The U.S. wants to change the government in Venezuela and use Colombia to do that. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov, stated that. He made that statement at the conference on international security. It was held last week in Moscow.
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I guess one of the reasons for this statement, is to let the “powers that shouldn’t be” know that countermeasures are in place. Very strange times we are living in.
And I just read this:
I assume Russia feels strong enough to squeeze the empire on all sides.
Yes, Lavrov said and Lavrov warned. True, and all what he said is true. On the other hand, as a practical matter, the bottom line is that there is nothing that Russia can do to actually stop this AngloZioCon Empire’s plan.
“there is nothing that Russia can do”. RF and others are doing something already, don’t you recognize pattern which differs from historical patterns. All attacks were elegantly deflected from border rock concerts to airbase take over. Not to mention neutralization of construction of imbedded “Venezuelan freedom army” and keeping “helping” neighbors at safe distance.
This strategy came from mostly RF and the bus driver (Maduro) is a good listener. Lets not forget White Swans landing, that’s at least nation moral booster or perhaps escort to S?00 delivery.
Improvement is needed in letting the world know. RF isn’t as good at it even with their RT.
It’s beyond me why Maduro in his last address to muricans didn’t mention massive help to American when Venezuela had program to give free hydrocarbons to poor American families, what was that gesture really good for?
Just saying
@ S75ponny
I understand, your wishful thinking is my wishful thinking too, but I am afraid that is not sufficient to stop the Empire either. As for the far away Russia, “doing something” and actually stopping the Empire’s plan are two entirely different things.
To be honest, we can only wait “until the fat lady sings” … which hasn’t happened yet. Even an internet “social network” is not the Temple at Delphi…
Chávez’s noble action was a waste of time and resources. Because Americans think that everything in the world is rightfully theirs to begin with, they are profoundly incapable of gratitude. That, and they have the memory of fruit flies.
Thanks for informative link.
It appears that RF is using the momentum of its opponents (also inertly titled “our partners”) actions and leveraging it to its benefit while standing firmly on platform of truth. This goes on for a while. Very few observers have clue and very few observers have knowledge in this world of obfuscated reality.
Good news is that general population is starting to feel, something ain’t right. Feeling isn’t knowledge which results in action. cattle corralled for slaughter house has also “something ain’t right” feelings.*
Judo strategy indeed, eventually (God forbid) streets of St Petersburg lessons when fight is inevitable?
* May I respectfully submit CBC (Canada Broadcast Corporation) article, not for the article filled with usual glaring lies but for comments section where disproportionate count of the public comments reject establishment narrative.
Fights on St.Petersburg’s streets that some people wish for would never happen.
Thanks for the CBC comment and Link.
I have to think the clowns/idiots/sociopaths at the propaganda ministry are shaking their collective empty heads at the comment section.
It would seem the Orwellian Ministry of Truth (CBC/CTV/Global Division) is loosing some of their power to seduce/brain-wash/program.
Could not make me happier.
I find Canuckistan’s BS peddlers nothing short of vile and disgusting.
The detailed US plan to enslave Venuzuela is available for inspection at the link provided above.
Paul C Roberts has a timely article on it too.
Words like…”violent means….psychological abilities of the usa army…..the enemy….”
This is a declaration of war….no UNSC emergency meeting being called….?…to get usa thrown out and declared a terrorist state.?
The “detailed US plan” of K W Todd as shown by voltairenet uses very strange grammar, almost certainly not written by an American. The numerous grammatical errors, strange punctuation, leads me to doubt its authenticity.
Its obvious from this video that the Russian government clearly see’s the problem. Its much less clear about what if anything they will (can?) do about it. The age old story of Cassandra tells us that just warning about a problem without actions to correct it is worthless.And its worth mentioning that the Admiral should be aware that if successful the US will know they have a good plan to repeat against others (Russia,China,Iran,Syria,etc???) in the future.If causing chaos,and proclaiming a political ally as the new leader of a country,while forcing your vassals to go along with you,will work.Then that is something new in world politics.And truly will make the US a “world hegemon.”
