[Note by the Saker: as most of you know, I don’t do reposts (see here why). This time, however, I decided to make a small exception to this rule and I emailed William and asked him for the permission to repost his excellent article on the hardcore russophobic elements inside Biden’s team. William has very kindly allowed me to do so, so here it is below]
by William Engdahl, reposted by special permission
source: http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO29Jan2021.php
The new Biden Administration has from day one made it clear it will adopt a hostile and aggressive policy against the Russian Federation of Vladimir Putin. The policy behind this stance has nothing to do with any foul deeds Putin’s Russia may or may not have committed against the West. It has nothing to do with absurd allegations that Putin had pro-US dissident Alexei Navalny poisoned with the ultra-deadly Novichok nerve agent. In has to do with a far deeper agenda of the globalist Powers That Be. That agenda is what is being advanced now.
The Cabinet choices of Joe Biden reveal much. His key foreign policy picks–Tony Blinken as Secretary of State and Victoria Nuland as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; Bill Burns as CIA head; Jake Sullivan as National Security Advisor ; Avril Haines as Director of National Intelligence—all are from the Obama-Biden Administration and all have worked closely together. As well, all see Russia, not China, as the prime security threat to the United States’ global hegemony.
As candidate, Joe Biden stated this often. His key foreign policy choices underscore that the focus with the Biden Administration, regardless how fit Biden himself is, will shift from the China threats to that of Putin’s Russia. Biden’s CIA head, Bill Burns, is a former Ambassador to Moscow and was Deputy Secretary of State during the Obama CIA coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014. Notably, when Burns left State in November 2014 he was succeeded by Tony Blinken, now Secretary of State. Blinken reportedly formulated the US State Department response to Russia’s Crimea annexation.
Nuland is key
All Biden choices are uniformly clear in blaming Putin’s Russia for everything from US election interference in 2016 to the recent SolarWinds US government computer hack, to every other claim aired against Russia in recent years, whether proven or not.
In trying to determine what the new Biden Administration and the US intelligence agencies have in store towards Putin and Russia, however, the best indication is the prominent role being given to Victoria Nuland, the person, together with then-Vice President Joe Biden, who ran the political side of the US coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2013-14. She infamously was wire-tapped in a phone call to the US Ambassador in Kiev during the Maidan Square 2013-14 protests, telling the Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, regarding EU choices for a new Ukraine regime, “F**k the EU.” Her husband, Robert Kagan is a notorious Washington neocon.
On leaving government on Trump’s election in 2016, Nuland became a Senior Counselor at the Albright Stonebridge Group, headed by former Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright who is also chairman of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) affiliate, National Democratic Institute. Nuland also joined the Board of the NED, after 2016, keeping in close contact with NED regime change operations. She is a Russia expert, fluent in Russian and a specialist in toppling regimes.
As Obama Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasian and European Affairs in 2013, Nuland worked closely with Vice President Joe Biden to put into power Arseniy Yatsenyuk in a US-friendly and Russia-hostile Ukraine coup. She fostered months of protest against the regime of the elected President of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovych, to force his ouster after his decision to join the Russian Eurasian Economic Union. Founder of the private intelligence group Stratfor, George Friedman, in an interview just after the February 2014 coup in Kiev, called it “the most blatant coup in (US) history.”
New Initiatives
In a major article in the August, 2020 Foreign Affairs, journal of the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Nuland outlines what most likely will be US strategy for undermining Russia in the coming months. She complains that, “resignation has set in about the state of US-Russian relations, and Americans have lost confidence in their own ability to change the game.” In other words, she is about “changing the game” with Putin. She charges that in the past 12 years, “Russia has violated arms control treaties; fielded new, destabilizing weapons; threatened Georgia’s sovereignty; seized Crimea and much of the Donbass; and propped up despots in Libya, Syria, and Venezuela. It has used cyber-weapons against foreign banks, electrical grids, and government systems; interfered in foreign democratic elections; and assassinated its enemies on European soil.”
She goes on to say the repeated US economic sanctions on select Russian banks and companies as well as Putin backers have done little to change Russian policy, claiming that, ”US and allied sanctions, although initially painful, have grown leaky or impotent with overuse and no longer impress the Kremlin.”
But Nuland suggests that Putin’s Russia today is vulnerable as never in the past 20 years: “the one thing that should worry the Russian president: the mood inside Russia. Despite Putin’s power moves abroad, 20 years of failing to invest in Russia’s modernization may be catching up with him. In 2019, Russia’s GDP growth was an anemic 1.3 percent. This year, the coronavirus pandemic and the free fall in oil prices could result in a significant economic contraction…Russia’s roads, rails, schools, and hospitals are crumbling. Its citizens have grown restive as promised infrastructure spending never appears, and their taxes and the retirement age are going up. Corruption remains rampant, and Russians’ purchasing power continues to shrink.”
In her CFR article Nuland advocates using, “Facebook, YouTube, and other digital platforms… there is no reason why Washington and its allies shouldn’t be more willing to give Putin a dose of his own medicine inside Russia, while maintaining the same deniability.” She adds that because Russians widely use the Internet and it is largely open, “Despite Putin’s best efforts, today’s Russia is more permeable. Young Russians are far more likely to consume information and news via the Internet than through state-sponsored TV or print media. Washington should try to reach more of them where they are: on the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte; on Facebook, Telegram, and YouTube; and on the many new Russian-language digital platforms springing up.”
Around the time Nuland submitted her July-August Foreign Affairs article, perennial Putin opponent, Alexey Navalny was in Berlin, ostensibly recovering from what he claims was an attempt by Putin’s intelligence to kill him with highly toxic nerve agent, Novichok. Navalny, a US-educated opposition figure who was a Yale University Fellow in 2010 has been trying to gain a strong following for well over a decade, has been documented receiving money from Nuland’s National Endowment for Democracy, whose founder in the 1990s described it as doing, “what the CIA used to do, but privately.” In 2018 according to NPR in the US, Navalny had more than six million YouTube subscribers and more than two million Twitter followers. How many are bots paid by US intelligence is not known. Now, five months after exile in Berlin, Navalny makes a bold return where he knew he faced likely jail for past charges. It was obviously a clear calculation by his Western sponsors.
The US government’s NGO for Color Revolution regime change, the NED, in a piece published on January 25 echoes Nuland’s call for a social media-led destabilization of Putin. Writing about the Moscow arrest of Navalny just three days before the Biden inauguration, the NED states that, “By creating a model of guerrilla political warfare for the digital age, Navalny has exposed the regime’s utter lack of imagination and inability….” They add, “Putin is in a Catch-22: If Putin kills Navalny, it could draw more attention to the problem and exacerbate unrest. If Putin lets Navalny live, then Navalny remains a focus for resistance, whether he is in prison or not… Navalny has very much outmaneuvered Putin at each turn since the poisoning. It’s becoming a bit humiliating for him.”
