by Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog
While we notice the closest integration among emerging countries, we notice a certain disparity among the richest, first-world countries, because they may not seem like it, but they also have internal problems that cannot always be fought. And the most recent of these is inflation, with an unprecedented rise in prices.
The middle class, the main target of the Great Reset enthusiasts, is beginning to feel prices rising more and more, even though they don’t fully agree with the war at the moment, which is impressive if you consider that public opinion is of little concern to the leaders who are driving the economic-military and diplomatic disaster in Europe. The most practical example of this is recent with the Nordics joining NATO without any referendum or popular poll within the countries’ society. And the argument to be used I can already imagine: “But democracy is representative, William! If the people vote for politician x, it’s because they agree with his platform.” Yes. But that is half right. Not entirely.
Democracy, especially representative democracy, has a serious flaw, precisely in terms of representation. Politicians who are not faithfully committed to the objectives of the nation, of the homeland, but, unfortunately, are rather vain, cause a distortion in the etymological sense of the term “representative democracy”, because who would it represent? Not the people! And one of the causes of the wrong votes that the people usually give (considering totally clean elections) is due to the fact that it is not invested in the political conscience of these societies, usually due to a lack of interest from part of society, but also due to the lack of incentives from the State in this matter. But this is a very complex subject that I can deal with in another article.
To try to continue the reasoning of the Western disintegration and distortion of the democratic sense, I can give a practical example of Brazil, because it is closer to home. The juristocracy ended up taking over the country after Operation Lava Jato, which was nothing more than an American collusion with the Brazilian opposition to depose the Dilma Rousseff government (which does not cancel out Dilma’s mistakes, who was a terrible supposed economist and basically destroyed the country, becoming easy prey as she fell into popular disgrace). But what is this juristocracy? Simply the country’s Supreme Court overruling any take on government that the Federal Executive Branch has. And that’s just about anyone anyway.
A more emblematic case was when Jair Bolsonaro, head of the Brazilian Executive Government, tried to cheapen and cut taxes, in which he was barred by the country’s Federal Supreme Court with pious claims that did not see the welfare of the Brazilian people, but the opposite. What is this if not a distortion of the sense of democracy with a judiciary ruling without popular vote in place of the actual president of the country? And this is seen in many parts of the globe. Jacob Zuma was arrested by order of the country’s Supreme Court as a reminder.
No wonder that what is now called lawfare has become a real weapon against legitimately elected governments.
And these phenomena happening in Brazil as in the example, or in the US, which exports this kind of practice in several parts of the world (not forgetting Pakistan which ousted Imran Khan with a motion of no confidence fomented by the US) with several groups such as Black Lives Matter, where they are nothing more than spearheads of social agitators and bankers, end up eroding the civilizational core of the country, leading to barbarism, lack of control and evil. And then you extend the reasoning now to all the countries that apply democracy as a system of government and are influenced directly or indirectly by the Northern Empire.
It is simply the total disintegration of Western society because it is not yet realized by the leaders today that the current system of government is not working, and this is causing social distortions that could be easily countered in other ways. I am not making room for dictatorships if that is what you are used to thinking, but I cannot imagine a platform of nation and homeland being put together in only 4 years. Things take much longer to happen than the terms of democracies.
We could have held on, but the thirst for war always speaks louder
It is curious to think that things could have been different, such as if Russia became a member of NATO, which would have shut up some of the mouths in Brussels and London thirsting for war, or even what I have already mentioned in an article: a document linked to international law based on multilateral coordination between the UN and other entities recognizing that Ukraine would not join NATO, respecting the Russian right to the territorial security of the Federation. If we take recent Russian history, we would understand their concerns.
In the late 1990s, Chechnya for example tried to secede from Russia as soon as the Soviet disintegration happened and Putin ascended to power, which led him to his first challenge: to reintegrate Chechnya into Russian territory. But how? Well, unfortunately, it took Chechnya going back to the stone age for that. But it has also been proven that the US used spearheads and international terrorists in some wars in the Caucasus, including in Chechnya itself, thus fostering a disintegration of Russian territory.
Putin himself has already spoken several times on this subject in speeches because he himself as director of the FSB (still KGB, just changed the name, everybody knows) had access to the documents coming from double agents which would prove that the West was using terrorists to disintegrate Russia. But it failed.
This point alone would explain the Russian fear of NATOstan as a neighbor, the most emblematic case being Ukraine, which is their gateway to Europe, basically the breadbasket of the continent. But it’s not as if the Russians didn’t give in as well, the Baltics bordering Russia are already part of NATO, and could be used as agents provocateurs against Moscow in various ways. But it was not enough. It is never enough for those who thirst for war. And they cooked up the crisis to such a point where we got where we are today.
The US as a country supposedly allied with Ukraine (which was doing nothing more than sponsoring bio-labs for developing biological weapons in the country and laundering money through the Burisma company, which hired Hunter Biden) if they really didn’t want war, the first step to be taken was to put at least 50,000 troops in and around Kiev. They could do this, and it would cost very little compared to the financial effort currently seen. Or better: let the diplomatic arguments win and the binding anti-Ukraine document in NATO come out! It would be the most beautiful diplomatic move between countries ever seen. But things are not that sweet.
With this, they got the war, they are losing territory, part of popular opinion no longer supports them, and practically in numbers, they govern for less than 1 billion people (considering the current population of the G7). They have accelerated an integration among emerging economies, that would normally take a few years to happen. Who would have thought that not everybody likes war? That the concern of some countries is against hunger and unemployment, for example?
The integration is already happening, the train has left the station, and they will try to do what we are doing because mistakes don’t last forever. One hour you learn, even if through pain, even if it costs some genocides, even if it costs some bombed cities, even if it costs some generations, we always learn. It is not difficult to understand that you do not apply the same tactics that have already been tried when they have already been proven wrong.
Using the refrain from The Wanted:
“We’ve only just begun, hypnotized by drums
Until forever comes
You’ll find us chasing the sun
They said this day wouldn’t come, we refused to run”
The emergents have just begun and will be there chasing the sun showing that those who said the day wouldn’t come. It has come.
Guilherme Wilbert is a Brazilian law graduate interested in geopolitics and international law.
The G7 had all the collapse of the western states exhibited in the schoolyard antics of the UK and Canadian leaders… After video from the recent G7 summit showed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mocking the Russian leader for riding a horse while bare-chested, Putin responded that it would be “disgusting” to see Western leaders with their shirts off.
“I don’t know how they wanted to get undressed, above or below the waist,” Putin said while visiting Turkmenistan, per the Associated Press. “But I think it would be a disgusting sight in any case,” he said.
Putin said that to foster a good physical appearance it’s “necessary to stop abusing alcohol and other bad habits, do physical exercise and take part in sports.”
“After video from the recent G7 summit showed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mocking the Russian leader for riding a horse while bare-chested”
Next big pow-wow, someone needs to sneak a picture into one of the presentations, of their master Klaus Schwab at the beach. A thousand synonyms for disgusting wouldn’t do that pic justice.
There isn’t enough brain bleach in the universe to erase the image, either. Once seen, it cannot be unseen.
Yeah i know the image , but its not of the Fuhrer , rather a known american guy with many costumes .
Id say KS (DBUH) AKA the Fuhrer probably dresses like that in private
KS sure had a nice brown uniform with red armband for private, in public he only wears his overlord garb
“of the opinion that no world government can work unless they found someone with the ability of a god”
There is only one.
“desire to QR Code by way of technology everything including us is or will be the final dividing line in the sand separating the wheat from the chaff.”
Well, there is a God and he gave us free will, he’s not governing our lives. Which is telling.
Yes, people forget how when Putin took over Russia was in a near-collapse, its economy in ruins and even its internal territory under siege. The life expectancy of Russian males at that point was 65, with rampant alcoholism and other substance abuse. Putin gave back to Russians their dignity, security, hope, and the beginnings of two decades of prosperity. His masculine physicality was partly responsible for an astounding result–after 20 years of leadership, Russian male life expectancy reached 74 years … and is still climbing.
Unlike our effeminate, perverted, drag-queens-grooming-the-children cesspool of a society, Russia celebrates healthy masculinity. The keystone of society — as Putin, Zakharova, the Medvedevs, and other Russian leaders recognize — is the FAMILY. And the key to the family is a strong, healthy, confident, protective MAN.
(To be clear, I know full well that there are sad situations and not every family has a man. I myself became a single mother when my beloved husband died from cancer. But I did everything I could to make sure my kids had some wonderful male role models in their lives going forward. To be honest, I can’t take credit for all that; it was God Himself who blessed me and my kids beyond measure in that regard. But my point is that the STANDARD for families is that they should be headed by strong, loving men. The fact that there are tragic exceptions does not change the standard. Single mothers need support, but they should not be held up as some ideal to be emulated, as American society does. Much less should homosexual couples be held up for emulation as parents!!! Those poor children….)
Joe Biden, President of the USA encapsulated it best when he said the following.
“If you want to take on the USA, you need F-15’s and nukes.”
Which is probably why more and more Americans are flocking to the side of Russia. Putin seems to be the only player up to the task and when elections are stolen internally, the only solution can be external.
John Adams was an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father who served as the 2nd president of the United States from 1797 to 1801. Wikipedia
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
-John Adams-
American has failed miserably to live up to its founding fathers constitution achievement.
Afirmar que a presidenta Dilma cometeu erro, sem citar que foi um ataque dos estados unidos junto mídia Otan, DoJ para destruir a economia do Brasil e de olho da Petrobrás, é análise rasa.
Heartily agree with the content ref the role of certain judiciaries.
I was very pleased to see mention of the situation and events in Pakistan.
The judiciary there is ranked around 132 out of 140 and is a true example of the corruption of that country. They actually convened a Supreme Court session at midnight to help to oust Imran Khan.
The military there forms the other half of the controlling power in Pakistan and higher ups have very expensive tastes.
These two pillars collided with some of the most corrupt politicians on the planet to remove Khan.
The whole thing change operation was classic US operating procedure as witnessed around the world.
Today Imran khan has more public support in Pakistan than any other leader ever had had there period.
The pretext for his removal was inflation, which was around 10%. Inflation they’re today in the 3 months or so since the coup is at 31%.,
No, the real reason for his removal was that he refused to give the US military bases and access to airspace.
So much for democracy. And by the way Pakistan is a nuclear weapons power with a population of 220 million and an area around twice the size of Germany
Totally agree Mr. Barreto. Unfortunately the US still think that south america is their backyard. This is about to change very soon (already is). The idea of the these corrupt politicians and burocrats were to put an clow like Zelenski on the president’s chair (they did with Bolsonaro), so that they can steal the brazilian state companies and natural resources. Brazil will enter in a new phase from 2023 on with the election of the former president Lula da Silva, someone who take this country to be the 6th world economy and unemployment lower than 5%. Plus, for that people that always repeat the same bullshit about corruption, Lula da Silva was considered inocent of ALL processes opened against him by the supreme court in Brazil and by UN.
