[this article was written for the Unz Review]
In my July 25th article “Zelenskii’s dilemma” I pointed out the fundamental asymmetry of the Ukrainian power configuration following Zelenskii’s crushing victory over Poroshenko: while a vast majority of the Ukrainian people clearly voted to stop the war and restore some kind of peace to the Ukraine, the real levers of power in the post-Maidan Banderastan are all held by all sorts of very powerful, if also small, minority groups including:
- The various “oligarchs” (Kolomoiskii, Akhmetov, etc.) and/or mobsters
- Arsen Avakov’s internal security forces including some “legalized” Nazi death squads
- The various non-official Nazi deathsquads (Parubii)
- The various western intelligence agencies who run various groups inside the Ukraine
- The various western financial/political sponsors who run various groups inside the Ukraine
- The so-called “Sorosites” (соросята) i.e. Soros and Soros-like sponsored political figures
- The many folks who want to milk the Ukraine down to the last drop of Ukrainian blood and then run
These various groups all acted in unison, at least originally, during and after the Euromaidan. This has now dramatically changed and these groups are now all fighting each other. This is what always happens when things begin to turn south and the remaining loot shrinks with every passing day,
Whether Zelenskii ever had a chance to use the strong mandate he received from the people to take the real power back from these groups or not is now a moot point: It did not happen and the first weeks of Zelenskii’s presidency clearly showed that Zelenskii was, indeed, in “free fall“: instead of becoming a “Ukrainian Putin” Zelenskii became a “Ukrainian Trump” – a weak and, frankly, clueless leader, completely outside his normal element, whose only “policy” towards all the various extremist minorities was to try to appease them, then appease them some more, and then even more than that. As a result, a lot of Ukrainians are already speaking about “Ze” being little more than a “Poroshenko 2.0”. More importantly, pretty much everybody is frustrated and even angry at Zelenskii whose popularity is steadily declining.
Factors beyond “Ze’s” control:
Still, it would be an oversimplification to bring it all down to Zelenskii’s total lack of experience in politics. There are objective factors which make any kind of resolution of the Ukrainian problem very complicated, even for a very strong and principled leader. Here are some of them.
1. The Ukraine is a completely artificial country composed of no less than 4 different regions: the western Ukraine (Lvov), the southern Ukraine (Odessa, Nikolaev), the eastern Ukraine (Donbass) and the north-central Ukraine (Kiev). It is important to stress here that these regions do not have well-defined borders so one map might show them quite differently from another one. Here are three examples to illustrate this point:
2. The concept of an “independent Ukraine” has always been based on strong ideological founding myths. For example, the expression “independent Ukraine” is a contradiction in terms since in order to be a “ukraine” – that is a frontier/border region, you need to be “the ukraine of something”, of some other entity, like say “Serbian Krajina in Croatia” or the “Siberian Ukraine” in Siberia. These myths include all the silly stuff we have already heard (the ancient “Ukrs” built the pyramids, spoke proto-Sanskrit, taught Buddha, dug the Black Sea, came from Mars, were mentioned by Herodotus [who himself was Ukrainian] etc. etc. etc.) but also a few absolutely crucial recent founding myths including:
- The Euromaidan was a “revolution for dignity” which was supported by the vast majority of the people of the Ukraine. All the shots that day were fired by “Russian agents”.
- The war in the East was started when Russian agents seized official buildings and guns leading to a “covert invasion” (whatever that means) of the Russian armed forces.
- The so-called “LDNR” leaders are Russian FSB agents, mafia thugs and terrorists who oppress the local population which does not support them.
- The Ukrainian armed forces defeated the “Russian hordes” and successfully stopped “Putin” who was planning to invade the entire Ukraine. The Russians still have such plans and are ready to strike.
- The new and improved Ukrainian armed forces are ready to liberate every inch of Ukrainian land.
- The White European Ukraine stands ready to defend Europe against the Russian Asiatic hordes threatening it.
- The “entire world” (no less!!) is united against Russia in support of the Ukraine.
- The Donbass and Crimea will be liberated from the Russian invaders and their local collaborators who will all be carefully interrogated in special filtration camps and all the disloyal elements will be eliminated.

This gentlemen is, according to Ukronazi propaganda, a “defender of Europe from the Russia Asiatic hordes”
3. Now this set of ideological imperatives makes for a very easy to understand “program” for low-IQ wannabe storm-troopers, but it makes for an insurmountable set of obstacles to the Minsk Agreements or the Steinmeier Formula (which is simply an explication of the terms of the Minsk Agreements). The fact that it was “their” President (Poroshenko) who gave his approval to both of these makes no difference to the nationalists. The main psychological/ideological problem is that the Minsk Agreements and the Steinmeier Formula both obligate the regime in Kiev to negotiate directly with the leaders of the LDNR. So far, nobody in the powerful minorities mentioned above is ready for such a compromise. Why? Simply because IF the government in Kiev finally agrees to talk with the Novorussians then the entire recent ideological basis for the Euromaidan (mentioned above) comes tumbling down. IF the LDNR leaders are not Russian agents and terrorists, then they represent the people of Novorussia and if the people of Novorussia have elected these people, then it is the people of Novorussia who want nothing to do with the ugly “Banderastan” which the AngloZionists and the Ukronazis attempted to impose upon the people of the Ukraine in a bloody (and, not to mention, totally illegal) coup.
The Russian narrative is winning
Another major problem for Zelenskii are two competing narratives: the Ukronazi one and, shall we say, the “Russian” one. I have outlined the Ukronazi one just above and now I will mention the competing Russian one which goes something like this:
- The Euromaidan was a completely illegal violent coup against the democratically elected President of the Ukraine, whose legitimacy nobody contested, least of all the countries which served as mediators between Poroshenko and the rioters and who betrayed their word in less than 24 hours (a kind of a record for western politicians and promises of support!).
- All, repeat, ALL the steps taken to sever crucial economic and cultural links between Russia and the Ukraine were decided upon by Ukrainian leaders, never by Russia who only replied symmetrically when needed.
- Even with international sanctions directed at her, Russia successfully survived both the severance of ties with the Ukraine and the AngloZionist attempts at hurting the Russian economy. In contrast, severing economic ties with Russia was a death-sentence for the Ukrainian economy which has now become completely deindustrialized.
- Now that the Ukraine has been completely deindustrialized, all she can export are either people or land/soil. In the case of people, we are talking primarily about cheap manual labor and prostitutes to the West and engineers and technical specialists towards Russia (especially engineers and scientists of the now defunct, but formerly very powerful, Ukrainian military industrial complex). In terms of land/soil, the party “servant of the people” is now advocating a new law which will do to Ukrainian land/soil what the famous “vouchers” did to the Soviet economy: put it all in the hands of crooks and billionaires.
- Crimea is gone and nothing will ever change that, least of all an attempt by Kiev to reconquer Crimea by force (Crimea is currently one of the most defended spots on the planet).
- While some western politicians simply cannot make a mea culpa and admit that they completely misread, misunderstood and mismanaged the entire Ukrainian crisis, most folks in the West are already seeing a very simple sentence written on their mental walls: the Ukraine is a dangerous failed state with only one thing left to plunder: the Ukrainian soil. In contrast, Europe really needs Russia on all levels, from energy to defense. This is especially true now that Russia and China are embarking on truly gigantic common projects.
- Russia is now strong enough to take on a combined attack of NATO forces. The LDNR forces are smaller than the Ukrainian military, but much better trained, commanded, equipped and supported and they are most likely to defeat any Ukronazi attack. Still, should a Ukrainian attack be successful and the future of the LDNR be at risk, Russia could stop any such invasion without even deploying ground forces into Novorussia.
