The three-word term, ‘Peace through Strength’, is an oxy-moron of the typical variety that morons believe in, nonsense from sense; let me explain.
Peace IS or it is not.
There is NO PEAce Process.
Peace IS, or it is not.
Peace : IS : an Existence, and either Peace exists or it does not.
Today, no Peace exists when the delight of savages and barbarians are the law. Remember, both ISIS and the Global Gay Military promote prostitution (legal rape) as a gateway to manhood – so, we’re dealing with ‘male adolescents in rage’ who seek to become men – through rape and murder, yah, this gunna work out just fine… .
We do not have Peace; thus we live in a constant state of surrender to immorality.
Feel the real pain when your the responsible party for killing another child’s future – these selfish narcissists feel nothing but their own glory as each new member of society is killed for their fetish fixation on killing God through throughly killing God’s creations – a totally false meme yet a real fantasy of perverts.
Strength is COMPassion.
Strength is not Power over another, Power over another : IS : Corruption – yet to these mental sadists, every death is a ‘pleasure of strength’ and regarded as representing more peace – through the thoroughly bizarre – ‘increase in fear’ – which is the Ultimate Goal of ALL perverts, an increase in fear to mask their nakedness of emotional depth.
Peace needs no weapons to defend itself.
Peace : IS: .
You want peace, live in peace.
Prepare for war, and Satan’s your guide
Live in Peace and at least your heading to Heaven@!
At this point in time, it’s THE Direction (Honesty, Integrity) that’s more important than Tghe Goal (Heaven).
Yet i grew up among these vermin – and to tell you the truth, as long as the money is flowing, no body gun a ‘turn over Eve’s Apple cart’ – it’s the love of any authority that’s not based upon Universal Morality!
Peace, Strength, words rendered meaningless by intellectual dwarfs – need only one to show the way forward : Strength is a motion, Peace is a Product not a process.
Combining a process and a motion leads to commotions; split personality – since sometimes in a process, you have to go back to pick up something left behind, a process is more like a maze, where motion is more like a dance, which always moves forward – thus the phrase, ‘Peace through Strength’ is Orwellian at the core, doublespeak, a logical contradiction if you know how words RELATE to one another, thus we’re dealing with poor parenting and the inability to hold long-term relationships as meaningful. i could go on… .
“The Vermin” are the Money Changers of Chicago, and specifically, the Chicago Jewish Mafia – who could never quite figure me out whenever i was in attendance at their meetings – i tagged along with my parents who remain to this day – ardent fanatics of, “Israhell – who can do no wrong”.
I would suggest, “Why don’t we marry their daughters and they marry our sons”.
Stuart, the Chicago Jews talent-spotted Obama at college (I’d bet that his psychopathy and narcissism were pretty evident to an expert eye)gave him his first job, then financed and promoted him throughout his career. The Pritzkers of the Hyatt Hotels and Superior Bank sub-prime mortgages (targeting ‘people of colour’ to Uncle Obama’s indifference)fame, seem amongst his closest controllers, hence Uncle Obama’s appointment of Penny Pritzker as Commerce Secretary (aka ‘putting Dracula in charge of the Blood Bank).
Odd Mulga, yet I grew up five houses away from the Pritzker Family, and was the same age as one of their children, just acquaintances; yet when we met again, years later, in our twenties passing each other down a dorm-room stair case – she offered me “a look” to fill in the years – and in that ‘look’ was a lot of sadness and stories of murder. Donald Rumsfeld lived a block and half-a-way when with Searle.
“The Elders” wait to take their pick till Freshman year in High School – i was ungovernable – they staid away – and then left the place for good – usually it’s The Debate Coach – who makes the first Adult-Move-inandon.
“When Ford lost the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returned to private business life, and was named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company, during which time he led the legalization of Aspartame.[2)
(2) Gennett, Robbie (January 6, 2011). “Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame”. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 23 April 2014.
Stuart, apparently Rumsfeld and Cheney are deeply involved in the ‘Continuance of Government’ apparatus, that started out as a plan to survive nuclear war, but has grown into a type of secret Government behind the scenes. As a Chicagoan, did you read the story ‘Obama and the Jews’, in the Chicago Jewish News, October 24, 2008, by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood? It explains an awful lot about Uncle Obama the Manchurian Horse and Trojan Candidate.
“Peace needs no weapons to defend itself. Prepare for war, and Satan’s your guide”
”We are opposing to those people… that ‘world elite’ which plans to establish technogenic based neo-slavery system seriously and forever. Under such world disorder, there will simply be no place for majority of people. Every ordinary fighter realizes it here… We have no other way. The only way is to fight back, to defend the future of our children; otherwise, there simply will be no us.”
~ “Pro-Russian rebel” Gennadiy Dubovoi, 2014
So, Donbass was wrong to defend the people from our Orwellian overlords and their useful idiots? Would allowing the massacre to happen and passing the question of direct military action to Russia and its troops have been any better?
“Live in Peace and at least your heading to Heaven@!”
“Then Jesus asked them, ‘When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?’ ‘Nothing,’ they answered. He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.’”
~ Luke 22:35-36
If pure pacifism were the right thing to do, why would Jesus tell the disciples to carry swords at all? How does sitting on our thumbs while the NWO sends the world to hell supposed to get us into heaven? When it’s “1984/Brave New World,” you’ll be lucky if anyone believes in heaven at all.
Gennady Dubuvoi understands the global Overclass and just what they represent, perfectly. The whole world is beginning to be consumed by a war between Evil, centred in Mordor-on-the-Potomac, but with its dead heart in Tel Aviv, and Good, cornered in a few redoubts in Russia and China, and in the hearts of billions. The Evil Ones are a tiny stratum, as they always have been, but their impulse to violence and refusal to ever compromise plus the ease with which hired killers can be recruited and managerial apparatchiki to organise and run the system found, multiplies their power exponentially.
Peace IS is a philosophical or a mystical stance. Jesus did not fight AGAINST evil. One can not fight against it and in effect not make it only stronger because evil, if the universe is in its foundation “good”, can not even exist. It is a sort of a paradox.
If peace as foundation IS, then the fighting has no purpose. But if evil as foundation IS, then all the fighting is Sisyphean task because you can never win. Fighting FOR peace is a deception tactic, a true oxymoron because in that illusion of change you yourself are gradually becoming what you are fighting against.
And although as far as philosophy is concerned, this seams an easy task to solve, because then your state of mind defines reality, in this world evil does seem to exist. Not only as a foundation, a cause, but as an effect. Evil, lies, deceptions, manipulations, opression all seem to provide some sort of results which can effect “reality”. Solution therefore lies in this order of realization: 1. You can not fight against evil without making it only stronger, 2. Evil can not have a cause. 3. Evil can not have an effect. Only AFTER all this realizations can one’s mind truly see what “reality” is. Christians call this reality “Kingdom of God”.
