This speaks for itself and needs no comment.
This is the single best thing that has ever happened. There has never been a better thing than this.
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) May 19, 2022
This speaks for itself and needs no comment.
This is the single best thing that has ever happened. There has never been a better thing than this.
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) May 19, 2022
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What is so nauseating about this story is how funny the audience thought it all was, a country destroyed and a million lives lost all based on lies, how hilarious. Condoleezza Rice [another war criminal] said something similar about how wrong it was in this century for a country to invade another as Russia has done. You could not make this stuff up. This is what Russia is up against, these are no boy scouts, you must be ruthless against them.
Most Western civilians have little or no empathy with foreigners – especially dusky foreigners, especially if they are Muslim.
Remember when Bush pretended to have mislaid the WMD, and looked for them under his desk? Politicians may be stupid and brutal, but they have a powerful instinct for what will please the people. He would not have done that if he had thought it would be disliked.
The people in the west need to come to the realization that all lives in the world equally matter, that the lives of Syrians, Libyans, Afghans, Iranians, Russians, Chinese and Vietnamese to name just a few, are as meaningful and significant as any of those in the west.
Only then will the needless killing and/or subjugation of other people cease. In truth at this very moment seven plus billion of us (all races, color, nationalities) are in the same boat as we’ve viewed as lesser (useless eaters) than the psychopaths and their minions at the WEF/Davos/NWO.
When a dozen, or just a few whites are killed in an earthquake for example, or caught up in a terrorist attack (real or fake) the odious MSM bleats about it on the for page for days. Their is an outpouring of grief in comments sections.
When a million black or brown, Arab or Asian are in the same situation it’s a passing byline.
Non-people John Pilger calls them.
The hypocrisy of the “West”.
My father at age 14 survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, living off the runway of what is currently Honolulu Airport, near the oil tanks. He and his family knew the terror of coming under attack, but how many Americans hear about it even second hand? The veterans coming back from America’s wars of conquest are simply despised by their fellow citizens and left to deal with their emotional burdens by themselves.
For most Americans, war is whatever Hollywood says it is.
We are in the same boat. Many Westerners are waking up to this fact as their future prospects and livelihoods slip away.
I’m sorry, but that’s a preposterously stupid statement. Do you live in the West? Have you looked around you? Most of the faces you will see hail from all over the world and are not just ‘white’ faces. White people in the West have faced a continued barrage of ‘hate yourself and your culture’ policies designed to destroy the will of the people and pride of who they are.
The people starting these wars are not regular Americans (White or any other color). They are a tiny group of people, whom the planet would be much more peaceful without. They are same people who are waging this insane and unjust war against Russia. Biden, Obama, Bush Snr & Jnr as examples, are all pawns of these people. These people essentially have control of the entire Western world and seek to gain absolute power. They hate european whites. They hate blacks, They hate Muslims. In fact they hate everyone that is not part of their little group.
“Most Western civilians have little or no empathy with foreigners – especially dusky foreigners, especially if they are Muslim.”
As a Swede I can guarantee you this is not true, the highest form of virtue is to cater to these, does not matter how misogynic they are, or many humiliation robberies they commit against white kids.
The only group in the world that its OK to hate are whites, and especially Russians.
” They are a tiny group of people, whom the planet would be much more peaceful without.”
Most of them are Neocons.
Most of them are Jewish.
Rice and Powell were the useful Black Aushaengeschilder. To their eternal shame.
Assalaamu alaykum w w. I am white, I am from Sweden. This liberal nonsense is just theatrics, it has no real vallue to them. For example, nazis was the worst thing on planet earth one year ago.
But now Sweden sends weapons to militant neo nazis and these people who hated nazis so much one year ago applauds that because their hate for Russia (and everything else that is not “the empire of lies and hate”.
Their true colours is showing through. There is no problem to murder one million Iraqis. But if you say the n-word in public your career is over. It is pure hypocrisy.
The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“There are four signs that make someone a pure hypocrite and whoever has them has a characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons it: when he speaks he lies, when he makes a covenant he is treacherous, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he argues he is wicked.”
According to this definition the collective west are pure hypocrites. So we can say that it is the empire och lies, hate and hypocrisy.
May God almighty bless you all, in this world and the next.
“most Western civilians have little or no empathy with foreigners.” How could they. They are the inheritors of the criminals who built those monuments to thieving, murder, and boundless greed. And their comforts and standard of living is in great meause thanks to the billions they stole from the browns.
Dear Jaime,
My fifth and sixth grade teacher, Mr Jones, back in 1958/9 taught us that generalities are wrong.
Australia is part of ‘5 eyes’ and the deputy dog to America, yet I would be amazed if you didn’t have a relative residing here, no matter where you reside, or the bloody colour of your skin, so thus just exactly how can you come to the conclusion that we have no empathy for bloody foreigners? This country is bloodywell made up of bloody foreigners. America is much the same. Ergo, to find an explanation as to why we are all in this bloody pickle, have a look at the real history, have an understanding of just how much everything is rigged, and just exactly what is truth and what are lies, and you may just come to the conclusion that this entire world is built on lies, oh sorry, this Western civilisation is built on lies, but most of us cannot comprehend that.