For Zelenskii or, for that matter, for any other Ukrainian leader the above contradictions are unsolvable and every step taken in a direction of pragmatism, no matter how small (and ALL his steps so far have been small), gets an immediate reaction of outrage and threats by the hardcore Nazis of Poroshenko & Co.

The subtle Ukronazi message to “Ze”
Some of the threats made by these Ukronazis are dead serious and the only person who, as of now, kinda can keep the Ukrainian version of the Rwandan “Interahamwe” under control would probably be Arsen Avakov, but since he himself is a hardcore Nazi nutcase, his attitude is ambiguous and unpredictable. He probably has more firepower than anybody else, but he was a pure “Porokhobot” (Poroshenko-robot) who, in many ways, controlled Poroshenko more than Poroshenko controlled him. The best move for Zelenskii would be to arrest the whole lot of them overnight (Poroshenko himself, but also Avakov, Parubii, Iarosh, Farion, Liashko, Tiagnibok, etc.) and place a man he totally trusts as Minister of the Interior. Next, Zelenskii should either travel to Donetsk or, at least, meet with the leaders of the LDNR and work with them to implement the Minsk Agreements. That would alienate the Ukronazis for sure, but it would give Zelenskii a lot of popular support.
Needless to say, that is not going to happen. While Zelenskii’s puppet master Kolomoiskii would love to stick this entire gang in jail and replace them with his own men, it is an open secret that powerful interest groups in the USA have told Zelenskii “don’t you dare touch them”. Which is fine, except that this also means “don’t you dare change their political course either”.
So what might happen next?
The personal future of Poroshenko and his Ukronazis will be decided in the USA. If Trump prevails over the Clinton-Biden gang, then there is a tiny theoretical chance that a joint “go ahead” between the US and Russia could give Zelenskii the go-ahead to begin denazifying the Ukraine. I find this hypothesis most unlikely. Failing that, Russia will embark on a policy of unilateral actions and decisions. What might these be?
To answer that we need to look at Russia’s real conditions (as opposed to the official ones). They are pretty straightforward:
- Crimea is Russian forever
- Kiev will not be allowed to seize Novorussia by force
- The Ukraine will never be allowed to join NATO
- Russia will not pay alone for the reconstruction costs of the Ukraine
- Russia can live with a unitary, but confederated, Ukraine
- Russia can also live with whatever is left following a breakup of the Ukraine
- Unless a viable solution is found, and in a reasonable time frame, Russia can, and will, recognize the LDNR and even allow it to re-join Russia (under what kind of status legally is yet to be determined as there are several possible options here)
They first obvious key question here is this: can the AngloZionist Empire do anything to prevent the Russians from achieving their goals as outlined above?
My personal answer is no, the Empire does not have the means to impose something different from what Russia wants, at least not in the Ukraine. This is not only because of Putin vs the clueless western leaders, it is simply that the Russians have a huge historical and geographical advantage in the Ukraine over any combination of western powers. True, Russia did pathetically drop the ball, but things are now clearly changing and Russia is now in a rather enviable position in which she can rely mostly on unilateral actions (such as handing out Russian passports) while letting the Ukronazi occupied Ukraine slowly destroy itself.
So what happens if nothing happens?
How do you say “Lasciate ogni speranza, o voi che entrate” in Ukrainian?
And since a (currently entirely theoretical) “united West” can’t do anything to prevent Russia from reaching one of the outcomes acceptable to her, neither can any Ukrainian President, Zelenskii or other.
Right now, the supporters of a Banderastan are going through the famous Kübler-Ross stages of griefs: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance: currently, most of them are zig-zagging between bargaining and depression; acceptance is still far beyond their – very near – horizon. Except that Zelenskii has nothing left to bargain with.
The prospects for the future of the Ukraine are rather grim, at least in the short to mid term. What will actually happen is impossible to predict (it is much easier to say what will not happen), but here are a few options I find credible:
A collapse of the central authority followed by a surge in violence and a break-up of the rump-Ukraine into some entity in the West. The south will probably seek quasi-independence to make business with Russia while most of the violence will take place in the north-central region which is very polarized and only silent because of the fear of the SBU and/or Nazi deathsquads. As soon as Kiev loses control, these regions are likely to rise up. If that happens the current line-of-contact will become an international border between the LDNR and the rest of the Ukraine. Most UN members will not recognize the LDNR (fear of Uncle Shmuel) but one will: Russia. And that will be the end of the “independent Ukraine” as we know it.
I would never exclude a last minute patriotic coup or, even more likely, counter-coup by Ukrainian patriots in the armed forces, not necessarily one supported by Moscow, but one which will at least replace frankly rather demented Ukronazis with more pragmatic people. There are plenty of such people in the Ukraine, some are known and some are less known. If I were “Ze” I would keep an eye on Vadim Rabinovich, not because he is my personal ideal candidate, but because he is very smart and very well connected. He is not at all popular in the Ukraine, but he has strong support in the West and in Israel. Check out this rather interesting Wikipedia article on Rabinovich and see why he is a typical “мутный типчик” (roughly, an “unclear” guy – meaning somebody you would suspect of being a crook). He is unlikely to ever be elected by the people. But he, or somebody like him, might make a good “anti-Nazi” front-figure for a coup (or counter-coup) should the need for such a figure become useful to the Empire. By the way, the Kremlin’s reaction to a Rabinovich (or similar) led coup (or counter-coup) would be just like when Iulia Timoshenko came to power: they will work with any person who is a pragmatist and who can deliver on promises.
Finally, a war in the East is always, and by definition, a possibility for as long as a rabidly russophobic regime is in power in Kiev. From a purely military point of view, any Ukrainian attack against the LDNR would be suicidal: either the Novorussians will take care of the attacking force, or the Russians will. But either way, the Ukrainian attacking force will be destroyed. From a political point of view, however, such an attack might make sense simply because this would be a gigantic distraction allowing all the Nazi rats to leave the sinking ship and quietly slip away. Finally, there is no doubt that the Neocons have been dreaming of a (real, not fictional) Russian attack as a way to shock Europe back into total submission to Uncle Shmuel. This is also why I believe that a Russian counter-attack on Ukrainian forces might be limited to long range strikes (kinetic and electronic) and the imposition of a no-fly zone.
Conclusion Russia can wait, the Ukraine cannot
It’s really that simple. In fact, time was always on the Russian side here, even if not necessarily on the side of the people of Novorussia who have suffered through the horrors of this war. However, it appears now that the Novorussians have been successful in their efforts to turn a hodgepodge of more or less trained militias into a credible and disciplined military force capable of tactical and operational actions, in other words, capable of dangerous counter-attacks. Finally, Russian policies towards the rump-Ukraine and Novorussia are now all unilateral in nature, which gives Russia a great deal of flexibility.
With a weak leader like “Ze” the Ukraine looks stuck in the no man’s land somewhere between denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The faster the Ukrainian leaders get to the “acceptance” phase, the less the people of the Ukraine will have to suffer (not that anybody in the Ukronazi leadership cares about the common people).
At the end of all arguments and theories, there is a crucial fact which cannot be ignored: the Euromaidan Revolution (which is what the coup against Yanukovich and the subsequent civil war in the Donbass are) has failed. In fact, it was stillborn from Day1 being built on an ideology which most Ukrainians did not share. Furthermore, this revolution alienated the most productive and richest parts of the Ukraine: the Donbass and Crimea. Next, the Urkonazi regime was soundly defeated by the Novorussian insurgents not once, but twice. Finally, by severing all economic ties with Russia, the independent Ukraine basically committed seppuku. None of that can be reversed or easily fixed.
