From satirical TV program Cojones of Saturday, February 21, 21:50 NPO 1.
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From satirical TV program Cojones of Saturday, February 21, 21:50 NPO 1.
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Is that really the Greek Minister of Finance ? They’ve done a good job with make-up and hair. She really looks like Merke and I still think that really is Vakouris
No, I guess its an actor. They’re good.
It puts Putin in a light that is not quite true…as though he’s such a devilish monster. He’s really not, but everything they said about him is what the media perceives.
And as Putin continues to play joe six pack and shows his ever bigger weakness….
Assets of two Russian banks frozen in US — media
The Wall Street Journal reported that banks controlled by three billionaire friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin had seen about $640 million of assets frozen in the US.
This is what happens when you treat the West with ‘our friends’ or ‘our partners’ will never stop.These are simply acts of war and piracy…as they see not a single reaction from RF….why would they stop?
The Putin regime is coming to his end and it is fully his fault.
Those people if they left there money in the west after sanctions started last year are obviously idiots. That is there fault.
That has nothing to do with Putin, but liberals like you, want to attack him anyway.
Yada, yada, yada — have you not been watching what has gone down so far?
I tire of hearing these propaganda themes
The empire’s bullshit and deceptive memes
As the US goes down and Putin goes up
And Merkel thinks that she is a Krupp
Ukraine is a mess; gonna fail any day
and we see drunken wobbling by the CIA
Obama lost Crimea, and the dollar’s set to fall
While Ruble and Yuan and the BRICS grow tall
The empire collapses — its happening all the while
While ‘weak little’ Putin just relaxes with smile.
nice rap
”The empire collapses”
Uhuh, right. It collapses. Everyone says so. It has been collapsing thus since its inception… So please, let me know when it actually (!) collapses…
Awaiting your news…
It is just like the guy falling from the 50th floor and passing the 20th thinks: “so far, so good”. But he is falling nonetheless. Historically, this is also what the Soviet Union did. The way such empires fall is just like in the game where you have a tower built of many pieces and you have to remove one by one without making the tower fall. You can, and it is even fun. But inevitably, the comes a moment with the structural integrity fails and the tower comes tumbling down. This is what happened to the USSR and this is what will inevitably happen to the US. But yeah, while it lasts the game is fun and all looks great.
The Saker
This Empire tower is collapsing, but it’s huge and takes time — not like one wired with thermate so it goes at free-fall velocity, but ordinary collapse as all empires go through when the structural supports rot away.
Thank you Saker for your observation.
The doomsday scenarios well preceded the U.S. 2007-8 housing & banking disaster (E. Todd’s “After The Empire”, I. Panarin’s “fragmentation of the U.S. into five pieces”, … not to mention various flavors of “revolutionaries” forever preaching imminent demise of capitalism, and so on and on…) And when “2007-8” came … oh boy, “everyone” joined the chorus “that’s it”, “I told you so”, “buy gold ASAP”, “build bunkers with food reserves”, “pray”, … while the web hysteria went truly viral.
OK, we are now in 2015 – and nothing happened. (Perhaps something could be learnt even from those sorry “Jehova’s Witnesses” simpletons’ experiences? … At first they were even giving the dates of “the end of the world”…) Wishing something to happen and something happening are two different things.
But Saker, you can’t deny that the ones behind the empire are richer now than they have ever been.
Catherine Austin Fitts calls it “slow burn” and she thinks it can go on almost indefinitely.
In the process now:
Camden, Detroit, Newark, Chicago, etc.;
Infrastructure, utilization, inflation and debt, manufacturing, chemical pollution;
military — Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Ukraine, etc.;
education, health care, poverty rate and hunger, interest rates and wealth distribution; unemployment and wage rates,
etc., etc.
Of course it has not been collapsing since is inception, but the story for the last 3 or 4 decades is much different. One must be blind not to see it, or dishonest to not admit it.
That’s OK with me — do as you wish.
Anonymous, honey– you’re right: most definitely Putin should paracdhute in a take that money back from the theiving US. Otherwise he’s weak and Russia will collapse.
Go on honey; go out & play w the other kids.
Penelope, you’re so funny. Such a lady
Anonymous March 06, 2015
If the Russians reacted to zionazi provocations by acting like zionazis themselves, besides playing into zionazi hands, it would hardly usher in the often Russian stated long term objectives of civilized and peaceful relations between nations, based upon mutual tolerance and respect. Responding to a butt rapist with more bum rape doesn’t correct the problem. It reinforces and continues it. A different approach is needed. One which doesn’t reinforce the pathology. IE: you gotta break the chain, mon. This doesn’t mean one must answer aggression with pacifism, it means using the brain, rather than the predictable emotionally triggered response. That’s what true independence entails.
