Maria Zakharova: The US destroys diplomatic relations with Russia! от rutube_account_973191 на Rutube.
Utube promptly deleted this video, of course
English captions and translated by Eugenia for
Maria Zakharova: The US destroys diplomatic relations with Russia! от rutube_account_973191 на Rutube.
Utube promptly deleted this video, of course
English captions and translated by Eugenia for
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What a pleasure to listen to this lady. I’ve been feeling ill from watching haley spout her venom and this video really made my lunch break enjoyable. Keep up the good work RF and RT.
Excellent summary of the diplomatic row.
I am more convinced than ever that if Donald Trump succeeds in anything it is the total destruction of the political and economical trustworthiness of the USA. We all know that in certain aspects the US behaved like an outlaw since many decades. Nevertheless, it is somewhat surprising that this criminal and reckless behavior spreads now into uncharted territory.
The USA today looks like an oil refinery on fire and no firefighters anywhere in sight. There is only one reasonable action in this case: run for your live and let it burn.
Thanks, all, for your insights. Several lessons from all of this are important to keep in mind here: a small but thankfully vocal segment of the American population are appalled at the unnecessarily rude behavior towards Russian diplomatic personnel. This only mirrors the long time trend in American “culture” towards disrespecting people (“dissing” them) with the intention of starting an argument or a fight. Our “popular culture” –and look at who controls the movie industry, the music industry–has been a lousy example of how to behave towards each other, and this disgusting behavior has transferred over to how we act out towards the rest of the world. I assure the Russians that these spineless freaks do not speak for many of us. (realizing that if you want to get ahead in Hollywood, you’d better go along with the party line, or you will be blacklisted. —that subject could be its own six volume series). Another thing has been happening all along that very few people want to acknowledge, namely, the honest prayers for peace by regular people all over the world who have been praying for the plans of the evil war-makers to be absolutely defeated. This is major. Never ever underestimate the power of prayer, friends. When you pray, unselfishly, you are imagining something incredibly good happening that otherwise never would have happened, and it was your prayer that lets our Righteous Lord make it possible.
how Russians must feel dealing with American Deep State idiots:
I think your worthy example might be a little too kind.
This level might be more appropriate:
And US Justice (sic) is headed this way:
As someone who is looking in from the outside in, meaning I’m neither a US citizen nor do I reside in the US… this is scarily accurate. I think Orwell was beaten to the punch on who’s vision of the future becomes reality first.
What a treat to listen and hear the intelligent analysis of Maria Zakharova.
Yes, she is a charming and beatiful, but much above all she is very intelligent and sharp. I could make a try to mock the difference between her and a certain lady at the UNSC, but it’s not even worth the try.
I must also admit that the host (when he was able to interrupt anyway) asked good questions (LOL, his remark about the impeachment of Trump at the beginning).
It is the sad conclusion that has to be made. Deliberately, international law is shoved aside and money is injected to lower diplomatic relations to almost zero Kelvin.
It is a dark conclusion that this a deliberately move from forces behind the present US administration. Tillerson may truefully have said that two nuclear powers cannot have afford to have this kind of bad relationships (*cough*, DPRK, *cough*), but darker forces decide otherwise.
It’s so out in the open and so many people don’t see it. That worries me most.
Thanks so much for sharing this interview, that of course will be totally ignored by the western MSM.
Cheers, Rob
That YouTube blocked it is an imprimatur.
The Khazarian cabal at Google-NSA-CIA cannot bear Truth.
The fouling of American-Russian relationships is historic.
The totalitarian Cult of Khazarian RussoHate is trying very hard to inculcate hatred and fear like it did with the pathetic Ukies for quarter century.
This time the target is Americans.
And the dope in the middle who can’t stop it is Donald J. Trump.
He, the king of branding, has been hot-iron branded as a donkey by the Khazarian clique.
The have turned him into a servile mule. And when the time is right, they will butcher him as the final object lesson to any who might try to pick up the spear and fight them.
This episode is a forewarning of worse to come.
There is no way for the US Hegemon to back down.
Maybe a court will settle it.
All arms of the government are now completely onboard with anti-Russia efforts.
The courts may cave in also. Destroying, by such a decision, if that occurs, all property rights in America. A goal of the Cult of Liberalism. But American public will not comprehend this if and when it occurs. It will be sold to them as a ‘victory’ over Putin and Russia. American Exceptionalism.
Yes, they are that stupid!
Uh, all about US is sick and we all know where is heading. Wake up! No reason to congratulate them on anything anymore, for they burned all the bridges and closed all the doors and now, they are sitting in the dark corner of history, trembling and steaming, contemplating next idiotic move, that hopefully won’t destroy all of us.
Perhaps, in past there were respected for at least trying to be civilized, but it is no longer true and it is obvious now (for some always was) that we are dealing with totally insane persona. Problem is, they will never pull back, and acknowledge that they need help. For Russia or any other country refusing to submit to that idiotic posture, indeed remains only to do nothing, sit and watch, anticpiate next moves (not hard to predict), avoid being pulled in that BS and move on in other direction (already happening).
Dimitri Orlov said it brilliantly in his recent essay “The Nuclear Solution”:
“When, in the middle of a card game, you realize that you are about to lose your farm, your shirt and your first-born son, you may decide to go for the “nuclear option”: kicking over the card table while reaching for your revolver. Outcomes will vary, but they are by and large preferable to the one you foresee: one of extreme humiliation and poverty…”
May God help us all!
Woah! She was pissed off!! ….. the Russians are seriously pissed off by this disgraceful display of American arrogance and exceptionalism.
this is actually a philosophical question. Americans have kept their way. that the Russians are humiliated, they are guilty of themselves. what did they actually expect? they strive to cooperate with partners as if their partners are normal. The only thing that’s normal is that the Americans did what they did. If they did not, it would be abnormal for them. Russians nobody asks anything. they play chess with success. while the Americans do not get tired of chess and roll over the entire table with the chess board. in the end it will be what it was supposed to be at the beginning. between USA and Russia.
Is “tour” an inappropriate word for the seizure and invasion of Russian diplomatic facilities in USA?
If a rapist invites his victim to come along, is he no longer a rapist but rather a tourist?
Heather Nuaert is the lipstick on the pig and an accomplice to this new ‘diplomatic rape’.
She was using it sarcastically.
