This article was written for the Unz Review:
The “Islamic homophobe” thesis bites the dust in less than 24 hours
Right from the start, the Orlando shooting made no sense to me and I said so pretty clearly in an article I posted the same day. You can read the full article here, so I will only mention my main conclusion: that this event had nothing to do with homosexuality, Islam or guns and that:
If this is not about homosexuality, Islam or guns, what is it about?
It is about making us believe that is is about homosexuality, Islam and guns, of course!
Less than 24 hours later, two of the key aspects of the official narrative (really, “spin”) are now already falling apart.
The MSM was full of articles denouncing the alleged “homophobia” of the shooter. Even the so-called “alternative” or “independent” echoed this nonsense (see here and here). And now we find out that the shooter himself was a homosexual and that he used “gay dating apps”. So unless we now re-brand Omar Mateen as a “self-hating homosexual” it will be hard to spin this one as a “homophobic hate crime”.
It gets better. While most of us have now heard that Omar Mateen was a Muslim and that he had pledged allegiance to Daesh. It now turns out that he did pledged allegiance to both ISIS and Hezbollah! It might be useful to repeat here that while nominally both ISIS and Hezbollah are “Muslim”, the ISIS Takfiris consider Shia as kufars, as apostates, who betrayed true Islam and turned to idolatry. They also consider them “Iranian agents”. As for Hezbollah, they are The Number One (all in caps) enemy of Daesh/ISIS gang and they refer to these Takfiri maniacs as “devils” (shaitan). What this means is simple and leaves only a few options:
- Either Omar Mateen knew nothing about Islam
- Or Omar Mateen was coerced into making this statement and he deliberately made it absurd
- Or Omar Mateen never said any such thing
Pick your favorite hypothesis, but what is darn certain is that the contents of his alleged statement leave the “Islamic theory” shattered into pieces. There is simply absolutely no way any real Muslim would simultaneously pledged allegiance to ISIS and Hezbollah at the same time.
(Oh sure, visceral Islam-haters will still claim that Islam is to blame, just as Putin-haters will blame Putin, Jew haters will blame Jews, etc. but the factual basis of the “Islamic theory” is now gone).
Which leaves only one MSM endorsed explanation for what happened: guns.
I have already written about the utter inanity of the phobia of guns and I will not repeat it all here other than to notice that in this case the massacre clearly cannot be blamed on “lax gun laws” simply because US Federal and Florida gun laws were massively and deliberately violated by Omar Mateen.
The “Lax gun laws” canard
The putatively “lax gun laws” of the USA are quite clear: you cannot purchase a firearm if you:
- have a history of substance abuse
- have a history of violence (including domestic violence)
- mental issues
Take a look at the ATF form 4473 which every person has to fill before purchasing a firearm:
Notice that point e, f, h and possibly i all would disqualify Omar Mateen about whom we now know that:
- He had substance abuse problem (steroids, a schedule III controlled substance)
- He had a history of domestic violence
- He was bi-polar
So, under US Federal Law Omar Mateen could not have legally bought his guns. And since clearly he did not care about US lawys anyway, he could have purchased them off the street rather easily anyway.
This is hardly something specific to firearms laws, by the way. It turns out that Omar Mateen has been employed as a security guard at a courthouse, an armed security officer for the company G4S and as a state prison guard. Each of these jobs would have required a security investigation and, apparently, not a single one of them found out that Omar Mateen was clearly a nutcase and a ticking timebomb. So the problem is not “lax gun laws” but the fact that the costs of a meaningful security investigation are way too high to be requested by most agencies or companies. As a rule these background checks and security investigation simply do not work.
How about a completely different track now?
I want to offer another theory here. Not one I particularly believe in, but one which is at least as credible as the other three and which is never, ever, mentioned by the doubleplusgoodthinking corporate (and even independent) media: what if the roots of Omar Mateen’s violent insanity came from his homosexuality? (how is that for a major crimethink?!)
Does anybody still remember the case of Vester Lee Flanagan II aka “Bryce Williams”, the Black homosexual who shot two of his journalist colleagues while they were recording an interview live on air? For some reason, that crime was not presented as a racist “hate crime” or, even less so, as a case of violent “heterophobia”. Could it be that there is something in the mental condition of homosexuals which could bring them to hate themselves (“homosexual safe-hating homophobia”) or the others (“heterophobia”)? We know that Flanagan II-Williams wrote a 23 page long manifesto explaining his actions, but that was never published. Am I the only one to wonder why? Could it have something to do with the fact that he worked as a “male escort”?
We now have two of the most high-visibility and heinous crimes in recent US history committed by homosexuals, one of them Black on White, and yet nobody wonders if they might have something to do with race or homosexuality (well, almost nobody; Ron Unz has written an absolutely superb analysis of the race and crime issue in the USA).
We know that homosexuals have a higher rate of substance abuse, a higher rate of suicide and even a higher rate of domestic violence than heterosexuals. So why doesn’t the doubleplusgoodthinking doxa begin looking into a possible “epidemic of gay violence” (that is how they would word something like that)?
Now, let me be honest here and admit that I don’t really believe that homosexuals are more likely to commit violent crime than heterosexuals. I don’t believe that simply because I have no reason to believe it. But I would be open to the idea. My real point in bringing this up here is to show that we are all brainwashed, at least to some degree, to accept and reject certain arguments or theses regardless of the the empirical evidence supporting it. We are also conditioned to accept what I call the “non-commutative property” of the “ideological blocks” of the politically acceptable discourse. The reality of something called “homophobia” is accepted as dogma. The possibility of something called “heterophobia” is rejected prima facie as heresy. Likewise, anti-Semitism is a universally accepted notion, but goy-hatred is not. These are just two amongst many other such “one-way mental blocks”. Add several hundred more of such “one-way mental blocks” and you end up with a society in which the vast majority of people automatically accepted the notion that an “Islamic homophobe” single handedly shot over 100 people and that if only the gun laws in Florida or the USA were more restrictive none of that would have happened.
Friends, this is not a coincidence. This is a *system* designed to make us all stupid and gullible.
What we already have is a mentally disturbed, illegal substance abusing homosexual pseudo-Muslim who violated both US and State laws on firearms and who managed to amazing feat of single-handedly confront about 320 adults, shooting over 100 people in the course of a several hours long massacre without ever being challenged, using only two guns (incapable of firing in full-auto mode!). Then we are told that the shooter locked himself with hostages in the bathroom and that he was very calm when talking to the cops. Does any of that make sense to you?
Then let’s do the math. 1 gunman, 320 people, 49 dead, 53 wounded. And yet we are also told that the US SWAT teams are the best on the planet. Remember when Wahabi Chechen terrorists took over 900 people hostage in the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow? Yes, that is nine hundred hostages. Held hostage by forty (40) terrorists. When the Russian special forces stormed the theater, not a single hostage died even though many of the terrorists had real suicide belts on and a huge bomb in the center of the building. That is 40 gunman, 900 hostages, zero dead, zero wounded. True, after the assault something between 140 and 174 people died due to the gas used by the special forces to put everybody – terrorists and hostages – into instantaneous sleep: the local EMT did not have enough personnel and equipment to “reverse” so many people drugged by an unknown gas (many died on the way to the hospital). But even if we blame the 174 dead on the security forces, that still leaves 726 people saved out of 900. And that is how the supposedly “poorly trained” Russian special forces performed. So how do the best SWAT teams on the planet get a score of 50+ people killed by a single (unexperienced) hostage taker? Either they are not nearly as good as most people think, or they are lying about what really happened.
Waco anybody?
But, again, these questions are not asked.
Instead we have Hillary, the likely next President of the USA (God help us all) spewing the usual nonsense speaking of a madman “consumed by rage against LGBT Americans” who “pledged allegiance to ISIS”, adding:
The attack in Orlando makes it even more clear, we cannot contain this threat. We must defeat it. And the good news is that the coalition effort in Syria and Iraq has made recent gains in the last months. So we should keep the pressure on ramping up the air campaign, accelerating support for our friends fighting to take and hold ground and pushing our partners in the region to do even more.
Perfect! From Orlando to ramping up the air campaign in the Middle-East to support “our friends” (who are, of course, Daesh, ISIS, al-Qaeda & Co!). And then, true to herself and her dogmatic view of the world, she claimed that “assault weapons” were used and that
I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets and we may have our disagreements about gun safety regulations, but we should all be able to agree on a few essential things. If the FBI is watching you for a suspected terrorist link, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked. And you shouldn’t be able to exploit loopholes and evade criminal background checks by buying online or at a gun show. And yes, if you’re too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun in America. Now, I know some will say that assault weapons and background checks are totally separate issues having nothing to do with terrorism. Well, in Orlando and San Bernardino terrorists used assault weapons, the AR-15. And they used it to kill Americans. That was the same assault weapon used to kill those little children in Sandy Hook.
The truth is that neither one of the guns used (not an AR-15 but a Sig Sauer MCX rifle and a Glock 17 pistol) are “assault weapons” and most definitely not “weapons of war”. If by “assault weapon” (an apparent translation of the German Sturmgewehr) you refer to a weapon used in a military assault, it has to be a weapon capable of full-auto fire (as indicated by the Russian term avtomat). In Orlando only the cops had real weapons of war, full auto capable “assault weapons, not Mateen, and yet it did not seem to help them very much. As for the so-called “loopholes” of buying online or a gunshows, not only are those a myth, but neither of these apply to the case of Mateen who legally purchased his guns in a store, with background check and all.
But that’s just Hillary treating us all like ignorant idiots (and so does the White House).
The scary part is that Hillary is now proposing a totally arbitrary system of denying 2nd Amendment rights to Americans based on the notorious “no fly” list. If that is not yet another frontal assault on our basic civil rights, I don’t know what is!
As I mentioned it yesterday – terrorism is really an illusion. For one thing, I am unaware of any form of real terrorism which is not sponsored by at least one, or several, government(s). Furthermore, the actual atrocity, no matter how horrible, is just a trigger for the much more important assault on our minds. You could say that the point of terrorism is not to kill people, it is to make us all stupid. As soon as you understand that you will immediately realize that from the point of view of this logic, the 50 people murdered in Orlando were really only “collateral damage” but that we all are the real targets of this assault. But it is up to us to accept to be the victims of this attack on our minds, or to reject it and refuse to think about it along the narrow confines placed upon us by the “one-way mental blocks” our 1% rulers are trying to place on us. In fact, the only meaningful way to defeat terrorism is to refuse to think in the manner terrorist events are designed to make us think.
The people murdered in Orlando had no choice as to be the victims of this latest “mass shooting”. We do. And I think that rather than hold hands, sob and engage in all the rest of the idiotic behavior so many people engage in after such an event, the best thing we can do to honor the memory of those murdered is to refuse to buy into all the nonsense and lies surrounding this atrocity.