‘m’ enjoyed your offering, yet your opening line: “Peace IS is a philosophical or a mystical stance”, needs to be examined, critically.
Peace is a Reality; not a construct of philosophy or plank of mysticism.
Peace is a conclusion; not a position or a stance.
Peace is not a perspective.
Peace is an active agent seeking greater fulfillment.
Peace : IS : permanent, it is the end of struggle.
Stances are not permanent, they fluctuate.
Philosophy is sought for guidance, Peace is the Guide.
Inner Oceanic Peace can be realized in this life we live; yet External Peace without turmoil – not in this life -.
Peace is personal; you can have inner everlasting peace while the world burns, Jesus did.
Since peace transcends limitations, peace is not burdened by outcomes, by the externals – this is what makes Peace Possible – it cannot be stopped once a commitment to peace has occurred – what is missing from our world, is the complete desire to lead a peaceful life (Commandments Four and Five, (4) Honor thy father and thy mother, and (5) Thou shalt not kill.)
Briefly, more later – “So, Donbass was wrong to defend the people from our Orwellian overlords and their useful idiots?”
Words matter –
War is offensive
Protection is defensive.
You wrote, “to defend” , i wrote, “Prepare for war”..not the same words, not the same meaning, so your confusing my meaning unconsciously, your confusing being offensive with being polite and disregarding humor as a form of defense against the nightmare we are living in.
Makes Every Previous Book on World War II Obsolete.
Finally, a distinguished scholar has penetrated the cloak of falsehood, deception, and duplicity that for more than thirty years has protected one of the most incredible secrets of World War II: the support from key Wall Street financiers and other international bankers in subsidizing Hitler’s rise to power.
Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War II was not only well planned, it was also extremely profitable—for a select group of financial insiders. Carefully tracing this closely guarded secret through original documents and eyewitness accounts, Sutton documents the roles played by J.P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists.
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler shows how the bloodiest, most destructive war in history was financed and promoted. It is sure to spark angry denials and heated debate.”
“Then Jesus asked them, ‘When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?’ ‘Nothing,’ they answered. He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.’”
~ Luke 22:35-36
OK, Poppadop here’s my take on your outtake of one line of The Book of Love –
1. Testimony is like Witnessing (not always one-hundred percent accurate).
2. Thus for me, each of the Disciples are Witnesses, and YOUR THE Scientist who puts it all together.
3. Thus and so, if any witness Testimony, goes against the GRAIN, tests your brain, you accept their testimony as revealing something other than what their talking about.
4. Thus, the quote you provided from Luke, speaks Volumes about Luke, and who Luke IS and speaks not an iota about, The Man of Peace; sometimes in the Book of Dawn, the proper ‘Title’ for The New Testament, The Disciples reveal an altered perception, and not the TRUTH – permitting us to learn how child abuse affects perception later in life.
“If pure pacifism were the right thing to do, why would Jesus tell the disciples to carry swords at all?”
Jesus could not have said to take up a sword, when he himself is without death –
Try this – because the line from Luke contradicts all the teachings of Jesus – the line from Luke is not about Jesus but about how Luke could get so mixed up while being a Witness – this begins in childhood and unfortunately child abuse alters perception – if you want to learn more about “Why Luke could have heard the unutterable” – read what Luke had to say about fishes and women – and the sword will become as it is meant, ‘as bait’.
“How does sitting on our thumbs while the NWO sends the world to hell supposed to get us into heaven?”
“Who said i’m sitting on my thumbs?”
And isn’t the best defense a good offense? Why do you think the US went from fighting against the Empire to fighting for the Empire? The banksters could apply military, economic, cultural, and political pressure on the US using England and the other debt slaves.
“This institution (the privately owned central bank) is one of the most deadly hostility against the principles of our Constitution… suppose a series of emergencies should occur… an institution like this… in a critical moment might overthrow the government.”
~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1803
It took at least two racket wars, one proxy civil war, three assassinated presidents, and two failed private central banks, but with the Federal Reserve, the plan to “overthrow the government” solidified.
“… the support from key Wall Street financiers and other international bankers in subsidizing Hitler’s rise to power.”
And yet Hitler opposedthose same banksters? Bankster puppets get fake Orwellian wars that are supposed to last forever like the War on Communism or the War on Terror. Hitler got a real war which ground Germany into paste even after the war was over, not unlike how Tsarist Russia was ground into paste.
Sometimes bribes don’t work. Look at US President William McKinley. During his campaign, the banksters helped him outspend his opponent by a 5-to-1 margin. McKinley won, yet this didn’t stop him from resisting the banksters’ goal to steal control of the country’s money.
“Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must not further be threatened. It should all be put upon an enduring basis, not subject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. Our currency should continue under the supervision of the Government.”
~ President William McKinley, 1896; 3rd assassinated president
“… the line from Luke contradicts all the teachings of Jesus…”
“In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.”
~ John 2:14-15
But let me guess: Jesus did not arm himself and force the money changers from the Temple either?
“…So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.”
~ John 2:14-15
Poppadop, “Your saying that the literal message of this passage is The Message of the Passage (into the Ark).
“That, ‘overturning their tables”, is LITERAL and was Godly behavior both?”
“… ‘overturning their tables’, is LITERAL and was Godly behavior both?”
Is it literal? Maybe, maybe not. Yet think of it this way, Stuart: How can a figurative or metaphorical context turn this into something entirely different?
As for Godly behavior: Isn’t God stopping or punishing bad behavior at some point the impetus humans have to stop bad behavior?
“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”
~ Proverbs 13:24
which is utter horsepoop, and deceptive anti-communist propaganda
What found searching youtube was
Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler & communism, which I didn’t even listen to beyond the opening saying the guy is part of the Hoover Institute, which is a right wing loony bin.
I’m not sure where you are coming from but I don’t want to visit there even for an afternoon.
“ yields NWO : Communism By The Backdoor pt 1, which is utter horsepoop, and deceptive anti-communist propaganda”
“Everywhere there is the same pyramidal structure, the same worship of a semi-divine leader, the same economy existing by and for continuous warfare. It follows that the three super-states not only cannot conquer one another, but would gain no advantage by doing so. On the contrary, so long as they remain in conflict they prop one another up, like three sheaves of corn.”
~ “1984,” George Orwell
Yes, the Orwellian model never really took hold and the Soviet Union fell apart, yet it played Eurasia to the West’s Oceania pretty well while it lasted.
Thank you so much, you have nailed exactly what we are experiencing these days. Yes, the corrupted Rome is falling apart and taking down everything what has value. But nothing last forever, huge damage was already done, and we can rebuild later when the peace will take the measure as supposed to be. I’m very hopeful for the all world and for the bright future for our kids and families. We are in a final stage and more people harvest their own power even in a very quiet and different style.
Connection to this topic………..
July 21, 2015
Prague, Czech Republic
I’m at a complete loss for words.