And as for that ‘boundless greed’, do you think it goes to the humble working man, or even the middle class? Come in spinner, you know far better than that. Why even back in the 90’s when our treasurer decided to obey orders and float the Aussie dollar which was valued at $1.04 US, who do you think attacked Australia and stole virtually everything of value.
Six years after the ‘Multi-Corporations’ started stealing everything of value in the USSR, or former thereof, those same parasites did the same to Australia..
Now here is a thought for you and your ilk, no matter where you reside, your colour creed or wealth; Why is it that the Western civilisation has dumbed down education until it is virtually stupid? There is a reason for this, but can you comprehend it?
Could it be that we are meant to be simply cattle, herded by cattle-dogs, and taken to market to be sold? Or perhaps, we are battery hens, kept in a cage and fed to simply lay eggs, until we are too old and stupid to continue and then ‘assisted to die; so as to reduce the cost of our pensions.
No empathy with foreigners! My godfather; our elites don’t even have empathy for their own cattle.
@Tom Welsh
This was a so called freudian slip. He did not do it on purpose.
It was his unconscious talking because deep in himself there is a part of him that is human and which knows about whats right and wrong.
Truth wants to come to the light. Allways.
he believes he did the right thing, the right thing. He believes in himself. He’s not to blame.
Empathy? An organized welfare state has no need to deal with empathy, it can act fruitfully for immigration management just with smart practical decisions, without the need of indulging with sentiments.
And this can also work, in some situations, without the intervention of the state: in many north Italy areas, where I live, immigrants (mainly from north and central Africa, India, Bangladesh, and China) came to work way before the government recognised it as an issue to solve.
What happened? They quickly integrated, thanks only to the job-centered mentality of northern italian people, especially in the north-east. Were they “empathic”? I don’t think so.
Then the state came, this time laden with empathy, in the guise of snowflake rhetoric of course. Its practical and economical support has been ridiculously small, only worrying about banning “bad” words (like demonizing the term “negro”, widely used in north Italy without any particular discriminating aim for decades – “negro” ethymologically coming from Latin and meaning merely “black”) and creating a totally unnecessary inferiority complex in the immigrants’ minds.
The same people who hosted and integrated immigrants for years, without a single complaint, nor help from the state, are those that nowadays are called “racists” by what many are used to call “liberal” intelligentsia (even though they are not “liberal” at all: liberalism is a serious thing).
We need intellectual honesty, straightforward thinking and speaking and a thorough, aseptic immigration management (and limitation, because no country can host an illimited number of immigrants) WAY BEFORE we need “empathy”.
And we need to stop bullshit like: all men are equal (they’re not); males and females are equal (they’re not); universal rights exist (no, they’re a construction); races do not exist (yes they do, we only changed their name); “negro” is a bad word (no it’s not); discrimination is bad (no, it’s not, it depends case by case, discrimination is at the base of logical thinking); life is sacred (no it’s not); muslim equals terrorist (false) and so on.
We need rationality before empathy.
@HarryLaw – yeah, welcome to fascism. It’s a big club and we’re not in it, to use Carlin. Or if you prefer a less funny man, US Army Taguba remarked simply that interacting with the senior brass was like being in the mafia. As he concluded succinctly, there is no question war crimes have been committed. The only question is whether leaders will be held to account.
This has been the long-running confusion from within the US. Our ruling class has been laughing all the way to the bank for decades. And both the Eurolemmings and Zone B countries have treated them as business partners rather than criminals.
War is a Racket esp in the crown colony of the usa
Great Man
Such a shame that Americans must go back to 1937, 85 years to find someone with the balls to confront the insatiable lust for blood & resources of the Cabal.
Exxon, Chevron, Haliburton, BP are all in Syria & Iraq openly stealing that sovereign State’s resources. The brief spell they enjoyed in Russia in the 90’s, the British in Iran in the 50’s has wetted their appetite even more.
Those suck till it’s dry assets they have in Syria are a priority target.
The paltry amount of oil that the Empire is stealing from Syria is hardly worth the effort, and Iraq nationalized the oil that the Kurdish region had claimed as its own.
Try looking at a map of Syria and see the 15 fields they’re bleeding. Paltry hmm. The oil fuels their war machine in the region and Israel & Turkey purchase/steal excess.
Look up the connections bush/scherff. Why did they invade? While the bombs were falling, downtown Iraq, at the museum; Trucks,vans, loading up the museum. Research Looking Glass tech.
One of the reasons why the Divided States should be broken down… :)
Wouldn’t make much difference, for in time they would all get back together like they are now. They would concoct up another phony war like all the wars we have been in since 1945 and sell it to the people, because the people are uneducated and believe most anything as long as it comes from the so-called government, and certain ones in the population, as when Billy Graham said he prayed with old Bush that going to war with Iraq was the thing to do.