I have a 1930’s history textbook from a Commonwealth country that discusses the rights, duties and obligations of the citizen and political leaders in a democracy. A quick summary:
The citizen has the responsibility to be well informed so as to make good decisions as a voter, to maintain themselves in reasonable condition so as to contribute to the common defense, and to adhere to laws that may be reasonably passed by the government from time to time. Modern society in the west certainly fails on almost every count under that measure.
The government has the responsibility to maintain law and order, maintain diplomatic relations with foreign governments, develop and maintain diplomatic direction suitable to sustain the good governance of the country, and develop laws from time to time that contribute to the common good in accordance with good governance principals for the development of the country. I can’t think of any western government that meets any of those criteria today, where ‘lie’, get caught, double down on the lie, buy the support of the media, slip away from the consequences, get re-elected on gerrymandered boundaries now seems to be the norm.
In 90 years we’ve slipped from Democracy to Dim-autocracy
Great “context.” Thank you.
We must distinguish between Constitutional Republic which the Founding Fathers meant the rule of law (Bill of Rights and the Constitution) for religious people based on the Bible and conservative values. Public posts were only for religious people protestants seeking religious freedom from Vatican operation. After infiltration of Vatican agents (the Jesuits) and adoption of fourteenth amendment US become Federation democracy and rule of mob finally empire and oligarchy. They killed objective truth (Frankfurt school). By the way all the loonies are from Frankfurt.
Olá Guilherme, tudo bem?
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Respecting the contributory opinion of the article, I would like to make some comments about the events mentioned in Brazil.
In fact, President Dilma had no ability to stabilize the country during the advance of the “fifth column” traitors financed by the empire. But we need to separate the situations: the crisis was provoked by the empire, using the same devices as the country 404. It caused enormous suffering, but I must remind you how we were before 2002. And I say this without ideological bond and using only the observation of someone who lives for fifty years in Brazil.
As for the current president of Brazil, let us agree that it cannot even be put into a high-level discussion. He himself decreed automatic alignment with the empire, embarrassing any Brazilian who has two neurons. The Supreme Court of Brazil, also has a fifth column like all countries and works to maintain its privileges, but in the case cited, acted to contain the follies of Bolsonaro.
Finally, I agree with the article on the disintegration of the current format. I hope that brics+ can provide the world with a way of living together where each nation has its own “signature” of values and is respected by others.
Bolsonaro was aligned with Trump, but the Empire of Lies hates both of them. Too many foreigners don’t appear to realize that Trump was an insurgent who attempted to remove the United States from the Empire of Lies but was taken down by an electoral coup full of ballot-box stuffing, with the assistance of pandemic.
Any American will tell you the country is far worse off under Biden than under Trump. But the Empire of Lies wanted Biden and the Democrats.
100% agreement. Bolsonaro is NOT a puppet of the U.S. He has fought the Western cabal on its diabolical COVID fear-mongering, his trade is heavily biased in terms of China, he despises Biden, he strongly supports BRICS. Although hardly a friend of the downtrodden, although he is switching leftward on many issues. Basically, Bolsonaro who is a strong politician who wants to get elected and clearly senses where the geopolitical winds are blowing.
I strongly believe that we are going to a new order, but we need to mature as to leaders. I live in Brazil and I know what I’m talking about. The objectives of the “leader” in question are very small. Unfortunately many Brazilians as in the country 404 will only notice when it is too late.
Brazil has recently been an enigma to me. Clearly the CIA wanted Lula out. So, I suppose they thought Bolsonaro would be a Pinochet style neo-liberal? …but he turned out to be more of a Trump flavor character. So, I think the West will let Bolsonaro be (or even support him) while running the country through the judiciary as a check on his powers. The alternative is Lula, who is unacceptable to Washington, DC. IMHO
Brazil’s profile does not allow the empire of lies to do the same as in the East. The empire uses the fifth column here. Even if Lula da Silva wins there will be a great silent battle, but with the new president the game will be on another level. And there is one element that few address about Brazil: an area of escape in case of nuclear war, but this is a topic still little discussed.
If I had to guess, Lula is sort of like what Bernie Sanders would be if he wasn’t a sellout.
I can not express an opinion about Trump, I do not live in the U.S., but in Brazil, Bolsonaro represents the worst, came to power after one of the “colorful” revolutions. His practices refer to Nazism. Members of his administration clearly flirted with Nazism and were dismissed under public pressure. Let’s not kid ourselves. The empire of lies has many means of deceiving. “Real” Brazilians hate Nazism and support the change of world order with BRICS+.
The label of “Nazism” is quite an enigma for me.
Especially when the term is used by Russians. I support Russia fully, in the current crisis, but I admit I am not clever enough to grasp the use of the term. I have a Russian friend, who got a bit too drunk and said that the Ukrainians were a bunch of “LGBT Nazis.” That makes no sense to me at all, since I have been repeatedly called a Nazi, for standing for Orthodoxy’s commitment to Biblical marriage. Also, he talks about the “Denazification,” of the U.S.A., which is the one country outside Israel, where Jews hold the majority of government power (AIPAC and the ADL can crush anyone in public life). I don’t get it. How does the most fervently atrocious defender of Israel reflect Nazism?
What aspects of Bolsonaro reflect Nazism? I don’t know much about him. I always thought he was a populist, like Trump. I’m seriously curious to learn more.
I would really like to learn more about the Russian concept of “Denazification,” also. The concept of “LGBT Nazis” is intriguing, and I know there is some kind of structure behind it. All of my Russian friends are pretty smart.
One other thing, is that the current U.S. regime, and imperialist globalists in general, are actually at war with the “Heartland” of America, who backed Trump, who was called a “Puppet of Putin,” in the press. In America, it’s the leftist Social Justice Warriors who are hardcore Ukrainian sympathizers. If you openly support Russia, you will actually be called, here’s the kicker, a “Nazi.” The last time I was called a Nazi, was when I had an image of the Holy Imperial Family of Russia as my laptop background. I couldn’t imagine how much you would be called a “Nazi” for having a picture of Putin.
I’m actually a traditional monarchist, in the fantasy world that lives in my head, so it’s very puzzling, indeed. Any clarification is welcome, by anyone, as I am admittedly ill informed.
What I understand by Nazism is a movement that no person who is different from what is defined as “ideal” should exist. From this principle, I believe that the Russian perception of Nazism comes from the whole movement that tends to eliminate the Slavs and, as an example, can always be cited for French and Polish German invasions. Today, I specifically believe that the entire EU and US cancellation movement against Russia is a movement to eliminate a people who do not “fit” the ideal profile defined by the West.
This same concept of Nazism is applied in several aspects: belief, ethnicity, social positioning, origin. When I refer to the Nazism above, I think exactly of the desire of a group that eliminates an entire nation for not fitting into any of its stereotypes of “perfection.” Brazil is not part of external wars, but we have a silent war being fought with internal dominators
nazi per definition means nationasocialist, the least who get called nazi are national and socialists, sure not Azov or most rightwingers in europe, they would hate to get called socialist.
I wish people would use the term less and only when it fits, but now everything not left is nazi sadly.
“I would really like to learn more about the Russian concept of “Denazification,” also. The concept of “LGBT Nazis” is intriguing, and I know there is some kind of structure behind it. ”
There are too many different questions in your post to give a comprehensive and structured answer.
Anyways, the term Nazi can mean many different things:
1) narrow historical meaning: a member of the German NSDAP
2) general term for ultra-nationalists, fascists, right-wing extremists, etc.
3) pejorative term for anybody you don’t like
When the Russians talk about Nazis, they mean 2); however, the term “LGBT Nazi” comes under 3).
What unites Russians with Russian-hating Poles and Ukrainians is that they are both, for the most part, “social conservatives”; ie., they hate Western values, especially LGBT rights. Thus, those who try to impose LGBT values on socially conservative societies are considered “LGBT Nazis”.
To Westerners, to be a Nazi is synonymous with being anti-Semitic because of the holocaust. However, to Russians, Nazis are those who tried to destroy Russia during WW2; ie. the anti-Semitism aspect is secondary to Russians.
Ukrainian nationalists have a deep connection with Nazis dating back to the war and the cold war. They never repented. Especially the descendants of Ukrainian Nazis, who immigrated to Canada or the US, helped revive old Nazi traditions in Ukraine to stick it to the Russians. These people grew up in immigrant communities where the old Nazi traditions were kept alive and Russophobia is inbred.
It should be noted that many of the US Neocons, who defined US foreign policy for almost 30 years, are from immigrant communities from Central and Eastern Europe: the Kagan clan (Lithuania), Brzezinski, Wolfowitz (Poland), Nuland (Ukraine). I know that Brzezinski isn’t formally a Neocon; however, they all share an inherited hatred for Russia.
Dear Missourian Orthodox,
You have asked several questions. Your questions reflect questions that you are asking yourself. Sincere questionings.
Could I give you some answers? Maybe. Or maybe not.
We live in a very dangerous time. You know (and there is no question about it): all will be revealed.
Everything will be destroyed? Will anything be left? Will there be redemption?
The answers you seek, the questions I myself am asking here, we will find them ourselves.
Among us is the one who will help us to do so, even in this virtual environment.
It is to him that you and I must ask, for: Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Blessed are those who question sincerely, for they find the truth.
Blessed are those who are not blindly certain, for in them is true faith.
This might help. This is just my personal research about it, and does not represent personal experience. Just my own personal view about it.
The Ukrainians in the western part I think, view the Russian speakers in the East and Russia as Orks, Slavs, — eastern undermehchen , and this is the core of the Nazi ideas about race. The Ukies have their vision as being – themselves part of Europe and its post christian, economic wealth, and not part of the Reserved Eastern Orthodox Russian vision. This is my idea of it from reading others, and that’s all. But one can learn some things. Their self deprecating manner is quite a contrast from the USA USA , number 1 boasts from the US (until recently anyway). Russians do yearn for the good life too, and the fine Italian shoes and German cars …, but That stuff comes at a terrible price. From the US, Russians seem to have a simple good heart, and the Ukrainians and the Euro centric Ukies are not endearing. Russians call them Nazi because they see shadows of the Ukrainian Galacian SS German troops. Ukraine really needs to be two countries. Russia is wise enough not to want to rule over this western part of Ukraine, but they can issue orders not to become a armed threat to Russia. Here is a simple girl, Russian but with desire to live with one foot in the west.
She is gaining some more insight as time goes on, I can see it. she is more in touch with her Russian Roots as time goes on, and has more perspective about here European side. Just my opinion, but interesting as her worship of Milan and Eurozone post christian wealthy side might be receding a bit. Her perspective about the Russian character about self deprecating Russian simple life is interesting.
by the way. Wikipedia changed their entry on the Galacian SS part of Ukraine a lot after this war started. They whitewashed the Nazi connection to Ukraine away, but go there anyway and see whats left. Maybe use the wayback machine to see the old wikipedia entry if possible.
