by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times
Andrei Martyanov is in a class by himself. A third wave baby boomer, born in the early 1960s in Baku, in the Caucasus, then part of the former USSR, he’s arguably the foremost military analyst in the Russian sphere, living and working in the US, writing in English for a global audience, and always excelling in his Reminiscence of the Future blog.
I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing Martyanov’s previous two books. In
Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning, nearly three years ago he conclusively proved, among other things, how the missile gap between the US and Russia was a “technological abyss”, and how the Khinzal was “a complete game-changer geopolitically, strategically, operationally, tactically and psychologically”.
He extensively mapped “the final arrival of a completely new paradigm” in warfare and military technology. This review is included in my own Asia Times e-book Shadow play.
Then came The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs, where he went one step beyond, explaining how this “revolution”, introduced at the Pentagon by the late Andrew Marshall, a.k.a. Yoda, the de facto inventor of the “pivot to Asia” concept, was in fact designed by Soviet military theoreticians way back in the 1970s, as MTR (Military-Technological Revolution).
His new book, Disintegration, completes a trilogy. And it’s a stunning departure.
Here, Martyanov, in meticulous detail, analyzes the imperial decline thematically – with chapters on Consumption, Geoeconomics, Energy, Losing the Arms Race, among others, composing a devastating indictment especially of toxic D.C. lobbies and the prevailing political mediocrity across the Beltway. What is laid bare for the reader is the complex interplay of forces that are driving the political, ideological, economic, cultural and military American chaos.
Chapter 3, on Geoeconomics, is a joy ride. Martyanov shows how geoeconomics as a field separate from warfare and geopolitics is nothing but an obfuscation racket: good old conflict “wrapped in the thin shroud of political sciences’ shallow intellectualism” – the stuff Huntington, Fukuyama and Brzezinski’s dreams are made of.
That is fully developed on Chapter 6, on Western Elites – complete with a scathing debunking of the “myth of Henry Kissinger”: “just another American exceptionalist, mislabeled a ‘realist’”, part of a gang that “is not conditioned to think multi-dimensionally”. After all they’re still not capable of understanding the rationale and the implications of Putin’s 2007 Munich speech that declared the unipolar moment – a crude euphemism for Hegemony – dead and buried.
How not to win wars
One of Martyanov’s key assessments is that having lost the arms race and every single war it unleashed in the 21st century – as the record shows – geoeconomics is essentially an “euphemism for America’s non-stop sanctions and attempts to sabotage the economies of any nation capable of competing with the United States” (see, for instance, the ongoing Nord Stream 2 saga). This is “the only tool” (his italics) the US is using trying to halt its decline.
On a chapter on Energy, Martyanov demonstrates how the US shale oil adventure is financially non-viable, and how a rise in oil exports was essentially due to the US “pickin up’ quotas freed chiefly as a result of Russia and Saudi Arabia’s earlier cuts within OPEC + in an attempt to balance the world’s oil market”.
In Chapter 7, Losing the Arms Race, Martyanov expands on the key theme he’s the undisputed superstar: the United States cannot win wars. Inflicting Hybrid War is another matter entirely, as in creating “a lot of misery around the world, from effectively starving people to killing them outright”.
A glaring example has been “maximum pressure” economic sanctions on Iran. But the point is these tools – which also included the assassination of Gen Soleimani – that are part of the arsenal of “spreading democracy” have nothing to do with “geoeconomics”, but have “everything to do with the raw power plays designed to achieve the main Clausewitzian object of war – ‘to compel our enemy to do our will’”. And “for America, most of the world is the enemy”.
Martyanov also feels compelled to update what he’s been excelling at for years: the fact that the arrival of hypersonic missiles “has changed warfare forever”. The Khinzal, deployed way back in 2017, has a range of 2,000 km and “is not interceptable by existing US anti-missile systems”. The 3M22 Zircon “changes the calculus of both naval and ground warfare completely”. The US lag behind Russia in air-defense systems is “massive, and both quantitative and qualitative”.
Disintegration additionally qualifies as a sharp critique of the eminently post-modernist phenomenon – starring infinite cultural fragmentation and the refusal to accept that “truth is knowable and can be agreed upon” – responsible for the current social re-engineering of the US, in tandem with an oligarchy that “realistically, is not very bright, despite being rich”.
And then there’s rampant Russophobia. Martyanov sounds the definitive red alert: “Of course, the United States is still capable of starting a war with Russia, but if it does so, this will mean only one thing – the United States will cease to exist, as will most of the human civilization. The horrific thing is that there are some people in the US for whom even this price is too small to pay.”
In the end, a cool scientific intellect cannot but rely on sound realpolitik: assuming the US avoids complete disintegration into “separatist territories”, Martyanov stresses that the only way for the American “elite” to maintain any kind of control “over generations increasingly woke or desensitized by drugs” is through tyranny. Actually techno-tyranny. And that seems to be the brave new dysfunctional paradigm further on down the road.
The situation is basically very simple. No empire in the world has survived. An empire requires huge sums of money to exist and creates a heap of enemies. The US Empire, created (basically) during World War Two, will go down in history as the shortest lived. It has accumulated a huge foreign debt and an ever larger domestic debt, which is only mentioned by private analysts. The dollar is printed backed by nothing, the US military excluded (we all know what happened to Gadaffy and Hussein when they tried discarding the US dollar). The fact that Russia has overtaken the US in high tech military development should be of no surprise, bearing in mind the US wasted trillions on wars (the Iraqi and Afghan wars cost between 6-8 trillion dollars). And Martyanov is correct when he stated that there are people in the US who would risk a nuclear war in order to prevent the collapse and disintegration of the US.
Will the US survive in it’s present political and geographic form ? I think not. There are quite a number of secessionist movements, while the Confederacy is still remembered (that foolish policy of having Confederate monuments removed only reminded people that the Confederacy did exist). The only thing left to be seen is
if the elite in the US will accept the disintegration of the US peacefully or not.
There’s a verse in the bible:
“For of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” 2 Peter 2:19
And the US is overcome by Apartheid Israel and therefore in a bondage causing its disintegration.
George Washington put it another way:
“… a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils.”
That variety of evils, clearly delineated in the linked article below, is responsible for the disintegration of America.
multi ethnic empires of which the usa qualifies are held together by force. once the center fails (washington dc) as it is right now the pieces at the edges begin to fly apart. pieces can be geographic (certain bits of western states wanting to secede and join other states) , religious, cultural (pc,woke versus traditonal, christians), racial (blm) really anything that ties large numbers of people together.
techno tyranny may look good on paper just like the great reset and green new deal must also to those unfamiliar with the real world and how societies and economies actually evolve but when chaos and kismet begin all those carefully constructed plans may prove a tad inadequate
Empires corrode at the periphery but the centre does not notice until the faultiness run back to the centre
Gets tricky when the center becomes satanical, at some point you cant tell the good guys from the bad guys, the kitchen gets too hot, and nobody wants get out, its quite the clean up job on this Aisle.