Makes little difference because the people have been sold a bill of goods on how great we are, how we are the great shinning light on the hill and all mankind must follow it and the people bought it for after all we are the great arbitrator of the world and the people are still buying it because the MSN says it’s so. One thing I have learned in being on this old earth for over 80 years is never sell the foolish people short, that they will buy into anything as long as they think they are going to get something for nothing or someone is trying to take our place as number one and nothing has changed,
Alright, since I saw that self-immolated Vietnamese monk in the 60s last century and the photos of napalm burnt people, I wished the end of the US. Hope, it’d happen in my short history, so I can watch it. :)
In normal circumstances this man would have faced an adequate punishment instead of entertaining some “we the sheeple” and pocketing dirty money for it………..
Laughter to cover embarrassment. Bush excused himself as being “75” failing to mention the incumbent dementia patient is “78”
USA is a Gerontocracy right across the board – Pelosi – much of the Senate –
Angus King 78
Ben Cardin 78
Jim Risch 78
Mitch McConnell 80
Bernie Sanders 80
Patrick Leahy 82
Jim Inhofe 87
Richard Shelby 87
Chuck Grassley 88
Diane Feinstein 88
The average age is 63
If Bush is mentally sclerotic and Biden is senile – what is it besides Incumbent Corruption that keeps these geriatrics in power ?
Dominion vote adjusting machines (but I repeat myself).
Watch the excellent Dinesh D’Souza documentary “2000 Mules”… It wasn’t the machines.
There’d be giggling Kamala, when the demented Joe goes to meet Satan, which would bring the end faster…:)
Don’t forget about Kissinger and Soros……with 9 in front these guys have been calling shots in geopolitics for decades from the backseats. Together with Brzezinski (though already dead, but his son carry over the mission as an ambassador in Poland), these trio have caused major problems for the world. For Brzezinski Ukraine was so important that he wrote a book about it. Many people saw it through, but yet so few have had courage and honor to address it……finally
Don’t forget Brzezinski’s daughter (Mika) who works as a presstitute, the one that said that it is their (the lamestream media’s) job to concoct the narrative for the sheeple to follow.
But, but…. Madeine Halfbright said it was worth it.
Sweet name for all dimm Madeline
Shades of Trump, when Bartiromo had to remind him which country he had just attacked with missiles.
I believe these jokers have been brought out to shore up the image of empire of lies.
Because the kind of pounding their proxies are taking in ukr might break the trance of murikans.
See! remember the good old day when we used to bomb small countries to burnish our credentials as the light on the shining hill, The “God ordained” leader of the world.
The kind of Greatest Hits selections many bands put out when they can’t create new material.
On the importance of studying geography… and of reading Freud in one’s spare time.
Bit of a truth slip there, mate!
Interesting that here in the colonies, there’s not been a SINGLE mention of the Azovstal mass surrender, but plenty of coverage of the Ukraine show trial of the supposed “Russian” soldier.
Our media certainly know which side their bread’s buttered, don’t they.
On GB News in the UK last night, I was amazed to see the actual news of the Azovstal surrender. Though GB News generally toe the NATO line.
There is a total lockdown of any actual news from the Russian side, right across all news platforms in the West. Sites like this, are generally unknown.
When liers unintentionally say the truth and in the right terms.. pathetic…
The definition of a gaffe is when a politician inadvertently tells the truth. It happens so infrequently that it can cause great consternation.
In Australia there have been quite a few Freudian slips lately.
Two of note. A (non) Health Dept. talking head when urging sheep to get the clot shot said “…Phizer, AZ, Murderna, whatever pick your poison”.
And recently the newly installed South Australian premier spoke truth and named the scam as “the plandemic” in a televised address LOL
Truth has a way of emerging from the shadows.
Satanists like Mr Bush have to brag about their crimes against defenseless inocent victims and publicly reveal their perverse actions as a ritual of sadistic empowerment.
Skull’n’Bones people – SCOTUS, POTUS, Senators, Generals, Admirada, etc. – are owned by this Wicked ideology they even call ‘religion’.
Temple of Seth is deeply ingrained on US military/political elites.
Search for Col. Michael D’Aquinno, ritual abuse and paedophilia.
All true words spoken here. The Khazars have infiltrated all levels of society and worship the enemy of all men. They like to call him Lucifer. But what they really hate is Christians. Because their “god” had his ass handed to him by our GOD, Jesus Christ.
Correction: what about all the Muslims they have killed?
Didn’t Joe BidenHo also call it Iran meaning UKraine not too long ago?
ScKamala was sitting behind him mouthing “UKraine”
Stick to the script you freaking fascist Nazie sympathising supporters
Oh wait, gets hard to read it …
Ask Hunter and his whores to help you
The Democratic party inflicts big Harma and bioweapons on UKraine to use against Russia. For campaign contributions approved by US scotus and their deep scrotum.
Say. Was’ wit this not knowing how to say the names of the country folks be busy shredding?
Just land destruction, Bono has no name after he plays in the UKraine.
Why does anyone talk to the shrubbies?
Speak to the trees. Smoke trees.
Stay outtA them crazed CIA bushie bullshit democratic American Hato jail traps
Bush th lesser is 75 he says
Is he ready to go for a bike ride in Iraq or the UKraine?
Gathering brush around the prairie,. How did he get into the comedy circuit?
Zelensky will hire him for a sex toy.
And just yesterday I was reading the US has invaded Somalia.
