I am delighted to announce that I have been contacted by the editors of the new website Russia Insider and that I have accepted their offer to collaborate with them.  I did agree to this not only because I knew several of the excellent contributors to this project, but also because I truly believe that it is a much needed, timely and very important project (please see Russia Insider’s “About” page for more details and background)

Check out today’s CrossTalk where the Editor in Chief of Russia Insider,  Charles Bausman, is one of the guests:

A very good project, with very good people doing something very important – how could I refuse?!  I gratefully accepted.

I strongly believe that bringing the true story about modern Russia is crucial, especially for the English speaking world.  At a time when everything Russian is demonized and some crazy, but powerful, maniacs are dreaming about yet another war (Cold or Hot) against Russia, it is absolutely crucial to deconstruct the warmongering anti-Russian propaganda and to replace it with a much more complex and nuanced understanding of the true Russia, not the fictional Land of Mordor the Neocons are trying to portray.

There have been many conflicts between the West and Russia in the past, but for the first time, in the age of the Internet, we – in the West and in Russia – have the means to stop the current one and to prevent it from turning into yet another a full-scale continental war.  We need to fight that “information war” and we need to win it.

Please help us fight this war and contribute in any way you can: first and foremost, spread the word about Russia Insider on the social media, post links to the Russia Insider homepage on your blogs and websites, subscribe to the Russia Insider YouTube channel, subscribe to the newsletter (on the homepage), help us organize a crowdfunding for the site or join our community of contributors.  Last, but not least, sign up for the RSS feed and make sure to check the Russia Insider website at least once a day.

I am absolutely delighted and honored to be associated with this project which I believe will become a key player on the international scene.

Kind regards,

The Saker