This analysis was written for the Unz Review.
First, my writing on the wall
In October of last year a wrote an analysis I entitled The USA are about to face the worst crisis of their history and how Putin’s example might inspire Trump and I think that this is a good time to revisit it now. I began the analysis by looking at the calamities which would befall the United States if Hillary was elected. Since this did not happen (thank God!), we can safely ignore that part and look at my prediction of what would happen if Trump was elected. Here is what I wrote:
Trump wins. Problem: he will be completely alone. The Neocons have a total, repeat total, control of the Congress, the media, banking and finance, and the courts. From Clinton to Clinton they have deeply infiltrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and the three letter agencies. The Fed is their stronghold. How in the world will Trump deal with these rabid “crazies in the basement“? Consider the vicious hate campaign which all these “personalities” (from actors, to politicians to reporters) have unleashed against Trump – they have burned their bridges, they know that they will lose it all if Trump wins (and, if he proves to be an easy pushover his election will make no difference anyway). The Neocons have nothing to lose and they will fight to the very last one. What could Trump possibly do to get anything done if he is surrounded by Neocons and their agents of influence? Bring in an entirely different team? How is he going to vet them? His first choice was to take Pence as a VP – a disaster (he is already sabotaging Trump on Syria and the elections outcome). I *dread* the hear whom Trump will appoint as a White House Chief of Staff as I am afraid that just to appease the Neocons he will appoint some new version of the infamous Rahm Emanuel… And should Trump prove that he has both principles and courage, the Neocons can always “Dallas” him and replace him with Pence. Et voilà!
I went on to suggest that Trump’s only option would be to follow Putin’s example and do the the Neocons what Putin did to the oligarchs. Clearly that did not happen. In fact, one month after the election of Trump I wrote another analysis entitled “The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks!“.
Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA. My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn. Tonight, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation. Trump accepted it. Now let’s immediately get one thing out of the way: Flynn was hardly a saint or a perfect wise man who would single handedly saved the world. That he was not. However, what Flynn was is the cornerstone of Trump’s national security policy. (…) The Neocon run ‘deep state’ has now forced Flynn to resign under the idiotic pretext that he had a telephone conversation, on an open, insecure and clearly monitored, line with the Russian ambassador. And Trump accepted this resignation. Ever since Trump made it to the White House, he has taken blow after blow from the Neocon-run Ziomedia, from Congress, from all the Hollywood doubleplusgoodthinking “stars” and even from European politicians. And Trump took each blow without ever fighting back. Nowhere was his famous “you are fired!” to be seen. But I still had hope. I wanted to hope. I felt that it was my duty to hope. But now Trump has betrayed us all. Again, Flynn was not my hero. But he was, by all accounts, Trump’s hero. And Trump betrayed him. The consequences of this will be immense. For one thing, Trump is now clearly broken. It took the ‘deep state’ only weeks to castrate Trump and to make him bow to the powers that be. Those who would have stood behind Trump will now feel that he will not stand behind them and they will all move back away from him. The Neocons will feel elated by the elimination of their worst enemy and emboldened by this victory they will push on, doubling-down over and over and over again. It’s over, folks, the deep state has won.
I then concluded that the consequences of this victory would catastrophic for the United States:
In their hate-filled rage against Trump and the American people (aka “the basket of deplorables”) the Neocons have had to show their true face. By their rejection of the outcome of the elections, by their riots, their demonization of Trump, the Neocons have shown two crucial things: first, that the US democracy is a sad joke and that they, the Neocons, are an occupation regime which rules against the will of the American people. In other words, just like Israel, the USA has no legitimacy left. And since, just like Israel, the USA are unable to frighten their enemies, they are basically left with nothing, no legitimacy, no ability to coerce. So yes, the Neocons have won. But their victory is removes the last chance for the US to avoid a collapse.
I think that what we are seeing today are the first signs of the impending collapse.
The symptoms of the agony
- Externally, the US foreign policy is basically “frozen” and in lieu of a foreign policy we now only have a long series of empty threats hurled at a list of demonized countries which are now promised “fire and brimstone” should they dare to disobey Uncle Sam. While this makes for good headlines, this does not qualify as a “policy” of any kind (I discussed this issue at length during my recent interview with SouthFront). And then there is Congress which has basically stripped Trump from his powers to conduct foreign policy. This bizarre, and illegal, form of a “vote of no-confidence” further hammers in the message that Trump is either a madman, a traitor, or both.
- Internally, the latest riots in Charlottesville now being blamed on Trump who, after being a Putin agent is now further demonized as some kind of Nazi (see Paul Craig Roberts’ first and second warnings about this dynamic)
- Organizationally, it is clear that Trump is surrounded by enemies as illustrated by the absolutely outrageous fact that he can’t even talk to a foreign head of state without having the transcript of his conversation leaked to the Ziomedia.
I believe that these all are preparatory steps to trigger a major crisis and use it to remove Trump, either by a process of impeachment, or by force under the pretext of some crisis. Just look at the message which the Ziomedia has been hammering into the brains of the US population.
The psychological preparation for the forthcoming coup: scaring them all to death
Here are three very telling examples taken from Newsweek’s front page:
Ask yourself, what is the message here?
Trump is a traitor, he works for Putin, Putin wants to destroy democracy in the United States and these two men together are the most dangerous men on the planet. This is a “plot against America“, no less!
Not bad, right?
“They” are clearly out there go get “us” and “we” are all in terrible danger: Kim Jong-un is about to declare nuclear war on the USA, Xi and Putin are threatening the world with their armies, and “our” own President came to power courtesy of the “Russian KGB” and “Putin’s hackers”, he now works for the Russians, he is also clearly a Nazi, a White supremacist, a racist and, possibly, a “new Hitler” (as is Putin, of course!).
And then, there are those truly scary Mooslims and Aye-rabs who apparently want only two things in life: destroy “our way of life” and kill all the “infidels”. This is why we need the TSA, 16 intelligence agencies and militarized police SWAT teams everywhere: in case the terrorists come to get us where we live.
Dangerous international consequences
This would all be rather funny if it was not also extremely dangerous. For one thing, the US is really poking at a dangerous foe when it constantly tries to scare Kim Jong-un and the DPRK leadership. No, not because of the North Korean nukes (which are probably not real nuclear capable ICBMs but a not necessarily compatible combination of nuclear ‘devices’ and intermediate range ballistic missiles) but because of the huge and hard to destroy conventional North Korean military. The real threat are not missiles, but a deadly combination of conventional artillery and special forces which present very little danger to the USA or the US military, but which present a huge threat for the population of Seoul and the northern section of South Korea. Nukes, in whatever form, are really only an added problem, a toxic “icing” on an already very dangerous ‘conventional cake’.
[Sidebar – a real life nightmare: Now, if you *really* want to terrify yourself and stay awake all night then consider the following. While I personally believe that Kim Jong-un is not insane and that the main objective of the North Korean leadership is to avoid a war at all costs, what if I am wrong? What if those who say that the North Korean leaders are totally insane are right? Or, which I think is much more likely, what if Kim Jong-un and the North Korean leaders came to the conclusion that they have nothing to lose, that the Americans are going to kill them all, along with their families and friends? What could they, in theory, do if truly desperate? Well, let me tell you: forget about Guam; think Tokyo! Indeed, while the DPRK could devastate Seoul with old fashioned artillery systems, DPRK missiles are probably capable of striking Tokyo or the Keihanshin region encompassing Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe including the key industries of the Hanshin Industrial Region. The Greater Tokyo area (Kanto region) and the Keihanshin region are very densely populated (37 and 20 million people respectively) and contain an immense number of industries, many of which would produce an ecological disaster of immense proportions if hit by missiles. Not only that, but a strike on the key economic and financial nodes of Japan would probably result in a 9-11 kind of international economic collapse. So if the North Koreans wanted to really, really hurt the Americans what they could do is strike Seoul, and key cities in Japan resulting in a huge political crisis for the entire planet. During the Cold War we used to study the consequences of a Soviet strike against Japan and the conclusion was always the same: Japan cannot afford a war of any kind. The Japanese landmass is too small, too densely populated, to rich in lucrative targets and a war lay waste to the entire country. This is still true today, only more so. And just imagine the reaction in South Korea and Japan if some crazy US strike on the DPRK results in Seoul and Tokyo being hit by missiles! The South Koreans have already made their position unambiguously clear, by the way. As for the Japanese, they are officially placing their hopes in missiles (as if technology could mitigate the consequences of insanity!). So yeah, the DPRK is plenty dangerous and pushing them into their last resort is totally irresponsible indeed, nukes or no nukes]
What we are observing now is positive feedback loop in which each move by the Neocons results in a deeper and deeper destabilization of the entire system. Needless to say, this is extremely dangerous and can only result in an eventual catastrophe/collapse. In fact, the signs that the USA are totally loosing control are already all over the place, here are just a few headlines to illustrate this:
- Iran could quit nuclear deal in ‘hours’ if new U.S. sanctions imposed: Rouhani
- Israel: Netanyahu declares support for a Kurdish state
- Syrian forces take 3 more towns en route to Deir ez-Zor in first airborne operation
- Maduro calls for nationwide ‘anti-imperialist’ drills after Trump’s threat of ‘military option’
- Soldiers of the 201st (Russian) base in Tadjikistan have been put on high alert as part of a military exercise
- Confirmed: Turkey to end support for anti-government terrorists in Syria
- Russia Plans Huge Zapad 2017 Military Exercises With Belarus
A French expression goes “when the cat is gone, the mice dance“, and this is exactly what is happening now: the USA is both very weak and basically absent. As for the Armenians, they say “The mouse dreams dreams that would terrify the cat”. Well, the “mice” of the world are dancing and dreaming and simply ignoring the “cat”. Every move the cat makes only makes things worse for him. The world is moving on, while the cat is busy destroying himself.
Dangerous domestic consequences
First on my list would be race riots. In fact, they are already happening all over the United States, but they are rarely presented as such. And I am not talking about the “official” riots of Black Lives Matter, which are bad enough, I am talking about the many mini-riots which the official media is systematically trying to obfuscate. Those interested in this topic should read the book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry by Colin Flaherty which shows that racist attack on Whites by Blacks (aka “polar bear hunting”) are on the rise pretty much all over the county. Likewise, to anybody who stubbornly persists in ignoring the strong correlation between race and crime ought to read Ron Unz’s seminal analysis Race and Crime in America. Now, before some self-appointed thought police volunteer accuses me a racism, I am not saying anything at all about the causes of the racial problems in the United States. I am only saying that racial violence in the USA is severe and rapidly getting much worse.
The second problem which I see threatening the US society is an extremely rapid delegitimization of the entire US political system and, especially, of the Federal government. For decades now Americans have been voting for ‘A’ and each time what they ended up with is ‘non-A’. Examples of that include the famous “read my lips, no new taxes”, of course, but also Obama promises to stop stupid wars and now Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp”. Americans have been lied to for decades and they know it. There is a widening chasm between the so-called “American values” taught in schools and the reality of power. While officially the USA are supposed to stand for democracy, freedom and all the other good things advocated by the Founding Fathers, the disgusting reality is that the USA are in bed with Wahabis, Nazis and Zionists. The all-prevailing hypocrisy of it all now threatens to bring down the entire US political system just as the no less prevailing hypocrisy of the Soviet system brought down the USSR (if interested, you can read more about this topic here). The simple truth is that no regime can survive for too long when it proactively supports the exact opposite of what it officially is supposed to stand for. The result? I have yet to meet an adult American who would sincerely believe that he/she lives in the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. Maybe infants still buy this stuff, but even teenagers know that this is a load of bull.
Third, for all the encouraging statistics about the Dow Jones, unemployment and growth, the reality is that the US society is rapidly transforming itself in a three-tired one: on top, a small number of obscenely rich people, under them, a certain amount of qualified professionals who service the filthy rich and who struggle to maintain a lifestyle which in the past was associated with the middle-class. And then the vast majority of Americans who basically are looking at making “minimal wage plus a little something” and who basically survive by not paying for health insurance, by typically working two jobs, by eating cheap and unhealthy “prolefeed” and by giving up on that which every American worker could enjoy in the 1950s and 1960s (have one parent at home, have paid holidays, a second vacation home, etc.). Americans are mostly hard workers and, so far, most of them are surviving, but they are mostly one paycheck away from seriously bad poverty. A lot of them only make ends meet because they get help from their parents and grand-parents (the same is true of southern Europe, by the way). A large segment of the US population now survives only because of Walmart and the Dollar Store. Once that fails, food stamps are the last option. That, or jail, of course.
Combine all this and you get a potentially extremely explosive situation. No wonder that when so many Americans heard Hillary’s comment about the “basket of deplorables” they took that as declaration of war.
And how do the Neocons plan to deal with all this?
By cracking down on free speech and dissent, of course! What else?
Their only response – repression of course!
YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter – they are all cracking down on “bad” speech which includes pretty much any topic a garden variety self-described ‘liberal’ frowns upon. GoDaddy and Google are even going after domain names. Oh sure, nobody gets thrown in jail for, say, defending the 2nd Amendment, but they get “demonetized” and their accounts simply closed. It’s not the cops cracking down on free speech, it’s “Corporate America”, but the effect is the same. Apparently, the Neocons do not realize that censorship is not a viable strategy in the age of the Internet. Or maybe they do, and they are deliberately trying to trigger a backlash?
Then there is the vilification campaign in the media: unless you are some kind of ‘minority’ you are assumed to be nefarious by birth and guilty of all the evils on the planet. And your leader is Trump, of course, or maybe even Putin himself, vide supra. Christian heterosexual White males better run for cover…
Whatever may be the case, by their manic insistence, on one hand, to humiliate and crush Trump and, on the other, to repress millions of Americans the Neocons are committing a double mistake. First, they are showing their true face and, second, they are subverting the very institutions they are using to control and run this country. That, of course, only further weaken the Neocons and the United States themselves and that further accelerates the positive feedback loop mentioned above which now threatens the entire international system.
Us and them
What makes the gradual collapse of the AngloZionist Empire so uniquely dangerous is that it is by far the biggest and most powerful empire in world history. No empire has ever had the quasi monopoly on power the USA enjoyed since WWII. By any measure, military, economic, political, social, the USA came out of WWII as a giant and while there were ups and downs during the subsequent decades, the collapse of the USSR only reaffirmed what appeared to be the total victory of the United States. In my admittedly subjective opinion, the last competent (no, I did not say ‘good’, I said ‘competent’) US President was George Herbert Walker Bush who, unlike his successors, at least new how to run an Empire. After that, it is all downhill, faster and faster. And if Obama was probably the most incompetent President in US history, Trump will be the first one to be openly lynched while in office. As a result, the AngloZionist Empire is now like a huge freight train which lost its locomotive but which still have an immense momentum pushing it forward even though there is nobody in control any more. The rest of the planet, with the irrelevant exception of the East Europeans, is now scrambling in horror to get out of the path of this out of control train. So far, the tracks (minimal common sense, political realities) are more or less holding, but a crash (political, economic or military) could happen at any moment. And that is very, very scary.
The USA has anywhere between 700 to 1000 military bases worldwide, the entire international financial system is deeply enmeshed with the US economy, the US Dollar is still the only real reserve currency, United States Treasury securities are held by all the key international players (including Russia and China), SWIFT is politically controlled by the USA, the US is the only country in the world that can print as much money as it wants and, last but not least, the US has a huge nuclear arsenal. As a result, a US collapse would threaten everybody and that means that nobody would want to trigger one. The collapse of the Soviet Union threatened the rest of mankind only in one way: by its nuclear arsenal. In contrast, any collapse of the United States would threaten everybody in many different ways.
So the real question now is this: can the rest of the planet prevent a catastrophic collapse of the AngloZionist Empire?
This is the irony of our situation: even though the entire planet is sick and tried of the incompetent arrogance of the AngloZionists, nobody out there wants their Empire to catastrophically collapse. And yet, with the Neocons in power, such a collapse appears inevitable with potentially devastating consequences for everybody.
This is really amazing, think of it: everybody hates the Neocons, not only a majority of the American people, but truly the entire planet. And yet that numerically small group of people has somehow managed to put everybody in danger, including themselves, due to their ugly vindictiveness, infinite arrogance and ideology-induced short-sightedness. That this could ever have happened, and at a planetary scale, is a dramatic testimony to the moral and spiritual decay of our civilization: how did we ever let things get that far?!
And the next obvious question: can we still stop them?
I honestly don’t know. I hope so, but I am not sure. My biggest hope with Trump was that he would be willing to sacrifice the Empire for the sake of the USA (the opposite of what the Neocons are doing: they are willing to sacrifice the USA for the sake of their Empire) and that he would manage a relatively safe and hopefully non-violent transition from Empire to “normal country” for the USA. Clearly, this is ain’t happening. Instead, the Neocons are threatening everybody: the Chinese, the Russians, the North Koreans and the Venezuelans of course, but also the Europeans (economically), the entire Middle-East (via the “only democracy in the Middle-East”), all the developing countries and even the American people. Heck, they are even threatening the US President himself, and in not-so-subtle ways!
So what’s next?
