Russia has recently published her new official Naval Doctrine. The full document can be downloaded from the Presidency’s website here (in Russian).
To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this document. The document explains the purpose of this doctrine, the missions of the Russian Navy and includes a region by region review of the challenges and opportunities for Russia on the world’s oceans, including the Arctic and Antarctic regions. But there is one sentence which, I think, deserves a lot of attention. On page 20, in the section 54 it says:
“Определяющим фактором в отношениях с НАТО остаются неприемлемость для Российской Федерации планов продвижения военной инфраструктуры альянса к ее границам и попытки придания ему глобальных функций”.
Which I would translate as follows:
“A defining factor in (our) relations with NATO remains that for Russia the following is unacceptable: the alliance’s plan to move its infrastructure to the borders of Russia and the attempts to give the alliance a global role“.
As somebody who has translated Russian official documents for a living for many years I can tell you that the Russians are extremely precise in their use of words and that they choice of this or that word or expression is considered very carefully, often with a maniacal attention to detail. So when this official, President-approved, document says that it is unacceptable for Russia that NATO is trying to grant itself a global role – this is at least as official a statement as any public declaration by Foreign Minister Lavrov. Except for Lavrov was not tasked to deliver this message. Take a look at who was:

From let to right: Victor Chirkov, Dmitri Rogozin, Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu and Anatolii Sidorov
This photo was taken on board the frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” and includes Victor Chirkov, C-in-C of the Russian Navy, Dmitri Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of military matters, Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Shoigu and the C-in-C of the Western Military District General Anatolii Sidorov. In other words, these are the men who would be in charge of fighting NATO should a war break-up.
There is clearly a ‘message’ sent here, and it is not sent to Obama, Merkel or any other western politician, nor is it sent to the public opinion of any country, but it is a message sent to those who will carefully analyze this document and this event: US and NATO defense analysts and their bosses and, for them, the message is very clear: we will not let you prevail.
I have often written here that in the Russian culture making threats is seen as a sign of weakness. So none of the above should be seen as the Russians threatening anybody. The recent British and US hysteria about Putin threatening the West with nuclear war is utter nonsense. In fact, the Russian warning is clearly tied to current hostile actions by NATO, namely placing NATO forces on the Russian border and trying to become a global, planetary, police force or, better, colonial pacification and authority enforcement force. So all the Russians are really doing is going on the record and declaring that they will oppose and resist the AngloZionist attempts to subdue Russia or achieve planetary hegemony.
Putin recently gave an interview to a Swiss TV channel. To the question “do you believe that a war in Europe is possible?” Putin replied “I hope not. But I really wish that Europe would show more independence and sovereignty and was capable of defending her own national interests, the interests of her people and her countries“.
I don’t know about you – but I find that “I hope not” very disturbing, to say the least. Do you think that the people of Europe will ever wake up?
The Saker
Vladimir Putin is extremely careful in his words, knowing very well that they will be distorted. This choice of words is significant.
Russia is building its strength horizontally by addressing several areas simultaneously. Things are now coming together and we start to see the end focus. When you look at the picture holistically, you realize that a tectonic shift is building around Russia and the Western world simply cannot cope with it.
Everything USA is now falling apart. At the same time a new world is being built, independent from the former, secure, oblivious of the noise generated by the hegemon. The dogs bark, the caravan pass…
yes, VVP is the ultimate ‘understatement’ guy.
The very fact that the Yankee Reich is crumbling under the blows of elite hyper-parasitism, Imperial over-reach and the metabolic derangement brought about by junk-food diets and relentless brainwashing by the MSM, Advertising, PR and ‘entertainment’ Molochs, makes the USA even more deadly dangerous. Any state where a wretch like Trump could be considered for any Government post above ‘upside-down man’ in the Sanitary Departments ‘Obstruction Clearing Squad’, is stuffed. But the WASP elites and their ‘Chosen’ controllers still fervently believe, consciously or on the sub-conscious level of hereditary mass brainwashing, that they are a God-ordained elite, supreme over humanity forever, for whom the ordinary laws of right and wrong, morality and evil, do not apply. ‘We create reality’ as one egregious if candid psychotic boasted under GW Bush.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
― Karl Rove (AKA Turd Blossom)
I look through the comment section in the Guardian articles (anti Russia,anti China, anti Iran) each day to get an idea of what people are thinking.
Up until a few weeks ago there would always be a reasonable number of common sense comments amongst the haters.
Now it seems to be swamped by haters. Any designated target country is treated like vermin to be eradicated, trod on or otherwise brought under control.
There is no thought that the people in the target countries, although their culture may be different, have the same thoughts for family, earning an income ect, same as people everywhere.
There is not the slightest respect for different cultures. All must be Americanized.
It is getting very depressing.
Don’t be depressed – today it mostly consists of paid US/UK trolls plus some zombified sheeple, probably lost for humanity.
I was following comment sections under Guardian articles for the same reason – to know what people are thinking, for several years, from time to time. And I stopped completely last year when Ukrainian crisis began and Guardian started censoring comments that support Russia or point out Guardian’s obvious lies, missing facts etc.
And these people dare to talk about “freedom of speech” while introducing sanctions against journalists (as Eurocretins did against Russian journalists) and teach other countries how to love “Western values”… using bombs and overthrowing legitimate governments.
Guardian is an anti-Russian propaganda bullhorn, faithfully serving their Zionist masters, just like 90% of western MSM. Freedom of speech, my ass.
I was reading the Graun for the same reason. You can get a much better commentary at off guardian where the people who have been censored can have a voice. Now I seldom bother with the Guardian. It’s complete bullshit.
Actually I find that the comments in The Daily Mail and The Telegraph have a much higher proportion of reasonable reactions. I don’t subscribe to any newspaper or magazine (except Private Eye, which I mainly read for the cartoons) but I occasionally like to skim the “major” British papers to get an idea of what foolishness is current. I find I can go through The Times or The Guardian, cover to cover, in the time it takes for a barista to prepare my coffee. It’s usually 99% garbage, perhaps 1% poisonous libel, and very very occasionally something useful or interesting.
But the online comments can be quite reassuring. There are still plenty of intelligent, educated, thoughtful British people out there. It’s just that those who regularly read the MSM tend to be the intellectual dregs.
Tom, my favourite Private Eye (God Bless Peter Cook!) cartoon was years ago. A couple of boffins are experimenting on rats. The rats are being bombarded with pollution, loud noise, commercial television, ubiquitous advertising and other noxious substances. One boffin inquires, ‘What are they up to?’. The second researcher replies, ‘They’ve just elected a Conservative Government’. I laughed, then-not so much these days.
Don’t let it get you down. A large portion of those posters are astorturfing propagandists there for the sole purpose of demoralizing their Ideological and political opponents. Between the Turkish incursions against the Kurds and the problems in China expect a big surge in NATO propaganda over the next few weeks.
It seems that the guardian sometimes censors reasoned comments, but always lets through the troll statements. That way one has to wade through several hundreds of nonsense comments. This is almost as effective as blocking comments all together, something the Dutch ´Volkskrant´ did last year. Sourced comments are almost always censored.
It concerns me deeply; how do young people – old people any people – access the truth when it is not in your face? It was an ill wind that blew when the Guardian and Independent commentary sections went down the plug hole..
During the Libyan war coverage these online comment sections opened my eyes for the first time. Also with Syria, once the Guardian finally began seriously covering events 4 or so years ago, there were very many highly informed, interesting comments.
It’s all going to get far worse anyway apparently, with “truth” being Cameron’s new “extremism”.
Then we will really pay for our long silence.
Well, there you go. The people who run this stuff are learning, is the problem. When newspapers first started moving online, an obvious thing to do was to boost traffic by allowing conversations about the pieces, like bloggers did. Imagine their horror when they realized this was making them lose control of the message to people who went around telling the truth.
So they’ve been taking countermeasures to make sure the people can’t hijack their thought-shaping platform to get a voice of our own, and especially not to tell inconvenient truths. I expect these countermeasures have been gradually intensifying and becoming more sophisticated as they learn to manipulate this new medium. In the end, I doubt they’ll block dissenting voices entirely. Rather, what you’ll see is something like the way they interview protesters: They pick the dimmest, most confused people with the least credible or most threatening appearance to put on air, and call it “balance”. Similarly, I expect if we could look at all the Guardian comments including whatever got censored, we’d find that the most intelligent dissenting voices are the ones that got the axe.
Yes, but at the time that I was reading the Guardian the most intelligent voices were not censored, where are those people writing now – here??!!
A couple of years ago I spoke to the then editor Alan Rusbridger, I mentioned that the online sections of the foreign affairs sections had enlightened me, and that commentators often knew more than the journalists writing the article, or so it seemed to me. He went very quiet, and we chatted about other things after that. I guess he was hugely compromised in his position, they all are, and they all deal with it in different ways.
There’s so much hatred in the world now, if only love had developed at the same speed, and with the same force as the hatred…
What we have in Britain is essentially an occupied country – brought under the thumb by an alien civil code and a government that is a complete vassal of the, for want of a better expression, the London-Washington-Brussels kleptocracy. There is a large faction of people in the UK who, if they don’t totally understand what is going on, understand that there is something very wrong. These are people would do business with Russia and see in Russia an ally against the ambitions of the insidious and aggressive EU. These people are threatening to come to power in the UK – not perhaps at the national level, where the State is working full pelt to maintain an effective one-party dictatorship – but initially locally. This is where the dominoes will start falling. Bear in mind that when you see such extracts from the Daily Mail that tell of “how they dwarf us”, remember that this is propaganda being produced by an occupying force against an occupied people. Lots of comments in the Guardian or any British corporate media will be organised to coincide with other propaganda. Comments are not the thing to judge the British national mood by. Things are boiling under the surface. Remember, the propaganda could be a lot worse than it is – the reason that it isn’t is because it wouldn’t fly. Lots of Britons see the power that occupies them aggressively expanding Eastwards when they look at what is going on in Ukraine etc.
