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Many thanks for your work, Andrei. Happy New Year to you and all of yours as well. And many wishes of better fortune to The Saker after a year of much tribulation. You can’t forget Larry Johnson and Colonel Macgregor and dozens of others who deliver to us the truth. I for one am eternally grateful. These venues are so necessary and I pray that people that matter in the ruling arena are paying attention.
I love Andrei M. and usually he is spot on. However, Britain did not bring the Industrial Revolution to the United States. On the contrary, Britain prohibited the Industrial Revolution in its North American colonies. There was no steam engine (1698) in the New World until 1755. The improved Watt engine (1769) was not exported from the Mother Country to the United States until Robert Fulton was allowed to purchase one in 1807.
Well they did build the longest RR in the world in its time straight to Spanish moss country. That was rather industrial in it’s day.
What “modern” development occurred was directly related to resource extraction and infrastructure supporting the import of raw materials from the Colonies to Britain. Manufacturing in the Colonies was verboten. That 1755 steam engine I mentioned was shipped over to pump a mine, not power a factory.
Could it be David that the time-lag in receiving these transport systems from Britain was due to the number of years it took to train Americans to NATO standard in handling these state of the art new technologies, 57 & 38 years respectively? lol
Maybe you had to wait until enough Irishmen & Chinese were deported/shipped/made their voyage to America to build your roads & rail.
Maybe the Brits didn’t want to blot your idyllic landscapes or way of life with the 8 week coming of age cattle drives across prairies.
The lack of power to manufacturing was also due to the lack of machines to power. It wasn’t until the great British engineers like Henry Maudsley and Joseph Whitworth had solved the problems of making more accurate machine tools (particularly the screw-cutting lathe) that it was possible to make machines for factories.
BTW (and sorry, a bit OT) – anyone got a clue on the origin of wood-working machinery? In the UK it seems it originated with the Portsmouth block-making machines which were all “invented” by Samuel Bentham (built by Maudsley) and Bentham’s brother Jeremy was Governor of Prisons in Russia – the real birthplace of modern woodworking machinery?
Sorry Haymer, the only thing I know about woodwork is that there’s a plethora of 2by4 planks in our Governments here in the UK.
Although predictions are difficult, especially about the future (as the saying goes), it is sometimes interesting to try and characterize the present moment from which the future will proceed.
The most striking quality of the moment as I see it is “paralysis”. The west continues to pull almost meaningless stunts that accomplish little. The latest, of course, being the clown show in DC and Patriot missile act. These don’t change much other than prolonging the agony of millions. The DC show was just a continuation of a very bizarre thrall that grips these politicians, almost a ritualistic mania, in which they self convince that they are prevailing.
Meanwhile, those still sane around the US and world cringe in the sure knowledge that this type of group hallucination leads only to disaster. The Russians launched another 100+ missiles yesterday, and the situation continues.
It’s as though there is a cauldron of money in the middle and all the ooing and ahhing are incantations to strengthen the spell. Yet, none of them seem to acknowledge the level of suffering that is only increasing.
The question for this year, in terms of the imagery above, is “when does the spell break and the paralysis end?” How much of the Ukraine has to be decimated? How many have to die? When does it become clear that throwing more money is not helping?
And the next question then becomes, “how will they react to any clear signs of failure?” My guess is that reality will be ignored at all costs, and if not Kosovo, some other conflagration will be initiated as a distraction. Breaking the spell is too costly in terms of control of the masses.
The breaking point would seem to hinge on reaching a point of obviously losing control of the mass illusion and/or the overall war situation. That’s when the danger will skyrocket. The breaking of the current paralysis is the event to watch for.
Thanks to Andrei and to al the others we find via the saker, the duran, brian berletic, gonzalo lira…….
I love WTFUD’s suggestions!!!!
Polls show that the public doesn’t think Russia is a threat because we are winning and fighting over there and the Ukraine is the good guys. As long as the Neo-cons and libs don’t think Russia is dangerous to them, they will try to subdue Russia, and if the need arises for the US to use tactical nukes, Russia will be blamed because they are losing. We know what winning looks like in Iraqu and Afghanistan and Vietnam, and it was shock and awe. We also used napalm, which would be effective in trench warfare, cluster bombs, perfect against infantry, and depleted uranium. Russia is fighting trying to fight a moral war, which looks weak. Yes, the public thinks war is Tom Cruise flying around and bombing bad guys, and we are winning. Actually, it is Russia’s apparent weakness, its not wanting to fight a nuclear war, and not wanting to hurt anybody makes nuclear war more likely.
Thank you for all the time and effort that you put in in educating us. Your lectures have been extremely enlightening and I feel as if I’ve been through a university course. Want to wish you a very happy New Year much strength and power to you thank you
The 2nd question that must be asked is –
How long will it be before our Euro-Elites come to the realisation that their Romanesque incestuous orgy of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride, the 7 deadly sins, with their American peers is over?
Pride for sure will be the greatest hurdle, but with a rope (and hard labour) awaiting the Captains/Champions of the Sinking Ship the rest of the Motley Crew will see the light.
Those who pick up the reigns will now turn to Russia, pay whatever penance/restitution is demanded, and hopefully after a period of say 2 decades, become fully integrated under the protective umbrella of Russia & China & Allied Partnerships.
Every American base/construct in Zone B/Europe will be dismantled, turned into housing or used for appropriate industrial purposes to aid the recovery in all of the countries they’ve subjugated.
America will be treated as a pariah state, a leper colony, much like they’ve treated Cuba & DPRK. Ostracized, Americans can now begin the process of cleansing their own financial and political parasites. In half a century they can apply for multipolar membership having met certain periodic criteria.
Fittingly, the judges who signed our rights away will be among the first to feel the rope burns
When will it stop? That’s a valid question.
There’s another question, how will the negotiated peace look like?
Question of Ukraine is easy to answer. There is physical territory, people you can account for, and to some parties’ disadvantage other parties will benefit and build walls/barbed wires. It’s only 35 years ago this structure existed, so that’s not a distant memory. That could also be acceptable to rabid neocons with some face saving.
But what about the question of economy?
Over a third of international trade is now done with currency swap agreements, and increasing.
US has $28Trillion of debt, and other economies performing as bad as they can achieve.
Casino economy only survives as long as filthy rich play there. Russia seems to be the only nation stopping a planned global famine by the casino mob/WEF, because this gang knows that fraud of the dollar is soon coming to the end. They just cannot imagine the world trading with another common currency. They would rather end humanity if before shop is shut. Will they ever allow anyone to sit and talk things out?
My biggest concern is the accidental start of a nuclear war. Some years ago, Russia streamlined its decision-making process for launching a nuclear strike which reduced some of the human element. I don’t think we would have survived the cold war with such a system. There were several close calls in which nuclear war was only avoided because a human intervened. As for the U.S. nuclear forces, horror stories have emerged a few times revealing mind-boggling levels of mismanagement.