The Saker
“””””The MSM was full of articles denouncing the alleged “homophobia” of the shooter. Even the so-called “alternative” or “independent” echoed this nonsense (see here and here). And now we find out that the shooter himself was a homosexual and that he used “gay dating apps”. “””””
Isn’t that meanwhile obsolete again (as I posted before ) ?
That however doesn’t change much of the rest of what you correctly wrote.
This entire story stinks through the roof.
Maybe they “sacrificed” this man and simply killed him, while orchestrating (killing or not) the rest.
As always in such cases the main figure is dead now and we cannot ask him anymore, too bad.
Speaking as the homo I am, the latest atrocity is a really loaded gun. My initial reaction was “so the gay lobby has been drafted into the gun control war”.
As far as the “dangerous homo” meme, well… maybe. I remember talking with some bouncers at a club in Miami that was gay one night a week, and straight during the rest of the week, and they all wanted to work on gay night because it was “easy”. No drama, compared to the hetero nights. So there’s one anecdote.
As far as the “dangerous homo” meme, well… maybe
I just used that as an example of unasked question, as an unexplored possibility. But I did also write that “I don’t really believe that homosexuals are more likely to commit violent crime than heterosexuals. I don’t believe that simply because I have no reason to believe it.”
My initial reaction was “so the gay lobby has been drafted into the gun control war”.
What I find *extremely* encouraging in your comment is the awareness that there is a “gay lobby” out there and that it is being used by people who care neither about homos nor heteros. The best recent example is the way the “homo lobby” was used against the Olympic games in Russia. At the end of the day, it must be homosexuals themselves who must realize that they are being used and refuse to be tools.
they all wanted to work on gay night because it was “easy”. No drama, compared to the hetero nights.
That is something which my own observations fully corroborate.
Hugs, cheers and thanks!
The Saker
I know only one overt “homo” personally. When I was a student, we were good friends; now I live far away and have no more substantial contact with him. He is an independent actor who does Performance shows in Munich. I never found a trace of heterophobia or other dangerous tendency in him. He is a little Gothic in his way of clothing, thats all. when I saw him last time, five years ago, he had a partner who had problems with amphetamines. He tried all his best to resocialise this man.
I, personally, have a disgust to what homos do in bed, but this is mainly a hygienic issue which can be easily solved by condoms… and what happens in heterosexual beds is not much more hygienic.
there, however, is also a strange other side of the mirror, I met with it once in my medical work.
We had a patient who was HIV positive and he had been operated upon his thorax and came to our clinic with his wounds still encrusted, blood crusts. I thought “perhaps the crusts still are infective” and ordered special hygienic measures after change of dressings.
The next day, a man from the “Deutsche AIDS Hilfe” organization appeared in my office and gave me reproaches for having ordered those measures, calling me a person with anti HIV prejudices, and generally behaving toward me as if he owned the world… he even didnt believe me first, when I explained that I had not been informed about dried-out blood of HIV positive persons being non-infective, as the actual doctrines say. I had to extensively apologize to be listened to…
So I took my order back, and thought “it would be more reasonable to give to the poor single mothers such a strong lobby, not to the, mainly homosexual, HIV infected part of the population… “who gives to those people such an extent of self-assertion? Is this a bad side of “Gay Pride”? And who funds the money?”
Check some vids on this channel
Was Omar Mateen a lone wolf terrorist or was he yet another American-controlled terrorist asset?
Questions mount over FBI handling of Orlando gunman
Orlando nightclub massacre eyewitnesses: ‘More than one shooter, snipers fired at police, someone blocked exits’
Well, something like 99% of all terrorist attacks that occur and are present in USA are created by the CIA, terrorists attacks are very beneficial to local governments, as they allow the government to increase their own power and decrease the freedom of the people with the argument that we must be protect against terrorists.
First NATO bombs muslims countries, then NATO regimes import tens of millions of muslims from the same countries they bombed, then the muslims of course starts committing terrorists acts, and the local NATO government start stripping away freedoms from the people to protect the people from the problem they themselves created.
Thank you Saker for the reminder of the true and only target of terrorism, namely the population as a whole. As to the purpose of terrorism, it’s classically held to aim at brutalizing the populace into accepting police actions formerly unacceptable. Terrorism is an attack waged against the quality of life of society as a whole.
The fact that these acts against US society are waged by its own government doesn’t change the principle.
It’s clear that these incidents only serve to increase gun ownership. They also serve to set parts of society against other parts. And to the degree that the populace buys into the attack, the peacefulness of life is being degraded.
Agreed overall. However, this is not our “own government” no matter the clothes they wear or motions they go through.
Your theory is most likely correct that gays have a violent streak, nature has a way of eliminating things which go againat nature. The Muslim faith no doubt acted as an outlet for his rage. What are the odds the worst and only gay mass shooting was committed by a Muslim who are .1% of the US gay population? its not a councidence that the largest mass murder happened to be committed by a Muslim, worst terrorist attack in history carried out by Muslims, worst anything… Muslims. Sounds like youre in denial at the least.
“its not a councidence that the largest mass murder happened to be committed by a Muslim, ”
Would that be a reference to any of the (terror) bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki or Dresden ? (yes, they were mass murders)
“worst anything… Muslims”
Largest mass “shooting” in American history, but you knew thats what I was referring to but who cares about my obvious argument, youre going to go after my choice of words. AKA apologist.
It’s not even the largest mass shooting in American history–that honour goes to the massacre at Wounded Knee, 150-300 men, women and children killed for no particular reason except they were there and their brown skin maybe.
Many make the mistake of thinking this site is politically correct, especially people from the west that generally believes it is conservative at minimum, that is not so at all, in fact thesaker himself proclaims the black nazi racial supremacist and racial segregationist Malcom X to be a greatest american that ever lived, and the PC-regimes of the west to be “white supremacists.”
No, I am not joking. The government in W.Europe that organizes mass-rape feasts were hundreds of European women are raped in public by thousands muslims is “white supremacists” according to this site…That is statement that would make even a liberal professor blush.
This is utterly ridiculous:”The government in W.Europe that organizes mass-rape feasts were hundreds of European women are raped in public by thousands muslims”. Too little women for thousanfs of muslims, some of them are bound to shout: Hey, bro, leave something for me’.
I am not Muslim, do not live in Europe, am happily married, so I am not one of those brothers that might respond to the “share the spoils” shouts in your interesting conjecture.
I just wanted to add, for the benefit of anonymous at 12.23 pm:
1. If this site were “politically correct” (ie reeking of mind control) I would have abandoned it immediately when discovering it a couple of years ago.
2. The statements about Malcolm X are most revealing, because it is well known that he progressed in his understanding from a comprehensible rage filled, race -based view of the world to an infinitely less mind-controlled and more universal spiritual assessment of the problem. Of course THIS sort of progress at escaping mind-control and making progress in an upward direction is what made Malcolm a serious threat to the PTB, who smile and rub their hands in glee as long as people remain stupidly trapped in one form or another of the dialectical “choices” they are usually successful in herding people like you into.
3. Every sentence you wrote, Anonymous, has that unmistakable spoor of Empire mind control written all over it.
4. That’s why you are in cognitive dissonance and seemingly unable to follow even one basic point that Saker laid out.
5. Protest all you want, but until you start loving your mental chains less, they are almost certain to remain firmly in place, and that is useless to the mission clearly laid out on the masthead: Stop the Empire’s War on Russia.
So, you are a PC nazi basher and racial integrationist, since you attack the “black nazi” Malcolm X ?
Joke aside, which gov are you referring to by “the government in W.Europe” ? And in what context has that government been called “white supremacist” ?
exagerate much?
…mass-rape feasts were hundreds of European women are raped in public by thousands muslims…
both isis AND hezbullah?
no muslim would ever say that…
its one or the other but NEVER BOTH TOGETHER.
puts the ”muslim meme” out of it.
The biggest problem is that the whole think stinks like a lot of other “terrorist attacks”.
Simple deduction brings up too many unanswered questions. Maybe you are right and this things happen “to make us all stupid”. But i would argue that too many people are already there.
The simple thing is, we all know the mass media loves gore, even showing people beheadings…especially in America (but god forbid if you see a nipple lol), yet no vicitims, no interviews with people in hospitals or anything else for that matter.
Even PCR´s very simple questions seem to remain unanswered:
The point is, show evidence, i don´t tend to believe liars like the msm.
Exactly! The press lies! Not just slant and spin doctoring, but stages completely fake events! Nobody died in Orlando, the whole thing was a hoax with crisis actors. Charlie Hebdo, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, the nonexistent UA 93 plane crash in Shanksville, PA on 9/11, the Woolwich Beheading Attack … the list goes on and on. Premature babies ripped from incubators in Kuwait in 1990 anyone?
Seriously people, watch the video, “100% PROOF Orlando Shooting Was a STAGED HOAX…This Is All You Need To See ”
The Saker,
Sadomasochism is quite successfully framed as sexuality these days. This is a form of spiritual warfare, an overarching attempt at infusing darkness and a death wish into our souls by those already afflicted. Mostly this is done by heterosexuals in suits, who, for example, frame sexuality as sadomasochism through porn, which is big business profiting from human misery, desperation and sexual slavery. One vehicle for this program these days is homosexuality, because for a lot of people it can be used to take the inculcation into sadomasochism further, by normalizing sadomasochism and exhibitionism as homosexuality and forcing these supposed tones of sexuality as necessarily a part of everyone’s conception of life and sexuality. (E.g. entertainment news flow, bathroom “rights” for cross-dressing men.) The basic underlying principle is violation of boundaries and sadomasochism. All the same can be witnessed in Hillary’s sense of entitlement and warmongering, her glee at Gaddafi’s sodomized killing, and so on. The spiritual hollow at the core is telling.
‘. Mostly this is done by heterosexuals in suits, who, for example, frame sexuality as sadomasochism through porn, which is big business profiting from human misery, desperation and sexual slavery. One vehicle for this program these days is homosexuality, ‘
A lot of truth in this.
There is a distinct cultural bias too. The Global South generally eschews these S&M aspects, including all the medieval tropes – whips, excutioners masks, black leather etc. It has mosty manifested in the Anglo_Nordic axis , which uses this imagery and other Satanic tropes to embed the notion of violence and perverversion as merely a form of ‘preference’ rather than clear cut evidence of psychopathic psychology. It has even penetrated into the Western education system to indoctrinate a generation by perverting the course of childhood – Canada and Britain being the most egregious examples of its success.
Its a world away from the flamboyance and camp of Latin America or the ladyboys of the East.
It may be that Roman Catholicism tends to dominate in matriarchal cultures – Spain, Italy, Ireland and Latin America, possibly due to its veneration of the Virgin Mary. The S&M tropes are most evident in the Protestant countries, particularly Denmark , Britain and Germany : that the imagery has distinct Nazi overtones does not look accidental to me either , or that the homo lobby in Northern Europe and the US is emerging as a front for eugenics-by-stealth and the legalising of pedophilia . The African gays – apart from US-funded groups – are increasingly aware of this and are publically allying with their supposed religous ‘enemies’ instead .