But they are calling it a SPECIAL OPERATION
The hypocrisy is not just off the scales.
The scales have been hit by incoming artillery fire.
Not only that but the administration has announced it will provide the air tankers for a Israeli practice run on attacking Iran. Dump and dumber.
Sometimes it is embarrassing to say that we live in West. What a shame these stupids and hypocrites leaders we have here.
oh the irony…..self projection onto another..they are rapidly falling apart.The world seems them as the delusional fools they are.
Since Bush likely though Iraq was in Yurp, it was Mr. Blair who trotted him out from the Ranch.
And Saudi Prince Bandar Bush, a family member, organized 9/11. Maybe a slip in time saves 9?
The alleged Saudi hijackers were the false trail hired by the CIA in Riyadh that the FBI “accidentally” discovered taking Cessna flying lessons in Florida. Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD that day, when military exercises were taking place that inserted false blips on radar screens. There were no hijacked planes, all we saw on TV was a video of a jet crashing into the south tower with its plastic nose cone coming out of the other side.
The towers did not collapse, the million tons of steel girders and steel reinforced concrete were turned to micron sized dust in the space of nine seconds to cover lower Manhattan and blow away in the wind.
We need to confirm that with Uncle Bandar, as Bush cozily refers to him.
Joe is holding up 9/11 declassification, apparently until after Nov, to protect Bush who could let everything slip out anytime now.
After Bush admitted on the Vovan & Lexis show, that Ukrainian bio-weapons were also par for the course, some are nervous to the point of ‘wining’ a nuke war – hysterical panic that the Unipolar world will implode faster than the Towers collapsed, caused not by hijackers, just some word-slips.
Also from Johnstone : U2 Bono hugging Bush “who has heart”.,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
But to really clinch it – a must see !
Sensational prank of Vovan and Lexus with the President of the United States
Bono flew to Epstein’s island three times.
When Bono & Geldof sang Feed The World, they meant Fleece The World.
Dr Freud is laughing heartily…
Dubya finally recognized his war crimes. Better late than never.
Speaking of War Crimes, I’m puzzled as to why Russia’s allowed the International Committee of the Red Cross to oversee the ‘containing/confinement facilities’ of the 1700 + Azov & Other UAF who recently surrendered in Mariupol. Like the UN-WHO and Other Alphabets, Red Cross are American Spies.
Hopefully DPR commanders had them Blindfolded on the journey to the debriefing facility, otherwise they’re a target for incoming missiles. At least Zelensky’s LIES have been exposed as the UN denied any part in the process, contrary to his claim.
It’s wise to have the Red Cross document their prison conditions, and how they are treated.
So not to give room for speculations.
It’s not like they will be able to conduct a prison-break.
Maybe Kiev is stupid enough to try to bomb the place, but the the Red-Cross will be forever tainted.
Yes it’s important not to give ammunition to these charlatans masquerading as International Do-gooders but would you put it past Uncle Sham to blitz those camps and state it was a rescue attempt. They were an American asset, they’re now a liability, singing for their lives.
Also, Russian POW’s are strung up like halal cattle, so why in hell should they give a damn about more bad publicity?
I’d gladly douse them in inflammable liquids, after castration and disemboweling, remember Odessa.
US-NATO belligerence IMO stems from America’s belief that Russia will always play by the Queensbury Rules, while they themselves commit heinous crimes and get a pass. That Russia will comply with America’s International Rules/Laws, while they themselves rip them to shreds. That Russia are reactive, not proactive and will not cross this Imaginary Line, when they themselves train and arm terrorists for their genocidal land & resource grabs.
Allowing this mindset to continue will only prolong the suffering and IMO , for the good of the planet, a 1946 Demarcation Line is necessary as Nazism is spreading. Why not Europe become a Russian satrapy instead of a US one? Each State semi-autonomous like the Donbass Republics.
Of course the ruling Establishments would require hanging.
The mistake of Macron on french TV is not bad neither: “I totally assume that I did everything to avoid peace” (6th of April 22)
But french MSM didn’t tlak about it, too embarassing.
Macron did utter truth in 2019 – that NATO is brain-dead.
Now it takes Russia’s Zakharova to clinch it :
“From the point of view of the logic of the Elysee Palace, everything is clear: the organization, which “lost its brain”, urgently needed new members. Donors?”
Let’s call Sweden and Finland the brains of NATO ! Makes Bush look like a genius!
Yeah, thats a precise and funny one. I really love that team in Kremlin.
The Bush W Administration was a revolving door for male Prostitute.
And one of these male prostitutes was a regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox-absolutely true. And don’t forget that a fat homosexual named Carl Rove ran Bush W’s campaign.
The Bush Family….evil creatures from Hell….
When Bush was running for gov. of Texas I wanted to contact his campaign to donate, because Ann Richards had cranked up the execution machine. I never donated anything, and didn’t realize at the time that bush would be a total killing machine, withh glee! Well, i contacted some RNC people and asked for the Bush campaign, and they sent me to the Log Cabin Republicans, which was a gay repub. cheerleader section. That’s what Corporate HQ thought of bush @ the time. And there were rumors about bush and a dominatrix and a dildoe…
It’s high time to ban American sportsmen, one or another. Better late, than never.