I don’t see where this ends well.
One (of many) causes that the Western Boman Ampire did no survive was that it sent out colonists to colonize Roman cities in Gaul, Germanica and Spain. Those cities had to be lax than the surrounding tribes. I hope the same situitee wil befall the USian empire in Europe!
turning to their present satrapies, The USofNorth A have thought they had a very stringent strong holdon the Germanianians, Poles and Nordic countries also. Like Great Britain, much of them are deoendent on imporitng grain for their sustenance and suvival, Might it be they ióne day tirn to Russua abd the Ukraine instead of USofA middle Westmsources?
What are the chances that there is an American military coup d’etat in the very near future with the assassinations of American rulers like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and sitting members of Congress?
Better than even?
It would only be appropriate if America were ruled by a US military junta, similar to all those glorified Latino juntas that America backs and support such as Columbia, Guatemala, or Brazil.
That would only be a case of the chickens coming home to roost for the Disintegrated States of America.
No chance at all, for at the center of it all is a single Anglo-Saxon monoculture of “old boys” with complete hierarchical control over every lever of power in the MIC …
Interspersed with this Anglo-Saxon matrix of control is a network of Zionist infiltrators who have managed to insert themselves like a parasite in a host, they are in full symbiosis with the host.
The only ‘coup d’etat’ that is likely to happen would be a reflexive rebellion by the Anglo-Saxon sect against it’s zionist parasite, a modern “Krystallnacht”, of a sort.
But no, there will be no Military Coup d’etat against the ‘rulers’ of the state because the ‘rulers’ are merely puppets, there is noone to ‘coup’ against …
That “single Anglo-Saxon monoculture of “old boys” could only control with money. That money dries up together with their fortunes if or when the US economy collapsed. Then perhaps we shall witness the greatest destruction of wealth in human history.
Why do you think the richest are buying up land in droves? Land is always valuable, always will be. Exactly how valuable is always arguable, but it’s not possible for it to become worthless in the absence of nuclear fall-out.
The truly wealthy have spread their wealth across the globe, so that they will be fine no matter what happens to what country. They are not dependent on the USA doing well any more…..
“Land is always valuable, always will be. Exactly how valuable is always arguable, but it’s not possible for it to become worthless in the absence of nuclear fall-out”.
That’s a very big bet. “In the absence of nuclear fall-out” is already a big bet. How about a revolution? Let’s say not a revolution on the scale of Mao’s China, but a civil war followed by a redistribution of wealth including a redistribution of land? How about a revamp of the tax system targeting the really big land-owners?
My own thought is to own just a few acres and grow enough food including cash crops. If I go for big plantations, I will have to make sure the wealth generated is distributed well even after taxes. No point accumulating too much for the next generation. Just keep back enough to live a healthy and dignified life. Give enough for the next generation to ease into life by all means. But no spoon-feeding. They jolly well create and manage their own wealth.
This is true up to a point.
More important than land, is the legal power disbursing rights to the land.
And legal power is just military power with a veneer of politeness.
Those who control the guns control the land.
And those who control the ‘gold’ control the guns …
@Arch Bungle. What about the values of the person who controls the guns? For me, ultimately it is God who controls. Fear Him and one shall need not fear any other.
“The truly wealthy have spread their wealth across the globe, so that they will be fine no matter what happens to what country. They are not dependent on the USA doing well any more…..”.
Are you sure? The wealth of this world delusory. They can take flight in an instance.
If they are not dependent on the USA doing well, which country could they depend on to store, protect and grow their wealth? On China? Sure but they will not be able to wield as much political or financial power through their wealth in China as they are doing in the US. They know well where they will end up if they try to play politics with their wealth in the Chinese socialist system.
And a final point: all wealth is leasehold. The moment the heart stops, the owner’s lease on the wealth expires!
That has been the pattern throughout history.
Your blood is only blue while there’s money flowing through it …
The “Master Race” is the race with all the money …
America is already in a low-intensity Civil War for the past several years, though many America apologists try to deny this reality.
The only question is whether this US Civil War will go “hot”. Currently, this America Civil War is in its asymmetric phase.
Even mainstream American stink-tanks like Foreign Policy have been fretting about the “possibility” of a Second American Civil War.
Will we have a 2nd Civil War?
The US military is also coming “woke”. Don’t see much of a chance of national and cultural salvation coming from them.
Some generals only . For lower grades and basic warriors this woke ideologie has not conquered the minds and heart . Wokenism will be hard to be put up firmly in the armies forces . In fact it will be impossible . They are trying to introduce that ideolie of wokenism , right with you on that point but it will failed miserably . This failing of introducing a theory so opposit with the spirit of any warrior value will be glorious in fact .
You accurately portrayed, but mis-labeled some players. Politicians, as proven, are not rulers, or leaders. They are but pawns of the deep state. Biden, and Harris are roughly polished, punch bowl floaters. Nothing more. And if that polishing job is the best the communist democrats have to offer, and still, completely hold the focus of the useful idiot masses with no functional cause, and effect genes, then we might have to get used to being a third world country with no middle class.
Biden and Harris are the big TURDS in the punchbowl that the lesser ones float around as they head toward the drain.
I have to laugh when i see communist and democrat in the same sentence. I mean seriously, have you read ANY of Ramin Mazerehi’s peices? There is NO socialism whatsover in the USA, none zilch nada rien.
What wrong with standing shoulder to shoulder with our black brothers and sisters, whom the rentier class has trampled on for decades to enrich themselves?
Communism aint that bad in the end, no one left behind. Its better than what you propose, anyman for himself, well it aint better for the corporations the real rulers of.america, but we dont talk about THAT do we?
I think that Martyanov is correct. But Russia’s defense appears to me to be the same as the late great USSR’s i.e. overwhelming military superiority and only overwhelming military superiority. And if there is no substantial change in strategy, the outcome is likely to be similar.
Russia needs a more comprehensive strategy involving its internal vitality and spearheaded by overall economic growth and improvement in the welfare of the Russians.
The fulcrum of geopolitical competition no longer hinges on (very expensive) military overkill. The victor will be decided by economics and this has been true since the advent of nuclear-based mutual assured destruction.
But Russia has now won a breathing space with its military advantage in missile technology. Russia must now develop its economy and develop it fast despite the ravages wrought by covid-19.
In the meantime, the Hegemon has subtly switched the contest to economics in two moves – the economic looting of Ukraine at Russia’s doorstep and the Nordstream 2 gambit. The third move is a charm move – the summit with Biden.
If all goes well, the Hegemon will then contest China in the western Pacific with a new eight-nation-like alliance. And if China succumbs, the next step by the Hegemon is obvious.
But I feel that Russia should just grab its Nordstream 2 prize and that’s as much ball as it should play with the Hegemon.