You know, your comments gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach when I considered your remarks about “branding.” Remember, during the election it was Hillary who was widely seen, branded, as a hysterical warmonger totally in control of the deep state (all true), while Donny was branded as crass and pompous, but underlying that an experienced businessman who consistently spoke of better, business-like relations with all other countries, to include Russia, and practically an isolationist troupe. I would submit that a large portion of Trump’s victory were anti-crazy Hillary votes far more than pro Trump votes.
Now, the relentless attacks by the deep state and their media minions have quite effectively re-branded Trump as clueless, incompetent (both perhaps true), but also unpredictable, rash, looking to pick a fight…sound familiar? He has been turned into the Hillary the deep state always wanted, certainly branded as such. Why is this so useful to the deep state? Because “crazy and irrational” truly does put all options they may wish back on the table, together with the perfect scapegoat to draw everyone’s attention. The public will now easily believe any course of action was crazy Trump’s idea, never considering the alternative that he is a puppet doing as he’s told. The bad news is because of his branding, there is no limit to what action he might “lead” the US into.
Good point of view. Reminds me of a time during the cold war when the Soviet leadership was branding itself crazy and unpredictable to keep NATO at bay. There was a vital difference though: the Soviets respected international law and treaties.
There could be an effective popular solution to the crisis in the USA. Dear US citizens, if you are fed up with the current state of affairs, why not pick all your coins and treat yourself for holidays outside the US? Vacate the states by the tens of millions for as long a period as you can. Maybe forever, who knows? Leave the crazies behind, steaming in their own mess, and let them finish the con job themselves.
Oh dear, I am getting old: it was of course not the Soviets but Richard Nixon and his infamous madman policy. Got that one recalled plain wrong. Anyway I consider the current situation as a repeat of these good ol’times, only worse.
Like all Russia’s leaders and spokespeople this woman is well informed and articulate. Compare and contrast with the ‘I’ll have to get back to you on that’ brigade at the US State Department press briefings. Thank god for the Russians.
She claims at the end of the interview it’s been done (the latest expulsion) to keep the story of Russian interfering in US elections alive. It’s the one thing Trump would not want. And allegedly he personally ordered it.
If he ordered it, he didn’t do it to keep the story alive. Something else is behind it and I have no idea what. Maybe you have some ideas.
If he didn’t order it and later claimed he did not to appear weak, somebody else is calling the shots about pretty important stuff.
Good points. There’s something more than a bit strange about all of this.
Great questions. Late in the primaries, I was introduced to the concept that Trump® was actually not the “outsider” whom the “Establishment” abhorred, but actually the preferred candidate. The more I looked into it, and especially since he was (s)elected and has done a complete 180 on the campaign pledges that made him seem less dangerous than HRC, the more certain I am that we were all played.
After all, The Donald has been in bed with Wall Street globalists and the mafia his whole life (and BTW, that includes the part of organized crime known as the Jewish Mafia, but referred to lately as “Russian Oligarchs” even though few of them are even Russian). And the MSM created him and his “Brand” for over 40 years. When he was CEO of NBC, Jeff Zucker gave Trump a Reality TV show to promote his Brand nationally. Then, when he became CEO of CNN, that same Jeff Zucker gave candidate Trump $ billions in free advertising, showing his rallies live and uninterrupted (meaning, no commercial breaks, meaning “ratings” and “profits” had nothing to do with it).
And once Trump had secured the Republican nomination, CNN and others went into full attack mode against not just Trump, but against Trump supporters! That served to make Trump the “underdog” and to strengthen the support of those “deplorables” who were emotionally bound to him against “the common enemy” of MSM.
Seen this way, it’s really the most brilliant piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen.
Hard to decide which is worse – US criminal thuggishnesss or the sad Russian masochism exemplified here
“Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said Friday that he expressed Russia’s desire to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with the United States to President Donald Trump during a diplomatic ceremony at the White House.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Antonov told reporters that a meeting with Trump was constructive and he was received in a warm and friendly manner.
“I told him [Trump] about the importance of improving US-Russia bilateral relations… Russia wants to improve bilateral relations with the United States. We want our relations to be trusting, respectful, equal and mutually beneficial,” Antonov told reporters after Trump accepted his diplomatic credentials.
Antonov said better US-Russian relations remain extremely important for global peace and security.
He also said that he thanked the US president for hospitality.”
Make you want to scream !
Antonov should have diplomatically spat in Trump’s face then diplomatically kicked him in the balls.
You seem to be new to this game, friend. Russia, led by team Putin, always plays on two levels simultaneously. One in the ‘real world’, the second in the world of diplomacy.
Like it or not, diplomacy firstly means keeping communication channels as open as possible even under worst case scenarios like covered or open war. This, of course, isn’t as sexy as shoot-outs in the saloon at high noon, but will bring forth great dividends as time unfolds. Watch and learn. Putin’s display of statesmanship, geo-political acumen, and well-tempered use of force is unparalleled in the contemporary world and in recent history alike.
The difference in style and tone between the polite and diplomatic Russians and the rude Americans is noted by the peoples of the planet Earth. The Russians are impressing and winning over the whole world outside the USA, and some of the brighter pindos too.
So who ordered the illegal confiscation of these consulates by the US State department, FBI or security services?
Does such an order come directly from the president ?
Who in the state department and FBI is responsible for these moves ?
Shadow government.
Deep State
Trump has no control or knowledge (he is in a Presidential bubble).
The policy against Russia is on “remote control”. All hands on deck in all spheres of impact against the RF.
Take your pick of who or from where.
Not a voice registered against it.
No one even cares if the property rights are taken from Russia.
They are now more than a threat. They are the Chimera Extremis.
The RF has lost the InfoWar in the West.
Putin does not much care.
He is going about his own plans very effectively.
He won Syria. He now is doing in the Korean Crisis what he did with chemical weapons in 2013, saving Syria from the fate of Libya. He’s trying to stop the US instigated war on the Korean Peninsula.
The US socially is in a pause. It may not continue its spiral into chaos domestically and vast warfare in several critical regions. It may not sputter into economic bubble-burst.
Trump may somehow save it.
But the odds are very much worse each day for those outcomes.
And what the Hegemon does really well is Chaos-making. Hegemony depends on keeping all alternative patterns of geopolitical power from forming, and nothing works better than chaos and instability.