If you’re not up to it, well, that’s your loss.
go away you putin basher…he’s so much smarter than you that you don’t even see the forest for the trees.
Message from ‘our partners’…
David Cameron: Britain could take Russia sanctions to ‘whole different level’
David Cameron says that Russia has ‘ripped up’ the rule book and must be punished if it makes further incursions into Ukraine
Mr Cameron said that Russia has “ripped up” the rule book and can’t expect to still have access to international markets and finance.
He said that the West must be prepared to “settle in for a long and determined position” against Russia and that further incursions into Ukraine should be punished.
He said: “If Russia is going to rip up the rule book of the 21st century and destabilise a sovereign country, then the rest of the world should be prepared to say to Russia, ‘Well you can’t rip up one part of the international rule book while still having access to international markets, international finance, international systems.”
Gotta love how comments on articles on Russia are always disabled in The Telegraph…
Cameron is 4% behind in the opinion polls for the election in May. He comes out to attack Russia hoping it will make him look strong
(Well, except for Merkel)
That is bloody hillarious.
Best series of belly laughs I’ve had in a while
In order to prepare the German taxpayers for yet another bailout of the Bank of England, Barclays Bank PLC, HSBC Holdings, BNP Paribas SA, Credit Agricole, Natixis SA, Societe Generale SA, Deutsche Bank AG, Commerzbank AG et al. the German government propaganda TV-channel ZDF recently launched this extraordinary heavy metal video about Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis:
From the German satirical TV show Neo Magazin Royale comes “V for Varoufakis” which is an obvious play on “V for Vendetta”. This YouTube music video is very good, if not excellent. Definitely highly recommended. Jan Boehmermann performs live at this ZDF (second public channel) TV show.
Uploaded on February 25, 2015 and has been seen by over 1,423,080 viewers with 15,766 “likes”. ; (in English with German and Greek subtitles)
From the YouTube description….
Published on Feb 25, 2015
Dear Greeks, the time has come: we surrender! Take all our money, you may also take Helene Fischer, but please, keep this financial Hercules off us. We could only just bear with Costa Cordalis so this is clearly way too much! –
Liebe Griechen, es ist so weit. Wir geben uns geschlagen! Nehmt unser Geld, und nehmt gerne auch Helene Fischer, aber schafft uns diesen Finanz-Herkules vom Leib. Costa Cordalis konnten wir noch aushalten, aber das ist eindeutig zu viel! –
Αγαπητοί Έλληνες, ήρθε η ώρα, μας καταφέρατε. Πάρτε τα λεφτά μας, πάρτε και την Χελένε Φίσερ, μα σας παρακαλούμε απαλάξτε μας από αυτόν τον Υπουργό – Ηρακλή. Άντε, τον Κώστα Κορδάλη τον ανεχόμαστε, αλλά ως εκεί η χάρη μας! –
The battle over Greece and the battle over Ukraine are connected in that both Greece and Russia represent a tangential threat to the US dollar and US hegemony.
That threat is sufficient for the groupthink delusionals and assorted Washington madmen to invoke the increasing possibility of nuclear war.
“In a letter, House Speaker John Boehner and other lawmakers said Russia’s actions in Ukraine were a “grotesque violation of international law”.”
They urge President Barack Obama to provide lethal offensive -sorry, defensive- weapons to Ukraine in its fight against pro-Russian rebels.
You’d run out of red ink underlining the distortions, deceptions and lies in the letter but this one has to take the cake for insults to Russia:
“Russia’s actions in Ukraine were “a challenge to the West and an assault on the international order established at such great cost in the wake of World War II.”
May the 20 million plus Russian dead visit the filth that wrote this and form their worst nightmares.
From the Hegemon’s British vassal megaphone:
check this:
Croatian FM considering running for UN secretary general:
also check those two videos and draw your own conclusions (hint: eye contact and head angle…)
Where are you with real updates. The videos are not very informative.
This blog also is loosing its direction and becoming a place where anti Putin posters have free reign.
Be a contributor, not just a commenter.
Videos from some sources are very informative, packed with images, voices, narratives and proof of the situation. They often are good SitReps in kind.
Saker is not available 24/7 unless you underwrite his costs (send him 50-60 K USD) and he’ll keep you on a personal RSS, VPN or open phone line. You’ll know what he learns as soon as he does. How’s that?
As for trolls, Saker’s tolerance level is extraordinary. No body is perfect. Ignore them.
Don’t be anti-Saker, Jane. This is a FREE website for you to participate in. If there’s a particular topic you’re interested in, suggest it. If you have a specific question, ask it. In that way you’ll be giving direction to ALL of us & will probably get lots of answers.