As for the economic aspect of the contest with the Hegemon, Russia has the gigantic Chinese market at its doorstep. Russia also has the huge African market newly opened and developed by China. South America is more long-term since it is under the heavy but slipping heel of the Hegemon. But South-East Asia is wide open for business. And South-West Asia i.e. the middle East is more promising than South America.
So grab your Nordstream 2 prize and head south, Russians, NOT West!
Read Putns state of the nation address, all of it, not jst the foreign policy bit. His eye is on the economic internal vitality ball
Words and good speeches will help up to a point. But what matters are specifics and results.
Let’s see how Russia develops economically in the next 3 years.
Give that five to ten years for three years is a very short time, and we are in no position to do much of anything except blow and bluster, the first thing Russia had to do was create a number one military force which it has done, and they didn’t break the bank and plunge themselves in debt to do so, while the U.S. is losing in every field you care to name. The mid-east countries are coming together and no we are not welcomed, with Iran being the regional power we just lost another war in that region and the other countries there are looking at us as a paper tiger which we are. From what I read Russia can do with the lost of that pipeline, but Germany can’t for they will have to pay for it either way and China will buy all the gas Russia has, perhaps in the near future you will see Russia Germany and China all together with a manufacturing center that no one will even come close to which scares the hell out of Washington.
@ bluedogg. “The mid-east countries are coming together and no we are not welcomed”. The need as I see it is for Russians to show warmth beyond the famous Russian bear-hug which Lavrov recently showed when he greeted the Chinese foreign minister.
I am not joking. Could Russians really (altruistically) love, sing, joke and show real warmth? Can Russians do it? If yes, then you are assured a very warm welcome at least in South East Asia if not in most parts of the world where there are civilised people.
Bluedogg: May 22.21
Actually, there is talk of this possibility: a Russia, Eurasian and Germany conglomerate. At least a couple European geo-politics experts are looking at this possibility, from American eyes.
In fact, we wonder if the latest get-together with Lavrov & Blinken may suggest the US is trying to cozy-up to the Russians.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
Meantime, the German hierarchy has never let go the possibility of becoming a dominant force not just in Europe, but throughout the world. This thinking can go all the way back to the German, Frederick II who dared to outstrip the, then, immense power of The Roman Papacy. Frederick tried to enlist a number of German Princes to side with him; some did, others were more concerned in hanging on to their own power.
The puppet démocrats of the Biden gouverment . have ceased to make too much stories about the north stream II . Because they fear Germany going too much on to the side of Russia . North Stream II is very necessary to germany , . So The germans could have become furious about USA if the comedy had continue . germany doesn’t want to become a power , no army , no power . And german army is almost nothing . germany just want to maintain a minimum of industries .
No, the USSR was not militarily over-extended. The military budget didn’t exceed most of the time 7% until it reached 8% in the 80s. I refer to the Russian historian Евгений Спицын, who is a superb professional and specialized on the history of the USSR. The elite around the KGB, Eurodallar system and oil export group, and of course the CPUSSR decided to place the USSR under ten feet of dirt. Gorbatchev wasn’t a coincidence, as was not the degradation of the party peaking in the 80s. No one else could even fathom to touch the USSR.
Western humanities are one of the most incredibly mythologized/propagandized/hypocritical academic studies existing today. Almost everything is plainly wrong or a construct, barely resembling factual accounts of reality.
Is it a coincidence then, that Japanese when asked about who nuclear bombed them answer with “the USSR did”.
We rarely acknowledge what the USA does to the minds of humanity worldwide. Not a long time ago, entire generations grew up on movie/TV/radio propaganda of the USA. Almost every single aspect, that is portrayed in those “shows” is wrong. That’s where many get their worldview and “edutainment” from.
“No, the USSR was not militarily over-extended. The military budget didn’t exceed most of the time 7% until it reached 8% in the 80s.”
7% to 8% of GDP…
@Nachtigall. No one really knows except the Russian government, how much was really spent on those weapon systems.
My instincts and one piece of evidence tell me that military spending was and is much more. You are highly unlikely to get those nearly out of this world weapon systems on a military budget of around USD50 billion a year. Compare it to the cost of the Japanese military build-up before the first Sino-Japanese war (1894-95) and the Russo-Japanese war (1904-05). To earn foreign exchange, the Japanese were reported to have to prostitute their women, sent them overseas and get them to remit back their earnings to Japan to help finance the military build-up. In present times, this seems to have been emulated by a country which I shall not name because of sensitivity.
I am not saying that Russia has done or is doing the same as Japan did. I am just saying that to me, the military spending figures and the weapon systems don’t add up.
And the piece of evidence? That’s the Russian pension system. Russia needs to fix that. And by fixing the pension system, put to rest the feeling that the weapon systems, low military spending budget and the stressed pension system are somehow related.
You’re arguing on your fictional evidence. It’s been acknowledged even by Americans that Russia produces nukes and other cutting edge weaponry at lower costs.
Let’s not kid ourselves by thinking that they cost way lower like electric goods from China, but it’s obvious that Russian weapons systems cost much lower that the American ones.
@Swordfish. If the evidence is “fictional”, then fix the Russian pension system. What’s so hard about that if the world-beating nukes and missiles really cost only about USD50 billion a year?
Fix now the Russian pension system as part of the revitalizing of the Russian nation.
“Of course, the United States is still capable of starting a war with Russia, but if it does so, this will mean only one thing – the United States will cease to exist, as will most of the human civilization. The horrific thing is that there are some people in the US for whom even this price is too small to pay.”
They don’t call this the AngloZIONIST Empire for nothing, Pepe. Most Zionists in the USA are Christian. Part of their crazy end-times eschatology is the war of Gog and Magog, a biblical conflict prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel. Gog is the leader of Magog, a “place in the far north” that many of them believe is Russia. According to Ezekiel’s prophecy, Gog will join with Persia (Iran) and other Arab nations to attack Israel. This will bring about the end of the USA as we know it and the beginning of some kind of world Zionist theocracy.
This scenario is not just an action sequence in some dusty old tome. It’s the belief system of 50 million Americans who actually looked for it to happen during Trump’s presidency. He had already killed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran and murdered General Soleimani. All he and Pompeo needed to do was attack Iran… Thank God the clock ran out on this diabolical plan.
@ This will bring about the end of the USA as we know it and the beginning of some kind of world Zionist theocracy.
I don’t see the jews playing that big a role, a big fall guy maybe, but not felling a big country.
Like I said, most Zionists in the USA are so-called Christian, 50 million of them. They believe that everything the Ashkenazim are doing in Palestine is God’s work. Each year they shower Netanyahu and Likud with millions of dollars to help with the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Just because the Bible prophesies something doesn’t mean God wanted it that way! Jesus made it 100% percent clear that when we see the Abomination of Desolation as spoken by the prophet Daniel will the end of the world arrive. What is the Abomination of Desolation? Idolatry pure and simple but an idolatry the likes of which has never occurred in the entire history of mankind. The only thing possibly comparable is the Persian king Nebuchadnezzar declaring himself god due to the pride in his heart and paid the price accordingly. This new fake is going to actually cause fire to descend from the sky in full view of mankind and more. He will also control the entire financial world through “techno-tyranny.” In the book of Revelation we see this clear enough when it says ‘here is the mind that has wisdom’ which occurs only twice. It is as if the prophet John was being told by the Holy Spirit this is where ones attention should be directed.