Hello whodat,
what is meant is the “Untermenschen”. It comes from German and means “subhuman”. The German word is often used, as it is being understood in the context with the Nazi ideology.
Nazi= racismo, explotación brutal de la fuerza de trabajo principalmente de quien no es de raza del dueño de la empresa; el nazi desprecia a los valores socialmente aceptados pues considera que esos valores no le tocan. No solamente los blancos pueden ser racistas. Un indígena mexicano p.ej., que se ha convertido en narcotraficante o soldado o policía, desprecia a su propia gente y les trata con desprecio y brutalidad (los 43 de ayotzinapa). Tambien los vemos con los guardianes de la frontera gringa. El rostro, la fisonomia son indios mexicanos vean como trata a paisano que se atraviesa en su camino. Hay dicho de mi rancho” para que la cuña apriete debe ser del mismo palo.” (nazismo puro)
Nazi= racism, brutal exploitation of the workforce mainly of those who are not of the company owner’s race; the Nazi despises the socially accepted values because he considers that these values do not apply to him. Not only whites can be racist. A Mexican indigenous person, for example, who has become a drug trafficker or soldier or police officer, despises his own people and treats them with contempt and brutality (the 43 from Ayotzinapa). We also see them with the gringa border guards. The face, the physiognomy are Mexican Indians, see how he treats a countryman who crosses his path. There is a saying about my ranch “for the wedge to tighten it must be of the same stick.” (pure Nazism)
@ Orthodox Missourian
“Also, he talks about the “Denazification,” of the U.S.A., which is the one country outside Israel, where Jews hold the majority of government power (AIPAC and the ADL can crush anyone in public life). I don’t get it. How does the most fervently atrocious defender of Israel reflect Nazism?”
That is a very understandable question and one that is based on a huge decade long misinformation and misinterpretation of why the United States supports Israel and mainly why and on what basis Israel was created.
To cut a long story short: To be a jew does not mean you can not be racist or be a Nazi. Judaism is a religion. To be a Nazi or Racist has nothing to do with religion. Anybody can be a Nazi or Racist. It is an ideology.
Have you had a look at how Israel treats the Palestinians? Would you say they treat them equal to their Israeli citizens? Would you say the Palestinians enjoy peace, prosperity, equal right to vote, to have their own state on parts of their land which has not yet been taken away from the American jewish settlers.
America is supporting Israel because the Zionist movement wanted a State for the Jews and World War 2 was their chance to finally create that homeland for them. All based on a racist, fascist, colonial policy which regarded the Palestinians as “Untermenschen” “subhumans” who can just be thrown out of that land they were inhabiting for thousands of years.
The Zionists in the us are very strong (as you said) and they have the means (money, media) to impose tremendous pressure on every administration to supply arms and political support to Israel.
But the fact remains that Zionism and Nazism both were created during Colonial Times and are essentially Racist. America has a racist past (created by stealing land from the Native Americans, then slavery, the treatment of the Chinese).
So everyone who defends Israel is in core also racist.
I will reply here without reading further. Bollsinario, a right wing dictator came into power via a colour revolution seen throughout the world, previous and present.
The claim that Dilma’s overthrow by the judiciary is the same as the judiciary stopping bollsinario from cutting taxes is the exact opposite. That what right wing governments do, for the rich. I bet that the judiciary believed they would be mass unrest with millions protesting.
Brazil is just like America with a few rich and the masses suffering.
“Middle class do not believe in the war at the moment” Ques: does more inflation and high prices mean that they will accept war?
Western politicians are not vain, but get into power(revolving door) to do the bidding of the 1%. They are promoted, bribed, paid and promote policies that give them financial kickbacks. There is no such thing as Democratic governments.
Putin was not in power when he beat the USA backed Chechnya terrorists. The drunken CIA controlled Yeltsin appointed Putin to conduct the second war, in which he turned around Chechnya, who now fights for the motherland.
Yeltsin then picked quiet Putin to succeed him and Putin took back Russia from the raping, pillaging west, and brought back dignity and sovereignty to Russia. Those are the facts.
Putin did ask for NATO membership, because he truly believed that Russia was always a part of Europe. Of course, that would mean that they would stop their USA promoted aggression and they could peacefully coexist.
But all European parties are bought by USA money and their people’s matter not one whit. The west’s population is not 1 billion, except if you are counting in Brazil. It is 777 million and that includes at least 40% percent non whites.
Why, many ask do we allow those others into our white lands? Well, in north America/ south America you killed off most of the natives and then imported blacks to fund your wealth.
Then you adopted a system of cheap labour, and an economy that needs both parents to work, for the wealth is only for the 1%. Now the sh.t has hit the fan and the only thing left is to try and see if we can again seize Russia and the China for our white racist hegemony.
It’s the money printers, the financial mafia and there endless media, etc who have always made money out of endless wars.
Who caused you to have a future where both parents have to work, and daycare is a unrealistic cost? Who outsourced all manufacturing jobs, so that reasonable wages would not have to be paid, and who told you that cancel culture. Wokeism, LGBT and homesexuality was normal?
I suggest you look that who controls your financial institutions and start connecting the dots.
Can not agree more. You nailed it. 100% IMHO excruciatingly correct.
There was no “electoral coup”. Trump won the elction, but refused to use the powers he still had as president to force a recount. Why? Who knows…..
“Trump was an insurgent who attempted to remove the United States from the Empire of Lies”
What a crock of nonsense. Trump himself was a Tub of Lies, and beholden to same cabal as Biden now.
“President Dilma had no ability to stabilize the country during the advance of the “fifth column”.
Sorry, but that’s was not a question of “ability to stabilize”. Dilma Rousseff would never accept the demands of a group of corrupt politicians, becoming hostage of those people. Remember that Eduardo Cunha, president of the house of representatives and one of the responsibles for the coup against her, was taken to prison for corruption.
juristocracy? lol, I give you some history to mull over…
On August 23,1970, U Thant addressed the Fourteenth World Congress of World Association of World Federalists in Ottawa, Canada, and said,
A world under law is realistic and obtainable. The ultimate crisis before the UN is the crisis of authority.
The convention conducted by the lawyers and judges of the world in the interest of world law was a solemn sight indeed. There were 263 judges from every continent, Africans in red robes, sitting by Indians and Pakistanis, and Israelis, and 5 justices from the U.S. Supreme Court. Even a copy of the Magna Carta was on hand. And banners across the platform read “Pax Orbis ex Jure,” meaning
“World Peace by World Law.”
There were I 19 countries represented. The main decision was to recommend that the UN Charter be amended to provide compulsory jurisdiction for individuals, as well as nations. Joseph Clark called for,
an executive with substantially greater powers than those now exercised by the Secretary-General of the
UN. A judiciary system modeled after the world court. Decisions enforced by a world police force, under the command of a world executive.
Would man be willing to resign such power to the United Nations, knowing it was under Communistic domination.
For many the answer was yes. One person said,
If the price of avoiding all-out thermal nuclear wars should prove to be acquiescence in the Communistic
domination of the world, it seems probable that such a price would be paid.
And if the question was asked, “Why?” perhaps the answer would best be expressed by Adlai Stevenson, who
in a speech to the United Nations Correspondents’ Association said,
Interpret us . . . as puzzled, yet aspiring men, struggling on the possible brink of Armageddon.
Why would men who are members of a strong and a free democracy vote in favor of a world organization which would include the explosive characteristics of South America, the turbulence of the Middle East, the tyranny of Russia, and the violence of Asia? One speaker answered the question by saying sadly,
No, it is not desirable; but we have no alternative. There is no other way out.
Cantelon pages 119-120 1973 Logos International
Law doesn’t work!!!! Never has and never will the Bible specifically St. Paul makes this abundantly and extremely clear does it not?
In the end what is going to occur and what the global leaders desire most of all is a version of the Chinese Social Credit Score and System. They salivate like rabid dogs for it believe you me and why? Your last paragraph and sentence sums it up perfectly!!!!!
“It is not difficult to understand that you do not apply the same tactics that have already been tried when they have already been proven wrong.”
Technology with its surveillance system and a rationing system as instituted during the world wars will give the Internationalists what they so desperately want peace, peace of mind more for themselves than anyone else really.
Hope it helps
“Technology with its surveillance system and a rationing system as instituted during the world wars will give the Internationalists what they so desperately want peace, peace of mind more for themselves than anyone else really.*
Actually, no, it won’t. They are all “apex predators”. The world by definition isn’t big enough for all of them, so they will all fear & plot against each other, to be the top “top dog.” That is what we are seeing right now, as Xi & Putin have joined forces to break the wef/davos plot. They will win because they are satisfied to rule only their piece of real estate. The only question is whether the west will lose in self-inflicted mass poverty or in a smoking ruin.
Peace cannot be found externally. It is found only within, and is found only in acceptance and submission to the simple fact that no one human can control everything.
The only real question is how much suffering will the apex predators cause with their fruitless, impossible quest for total control over everything (due mostly to their inability to control themselves).
@ Mary
Thank you, Yes, I believe they understand that fully. That is why certain of them were of the opinion that no world government can work unless they found someone with the ability of a god almost hence the words:
“It is necessary to discover a head capable of directing it, endowed with an intelligence surpassing the most elevated human level.”
—H.G. Wells
“Let that man be a military man or a layman, it matters not.”
—Paul Henry Spaak, first president of the Council of Europe, planner of the European Common Market, president of the United Nations General Assembly, and one-time Secretary-General of NATO
“Strong, one-man civilian control of America’s giant military establishment is vital to the nation’s wellbeing. The concentration of authority is inevitable.”3
—Roswell Gilpatrick, Deputy Secretary of Defence
Now isn’t it odd that international bankers like Rothschilds and Warburgs were or came from Rabbinical families? Stop and think about that for a moment – Messianism? I can assure you what is occurring is a push to bring about a nations glorious future for themselves and the planet. Rejecting the prophecies concerning the Nazarene they are climbing in some other way and taking us all with them.
the good news however, is everything is written which is the best part really we were given to know the future and for me this desire to QR Code by way of technology everything including us is or will be the final dividing line in the sand separating the wheat from the chaff.
Great comment, Mary. Thank you. Words of wisdom.
Hopefully, we will have equality, peace and prosperity in our world.
We’ve only just begun
We start out walkin’ and learn to run . . .
from The Carpenters and would be more appropriate for the West.
Let’s start from the very beginning
It’s a very good place to start . . . .
Baby Steps, because these psychotic warmongering treasonous bar-stewards will be happy to kill us all unless we string them up quickly.
Did the US and GB financed Nazi regime in Germany never ceased existence since world war 2?
It’s becoming obvious!
This regime is worse. At least the Nazis were pro-family, unlike now with feminism and LGBTQ propaganda everywhere.
Jurgen, asking rhetorical questions this morning? :)
The USA arranged the escape of many senior nazis and recruited them to their secret postwar programmes.