As always, in the battle between ideology and reality the latter prevailed. The outcome of this struggle between ideology and reality was never in doubt, at least not for rational, pragmatic, people, and so the blood and tears of all those who needlessly died, were maimed or had to become refugees will forever remain on the consciences of those who started this “revolutionary fire”: the leaders of the united West.
The Saker
Interesting as ever. Not sure that anyone would welcome being identified as a possible hard man candidate but presumably the man in question has security.
A query: the first bullet point under “the Russian narrative is winning” refers to Poroshenko; should that be Yanukovich?
“Russian Occupied Crimea”?????
Russian Occupied Russia!!!!!
It has been dominated by Russians since Catherine the Great.
I hate when maps are poorly labelled.
I know the Ukie Nationalists look at it as occupied, but their ignorance and delusion should be emphasized with correct labeling. At least, ‘Russian Occupied’ Crimea gives the minimum correction. It is not occupied by Russians. Never was Ukie turf. Always was Russian.
For the inquisitive: “Lasciate ogni speranza, o voi che entrate” is from the Inferno.
Written on the gates of Hell, per Dante: “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”
“Finally, a war in the East is always, and by definition, a possibility for as long as a rabidly russophobic regime is in power in Kiev.”
The war is wholly US-determined. Kiev and the Ukies have nothing to say about it. They depend completely on the American Russophobes (Khazarians mostly) and some warmongering Pentagon and Brussels faux militarists who wet-dream defeating the Russians. The Ukies, including the Nazi battalions, are mere proxies. Though there are some scores of special forces from the West up at the front along the contact line in Donbass, no vials of Go Pills could get the US generals to put their army in front of the Russians. They know they will lose that army in hours.
But the Ukies are available for many years more to be slaughtered in combat against Donbass. That is what will continue. After Trump will be worse. And Trump decides nothing. Anyone who thinks he could change the policy is not paying attention to the lying Khazarians used in the Impeachment Inquiry going on in Congress.The Russophobia is palpable through the TV set. The lineup of Khazarians on the Dem side and the ‘witness’ list is virtually Tribal.
The future will be decided by combat.
“Russian Occupied Russia!!!!!” – I disagree
Russian ***RECLAIMED*** Russia!!!!!
I always laugh when people accuse Russia of either “occupying” or “annexing” Crimea. How can Russia “invade” and “annex” it’s own land ?
As for Ukraine, I fear it will implode and break up. Yes, a military offensive by the Ukrainian military against the Donbass is always possible, but it would be a highly risky operation, to put it mildly. The Ukrainian Army is made up of conscripts, the bulk of whom do not wish to fight against the Donbass Russians. You do not use this type of material to fight a war. Zelensky could only count on a limited number of units to wage war, while the Donbass Russians are dug in, prepared for any Ukrainian military offensive.
What can Zelensky really hope for ? A Confederate Ukraine if he is lucky, or the break up of the country if he is not. Today RT published an article on Igor Kolomoysky (who is Zelensky’s handler), and who stated that only an alliance with Russia can save Ukraine. Remarkable turn of events, no doubt based on political, military and economic reality. Perhaps The Saker would like to comment about this latest development.
“What can Zelensky really hope for ? A Confederate Ukraine if he is lucky, or the break up of the country if he is not.”
-There is basically zero support for the breakup of Ukraine among the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is as likely to break up as Russia or USA.
Your comment is surprising, bearing in mind all the available evidence. Ukraine can be federalized (ie. a confederacy posing as a federation), or else it can break up into three parts, with eastern Ukraine joining Russia, followed by central Ukraine. As for western Ukraine, the former Galicia, it will become an area of contention between Poland and Hungary. Look at the presented maps in the article. And yes, there is zero support among neo-Nazi thuigs for the break up of Ukraine. However, in Ukraine you will find people who call themselves Ukrainians as well as those who call themselves Russian. You also have to include Galicians from western Ukraine, as that is how they call themselves. Your comment is simplistic.
I think, in his op-ed, Kolomoisky was attempting to strengthen his bargaining position, not really demonstrating any sincere hope to mend fences with Rus.
More likely, he’s floating a lead balloon in his delusional shit head, he wants Russia to naively pay up $100 bn (or anyone else) so that he can take as much of that and flee.
Do you think that Kolomoisky more closely resembles Shylock or Fagin? Shylock is really quite a sympathetic character, despite his faults, but Fagin appears less so-like Kolomoisky.
“Today RT published an article on Igor Kolomoysky”
This particular piece of fat greedy murderous shit is worried that they want to reclaim the money that he stole from his own bank. By pretending to be leaning towards Russia, he is hoping that the Americans will give him a break and stop the process of reclaiming the money he stole. That is the sum of it. He has not changed his opinion about anything.
The 1954 action by Krushchov was giving the ‘administration’ of Krimea to Ukraine SSR, not the actual land. There was no mention of Sevastopol in the original agreement, Sevastopol was pointedly left out, not even Krushchov could give out city and Flot base away.
Auslander, dear friend,
This legal point you make is crucial in the counter-argument to any claim by anyone, especially the bozos in Brussels who fail to recognize the special historical status of Sevastopol, much less the blood and flesh lost over the centuries in defending your home’s citadel and port from all invaders.
That status always left Mother Russia as owner of Sevastopol.
Maybe that status was why the stationed Ukie troops did not resist the polite Green Men or the armed citizens. The Ukies there understood they were the interlopers and had to go back to their home. They were trespassers in Krim.
Larchmonter, my friend and comrade,
The orcs were stunned at what the citizens of Sevastopol were quite willing to do if they made trouble. This was clearly shown on, I’ll have to search my documents, afternoon of either 24 or 25 February 2014 when SBU ‘requested’ A M Chalyi to appear at their office ‘for an interview’. SBU had already tried to enter City Admin Building to arrest him and been rebuffed by crowds of unarmed citizens. A crowd of citizens over 5,000 strong escorted him south on Ulitsya Lenina from City Hall to SBU HQ. Armed SBU guards were all around the front of the building on Lenina, they thought their rear lot, surrounded by a 2.5 meter wall topped with broken glass embedded in concrete and with razor wire above the glass was sufficient protection.
A group of citizens went to the rear of the building and two young men, one climbing on the shoulders of the other, managed to get a look inside the compound, in which was the Black Maria, actually a dark blue VW windowless van, sitting next to the gate and idling. The alarm was sounded and the crowds on Lenina literally pushed the SBU guards armed with Kalashnikovs up against the building front, daring them to shoot, as citizens in the rear at the walls managed to obtain two old mattresses, tossed said mattresses over the wire and glass, scaled the wall, entered the compound and within two minutes flattened every tire of every SBU vehicle in the compound including the Black Maria. They also took ‘field expedient devices’ and savaged each and every radiator in each and ever vehicle whilst herding the guards inside the compound in to a dark corner, daring them to shoot, too.
The crowds on Lenina were growing and several spokesmen/spokeswomen for the citizens demanded of an SBU Polkovnik (colonel) outside the door to either produce Mr. Chalyi in five minutes or the crowds would storm the building and take him back. Mr. Chalyi was produced rapidly, then escorted back to City Administration Building by thousands of citizens. It was that moment when the crowds pushed the armed SBU guards forcibly against the front of the building to the point they would not dare move and scaled the rear compound walls to prevent the Black Maria from leaving that the orcs knew it was over. SBU were shown they are not feared but despised and their power was broken in Sevastopol and Krimea for ever that day.
Each and every orc compound and base in Sevastopol Proper and Sevastopol Region had groups of citizens at their gates, exactly the same as those at City Hall, all ages, men and women, from teenagers to very old, and the word was passed to all the orcs that it was, indeed, over for them and they’d best be quite and stay in their compounds. They did stay quiet and did stay locked up in their compounds and bases for the duration.