Revelation 13 is surely all about this techno tyranny and as I relayed here
there was a quote i came across some 10 years ago which blew my mind by Colonel Edward House and upon reading it I was stunned to read something which sounds almost biblical. One sentence in particular made me realize if we haven’t been inducted into this final economic system back in the 1930’s? Here is the full quote:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system
designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a
chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to
work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.They will be stripped of their rights and given a
commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million
could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal
plausible deniability.After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the
registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our
wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social
Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and
without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy
corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Now here’s the Biblical:
“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand
or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell…
unless he had the mark, which is the number of his name.” {Rev. 13:16} {Emphasis mine}
So there we have it the beginnings of this 666 system as prophesied! We are nothing but slaves to a system of banking and bankers who want ‘need’ rather to treat us as little more that their property to do with as they please.
Techno tyranny ? Wow what computer tech has given the world of banking and government and I figure soon enough we sill see the fruition of Dostoevsky’s words by way of the final false king of Jerusalem.
“Why hast though come to hinder us? We are working not with Thee but with him {Satan}…We took from him
what Thou didst reject with scorn, the last gift he offered Thee, showing you all the kingdoms of the earth. We took from him Rome and the sword of Caesar, and proclaimed ourselves sole rulers of the earth…We shall triumph and shall be Caesar’s, and then we shall plan the universal happiness of man… Hadst though accepted the last counsel of the mighty spirit {Satan}, Thou wouldst have accomplished all that man
seeks on earth -that is, someone to worship…Who can rule men if not he who holds their conscience and their bread in their hands.”
If Dostoevsky were around to see the invention of computer tech O what he could have written and warned us all about.
As for the Khinzal please imagine if they turn this on Christ Himself? Yes, I said that and why? Because guess what the Book of Revelation clearly tells us that mankind is going to war against God Himself.
“They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lord will
overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of
kings-and with him will be His called, chosen and faithful
followers.” {Rev. 17:14}
What kind of people, a created by God people, Adam and Eve’s progeny literally would today in our post modern world with its fascinating military complex would have the audacity to think they can take on God Himself in a war for planet earth? I guess when one redefines God as an alien [UFO phenomena} well what does one expect.
“Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.” {Revelation 19:11- 21}
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called faithful and true. With justice, he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but He himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh, he has this name written:
Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, ‘Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great. {Revelation 19:11- 21}
I don’t understand all the hoopla of Biblical interpretation that everything from the Orthodox point of view anyway surrounds what happened in AD 70. Read the Book of Revelation backwards and as you go ask yourselves if anything written in the last chapters of that book has occurred and one will clearly realize O no we haven’t arrived yet to what was prophesied. Islands still exist. 100 hundred pound hailstones haven’t descended upon the earth. And that earthquake that will level every single city upon earth into rubble hasn’t occurred either. AD 70 is irrelevant. In fact I would venture to say that the earthquake from 363 AD is far more significant given when and where and how it occurred destroying the attempt to rebuild that third temple. that was Divine Communication!
As for the Jews they have a huge body of prophesy that hasn’t been fulfilled yet. Christ Jesus fullfilled only that part of their history where it speaks about the suffering servant. He has yet to fullfill the one about
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
As for America I find it very troubling that Washington like Rome sits on Seven Hills meaning is she the Great Babylonian whore of Rev. 18 and 19? I find the resemblances between the chapters and her history / acts to be very intriguing.
As for Christian Zionism and really the Church Universal I feel sorry for us all because the world looks at us and just shakes their heads in disbelief at our stupidity. Reminds me of the words of Stalin the ‘opiate of the people.’ Yeah, I can relate how about you Pepe and Andrei Martyanov?
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – First Amendment to the US Constitution
Hopefully, this will continue to keep these nutters at bay. Problem is, 50 million US Christian Zionists think otherwise and they all voted for Trump. May Heaven save us all from the wrath of the born-agains and the chosenites.
Ezekiel was writing in Babylon in the early 6th Century BC. The Persians did join with a northern people, the Medes i.e. to the north of Babylonian and Persia in the area inhabited by the Kurds today. They destroyed the Babylon Empire (550 BC) and over ran much of the middle east including Israel, creating the first Persian Empire. Ezekiel was writing in his time and context. Writings taken out of their time and context end up teaching nonsense to fools which can be very dangerous. USA has plenty of both, poor world!
Yes, I completely agree. Christian Zionists have turned the Scofield Reference Bible into an idol. They’ve even gone so far as to claim that the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago because someone counted up the “begats” in that version of the Bible. Problem is as you say, there are 50 million of these crazies and every single one of them voted for Trump. He and the Likudniks in Israel played them like a cheap piano.
@ Philip
No question but alas Gog and Magog are mentioned in the book of Revelation 20:8, why? Because it is just an analogy which God uses. Scripture reveals to us that Gog and Magog are names of people, first and foremost. Magog was the name of one of Noah’s grandsons near the beginning of recorded time (Genesis 10:2) and Gog is the name of one of Reuben’s grandsons, circa 4004 B.C. (1 Chronicles 5:4). Beyond this, we aren’t told much else except that, where Noah’s sons and grandsons are concerned, the nations were established “according to their lines of descent” (Genesis 10:32). As for Gog and the Reubenites, not only were they of the tribe of Israel but they were a military-trained bunch (1 Chronicles 5:19, 24). It’s very interesting, if not highly significant, that a connection to the nation of Israel exists here, and twice no less. First, the Reubenites’ father was the firstborn of Israel who lost his birthright to Joseph for defiling his father’s bed. A very grievous and serious sin! We are then told that the Reubenites ended up as traitors of God because they decided to follow idols. They betrayed God even after He helped them in their war against the Hagrites (1 Chronicles 5:25). Note the words:
“But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them. So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria (that is, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria), who took the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh into exile.” (1 Chronicles 5:25–26)
This is quite interesting, because it tells us that they were traitors. Treason, as we shall see shortly, is why Gog and Magog will be destroyed. The important thing to understand here is that God uses figurative language and historical types to explain and describe events. This is one of the keys to unlocking prophecy. We must understand how typology works, and the best illustration is surely where the book of Revelation refers to Jerusalem as “Sodom and Egypt”:
…which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. (Revelation 11:8)
Here we have both the figurative and literal in play, and why does God do this? Well, ultimately it has everything to do with faithlessness and idolatry. Both Egypt and Sodom knew who God was, saw His work, and yet were blatantly faithless and rebellious. Jerusalem was likewise faithless and rebellious, and still is in our current day and age. Note that halfway through the great tribulation, with Armageddon staring them in the face, the people of Jerusalem will still deal with idolatry. It’s referred to as the Abomination of Desolation.