“A path is made by walking on it.” “Rewards and punishment is the lowest form of education.” “The wise man knows that it is better to sit on the banks of a remote mountain stream than to be emperor of the whole world.”
Zhuang Zhou, renowned as Zhuangzi, was an eminent Chinese philosopher, who lived during the Warring States period around the 4th century B.C. He is best-known for writing ‘Zhuangzi,’
Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.
Desculpe-me meu caro, você só esqueceu de argumentar que Bolsonaro emergiu justamente do pântano iluminado pelo movimento “anti-política” impulsionado pela lava jato, sua eleição foi efeito colateral da ação da juristocracia. Mais ainda, Bolsonaro é parte do sistema, diria a face mais repugnante do sistema apodrecido, sobrevive somente por conta da sua pactuação com milicos corruptos, milicianos acomodado nas entranhas do estado, pastores canalha e o bando de políticos malandros do centrão, que juntos, covardemente vivem a ameaçar o país com a instalação de uma ditadura. Aliás, Bolsonaro foi até a Biden solicitar que intervenha na eleição brasileira para evitar a vitória de Lula, disse de forma desavergonhada que ele (Bolsonaro) é quem melhor melhor representa os interesses do EUA no Brasil……..
Machine Translation:
Excuse me my dear, you just forgot to argue that Bolsonaro emerged precisely from the swamp lit by the “anti-politics” movement driven by lava jato, his election was a side effect of the action of the juristocracy. Moreover, Bolsonaro is part of the system, I would say the most disgusting face of the rotten system, survives only because of his pact with corrupt militiamen, militiamen accommodated in the bowels of the state, scoundrel pastors and the gang of crooked politicians of centrão, who together, cowardly live to threaten the country with the installation of a dictatorship. In fact, Bolsonaro even went to Biden to request that he intervene in the Brazilian election to prevent Lula’s victory, said shamelessly that he (Bolsonaro) is the one who best represents the interests of the US in Brazil……..
Hello Renan. Thank you for comment. I just wanna remind you that the text is about the western society in general applying democracy as their model of government not about Brazil and Bolsonaro. The paralell made is there. Again, thank you for the comment. :)
I believe that in 2023 Brazil will really contribute to the change of world order by strengthening BRICS+. Our people don’t understand the war, we don’t have this profile, but we know how to clean up the country and we’ll do it soon. The countries of the SOUTH and East will finally be able to eliminate the dominators, each their way, but united.
You are right, Marcos. As it seems an urge to multipolarity nowadays, BRICS+ will be the key for it.
Acredito que para fortalecer o projeto BRICS ou o BRICS++, pelo menos quanto ao papel do Brasil, um novo governo Lula é de suma importância, lastreando essa suposição em dois pontos principais: 1-o Lula esteve na fundação dos BRICS e, de forma bem pragmática, não entrando em questões ideológicas, ele goza de algum respeito no cenário internacional e, em especial, diante da Rússia e China, o qual não creio que o Bolsonaro possua.
2-penso que o grandíssimo problema, claro não o único, do governo Bolsonaro é o seu ministro da economia “Sr. Chicago boys” Paulo Guedes e sua agenda ultraliberal.
Posso estar redondamente enganado, mas, por enquanto, isso é o que vejo.
Machine Translation:
I believe that to strengthen the BRICS project or BRICS++, at least as far as Brazil’s role is concerned, a new Lula government is of paramount importance, supporting this assumption in two main points: 1-Lula was at the foundation of the BRICS and, in a very pragmatic way, not entering into ideological issues, he enjoys some respect on the international scene and, in particular, before Russia and China, which I do not think Bolsonaro has.
2-I think the biggest problem, of course not the only one, of the Bolsonaro government is its economy minister “Mr. Chicago boys” Paulo Guedes and his ultra-liberal agenda.
I may be wrong, but for now, that’s what I see.
Andrei Kovalev: sanctions against Russia have moved the world – as in Bradbury’s story
By introducing tough anti-Russian sanctions following the example of the United States, Europe has made it worse for itself, Andrei Kovalev, chairman of the All-Russian Movement of Entrepreneurs
Bradbury’s story – “And thunder broke out” when a man went back in time and killed a butterfly there – and his world changed after that. That story I somehow missed!!
Just imagine the complete and total incompetent incomprehension at NATO HQ! Suck it up, buttercups!
Sr. Wilbert, quais os impostos que quiseram “cortar ou baixar” no Brazil (com Z mesmo.), e porquê?
Não concordo em nada, de sua referência, aos acontecimentos recentes no Brasil.
Machine Translation:
Mr. Wilbert, what taxes did you want to” cut or lower ” in Brazil (with Z same.), and why?
I do not agree with anything in your reference to recent events in Brazil.
Hello Antonio. I usually don’t answer direct questions to respect the policies of The Saker but the actual fight with the state taxes regarding gas and stuff could come as an example. Or the guns policies and taxes that Bolsonaro tried to flexibilize. I am giving you a link about the last example. Thank you for comment.
For those who are not in Brazil it can be complex to understand this issue of fuel tax, and in fact the federal government has articulated an amendment in the law obliging federal units to use a single rate for energy in general (fuels and electricity).
But things are never what they seem.
1 – The goal is purely electoral, since we are close to the elections and the current president is losing.
2 – When prices fall, as the federative units (here we call states) continue with high costs and revenue will fall, causing financial problems and dependence on the federal government. And then comes the blow: the opposition will disappear due to financial dependence.
The balance of power will be broken and the media does not show out of pure interest or even stupidity.
As for weapons, Brazil has a different culture from the Anglos. Guns are not welcome here. We are not dominators and we do not want to be dominated. This thought of facilitating the purchase of weapons is just another madness of the great “leader”.
P.S.: I’m not making judgment about the cultures of other countries, each nation in its own way.
Bom dia!
Obrigado pelo link, farei a consulta.
Acho quê o importante é, e será a união entre nós Brasileiros, para mudarmos os rumos de nosso País em 2023.
If all these Western “democracies” implode and disintegrate, too bad so sad.
They all deserve to be destroyed.
These Western predator nations are criminal to the core–not only their elite but the people themselves, from Mainstreet USA to the WEF.
Because Western “freedom and democracy” as a civilization is based on the ruthless capitalist exploitation of the rest of the world for centuries since Christopher Columbus.
The freedom to invade.
The freedom to bomb.
The freedom to regime change.
The freedom to economically sanction.
The freedom to plunder.
The freedom to subjugate and colonize the rest of the world.
This is what Western propaganda about “freedom” has always been about. Always.
Now these Western parasites are squealing with impotent rage because their capitalistic Way of Life is disintegrating.
So they stamp their foot like petulant and spoiled brats and demand that the rest of the world give a damn.
This is especially true for all these Anglo colonizer nations, which are based upon the theft and colonial occupation of Native Indian or Aboriginal lands.
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and especially America–all of them are Anglo colonizer nations.
Now, historical Karma is coming to pay back these Anglo colonizer countries for their crimes–past and present.
The Anglo Americans reap all the horror that they have sown around the world, it will be fully deserved.
Don’t confuse the vast majority of propagandized citizens struggling to survive with the actions of the corrupt criminals who control every aspect of their governments.
Their control is unraveling in the west – faster in Europe, more slowly in the U$, where congressional approval ratings hover in the low teens and increasing numbers think armed insurrection against the government is likely.
The US is a fascist state. The police have been militarized, the population is under constant surveillance, and dissent is criminalized.
The idea that Westerners/Americans are poor helpless innocent “propagandized citizens” who are not responsible for the choices that they make is a self-serving alibi.
In essence, their only alibi is that they are brainwashed retards.
If Westerners want to hide behind the “we’re just brainwashed retards” alibi, then there is a political corollary to this argument: their opinions on any issue have NO moral authority or justification.
After all, who the hell listens to a brainwashed retard’s opinion on any topic.
All countries deserve the rulers and regimes that they have.
This is especially true in these Western “democracies” where the people vote for, campaign for, and cheerlead for their preferred political criminal.
In the last election, tens of millions of Americans voted for the war criminal Donald Trump.
And tens of millions of other Americans voted for the war criminal Joe Biden.
And if America is a fascist state, then Americans as a people have no moral right to run their mouth about “freedom, democracy, or human rights” in other nations–which Americans love to do.
Western hypocrisy is doubly odious:
1) Westerners claim to be innocent of the crimes committed by imperial Western powers in the world even though they pride themselves of having freely elected their leaders in democratic elections.
2) Westerners want to punish the Russian people for the alleged crimes committed by the Russian leadership even though Russians allegedly live under a dictatorship.
There is a reason why Vladimir Putin called America the Empire of Lies.
1. When they want to politically attack another country (like Russia, China, Iran, etc.), the play the Freedom and Democracy Card and accuse these nations of being “authoritarian” in contrast to the freedom-loving people of the West/USA.
2. When they want to deflect guilt away from themselves for the crimes that their countries have committed, the Americans and Westerners play the “We Are Innocent Brainwashed Victims Suffering from an Authoritarian Government” Card.
In short, they are talking out of both sides of their mouths.
In Zone A, it not only the rulers who are criminals. The people share in the same supremacist attitude and worldview.
Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or Klaus Schwab: They all personify the true character of Western values from the grassroots to the elite….
Western Moral Imperialism.
One of the biggest problems is that Westerners have de-Christianized. While Westerners were Christian, it tempered their drive to conquer so that it at least brought functional civilization.
Spain in the New World was sort of like Russia in North Asia.
De-Christianized Westerners have all of the drawbacks of the historical Westerners with none of the good qualities. Woke feminist LGBTQ Westerners are basically the worst people in the world.
“While Westerners were Christian, it tempered their drive to conquer so that it at least brought functional civilization.
Spain in the New World was sort of like Russia in North Asia.”
The entire western European colonial period was done by Christian societies. The crusades, the inquisition. The European colonists looted all the valuables they could get their hands on. Imposed their religion and wiped out the native teachings. In the north, middle and south Americas combined roughly population of native inhabitants was reduced by about 100 million. Slavery. If anything the Europeans used (abused) their Christian beliefs to justify brutal behavior towards other cultures because they were, from their perspective, spiritually lost primitive savage untermenschen.
And the period from about the year 500 to 1000 is also called the ‘Dark Ages.’ Despite the Christian culture at the time.
You generalize, and all generalizations are false. Although you paint Americans with a broad brush, not all of us are idiots. There are many who see what is happening and are fuming. The problem we have is organization, a plan and lack of leadership. Also, there is little consensus even among a sizable group which could be infiltrated by government agents and the principals disappeared, arrested or worse.
The boiling temperature has not been reached yet but when it does, it will be a train wreck to behold.
Americans have not sufficiently felt the pain yet. As long as they can pay their bills, food on the table, a roof over their heads and brain-sucking BS on the TV, they will sit on their asses and get fatter.
Karma is a bitch !
“You generalize, and all generalizations are false. Although you paint Americans with a broad brush, not all of us are idiots.”