So what can be done to prevent the US plot working.And at the same time not bring on WWIII. A really serious problem. I’d say first,you make sure the Venezuelans are willing to,and can resist.You provide them with the aid to resist.Second,you arm the current,and if they will support you,the ex-guerrilla groups in Colombia to stop the Colombians from having the time and ability to meddle in Venezuela.The Cubans used to have contacts with those groups,and should be helpful there. Third, lend support to anti-US political groups throughout Latin America (especially in Brazil ).Again,use the Cubans and also the Venezuelans with that.They have a lot of contacts with those groups.A non-communist Russia has been able to find friends on the Right in Europe.But in Latin America those type of parties are all US stooges.In Latin America Russia will need the support of the Leftist parties.And they need to remember the old saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”,and nothing less if they are going to defeat the US.
But how much time is left to them.Its unknown of course (by us at least).Though I can say as someone whose seen the way the US builds up for military action.That I see the exact same build-up happening today.The media is on “blast” against the Venezuelan government.Daily it gets worse.In the past that was a sure sign they would strike soon.
“… The age old story of Cassandra tells us that just warning about a problem without actions to correct it is worthless. …”
The professional insight provided above by the GRU is thorough and remarkably objective. One of the worst things a country’s leadership can possibly do in a conflict is to underestimate its adversary, and so, perhaps, at least that worry can now be put to rest. The problem remains indeed: if and how will that insight translate into action.
It is much too easy to succumb to the staged burlesque performance of the (current, carefully preselected) CEO of the Corporation/Empire USA and his entire supporting cast (“Democrats”, “Republicans”, “Hillary”), and dismiss it all as sheer lunacy. Some facts might then be of interest:
The new Grand Strategy of the United States (by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 26 March 2019):
“… Many people think that the United States is very active, but does not succeed in much. For example, it is said that its wars in the Greater Middle East are a succession of failures. But for Thierry Meyssan, the USA has a coherent military, commercial and diplomatic strategy. According to its own objectives, it advances patiently, and is crowned with success. …”
Colombian army don’t want waste its limited resources giving men to this offensive because the can’t never beat FARC guerillas. In fact Colombia itself might be near to have its own Bolivarian class war in new level.
Using thugs is not real solution, coz thugs and deserters don’t make good army at all. It’s pretty clear that Venezuela can’t be beaten by thugs and mercenaries. The only solution for Washington is better organized coup (in Chile 1973 way). But chavistas have about 20-years build their society so even that Chile window is closed. Venezuela is more Cuba than Chile 1973.
I’d recommed China and Russia courage Colombians to social revolutionary uprise.
The question I’d be asking IF I were a military analyst with years of research, expertise and contacts in Latin America is: Just how does Blackwater and US special forces propose to interface with the Colombian military in an invasion of another country? There are many cooks stirring this bubbling broth. Remember that the Russian military advisors had a whole timeline/learning curve in order to get the SAA up to snuff even as sociologically wise as they were in dealing with another culture.
Granted the US has been snuffling around Colombia for years helping to kill thousands of peasants in the countryside. Still, the government had to make a truce and come to a settlement of sorts because the elite of Colombia, venial as it is, was not going to authorize blatant genocide against its own countrymen…no napalm, no carpet bombing, no scorched earth, no well poisonings.
Unless, the entire population of Venezuela is made to be the enemy….there will be no Rakka type bombing. Nor do I see the equivalent “white helmet” canards, although give them some time and chutzpah for that one. Evidently, the Cubans have talked Maduro into having a nationwide ,toned down equivalent of a comradely self criticism session between the people and his government. That’s a Good idea to develop consensus in order to fight a 21st century people’s war. It’s somewhat like what the Cubans did before the nationwide vote on their new constitution.
More will be revealed for sure.
It is clear to me that Russia has decided to distract the USA by helping Venezuela – or by just seeming to help Venezuela. That is like waving a red cape at a bull. The Russian would love the US military to get bogged down in Venezuela. That way, they are too busy to make trouble in Ukraine. Let’s face it, US leaders cannot handle two crisis simultaneously. In fact, they are having great difficulty with this one crisis.