Hagee and these Christians Zionists are in grave error when they presume to think and teach that these nations now represent the current nations of Russia and Germany. Nothing could be further from the truth as scripture clearly reveals. In Revelation this battle is the culmination of a peoples treason against God when Satan is released to deceive them. Christ will be living in the city of Jerusalem when this battle goes down at the end of his millennial reign on earth. This is clearly how it is taught in the Book of Revelation.
Gog and Magog has got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the nation of Israel nothing and nothing to do with Russia or Germany either, nothing!
Alas though the danger for the current age when Bush exclaims to others Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East.
Apparently, while trying to drum up international support for the invasion of Iraq, Bush placed a phone call to the president of France, Jacques Chirac, and presented a series of arguments to convince the French president to join Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing.” In the course of the conversation, according to an English-language translation, Bush told Chirac, “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”
Christian Zionism is an error of huge consequence just huge and have to be stopped and thankfully it is starting to have an effect though I wish they could all be fired from their pulpits and ministries right this very hour!
US Christian Zionists are 50 million strong and just as crazy as ever. Also, they’re the heart and soul of Trump’s base. They were behind everything that Trump and Pompeo did relating to Iran, most importantly, leaving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in a shambles. The clock is ticking on just how patient the Iranians will be. The IAEA just extended the inspection agreement for one more month. Maybe Biden can put Humpty Dumpty back together again, but I doubt it. Israel’s attack on al-Quds was designed to sabotage the effort and harden everyone’s position. Regardless, there’s no way ReTrumplicans in Congress would ever ratify an agreement.
It is now 2021. Everyone knows (Zio-) Jesus failed to arrive in 2,000. What actually did arrive for Christian-Zionists was something called 911. A hard day, that had a lot of people calling Jesus.
My Lutheran faith informs me that we will not know the day or the time. Also, when will the Kingdom of Heaven arrive? Jesus said, “The Kingdom will not come with observable signs. Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is.’ For you see, the Kingdom of Heaven is in your midst.” – Luke 17:21
I suggest that this is all a set-up and even Pepe has been taken in. Can you get this info to him:
The last paragraph of this important by Engdahl article says:
Ironically, major Wall Street firms such as Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater or BlackRock, and major Wall Street banks, have been investing in the promise of a China economic recovery. With the US bond markets on a razor’s edge in recent weeks with a new $1.9 trillion Biden stimulus and national debt soaring skywards, it would take little from a China bond crisis to trigger a repeat of the 1931 Austria crisis. Only this time, the entire world economy is bound in a debt system that is out of control. As of January, global debt has climbed to a record $281 trillion, adding an unprecedented $24 trillion in 2020 for corona measures. It looks like this is all part of the Great Reset plan: Blame China for what the BIS central bankers, the real gods of money have engineered since 2008.
Add to it this an enlightening article from strategic-culture:
Add to this info the fact that you were allowed to publish Putin’s words yesterday, with the translation in readable form – because I believe they want this info out there. Because. . .
They are preparing to (apparently) sacrifice Fauci and Gates, as having worked with the Chinese military on Covid . . . and they’ve bio-weaponized the vaccine, and gotten caught at it:
I am loaded with info but may not be able to get this past the electronic constraints of what I can the DARK.
This conversation is going off-topic. It also breaks moderation rules. Please take to the MFC. Any further will go to trash.
There is an alternative and very interesting theory by Ron Unz about the origin of COVID,
As a low intensity Bioweapon attack that bacfired, very well documented, so I think they are thowing Fauci under the bus for a cover-up.
uma menssagem para Pepe, estou a copiar os teus artigos no meu blog e a distribuir-los na prensa de direitas espanhola espero que me perdoes o atrevimento, mas de maior quero ser como voce…
google me
Well, yes and no. IMO the States as a Nation lost it’s momentum with the 65 immigration reform, deregulations of all kinds(Reagan), and the outsourcing of it’s manufacturing base.
Basically in synch with the elite losing the the fight over all aspects of controlls of the Nation with the future neocons.
With the population and culture as it is presently, the future is indeed bleak…and not only for North America…🙄
Yes. I would say: 1. Immorality; 2. Immigration. Also add Solzhenitsyn’s “Men have forgotten God; that is why all these things have come upon us [Americans]”.
You don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.
Coming of age during the Vietnam War, those of us who opposed it could see this coming. Circumstances have changed a bit but the overall trajectory has been in place.
Eve of Destruction.
Hopefully this System failure will result in Dynasty Change and be replaced by a wiser country.
(The story that follows has now been removed from the Duran) The US is making cyber-warfare on anyone who knows anything! Thank God I saved the link, so Pepe will be able to view this item.
Here is another link Pepe might find helpful:
I’m hoping you will share your ‘Pope’ info with him and that he can quickly absorb it. His mind is extremely agile. . . so I am hoping he will be able to digest all this and put the facts together. Timing will be important. As in the Tao Te Ching, which I was invited to study several years ago, wait until the situation is near collapse, and the offering of a solution that appeals to both sides of the aisle and makes total sense to them — and the entire rest of the planet, will leave little work to do. Again, if as he studies all this and wants to know more, please ask him to contact me, because there is more info to share, and my one fear is that he will attempt to move too quickly. First, I would ask him to understand this that I am sharing. I have found that steps, taken bit by bit, are of the most value.
This article below makes you wonder if some (or even most) of the people on so-called “alternative” media outlets are not actually American spooks, sock puppets, and psyops peddlers:
“American publication Newsweek reported this week on revelations of a massive U.S. military effort to control and influence the internet including social media.
The report is based on a lengthy investigation that took two years to complete, according to Newsweek. Its granular detail and multiple interviews with involved personnel certainly give the information credibility which merits further investigation, if not a Congressional inquiry. Tellingly, the report was largely ignored by other American corporate news outlets.
What it found is the existence of a “secret cyber army” within the regular U.S. armed forces numbering 60,000 personnel with an operational budget of $900 million a year. The cyber army operates domestically and overseas. It is not overseen by Congress which is a violation of the U.S. constitution. It is also, on the face of it, as Newsweek notes, in violation of the Geneva Convention which regulates the open conduct of conventional military.
There is every reason to believe that the cyber “special forces” work in conjunction with American military intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency. The labyrinthine nature has the sinister aspect of a police state apparatus, the like of which the Americans accuse Russia and China of running.