You are contradicting yourself. The argument that “all generalizations are false” itself is a generalization. So your assertion itself must be false.
Here is another generalization for you: All humans are mammals. True or False?
I didn’t say that Americans are idiots. I said that this idea that Americans are merely brainwashed/propagandized is an alibi–this “brainwashed retard alibi” is aggressively pushed by Americans to absolve themselves of guilt and responsibility for the criminality that the USA is guilty of.
American elites are a reflection of America as nation itself—and that is not compliment.
In fact, Americans likely do know very well that their country is guilty of these crimes, and the vast majority of them either: 1). Support these crimes and the propaganda used to justify them 2). Don’t care 3). Only “oppose” America’s crimes because they feel that the USA won’t benefit from them.
Karma is a bitch, alright.
And America is going learn that the hard way, as its generations of wars, exploitation, and crimes against humanity will be revenged.
You did not get his subtle message. Whites (anglosaxons, that is), are occupying half the planet, where they should not step their foot to begin with.
But, they’re there, locals wiped out in the most savage ways, now, spitting in your face about “rights, freedom and democracy”.
Centuries old, parasitic life, got into their DNA. Today, they will send Earth into the Satan pits, rather than to change/abandon their “lifestyles”.
When western countries invaded third world countries and exploited them, we did not hear about these so called ”brainwashed”, they were very well comfortable with joining the militay and participated in raping robbing and killing innocent ppl in third world countries.
Professor Norman Finkelstein joins the long list of Political Scientists who agree Russia has an excellent case for the special operation in Ukraine. By the way did everyone open my link on the first comment? It showed President Putin and Boris Johnson riding bare chested on horse back. Strong stomach required.
Unfortunately, the primary problem for humanity has recently become decreasingly discussed here. The Jewish desire for world domination, bad enough in itself, is based upon their destructive master/slave philosophy, which they openly promote.
Resist. When one reads and understands the Noahide Laws, yikes, I’d say? Unlike the past though especially in the Orthodox and Catholic world where this idea that the Church is the Israel of God the nature of the beast will be fully understood and hopefully prepared for. As for the Christian Zionists will they continue to be useful idiots until they stand before the juristocracy and tried for idolatry? Yikes!!!!!
What ever we might think about Brazil and India one thing is pretty clear, they are not vassals of western world. They, just like Indonesia are absolutely too big to crawl infront of old European powers because they have national dignity and hungry for bigger role in global foreign policy. If they fail the reason is domestic politics. I will put on same list – in future – growing nations like Etiopia, Egypt, Nigeria and Pakistan.
If some day we had better measure equiptment of real economy than GDP PPP and especially very fake nominal GDP i won’t be surprised to find many of these nations have actually bigger real economy than UK, France, Italy and Spain. Just take a look their heavy industry production, mining, acriculture, construction sector…
The only thing that can stop this is the empire war machine and the paper tiger. But for that we have the Bear showing his claws and destroying his toys, and the Dragon waiting to burn the zombie demons.
BoJo the clown may find himself out if enough Conservative MPs vote a no confidence motion with the UK Labor Party – doesnt matter what the Conservative Party rules on leadership challenges are.
Same for super clown Trudeau.
Then both of them will find themselves in custody.
At a certain point also there will be an uprising in the UK and there are masses of underground weapons there. Going back to WW1 & 2 and even before let alone Eastern European ones that have slipped in. and there’s nothing they can do about it.
I wonder what would happen if 10 Downing Street saw a protest outside of a million people ?
Like 6 January in Washington DC Capitol.
At that point I suspect most Conservative MPs would throw BoJo out and set up and join a new party perhaps.
The West has been disintegrating since 1990 perhaps even 1980.
This is seen by the low grade garbage the main TV and radio networks have been producing for the populace to dumb them down. Same with Hollywood films. The tipping point I think with films & TV is around 1987.
When the quality of information and cultural standards declines it effects the masses.
The smart people in the West have though turned off watching and listening to this about 20-25 years ago and if they do listen or see it they know its trash and treat it as such particularly news reports. and this mean the criminals behind this agenda cannot manipulate or control them.
But the problem the Western elites have now is they thought that the East would also implode but the opposite is happening, so while the West implodes the gap widens and their own position is left in dire straits.
The full “disintegration of Western society” is not “visible to the naked eye,” because it is too many orders of magnitude greater than can be seen with anything but a very hard-working imagination. What is “visible to the naked eye” are merely the superficial symptoms of the degree to which the foundation of “Western society” became a system of enforcing frauds which necessarily has a structure which requires about exponentially increasing fraudulence.
“Western society” has become based on bookkeeping tricks, or magical mathematics, which can create “money” out of nothing as debts, which “money” can also disappear back to nothing. Of course, that does NOT mean that anything is actually being created out of nothing, or disappearing back to nothing. It only means that the entire public “money” supply is an enforced fraud which achieves symbolic robberies.
“Democracy, especially representative democracy, has a serious flaw, precisely in terms of representation.”
“Representative democracy” has a fatal flaw after control over the issuance of public money supplies has been effectively privatized. Everything cascades down from there, after private banks succeed in controlling public governments to enforce frauds. All the big corporations that grow up around those big banks being able to create “money” out of nothing are therefore similarly based on radiating branches of enforced frauds achieving symbolic robberies.
SYMBOLIC ROBBERIES are different than actual physical robberies, precisely because of the degree to which those are achieved symbolically, rather than physically. Certainly, there originally had to be physical violence to make and maintain the original social robbery systems. Certainly, there had to be some continuous history, whereby there was enough enforcement of the frauds to keep those going. However, globalized electronic monkey money frauds, backed by threats of force from apes with atomic weapons, have become many orders of magnitude greater than is still encompassed and comprehended by anything still operating only on the basis of chemical energy.
While the author of the article above is Brazilian, and therefore, mentioned Brazilian examples, I am Canadian and will mention my examples. Canada has degenerated from colonialism to neofeudalism. (We have a son of previous Prime Minister becoming Prime Minister, as the “visible to the naked eye” symbol of that.) Various mainstream morons regard Canada as somehow being not corrupt, despite the central social facts that its public money supplies are almost inconceivably corrupt and crazy. The funding of the political processes provided the feedback loops to drive crazy corruption ever onwards!
From 1974, up until now, the Bank of Canada (still theoretically a public bank) has followed the “Washington Consensus” to obey the Bank of International Settlements, in order to allow the international bankers to continue to control the Canadian economy. Since then, the Canadian people have paid several trillion dollars of interest payments on “money” that was originally made out of nothing as debts. Thereby, about half the ownerships of everything that could be owned in Canada has by transferred by the operations of those SYMBOLIC ROBBERIES.
There are no other issues whatsoever that are in the same order of magnitude. However, nobody publicly significant ever talks about that. After any groups in society starts to get away with frauds, then they automatically become even more wealthy and politically powerful, and so, ever more able to get away with frauds. Moreover, the scale of those frauds is so great as to beggar the imagination. What is still “visible to the naked eye” are a few tips of an immense iceberg. Indeed, most issues that are publicly significant are those which are pushing “divide and rule” towards oblivion.
Human beings, still living on chemical energy, mostly do not understand what it means for there to have rapidly, and relatively recently, developed electronic frauds backed by atomic forces. The article above misses the mark by another enormous margin.
“No wonder that what is now called lawfare has become a real weapon against legitimately elected governments.”
“Lawfare” is due to the manifestation of the rise of symbolic information over physical power. (Of course, those are on a continuum.) That “lawfare” has primarily taken the form of automated, electronic frauds, as the “business as usual.” Everything controlled and dominated by “money” actually operates inside of its real history, that “money is measurement backed by murder.”
Although that situation has not fundamentally changed throughout human history, it has been amplified by many orders of magnitude, because of how the money became electronic, while the ultimate threat of murder to back that money up became atomic. Ordinary flesh and blood human beings are no longer even remotely close to being in the same order of magnitude of the systems which they originally made and maintained, because the chemical energy systems that power human bodies have become trivial when compared to the electronic and atomic energies which now dominate the whole world, and particularly, “Western society.”
“Western society” was the flowering of Globalized Neolithic Civilization. It is the whole of Globalized Neolithic Civilization which is “disintegrating,” and is doing so far WORSE than almost any publicly significant presentation of those facts that I am currently aware of. The first generation to grow up with the development of electronic and atomic energies is still alive today, and the vast majority of them exemplify Albert Einstein’s observations that “the splitting of the atom has changed everything, except the ways that we think, and therefore, we drift towards unparalleled catastrophe.”
The vast majority of people are living inside systems that they not only do not understand, but, more importantly, have been successfully brainwashed to feel like they do not want to understand. Money can never stop being measurement backed by murder. However, the successfulness of that depends upon most people not understanding that, and not wanting to understand that.
“Disintegration of Western society” is many orders of magnitude worse than most people can see with their “naked eyes” because the laws of nature have driven the laws of men to become as dishonest as humanly possible, which includes almost automatically becoming more dishonest, as systems based on enforcing frauds struggle to continue to double down, again and again…
Theoretically speaking, the only things which might be able to save “Western society” is for that society to continue to go through series of political revolutions which are comparable to the development of electronic and atomic energies. While that seems theoretically possible, doing so appears to be politically impossible, because enough people would have to understand themselves enough as energy systems.
The disintegration of the West is primarily driven the overwhelming successfulness of fraudulent money controlling everything that money can control. The currently existing monetary system depends upon the vast majority of people continuing to deliberately ignore the principle of the conservation of energy, and misunderstanding the concept of entropy in the most absurdly backwards ways possible.
Globalized Neolithic Civilization was always built on the triumphs of legalized lies, backed by legalized violence, or debt slavery backed by wars based on deceits. Up until recently, “Western society” was leading the way towards that overwhelming triumph of symbolic robberies achieved by enforced frauds. However, all of that social “success” necessarily resulted in “Western society” becoming more and more criminally insane. The ruling classes became increasing psychotic psychopaths, while those they ruled over became increasingly incompetent political idiots.
Since there is nothing publicly significant other than layers of controlled opposition surrounding the central core of excessively triumphant organized crime, there are NO “solutions” possible WITHIN those systems. The only actually possible “solutions” first require series of psychotic breakdowns in “Western society.”
It is a nice daydream that those psychotic breakdowns could be catalyzed. Ideally, there should be some “spiritual renewal,” however, that can not possibly become enough if that is merely a return to some old-fashioned religions. Rather, the “spiritual renewal” which “Western society” needs should come from the mathematical physics that made it possible for human beings to harness electronic and atomic energies.
The special military operation in the Ukraine illustrates what I am talking about, because what is most “special” about that is there is nothing being used there now but chemical energy weapons. Sure, there are lots of electronics intelligently directing the applications of those chemical energy explosives, but, there is a general DELIBERATE refraining from changing gears to atomic energy, which is roughly ten billion times greater than chemical energies.