Well, yes. It’s been shown that societies with a single male deity are more likely to be high rape societies than those with a female deity or a couple. It could be put the other way around as well, that Nazism had/has obvious overtones of sadomasochism. Certain perversions of Christianity seem unable to allow the Spirit (The Holy Ghost) at all, for the Spirit often appears in (to my mind at least) female form as well as male, as in rain at the side of lightning, certain kinds of grief and renewal. I experience a female Holy in any case, as well as male. In Jesus, this threat of the female, the parts of him where he would have taken after his mother, his kind of forgiveness and love with an insistence on the value of vulnerability, which I don’t claim as solely female qualities as many seem to, can be perverted and made void by implying an incestuous and pedophilic relationship to his father. Thus the pedophilia finds a religious justification that “cures” the female in grief through incest and rape.
My “spider sense” is tingling. Throughout all the different narratives we forget one important clue. The dad was trying to get involved in Afghanistan politics from within the US of A. And was openly supportive of the Taliban. Certainly the authorities were aware of this.
Paul Craig Roberts Agrees:
Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence
My Several Million Readers Are Unable To Help Me Prove The Official Story
Street Smart Common Sense: “Something Fishy Here”
Paul Craig Roberts has several excellent observations, and the links given by JamesW are worth accessing. Personally, I believe Orlando is a fraud and intended as a distraction. The British army no longer guards the royal mint. Rather it has been replaced for the task by the same security firm which employed Mateem. The Rothchild organization is not answering their phones, and Deutsche Bank is about to collapse. Everything familiar about the dollar is about to be swept away. The only victims of Orlando are we, if we do not keep our wits about us.
“…denying 2nd Amendment rights to Americans…” The amendment is ungrammatical and ambiguous. Which of the no doubt voluminous legal arguments do you believe warrant ignoring the first clause, which on the face of it clearly implies a limit to the right affirmed in the second clause – the right is affirmed for a specific purpose which is now purely historic and of no current relevance. No militia – no need for the constitution to uphold a right for citizens to keep and bear arms for the security of the state.
I’m sorry. I thought I had put my name to this.
And, to repeat, the motive is clarification, not snotty point-scoring at all.
Dear Saker,
And, again, this is meant as a request for clarification, not snotty point-scoring. There is nothing wrong with gay people getting together to lobby against discrimination. Surely what is objectionable is that politicians and the media use the progress gay people have made in the US as validation of the politically useful fiction that “the West” is more civilised than countries and cultures that still discriminate, and therefore has the moral authority to impose its policies on those countries and cultures. Talk of the “gay lobby” may make the point succinctly and forcefully – but might it not have acquired connotations which some of your commenters revel in, but which detract/distract from what you are saying?
Disappointing discussion at Crosstalk. Peter and Giraldi seem to take the event at its face value and do not question its reality. No critical sense of the kind shown by Saker and PC Roberts.
Saker, excellent essay in every respect. Love the phrase “non commutative property” wrt ideological blockage and how you illustrated that.
Recently, I have been struggling with an idea that I can barely articulate, which comes out in your article. This has to do with the evil intentions of our rulers, who make up a fraction of the 1% that you allude to. It “seems” clear that nowadays these so-called rulers or elites are the real enemy of those they reign over in our so-called “democratic states” (ignoring the distinction between a democracy and a republic that always surfaces in these discussions). This enmity seems so palpable that the term “deep state” has even been coined to explain it. Furthermore, it is a small step to go from deep state to freemasonry, Skull and Bones, kabbalistic influences, etc. Finally, one ends up at Luciferian or Satanic influences as the ultimate ground for this enmity. That in turn leads to apocalyptic thinking.
Let us assume we have descended down to the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno where Satan himself is enchained. My question is, how can you show that there are direct links from Satan up to the deep state and fom there to these events. For instance, Malachi Martin in his “faction” novel “Windswept House” seems to see a direct link between Lucifer aka Satan and certain Cardinals who enthroned Lucifer in the Vatican. In his cast of characters, there is also one mysterious character who seemed to be a direct link with Lucifer. I only recall that he lived on the Upper West Side. In any case, for Lucifer to communicate with his human minions, there has to be someone capable of communicating directly with Lucifer’s sulfurous eminence.
Thus there is a whole series of missing links behind this struggle to the death between the evil entities in high places and the human hierarchy that serves them. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesions, 6:12. We seem to have faith that this manifest evil comes directly from the angelic intellect of Lucifer himself, who directs every tiny nuance of his ruinous plan, such that no group of human beings could withstand it.
Again, I can’t quite articulate something that I have a sense is the case, but I am bothered by the way even quite enlightened people are sensitive to it, in spite of the “missing links”..
” I am bothered by the way even quite enlightened people are sensitive to it”
Those enlightened/progressive people have been subject to more mental conditioning than they’d ever believe. Their sense of moral superiority will not allow them to question themselves, for the most part. Most are little more open-minded than the “rubes” they love to look down on.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesions, 6:12. We seem to have faith that this manifest evil comes directly from the angelic intellect of Lucifer himself
You are 100% correct.
My question is, how can you show that there are direct links from Satan up to the deep state and fom there to these events
That is an immensely complex question because the link between Satan and his, shall we say, “top executives” in the deep state is a *spiritual* one. How do you establish a spiritual link? Even a positive one – say between a head of state and God? That happens deep inside the soul of a person and that is very hard to establish. Sure, there are signs here and there. I know of one case where the senior officers of an intelligence agency gathered on a mountain top at dawn to, I kid you not, “worship the sun”.
There are plenty of indirect references to the satanic nature of the deep state running the Empire in various songs, movies, books, etc. but they are all based either on a “hunch” of the author or upon very partial exposure to these phenomena.
At the end of the day, that awareness is also faith based. You connected the words of Saint Paul to the world we live in and I bet you that you felt that “aha!” moment inside you were things just click into place and make sense. You see it. Another person with all the same info as you will not. And you will never be able to share your experience with that person, even though both you and I know that it is real.
Does that make sense to you? Does that reply to your question?
Hugs and cheers,
The Saker
Thanks for your generous reply! Even though I agree with what you say and even though I don’t think this question can ever be resolved (if that word applies) even for believers, what drives me to pose it this way is that both the spiritual and the material are equally concrete in this. It reminds me of how Faraday sensed that electric and magnetic fields were concrete and manifest in the experiments he performed, even though he could only establish them by their effects. Later, Maxwell was able to express these fields mathematically, which at least makes them manifest for those who appreciate things such as non-commutativity ;)
As you point out, ears to hear and eyes to see. There’s the real mystery. Спасибо.
“I bet you that you felt that “aha!” moment inside you where things just click into place and make sense. You see it. Another person with all the same info as you will not. And you will never be able to share your experience with that person, even though both you and I know that it is real.”
I don’t know if this is merely snotty or plain perplexed (feels like the latter):
The wards are full of those who have had their “aha!” moment, when they realised that the fate of the universe rested on their shoulders, or that they controlled the weather by their thoughts, or… They all “know” it to be “real”.
How are we to tell the difference between the “aha!” moments of those in the wards and those out in the world?
The aha moment is psychological and not necessarily psychiatric as you seem to suggest here. Thomas Kuhn (structure of scientific revolutions) calls this aha moment a paradigm shift, or a means of describing the same thing in a different way. For example seeing Earth as the center of the Universe (Geogentric model) as compared with seeing the Earth as a planet turning around the sun (heliocentric model), was an aha moment that was not immediately shared as paradigm shift by people who firmly believed in the geocentric model and then heard of the heliocentric model.
Kuhn might have stolen this idea from Wittgenstein’s book Philosophical investigations, who honestly stole the idea from Jastrow’s ‘duck rabbit’ illusion (e.g. see Wikipedia–duck_illusion), i.e. that what you see depends on how you look at the data (or facts) which may lead to two opposite conclusions depending on the person who is interpreting the data and decides which rules (Wittgenstein calls this a language game) should be followed, and which makes the illusion look like either a duck or a rabbit.
I cannot recall if Wittgenstein had a solution in solving the duck-rabbit illusion (perhaps someone else can here), or if it was just meant as an example of the ambiguity that can be present in a language game, but here is my own solution to the problem (which may not be philisophically or logically sound, I don’t know, but it works for me): You need more data. The rabbit-duck illusion is an illusion because there are too few features to distinghuish the picture from a rabbit or a duck. To me the Orlando shooting is just another duck-rabbit illusion.
That the MSM, but also other (very good) Websites (for instance here: seem to be able to ONLY draw conclusions from Orlando that are very politically correct (and thus ignoring the hypotheses drawn here by the Saker, but also by PCR, which gave me an aha feeling) may have nothing to do with censorship, propaganda or lies. The people who believe that Orlando only relates with homophobia, radical Islam and/or guncontrol (in the US) may suffer from an aspect with which Wittgenstein starts his Philosophical investigations; that is a quote from Augustine’s confessions, where Augustine explains that he learned to see the world as it is by his Peers who told him how things are called, how to react to human situations, etc, which we now call education (or indoctrination), and which Wittgenstein called a language game (like playing a game of tennis). I like Wittgenstein for that because it makes his philosophy not hostile to those who think differently. It also explains why people who perhaps not read this website (or other alternative Websites) are unable to see that Orlando could be a hoax and that the main victims of the Orlando shooting… is us.
Wittgenstein was a great 20th century philosopher, and a spiritual, criticical thinker (amongst his favorite books was the Gospel in brief from Tolstoy). He wrote brilliantly and it is tempting to extensively quote him here. But perhaps it’s better to just give you the PDF of the book with Jastrow’s rabbit-duck illusion displayed, which you can find here:
Sorry for the bad English, of which I hope that it did not disturb this language-game.
I haven’t had a chance yet to read your comment with the care it deserves, but the question is surely how you determine which “Aha!” moments are genuine insight into reality and which are symptoms that the apparatus is faulty.
I don’t actually think the duck/rabbit picture is to the point. It is a picture that depicts two different things that we can see only one at a time. We all agree what the two are. There is inter-subjective or objective agreement. We all see one and then the other (once we have had our “aha!” moment). Indeed, brain scans are now sufficiently sensitive to show us the brain state switching from one configuration to the other as the observer sees one and then the other. There is no puzzle here. The case is very different when someone claims that behind the appearances we all experience they discern occult forces, which they know to be there despite the absence of inter-subjective or objective agreement on what could count as sufficient evidence. The question is how the someone who makes the claim, or the rest of us, can determine whether there are any rational grounds for belief. When someone claims to have seen the Devil, our first thought is surely not to take them at their word.
A wise old woman (Millie -RIP) summed up much in a few words:
“Men want women and women want gold”
One can extrapolate from there earthly permutations on the theme.