The USA is clearly trying to grab the oil reserves of Venezuela. Reduced exports by Venezuela is actually to Russia’s advantage. Just watch what has happened to the oil price over the past few months. It was around $50 in January and now it is $70 – 40% increase. Assuming it costs Russia $30 to produce the oil, that is an increase in profit from $20 to $40 – a doubling.
There is no cost to Russia from a dollar pov. If oil prices fall, they just ramp up production exponentialy. Not many, if any, countries can do that. At one time Canada could do that, soft wood, steel, grain, (never oil though)Nafta and tarrifs put paid to that.
The US did considerable damage to the USSR in Afghanistan. None of it was direct action. Lesson learned.
Venezuela is analogous. Guerrilla warfare could cost the US dearly.
It could be where Iranian missiles or Chinese missiles get tested against US Naval vessels.
Any US military overthrow would also ignite a prairie fire of resistance and insurgencies in other Latin American countries. Even Colombia and Brazil’s leaders understand the consequences will be for decades and will set back the future growth of all Latin countries.
It would be very cost effective for China, Iran and Russia to assist whatever and wherever anti-Imperialist groups arise.
The reason there hasn’t been a swift military action against Maduro is the consequences are all bad for the Hegemon. Taking Venezuela is the goal. But the means has to be non-military.
Only crazy Bolton wants troops to be used.
Russia has a plan of action. It is sub-rosa. But it will make the cost to the US extremely high.
The US Southern Command understands the traps that are laid for it by Cuba, Iran, China and Russia. For those four opponents of the Hegemon, they have the largest proxy army the US has ever faced–the Venezuelan People backed by millions more Latinos on the continent. And they will be fighting for their homes and families.
Larch; Well said. In my estimation it is impossible, both militarily and politically, for the American empire to launch a direct and open assault on Venezuela. Impossible politically on the national level for Trump to make it work for himself inside the USA. Also quite impossible for them to make it work on the international political level. For a host of various reasons. One or two of those reasons alone being sufficient to make the entire desperate fantasy a non-starter. Primarily because any open assault would radically inflame all of Latin America, which would push the entire continent even deeper into the embrace of Communist China than it is now already openly pursuing. I expect what passes for wise counsel in the American establishment is aware of this likely result.
It is my belief that those of us who seriously fear such an outcome are quite understandably fearfully projecting their past experiences of the capacity for savagery wielded by the empire forward onto current circumstances.
As the Saker has written, the empire is now so weak and is actually dying so quickly that all it has really left for itself is to helplessly attempt to continue to manipulate the fears of the world with the traditional arrogant bluster and threats. Along with some remaining capacity for chaos production all it has really left is just a bunch of head trips to lay out in its well known fashion. To me the noise coming out of the Empire now is little more than the helpless whining and barking of a dying dog that is incapable of reconciling itself to its own death.
In the material real world the caravan has begun to move on
Like VIetnam ?
The masonic excrements that control Colonia (“Colombia”) and Brasil are lackeys for the AngloZionist Empire, but they are not entirely stupid. They know perfectly well that supporting a formal military aggression against another Latinamerican territory will put their own @sses on the line: it’s not altruism, it’s common sense. Besides, every military decision will meet fierce resistance from their own lower rank politicians, specially when corpses begin to pile up.
The ziothugs that the AZE sends know nothing about anything, so they come to our country (Latinoamérica) expecting to ignite a fratricidal conflict just for the sake of it.
What the masonic lackeys really want is to maintain the status quo, and keep on receiving their cut of the constant looting of the riches of Latinoamérica. A formal war will put that money in danger, and worse, they could end up in jail, in exile or even dead.
Excellent observation and post.
I concur wholeheartedly.
What ever we might think about people in Latin America one thing is sure: definitely they have much more realistic conclusions about evil vicious nature of U.S Empire than fooled Europeans, especially those Europeans in north and west. There are of course normal share of U.S ass-lickers in Latin America too but nothing compared that in EU-Europe.