Never The Last One, paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521849056 A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
Sevastopol, The Third Defense, A Premonition, The Old Guard Moves South. Paperback edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/1698430825
Awesome. Russian Democracy! People vote with their lives and their AKs.
So grateful to have your faithful reportage, Auslander.
For the rest of the story, I suggest the readers pursue your novels which are packed with Truths and compelling Characters.
Thank you for that account. One for history books (uncensored, of course).
I censor nothing, I write what I see and know. Needless to say, some things I’ve seen and/or know of can’t be mentioned yet, and I change all names of characters so no one can be specifically ID’d. This little episode will be in my next book, hopefully finished early next year.
An Incident On Simonka paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1696160715 NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
i am a reader and fan of Auslander’s novels here in the United States. Thanks for writing them, and i am grateful for you and Saker.
Much love to my courageous Russian friends. not all of us have been propagandized by the Anglo-Zionist media!
i sure hope in my lifetime I see the U.S. recall our armed forces and attend to our homeland. The Lord knows we need it!
Aus, you are correct with only a small problem. Law works only for the “law abiding citizens” not the ones who say law is what we say in the courts of NY.
When you have 300,000 citizens of one small city who know the truth about the ‘gift’, which in and of itself was done against SSSR law and regulations, it’s a little difficult to argue with the locals especially when on Monday, 23 February at 09:00, Channel 5 in Kiev, owned by Petro Poroshenko, live interview with the ‘victors’ of maidan Yarosh and Tyagnibok in which both said they would bring their combined forces of 5500 ‘fighters’ to this little city and ‘make your streets run red with blood’ and ‘put every Russian to the knife’ to teach us to be ‘proper ukrainians’. Verbatim quote, heard live and in living colour by half the populace of this village including my wife and I and most of our neighbors. My wife is Russian. You want to come here and ‘put her to the knife’, you better pack your lunch, bring all your friends and lots of plastic bags to send your friends, and you, back home in.
I am fully aware that everyone is created equal in the eyes of Law but some are more equal than others. That is a world wide foible, but in this instance the fact is Sevastopol Admin was never given to orcland nor was Sevastopol Region Admin given. The orcs just assumed they owned it, and recent history has proven how wrong the orcs were and are.
Aus, again you are correct, but what you are demonstrating here is outside the fake laws of Ukraine. You are pointing at people’s revolt, which will happen if they go beyond their zio threats. So, far they keep mouthing off their anti-Russian idiocy, for they know the time is against them. Eventually they will drift off into the dark and obscure history after they run away to NYC, or wherever they decide to run to. Russia is patiently waiting for the people to wake up and react thus allowing Russia to say “it’s not me it’s them”. “Cold wind” or how was it called? Voyentorg? is waiting to help.
North wind. When it blows, defacto it means Russians are coming. Voentorg is supply, aka military toy store.
The only reason the orcs aren’t hunkered down on the outskirts of Lemberg is because Mother told NAF to hold up. Twice. Good advice to them, NAF has the power and ability to defend Novorossiya, but nowhere near the power to take anything beyond the rest of Donetsk Oblast and Lughansk Oblast.
Even though born and raised in Krym, I did not realise the significance of the peninsula until I read P. Turchin’s War and Peace and War. One really needs to read it to appreciate what Krym represents to Russia. It ain’t ever going anywhere but mother Russia.
(Just hope VVP’s efforts to keep the population happy by increasing “prosperity” does not ruin the fragile nature of the southern coast…. which is still beautiful and wild, but cannot stand more “development.”)
The entire planet cannot stand any more ‘development'(ie destruction).
Proof of USA war intentions…from impeachment hearings
““That security assistance was so important for Ukraine as well as our own national interest. To withhold that assistance for no good reason other than help with the political campaign made no sense”, Taylor testified.
“It was counterproductive to all of what we had been trying to do. It was illogical. It could not be explained. It was crazy”, Taylor concluded.”
Just like deep state did not like the so called withdrawal in Syria. Trump always asking why are we there….when has already stated he envisages USA control of his hemisphere ie the whole american continent as a separation between- of -confrontation to asian and european forces…politics…economics etc.
Alleged: “taylor and avakov want war: the 18th regiment azov are preparing to sweep the gray zone. Charge d’affaires of the US in ukraine taylor during a visit on 07 Nov on ukrainian positions near the village of Peter (Bogdanovka) in the Donbass, proposed to introduce police and national guard for current and future sites of breeding of the parties. In his words, to guarantee the demilitarization of the gray area on the plot breeding needs of the security forces of kiev. That is, in fact, is a repetition of history with the occupation of ukrainian warriors in the gray area, only now it will make azov, and at the official level.
“My colleagues and I were convinced that the ukrainian side has really fulfilled his part of the contract, which will allow for further meetings with the representatives of the Russian Federation to influence compliance. This separation of forces and means is part of the preparation for the forthcoming summit. It is very important that after the withdrawal of ukrainian troops they were replaced by units of the ukrainian police and the national guard, and they are effective to ensure order in the area,” said taylor. Also in attendance at the positions of afu in the Donbass avakov fully supported the statement made by taylor, happily saying that kiev has all the tools to implement the patrol and control the neutral zone.
Thus, according to FAN, the only unit of the national guard of ukraine, which would, in accordance with the plans of taylor and avakov, to implement the so-called restoring order in the area of cultivation of the parties in the Petrovsky district, is the 18th regiment azov, which is “famous” for his cruelty and nazi views. But to achieve this effect using “volunteers” involved in azov.
It is noteworthy that neither taylor nor avakov absolutely not embarrassed that their statements fully contradict the letter and spirit of the Minsk process. In accordance with paragraph 8 of the Framework decision of the Trilateral contact group about the breeding of forces and means, which was signed on 21 September 2016, members of the armed forces of ukraine and representatives of other armed groups may not be in the agreed areas upon completion of the breeding effort and money on them.”
The wrong sector in the vicinity of Bogdanovka-Petrovskoye fired AGS at the URAL vehicle of the commander of 128 separate mountain assault brigade korosteleva because they did not accept the so-called ‘betrayal’ by brigade command on withdrawal of forces. 4 soldiers wounded (2 died later).
members of ukrainian organization “national association of ethnic” (eno) formed to coordinate & support ukrainian nationalist scum. Terrorist attack against commander of 128 brigade was impetus for large-scale domestic political aggravation in oos area & in interior of country aimed at discrediting Zelensky & his removal, confirmed by former leader of wrong sector yarosh.
So in a way, it would be good for more infighting and hopefully most of those nazi type scum gets wiped out.
poroshitko was in Avdeevka this month, about 15 kms from the centre of Donetsk city, offered money to military to delay withdrawal and to disregard this process.
The 59th brigade attacking Gorlovka formed in town of Haisyn Vinitsky region, often called “presidential squad” because Vinnicchina is a small homeland of his.
Ukrainegate is such beautiful blow-back for the Empire, I can’t help whistling happily to myself as the two Exceptional tribes squabble over the spoils. The increasing sight of that poorly mummified feminazi harridan, Clinton, and her ghastly daughter, flogging their wares, and Hillarity coyly playing the ‘will she or won’t she’ coquette, and run again (can you imagine the champagne popping at Merde a Lago if she does decide to give it ‘one last fling’?)is both delicious and nauseating at once. Like an over-ripe durian.
Russian Liberated Crimea, liberated under the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine, used honestly, for once.
I believe, that the last map is incorrect – there is no such thing as “Russian-occupied Ukraine”.