“Love the phrase “non commutative property””
The phrase has been used before now, but somewhat differently. Loud and clear: “Jews are X” or “Gays are Y”. If challenged, then sotto voce: “Ah, but you fail to understand that the term is used non-commutatively”. I think this is intended to mean that not all Jews are X and not all who are X are Jews, likewise gays and Y. This leaves us with the question, What was the point in saying tout court “Jews are X” or “Gays are Y”. A great number of readers see only the headline and the writer knows that a great number of readers see only the headline.
As used here, it appears to be intended simply to convey that the mainstream media accept that there is such a thing as a’s who hate b’s but refuse to entertain the possibility that there are b’s who hate a’s. This is the simple and not very algebraic point that our mainstream media are ideological. So, they accept that there is homophobia (there is, as it happens – just read the comments on the Saker’s blog) but they show no sign of even considering whether there is such a thing as “heterophobia” (perhaps they think the evidence so scant that it would be a waste of time). More plausibly, they accept the existence of anti-Semtism (they should – it’s rife) but wouldn’t dream of daring to acknowledge that there is what the Saker here dubs “goy hatred” (which is rife in political discourse in Israel and among some orthodox Jews, and for which there is plenty of evidence readily available). The point is no doubt worth making again and again. However, there is an appearance of ambivalence: for example, the little parable about the propensity to violence among homosexuals is intended to be far-fetched (“Gays are Y”), yet we are quoted evidence to support it, as if a serious case were being made, before we arrive at “Now let me be honest…”
The article has many good points that hit the target. The weapon of choice, however, appears on occasion to be a blunderbuss..
Alex, I didn’t take this lovely mathematical property as anything more than very deft and lighthearted wit to highlight something that is likely to be glossed over or ignored. What I love about mathematics is that, for example, to a topologist the torus (the shape of an innertube) is no more privileged than the space surrounding the torus. The non-mathematician will likely just see the torus. So I think the Saker chose the right tool for the job.
Next up, functors and naturality…
You reckon in needs algebra, whether Abelian or otherwise, to describe the bleeding obvious, that the mainstream media is biased?
angelic intellect of Lucifer ….
if an angel MUST only obey.
the lucifer cannot br an angel.
fallen or otherwise.
sheikh/saker questions somewhere
in the archives
Yes, remember muslims mass-murdering and raping Europeans has nothing to do with muslims, white men are to blame derp derp
Yes, remember Euro Americans invading, bombing, and mass murdering entire Muslim nations (See Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria) has nothing to do with the poor, oppressed, misunderstood and unfairly maligned White male. Muslims are to blame.
White males need a big old hug and a box of tissue for their Pity Party!
“Pick your favorite hypothesis, but what is darn certain is that the contents of his alleged statement leave the “Islamic theory” shattered into pieces.”
-Yes, there is nothing anti-gay about islam. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia string gays from lamposts, tell me what the the common denominator there?
If I am not mistaken, Christianity regards homosexuality as an abomination and a sin, why not complete your rant with some citation of the Christian bible?
And priests (priests appointed by state/gov mostly) who deny that fact (and even allows gay marriages, gay priests etc) is not only unchristians, they are devilworshippers who deliberatly spread the spirit of Satan.
In norway many churches are under Satans controll.
Luring innocent people into false belief, spreading blasphemy and satan worshipping without the innocent even knowing.
Most christians arent christians. Only on paper.
Christianity has more or less fallen in europe (its corrupted by modern lustfull blasphemy).
If i was to choose, i would ironicly gladly chosen Islam to take over Europe.
Europe needs a reboot. Get all the satanworshippers and cockroaches out.
(The zionist jews, who is not jews, but hiding behind judaism, while practicing something completly opposite).
And get rid of isis and that crap also. Isis is not Islamic, they are just a zionist proxygroup of insane-azylum.
@ Anonymous
“Europe needs a reboot.”
Forgive me if this is stepping on too many gentle sensitive toes here, but… Historically and biologically speaking, “reboot” can mean only one thing: a big war of attrition.
On a “small” scale, history speaks. Degenerations of nations have always led to their violent exit from the world stage.
And on a “large” scale, biology is the ultimate, merciless arbiter of everything living. Detach yourself from your lofty “humanity” for just a moment, use your imagination, and observe that strange Earthly species through a Martian telescope. What do you see? And what can you tell us about the future of that species in that Petri dish?
The term “homophobia” in it’s original, clinical and proper use, means to fear homosexuality because the subject harbours their own internal homosexual desires, thus a true homophobe has repressed homoerotic desires. Fully heterosexual men for example have no interest in homosexuality, thus they don’t feel threatened by it. But sexual preference can be sliding scale and men who do have some degree of homoerotic desires, but who have been brought up to disapprove of this, have to repress that part of themselves and they worry that gay rights or gay pride marches or whatever will make themselves and everyone gay and they get all upset about it. Homophobia is something that arises out of insecure sexual identities.
What happened in Orlando was apparently that a man who couldn’t handle his own interest in homosexuality decided to kill the people who aroused him, who gave him what he regarded as “dirty” or “shameful” feelings, he thus attempts to kill his own homoerotic feelings, it is in fact a text book case of homophobia.
“There is simply absolutely no way any real Muslim would simultaneously pledged allegiance to ISIS and Hezbollah at the same time.”
-Actually both Iran(Hezbollah’s backer) and Saudiarabia(ISIS’s backer) Agree that homosexuals should be killed.
Most of those organizations are pursuing social engineering agendas at the executve level. They are financed by Big Pharma/Biotech and are heavily involved in social franchising of vices that would otherwise be resisted.
Some of their iniatives through ‘health’ and ‘education’include legalizing prostitution, grooming/sexualization of children and even, in the case of one US lobby, abusing anti-discrimination law to challenge the ban on gay men donating blood, despite being the cohort both most likely to contract the disease and, along with haemophiliacs, most in need of a secure uncontaminated blood supply. Now the donor system has to rely on self-reports even though the virus can be dormant for years.
A malicious donor will certainly lie, and then the system will be completely commercialized/privatized to ‘secure’ the situation.
Create the problem, get the predictable reaction, offer the solution. Works every time.
The ‘foots’ – volunteers mostly – do sterling and mostly thankless work, bringing aid and comfort as well as practical assistance to the diseased victims. But the politics of too many of these organizations is downright psychopathic, just as it is in the Western political system in general.
Dear Saker,
while it is a sign of open thinking, that this indeed could have been another false flag incident (like so many before – Paris, Sandy Hook, Boston etc.), one should not rule out, that it well could have been a “lone wolf” or a muslim maniac or whatever you want to call him.
There are useful idiots on every side and the system is a genius in playing them out against each other.
Examples: There have been stabbings and killings of people in France by Muslims who did that, because they thought they contribute to Djihad (while they only contributed to madness and sheer stupidity).
There have been quite a lot of incidents in Germany, my Heimat (you should know the word, Dear Saker) of groups of Men surrounding women and girls, grabbing their better-not-to-mention (in other words sexually harassing them) and stealing their mobiles and purses. The men have exclusively been muslims.
There is a well-known German writer, David Berger, who is a Gay Rights Activist and who had been sacked from his job as director of a German gay magazine due to the fact, that he issued warnings two years ago, that the attitude of some muslims towards gay people was a cause of concern.
That was (and still is) a racist No-No (or Nein-Nein) and anyone who would say such a horrible thing is considered to be a Nazi and a racist. So he was branded as a muslim-hating homo and sacked.
Now David Berger wrote an interesting article where he stated, that he was not surprised, that a thing like Orlando had happened. He wrote among other things, that he – as a gay person – had made the aquaintance of about 200 homosexual muslims in his life and that the vast majority of them were deeply suffering from the attitude, their muslim family and friends were having towards homosexuality. (Here is the article in German – ).
He wrote, that they had been either cast out by their families or were hiding the truth from them. And they were therefore in a constant mode of fear and depression, not being able to express their sexuality openly like their western counterparts. Berger described, how many of them were tormented by their conscience because they constantly were reminded by official Islam that being gay is a grave sin and that they therefore suffered or even plunged into drug excesses to relieve the pressure. And that some of them turned to a deep hatred – of themselves and of other gays, who they saw as a reminder of their sin.
So – in regards to this intelligent article AND when I combine the rules of sharia law for homosexuals or the law of muslim states towards homosexuality AND the fact that the lslamic state himself is busy recruiting young men in Germany and elsewhere – I wouldn’t be too surprised, if this poor fellow was indeed the perfect guy to do such a thing. Perhaps he was gay – and perhaps he hated it and gays.
That this incident is immediately used to instill further fear among others and to go against guns is another matter.
From my personal knowledge with muslims I would add, that they are good people but with a different attitude towards gays than the average German (when asked what their father would say, if they were gay, my muslims colleagues were rather shocked – “God forbid!” was the mildest answer).
Funnily enough, when a gay parade (we have this nonsense in remembrance of the Christopher Street Day in New York and it has turned into a real travesty today – very good depicted by Dieudonne in France – ) was held in München in the south of Germany, a young member of the Green Party who is Gay and was in a Drag Queen costume got beaten up on his way home – by a group of young muslims.
BUT – of course this incident had nothing to do with Islam (as usual) as nothing ever has, when it is done by muslims. Also that the Islamic state is throwing ypung men from roofs because they are believed to be gay has nothing to do with Islam. Therefore we never had huge demonstrations in Germany by muslims condemning these acts – why should they? It has nothing to do with Islam. As long as this is the believe, muslims are used.
Of course – all in all it is a game where everybody is used to some extent. Gays are used just as muslims are used. You are used, Saker, where you turn a blind eye to some things (Russia is all good). But I should add that everybody has these blind spots – as do I. It needs the will to see the truth. The complete truth. Otherwise we remain pawns in the game. The system is perfect in using everybody’s flaws to its own advantage.
We should not forget that, Saker.
Not muslims in general are to blame – but they should look in the mirror like everybody else and ask themselves – “Where am I used? Where am I played with like a doll, so that I scream and shout as my masters want me too”?.
Your friend Imran Hossein once advised muslims in France to leave the country – somehow it would be a sound approach. Of course. it will not be followed – so the hate will rise even further, the antagonism between migrants and Germans, muslims and christians, sunni and shia, rich and poor, left and right etc. pp will rise. Everybody is always encouraged to be enraged and to feel as a victim.
This way we are used to get at each others throats – in the end.
I hope and pray that enough people will resist it.
Take care, your splendid work is much appreciated und schönen Gruß aus Deutschland
P.S.: A German philosopher, Oswald Spengler, once wrote a book about the fall of our civilization. “The decline of the West” – a true masterpiece.
Maybe it pleases you to hear, that Spengler thought, that an impulse for something new (and something better) would come from Russia – when the system in the West would be about to break down…. so – maybe we should look to the east. :-) Or as the saying goes in Latin: Ex oriente Lux!
“So, under US Federal Law Omar Mateen could not have legally bought his guns. And since clearly he did not care about US lawys anyway, he could have purchased them off the street rather easily anyway.”