Truly, I don’t know. But my overwhelming sense is that Trump will be removed from office, either for “high crimes and misdemeanors” or for “medical reasons” (they will simply declare him insane and unfit to be the President). Seeing how weak and spineless Trump is, he might even be “convinced” to resign. I don’t see them simply murdering him simply because he is no Kennedy either. After that, Pence comes to power and it will all be presented like a wonderful event, a group-hug of the elites followed by an immediate and merciless crackdown on any form of political opposition or dissent which will immediately be labeled as racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, terrorist, etc. The evil hand of the “Russian KGB” (yes, I know, the KGB was dissolved in 1991) will be found everywhere, especially amongst US libertarians (who will probably the only ones with enough brains to understand what is taking place). The (pseudo-) “Left” will rejoice. Should this course of action result in an unexpected level or resistance, either regional or social, a 9-11 false flag followed by a war will the most likely scenario (why stray away from something which worked so well the first time around?!). Unless the USA decides to re-invade Grenada or give Nauru a much deserved thrashing, any more or less real war will result in a catastrophic failure for the USA at which point the use of nukes by the Neocon crazies might become a very real risk, especially if symbolic US targets such as aircraft carriers are hit (in 1991 when the US sent the 82nd AB to Iraq there was nothing standing between this light infantry force and the Iraqi armored divisions. Had the Iraqis attacked the plan was to use tactical nuclear weapons. Then this was all quickly forgotten).
There is a reason why the Neocons thrive in times of crisis: it allows them to hide behind the mayhem, especially when they are the ones who triggered the mayhem in the first place. This means that as long as the Neocons are anywhere near in power they will never, ever, allow peace to suddenly break out, lest the spotlight be suddenly shined directly upon them. Chaos, wars, crises – this is their natural habitat. Think of it as the by-product of their existence. Eventually, of course, they will be stopped and they will be defeated, like all their predecessors in history. But I shudder when I think of the price mankind will have to pay this time around.
The Saker
Very well done. Powerfully true.
Trump had one shot for protecting himself—Flynn.
Now the jackals are eating at his Presidency.
Empires do crumble and fall.
China and Russia understand this more than any other nations.
They are trying to guide it down.
But more and more it looks like the Twin Towers pancake act , especially if the heart of the beast, Finance, finally chokes on the Hundred Trillions of thin air derivatives and debt.
Ironically and tragically, the neocons won’t let Trump save their economy, at least the America piece of their globalist ponzi scheme.
Well said, 445, very well said.
No empire is forever and the chaos of an empire falling can be vast, in today’s world of instant communication and information any chink in the armor of an empire is instantly known throughout the world. The problem with this vast information network is separating the wheat from the chaff.
We can only hope that Russia and China are successful in their endeavors to make a relatively soft landing for the falling giant. If they can’t it’s going to be a mess the likes of which the world has never seen and this will affect each and every one of us.
When England got into the same indebted fix as the US, with challenges to its empire from vassals and competitors alike, we kicked off WWI. It finished us, of course, save that we handed the baton to the US.
Where does the baton go next?
The baton goes to Moscow, the center of civilization and the Church for the next 1,000 years.
I don’t think so only because the West has dominated the culture for so long and Russia is mostly internal.
There are very few in the West that have seen Russian films or paintings…or maybe even literature. I’ve read Dostoevsky but 90% or more have not.
But everyone has seen American movies. Even the stupid ones.
(especially the stupid ones)
Pravda ! true!
A heavy burden , but Russia does not seek any world domination – it will live and work with neighbours and real friends .
To Asia, to the New Silk Road, running through the heart of Asia.
From China to Russia to Eastern Europe, eventually including Western Europe, Iran & Turkey. Eventually through Afghanistan (once the Empire loses its grip.) And once Modi is ejected from office, India will start to get on board.
This will be the reincarnation of the Golden Age that occurred across the heartland of Asia during the time that Europeans call the Dark Ages, because their countries were so benighted.
I think what you say is right. There will be financial hardship everywhere but the east now has the gold as back up to set things on the right course again if they handle it properly. The east (Russia and China) has had their stupid socialism and will not return to it anytime soon….the US though may head down that road for a while.
Mixed economies (mix of capitalism and socialism) will probably do quite well. Ideally countries would be able to experiment on small scales to create what works for them, rather than conforming to an imposed ism. Socialism works quite well for most European nations’ healthcare and for much more in the Scandinavian states. It worked well in developing the USSR, Cuba, and even Venezuela in terms of alleviating poverty got most.
Socialism is under attack in Europe by neoliberal policies. Austerity policy means cut spending on the 99%, with the ultimate goal of all spending going to the military, police, and intel agencies, to squash any dissent against the neoliberal/neoconservative establishment. Also, they want to sell all public resources to the investor class, who will then charge the public to use land and infrastructure the public paid for!
This is going to being unpopular and sound insane…but the baton *might* go back to England.
London is still head of finance across the globe and any new system would need London and all their conniving across the last hundred or two hundred years.
And there are a lot of English speakers – not Russian, not Chinese – outside England itself.
Culture-wise, language-wise….it still needs to be English.
The Spanish speaking countries are not dominant enough politically or militarily to be considered an option. They haven’t controlled an empire since…Columbus?
I am a Brit and strongly disagree–we are a spent force and, thank the gods, in no position to take on the burdens of Empire or ‘leadership’ again. I’m with Vets for Peace on that— Never Again. London is a finance centre but the rest of the country is an economic basket case. As a people we are raddled, directionless, and in dire need of a rethink.
Conniving, yes. London’s financial centre has been making plentiful overtures to China in recent years though I doubt the welcome is fulsome on China’s part. And that’s where I’d put my money, China, we could do with the change.
where does the baton go next ?
In the early 1900’s, the Bulgarian spiritual leader and visionary Peter Deunov, said that the Germans will be given an opportunity to organize the world. If they fail, then the opportunity will be given to the English speaking people. If they fail, the opportunity will be given to Russia. If Russia fails, then to China…..
Baba Vanga said the 44th American president would be the last and a black man. Maybe she meant the last to stay a full term.
Trump is actually the 44th guy to be US president. Grover Cleveland was president twice.
Good question proper gander, because it’s not clear.
According to Sheikh Imran Hossein, an expert on religious eschatology, Pax Britannica is followed by Pax Americana is followed by Pax Judaica. It could refer to the state of Israel or the Jewish /Zionist element within one or several powerful countries.
“Pax Britannica is followed by Pax Americana is followed by Pax Judaica.” Yes, and each one is worse than the predecessor, Pax Judaica in fact ushering the reign of Antichrist according to many 3rd-5th C. Fathers of the Church.
“Wars are a consequence of sin.” “Pray the Rosary daily for peace.” (Our Lady of Fatima, 1917)
See Knights of the Holy Rosary and Fatima dot org
The English really never ever let go.
Some for good.
Some for not so.
Yes, too many of us are still driving on empty, living on the fast dissipating fumes of past ‘glories’.
That deluded sense of exceptionalism dies hard and slow in the bewitched subjects of Empire, as the US will find out for itself.
proper gander – to your question: “Where does the baton go next?” Answer: up the arse of the entire planet I fear. We are all screwed both by the insanity that has been the U.S. empire and by its impending implosion. There will be no future global ruler like the U.S., acting to orchestrate the plunder of the rest of the planet for ourselves and Western Europe. We will either have a more multi-polar world or we won’t have a habitable world at all one would suspect.
Saker, LarchMonter445, and Auslander:
Yes, the situation is dire.
Yes, it is a difficult dilemma.
But, some kind of a plan of action may be formulated!
Some kind of organization, to disseminate more accurate pictures (constructs/models) of what is really going on, may be implemented from the net.
Augmenting the awareness of the people to what is going on is essential for the fight back.
There are patterns that are being used, just as you (Saker) described the domestic false flag followed by overt war, and blind spots have formed. As you have all noted, they’re not too bright. And they are giddy in their unbelievable success at manipulating the awareness of the majority, and yanking the people around like a bunch of idiots.
Also, in the power lust of the 0.1%, high on ever expanding power consumption, there is fracturing amongst the competing factions, ever the negative sum gain ‘game players’, with all of the power being harvested from the 99%, they are turning their attention to Machiavellian tactics against one another.
There are weaknesses in their patterns and expanding blind spots.
The brain trust must be harnessed to subvert the mechanisms of subversion.
Don’t give up, your cognitive capacity is needed more now than ever before!
The war is on; it’s been on against the 99% for a while, and most people aren’t even aware of it.
When they become aware of it, there will be energy available for direction, and it could be used for beneficial outcomes.
These recent quote(s) from Bannon are interesting.
not that Larchmonter ever needs to have his facts buttressed but, in case anyone thinks he’s exaggerating re the open derivatives contracts that are ” out there “:
The article is a bit dated but something tells me that these numbers have not decreased. And I stress: this is ONE bank
OK, let’s get specific please. The “neocons”–who are they? Can we have names and quotes please? Also their affiliations, publications, and paymasters? Otherwise it’s just generalization.
Thank you.
Not really possible to give a good answer in such a short format but you might consider starting with the Project for the New American Century signatories here:
For neoconservatism in cultural context Kevin MacDonald is good:
For recent historical political involvement of neoconservatives the following reference is useful.
To Jonathan Davis:
Your sources and references are good.
However, what I was getting at is that the term “neoconservatives” is essentially meaningless: using it as though it has meaning is a way of avoiding the issue. Isn’t what we are really talking about the fact that the economic and military power of the U.S. (and Great Britain) has been taken over by the Talmudic Jews whose state allegiance is to Israel and whose spearhead is Mossad? This has been going on for at least two centuries and is coming to a head even as we speak. A better word than “neoconservatives” would be Zionists and all it connotes. Russia, Iran, and China, well know who they are fighting and who plots their downfall.
Trump is one of the neocons and the idea that he is some sort of rebel to the zpc/nwo is a scam.
vt – he wouldn’t be so unpopular if what you say is true.
The buffoon is only unpopular because of the American people who elected him in a landslide. (the pack of lies he told in order to get elected)
vot tak and the Saker seem to be right; the vulgar lying opportunistic mobster just fired Bannon, the very (and last man) who got him elected.
re your vitriol: the other choice was Hillary Clinton. You would’ve wanted that?
“the other choice was Hillary Clinton. You would’ve wanted that?”
“I really believe we should have and still should take out his airfields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them.”
~ Hillary Clinton in an interview with Nicholas Kristof just hours before Trump actually gave the orders to bomb a Syrian airfield
Hillary may be the more experienced warmonger, but Trump’s “anti-establishment” veneer made for a better controlled opposition strategy. Other than that, Hillary and Trump were both bankster pawns. I don’t know why there was even a glimmer of hope that a reality TV celebrity would go to war with the biggest, bloodiest crime cartel in history…
Bannon handed in his resignation on August 7th.
So he wasn’t :just fired. :
My guess is Bannon wanted an ‘insider’ view of the workingings of government, but had no intention of remaining there.
He is mainly concerned with media, and is now back at the helm at BB.
Following a five hour meeting with Mercer, BB ”s main shareholder, he announced he was’ going to war for Trump ‘.
It will be interesting to see how overtly zionist BB remains – like Aipac, I don’t think Bannon is particularly dedicated to the Israelis.
So it will be interesting to see what actions the Trump administration takes to break up the corporate media monopoly – now in full swing over Charlottesville.
That’s right Ann. Trump’s wealth comes from real estate, not neocon sources like the Clinton foundation. If Trump were a neocon the presstitutes wouldn’t be critisizing his every move. He also wouldn’t be getting stabbed in the back by his own party.
“Trump’s wealth comes from real estate…”
“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce… And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”
~ President James Garfield, 1881; Civil War veteran and 2nd assassinated US president
In other words, the success and failure of businesses relies on the banksters. Trump, as an American billionaire, is part of an elite group about the size of Congress. Why would he be allowed into one of their smaller cliques if they were not sure he was one of them…?
“If Trump were a neocon the presstitutes wouldn’t be critisizing his every move.”
If the banksters really wanted to stop Trump, why didn’t they, as the “absolute master of all industry and commerce,” ruin Trump? Why did their mainstream media hand him billions in free “anti-establishment” advertising instead? The banksters knew stupid Goyim were desperate for someone to save them, so they dressed up one of their New York City elites to play the part.
“He also wouldn’t be getting stabbed in the back by his own party.”
Publicly, groups like the “Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency” (ISIS) and Bolshevik Union also received plenty of flak from the banksters. Were they ultimately Khazarian golems? Of course they were. Sometimes that’s how controlled opposition works.
The banksters did think they’d stopped Trump, the polls and their lamestream media told them so. Also, you actually think Congress has allowed Trump into their smaller cliques? You have a interesting take on US politics.
Trump’s not a neocon – yes, OK. But he IS an historical ignoramus and a disastrous administrator, and no kind of [unifying] political leader whatsoever.
I don’t think it’s quite accurate to refer to Trump as a neocon. The neocons are highly ideologically driven political operatives and intellectuals that are tasked with formulating and guiding US foreign policy. Although Trump has shown himself a loyal servant of the globalist oligarchy I am left with the impression that he has no real ideology. His statements on foreign policy during his campaign were all over the map and could be interpreted in almost any way a listener chose. He simply seems to be largely a self-promoter whose main goal is advancing the financial interests of himself and his businesses. He does seem to have a strong political sense and is skilled at telling people what they want to hear.
Agreed. Trump is like a standup comic. When he was campaigning he would try out new material, discarding topics and talking points that didn’t get much of a response, and hammering down the talking points that were well received. What this often meant is topics that were a backlash against liberal ideology were the best received material, hence all kinds of racist, misogynist, anti-immigrant, anti-BLM, screeds that were well-received. The media focused on this a lot. Also well-received were some of the more vague populist ideology like ending NAFTA, bringing back jobs, fixing the crumbling infrastructure, and even some anti-imperialist ideology (though very crude and not at all contextualized) like not participating in nation building. Then there was the typical Republican talking points supporting the religion of Americanism (American exceptionalism) that were also well-received, though mostly this was couched in nostalgic terms. And then there was the last bit of material that Trump used, some of which was picked up the mainstream media, and that was the conspiratorial stuff, some of it occasionally partially true, but most of it laughably false. But it was all eaten up by his base (Pizza Gate and anything that popped out of scary clown comedian Alex Jones’ mouth)
I agree with most in this article, except for the catastrophic collapse part, perhaps I am too young, I did not see USSR collapsed, but it has been my experience, that things very very rarely collapse, instead, what happens is that things just constantly gets worse, and worse and worse. But there is no collapse things just go on even when it has become so awful that people can barely live, all “collapses” and big chances seems to almost exclusively come from outside.
When USA for example funds rebels in other countries, but without this support there is no collapse just a continuously slow degradation.. Ukraine is an example of this, it has become worse then I believe many of us can imagine, with 80% of Ukrainians living in poverty, people proclaim it would collapse over and over again, but it has not..And Without external support or without internal oligarch supports there are no coups and no revolutions.. Despite what people seem to believe, revolutions comes from the top, not the bottom.
People pretty much never “spontaneously ” rise up against an oppressor, they are either funded by an external elite or by a rebellious internal elite, but by themselves, there’s not much hope for any sort of organized uprising from the proles
Ukraine is not collapsing – it has collapsed. Having a credit rating lower than Venezuela and the same as Rwanda isn’t exactly in the best of economic health. This after 3 years of ‘independence’. The basket case is kept functioning (just) by infusions of cash from the IMF and EU taxpayers. Meanwhile, its leader, Poroshenko, commands a single digit support by the voters. Add on to this the breakaway provinces in the east and increasing separatist tensions in the western provinces of Bessarabia and Transcarpathia, which is home to Hungarian and Romanian minorities, and you have an incipient Yugoslavia situation of breakup beckoning. In short Ukraine is simply not viable. It has lost all of its industry in the Don Bass, it is rapidly depopulating (as are most other Eastern European countries) it is ruled (if this is the right word) by imbecilic oligarchs and neo-nazi crazies. It is Europe’s Somalia.
You must have missed what happened in Paris a couple of years ago, when the police chased some teenagers who tried hiding and got electrocuted. Paris was on fire, literally, and the police was powerless. That was just a part of the local youth reacting to relatively mild police brutality with an unfortunate outcome.
But the bucket is full and peoples’ fuses are shorter than ever. One incident too many could cause all big city life in this country to collapse.
Dear Saker,
you are taking the following as sign of the US totally losing control.
“1. Iran could quit nuclear deal in ‘hours’ if new U.S. sanctions imposed: Rouhani
2. Israel: Netanyahu declares support for a Kurdish state
3. Syrian forces take 3 more towns en route to Deir ez-Zor in first airborne operation
4. Maduro calls for nationwide ‘anti-imperialist’ drills after Trump’s threat of ‘military option’
5. Soldiers of the 201st (Russian) base in Tadjikistan have been put on high alert as part of a military exercise
6. Confirmed: Turkey to end support for anti-government terrorists in Syria
7. Russia Plans Huge Zapad 2017 Military Exercises With Belarus”
In fact it’s the neocon part of the US that is losing control. Almost all of these items can be seen as big positives for Russia, for the world and even for the US, at least the non-neocon part of it.
1. Iran does not let itself be intimidated. All the noise from the US administration is mostly for show.
2. OK, this one is not good.
3. Syria is winning and the US Administration is letting it happen without sabotaging it too much.
4. Venezuela does not let itself get intimidated.
5. Russia continues to strengthen. Time is on Russia’s side.
6. Turkey continues to move towards peace in Syria and the US Administration is letting it happen without sabotaging it too much.
7. Russia continues to strengthen. Time is on Russia’s side.
The President is fighting, and he needs support from communities like The Saker!
Good precis ! ‘ Thanks
I don’t have that feeling of Trump getting removed – I suppose I might have blinders on – but I don’t want it to happen – so I’m not thinking it will happen –
He’s still got people behind him – we need to ask Pepe about Mr ‘X’ – I would llke to know what he has to say
Trump still has his main voting bloc behind him.
1) Remember that in the last election, many people voted against the other candidate. Ie, a sizeable number of Trump votes came from people who voted against Hillary, and vice-versa. Opinion polls might be showing that Trump’s approval rating is dropping, but he’s not losing his core support. Its only that its no longer the direct comparision between bad and worse. Thus Trump’s approval rating appears to drop when compared to his voting percentages.