While human beings and their civilizations are necessarily manifestations of general energy systems, the level of public understanding of that is abysmally low. Indeed, in “Western society” the education, big tech and mass media systems have done everything possible to prevent people from better understanding that, but rather, have succeeded in making most people feel like they do not want to understand that.
The special military operation in the Ukraine is still nevertheless changing the real murder systems, and therefore, is changing the real money systems. However, that is mostly being blundered through, because “Western society” is indeed an “Empire of Lies.” However, those lies are so profound and so pervasive that most people who begin to recognize that only see so in the most silly and superficial ways, and so, tend to recommend similarly silly and superficial “solutions.”
Political processes “should” go through profound paradigm shifts, in order to embrace a “spiritual renewal” such as comprehending how and why ENERGY IS SPIRIT. Of course, that can only happen in ways which are consistent with the laws of physics. Since those laws of physics have driven the laws of men to become as dishonest as humanly possible, amending those laws of men to become less dishonest appears to only be possible after “Western society” is going through series of psychotic breakdowns, because the deeply entrenched, established systems are only planning on increasing dishonesties.
Ha!!!!! ENERGY IS SPIRIT and climate change {Divine communication} is the work of that Spirit!!!
thank you, O so very, very much!!!!
When in earths history has climate not changed?
Either I misunderstand what you are trying to say, or indeed what you are trying to say is that the so called “climate crisis” that the demonic elite claim as justification for their crimes against God and humanity is indeed real.
It is not.
That too is a lie.
@ Robert Michael Hope
I’d imagine you would be quite surprised to learn that in practically every book of the Old Testament and a few of the New Testament climate change is mentioned quite extensively. Here are just three verses:
“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding… He brings the clouds to punish people, or to water his earth and show his love.” (Job 37:5–13)
“See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong. Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind, like a driving rain and a flooding downpour, he will throw it forcefully to the ground… “I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place.” (Isaiah 28:2, 17)
“See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will fully understand it clearly.” (Jeremiah 23:19–20)
Biblical history covers it all and it even provides the solution to it all. I wrote the only book on the subject entitled Climate Change the Work of God which provides and shows with many proofs that God can indeed be observed to exist and faith is not blind. I answered the words “In days to come you will fully understand it clearly.” (Jeremiah 23:19–20)
Nothing about the weather is what it seems. In deed when science says that they have trouble understanding “certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then” the answer can and is found within the pages of the bible.
Science has discovered such things themselves in paleoarchaelogical climatological studies like for example droughts which guess what!!!!! God actually promised would happen to the Jewish nation and others if they disobeyed HIM.
“That perspective is now changing with the accumulation of high-resolution paleo climatologic data that provide an independent measure of the timing, amplitude, and duration of past climatic events. These climatic events were abrupt, involved new conditions that were unfamiliar to the inhabitants of the time, and persisted for decades to centuries. They were therefore highly disruptive, leading to societal collapse—an adaptive response to otherwise insurmountable stresses… Climate during the past 11,000 years was long believed to have been uneventful, but paleo climatic records increasingly demonstrate climatic instability. Mulitdecadel- to multicentury-length droughts started abruptly, were unprecedented in the experience of the existing societies, and were highly disruptive to their agricultural foundations because social and technological innovations were not available to counter the rapidity, amplitude, and duration of changing climatic conditions.”1
The climate crisis so called is real sir but it revolves around the Pollution Of SIN not industrial pollution!!! that is the lie and I’m furious about it. Either read the bible or get my book and you’ll see the truth and glaringly so for yourself.
@ Robert Michael Hope
You can also start here if you wish in your re-education on the climate issue:
When you find yourself posting 1600-word 3 single-spaced page comments on a blog, that is the Universe’s way of telling you it’s time to start your own blog :-) Then, you just post a link to your article with a paragraph of teaser, and it’s all good.
But kudos for using paragraphs instead of running it all together! :-)
I run a registered political party in Canada, with it own Website, and I cross post there. As someone who has spent several decades attempting to do something, such a two court cases against the government of Canada regarding the laws controlling the funding of political activities (and presently hoping for some financial windfall to make it possible to have a third court case against the government over those issues), I have a pretty good idea about how and why the funding of the political processes are the most important issues in the background.
There really nothing else which is possible to do INSIDE “Western society” than to wait and watch as it becomes more criminally insane at about an exponential rate, since the deeply entrenched, established systems have gotten extremely good at doing that, and certainly will not consider doing anything else.
“A more emblematic case was when Jair Bolsonaro, head of the Brazilian Executive Government, tried to cheapen and cut taxes, in which he was barred by the country’s Federal Supreme Court with pious claims that did not see the welfare of the Brazilian people, but the opposite.”
Is that power given to the Supreme Court in the Brazilian Constitution?
Can a representative democracy be democratic if all the representatives are millionaires, or at least elites of one stripe or another, with no, or virtually no, ordinary people among them? Is such a thing as democracy even possible if ordinary people are prevented from ever getting anywhere near the real levers of power for the simple reason they have no hope of ever winning election (being unknown to electorate, lacking money and other resources necessary for waging successful campaigns, not having connections to rich and powerful people and organizations, etc.)? Representative democracy, as ancient Greeks recognized, can only exist if the representatives are randomly selected from the population (sortition), but never if they have to win election. Elections guarantee oligarchy (typically, plutocracy) and preclude democracy. What we need today to have a genuine democracy is to institute sortition in place of elections. Random bodies of mostly ordinary people can of course only make wise decisions if they have the time, information, and other resources necessary to do. That’s why we need to create the kind of system described in books such as the Democracy Manifesto (try it: download a sample, get your local library to buy it, do an interlibrary loan if your library doesn’t have it, etc.). If you have doubts, just ask yourself: can ordinary people govern any worse than our current set of leaders? Would they, for example, risk wars that can impoverish them or worse, where the rich and powerful, insulated from the consequences of their failures, do not hesitate?
“It is curious to think that things could have been different, such as if Russia became a member of NATO”
I can’t believe Russia ever believed they would join NATO. After all, who NATO, with Russia being part of it , would “defend” against ? Martians maybe ?
Seriously, Russia was probably playing with the silly narrative of NATO being a “defending” and stabilizing force just to buy time.
There are no regrets pertaining to the possibility that things could have been different. It was never the plan.
After World War II, the USA imposed the Weimar model on Western Europe, the same model that brought Hitler to power.
This system works by giving citizens all the private liberties (depravity and licentiousness) but none of the political liberties; Let me explain, a democracy is not defined by the use of the vote, in other non-democratic regimes they also vote to elect their leader, such as the Pope; Democracy is defined by the separation of powers, one of them being the legislature, which in theory is the seat of the sovereign, that is, the people whose mission is to monitor the executive, which is represented by the President of the nation and in between, nebulously the Judiciary.
We talk about three powers but we forget one that always sees leaders rise and fall: the Deep State, the Fourth Power, made up of professional employees of the State that are outside the control of the previous three powers.
They make peace and they make war and no President has been able to control them successfully. Our false democracy does not consist of 3 Powers but only of 4 is also a plutocracy where the rich are the ones who govern.
Do you know a poor president?
In the Weimar model, citizens never choose anything, nobody, we “vote” blindly, they will never let us have political power.
Fascist governments are fronts for corporate interests. Under capitalism, industry owns the government.
The real ‘deep state’ is the military industrial complex (which controls the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies), the financial complex (the Federal Reserve and Wall St.), the energy complex (oil, gas, and nuclear), and the “health” complex (pharmaceuticals and insurance).
Nice succinct definition. I would include the Foundation interests (Ford, Rockefeller, Gate). Then add the corporate/social media (narrative, gaslighting, gate keepers, and algorithms). And consider the role of higher education (brainwashing and the incredible debt burden on the indoctrinated).
I was referring to higher quotas of moral perversion and debauchery, less personal political freedoms… Bread and circuses in Europe is the classic “don’t bother child and continue with your toys”
I don’t care what names the Deep State has, aka BUREAUCRACY , the judicial power comes from them, from the Fourth Estate, The Great Bureaucracy.
What I said in any comment a few days ago about the ruling US politicians being the brain effected Disneyland generation brings us to the UK with a similar situation.
The BoJo’s etc.. are the mindset of the Basil Brush Show and Magic Roundabout mentality.
I do seriously think this type of thing has effected their thinking.
Ant why this degeneration has been happening.
I doubt they were watching this sort of thing in Russia.
Its something that all world leaders need to take account of.
Rousseff , was overthrown in a soft coup backed by the US government and her country’s powerful right-wing neoliberal corporate oligarchy.
To try and rule in that environment was impossible!!
Neoliberalism ( financialized capitalism) vs. (Industrial capitalism and its socialist component)
She made a point of three serious problems caused by neoliberalism, she argued: “the financialization of the economy, the increase in income and wealth inequality, and the erosion of democracy.” And these ills “are prevalent in all capitalist countries.”
The ideology of the A/Zionist criminals was to identify a weakness in our systems and to exploit it to destroy us, they have done it in the West with lies of meritocracy to get in plumb position to promote more criminals into positions of power until they control the country.
Their aim…to wreak any threat to themselves by destroying the family unit in which a culture and a people are built.
Thats why they hate Russia…because they are too strong culturally to fall for such tricks.
What is happening now in the U.S and other Western nations is the death of belief in a nation…Removed. Mod.
The belief in a Western, unique culture in North America is dying…so is the idea of nation…nothing to fight for.
At least in Sweden the referendum was not done because politicians were not sure people would approve a Nato membership. You see all this BS about democrasy. Sweden is BTW not a sovereign nation any longer, it started the hunt of Assange by US orders. Recognized Guaido as Venezuelas president. I am almost sure that Sweden will throw the Kurds under the bus to please Erdogan and thereby get its Nato ”prize”
What happened in Finland underlined its ruling class incompetence to think carefully and reason. The public, ordinary Finns have always had inferiority complex to west which is the main reason of their hatred against Russia and Russians. By hating Russia and Russians they believe becoming more “western”. If there are real world champions of useful idiots i’ll suggest Finnish politicians.
So Finns got what they secretly have always wanted: having Russia as their true enemy to fix their inferiority complex (to west, like Sweden) .
And yes – i’m not gonna vote next spring. I no more feel any obligations to take part in shameful collective suicide. Finns always ally with future loser. They will never win. And 1714 and 1944 are the result most Finns can’t see, yet.
Below links shows the new western partners dogma
Kiev on best way to become a homo nation as well
Rich in natural resources
Not far from Wall st.
add Chile, Venezuela and Argentina and you get war, revolutions, coups, assassin’s, financial crashes and misery.
The production of cocaine gets an exception. Funny that!
Scott Ritter 5 * tonight:
Ukraine: Today & Tomorrow – Decision Centers Targeted – The Big Picture
8 497 vues 1 juil. 2022 Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter in an in-depth, detailed, and passionate discussion about Ukraine. Why Russia cannot stop, and US reckless threats to China.
This was an amazing and insightful discussion that must be absorbed and shared.