“Соросята” – would be better as “Soroswines”
“A collapse of the central authority followed by a surge in violence and a break-up of the rump-Ukraine into some entity in the West. The south will probably seek quasi-independence to make business with Russia while most of the violence will take place in the north-central region which is very polarized and only silent because of the fear of the SBU and/or Nazi deathsquads.”
-This is what we have been hearing since day one and while there seemed there might be a possibility of an uprising since then there was been no signs of it and Ukraine is as stable as ever with a large battled hardened army and a psychopathic security service.
There is not going to be any “uprising” there is not even any demonstrations for independence in those regions and every opinion polls show that the super-majority of Ukrainians want Ukraine to remain united. And this has only increased since Russia unified with Crimea, which most Ukrainian feel was theft of their land. And of course the war in Donbass.
Why on earth would the central authority collapse? By magic?
“Why on earth would the central authority collapse? By magic ?”. Answer: No, it will not collapse by magic, as magic has nothing to do with it. It will implode because the country has been reduced to a feudal state run by oligarchs and plundered by oligarchs, who use neo-Nazi “volunteers” as their own personal retainers. The country is losing population due to emigration, while the bulk of the population has been impoverished. Ukraine has no future in its present form and status.
Yes, but every Western country is being rapidly feudalised, nowhere more so than the USA, followed by the UK. Ukronazia is simply becoming a typical Free Market capitalist dystopia, at a little faster rate because run for loot and pillage by foreigners and local compradores. I bet the Israeli human organ trafficking businesses are doing a roaring trade.
“The Ukraine is a completely artificial country composed of no less than 4 different regions: the western Ukraine (Lvov), the southern Ukraine (Odessa, Nikolaev), the eastern Ukraine (Donbass) and the north-central Ukraine (Kiev).”
-This is such a weird statement, yet I hear it again and again, which country is not artificial? The super-majority of Ukrainians want to live in Ukraine and call themselves Ukrainians and identified Ukraine as their country. What more definition of a country is there?
I am afraid your statement is weird. Yes, Ukrainians want to live in Ukraine, as that is where they were born and where they have property. However, by December of 2017 some 4.4 million Ukrainians fled to Russia, of whom more than 600.000 have applied for Russian citizenship. What does this mean ? It means that Ukraine is indeed an artificial country, the bulk of whom was created on historic Russian land. Ukraine is derived from the Slavic word “Krayina”, which means frontier region, and from “Krayina” you get “Ukrayina”, which leads to Ukraine, which was always the frontier region of Russia. Finally, did anybody after World War One ask the Russians in the newly created Ukraine if they wanted to live outside Russia ? Who gave Ukraine all those Russian lands ?
The polls, of course, are always suspect. And many ‘Ukrainians’ are the typical greedy fools who imagine that one day they will live in Beverley Hills on the Dneiper, in that Earthly Paradise that we can see every night on the TV. And there are, also, the open fascists who dream of a Greater Ukrainia ‘cleansed’ of ‘Moskali cockroaches’, Poles, Roma and other untermenschen. A Fifth Reich if you like, with allies like Freedland in Canada and Chalupa et al pulling strings in Thanatopolis DC.
I have an even better solution, that the euroshit will bite too – bantustanized ukraine. Instead of prisons, all of europes prisoners, criminals and other scum will be deported there to undergo forced labor, the products will go back to source countries. Throw in the immigrants as well, basically all undesirables.
Ukristan is deleted, europeans get their cheap labor without the workers living on their lands, and Russia doesn’t have to spend a dime. Everyone happy!
The Saker,
What do you make of this claim by Kolomoisky, that it is time for Ukraine to make peace with Russia and become its ally once again, and that the West is unreliable and Ukraine will never be part of it:
Plus the recent withdrawal of forces in a very limited area in Donbass possibly leading to a Normandy 4 meeting……could be acceptance or to my mind….continued stalling just as they always do. Maybe to make plans to replace Z…maybe to create situations or falsehoods to ask for more USA help whether covert or more arms training weapons etc or time to rip off more.Maybe the gas or not situation might change things…maybe what happens in Ukrainegate Biden etc might blow apart some sections of politics. Nothing is trustworthy from Ukraine. Despite continuing phone calls Putin Merkel and Macron….nothing public in response by the EU leads to encouragement of a solution. If there is a Normandy 4….is that yet another final chance saloon? Will there be more?
Could be interesting to have a summary sitrep of Ukraine military ….where is it….what ranks planes guns….small arms….USA weaponry etc ….continued training by Nato and assimalation intergration into Nato systems etc …place of Ukraine in Nato policy etc etc.
It was just one village and at last report, morning 13 November, Novorossiya had withdrawn to the agreed lines for this tiny area three days before. The orcs have not withdrawn yet, now five days in to the agreement, squeaking about ‘logistics’ delaying their withdrawal. OSCE of course hails this as a withdrawal. The orcs will not withdraw, that’s a given.
That is what I’m thinking too. It was just a trick to get the Novorussian forces to withdraw.Instead of it being a mutual withdrawal the Ukies said they would withdraw within a few days (but haven’t as of now).As soon as I heard that I knew it was just a trick.Why are we so stupid as to keep falling for these tricks.This isn’t the first time this type of thing has happened.We let them trick us ,one after the other.The Novorussian troops should have turned around and gone back.Then told the OSCE that as soon as the Ukies withdraw,so will they.Someone needs to remind us of the saying,”fool me once,shame on you.Fool me twice (or more) ,shame on me”.
Ta for info….nb
Just published today.
That is a great article (just finished reading it). The page has a link to another great piece on Russia’s special forces university:
Re the “pilot”” withdrawal……
“The General Staff is exploring other areas within 400 km [of the line of contact],” he stated. “However, neither the commander-in-chief, nor the [Ukrainian] minister [of defense Andrei Zagorodniuk], nor the chief of the General Staff [of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Ruslan Khomchak], have set new goals in other areas.”
“The order is clear: three settlements. Then we shall wait for the meeting of our president in the Normandy Format. On the outcomes of it, we will make a decision on disengagement,” Zavitnevich added.
Disengagement of forces in Ukraine should be completed along the whole contact line of conflict as soon as possible in order to prevent casualties, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters on Thursday, commenting on the completion of the disengagement of forces in Petrovskoye and Zolotoye.”
Donetsk, Nov 15 – DAN. The plan for Donbass “safe reintegration” in Ukraine developed by the country’s security and defense council is a Nazi-style one, said the chairwoman of Donetsk women’s organization “Budyenovskiy District Women’s Union” Olga Zhukova.
Earlier some media leaked a letter by the security council secretary Alexey Danilov to head of the presidential administration, state security head and prime minister suggesting to open administrative and criminal cases against Donbass residents who are not “pro-Ukrainian” and to relocate them either to Russia or to central and western Ukraine for a “rehabilitation”.
“Ukrainian plans for a “safe reintegration” are beyond shocking. Extremely cynical. If Zelensky is truly ready for such measures as proposed by the document Hitler would be rolling over in his grave thrilled for his successor.”
Donetsk, Nov 14 – DAN. The Ukrainian leadership while reflecting on withdrawal from the Minsk Agreements, shows its indifference to the UN Security Council, Donetsk People’s Republic representative to the Contact Group talks, the Republic’s Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova said on Thursday.
Earlier in the day, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadim Pristaiko told the BBC that Kiev allowed for the possibility to withdraw from the Minsk accords.
“In the same indifferent manner, the Ukrainian foreign minister makes it clear that he and the state he represents do not care for the efforts of the Minsk accords guarantor countries, and even the UN Security Council which approved the Package of Measures by its resolution thus lending the status of international legal act to the document,” Nikonorova said in a statement received by the Donetsk News Agency.