But, there’s no sign at all that the Democrats will offer anything better. They seem to be crushing (again) their left wing that could offer an alternative to the banker-neocon crowd. But the Dem leadership is doubling down on banker money and neocon fantasy, and the one thing we learned in 2016 is that the Dems are a corrupt party that rigs its processes to make sure the leadership gets its way. So, by the time the next elections come around, its rather likely that they’ll repeat their role of being ‘worse’ compared to merely bad.
2) When it comes to opinion polls, why is it that most people seem to realise that CNN and the NYT and the WaPo and the rest regularly lie, but when they print an ‘opinion poll’ everyone suddenly treats that as the absolute truth? Remember, these same polls were lying to everyone before the election and telling everyone that Hillary was a slam-dunk to win. So, I’m not too sure I put a lot of faith in polls that show that Trump’s support is dropping.
Remember, to do any sort of impeachment against Trump, it has to be the Republican controlled House and Senate that do the deed. And yes, there are some Republicans who would consider replacing Trump with Pence. But what we haven’t seen yet is what happens if the Trump base suddenly gets vocal in districts that Trump won telling the Congress to support the President? I’d be shocked in many Republicans don’t have memorized what percent of the vote Trump got in their own districts.
Even the Republican opponents of Trump seem to be vary wary of such a fight, and thus unwilling to join the Democrats in supporting impeachment. Trump does seem to have been somewhat skillful in not creating an open rift between him and the Republicans in Congress and as long as he does, the only talk of removing Trump will stay out with the crazies like Maxine Waters the Corrupt Millionaire (and of course on CNN, which they’ve said they do just for the ratings.)
I agree with you, and with Ann above. It’s just too soon to tell. Trump is showing enormous resilience and elasticity in his moves. I think he’s with the dancers more than with the cat. He’s dancing for his life, but I see him rather more as surviving and establishing endurance day after day, than as going down.
What’s clear as another comment points out, is that amid terrific bluster, the empire is retreating everywhere in the world. This is good. In a way, the bluster is allowing the failures to happen with a certain kind of gentleness, rather than as calamitous shocks. This is good too.
Saker’s scenario of false flag and war may well try to happen. But the neocon playbook is failing everywhere. The odds are at least even that it will fail within the US too. The first 9/11 convinced a lot of people, but a lot of lies have floated to the surface of the river since then. How many will believe the next one?
If collapse is coming, it may equally be the collapse of the playbook.
and yeah, the neocons ‘distract and act’ its actually an AA slogan – but the neocons do it very well – the world falls for it everytime – even if only for a few moments – or days –
And again, I’m hopin’ Trump stays in power.
Call me a demented optimistic but I still have hope for Trump.. My belief was that once he got power, he would start to fire anyone from the old regime and replace them with real conservatives and real nationalists, only allowing the American first people in, and then these people would fire everyone from the old regime under them and replace them with American first people, and the consequence would be that within 1 year, most of the government would have gone from globalist and nationalist.
I then believed he would go after everyone from the old guard, start investigation into everybody, using his new American first loyal organizations, even if there was no corruption to be found investigation would ruin his enemies economically and show that price of opposing Trump, he would have helped all pro-Trump organizations as much as legally possible, while hindered all the anti-Trump organizations as much as legally possible..
And he would sue, oh, how he would sue, he would sue, media he would sue journalist, he would find any reason to turn the states resources against the globalist vermin and he would ruin them economically, anyone that ever called him Nazi would be crushed by lawyers and expenses..
Instead.. He did the exact opposite, he allowed most of the old guard to remain and even hired some new ones, now he and his own team is under investigation by hostile government structure that he left in enemy hands, his own people such as Flynn are being economically ruined by needing to hire lawyers to defend themselves from false claims. .. The big surprise, is that I believe that one of Trumps main selling points in how he could actually defeat the deep-state was that he would FIRE, FIRE people and that he was a good judge of character and would then hire better people.. Instead it seems he was awful and firing people, much worse then Obama, and he was an awful judge of character, and just hired more globalists..
However, my hope is that Trump will actually be pushed by the globalists to do the right thing,
in Charlottesville, he went entirely against the globalist and said both sides were responsible.
My hope is that Trump will finally realize that he cannot work with or appease the deep-state, either he destroys it or it will destroy him utterly. And this is where the firing will begin.
I don’t think the powers that be will let him fire any major player who is on their side. It is not that the media will howl wildly against Trump – that it does in any case and it can’t get worse – it is rather the strong possibility that the courts and the Congress will block him. What can a single man do when no one follows his orders? The Saker’s fears of Trump getting eased out somehow are well founded. By the look of things he has in any case been reduced to a mere figurehead – a figurehead treated as an object of hate and derision. Where the hate doesn’t stick, he is massively laughed off as a buffoon.
Concerning the possibility of a North Korean nuclear attack on Japan, this is the setup for the Mother of all false flags, so please be careful about your speculations for a worst case scenario Saker, lest you inadvertantly help setup conditions for the murder of millions and the inevitable institution of planet-wide martial law.
They did not need me for 911, and they don’t need me today.
Besides, everybody who studied Japan from a military point of view knows all this.
The Saker
The North Korean regime is 100% rational. What concerns it is survival. Period. They will do nothing jeopardize themselves. Nor has anyone demonstrated they have the capability.
What concerns Necon Zionists is creating an adequate level of chaos to ensure their imposition Bolshevik style repression, especially in the United States, occurrs relatively unopposed. They have been seeding the idea of nuclear war triggered by North Korea for 30 years at least.
Remember how they seeded 9/11 by identical means.
This is the plan, I believe, and have for some time. For Zionists it will solve the problem of China by irrradiating it just as it comes into pre eminence. Who would not prefer to escape East Asia after such an catastrophe?
It should not take you no more than 5 seconds of serious consideration to determine only genocidal Zionists would be willing, and believe they could obtain a benefit, humanity be damned, from launching a nuclear strike on Japan.
And just now it occurrs to me Japanese authorities have been ‘excercising’ a nuclear crisis for an extended period of time, since the disaster at Fukushima first occurred in 2011.
A clear expose of the ‘poitical economy’ at work today.
Excellent word “prolefeed” — had forgotten all that … time for a re-read, me thinks.
This civil war in US has been coming for a long time, 20 years and more. The financial collapse of roughly 10 years ago was the harbinger of the troubles that came immediately after and resulted in the total collapse and elimination of the middle class in USA. Yes, some survived but the vast majority are gone, forever broken financially if not spiritually.
I grew up in a different time, I grew up during the pinnacle of American culture and prosperity, the 50’s and 60’s, but by the mid 60’s if one looked one could see the beginnings of trouble even then, 50 years ago. These troubles, mainly social and cultural, stayed pretty much under the radar for another 30 years but grew persistently. By the early 2000’s the signs of pending disaster were there for all to see and many, like me, chose to ignore them as the appearance of endless prosperity and good times was still the veneer of US that everyone saw when they bothered to look. The problem was, and is, that this veneer is barely skin deep and as I type even the veneer is being stripped away to reveal what looks like impending disaster and a collapse of US culture and business plus an ugliness that pales Europe in summer of 1914 and summer of 1936 in comparison.
I had to return to US in ’14 to take care of some loose ends and the change in the scant 6 years from my last visit were palpable and to an extent shocking. Even going through TSA at the aerodrome was a vast change from the last time and since my info in their data systems shows where I live the anger was on the surface for all to see. Suffice it to say it was not a pleasant 15 mikes spent with those worthies. Walking through the aerodrome one is bombarded with a constant stream of announcements, repeated endlessly, of what you can and can not do in and around aerodrome and often what the penalties are if you do not do exactly as you are told to do. The same gig was repeated in ’15 for my latest, and hopefully last, trip back only if anything worse and in a way I was a little surprised that the entire country was not covered with speakers telling everyone what they can, will and will not do. ‘1984’ anyone?
I am not of the ‘educated’ class, I have always worked with my hands regardless of which of my two vocations I was following at the time. However, even I could see right there on the surface and plain to see how much had changed in the few years between the visits. The police and officialdom are no longer ‘how can I help you’ but now very confrontational no matter what you want or need. This in and of itself shows problems in government all the way down to the local level. Or they following orders from On High?
That the end is near for the American Empire is plain to see. As Larchmonter said, and I agree, President Putin and President Xi will do and are doing their level best to have at the very best a soft landing for the now falling super power. I do not know if they will have success but for sure the Empire is deteriorating at an ever increasing rate and this is worrying in the extreme.
For President Trump, it is obvious he is going to be the victim of a blatant and open coup d’etat and I think nothing can save him now, the coup is too well advanced and reaching fruition in the near future. This will give you President Pence and I can assure you the Hillary Diane Rodham will return to power as the elder stateswoman to direct President Pence in his endeavors. I shudder to think of this happening but at this time I’m willing to bet it will happen.
How this will impact ‘the deplorables’ remains to be seen. Will they roll over and quietly ‘die’ or will they fight? The seeds for civil war were planted during President Trump’s campaign with the constant rallies against him which often had violence in attendance. Feelings are running very high in both the civilian populace and the military. The Armed Forces of USA are in a way a microcosm of US culture. Most of the very senior officers can be put in the ‘neocon’ column as can a fair number of field grade officers, major and above. The company grade officers, captain and below, the NCO’s and enlisted men will mainly fall in the ‘deplorable’ column and therein is a potential for problems that could lead to armed conflict in US and to an extent in the hundreds of US bases scattered all over the globe. If the soldiers, sailors and Marines are ordered to go in to conflict with the citizens the question is will they follow those orders? Will the orders be legal under both civilian law and UCMJ?
By law a US serviceman can not obey an illegal order but this has always begged the question of who decides if an order is illegal, the soldiers themselves, the NCO’s who are their direct contact with company grade officers, the company grade officers who are the company contact with the field grade officers or the field grade officers who are the contact with the echelons of power in Pentagon? All it will take at this point in time is one or two trusted by the men senior NCO’S or Captains to refuse a direct order to go in to conflict with the citizens and the real fight will be on. We can only hope, and pray, that in the resulting chaos there will be a patriotic cadre of reliable officers and men who will safeguard the huge monster of nuclear and chemical weapons in service with the armed forces.
Any way you look at it, USA is entering a time of vast internal conflict which has a roughly 99% chance of turning very violent very fast. What a shame, a vast and avoidable shame.
Never The Last One A deep view of Russian Culture.
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol
Hi Aus!
A remark you made: “…By law a US serviceman can not obey an illegal order but th..” minds me of the fact that enlisted servicemen swear one oath, and officers another. These two oaths differ especially in that the enlisted swear to obey orders… Interesting reading.
Obviously the legal requirement to obey the law applies equally…right?
Here we see what the esteemed Mr Clapper might term a “fissure in our tapestry”. As it is obvious that it does not, not inside USA nor especially under UCMJ…
But sure, Aus, some noncoms will questions some stupid order and…presto…what ever the legalistic bit.
Aus’ is right.
A quick google search shows that US military personnel swear to obey the President. If Trump is deposed it could open up a legal loophole to release the servicemen from their oaths. I guess it would all depend on the manner in which Trump is gotten rid of.
Swear to obey lawful orders from the Preznint. The questions remain.
There are 101 ways to question an order from ‘With all due respect, sir…’ ( no respect when said in that form) to ‘Sir, if you do this I’m going to /// your head off and ///// //// it with a 120 mm mortar tube and then I’ll drive a deuce and a half // //// /// and use your //// as chock blocks’. Senior NCO’s have their ways of solving problems with their officers and the methods used depend on the individual officer.
That being said, yes, the oaths for EM’s and officers may be different depending on the time of warrant but the idea is the same, neither officers nor NCO’s nor EM’s can issue or obey an illegal order, that concept went out the window at Nuremburg some moons ago. The question is, will some or all obey an illegal order, especially if it is not issued by the CiC, the legal President? That is a question I can not answer, all commo with old comrades still serving was mutually cut off in late November of last year, ergo I do not have my finger on the pulse of serving military in US.
My thoughts are, however, that things are rapidly coming to a head, witness Bannon’s head being on the chopping block at this moment.
Serbian Girl, in my opinion there is no legal way to depose President Trump. There is an extant, ongoing and heading for fruition coup d’etat against the sitting president of the United States of America and it is entirely possible that the armed forces will refuse to obey and may turn against whoever is chosen to replace him. There may also be a fracture in the US Armed Forces with some obeying the new president and some refusing to acknowledge a coup d’etat and if that is the case it is about 98% probable the fight will be on.
Any way you look at it, the times are of interest and I’m sitting here 7700 miles away and looking on aghast at what is happening.
Auslander, apart from assasination or forced resignation (like Nixon) could there be a Dilma Roussel-like scenario? Would it go through the Supreme court? Trump just appointed a new judge so he has an ally there.
Interesting times indeed!
Good post (as always) but you are overlooking a few things in your prediction that things could get out of hand in the military should Trump be ousted. First of all, don’t underestimate the power of inertia. 99.99% of people 99.99% of times simply flow with the tide. Soldiers, too, are subject to the law of inertia. In most of history, soldiers have mutinied only when wages have remain unpaid or their economic circumstances reduced massively and suddenly. This is quite unlikely to happen, in my perception.
The other cause that in history has pushed soldiers to rebel is when they were put through a prolonged period of great discomfort in very painful environments (exposure to disease etc.) for wars/campaigns that did not involve them emotionally.
As for carnage on civilians: depends on how skilfully the necessary “police action” is sold to the military. In today’s world of mass media and mass propaganda, any idea can be sold. And then again, a coup at home is quite likely to come in a package deal containing threats from abroad, mass hysteria about terrorist dangers at home, and god knows how many other manufactured crisis. The resulting smoke, noise, fear and hysteria should keep divert public attention well away from the power grab and coup going on.
The question remains, at least for me is how many plates can the empire keep in the air at one time?
My best guess is not enough.
Auslander. I’m curious. Why was the communication with your contacts cut? Did animosity arise? Were you concerned with consequences for them for communicating with you? Iffen you don’t mind me askin’ that is.
There was no legal way to depose the brazillian presidente as well.
I think the law is not the problem at all. Just the perception of it.
As long as you have the monopoly of public opinion, like in Brazil or almoust the entire Globe, you are safe to go.
Soldiers of all armies have to follow basic rules enshrined in international treaties. Your question as to who will define what is illegal should be a no-brainer, for these rules at least. Everyone in the hierarchy is obliged to reject illegal orders. Therefore, everyone receiving an order is bound to check for its legality lest he/she will potentially commit a crime and invite punishment.
If a crime was commanded and executed, start with the foot soldier and work your way up to the commander while increasing the verdict if proven guilty.
“Trump who, after being a Putin agent is now further demonized as some kind of Nazi ”
Nazi =
Invented, curated, monetized and copyrighted by Zion. A purely fictional, meaningless term used by Zion and its agents to stigmatize anybody doubting, criticizing or opposing the policies of the Zionist International Politburo.
The expression ‘Nazi’ being Zion’s intellectual property – Zion and its Intel agencies, after all, created the Nazis, officially know as Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei from ground up – can only be used by Zion and its assets in whatever form desired, while everybody else who uses it, commits by definition copyright infringement, and is therefore an offender, a troll or… well, a Nazi. : )
It should be possible to launch criminal and subsequently civil ($$$$) legal actions against organizations/agencies applying the term to individuals without ‘evidence’ of being said label, since it would be virtually impossible to prove one was, such as the label (if one were in fact not the label, and/or had never publically declared such), but it should be possible to conduct an empiracal research to prove financial damages to those receiving the label.
The large facilitating MSM agencies have plenty of money to garner large settlements from.
Looks like a global chaos, at the first sight. And, everything could be just a show-program, scripted long ago. It would be important to see the main code, which is ’92’, referring to 9/2, the date for which the next megaritual has been scheduled, which should trigger a depopulation of the planet. The main code is in front of our eyes, however, the programming prevents us to see it consciously. However, it could be seen and the dots connected: Otherwise, we can keep rationalising events for a while and there is nothing which can not be rationalised. Therefore the saying: „What in this reality passes as rational, sends the shivers down the spine of the rest of the universe“.
Link doesn’t work – page not found.
Could you explain more?
These are the words and realization I have been wanting to hear from the Saker ever since I started reading this blog back in 2011/2012.
The unadulterated truth, without compromise, without fear, with a realization of the reality and where we are headed…….Something so grand and huge in scale (planetary), that it cannot and should not only be explained by military, political, philosophical and strategical analysis and predictions in my honest opinion.
I have realized and continuously spoken of the following truth the Saker has now written ever since I was 15 or 16 years of age (I am now 36), I have used the word “catastrophic collapse” so often when discussing and writing on this topic many many times….
“What we are observing now is positive feedback loop in which each move by the Neocons results in a deeper and deeper destabilization of the entire system. Needless to say, this is extremely dangerous and can only result in an eventual catastrophe/collapse”.
“This is really amazing, think of it: everybody hates the Neocons, not only a majority of the American people, but truly the entire planet. And yet that numerically small group of people has somehow managed to put everybody in danger, including themselves, due to their ugly vindictiveness, infinite arrogance and ideology-induced short-sightedness. That this could ever have happened, and at a planetary scale, is a dramatic testimony to the moral and spiritual decay of our civilization: how did we ever let things get that far?!”
Answering the Saker’s questions do not require intelligence or require complex analysis…..A school boy (as Sheikh Imran Hosein would say) can answer these questions….It only requires the truth, honesty and an unpolluted heart and soul, a clear a conscience and realization.
Now let me answer the questions the Saker has asked in this very nice article:
1. “So the real question now is this: can the rest of the planet prevent a catastrophic collapse of the AngloZionist Empire?”