Since his alleged botched poisoning in August in Russian Far East, Navalny was allowed by the Russian government to fly to Berlin for treatment, a strange act if indeed Putin and Russian intelligence had really wanted him dead. What clearly took place in the intervening five months in exile suggests that Navalny’s return was professionally prepared by unnamed Western intelligence regime change specialists. The Kremlin has claimed intelligence that shows Navalny was directly being tutored while in exile by CIA specialists.
On Navalny’s Moscow arrest January 17, his anti-corruption NGO released a sophisticated YouTube documentary on Navalny’s channel, purporting to show a vast palace alleged to belong to Putin on the Black Sea, filmed with use of a drone, no small feat. In the video Navalny calls on Russians to march against the alleged billion dollar “Putin Palace” to protest corruption.
Navalny, who clearly is being backed by sophisticated US information warfare specialists and groups such as the NED, is likely being told to build a movement to challenge United Russia party candidates in the September Duma elections where Putin isn’t a candidate. He has even been given a new tactic, which he calls a “smart voting” strategy, a hallmark NED tactic.
Stephen Sestanovich, New York Council on Foreign Relations Russia expert and former board member of the NED, suggested the likely game plan of the new Biden team. On January 25 Sestanovich wrote in the CFR blog, “The Putin regime remains strong, but nationwide protests in support of Alexei Navalny are the most serious challenge to it in years. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny is showing a political creativity and tactical skill that Putin has not previously faced. If the protests continue, they could reveal vulnerabilities in his decades-long hold on power.” This was two days after Russia-wide protests demanding Navalny’s release from jail. “With his bold decision to return to Moscow and the release of a widely viewed video purporting to expose regime corruption, Navalny has shown himself to be a capable and imaginative political figure—even from jail, perhaps the most formidable adversary Putin has faced,” he wrote. “The strategic sophistication of Navalny’s team is underscored both by its video release and, before that, by its exposé of the Federal Security Services (FSB) personnel who poisoned him last summer.”
The clear decision of the Biden team to name a former Moscow ambassador to head the CIA and Victoria Nuland to No. 3 position at the State Department, along with his other intelligence choices indicate that destabilizing Russia will be a prime focus of Washington going forward. As the NED gleefully put it, “Navalny’s arrest, three days before Biden’s inauguration former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul says, has all the makings of “Biden’s first foreign policy crisis. Whatever was in their transition documents, this is now front and center for them.”
The reason however is not because of domestic corruption by Putin’s inner circle, true or not. Biden could care less. Rather it is the very existence of Russia under Putin as an independent sovereign nation that tries to defend that national identity, whether in military defense or in defense of a traditionally conservative Russian culture. Ever since the US-backed NED destabilization of the Soviet Union in 1990 during the Bush Administration, it has been NATO policy and that of the influential financial interests behind NATO to break Russia into many parts, dismantle the state and loot what is left of its huge raw materials resources. The globalist Great Reset has no room for independent nation states like Russia is the message that the new Biden team will clearly convey now.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
Yanukovich didn’t decide to enter the Eurasian Customs Union. He agreed not to sign the EU association agreement and accept the Russian money, keeping the Eurasian Customs Union open as a possibility, but no strings attached, unlike the EU offer, which came with less money. No one ever gets the details right.
Well, not quite. Yanukovich went to sign the EU Association Agreement, but was shocked to see that the EU, at the last moment, introduced a provision that Ukraine should join NATO. He, of course, refused. After that he gets that coup d’etat and the situation we have today.
Who gained by that coup d’etat in 2014 ? NATO or Russia ? Time will tell. What has certainly happened is that a chain reaction was started inside Ukraine, the situation slowly going from bad to worse. Analysts have since 2017 been stating that the country will eventually implode into three parts. This appears to be the case.
We can be sure about one thing Ukraine did not gain anything from the coup d etat. The country is collapsing.
By the send half of 2016 the EU lost 100 billion euros in trade with Russia. Your analysis is misleading.
Yes you are correct … Watch Ukraine on Fire — on RT now and Oliver Stone got it from the horse’s mouth– a few horses in this instance. After Putin’s withering speech at the WEF — we know he knows the whole picture behind Biden and Nuland– its like an attempted repeat by Obama and HRC … same old playbook. But an ever more dangerous one.
Trust and pray.
Our creator is very much involved.
Pray more.
Trust more.
He made you for these times in which the soul He willed into being was created.
And forget not that this soul of yours, His creation is eternal.
The “Destructive Plan” will be similar to what Plankton does to Krusty Krab. Hopes are high and failure complete.
One thing that is comforting about this roster is that it was obvious how it would look like, especially with Nuland, it borders on comical.
The fake protests were a whimper, Russia was way more effective in suppressing these revolts with less force than Belorussia and the US. If this was the most serious challenge to Putin in decades then he can sleep solemnly.
I expect more screeching and sanctions and false poisonings, this is the extent of what the nomenklatura can do. No worries.
Gorgeous George
Well spoken. William Engdahl has given us an insight into the mentality and modus operandi of Washington DC, especially the US State Department, which cannot distinguish between wishful thinking and reality. What is shockingly clear is that Washington DC is using old manuals on coup d’etats and regime change, created for use in Central and Latin America. These manuals need to be updated, to put it mildly. Washington DC could not even overthrow Maduro in Venezuela, whose performance, together with that of the Venezuelan military, was impressive. The US tried introducing “interim president” Guaido (a new, laughable political invention), and when that failed, tried a commando coup d’etat, which failed pathetically.
The following paragraph says plenty when it comes to the State Department’s mentality on Russia:
“But Nuland suggests that Putin’s Russia today is vulnerable as never in the past 20 years: “the one thing that should worry the Russian president: the mood inside Russia. Despite Putin’s power moves abroad, 20 years of failing to invest in Russia’s modernization may be catching up with him. In 2019, Russia’s GDP growth was an anemic 1.3 percent. This year, the coronavirus pandemic and the free fall in oil prices could result in a significant economic contraction…Russia’s roads, rails, schools, and hospitals are crumbling. Its citizens have grown restive as promised infrastructure spending never appears, and their taxes and the retirement age are going up. Corruption remains rampant, and Russians’ purchasing power continues to shrink.”
What Nuland stated is absolute nonsense, a case of incurable wishful thinking, which can only be ridiculed (what she wrote applies to the internal situation in the US). The reality is that things are the exact opposite to what Nuland has stated. Yes, sanctions have caused some minor damage to Russia, but nothing compared to the damage they have caused to the EU, which by the second half of 2016 lost 100 billion euros in trade. Russia, on the other hand, turned to it’s own resources, beefing up it’s industry and agriculture and establishing new trade partners. Russian agriculture improved to such an extent that it is producing bumper harvests, while Russian non-GMO food is the fashion on worlds markets. And yes, Covid-19 did cause some economic damage, but nothing to what it has caused other countries. Far from falling, Russian GDP will rise by the year. Russia has virtually payed off it’s entire debt, while it’s gold and foreign currency reserves are constantly on the rise.
When it comes to Navalny, we have a cartoon character whom the CIA created using old manuals. In Russia people like Navalny, controlled by Western NGO’s, are known as “Sorosyata”, or “Soros’s little piggies”. He was more fit to be used in some banana republic, but not in Russia, where his popularity is a mere 2 %.
Finally, when it comes to that video about “Putins palace”, it is now clear that the video was made in Germany by Hollywood by directors, who applied the US practice of using computer gimmicks for special effects. The end result is a laughable piece of propaganda nonsense, created during Navalny’s stay in Germany and placed on the Internet upon Navalny’s return to Russia. The intent was “coordination”, the video having the task of a catalyst which would bring people out to the streets, leading to a color revolution. The opposite happened. Fewer people turned up this Sunday than they did last week, as the Russian side showed a documentary on the palace, which was empty and in the process of reconstruction, the intent for it to be used as a hotel The owner turned out to be the famous Rotenberg, who built the Crimean bridge. Navalny and his backers were caught red handed telling lies, and this video will no doubt contribute to Navalny’s eventual fall.
“Russia has virtually payed off it’s entire debt”
Unfortunately this is not true. Earlier todat (actually it is past midnight so it was yesterday) I’ve watched the video where the information about foreign debt was presented (Russian source):
$470 billions though it includes private debt too which is around the half
I just found this https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/external-debt which gives the same number.
The difference is that Russian source claimes it was 25 or possibly 27 billions lower then previous year while the link claims the oposite.
The other thing presented in the video was about Russian gold reserves that for the first time are higher than foreign debt in USD.
The third thing is that oil price is increasing and will most probably continue to do it. This winter looks like to be much stronger than the previous years which will push gas prices up too.
Regarding Putin’s palace, not one but 50 of them (in Russian): https://youtu.be/a2eYfwp2HwQ
Regarding crumbling roads etc (in Russian): https://youtu.be/sDV54y08IKM
Nul(l)and is literally delusional regarding Russia.
I would like to see the hospitals and schools senior housing projects as part of Putin’s legacy.
You can start with Crimea and then go northwards. You will find the Crimean bridge very impressive, as well as the new airport plus other infrastructure achievements. Some ten other new airports outside Crimea are also very impressive. This is just for you to start with.
BeliVuk: “I would like to see the hospitals and schools”
Hospitals/medical facilities (there are few geriatric centers): https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/?id=104
Large new medical facilities for 2020 only:
https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/138531/ (part 1)
https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/138531/ (part 2) in the end you have links to previous years
Schools and children daycare centers: https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/?id=101
Thank you very much for this . I read Russian . We never see any of this in the West .
Хаy jec hoy
We obviously do not use the same sources. The ones I use are reliable.
The Crimean Bridge (Russian: Крымский мост, tr. Krymskiy most, IPA: [ˈkrɨmskʲij most]), also called the Kerch Strait Bridge, or colloquially the Kerch Bridge, is a pair of Russian-constructed parallel bridges, spanning the Strait of Kerch between the Taman Peninsula of Krasnodar Krai and the Kerch Peninsula of Crimea.[d] The bridge complex provides for both road and rail traffic, and has a length of 19 km (11.8 mi),[e] making it the longest bridge Russia has ever built,[17][f] and the longest bridge in Europe.
I assume you can share your source with us.
I have to correct myself because I mixed two different things:
Russia’s debt is $470 billion but gold reserves in USD are for the first time larger then USD reserves (this is from the article here on Saker http://thesaker.is/what-wall-street-fears/ ).
Russia is a cold climate, with freeze thaw action constantly on the road surface . It just doesnt last as long!
Dont mix asphalt and politics, especially is you dont know a thing about asphalt!
“But Nuland suggests that Putin’s Russia today is vulnerable as never in the past 20 years: “the one thing that should worry the Russian president: the mood inside Russia. Despite Putin’s power moves abroad, 20 years of failing to invest in Russia’s modernization may be catching up with him. In 2019, Russia’s GDP growth was an anemic 1.3 percent. This year, the coronavirus pandemic and the free fall in oil prices could result in a significant economic contraction…Russia’s roads, rails, schools, and hospitals are crumbling. Its citizens have grown restive as promised infrastructure spending never appears, and their taxes and the retirement age are going up. Corruption remains rampant, and Russians’ purchasing power continues to shrink.”
Funny, just change this to say USA!
To Gorgeous George
“I expect more screeching and sanctions and false poisonings, this is the extent of what nomekclatura can do. No worries”.
Spot on George!
Only I see these neocons as that coyote character from the “roadrunner” cartoons – does not matter what they try, somehow it never ends well for them. They exist in their own “make-believe reality” that totally blinds them to what is actually going on around them in this World, as well as being additionally affected by the all-consuming hatred for all things Russian. Have you noticed – most of them are Khazarian Jews. What more can I say..
So what should the Russian patriots do now that the rabid Russophobes are in charge again in Washington ?
Wait for these maniacs to foment civil unrest in Russia proper? Or wait for the west Ukrainians to resume attacks in Novorossia? Or perhaps wait for US to resume attacks in Syria?
The first act is unfolding as we speak and is only likely to intensify. As long as Russia continues this absurd policy of appeasement and does not undertake any actions to make these mad dogs suffer one way or another, things will continue to deteriorate.
Worse, I am afraid Russia would back itself into coroner from which the only escape would be all out war with NATO. Right not it can still chose where to strike back, but time is running out fast.
IF there were no riches to be gained in Russia by US multi-billionaires & others, Russia would have been left alone.
Notice when Yeltsin entered the scene with the Soviet Union collapsing. ALL OF A SUDDEN, the USOther POWERS found a “best new friend in Russia. ”
And why? Because there was an avalanche of US/Other Big Time Investors who rushed into Russia to steal it blind.
Whether it included the Russian Oligarchs or the US Oligarchs, they were ALL after the same thing: BIG PROFITS.
All of these people are mentally ill. They pin their sense of life on making profits for themselves which merely reflects how insecure they really are. ALL of them should be locked up in an heavily guarded INSANE Asylym.
Putin need to go for Russian democratic prosperity.
New blood is needed (not Navalnyi tho)
Would you rather want Russia or the 1990s??
Putin has done a great work since he took over the shambles of a country that Yeltsin left. However times change and Russia can now face up to any threat with the assurance in its ability to defend itself and to severely punish those foolish enough to provoke or attack it. No great changes are required, but Russia might do well to ensure that its friendly neighbours are able to stand up to the ever looming threat of US/Israeli aggression. It is also time to take away Israel’s ‘free pass’ to bomb and kill in Syria, whenever it feels the urge. A quiet warning that future attacks will always be met with severe retaliation might be enough, but one way or another Israeli aggression has to stop.
“Rather, it is the very existence of Russia under Putin as an independent sovereign nation that tries to defend that national identity, whether in military defense or in defense of a traditionally conservative Russian culture.”
Excellent observation, Mr. Engdahl. The very existence of Russia has always been an affront to the Anglo-Zionist Empire. You have to remember that Uncle Shmuel, as the Saker likes to call him, has been a dual-citizen all along. Russia was always beyond the reach of the Zionist banksters that control the West. Lord knows they tried to conquer Russia, just like they conquered pretty much all the rest of the planet. Napoleon couldn’t do it, neither could Hitler. When the USSR fell apart, the USA tried to conquer Russia economically. Putin put a stop to that.
Your right, Biden will have to go along with the likes of Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland whether he likes it or not. They represent the only domestic counter-balance to the Likudniks and Christian Zionists who controlled Trump. Their fiasco in Ukraine will be swept under the rug and maybe they can stop Biden from renegotiating the Iran nuclear deal that Trump killed. If not, leave it up to Israel to stage another 9/11, this time blamed on Iran. Then, it will be WWIII here we come, just like the Likudniks and Christian Zionists have wanted all along.
Tommy Apeiron wrote: You’re right, Biden will have to go along with the likes of Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland whether he likes it or not.
You assume Biden is aware of all that is happening. I am sure he is not, but when the dirty deed doers have done their dirty deeds and when the lying liars have run out of lying lies lying liars tell and they have all scurried off, then the only one left visible will be Joe “Where am I” Biden. I expect even Kamilla the (slur) to depart the scene.
I’m not sure what Biden is actually aware of, but I do know that Trump killed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran and murdered General Soleimani. The only thing he didn’t get around to was to attack Iran like the Likudniks and Christian Zionists he surrounded himself with wanted. If Biden can somehow reinstate the JCPOA without Israel forcing the USA to attack Iran, he will have done the world a big favor… avoiding WWIII.
Tommy Apeiron wrote: If Biden can somehow reinstate the JCPOA without Israel forcing the USA to attack Iran, he will have done the world a big favor… avoiding WWIII.
I agree on that point. I would like to know which cooler heads among the neocons will make this happen. It looks to me as though Biden was (s)elected for three reasons.
1. To pull back from the brink of war with Iran.
2. To “finish Syria off” but I think Syria will survive.
3. To give up on the idea that our petroleum fueled lifestyle can continue as before. (It can’t).
Tommy Apeiron
The point is that Biden is a neocon puppet. He appointed neocons to his Administration, as instructed. From these neocons we shall be getting more of the same, aggressive, imperial policies. The neocons are incapable of anything else, except playing dirty, all in order to save their empire, which is collapsing.
Biden has just named Rob Malley, an architect of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, as his special envoy to Tehran. The neocons say he’ll be too soft on Iran and are afraid Biden will reinstate the Iran nuclear deal that Trump killed. My hope is that Biden will find some way to make a new deal without Israel staging a redo of 9/11, this time blamed on Iran, to prevent it. You are right, the Anglo-Zionist Empire is collapsing, but maybe we can avoid WWIII as it goes down.
Could it be that our superiors in
Tel AvivJerusalem are picking their targets? Iran is too expensive (for now) but Israel still covets (a sin) the waters of the Litani River.James Speaks
Bibi Netanyahu even had the audacity to state that Iran is situated on holy Israeli land. Remarkable.
The Merchant of Venice: A Satire on The Merchant of Venice with a completely new cast. The theory is that the US has not paid it’s debt to Israel and hence Biden is in the chair ready to loose his pound of flesh! I did not get to the ‘not a drop of blood’ part however. Perhaps in Part 2.
Russia was an affront to the ‘West’ since the foundation of Holy Rus. The ‘West’ wages a permanent war against Russia, overtly or covertly, since Russia crushed its ‘fifth column’, the ‘Khazars’. I dare say that it became the ‘raison d’etre’ of the West. Engdahl is right. The ‘West’ cannot permit the existence of people who can’t accept that two plus two makes three or five. ”It is intolerable to them that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be” (Orwell).
No wonder that the spawn of the Khazar ‘Kagans’ are the planners and executioners of the new phase of the war. There is no pun. Vicky Newland is the wife of the notorious warmonger Robert Kagan and sister-in law of Frederick Kagan (specialist in ‘Russian and Soviet military history) and his wife Kimberly Kagan, née Kessler (founder and President of the Institute for the Study of War). All are of ‘Ukrainian’ and ‘Polish’ descent, like the majority of the rabid anti-Russian ‘neo-cons’.
One may wonder whether Oleksy Navalny shares the ‘ethnicity’ of the group also (mom was ‘Ukrainian’). His ‘chutzpah’ would suggest it. His chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, does.
The point is that the Khazars, who came from Asia, cannot forget their kingdom, which they created in what is today southern Russia and Ukraine. This kingdom was crushed by a combined Russian/Persian military offensive. After the 2014 coup d’etat, a heap of Khazarian “businessmen’ came to Ukraine, analyzing Ukrainian lands. They are dreaming of a new kingdom. This explains one of the reasons for the animosity towards Russia. which the Khazars want to see broken up.
The ‘new kingdom’ is almost in place. The political class, business class, are openly ‘Khazars’ and they make no bones about their plans. It always was a ‘witches cauldron’ of anti-Russian intrigues, sectarian agitations, ‘Cossack’ rebellions, training ground for terrorists, spring board for invasions of Russia. The planners follow the same blueprint, they do the same thing over and over, expecting different results (you know whose definition is).
History is repeating itself, the farcical element growing each time (‘serious’? newspapers could write with a strait face that ‘The return of Navalny is like the return of Lenin in 1917’!).
Fact is, the West went on to displace, rape, and pillage indigenous people all around the world, especially in what is now known as the Americas, North and South. This is much like what the Ashkenazim have done in Palestine. Manifest Destiny equals Zionism equals racism, pure and simple.
I don’t think the primary motive of the neocons is to regain Khazaria. I think they hate Russia for its Christian strength and roots.
The precursors to the neocons overthrew the Christian Czar. For several decades they loved Russia. There was no attempts to regain Khazaria. Then, when Russia overthrew Communism and atheism and rediscovered their Christian roots, they began hating Russia again. Viscerally.
They want to destroy Christian Russia and established their anti-Christian one world order.
Agreed that JB’s administration will do all it can to destabilize Russia. His officials clearly see it as the weaker link (in the R/China duo). Also agree that – as the Indian Punchline pointed out – the appointment of Burns is not some good sign (as Kiriakou and McGovern hopefully wrote), but an indication that the spooks are going to get serious about Russia. I also think that there is desperation in the official circles – one I’ve not seen before.
China is quickly overtaking USA, and there’s not much time left to waste. Quickly, quickly undo Russia, and then onto Beijing. That is the plan. And speed is the name of the game.
Navalny’s travails had been prepared a while back. Maybe he feigned some illness precisely to be allowed to leave the country, so that he could be coached on what to do next. And as soon as JB gets installed, an attempt at color revolution. No time to waste.
We’re in for some rocky times!
(I see in the future Putin addressing the nation about a threat from abroad; he should do that – tolerating the mayhem is not enough. And also point out that if Naval so feared for his life, why come back?)
(And Crimea was returned to Russia, not annexed.)
Why did he return? The Russian Federal Penitentiary Service placed on a wanted list on December 29 with instructions “to detain him when his whereabouts are identified”. What if if Russia had asked for his extradition? Was Germany prepared to take the risk of refusing the extradition of a common criminal, in a case that involved a French company also?
Is it possible the West has played itself into a corner? No reality-based option left. They can’t win a war, or even a regional military engagement, anywhere is Eurasia. They have been left behind. Their only option is to play make-believe.
Yes, in a nutshell. If we just look at the last 4-5 yrs: russiagate (debunked, yet living and breathing in many people’s minds); Skripals (injured in some way by the Brits, and now, disappeared); Nemtsov (killed 100m from Kremlin – for that perfect photo-op); Naval (poisoned – let me count the ways, but still living and breathing and up to no good); accusations of fraudulent elections in Belorussia (but a clear, red line spelled out by Russia); solarwind “attack” (yes, russia; well, maybe not russia); Butina (a russiarussia spy)… add sanctions and deporting (if not outright killing) of diplomats.
It is all make-belief, some more successful than others.
A war cannot be won (though some believe the opposite), yet there is this immovable object that still rejects plundering! What to do? Spin tales, over and over, until all throw in the towel.
Lordy! The world was saner with the ol’USSR around!
From what it can be seen, Putin has to be afraid, if afraid he can be, from the russian patriots, much more than from a pacient from Berlin, or from some fried brains, due to too much KoolAid served at NED and the likes. It seems to me that F. W. Engdahl do not read russian.
Mr Endghal is a weak expert on the internal situation in both Russia and Serbia, which means that he cannot objectively write about the position of Russia or Serbia towards the West. Some of his articles and books on world problems are great, but on this issue he is as short as many patriotic people in the West. He doesn’t understand the KGB aka DB policy of red-yellow-black revolutionaries. For those who are appointed by such services for a certain period of time, he thinks that they are patriots. Maybe from his position as a Westerner, but from the position of Russian or Serbian nationalists … not at all. He does not write like many other Westerners about the oligarchy and corruption of Russian or Serbian politics, but manages to see them in his optimistic approach to the New Silk Road as part of the solution. He doesn’t understand that they are filter for buying time , ..demanding only reward from global-bosses.
Take it easy, especially when it comes to the “corruption” of Russian and Serbian politics. Last July we had that comedy outside the Serbian Parliament, when Serbian liberals and foreign NGO’s tried a little color revolution, using the services of football hooligans, who were initially joined by teenagers. After a few days, the teenagers backed off, seeing they were being used as stooges. After that the attempt at taking the Serbian Parliament collapsed. That comedy has by now been completely forgotten. You may recall that President Vucic was being accused of all sorts of things. You, of course, know that the population of Belgrade did not join the “demonstrators”.
What we had last summer was a Western attempt to instigate a summer of discontent, removing all East European leaders it did not like. The attempt at a color revolution in Serbia collapsed. The West then moved to Belarus, trying to overthrow President Lukashenko. It failed. It then came to the “bright” idea of provoking a color revolution in Russia. We had that false flag with Navalny, who was ostensibly “poisoned” with military nerve gas, which he remarkably survived. The intent was to provoke demonstrations in Russia. The attempt was a pathetic failure. Therefore, take it easy with accusations of “corruption”. Поздрав.
I think we have already said things to each other on this site as far as red-black YU apologists Vucic and Milosevic are concerned. You can write your international explanations to those who are not Serbs, maybe to western serfs and eastern muzics who belive in fantasies. I hope we understood each other.
It would appear that I understand you better than you understand me.
Good point from The Babushka! “Putin has to be afraid … from the Russian Patriots , much more than from a patient from Berlin, or some fried beans …” I assume The Grandma is referring to far-right extreme patriots (?).
The same is the case with mainland China: Were there to be introduced unfettered multy-party (dis-)order, then Jingoist and Supremacist political propaganda would spread like wild-fires throughout the CHinese nation amongs mos or all of its different ethnicities and regionalisms.
I was hinting at stalinists 2.0. Anyway, Putin is a good learner. If necessary, he can be a doubleplusgood stalinist. Albeit, a theory is still missing… And, as Andrei Martyanov brilliantly argue: “without theory it is death, death, death.”
You have to understand in the U.S the real power is in the hands of the military brass.
It’s all there to see once your look past the noise.
Who always gets the largest slice of budget pie, where to you get the know how when you want a general from Iran assassinated, a war fought, three towers brought down, and if you project an enemy under every rock you continue this game.
Trump wasn’t looking for enemies, he didn’t have a new war, he wanted money spent at home, this is intolerable!
Bidet is a return to business as usual.
Get ready for more conflict around the world.
Problem is Russia is always reacting to Reich aggression,they need to be more on the front foot,i don’t know if there are still amy of those Western NGOs in the country? if so close them down now,as for Navalny i would be tempted to throw the criminal out of the Country as a threat to national security owing to him having contact with foreign intel services,the British or the US wouldn’t tolerate this for a second in their Countries,i still can’t believe how naive Yanukovych was in Ukraine,he allowed Nuland Pyat and insane McCain to run riot in Kiev inciting the Fascists on Maidan,Pyat should heve been thrown out and the US Embassy closed down,then we had the attack on Donbas,there was an argument at the time that Russia should have gone in to save lives and not left it to bus drivers and miners to defend their homes and people.
When I read Nuland s statements I wonder if she believes what she says or if she lies knowing she is lying.
She confused USA with Russia. Interesting how psychopaths see themselves in others…
Simple, well known psychology, based on the principle of pointing your finger at others so that others do not point their fingers at you. What she stated applies to the US, not to Russia.
It is called “projection”– a well known psychological feature of the unwell.
“Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves by attributing them to others.” (Wikipedia attributed to Sigmund Freud, Case Histories II (PFL 9) p. 132).
Simple alter the name tag used and see if the cap fits any better or worse,… [Russia ==> USA]
“But Putin suggests that Biden’s USA today is vulnerable as never in the past 20 years: “the one thing that should worry the USA president: the mood inside USA. Despite Biden’s power moves abroad, 20 years of failing to invest in USA modernization may be catching up with him. In 2019, USA’s GDP growth was an anemic 2.2 percent [https://tradingeconomics.com/ … in spite of all the QE-forever!]. This year, the coronavirus pandemic and the free fall in oil prices could result in a significant economic contraction…USA’s roads, rails, schools, and hospitals are crumbling. Its citizens have grown restive as promised infrastructure spending never appears, and their taxes and the retirement age are going up. Corruption remains rampant, and USA’s purchasing power continues to shrink.”
I always wondered why William Engdahl wasn’t featured on this blog. He has much to contribute and hopefully this will be one of many going forward. Thanks Saker
In the mean time I’m always on the lookout for important tidbits from the Far East of Russia given that Ice storm and the death of sea life? And these two sentences certainly adds to my UH OH and HMMMMMM moments????
“Since his alleged botched poisoning in August in Russian Far East”
“released a sophisticated YouTube documentary on Navalny’s channel, purporting to show a vast palace alleged to belong to Putin on the Black Sea, filmed with use of a drone, no small feat. In the video Navalny calls on Russians to march against the alleged billion dollar “Putin Palace” to protest corruption.”
Shenanigans of a sinful polluting nature which could have serious consequences.
Why don’t they remove Navalny and the finished thing? But the Russian regime needs Navalny. Like the western partners. The dissatisfaction of the patriots is huge. Someone has to disgust russian nationalism to the people. At least to keep him in check. Liberals and communists are under control of the service, but young nationalists no. I believe that the bosses will allow even the Reds to return rather than the nationalists taking over the country. That is forbidden.
As was also dismissed by all during the umbrella protest against China, in Hong Kong, this fake and staged theatre with Navalny is a gift to the regime. A gift for the sake of inner cohesion. Just look how much wealth and esteem covid19 has brought to Russia via Sputnik, that they were allowed to be first speaks volumes of the global game of your global bosses.
It did not bring profit to Russia. But rather to individuals and shareholders. The same goes for MIC, energy sector etc. Russia has been offered a chance of return to the field of international influence. That is the compromise I often write about here. Putin so called nationalism, but subject entirely to the international law of Rockefeller’s UN. Putin’s so-called successful compromise with the oligarchy and the Money World Cup bosses. The return of Russia to where the Soviet Union once stood thirty or forty years ago. Amazing, isn’t it? Trying to get back up the stairs on a ladder of falling shi…t while the bosses are still the same. More is not allowed. The people were given just enough bread to eat not to rise their voices and the chameleons of red-yellow-black international progress to enjoy.
“The Russian regime needs Navalny” ? I think not. Who needs a trouble maker ? As for Russian liberals being under the “control” of Russian “services”, your statement is too absurd to be taken seriously. The only people who control Russian liberals are Western institutions.
What liberals, you think the children of the so-called communists? Sellers of fog, representatives of replacement thesis… are in fact opportunists who have nothing to do with communism, but adapt due to interests to every system that emerges. And so they did also with this fascist one who is affectionately called liberal. The same yellow ones were before Vucic in Serbia. They pretend only to act nationaly, but are servants of big capital only. This is one point. I guess you overslept that part of the red-black-yellow international progress. I don’t know what you learned in school or in life, no offense … but the combination of government services, the mafia on the ground and big capital is fascism, not liberalism. The second point is real nationalism. Not nacism. Nationalism is the only cure for this transcapital and transideological ideas. Something they try to destroy in an international world without God and roots through false nationalists, who have nothing to do with nationalism. It is sad to see that the Russians are paradoxically celebrating victory over fascism and not over nazism. Today, fascism, like once communism, has only one task … to ban nationally at all costs. They are even called Nazis (eg Zaharova). And that is what the services of Russia and Serbia are doing on the ground with the help of west colonial partners.
An otherwise excellent article arguably compromised to a degree by a globally parroted meme appearing at the end of the third paragraph…
…”Russia’s Crimea annexation”…
Sorry William, but Russia absolutely did NOT “annex” Crimea. Quite the contrary in fact.
Due, amongst other things, to the extraordinary destruction which the Obomber Admin wrecked on Ukraine along with the Nuland/Blinken inspired coup, Crimea voted overwhelmingly in an internationally supervised referendum to succeed from Ukraine. Could anyone on earth blame them?
Not only was the voter turnout massive, so too was the majority. If my memory serves me correctly, the vote to succeed and join Russia was in the order of 95%!
Annexation….as one definition goes…
(Latin ad, to, and nexus, joining) is the administrative action and concept in international law relating to the forcible acquisition of one state’s territory by another state and is generally held to be an illegal act.
This may well be simply a function of semantics where the author had a different intent altogether, but to me, the word annexation absolutely implies the use of illegal force
Perhaps this is a distinction that needs to be made given the context of this very good article.
What we are looking at is two layers, I think.
To start with there is so much evidence to show that Nuland is wrong – if she truly believes what she is alleged here, to have said.
I read a lot, every day, from Russia. Believe me, the evidence is directly opposite what she claims. There is modernisation, growth, big new double sided highways, schools, a never before built bridge – across to Crimea, and so forth.
Are there problems – yes, of course. Everywhere outside of Paradise has them – but not to the extent and weakness Nuland is trying to push. In spite of the drop in economy over the last couple of years, Putin still holds a 60% approval rating [against the 2% Navalny they think is humiliating Putin, Give me a break”]. The stratification of society is an issue Putin is working on – more than any of the Collective West can show.
But this is only a first stage. So – Nuland and NED and a few others have decided that Putin is losing popularity, the nation is collapsing, and now is the time to attack, stage 1 being to “dethrone” Putin.
If they all believe this – what are they likely to do?? They can try a few more Coloured Revolutions”. They will get no-where fast. Ex- KGB President is well awake to those and how to combat them.
Perhaps they will keep lobbing sanctions over the net – which Russia just smashes back out of court!!
They can keep piling up NATO against Russia’s border – nicely within striking range of a country which structures it’s military on defence close to home, and is far in advance of the enemy in it’s military hardware.
So – whats left??
This is the bit that worries. Because these guys – the Biden team et al – are largely psychopaths. And psychopaths are also highly narcissistic. They can’t believe anyone with compassion and empathy and honour could ever out think them. So – they are at least predictable [ this being what the FBI structured its Serial Killer Profile Unit on, and did well, apart from the Zodiac Killer].
IN his Davos address, Putin said that he would like to think that it is now impossible for anyone to consider an all out military attack on anyone. But is it?
If we are considering logical, balanced, sane people – then yes, it probably is. But are we? I’m not so sure. If Nuland really believes the claptrap she is spieling, and the Biden team swallow it all, Kool Aid and all – just how likely is it that they wont believe they can attack and invade Russia, and win?
Because if that happens, it Goodnight America!!
Ok. So what did we see in 31 Jan 2021? Is this the best they can do?
“And the second and most important conclusion from today’s protests is that Navalny has finally been denied popular support. People never forgave or forgot: no betrayal in favour of the US, nor the involvement of children in the protest, nor the next “investigation” that has completely turned out to be crap, nor luxurious holidays for donations 6 times a year. The last straw was the request to the US to impose further sanctions.”
These color revolutions, honestly Mrs Nuland, are so pathetic but also so funny that I laughed a lot few hours ago. And honestly” the power” of NED etc… None in Russia’s tough intelligence machine is scared at all.
The scum in Washington should be worry. They should be very scared of the future of… petrodollar and dollar. Because it’s the main battle. I have never during my long life seen America as weak as it is now. Tomorrow – it’s even weaker. There is panic in Deep State, not just fear. And Dems – they always fail.
Excellent comment!
One aspect of all of this garbage about navalni and nuland’s psychopathic allegations is we have not seen the ugly hand of browder, at least to my knowledge. He is a cia asset in spades and he may be “advising” for what that is worth but we have not seen any direct involvement.
To be sure, his sycophants on senate foreign relations committee, e.g. menendez, cardin, have been screeching for sanctions but nothing definitive as of yet. menendez and cardin are owned by browder so I would expect more from that odious faction as this develops from the nuland.
What about VN’s Maidan sidekick in Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt? Is he still in Greece or is he joining the rogues and roguesses gallery to spread more death and destruction?
Birds of a feather (especially vile ones) flock together.
History repeats itself (you know…farce). Browder was a hyena, but Navalny is a mouse.
Let’s look at it from the other side if you allow. Do you really think that this is all that is possible or is it enough to help Putin’s partner regime and the “tough machine services loyal to Russia” and not to atlantic bosses of money in whose interest it is that Putin as such continues to rule Russia?
Having read Nulands job application, oops, I mean article, in Foreign Policy, I can make only one observation. You can’t teach old dogs new tricks. Woof Victoria, woof woof!
Rand Corp study outlining US plan for regime change in Russia https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html?fbclid=IwAR1MIinZkl86k9nuTPexj9VrTvroRfeeSYJ2kj3PxIz9vbOAlhHwla3tewc
And also, the “Biden Administration has from day one made it clear it will adopt a hostile and aggressive policy against” approximately half of American citizens, now labeled as “Domestic Violent Extremists.” A “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin,” the first of many more to come, has been issued. Read it: https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/ntas/alerts/21_0127_ntas-bulletin.pdf
History suggests the deployment by The Empire of the usual treatments against the innocent, the uninvolved, the poor, the defenseless, the children and their jobless parents, and other scapegoats whom shall be violently hurled, at the end of rifles, into the dying Empire’s show trials, mass arrest tractor trailers, concentration camps, Abu Ghraib inspired torture prisons, and industrial death camps. We might also predict the insane, obligatory Attack On Russia, signalling the Empire’s final call for national suicide.
Take a Utube tour of Kensington Street, Philadelphia USA and see what state the USA is in. As DJT stated, What a Sh#thole.
Biden this Biden that, Nuland this Nuland that, Navalny this Navalny that…
Navalny is rubbish, nothing amd nobody…
Nuland, Biden … and others…they were already in main role several years ago…
And so what…big deal
Russia does NOT need harsh words and hysteria, Russia needs just to continue with its plans…
Modernization of country, infrastructure, modernization of the Army, Navy and Air Forces, nuclear potentials…
To continue with import substitution program, space program, to go on with National Projects…it is crucial
Next 10 to 15 years to go on with its plans…and then to break neck of Western imperialism together with China.
No need to be over-excited. Western strategy toward Russia will not change and Russia has to deal and live with that
Nuland …she is right about that russian GDP growth last couple of years has been anemic. And 2020 was fall of GDP.
There are objective reasons for that and Russian government must change that trend.
Everything else that Nuland talks is rubbish and nonsense
No need to be afraid of that clown Navalny. What Russia has to be afraid of are delusions and ilussions of certain percentage of young people in Russia, because of their fantasies about West, and fascination and obsession about West is still very strong among some young Russians.
I know mindset of young people. I remember myself when I was young in ex Yugoslavia. It is very hard, almost impossible reasoning with young people who cultivate those ilussions inside their brains.
Again and again – Russia MUST improve life standard so Russia to be better or at least equal with for example Germany in quality of life standard. To eliminate powerty
Otherwise, color revolution will always be in air and Putin is not forever.
And Navalny problem is easy to solve
Give him choice – either you go to egzile to West permanently or if stay in Russia you go to prison for 20 years because of subversion and work for CIA.
He would chose egzil, to live in the West to wash dishes in some restaurant because he can’t work anything useful
Until one day MI6 or CIA decide that that rubbish would be more usefull for them dead than alive
Navalny is just some random Guaidó guy.
A useful idiot for the moment.
I suspect Trump’s 4-year stint showed the US obsession with anti-Russian hysteria is at best 50% of electorate. A mixed bag of lunacy etc.
However, when I read/hear anything overtly hostile and irrational to Russian existence I read it as long-term British MI6 end-of-empire corpse momentum rattle wheeze — basically stinking of formaldehyde like a 4-year “Weekend at Bernie’s” (with O’Biden playing Bernie rather than the real mitten’s Bernie S. roll-out election-distraction dummy).
“She charges that in the past 12 years, “Russia has violated arms control treaties; fielded new, destabilizing weapons; threatened Georgia’s sovereignty; seized Crimea and much of the Donbass; and propped up despots in Libya, Syria, and Venezuela. It has used cyber-weapons against foreign banks, electrical grids, and government systems; interfered in foreign democratic elections; and assassinated its enemies on European soil.”
Umm… in my estimation these are all things that the USA has done. Certainly since 1980, statements fed to the people can be reliably analyzed in the 180 degree mirror; if a claim is made about any other nation, without doubt we can find that the USA is committing those very acts. I have learned to apply this 180 rule and it has helped me to understand the meaning of what I see.
Union horse: I myself also find myself doing that . It gets near infallible to turn the 180º needle to their direction.
