATO/EUstan. In fact there are several of them and I will list them in the chronological order, and please note that all these lands were de-Srbified and anti-Srbified with a various success:
– Croatia – which has gradually, and with support of the west incl. Vatican, catholicized Serb Orthodox lands by physical genocide, exodus, forced/coerced/induced conversion, and as a conduit for the western cultural messianism.
-Muslim Bosnia – first weaponised against Serbia, and Serbs in general, by the Austrio/Hungarians and the Vatican, which is ‘incidentally’ same as in the Croatian and… you guessed it, Galician case.
-Macedonia – (i.e. Stara Srbija – Old Serbia) is a post WW2 communist baby, most likely just an extension of the Comintern policy, which come to think of it, is uncannily similar to the Vatican one, hmmmmm….
-Montenegro, a virulent and veritably 21st century phenomenon whose only reason d’etre is Srbophobia
-Serbian auto-chauvinists – a virulent and not at all the 21st century only phenomenon, whose only reason d’etre is Srbophobia
-Albania/Kosovo – Albania also cultivated by Austria/Hungary and the Vatican, while Kosovo first given ‘autonomy’ within Serbia by the communists. Another parallel to the Ukraine.
10. Serbia could never even so much as make a sound when NATO bombed then encircled it, unlike Russia, praise be to god (I’m not religious… neither am I atheist lol)
11. In the last 30 odd years Serbia has seen primitivisation, privatisation, it’s been stupefied, seduced by western trinkets, threatened, told it can ‘ascend’ to the EU if only it would give up Kosovo (17% of its territory).
I argue that this war hasn’t started in ’22, not even in ’14/15, not even in ’07 or ’99, or ’89. It started in ’91 when the ‘crusaders’ destroyed Yugoslavia and subsequently bombed Belgrade. The rest followed.
oh and
10. Remember how yanks crapped on about ‘bombing Serbia into submission back at the end of the last century? They did.
Still, the spirit of resistance lives on after all these centuries.
“I argue that this war hasn’t started in ’22, not even in ’14/15, not even in ’07 or ’99, or ’89. It started in ’91 when the ‘crusaders’ destroyed Yugoslavia and subsequently bombed Belgrade. The rest followed.”
I totaly agree. All WW start in Yogoslavia. This is the 3rd.
Love Serbia and it’s people. Everybody knows everthing is messed up, no need to feel like a freak.
The collective West ‘s behaviour is ugly, disgusting and hopeless. What can, we, simple citizens, can do ? Maybe express our solidarity to the Russians, pray for the victims of the war and hope for the overwhelming defeat of the really evil Empire. Everyone with a brain and a heart feels that this is a war between the good and the evil in these end times. The good shall prevail but we have to be tough, enduring and patient. Surely Russians are.