by Ruslan Ostashko
Translated by Nikolai
Captioned by Scott and Leo
You know these secret USA satellites, those that still haven’t presented the west with a single image of the moskal hordes in the Donbass? What do you mean you don’t know about the secret satellites and the total dominance of the advanced Pentagon over backward Russia? You are probably just cursed vatniks that do not pay due attention to the filtered newsfeed of American propaganda.
There is no place where the might of the West is felt stronger than Zuckerbook, democratically moderated by euro-ukros, and sumerian websites like Whoever wants to immerse themselves in the wondrous fantasy world e.g. the War of the Rifle Against the Laser, can ask the forelocked ones and their imaginary colleagues like the fake Pentagon analyst David Jewberg.
All other people living in the real world, instead of their personalized newsfeed world, are kinda aware of the fact that the generally technical or specifically military superiority of the West over Russia is no more.
Our weapons manufacturers regularly crank out lots of cool items: from the new carbine for special ops to Radio Detection and Ranging equipment that have no analogues in the World.
“Move over AK-47”: USA marvel at new Russian automatic rifle
Let’s see what the foreign press wrote on the topic in December. For example, let’s look at the text from one Iranian website.
Source: Akharin Khabar (Iran): “The Russian Ministry of Defense has reported that it is realizing a project that will allow Moscow to be aware and able to control any military preparations and movements in adjacent states. Specifically, it will allow Moscow to track the launch of combat airplanes and ballistic missiles – not a single missile or plane will be able to take off without Moscow knowing about it”.
“The statement was specifically released by the Russian MOD for Russian state media and tells of a new type of radars that will be able to track the launch of stealth-type planes even at distances of 3000 km.”
The concept of invisibility is one of the cornerstones of American military doctrine that says you have to strike first and have some crafty method of avoiding retaliation. Stealth technology was supposed to be this crafty method. However, something went wrong, and the F-117 plane fitted with this technology was taken down in 1999 by the long-suffering Serbs.
video of plane takedown. 2:39 – commentary: “On March 27, 1999 a stealth plane was taken down in the sky over Yugoslavia. It was hit by a missile from a KUB anti-aircraft system, which was used in the USSR since 1967. The stealth fighters forever lost their super-plane status.”
But what happened is not important. What Hollywood showed after that is important. Right? This is why the sumerians and other American lackeys are convinced that the Americans can kick anybody’s ass in the Pentagon’s cowboy style. The cursed moskals are certainly lying about their radars. Right?
Source: Akharin Khabar (Iran): “One of the most important goals of the new radar system is tracking and monitoring such targets as scrambled bombers, cruise missiles, planes that took off from the ground or from the deck of an aircraft carrier, as well as military aircrafts concealed inside other carriers”.
“The Russian MOD stated that among other things, the system is directed at creating a radar-locating field along Russian borders with the goal of identifying cruise missiles in flight. This statement was released shortly before the NATO Summit, where various means of countering a Russian invasion and the Russian threat were supposed to be discussed”.
The Iranian news site does not give the names of our new radar systems, but it is not hard to figure out what they are talking about. Please welcome…
Soon the sky over the south of the country will be covered by the newest, high-power “Niobiy-SV” (Niobium-SV) Radio Detection and Ranging station.
Source: Zvezda TV channel: “This station, developed by the Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering in Nizhny Novgorod is in fact unique. According to some sources, the Niobiy-SV can “see” in the sky objects of one square meter in size at a distance of 230 kilometers. At the same time, the target can be at tens of thousands of meters above the Earth’s surface. Another unique capability of this station is tracking a target moving at a speed of 5400 km/h”.
And the main benefit of this station – the Niobiy-SV can simultaneously track 300 targets. The new Russian system can track all types of aerial targets, from small unmanned drones to helicopters and planes of the adversary. The VHF band of the station allows it to track the newest vehicles equipped with stealth technology. In effect, it is a real stealth hunter.
Think this is the only novelty of the Russian technical school of thought, which Herman Gref believes to be retarded? Think again – there are others.