No, the rest of the planet cannot stop this catastrophic collapse…….and you actually answered this question in your follow up question:
2. “how did we ever let things get that far?!”
The catastrophic collapse cannot be stopped because the world has let the Western-Zionist alliance rule the world…..The US and the rest of the world has watched, joined and let this criminal and corrupt system take control of the world.
The elites will pay the price and all the societies will pay the price……This is the nature of the world. When a ruling group of a society commit crimes and corruption, the entire society pays for these crimes…….This occurs whether we like it or not. Whether we think it is fair or not.
3. “And the next obvious question: can we still stop them?”
We cannot prevent the catastrophic collapse (see question 1) after the world has let and joined in the Western-Zionist alliance to rule the world……so how do you plan to stop them ?
You cannot stop something that you have let happen and have even joined in on, and now that it is out of control, you want to suddenly stop it.
The train is out of control and the train will derail….it is inevitable. A reset will occur and must occur. Why analysts, scholars, thinkers and writers do not discuss, write and think about this reset and its consequences is really astonishing to me.
At least discuss what you can do to prepare for a possible upcoming collapse and reset while you still can. Is it not valuable information that you are aware of a possible collapse that will take place, while billions of people around the world have no clue, should you not use this to your advantage ?
“I went on to suggest that Trump’s only option would be to follow Putin’s example and do the the Neocons what Putin did to the oligarchs” This is impossible even from the beginning, now besides too late. There is a big difference(s) with Putin. Trump was an outsider. Trump (and a few more) is not as smart as Putin.
Great article, good to read something sane on the Internet once in a while.
is there a scenario where he could slowdown/jackass their most dangerous demands like Obomba/Holland kind of tried… sometimes?
Good essay, thanks!
Remark: When we say: ” As a result, a US collapse would threaten everybody and that means that nobody would want to trigger one. : we assume that “everybody” believes this objective fact. This is probably incorrect, as people are not a homogeneous set, not all and always sane or well educated, eh? So we must conclude some would willfully or otherwise set a collapse into motion… This means that such a trigger is inevitable, eh?
So the instant and true claim ” As a result, a US collapse would threaten everybody and that means that nobody would want to trigger one. ” becomes, as it operates as a driver of logic, this:
“Collapse is inevitable and therefore I ought to prepare to best exploit collapse.”
And, in the fullness of plans it becomes:
“I shall trigger collapse next Wednesday and gain thereby great advantage over all.”
Mere speculation, but it is the way of the white tigers, eh?
A would comment about America to-day. Nearby public school, small stable quiet river town on the West Coast. 70 % of the 3erd grade kids are in foster care…and they are illiterate without electronic gadgets. Many are even illiterate with them…
Is this not a collapse situation?
From the point of view of the neocons, Trump can not be allowed to win. If Trump comes out on top or even keep the scales balanced, the establishment is finished, completely and utterly finished.
Trump found himself in a very unique time period.
First there is Russia, the “arch enemy” of the US, which they made this way for the sole purpose of justifying their military spending, there is 0 actual reason for Russia to be considered an enemy of anybody, even less so considering all the despotic monarchies the US has been smooching for decades. Russia is rising again after a disastrous 90’s which saw the Russian economy and defensive capabilities gutted. The new breed of neocons partly knows that Russia is “bad” for political reasons, partly believe the lies and propaganda from days past, because of this belief and knowledge… they now create propaganda and lies on the basis of believing the old propaganda for their political goals, it’s ridiculous. But I digress.
Trump wanted to stop this nonsense by making Russia into a friend, rather than artificial foe. This presented an existential threat to the MIC. Suddenly people will start to wonder why it is, exactly, that 3/4 of the bridges are not considered structurally sound and there is no clean water in some places within the US (Flint is no longer the sole case) while their tax dollars are being used to create weapons in the face of, no threat at all, to the tune of $700 billion.
Trump declared the media the opposition party. This represents an existential threat to the entire, rotten and corrupt to the core establishment from top to bottom. If they lose control over people’s minds and could no longer brainwash the population into believing whatever they want them to, the pitchforks would come out in full swing.
Trump will, over the course of his presidency, get 2, 3, maybe even 4 supreme court appointments. He could potentially fundamentally reshape the legal landscape of the US for decades to come and thus undo all the “hard work” the neocons have put into moulding it to their liking.
And if Trump is successful at all, people will start to entertain a dangerous idea of electing people outside of politics, outside the establishment. I often hear people say Trump lies, like every other politician. Well, he may be lying, but he is no politician. If he is successful, the people will drain the swamp for him by electing every fringe non-politician who appears on the ballet.
Long story short, Trump can not be permitted to win, at any cost.
The Russians and the Chinese would prefer a slow motion collapse but the desperation the neocons are showing to get rid of Trump shows me that they won’t go down without a fight even if it means war. The fact that they can’t even wait four years for another shot at the White House shows how desperate the situation is behind the scenes. They are deep in debt with no conceivable way out ever repaying the debt. As Jim Willie calls it a “derivatives Death Star”
They’re getting rid of Trump because he won’t go to war with the Russians. That means whomever they replace him with will.
This means that there won’t be a slow motion collapse but a Big Bang.
It seems from afar as if the Russian people have become immune to western propaganda. Not entirely of course, there are some pro-western-banker elements that sop the stuff up. But it seems as if the bulk of the Russian people treat most of the western propaganda as lies.
An important thing to realize about Trump is that the US has also now reached the point where about 50% or so of the people treat the media propaganda as lies.
This is not new, its been building for quite some time. But it was clearly seen in the Trump election. Trump voters told pollsters that they didn’t trust nor listen to ‘the media’. While the people who still believe CNN and the NYT voted for Hillary. Hillary won CA and NY by large margins, and lost the whole part of the country that they sneer at as ‘flyover country’.
So, while its easy to read CNN or the NYT and think that Trump is in trouble, one has to remember that a majority of Americans no longer believe or trust either. Trump knows this, and emphasizes it with his campaign against ‘fake news’. That’s not merely Trump sniping at these propaganda outlets, but its Trump building and insulated his base against attacks to come.
The almost total absence of analyses like this in the wider media is part of what makes this article so valuable.
And I think you very well encapsulate what a heck of a lot of us are thinking.
But do enough Americans to matter fully realise what is going on?
My impression ( and I am not in the US) is that with the corporate media on full power demonising Trump it is very possible that many Americans have been led to believe that – well he is so bad that we have to remove him – or they are just too apathetic to even care.
If a large enough majority of Americans understand what is really happening and make it clear they will not put up with a bunch of criminals destroying the Presidency ie the office of the President, whom they elected, then there is hope.
But is there that large enough majority?
It has been obvious from before he was even inaugurated that there was a hysterical campaign being generated against Trump, way over the top and not based on anything the man had said or done yet.
But in a way this is not really about Trump.
I wonder how many Americans get it that that whatever happens this is the end of any claim to democracy the US makes now or ever again.
The candidate who won the election is being sidelined and possibly overthrown.
Who the people vote for is from here on in totally irrelevant.
Never mind Trump.
What has been destroyed is the Presidency. What has been destroyed is the fundamental notion that the people of America choose their President based on pre-election promises of what his/her policies will be.
That must have profound consequences – (ok all previous Presidents (Dem or Rep) were the same and really only working for the Rothschilds but the fakery worked enough to sustain a belief in a popularly elected President).
Not any more.
The US cannot be called a democracy in any sense of the word and has become a corporate fascist police state run by Satanists.
I’d define fascism as a type of government with 5 main characteristics.
In a fascist system corporate and big business interests have merged with (or taken over) government such that corporate CEOs are in government one day creating laws that suit them and then back running corporations the next, the to and fro between officials and Goldman Sachs is a good example.
Fascism also requires an extremely authoritarian police state which is used to terrify and suppress the population (Auslander’s description of going through the airport well describes the chilling effect eg).
The Boston lock down was symptomatic of the mentality at the top.
The third component is the removal of any alternatives at the voting booth – a 2 party state where there is no difference between them – a totalitarian police state.
The American people cannot vote their way out of this.
Fourthly, constitutional laws and civil rights are trampled on and ignored in the war on the people and the Justice system gets owned by the deep state and used to viciously suppress dissent in any form.
Fascism is also associated with Satanism, pedophilia (the glue that holds the establishment together according to one researcher) and blood sacrifice rituals. Promotion up the “tree” requires active participation in these demonic activities where inversion of moral values is a given.
I personally had hoped Trump would tackle the pedophilia as a moral and sure way to drain the swamp and more importantly an action which would have united the people behind him. I guess we all hoped for a lot of things.
Also very striking about Trump’s situation is the fact that he has not a single voice in the entire US polity speaking up for him. Not one. Anywhere. As you point out, Saker, people are backing off from him, association with and support of him being downright dangerous.
Imagine – it is now a dangerous thing in America to voice support for your elected President !
Meanwhile elected politicians now come out with remarks like this –
“A Missouri state senator, Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D-University City), has landed herself in a bit of hot water with the U.S. Secret Service today after posting, then deleting, a comment on Facebook which read, “I hope Trump is assassinated!”
And this outrageous remark is quite typical of what we hear routinely.
They are emboldening each other such that remarks like this encourage antifa/BLM to just attack people because they need not fear justice and anyway the criminal cabal are backing them up (even hiring them?)
I personally think the left/right paradigm is a hoax to divide and rule and the real nature of the problem is humanity versus inhumanity.
Your article well expresses the horror at what is happening and how none of us has a clue as to what’s next.
One fear I don’t have is that North Korea will attack anybody first. They are not aggressive, never have been, nor have they any hegemonic ambitions.
With China now saying it won’t allow a US first strike the chances of war diminish greatly and the satanist caravan moves on to threaten other countries instead, Venezuela, Iran and even a trade war with China, and of course never ending military expansion on Russia’s borders.
I think NK – and China, Russia and Iran – are simply waiting out the clock on the US empire and hunkering down meanwhile and buying gold.
But yes, the US situation is a nightmare. When the USSR dissolved there was mass starvation and millions perished. If food shortages occur in the US through breakage in the lengthy supply chain or if food is used as a weapon by the deep state or collapse of confidence in the fiat dollar causes hyper inflation in imported food prices, that is when we will see the guns come out. Very quickly.
Putin never wanted to truly destroy and cause a collapse of the USA since he is smart to understand the consequences… That explains his actions…
You also wrote this:
The rest of the planet, with the irrelevant exception of the East Europeans, is now scrambling in horror to get out of the path of this out of control train.
I do not understand why you have this derogatory view of the peoples on the east of Germany/Austria borders. Yes, their governments are useless puppets, but these are the same qualities/properties of their “only authentic European” counterparts (as you once wrote) on the west of that border. Such a sentence puts you on the same level to those you criticize and fight against…
To be more exact the Saker might have focused on Poland and the Baltic states that prevents the EU from blocking the US sanctions:
L’Europe face aux sanctions américaines
Par Xavier Moreau
I’m still curious to see the next election. What do the people who voted for Trump do then?
What I don’t see yet, and at this point it might be hard to spot, is Trump recruiting candidates to run against sitting Republicans in Congress. If Trump could organize and do this and win a few primaries, it might be a game changer. It would of course build to the small group that currently support Trump in Congress. And, since politicians quickly adjust to the wind direction, a few key victories like this would quickly move a lot more Republican congressmen to being more vocal Trump supporters.
From here, I’d have advised that this should have been Trump’s main priority as President. Recognizing that he’s the leader of a small faction (in terms of DC) and that he has to solidify his support and build influence. Which means my recommendation would have been that he needs to be more confrontational with the Congress. Force some votes, knowing that you’d lose them, but to lay down markers that can be used in mid-term election campaigns.
As it is, there’s likely to be some Trump supporters running for Democrat or vacant seats. But that’s a tougher proposition. Most House seats are gerrymandered into being sure wins for one party or the other, so there’s only a handful of seats that can flip. And most Congressmen serve for as long as they want before taking their promotion to lobbyist, so vacant seats are also rather rare. And, in midterms, unless there is something dramatic going on, the party of a sitting President tends to lose seats.
Thus, if Trump wants to build his support in Congress, he needs to toss out a few of the Republicans that haven’t been supporting him and replace them with loyal (or at least as loyal as an American politician can be) Trump supporters.
If he combined this with a campaign of weeding out and replacing the appointees and career bearucrats in DC, then he might actually do what Mr. Putin has done and slowly change a divided government that doesn’t support the leader into a more loyal and effective government that does.
But, the bad news is, no sign that Trump is doing this. And the only guy smart enough in the WH to tell him to do this is Steve Bannon, and he’s under fire, probably exactly for that reason.
Read Naomi Klein’s book “The Shock Doctrine” (if you haven’t already).
The main thesis of the book is how the powerful forces that run the world use ‘crisis’ to create the changes they could not otherwise achieve. This is such a powerful tool for them, that they soon moved on to creating crisis when they needed it to achieve a goal.
If I was going to create a short list of books to read to truly understand the world, “The Shock Doctrine” would be on that list.
PS …. One of the things I believe is that what’s described as ‘left’ and ‘right’ need to unite. I simply lump them all together as ‘the opposition’. So, while this is generallly a right-wing site, and Ms. Klein is a left-wing author, I’d still highly recommend this as a good book that is a ‘cross-over’ where we are all ‘the opposition’ and that Ms. Klien’s work is a very good path to understanding how the world really works behind the propaganda headlines.
Personally, I’ve always found that I can easily move between left and right …. one mainly has to adjust for different uses of language. If you for instance translate a right winger attacking ‘liberals’ to a left-winger attacking ‘the establishment’ and understand that both groups have the same powerful enemy, its easy to understand that left and right are both opposing the same forces.
Very true! Most of the left has been hijacked by Soros identity politics. There is nothing left or even progressive about it! That is why so many people hate the left nowadays. A lot of the right has been hijacked by corporate interests (tea party- Koch brothers) or the zionists (Geert Wilders for example is sponsored by Israel and US radical zionists–While this is never questioned, a Russian Loan- no gift- to Le Pen is supposed to be evidence she is some kind of traitor).
But both left and right working and middle class people just want to do decent work for decent pay, and live in stable communities. Not that much difference there.
Without some sort of working coalition these groups will always be played out against each other. As you say, language is important here.
for me, the terms “left” and “right” have lost all meaning in modern american politics; modern being since 9/11. That event and the reactions to it let loose a chain of events and dynamics that have completely changed the american political spectrum. What I mean is that the american left was co-opted, the right was pushed further to the right and radicalized, the center was pushed further to the right. Traditional american society and government was annihilated and recreated as a fascist simulacrum of it’s former self – much the same way as citizens are destroyed and recreated as malleable soldiers through boot camp.
I believe that the veneer of left/right identity has been stripped away (if it was ever a veneer, and I believe that it is possible that it was), and that what we have been left with, what has been exposed is what The Saker calls the Anglozionist Empire (or agenda, or program, or institution, or whatever form you wish to call it. Let’s call it “B” for borg and simplicity’s sake) that subsumes legality, morality, and culture – it doesn’t give a shit, it only demands complete loyalty and subservience; anything else is window dressing and pablum that can change on a moments notice. For me that term replaces and well defines what does truly exists, and the only question is where one aligns ones-self with it. Are you pro or anti- “B?” Forget “left” and “right,” they are meaningless.
One way that States come to collapse, they say, is by degrees and by steps their several “organs” begin to operate in ways that do not satisfy their duties, ie the institutions fail…one, two, three…and how many “spare” institutions does a State have?
So, Comrades, speaking of neo-con stupidity, and “fissures” (which is to say that the “tapestry” is getting pretty transparent), so, let us consider Comrade Russ’ latest…
Too Big to Prosecute (so everybody sees that there is no equality before the not so blind Justice…
By dynamiting “Justice” the State does precisely…what?
You tell me…
Dear Saker,
I am a huge fan of this blog and a humble admirer of the intelligence your pages are reflecting.
So it happens I am also an Eastern European resident, from Hungary.
I would like to emphasise on the wish for a thorough analysis of how and what you were referring to by mentioning the region.
For your consideration; yes, I am only rejoycing, that we made it to these global issues.
But was I the only reader raising an eyebrow upon reading this seemingly off topic reference?
You know, Dear Saker, I bet you don’t play carefree with words, your works tell me otherwise.
So I am eager to hear what’s behind this little notion, because somehow your opinion seems right, – e.g. Hungary seems so brutally hyperventillating over migration and internal mudfight sorry, politics , as there would be no other issue ON THE PLANET.
But what makes me writing this question down, is the hypothesis, that
may any possible armed conflict in Europe occure, this region, Eastern Europe, would be exploited as logistic and buffer zone, where frontlines come and go, and are drawn by tactical nukes and artillery fire. I am afraid our land is somehow obsolete. So what happens nowadays holds a thrilling resemblance to the guinea-pig just before the lethal experiment, it minds only the food and the wheel, not realizing the dead end.
So. When Pasifal entered Montsalvat, he dindn’t dare to ask although he could have won the Holy Grail with a simple question. Let my question be said and heard.
I wish you good health, to keep the eye on the wineyard, for years to come, for the delight of many!
Thank you!