I keep waiting for the deep baritone of that guy who voices all the action movie trailers to chime in. But it doesn’t come. Because this all real.
I’m talking about the trailer George Clooney has just released to promote his new non-profit, entitled THE SENTRY.
(Yes, they use all-caps. It sounds like a great name for the next Marvel superhero movie.)
THE SENTRY is an initiative that “seeks to disrupt and ultimately dismantle the networks of perpetrators, facilitators, and enablers who fund and profit from America’s deadliest conflicts.”
Wow, eliminating genocide sounds like an incredibly noble cause. Of course, in order to do so, Mr. Clooney’s aim is break down financial privacy.
There’s been a long-standing war against financial privacy for years.
As western governments have slid further into bankruptcy, they’ve made coordinated efforts to interdict privacy across the world through tax information exchange agreements, black lists, and turning bankers into unpaid spies.
Plus they’ve been extremely clever in their marketing campaign, working tirelessly to associate financial privacy with some of the worst elements of society.
At first, their propaganda suggested that only people interested in financial privacy were guilty of tax evasion. Then organized crime. Then terrorist financing.
Now it’s genocide.
This is really insane. Privacy is completely natural and part of our most basic social edicts.
Privacy is why it’s taboo to discuss how much money you make. It’s why we thrive on keeping secrets and knowing other people’s secrets.
Privacy is normal. And for years it was something that used to be the rule, not the exception. Especially in regards to finance.
That was the origin of the term “private banking”. It wasn’t about money laundering. It was about being a grown adult and keeping your business to yourself.
Now they’ve destroyed the concept to the point that anyone who seeks out financial privacy is suspect of tax evasion. Or organized crime. Or terror financing. Or now genocide.
And it’s not just finance; it’s privacy in all things.
Here in Europe the British Prime Minister wants to outlaw encryption technology… because apparently only terrorist criminals and ISIS members use secure email.
What’s even more bizarre is how a guy like George Clooney even has a say in the global financial regulations.
Yes, Ocean’s Eleven was very entertaining.
But I’m completely baffled at how George Clooney has any influence over my financial privacy. Or anybody else’s except for his own.
Ominously, THE SENTRY has been among the first that I’ve seen which specifically mentions gold as a means of illicit finance.
And governments have already taken dramatic steps to criminalize the holding of physical cash.
Apparently they want to ensure that your only financial option is to deposit your money with a shaky bank in a bankrupt country earning a rate of interest that fails to keep up with inflation.
Now, I think we can all agree that dictators are bad people (as are rapists, murderers, pedophiles, fraudsters, and corrupt politicians). And stopping them is a nice idea.
But the road to tyranny is always paved with the stones of good intentions.
Because no matter how many financial regulations get passed, and no matter how far the dictators are chased by Mr. Clooney on his white horse, the fact remains that bad people will always find the resources to do bad things.
And in the meantime, the crusade to save the world only serves to make everyone else less free.
This war on privacy is a war on freedom. And it’s getting totally out of control.
Until tomorrow,
Along with ‘Evil China’ and ‘Evil Russia’ (plus a little ‘Evil Blatter’ for low comedy)hate-mongering. Incessant, undeviating, obnoxious and hypocritical with 100% Groupthink, as always. If you relied on sewers like the ‘Liberal’ Guardian you would believe that in China and Russia, or Iran, NOTHING good ever happens. It is the work of dead souls without the intellect or morality to dare diverge from the worldview of their psychotic owners, evil monsters like Rupert Murdoch.
The litmus test of course is how they stand on the Iran deal. Peacenik noises are well and good – but what if that’s all they are?
A tried and trusted technique of opposition-annihilation is to mimic it.
Those of you who are American Jews and *really* committed to peace (which cannot be attained without justice for the embattled Palestinians) should question and demand a specific action plan/manifesto.
The lobby, or at least AIPAC, have fundamentally lost a lot just being in a position where they have to do such campaigns. Always until now, AIPAC was largely able to reduce unquestioning support for Israel to a tacit thing, just assumed as background. Now it’s an actual issue. Always before, AIPAC could count on strong support in both parties for its positions. Now they have relegated themselves to being an appendage of one party and therefore in opposition to the other. How do you lean on a Democrat to support you when that Democrat knows you’re working for the Republicans?
Seems to be a case of overreach plus, bizarrely, capture by the money of one man, Sheldon Adelson, who has far more cash than strategic sense.
Now they have relegated themselves to being an appendage of one party and therefore in opposition to the other. How do you lean on a Democrat to support you when that Democrat knows you’re working for the Republicans?
That’s actually a misconception spread by zionist friendly sources. AIPAC is an equal opportunity corrupter. Both reps and dems are equally beholden to AIPAC, as political parties. The majority of both partys’ politicians are more or less equally under the zionist thumb. Example: Sanders is as much under control as McCain is. There are individuals, very few in number, of both parties that have managed to keep some independence of AIPAC, but we’re talking, at a federal level, about numbers in the single digits. AIPAC/republican opposition to the recent Iran, while democrats supporting it, should not be mistaken as AIPAC vs the democrats.
The strategy of the ZPC/NWO is not a direct Israeli or American attack on Iran. They realise that is a non starter now. The plan is to use their ubiquitous terrorist proxies as the hardcore and their “color rev” 5th columnists as the softcore policies. The anti-Iranian bs by ZPC/NWO regime quislings and the zionazi media has not really changed. It’s still a war against Iran as far as they are concerned. The “conflict” between reps and dems over this is theater, as both want this war to continue and AIPAC is making sure American politicians will not significantly oppose this war, no matter what their rhetoric about peace is to the public.
BT…sorry, which war is that you’re talking about ? Syria ?
The sometimes hot, sometimes cold war the Israeki-Americans have been waging against Iran since 1979, when the Iranians overthrew the American colonial regime there.
It can be almost as dangerous to overestimate one’s enemy as to underestimate. I think you’re overestimating. Up until now the Israeli tail has done an impressive job wagging the American dog. But there is a tendency for any criminal who gets away with something to try a little more, then a little more, feeling a bit more invincible every time they succeed. Sooner or later, they tend to overreach, as well as getting sloppy, careless.
Israel is in my opinion at that stage. The actual value of Israel to US imperialism today is not as great as it once was. Most Middle East regimes are securely locked in US clients; the “unsinkable aircraft carrier” of Israel thus loses relevance. Iran remains an irritant, but one wing of US imperialism sees an opportunity to co-opt Iran and “bring in from the cold”, potentially a much more effective strategy than staying at loggerheads with them as Israel demands. Israel’s desire to be the only significant power in the region is worthless to the US if the other significant powers toe the US line.