I guess a deliberate misleading statement.
Under US law he could legally be sold his guns. Under US law it is easy to buy these guns on the street. Who cares if he has to lie on a piece of paper too.
Here is a fairly obvious 2c worth from this one insignificant human(out of 7.4 billion) on P.Earth –
Mateen was a psychopath who wanted to get his kicks from killing folks who he regarded as unpeople. In this case Latinos, AfricanAmericans, Gays and (imo, if he was recruited) Muslims. Best done in a place they congregated to have fun…..Those were the killed….He had worked for G4S and wanted to be a cop, i.e.. legal murder under certain circumstances…..Was he recruited? Maybe, if so it would be obvious by whom.
The unfortunate problem for the USA seems to be that the PsychopathicSecretSociety have formed themselves into a fraternity called the Neocons who are running the joint, ably financed by their banking casino self abusers called the Neolibs….by using other peoples money.
Rules? – they make up their own. Negotiate with them? – they up the ante – Sound familiar?
So essentially this is a nation wide/world wide problem reduced to the power of one.
This insignificant human(1 of 7.4 billion) humbly suggested some time back that the USA return home, withdraw from the “international community” and sort out their own problems before they start telling the rest of us what to do. But no, addicted gamblers, they keep upping the ante and the band plays on….with their ex empire friends dancing along….Too bad.
When did he become and employee of G4S? When did the FBI show an interest in him? Was his employment given the go ahead in spite of the glaring problems with his character?
These events are also good for gun sales, so there is another motive for the exploitation of the incident. As for the Deep State wanting to disarm the US population, I don’t buy it. The US constitution was shredded long ago and the DS know there will be no effective reaction providing the guns are available. Run the occasional incident like this, get some bought politician to say ‘guns are the problem’ and people will flock to buy more guns ‘n ammo. Obama is the best salesman for guns, period.
As we are in Orlando with this discussion:
To the Crocodile-innocence lover Mr. TheSaker (in your area even).
What was it? Crocodiles only attack if a, b, c. … z?
Arggh, this baby boy didn’t speak accent-free Russian?
Gator attacks 2yo boy & drags him into water near Disney’s Orlando resort, toddler still missing
It is not that Americans can not see the puppeteer behind the curtain, they simply refuse to.
Ok, here comes controversy: What many of these mass shooting incidents have in common is that the perpetrators are males–messed up males. And not just them but all the men involved. This latest character was a wife beater ( oh, that is not a red flag?) and was in constant conflict with others( yeh, big man) including it appears with his own sense of sexuality.
So the (male) FBI clears him ( duh, nothing wrong here), the security service ( we want them stupid and brutal) keeps him on payroll, his father ( big macho role model) panders to him, and all the “rescuers”( any psychology consults like what they have for the torture rooms at Gitmo?) sit outside for 3 hours thinking that after he has left a myriad of dead bodies on the floor that perhaps he can be talked out of adding more meanwhile the wounded are dying. Then we get the Washington Post trying to do a MSM falsity against Trump like they did for Killery in California against Barney.
So we get chest thumping from Pres. O and the Wig-out from Trump. Meanwhile the Democratic central control ( a female) accuses Trump of suppressing the Press’s right to lie on his dime/time and equates that with what Pres. Putin is supposedly doing to free speech in Russia. Barney takes the clean handed, limp wristed high road by. not confronted evil, idiotic double talk scenarios even as this stance loses him the Presidency and encourages even more blatant lies to be volleyed back and forth.
Yes, Virginia, there is radical Islam and it is called Wahabism, the State Religion of Saudi Arabia and the favorite cause of the CIA/State Dept. in Syria. oooooh let us not go there. perhaps that is why Trump had to be ridiculed when he said, ” or something is up” , “something is not right here”.
Keep your eye on the ball, use discretion to sift out the b.s.
Ok. granted I was not there and ,if as PCR claims this is a “wag the dog” scenario, perhaps I am playing fast and loose with accusations. But men need to “man up” ( hey Alexander the Great was homosexual) –the American Afro American Muslim sect was organizing “Million man marches” to this purpose not so long ago.
It would be nice not to have to watch caricatures ( male or female) run for “public” office.
If the “Establishment” is truly is behind this attack wouldn’t it have been better to choose a white, hetero male attacker? Because this seems to have strengthened Trump and his “Muslim ban” talk, while Obama / Hillary look weak..
Bt the way, Hillary just blows my mind: “Weapons of war have no place on our streets”
!? What about the weapons of war she unleashed on other people’s streets??? US politicians amaze me.
My view is that there may be more than a single unified group defined as “Establishment” who are competing with each other for domination. For instance you have the US oligarchs (who may be split between US aristocracy, IT (Google, Microsoft etc), US government, MIC, Finance, BIS, Religion – Mormon/Jesuit etc.) the zionists, the neo-cons, and the Saudi royals, who buy many favors from US. There may be dynamic affiliations between the groups depending on circumstances.
I have read the linked “Gun control” rant from last year. I missed it originally.
Usually when I read your astute observations and analysis, Saker, I find myself nodding enthusiastically in agreement. Not on this occasion.
I quote: “The vast majority of gun control supporters have a true phobia of guns. “Phobia” in the double sense of “fear” and “hatred”. They are the ones who will scream “what?! a GUN in my house!!!!!” forgetting that a gun is a tool, just like any other tool. By itself, it is neither good, nor bad, and it is most definitely not dangerous in the least. I have yet to meet a single gun control supporter who would understand even the basic stuff about guns. Ignorance breeds fear and this is especially true for gun control people.”
No, no, no and no!
Firstly, it’s not “just a tool”. It is a tool specifically designed to kill. You compare it to other tools like a car, but a car is not designed to kill, it is designed to drive you from a to b.
I don’t haver a gun phobia. I used a gun many times in my youth due to our particular educational system; I even had to participate in a shooting competition, since somehow I turned out to be a good shot.”
Didn’t like it. Not ignorant about it, just by choice I would not have a killing tool lying around my house, just in case (in case what!?).
Having said that, I would have no hesitation picking one up if a war broke out.
I am not hiding anything, i don’t have anger issues or whatever else might be insinuated. I just don’t like guns and what they represent.
You say: “Guns, cars and big dogs: should be treated the same way.Yes, guns are potentially dangerous, and so are cars and big dogs. And this is why I personally believe that they should be regulated the same way.”
Please see above. Cars and dogs are not designed/born to kill (small exceptions with the latter, but let’s not get pedantic). Guns are. It’s their sole purpose.
Honestly, Saker, you (rightly) get annoyed with people’s flawed arguments, quite often, but why can you not see the lack of logic in yours?
Or this one….
“As for accidents, they will happen with any tools. I am quite sure that more accident happen with nails, ladders and electrical equipment than with guns. You want to ban it all?”
No, not to ban all. Nails and ladders are unlikely to kill you on the spot if there’s an accident; guns on the other hand…
You state that guns are the “American way of life”. There. You nailed it. To me personally it would forever represent the “f.ked up” side of the American way of life. Seriously, it causes nothing but disgust in me, just like their “exceptionalism”.
Sorry, you can scream at me if you want, but I am just not buying it.
Agree with Anna.
The love and fanatic “logic” about guns, is an usa thing. Its nutty insane, and its very easy to see how that outcomes result in.
The problem is that in usa it would be hard to change, as long as the criminals and police goes around as nutjobs.
And the usa military behaves like apes in foreign affairs with their guns and other toys.
Its a bad bad bad mentality in usa.
And there have been other western countries who has restricted guns, results: suicides, homocides, killings and crimes has dradticly been reduced.
Its an american fanatism that they need so much guns everywhere.
But considering that their government is a pile of shit. Criminal organization of worst kind, i can understand a big reluctance to give up guns.
And Hillary is not talking about more gun controll for being nice etc.
Her reasonings are clearly to weaken any internal rebellions.
Because usa will turn into a civil war in some years. (Maybe 50 years). So stripping away peoples right, freedoms, oversurveilance, kidnapp/get rid of problempeople, etc etc is vital for Hillary and their goons.
I don’t think gun ownership per se is the problem. A country where every male owns a military assault weapon is Switzerland (they have a civilian army), and I haven’t heard of this type of terrorist attacks happening over there.
Look at the gunshot victims statistically.
Most are non-entities, doing it to themselves so to speak.
Most affluent white living-spaces are the safest locations to live on this planet.
Now if you were to unarm us, the first thing you’d see would be an invasion of our quarters by the minorities. And we all are aware of this. It will never happen.
If it is time to tango, it’s better to have a good chance @ winning…than just whining…
The Soviet of the Amerikanistans as of late is an incredibly and incriesingly barbaric conglomerate of irreconcilable interests, ready to burst. I, personally can hardly wait. I had enough of the impasse.
In regards to guns you assert, “Firstly, it’s not “just a tool”. It is a tool specifically designed to kill.” and, “Cars and dogs are not designed/born to kill (small exceptions with the latter, but let’s not get pedantic). Guns are. It’s their sole purpose.”
Your assertion is wrong. You are pretending to have specific knowledge of the intent and motivation of every designer of firearms. Let’s check and see whether your assertion corresponds with reality.
Consider an Anschutz model 1827F Fortner. Do you know who designed it? Do you know what the designers’ intentions and motivations were? Do you know their intended purpose? I doubt you know any of this. Further, it is likely you do not even know what Anschutz model 1827F Fortner is in the first instance. Suffice to say that it is a gun and it was not designed for the purpose you specifically claimed.
The fact of the matter is all that you can really say about a firearm is that it is a tool designed to emit a projectile. What purpose it is put to is contextual. Anyway, what really matters are the intentions, motivations and actions of the person/s employing the gun. The Saker has logic on his side here.
In regards to accidents and banning dangerous things you write, “No, not to ban all. Nails and ladders are unlikely to kill you on the spot if there’s an accident; guns on the other hand…”
The implication is clear and it is wrong. For a start, an accident with a gun does not necessarily kill. It may not even injure anyone. It might or it might not. It depends. The consequences of the accident depend on the specific circumstances.
On the other hand, if you are working under a car which has been elevated on a hydraulic jack and either the jack fails or the car slips off it, then the consequences of that accident will more than likely cause your prompt, even immediate, death (better than even chance). A concern is that there are a number of hydraulic jacks on the market which will lift a car, but are incapable of holding it in elevated position for an indefinite period. The designers are aware of it. Could claim logically be made that the designers of these devices had specifically designed them to kill?
Another worry is that cars are getting heavier generation by generation (don’t forget to consider SUVs and trucks and 4x4s and the like). Could the assertion be logically made that the increase in weight was designed in so that hydraulic jacks would be rendered more likely to fail and hence let the car kill the poor soul labouring away under it?
Now I am not implying that cars and hydraulic jacks belong in a different category than other potentially dangerous items people have around the house or at their workplace (such as ladders, steam-cleaners, knives and, of the horror, guns). Nor am I implying that they ought to be banned or controlled by the government. THAT is what would be unsafe in the extreme! No thanks.