“The “Podsolnukh” surface wave over-the-horizon radar”
Russia has fielded the over-the-horizon “Podsolnukh” (Sunflower) radio detectors in the Far East and the Baltic direction according to Kirill Makarov – the director of the design bureau of the Scientific and Research Institute for Long-Distance Radio Communications (NIIDAR) that developed these stations. Thus, these systems are now operational in three areas – they were previously installed in the Caspian region. The Podsolnukh station is capable of detecting targets below the so-called radio horizon – the most extreme characteristic for radio detectors. There are two variations of this complex – for the Russian armed forces and for export. The characteristics of the Russian version are unknown, however the NIIDAR website has specifications for the export version.
Source: RT: “According to it, the radar envelope of such a system is 450 km and the field of vision is 120 degrees. It can simultaneously track up to 200 waterborne and 100 airborne targets. The radar is also capable of identifying ships and planes equipped with stealth technology at nearly the same distances as the ordinary ones”.
Think that’s it? Nope.
In the end of last year, the same NIIDAR gave another item to the military – the first example of the over-the-horizon Konteyner (Container) radar.
Kirill Makarov. NIIDAR General director: “The station uses the phenomenon of reflection of decameter range radio waves from the ionosphere. However, this radar has a so-called blind-spot. It is 900 km in size, so it was decided that it will be placed deep in the country. This allows the station to remain safe and control the airspace of neighboring states.”
Makarov also reported work on systems that will be able to detect unmanned aerial vehicles made of plastic or wood.
If we search for one encompassing term for everything we listed and that remained offscreen, I can propose the name “The Eye of Moscow”. This Eye makes certain that Russia never suffers the same fate as poor Yugoslavia and that our sworn partners in the West, who very much value the safety of their… asses… do not again feel any impulse to try and organize a blitzkrieg for us. Let’s thank the great Russian gunmakers for the peaceful sky above our heads. Because of the labors of these people we can go on about our business trying to make life in Russia even better.
I will use this video and the stealth plane that got shot down @ ca2.30 in the vid too remind the redhat wearing MIGA and murcan army is the bestest chanting dudes that their stealth is bogus bs
I admit i look forward to their “this is old tech and the f35 is invisible” mantra and the seed of doubt it may plant in their brain if they are not fully emerged in cognitive dissonans and/or denial about the truth..
Why devolve all this technology? No wonder NATO thinks this all B.S.
I want that T-Shirt with a bear wearing boxing gloves.
ooops, correction
Fair enough, maybe, but what do you think is behind this 20,000 5G satellites being launched (a u-tube vid I saw shows how they are going to get to these stupendous numbers—each launch releases in orbit about 20 MIRV-like separately deployable mini-me satellites!).So now it will take about 1000 successful launches, after the usual percent of liftoff/deploy failures.
The true sinister purpose is certainly something more than enabling any schlub to allow a self-driving smart car, like tesla to chauffeur them to their destination anywhere there’s roads.
Tesla calls it StarLink, but I am sure they truly mean SkyNet.
Da. Along with these realizations, one might well ponder the certain fact that the armed forces of the Russian Federation easily have the capability to launch anything they feel like from anywhere they wish, and accurately strike anything they wish, with a degree of accuracy of less than five meters and a velocity of around mach ten or so…. anytime it is deemed necessary.
On the bright side, however, at least General ‘Chop-A-Dong’ Mattis has left the American administration’s war cabinet.
The Saker, one question: Is the Russia’s military power is more powerfull than the EUA’s? how convinced are you?
« EUA » ? I imagine you’re French, and that’s « États-Unis d’Amérique » (United States) right ?
Russia’s technology, especially in the most critical areas (missiles and missile defense), is light years better, because made primarily to defend (Russia) unlike USA’s, which is built primarily to sell (domestically, and internationally). Quality vs. Quantity.
Also, the Russian soldiers are tougher and more disciplined, and benefit morally from being defenders rather than aggressors.
“..Also, the Russian soldiers are tougher and more disciplined, and benefit morally from being defenders rather than aggressors.”
yes but can Russian soldiers perform US Navy’s “Crossing the line?”
which involves the wogs (sailors crossing the equator fro the first time) “may experience cross dressing, sadomasochistic rituals, and simulated anal and oral sex”
Military researcher Steven Zeeland elaborates that the Navy’s position on acceptable forms of hazing during the ceremony has evolved in response to external pressures…dressing in drag and spanking are prohibited, though they retained the time-honored traditions of lathering wogs with Crisco etc and ordering wogs to simulate anal intercourse.