The US is shaking up China and shaking up Russia. Those are the two top priority targets, not North Korea and Iran.
But before it could do these things, the Shadow Government shook up Trump and his voters. They are destabilizing America as readily as they are trying with Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe-Ukraine.
They have found Trump to be a useful tool (fool?). He gets the blame regardless of what they do externally or internally.
They aim to control the planet and they are willingly destroying America as a Republic in order to achieve their aim.
Putin and Xi stand in their way. All the rest is minor league stuff.
Shadow governments must now be treated as terrorists. No civilized society or country must be allowed to interact or trade with those countries run by shadow governments.Everyone must stop interacting with them.
Yes we know you are upset
But what are you going to do about it ?!
The moaning is getting embarrassing
The problem is they really don’t know what to do about it. The Russians have a diplomatic and legalistic government. They haven’t run into the “likes” of the current US. A great power that doesn’t believe in diplomacy or the rule of international law.Its really quite a shock for people that are proud of diplomacy and law. And can’t hardly understand that the US would be stupid enough to disdain those things.
Just compare the courage shown by little North Korea in their official pronouncements with the obsequiousness and ingratiating behavior shown by the Russian officials today towards the imperialist West. This is the “sepoy” mentality in which one clicks one’s heels as soon as the Master glances. The Russian officials today lack manliness; they appear to be neutered and go into a state of shock and indignation (look at the pained expressions on Zhakharova’s face) every time they receive a kick in their faces from their Western “partners”. They refuse to see the real nature of imperialism, for imperialism respects no laws. They have also forgotten the history of the 20th century when the imperialist countries provided massive support to the White counterrevolution, and when it, along with its local collaborators (Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Gaidar, etc), finally succeeded in fragmenting their great, noble and beautiful land into a dozen or so pieces thereby destroying it, along with the hopes and dreams of hundreds of millions all over the world. Ah, how different is the present Russia from the USSR!
Recall ALL their personnel from US jurisdiction, and politely oversee the removal of US personnel from Russian jurisdiction.
The US has “appropriated” the property, bank accounts, investments, bonds and gold of many countries as “punishment for various offenses.. some real and some manufactured. No nation with any responsible heads of state will EVER trust the US again.
Stealing real property that has been owned and maintained for decades is a blatant in your face act that sort of frosts the cake that has been baking for a long time.
Russia will leave… China will eventually cut ties too… and many other nations will follow suit… the western empires will be shunned and their all-powerful ‘banking system’ will fall into vampire dust as the sunlight of prosperity and cooperation rises over the east.
I’m always struck by the totally professional, articulate delivery of Maria Z. compared to the succession of irredeemably ignorant airhead bimbos doing the same job in the US, Nauert, Psaki, Harf and the rest.
I am in Turkey and this VIDEO and page have been Cencored By TURKISH GOVT…by Balikesir Supreme Court Prosecutor…
Any Comments??
THANK GOD For Tmobile International Plan :)))
The Kurd from Kurdistan,
Student of Sheikh I.H.
Looking forward to watching this interview with Ms. Z.
In the meantime, the DRPK had something to say about israel’s main colonial’s (cough) diplomacy that is worth a full quote.
North Korea slams “POLITICAL PROSTITUTE” Nikki Haley in new statement
“The entire statement from the DPRK is reproduced below:
“U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, a political prostitute, has kicked off a hysteric fit, exasperated by the DPRK’s nuclear weaponization that has reached its final phase.
At an urgent UN Security Council meeting on Sept. 4 she hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK, stunning the world public.
Her rubbish about “misuse of missile and nuclear weapon” and “begging for a war” is just a revelation of the ill-intended purpose to adopt a new toughest “sanctions resolution” with ease by describing the DPRK as a “provoker of war.”
As far as Nikki Haley is concerned, she is just a beginner in politics and diplomacy as she came under public criticism for her string of rubbish over the ballistic rocket launch of the DPRK in March last.
Not content with it, she fully revealed her bad blood toward the DPRK by slandering it over its non-existent “human rights issue” and crying out for taking a military option against it. She is crazily swishing her skirt, playing the flagship role in Trump administration’s hideous sanctions and pressure racket against the DPRK.
She became a laughing stock of the world public for her reckless tongue-lashing devoid of any elementary conception of reason. It seems that she is still ignorant of what disaster would be entailed by her stupidity.
So wretched is the plight of the U.S. which put forward such depraved woman and beginner diplomat as its representative in the UN arena.
She talked as if the DPRK were inviting a war while the U.S. wanted peace, asserting that there is a limit to the patience of the U.S. But with no rhetoric can the U.S. cover up its true colors as chieftain of aggression and war and wrecker of peace.
In actuality, the heavyweights of the U.S. are busy with arms selling.
South Korean media, commenting on a recent phone dialogue between Trump and the south Korean chief executive, disclosed that the U.S. president personally opted for pressurizing south Korea to buy U.S.-made weapons with the lifted limitation of the south Korean puppet army’s missile warhead weight as a momentum. This is not surprising.
It is just the U.S. which appeared with aggression and has grown corpulent through wars. It has ceaselessly ignited wars to seek regime change in the countries incurring its disfavor.
The U.S. escalating nuclear threats and blackmails pushed the DPRK to have access to nukes, and the world acknowledges that the DPRK’s access to nukes is a reasonable option to protect its vital rights and sovereignty.
Nothing will be more foolish than to think that the DPRK, a strong nuclear power, will remain passive toward that outrageous pressure aimed at crippling its “social system.”
Nikki should be careful with her tongue though she might be a blind fool.
The U.S. administration will have to pay a dear price for her tongue-lashing”.
This harpy was offered the job of head u.s. diplomat by quisling trump. She turned it down and tillerson eventually took the job. Can one seriously imagine what sort of depraved mind would want this israeli freak in that position? This confirms that trump was never interested in diplomacy. That alone should bury the zionazi trump vs the “deep state” pr scam.
Nikki Haley was offered Secretary of States job and turned it down
“The highly controversial US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley has stated that prior to Donald Trump taking office, he offered her the position of Secretary of State, the American equivalent of Foreign Minister, but she declined.
This did not stop Haley from making further demands on Donald Trump when offered the position of Ambassador to the United Nations.