It is the very essence of capitalism, particularly its most malignant form, Free Market neo-liberal capitalism, to tend towards ever greater inequality, ever greater uniformity of acceptable, ie Rightwing, opinion, and ever greater ecological destruction and geo-political aggression. That is inevitable because the people that created capitalism and which it empowers are psychopaths. Their psychological stigmata, lack of empathy and compassion for others, hyper-egotism, narcissistic self adoration, unscrupulousness, preference for violence, sadism, and insatiable greed etc, have been projected onto society, benefiting the psychopaths and punishing the sane. The process cannot be ameliorated and capitalism cannot be ‘reformed’. It can only be replaced by a humane, compassionate system that values Life over the dead stuff of Money. Good luck with that! In any case the ecological crisis of crises has proceeded too far, and is plainly being deliberately left unaddressed or actively worsened by the elites to be used as a Malthusian mechanism by means of which they can cleanse the planet of billions of their Eternal Enemy-other people.
Free market capitalism is a power for good.You are confusing it with corporatism.
“Free Market” is a chimera, a pipe dream, has never, ever existed. Same with “Free Enterprise.”
‘Free Markets’ can only operate efficiently and justly where the ‘Market Power’ of individuals is as equal as possible. Market power is money power and wealth, and, of course, really existing capitalism always works to produce as great wealth concentrated in as few hands, and therefore as great inequality, as possible. So capitalism always tends to ‘Free Market’ state, as now, and inequality always grows under capitalism, as now. It ends in neo-feudalism, a state we have almost reached, and billions suffer under already.
“I look through the comment section in the Guardian articles (anti Russia,anti China, anti Iran) each day to get an idea of what people are thinking.
Up until a few weeks ago there would always be a reasonable number of common sense comments amongst the haters.
Now it seems to be swamped by haters. Any designated target country is treated like vermin to be eradicated, trod on or otherwise brought under control.”
The Anglos are only showing their true genocidal instincts–rationalized behind their national lies that they are “defending democracy.”
With only a few brave exceptions, the Anglo-Americans instinctively demonize any nation that opposes them, dutifully parroting the propaganda of their regime or “free press.”
This is just an updated version of Orwell’s Two Minutes of Hate.
The Guardian was privatised in 2008 from its previous status run by a Trust. The current Board is almost exclusively financial interest parasites. Clearly the Comments are now being ever more viciously policed, and, undoubtedly, those that dared defend Russia, China, Iran, or criticise the USA or ‘beautiful Israel’ will have been noted. Fascism and war are imminent, as the Western parasitocracy becomes desperate, and ever more fearful of the 99% whose lives are being crushed by regimes like that of the charmless psychopath David Cameron.
Mulga, how come I hear that Rothschilds own the Guardian all the time ? What’s the connextion with them ?
Wouldn’t surprise. Merchant bankers are all, somewhere along the line, linked to the Rothschilds and the other financial ‘Elders’. The fact is that The Guardian went from the ‘liberal’ Left extreme of the narrow spectrum of acceptable MSM opinion, to the Right, straight after the merchant bankers took over.
Those behind NATO have desired since at least 2008 to become the official “peacekeeping” troops of the UN. The following is the opening 2 paras of a document written by a German academic. It is the 2nd para which is interesting.
“Cooperation between NATO and the United Nations began to intensify in the early 1990s and has been controversial ever since. As the 1999 air-strikes in Yugoslavia have shown, there are obvious pitfalls in the coexistence and collaboration between the major agent for peacekeeping (UN) and the most significant provider of military power (NATO). The paper focuses on future prospects that could result from NATO-UN cooperation and the resulting obstacles that have to be overcome. How can the central advantages of NATO-UN cooperation be defined?
“The paper argues, that a more institutionalized cooperation, in the political even more so than in the military realm, could result in a mutually beneficial situation for these two independent international organizations with global reach and perceived or projected global responsibility
So the idea is that the legitamacy of Nato (brute force) is to piggyback of the UN (central powers) which itself piggybacks on the legitamacy of the UN general assembly. All while it is humanity that gets taken for a ride.
… and bombed,shredded, bled, beaten, murdered, poisoned, multyvaccinated, incinerated, brainwashed, ,expelled , banished , evicted, scattered, dispossessed, ethnically cleansed, liberated from/of life , in order then to be diabolically accused of deserving all this according to the fascist / zionist dictum that > It is the victim’s fault < (!!!)
[Who is never "democratic " enough]
But Pinochet, Saudis…were/are
The problem with that idea is that only the UNSC can authorize “peacekeeping” actions.And 2 of the permanent members are Russia and China.It only takes 1 veto to stop a resolution.And there are 2 right there.
The situation is very strange for the moment,it seems a bit like in 1938 according to the people who have memories from that time.A false calm before the big storm(still waiting for the big summer attack against te Donbass).Things changed since 1938.But not so much.Greece is maintained almost by force via a financial coup alive for a while,but everybody knows that it is just for a few months,the grexit remains the main goal of the germans but the US forced France,the Uk and Italy(and some smaller players)to avoid it for a while at any cost.Why?
The Ukraine was supposed to get busted on 24th of july,nothing happened and the IMF+US+EU are still providing lot of money they will never see paid back,just to keep the anti Russian toy alive untill it will be used for the real purpose.Tonight the UN will try to vote (with a russian veto)the establishment of an international tribunal about the MH 17 story.Of course as it will be vetoed,is to say:look the Russians they don’t want to collaborate it is THE final proof they are responsible and guilty…expect the worse in the MSM.Very bizarre today Hollande is thinking about delivering the mistral to the RF..but he must still ‘think about it’ for a few weeks.Why it was supposed to be a closed case,a done deal with a refund of 1.25 billion from France?
Port City of Saint-Nazaire Tired of France’s Flip-Flopping on Mistral Deal
Read more:
Big financial crisis in China,probably some Soros action behind.The oil is collapsing once again,the ruble is reaching 60 (back from 49 at some time a few months ago).Main reason being the oil price decrease but…
They are also attacking Brazil BRICS power via a fake Petrobras scandal to impeach Roussef and put back a puppet from the empire in charge of the country.
Same happening in South Africa another BRICS country.
The Iran ‘deal’,nobody knows really what will happen.Will Iran change his behaviour against RF?
It seems that Assad is becoming more acceptable for the West now.
Less important the Cuba deal…but it is done anyway.The US are talking with…Venezuela,same tactic as in Greece cut everything,stores are empty,then force to capitulate…in Greece they went as far as to close the banks and according to some insiders they will make a bail in ‘à la Cyprus’ soon(some of your money of your accounts will simply be stolen to ..’refinance’ the failed banks).
The EU,the Eurozone is in final stage eventhough hey managed to ”save” Greece which in fact is everything but saving Greece only saving the EU for a while.The brexit referendum is coming fast in june 2016.
Poland and the Czech rep will not adopt the euro(if it still exists?).Serbia does not want to join the EU.Moldovia and of course Georgia well,but big countries like the UK or France are against(immigration).
The Ukraine is banktrupted de facto,nobody wants them in the EU anymore even the eurocrats,they even are tightening the visa requests.
The US is under a false recovery,all data are fake,real unemployment is near 17 pct not 5 pct.
The real state of the banking system is zoombie with 20 trillions or more of derivatives which will never ever be repaid(biggest ponzi ever with the Chinese one).
It is not a matter of will we have a war but when?
Anonymous, thanks for the summary. Lots going on.
But you said, “It seems that Assad is becoming more acceptable for the West now.”
That’s changed, Anony. I’ve been trying to alert people since Brookings Report in June that the decision to at least partition Syria has been taken.
7/24/15 Hurriyet
An agreement reached between Turkey and the United States on what they call cooperation against the ISIL terrorist group also includes establishing a no-fly zone over the Arab country, a Turkish newspaper says.
Turkey’s leaders had on Friday confirmed that a deal had been reached, and said it would enable the US to use the key Turkish Incirlik Air Base, which is located near Syria.
However, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet said that the agreement also outlines a 90-kilometer (56 mile) no-fly zone between the Syrian towns of Marea and Jarabulus.”
Turkey’s already stepped up its airstrikes.
They are also once again floating the media story that Assad is using his airstrikes IN SUPPORT of ISIS. (The usual Goebbels technique of blaming your opponent of what you yourself are doing).
Anonymous, I forgot two other stories showing Assad hasn’t become more acceptable to the West:
7/9/15 The US war against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will require a “generational” and “trans-regional” commitment of US forces, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said Tuesday, at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
July 20, 2015 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – It was recently reported that US policymakers have signed and dated plans drawn up for the US invasion and occupation of Syria. The plan as described by the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution – a corporate think-tank that has previously drawn up plans for the invasion, occupation, and “surge” in Iraq – is to occupy border regions of Syria with US special forces to then justify a nationwide “no-fly-zone” if and when Syrian forces attempt to retake these “safe zones.”
Looks grim. Turkey’s just given permission for NATO or US planes to fly out of Incirlik (sp?) airbase against Syria.
Penelope, the aim has been to partition Iraq and Syria all along, at least since Oded Yinon’s ‘Zionist Plan for the Middle East’ of 1982, although that was based on even earlier Zionazi ambitions. The USA, NATO, the Saudis and the Gulf tyrannies are merely genocidal puppets, but the strings are being pulled by Israel and its Jewish Fifth Columns in the West.
Mulga, I know it’s been the aim for a long while and that they’ve actually been instructing Westpoint students with that Oded Yinon map showing the middle-eastern countries all broken up. (Changing of borders is only objectionable when Russia does it.) Turkey actually made an official objection that US was training its military using this map, since it shows Turkey partitioned too.
However it appears the intention to break up Syria is now in danger of being actually carried out by (more) US boots on the ground.
Would you consider to become a research assistant for thesaker?
If you do, please, email vineyardsaker at gmail dot com
Putin replied “I hope not. But I really wish that Europe would show more independence and sovereignty and was capable of defending her own national interests, the interests of her people and her countries“.
Important to keep that caveat in mind. The Euro quislings have the choice, total slavery or selective subservience or the recovererence of being human beings again. Something they lost in the last 2 decades.. We pretty much know their choice as delineated by the zionazi media and the zionazi dominated regime quislings. Question is why do Europeans continue to let these disgusting, sub humanoid war criminals dominate their countries for the benefit of Israel and their their dominant colony, the usa?
The Greek referendum should have brought home to most in the “western democracies” what a farce democracy has become, though I guess that will be ignored by most.
We only get to vote for “vetted” leaders and the only way to overcome this would be some form of revolution.
With MSM propaganda and population surveillance that will never happen, there is no turning back from the direction in which we are headed.
As Russia is doing, all the independent, sovereign countries need to build up their defenses as quickly as possible.