What is happening with Eastern Europe nowadays is a tragedy on so many levels that all I can offer is a short summary of my personal take on it. So here it is
After the end of the Soviet Empire Eastern Europe was presented with a true historical opportunity: not only to become a bridge between East and West, but to offer the world a unique and different cultural and spiritual contribution. That, however, would have required pride (in the good sense of the word) and the maturity to be a truly free society. Instead the East Europeans did everything wrong. Not only did they immediately volunteer to become absorbed economically (EU) and politically (NATO), they even gave up their own, unique, identity and tried to become “Europeans” by which they obviously meant West Europeans, I would argue North-West Europeans – Brits, Germans, etc. That is truly pathetic, while the South Europeans (Mediterraneans) suffer from the condescension and abuse from their northern neighbors, the East Europeans volunteer to become fellow-slaves! And to prove their “European credentials” they found nothing better than to peddle a crude form of russophobia thereby completely forgetting that the Russian nation also suffered from Communism, much more than the East Europeans, in fact, and that after 1991 the Russian people where completely supportive of the desire for freedom of their western neighbors. This was morally wrong and extremely stupid. And what did they get for it? Nothing. The “right” to service the needs of their AngloZionist masters and the dubious privilege to now have the Russian military seeing them has the first strategic echelon of NATO.
This all results of a basic lack of self-respect and that is why I show no respect either. One can only show respect to those who respect themselves, not to those who eagerly volunteered to become slaves.
I sincerely apologize if my words offend or hurt you. But if you wanted to hear a endless stream of compliments, you would have tuned in to the BBC or Voice of America – not visited the Vineyard, right?
I speak the truth the way I see it. East-Europeans have simply removed themselves from the political scene, they have made themselves irrelevant the way a piece of furniture is in a room: it is there, if people look, they see it, but nobody would entertain the notion of speaking with it.
What all of Eastern Europe now needs is a movement of national liberation, and I don’t mean blowing up NATO bases: I mean re-discovering their own history, cultural and spiritual roots, their true identity as nations which are neither part of Western Europe nor part of the Russian civilizational realm. Eastern Europe is as unique and different as the Mediterranean Europe is – but it needs to discover it. If it fails to do that, it will remain in this pathetic role of unpaid servant of the Empire.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Just wondering if you would include Hungary in that assessment or is Orban not much different from say Tusk who comes over as a complete and total US puppet and a war mongerer.
Orban seems much less Russophobic and more aware of the potential of good ties with Russia and it’s connectivity to the OBOR.
Certainly what you say about other east European countries such as Romania and Bulgaria and most of what was Yugoslavia is very true.
Orban does seem better, while folks like Tursk or Grybauskaite are probably the worst. But they are still on the same continuum. What I wish for would be to see a leader in Eastern Europe who would be *proud* of being East, not West, European. A leader who would openly declare that he stands for the value of his/her people and who would not try to impersonate a German or a Brit.
Potentially Eastern Europe had the potential to right/cure a lot of the wrongs of Western Europe, especially culturally. Also, the experience of having to survive through the Soviet years should have made East Europeans stronger, not weaker.
Finally, there is the disgraceful alliance of putatively Orthodox countries with the AngloZionists against the Orthodox Serbs and Russians. They sure have a short historical memory.
No, for me the topic of Eastern Europe is a painful one and one about which I have nothing good or pleasant to say.
I probably should not have commented about this at all…
Anyway, now I said it.
The Saker
Saker, you did not hurt me at all. It is your view an that’s it… But there is something more behind the story. Once you wrote that the Europeans are those in the West only and dismissed the East as rubbish… And then you do not forget to emphasize your contempt for the East Europe from time to time.
You now wrote the following and this reveals your position on this matter.
…in fact, and that after 1991 the Russian people where completely supportive of the desire for freedom of their western neighbors. This was morally wrong and extremely stupid. And what did they get for it? Nothing.
And what are the Russians? The masters of Easter European nations that they had to ask for permission? So you admitted, that before the eastern states were not free. I understand now that as Russian, you possibly believe that Easter European states formed part of the USSR. That never formally happened apart from the Baltic states. Look at the history after the WW2 and you will find that in some nations, there cannot be much love for Russians although they liberated them in WW2… But this looks to be a far more complex issue to understand why things happened the way they did after the WW2.
However, I can tell you, that even after that, the ordinary people do not hold any hate and russophobia in them… The three Baltic nations including Poland and Ukraine could be a different story on their own… :-)
Take it easy, the best view of the world is the balanced one… And your view looks to me angered by a loss of power of a former superpower… :-)
Wish you all the best!!!
Imimkac, though not a Russian, I fully support Saker on the Eastern Europeans. The EE behaved, still are like two-faced dogs, unfortunately, while trying hard (compleks nizszosci?) they made themselves AngloZion’ vassals. The result is the AZions conquered the EE without a single shot, setting EE to fight the West’s war against Russia. Thats why Saker says “This was morally wrong and extremely stupid. And what did they get for it? Nothing”. Nothing, is specially true, for Russians do measure things in a higher moral, or humaine ways, not in monetary terms.
offer the world a unique and different cultural and spiritual contribution
Refusal of migrants is one of examples that Poles, Hungarians, Slovenians actually did offer something to the West.
it is a proof as well that We have not yet fully submitted to Anglo-Zionist Empire, and that will never happen. The Polish Government is puppet government, it’s true, but they’re are vassals of Polish people as well. They have tight up hands, they know it and they are afraid of us.
Chalmers Johnson prophetically warned more than a decade ago that the US would arrive at the breaking point of imperial overstretch, & that when it did it would face the challenge that the British Empire faced at the end of WW2, either abandon the empire for the sake of domestic peace & stability or descend into chaos as the (western) Roman Empire once did. The US has chosen the latter course, to pursue empire to the bitter end & now we are on the brink. The dollar system is on the verge of collapse, the 9/11 false flag event that was orchestrated to justify a series of wars which, among other geopolitical aspirations, were also just blatant resource grabs intended to establish direct control of the bulk of the world’s oil & gas so that the petrodollar could be upheld. Under the guise of the “war on terror” this imperial resource grab back fired as a consequence of fierce resistance to occupation in Iraq. This led directly to the financial crisis of 2007/08. The ruling class within the US & the Anglo-American establishment more generally has now entered panic mode, as there are not enough resources in the form of collateral under their control to support the dollar. The US does not have the option of doing what Britain did post WW2 because Britain could fall back on US military power to assist them with supporting their converted empire come “commonwealth” under the Five Eyes system (Atlantic Charter). Within the US there is a powerful element within the military industrial system & part of the political establishment that realizes where they are now & they brought Donald Trump into office. It is this force that is defending Trump’s presidency asymetrically by launching repeated attacks on the DNC, the Clintons et al. Trump will not go down as easily as some think, his support base is not in the American Mid West that voted for him en mass but in this part of the ruling class, they are yet to really show their teeth but that day is coming. This issue they are contemplating is whether to fight to save the US project at all, or to reconfigure it following a civil war & whilst doing so write off the debt burden. I think this is what we are looking at, a civil war, which is being orchestrated as we speak (& type).
interesting idea but I doubt there is any real force, even less military wise behind the DT. I see some individuals (professionals too) and some groups, ‘identities’ but that’s about it. If it were like that I’d expect more support (and public) for Trump, but there is pretty much none. Still doesn’t mean anything either way, agreed, but to me it’s follow the money, and it’s all about the money, more wars – and nobody for Trump but ordinary people – which are preoccupied with their own everyday life (as long as that is not in danger).
i concur with your thoughts , the Deep State needs its war so as to forgo paying its debt , and if can’ get its war abroad , then an internal would do the trick . just consider the fact that hypothetically, the US splits in say 5 entities , which one would carry the burden of the past debts and be willing to pay it .
just food for thoughts
What we have seen happen to the USA is the simple nihilist plan to destroy it completely as a coherent nation. No external enemy of America ever conceived such diabolical scheme.
USSR would counter-strike it, but never could imagine getting enough traction with the society with its ideology of communism to alter all American institutions and bring it to its end.
The Elites now have the power to dismantle the Constitution. The Elites have led a reversal in the moral evolution away from racism back to racism. The Elites have destroyed the growth, creativity and productivity of Americans. Machines and software are now the sole causes of economic transformation and productivity.
The export of jobs to China, Mexico, South Korea and Japan since the eighties was the leeching of blood and bone marrow from the society of workers. 95 million people have lost any positive change in their economic condition since the seventies. Wages are stagnant for forty years.
You cannot compete with other workers if you don’t have a job. American endless wars finished off the society with volunteer military fruitlessly trying to remove dictators and build democracies at the point of a gun, white phosphorus, and cruise missiles. The USA has no victory to claim but it has spent 6 to 10 Trillion Dollars in the last 16 years.
Additionally, since The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, 1968, the birthrate of Whites has dropped into self-extinction levels. Concurrent to that was the de facto open borders policies of the last 25 years that flooded the nation with illegals, mostly Latinos, and the lopsided preference against Christians and Europeans in preference for legal migrants from the Asian nations and Moslem nations of the world. Whites were generally excluded.
All these forces have worked in a symphony to destroy the Middle Class. It was planned an executed by the UniParty Elites for Financial and Political Power. It has worked.
Trump came at the last moment and tried to reverse these processes.
He has tried to placate the enemies of the People and the Constitution.
Now he must accept the War as it exists and fight differently.
His legitimacy comes directly from the People.
They have an existential connection to him, as he does to them.
What both don’t yet accept is they will be slain by the Elites if they do not slay the Elites.
And by that, I do mean terminate the earthly existence of a significant number of high profile Elites who are intent on a Feudal, transhumanist, godless, deviant rule of the globe.
Pretending you can win a war with prayer, spiritual meditation and kindness is suicide.
The extermination inherent in globalist feudalism and the Cult of Liberalism is obvious.
When people are not needed for work, or even as consumers, and merely drain resources to perpetuate their existence, Elites will devise the mass extermination of billions of humans.
We invested hope in Trump because we sensed war would terminate millions if Clinton won.
Now we have to realize Trump and his MAGA mission are all that stands between triumph of the Elites of Feudal Globalism and the destruction of America. They will take down all of Western Civilization, and then turn loose all forces on China, Russia and the dream of Eurasia.
Like him or not, Trump is historical. He may be apocryphal. Certainly, if he does not succeed, he will be the last democratically elected POTUS.
The US is setup to be dismantled as a sovereign and will be converted into a mere Spearhead for Global Hegemony. What we see as chaos and destruction now will be nothing to what will come.
Totaly correct and all too true.
However putting hope in Trump was illusion.
What we are seeing before our eyes is social and economics systemic collapse due to very deep historical, spiritual, civilizational trend and phenomenon.
One lone man cannot change that in few days, months or years. Anyway Trump was not up for the task for a “renewal” or a rebirth. Nobody is. It is task for a generation. Not an isolated man.
Trump could only have slow it down. Or promoted soft landing.
Obvisously we are in a trend for hard landing.
‘They will take down all of Western Civilization, and then turn loose all forces on China, Russia and the dream of Eurasia.’
They won’t. You are assuming that they will win but they cannot win in the long term—-‘Western Civilisation’, such at it is, has weathered worse and endured, changed radically in the process but endured.
Mr Putin and Mr Xi understand this because they come from, and govern, long established cultures that have also weathered radical change and endured–many times in their histories.
The US hegemon is finished, things will change radically and it won’t be pretty—but the loss, while it may be a disaster for the USA project, doesn’t necessarily mean a similar apocalypse for the entire world.
The USA isn’t the exceptional and indispensable nation–it never was, as Mr Putin has pointed out on several occasions. It is time for the adolescent nation to grow up and join the other ordinary adults, and that is always a painful and often tricky transition for any adolescent to make.
“US building naval base in Ochakov, Ukraine – Will Russia respond?”
Of course Russia will respond. But who cares in Pentagon?
The Age of Trump is the much feared (by the Deep State demons) Age of Confusion. The sheeple don’t know what to think- both instinctively supporting Trump’s Proud America attitude, and the ‘liberal’ agendas promoted by the social engineering masters. And this is so very good for us. The monolithic propaganda that arch Demon, Tony Blair, worked so hard to impose on the West, is shattered.
It is all very well for the Republicans to work in lock step with the Democrats in the USA, or Labour with the Conservatives in the UK- but if the sheeple feel drawn to another idea as a well, the power of the Deep State is massively reduced. This is why ***new*** posters in this forum are expressing outrage that Trump is not working with either the Republicans or Democrats. The war on Trump informs the voters that maybe the monolithic parliamentary bloc that exists in all major ‘democracies’ in the West (and most of Asia) is artificial and a supression of true debate.
In the background the Deep State does what it was designed to do- make long term plans and execute actions that assist them. The desire for immediate war with Iran is difficult, for the sheeple are becoming anti-war again, and Iran is a stabilising element in the Middle East that short term Deep State operatives cannot resist taking advantage of (the master strategy of Iran is to ensure it is always best to be a friend of Iran in the short term- and then to make sure that is true the next year and the next and the next- see ‘The Arabian nights’). That is why Clinton was essential- she would have ignored all logic, and simply declared war on Iran- just as Tony Blair did with Serbia and then Iraq.
So the Deep State turns its attention to Russia. No war tomorrow, obviously- but a perfect path of total demonisation is crafted and executed.
Russia is given the same treatment the nazis gave the slavs and jews. A full spectrum associative psy-op. Russian institutions and figures ruined outside of direct Russian lands. Russian citizens hunted down across the planet and imprisoned in the USA. ‘Russian’ becoming a byword for ‘evil’ across the West, East and Africa. The mainstream media and Soros controlled ‘indy’ media running day and night attacks on anything Russian. Murder as well. The UK paid Ukrainian agents to bring down the plane full of Russian military musicians that were due to play in Aleppo to celebrate its liberation. And Putin chose to say nothing (just like Putin spent a month denying that West backed terrorists had bombed the plane full of Russians travelling from Egypt, even tho the terrorists posted a day one video showing the plane explode ay high altitude).
The Russian way of doing things (a centralised societal control system that has no issue supressing the truth and treating the russian people like mushrooms), inhereted from the Tsars and then the Communists, actually aids the Deep State demons. The West makes a song and dance about every act of ‘terrorism’ in its lands. Putin buried the mass murder of the musicians (so most of you here have forgotten- and the rest assume an ‘accident’) on the basis that admitting a successful blow against oneself makes one seem weak. ***Wrong***. The sheeple do not like to think their masters murder so casually. If Putin had rightfully accused the West, and called them out on their act of terror (rather than striking at Ukrainian elements behind the scenes), the Deep State would have suffered a significant reputational loss with the people.
As for Trump- well the US political system makes every method that might get rid of a president a bad one with worse outcomes. America doesn’t permit a new early election- and that fact saves Trump’s life. The best the Deep State can do is a new False Flag, like 911- but they fear the official conspiracy story falling to bits on day one, and a subsequent witch-hunt to eliminate the Deep State demons and their best servants. While 911 appears to us to have been a success, the insiders are aware of the thousands of ways the false flag unravelled and revealed the true people behind it. The demons believe they got away (on that occasion) by the skin of their teeth, and still expect the official lie to fall ony day now. Tony Blair was the Demon who forced thru the 911 plan- but he wouldn’t have the same success today with the other demons needed to sign off on a new false flag.
So Russia bashing and far more Orwellian social engineering. Remember Blair and the rest of the demons are raising the new generation of sheeple in the West. They control what the young sheeple see, hear, read, experience and think. And these young sheeple are set against the older sheeple- using the old “your generation screwed up the planet” psy-op.
And the Deep State has the biggest trick up its sleeve- the factor of suprise. They have the power to rewrite any rule, and can fund any initiative. The ‘gender fluid’ initiative that seemingly makes no sense at all is a great example of this. Take a strong ordinary man or woman, analyse their strength, and you’ll see it comes from personal ‘certainty’. Conversely the weak citizen suffers from personal ***uncertainty***. All major social engineering agendas are about breeding ***uncertainty***. In 1984, the ‘enemy’ randomly switches from one bloc to another- and the same happens in Animal Farm. Orwell was familiar with the cult ‘brainwashing’ methods used by the zionists that called themselves ‘communists’ in Russia. And the no.1 brainwashing method is to eliminate inner certainty in the mind of the victim. The victim must take their current ‘certainty’ from an outside authority.
In the UK, Blair has ensured the sheeple must turn to daily broadcasts on the BBC to understand what ‘correct’ thinking is that day, week and year. The American society is different, so the tactic is to get the US sheeple to blindly support their boys (and girls) in ‘uniform’.
The chattering classes, who (falsely) think themselves ‘smart’ are encouraged to read the ‘proper’ newspapers, and follw the political debates on TV. To zoom in on synthetic political ‘crisis’ like “North Korea”- and to waste their time and energy focusing on these Deep State “talking points”. The chattering classes must never zoom out and see the Big Picture.
And the Big Picture re:Trump is that Putin’s mistakes allowed the anti-war instincts of Trump to be finished off as a friendless Trump is effectively beseiged. Nevertheless Trump is not Clinton. Short term political thinking plays to Iran’s advantage with all players. NATO continues encroaching on lands around Russia- and as a result Russian allies are self-censoring to the point of extinction- again down to Putin’s mistakes. Orwellian social engineering accelerates everywhere across the planet including in Russia itself (see the new anti-Internet-freedom laws there). And the Deep State is progressing its demonisation of all things Russian perfectly.
You should be more frightened by the drip-drip-drip destruction of the values and quality of life of your own nation than of any immediate great war. But they do still want the nuclear strikes on Iran as soon as possible- and to that end nothing can be ruled out. And know this- as a result of Trump’s election, the Deep State is ensuring nothing like that can ever happen again in the USA. So the Republicans and Democrats are doing what Tony Blair had Labour and the Conservatives (and Liberals) do in the UK- namely put in place iron clad mechanisms and rules in each political party that ensures only the ‘right’ people are offered to the electorate for their votes. Trump may have cost them four years, but they intend to follow with a perfected Deep State electorial system.
I think that Larchmonter is wrong to dismiss Twilight’s posts as “droppings”. Twiilight does indeed have something to say.