Can someone tell me what it is all about? It seems to be a twitter link, I have no access to twitter. Thanks.
Google bush gaffe msnbc.
Try this link:
Surely you read Caitlin Johnstone ? If not, you should.
Full retard. The Empire of hypocrisy and lies.
Here’s the current head of the Bush Crime Syndicate, the man who gave the CIA & The Mossad the thumbs-up to kill 3000 + Americans, maiming thousands of others in the immediate aftermath. He allowed the Bin Laden family and other complicit cohorts like Saudi’s Prince Bandar to fly out of America when the sky was locked down to all others. Remember the feigned shock in the primary school he just happened to be visiting (how convenient ) as a member of his security detail whispered in his ear ‘Mission Accomplished’. By the way when he entered that classroom, the average IQ fell 3 points. Much like Biden, he and the men in grey suits stole an election.
A Skull & Bonesman and War Criminal, who like Tony Blair is still living on immoral earning on the BankCorp & Defence Company Speech Circuits.
Those gutless, spineless leaders in Europe, most compromised, are terrified of their own sudden demise/fall from grace should they not cooperate.
We’re dealing with the essence of evil here, far worse than these current brainwashed drug riddled Azov/Right Sector Nazis, who in fact are bankrolled by the USS SS Waffen DoD.
After their failed mission in Ukraine, who, where next will the evil target. Russia-China-Iran need a Euro-Asian Treaty among every country/ally possible; an attack on one is an attack on all.
A willing stooge, as all presidents since JFK have been – except Trump, who was run to assure Hillary’s victory and was never supposed to win.
*Not an endorsement of any political party or candidate.
Lol no Trump was supposed to win after all he had all the Jews money, did you ever stop to think how easy it would have been for Clinton to have flipped those too close to call states with plenty of time to do it, Pa. Mich. Wis, and probably Fla, would have done the trick, and I’m sure she had the payers in place to do it. Without a doubt that was the deal beforehand that rather than lock her up why he would simply mouth a few words saying “oh they have suffered enough” and all those hundreds or a few billion dollars in the Clinton Foundation would be safe for ever more.
Ever seen the movie Trading Places?
Neocon A (IQ 1.5): I bet a $100 EU will break in 2030.
Neocon B (IQ 2.0): I bet EU will stay. But I’ll double the bet for you. They will support Nazis while doing it, and I’ll make a descendant of holocaust survivors celebrate his parents while taking orders from Nazis, all openly on news. Cherry on top – I’ll make the whole West still agree with the whole story.
‘an attack on one is an attack on all’ policy
fosters yet more attacks
on all ..
“After their failed mission in Ukraine, who, where next will the evil target. Russia-China-Iran need a Euro-Asian Treaty among every country/ally possible; an attack on one is an attack on all.”
It looks very much like this is what is being engineered by the nations of zone B. Not quite there yet, but every stupid Zone A outburst brings the reality closer.
The American Hitler spills the Beans.
Well his grandfather supported/financed the Nazis so it’s a long line of tradition.
This man spent part of his life as the alcoholic son of a US Congressman and US Ambassador to UN it probably shrank his brain.
He was run by puppet-master Dick Cheney who was so close to Saudi Arabia from his days as PA to Donald Rumsfeld back in 1969 under Nixon and later as Chief of Staff for Gerald Ford.
These men have so much interlocking history that you can se how relaxed Bush is when he makes such a key slip of the tongue. He knows. Now he had admitted it.
That’s not all, when comes to his recent mistakee/Freudian slips. You should also check out last video with Vovan and Lexus in which Bush Jr admitted that biolab program in Ukrainie was for real.
Common for the west to project their diseases on everyone else, while having well established their own guilt that goes un harped upon. Agent orange, glyphosate, clot shots versus Syria’s unproven use of chemical weapons for instance.
The temerity to ignore American rigged elections and political assassinations. JFK MLK RFK to name only a few.
But then really the ultimate Freudian slip, I think that is actually grounds to launch a trial! As if a huge body of evidence, already existing weren’t enough.
He probably said it deliberately to raise a cheap laugh. That’s the kind of low life’s we’re dealing with.
It’s also my feeling. It’s a joke, not a slip. Which is even more disturbing.
Note sure but he turned awful red awful quick.
Freudian Slip…
Funny how many of us immediately thought that! 8-)
Bush’s mistake was not say a brutal dictator invaded Iraq, his mistake was letting the truth slip out.
The corrupt election system he describes is the one that made him president, twice.
The audience is so accepting of US aggression they laugh, they don’t care. That is the difference,they “accept” that the US has some kind of a “right” to go around the world invading countries if they want to. But “lo and behold” if another country intervenes in another country for security reasons,that is another story. The US/Western World will scream and run around like a chicken with their head cut off in fake righteous indignation over it.The fact of Bush daring to condemn Russia,after his war crimes of invading Iraq and Afghanistan is mind boggling hypocrisy.
Apparently no one in the audience had the temerity to show Bush what the Iraqi people think of him as the gentlemen in the video below did back in 2008 at the 18 second mark.