“I said ‘I am a policy girl, I want to be part of the decision-making process’. He said, ‘done.’ And I said, ‘I don’t want to be a wallflower or a talking head. I want to be able to speak my mind”.
Some of Haley’s most infamous policy positions include
—Never trusting Russia
–Pre-blaming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for a chemical attack which never happened
–Threatening war with North Korea while refusing to even rule out nuclear warfare
–Accusing Iran of violating the so-called nuclear deal when the UN and even the US State Department said Iran is in full compliance
–Accusing the UN of bullying Israel when Israel has violated more UN Resolutions than any other country
–Repeatedly saying ‘Assad must go’–even when her superiors say otherwise”
Trump offered haley the sec of state before taking office. Before the supposed “deep state” “forced his hand”. Why? For the same reason he ordered the Russian consulates illegally searched. Because he is a neocon just like haley and agrees with her extremist zionazi views. We are seeing what the real trump wanted to do as prez now.
“Because he is a neocon just like haley and agrees with her extremist zionazi views. We are seeing what the real trump wanted to do as prez now.”
Interesting point.
I doubt it whether he is a neocon. Actually, I think he’s not. He acts as such, but my guess would be that he has virtually a gun pointed as his head (and maybe to his family as well).
It could also be that he is also a hostage of his Israel-led son in law Jared Kushner.
Once I read a story (I couldn’t find it back) that Obama, when elected the first time, met representatives of the Deep State.
After having heard his ‘obliged agenda’, he replied: ‘you also have to realise that we are the only ones between you and the pitchforks’.
I’m curious what Trump might have replied, if ever. But he is a survivor.
And this is how you talk to and about US establishment.
Brilliant video, thanks Saker team for this.
It’s very important to note that this was September 3rd – and for Maria it was still the 2nd, because nobody on the Russian side had slept for a day or two.
We’ve had a week to think about this, but this was Russian Sunday night national television, the most popular show in the country – everyone was watching as people were trying to make sense of this event that had just happened, practically that very day. This is astonishingly good reportage and analysis for being so close to the event itself.
As she said, the consequences will be determined by other people, not by her. But she could see that this event was a low point in the practice of diplomacy, and the damage from it was totally on the US, not at all on Russia. In fact, the professionalism of the Russian side added strength to its arm, while the US side was already bereft of all strength – the functionaries who came to search the building were ashamed of what they’d been ordered to do, and it’s all on film for the whole world to watch, which it now has.
Everything about this episode speaks a million words about the US regime and its criminal operation. And the world sees it. The curtain is torn down. This is actually a good thing.
From this event, Russia has gained in stature in the world, while the US has diminished in stature. Every nation has consulates, and diplomats. Every nation is thinking about this.
The host of the show was actually correct to try to move Maria along to get to consequences, but she remained in her position of telling the simple story true. Consequences will come, and future Sunday night shows will discuss them at great length.
This is the true Russia, where 84% of the people approve of their leader’s course, and where experts will debate the future course in public, and where an official representative of the nation’s Foreign Ministry can tell the facts plainly so the people can all be on the same page.
Here in the US, such a national discourse sounds like a fantasy.
Thanks – your comment Grieved sums it up. As you point out, this went out on Sunday 3rd and since then we have heard two points from VVP on the consequences:
1) Start a legal case against the US Govt. which will have tremedous ramifications for private property rights in the US if the “courts” side with the Government. It will also show to the world the US legal system in all its glory and the zero rule of law.
2) VVP stated that Russia still at a future date can expell a further 155 US diplomats as they didn’t include the UN diplomats based in NY when they did parity. Again this will cause a big issue for the location of the UN if the US imbeciles running the Govt. react to this. Again breaking International law but also giving the reason to remove the UN from US soil as any attack on Russian diplomats at the UN would break all statues of being a host nation.
So, as we have seen from the Russians – they will take their time and respond appropriately. Also note VVP’s statement about NK – “US put us on sanctions list alongside N Korea & then ask us to toughen sanctions against it?”.
Meanwhile, as you say the US Govt. is being exposed to the whole world for what it really and truly is. A lawless rouge Govt. All countries understand what this means for diplomatic immunity and property rights in the US – but the one point the US Govt. has not thought through in their childish, impotent reaction, is that the ramifications for all US diplomatic properties abroad – by tearing apart the Vienna Convention – they themselves are now left open to the same abuses globally.
I keep having this image of the Vietnam war and how the US Embassy was the last refuge for the US and their allies to be safe and escape the advancing Vietcong after losing the war – by their own actions in the last week with the Russian diplomatic properties and diplomatic immunity – this will never be the case again. How can any US diplomat feel safe in their Embassies and homes abroad?
It looks like my second point above may be coming sooner rather than later:
Moscow to bring diplomatic missions in US, Washington’s in Russia to parity – Lavrov
“Moscow will bring the terms of work of its diplomatic missions in the US and those of Washington in Russia into “full parity,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced. The statement comes after the Russian Consulate in San Francisco and two trade missions in Washington, DC, and NYC were forced to close at the end of August. Russian authorities, Lavrov said, asked the Americans to make sure the overall number of their diplomatic staff working in Russia equals that of the number of Russian diplomats working in the US.
“But in doing so, we included into that overall number everyone who work at the Russian mission in the UN,” Lavrov told reporters at a press conference in Amman, Jordan, on Monday.
“Understandably, this is a separate issue not relating to bilateral [US-Russia] relations.
“Nevertheless, doing so we showed our good will,” he continued. “The US has sort of pocketed our kind gesture and said ‘If Russians want parity, make them close one of four consulates [in the US] as we have only three consulates in Russia.’” The US State Department insisted that the move was reciprocal to Moscow’s decision to cut the number of American diplomatic staff in Russia……”
Russia again uses the US’s own rationalization for their latest illegal moves against them. Now let’s see the reaction from the imbecilic/childish neocon nazis in Washington, who have to always have the last word/action… the meantime Russia will get rid of more CIA stooges in Russia when this goes ahead…..I hope this latest group are given 72/48hrs to leave like the first Russian diplomats by Obama and the latest actions by Washington…..
Here’s an interesting article on the use of fear, both domestically and internationally, by the Deep State for maintaining turmoil, and referencing in particular how Nixon was often intentionally portrayed by the Deep State as unbalanced and susceptible to launching a nuclear retaliation at the drop of a hat, in hopes of making the USSR (and other enemies) more timid.