The report states: “The explosion of Pentagon cyber warfare, moreover, has led to thousands of spies who carry out their day-to-day work in various made-up personas, the very type of nefarious operations the United States decries when [allegedly] Russian and Chinese spies do the same”
U.S. Cyber Army Revelations Make Mockery of Accusations against Russia
Hardly surprising. Remember the first rule of propaganda is to deflect by accusing your enemy of the exact thing that you are doing yourself. An amazingly effective technique. Makes good use of all those “woke” warriors as well, who are in all likelihood worthless otherwise. And its win-win all the way down. Should they get caught at it they’d reply that they’re just “fighting fire with fire.” Americans are amazingly forgiving of their authorities that way as long as “safety and security” against imaginary threats are concerned.
What are the chances that, after testing they are not able to take over either Afganistan, or irak, or Syria, or Lebanon, not either Palestine, less Russia or China, the Empire would opt to invade Spain, as the late moves, like military manouvers past month along with Marocco, invading Spanish air space without warning to civilian air control, that way testing to what extent they can ignore Spanish authorities, plus the past day invasion of some 9000 Moroccan operatives thrown at unison against Spanish borders in the middle of a pandemic, including amongst them some two thousands minors between 7 to 10 years old, who were made believe they were going on an excursion and started crying once in Spanish territory asking to be returned to their parents?
Another sample of which human fabric are the “partners” the US privileges over others in its associations to commit crimes and jujmp over any International Law, using little children as cannon fodder.
USSA failed to collect the required amount of protection fees in SCS… so now they are turning to their hardcore ‘friend’ list…
be well be safe
Don’t worry about the US. One way or another they have collected their protection fees. What South Korea and others are pledging to give is extras i.e icing on the cake.
Lavrov reiterating Putin’s remarks. At the end of the day it about stuff (land, minerals, etc). Russia has what others covet and have for centuries.
In playground speak both Lavrov and Putin clearly stated for anyone in the West with a room temp IQ….its our stuff if your want it, go ahead, try and take it!
There really is nothing subtle about how things have come down to where we are now.
Henry Kissinger is the literal personification of American foreign policy failures.
Nobel Peace Prize for waging war, 1973.
The prize should have gone to Daniel Elsberg, who prevented Nixon from using nukes, exposing the insanity of the US in the Pentagon Papers.
the norwegians associated with this prize appreciate irony above all and have made it a focal point especially giving the peace prize.
Portuguese translation at
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
At a funeral it is customary to recall only good things about the deceased. Starting with his wry sense of humour:
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated” — Mark Twain.
The US has recently successfully tested a hypersonic missile (if news reports are to be believed).
How does this change Martyanov’s calculus? Does it now mean that the US is about to achieve Hypersonic Parity with China and Russia?
The Yanks are a decade behind…
Define “Tested”, and “Successfully”.
Did it manage to hit its target, at what range, how big was the target, and so on. A real journo might have asked those questions, since the briefing failed to supply them.
The US MIC is riddled with expensive toys that do not do what is really needed militarily but deliver excellent kickback to the congress critters that approve the appropriations that pay for them.
Never mind the endless stream of bungled projects: The Zumwalt-class destroyer, the F35, the littoral combat ship, next generation warrior system, many missile systems before, next generation armor project…
US military hardware is getting old and new projects either don’t materialize or are prohibitively expensive (looking at you F22 and F35). Americose laugh about the TU-95, but many of its air-frames are newer than the B52s.
The US is also about to lose a part of its nuclear triad (Minuteman missiles), because there is simply no professional engineering class left (dead or no more competent engineers) to modernize them. Boeing backed out of bidding for a new LICBM – I think because it has lost the competence to build a new one. As of my knowledge, there are almost no more nuclear enrichment facilities left in the US (it also couldn’t build a used warhead recycling site for plutonium) . Recently, a trial to develop gas centrifuges ended in failure (gas diffusion technology is incredibly expensive and energy intensive).
All I have seen reported is one recent failed dummy missile drop from a bomber – it failed to disengage from the plane FFS. Also, I have seen some not very convincing CGI and clip art.
BTW the US has hypersonic BALLISTIC missiles – but these are on easily calculated trajectories and can be detected and intercepted. Old technology. Whereas Russia has hyper maneuverable missiles, able to coordinate via AI in packs.
Also, Russia has air defences coming on line able to detect and intercept the latest hypersonics. The US can’t even stop a Houti drone in Sudi Arabia, or Hamas missiles in the Iron Dome. The US has no air defence system guarding the US mainland.
This gulf in technology between Russia and the US cannot be breached.
Terrific post! As you state- ‘Andrei Martyanov is in a class by himself.’ The US emerged from WWII as the world’s leading military and economic power. Since that time US hegemony has been predicated on: 1) unrivaled military power, 2) control of world’s energy reserves (primarily in the ME), and 3) maintaining the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. All of the pillars supporting US power are now threatened by decades of neoliberal economic policies, spending (i.e., squandering) astronomical sums of taxpayer money bailing out Wall St and supporting the military and attainment of economic/military parity by China/Russia.
To put this in perspective, in response to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) 2007-2008, the FED has pumped circa $40 trillion to Wall St. to support equity markets, insolvent banks and over-priced real estate. Since 2001, US taxpayers have provided the Pentagon with $14 trillion + an additional $7 trillion to support ongoing wars/strategic debacles in Afghanistan (longest war in US history), Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, from which they have derived little imperial rent. After expending so much financial and human capital, the Pentagon is incapable of extricating itself from these conflicts, as doing so is an admission of failure and by extension military weakness. This is why there so much push-back on Biden’s plan to evacuate US troops from Afghanistan.
US economic decline has been accelerated by the Covid19 pandemic- 2020 US government debt was $4.2 trillion; total government debt now exceeds $27 trillion; obviously unsustainable. We are seeing the rot/putrefaction of late-stage American capitalism which has progressed to the point where the very survival of the American Empire requires constant debt monetization (aka money printing) to prop up financial markets, Pentagon and support ongoing wars. This is becoming increasingly tenuous as this orgy of money printing in increasing inflation and debt, thus threatening to derail the dollars role as the world reserve currency. As the economic vise continues to tighten, expect to see US foreign policy become more reckless and dangerous.
The US is a rotting-decaying Civilization. Not worth dying for. And I believe that it is manifestly obvious that the social-cultural sensibilities of the US multi-billionaire Class is cuckholdery+homosexual pederasty.
Things are accelerating very fast in the US. The end is near…and I think this is very good.
I have family in the US Army. When I wake up every morning I have that horrible sick feeling in my stomach thinking about them. I reflexively start praying :Hail Mary…Our Father….” I don’t know what else to do.
To say the US took OPEC’s quotas by increasing
it’s production over 11 million barrels a day from
7 million would be like saying Amazon took business quota’s away from Walmart and other brick and mortar stores.