What it is necessary to consider is that The Saker has been logical in his approach. Your position on this occasion is the illogical one.
You actually believe this ‘event’ happened?
Wow. Bad actors and not one shred of evidence it’s real.
Wake up or STFU
Omar Mateen is an actor too, watch some clips of his horrid acting. IMDB (Internet Movie Database) “scrubbed” his page there to remove his credits, but screen shots were taken before that was done.
Our history has gone back to the Pharaoh’s time. It’s repeating once again. Western civilization is acting like Pharaoh today. They are doing such things which Pharaoh did yesterday. Pharaoh’s Egypt was a capitalist and democratic state. Pharaoh used false flags to control people’s minds. There were three types of people living in Pharaoh’s state.
1. Those who blindly believed Pharaoh and his official stories about events. They had eyes but they couldn’t see. They had ears but they couldn’t hear. They saw what Pharaoh showed them. They heard what Pharaoh told them. The holy Quran named this people cattle.
2. Those who knew the truth and knew the lies of the Pharaoh government. But they hide it. They didn’t protest. Because they feared that they lost their job. They feared that their carrier would be destroyed. They feared that they would be killed. Most of the old hebrews of Egypt were this type of people.
3. Those who knew the truth and protest against oppressive Pharaoh government. They leaked the lies of false flags created by Pharaoh. Moses (pbuh) and some young hebrews of Egypt were this type of people.
They were not sold themselves at the rate of 100 US dollars per day. They seek the truth and Allah gave noor in their heart.
Similarly today, there are three types of people living in modern western civilization created by Dajjal, the false messiah.
1. Those who believe blindly in western media like CNN, BBC, Al Jazirah and perticipate in the hashtage programmes like #we_are_with_orlando or facebook programmes like uploading French flag in profile pictures. They are actually “cattle” in the language of holy Quran.
2. Those who know the truth but fear to protest against falsehood. They always think for their carrier and spend life as a slave.
3. Those who know the truth and protest against falsehood. They fight to establish the truth as well as justice and to destroy the oppressors. People like Vladimir Putin of Russia who protest against the totalitarian behavior of the oppressive Western civilization.
I have no doubt that it was a UFSA (United Fascist States of America) intel psy-ops. It is the kick-off to their “Summer of Chaos” in the Vaterland, or should I write Homeland? The only real question about it is – were 100 odd people really murdered and wounded, or was it a fabricated hoax with “crisis actors,” which the Sandy Hook child massacre and Boston Marathon both were without any doubt. Not that Langley has any aversion to stacking up bodies. But they have discovered that psy-ops are exactly that. If the great unwashed sheeple actually believe and are terrified that an atrocity went down, whether it were actual or simulation is inconsequential to their agenda. Sometimes it is simply more convenient to stage an “event” than to actuate it. Of course this requires total cooperation of the sh*tstream corporate media including, for example the bloodline scion of the Vanderbilt fortune and CIA intern CNN’s Anderson Cooper, but since the start-up 60 years ago of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, this has not been an obstacle. They have total control over the output of the corporate media (except for occasional accidents and glitches). Most of these accidents occur within the first few hours of a simulation, so it is important to study the evidence in that period in particular.
As to Orlando, it is obvious to anyone with two or three synapses to rub together, that the media released witnesses and “grieving loved ones” were second rate crisis actors. And since real false flag atrocities, such as 9/11, rarely necessitate the use of crisis actors, I am currently leaning to the side that the whole “event” was a staged simulation. Not sure but definitely leaning there.
They discovered also with 9/11, which produced over 3000 real bodies, or to be more accurate pieces thereof, that the grieving “loved ones” in time get pissed and can become very inconvenient. Better that the grieving loved ones be second rate crisis actors like Robby Parker of the Sandy Hoax massacre, who the day after he “lost” his beautiful daughter (according to the media script), was gladhanding reporters up to the moment he thought it was “show time” and transformed “into character.” However, it seems that CNN was carrying his performance live, and the cameraman was too naive to keep it pointed somewhere else until Robby could get into character.
This is truly a classic out take. (43 seconds)
“The goal of the terrorism is to make us all stupid!”
Good article!
The most ridiculous official explanation of all is about the 9/11 attacks. So much bullshit.
The hijackers who were unable to fly a small plane but managed take the huge boeing planes and crushed them into pentagon and twin towers (even though they flew with overspeed and the planes should have never reached their targets). The building 7 which collapsed because of …. a small fire ! The nano thermite found into the debris that explains the demolition of the towers that was not reported by authorities. The hijackers passports found intact in the debris after a plane crash ! And many more !!!!
It was all planned and executed by the elites.
For obvious reasons.
They even planned doing similar things against Cuba with the operation Northwoods in the 1960s. Drones that would attack buildings, fake airplane downing and mock funerals of US soldiers etc.
It doesnt make any sense, it is more outrageous than a fake Hollywood movie with Sylvester Stalone. And like a Hollywood soap opera, there was an ultimate evil character named “bin laden” and his James Bond style criminal organization.
Due to lower and lower TV viewers, the government “screenwriters” decided to remove the character and replace him with the “ISIS”. We have to admit that there was an improvement. Instead of bad quality video tapes from afghan caves, ISIS (and the film producers of the studio CIA) have released high quality splatter videos. Maybe they will win an award for best horror b movie …..
Yet many people believed the official narrative with the help of mass media.
It is similar to what is described at the “1984” book, maybe worst ….
Unfortunately, the term avtomat is not russian. It is an very ancient hellenic word: αυτόματον – automaton, and means exactly what it means, not only for weapons, but for processes, mechanisms and other notions. It happens that the great russian language (as the english and other european languages) is abundant in hellenic words. So, it would be perfect, if your very good article could be corrected in that point.
Thank you,
Dimitrios Kokkalakis.
Lamia 35132 – GREECE
Gosh, we have that word in English as well. Automatic. It’s no wonder that Greek, Russian and English share the same word. Those languages descend from a common parent and it’s not really sure what’s the ‘oldest’.
The common parent is the ancient hellenic language, who happens to be the oldest. By the way, a language named “indoeuropean” never existed.
Jeepers! I thought Proto-Slavic was the common parent. Isn’t that common knowledge?
No, I am afraid it was not the protoslavic.
This case has parallels with the Boston Marathon Bombing. The shooter’s father has been a long-time CIA asset. The cable TV show that’s broadcast into Afghanistan is a CIA/ISI Pakistani op.
If the readers recall, the Tsarnaev brothers had an uncle, Ruslan, who ran a Chechen “aid organization” in the 90s out of his father-in-law’s address. His father-in-law was Graham Fuller, the CIA official who is credited with the idea for Iran-contra back in the 80s during the Reagan Administration. Ruslan also has long ties to AID and the oil industry.
Both Mateen and the Tsarnaevs had parental figures with deep CIA connections. In addition, the older Tsarnaev was involved with the Jamestown Foundation on his visit to Dagestan prior to the bombing. Jamestown is a CIA operation. His younger brother had a professor who wrote for CIA publications.
At a certain point the obvious question is why do the children of CIA assets become unhinged and violent?
Given my limited knowledge of statistics, I would say that it is unlikely that children of CIA assets all grow up into murderers, although it is an interesting theory.
Another parallel: In September of 1963 “Oswald” or someone pretending to be Lee Harvey Oswald went to Mexico City. A man clearly not Oswald (you can easily google “fake Oswald Mexico City” to see the photos taken by CIA surveillance cameras) went to both the Cuban consulate and the Soviet embassy and attempted to get visas, often making scenes when they denied him those visas.
What was the FBI’s action after “Oswald” and/or someone pretending to be Oswald goes to the Cuban and Soviet embassies? They remove him from the FBI’s watch list, just like Mateen was removed from the FBI’s watch list.
Did the FBI remove Oswald and Mateen from their watch list as a professional courtesy to another intelligence agency?
At the time of the crime Mateen was employed with a private security firm formerly known as Wackenhut, which has a long and disturbing history of working in the margins for the intelligence community.
In short, the US has a new generation of assassins (“lone nuts”) sired by CIA operatives and influenced by the CIA agents that continue to be in their lives, and they commit headline-grabbing crimes in order to push the population in a general direction for political purposes.
Whether or not Mateen was a self-hating gay is not central to the story, except that the victims were gay, and gay rights and bigotry are big topics for this election year. This kind of thing does not help Trump in Florida and elsewhere. Who is the CIA’s candidate? You can answer that question with a little thought.
At a certain point the obvious question is why do the children of CIA assets become unhinged and violent?
That is a very good question and here is a very good answer.
Show us the bodies and the blood? Black flag operation again and using the gays. why? Very simple–A lot of reporters are guy. Check out their articles. not one ambulance arrived but hundreds of police and fire trucks. Get this– Poor sap muslim was killed long before the shootings and body dumped into the club. Rest is simple to figure out. Over 3000 Americans were killed on Sept 11 2001 and not by Muslims. Here we have 50 dead , again another setup for gun control and bad bad muslims.– Americans are dumb. Next time 1000 X worse. Do some investigating before it’s to late–you might be the next dead one.
Great review. Actually convinced me that this may have been more of a cover up of a major terrorist attack than some sort of hoax or FF. Perhaps Obama wants to prevent a violent right wing outburst from such an attack? The thing that throws a wrench in all of this is what you correctly identified: guns. And I think more and more the LGBT/SJW crusade is more a cover for 2A repeal under the guise of liberalism than it is really about protecting minorities. IF that’s true then someone in the administration (it has to be supported by the major agencies given the long string of 2A reduction events up to this point) sees a future destabilizing event on the horizon and wants to make us easier to manage.
All their major psy-ops whether of real mayhem or simulation hoaxes have multiple agendas. Claiming either / or is a false detour away from their agendas. Here are a few for 9/11. By no means exhaustive:
1) A huge satanic occult sacrifice broadcast to the entire planet between the pillars of Boaz and Jachin, with Semiramis (depicted deceptively as Liberty) looking on, and at the Pentagram.
2) The start of the long war into the middle east and eastern Europe, best and most famously delineated by Wesley Clark to Amy Goodman.
3) Biggest bank heist in the history of the planet. Over a billion in missing gold in the basements of the WTC. Like Jon Corzine’s M F Global heist – it just “vaporized.”
4) Destroying the corporate criminal investigation records in WTC 7.
5) Destroying the accounting records (and accountants as well) in the area selectively targeted at the Pentagram where they were trying to figure out where the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars went (were Don Rumsfeld announced at a televised press conference the previous day). Ref: Rabbi Dov Shlomo Zakheim, then controller of the DOD. (Note: total now estimated at over 8 TRILLION.)
6) Larry Silverstein and his Mossad buddies scoring on a multi billion dollar insurance fraud. PULL IT!!
7) Millions in way out of the money puts in advance on the airlines.