Imagine the reaction of a brown bear at the edge of the taiga she lives in as it witnesses a bald eagle flying above and sees it land uninvited nearby. It hops around screeching in a loud, uncivilized manner, brandishing its plum of feathers and glares ominously at the bear. Its demeanor suggests it be paid exceptional respect and dares to claim a right of trespass. What would the great and fearsome beast do? It would do nothing, for it fears nothing. She knows the eagle will eventually tire and return to its own habitat where it belongs because the bear can tear the raptor to pieces with moderate effort if it ventures beyond the courteous boundary implicitly granted by the bear. This has been Russia’s tact, so far.
There are only 64 spaces on a chess board, but the possibility for billions of different moves to achieve a winning strategy. Russia superimposes the combinations of historical events and contemporary dialogues with each country she interacts with on the board to study and extrapolate with a high degree of confidence the most likely outcome per her opponent’s move. America brings a $5,000.00 hammer built by Lockheed Martin to the game and uses the well worn smash and grab gambit because it has worked successfully with lesser nations. But Russia confounds the western player because she adroitly maneuvers her assets away from the hammer’s head so that it falls impotently, time and time again.
Russia is prepared for military conflict in every geography that is of importance to her security now and in the future. She is increasing her economic potential for positive growth with foreign trade agreements that benefit all parties involved. Progress with monetary policy at home and abroad is still a work in process but she will prevail eventually when the dependency upon the U.S. dollar for international trade settlements is replaced with a new fiat currency backed by gold or other tangible and fungible assets.
Unlike the United States, Russia is careful in her military defense alliances with other nations. She makes no promises beyond the original scope in diplomatic discussions but is open to amendments that are based on commonsense necessity. She is cautious and manages the broad cornucopia of intellectual discourse with a precision and understanding the U.S. cannot fathom. There is nothing the Washington, DC war machine can do short of suicidal nuclear attack and the financial sanctions imposed by the temple priests of Wall Street lose their effect like gossamer blown away by the flatulence of a bloated sow.
The noise of the American press is just that; a din to be ignored and mocked in private conversation. President Putin is moving the Russian Federation into a new era of prosperity and there is no rational behavior the U.S can do to stop it.
What was called the “permanent establishment” in Richard Nixon’s presidency is now the Deep State.
Dick was popular among voters and promised to end the Vietnam War, The press, agencies and all the rest totally hated him.
But at least they put up with him till an interesting excuse to dump him came along.
Trump, like Nixon, promised to stop or at least minimize foreign entanglements, drop the nonsense of purposeless insults at non-enemies, and otherwise attempt to make the USA a normal nation.
What a difference almost a half-century makes!
Unlike Nixon, with Trump there wasn’t even a pretense. Media, academy and agencies piled on the man and excoriated his every move until he stopped moving. One Hundred Day Honeymoon? Forget it. The moment he was inaugurated the long-running treason trial began.
Worse, Americans of limited means who voted for him, touchingly trusting his talk of getting the Middle Class out of the rut, now literally have nowhere to go.
The Americans never allowed a “workers party” of any sort develop in the States. So if the Chief Executive is captured by a tiny cabal, people who live from paycheck to paycheck (an increasing number) are essentially out of the game.
A few billion dollars might get a new political party up and running. Americans who work for a living ain’t got that, or anything near it.
Destroy diplomatic relations with Russia? Why not? The US has destroyed whatever trust existed between their own taxpayers and Washington.
Like the New England militia lady put it, Treat Us Like Dogs and We Will Become Wolves. I think we’re going to see it all happen.
“Dick was popular among voters and promised to end the Vietnam War”
He quickly went back on his promise and expanded the war. With terrorist bombing and throughout the region. He should have been hanged alongside johnson for his war crimes. Trump is currently running the same scam, just like obama did. Antiwar in the campaign, expand the wars immediately upon gaining power.
Also like trump, nixon’s popularity was mediocre, at best, and mainly brought on because humphrey was openly prowar, like clinton.
Actually an interesting comparison you initiated here, between trump and nixon. Both were not really very popular, but got in mostly because their opponents were pushing a less popular agenda. And both proved to be complete frauds and corrupt beyond all hope.
@Vot Tak:
“He should have been hanged alongside johnson for his war crimes.”
Totally agree. War Criminals, both. Cost the lives of 58,000 Americans, hooked 40% of the troop on heroine by 1970, killed 2 million innocents, destroyed Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Hanging would have been too good, but I would settle for it.
I have always felt that Johnson’s body should be dug up and transported on a garbage barge to some foreign dumping ground. Complicity in JFK’s assassination was as evident as the sun in the sky.
Two psychos, back to back.
The bit about the gate was funny. Total face palm. It’s at 23 min into the video.
The media is very cooperative and effective at turning americans against whomever their government directs them to hate:
“A poll taken this June by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that American public opinion in support of efforts to cooperate and engage with Russia had flipped almost completely since June 2016, when the presidential general election began in earnest. Before the campaign, 58 percent of Americans supported constructive engagement with Russia. By this July, that number had been almost entirely reversed, with 53 percent of Americans declaring their opinion that the U.S. should make efforts to “limit Russia’s power.””
There has be something out there alternative to YouTube
Vimeo might be a good choice. I’m not aware of them engaging in political censorship.
[Additionally, the alternative link to the video given above (just below the video view port) works well too.~mod. DG]
Both rutube and are good sources for Russian language audiences. I signed up an account with rutube back around 2006 (then there was only around 5-10k accounts there) due to youtube shutting down an account I had. Neither rutube or get much western traffic and I thought Scott was asking about western sites. Dailymotion is also a possibility, but I don’t know how much they censor, and the adverts there can be a real annoyance.
”google hates us, invest in an alternative
CDX has arrived.”
found this on forbidden knowledge. tv
mentions an alternative to you tube in 2018.
can’t vouch for it, or able to do links but
might interest some.
BitChute is a good one, it has a P2P network. James Corbett was one of the first users. More here:
You will never see a show like that in the West (certainly not in the US). No American political official will talk in a long interview ,telling the truth openly. And no program would go for 30 plus minutes without at least 8-10 of those minutes in advertisements.Having officials “actually” try to explain situations to the public (in ways they can understand them) is just “not done” in the US. The people are just given a summary of facts the government or “deep state” wants us to know. And that’s it.Which goes a long way to explain the ignorance and apathy about World affairs in the US among the common citizens.