And at this point, where it would be wise to keep the idea that they’re pushing the US against its core interests quiet by wielding their influence subtly, Netanyahu and the lobby decided to push for a big noisy showdown and to try to make the (democratic) president of the United States lose face. They did this because Netanyahu owes his domestic political success to Sheldon Adelson, who sponsors him to such an extent that the new highest-circulation newspaper in Israel is owned by Adelson, who created it as a vehicle to propel Netanyahu’s political fortunes. And Adelson is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, whose ring Republican candidates kiss thoroughly. So normally Israel wags the US, but currently Adelson is wagging Israel, and he wants to use it as a political tool to attack the Democratic party. This has created a genuine rift; AIPAC, which has traditionally been very influential indeed with all parties, is now seen as a partisan group.
There was a time when every US congressman, senator or governor was convinced that if AIPAC opposed them they could not win, and so obeyed implicitly. But at this point, many Democratic politicians are becoming convinced that AIPAC is against them simply on the basis that they’re Democrats, so obeying isn’t going to help. And that in turn allows them to start looking dispassionately at whether Israel and its pushy politics are any use to the imperial project. There are other significant elements of the Israel lobby with somewhat different politics, but while they have influence they don’t command the fear AIPAC does. Allowing themselves to be so strongly influenced by Adelson’s Republican agenda and thereby pushed into flat-out opposing and contradicting US government policy will, I think, cost Israel severely in the medium term if they don’t start being much more careful awfully soon.
PLG, I wish you were correct, because once Israel is brought under control the Palestinians can be rescued from their endless Hell, and Israel’s neighbours delivered from the horror of Israel’s drive to destroy them all. Needless to say Israel, too, would benefit from ceasing to be a vicious, rogue, racist, terrorist state reviled by most of humanity.
Unfortunately all I can see is a growing Zionazi campaign to criminalise criticism of Israel, crush the BDS movement and assert the control of Jewish Fifth Columns over Western states. The Zionazis do not do compromise with goyim who refuse to follower orders aka ‘antisemites’.
Folks, perhaps we should not worry over this too much. Try looking on the bright side.
Let’s assume the petition is successful, and Congress and Senate proceeded to sink this deal, guess what? I think that may turn out to be the best thing that happens. Why? because if so the POTUS reputation is completely ruined in the eyes of the world. No one will bother to negotiate any kind of serious agreement with POTUS anymore! Heck the rest of the P5+1 spent 4 years negotiating this thing, and got and agreement signed, suppose this really gets sabotaged by this campaign, rest of P5+1 will be furious, including the “vassal” states => best situation in the world!
The sanctions will be completely undone by all except the USA, the end of hegemony!!!!!
And in about a year and a half, we’ll [probably] have another PotUS. Furthermore, the IMF, World Bank, ECB, Council on Foreign Relations, and other bankster authorities will not be affected. Their “reputation” will still remain: Do what we want or we’ll get the others doing what we want to make you regret it.
This should be no surprise, either for it’s bald faced hypocrisy or for its racism. Israel is a country founded upon cultural and religious bigotry and in a majority part, relies upon bigotry and the exploitation of bigotry to exist.
The Israeli Knesset has voted overwhelmingly in favor of new legislation that drastically increases the penalties for stone throwing. While the move has been praised by some in the government as a step in deterring terrorism, others have called it “racist” and “hateful” targeting of the Palestinian resistance.
The legislation passed Monday, with 69 members of parliament voting for and seventeen voting against stiff penalties for those convicted of throwing rocks at moving vehicles.
Israel indicts around 1,000 people for throwing stones every year, and prosecutors often seek a three-month jail sentence for the offense if it does not cause injuries. The new law, however, would raise that sentence significantly to a full decade, and an additional ten years if the intent behind the rock throwing can be determined as harmful.
Stone throwing has been an iconic symbol of resistance since the first Palestinian uprising, or intifada, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Indeed, the act has become largely synonymous with resistance, and the mere image of people throwing rocks is associated with the decades-long Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
According to Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked of the far-right Jewish Home Party, however, stone throwing is an act of terrorism.
That manure while zionazistan treats “al qaida” terrorists, injured while terrorising Syrians, in Israeli hospitals, with netanyahu doing PR by visiting the things at the hospital. Totally sick country.
The aspect of the unceasing belligerence and violence of Israel and the Zionazi Lobby in the captured states of the West that, naturally, always escapes attention, is its religious roots.
The Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages, a highly influential group connected to the increasingly dominant and powerful orthodox and ultra-orthodox religious tendencies in Israel, declared in 2006, as Israel was pulverising Lebanon from the air (while getting a good whoopin’ on the ground)that, according to their interpretation of Judaic religious doctrine, killing civilians was not just permissible, but, in fact, a ‘mitzvah’ or good deed. International humanitarian law to the contrary was dismissed contemptuously as ‘Christian morality’.
Israel’s history is simply replete with brutal massacres, inside Israel, and the Occupied Territories, its neighbours and as far abroad as New York City. Individual murders, often of children, are routine. Hundreds of Palestinian leaders have been murdered (which is why we know Abbas is a Quisling-they left him alive)and Israel’s great project, its genocide to rival that inflicted on Jewry by its persecutors become role models, the Nazis, the Oded Yinon ‘Zionist Plan’ to destroy all its neighbours by fomenting a sectarian Shia/Sunni/Kurdish war throughout the Middle East and Africa, is proceeding apace, with several million victims already.
That this truly evil theocracy disguised ever more thinly as a ‘democracy’, totally controls Western states through the money power of the various Jewish Fifth Columns and Sabbat Goyim compradores, is disaster enough, presaging a religious war of increasing fury, but the fact that it is an increasingly paranoid, xenophobic and arrogant terror state led by a flagrant goy-hating psychopath like Satan-yahoo and a Government of goy-hating racist xenophobes, and is armed to the teeth with nukes, is a recipe for cataclysm. That various of these evil, lunatic, fundamentalist Judaic currents, and their ‘Christian Zionist’ stooges, are positively slavering for ‘Armageddon’, ‘the Apocalypse’, ‘the End Times’ and the ‘Rapture’, will quite probably turn into a great orgy of radioactive wish-fulfillment.
I worked with a young Ethiopian Jew last year. He turned up for work wearing his yamulka, and was a thoroughly decent fellow as far as I could judge. But he clammed up when I inquired why he’d left Israel.
Netanyahu with AIPAC is history! And, they both know it!
The standoff between the Obama admin and AIPAC is a biggie:
Salam eimar,
Please see my reply to you in the following thread:
Best regards,
Thanks Mohamed.
Will definitely check out those links you provided – they look interesting.
Best regards
The next President, Clinton or a Reptilian, will renege on the deal. You can bet the house on that. Their Jewish financiers will ABSOLUTELY insist.
The three-word term, ‘Peace through Strength’, is an oxy-moron of the typical variety that morons believe in, nonsense from sense; let me explain.
Peace IS or it is not.
There is NO PEAce Process.
Peace IS, or it is not.
Peace : IS : an Existence, and either Peace exists or it does not.