8) Scaring the crap out of ( i.e. traumatizing) the American public for years, permitting the virtual destruction of the Constitution with the “Patriot (read Treasonous) Act.”
9) Propping up the USD in its reserve currency status, allowing the USA to export worthless electrons for imports of real stuff like crude oil and computers. A corollary is the right to bomb oil producing nations that want to export in other currencies (Saddam – euro; Gadaffi – gold back dinar) and murdering their heads of state. “We came, we saw, he died. Cackle.”
10) Destroying perhaps a trillion dollars in secret treasury bearer bonds coming due in a few weeks.
There are more, but that gives you an idea of the multiple agendas of these psy-ops.
I agree with your post, G. Many birds with one stone is the N.W.O. modus operandi.
In my case, when my wife called me out to the TV Sept 11, 2001, I knew what it was, basically immediately. I had noted the warning eight months earlier by Lyndon Larouche that instability of the global financial system would motivate the requirement to lock the USA down under tighter control and would probably cause a “Reichstag Fire” sort of large scale domestic terror incident later that year.
However, I did not know about the pillars you cite, until 15 years later, this past January.
Interestingly, when I heard that analysis from Mark Passio (a few hours of learning new languages of symbols and numbers)
it was instantly more convincing and deeply revealing of the occulted mindset of the perpetrators than all of the good details in the books on the subject that I had read: Webster Tarpley’s, Christopher Bollyn’s. Nafeez Ahmed and internet analysis, arguments, etc.
In contrast, this was open and shut, quod erat demonstratum beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt. 11+ 175 divided by 2 = 93 ain’t no accident, no way in HELL.
I will go a step farther and this is my own, but I never would have even entertained the thought if it were not for Passio and Bollyn:
I am of the opinion that the probability that the WT Complex was designed and built for the ultimate immolation of Care (3 X 93) and the erection of the Phallic Phreedom Tower with the blatant address of One World (Trade Center) is so high that that hypothesis very much must be investigated.
My reasons?
# 1 First of all, the dual pillars/towers symbology from Tarot and Masonry and Kabbalah imbedded in the joint from the get-go, in the seventies.
# 2 Second, other evidence of decades long planning, namely Christopher Bollyn’s data showing that Arnon Milchan, THE # 1 weapons technology procurement individual for the State of Israel was also a secretive Hollywood producer (!!!!) whose studio evidently produced a 1978 movie (The Medusa Touch, according to Bollyn) that “featured a scene in which a passenger airliner was flown into a high-rise building
To quote Bollyn, SOLVING 911, page 197: “for the Israeli super-agent Milchan to have produced a film that depicts an airliner flying into a high rise building in the same year that the head of Israeli Intelligence predicted that Arab terrorists would attack the tallest building in New York City seems a most unlikely coincidence. This was the period, after all, when former terrorists from the Irgun came to power in Israel as the Likud Party. The Evidence points to this being the time when senior Israeli terrorists began planning 9-11……..”
#3 Except that I would say, since it only requires a few additional years into the past, earlier than 1978 to design WTC with the dual pillars of Kaballah, Tarot, Masonic tracing boards, etc that it was designed and built for the ultimate purpose that it ended up serving.
#4 Because, for the Lucefierian NWO gang planning and execution that takes centuries is fully within their character. Decades? That sort of advance planning and design is a “piece of cake” business as usual, and doesn’t even qualify as “long term” planning, for them.
Great thinking, well done.
Problem is, this event looks like another hoax, complete with crisis actors and utter, unexplained nonsense throughout.
Try viewing this:
And then ask yourself does any of this make sense for any reason other than reinforcing the government gun grab agenda?
Orlando Shooter Employer(G4S) Stages Crisis Events
According to Media Reports Alleged Orlando mass Shooter Omar Mateen was employed by G4S which is a client and associate of Crisis Cast. The website for Crisis Cast states “Award winning role play actors and film makers specially trained in disaster and crisis management.”
Orlando Terrorist Worked at Security Co. Hired by DHS to Transport, Release Illegal Aliens
G4S Youth Services
Employees accused of sex crimes had prior issues
Ex-employee at state juvenile detention center charged with sexual battery of a minor housed there
G4S = “Wackenhut corporation”
Wackenhut Wracked by Sexual Abuse Scandals
In Wackenhut scandal, even good guys like Mark Vieth have serious issues
Wackenhut, a firm founded in Miami in the ’50s by ex-G-man George Wackenhut, in 1989 won a $2.3 million contract to guard Metrorail stations and grew the practice into a nearly $20 million-per-year, no-bid contract.
I wouldn’t bother trying to analyze this event from your perspective. There’s an intellectual hurdle you haven’t managed to leap.
Ever seen that movie “The Sting” with Paul Newman. Watch it and think it over carefully.
Dear The Saker,
You always exceed yourself in the best and most common sense articles I have ever read. Sincerely.
Thank you! God bless.
Carmel by the Sea
Some US government false flag operation, that’s for sure. Other than that, this young man should be awarded a Nobel Prize of some sort – say, “For A Job Well Done”. If the White House chimp could get NP for “Peace” (!), than it pretty much doesn’t matter what NP should be “called” in this case…
It seems Google Search picked up the Orlando attack story six hours before it happened.
@ Phil
I may be mistaken, but I seem to recall that a similar slip happened in “Boston bombing” false-flag operation. Anyone knows any details about it?
Just in case I neglected to append source for previous comment.
“If this is not about homosexuality, Islam or guns, what is it about?
It is about making us believe that is is about homosexuality, Islam and guns, of course!”
Well actually it is about these three things, at least partly it is:
1.Homosexuality has to be paraded, announced and exploited to make it as broad and mainstream as possible in the corrupt Western societies…..So this shooting is a great opportunity to make everyone feel sorry for gays and to support this absolutely corrupt way of life.
It is to such an extent that the naive, ignorant and corrupt Muslims in the US are supporting their gay brothers against prejudice hate and whatnot…….out of guilt of being blamed for shootings or out of fear of being oppressed by the masses.
2. The US-Western-Zionist alliance is waging an all out war against Islam, because Islamic principles go against the very existence of this corrupt, arrogant, oppressive and evil alliance. The war is also necessary to control the Middle-East politically, strategically and economically, and most important to protect the Zionist Jewish state of Israel at all costs.
The Muslims (including the Arabs) are historically in their most weakest state (corrupt, disunited, dysfunctional, etc.), so it is a great opportunity for this evil alliance to strike as hard as they can and use every means possible to discredit Muslims or use them for whatever purpose.
3. Guns and modern weaponry are used by the Western-Zionist alliance to perpetrate false flag attacks and to kill and occupy the people of countries around the world.
The United States is the most corrupt, criminal and evil nation on Earth…..Their leaders and society are the most arrogant, ignorant and stupid of all nations…..They crave power and abundance, and this translates in their infatuation with the modern gun.
Historically speaking the “GUN” and all forms of modern projectile (ballistic) weaponry are the most cowardly forms of combat in the history of humanity..
You see an enemy and you spray him with bullets from a far, you see a civilian population and you shoot your projectiles, you see a country and you shoot your nuclear missiles. It is the most evil, cowardly and unfair form of warfare in the history of mankind..
The Saker would not agree with you on guns. He has a totally unsakery (pardon the invented word) position on guns – he thinks they are just tools, like cars ans ladders. I know, me neither….
I think this may be what they call confirmation bias – the tendency to interpret evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.
Don’t over analyze what is unfolding upon the stage. Look behind the curtain to see who’s running the show.
This explains the non-profit company for occassional donations by the See-eye-eh. But the massacre is harder to fathom in terms of it’s ultimate purpose. Was the “embarrassment of a blasphemous son” used as a pawn to further overseas narratives?
Remember psychopaths don’t worry about feelings only results.
Have you finally stopped beating your wife? Why do we concede anyone was shot? Watch the victim photo ops parading by the camera and being put down and walking off? A woman shot 12 times with 5.56 NATO, once in the liver and she’s stable and responsive? No blood no foul. No wonder we lost in Vietnam, you can’t kill anything with a 223 round.
I know of a guy who got eight rounds of .223 in the abdomen. He survived. Remained responsive until they got him into the hospital and started surgery.
Just think of it as the zionist-fascist-bum bandit axis. There is an amazing amount “brotherhood” amongst the three. Enough so one could suspect the commonality is not simply coincidental.
vot tak, you may be onto something.
I don’t understand why the alleged shooter is still alive. Every other ‘terrorist’ was shot dead on the spot. The episode in Boston, even a witness that knew the alleged bombers was murdered in FBI custody. A puppet for the US security state?
Dear Saker
This guy wrote a story for Bloomberg on Orlando massacre and his story is very similar to yours.
The Messy Mind of Omar Mateen
The quest for a moral victory over a weak and unmanly self has led many to affiliate themselves with whatever organization comes to hand: Casting around for one, Mateen himself could not tell the difference between the bitterly opposed extremist groups Islamic State, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
While I appreciate the Saker’s theory of investigating homosexuality as the actual trigger of the recent massacre in Orlanda, I like to also point the readers into an entirely different direction.
When reading through the now all too common mass-shooting incidents in the US and elsewhere, one can’t help notice that a large percentage of the perpetrators were also bipolar or on antidepressants or in psychiatric care. That’s of course something big Pharma is not too interested in becoming public and making it into the headlines. That’s big business these days, beside cancer and AIDS drugs, psycho-pharma ranks right up there with the top money makers.
It’s no secret that the US, right along side the UK, is the leading pill popping nation on earth. Mood altering drugs are introduced already in school to kids diagnosed with ADS, XYZ or whatever condition they invent to be worthy of treatment with psycho-pharma. It’s rampant, it’s scary. Mother’s little helper has become everyone’s little helper and as a result millions of people in the US are basically legal drug junkies who never really faced reality and learned to deal with problems on Mother Nature’s terms – the natural way.
I don’t think it’s too wild an assumption that there is a possible link between the ever increasing mass shooting incidents and the ever increasing prescription drug consumption of psycho-pharmaceuticals like antidepressants, mood stabilizers and other uppers and downers prescribed by the millions on a daily basis.
And the takers are Christians, Muslims, heterosexuals, homosexuals, blacks and whites, policemen, students – it’s simply everyone! So, I agree here with the Saker totally, it’s so darn easy to spin any given incident into the narrative most needed for political gain. Today that would be terrorism and anti-Muslim, anti-gun and pro-gay sentiments.
It was total BS – enough said !
US did pass a law not that long ago – ‘allowing’
fabricated news if it was in the interest of ‘National Security’
These people are insane !
For those of you that think RT has accepted the ‘narrative’ – Let me say this.
The ‘reception’ Russia gave Netanyapoo and his insidious wife recently ‘typifies’ Russia
The reception was was fit for ‘Royalty’ including a military ‘Brass Band’ !!!
I am sure the ‘Saker’ would agree – That is the way Russia ‘does’ things !
