Poll: 49% of Americans blame pro-Palestinian activists for flotilla deaths. Only 19 percent believe that Israel was to blame.
I wish Goebbels was here to see that!
Poll: 49% of Americans blame pro-Palestinian activists for flotilla deaths. Only 19 percent believe that Israel was to blame.
I wish Goebbels was here to see that!
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And we can infer that 32% don’t know, can’t tell, have doubts, and this is not that bad: it surely shows that Israeli propaganda is still very strong, but also that it is slowly having a smaller effect over the US population. If it was 20 years ago, much more than half of all North Americans would side with Israel.
I don’t know much about this subject, but I think the trend is a shrinking sympathy towards Israel. For example, last year I read a research made in many countries, where they ask what is their opinion of other countries. My surprise was that the country where people have the best perception of Israel is not the USA, but Russia!
May seem off-topic but when you consider the situation in the Middle East, this fits into the big picture:
“Murat Karayilan calls to PJAK to declare ceasefire”
Rumor is that Iran announced today that it will stop cross-border attacks into South Kurdistan.
VS, these events seem to support what I told you in an e-mail. It seems to me that Iran is beginning to see into the game Turkey is trying to play.
(not sure if my previous attempt went through. Please delete this if it did. Z)
May seem off-topic but when you consider the situation in the Middle East, this fits into the big picture:
“Murat Karayilan calls to PJAK to declare ceasefire”
Rumor is that Iran announced today that it will stop cross-border attacks into South Kurdistan.
VS, these events seem to support what I told you in an e-mail. It seems to me that Iran is beginning to see into the game Turkey is trying to play.
I live in the US. It’s impossible to measure public sentiment. I’m not sure the concept of a spontaneous public reaction to events is even possible- minus the spin the media gives it and both parties. Nevertheless when confronted with this sort of propaganda, I remind people of this. Why is Israel restricting all press access and travel to the territories? They don’t want any unfiltered story to emerge on the air waves in the US. If you don’t believe that GAZA is “escape from New York” prison on the Mediterranean, and a giant hell hole where 1.5 million people, are packed into a hellish ghetto not allowed to escape, and where many sleep in the rubble, then why is Israel hiding the eyes of the US from the reality of it. No 60 minutes, not nightly reports from CNN. Who do you believe, the shelves are full and nobody is dying crowd that won’t allow anybody to see?
What is the rationale behind Lebanon abstaining rather then voting no against the sanctions. Did the fiat dollar have something to do with it? What will be the position of Hezbollah regarding this vote?
What do you expect when one of the networks -CBS -didn’t know how to position Gaza within Palestine? The producer working for Katie Couric went to Columbia University faculty of Israeli studies for help and info:
Plus you have those who believe in the Rapture :(
What do you expect when one of the networks -CBS -didn’t know how to position Gaza within Palestine? The producer working for Katie Couric went to Columbia University faculty of Israeli studies for help and info:
@External:What do you expect when one of the networks -CBS -didn’t know how to position Gaza within Palestine?
I expect people to stop watching CBS. In fact, I believe that the ONLY way to remain sane (not to mention – informed) is to completely sever any and all exposure to the corpoate media. No TV, no radio, no newspapers – nothing. That is the only way to avoid becoming a Zombie. And its wrong to think that a little exposure is no big deal. A little exposure makes a person only somewhat of a Zombie. But that is still a Zombie. As Roger Waters sang “and the worms ate into his brain”…
Corporate media is mind pollution. Period. It should be totally and absolutely boycotted. Besides, in the age of the Internet, why expose oneself to that trash anyway?
Except that the press is the eyes through which the country interprets events, and if you want to learn why people think as they do, you have to sample the putrid slop to learn what the county is likely to do next.
I heard some representative from Texas this morning on c-span2 speaking from the house, and he had the most racist rant about the terrible mindless enemies that are arrayed against us in Afghanistan, and he ridiculed those who say “if only we would leave them alone…” , because he went on to say how they and their culture was basically insane with hatred and loathing and thoughts of mindless cultural hatred, and if left, they would just follow us. One can speak so disrespectfully about no other society on earth in the US. You have to know the poison we are drinking as a nation to appreciate the symptoms.
re: Iran
What game vs Turkey?
Corporate media is mind pollution. Period. It should be totally and absolutely boycotted. Besides, in the age of the Internet, why expose oneself to that trash anyway?
Couldn’t agree more. As Barbara Bush would say, “why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”
You’ve touched on my personal hobby horse, which is to promote a boycott of all corporate media, including television, movies, radio, the works. The mass media is the empire’s primary tool for manufacturing consent, and should therefore be the primary target of any boycott movement, including the Palestinian BDS movement.