Today, no Peace exists when the delight of savages and barbarians are the law. Remember, both ISIS and the Global Gay Military promote prostitution (legal rape) as a gateway to manhood – so, we’re dealing with ‘male adolescents in rage’ who seek to become men – through rape and murder, yah, this gunna work out just fine… .
We do not have Peace; thus we live in a constant state of surrender to immorality.
Feel the real pain when your the responsible party for killing another child’s future – these selfish narcissists feel nothing but their own glory as each new member of society is killed for their fetish fixation on killing God through throughly killing God’s creations – a totally false meme yet a real fantasy of perverts.
Strength is COMPassion.
Strength is not Power over another, Power over another : IS : Corruption – yet to these mental sadists, every death is a ‘pleasure of strength’ and regarded as representing more peace – through the thoroughly bizarre – ‘increase in fear’ – which is the Ultimate Goal of ALL perverts, an increase in fear to mask their nakedness of emotional depth.
Peace needs no weapons to defend itself.
Peace : IS: .
You want peace, live in peace.
Prepare for war, and Satan’s your guide
Live in Peace and at least your heading to Heaven@!
At this point in time, it’s THE Direction (Honesty, Integrity) that’s more important than Tghe Goal (Heaven).
Yet i grew up among these vermin – and to tell you the truth, as long as the money is flowing, no body gun a ‘turn over Eve’s Apple cart’ – it’s the love of any authority that’s not based upon Universal Morality!
Peace, Strength, words rendered meaningless by intellectual dwarfs – need only one to show the way forward : Strength is a motion, Peace is a Product not a process.
Combining a process and a motion leads to commotions; split personality – since sometimes in a process, you have to go back to pick up something left behind, a process is more like a maze, where motion is more like a dance, which always moves forward – thus the phrase, ‘Peace through Strength’ is Orwellian at the core, doublespeak, a logical contradiction if you know how words RELATE to one another, thus we’re dealing with poor parenting and the inability to hold long-term relationships as meaningful. i could go on… .
Who are these ‘vermin’ you speak of?
I am a bit confused by your post..
“The Vermin” are the Money Changers of Chicago, and specifically, the Chicago Jewish Mafia – who could never quite figure me out whenever i was in attendance at their meetings – i tagged along with my parents who remain to this day – ardent fanatics of, “Israhell – who can do no wrong”.
I would suggest, “Why don’t we marry their daughters and they marry our sons”.
Stuart, the Chicago Jews talent-spotted Obama at college (I’d bet that his psychopathy and narcissism were pretty evident to an expert eye)gave him his first job, then financed and promoted him throughout his career. The Pritzkers of the Hyatt Hotels and Superior Bank sub-prime mortgages (targeting ‘people of colour’ to Uncle Obama’s indifference)fame, seem amongst his closest controllers, hence Uncle Obama’s appointment of Penny Pritzker as Commerce Secretary (aka ‘putting Dracula in charge of the Blood Bank).
Odd Mulga, yet I grew up five houses away from the Pritzker Family, and was the same age as one of their children, just acquaintances; yet when we met again, years later, in our twenties passing each other down a dorm-room stair case – she offered me “a look” to fill in the years – and in that ‘look’ was a lot of sadness and stories of murder. Donald Rumsfeld lived a block and half-a-way when with Searle.
“The Elders” wait to take their pick till Freshman year in High School – i was ungovernable – they staid away – and then left the place for good – usually it’s The Debate Coach – who makes the first Adult-Move-inandon.
“When Ford lost the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returned to private business life, and was named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company, during which time he led the legalization of Aspartame.[2)
(2) Gennett, Robbie (January 6, 2011). “Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame”. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 23 April 2014.
Stuart, apparently Rumsfeld and Cheney are deeply involved in the ‘Continuance of Government’ apparatus, that started out as a plan to survive nuclear war, but has grown into a type of secret Government behind the scenes. As a Chicagoan, did you read the story ‘Obama and the Jews’, in the Chicago Jewish News, October 24, 2008, by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood? It explains an awful lot about Uncle Obama the Manchurian Horse and Trojan Candidate.
“Peace needs no weapons to defend itself. Prepare for war, and Satan’s your guide”
”We are opposing to those people… that ‘world elite’ which plans to establish technogenic based neo-slavery system seriously and forever. Under such world disorder, there will simply be no place for majority of people. Every ordinary fighter realizes it here… We have no other way. The only way is to fight back, to defend the future of our children; otherwise, there simply will be no us.”
~ “Pro-Russian rebel” Gennadiy Dubovoi, 2014
So, Donbass was wrong to defend the people from our Orwellian overlords and their useful idiots? Would allowing the massacre to happen and passing the question of direct military action to Russia and its troops have been any better?
“Live in Peace and at least your heading to Heaven@!”
“Then Jesus asked them, ‘When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?’ ‘Nothing,’ they answered. He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.’”
~ Luke 22:35-36
If pure pacifism were the right thing to do, why would Jesus tell the disciples to carry swords at all? How does sitting on our thumbs while the NWO sends the world to hell supposed to get us into heaven? When it’s “1984/Brave New World,” you’ll be lucky if anyone believes in heaven at all.
Gennady Dubuvoi understands the global Overclass and just what they represent, perfectly. The whole world is beginning to be consumed by a war between Evil, centred in Mordor-on-the-Potomac, but with its dead heart in Tel Aviv, and Good, cornered in a few redoubts in Russia and China, and in the hearts of billions. The Evil Ones are a tiny stratum, as they always have been, but their impulse to violence and refusal to ever compromise plus the ease with which hired killers can be recruited and managerial apparatchiki to organise and run the system found, multiplies their power exponentially.
Peace IS is a philosophical or a mystical stance. Jesus did not fight AGAINST evil. One can not fight against it and in effect not make it only stronger because evil, if the universe is in its foundation “good”, can not even exist. It is a sort of a paradox.
If peace as foundation IS, then the fighting has no purpose. But if evil as foundation IS, then all the fighting is Sisyphean task because you can never win. Fighting FOR peace is a deception tactic, a true oxymoron because in that illusion of change you yourself are gradually becoming what you are fighting against.
And although as far as philosophy is concerned, this seams an easy task to solve, because then your state of mind defines reality, in this world evil does seem to exist. Not only as a foundation, a cause, but as an effect. Evil, lies, deceptions, manipulations, opression all seem to provide some sort of results which can effect “reality”. Solution therefore lies in this order of realization: 1. You can not fight against evil without making it only stronger, 2. Evil can not have a cause. 3. Evil can not have an effect. Only AFTER all this realizations can one’s mind truly see what “reality” is. Christians call this reality “Kingdom of God”.
‘m’ enjoyed your offering, yet your opening line: “Peace IS is a philosophical or a mystical stance”, needs to be examined, critically.
Peace is a Reality; not a construct of philosophy or plank of mysticism.
Peace is a conclusion; not a position or a stance.
Peace is not a perspective.
Peace is an active agent seeking greater fulfillment.
Peace : IS : permanent, it is the end of struggle.