The empire is using the spearhead of the U.S.A. over-ripe power, in a kamikaze manoeuvre, i.e. the U.S.A. as an entity in its current form will be unrecognizable after this thrust, to initiate the ‘new world order’, in which a group of global 0.1% factions will use ‘national boundaries’ only as instruments for enslavement of the 99% for the purposes of accelerating power harvesting from them.
In these comments above, many of them quite good, there are references to historical empire collapses, which are relevant for comparison, but little in constructive examples to overcome the program now being implemented.
I should like to draw your attention to Ghenghis Khan (as described by Jack Weatherford), and his success in tearing down the infrastructures of the 1% elites, and liberating the majority of the 99%.
It can be done!
Emancipate yourself from despair; your world needs you now.
A very interesting analysis, Saker.
I guess the chaos was already well under way under Obama. Like you stated in the interview with Southfront, Kerry and Lavrov brokered a deal over Syria, and the day thereafter US forces started to bomb the SAA.
Is anyone in charge there? I get the feeling that all kinds of departments and 17 three letter agencies are all heading in their own direction. Has the president become a ‘commander in Tweet’?
(Though I’m amused that every morning when the Donald starts to tweet, immediately the internet goes into DEFCON 1).
And then there is a fully operational shadow government, and the deep state. I guess the bureaucracy has become so big, that it is simply becoming unmanageable.
I’m curious about coming developments. For instance, here in Europe we have been irritated about thousands of Africans living in tents in Calais, but there are actually hundreds of those tent cities in the USA – with homeless Americans. Just hit a search machine.
The official unemployment number in the USA is somewhere under 10%, but that is fake. You can also reverse the calculation, assessing everybody who is able to work, and then count who are actually working. Then you come to an astonishing unemployment rate somewhere between 30 and 40%, which is not much better than in Greece.
The expression says ‘you reap what you sow’. Unfortunately I got the impression that what is mostly sown is putting people up against each other for some short-sighted reason. BLM, Antifa, whatever.
Like PCR had written on Charlottesville, identity politics will end up in violence.
My guess is also, that one way or the other Trump will be removed from office. How the reactions will be? I don’t know exactly, I’m not living in the USA. But my feeling says that the reactions won’t be pretty all along the way.
When the empire collapses (and it will whether internally, externally or both) it will be like the ending of the Wizard of Oz. The people of the world, including most U.S. citizens, will rejoice and figure out a way forward. Invariably, this will also likely result in the collapse of the international banking system in as much as de-dollarization will result in countries printing their own money backed by their own national banks. No more exploitation of resources by multi-national corporations – diamond mines, forests, minerals, etc. will also be a likely result. No more influence peddling in third world countries to facilitate this exploitation along with the introduction of chemical poisons – fertilizers, Round-Up, GMO’s, etc. No more gratuitous military assaults on weak and defenseless nations, no more “war” oppression, economic or environmental refugee issues or regional “food shortage” epidemics, etc. No more surveillance, censorship or fake news. It will be a great day, humanity will deal with it and ultimately prevail – a better world will usher forth!!
thank you…. again, precise, crystal clear…
Trump and Kelly are getting rid of Bannon.
Another weak move by Trump.
Will test his base for loyalty.
He has delivered on nothing they need.
He delivered the Supreme Court justice. That’s really the only big ticket item.
They wait for Trump to win something big.
He’s a punching bag in the oval office. He thinks he’s a great counter puncher.
There is no heavyweight in history who ever won the Championship by counter-punching.
The Duran says white house chief strategist Steve Bannon has been fired by DT……
The price mankind has to pay to get rid of this sick system? If you don’t live in the US, forget the dollar. It does not pay back except in the form of mayhem and war. Better burn it now to keep your fireplace warm.
In the light of recent events of desecration of Civil War monuments the Gringo society revel itself as totally spineless, corrupted with no comprihention what is being done to them. They mind and hearts are devoid of morals, ethics and justice. They allow crime to rein in they country and feel pride to inflict it on others, “War is what they do to others”, as someone observed. It’s a Hell, horror which is not abaiting but growing with every event. There are evil forces here nobody can stop. Total disaster. Question is how lont this cesspool is going to last. As one negro dude said yesterday on CBS news that war never ended. He’s right and who is going to win is an open question. So far ” the eagle devours the sheep that will not defend themselves, it because they do not stand up for righteousness but instead let themselves be scummed.” (Book of Enoch). What s shame.
Knowledge is power.
Name names.
Name a Neocon, state which idiot policies he proposed, why is was morally wrong, how it failed, and the consequences we live with today as a result.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
BTW, I think Putin is defeating them by taking away their El Dorado. If Iran/Russia/Syria win dirty war, if Iran/Iraq/Syria become the western terminus of one leg of the new silk road, not only will Hegemon stand to lose the financial edge it currently holds, and which allows it to pay for the bombs it uses to bomb peasants using ***borrowed money***, but it will make Ersatz Israel totally irrelevant and unattainable.
All Trump needs to do is stay out of trouble long enough for this conflict to be resolved.
So true. I have to add that Trump unlike Putin does not have the correct background to search and gather all the right players with power.
In the US the right players are invisible, outside the system just pulling the strings. Trump can never have any control over them.
Otherwise we are all f…d.
Bannon gets the heave-ho:
With Bannon now gone, Trump’s surrounded by generals–a different version ofSeven Days in May?
Al Gore’s opined Trump should resign. Given the context of his suggestion, has Gore outed himself as a previously closeted Neocon given the fact that Pence is much worse on most everything than Trump? Clearly, the Deep State/CIA goal is to get Trump out of the White House and get Pence in; so, does that further out Gore as one of its agents, which is to say that little would have differed between him and Bu$hCo? Whattaya think Saker?
Although i voted for Trump, I really am not very optimistic. I find the optimism in the comments here totally unwarranted. Trump is up Israel’s ass so far, he can’t see daylight. His great humanitarian daughter is really only interested in selling branded pocket books and trinkets. She has nothing more to offer than Chelsea Clinton. And would Margolis-Mizvinsky really have been any different than Babyface Kushner? Although I believe Trump was sincere in his campaign rhetoric about peace and ending wars, he seems to have been quickly dissuaded of these notions. To put the situation in Marxist terms, we really can’t expect someone from the ruling class to look after the interests of the working class.
The best way to understand the United States of America is to imagine a massive star imploding in on itself. As the core of the star collapse, it begins to suck in all matter–indeed, even light itself– through the sheer gravitational force generated by this implosion, resulting in the phenomenon known as a black hole.
America is that black hole.
And with its collapse, the effects will be to suck in everything as part of its descent into the maelstrom of God knows what.
The best “solution” for the rest of the world is to get as far away from the black hole of America as possible and disassociate oneself from it in every way.
I am a 70 year old white man who has lived in the US all my life. I am a strong supporter of BlackLivesMatter. I also know what the police do in black neighborhoods across the country. I know because I have been there and because I have black colleagues and friends who experience the occupation that these police forces impose.
The reaction to marches by BlackLivesMatter is so strong because they have the nerve to directly call out what is happening in black communities all across the country.
All lives matter
I see what is happening, but I haven’t given up on Trump. One way or another he will save the US. He may also do so if he is impeached or if something worse happens.
Trump has made people aware of the deep state. This will not go away.
There is a Christian prophecy about Trump on youtube. Can anyone find it? It was given to a man in 2011.
This is not the prophecy I am looking for, but it will have to do. A great shaking awaits the world.
Woman That Prophesied Trump Would Win Now Warns That A “Great Shaking” is coming
The man you are looking for is Trey Smith and he has many great videos out. You don’t have to be religious to learn something from them. Trey discusses prophecy and Trump. Kim Clement is one of those who had a prophecy.
Here is Trey’s you tube page
Here is the video which came out way before his election.
As an aside, here is a recent video by two pastors regarding Trump.
I found it interesting that the scripture one of them read in front of him and a group of people happened to be one of the scriptures of prophecy Trey mentioned a year ago.
One of the pastors mentioned was the same one who told the public about the plan to remove trump, and was visited by the secret service regarding this.
ok, how do you call something going under that description? There is only one thing that pops into mind.
And I don’t really mean to go into religious discussions as that’s not the point – but this world really needs a reality check.
P.S. excellent summary Saker, nothing to add or remove from it
What that is called is a ‘strategy of tension’ ancient but rejigged in the 1970’s to prevent Europe becoming properly democratic (and socialist) when it began moving that way.
Read up on ‘Gladio’—Daniele Ganser wrote a brilliant expose, confirmed by the Italian and Belgian courts and parliaments but since suppressed (hollow laughter from this cynic). It explains a lot of what has been happening since:
@one minion – I do agree with that. I’ve made a very similar (I think) observation under another Saker’s analysis here (as Anonymous, but I decided to christen myself since then as it’s hard to make conversation).
But that’s too technocratic view, we’re giving it a human face, a group of people with strategy and very sound goals (from their perspective, and all that is true I believe).
What I’m trying to emphasize and imply – is the “who” behind the strategy.
I.e. what is it that we’re dealing with. And I believe it’s much more sinister than any of us here are prepared to admit (and there are many points that speak in favor of that, and for another analysis). Again I don’t wish to sound like a lunatic, I just think it’s important as stakes are too high.
And the point being is to know your enemy as you can better analyze and predict what’s coming next – what the goals are, and what they’re prepared to do or sacrifice (e.g. let’s say who in the right mind would be willing to risk nuking the world?).
I suspect, maybe wrongly, that you want me to name Satan or the Devil but I’m agnostic (don’t know, don’t ever expect to know and cheerfully admit it) and I don’t do belief or religion although I have a healthy interest in both.
How about: evil people, psychopaths, sociopaths, truly deluded power-crazed human beings?
A Polish chap wrote a good book, Political Ponerology, examining the role of these people in politics and positions of power after living through some up-close, first-hand experience:
I’m carefully choosing the words myself as I don’t want to go into that sort of discussion either – simply, that just never helps things when you wish to reason something, one believes the other person doesn’t it’s a no-win situation.
But from simply military analysis point of view, it’s important to know what is that we’re dealing with.
Whatever group of people, cult, organization, they must have some goals or ideas driving them forward, what is the ultimate that they want to achieve.
Then and there it makes a huge difference if it’s simply money or power (that’s a scenario that I’d very much like to be true) or we’re dealing with full blown psychopaths (evil can take many forms, I wouldn’t call them good guys that’s for sure). Or it may be more palatable to make a parallel with simple criminals vs serial killers (I hate Hollywood simplifications but there you go). the latter are infinitely more difficult to analyze or predict and that’s what we’re facing.
I believe it’s the same thing here – we’re talking about bankers or zion etc. That’s all fine and true to some extent but doesn’t fit the bill in my opinion. None of them would really want to nuke the world or to the very least chomping at the bit to start the WWIII. When we describe them we talk about chaos (and it’s discernably more and more chaotic with every day) etc. I’m thinking that even the non-religious of us should start asking some difficult questions. It changes the perspective.
I don’t think it possible for a non-serial killer to forensically examine and fully understand the mind of a serial killer (for example). Its a lifetimes work for most of us to get to grips with and understand (should we choose to attempt it) our own very tricky minds let alone that of another. We are all wired so differently with different histories, motivations, ideologies, perspectives etc. That’s what makes us individuals and interesting.
As far as bankers or zion, I thinks its simple–They want it ALL— which is delusion of course as they recognise no limitations to their own wants and make no attempt to understand anyone else who is unlike them.
For me a comedian said it best (strong language):
@one minion – thanks for the video, Carlin is interesting, I like those high profile public figures that are going against the tide, full respect
There is an Orthodox Christian prophecy that there will be a Great War. After that, people will be desperate for peace such that they will agree to anything. A world leader will emerge promising many good things. He will be the Anti-Christ.
Things will be good at first. Then, his Satanic plan to enslave the human race will be exposed, and another war will begin. The slaughter will be so great then eventually Jesus will directly intervene to save creation from total annihilation.
The moral of the story is that God wins. Speak the truth, unite yourself to Christ, and fear not. “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
@Avarachan – yes I believe that’s awfully close – which prophecy did you have in mind if you’d like to share? Prophecies are offering something different that non of the science or down-to-earth logic can come up with, providing you believe them or some of them. I think the Bible itself has something very similar to what you’re saying.
These articles may answer your questions. Everyone should read these to understand what we are up against. The Machiavellian principles that guide these creatures are embraced by more than we know. Then there are those who support them for their own reasons. If no one supported them, we would not be in this situation. Until humans stop choosing the victim perpetrator model this will continue.
First, we need to understand, as we diagnose a disease, in order to treat it. Here is a small excerpt.
The thought of Machiavelli is so radical and pure, says Strauss, that its ultimate implications could not be spelled out: “Machiavelli does not go to the end of the road; the last part of the road must be travelled by the reader who understands what is omitted by the writer”. Strauss is the guide who can help his neoconservative students do that, for “to discover from [Strauss’] writings what he regarded as the truth is hard; it is not impossible”. This truth that Machiavelli and Strauss share is not a blinding light, but rather a black hole that only the philosopher can contemplate without turning into a beast: there is no afterlife, and neither good nor evil; therefore the ruling elite shaping the destiny of their nation need not worry about the salvation of their own souls. Hence Machiavelli, according to Strauss, is the perfect patriot.
How do we confront and take action when there are those who have absolutely no limits to what they are capable of doing, and those who feel they are fulfilling prophecy and are mandated by “God”?
Here is another interesting discussion about how tactics have changed, and the end goal.
Something else that is important to me is that the people must begin to take responsibility for their part in the demise of our world. Only then can they take their power back and create change. Blame dis empowers and the victim consciousness only fuels the police/nanny state. It is a lie that the majority is being forced into something. It is not logical that a small group of people can control the masses without the masses participation and consent.
Very few wish to discuss this, but until we do, nothing can change. In America, our Republic was founded to place limitations on the government to protect and serve the people and gives the power to the people, which Donald Trump addressed in his commencement speech. It guarantees our inherent rights, and for the first time, a nation of laws,not men was formed. Those who blather about constitutional or civil rights are misguided. There is no such thing. There are only inalienable rights granted to us by our Creator. The people are the heart of our Republic, and it can not exist without them fulfilling their duties and responsibilities; taking legal and lawful action, being aware, intelligent, responsible and awake.
“The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his (God’s) laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey.” 1772, Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109.
“The rights of the individual are not derived from governmental agencies, either municipal, state, or federal, or even from the Constitution. They exist inherently in every man, by endowment of the Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the Constitution, and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people’s rights are not derived from the government, but the government’s authority comes from the people. The Constitution but states again these rights already existing, and when legislative encroachment by the nation, state, or municipality invade these original and permanent rights, it is the duty of the courts to so declare, and to afford the necessary relief.” City of Dallas, et al. v. Mitchell, 245 S. W. 944, 945-46 (1922)
Here is what several people, with whom I concur, have to say about the heart of our Republic.
If the people are unhappy with the government performance it must be recognized that government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom.” – Ron Paul
“This [U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism… when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic govt, being incapable of any other.†– The Quotable Founding Fathers, pg. 39.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. – John Adams
A republic is not an easy form of government to live under, and when the responsibility of citizenship is evaded, democracy decays and authoritarianism takes over. Earl Warren, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It”, p 13.
This is the root of all corruption. Humans, having been peasants for millennia, have been given the opportunity to step up and be sovereign. Alas, a mere 200 years is not long enough for the people to understand this and act accordingly. You can not have masters without slaves begging for masters. The abdication of responsibility gave permission to the despots to step in, for its only energy, and nature abhors a vacuum.
America as it stands now, has strayed from its mandates. Our public servants and the people are traitors and aid and abet treason every day in multiple ways. The solution is simple, return to our Republic as it was intended. Government over reach is unconstitutional.
“No provision of the Constitution is designed to be without effect,” “Anything that is in conflict is null and void of law”, “clearly, for a secondary law to come in conflict with the supreme Law was illogical, for certainly, the supreme Law would prevail over all other laws and certainly our forefathers had intended that the supreme Law would be the bases of all law and for any law to come in conflict would be null and void of law, in would bare no obligation to obey, it would purport to settle as if it had never existed, for unconstitutionality, would date for the enactment of such a law, not from the date so branded in an open court of law, no courts are bound to uphold it, and no Citizens are bound to obey it. It operates as a near nullity or a fiction of law.”
If any statement, within any law, which is passed, is unconstitutional, the whole law is unconstitutional by Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 (1803).
“Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation, which would abrogate them.” Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491 (1966).
“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, 442 (1886).
United States Supreme Court Justice Brown, Hale v. Hankel, 201 U.S. 43 at 74 (1905):
“The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen.He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way.His power to contract is unlimited.He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his door to an investigation. He owes nothing to the State since he receives nothing therefrom beyond mere protection of life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State. . . . He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights.”
The threat of communism is real, and as the communist manifesto shows, our country has already embraced the ten planks with the ignorant masses whole hearted support.
It is disgusting to me that so many wish to destroy monuments to our great founders, who under great harm to themselves and their families, gave us this amazing opportunity. These filthy parasites are not worthy of licking their boots.
To answer my above question, we were given the tools by our Founders to legally and lawfully maintain our freedom and grow and flourish as a species. They knew what we were up against. The pen is mightier than the sword. All it takes is for more people to believe in themselves and therefore, something greater; the nobility of the human spirit.
@Terri – thanks for your lengthy reply, I actually managed to read it all (glanced through the articles).
We do not agree on all things, I think – but we agree on the most important one, importance of having “moral and religious people” (or one of the two at least, true moral or genuine religion/belief).
I like philosophy (an understatement), but to simplify I’d just ask you a simple question – do you believe in good and evil? It’s important as it puts things into different perspective.