Russia are ALL class.
Image this horrible scene: you walk out onto the street and see the lifeless body of man lying face down with a dagger stuck deep into his back.
A policeman is hovering nearby. You ask the policeman, “is the man dead?” The policeman responds, “a doctor will need to confirm that.” “Was he murdered? I can see the dagger.” The policeman responds, “this case has only just opened and we will have more information in the coming days and weeks.” In the man’s hand is an open copy of a passport and I can see a photograph that it appears to match the victim’s face. “Can you confirm the gentleman’s identity?” I ask. “No formal identification has yet taken place,” says the copper.
In the real world, police investigations take time, sometimes a very long time. In Hollywood, the crime, investigation and conviction are all completed in the course of a 90 minute film.
In this latest “terrorist” incident, everything is known within a few hours of the alleged crime. There is nothing left for the police to discover. This is similar to previous incidents. Everything I learned about 9/11 from the mass media was released in the first 24 hours following the attack. In the years that followed no new information has come to light.
Of course I don’t know what happened in Orlando, but there is also no way the police or the press could know so much unless they are reading from a script.
In the future historians will refer to our time as the ” false-flag era”.
Most murders are projected suicides. The killer wants to kill himself, or a part of himself. He safely kills others hoping he can survive (fundamental basic instinct) but eliminate the part of himself he hates.
All close-in relationship murders have a component like this. Father-son, mother-child, spouse, lovers, etc. have this dynamic.
Self-loathing in gays is the norm. The trend to sadism and masochism in homosexuals is part of this.
And those aberrations lead to nihilistic endings. Suicide, murder, death by cops, death by state.
Psychodynamics of identity is usually sexual at base, or gender at least.
He spared some Blacks. They didn’t project as his equal. Very simple sign that he was killing himself over and over. Rage against self, the secret self.
A victim of Sunday’s early morning terror attack at the Pulse nightclub gave a bombshell interview to an ABC reporter after being released from a local hospital.
During the interview the eyewitness, who played dead for several hours during the attack as a strategy to stay alive, said that he had overheard a phone conversation that the shooter was engaged in.
The eyewitness said that the shooter made mention that he was the “fourth shooter” and that there were “three others,” “snipers,” along with a ‘female suicide bomber’ that was playing dead.
See also:
June 14, 2016 – It is now confirmed that in addition to two investigations and two interviews, Florida terror suspect Omar Mateen was also approached by “informants” working for the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over a period of 10 months.
The Intercept would reveal that the FBI informant, not Medina, came up with the idea of crediting the planned attack to the “Islamic State.” In fact, upon reading the FBI’s affidavit (.pdf), it is clear the FBI’s informant encouraged and walked Medina through every aspect of the planned attack, including providing him with what he thought was an explosive device.
Upon reading Medina’s incoherent conversations with various FBI informants, it is clear he possessed neither the mental or technical capacity on his own to perpetrate the attacks he was arrested for.
@ Jack Oliver on June 16, 2016 · at 8:50 am UTC
I did hear and read something to the effect of a relatively recent new law allowing for false news and staged events to be legally produced and disseminated for the sake of national security. But I don’t seem to be able to find it anymore. These things are not exactly well advertised and google doesn’t go out of its way to bring them up in searches. If you can point to a particular link it will be appreciated.
Me again. I’ve found this clip with Naomi Wolf whom Wikipedia describes as a former political advisor to Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
She’s saying something about a new bill that was passed, already 2 years old by the time this video was made, allowing fake news and staged events to be broadcast. I have not found the text of the actual law if it does exist.
At some point, after you conclude that someone is a ‘nutcase’, its pointless to try to understand their thinking. You’ll usually find that their thinking only makes ‘sense’ to a nutcase.
Unbalanced, unstable, violent people do things that harm people for reasons in their own head that make no sense to ‘normal’ people. Its rather pointless to try to ask why. The answer comes back to them being unbalanced, unstable and prone to violence. Whatever it is that was going through their head when they pulled the trigger won’t make any sense.
Very true, Starry. But it is even more pointless when you realize they are not the generating, designing force in any of this orchestration. But that you have psychopathy in high places setting up the patsies and victims and that heir intent is that you are to be one of those victims of mind control, austerity and slavery.
Then you could say the same…”You’ll usually find that their thinking only makes ‘sense’ to a nutcase.
Unbalanced, unstable, violent people do things that harm people for reasons in their own head that make no sense to ‘normal’ people.”
However, since you know this orchestration is not going to stop with the sacrifice of another patsy, in this still enduring issue of ending the rule of psychopathy, there is no choice except to go as deep as is needed to get to the bottom of all of this and short circuit it so that enough of its moving parts can no longer be commanded to move as programmed.
And at bottom, at the highest levels, it is also self loathing. The main difference being that at the higher levels there is only evil thoughts. The actual evil deeds are committed by others under their mind control, who incur the bloody hands. Same way it works in the wars they provoke. They have their trained animals do the killing. That’s how they regard them: As stupid animals. This is how they wash their hands of their thought crimes. As long as no one figures out how they do it, they are safe.
The link below is a short piece re. Orlando and everywhere else from Oz….
Lastly here may i offer deep condolences and love to the innocent friends and relatives who remain after this sad event, and also to those left after this(and previous) centuries of senseless death and destruction. I’ll soon be returning to dust, may you all enjoy your future eternity in heaven….best wishes.
Heterophobia is not an issue because who doesn’t really feel accepted as a straight person?
When society considers gays to be disgusting, pedophiles or something similar it takes a lot to finally admit yourself that you are gay. Similar logic applies to all other issues when people feel they are not accepted as who they are. Being gay is not mental health issue but not accepting your homosexuality might lead to mental health issues.
Society plays a big part in that. That is why pride parades and ”lobby” are needed. It is just used also for propaganda purposes now because that is something that separates the ”bad countries” from us. Although that isn’t even true. Saudi-Arabia is not demonized (until recently) and on the other hand there is homophobia in Europe and US as well.
And yes, there is something suspicious about that case.
Thank you, Saker, for these remarks!
‘the point of terrorism is not to kill people, it is to make us all stupid’
One should repeat this utmost important words every day 50 times. Terrorism aims not the victims, it aimes us the survivors. They want us do go thankfully and with a lucky and happy heart freely into slavery. This is their goal.
Terrorism was at one time technically defined as the deliberate harming or killing of civilians with the intent to create terror for strategic ends. By this definition, terrorism is alive and well. The emotion of terror paralyzes people’s minds to some extent, ie makes them “stupid”, as you say.
The real question is: what government(s) or organization(s) are responsible for these acts of terrorism? It is possible, for example, that US agencies are in cahoots with ISIS in creating these events, just as the US deals covertly with ISIS abroad. And of course, while Mateen may have made an absurd statement (as anyone might under questioning), it is still quite possible that he and/or ISIS harbor vengeance against Americans, especially after Bush & Co. destroyed Iraq etc, and that this vengeance does occasionally surface as mass killings such as in Paris and Orlando. (There are suspicions, though, that these events were either false flags, or did not even occur at all, as Paul Craig Roberts suspects.)
None of this refutes the fact that Muslim extremists hate Americans and are killing Christians abroad—manifestations of blowback that are hardly surprising, given the heinous crimes of the US military and NATO.
Okey, I live in Bulgaria. We got the most corrupt inept and NATO bootlicking government ever. The so called “Pro-Russian” parties are front made by the same people who control the government. In case we are close to a (God forbid!) war with Russia, how are we (normal people here) supposed to act? All I see is dead ends.
According to Sam Husseini here
Mati’s wife denies many of the claims being made about her by the press.
My question is : Who was shooting with a stationary camera when all the wounded and people who helped them paraded in front of it (and evidently moving in the wrong direction – towards the club)? Who had a camera set up in the middle of the night and in the area where the police cordoned the street from both directions?? And why camera (conveniently) doesn’t have a date or an hour? If it’s a by-stander, that person would have been on front covers of all newspapers and on all channels getting his/her 15 minutes of fame or at least speaking about that video. Who is this person behind this camera???
A few more curious tidbits about the Orlando shooting:
-The Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worked for G4S.
-G4S helps Israel run security and prisons in Israel.
-In March 2016, G4S promised to cease operations in Israel by the end of 2017 .
-G4S had been threatened by Israel.
-The share price of G4S has fallen sharply since the Orlando shooting.
-The Orlando attack occurred around 2:00 AM eastern US time on Sunday, June 12.
-But the Chicago Sun-Times Network has the above story about the attack, dated 06/11/2016, 08:00PM
-Google Search Engine Picked-Up ORLANDO
A comment I read hear not long ago that the only common denominator between these events in Australia, Canada, Paris, US is that the perps were known to intelligence agencies. I have often wondered how much it would take for a trained psychiatrist – say working for the CIA or similar – to take someone who is mentality unstable and tip them over the edge? Then stand back and let events unfold?
This is really disturbing. I am starting to think the whole thing was a hoax, which means I have to accept a level of media complicity that is frightening. I know that the CIA (and other agencies) wield a lot of influence in the media, but to the extent the media would be complicit in something like this?
Just more evidence suggestive of a hoax.
As much as I have come to despise the MSM, I still have some residue of respect for the field of journalism, and I assume there are some good people in the MSM. But mostly it seems to be thoughtless talking heads running with whatever they have been given by whoever calls the shots.
As bad as I imagine it to be, it always turns out to be worse.
Yeah, the false flag label was stamped onto this even before the bodies had cooled. Two things strike me as lazy with that:
1. Lol if you think morons and criminals can’t pass a federal security check, let alone a security clearance; not calling Saker lazy, but come on, if you worked for any length of time in a sensitive government service, you’ll encounter some moment of “WTF, how did that clown possibly get through”;
2. Lazy homo is a lazy homo. Conflicts with his religion and his sexual preferences? Laxness is declaring his ideology before doing the shooting? Christ, people who shoot commit mass murder/suicide can’t be assumed to be in their right mind to start with, what the hell makes you think the guy was going to make sure everything else was consistent before hand?
Check this out;
curious and curiouser…
Just in sounds like the Boston marathon all over again. FBI tried to get him involved in a terror plot.
Excellent article by Dan Glazebrook on the sec urity racket, highlighting the G4s firm Mateen worked nine years for:
It is now 2019 and I have yet to find a credible source proving the shooter was gay. It is the MO of the USG to use sexual insults when describing their latest bad guy. Remember they claimed to have captured Bin Laden. They wasted no time reporting on on the massive amounts of porn he had collected.
Personally, i do not believe he went to that club with any intention of harming anyone. I seriously believe he was working for US Intelligence and as usual they set him up.
What about the other guy in Cali that called the police claiming he had was working for the government and was afraid they planned to kill him like they did the other guy on his team ?
That club had an Orlando cop hired to work the door. How the heck did anyone get by him with guns? Why was OPD’s Chief not allowed in the building until 2 months after the event, after the FBI said it was ok?