The media in our capitalist system is a business, and as a business much of the media is currently teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. It will only take a little nudge to push it over that edge. If every self-professed liberal, leftist, libertarian or paleo-conservative were to boycott the media, even for just a few months, most of the corporate media would go bankrupt in short order. Now I doubt the empire would let its propaganda network collapse, and there would of course be a bailout. Such a bailout would be wildly unpopular and would destroy what credibility as an independent entity the media still has. I can’t wait to see Fox News spouting off about “socialism” while their sucking on the government nipple to survive.
Your personal boycott effort doesn’t have to be perfect. If you give in and watch tv or buy a newspaper from time to time, that is fine. This isn’t a 12-step program. The beauty of it is that it takes no active effort, other than resisting the urge to participate in the programming of your mind. Just “not do” the best you can. I only watch tv when I have company over and read magazines in doctors’ offices when I’m bored. It has been incredibly liberating, freeing myself from that constant barrage of trash. I don’t miss it.
Hi Saker
Have you an opinion about the sactions brouhaha? Do you believe that they will accomplish some amurkan objective?, and, by the way, it will be very interesting if we could have your take about the Russia & China position. One wonders if they don’t want yet to annoy U S guvment, or if there is something more.
Clearly, this is why Jews need to be displaced from positions of influence.
Notwithstanding the fact that there are some Jews who truly believe in moral universalism and who truly see themselves as atomised individuals – as persons who are no more connected to one another than they are to everyone else in the world – the fact remains that, by and large, Jewish power is often exercised for the collective benefit of Jews and to the detriment of Gentiles. It will remain that way as long as people identify as Jews.
The media is turning out propaganda that advances Jewish ethnic interests. They want Americans to view Israel and Jews favorably and they want people to be blind to the enormous toll Jewish power imposes on the American people.
The special relationship with Israel is just one example. There are others. The Jewish dominated ethnopoly of Wall Street which promoted a “strong dollar“ resulting in outsourcing of jobs, the destruction of our manufacturing base, and excessive debt. The debasement of culture in the media, and the derogation of Western values, traditions, achievements and people in academia are other examples. State sanctioned discrimination against white men in education and employment and the demographic displacement of Western peoples in their own lands by third world indigent immigration are other examples. All of these are the product of elite sentiment and of Jewish political movements.
How ridiculous is it that in America Barack Obama’s father enjoyed a preference in college admissions that is denied to those whose families built this country? The same goes for Sonia Sotomayor. As a Puerto Rican she suffered from no legacy of discrimination by Americans, yet she enjoyed preferences that are denied to ordinary Americans or to European immigrants. But because of the taboos and suppression of the discussion of Jewish power, most of those who disagree with these policies have no inkling that they are the result of Jewish ethnic activism are a manifestation of Jewish hostility toward non-Jewish European peoples.
Worse yet, most Americans believe their politicians are exercising power for their own benefit. People see puppets on television that look like or sound like they could be one of them, so they imagine that they speak for them. That’s true for Barack Obama, Sean Hannity, MacNeil-Lehrer, Katie Couric, Sarah Palin or any of them. But the puppetmasters are Jews who make sure that what the puppets say accords with Jewish group interests.
The closest analogy I can think of is in the animal kingdom. There are parasitic breeds of honeybees that invade a foreign hive, kill the queen, and put out false pheromones so the that worker bees of the deposed hive continue to toil diligently for the benefit of an alien elite that to all outward appearances resemble themselves. In actuality though, the hive has been conquered by a parasitic host that profits from the labor of the duped worker bees. That is essentially what is happening in Western countries today.
Here is the second part of my response. I couldn’t fit it into a single comment:
There are wealthy gentiles, to be sure. But they do not form a cohesive group that advances the interests of gentiles. Jews are very different in this respect. Wealthy Jews lookout not only for themselves, but for their tribe. The Jews in Israel aren’t particularly wealthy or influential. They aren‘t even that smart. But, they enjoy the support of highly-placed elite Jews on K-street, Wall Street, and on Capitol Hill. In a sense this quite noble. Gentile elites tend to be greedy and self-serving. Worse yet, if they do have any altruistic impulse, they tend to be universalist in the way they dispense their charity and influence. In other words they see themselves as individuals in a world populated by individuals.
Ethnonationalism and separatism are the only forces that can restore stability, moral authority, and leadership that serves the interests of the nation. Hoping that Jews will change and come to accept and practice moral universalism is a fool’s errand. They will continue to exercise Jewish power primarily for the benefit of Jews.
As long as we expect everyone else in the world to function individualistically without regard to the ties of tribe, faith, and race we will always remain easy prey for a well-organised, highly ethnocentric, tribal elite with a keen sense of group consciousness. Group strategies will outperform individual strategies and the Jews will rise to the top much like an organized crime ring can establish an ethnopoly in niches of the business world.
Its time we stopped expecting Jews to change and start changing ourselves. Talking about Jewish power openly and establishing the legitimacy of ethnic interests – not just for minorities but even for the gradually displaced and dispossessed majority – is essential. Separation may be necessary. And the only people who should be allowed to ascend to the commanding heights of a society are those who are thoroughly inculcated with the belief to advance the interests of their nation. Those who attend to the interests of the of the financial class, who seek personal aggrandizement, or the lemmings who get duped into wanting to create some multicultural utopia should never, ever be entrusted with power.