(Zeeland, Sailors and sexual Identity provides black and white photos of this ‘time-honored US Navy ritual: sailors positioned in line on their knees licking each other’s anuses)
Take that Russians!
I t6hink that you missed two main points here. One Russian children are better educated and two Russia has mandatory conscription, unlike US where one joins the army to get a job.
P.S. For those among us who can read, and do math…
Go ahead and calculate the force of impact for a kinetic metallic object (non-reactive) at around mach ten (or so) at the approximate weight and density of an average cast iron skillet. Then, just let your imagination run with it.
Thats why hypersonic weapons are a thing. These systems can wreak havoc using very small or even without warheads at all on them. As a curiosity, the same race went inside its development happened as before between the cannon and the missile/rocket, thats why railguns are no longer news, the missile won again.
stealth never meant invisibility at long range, but only invisibility at high resolution for terminal targeting purposes.
Stealth aircraft can be spotted easily with conventional longer wavelength radar. and if the terminal intercept vehicle can get to the last reported vicinity very quickly, the target will not have moved too much and alternate technology like infrared or visual can be used to do the terminal guidance. That is why hyper sonic speeds can
defeat stealth – get to the vicinity fast, and then terminal guidance without radar.
These radar systems have the US spooked! Syria is a good example the skies were never controlled there by the NATO !
Yet still can one read, on various sites and MSM media, comments from Americans, that “Russia is just a failed communist system – they cannot invent or innovate until they learn to become Capitalist as is America”
« The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on. »
In other words, “Russia is a paper bear”.
As I’ve been saying over and over, stealth is a stupid and unworkable fad, just like VTOL was in the early 1980s. I don’t know how many of you remember the buzzwords of the era, but they were all oohing and aahing about the possibilities of VTOL, which would make conventional combat aeroplanes, and airports, obsolete. VTOL planes would, like WWI fighters, use meadows and yards just behind the front lines as bases, hide in orchards, and pop up to annihilate conventional enemy fighters, which couldn’t manoeuvre to defeat them.
It didn’t seem to have occurred to any of those worthies that VTOL, by its very nature (needing enormous thrust in relation to weight to lift off the ground vertically), puts enormous, in fact critical, limits on what can be carried up by said aircraft, which are always slow and poorly armed in comparison to conventional combat aircraft, let alone extremely vulnerable to short range surface to air missiles. That’s why VTOL went the way of the dinosaurs, except for the VTOL version of the F35, which can be safely designated a flying paperweight.
Stealth is exactly the same thing. No aircraft can be truly “stealthy” – all it can do is provide the minimum surface to a radar beam *in the direction said beam is coming from*. If there are multiple radar beams from multiple sources coming from multiple directions, as in any modem battlefield against any modern enemy, well, then, you’re in a spot of trouble, aren’t you?
It’s not even as simple as just that. Radars come in a huge number of different types, using different wavelengths. Your stealth aeroplane might be “invisible” to an ultra high frequency radar just fielded by your enemy – but be totally opaque to an ancient 1950s era long wave radar fielded by that same enemy, like the SA3 radar the Serbs used in 1999. So you can’t even be certain of “stealth” in the direction you’re intending to be stealthy in. Right?
Then there’s another little problem. If you carry missiles, or bombs, or fuel tanks, or electronic warfare pods, under your wings and fuselage like normal aircraft, those aren’t the slightest bit stealthy to anything and will give your plane away at once. So all your stores and fuel have to be carried inside your fuselage. That means your plane has either to be very, very large, correspondingly slow, vulnerable to interception, and *even more visible to radars at an angle to your direction of travel*….or you end up with a very short range plane useless for any practical purposes. Correct?
I predict that the first war that pits “stealth” against *competent modern air defences* will hammer the nail into the coffin of this concept once and for all. Makes no difference whether it’s Amerikastani or Russian or Chinese “stealth”. The concept is a crock, and nothing can fix that.
after the Serbs have taken down the F-117, there were people in Belgrade carrying protest signs that read “sorry, we didn’t know it was invisible”.
that was very funny (and of course, what followed was not funny at all)