Such remarks by the Ukrainian foreign minister put in doubt his competence, she said.
“Otherwise how can one explain why Ukraine’s top diplomat can allow himself to state his absolute disregard for the Minsk Agreements, the only effective plan for a peaceful settlement in Donbass,” Nikonorova said.
It is of interest to see the running sore of orcland back in the news. Locally, we often hear from those coming down from Novorossiya so we have first hand information of the actual, unfiltered by any ‘new’s agency, situation and events in the borderlands. Novorossiya is to all intents and purposes now provinces aligned with Russia, and with Novorossiya went significant portions of the orc economy, industrial base and population.
The Official Kiev hatred of all things Russian has turned in to a disaster the likes of which few can compare with, even disasters brought on by total war. Kiev deliberately destroyed just about every vestige of Soviet industrialization throughout orcland, which was all they had. One of the most notable was Antonov, the world famous airframe builder and innovator who had tens of millions of dollars of contracts with several countries, not the least of whom was Russia. Needless to say, the advance contractual payments were never returned. Other manufacturing facilities big and small were shut down rather than have trade with their main customer, Russia, in hopes of harming Russia as much as possible. Draconian sanctions were piled on Russia in addition to the orcs stopping all trade with Russia. While some Russian projects were delayed by the sudden abrogation of quite large contracts Kiev had with Russia, in the end Russia managed to diversify her own production and now has precisely zero need of anything from orcland. Many businesses, large and small, in orcland suffered total collapse, from simple local farmers who crossed the Russian borders daily to sell their produce to the likes of Antonov and other large factories including one that made Soviet designed marine diesel motors. None of this disaster seemed to impacted Kiev at all.
Other actions were one day after a multi million dollar advance payment for electric supplied to Krimea, Russian electric that was ‘transported’ to Krim, the electric feed towers in orcland were destroyed, plunging significant parts of Krimea and Sevastopol in to darkness. Water transported to Krimea via the canal from the Dnepr River was also cut and the canal dammed, again after multi million dollar payments by Krim to orcland. Unfortunately for many residents and farmers in Kherson Oblast bordering Krimea, the water was cut off to them, too, and the farms have never recovered. These two actions led to the building of two massive thermal power plants who can generate enough electricity for Krimea and Sevastopol to cover the next four decades. Water resources have also been tapped that, while not sufficient enough to revive the half century and older old rice farms in norther Krim, do supply enough water for the entire island and populace with no restrictions.
What we are observing is the destruction and passage in to oblivion, slow as it may be, of a ‘country’ that did not and does not exist. Former ‘owners’ of parts of west orcland are casting a covetous eye in their lost provinces including everybody’s darling, Poland. After the pogroms in Odessa and Kharkov, little resistance of any import has been reported, but that does not mean that, if given the opportunity, on a line from Odessa to Kharkov the entire area would leave orcland given a ghost of a chance and a couple dozen Kalashnikovs. As it stands now, the populace has voted with their feet, anyone and everyone who could has left, gone to Byelorus, Russia or eu.
While the future can be interesting and exciting, for orcland there is no future, just a slow but ever increasing spiral down to nothingness.
Author http://rhauslander.com
Never The Last One, paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521849056 A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
Sevastopol, The Third Defense, A Premonition, The Old Guard Moves South. Paperback edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/1698430825
One wonders if the continuing Polish Prime Ministers russophobia ( and Baltics)allying with MIC and Democrats etc and seeking USA military funding is enough to persuade USA Trump before impeachment to take up Kolomoisky offer…..as there is not a lot of love between Ukraine and Poland????
If the impeachment process reveals even more double dealing and typical Ukraine behaviours that have provided fuel to the 2016 election nonsense and Ukrainegate….I cannot imagine Trump will easily forgive that by acceeding to offers by Kol. There would be no way that Trump can neutralise Kol. that would give Z empowerment to be worth Trump investing into Z ……Kol. has too much invested in Azov etc to allow Z to be more independant.
Auslander, it’s interesting how your refer to the Ukronazis as “orcs”, because it’s exactly the way they’re called in Viktor Pelevin’s “S.N.U.F.F” book, which I quite recommend and consider possibly his best book. If you haven’t read it, it’s a surreal read, almost prophetic in the way he predicted the 2014 Maidan in Orc-land already back in 2011 (and yes that’s literally the name of their country in the book!), and really poignant in hundreds of other small details (including a very sarcastic and cynical satire on the whole modern Western narrative, political correctness, LGBT and so on and so forth).
RT just placed a story suggesting Ukraine may be thinking twice about the drift towards the EU.
The Nord Stream II coming online in the near future must be playing havoc with Borderland hubris.
Trust these oligarchic rats to be sniffing the winds of change. It’s just one cold winter away until Ukraine transit value wit be close to zero. Putin must be smiling hugely.
“NATO will be soiling its pants’: Ukrainian tycoon seen as power behind president calls for ‘new Warsaw Pact’ with Moscow ”
Kol. clearly thinks he actually owns in some way the whole of Uraine if he thinks he can use it as a bargaining point….
“Furthermore, it has been reported that the IMF is holding up cash for Ukraine because it believes Zelensky isn’t assertive enough in forcing Kolomoisky to return money he’s accused of taking from Privatbank. ”
The money is the motive 100b to be fraudently claimed into his banking system…..surely the rage he feels regarding privatbank is the driving motive. If he can be denied this kind of funding from Russia USA then maybe his empire can collapse too as Putin has described him as a criminal…..maybe Kol. is funding the impeachment via all the means possible eg dossiers etc in order to keep the deep state funding going. Trump is surely expendable by Kol. The Duran has several vids re Kol. connection to Ukrainegate.
Since WWII, how many countries has the US lost control of? And how did it happen? Does the Ukraine resemble those situations?
We have heard for years that Russia is gaining ground there, but what progress has been made with, say, media, education, or any facts on the ground? The older folks die off, and the young ones who have been brainwashed replace them. If the pro-Russian population moves to Moscow, well, then there really will be a new Poland in a few years.
Russian strategy and diplomacy seems dramatically better when it is not complicated by its own inter-oligarchical issues and fear of a non-oligarchical social and economic model arising. Unfortunately, the Ukraine is too close to home. If Moscow were really making good progress, the average Ukrainian would look at the Donbass with envy. A better system with a higher living standard and a bright future. Is that really the case?
It is always a relief when reality prevails over ideology, as The Saker says. And that will have to continue if catastrophic war, wrought from far afield, is to be avoided.
Probably typo: “…served as mediators between Poroshenko and the rioters..”
Shouldn’t be “Yanukovich”?
Andrei (S), excellent. Russia will wait, this is the most philosophical approach, time is on Russia’s side. Zelenskii will not do anything because he belongs to the same club, therefore he can’t. All this handful of pseudo “anti-zio” fascists just make noise so that they can “inspire” the idiots who over the last couple+ centuries were brainwashed to hate themselves, which is the Russians. Slowly but surely NovoRosiia will happen, and the rest can just slow-cook themselves in their own juices with the option to return to mother Russia if they promise to behave. Just this morning I read something about Kolomoyski suggesting that perhaps its time to talk to Russia. Hmm, the money run dry so now it’s time to milk the mother Russia.
I have previously attacked the standard history of Rwanda implicit in the statements above about the interahamwe. These statements were debunked by prosecution witnesses e.g. at the Military II trial, where they admitted to being coached by the prosecution into calling any Hutu militia or gang, no matter where in Rwanda, “interahamwe.” The real interahamwe was limited to the capital.