Or let’s say that’s believing in good –
And that is not going to happen out of nowhere as majority (I’d say or a solid chunk) are ruled by the evil (again let’s simplify), or no or false moral, no true religion or belief system. People basically today believe in very few things, very little in true values (nobility of human spirit). All they really believe is in today’s materialistic world, money trumps everything, it’s all about money and satisfying the most superficial and primitive personal needs. There is really no chance for humankind as such.
And I’m getting there, so bear with me…
And let’s say the definition of evil (that all or most of us could agree on, whether religious or not) would be something like (out of my head really). People, group, or just force – that has no nobility or moral values to limit their actions, or even further posses something opposite of moral, dark immoral codex and goals – so we’re not talking about deluded or crazy people. And that’s the next characteristic – it is smart, extremely, evil genius. And 3rd, I’d say it has powers (due to its intelligence, or supernatural who believes in that, doesn’t matter) to manipulate other people for their cause. I.e. evil is much more manipulative than good can ever be – the good has different qualities to counteract that but it’s not best at manipulation. Religion is manipulative yes, but religion is not necessarily on the side of the good, so that’s different.
So while the people are essentially capable of both good and evil – as both are part of the human makeup (and now philosophy can kick in, is it primal, primitive that is bad, or is it our self, ego – and we must transcend a bit to elevate to the level of good – not going into it), people are highly susceptible to manipulation. In times of changes (turbulent times like this) people easily fall under influence of the dark and immoral non-values. I’d say that’s something we can clearly see happening today.
I’d say it’s much more dangerous today, as manipulation is taking whole new levels, internet and pervasiveness of information and media manipulation, ability to control human lives (and all the 1994 stuff). Also that points to the extremely powerful dark side of humanity, as some of this and their plans are truly devious and ingenious – i.e. I don’t think we’re dealing with simple money driven individuals, greed is never so smart, there is more to it seems.
So we have immorality (at a huge levels, and I’m not a purist in any sense, but I don’t think history of humanity has seen this will all the dark episodes in our history),
we have manipulation at extreme levels – and good part of the human population falling for it, actively pursuing the evil plans, knowingly or unknowingly,
and we have the evil genius.
And finally, if history has taught us anything, the animosity and polarization like today – it can’t be just resolved on its own. People are not going to fall back to their senses (not good enough number). Something bad (like a war I guess) would need to happen to nudge them out of their daily business and elevate their minds to grater planes. And then hopefully we could see the balance changing, moral being reintroduced and nurtured etc.
The more I read, the more I observe, I’m convinced we are witnessing a parallel in time between 21st century America and that of Japan in the 1930’s prior to the invasion of Manchuria. The Japanese Imperial Army constrained, coerced and convinced the emperor to relinquish his authority to the militarists who enabled a foreign policy of colonialism in China and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
President Trump’s political, MAGA platform was successful because it filled the rhetorical vacuum of domestic economic malaise his supporters knew had to be addressed to restore the middle class. But Trump did not fully understand how evil is Washington, DC politics. He could not see the Office of the President is not all powerful but instead a figurehead that serves the globalists who run the financial world from the Federal Reserve Banking System and its Pentagon war machine.
Trump is flawed, a pseudo-intellectual at best, reduced to Twitter-isms that float through the airwaves like gossamer, to be flickered at and then quickly forgotten. His superego prevents him from examining a problem carefully and looking to history for guidance or reaching out to wiser individuals outside the corporate world he is so comfortable with, not realizing they all have an agenda of their own.
Like the Japanese emperor, the president knows of no way out because the fascist spider has him tightly contained inside its web of domination. He is allowed to move in a circuitous path but always directed to wind up back in the center of maximum control. Trump cannot escape short of resigning from office or removal by legislative act or by abrupt termination of his life.
President Trump is trapped by his own weak persona, he cannot see a solution because he did not prepare himself for the Herculean task that stood before him. He is relegated to becoming a modern day Sisyphus, never to achieve his vision, always overcome by forces that overwhelm him practically and spiritually.
Reopen the 9/11 investigation Mr. Trump. It’s your only hope to save your presidency.
Some interesting info at on Ukraine, Manafort, hitlery & Dr David Duke who got his doctorate from Ukraine:
And it looks like Ukraine was involved in supplying the rocket technology to N Korea etc.
And if you think Trump is down and out and on his way out, not so fast: – From about 57.50 for about 27 mins.
I see possible future presidential candidate, Mark Zuckerberg, just announced today that he will be taking 2 months paternity leave with the upcoming birth of his daughter.
Do you suppose he may fill his time with some extra non-parental activities while he’s away from the office?
A brilliant article, thank you. Sadly, the only point I would question is the impending false flag:
“A terrorist attack bigger than 9/11 will happen before the end of this decade.” Dick Cheney
Your link was about Steve Bannon leaving the White House – please double check and provide the correct link. Thx. Mod
I think the false flag was always coming, it was just a question of when. Cheney’s suggested attack sounds ideal, it would need to be a real show stopper IMHO to convince the America people to go to war with Iran, which is the number one target of the Neocons. If Iran is taken out, Israel’s no. 1 Middle Eastern enemy is gone, Hezbollah’s arms supply is shut off, etc. If Iran’s oil & gas supplies are also annexed then US global hegemony may be able to be maintained for a while longer by threatening to cut off China’s oil supply. The House of Saud will do as they’re told, as per usual, so the US oligarchy would be entirely in control of ME oil & gas supplies.
The further point here is this. If a suitcase nuke false flag took place in America and it was blamed upon Iran, it would provide 100% legitimacy for the US to nuke Iran. Moreover, it would also be a reminder to the RoW that the US elite is willing to use nuclear weapons.
The other point here is that the US is now so divided racially that a massive false flag is one way to paper over those cracks, for the time being.
I recommend looking into this:
This was no accident. We can all thank God that patriots within the U.S. military sabotaged this false-flag attempt. “Global Research” had a good article about this.
There was a movie called “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” back in 2003. It was based on a graphic novel. One of the characters was Dorian Gray of classical literature, played by Stuart Townsend. His character was essentially immortal as long as his picture wasn’t shown to him. He had the best line in the movie:
“I’ve lived long enough to see the future become history, Professor. Empires crumble. There are no exceptions. ”
The US Empire will prove him right. Nothing can stop it.
The North Korean regime is 100% rational. It will do nothing to jeopardize it’s survival, least of all launch a nuclear strike against Japan, something no one has proved they have the capacity to do in any case.
Unfortunately the speculation about the possibility of North Korea launching such a nuclear strike only sets up conditions for the Mother of all False Flags, a possibility carefully seeded in our imaginations for over thirty years, by means not unlike those used for 9/11.
Irradiating the Far East solves many problems for the ZIonists, not least of which is to block the rise of China just as it comes into pre eminence. Even if China is not hit directly local radioactivity will undermine the next great potential centre of economic power, and cause perhaps tens of millions of people to flee the area, many perhaps going to faltering Zionist held regions, thus helping renew them while taking down China significantly. As a group the Chinese are productive and obediant, just what the Zionists want to replace the current stock over which they preside.
It also occurrs to me that Japan has been ‘excercising’ a nuclear crisis since the disaster at Fukushima in 2011. Only the infantalized Japanese would tolerate being used in this way and most likely fail to respond in kind, though they could rapidly develop the ability, perhaps within weeks. The Cult of Hiroshima serves many potential purposes and neutering a potential Japanese response could be one.
I do not put anything past the ZIonists with their supreme lust for power. They are more than capable of lauching of a nuclear attack on Japan, blaming it on North Korea, then attempting to reap the benefits of what follows by, amongst other things, instituting planet-wide martial law and pursuing otherwise impossible actions such as the microchipping of everyone, for which they need a crisis of epic proportions.
I hope I am wrong.
My guess is that the proverbial will hit the fan when the deplorables start to boycott and militate against recruitment to the military and police “services” in the USA.
Remember Hillary called Putin the “Grand Godfather of White Supremacy.”
Hmmm….the U.S. deep state has tried repeatedly to start a major war in the past few years. Perhaps in hope that the ensuing sound and fury will cover some gigantic black holes in the financial system.
They have been unsuccessful in starting World War 3, so far. However, the financial system is still a time bomb scheduled to blast away the 1% if they don’t hide it somehow in an even bigger crash. With external chaos probably not happening, could they actually be inciting internal chaos — Civil War II — in cynical expectation that most of them will survive in their bunkers?
I will tell u a thing: China has its own financial transation system, CIPS, different from SWIFT; Russia has MIR; and ECB months ago was woking to adapt the systems to CIPS
days ago, Russia joined also the financial transation system of the BRICS
then, basically, it takes a week end for ECB with close banks to transfer all the files on CIPS or MIR.
Mattis to back Kiev’s claim to Crimea during Ukraine visit
US Defense Secretary James Mattis will visit Ukraine next week and reassure the government in Kiev that the US still considers Crimea a part of the country’s territory, the Pentagon said. Mattis will tell Kiev the US is “firmly committed to the goal of restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Mattis will stop in Kiev on his way back from Jordan and Turkey. His visit follows the trip by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July. Both the Pentagon and State Department have endorsed a plan to sell US weapons to Ukraine.
Crimea voted to rejoin Russia in March 2014, after a US-backed coup in Kiev brought into power a nationalist coalition that included neo-Nazis.
source RT
Antifa meeting tomorrow to plan insurrection on 4 November-curious how in the hell this can be legal but it does not matter:
I am an American. I voted from Donald Trump with no illusions. I knew that he was – with all of his weaknesses, flaws and faults – exponentially better than Hillary Clinton, however. I continue to rejoice that she did not get elected. I did not believe that he would survive the campaign: assassinated, blackmailed or exhausted. He survived the campaign. I also thought and continue to think that during his term in office he would be assassinated or impeached and removed from office. Baring a deus ex machina, I doubt that he will finish his term; if he does, he will likely be even more ineffective than he has been to date.
Americans who see through the ideologues, the military-industrial complex, the pantheon of bureaucratic gods, and their useful idiots are not yet at and may never be at the point of the good people of the eastern Ukraine – resisting with force. For one thing, we have no equivalent of Russia in our hinterland; and, quite frankly, we lack the will.
Our best hope, it seems, of carrying the seed of the good, the beautiful and the truthful into the future is to pray for the collapse of the empire and to nurture under the rubble of it those virtues which might germinate, bud and blossom when some day the light reaches the dark shadows in which we must hide. Pray that we at least have the courage to do that – to endure for the sake of a future generation.
Here is my take on the future of the American State……through the slow process of over overextension….both militarily and economically…..the US has backed themselves into an inescapable corner……the world sees the US as fools….idiots….mobsters……an ineffectual monster with its teeth decaying…..rotting…..crumbling…..still dangerous…..but for any full fledged battle……a paper tiger….they are surely aware that attacking South Korea….Iran…..Russia…..China…..Iraq….Syria…..Venezuela….in any order or combination thereof would bring to itself complete and damning results…..there comes a time when projection of power becomes a useless exercise… what other alternative is there…..the reverse…..a turning inward….the intentional causing of civil unrest…..murder….anger….hate…..public frustration…..until it becomes so bad that Marshall law is declared….all rights suspended NDAA….lock down…all of which have been planned before hand…..and we are all reduced the status of the Russian citizen…..1917….what else can they do….?????
I am beginning to think my friend is right …. these fundamentalist Christians are prepared to pull the whole edifice down in a conflict that will engulf the globe because that will herald the second coming of Christ.
As a non-believer, when I first heard that I just shook my head in dis-belief ….. “nobody is that deranged” I thought
I recently had a fundamentalist Christian talk to me about God, heaven and his belief. He is a remarkably good man, but on religion we had to agree to disagree. He talked with obvious conviction of a heavenly paradise that he will go to because he is a Christian but I will frizzle and fry because I am not.
His version of heaven sound like a ‘heavenly’ place to be …. boring …. I suspect the women will not be as forthcoming as I would like …. but, still, if you are a fundamentalist Christian, you would have not problem shuffling off this mortal coil to go there.
So, destroying the planet and getting a star appearance by your saviour is a small price to pay for them, and as my friend made very clear, they couldn’t give a fk about the rest of us because we do not have their belief so we all deserve to frizzle and fry.
He lamented that his children will frizzle and fry because they do not believe. I said that if I was about to enter heaven and I saw my children were being condemned to hell, I would simply give them my place and gladly go to hell. That is a concept he did not understand (so much for Christian charity and forgiveness). He took no responsibility and said it was his ‘loving’ God’s responsibility.
I resent being nuked because a few crazies have this medieval belief system.
And ….. if I am right …. then all the impeccable logic in the world will not save us
“I resent being nuked because a few crazies have this medieval belief system.”
I don’t think that resentment will cut it mate.
You may be “nuked” financially . . . .after all that is the plan. I doubt that nuclear strikes are imminent, but shit happens.
I should not surprise you that superstition is not limited to a few crazies ; it’s more like a few billion. We all can do superstition , just as we all can do reality checks on our superstitious beliefs i.e. rational scientific analysis.
Those who are unprepared for upheaval, ( because Jesus will shortly whip them outtahere in his Tesla) may simply be culling themselves , just like the AGW adherents who seem intent on self-annihilation.
I understand your frustration. But there are two errors here.
The first is yours, and the second is your friend’s.
With regards to yours, you’ve wrongly assumed that your friend’s version of Christianity is the right one. Please note that there are many various divisions in Christianity. Logically they all cannot be correct. Even if you are an atheist, only one of them can possess the ‘most correct’ shall-we-say theology.
Your friend obviously belongs to one of many Protestant denominations in the U.S. that are descendents of the Lutheran revolt where Martin Luther, seeking to set up his own theology and church broke away from the Catholic Church which declared logically and rightly that there cannot be many interpretations of the truth, for truth is one and all men should seek out and be united under that one truth. Part of that truth being that God instituted a heirarchial religion under the Pope and Apostolic Bishops just as He did in Ancient Israel under Moses and the Aaronite priests. Luther seized upon certain legitimate issues within the Church that were already being addressed, but went much further by seeking an easier theology to suit his paranoia.
Luther’s problem was that he could not stop acting upon certain sins and so thus could not be sure as to whether he would go to Heaven or not. So instead, he sought to invent wholesale a theology of ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’, meaning no matter how much you sinned, God would save you so long as you professed faith in him. Aka the doctrine of ‘Faith Alone’ without works. The Catholic and correct Christian teaching is that ‘Faith does save you, but that faith must be justified by works’ aka, if you truly believed in God that you would therefore amend your life and your actions should logically follow your beliefs. Thus you would cease sinning and doing bad things to your neighbour, to put it simply. Of course, nobody’s perfect, so we often do continue to sin, for which we must again and again pick ourselves up and beg God for forgiveness and make restitution where we can. But in other cases where we cannot make restitution or for sins against ourselves and against God, there are actions of penance, because God is just and therefore the sins we do not make restitution for during our lifetimes, must be done after we die in a place called Purgatory, before we enter into Heaven. In order to make it easier, God provides through His Church indulgences to remove temporal punishments due to sins such as acts of penance, whether fasting, or prayer, or almsgiving. The latter which Luther seized upon to claim the Church was ‘selling’ (though in his defense, there were some corrupt priests doing that by taking advantage of almsgiving and donations).
But all in all, Luther, seeking an easy religion where he could continue to sin and still be saved, cast off the Christian Teachings of indulgences and purgatory, and in doing so had to tear our or rewrite various books and passages of Scripture and deny the heirarchy of the Church as a whole to have his way and set himself up as his own Pope. But in order to have some basis on which to stand, after shredding the Bible to his liking declared afterwards that his religion would be based on ‘Scripture Alone.’ No need for any of the long standing and correct Tradition protected and passed down through the ages that was the proper and long standing understanding of what Christianity is. He was simply going to do it his way.
Luther then oddly enough thought everyone else who’d follow him in breaking away from the Church would follow under him and his theology. But logically if there was no single authoritative interpreter of the Truth of Scripture, and if we are to assume the Catholic Church and Popes could be wrong, then why was Luther automatically correct? So so thus various factions continued to form who saw things differently than Luther and Protestantism would further splinter and divide with each subsequent man coming up with his own crazier and zanier version of Christianity.
Your friend is a product of this, and another one of those products is the idea of ‘The Rapture’ which like Luther’s easy ‘faith alone’ theology where you can be as irresponsible as you want, even encouraged by Luther to “sin boldly” and not give a damn because God will save you anyway, the Evangelicals of today who are Luther’s stepchildren believe that before God punishes the world in a terrible way, that all the ‘believers’ (which for them do not include the Catholics), will be magically transported away into heaven so they will not suffer the chastisements.
This is a wholly selfish, heretical and make-belief scenario that is nowhere to be found even with a ‘sola-scriptura’ approach using the Bible as they’ve screwed up interpreting the Revelation to John, alongside outright ignoring Christ’s own teachings that His followers will have to likewise face persecution and suffering as He did until He returns and that throughout it all, the good and bad will always be living together. The wheat and the chaff growing together etc. There is no magical Rapture. Our actions have a direct effect on the world and thus while we always rely on God we cannot just sin as we like and be negligent to our neighbours. Thus the insanity of evangelicals who may go to lengths to further ruin the world and raise conflict with say Islamic nations or Russia as if they’re ‘helping’ fulfil prophecy of destruction from which they will magically escape. it ain’t gonna happen, and they’re going to face the storm just as much as anyone else and fully appreciate the consequences of their own self-fulfilling devastation.