I am a 69 year old Brit. Loved America and Americans all my life. Lived in Texas for 5 years from 1982 and my kids were born there.
Around that time I could sense things were going wrong.
As an “Anglo Saxon” American cousin, this video embarrasses, humiliates & frightens me. Every time I see a Russian on video….Putin, Lavrov, this woman, lots of others….they all seem so in control of themselves…so measured,reasonable, rational, etc….in comparison to our Western politicians and spokespeople…Kerry, Hillary, Boris Johnson, Nikki Halley and Samantha Powers spring to mind…such lightweights in comparison. Putin is terrifyingly composed.
Krushchev was prescient in 1956 when he said “we will bury you”.
I have no doubt at all that they will.
above all, they are right!!!!
Do not be astonished.
The kind of freakshow you happen to see in the western hemisphere is very logical.
There are 2 main reasons for that.
First the western politician do not deem necessary to speak to the people. They do marketing, they spin information they do communication. They are not the real stuff they parrot the real stuff. They have comptent for the people. The deplorable.
In the second hand, the US position is not grounded in fair and moral principles.
The hypocrisy (you could call it cognitive disonance or delusion. That is for psychiatrist to tell) is so huge that people voicing such nonsense truly look like imbecile.
For everyone to see it in such crystal clear fashion is only the very sign of great internal weakness, self deconstruction and panic.
The US polity is truly roting meat.
As it is. This diplomatic row is only a case in point.
Russians have nothing to do but see it happen.
Russia interest is to protect itself without taking absurd risks and let the US rotting momentum achieve its full course.
My takeaway from this video is that the US has lost its chain of command. The .gov workers follow orders sheepishly, those at the top like Tillerson go along grudgingly, and somewhere in the cogs are the henchmen working for their overlords.
The overlords have fewer and fewer tools in their toolbox, so plain ol’ spite is the way to go. They no longer have cover, and so they are brazen and can do illegal things willy-nilly. They don’t really care at this point. This is a sign of their desperation.
The good news is that Russia is finally waking up to the complete duplicity of the empire.
I do not know Andy, they all speak of a double standard, but I think it’s a standard, a unique american standard. Americans do not have any goal worthy of fighting no matter how hard they try to find it in overseas countries. so they never win. because their goals are meaningless, unnatural. the Russians know this and can always manipulate them with diplomacy and overwhelm the events so that the Americans remain empty hands. if there is a goal that aims to defend the country or survive, I believe that the American army would be very difficult or impossible to defeat. The Russians know this from their own history and i believe they want to avoid giving the American Army an opportunity or real motive to show itself in full force. it is not because they are afraid of US army. it is SunTzu or similar things. US and Russia are giants. it is dangerous for planet if they collide. As long as that is the case, fake goals and blundering, the American Empire will continue to decline. we can see by each war they fight, US is less capable to maintain prestige of functional empire.
She is… very, very, impressive. She’s good when speaking English, but even better in her native Russia. He command of detail is exceptional and makes the Americans seem primative and barbaric. She has difficulty concealing her contempt for the Americans and their system. It’s the incredible lack of quality leadership at almost every level in the United States that’s so obvious and terribly dangerous; you can’t run an empire effectively like that.
Trump seems like he under a form of White House arrest. A powerless figurehead pretending to be President, whilst power to actually change anything has been stripped from him. So, the choice of the American people, choosing Trump as president, means next to nothing as the powerful have ignored the election result and decided that an officially unapproved person cannot be allowed to occupy the White House. Trump’s fate shows that ‘democracy’ in the United States, whilst perhaps not a total sham or fairytale, is a form of controlled democracy, where the powerful approve and choose the candidates the people are presented with and allowed to vote for… first, then the people are told to vote for the candidates that the powerful have chosen for them!
Maria gave a classical Marxist analysis of the US, according to the definition I was taught back in 1965 (by a lady Republican judge!). I am glad to hear the clear scientific view she gives of the empire’s character. “Clans!” indeed these are literate professionals forced to suffer illiterate rude and mean clowns.
Who would bet of the clown after seeing the alternative, the “Cathode” that these experts offer?
Man, it was obvious last year, but “el barqo esta” fubar’d. Way fubar’d.
There’s no hope for empire.
Well, that doesn’t change a thing, does it. We simply got to the location that we were headed for, and now we shall have to suffer what comes. It is always that way, eh?
One sometimes is inclined to remember D. Pararin’s prognostications…
It is funny to see how emotional she is trying to seem. bear in mind that she is a professional diplomat.
1. She tries to seem shocked with the fact that US doesn’t respect the diplomatic protocol. As if she is revealing some secret that America might not play by the rules.
Are we talking about the same America that can invade other counties illegally? or kill other leaders with no reason whatsoever?
And she is grieving over some minor violations in checking the security of the buildings?
2. She starts with saying that it is both stupid and irrational actions and at the same time it is somebody’s well thought plan. So is it an ingenious plan or is it some stupid action?
3. This whole hysteria with the worsening of the diplomatic relationships etc. plays so well to Mr. Putin. Without any other conflict, Russia requires an internal enemy to unite country against him.
And to relish the humiliation of the beloved motherland. What could be to suit this role.
As to Maria’s words, that the entire world was following this events in horror or shock. Give us a break. You would barely hear about it outside of Russia.
No one really cares.
Oh My !
I can try to see something funny in Maria and the video, Friend, but, alas, comedy is a matter of character, they say.
If she were pretending, then according to the professional standard, yes, she might use emotional triggers, but not in a professional arena. And professional diplomats never lie. They keep quiet, ask questions, make proposals, and more, but professional diplomats never lie. That’s part of what makes them “professional”. (Now the little guy they call Nikkihalley or some such thing – at the un makes a nice contrast…there’s an amateur and a liar, but I repeat myself)
Recognizing the surprising level ofemotion myself, I saw a different thing…I saw an informed literate professional diplomat, functioning in a public but non-diplomatic arena according to a design arrived at within the State – saw this lady saying frankly the bald truth. Diplomats do things like this in the non-diplomatic space for a calculated reason and at specific sets of perceived conditions.