I challenge the author—I respect his difference of opinion regarding Milosevic—interview Christopher Black regarding Rwanda. (My own view re Milosevic is closer to that of the author than to that of Black.)
Edward S. Herman sank the lies regarding Rwanda and the genocide actually perpetrated by the US asset Kagame a long time ago. Keith Harmon Snow is another good source of the truth.
Herman’s work is very dependent on Black’s work during the Military II trial. For example, it was Black’s team that discovered that the genocide fax (the fraud that Gourevich promoted, to which Herman devotes an entire appendix) was a fraudulently modified non-genocide related fax, with the modified version sent from a British base to the UN in 1995, and fraudulently stripped of metadata for the trial by the prosecution (in bed with the CIA).
I want very much to read this article as soon as I can catch up and keep “life from getting in the way”.
Meanwhile…..THIS appears to be a quite timely update…from RT:
‘NATO will be soiling its pants’: Ukrainian tycoon seen as power behind president calls for ‘new Warsaw Pact’ with Moscow
Igor has better chances of survival …imho…… than Porky does…..and evidently never went 100% “ALL-IN” the way Porky, Vicky. Brennan etc did.,
And OBAMA did…on behalf of his Empire Masters (remember, he called himself “Your Loyal Servant” in his welcoming message of her (QE 2…….Qualitative Emasculation.2 Balls…for L…….not quantitative easing..bu yes…. Lizzy 2.)……….diplomatic emissaries to DC ……around the time of Maidan.
“Your Loyal Mind-Controlled Heavily Compromised SLAVE”…would have been more accurate. LOL
Nothing is “in the bag” yet…way too early to celebrate…this early.
However, I smell the rapidly growing potential …at least…for massive strategic victory ….soon enough…all over the globe…..with Ukraine being the pivot..
That strategic pivot will soil a lot of pants also in DC, not just NATO headquarters…Brussels……especially among those stalling for time, hoping an assassin’s bullet will save then from Guantanamo……..or the gallows…for their treasonous role in Maidan, Russia-gate, Uranium One………..and now Ukraine-gate….The Stupidest Gate of Them All.
Like Trump said about Syria: “That place is very, very far away from us. ”
Same goes for Ukraine.
The real battle is at home…….. against the Deep State and Lamestream Media and their deranged minions….but developments in the Ukraine…strategic Pivot # 1………..including Igor’s realism and survival instincts (possibly…no guarantees!) could bust things wide open back here ALSO….on the Home Front…very soon.
Even THEN…best case scenario that has to be fought for, there are YEARS of hard work and prosecutions of the guilty…straight ahead.
As well as probably decades of psychotherapy and “counselling” for many thousands of career types such as this Neocon Nutcase……………….. to “Re-Boot”.him…so he can live out his life without being a danger to himself (suicide) or billions of other human beings….any longer:
Tucker Takes On Max Boot Over Foreign Policy – Tucker Carlson
Murdock also hedging his bets………….LOL.
Vesti News is a gold mine for a Westerner to find English subtitled information about Russian development and politics.They ran a clip today from a Russian political talk show about Ukraine.It was pretty interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyaa1gHmb9Q. The sarcasm is great.
From Russia Insight
Russian Pranksters Fool Mississippi Governor And Offer To Buy Alligators For “Naughty Journalists”
sad or funny?
You can be in more than one stage of grief at the same time. The Ukronazi-loving stooges in the USA, particularly in the fakestream media, are in the stages of anger, denial, bargaining, alright, but add their habitual self-delusion bordering on psychosis, hypocrisy and hysteria of hatred aimed at Putin and you get something like Clinton, who relied so heavily on her Ukronazi friends and allies when she and her camp-followers attempted to thwart Trump’s rise. If only she’d gone to Wisconsin-I believe there dwell many Ukronazi exiles, dedicated, always, to ‘Western Moral Values’. Acceptance? That’s downright Unamerican. ‘We create reality’, remember?
”This gentleman is, according to Ukronazi propaganda, a ’defender of Europe from the Russian Asiatic hordes’”
Nussiminen’s verdict: Quite impressive for a piece of honorary Euro-trash, LOL. Still nothing for Putin or Asians to worry about; tut mir leid.
”Most UN members will not recognize the LDNR (fear of Uncle Shmuel) but one will: Russia. And that will be the end of the ’independent Ukraine’ as we know it.”
The corollary, tantalizing question hence becomes: What is the fastest way of depopulating ”Ukraine” — by secession or by mass exodus from its ruling Bandernazi apes?
About zelensky’s land sale, it’s upset savchenko: “Don’t be stupid, don’t be a sucker!” — Savchenko appealed to Zelensky. The former people’s Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko addressed to the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky with a very sharp message. On his page in the social network after Ukrainian President announced the start of land reform and the adoption of the law on referendums, Savchenko wrote a appeal, screwing became a meme expression Zelensky.
“Do not mix and don’t be fooled! Deceived you as President of Ukraine — deceived Ukrainians and Ukraine!!! Don’t be a sucker!!!” — the beginning of the post the notorious ex-MP.
The appeal is essentially a proposal Zelensky to benefit from the program and to implement three key initiatives. The first is the population census of Ukraine.
“To know how much we, Ukrainians, can actually take part in the referendum and not to falsify the results of the referendum! For this is the year of the census and explanation of the questions which will be submitted to a national referendum!” — clarifies his position of Savchenko.
Further, in her opinion, the conduct of the national referendum on the resolution of multiple nationality in the Ukraine – should be the second initiative to be implemented. A nationwide referendum in Ukraine on establishment of the Bank or of the land market, as well as the negotiation of its terms and conditions may only be conducted in the third stage.
“If it is passed the criminal law on the worst conditions of the land market for the Ukrainians and good conditions for foreigners in the first reading, second reading, no one can fix! The law is crime against the Ukrainian people!
And we, the Ukrainians, the Ukrainian land from the “Khazar khanate” and “the Horde” have to take blood! There are mistakes that are corrected at the cost of human lives!
Be smart, go ahead!
You lose not just your reputation! You lose the impact of Soros’s our land, our will, our blood!” — emotionally summed up their proposals and opinions to address Zelensky ex-MP.”
“F*** you, not the land of Ukraine! — in the Parliament again show. Verkhovna Rada Deputy Vadim Rabinovich urged not to believe the words Zelensky, who has promised to hold a nationwide referendum, if the bill on the opening of the land market in Ukraine will accept in the first reading.
the initiative of lifting of the moratorium on land sales Rabinowitz was named one of the “creative problems” of the new government.
“Not only that, they want to sell the Ukrainian land, so also tell how good we will be when our land shall be the property of foreigners,” — a picturesque perturbed Rabinowitz from the rostrum of the Parliament.
“You were wrong, the Lord will come. Fuck you, and not the land of Ukraine, remember?” — he said, stressing that the adoption of this document interested representatives of the International monetary Fund, and the American financier George Soros, whose “hands are drawn to the land of Ukraine”.
“Yesterday, the President insisted that we (the deputies — ed. RV) voted in the first hearing and then we will make changes and hold a referendum. Brilliant! Just believe the word of the new government and sell their land,” he continues.
It was proposed at first to hold a national referendum and only then make the bill for consideration in Parliament. He urged politicians to forget all quarrels and disagreements and not let the “sell the land” the country to foreigners.
The moratorium on sale of farmland is valid in Ukraine for 14 years. The IMF expects Kiev the adoption of the land reform which was never carried click Poroshenko”.
Slightly OT, but Valentyn Vasyanovych’s Atlantis (2019) is a new feature film from the Ukraine that won an award in the Horizons section of the Venice Film Festival, and has been touring the intl. festival circuit. It imagines the Ukraine in the year, 2025, after the end of the civil war in the eastern sector.