Nationalist- you are right but the battlefield is the Media, and to ignore this field of conflict is to rely on a dream to fix things. I don’t know now to fix things either, but there will be no Sicilian vespers moment the springs spontaneously from the American Public. If it can be done, you will see evidence in the media, frantic desperate appeals and the Dreyfus thing in strident tones.
That’s how you will know, not by what is said as truth, but what the changing tone of the propaganda.
But Saker. if I don’t watch the biased networks I won’t be able to laugh at their shows – remember the snippet you put on the”Agency” . Some dude who is immersed in that broth 24/7 is the one who will behave like a bigot or ignoramus and what better remedy than to laugh at them.
BTW: Word verification : Joker :-)
Sorry guys, I am running around all day so I cannot give individual replies. However, here is what I want to say on the topic of “a little” corporate media exposure.
You can only compare things that you actually have experienced. Try living 100% corporate media free for 2 or 3 months. Just try it. And then see if you really want to go back to “99.99% free”. What if I suggested to you that you only eat one teaspoone of feces each month, not a daily bowl like most people, not a cup a week, but only a small tea spoon of shit, only once a month. Would you do it?
And to see if what the corporate media produces is really comparable to feces, you need to first cut yourself off it for a long while.
I used to smoke as a teenager and young man. I had NO IDEA of how fantastically abhorrend the smell of a cigarette was. Today, after being smoke-free for 25+ years I can smell a cigarette on a car head of me on a highway. I can smell it on the beach 150 yards away. And I hate, absolutely HATE, that smell.
The same thing applies to the corporate media. Once you ween yourself off the shit, it becomes literally unexpressibly offensive and disgutsting. I hate the feeling of a newspaper, I cannot stand the voices of the talking heads on the radio or TV, and commercials piss me of almost instantly. And I happen to thinkt this is reaction of offended rage is the HEALTHY one, the one which each of us would have if we had not been exposed to this garbage step by step literally from the day we were born.
Then, there is the other thing. Revenge. I am a pacifist, and I am not gonna blow up a TV station or the HQ of the Washington Post. I am not going to write letters to the editors. I will just exile THEM from MY life. Completely. Condemn then to irrelevant, to non-existance. And that is a sweet, liberating feeeling. Now, that’s me and maybe I am immature or otherwise whacko. Heck, since I became a dedicated 9/11 ‘truther’ I am now, at least according to the corporate media, a card-carrying member of the “lunatic fringe”. Well, I don’t wear a tinfoil hat, but I sure refuse to even touch a newspaper.
I say to all – try it and see how it feels.
One more thing: if any of you have any family issues, just get rid of the TV and see what that does to your evenings. Same if you have kids. A TV-free environment (and I mean TV *free*, not TV off), is really the best thing we can do to our families.
My 2cts.
The Saker
@Oldman: Speaking of the US media, Chris Moore has an interesting post on his blog. I encourage you to peruse it:
Charles Krauthammer’s enduring Judeocentric hatred of Europe and Western Civilization internalized by the mainstream Right
I have to agree with Saker that one of the first things you’ll notice after being away from the media for a while is how shockingly bad it really is. Watching TV every day I was aware that it was basically crap, but it didn’t faze me or particularly bother me. I was inured to it. But after a few years of not watching TV news, I was recently stuck in Sears getting my car fixed and had to watch CNN for two hours straight in the waiting room. Some dude named Rick Sanchez was on. I wasn’t just annoyed or put off by his program, I was utterly appalled by just how mindless, sleazy and manipulative it was. I can’t put the feeling into words, but even as someone who willfully boycotts the media, I had never fully internalized just how hideous and repulsive it really is. The effect of it was shocking. It was like being force fed a mix of pure, concentrated mendacity and misanthropy, but cloyingly sugar-coated, to make it treacly sweet. Like Saker, I found the smug, smarmy voices and the entire delivery of the talking heads repulsive. It struck me that this was the first time I had ever actively watched TV news in my entire life, and saw it for what it really is. I knew that what I was boycotting was foul, but I had to be away from it awhile to see the depth of that foulness.
Where I disagree with the Saker is the idea that your personal boycott need be 100 percent. While that would be ideal, I don’t believe it is possible or at least practical and expecting perfection from any endeavor is a sure way to set yourself up for failure. I am still exposed to media through the Internet, I know all about Brad and Angelina just through the headlines of the tabloids I see on the supermarket checkout line. My guests watch TV at my house. Though part of the goal is personal liberation, the main effort should be to encourage everyone to boycott the media as much as possible in order to put it out of business. For this, even partial compliance by enough people with the boycott will be enough to bankrupt the media. It will also imbue in the public a sense that the media is something bad to be avoided and feared, not trusted and believed.