Stances are not permanent, they fluctuate.
Philosophy is sought for guidance, Peace is the Guide.
Inner Oceanic Peace can be realized in this life we live; yet External Peace without turmoil – not in this life -.
Peace is personal; you can have inner everlasting peace while the world burns, Jesus did.
Since peace transcends limitations, peace is not burdened by outcomes, by the externals – this is what makes Peace Possible – it cannot be stopped once a commitment to peace has occurred – what is missing from our world, is the complete desire to lead a peaceful life (Commandments Four and Five, (4) Honor thy father and thy mother, and (5) Thou shalt not kill.)
Briefly, more later – “So, Donbass was wrong to defend the people from our Orwellian overlords and their useful idiots?”
Words matter –
War is offensive
Protection is defensive.
You wrote, “to defend” , i wrote, “Prepare for war”..not the same words, not the same meaning, so your confusing my meaning unconsciously, your confusing being offensive with being polite and disregarding humor as a form of defense against the nightmare we are living in.
Your Links, my response: (1) : “Very Nice”.
(2) :
“Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Antony C. Sutton
Makes Every Previous Book on World War II Obsolete.
Finally, a distinguished scholar has penetrated the cloak of falsehood, deception, and duplicity that for more than thirty years has protected one of the most incredible secrets of World War II: the support from key Wall Street financiers and other international bankers in subsidizing Hitler’s rise to power.
Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War II was not only well planned, it was also extremely profitable—for a select group of financial insiders. Carefully tracing this closely guarded secret through original documents and eyewitness accounts, Sutton documents the roles played by J.P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists.
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler shows how the bloodiest, most destructive war in history was financed and promoted. It is sure to spark angry denials and heated debate.”
“Then Jesus asked them, ‘When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?’ ‘Nothing,’ they answered. He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.’”
~ Luke 22:35-36
OK, Poppadop here’s my take on your outtake of one line of The Book of Love –
1. Testimony is like Witnessing (not always one-hundred percent accurate).
2. Thus for me, each of the Disciples are Witnesses, and YOUR THE Scientist who puts it all together.
3. Thus and so, if any witness Testimony, goes against the GRAIN, tests your brain, you accept their testimony as revealing something other than what their talking about.
4. Thus, the quote you provided from Luke, speaks Volumes about Luke, and who Luke IS and speaks not an iota about, The Man of Peace; sometimes in the Book of Dawn, the proper ‘Title’ for The New Testament, The Disciples reveal an altered perception, and not the TRUTH – permitting us to learn how child abuse affects perception later in life.
“If pure pacifism were the right thing to do, why would Jesus tell the disciples to carry swords at all?”
Jesus could not have said to take up a sword, when he himself is without death –
Try this – because the line from Luke contradicts all the teachings of Jesus – the line from Luke is not about Jesus but about how Luke could get so mixed up while being a Witness – this begins in childhood and unfortunately child abuse alters perception – if you want to learn more about “Why Luke could have heard the unutterable” – read what Luke had to say about fishes and women – and the sword will become as it is meant, ‘as bait’.
“How does sitting on our thumbs while the NWO sends the world to hell supposed to get us into heaven?”
“Who said i’m sitting on my thumbs?”
“War is offensive. Protection is defensive.”
And isn’t the best defense a good offense? Why do you think the US went from fighting against the Empire to fighting for the Empire? The banksters could apply military, economic, cultural, and political pressure on the US using England and the other debt slaves.
“This institution (the privately owned central bank) is one of the most deadly hostility against the principles of our Constitution… suppose a series of emergencies should occur… an institution like this… in a critical moment might overthrow the government.”
~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1803
It took at least two racket wars, one proxy civil war, three assassinated presidents, and two failed private central banks, but with the Federal Reserve, the plan to “overthrow the government” solidified.
And if you think allowing the banking cartel to stay operational hurt the US, Russia got it even worse in the Bolshevik Revolution.
“… the support from key Wall Street financiers and other international bankers in subsidizing Hitler’s rise to power.”
And yet Hitler opposed those same banksters? Bankster puppets get fake Orwellian wars that are supposed to last forever like the War on Communism or the War on Terror. Hitler got a real war which ground Germany into paste even after the war was over, not unlike how Tsarist Russia was ground into paste.
Sometimes bribes don’t work. Look at US President William McKinley. During his campaign, the banksters helped him outspend his opponent by a 5-to-1 margin. McKinley won, yet this didn’t stop him from resisting the banksters’ goal to steal control of the country’s money.
“Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must not further be threatened. It should all be put upon an enduring basis, not subject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. Our currency should continue under the supervision of the Government.”
~ President William McKinley, 1896; 3rd assassinated president
“… the line from Luke contradicts all the teachings of Jesus…”
“In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.”
~ John 2:14-15
But let me guess: Jesus did not arm himself and force the money changers from the Temple either?
“…So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.”
~ John 2:14-15
Poppadop, “Your saying that the literal message of this passage is The Message of the Passage (into the Ark).
“That, ‘overturning their tables”, is LITERAL and was Godly behavior both?”
Yes or No?
“… ‘overturning their tables’, is LITERAL and was Godly behavior both?”
Is it literal? Maybe, maybe not. Yet think of it this way, Stuart: How can a figurative or metaphorical context turn this into something entirely different?
As for Godly behavior: Isn’t God stopping or punishing bad behavior at some point the impetus humans have to stop bad behavior?
“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”
~ Proverbs 13:24
the link
“(2)” yields
NWO : Communism By The Backdoor pt1
which is utter horsepoop, and deceptive anti-communist propaganda
What found searching youtube was
Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler & communism, which I didn’t even listen to beyond the opening saying the guy is part of the Hoover Institute, which is a right wing loony bin.
I’m not sure where you are coming from but I don’t want to visit there even for an afternoon.
“ yields NWO : Communism By The Backdoor pt 1, which is utter horsepoop, and deceptive anti-communist propaganda”
Didn’t the Communists replace the already anti-Empire Tsars? Doesn’t the Communists’ support of atheism help no one but our Orwellian/Huxleyan overlords?
“Everywhere there is the same pyramidal structure, the same worship of a semi-divine leader, the same economy existing by and for continuous warfare. It follows that the three super-states not only cannot conquer one another, but would gain no advantage by doing so. On the contrary, so long as they remain in conflict they prop one another up, like three sheaves of corn.”
~ “1984,” George Orwell
Yes, the Orwellian model never really took hold and the Soviet Union fell apart, yet it played Eurasia to the West’s Oceania pretty well while it lasted.
Thank you so much, you have nailed exactly what we are experiencing these days. Yes, the corrupted Rome is falling apart and taking down everything what has value. But nothing last forever, huge damage was already done, and we can rebuild later when the peace will take the measure as supposed to be. I’m very hopeful for the all world and for the bright future for our kids and families. We are in a final stage and more people harvest their own power even in a very quiet and different style.