The cinematography is cold, meticulous, and impressive. The entire film is less than 30 shots. Views of blasted industrial and war-torn landscapes are uniformly grim.
The story follows Sergiy, a former soldier in the “patriotic” war against the LDNR. He has lost his family, his home, and the country that he knew. Suffering from PTSD and trying to survive in a destroyed country, Sergiy works nights in a steel mill and struggles to let go of his fight against “the enemy”. When the mill is shuttered by its new (British) CEO, appearing on a giant monitor to collectively fire the workers, then waxing poetically about a future high-tech Ukraine (with Vertov’s 1930 ENTHUSIASM — Symphony of the Donbas projected on the monitor), the cynicism is more than the now-fired workers can bear, leading to a riot.
Sergiy begins working as a truck driver hauling water (well water has been all poisoned by the war), and then joins the “Black Tulip” group, which recovers the remains of soldiers half-buried in the war, trying to remember their sacrifice and find some peace in a proper burial. While the film mostly shows and does not explain what is being shown, we are told that the land has been poisoned by the war and it’s all the fault of “the Soviets”.
I will not try to summarize the entire film, but would like to note several things that became clear during the post-screening Q & A with director and lead actor.
While the film is ostensibly anti-war, showing the terrible consequences and price to be paid by the Ukrainians, the director and actor were quick to point out that the war is ongoing, and “the enemy” is Russia. The actor playing Sergiy (Andrii Rymaruk), is himself an ex-soldier and spoke with quiet rage about the destruction of the Ukraine, which he pinned squarely on Russia. The director attempts a less partisan line, but the film ultimately flirts with a future-tense version of the Ukronazi narrative.
It seems doubtful that most film audiences will be familiar with the nuances of this conflict, or aware of the propaganda that surrounds it, and the film — to its credit, perhaps — mostly doesn’t try to explain the context. At the same time, this is a re-viewing of history in a way that includes certain images and claims while excluding a broader consideration of the conflict or indeed the geopolitical circumstances of the Ukraine, and in this regard could even be said to offer a misleading sketch of this terrible war.
masterful, as always. The best analysis of the current situation in Ukraine (and of its possible outcomes) that I have seen. The maps were especially helpful. However, a section of the discussion should have been devoted to a brief description of each region that is shown on each one of those maps. For example: What are the distinctive aspects of “Nationalist Ukraine” versus “Far West” versus “Transcarpathia”?
I was reading this recent article about Trump impeachment proceedings and it did raise a question for me.
In this article, the point of view is shared that many of Trump’s decisions in foreign policy, including in Ukraine, have been to Russia’s (Putin’s) benefit. (A message that’s not new.)
“If Putin doesn’t have something on him, he’s doing all this for some bizarre reason,” said Rep. Mike Quigley, an Illinois Democrat who sits on the House Intelligence Committee. — quoted from the above article.
And then a quote from the Saker — “…instead of becoming a “Ukrainian Putin” Zelenskii became a “Ukrainian Trump” – a weak and, frankly, clueless leader, completely outside his normal element, whose only “policy” towards all the various extremist minorities was to try to appease them, then appease them some more, and then even more than that.”
We can’t have it both ways. Every time Trump does something to benefit Putin (which seems to mean something that reduces conflict with Russia, or concedes ground to Russia) I hear comments that Trump is showing sensible leadership, doing the right thing, and so on. But if Trump is really a weak and clueless leader who’s actions strive to appease various extremist minorities, then who is he appeasing with his conciliatory moves towards Russia? It’s commonly understood that a Democratic president in his position would be escalating tensions with Russia. So who is the extremist minority benefiting from Trump’s actions with respect to Russia?
A facet of the history of the creation of Ukrainian nationalism that rarely gets mentioned is the episode in the wake of the collapse of the Imperial Russian Army after the 1917 revolution when Ukraine somehow got independence thanks to advancing German and Austro-Hungarian forces. I’m very curious to know more about how this played out. After Germany’s collapse in 1919, the Bolsheviks won the civil war and the independent Ukraine became a Soviet Republic.
What role did German intelligence play? Probably a very active one. Ludendorff had made himself military dictator by this time and the fate of the Russian monarch was probably not high on his priority list. Breaking up Russia into its constituent parts to keep it from becoming a rival to German postwar dominance was probably much higher. This is what France tried to do in Germany between the wars, fomenting independence movements in Bavaria and the Rhineland. It’s what empires in extremis do. How Ukrainian nationalism got going in th3 20th century probably owes a lot to foreign and hostile intelligence subversion than indigenous national feeling. (The Vikings of the Rus got absorbed into the local population a very very long time ago.)
I don’t know the detailed answer. Just asking the question.
Back to true form Saker. Succinct, informative, insightful . . . . One of your best.
In 2004, Yushchenko and Tymoshenko broke Yanukovych and announced that it was a victory for democracy;
In 2005, Yushchenko and Yanukovych broke Tymoshenko and announced that it was a victory for democracy;
In 2007, Yushchenko and Tymoshenko broke Yanukovych and announced that it was a victory for democracy;
In 2009, Yushchenko and Yanukovych broke Tymoshenko and announced that it was a victory for democracy;
In 2010, Yanukovych and Tymoshenko broke out Yushchenko and announced that it was a victory for democracy;
In 2011, Yanukovych sent Tymoshenko to prison, announcing that this was a victory for democracy;
Today, Ukraine’s democracy is about to win again!
“The Euromaidan was a completely illegal violent coup against the democratically elected President of the Ukraine, whose legitimacy nobody contested, least of all the countries which served as mediators between Poroshenko and the rioters and who betrayed their word in less than 24 hours (a kind of a record for western politicians and promises of support!).”
Didn’t Poroshenko come later? Can’t remember the name of the 2014 ‘pro-Russian president’, only that Trump’s guy Manafort curated his public persona….
” True, Russia did pathetically drop the ball, ”
At the time (2014), the Russian government told the Novorssians now wasn’t a good time for asserting independence. Why? Ukraine has never been an existential threat to Russia. The ZioNazi takfiris then in Syria were another matter. At the time Russia was negotiating with Syria/Iran to initiiate the legal processes to allow it enter Syria guns blazing in late 2015 to take out the takfiris before they could be unleashed on Russia. If Russia had be more openly supportive of the Novorossians, the US would have heavily sanctioned Russia, potentially preventing the 2015 onslaught. The Middle East would then be a lot more unstable and a massive threat to Russia. For what? As you say, Russia would never let the ZioNazis fully take control of the east. Russia also wisely stopped the Novorossians going too far west. They would have been entering less friendly (at the time) territory and greatly extending their supply lines, both not good in the long term.
In what way is Ukraine independent?They are only looking for new master!
The gong show continues. What’s next, Saakashvili makes a come-back?
“Gontareva: Intimidation now ‘fact of life’ for Ukrainian reformers”
“LONDON – The former governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), Valeria Gontareva, has called for Ukrainian allies and international financial institutions to support Ukraine amid what she claims is a worsening climate of harassment and intimidation of reformers in her country.
‘(Kolomoisky) terrifies all our country daily,’ she told the audience, referring to the oligarch who owned the country’s largest lender, PrivatBank, up until its nationalization in 2016.
During the panel discussion, Gontareva voiced her fears that a “reoligarchization” was being allowed to take place in Ukraine because of widespread corruption across the judiciary and failure to respond by the new government.
She pointed out that while reformers and banks are coming under what they say is sustained harassment, the individuals who allegedly looted billions from the Ukrainian banks have not faced justice.”
Article is great! What now?