Europeans have no choice. For that matter, how much choice is there anywhere on Earth? Does United Russia actually implement policies that are very popular with Russians? I find that hard to believe as the entire financial and economic set-up in Russia is basically the one put in place by the criminals who piratized the country with Western help. Russia needs a new Industrial Production Doctrine far, far more than a new Naval Doctrine, but Putin can actually do something with the military, whereas the economy seems to be out of his influence.
Asking the masses in Greece, Ukraine, Europe, America or wherever to “do something” is going to mean waiting a long time. What could anybody do that would change the actions of the power elite? They are hardened crooks and even killers. That is how they got to the top.
Anonymous, don’t lose heart. Even tho the bad guys currently occupy most of the levers of power their control is only “one-quarter inch deep” as Wm Engdahl says.
Starikov says that only 20% of Putin’s directives are implemented. Yet many people in Russia are trying to change the system.
In the US and Europe so many people are awake as to the reality that we WILL find a way to organize against it. But neither our organization nor our revolution is yet in place. It’s a race. Their desired future against the one we want, but we’ve yet to define ours, or even to see many of the parts of theirs that are already standing.
Penelope, Russia requires a Night of the Long Knives to clear the Augean infestation of Fifth Columnists. Being a humane creature, I believe that the guilty should not be shot, but transported to their ‘spiritual’ home in the West. Just push ’em out of the plane over Berlin, and let them parachute into the German Reich’s loving embrace. It looks like Xi is finally getting down to cleaning out the compradore infestation in China, too, twenty-five years too late.
Europeans have no choice. For that matter, how much choice is there anywhere on Earth?
“All is lost, we should surrender”, “You cant fight city hall”. This is the standard fake left zionist debilitating argument (that mimics their rightwing neocon allies) to defeat opposition to ZPC/nWO (zionazi) interests. the idea is that if you demoralise the people enough, they will fold to your dominance.
Read The Protocols.
Which ones exactly? And where, there?
Tnanks, bp.
Bot tak,
Don’t worry, Europe is now in the rehearsal mode, Greece story was the wake up call for the all Europe.
Don’t worry as much this fraud is exposed Europeans are more and more prepared for the last good bye to the tyranny.
Looting, frauds, drugs, casinos, prostitution,corrupted politicians you name it . It was plenty enough to realize how huge fraud was this American democracy story.
The monstrous war machine and the criminals who are part of it have their own, immensely powerful volition. We have not developed the courage and the inner strength, to prevent the catastrophe of war, even after two world wars, and continuing destruction and suffering beyond measure.
The poet Rilke, writing one hundred years ago, October 1915…
Can no one, then, check and prevent it? Why are there not a
few, three, five, ten, who stand together and cry in the public
squares: Enough! and who will be shot down and will at least
have given their lives that it should be enough, while those out
there are now succumbing only so that the frightful thing shall
go on and on and there shall be no taking account of destruction.
Why is there not one who cannot endure it any more, ‘will not
endure it any more; did he but cry out for one night in the midst
of the untrue, flag-hung city, cry out and not let himself be
pacified, who might therefore call him liar? How many are hold-
ing this cry back with difficulty, or no? If I am mistaken and
there are not many who could cry like that, then I do not under-
stand human beings and am not one myself and have nothing in
common with them.
@Do you think that the people of Europe will ever wake up?
It is very doubtful. Europe, as it is now, was founded, as “the only way of guarding against an eventual world hegemony by Russia” and prepared to stay that way. See the ‘prehistory’ of EU (Wikipedia):
“In 1922, the Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian aristocrat and Freemason, founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) together with the last Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia, of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galizia, Lodomeria and Illyria, Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius von Habsburg (better remembered as Otto von Habsburg), as “THE ONLY WAY OF GUARDING AGAINST AN EVENTUAL HEGEMONY BY RUSSIA”.
In 1923, he published a manifesto entitled ‘Pan-Europa’, each copy containing a membership form which invited the reader to become a member of the Pan-Europa movement. He favored social democracy as an improvement on “the feudal aristocracy of the sword” but his ambition was to create a conservative society that superseded democracy with “the social aristocracy of the spirit”. European freemason’s lodges supported his movement…
According to his autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 he came through Baron Louis de Rothschild in contact with Max Warburg who offered to finance his movement for the next 3 years giving him 60,000 gold marks; Warburg eventually remained sincerely interested in the movement for his entire life and served as an intermediate man as to bring him in contact with influential personalities in America such as banker Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch accompanying him there. In April 1924 Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the journal Paneuropa (1924-1938) of which he was editor and principal author. The next year he started publishing his main work, the Kampf um Paneuropa (The fight for Paneuropa, 1925-1928, three volumes). In 1926, the first Congress of the Pan-European Union was held in Vienna and the 2,000 delegates elected Coudenhove-Kalergi as president of the Central Council a position he held until his death….
No wonder that on occasions “he was heard to advocate a revival of Charlemagne’s empire. In 1950 he received the first annual Karlspreis (Charlemagne Award), given by the German city of Aachen to people who contributed to the European idea and European peace”.
At the foundation of Europe is the fight against the “heretical East”. What is usually overlooked is what he did understand by the “social aristocracy of the spirit” which would rule the New Charlemagne Empire. Hew wrote in his book
Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism):
“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
“Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.” A race of nobility which provided also the money, as we have seen, and which has to be repaid. Incidentally there were the same people who provide the money to carry on the Russian Revolution! No coincidence.
well, I know its easy to pick on Europeans…but cm’on guys…which of you ‘critics of Europe’ is American ? Why don’t you fix the problem, if you think Europeans can ? I mean its your own country that is swallowing the globe, including Europe…
“well, I know its easy to pick on Europeans…but cm’on guys…which of you ‘critics of Europe’ is American ? Why don’t you fix the problem, if you think Europeans can ? I mean its your own country that is swallowing the globe, including Europe…”
Yes; this is the crux of the matter.
The definitive rescue for the planet must be performed here – – – USA.
Many years ago, a Russian Marxist predicted that America wished to put Europe on rations -that is to exercise total control over the continent.
How Trotsky predicted the balkanization of Europe
By Nicolas Bonnal
– See more at:
American leaders, and their Zionist owners/masters give the Europeans their marching orders. The betrayal of their own Greek people by Syriza is one more undeniable proof. Neither Tsipras, Hollande, Cameron, or Merkel, or any of the other European leaders have shown an ounce of political independence.
Within Mordor, (the land of Wall Street), Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Duponts, and a hundred other major Oligarchs, there exists no resistance to the Totalitarian puppet government (worth mentioning).
The Zionist and imperialist Political Left, from its home within the Democrat gang apparatus (a home they entered in 1941, (at the onset of Germany’s Barbarossa assault), under Stalin’s orders, has done the job of coopting, misdirecting, and marginalizing most of the rebellious milieu. They have rent the fabric of history. In 2008, the Zionist/American Oligarchs installed a Holographic image as the official President of the United States. Hollywood Obomber, as with Bin Laden, fills a political image void. When the American Zionist Congress welcomed their actual leader, and flesh and blood President, Netenyahoo, on March 3, 2015, none on the Left, or the Right (with the exception of Ron Paul), understood the historical significance of the moment.
The Road to Freedom: is as follows:
The American Republic, that was destroyed in the coup d’etat in Dallas on November 22, 1963, must be restored.
Our American citizens have an opportunity to begin designing their new Republic during the coming 2016 Electoral Circus.
A Restorationist Republican slate must hold Alternate Elections, and busy itself with electing political leaders who are dedicated to the restoration of our Democratic Republic. The alternate election rebels should feel free to nominate more than one slate of candidates. “Let a hundred flowers blossom.” You know who said that.
Understood, that the day after the vote is held, a feisty Alternate Government must begin to struggle for political power. There must be no support for, or taxes paid, to the imperialist Tyranny, their corrupt fallen Congress, or any of their their Police State apparatus.
The Constitution must be restored; the Constitutional Government must be restored; those agencies that split, partially, or totally and rejoin the Constitutional government must be welcomed, but closely investigated, and understand they are under the same legal constraints as are all of our citizens.
If, our next generation of High School and College students wish to rewrite, repair, or amend, the Constitution, that will be their right. As Jefferson wrote:
“Every constitution then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right. It may be said that the succeeding generation exercising in fact the power of repeal, this leaves them as free as if the constitution or law had been expressly limited to 19 years only.”
1. The new Alternate Government completely (morally and physically) breaks all ties with the criminal Zionist Tyrannical power structure and inaugurates an era of DUAL POWER confrontation.
2. Step by step the “Rabble in Arms” builds their new Democratic Republic. Again Jefferson:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal… governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles…”
3. For the Democratic Republics! “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
If any have any better ideas on how to begin the resistance in America, please do not hesitate to inform us.
*I urge The Saker to open a special section, or Headlined Topic Section – devoted to the reasoning of just how to save America, and by doing so, to save the world.
Hi Dear Peter Antonsen….thanks for friendly comment !! Well….just before you roar at me …. I will say…that so far….I’m rooting for Donald Trump….here’s part of the reason why…
I know its not a final solution, but so far that video concerns me the most.
.”just before you roar at me ….”
Never happen.
3rd Party electoral efforts had their moments in USA. Ralph Nader once received 2.5 million votes – 2000 election -while campaigning with few funds against all odds.
However, the so-called ‘3rd Party’ effort only serves to legitimize the other 2 political gangs and their circus, and their government. Imperialist terrorist Governments cannot be restored.
Revolutionaries must pursue an Alternate Government road. That is the road Taken by the Americans in 1776, Toussaint L’Ouverture, England’s “Glorious Revolution” The French Revolution, The citizens of Novorossiya, Crimea, Cuba 1959, China 1949, and in 1917 Russia, among others.
Ahh Fukushima!!!!
Yes, Fukushima, remains Out-Of-Control. Japan’s puppet (to the American Oligarchs), government pretends to militarily confront China, as it is unable to save the northern third of its country from Radioactive Nuclear eradication. The Japanese Quislings will preside over the radioactive pollution of their own water table, as well as the Northern Pacific Ocean – in the years to come.
Notice: no answers (of how to decommission their 6 out-of-control Nuclear Power Plants) have surfaced, from any source. Nuclear energy is more dangerous to humanity than the threat of nuclear warfare. In the best of all possible worlds all the planet’s nations would be extending their help to Japan – as an issue of vital necessity for the survival of the Human Race.
I remain highly impressed by the high level of discussion on the Saker website. Wish I knew you all.
For the Democratic Republics!
IMAGINE – from the musical Lennon
Trump is another crazy fascist — from way back.