Passionate discussion. Ritter gets it. Ukraine is done. Well worth the listen, plays well at 1.5 speed. After the Turk peace talks got flipped on their head, when Ms Elinsky said yes to negotiations, after Russia withdraws, and gives up Crimea, the deal was sealed. Lavrov’s tone changed immediately after that. Many people, even here in discussions, picked up on the change. In fact the tone from the entire Russian political core changed. I would agree with Ritter, at this point Russia can give no quarter. Can’t leave Odessa under Nazi rule, can’t leave Transnistra Moldavia with rabid Nazis jammed into the festering sore of rUmpkraine. As he says, denazification means dead Nazis no more no less, and anything less might be considered less than complete. Finish the job…, SMO.
Cheers M
I have been saying this since day 1, even before if you start a war you go all along or you don’t.Saker was still thinking about a ‘liberation of Donbass only’ at that time.It is simply impossible because you will end up with a new bigger problem even is 85% of ukie army is done and their MIC is almost destroyed. Nato did not respect what Putin said during his adress during day(or night) one ” don’t even dare to intervene in weapons of manpower otherwise you will taste weapons you don’t even imagine they exist ”.
They wrongly believed after RU moved from Kiev periphery and Kharkov that is was a proof of weakness and ”victory” was possible sending billions in weapons.Probably bad intel from NATO US UK services or they manipulated Biden(neocons) on purpose(other puppets have no say), not a difficult task, as neocons always wanted WWIII or to destroy Russia at least.
They failed with the sanctions, even today Sholtz said ” sanctions are hurting Russia but Putin denies it”.
Now they are on revenge mode whatever the costs (even a trillion is ok).
The more they lose the more they lie:”Western Lies, Russian Success–It Ain’t the Flow of Weapons, It is the Soldiers”
This is a big problem for Russia as Ritter says, you must now take at least Odessa and Kharkov, decapitate the ‘power'(which should have been done during week 1), as the SMO would be over today(an army with no more command and control, decision makers, no more clown Zelensky psyop 24/7, would have collapsed rapidly), only the nazis would have of course fight but not so many Ukies.
It is too late anyway.
They will collapse after the all Donbass is retaken. But no negociation or ceasefire please as Ritter says, this would mean defeat.
Nato in revenge mode will escalate, target Russia, Crimea bridge or worse, as if they don’t they will lose face as never before since the defeat of nazi Germany(nato = nazis of today).Even Afghanistan will be a victory compared to the coming nato(ukies are de facto army)debacle, because it will be a NATO fiasco(not ukie only).
If Russia stop too early and let zelensky in power with no new constitution and total denazification including in Kiev, Llov etc..they will build a very big and official this time Nato base,including with long range missiles and maybe nukes?
They will continue their ‘jihadi à la ISIS’ tactics with medium range missiles in direction strikes of all liberated territories for years, which means like in Syria, impossibility to rebuild and for the people to live in peace(finaly after 8 years). Pompeo said yesterday at Hudson meeting, that the Ukraine will have to regain her full territory and integrity including Crimea.
He is not in power but there is zero difference between Pompeo and the neocons like Nuland, Blinken etc..
They want a never ending low level war exactly like before the SMO.
Ukies will need a new army, it means time to rebuild and find manpower, but Nato may send all kind of mercenaries, jihadists even regular army from usefull idiots countries like Poland and almost all eastern Europe countries will be delighted to be the ‘chosen one’ as well.
Sanctions will stay forever as Medvedev said at least during one or two generations.
Even if Europe must be destroyed economicaly don’t expect a Macron, Draghi or Sholtz to revolt they have zero personnality, are just puppets, it will even be good for them, a perfect excuse to NOT increase the interest rates and for more QE eternity.
They can not lose face to such a level at any cost or they are finished.
nb: Biden tonight ” we are at war”
My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril.
Afirmar que Dilma errou sem comentar a orquestração da mídia Otan e governo americano com interesse no petróleo do pre-sal, é análise rasa.
As Regards to what is referred to as critical race theory; Then for Many Decent People; that is All What it is; a theory; Whereas, the Fact is that for Many Descent and Non Racist Humans; there Opinion is that there is Only One Race; the Human Race!
England Invented and Promotes this “theory” to Revive the English Empire; Euphemistically called the British (Brutish) Empire; Because the Scots and the Welsh Were Conquered and Subjected into Being Subservient Serfs, and Northern Ireland Was Stolen.
England is Scheming to Have America Have a Civil War in AmeriKKKa; so as to Regain its Former Puppet Colony; and England Rigged the Election to Have their Secretly Filmed/Blackmailed Useful Puppets of Paedophile Joe Biden and KKKamila Harris to Achieve this: Even as they Have done to Most of European Puppets.
The Unelected Ursula von der Leyen Got her Immensely Paid Puppetship; for Performing Acts of Bestiality for the Boys; like BOYris Johnson etc, etc; and We NEED to always KEEP IN mind that Most of Euro AmeriKKKan leadership Has Become Degenerate Perverts, and Vile Deviants; and the Video is Titled: “Mad Mix-Paedophile Agenda” at , and so I Should Have Mention a Different Video, even though it was Longer to iLUSTrate the Concern; Because she IS speaking for the Nazi Racist EU, Particularly for its Criminal Nazi Puppet of The Ukraine.
England’s Crime Minister (BOYris Johnson); is the Greatest Promoter of the War in The Ukraine; Because England Wants to Create Famines in Africa, so that Africans Settle in the European Union; to one day Create Civil Wars there; so as to Conquer Europe and Subjugate it for the English Empire, and to DO it with sanctions of Fossil Fuels and Grain on Russia, and Preventing their Puppet in Kyiv from Selling Wheat to Africa; and this is the Real REASON for BREXIT, and thy Are Continually Reminding Asians; that Russians Are White.
You are right, the day has come, the day arrived. We stepped into an avalanche which covered up our souls. .
And I was deadly wrong and Bobby Marley was obviously right. Love penetrates everything. I said, “No Bobby, if you can fool people once, you can fool people all the time……….LOL”. But the day arrived.
These people are really in desperate mode now.European people be ready to be sacrified like the ukrops usefull idiots.
NATO seeks to prevent Eurasian challenger to US world dominance, admits ex CIA chief Mike Pompeo.
The rampant inflation, the supply chain disruptions, the rising energy cost, the societal decay, they are all just symptoms, but they are not the disease itself. America and western Europe’s true problems are rooted in what the Bible called: “The Great Falling Away from the Faith”. They have turned away from God, and now they are reaping what they have sown. They have slowly been corrupted over the last sixty years, and now, like a cancer that has spread, it is nearing the terminal stages. Once a people have allowed themselves to be corrupted, you and do anything to them. You can say anything to them, and they will believe it, because they no longer know the truth. So today, in the USA, there is this “upside down” worldview, where men can get pregnant, children have two mommies and a soon to be Associate Judge of the US Supreme Court can’t tell you what a woman is, when she is one herself! I don’t see the US recovering from the present condition it is in. The rot runs too deep, and the people are too confused to even understand the position they are in. Again, like the Bible says: “There will come a day when people will not listen to sound doctrine” {paraphrase}. They have hardened their hearts like Pharaoh did, so God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Putin and Xi need not worry about the west, because it is committing a form of national/societal suicide all on it’s own,
Gulherme Wilbert, your evaluation and criticism of the Dilma government’s economic policy is very precarious; lawyer thing with no education in economics; worse, without a political vision of the real struggle. Know that this valued president was the only person who had the audacity to dig into critical issues of the so-called “Brazil Cost”, something that greatly bothered the elite of “Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas”, in Rio de Janeiro, of the “Jardins” , in São Paulo, and of “Lago Sul”, in Brasília:
(1) She faced the financial market scoundrel: everyone knew that the unfavorable exchange rate was destroying Brazilian industry; and the origin of the overvalued exchange was in the speculative movement of the banks in the exchange futures market. Dilma and Mântega taxed 6% IOF on speculative futures exchange operations and the exchange rate improved for the industry; and made the banks’ absurd profit drop 30% in the period.
(2) It lowered the basic interest rate, the Selic, which brought about very important things: (2a) one effect was in the public debt cycle, as it reduced the remuneration of banks paid by the government for the money that was idle in the banks’ cash and also for the possession of public bonds. (2b) The banker slut was forced to work, i.e., to lend money to the public and to companies, in loans for working capital and investment capital to companies. (2c) Competition among banks caused interest rates on loans to fall. (2d)
It also brought a reduction in public spending with the turnover of public debt. (2e) It is unnecessary to mention that social expenditures were increased with these new available resources;
(3) Rousseff also attacked the high cost of electricity, another element of the criticized but never resolved “Brazil Cost”. And this happened through the offer made by his government, to the large energy companies, whose exploratory concession of plants was about to expire and the plants would have to be delivered to the Brazilian State, after the concession ends. Its offer was to renew the concessions of the plants and energy distribution networks, for another 20 or 30 years, as long as the tariff NO LONGER had built-in the remuneration of the asset, of the plants built, as the tariffs had already been paid in full for decades. the investment. If they did not accept this proposal, at the end of the concession period, the Dilma government would hold a NEW CONCESSION AUCTION and impose low energy tariffs on the new concessionaires. This move by Dilma Rousseff would bring down energy tariffs in the country. Some energy production and distribution companies accepted his proposal and signed a new contract under the new rules.
As for the parrot of “fiscal pedaling”, know, my dear, that the practice of the Federal Government operating temporarily with the capital of Banco do Brasil, Caixa Federal, BASA, BnB and BNDES to run government programs was, until the last months of the Dilma Rousseff government, a practice recognized as LEGAL by the TCU Federal Audit Court and was INTENSELY practiced since the military governments, by Collor, by FHC, by Lula. It means to say the following: “BB, make those loans approved in the Federal Budget, intended to support the soy plantation, to support the export of beef, to support the planting of wheat, rice and beans, to support the financing of exports by Embraer etc. Make the total account, and the National Treasury will reimburse BB at the first opportunity.” This is so true, that during the FHC government, BB was refunded in a rush, in R$ 8 billion, because it was running out of cash.
Pressured by powerful political forces, which wanted to take possession of the Pre-Salt, privatize Petrobras, take EMBRAR to BOEING, take possession of the Alcântara Base, make Lula’s new presidential candidacy unfeasible, the TCU changed its understanding of these operations, to make possible the crucifixion of Dilma Rousseff and the defenestration of the PT.
Dilma is a Brazilian heroine… who, by the way, understands economics much more than any lawyer. And, today, he gives a show in international geopolitical analysis, where you are a neophyte.
So, dear columnist, Gulherme Wilbert, when writing, inform yourself beforehand so as not to commit injustice.
Or did you already know all this?
@ Wilson Roberto Correa,
I agree with you. Your comment reflects my views, too. Well done!
It is people who do not really understand what is going on in Brazil, but see themselves as experts and write to assertively influence opinions, who may cause problems for the return of the Workers Party.