Great report on the books, and their focus. One point on U.S. strategic planning is- you can’t have a viable plan, if you have no way to implement the plan. Since the U.S. Navy is no longer a functional tool of U.S. policy because-
1. No functional fleet defense fighter.
2. No functional, adequate range, carrier based attack aircraft.
3. No funstional fleet refueling aircraft.
4. No functional anti aircraft missile system with enough missiles in the magazine for a sustained fight.
5. No fully functional anti missile missile system, with enough missiles to address the threat.
6. No realistic troop transport capability.
7. No working electric catapults.
8. Aluminum hulled ships.
9. Electric-gee whiz- water soluble propulsion systems.
Uma distópica implosão dos EUA poderia acontecer sem a implosão do dólar ? O alargamento no calibre das relações econômicas (demanda/consumo) na Ásia , tanto em escala quanto em valor , poderia provocar a implosão do dólar ? A aristocracia militar/econômica yanke suportará ter apenas a América para os americanos ? Essa hipótese dos EUA terem que assegurar a América para os americanos estaria nesse momento reorganizando a cena política no Brasil ? Seria razoável a abordagem do ”americano do bem” em psy ops – contra revolução – manobrando um novo pacto social no Brasil para blindagem ideológica ?
Yandex translation. Mod:
Could a dystopian US implosion happen without the implosion of the dollar ? Could the widening in the caliber of economic relations (demand/consumption) in Asia , both in scale and in value , provoke the implosion of the dollar ? Will the Yankee military/economic aristocracy bear having only America for Americans ? Would this hypothesis of the US having to secure America for the Americans be at this moment reorganizing the political scene in Brazil ? Would it be reasonable to approach the ”American of good” in psy ops-against revolution-maneuvering a new social pact in Brazil for ideological shielding ?
“Could a dystopian US implosion happen without the implosion of the dollar ?”
The financial forecaster Martin Armstrong has repeatedly written on his blog that the dollar will cease being the world’s reserve currency by 2028.
The centre of world finance will move to Shanghai by 2030. The USA will cease to exist in its current form by 2032.
I suggest you all plan accordingly. Armstrong has made many correct forecasts in the past – that is why he is never mentioned in the financial media.
Parabéns Pepe, aqui vai o agradecimento d um Expressonauta, cujo conteúdo acima, ficou mais lúcido nos primeiros passos rumo a perceber melhor ageopolítica atual.
Mais um elo na sabedoria contemporânea.
Yandex translation. Mod:
Congratulations Pepe, here goes the thanks of an Expresonauta, whose content above, became more lucid in the first steps towards better understanding current ageopolitics.
Another link in contemporary wisdom.
What you actually need a section on are the hidden hands who have planned the collapse of the USA decades in advance. How they have profited by engineering its decline, how they owe loyalty to no-one but themselves, that sort of thing.
If there’s one thing I can’t stand about puppetmasters, it’s trying to imply disloyalty of the masses is treasonable, whereas disloyalty by them is good business.
Martyanov attended what was effectively a coast guard academy and served on a coast guard cutter. That is the full extent of his “military background.” Removed. Mod. The materials he accesses on Russian military capability are the same as are available to any American citizen. He is popular because people like to bash the American government, which is easy but never accomplishes anything. He points out that American strategies frequently do not make sense from a military and economic standpoint, when these strategies are obviously in fulfilment of independent oligarchic demands and are not intended to make sense from a military and economic standpoint, as is the case in every country. If you want to get insight as to Martyanov and his relative level of intellect and sophistication, review his c.v. at LinkedIn (relative to reality) and read his comments in response to those of others on his blog. Removed. No attacks on the authors. Mod.
“Of course, the United States is still capable of starting a war with Russia, but if it does so, this will mean only one thing – the United States will cease to exist, as will most of the human civilization. The horrific thing is that there are some people in the US for whom even this price is too small to pay.” – Removed again. Please read the moderation policy for this site, you break several rules. Any further of your comments will go to trash. Mod.
You should post your comment on Martynavov’s blog and debate him on the merits of his arguments and his qualifications.
I am serious. It would certainly help to clarify who is credible–and who is not.
You cannot question anyone’s credentials here or it will be censored, and the same is true of his blog. People on blogs just want to talk. They prefer anonymity. It all goes to the relative value of the comments. If you can’t rely on who someone is or on the information they provide, why waste time reading it?
The joke is on so called analytical journals like the “National Interest” that features articles of “journalist” who are more aptly described as hobbyist.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if a high school grad or a professor makes a correct statement, it depends on your knowledge etc. whom to “trust” and if the statement is true or not. I know, I know, statistical probability of correctness and many more categories apply, doesn’t change basic principles of logic. If you really want to know a subject, you will have to educate yourself, dig to the end and apply your knowledge to the real world. No guarantee at any step of the way. Failure is almost certain for solving difficult questions.
The final judgement in this case is a war. My suspicion is that Martyanov is right.
I have taken a little bit of time to educate myself, dig to the end, and apply my knowledge to the real world. That includes serving as a procurement attorney at Langley, the sole procurement counsel for the US Army Test and Evaluation Command, counsel to the Dept of Energy management and operating (nuclear) facilities, doing business at the qualified investor level in Russia and in the US for ten years, living in Simferopol, and having family and friends throughout Russia, Ukraine and Israel, including contacts I would not disclose. That’s moderately deep for the subject matter. After 17 years of negotiating nine and ten figure contracts for a living, one requirement I set for my own standards was to do my homework. That involves knowing as much as you can about the people with whom you are dealing. People reading these blogs don’t seem to follow that practice. Between the censorship fad which began with the virus, and the ever present desire to hear only from those with whom we agree, there’s no open and robust debate left on the Internet. Each blog becomes an echo chamber.
Yes Russia’s recent military rise is fabulous and perhaps unprecedented and Shoigu is a most impressive individual. They’re not going to engage the US in war. Russia has rarely shown any inclination to attempt to extend military prowess beyond its borders, and Syria is at least equally defensive in nature – and they were hardly enthusiastic to enter. Putin recently remarked that Russia has not developed its soft power. There is no greater power than corruption. The Roman Empire more or less began when Rome was sacked…it was never about the military. The US dollar isn’t going anywhere until people agree on a replacement and history shows they are loathe to switch. Currency is based on belief. Belief is difficult to change. By the time the US and Russia might come to physical conflict, all the current weapons may be outdated. Development is obscenely expensive and fraught with failure, and it doesn’t matter if your foreign minister is on the take. Increasingly, the media is weaponized, and the US is far ahead of Russia in terms of creating video based fantasy that people can’t get enough of.
If it was merely a matter of who is going to win, based on your comment you should be moving to Russia. You may not feel that’s an option. It’s an option for me, and I’m not going anywhere…and I have a family to protect, one that speaks Russian. None of China, the US or Russia has the ability to go shove one of the others on the playground, knock them down and take their lunch. Future issues like demographics, toxicity and possibly climate change will knock these countries down much harder than a couple missiles. The politicians in place are not so foolish as to underestimate Russian hardware or field capability. They simply do not care. They’re all in it for themselves, and I’m sure you understand this. So they don’t make stupid decisions as some who write books and blogs would have us believe…they’re cleaning up on corruption, consolidating their power and making a lot more than blog writers. If you want to stop that kind of foolishness, you’re not going to do it by trying to convince everyone these politicians are corrupt. We all know. The solutions will lie in things beyond politics, if they are ever to be arrived upon. Writing these books and blogs does nothing but provide a few moment’s satisfaction with a beer after a hard day. Commenting within an echo chamber like these comment boards is not going to get us any closer. I put my real name on this, and feel free to hold me accountable to offer something that is not political, that is immediately useful to all, and to make some headway toward publicizing it before the end of the year. It will be free. The website is dark now but it will bear only my name and dotcom, no middle initial. See you there.