It is sad. Only a brave Iraqi was able to throw a shoe at Bush. I was surprised to see the toxic primate dodge the shot.
Bush, along with many in his administration are convicted war criminals! This is not widely known but they were convicted by the International Criminal Court, which was held in Malaysia. Is there any doubt why two Malaysian airliners went missing, or were shot down thereafter?
GWB understands that War Crimes have no statute of limitations and eventually he’ll be tried by a court.
BTW – there is a reason GWB, Rumsfeld, don’t travel much, for example from 2011 –
“…..Former US President George W. Bush cancelled a trip to Geneva over the risk of legal action against him for the alleged torture of suspected militants at Guantanamo Bay, rights groups said Saturday. He was scheduled to address a Jewish charity gala.
REUTERS – Former U.S. President George W. Bush has cancelled a visit to Switzerland, where he was to address a Jewish charity gala, due to the risk of legal action against him for alleged torture, rights groups said on Saturday.
Bush was to be the keynote speaker at Keren Hayesod’s annual dinner on Feb. 12 in Geneva. But pressure has been building on the Swiss government to arrest him and open a criminal investigation if he enters the Alpine country.
Criminal complaints against Bush alleging torture have been lodged in Geneva, court officials say.
Human rights groups said they had intended to submit a 2,500-page case against Bush in the Swiss city on Monday for alleged mistreatment of suspected militants at Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. naval base in Cuba where captives from Afghanistan, Iraq and other fronts in the so-called War on Terror were interned.
Leftist groups had also called for a protest on the day of his visit next Saturday, leading Keren Hayesod’s organisers to announce that they were cancelling Bush’s participation on security grounds — not because of the criminal complaints.
But groups including the New York-based Human Rights Watch and International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) said the cancellation was linked to growing moves to hold Bush accountable for torture, including waterboarding. He has admitted in his memoirs and television interviews to ordering use of the interrogation technique that simulates drowning.
“He’s avoiding the handcuffs,” Reed Brody, counsel for Human Rights Watch, told Reuters.
The action in Switzerland showed Bush had reason to fear legal complaints against him if he travelled to countries that have ratified an international treaty banning torture, he said….”
I just discovered this breath of fresh air: Alex Stein
All America’s ills are caused by Putin.
That was a brilliant video Mustafa. I hope everyone clicked on.
Mr. Bush’s slip echoes an interview that he had with ABC back in December, 2008. He stated that his “biggest regret of all the presidency” was “the intelligence failure in Iraq”:
When he said “Iraq too” after his slip, one could say that he was making another confession.
Effing unbelievable.
I mean, the shrug, and the laughing.
Instead of a gaspo of horror at the memory.
And mass walkout: What is anyone listening to this twit?
Same routine as Bush’s making a joke of looking for WMDs under the desk etc. at some Press Club roast in DC in, what, 2005?
Why is this man not in jail?
He has confessed to a war crime.
This man is so dumb it is unbelievable. The corruption of the US system was such that even this idiot could be the President.
..and we got even worse now ….
He was one of the most effective presidents. He got almost everything he wanted: 9-11, the patriot act. invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq, using the National Guard for open-ended overseas deployment, turning a balanced budget into a debt-ridden welfare state for his friends (more than it already was), 2 stolen elections, 2 rotten supreme court justices, both liars, and the biggest swindle in history: the 2008 financial crisis. The only things he didn’t get are the Post Office and Social Security.
One thing Finns have noticed about Americans: they are hardly intresting in other people at all. “I was doing this, i like this, I think… I’d choose this…”. But generally and honestly speaking this same narcism is increasing all over the Europe and at the end it might be Europeans to be biggest a*holes of planet. At least America has great guys like Jimmy Dore. In Europe we have nothing but bunch of lame sheep and European intellectuals in large scale are pure joke.
When they invade other nations they tell the little foot soldiers that the real reason is to promote their own way of life over other nations. If only the dumb soldiers asked, which way of life, mine or my parents’ or my grandparents’?
The way of life in collective West is degrading so fast that what they were out to protect a decade ago is what they have disowned by now.
MSM and the Davos are making sure to let the people of the world know they can force them to eat dirt and say it tastes good.
It is an insult to humanity. It’s truly a dictatorship that the world has had enough of already. People are scared but they all welcome a breath of fresh air, some people sticking their middle finger to these davos dictators.
the bush is a scripted thing skull and bones man.
not a slip of the tongue
just satanic mockery
do as thou wilt shall be the law of these sicko
rubbing are noses in dung
bush blanket babylon
taunting us
whos souls are owned by the vatican
BREAKING NEWS: Orestovych Takes Matters Into Own Hands: Will Rescue Trapped Commanders In Azovstal
Russian forces will have no way to stop him, CNN reports!!
That’s it folks!
‘United States’ is an oxymoron. It is not “united” in any other way than in a prison. There are wardens, administrators, guards, and inmates – who perform slave labor.
Inmates are monitored 24/7/365 by human and electronic surveillance. Their communications are monitored and censored. They are fed garbage, allowed illegal drugs to dull their suffering (supplied by a business run by guards), and denied basic health care.