Those people would have collaborated with Hitler in occupied Europe.
That’s the You’re_a_peon Union’s (Euro-trash) ideological hangover, based on US imperialist bribery and centuries of uninvited murderous European squatters around the planet. Today’s Zionazi-gays are slowly but surely losing everything that was ’rightfully theirs’. Hurts a lot.
Fooled Europeans indeed. It’s no accident that Nicolás Maduro, a former bus driver, and Sweden’s PM Stefan Löfvén, a former welder, are completely at odds with the latter barking at the former using all the standard Zio-tripe. As Lenin noted: ”In the imperialist countries, there is a narrow-minded, selfish, case-hardened, covetous, and petty-bourgeois ‘labour aristocracy’, imperialist-minded, and imperialist-corrupted”. Today’s international conflicts illustrate this phenomenon in almost comical fashion.
If this coup plot ultimately fails, it’s a win for Russia.
If the USA invades Venezuela, it’s a win for Russia. (albeit, terrible for the people of Venezuela)
Token cruise missle strikes, like in Syria, won’t do anything. An air war makes no sense without boots on the ground to control territory. They need boots on the ground in form of a massive invasion force because it seems that the people of Venezuela stand united. If 5000 mercs/spec ops or w/e was enough, they wouldn’t talk about it, they’d do it.
Can you imagine – USA stuck in jungle war?
It would be interesting to know of the ongoing communications between the Russian Embassy in Columbia and Colombian President Iván Márquez’s government. If we look at this geopolitical situation from a different perspective, Russia could focus on Colombia’s domestic economy as a way to influence the foreign policy of the Colombian government in the region.
This 2018 bar graph shows that Russia imports a great deal of live animals and products
(see: ).
The flow is consistent from month to month, therefore a conclusion can be drawn the demand for this category of imports is high. Section 5 on the webpage lists the countries that export this categoryto Russia from low to high with Belarus leading the way at a whopping 39.3%. Colombia is far down the list at number 18.
It may be beneficial if the Russian Foreign Ministry offers to increase its imports of live animals and products to help Colombia’s economy. In exchange, Colombia would ratchet down the border tension with Venezuela.
Sometimes the carrot works better than the stick and Márquez (who will undoubtedly seek re-election in 2022) can tell his people of his “success’ in negotiating greater exports to a friendly trade partner. Russia may sponsor Colombia as the second South American country to join the lucrative opportunities of the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative).
It is not just Venuzuela being interfered with.
In Italy it approaches full spectrum penetrator.
America is a rogue state and main supporter of terrorism in the world. A criminal cabal acting like pirates. What arrogance to think the laws they pass are to bind all other countries. Cuba must simply ignore this Helms-Burton act as must all who do business with Cuba. In fact, every country that values their sovereignty and their people must ignore all these U.S. sanctions also. If the U.S. is so in a knot over other countries being involved in the western hemisphere then they need to get out of Europe and the rest of the world and stop meddling there.
I can’t see any way to fix or correct an empire that is now in such overreach short of destroying it. Yes, Rome eventually ran out of money to pay it’s soldiers and started corrupting its money. The Anglo/American empire controls the financial system of the world and creates it’s own ‘money’ out of thin air. They can print or digitize all they need. There is going to be a lot of killing.
Canada continues to do some ‘heavy-lifting’ on the US Venezuela project in a number of ways. Including suppressing critical media outlets like Telesur or Russians. Canadian foreign minister Chrystia Freeland is up to the task and more…
Ottawa Braced For Russian Retaliation After Barring State Media From Lima Group Talks
“Canadian officials [Freeland] decided on short notice to deny accreditation to all Russian and Venezuelan state media outlets planning to attend an international conference in Ottawa this winter even though they knew the action likely would provoke retaliation against Canadian media…’Canada should give an example of what a free press is, if we want to boast to ourselves about a free press,’ said Press Gallery president Pierre-Vinat Foisy. ‘For us, that one of our members is being denied, and we don’t know the basis for that denial, is really, really problematic…”