I bet you cannot talk without your hands!
Connection to this topic………..
July 21, 2015
Prague, Czech Republic
I’m at a complete loss for words.
I keep waiting for the deep baritone of that guy who voices all the action movie trailers to chime in. But it doesn’t come. Because this all real.
I’m talking about the trailer George Clooney has just released to promote his new non-profit, entitled THE SENTRY.
(Yes, they use all-caps. It sounds like a great name for the next Marvel superhero movie.)
THE SENTRY is an initiative that “seeks to disrupt and ultimately dismantle the networks of perpetrators, facilitators, and enablers who fund and profit from America’s deadliest conflicts.”
Wow, eliminating genocide sounds like an incredibly noble cause. Of course, in order to do so, Mr. Clooney’s aim is break down financial privacy.
There’s been a long-standing war against financial privacy for years.
As western governments have slid further into bankruptcy, they’ve made coordinated efforts to interdict privacy across the world through tax information exchange agreements, black lists, and turning bankers into unpaid spies.
Plus they’ve been extremely clever in their marketing campaign, working tirelessly to associate financial privacy with some of the worst elements of society.
At first, their propaganda suggested that only people interested in financial privacy were guilty of tax evasion. Then organized crime. Then terrorist financing.
Now it’s genocide.
This is really insane. Privacy is completely natural and part of our most basic social edicts.
Privacy is why it’s taboo to discuss how much money you make. It’s why we thrive on keeping secrets and knowing other people’s secrets.
Privacy is normal. And for years it was something that used to be the rule, not the exception. Especially in regards to finance.
That was the origin of the term “private banking”. It wasn’t about money laundering. It was about being a grown adult and keeping your business to yourself.
Now they’ve destroyed the concept to the point that anyone who seeks out financial privacy is suspect of tax evasion. Or organized crime. Or terror financing. Or now genocide.
And it’s not just finance; it’s privacy in all things.
Here in Europe the British Prime Minister wants to outlaw encryption technology… because apparently only terrorist criminals and ISIS members use secure email.
What’s even more bizarre is how a guy like George Clooney even has a say in the global financial regulations.
Yes, Ocean’s Eleven was very entertaining.
But I’m completely baffled at how George Clooney has any influence over my financial privacy. Or anybody else’s except for his own.
Ominously, THE SENTRY has been among the first that I’ve seen which specifically mentions gold as a means of illicit finance.
And governments have already taken dramatic steps to criminalize the holding of physical cash.
Apparently they want to ensure that your only financial option is to deposit your money with a shaky bank in a bankrupt country earning a rate of interest that fails to keep up with inflation.
Now, I think we can all agree that dictators are bad people (as are rapists, murderers, pedophiles, fraudsters, and corrupt politicians). And stopping them is a nice idea.
But the road to tyranny is always paved with the stones of good intentions.
Because no matter how many financial regulations get passed, and no matter how far the dictators are chased by Mr. Clooney on his white horse, the fact remains that bad people will always find the resources to do bad things.
And in the meantime, the crusade to save the world only serves to make everyone else less free.
This war on privacy is a war on freedom. And it’s getting totally out of control.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
I’ve noticed an increase in “evil Iran” propaganda in the western zionazi media lately. Surely must be a coincidence… ;
Along with ‘Evil China’ and ‘Evil Russia’ (plus a little ‘Evil Blatter’ for low comedy)hate-mongering. Incessant, undeviating, obnoxious and hypocritical with 100% Groupthink, as always. If you relied on sewers like the ‘Liberal’ Guardian you would believe that in China and Russia, or Iran, NOTHING good ever happens. It is the work of dead souls without the intellect or morality to dare diverge from the worldview of their psychotic owners, evil monsters like Rupert Murdoch.
Interesting piece here on the changing dynamics of the Israeli lobby:
The litmus test of course is how they stand on the Iran deal. Peacenik noises are well and good – but what if that’s all they are?
A tried and trusted technique of opposition-annihilation is to mimic it.
Those of you who are American Jews and *really* committed to peace (which cannot be attained without justice for the embattled Palestinians) should question and demand a specific action plan/manifesto.
The lobby, or at least AIPAC, have fundamentally lost a lot just being in a position where they have to do such campaigns. Always until now, AIPAC was largely able to reduce unquestioning support for Israel to a tacit thing, just assumed as background. Now it’s an actual issue. Always before, AIPAC could count on strong support in both parties for its positions. Now they have relegated themselves to being an appendage of one party and therefore in opposition to the other. How do you lean on a Democrat to support you when that Democrat knows you’re working for the Republicans?
Seems to be a case of overreach plus, bizarrely, capture by the money of one man, Sheldon Adelson, who has far more cash than strategic sense.
Purple Library Guy
Now they have relegated themselves to being an appendage of one party and therefore in opposition to the other. How do you lean on a Democrat to support you when that Democrat knows you’re working for the Republicans?
That’s actually a misconception spread by zionist friendly sources. AIPAC is an equal opportunity corrupter. Both reps and dems are equally beholden to AIPAC, as political parties. The majority of both partys’ politicians are more or less equally under the zionist thumb. Example: Sanders is as much under control as McCain is. There are individuals, very few in number, of both parties that have managed to keep some independence of AIPAC, but we’re talking, at a federal level, about numbers in the single digits. AIPAC/republican opposition to the recent Iran, while democrats supporting it, should not be mistaken as AIPAC vs the democrats.
The strategy of the ZPC/NWO is not a direct Israeli or American attack on Iran. They realise that is a non starter now. The plan is to use their ubiquitous terrorist proxies as the hardcore and their “color rev” 5th columnists as the softcore policies. The anti-Iranian bs by ZPC/NWO regime quislings and the zionazi media has not really changed. It’s still a war against Iran as far as they are concerned. The “conflict” between reps and dems over this is theater, as both want this war to continue and AIPAC is making sure American politicians will not significantly oppose this war, no matter what their rhetoric about peace is to the public.
BT…sorry, which war is that you’re talking about ? Syria ?
BT…sorry, which war is that you’re talking about ? Syria ?
The sometimes hot, sometimes cold war the Israeki-Americans have been waging against Iran since 1979, when the Iranians overthrew the American colonial regime there.
Dearest Sister Ann,
I left you a reply in the following thread:
Best regards,
It can be almost as dangerous to overestimate one’s enemy as to underestimate. I think you’re overestimating. Up until now the Israeli tail has done an impressive job wagging the American dog. But there is a tendency for any criminal who gets away with something to try a little more, then a little more, feeling a bit more invincible every time they succeed. Sooner or later, they tend to overreach, as well as getting sloppy, careless.
Israel is in my opinion at that stage. The actual value of Israel to US imperialism today is not as great as it once was. Most Middle East regimes are securely locked in US clients; the “unsinkable aircraft carrier” of Israel thus loses relevance. Iran remains an irritant, but one wing of US imperialism sees an opportunity to co-opt Iran and “bring in from the cold”, potentially a much more effective strategy than staying at loggerheads with them as Israel demands. Israel’s desire to be the only significant power in the region is worthless to the US if the other significant powers toe the US line.