Once he went bankrupt, but within a year or so he was worth millions again: that doesn’t happen without being a member of ‘the club’, and no outsider could hope for making that much money in so short a period of time.
You can’t win, you can’t break even, but you CAN get out of the game.
Well said, Peter. Good luck with it-you’ll need it. However, one thing on your side is the old dictum that things that cannot go on, will not go on. The pauperisation immiseration and bondage of the US population in debt peonage has proceeded in lock-step with the increasing control of politics, business and finance in particular, (from the mega-banks down to the pay-day lender bloodsuckers), the MSM and entertainment, by Jews. This reality is unarguable, but banished from public discourse in proof of Voltaire’s dictum that you can judge who runs a society by seeing who it is that criticism of is banned. A determined, nepotistic, infinitely rich but hostile alien elite, whose first loyalty is to themselves and their redoubt in Palestine, has taken over the ruling heights in the USA, and driven US policy, foreign and domestic, since 1963 when the last US President to attempt to control Israel and the financial overlords, paid for it. If there is ever a violent, bloody revolt in the USA against the pitiless overlords, history will be in danger of repeating itself for the umpteenth time. You’d really think that they would learn from history, but their religion and culture inculcates them with boundless contempt for the goyim, and they just seem unable to change their spots.
Mulga Mumblebrain – love that name!!!
Thanks for your feedback.
Our last Constitutional President, John F. Kennedy, drew special attention to those who refuse “to learn from history.”
And as you say ” history will be in danger of repeating itself.” Unfortunately, the repeated history you and Kennedy have warned about, will be of the negative harmful variety.
Stiff upper lip.
Peter, I always find the Sabbat Goyim grovelers’ ‘explanations’ for the ubiquity of Judeophobia throughout history and almost everywhere the Jews have dwelt, contemptibly amusing. One slave in The Guardian tried it a few months ago, very amateurishly. Apparently it NEVER has anything to do with the behaviour of the Jews, or some fraction of their community, it being ALWAYS the fault of the others, who are gripped by some inexplicable hatred, but probably based on mere envy.
The way the process works in the ‘antisemitism'(TM) Industry is to straight out assert that any criticism of the behaviour of any Jew anywhere, is always based on the bigotry of the complainant, not the actions of the Jew in question. In fact it explicitly asserts a worldview where the Jews, all of them, everywhere and always, are incapable of any sin, crime, misdemeanour, even error or mistake. They are, indeed, ‘the aristocrats of humanity’. The process reaches its filthy nadir when the Israelis go on one of their child-murdering orgies in Gaza, and those who dare protest are subjected to a slimy tsunami of villainous abuse as ‘antisemites'(TM).
Any sane and decent person will not hate all Jews simply for being Jews, seeing as their community is more or less as diverse and varied as any other, some Jews being good, some bad, some indifferent, and act in different ways at different times while under external influences, or while changing as individuals. And no decent person would wish that the Jews suffer either another Shoah or pogrom, or the sort of horror that they are inflicting on the Gazans and on their neighbours.
Unfortunately the evil ones amongst Jewry, the Satanyahoos and the religious and secular Right, are as hateful and vicious a group as ever have existed. Their capacity for brutality, callous sadism and racist savagery is prodigious. The comparison to the Nazis is utterly apt, the brutal racist and supremacist ideology being identical. Not to say so is moral cowardice, but also plays into their hands, because the essence of unameliorated Judaism, the Judaism of the ultra-orthodox and orthodox and of the Likudnik/Jabotinsky fascists, is hatred of the goyim. These creatures have always invited, incited and welcomed anti-Jewish sentiments because it justifies their antigoyite hatred and consolidates their chauvinistic and jingoistic positions and prejudices. This vicious circle has been seen throughout history, and is in full flow again, with gutless Sabbat Goyim moral imbeciles complicit all the way. The victims, so far, have been millions of Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Sudanese, Libyans etc, but, if unresisted, it will consume millions more, including the Israelis.
As Dieudonné says, & I paraphrase, [I don’t want to hear about the holocaust: I want to hear about Jews today.]
I have family in occupied Palestine/Israel (mother’s side). They are land thieves.
The difference between the Zionist terrorists and American exterminators of the Native Americans, is not moral, but a difference dimension in time. Within America, most of the genocide is done, whereas in Palestine, it is ongoing.
The firebombing of a Palestinian home last week, and murder of a small child, is sold by the imperialist media – as being a “reprisal.” but, Palestinian resistance is labeled “Terrorism.” In propaganda, timing (chronology, or the lack of it), is everything.
The Old Testament describes the extermination of every man, woman, and child in Jericho. There is a song sung in most Christian Churches, as well as Jewish Temples, that memorializes and celebrates the event. Furthermore, there is more testimony to Jewish/Zionist? aggression and extermination of the original inhabitants of Palestine in the Old Testament. The Zionists are proud of their early holocaust against the indigenous inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent. Here, in this time dimension, they cannot justify their actions by their victimization by Europe’s Fascists, 2000 years later. They don’t bother about facts, just possessions.
Furthermore, the Egyptian monuments were build with free Egyptian (paid) labor, and not with non-existing Jewish slaves as was portrayed for the 37th time in a recent Hollywood Movie.
The Rothschild Zionists dream of possessing a vast empire, and circulate maps of a “Greater Israel” that extends from the Nile, to the Euphrates.
Yet, Jews are no worse than anyone else. They happen to be placed currently at the top of the food chain, and they are acting out Orwell’s depiction of – “a Boot stamping on a human face…”
It seems Churchill and Truman cooked up the EU and NATO.
“In 1922, the Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian aristocrat and Freemason, founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) together with the last Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia, of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galizia, Lodomeria and Illyria, Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius von Habsburg (better remembered as Otto von Habsburg),”
Otto did this when he was 10? He must have been very precocious.
‘A race of nobility’, eh. I can add that to the list of their modest self-descriptions, ‘Eternal People’, ‘Treasured Nation’, ‘God’s Chosen People’ and the latest, gleaned from reading about ‘Judea’s Declaration of War on Germany’ the global Jewish economic war declared in March 1933, designed to ‘bring Germany down’ by boycotts, seizure of German asserts overseas and subversion of Germany’s ability to pay its Versailles reparations. It is the humble observation of Samuel Untermyer a New York City ‘power-broker’ that the Jews are ‘..the aristocrats of humanity’.
Undoubtedly some Jews are human aristocrats, just as some Zulus, Tuvans, Swedenborgians and members of other groups are. One immediately thinks of Einstein, Hepzibah Menuhin, David Oistrakh, Noam Chomsky etc, but there are certainly just as many Jewish shits, too, too numerous to mention here. The narcissism of Judaic supremacism is not a good look.
I see a lot of posting on the blog about NATO attacking Russia, and what would be the results. I have a slightly different opinion than the ones I’ve seen. I think history shows that they might be that insane. I do, doubt it now though. I think we’ll have to see a great propaganda build up first.Once we start seeing that,then I’ll worry. Some would say “but they already are doing that”.No! They are doing the “demonization” phase of the propaganda.But not the “we are left with no choice,unless Russians change their actions” phase. There is a set schedule to the US aggression in the World.First,you demonize your enemy.Second,you tell the World you have no choice but to “defend” yourself against that “demon”.Third,you attack.They’ve always used that plan,it works,so they don’t change it.The US “must” show their people and the West,that they are the “reasonable good guys”.Only “forced” into wars because of the “evildoers” unreasonableness.Otherwise they’d be exposed as the aggressive warmonger’s they are,and that is a criminal offense under the UN Charter.As well as it would lose them a lot of support ,even inside the US.
But what would be the results of an attack,if they did make one? That in my opinion would depend on whether it was conventional or nuclear.If it was nuclear,then the scenario is easy to predict.NATO will strike at Russia,and Russia will strike back.With all the countries on both sides destroyed,no winners all losers.A conventional war is far more complicated.And during that war,the threat of it going nuclear at anytime would be there.The only hope would be that neither side would want to see themselves destroyed totally (winning or losing doesn’t always entail your total destruction) and so hesitate to use those weapons.
In a conventional war there is a possibility of several,co-called “theaters” of war.I’d say here, those are,European (the most likely),Middle-East (also possible),Arctic,and Pacific.And then there are the sides? All the NATO countries would probably start out on the US side.With the strong possibility of Australia and New Zealand as well.Japan is a possibility too,but more a “not sure”.On Russia’s side,that’s more tricky.I suspect Belarus,and Kazakhstan,but I’m not sure.At the least,they would be neutral to start.China and Iran,to start, are almost certain to declare neutrality.And I’m thinking most every other country in the World would declare neutrality if they can.So pretty much Russia will be as always, with her only real allies her, “army and navy”, as Alexander III said.
In the Arctic,I don’t see a possibility of NATO effecting an invasion.I see that theater as one of naval warfare.And possible small scale special forces attacks.The landscape,and climate would make a NATO successful invasion very “iffy” at best.The Pacific theater is also problematic for both sides.Russia has the “tyranny” of distance in her favor there.Any invasion attempt would run up against strong defense.And if successful,would leave NATO forces stuck in a very hostile landscape thousands of miles from Russia’s heartland.Under constant attack from committed Partisan units.But more importantly,it would leave NATO forces near China’s borders.And the Chinese would have to ask themselves if it was not fatal to them for NATO to have control of thousands of miles of China’s Northern border.And if the answer is (correctly) that its a horrible idea.It might push them into the war on Russia’s side.Changing the entire scope of the war.And destroying that entire NATO Pacific force.So I see the war in the Pacific as being much like the Arctic war.Except with much more sea action on both sides.
The Middle Eastern theater is also problematic.To get to Russia large NATO forces would need to cross several countries.And their nearest sea supply is a long way away.Unless Turkey is involved (which isn’t a given) they would have almost a “Mission Impossible” even trying that.The reasons I said that Turkey isn’t a definite for NATO are several.Turkey has a lot to lose by actually fighting for NATO against Russia.She is surrounded by enemies that would love to feast on her carcass if she was defeated.As well as strong internal elements that would like to carve her up.They joined NATO for protection against what they thought was a Soviet threat.Not to actually have to fight a war,but to prevent one.Seeing that they would risk so much in a war against Russia.I’m not sure they would actually take an active part.And Without Turkey leading the way,there is no “Middle East theater” possible,in my opinion.
Now of course we come to the “big dog”,the European theater.Russia has been invaded countless times from there.So every Russian military strategist should know that area almost to the last tree.And have gamed over and over how to counter an attack from there.It might be good to look at Europe as a whole.To see the possibilities there.First we can take the non-NATO states.In the North we have Sweden and Finland.They are both somewhat pro-NATO,Sweden very,Finland less so.But they have pro-NATO governments.I think at first they might be neutral.Playing the “wait and see” game.But Russia will still need to have them targeted in case they decide join NATO.So that means Russian defenses in the St Petersburg and Karelian areas and Kola will need to be strong.In the Balkans Bosnia,Serbia,and Macedonia,I don’t see as a problem for Russia.NATO can never trust all the populations there (in half of Bosnia,nor Serbia and Macedonia) to be anti-Russian.So if anything they are a “5th column” against NATO in the Balkans.Switzerland,is Switzerland,they will declare neutrality.As to the NATO countries themselves.Opinion polls show that the NATO propaganda isn’t working as well as they would like.So many people in those countries aren’t falling for that propaganda.And less than 50% in most of them say they would support war against Russia.That of course doesn’t mean they wouldn’t go to war.But it does mean a defeat could very well bring on regime change quickly in those countries.Taken all together NATO forces out number Russians easily.But the only ones that would be committed to fighting are the US,Canada,and probably Britain.The US and Canada are far away.And moving millions of men and equipment (let alone raising an army of millions for the war) is a big job.While Britain has trouble with their military as it is.Doubling or tripling it would be very hard to do.The main enemy forces faced by Russia to start would be the small US/British contingents in Europe and a hodgepodge of units from Western European militarizes. As well as Polish,Baltic,Romanian units (the main Russophobic states).I suspect they would try an advance on Kaliningrad or through Ukraine (or both).If those are beaten back (I suspect they would be) Russia would probably occupy the Baltic States at once.Once there the smartest move would be to immediately replace those governments with pro-Russian,neutralist,politicians.Having them declare those countries neutral,and withdraw Russian troops.That would accomplish several things.Free up Russian occupation troops,and show other states in Europe that Russia isn’t interested in annexing them.Russia will need to “take out” those ABM sites in Poland and Romania.And after clearing NATO troops from Ukraine (and setting up a pro-Russian government in Kiev.Probably with help from the NAF doing security) move on into Poland and Romania.I don’t see any way around defeating them, and replacing their regimes.With a temporary occupation needed.By then the EU/NATO should be in turmoil.It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see Hungary,Slovakia,Bulgaria,Greece,and possibly the Czech Republic withdraw from NATO and declare neutrality.Spain,Portugal,Italy,and possibly France should also be on the edge.It that happens,Serbia (possibly Macedonia as well) is very likely to openly side with Russia and welcome Russian troops.Together they would attack Albania (and Kosovo) expelling NATO forces there and occupying them.That should cause a fateful jump by Italy (and probably Spain and Portugal) to dump NATO membership and declare neutrality.While further North,Russian forces massing on the Oder River for an invasion of Germany should cause the same effect in Germany, France and the Benelux countries.And as well as the troop movements, the propaganda should also be moving,”we don’t want to fight you”,”surrender,drop NATO and declare neutrality,save yourselves from this US war on your soil”,etc.As NATO spins apart, more and more countries around the World will turn against the US Empire.And if Russia is smart they would then “beg” China to use their “good offices” to arrange a peace.The price of that peace would be the end of NATO.And the neutrality of Europe,minus Britain.I don’t see them deserting the Empire. But still the neutrality of most of Europe would assure Russia of security from another European attack.The multi-polar World would continue on its path.And the US would be forced to become just a normal “great power state”.And give up the quest for World domination.The shock of that would be likely to cause a “regime change” in the US.
Scotland and Ireland are done with Britains ‘Greatness’ and maybe England and Wales too apart from the south east, ie London. If it survives it may get to stay as some Monacoesque financial principality. Europe will only be free when the Yankee navy stays on their own eastern seaboard faced 5,000 miles away by the Eurasian navy on Europes western seaboard. In fact a Putinesque judo move will flip this surrounding of Russia and China so that Canada and the US end up being the ones boxed in from their East in the atlantic, their west in the pacific, their north via the arctic and their south in central america. Tectonic shifts await us all, let’s hope that Vlad, Xi and their pals are up earlier in the morning than the neocon halfwits.
@ Anonymous on July 29, 2015 · at 8:21 am
Currently, the Republic of Ireland is the only non-NATO nation-state in the whole of Europe. The prospect of being aligned with NATO was what defeated the first Lisbon Treaty. (Of course, the scare tactics by politicians/corporate media ensured a second referendum and the desired result.)
They are currently trying to change public opinion on the subject. The Republic has always been seen as a problematic ‘back-door’ by the British Establishment, ever since it took advantage of WWII to obtain independence.
Cameron has been instructed to woo the Republic. There have been a rash of Royal PR visits as well as corporate media attacks on the Republican political party, Sinn Fein.
But the current cookie-cutter neo-liberal government is in hot water over the privatization-by-stealth of the water infrastructures: the company that was set up is actually half-owned by British Gas.
The anti-water privatization nationwide protest movement transcended political allegiance: it will likely activate at any attempt to drag the Republic into NATO. Even the conservatives, traditionally hostile to republican socialism will not accept NATO.
There have been some feeble ‘The Russians are coming! The Russiansare coming!’ bleatings from Irish corporate media (Russians fighter jets seen off the West coast) but they gained no traction. (Interesting factoid: Russian is the most popular language after Irish to acquire as a second language.)
Some Irish American billionaires are hoping to manipulate the younger generation – they are active in media and politics – to Russophobia (probably through the LGBT platform) but I don’t think they’ll have much success : gay marriage was a once-off, mainly because not enough people cared to protest. But NATO would be a different matter. No amount of ‘heritage/roots’ propaganda will get around it. Particularly as most know about NATO being essentially a tool of American foreign policy.
With Scotland going nationalist, the Welsh traditionally hostile to Westminster, the UK too is far from being a stable, controllable NATO member: and that’s before we even mention the English working class, decimated middle class who are quite likely to dig their heels in if Cameron tries a Tony Blair.
Uncle Bob: a very good analysis: Any Spanish or French government which goes to war with Russia via NATO will get lynched by their own populations, sure as death and taxes.
Tiocfaidh ar la :)
Eimar i’m anonymous @ 8.21, who forgot to put his name in. Excellent post good info cheers.
Wow, Uncle Bob, you should make a movie about this before anybody acquires an appetite for such a war. It would be a blockbuster. Nicholas Cage stars as a “doubting” NATO guy who turns to the side of truth in the end, Penelope Cruz is a beautiful rsistance girl from Balkans, etc.
Haha,only if I get to be Penelope Cruz’s love interest. But in all seriousness,that would, I believe be the way a conventional war would need to be fought (and won).
Here is the complete transcript of the interview by Putin to the Swiss media.
Please pay attention to the last sentences of the interview. I think these are addressed also to the Saker community.
Putin: “With your help I would like to address not those who criticize me, but those who support me. I would like to thank them for their support and tell them that we will continue moving ahead together. Primarily I am referring not even to those who paint my portraits, but to those who sympathize with what we are doing and agree with it deep inside.”
The wake up of many people in Europe is going to take some real effort from my personal conversations .From twenty five year olds upwards ,its as if their education from a young age has been hatred towards Russia ,which has often taken me by surprise. The lack of trust is huge.Then of course there is the Media that floods them with twisted truth and medications.Hypothetically if any ripple went down they would be scrambling in fear.As i comprehend the energy with the language Germany runs Poland in Warsaw.
Dear Saker
Your concern is absolutely correct. I have always said before that WAR will happen and then there will be a birth of new and equitable system. But this time the WAR will not happen for the BANKERS but against the bankers and this would be a profound difference than the all the previous wars.
Sanjay, I know I won’t change you…but to glorify nuclear war so that something can be fixed is beyond my scope of imagination. Perhaps glorify is too strong a word, but why not hope for change ? Instead of “after the war”….
the world is so f++++ now that it won’t survive…look at this
Mulga…if you’re there…please watch the above link…it mentions Trump as the only candidate who has even mentioned Fukushima….and I saw a except from an article that says Trump likes Putin…its on RI
Dear Ann/Friends
Glorification of WAR, if it is neccessary to save the cosmos its betterment then it MUST be.
If you see my previous comments I have always said also that the WAR of any kind must be avoided as long as it is possible. But in the end if it has to be for the “Righteousness” then it must be. As a matter of fact of we Hindus don’t like any war and hence it is a record that India never invaded any land for that matter. Even she has a very unique way of handling the “proxy wars and terrorism” if you have noticed. But when it comes to that there is no choice then it is “Mahabharat”.
Even Gandhi said “if he has to choice between Cowardice and War, he would choose War”.
As a matter of Fact the “TRASH”, “THE FILTH created by West at every level”, the torture chambers, GULAGs etc. etc. and now the enslavement of many nations in the name of EU/NATO/EC etc, distruction by the west of many helpless NATIONS, and the list goes on….
Dear Ann, do you really think that there is a hope to get rid of those mentioned above with a peaceful means.
As a example: have you seen a JUNKYARD of automobiles ? Tell me how you would get rid of those? or even simpler, do you have a soln to get rid of the just the TRASH/WASTE created by
McDonald/FastFood ? Let me know. I would appreciate that. These are very simple issues but very serious and devastating consequences. Have you heard the following by a very influential American when he made a statement in the Senate
“To FEED McDonald(to the world) We should use McDonald(Douglus, which makes fighter Aircraft)” ? —
Note: By the way I don’t consume any FastFood unless it is absolutely, absolutely necessary and many things…..I am a Hindu a born Hindu, we don’t like wars of any kind my dear friends. But as I see War will happen. It has to.
well, Catherine Austin Fitts says the there is a choice in front of the world…war…de-population (which is what we’re seeing everywhere and its ‘on purpose’) or CHANGE…
And I’m hoping for the last one…I know I’m probably wrong in hoping for the Presidential candidate in 2016…but if my hope and dreams even come a little true it might represent a small change….
Sanjay, do you think Trump might fix Fukushima ? And be on friendly terms with Putin ?
You may be well-meaning, but I am more concerned about errors of judgment by well meaning but misinformed people than I am by nuclear power plant accidents.
And I am unimpressed by the video. Too much MSM influence and footprints, too little hard science
You are right to hope (but re: Trump, prepare for giant disappointment by a very problematic, probable “gatekeeper” (a gatekeeper pretends independence, captures masses of the dissaffected, as did Ross Perot, then sinks his own campaign and his supporters’ hopes, on cue… for some sort of payoff of money or protection, show of loyalty to the elite…..) and to resist the Sanjay hindu idea of the necessity of destruction before rebirth. In the age of thermonuclear weapons, how about we at least consider being open to evolving out of that sort of cycle? Ummm?
This from a nuclear engineer, FROM INDIA, in regard to Fukushima, commenting about traces of plutonium in soil samples ANYWHERE on earth, in particular, those reported with mass brainwashing intent, in regard to Japan, since Fukushima:
“Traces of Plutonium? Yes, But Why?
The media lies take many forms, and unsuspecting
readers have no way to figure out the truth. One such
was the report that TEPCO found a “trace” of “plutonium,”
a highly unstable element, in the vicinity of the
reactors. Why was plutonium singled out as the element
whose “trace” had been found near these crippled reactors,
as the target of the lying media?
It is because plutonium, even to those who are unaware
of many details about radioactive elements, is
widely known as the material used for nuclear bombs—
the killer stuff.
Now, here is the truth: Traces of plutonium can be
found anywhere in Japanese soil, thanks to nuclear
testing decades ago in the Pacific. In fact, the plutonium
level found here, can be found anywhere in the
world, thanks to atmospheric nuclear bomb tests conducted
decades ago. The International Atomic Energy
Agency, the UN watchdog agency of nuclear power
around the world, pointed out: “Traces of plutonium
are not uncommon in soil, because they were deposited
worldwide during the atmospheric nuclear testing
era,” which ended when such weapons tests were
banned. ”
Without education from a nuclear scientist without an MSM Empire agenda, 99.99% of the public are very vulnerable to Empire scare tactics and won’t go swimming in California. Before you and I go in that direction, I would think we should test the reports against something from real truthful scientists not beholden to being bought by MSM/Empire. Like one or two from Russia that are not disqualified by a 5th column record of political performance.Something like that. There are even some American scientists that will tell the truth, believe it or not.
Gatekeeper, yes; brilliant observation.
“a gatekeeper pretends independence, captures masses of the dissaffected, as did Ross Perot, then sinks his own campaign and his supporters’ hopes, on cue…”
The oligarchs have many tricks; that is another important one.
Those so-called ‘rebel leaders’ who are legitimate, usually die legitimate (Malcalm X, ML King, the Kennedys, Patrice Lumumba, etc., A few others might be given life imprisonment, such as Pedro Albizu Campos, Martin Sostré, possibly Mandella, etc.
From Judas goats to Gatekeepers, to Quislings, and a thousand other tricks. The imperialist Oligarchs have trouble with other Oligarch, or Oligarch like leaders of major nations who possess some human feelings, among those, courage (such as Vladimir Putin) . Others, such as the Novorossyan militia leaders are able to survive as long as they are alert, armed, & have comrades who are armed.
The VISION is the key to liberation. It is the one thing the Oligarchs lack.
Dear Ann/Friends
No, absolutely not. Trump is moraly Bankrupt. US is rotten to the core institutionally. Mark the word “institutionally”. Also you have to see that in US there are no peoples leaders. Absolutely none. It is the Business or Corporate. And the business/Corporate wants a perpetual “Pound of Flesh” or Profit. Hence it has nothing to do with anything else. As a matter of FACT the US/WEST has become an Absolute “SHYLOCK”(The merchant of Venice) and Trump is the pure product of the same system. Only one person comes to my mind is Ralph Nader.
Putin has a very high character and integrity and I do believe that the institution which he and his team has created in post-Yeltsin era also posses those characteristics otherwise he and his system would have been in the dustbin. Believe me or not he is full of Truth. So in a way there is huge fight going on between Righteousness vs Non-righteousness. The non-righteous side wants only one thing and that is absolute surrender and more (that more is moving post which no body knows). Hence there is no soln. The only soln is the liberation from the web. In a way I think that first the LIBERATION of Europe at least the major . I could see their suffocation……..
Remember I asked you all one question about McDonald. Everybody seems to ignore that. As a matter of fact the problem which the world is facing today is a “McDonald” of Astronomical size. So the question remains “how to deal with it?” Can you fix it or for that matter “would McDonald like to fix?”
Sanjay, I didn’t understand your Mcdonald thing…if you’re talking about the food chain, its McDonalds…with an ‘s’…and are you saying that McDonalds is going to feed the world…? Well, if that is what you’re saying, yes…I agree with you that McDonalds will kill the world…but Sanjay, on my island, where I live there is no McDonalds and I have only been in a McDonalds twice in my whole long life.
And I would like you to think about this for a second….did you see that Jesse Ventura video of that incredibly huge bunker in Ozark, Arkansas ? Here is the link….
Ok…now my question…can you imagine Donald Trump living with the other elites for a decade or so in one of those.? I can’t…I think Trump would rather be making money in ‘the real world’
So he wants to stop the nuclear war neo-cons…and he probably has a few billionaire friends that feel likewise who are backing him…
that’s what I hope.
Dear Ann
I really like your hope. However, do you remember the “HOPE” from Obama? and the “NOBEL Prize” for Peace ? I hope you remember those too.
McDonald thing:
Yes I am talking about the food chain and also other McDonald which makes Fighter AirCraft. The saying in US elite is as follows:
“To Feed McDonald use McDonald”. Does this make sense? I “hope” so.
Further explanation: if anyone who doesn’t surrender to empire unconditionally then destroy them.
I’m not saying Trump is the solution to the evil in the world..I’m just saying that he’s a much stronger man than Obama no face…who I never had hope in….Trump is – if it could be possible that he would be elected, which is faint – would bring his own evils into the global world…he’s a bigot I think and anyone with brown not white skin is probably a lesser being…yuck….
But I’m hoping he doesn’t want nuclear war…that’s all…and Fukushima too… he has mentioned and none of the other no-faces have….that’s all.
And by the way Sanjay, that’s very interesting about the airplane company McDonald…no doubt the same entity as McDonalds food chain. yuck…
China is conducting large military exercises in the South China Sea.
NATO will have to crowd into Philippines bases or stay in Australia and maybe NZ.
How they operate from there without all the other ASEAN nations demanding they leave is a mystery.
The Asian Pacific has changed. It is where the wealth is and where global growth will come the fastest.
China will convert 2500 commercial vessels into dual use military vessels. That’s a friggin large and awesome navy. All they need is drones, helos and missiles. The ships already have crews. They’ll give them dual use uniforms and make them PLAN if need be.
This threat of NATO in Central Asia also is dwarfed by SCO. Now India and Pakistan have joined Russia and China. And shortly, Iran will in SCO.
Oh, all supplies would have to come by permission of Russia or Iran or India or Pakistan or China, so I don’t know how NATO would operate in Central Asia.
They have these global wet dreams from time to time in Brussels and Washington.
As for the UN? Veto in the SC by China and Russia. The NATO days are over.
Their last big effort will be ME, Syria. They want Assad out and Syria in pieces.
The question is will Iran and Hezbollah have enough manpower to help the Syria Army?
The zone along that Turkish-Syrian border will be covered in the air by US/NATO planes. They could enlarge that into a no-fly over other areas.
Russia and China have to prevent this encroachment.
The ME is still the most likely place where old interests clash with new interests.
If NATO has a chance to damage Russia, it is in the Syrian war. Russia would lose a client, a port for its Navy, prestige and the calculus with Iran would change.
Putin has tried to get diplomacy to work with the disparate parties. It does not look good.
Judging from their despicable capitulation to the Empire in the UNSC over MH17, it looks like the Evil Empire has captured Malaysia even without the traitor Anwar Ibrahim being required. I imagine Mahatir must be despondent.
Anybody know what’s up w Kat Kan? Haven’t heard from her in awhile.
Penelope, Kat Kan is just away for a bit…she’ll be back….
Q: “Do you think that the people of Europe will ever wake up?”
Some prescient words from “The Matrix” 1999
Love the graph titled “British paranoia”.
Russia gets x2 to x10 more equipment in each category than Britain, while spending just 50% more money overall.
Dear The Saker,
I am glad you have done a piece on this.
Some in the EU are slowly waking up I think with first the French MPs visit to Crimea and now the Italian MP’s saying they will visit Crimea too. Slowly but surely there seems to be a revolt brewing. Hungarian poultry is now allowed back into Russian market – a little sign for those who stand up?
(Watch how the Dutch and Latvia and Estonia now deal with further banning of their food stuffs/flowers – will they push back or r they too weak?)
The cracks are showing. As VVP said “I really wish that Europe would show more independence and sovereignty and was capable of defending her own national interests, the interests of her people and her countries“………..hopefully some have heard that message…….sadly the MSM only highlighted Blatter having Nobel Peace Prize comment from the interview……
“I don’t know about you – but I find that “I hope not” very disturbing, to say the least. Do you think that the people of Europe will ever wake up?”
I may be wrong but I doubt very much that they collectively will, for the following reasons:
1. In recent past, the people of Europe were not seen resisting the so very “exceptional” Empire. Quite the contrary, we have witnessed them walking quite diligently and happily in the Empire’s footsteps. Of course, a De Gaulle knew how to resist, could resist and did: so in 1966, for instance, under de Gaulle, France formally left NATO to pursue its independent course. That European exception, however, only confirms the rule which says that, with regard to said Empire, servility is the European norm.
2. At present, indications are that not only is that European norm fully in effect, but that it has also become more stringent than ever, under the additional tutelage of the hegemonic EU. That means the European people’s sovereignty has been reduced considerably, to the point where even referendums were not only disregarded but overturned, as the “Lisbon treaty” operation has made abundantly clear. In addition, to see the EU institutions operate all too often secretly and behind too many closed doors (the negotiations now taking place frantically between the European Union and the “indispensable” Empire are a case in point) is by no means an encouraging sign that the European norm will be made more flexible anytime soon.
3. Finally, one ought not forget that the people of Europe have been more often asleep than awake during the so-called “Ukrainian (Maidan) crisis” that saw Ukrainian democracy subverted by the same one and only Empire, hand in hand with all its European so-called “allies” and accomplices. To be more specific:
a. popular anti-Nazi movements were nowhere to be seen on the streets of Europe,
b. no protests to speak of ever arose while the Donbass was attacked, destroyed, and its innocent civilians killed or forced to leave for Russia as refugees by the hundreds of thousands; no relief and/or humanitarian aid was ever offered either,
c. we saw no revolt in Europe against any of those absurd, unjustifiable sanctions taken, repeatedly increased and renewed against Russia,
d. I can also confirm that only the faintest sound of an insignificant number of weak voices was most seldom heard, denouncing the indignity of that degrading, vicious anti-Putin/anti-Russian demonization campaign that has been ongoing unceasingly during all that time, and that is still going strong today.
For those reasons and many others yet… were I Russian now, I would not determine my future counting on a European awakening to happen, let alone allow my future and the future of my dearest ones to depend on one. I would rather listen carefully to Publius Flavius and act accordingly, with the greatest determination and courage I could muster: “Si vis pacem, para bellum!”
Yes, if you want peace, brothers and sisters, with all friends and allies, prepare diligently and in earnest for total war!
P.S. Just to say that after sending the above to Russia Insider, where I happened to find your article earlier today, Saker, it came to my mind that should said article have appeared here, it would only be proper that I send my comment to you as well, for publication on your site. Regards always. — LR
I could not agree with you more.
Thank you, I appreciate your taking the time, Uncle.
Hi Saker,
Will people in Europe ever wake up? As a non-european, living in EU, I can say that the most likely answer is No. From what I observe, most people does not even care about the crisis. Before coming here, my feeling was that most people in EU are rational who is interested in evidence and facts. Discussing the Ukraine crisis with my well educated EU colleagues showed me that I am completely wrong. What I saw was a high propensity to think bad about Russia. A feeling that they are more enlightened than others etc. When I point out the examples of disasters caused by them in Iraq, Syria, Libya, their lack of similar concern towards Saudis, Turkey or who ever obeys their order, they do not like it. Sometimes say it is propaganda, sometimes they say we did with good intentions but turned out like that. When asked why then you are supporting such stupid policies in Ukraine they it is Russia and all who fight in Donbass are Russia etc. There is a clear tendency to deny their mistakes and continue to believe why they should interference else where. Of course, these people simply like to believe the thinking promoted by the MSMs here. When tell them that you got your facts wrong, they say it is Russian propaganda. They are happy to be fed with propaganda that will help them avoid their guilt. If the MSM open up, these guys will also change.
Then there are others who do not follow these issues. But they just know that Putin is recreating the soviet union, he is bad, there is no democracy there etc. They are busy with their life and are satisfied with black and white answers that allow them to believe that their government is on the right side.
Finally, there is a small minority who knows the facts and risks and tend to believe that they cannot do much. They are not bothered because their lives are not affected by this and will carry on until there is a direct impact on their life. May be these guys are not realizing that they are playing with fire and think that this will be just like Iraq and Libya which did not impact them at all.
Overall, the situation is pretty bad. The people who is interesting in discussing such matters are the ones who are trying to make me accept that they are right by hook or by crook. The other two are not interested in discussing. The end result is pretty clear.
So, any wishes that people will change here must be set aside. I am convinced that Russia, China and others must resist and develop their economy and security in this hostile environment. Only when these guys know that their attacks are futile, they will come to their senses. Basically, the story is old one, the powerful is trying to crush their resistance.
The number of informed people is growing, the Syrian false flag chemical attack last year failed to deliver the intended result.
Te Guardian si “The Goebbels of London”
I wish the likes of Nuland and the rest of the NATO/EU/Washington regime could be ‘strategically taken out’ – that would be the best thing anyone could do for world peace.
Then the people of the US and EU could start over because they are very slow at waking up.
The header for the article reads: “Britain: MH17 was lead to catastrophe by Americans”. Next time you post, please write something substantial rather than just posting links. (The other link was not functional and has been deleted.)
Leaked conversation of CIA contractors preparing BUK to shoot down MH-17
Thank you, Anonymous, for this valuable link.
I have probably annoyed people already with pointing out repeatedly that crimes like the downing of MH17 are accomplished as rituals that are based on the observation of fetish dates (like the 60th birthday of Angela Rottchild-Schicklgruber on 15-7-17 with MH17 as a birthday present to her, or earlier the bombing of PL101 in Smolensk as a present to the same *$§ for her 10th jubilee as führer of The Party), and that such precise actions need a lot of preparation and precise following of a detailed plan, which in *every* such case (of a spectacular crime pinned to such a fetish date) excludes a chance “accident” or the random effect of “bad weather”, “drunk pilots” or “triggerhappy terrorists firing at everything in sight”.
My reconstructions of such plans have been rebuffed by some as speculation. What has been a mystery until now is, how the finetuning of such a massacre in the making is achieved. And this riddle is now solved by this telephone transcript on There the CIA agent handler “X” aka John ??? and his agent David L.Stern are saying (among other things):
July 1, 2014: (…)
X: (laughs) Great. Remember you should be very careful with “the complex.” Time frames are of crucial importance. You can’t be early. You can’t be late. You’ve got to be just in time. I don’t trust Ukrainians. They are on drugs and drunkards.
David L. Stern: Sure, don’t worry. No problem.
July 4, 2014: (…)
X: Soldiers who work on “the complex”… Buk… Do they know what they are doing?
David L. Stern: We found the best of those available
X: I was a little worrying, that’s it. We were planning it for a long time. If there are any faults… any mistakes… people we work with will never forgive us.
David L. Stern: Yes, sure. I’m doing my best.
X: Very good. I count on you.
MH17 is not exactly the subject here, but the infamy and the methods of the western warmongers are – and here is one of their wunderwaffen: the production of convincing “wonders” just in time: “Everytime we need a case against the Russkies, they to something, exactly then, which proves our accusations to be true.”
The people of Europe will never wake up. No chance.
I lived in Scandinavia for many years, and I can testify that their life-style (which is imperial parasitism and unconditional love for everything Anglo-American, with also having all the media in the hands of Zionists) prevents them to comprehend even the most basic facts about the situation which exist in Europe today. They have ZERO compassion for civilian victims in Novorussia. Zero. I tried to alarm as many of them as possible, but with extremely few inteligent and educated exceptions, the result is the opposite: they hate Russians and Russia more then ever before.
The only people in Europe who are aware of the gravity of the situation are the Serbs. But they are the only people in Europe who stand firmly behind Putin.
So, yes… unfortunately, the war!
Yes, many Serbs support Russia, but not current treacherous puppet pro-US/NATO Vucic regime that imprisoned several brave Serbs who stood along with people of Novorossiya against Ukronazism. This is spit in face of Russia.
At the same time Croats freely fight on junta side in neo-Nazi Azov battalion (this was admitted by Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), let alone “official” soldiers from US, UK and other countries who train and equip Ukronazis so they can kill more pro-Russian population living in the Eastern Ukraine. Disgusting double standards and double moral is a norm for todays West ruled by Zionists.
Dear Wend
You will appreciate this: A Hindu colleague of mine let me share the following from Vedic/Hindu eschatology regarding an era/world-changing final global war (related to the Norse Ragnarok, the Indian/Hindu final war, restart of the eras of man):
“And so now Kalki is being born: the cybernetic final physical manfestation and avatar of the Supreme. He will be part man and part machine and will lead the armies of the world to destroy the adharmic debauch greed-&-murder invested Rajasik forces that will have come to dominate the world.
We will finally have the conclusion of Mahabharata II, the final MahaYudh and the end of Kaliyug. At the end of this war will be born the golden age of truth and enlightenment. And Kalki will depart this world with following words -as he had stated in his previous Avatar on the battlefield of Kurukshetr-: Kaal (time/death/transformation) I am, the Destroyer of Worlds (and/or destroyer of eras). (the real translation of “I am become Death the Destroyer of Worlds”.) Whenever the unjust and adharmic become dominant I will re-manifest in this mortal man-like coil to transform (destroy or rehabilitate) the demonic and restore balance and righteousness (dharm) to the world of Man. [the material Universe being the least of energies and the illusory ‘surface’ of my creation.]”
My how this contrasts with the Biblical end times narrative I was taught growing up.
I don’t know whether these various forces that seem to be leading to collision between the BRICS and fascist elements of the NATO/EU will succeed in triggering a hot global war. However, if they do, it will be a world transforming event. Somehow I really doubt that cowards in Westminster and the other stuffed shirts in the EU/Atlantic establishment have guts to do it (they’re too weak and materialistic to risk their own future). However, when you reveal the callous and ignorant attitudes of people you’ve met in sweden and their callous disregard for the atrocities commited against the people of Donbass, that is sad and makes one think that things could snowball out of control (with a brainwashed population allowing a criminal/inept/egotistical EU political class from escalating tension without opposition from a thinking electorate).
” However, it will be a world transforming event. ”
Let it be so!
I believe in Kalki anyway. But I am not sure when he is going to appear.
now i think i understand what Empire is doing. they don’t need oil and money. spreading chaos, ruining countries, societies as wide it can to prevent any alliance in future final showdown with Russia & China. Empire can exist only in present “constelation” of global relationships. Empire has EU vasal states and that is enough in any usable scenario. Russia and China will be alone in near future. i think Russia has wrong calculation expecting it will strenghten more for year or two. for year or two will be too late. for year or two Russia will be strong and alone. russian soldier will have to die again in big numbers. time is definitely NOT on russian side.
Who are the russians going to fight?
The europeans are not motivated to fight anybody. Neither are the americans. (In large numbers)
Perpetual low intensity conflicts are more likely. The weapons industry then provides profits and competion never has peace to rise up.
Things like biological warfare, covert sterilization and such things appear to be a genuine possibility what regards massdeath. Russias mobilization for war both infowar and all other kinds may make them more safe than europeans. Europeans are paralyzed and in denial about the evil residing in the west.
todays weapon systems are extremely effective. low level or hi level war is irrelevant. 3/4 of all war victims are civilians. Iraq, Syria, ex Yugoslavia. any conflict in last decade. now Ukraine. premise of civilians that they will be left aside in conflicts is dangerous and very stupid. because they will be not. civilians are soldiers just without weapon. that is the way ALL military in the world including US army treat civilian population. we saw how americans care about civilians especially weddings and funerals in Iraq and Afghanistan. even now there are voices across Atlantic to organize camps for “radical” americans and europeans who are anti-war. in case of war, they will be exterminated like stray dogs or sent to fight. war time is killing time. it is madness and one who think it will escape is in “fat” delusion. westerners will fight like ukrainians are fighting and die. they will be forced.
Transcript of MH-17 Kill Team
Well, I guss we found out what the “terrorist” bombing in Turkey was all about: most likely, a false flag carried out by Turkey’s intelligence to give a pretext for its current military aggression.
But then, Turkish and Kurdish interests certainly conflict. I don’t know enough about it to care so much– but i do care about Syria; I followed it from Day 1, from the very first Western media lies. I keep thinking of all those brave young Syrian soldiers fighting for their country, for their families and their heritage. I am sick that it is my country that is the ringleader of such great waste and destruction.
Vladimir Putin: “Now I see that the situation has changed. Europe and the United States have come to see the real danger of the extreme manifestations of radicalism and have joined this struggle. We here say ‘better late than never’. However, we have strong hope that not only in this direction, but also on other matters – on regulating the situation in Ukraine and on economic matters – we will maintain a dialogue and achieve mutually acceptable solutions.”
Sometimes I am sickened by the fear that he really believes in a comparative innocence in the motives of the US. I think it is difficult for people to believe in the existence of actual evil.
In part people cannot make evil real to themselves because the usual route for understanding others is to empathize, to project oneself into the other’s shoes. This tends to produce a denial of evil’s existence or a softened view of it.
But there is a more intellectual error which blinds us to its existence: A virtue is that which enables us to gain or keep a value. What we see as virtuous—, what determines the entire structure of our moral code– is the choice of our #1 priority. For most of us, even those who aren’t religious our No. 1 priority, tho we don’t think about it, is not to hurt others. No matter how rushed we are we don’t run people over in our cars, we don’t tell lies to eliminate a rival in love or commerce, we don’t shoot others to steal. We so take for granted this #1 priority that we are scarcely conscious of it, but unconsciously we project some of our own commitment upon the evil-doer.
Like the fish who cannot become conscious of the water in which he swims we can scarcely imagine another #1 priority, another code of morality. The people who are destroying the world have chosen as their #1 priority the desire to put their own group into power over the rest of humanity and then to use us to fulfill their plans and projects. It is a conscious part of their agenda to eliminate the vast majority of our species to ensure their rule and because we are superfluous to their plans.
It is not the case that to imagine evil you must see a diabolically laughing figure saying, “He-he-he, I’m going to destroy this valuable little child.” Rather it is a person who has been initiated into this power group, and his allegiance reinforced thru secret society from adolescence, thru sexual perversion often and other rituals. Membership in The Group gives great reward in wealth and power and prestige. Employees of The Group may receive only financial reward, thru employment and bribery.
The bald-faced lies, the deceit, the murder of millions– all of these are to them virtuous– because they bring closer the #1 goal of the rule of their Group. And I fear Russian naivete.
Penelope…you’ve got to be kidding ….
Penelope, the late, great, sorely missed Rigorous Intuition blog had many revealing posts outlining the prevalence of Satanic and other debauched cabals amongst the leading groups in the West. The omnipresence of paedophilia amongst their crimes is truly shocking. We have seen the recent scandals in the UK, long suppressed by the authorities, surely the tip of the iceberg, and here in Australia we are running a Royal Commission into institutionalised paedophilia, which has, so far, revealed massive child molestation by Government Institutions, Catholic priests, Salvation Army operatives, Jewish yeshivas and, currently, the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Someone, somewhere, values the desecration and brutalisation of children, to some dark purpose. Catholic paederasty, for example, seems certainly to be centuries old, if not millennia. There is something truly diabolical at work in human affairs, and it’s organised, not merely spontaneous.
Well said, Penelope, I happened to express similar views in a comment posted at about the same time as you, and which since then – 12 hours – “awaits moderation”. Does The Saker root out (censor) dissenting views as vigorously as the late Preston James Ph.D.?
After sending this comment I continued thinking about what was still missing in it. Yes, “there is a more intellectual error which blinds us to its existence” – that is namely it. You and I and most people I know would not “tell lies to eliminate a rival in love or commerce” – except, when this is ordered from above and the story plays in Germany: 100% of the Berliners I have come to know living here for some decades will, as a matter of course, join plots to lie you out of business, out of personal relations, out of your home, out of your possessions, if “they” want them to do it “for them”, and “they” are some provincial specimens of “the people who are destroying the world”. One thing that blinds Germans is their overwhelming cowardice, so that for them not “our moral code” is #1, but THEIR moral code – that of self-preservation: “What If I refuse? Will it not be me, then, who will be targeted for being taken out of everything I thought I had as “mine”?” George is completely wrong (at least for Germany) assuming that “there is a small minority who knows the facts and risks and tend to believe that they cannot do much. They are not bothered because their lives are not affected by this…” No, you should do what you can, and all big things are done by many persons so that any one person “cannot do much” – but even this little, or even nothing if you let yourself be stopped before doing something worthwile, is meticulously recorded and brought against you (in germany) – obviously never directly, but by stabbing you in the back, and this stabbing is done by hired ahnds, “friends”, “justice” personnel etc. Even only wanting to do good will break your neck… unless, of course, you let yourself be recruited by “them”, after which you will have to act upon orders. Everybody does that (in Germany), they don’t se anything to be ashamed of.
However, there is a more important reason for the general moral blindness within the freewest: system overload. The territory the enemy (wisely guided by the jesuits) seeks to conquer first are the heads, the brains of the natives of the freewest. These – our – brains seem to be organized like computer hard disks (or the other way round), so that there is space (“one partition”) reserved for The System, another portion for merrymaking, one for planning the next vacation etc, and another restricted space for Morals. Once it is filled – and the wise patres look to it to fill this space first – it simply cannot accept more input… unless your throw out something else… but why should you: what is inside has been approved by the authorities while the challenger is a nobody at best and a suspect in most cases (“poor/filthy victim of Russian propaganda”). The Swedes would not murder kids themselves, but when you tell them that the murder of kids at Donbass is an outrage, their system looks up “Donbass” and finds what has been pumped into it already and sealed with a dozen stamps of “high credibility”, “highest moral authority” etc. So, these people are “so closed” instead of “open” for the flow of ideas and information, they live, like maniacs and autists, “in a world…”, no, not “of their own”, but of their and our enemies aka in the matrix, which those in it cannot see better than the fish the water.
Since Indian wisdom creeps through all of these comments, I’d like to hear more from the experts about one thing I read ages ago somewhere, which said that those old wise Indians were asked about methods of warfaring and what about the worth of propaganda for it? At that they started lamenting, that this is the most terrible weapon of them all, it was therefore under lock for eternity, but now someone set it free…
Is there a quotable source to this?
We used to say “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words alone can’t hurt me”
which was mostly never true, but the point is, that one has the potential to deflect words. This is a spiritual power, or one could say mental strength, or freedom that one can aspire to.
Maybe Russia, a different country and consciousness than the West, has a more innate ability to withstand “words” as propaganda, than the West; they are a rather resilient people after all… also, this might even give them a certain naivety.
It is helpful to try and understand the make up of different people, we are not all the same! Dostoevsky’s The Idiot is very good for understanding something of the true nature of the Russian people, in my 2 cents humblest opinion.
The best example is Chanakya the great Indian Brahmin who defeated Alexander the “pervert”……
Yes, Propaganda is one of the worst weapons. But in the end it is the TRUTH which would conquer. Their would be two Party. One the party with Truth and propaganda and the second party with “untruth and propanda”. Because it is a WAR. So in the end the party with “Truth/righteousness and propaganda” would win. As a matter of fact one has to counter the Propaganda War too.
Makes sense !!!! Today in my opinion Mr Putin is the Chanakya.
I do not know about the people of Europe waking up but think it has begun all over the continent. The Greek “No!” expresses how awake Europe has become. Italy is facing elimination, believe it or not.
All Spain’s promising educated young left Spain over 6 years ago, all of them. They went to South America and are BRICS members now.
It is the children of the gray hairs who are on fire.They all know. Their children are growing into the realization there are no jobs for them.That Europe’s future as an American “ally” is many many lost generations and evisceration of ancient cultures.
America Special Forces are all over every European country emptying archives, national archives, in all libraries and ancient Universities, gutting them. and it’s offshoota are all right on. It is the US controlled media and Apple and Microsoft, NSA and CIA who lead the way to the doom of our kids. The I-Phones selling like hotcakes in China with their direct links to the NSA and the storage facilities in Utah. US/EU/Germany plan to soften up China by gathering everything for years if not generations and using it with criminal precision … for years too….until……….China too is toast like the EU now.
The US CIA worked on bringing down Europe since before the end of WW11. One important person or piece of the puzzle Europe was to them, one after the other. The brilliant young men given this job earned massive sums and power unlimited. In turn they gave away their souls and extended families. In our case a family going back almost one thousand years. US specialty is erasing history. Greed has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Russia & Putin and the project Eurasia have many friends and supporters in Eastern Europe. Unfortunately atlantist censorship, media and internet manipulation makes communication difficult with Russians.
Very happily sleep safe with a relieve, with prayers and God residing in my heart, knowingly God is incharge and in control of all things He knows who is right and who is wrong, we cannot inform or instruct Him.
He knows who to side with, God does not grant Devine Power to Unholy and no one else, but the pure hearted, lovingly obedient, trying to mend things and follow on the path of Path Of Righteousness. Then God Grants Holiness to those ONLY WHO have THE BREED IN PURSUIT OF HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS and “Seeking companioship of The Most High” Saint Seraphim of SAROV. When God Grants to HIS CHILDREN The Holiest
Ones. It is unlimited POWER and overwhelmingly most powerfully.
Europe, NATO & USA let them dream only, of their conceited wisdom, they have the right for that, let the dead already burry their own dead.
Let them “Scramble for Europe”* the ghosts of the past dead scattered* around the world in unmarked graves never sleep, until some kind of mark is carved onto their grave stones, that mark for their names is Justice. Those ghosts have come back to haunt Europe and the US with vengeance.
* “Scramble for Africa” ~~~~~ by Thomas Pakhenham.
** Societies* and Populations around the world was deliberately murdered, terminated and vanished for no other reason but to steal, kill and destroy. In pursuit of material gains and perishables.
*** Christendom flourishing Church North African Donatist Church with more than 700 cities of flourishing True Christianity and Eastern Church besieged from all sides with an army of desert dwellers, suddenly equipped an armada of ships and sailors.
Where on earth did they learn to sail, built ships and trained in sea and navy warfare?
It is irrefutable ISIS then and ISIS now.