So now I hope you will understand why the Catholic Church condemns the heresy of Protestantism and why logically it teaches that the Truth cannot be divided into various interpretations and why God, if He exists, would naturally institute a heirarchial order for His religion so that all men would have one source to go to that was logically consistent. You might now want to naturally argue as to why God would therefore allow the Protestant revolt to happen in the first place, or even the Orthodox/Catholic schism for that matter. To this the Church would reply because God respects man’s free will to reject Him and therefore all logical truth, and also so that the demonstration of this stupidity on man’s behalf is allowed to reach its natural and destructive conclusion in light of history least anyone should imagine they know a better way of doing things than God, which leads us to your next error…
That error being that you out of hand seem to dismiss belief in God and Christianity as superstition. But fail to realize that if your alternative is just naturalism, then your complaints about the tragic state of affairs is only illusionary, for what we are seeing is therefore only the logical outcome of Darwinian struggle and such emotions as to what constitutes ‘good’ or ‘evil’ is nothing but a chance product of nature and chemical interactions that produce notions of ‘love’ ‘justice’ etc. that are all equally meaningless and only thrive to the point where they constitute survival. So this means naturally that even ‘superstition’ is a natural product of nature and has survival advantages otherwise it wouldn’t stick around as a useful function, the idea of what is truthful naturally being irrelevant. What only matters is the emotion it produces regardless of objective criteria and that goes as well for the rapture-believing Protestant as it does for the Lefty Antifa Democrat, and likewise for the Darwinian-driven-scientism of the atheist, the latter being just as capable of error and superstition and the former two, no matter how much scientific intellectual verbiage the unbeliever would like to mask around what are essentially his own unprovable dogmatic assumptions about the world. And no surprise that unbelievers who reject the immaterial, would then turn around and hypocritically impose their own immaterial moral criteria against the others.
This error of the unbeliever is likewise rooted in the same motivation of Luther – fear of the afterlife and Judgment and Hell. But being uncomfortable with something doesn’t mean it isn’t there, nor does it justify dangerous emotional outcries that God is somehow unjust and that one would freely take the place of their children and go to Hell on their behalf – something which again betrays reliance on erroneous Protestant notions of Hell and Heaven divorced from true Christianity, which is why the Church teaches that Atheism is the logical outcome of Protestant logic. For much of atheist justification is based on the heretical Protestant ideas of Christianity.
There is not sufficient time to get into the larger complexity of what Hell and Heaven are, so I’ll be brief and state that if you were to somehow bargain with God and go to Hell in place of your children according to your hypothetical example, you would therefore cease to love them. In fact you will hate them. Hell is a place devoid of all good, stemming first from being totally separated from God. Just as your body requires outside sources as its nutrients, oxygen and food to survive, so too the human mind relies on the spiritual nourishment of God to provide it with rationality and love. To cut yourself off from food, water and oxygen leads to your natural death. To cut yourself off from God who is the source of rationality and love and all those other immaterial gifts leads to your spiritual death. Therefore you must declare your hatred and rejection of love in the first place in order to do as you state, which is illogical because you must therefore have to hate your children in order to save them. It makes no sense and therefore naturally bargaining to take their place is not something you can do. But in the Catholic understanding, you can offer to suffer temporarily on their behalf in order to convert them and remit punishments due to their sins by your actions of penance, mortification, almsgiving etc. Things that Luther rejected and thus so too does your Protestant rapture-believing friend who is not willing to imitate Christ and suffer as He did on behalf of those you love.
To be fair to your friend, he probably hasn’t been instructed properly on what true Christianity is and therefore what Hell is. The only way to fall into Hell is if you totally give yourself over to the Sin of Pride of thinking you know better and that God cannot judge you. Thus it is said that those who go to Hell, march in there of their own accord and their own free will. And that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. If you think this strange, you need only to observe human nature and see how there are those who cannot stand people who are trying to correct and inform them about the errors and dangers of American foreign policy (or lack of it as Saker says), or even in mundane affairs of life where you try to get someone you love to see things your way (assuming you’re objectively correct) and notice how sometimes they will often react in a very angry or violent manner. All this is Pride. Pride that refuses to see the Truth or admit that one might be wrong.
Likewise it is the same for those who die, having sinned and refusing to acknowledge Truth and Righteousness and True Love when it stand personified before them as God before whom in natural contrast they are judged. For an allegory see the current ‘Anti Fat Shaming’ movement where rather than people acknowledge that their lifestyles are unhealthy and make them unattractive, they would rather denigrate and attack common ideals of male or female beauty and insist it’s society’s fault that they feel the way they do. As if these concepts were some long standing conspiratorial set up specifically to make them feel bad. Likewise for those who blame all white people, religion or the patriarchy. it is simply self-fulfilling destruction of themselves and others. But it will not be so with God, before whom they will only destroy themselves by proudly stating such things as you likewise do that you will ‘choose’ to go to Hell in defiance of God. In effect that is PRECISELY what you are going to do and why you or your children would hypothetically end up there.
Those on the other hand who humbly submit to God’s judgment will be saved. If there are bad things they’ve done, they do not automatically get into Heaven. This is because God is just, and therefore if they have failed to amend their lives or do due pennance while they lived, it is made up for in the afterlife in Purgatory. This means that if say… Adolf Hitler… were hypothetically to have somehow come to his senses and submit himself to God’s Judgment and Mercy in his final moments, he does not get into Heaven freely. He too will have to suffer for a very very very long time to make up for it. And these sufferings would be to such an extent that everyone of us if we were to see or imagine it would therefore agree that he has paid the price in full. The same goes for the rest of us. Your Protestant friend, you and me. So too for Obama, Bush, Clinton and the whole globalist cabal. They will all answer for it one day.
Unless of course, you prefer to dismiss all that as ‘superstition’, in which case there’s really no reason why all the Globalists, Neocons etc. shouldn’t take advantage of you and the rest of us in order to enjoy and maintain their prosperity and power. After all, who are they going to answer to? If not God, and if God isn’t there to judge them, then let nature take its course and let each man do what he can get away with as he chooses. It doesn’t ultimately matter in the end when the universe decides over the course of time that the Earth and all life has had a good run and its time to put an end to it with a nice random chance calamity that has nothing to do with any human action. A nuclear war today or an asteroid or gravitational collapse tomorrow… so what?
I am really grateful for your answer, and no offence.
Truth hurts, or so they say, so I let your words sink in. I hope some other fellow easterling with more influence as me reads your lines too. Change begins with a small step, so I start taking. Thank you for your time and attention.
Saker, my Orthodox brother could it be that the Neocons (who are the children and grandchildren of Trotskyites who fled the Soviet Union during Stalin’s reign) are still hardcore international Communists underneath it all? Could it be that they are working with the Marxist professors who seem fo be the ideological Godfathers of Neo Bolsheviks like Antifa? I haven’t thought such thoughts for a long time. It sounds like a far fetched John Birch Society conspiracy theory. However it is abundantly clear to me that Antifa is a Neo Bolshevik group that is well organized and disciplined with very wealthy benefactors. They are Anticlerical as well just like the Bolsheviks and have been threatening traditional Roman Catholics in Michigan just last month. This thought came to me last night during my Evening Prayers when I thought of the White Russian emigres at my parish and their amazing journey first began by their parents following the Bolshevik Revolution and Russian Civil War that brought them to Harbin, China and then to Hong Kong, the Philippines and lastly San Francisco. Blessed St. John Maximovich was with them for most of the journey. I’ve been wondering as of late about the possibility that I and my family will become refugees as well. Maybe to Russia.
You might, but for different reasons. Nowadays nobody will shoot you in some secret police basement for being an Orthodox Christian. Today the brainwash you, they try to get you to join a kind of pseudo-Orthodoxy which is all form, no substance, they try to lure you away from a Christian life, that is the kind of methods they use. Is that bad enough to move to another country? Maybe. But I don’t recommend it as this is always very very traumatic. I hope that you will not have to leave your country.
See the message of Fatima as well and the revelations of the Mother of God to Sr. Lucia.
She warned that the ‘Errors of Communism/Russia’ would spread worldwide.
That America itself would become Communist.
That the world would suffer as a great result and that many nations on the face of the Earth would be annihilated.
This year 2017 marks the centennial since the first Apparition in 1917. Everything prophesied is coming true.
Saker, Thanks! That was a good read and probably spot on! I personally think that the US is in the midst of a societal collapse which can’t be halted now. Certainly not by Trump.
This coloured revolution is being engineered and the people in power are either, A. a part of the collapse or, B. are being funded to look the other way or, C. have no idea what’s happening and are caught up in the semantics of the ridiculous arguments taking place.
The general good citizens can see what’s happening but are unable to do much to stop it.
They cannot bring in a one world Government without the collapse of the USA and if you read the Club of Rome publications of the 80’s, the goal is, One World Government or Anarchy. But, definitely the demise of the Christian West is paramount and, that goal is almost achieved.
I believe that a necessary condition for catharsis in the US of A is that the truth about CIA and government envolvement in 9/11 (and its aftermath until this day) be out in the open. It is the only possibility I see for the people to unite against their common ennemy, the military-industry-government-MSmedia complex.
The US seems to be having its own Cultural Revolution. Hopefully this is not the case and it doesn’t happen.
Hi Saker, this is a very good article as usual but about racisme and why black americans are more violent you shoud inform your self a little more .
Here is a little video to begin with :
Djon, that was a much better video than I expected!
Aerial drone footage of the protest at Charlottesville showing a red car (SUV?) driving into the crowd sending people flying. The crowd is also remarkably small.
In general I agree with your analysis and, much as I hate to say it, your prognostications as well. However I take issue with what you stated In a quote from your piece last October:
,q> “The Neocons have a total, repeat total, control of the Congress, the media, banking and finance, and the courts. From Clinton to Clinton they have deeply infiltrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and the three letter agencies.
I believe the driving group in this is the banking and financing business sector, not the neoconservative foreign policy folks. It is the institutionalized greed inherent in Wall Street business models that drive it all. And fund it all.
Everything you say is true. But let’s consider Trump’s world through a different glass; the three real players in the game of government are the “Lifers.” Those Fed employees who cannot be removed; the Pentagon, the CIA and the NSA. The Fed is a separate Lifer but has no need to play, they after all are the bank.
The Pentagon has long been at war with the CIA and has no alliance with the NSA. Trump has surrounded himself with members of the Pentagon, he has their back and they his. This alliance runs deeper; the military rank and file as well as police are some of his strongest supporters.
And remember the Pentagon wants budget share, not war; now let’s consider the recent results of this Trump/Pentagon alliance; the CIA has been told to stand down in Syria, the NSA has been told some of its responsibility will be transferred to the upgraded cyber security dept. The defense budget has been increased by ten plus percent, not for specific wars but to upgrade.
Now what is happening with nontenured Congress? It has been a rough 30 months but he now knows who he can count on there and who is his enemy. He has been building a financial war chest and in the 2018 elections will support those who supported him and will support opposing candidates of his enemies. He can count on his grass root financial supporters to come to his aid as before; the unending MSM attacks have only motivated them.
How many seats are up for grabs in 2018? Lots. The US House of Representatives members all serve 2 year terms, therefore, all of the seats and Congressmen are up for reelection, thats 435 seats. US Senators serve 6 year terms, so about 1/3 of the 100 Senators are up for reelection in 2018.
There is a great deal of online conjecture; he is stupid, he has no plan, the MSM hates him, etc. I say, eh.
He grew up in NJ became a NY developer and then a worldwide developer, he is NOT stupid, he is well able to plan and I am sure he could care less if the MSM hates him, he knows they are bought men. I think he plans on remaking Congress in 2018 and the Clintonestas know it, that is why they are using everything they have against him. I personally think the DNC will fall, not Trump.
Likewise I shudder on reflection of what price the Russian people had to pay the last time the Bolsheviks gained control of an empire. However I seriously question whether the USA has the fortitude to withstand it this time around.
Civil war in the US is a very real possibility as many state and the trigger could simply be the removal of Trump from power. He was elected by the people and there are many who support him still. His removal from power will be the last straw for the so-called “basket of deplorables”. And the impact of this civil war will be felt all over the world.
There will not only be economic/financial chaos but brutal overthrows of various governments supported by American NGO/intelligence/military policies.
There will be many civil wars being waged all over the world in the various countries where the US has vassals that were put in place (through coups, assassinations, overthrows) to support their business interests. These countries (think Guatemala, Honduras, presently Venezuela, Columbia), and their repressive regimes will explode in war to get rid of their economic oppressors. Africa will also explode. Without American support, many countries in the Middle East will not survive for very only either.
There are too many countries where the Americans and their proxies have abused, destroyed, looted, robbed and killed. Those countries that suffered the most and have the least to lose and much to gain will try to get rid of their oppressors. The various puppets protected by death squads (trained by the Americans) will have no more support from the US so will be fair targets.
The Americans have between 700 and 1000 bases around the world, what would happen to these bases, armaments and troops? How will the occupied nations view this withdrawal of troops and armaments? Poland and the Baltic States will have apoplectic fits!? That will be a sight to behold!
I have not read anywhere any analyses about the impact of such a collapse but it seems to me a real possibility.
A very black forecast indeed! It is however predicated on one big assumption, that Trump is a helpless baby and at the mercy of the neocons who retain control.
Firstly, Trump is no baby and shows no sign of being helpless and at anyones mercy. In fact if you stop taking the White House statements on word and instead read between the lines, a different picture emerges.
Secondly, how can you say Trump hasn’t by merely calling out truths and tweeting strategically absolutely destroyed the big media brands in the US? No-one really can take CNN seriously anymore. MSNBC similarly discredited and now even ordinary Americans understand that they are and have been lied to by the media. So in summary Trump has effectively de-empowered his media adverseries.
Next, the Democrats who have really destroyed themselves over the Russia lie. Trump effectively eliminated the Democrats as a political entity of concern as of last week. By coming out against BOTH groups in Charlotteville (reasonable I thought) he set a trap that both the Democrats, the RINO’s and the nevertrumpers fell over themselves to fall into. They visciously attacked him for effectively being pro Nazi/KKK/white supremacist.Trump responded the next day naming specific white hate groups. Then silence…then the trap sprang. There was no similar call out against Antifa by all Trumps attackers, nothing. So, using their own logic Trump can now call them all out as Antifa protectors and supporters.
This is very important, because none of the abovementioned have any idea they are dead meat walking. Last week millions of ordinary Americans heard this term antifa for the first time. They googled it out of curiosity. You should google it and see what millions of ordinary Americans saw. A Black clad armed street mob who have publicly stated that they will meet words they deem offensive with…violence. An armed street mob who attack law enforcement and unarmed people alike. An armed mob who carry signs saying “America Was Never Great” and “Become Ungovernable”, who burn the flag and signs saying free speech. They also beat elderly people who are already laying on the road. Damning stuff. Trust me 98% of people will find it abhorent. The Democrats who by de-facto are now supporters and protectors of Antifa will face an extinction level event in the mid terms. So Trumps political adversies, destroyed.
RINO’s and nevertrumpers similarly dead meat. See more instances of Trump endorsing people to primary against sitting Republicans. Apparently an unheard of act, which Trump did first last week against sitting Senator Flake.
Adversies in the Republican party gone, the party made again with Trump endorsed candidates.
The middle East, Trump has effectively told the Saudis and Gulf state they are on their own, if they cause trouble, however he promises to contain Iran.
Expect to see a real calming down of the hot spots.
China, trade war looming. DPRK is China’s sock puppet to distract and threaten, Trump knew this and told China to sort out the craziness. All Trumps threats were directed at China not DPRK. Read this way it makes more sense. Next, Trumps trade team have lined up leverage and Trump will use these on China at a time of his chooosing. America slapping 30% tarrifs on imports (as China does on certain items) will hurt China more than the US.
India causing trouble on the flank is part and parcel of the strategy of carrot and sticking China to a place the US wants it to go.
Russia, well despite Trumps best efforts he cannot do anything at the moment. Rest assured he has already mapped out how he will reverse what congress has done. Certainly revenge will rain down on those who attempted to humiliate and control him.
Trump is a master of deception and slight of hand, a showman. But on top of that he is a person who strives to win and has, throughout his life dissected and analysed every possible situation for angles of winning and losing. He arrived where he is today not by being a helpless baby.
Also, do you really think mere politicians are able to better him? He has succeeded against already suucessful business people, corporations, and gangsters. The political class in the US are self absorbed, self entitled, lazy, greedy and most are not that smart.He has already allowed them to expose their excesses, hypocrisy and stupidity. Mitch McConnel last week reduced to huffing and puffing about POTUS inflated expectations about what congress can achieve. No Trump just shone a big torch in and showed ordinary Americans what a lazy bunch of liars they really are.
No Trump has already won. Start watching the wonderful happen…
China doesn’t have a ideology just wants money (said by a DPRK Official), DPRK isn’t a puppet of theirs. There’s a reason that they have a nuclear program in place since 2000, they don’t expect help from anyone.
China just need the rare material Korea has for their mitilitary and space program. Trump is a clown with no clue what he is doing, there are rumors about some military uprising in the US right now and the media still has a lot of power with the younger generation.
The presidency has little power, Trump is in the corner trying to save his ass right now. He has little public support at the moment.
That’s a lot of unsubstantiated opinion to jam into three paragraphs.
Sounds like you are entirely captured by the mainstream media narrative.
Do yourself a sanity favour and try these for a refreshing change in point of view.
George W Bush was competent? Quagmires domestic and foreign…9/11 attacks which could have been easily avoided…Anthrax…Iraq and WMD…the 2008 Financial wreck…Hurricane Katrina…wars across central Asia…opium trade unleashed. Is this competence?
Not only his presidency, but his business dealings also show a similar record of bankruptcy and destruction wherever he was put in charge.
“When will we ever learn…?”
The answer for Trump is to be found in Title 10 of the United States Code, Sections 252 and 253. I have written extensively about this on the Internet, and therefore need say no more here. But I fear that even were he to solicit their aid, the self-styled “patriots” would prove to be afraid of doing what the Constitution itself declares to be “necessary to the security of a free State”. If one refuses to do what is “necessary”, the outcome is predictable.