Genuinely literate people cognizant of the political history of empires and revolutions will perhaps see the emotion as Maria’s catharsis, as something not funny at all, as she has been tasked, (obviously) with the job of saying what until now she wanted to say, and was kelp from saying. Yes, she’s emotional. so what? What did she say?
“It would be good to remember what kind of country we are dealing with…”
“ingenious vs stupid” hardly bears addressing…but for symmetry – this is a false dichotomy and really I am sorry to point that out. It’s sort of next to straw man fallacy in the rhetoric. Pity that’s an elective. The question risks being seen as an embarrassment as it fails to account the totality of Maria’s explanation of this complex intelligence operation, which, being an ongoing operation, she is deliberately weakening via the exposure in the public forum.
Hysteria is an interesting concept – we use cognates derivative of the Greek in electronics – “hysteresis”… I honestly was unaware the hysteria had any effect on diplomacy and diplomats. Well, certainly not within the professional diplomats. They are never hysterical.
However there is evident and public an overwhelming hysteria in the empire and especially in the areas Maria gives us. A very dangerous aggressive hysteria…but is hysteria, which by definition has zero efficiency – can do nothing but burn itself out in pointless expenditures in all directions – these are “hysteresis losses” and amount to expensive ” heaters.” – are these hysteresis losses or something a bit different? Chaos? If the empire were unable to act in effective ways, well then, it might be so.
But of course everybody know how effective the glorious empire is. The Lady just sent the back channel word. Word?
Yes, the final act of the senior diplomat at the cusp of actual recognition of the objective state of matters will be – that will be formal if things go this way – this was the telegraph to the public space, and to the empire this was the informal sketch that says what’s coming.
Diplomats are less important when it becomes necessary to change the objective reality by other means.
This general truism and observation seems to imply that the Ru expects to be obliged by custom and law to use other tools. Got that? Understand?
People speak of Thermopylae where they had the numbers and we the heights… Others recall the historically critical and objectively hysterical) Persian defeat at Salamis.
I am sorry to say that Salamis seems just about to be repeated. Now then, at Salamis…the empire retreated after losing the navy…
As to VVP…shame on any man, and any head of State, that fails to stand up for Law and his Country and it’s peoples. All Princes are ruthless…because if they’re not they’re not Princes very long… He’s one tough and moral man… Now, if the empire had…’s over, all but the cryin’
Brother Vlad would obviously been quite happy at the university and fishing, playing with the dog… He’s followed his Fates…
It’s self-evident that the final claim is rather hard to believe….most people always care. Sociopathic persons, they say, do not care…are those “lizards”? I hear such usage…
In the fullness of time it would be really wonderful if the translation were posted w/o the video…
I have been copying with pen and ink…
Pax (and thanks! to Saker who does not need a weatherman to know the wind direction just now!)
1. She is shocked by this egregious violation of diplomatic protocols. During the darkest days of the Cold War such actions were unheard of and the insult of ‘inspections’ and a blatant demand that Russia sell the buildings to DoS is unfathomable.
2. A well thought out and executed plan can be, and in this case is, stupid, or perhaps even worse, ‘stupud’.
3. When she stated ‘the entire world is following these events’ she meant anything but in the media. What she said was the diplomatic corp of the entire world was following this event by the minute and cares very much. You will find over the next few weeks that even staunch allies of USA will show signs of nervousness after this breach of diplomacy that The World has developed over the last 150 years and more.
President Putin does not need a conflict, either diplomatic or military, to unite the country behind him. Most Russians support him quite strongly, he and his team of diplomats and military leadership. Russians are much more attuned to the reality of Russian society, culture and armed forces than most other countries and understand quite well that the team President Putin has assembled to guide and protect the country is one of the best the world has ever seen.
Never The Last One Love And Honor, Courage And Treachery. A Small War Fought In A Dark Corner Of A Vast Land.
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Aus n’ LZ seem to see the matter identically.
@Romain: “Is it an ingenious plan or a stupid action?”.
The two are not incompatible; from Bay of Pigs through Gulf of Tonqin to Enduring Freedom, I would say that US foreign policy has been an unbroken succession of ingeniously planned stupid actions.
LZ99 is in whole-hearted agreement with both Auslander’s remarks above as well as those of Dr. NG Maroudas’. Thank you, gentlemen.
I suppose it’s a curse to have to watch this history, but as Aus wrote “… team President Putin has assembled to guide and protect the country is one of the best the world has ever seen. …”. So it is a terrible privilege too, always, to see real experts at work in “interesting times”.
Maria, I would add, implies that the Russian diplomatic history in San Francisco, is being traduced. She’s correct – most do not know of the Significant Influence that Imperial Russia brought to the US State last time the us was engulfed in civil war – but of course she knows all about that – being, ahem, a Diplomat and not somebody else whose “qualifications” might include sitting at the end of the bar, alone, ahem…waiting for a strange man…so to say.
I, for one, see that it is more than merely ( has assembled) to “guide and protect the country”. Building on Aus’ view, I’d say, ask, what happens when (ok, maybe “if”) Russia succeeds? Can an American continental space be responsibly abandoned to civil war and revolution – this space would be immediately colonized by ruthless opportunists – and the space is highly illiterate and stuffed with weapons – vulnerable to the slightest whims – when, if, it realizes (and other actors realize) defeat.
Imperial Russia (as Maria obviously knows) judged the answer “no”. And sent the Russian Imperial Fleet to both US coasts…to support the Union and keep the Europeans out. Evidently “the Europeans” have got back in, so to speak. Probably with the FDR/Truman Coup…
(OK, the Brits aren’t quite “European…hint, and then there’s their sodomy…are they aliens? Sarcasm)
Thus some historians of the geopolitical spaces might add that they expect that such a pattern is precisely what must accompany Peace. There are a few us experts who are in this group, ie historians who reason that there will probably be a “foreign” presence in NA which approximately coincides with open us civil war, for approximately the same reasons as prevailed in 1860-1865.
If so, these historians might find Russian, Chinese, and German pretty useful….no one expects sailing ship this time. By the way, this tends to account for the “Russian hacking fairy-tales ongoing, these seek to prevent a repeat of the stabilization strategy that Imperial Russia implemented, in part.
Of course it would be silly for Maria to speak of these matters save in the most indirect and oblique way, which is precisely the tell I see in analyzing the video. I do not believe this is skrying on my part. In the fullness of time we shall know.