And at this point, where it would be wise to keep the idea that they’re pushing the US against its core interests quiet by wielding their influence subtly, Netanyahu and the lobby decided to push for a big noisy showdown and to try to make the (democratic) president of the United States lose face. They did this because Netanyahu owes his domestic political success to Sheldon Adelson, who sponsors him to such an extent that the new highest-circulation newspaper in Israel is owned by Adelson, who created it as a vehicle to propel Netanyahu’s political fortunes. And Adelson is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, whose ring Republican candidates kiss thoroughly. So normally Israel wags the US, but currently Adelson is wagging Israel, and he wants to use it as a political tool to attack the Democratic party. This has created a genuine rift; AIPAC, which has traditionally been very influential indeed with all parties, is now seen as a partisan group.
There was a time when every US congressman, senator or governor was convinced that if AIPAC opposed them they could not win, and so obeyed implicitly. But at this point, many Democratic politicians are becoming convinced that AIPAC is against them simply on the basis that they’re Democrats, so obeying isn’t going to help. And that in turn allows them to start looking dispassionately at whether Israel and its pushy politics are any use to the imperial project. There are other significant elements of the Israel lobby with somewhat different politics, but while they have influence they don’t command the fear AIPAC does. Allowing themselves to be so strongly influenced by Adelson’s Republican agenda and thereby pushed into flat-out opposing and contradicting US government policy will, I think, cost Israel severely in the medium term if they don’t start being much more careful awfully soon.
PLG, I wish you were correct, because once Israel is brought under control the Palestinians can be rescued from their endless Hell, and Israel’s neighbours delivered from the horror of Israel’s drive to destroy them all. Needless to say Israel, too, would benefit from ceasing to be a vicious, rogue, racist, terrorist state reviled by most of humanity.
Unfortunately all I can see is a growing Zionazi campaign to criminalise criticism of Israel, crush the BDS movement and assert the control of Jewish Fifth Columns over Western states. The Zionazis do not do compromise with goyim who refuse to follower orders aka ‘antisemites’.
Folks, perhaps we should not worry over this too much. Try looking on the bright side.
Let’s assume the petition is successful, and Congress and Senate proceeded to sink this deal, guess what? I think that may turn out to be the best thing that happens. Why? because if so the POTUS reputation is completely ruined in the eyes of the world. No one will bother to negotiate any kind of serious agreement with POTUS anymore! Heck the rest of the P5+1 spent 4 years negotiating this thing, and got and agreement signed, suppose this really gets sabotaged by this campaign, rest of P5+1 will be furious, including the “vassal” states => best situation in the world!
The sanctions will be completely undone by all except the USA, the end of hegemony!!!!!
And in about a year and a half, we’ll [probably] have another PotUS. Furthermore, the IMF, World Bank, ECB, Council on Foreign Relations, and other bankster authorities will not be affected. Their “reputation” will still remain: Do what we want or we’ll get the others doing what we want to make you regret it.
Most of those running the “vassal” states know the deal, and this includes the US.
This should be no surprise, either for it’s bald faced hypocrisy or for its racism. Israel is a country founded upon cultural and religious bigotry and in a majority part, relies upon bigotry and the exploitation of bigotry to exist.
Israel’s Harsh New Penalties for Stone Throwers Slammed as ‘Racist’
The Israeli Knesset has voted overwhelmingly in favor of new legislation that drastically increases the penalties for stone throwing. While the move has been praised by some in the government as a step in deterring terrorism, others have called it “racist” and “hateful” targeting of the Palestinian resistance.
The legislation passed Monday, with 69 members of parliament voting for and seventeen voting against stiff penalties for those convicted of throwing rocks at moving vehicles.
Israel indicts around 1,000 people for throwing stones every year, and prosecutors often seek a three-month jail sentence for the offense if it does not cause injuries. The new law, however, would raise that sentence significantly to a full decade, and an additional ten years if the intent behind the rock throwing can be determined as harmful.
Stone throwing has been an iconic symbol of resistance since the first Palestinian uprising, or intifada, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Indeed, the act has become largely synonymous with resistance, and the mere image of people throwing rocks is associated with the decades-long Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
According to Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked of the far-right Jewish Home Party, however, stone throwing is an act of terrorism.
That manure while zionazistan treats “al qaida” terrorists, injured while terrorising Syrians, in Israeli hospitals, with netanyahu doing PR by visiting the things at the hospital. Totally sick country.
The aspect of the unceasing belligerence and violence of Israel and the Zionazi Lobby in the captured states of the West that, naturally, always escapes attention, is its religious roots.
The Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages, a highly influential group connected to the increasingly dominant and powerful orthodox and ultra-orthodox religious tendencies in Israel, declared in 2006, as Israel was pulverising Lebanon from the air (while getting a good whoopin’ on the ground)that, according to their interpretation of Judaic religious doctrine, killing civilians was not just permissible, but, in fact, a ‘mitzvah’ or good deed. International humanitarian law to the contrary was dismissed contemptuously as ‘Christian morality’.
Israel’s history is simply replete with brutal massacres, inside Israel, and the Occupied Territories, its neighbours and as far abroad as New York City. Individual murders, often of children, are routine. Hundreds of Palestinian leaders have been murdered (which is why we know Abbas is a Quisling-they left him alive)and Israel’s great project, its genocide to rival that inflicted on Jewry by its persecutors become role models, the Nazis, the Oded Yinon ‘Zionist Plan’ to destroy all its neighbours by fomenting a sectarian Shia/Sunni/Kurdish war throughout the Middle East and Africa, is proceeding apace, with several million victims already.
That this truly evil theocracy disguised ever more thinly as a ‘democracy’, totally controls Western states through the money power of the various Jewish Fifth Columns and Sabbat Goyim compradores, is disaster enough, presaging a religious war of increasing fury, but the fact that it is an increasingly paranoid, xenophobic and arrogant terror state led by a flagrant goy-hating psychopath like Satan-yahoo and a Government of goy-hating racist xenophobes, and is armed to the teeth with nukes, is a recipe for cataclysm. That various of these evil, lunatic, fundamentalist Judaic currents, and their ‘Christian Zionist’ stooges, are positively slavering for ‘Armageddon’, ‘the Apocalypse’, ‘the End Times’ and the ‘Rapture’, will quite probably turn into a great orgy of radioactive wish-fulfillment.
And to complicate matters even further, given the explicit racism towards Ethiopian Jews of the Israeli regime:
I worked with a young Ethiopian Jew last year. He turned up for work wearing his yamulka, and was a thoroughly decent fellow as far as I could judge. But he clammed up when I inquired why he’d left Israel.
Meanwhile, the invasion of Palestine continues apace: