The Crimean bridge in November. Up close and in details.
Approaching the Crimean bridge from Kerch
The Crimean Bridge. Technological operations.
The Crimean bridge in November. Up close and in details.
Approaching the Crimean bridge from Kerch
The Crimean Bridge. Technological operations.
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Obviously making excellent progress! An amazing project (with NO coverage in the Western Media – no surprises there, then!)
Yes, making excellent progress. The reason why this has not received Western covering is because those foolish sanctions are still in motion and the West does not like to admit that they are not working. Also, the West likes to pretend that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, even though Ukraine annexed Crimea in 1954. It’s reunification with Russia in 2014 was perfectly justified.
Excellent background music too! Sounds like Paul Winter and friends….
I love his group.
Agreed. Thanks, Saker.
You will see little of this on Google Earth, at least as of this morning, and what they do show is months old of not from last year. Alternative reality?
Incredible. Great films.
I have been following the construction of the bridge over the Kerch Strait from the start.
Five decades ago, in third-year Russian, we read Taman’, a short story by Lermontov.
I located Taman’ on Google maps as soon as I heard of Google map.
So, I knew immediately where the bridge was planned as soon as I heard of that, in 2014.
Taman’ is a port on the eastern shore of the Kerch Strait.
Described in the simplified version we read:
“Taman’, malenki gorodok na beregu morye.
Tam skuchno”
Not anymore!!
It looks likely that the bridge will be finished on time–to open in 2018, as ordered by Putin.
I am not a civil engineer, but in looking at the map, I would have supposed they would have put the bridge somewhat north of its current location and go across to that peninsula where Chushka is located. It seems there is already a railroad on that peninsula.
I suppose other considerations apply. A well placed bomb could cut off that peninsula, where the route through Taman would be more difficult to destroy.
I wonder what the actual reasons for the current route were.
The reason for the exact placement of this bridge is because of the bedrock foundation. They explored many other locations including the one that you suggested but they needed a super strong foundation so they decided on this location. This location is more difficult to build the bridge because of the extended length but we must also remember that they had previously built a bridge over the Kerch crossing but it failed because of wind and bedrock issues. this time they did not want to take any chances as this bridge will be standing for hundreds of years and also be scrutinized by the entire world as it is the longest bridge built in history. I have followed this construction from the start because it is a big pain to take the ferry across all the time. Just wanted to confirm for you that it definitely was “other considerations” that dictated the placement.
A Unique Operation: The Arch of the Crimean Bridge is Rising
I’m not impressed… If we didn’t have to build F35s and have 800 forward deployed military bases to counter Russian aggression we could do things like this too. Maybe even repave local roads here in sthrn NM that are 5-10 years overdue. Now Russia and China are trying to stop the wonderful export we have given to the world, the debt based Petro dollar. That that Putin… Hey how about him apologizing to the people of Tehran for the inconvenience of his visit caused them? What a class act.
The actual number is 700 combat bases and 300 supply bases, giving a grand total of 1.000. As for the F-35, it was supposed to be a new generation combat plane. However, it’s inferior to the latest Russian Sukhoi combat planes in manouverability, range and payload. Worse, it only has one engine, which no doubt should “please” its pilots, especially when they are flying over the ocean. Its manufacturers point to its electronics and stealth capabilities. Pointless. Russian Sukhoi planes also possess them. That thing should never been built. It’s development cost an absurd amount of money.
what gives? 2 vids unavailable?