Take care.
Jane, why don’t you send Saker a paypal payment of $100,000 dollars. then he’ll write some good articles.
the guy is working volunteer virtually….smarten-up.
Sanction McDonalds and Coca Cola? Worse than blasphemy, it’s downright commie!
Big Mac Attack: Russian Politicians Debate Exiling McDonald’s and Coca Cola
On Thursday, Alexei Pushkov, head of the foreign-affairs committee in the State Duma known for his interesting and often provocative commentary on Twitter, tweeted that “perhaps McDonald’s and Coca-Cola would like to support Obama’s sanctions, and rid us of their products? They would [thus] be true to their principles, and we would be healthier.”
Last year, Russia’s public health administration Rospotrebnadzor launched health checks at over 200 McDonald’s restaurants, causing the temporary closure of dozens of restaurants following the observance of violations of sanitary standards and nutritional guidelines.
According to a poll conducted last October surveying 1,600 people across 43 Russian regions found that 49 percent of Russians were in favor of closing McDonald’s altogether, while 33 percent were against the idea. The company had earlier decided to close its restaurants in Crimea and eastern Ukraine due to sanctions and instability in those regions.
I suspect Russians can figure out how to make hamburgers and soft drinks — and employ the people now working at the companies of the enemy empire (that’s what they are now, after all).
China and India should do the same sort of thing. The US wants to have its cake and eat it too, and that must stop.
A Russian nationwide chain took over the McDonalds vacated restaurants in Crimea. What I remember is they are a fast food franchise outfit, like the western sort, but that they used more healthy, fresh foods. Likely if McDonalds got the boot in Russia, that Russian chain, or others similar would quickly fill their place. But poor Pussy Riot would be left without a place to eat at in Russia.
Agreed, Blue, and while they are a it they can ban NED & NSAID as terrorist organizations.
Blue what is that one you posted about Spanish Launch…? seems to be nothing but spam for a site and a meeting that has been and gone. How is it relevant?
It’s a recent post from the UMKC blog,, which is a main driving engine of modern monetary theory, from Randy Wary, about his new book on MMT being produced in Spanish.
It’s relevant because Wray is one of the economists who is a leading proponent of MMT — which seems also to be supported by Varoufakis, and to some extent some others, if I’m reading Khazin right, and Evgeny Federov, for example.
(Other proponents to one degree or another, are Michael Hudson, Bill Black, Steve Keen, Bill Mitchell, Warren Mosler, Stephany Kelton — all major economists or related).
This is important because it deals largely with monetary theory which blows the main stream assumptions and theory out of the water, and even attack some of the roots of western capitalism which rely on system which do not have sovereign currency, in the EU, such as Greece, Italy, and Spain, but is controlled by the ECB. If Spain become an educational ‘target’ of MMT — which the book in Spanish would greatly augment — then it could start to look more like Greece and toss another wrench into the Tyranny of the EU banks. A few conferences there can have a tremendous effect — revolutionary even — in moving away from the neoclassical / Chicago School hegemony.
The presentations and meeting are over, but even now it’s significant news that they took place. Looking at I see on March 2, there was a Job Guarantee Presentation in Madrid. I expect more activity in the future — maybe even a major conference like there was in Bimini a few years ago. This stuff could be dynamite.
I would start with freezing the amount of their profits that match the money frozen from the Russian banks in the US.And do the same with any other Western company whose home country freezes Russian funds.Seriously,Russians must realize that enabling a bully,is like a kid handing their lunch money to a bully in school.It doesn’t make you appear peaceful and friendly to that bully.It only makes you look weak and prime for more bullying.Bullies like NATO get off on picking on the weak.You would think that would be obvious by now to Russians.
I though I posted this but it seems to have lost in the shuffle
The Spanish Launch of Modern Money Theory
Posted on February 25, 2015 by Devin Smith | 1 Comment
By L. Randall Wray
Sorry, I’ve been very busy in recent weeks, finishing up a book on Minsky and revising my Modern Money Primer for a second edition (more on both of those projects later).
Meanwhile, Lola Books is gearing up to release the Primer in Spanish next week. I’ll be in Madrid for the launch and for a series of meetings. I’ll give two presentations that are open to the public. Details are below. Hope to see our Spanish friends there!
March 5, 2015
I’ll make a presentation at the Izquierda Unida economic program. This event will officially introduce MMT into Spanish politics.
Location: Sede Central de CC.OO.
Address: c/ Fernández de la Hoz 12, planta baja; Madrid
Time :19 h. See the event flyer below.