Dmitry Medvedev’s post 19.05.2022 (machine translation)
The UN Secretary General, various Sullivans and Blinkins, who suddenly appeared like the devil out of a snuffbox, the “grain seven” (obviously not magnificent), some other particularly miserable Europeans spoke like the unforgettable Kisa Vorobyaninov: Je ne mange pas six jours!
This was to be expected. And here’s why.
1. Countries importing our wheat and other food products will have a very difficult time without supplies from Russia. And on European and other countries, without our fertilizers, only a juicy weed will grow. Well… that’s sad. They themselves are to blame.
Now it looks like the West is backing up. Once again it was confirmed that all these hellish sanctions are worthless when it comes to vital things. About the supply of energy resources in order to heat houses. About food to feed people. About millions of citizens who, in general, need one thing from politicians: the opportunity to live normally, calmly and prosperously. Sanctions prevent this. And NATO expansion interferes. And mess with the calculations of debts, payments and other things. And most of all interferes with their own cosmic cretinism.
So, it’s time to listen not to the trumpet voice of advisers from across the ocean, but to common sense. That’s better in every way.
2. I spoke about this today with the President of one of the African countries – Namibia. Our African friends, by the way, understand this. And they understand that rich countries impose sanctions to make the poor poorer. And to coerce sanctioned patients into correct behavior under the threat of food riots. After all, Americans and Europeans will not be left without food, albeit at exorbitant prices. Moreover, it is ordinary Europeans who will pay these higher prices, and not those in power. Our country is ready to fulfill its obligations in full. But it also expects assistance from trading partners, including on international platforms. Otherwise, it turns out to be illogical: on the one hand, insane sanctions are being imposed against us, on the other hand, they are demanding food supplies. It doesn’t happen, we’re not idiots.
And I emphasize once again: no export deliveries to the detriment of our market. Food for the citizens of Russia is a sacred matter.
3. No one has yet harvested on TV and on the Internet. This requires fields and agricultural machinery, fertilizers and hands accustomed to sowing and harvesting grain, and not to sign stupid decisions. Russia knows how to do this, we have every opportunity to ensure that other countries have food, and food crises do not just happen. Just don’t interfere with our work.
That’s George. A murdering clown, kind of like Zelensky.
“murdering clowns” both of them.
Wowza. Was W talking about the US when he said elections are rigged and jailing of political opponents.
Brutal invasion of Iraq, Freudian slip George. He them admits Iraq too was invaded. Hmmm.
W should limit his public speaking engagements as he’s not looking too good. He never was the brightest bulb.
That was no Freudian slip. That is a man tormented by his evil deed. May it continue to do so to his grave.
Even though Yeltsin like Bush was a drunk, he had a heart. I have heard zero remorse from Bush 20 years on.
Along with both Clintons, the last 3 presidents, no, 4 with Biden should be facing war crimes.
The US Public love their war criminals.
Bush purchased an Indulgence off Francis, the Usurper. Gets a pass on War Crimes ..
I ❤️ Caitlin Johnstone.
No freudian slips by either bush or biden, it’s their way of telling the truth away from the teleprompter. they realise they are hostages to greater forces they have no power over. remember the 82nd airborne ‘slip’ too for later.
82nd Airborne ‘Slip’
explain please
Biden promised troops they would not be deployed in Ukraine. Subsequently he explained what they would see when they arrived.
I agree entirely.
A Freudian slip as they say, an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings or an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.
Same with Tony Blair when he said “weapons of mass distraction” instead of ‘weapons of mass destruction’.
I honestly ain´t sure about whether the lot of you realized, that this is not a war between west and east, or EUSA against Russia/China, it is a war between a handfull of braindead oligarchs in the west against Russia/China.
Where were the lot of you who now calls us “Eurolemminge” back in the ´90s?
Back off, only are you now in the good situation because Putin refused to bow.
I very was ashamed what these assholes in the west did to him, and the proud Russian folks. But honestly, if it was not by him, you all would be creeps who now blame us for being creeps, and Lemminge. Think about this. My heart belongs to a better world. I wish by heart you Russian people, and you China people to succeed. The best men on earth are the chechen Speznaz. Go for it, I truely adore you, and wish to be amongst you.
Dubya knowingly allowed a country which was no threat to American security be destroyed. Guilty conscience? He let President Cheney do whatever he wanted. Albright admitted that 5000,000 dead Iraqi children was justified. Well, Madeleine, now you’ve met your maker, and the rest of you slime-balls will too. Good luck. The utter HYPOCRISY of these in-bred liars is mind boggling.
How is it that mental defectives like Dubya(cokehead), Boris(clown), Justin(blackface), Trump(grifter), and Nazi-lensky ever get into power? M.K. Ultra?
There were two gaffes, not one.
The first one is, “of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.”
The second one is mumbled, and it is,
“Iraq too.”
This second one is the bigger one of the two, since the first can be called a “Freudian slip”, as some say here.
The second gaffe is not a Freudian slip. He is conscious now, and his “…Iraq too” plainly refers to “wholly unjustified and brutal.”
Listen carefully.