Ukraine has hit Belgorod and Melitopol with Western long-range artillery. In Belgorod, five people died, including one child. The Ukraine uses foreign aid to hit civilian infrastructure and residential areas, including those on Russian territory.
⚠️#Ukraine/#Russie – Frappes terroristes de Kiev contre la population russe -1/2-
▶️Vers 3h00 (local), frappes🇺🇦 contre Belgorod et ses environs
▶️Malgré l’action du PVO🇷🇺 : nombreux dégâts et des victimes civiles dont un enfant de 10 ans
⚠️#Ukraine/#Russie – Frappes terroristes de Kiev contre la population russe -2/2-
▶️De plus, cette nuit et ce matin, Kiev a frappé Melitopol (oblast de Zaporozhye)
▶️Forces🇷🇺 ont risposté par frappes Iskander-M contre des positions🇺🇦 à Kharkov
Reactions from twitter:
So they recklessly shot at a civilian building after losing the territory of Lisichansk? Yea the UA pathetic
Time for Putin to stop playing around and declare war on Ukraine and send in the jets.
This is a serious act of terrorism. I demand Putin deliver Sarmats into the heart of Kiev and Lviv today !! This must be paid for 100 fold !
They’re striking into Russian territory now? If it’s being done with western weapons then they broke their agreement with the US not to use these weapons against Russian territory. To hit civilian areas too, not supply lines or military targets? Lying filth.
British foreign Minister once said that Russia is bluffing, and their word is just a rhetoric. Well let’s see what Russia will do here,if they fail to take a strong action against this, this means it will be a regular thing.
Massive destructions
I fully agree for once with this analysis of P C Roberts, the events of last night confirm it.
@chris Greene
Iirc, the biolabs report is to be released in September. Timing is everything, & Putin appears to do everything in his own good time.
The Western World appears to be crumbling economically. However I do wonder is this is just a mirage created to better control the minds and behaviour of the people living in the West. Last year in the UK, petrol and diesel disappeared from petrol stations. We were told there was a shortage of tanker drivers. A few weeks later everything was back to normal, no explanation was given. When the SMO started sunflower oil disappeared from supermarket shelves. Why? Surely there were reserves in Europe and elsewhere. The Ukraine is not the only supplier of sunflower oil. No explanation has been given. Now airlines and airports in the UK, the EU, and the US are breaking down. Apparently not enough staff. If there was not enough staff then why take so many flight bookings? Are these real economic problems or are we being manipulated?
“Democracy, especially representative democracy, has a serious flaw”
The author makes the fundamental mistake of assuming any vote is counted: our elections were always rigged and Democracy is a veil behind which the elites laugh at we the peasants. Westerners never had a chance. We’re brainf**ked from birth into accepting, ironically enough, abortion; that there is no God; that mass migration is fine; that our media and politicians tell the truth; that destroying other countries is fine (see previous point); that carbon is evil (climate change nonsense); and that the common-flu needs vast authoritarian measures and a poisonous jab if it is to be stopped ;)
The West is beyond brainf**ked — it has been soulf**ked.
But don’t make the mistake that it was some sort of natural process or an “emergent property” of society (lol). We’re ruled by global elites and the destruction of the West was planned. Russia and China are no different, being ruled by the same elite families and being brainf**ked in different ways (note that both those Phoenician satrapies went along with the 9/11 nonsense, the Financial Crisis nonsense and then the covid1984 scam).
This site and all altmedia are mere controlled opposition adding to the brainf**kery.
PS Don’t care if you don’t publish this, I do it for my own spirit and to let you know — TheSaker Writing Committee — that you’re not fooling everyone. God save your souls, you lying scumbags.
Germany worried about the Ukraine cuckoo in the EU nest
Olaf Scholz, Germany’s chancellor, apparently discussed the matter with EU leaders in Brussels behind closed doors. According to the outlet’s source, he urged an overhaul of the EU treaty system before Ukraine’s membership bid is approved.
At the heart of the concern is the EU voting system that factors in the number of countries voting and their respective populations, a reality that would grant Ukraine a strong leverage within the bloc. Moreover, according to an analysis by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, if Kiev joins the EU, it would be its fifth-largest member, but also the poorest.
It is also possible that Kiev may join efforts with Poland or other Eastern and Central European nations to sideline such core EU states as Germany and France.
“This would shift the balance of power within the EU further away from Germany and France more towards Central and Eastern Europe, where the countries, together with the Nordics, for the first time would become a more sizeable bloc in terms of voting power,” Dr Nicolai von Ondarza, of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, told The Telegraph.
Poland will continue to seek reparations from Germany for the period of World War II, said the head of the ruling party Kaczynski.
“We cannot retreat, we cannot be soft,” he said.
At the same time, Berlin has repeatedly stated that it considers the amounts already paid sufficient and there is no reason to question Poland’s refusal of reparations in 1953.
But Poland has a different opinion.
Subscribe to @Sputnik
Any fake money based on debt it’s a joke. There never be enough. It will be embezzled for Uki’s oligarchs. No country wants to get out from the system of private central banking and fractional reserve system. They want digital currency from central bank and social credit system with total surveillance and control. JFK wanted dollar from Treasury tied to the silver without debt.
Parabéns pelo artigo Guilherme.
Extremamente esclarecedor e, na minha opinião para discurtirmos uma forma de responsabilizar os políticos eleitos que no curso do mandato eletivo renunciam à proposta de campanha e se locupletam com a corrupção traindo o povo que o elegeu e correndo o próprio sistema, que muito embora suas falhas sistêmicas, ainda é uma oportunidade de dar voz aos que pelas dificuldades da vida cotidiana não tem.
A corrupção é como um boneco de piche, se a toca com as mãos e tens a felicidade de sair em um rasgo de consciência, ainda sairás sujo, mais se o abraça te tornas o próprio boneco de piche!
O pior tipo de covarde é o currupto pois se locupleta pecuniariamente da parcela mais pobre do povo que por circunstâncias sociasi óbvias não pode se defender!
Parabéns pelo artigo Guilherme, muito útil socialmente para os dias atuais.
Hélder Remor de Souza
Laguna – Santa Catarina – Brasil
The West is permeated in collective Hysteria!
It simply amazes me how really dumb the Ukrainian peoples are. Worse are the Chinese-Taiwanese! The writing is ALL OVER the wall, yet they don’t take down their corrupt leaders who are walking them into the fire!
Just tu add something about the coup against former president Mrs. Dilma Rousseff. In 2016 Brazil was the 6th world economy with full employement (rate lower than 5%). We had social benefits for the people, investments in education, health, science and technology, housing, etc. Our state companies received billions in investments. Today we fell to position 12 in economy (if not still lower), our universities are dying, our public health system is broken and the state companies being “delivered” to greedy businessmen. The Lava Jato operation was a disgrace to our country. A lie sponsored by corrupt politicians, businessmen, press and militaries.
About Ukraine, Zelenski is an idiot. He could have a neutral behaviour, obtaining privileges from East and West. He prefered kill thousands of his own people to follow blindly the interest of US and vassals in Europe.
Saker, com relação ao Brasil, o artigo do Sr. Guilherme é astuciosamente tendencioso e não reflete os fatos do último golpe de estado. Pois que o erro principal da ex-presidenta Dilma estava em não concordar com a corrupção sempre vigente nas classes políticas do Brasil. Sofreu ataques constantes da mídia mainstream e foi derrubada por um disparate, um erro que não cometeu. Todos nós vimos nas tv o vexame do impedimento realizado no Congresso do Brasil. Deu vergonha de ser brasileiro desde então. E, por mais que eu discordasse das políticas do governo Dilma Rousseff, que tentava se equilibrar entre os monetaristas da republiqueta, “dona” DILMA SEMPRE FOI HONESTA, e firme em seus propósitos de manter uma boa governança do estado.
Errou? Sim. A destruição de alguns dos principais rios da floresta amazônica, ao autorizar a construção de barragens para hidroelétricas, em nome do progresso e da geopolítica brasileira, trouxe, como consequência, enormes prejuízos ambientais e sociais não só para a região do Amazonas mas também para o restante do Brasil.
Quanto ao atual governo do Sr Bolsonaro, sua equipe e seus seguidores não fazem o menor sentido do que significa a governança do estado, além das patifarias e do aumento da corrupção, tradicional entre os políticos desde os tempos da monarquia. Sem falar do conluio com os militares, que na prática acabou elevando as forças armadas ao quinto poder do estado, tamanha a sua ingerência nos assuntos públicos e sua clara e aberta vassalagem ao Império das mentiras do Atlântico Norte.
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Saker, with respect to Brazil, the article of Mr. Guilherme is cunningly biased and does not reflect the facts of the last coup of state. For the main error of former President Dilma was not in agreeing with corruption always in force in the political classes of Brazil. She suffered constant mainstream media attacks and was knocked down by nonsense, a mistake she didn’t make. We all saw on TV the vexation of the impediment made at the Congress of Brazil. It was ashamed to be Brazilian ever since. And as much as I disagreed with Dilma Rousseff government policies, which tried to balance himself among the republic’s monetarists, “Dona” Dilma has always been honest, and firm in her purposes of maintaining good state governance.
Did you make a mistake? Yup. The destruction of some of the main rivers of the Amazon rainforest, by authorizing the construction of dams for hydroelectric plants, in the name of Brazilian progress and geopolitics, brought, as a consequence, huge environmental and social losses not only for the Amazon region but also for the rest of Brazil.
As for the current government of Mr Bolsonaro, his team and his followers make no sense of what state governance means, as well as rascals and increased corruption, traditional among politicians since the time of the monarchy. Not to mention the collusion with the military, who in practice raising the armed forces to the fifth power of the state, such as their interference in public affairs and their clear and open vassalage to the Empire of North Atlantic lies.
I think your perspective would be sharper on US foreign policy if you start with the Wolfowitz Doctrine in 1992, which became official US Strategic Doctrine under George Bush. Wolfowitz stated that the US would be the Global Hegemon (later called the Uni-Polar Hyperpower) and that the bedrock of US foreign policy is to stifle and eliminate all rivals or POTENTIAL rivals to hegemony.
That’s why Russia COULD NEVER BE INTEGRATED INTO NATO or any other friendly alliance. Ukraine is an epic battleground to determine if the Uni-Polar Hyperpower and its fiat-based reserve currency will continue to dominate the globe. That’s why the stakes are so high.
Underlying all this is the fact that the US Apex Predator Class allied with Wall Street has off-shored US industrial capacity and crushed its labor force. This essential weakness means the US cannot exert its will any longer. Global governance has now passed to a BRICS based Multi-Polar Global Order led by China and Russia. In the main, these latter economies will be driven by fossil fuels and nuclear energy, while the West is hell-bent on a Green-Energy Malthusian nightmare economy.
The BRICS can easily botch the moment, but many of us are ready for New Order that’s not led by homocidal maniacs.