As an aside, I remark that the fine team is essentially made of people, professionals, who are the product of the USSR living past that State. Any criticism of USSR ought to be understood in view of this product… In some sense the ghost of USSR is defeating the ghost of America and, astonishingly, the ghost of the third Reich and European fascism… Go figure!.
Both States ended in 1991. “America” to-day is merely the animated simulacrum, fake. Zombie-america, a ghost.
This is all terrible. A real circus, heroes, clowns, rogues, pirates…quite a freak show.
Duran article seems to buttress and dove-tail to or with Maria’s appearance given in above video.
The US Federal Government is tearing itself apart – most of them are dyed in the wool Hillary supporters who are openly opposing the current Presidential Administration. The Presidential Administration is filled with Obama hold overs (such as Ben Rhodes’ former staff in the WH) and with a legion of NECONs and and “Never Trumpers”.
This is the most dysfunctional administration in the history of America. Anything can happen.
Shame! Shame! Shame!
This is Not what the American People Want!
Perhaps we have left the Adults, the Russians, only one short-term choice: The Amish
refer to it as–Shunning!
I am essentially beyond words!
I am totally disgusted!
Please, I want my representation back.
The American Government has become a Total Sham; it not only does not represent
its people, it has put its people in the way of deep trouble.
Again, these actions Do Not Represent the American People!
Richard Pack
After the Israeli piracy against the turkish ship Mavi Marmara, there was a diplomatic incident where Israel called in the turk ambassador. The israelis made it a point to childishly disrespect the ambassador and their media were happily ejaculating all over themselves bragging how it was done. It was a big deal to the goat buggers. That is how cowardly and small they are.
The way israel’s american colony childishly gave the Russians a couple of days to close the consulates and then illegally entered and searched them is exactly the same israeli childishness. The zionazi-gay media mirrored the israeli media, after the disrespecting of the turkey ambassador, in their praise for the chickenshit behaviour. What we saw here was Israel acting and israeli media cheerleading. The adolescent neocon mentality. And it shows that the current pindo regime (that means trump and all the assorted govno he picked to run it) is 100% israeli in their mindset, with all the negative aspects such represents. 100% aligned with massa Israel and identifies with israel and the israeli personality more than any other. The american estsblishment is now 100% israelified occupied territory.
Originally, I believed that this petty action was in response to Bibi’s getting nothing from his threats at Putin. But Ziad Fadel discusses a very possible reason. According to Ziad, the ISIS (cia) ‘assets’ evacuated from Dayr El-Zor were followed by Russian intelligence, and destroyed the day before the announcement of the seizing of the consulate. If this is true, then Maria must have known about it, Her keeping it to herself during the interview indicates the sensitivity of the issue.
Ziad, being the consummate wordsmith, is a little prone to hyperbole. But this reason sounds solid.
Christopher Black tells it like it is:
International Law? Americans Don’t Give A Damn
It seems to me that the “deep state” is a convenient shorthand to describe some of the actions of the US, but it fails to account for the apparent inconsistency of some of our more bizarre behavior.
It may be that there are not one, but two (or more) deep states in the USA, and that they may not agree on goals, and surely do not agree on tactics. Hence the split-personality of our actions.
A trivial example is that forces of the CIA and the military special forces supporting opposite sides of the US war against Syria. How could that be, other that the opposite sides of the deep state domestically have not resolved their own differences? And our figurehead president has little influence in important matters.
Not completely. Many times when the US supported proxies opposed ISIS, the ISIS terrorists were allowed respectful retreat. And when ISIS over-runs FSA positions, you can bet that the FSA was newly supplied w/weapons, which are left behind. Many of these battles are for show; it is obvious that the US and its proxies were never interested in eliminating ISIS: just look at the relative effectiveness of the RAF vs. the Coalition AF. One bombs the terrorists, the other bombs civil infrastructure, and to support the terrorists.
Moscow to bring diplomatic missions in US, Washington’s in Russia to parity – Lavrov
“Lavrov added that Moscow is now looking at conditions under which the American diplomatic missions operate in Russia, and vice versa.
“If the US makes parity a criterion, we will bring those conditions in full accordance with what is called parity,” Lavrov said.”
I can barely comment. I have no words. This is an unspeakable affront to Russia, to the history of diplomatic relations, to American law and respect for property.
Russia is like Jesus on the cross absorbing all this evil. May it be absorbed and released to heaven never to be seen on earth again. May Russia be the divine mediator, the intercessor between God and man to build a bridge over the troubled waters of this planet.
Russia this calls for a different kind of heroism to save this world from death by fire. You have the courage to do this. I believe in you.
Grace and peace,
Thanks for reposting this. Maria Zakharova is an amazingly bright, well spoken representative of the Russian Federation. I cannot imagine a single member of the US State Department who could carry on such a detailed discussion without a teleprompter.
I appreciate her (and President Putin’s) continued public expressions of hope that President Trump™ will change the course of the Empire, as that is the proper, statesmanlike and professional presentation. But I hope that the Russian Federation privately acknowledges what President Putin expressed during the 2016 US election, when asked which candidate he preferred. He said then that he expected nothing to change when a new spokesmodel of Empire takes up residence in the White House.
Because nothing (good) has changed, and the Trump® Administration is simply using the RUSSIA!!!! hysteria as an excuse for why they are continuing the very policies that he campaigned against.
Moscow to Move Websites of Embassies, Consulates to Russian Servers
“Websites of Russian embassies and consulates general will be transferred to Russian servers, possibly by the end of the year, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova confirmed to Russian media, which published her comment on Tuesday.
“As many as 171 websites of Russian bodies abroad have been launched already. They work on the platform of the server of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Our specialists are working on 69 more sites. We are hoping to finish them by the end of the year… There are websites of embassies and consulates general that are still hosted by the servers of local providers,” Zakharova told the Izvestia newspaper.”
SOCHI, September 13. /TASS/. Russia made its proposals for the resumption of cooperation to the United States through diplomatic channels but saw no reciprocity.
“It goes without saying that such proposals were handed over to the American side in different formats,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, when asked about the authenticity of publications on the US Internet-portal BuzzFeed.
“Moscow has systematically pressed for a resumption of the dialogue, for an exchange of opinion and for attempts at finding joint solutions, but, regrettably, it saw no reciprocity,” Peskov said.