More criminal stupidity from the US Empire. They can’t even do a census without cheating:
And did you ever wonder how the US political elite game the system.Wonder no more:
The Greatest White Collar Crime in History Investors Business Daily did an article on this and it confirms the Clinton Foundation has closed its doors. A Charitable Foundation Folds! Have you wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after Hillary was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will provide some insight. From their 2014 990 Tax Form: They list 486 employees (line 5)! It took 486 people who were paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses to give away $5.1 MILLION The real heart of the Clinton’s can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014. The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics web site You can obtain the latest tax return on any charitable organization there. The Clinton Foundation: Number of Employees (line 5) 486 Total revenue (line 12): $177,804,612.00 Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (this is less than 3%!) Total expenses of $91,281,145.00 Expenses include: Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00 Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00 Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00 HUH?????? Travel: $8,000,000.00 Meetings: $12,000,000.00 Note: $20 Million in Travel & Meetings to decide who gets the $5.16 Million in Charity? Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00… So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million in fees and expenses to give away $5.1 MILLION! And they call this a CHARITY? (It is alleged that this is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed. And just think—one of the participants was a former president and one (gasp!) wanted to be elected president of the United States. If justice was truly served they would both be in prison. Feel free to pass this on to your friends so they can also be informed.
The 2008 financial crisis was the greatest white-collar crime, or maybe 9-11. No-one went to jail for either, except a few (univolved) Muslims.
But the grifting abilities of the Clintons are truly enviable…
Well spotted Uncle.
Remember just after Trump’s victory the Clinton Foundation transferred in the hundreds of millions to Oman of all places.
Not only describing the United States right now, he tops it off in the ultimate freudian slip of all time.
In the Afrikaans language we have a saying roughly translated as follows: that with which the heart is filled overflows through the mouth.
God works in strange ways even in extracting and publishing truth and admissions.
Donbas region completely destroyed, Zelensky says “reports” CNN and BBC. (Same headlines)
Zelensky is a Jew, so he’d fight for the last Ukrainian…
Stock markets around the world overwhelmed by a wave of pessimism. Stock exchanges are looking for bottom. Fears of too aggressive rate hikes and recession in the US contributed to a strong sell-off in the markets. Well?
It was his bad conscience that led to this freudian slip.
May he be in his private hell for the rest of his life because he has murdered so many innocent people.
In 2003 I made a camping / kayak trip following the migration route of the California Grey Whales from their breeding grounds in Baja California Sur to the great feeding grounds off St Lawrence Island in Alaska, being also the reverse migration route of our hunter ancestors south from Siberia.
In March I was preparing to move north after 6 weeks camping alone on the coastal desert near the fishing hamlet of La Bocana, and it was in a fisherman’s shack that I witnessed on TV the night time bombing of Baghdad. The fisherman was glancing curiously between me and the image on the TV, wondering no doubt what I felt about these actions by people of my blood.
Actually, in that state of calm detachment induced by being alone in the wilderness, what caught my attention was the darkness, and the incandescent rain which followed each explosion.
While researching my trip I had read an account by the English ship’s crewman John R Jewitt, who in 1803 was captured and enslaved for 2 years by the petty king Maquinna of Nootka Island in what is now British Columbia. He took part in a raid on a neighboring king’s village, to steal the physical resources. They murdered all those who resisted and enslaved the rest. They timed the raid to just before dawn, because then people slept most soundly. Shock and awe.
Plus ca change.
Naja, zu unser aller großem Glück hatten US-Präsidenten noch nie etwas wirklich Wichtiges zu entscheiden…
The US Senate has approved a new package of aid to Ukraine for a record $ 40 billion. Everything would be fine, but the US budget does not have such funds, so we will have to borrow from China, Senator Rand Paul said.
“I think it’s important to know that we don’t have money that we can send, we have to borrow from China to send funds to Ukraine,” the senator from Kentucky said.
Veterans also expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the Congress. Concerned Veterans for America said there was no clarity on the issue.
“Washington’s haste is doing a disservice to both Americans and Ukrainians, risking prolonging the war and increasing tensions,” their statement said.
That is the IQ of the Americans alright” borrowing from China ” one of the biggest myths ever told.
How it really works and there will be no ” borrowing from China”
DIAGRAMS & DOLLARS: modern money illustrated (Part 1)
DIAGRAMS & DOLLARS: modern money illustrated (Part 2)
There is this saying in Polish “the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart”
Hahahahaha. I literally laughed for half hour straight over this. This is the best political joke i have heard in my life!!!!!
You guys are the best crew on internet!
Here’s something that most Americans don’t have the moral courage to face: the crimes against humanity that America is guilty of in Iraq.
As this 2018 article below states, the death count of Iraqis as a consequence of America’s war of aggression is likely 2.4 million people.
The staggering death toll in Iraq
Note, the American war against Iraq is not history, nor was it only a Bush regime crime. It is only a Barack Obama crime, a Donald Trump crime, and a Joe Biden crime.
Even today, nearly 20 years about the 2003 American invasion, the United Snakes of America still has its colonial occupation troops in Iraq.
America must be brought to justice and punished for its crimes–in Iraq and elsewhere in the world.