Off course in the Northatlantic and its littorals: Most news readers read only the headlines (Überschriften) and not get deeply into the real contents –thus their gullibility. Now much of the US of Amerika is under ‘lockdown’, and I fervently wish more folks in its Mid-West and Little Dixxie states have the time to time off to read alternate interpretations of their present plights.
Thirteen Years ago , I and my wife visited Manhattan and the rest of New York from Norway: So dilapidated compared when I was there as a six-year old and as a teenager. We later on wished to visit SF and Berkley, but discovered those towns to have become refuges of squatters. Only place I wanna go now in the US of North A is Comlombie Missouri — midway between Saint Louis and Kansas City — which seems to thrive due to its burgeoning insurance firms!
I bet if Russia, as a gesture of goodwill, let’s a U.S. resolution in the Security Council of the U.N. pass, the U.S. will appreciate it and eventually accept you as equals – boo-wah-hah-hah. Don’t bother extending the arms embargo on the Houthis again. The U.S. will never allow a Russian or Chinese sponsored resolution pass unless it is watered down to pure water.
As long as Russia knows that the U.S. will always be hostile and that they have to ride out the storm until we lose most of our power, you will be fine.
I guess the reason for Navalny’s return to Russia were twofold: Of course he could only be a true Quisling inside his own country — even as he broadcasts with his phone even from Gual — but even more he must have contemplated over the fact that former assets of the Atlanticist West are getting disappeared like the the father and daughter Skripal or being suicided with various Atlantisist substances. ,
Maybe he even hoped to be installed in a Statehouse on the Crimea? (By and buy and bi-Lord — in the Sky!)
One can clearly see at least three factors by which Russian Federation and their connected or geographically close allies will win this upcoming war declared by biden’s gang.
First the the american ‘fixed or entrenched core idea”. We are number one, we make no concessions, our system is waay attractive to everyone, our economy can achieve whatever, Russia is as weak as a gas station, Putin is a monster dictator whose topplin by his own people is a matter of time – we will just give it a push… Since the persian empire this stance has repeatedly failed.
Second Moscow is 90% prepared, because since at least 2007 this preparation has been a core policy. And third, now there is the China factor. Whose foremost effects already are in place: a
an invincible gravitating malstrom of all Asian countries to the chinese attraction center.
And one or two small actions by Beijing and or Moscow could trigger a stumbling disbalance.
The expression is “couldn’t care less”.
Also, Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko and Zelenksy are all members of God’s chosen people, btw (as are Nuland, Kagan, etc).
Re: ((())) one time I mentioned this curious fact, in a very non-inflammatory way, on an image-sharing website, and my comment was deleted and I was given a warning for anti-semitism !
So, they tried to kill him in Russia and they didn’t succeed?
Then they took him to the hospital and still can’t kill him where he was most vulnerable?
Then they let him leave the country to be treated in Germany?
Then he returned to Russia after he accused them of killing him?
People believe that shit?
To Flash
Unfortunately they do. The IQ levels have been dropping dramaticly since the western “education” has been taken over by the Global Parasite. For the past 30 years or so. It is scary to think what future generations would be like brought up by this present lot as their parents. These who still have functioning brains are becoming a minority..
Here is another though – all these mindless sheeple lining up for their Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations might get wiped out (well, that’s the intent – reducing population) and then things should really improve for these with God given brains that they actually use, and not only for them – for World in general. There is always hope.
”People believe that sh*t?”
Firstly, you become what you eat.
Secondly, people high on coprophagia become considerably intolerant of anything but their precious ”staple diet”.
Thirdly, as regards Navalny’s personal aspirations, I believe they are very much like Yeltsin’s: ’Give me booze, pills, and loaded syringes, and I’ll give you whatever you want’. Venezuela’s Guaidó, by contrast, doesn’t even need drugs.
2021: the year Russia takes no guff.
These naval ships have 21 days to stay and then need to say: bye-bye!!! ( Treaty of Montreux)
”She complains that, ’resignation has set in about the state of US-Russian relations, and Americans have lost confidence in their own ability to change the game.’ In other words, she is about ’changing the game’ with Putin. She charges that in the past 12 years, ’Russia has violated arms control treaties; fielded new, destabilizing weapons; threatened Georgia’s sovereignty; seized Crimea and much of the Donbass; and propped up despots in Libya, Syria, and Venezuela. It has used cyber-weapons against foreign banks, electrical grids, and government systems; interfered in foreign democratic elections; and assassinated its enemies on European soil’ ”
Nuland, pretty please: What happened to the fabulous DASKA (Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act) ? Putin effortlessly fiddling around with your own lawfare too? Then consider yourself resoundingly defeated, Madam.
Nothing like blaming the other guy for everything that you are doing .
”The Putin regime remains strong, but nationwide protests in support of Alexei Navalny are the most serious challenge to it in years. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny is showing a political creativity and tactical skill that Putin has not previously faced.”
”Most serious challege to it in years”, all right. I suspect the author of those lines has the Pussy Riot harridans in mind. Not so sure however that Navalny even has their political creativity or tactical skill. Waking up from the dead twice over is a small feat for most hardened drug addicts.
We Brazilians have seen this film before, but unfortunately we didn’t have a President like Putin in power or truly nationalistic armed forces. Strength Russia!
We should all throw up at the American choice of Joe Biden as president. Biden would like us to forget his enthusiastic support for ethnic cleansing, mass murder, Islamic Terrorists, and war criminals.
These wars were atrocious, rooted in false pretexts, intensified ethnic cleansing that the US organized and participated in, led to the breakup of Yugoslavia, killed several million people, from the Balkans to Afghanistan and over North Africa. Biden Lugar, McCain, and Dole adopted and pushed through the Senate a blueprint for murder and a model that he will follow now as president.
His proxies were Nazis in Croatia and Bosnia, the 9/11 bombers in New York, human organ sellers in Kosovo, ISIS in the Middle East, Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, the Saudis in Arabia and more recently the Nazis in Ukraine. This is what the liberals elected as president, a war criminal like no other
We have yet to read an article as to WHY the US Empire has chosen in vilifying Russia and Putin?
Since China is growing ever more productive & reaching out effectively with trade to other non-Western Societies (save for Germany) why WOULDN’T the US center their attentions on that nation??
What China is doing is what ALL rising Empires eventually accomplish.
Why Russia and Putin?
It does not make any sense.
So you’re saying either that Germany is a non-Western society that China isn’t trading with, or that Germany is a Western society that China is trading with. What is the intended interpretation? Thanks.
For the hoax about Putin’s “Palace” I suggest you read Swiss Policy Research. org:
Navalny: Nächster Propaganda-Flop.
SWPRS.ORG is a non-Profit outfit which does not demand gifts to support itself, and which depend on academics
for their articles.
These people are dangerous, but they are also very stupid and very ill-informed.