And one mo’ thing. The Saker blogs stellar rise was partially connected with Saker’s correct predictions on the Donbass war. You’d had to know a thing or two about Ukrastani conditions and realities to figure that he would be probably right on the issue. Is the Saker now the most qualified to speak on it? Are you? Someone else perhaps?
I’d gladly receive a “reader’s digests” from the US, China and RF general chiefs of staff. And those of the foreign intelligence for good measure; cooperate would be yummi too – Do you have any sources?
The Saker is one of the best sources for information and opinions concerning Ukraine and the Donbass. I haven’t made any references to the Saker.
How is the weather in Foggy Bottom Bruce.
We bash america because its oligarchy is the ennemy of humanity, im sure your keen intelect could pick that up, yet I kindly delivered it to you in a small.easy to digest snippet.
I don’t live anywhere near Foggy Bottom. The oligarchy of every country is the enemy of humanity, and while you bash all you like they control every aspect of your life and there’s not a thing you can do about it. Ranting and raving on these boards won’t change a thing. That this sort of ranting and raving comprises the majority of what is on comment boards, while moderators search for anything they disagree with and anything that makes them look bad, is reason enough to ignore the comments here and elsewhere. To consider something as “analysis” when it criticizes an agenda which is the fairy tale the oligarchs tell to gloss over the outrageousness of it and sooth the masses to minimize disturbance is to tell oneself yet another bedtime story.
Pleasant dreams to all. I won’t be back.
You are right in this aspect of the discussion. I prob. don’t need to tell you this, but you are dealing with humans. This is to be expected. I was sometimes censored too, esp. because some of the antagonists got personally offended and prob. pulled strings and I couldn’t post an elaborate reply. All in all, this sites moderation policy os infenitly better than almost any other (msm) site.
Take the L, look at it as a sparring excersise and off to the next discussion.
Dear comment section,
I’m commenting after reading 72 other well thought out comments.
I do not think I can disagree with any post I ran across, some are extremely well argued.
I can only hope to humbly add an angle on the biblical prophecy side.
I frankly have not studied biblical prophecy, and I suspect I would find points confusing at times due to their symbolic nature, and not having the time or intuition to figure them out.
This does not mean I disagree with any of them, I just conceed my ignorance and lack of wisdom at the present moment.
The angle I wish to add is, to read: “The Protocols of Zion.”
A well thought out step by step plan to rule us, try to read it and not come to that conclusion.
The “evil” side has defined it’s position, unfortunately its them vs. the rest of us.
All forms monotheism are their target.
Dear comment section,
You have to look at the actual “the protocols of Zion,” document.
Use duck duck go search engine:
Type in Protocols of Zion pdf
(I stumbled across it like 10 years ago never thinking I would need to bring it up until today. When I typed it in a minute ago, lo n behold now a gazillion bogus sights show up “claiming” it’s forged. Looks like “someone” or something, decided it was important to suddenly muddy the information waters.)
Question: in the book, does the author go into detail about *how* millions and millions of good paying Americans jobs were destroyed during and after the Reagan Era when Alan Greenspan campaigned on the ideology of “NEO- LIBERALISM?
As we now know, “liberalism” was intended ONLY for the wealthy; banks, corporations,etc.
Those job losses became a monumental tragedy while the Elite purposely off-shored that labor to China/Elsewhere. This highly destructive movement also saw how the banks, insurance companies/others came up with the finishing blow to Americans: the use of credit: credit cards, mortgages/auto loans and heavily increased health care costs.
It was the rise of the super wealthy elite that financialized all facets of American consumerism. And now, under this imprisonment, most citizens have become enslaved by the system. The US has used the same policy that has impoverished and pulverized many nations ’round the world with deceptive loans that can never be paid off; further impoverishing much of the world
If the author did not spend at least one or two chapters on this predatory subject and if most readers are not aware of this monumental shift, they will only partly comprehend what REALLY happened to American society.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and the renowned Dr. Michael Hudson, who Mr. Escobar interviewed, have both concluded that “Neo-Liberalism” ideology is what did in the American society.
But oddly enough has China taken a page from the U.S. playbook?
It appears since about 2013 instead of reinvesting in 30 year treasuries, the Chinese have simply cashed out and used the income to provide loans to countries involved with the BRI project. Now these are also predator loans as if they are not payed back heavy penalties are applied including how to better run a country that needs a bailout, same thing the western countries have been doing maybe for centuries, so this is not new news, nor is there much that can be done about it.
The only way any entity can cash out of $2.3 trillion US Treasury Bills is to sell them for approximately $2.3 trillion Federal Reserve Notes, aka US dollars.
Then to get rid of US dollars they have to be either spent within the USA, say on real estate, sold for other currencies, or to buy oil from Saudi Arabia. In any event they all end up back in the US economy, one way or another.
How about dumping that 2.3 T$ into crypto currency?
Just a thought.
Putin said publicly, more than once, that if someone declares war on Rússia, the first victims will not be soldiers, but the people in the decisions center. Not sure what he means. Will they drop a missile in the pentagon? Or in the houses of te decisions makers? Is that doable?
Putin’s insight:
Statement applies to all that those who ate their dinner and desert and went to sleep every night never bothering to acknowledge their role in actions perpetrated around the globe (excludes Saker crowd, God bless you).
They (collectively) will be the most surprised and shocked when they wake up on “the other side” stunned because they were enjoying all the fake Uncle Sam hoopla all these years.
As a supplement to Martyanov’s analysis, this article talks below countering the American threat by neutralizing capabilities like US air supremacy or communications.
But the most interesting point is this:
“But there is a third assumption of the American Way of War and that is simply this:
the air raid sirens will sound somewhere else.”
Just like Israel discovered with Hamas, the USA can be subject to the “enemy” giving it a taste of its own medicine.
Air raid sirens will not only sound “somewhere else” but inside the belly of beast itself: America or its NATO crime partners (like the United Kingdom).
There will be no secure home front where you can gleefully cheer the USA/UK bomb other nations, while munching on popcorn on your couch.
The war–and its horror–will devastate the imperial American homeland itself.
Countering the American Way of War – Proof of Concept
Western Europe and perhaps the United States, as civilizations, seem to have reached its point of exaustion .
Too much power for too long, too much empire for too long.
Time for the crossing of the desert, in a journey of decline and difficulties, but also of purification.