March 7, 2015
Presentation of the Primer at the ‘Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financière et l’Aide aux Citoyens’ (Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens)
Location: Fuhem
Address: c/ Duque de Sexto 40; Madrid
Time: 11 h.
I like Putin. I like Russia. I like Russians
To me this disrespectful rap video is funny because I hate, detest the corrupt, criminal, dictatorial drug dealing pedophile VVD/PVDA present Dutch government.
Ministry & top of Justice department launders drug money, PVDA member steals 40.000 euros from a homeless newspaper fund raised by homeless people selling street news. I wont even start about the Dutch corrupt police department.
Just Google what The Netherlands has become. A little Orwellian dictatorial bureaucratic & criminal dictatorship of which up to 2% of its citizens immigrate yearly.
The following video is not shown on regular Dutch T.V. Dutch t.v. is too busy with bearded men, homosexual sex scenes and porn advertisements suggesting people have sexual relations with someones mother.
For all those reasons I will emigrate ASAP. The proverbial sea dike is leaking and no finger big enough can stop the country from flooding under its political & corrupt bullshit dictatorship. Enjoy the video
(RAP Dutch Minister president Mark Rutte vs. Sir Vladimir Poetin Rapbattle (Hard!)
Fully agree (except the gay sex scenes, but I haven´t exactly been searching for them ;) ). But what is most apparent is the double standards, the hypocracy, which betrays a return to a feudal system.
Like: I, boss, can order an escort discretely, but you, servile single worker may not visit a prostitute, because 3. 7 % may be forced (a lower percentage than unhappy, violent marriages).
(Those commercials, when regular programming is over after midnight, are for ´phone sex´ and ´webcam sex´, in different categories. Very popular among boys of 12- 17, and very expensive. And boring.)
What Russian media are completely missing is a virtual WAR in EUrope between radical feminists + evangelicals against social liberals. This goes completely through left to right. And hijacked on both sides. And no, not unimportant.
My belief is that Europe and Russia can be great partners, but with mutual, and true respect of differences.
Sad that. In 1960 I spent the best year of my childhood in the Netherlands. My father worked in Leiden, and we lived in a row-house in Leiderdorp. My father insisted we attend public school (Konnigen Juliana School) which was very good. I remember the Dutch working men: farmers who could milk cows by hand, men selling salted herring and cheese in the market. They all had big, burly hands. When I look at P.M. Rutte’s hands, or those of Obama or Biden, i see only appendages used for obfuscation and deceit. I see hands that have never done any honest work, and are therefore hands of dishonest people. Pepe Mujica says the same thing.
Hi Nederlander…I couldn’t understand the video. But I agree that every civilized country has been taken over by a monster. A liberal monster.
Obama and Merkel are discussing the complications around the world because of the time difference. Ms.Merkel is explaining that she called the prime minister of Japan to congratulate to him to his election victory and she didn’t realized that she wake him up at 3.00 A.M. local time in Japan.
Obama respond to this problem and said, oh this is nothing, I just called Mr.Putin to immediately start the investigation death of Mr.Nemcov and it was three hours before killing
:D I’ll have to remember that one.
Speaking of the devil, or at least one of the supreme satanists:
Realtors in New Zealand subsequently confirmed the flight to safety by the elite, noting that “paranoia” and concerns about personal safety and global crises were driving the trend.
mar 6
Following revelations that the Swiss banking arm of HSBC — the world’s second largest bank — was engaged in massive fraudulent tax-evasion relating to assets totaling $100 billion, Peter Oborne dropped an unexpected bombshell.
The veteran journalist exposed how one of Britain’s leading national broadsheets, The Telegraph, refused to cover the HSBC scandal to protect its corporate advertising revenues.
king of ketchup speaks.
mar 5
Ultimately a combination of diplomacy and pressure will be needed to bring about a political transition. Military pressure particularly may be necessary given President Assad’s reluctance to negotiate seriously,”Kerry said at a Thursday meeting of Gulf foreign ministers at Riyadh Air Base, according to AFP.
red ice radio sweden
65 minutes
mar 5
How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
This is just great! I could not stop laughing for a while.
I wonder how in the world they found someone of exactly Varoufakis body type & got him to move in that limp way– exactly like Faroufakis. Angel & Putin both suggested the originals pretty well too. And Varoufakis’ voice was great. A very funny video.
Ha, ha, ha! ROTHFLMFAO!
Brilliant: the emperor has no clothes! Apparently, humor really is the be medicine. NO authority can withstand ridicule.
You are right.Which is why I support the South Front videos so much.The West hates ridicule directed at themselves.Making buffoons out of them in videos is a powerful publicity weapon against them.