[This column was written for the Unz Review]
Maybe the “the Russians did it” narrative is getting stale. Or maybe the leaders of the Empire have finally figured out that China is even more dangerous to the Empire than Russia. But my personal gut feeling is simply that the AngloZionists are freaking out about the “full-spectrum” loss of face they suffered with their massive mishandling (medically and, even more so, politically!) of this pandemic-induced socio-economic crisis and that they now are pointing fingers pretty much at everybody (including each other).
Russia did play a crucial role here, since it was in its informational war against Russia that the leaders of the Empire came up with what I now call the “Skripal rules of evidence” aka “highly likely”. This latest principle being subserviently accepted by all Europeans in the name of “solidarity” (solidarity with what exactly is rarely specified), it was, shall we say, “naively reasonable” that it would work this time around again. Again, I am personally not so sure about that at all. Much has changed over the past two years: not only did the Europeans eventually find out how utterly stupid and incredible the entire Skripal fairy tale was, but the level of disgust and even hatred with Trump and the USA has sharply gone up. Furthermore, China has a lot more to offer to Europe, than the disintegrating (dis-)United States – so why side with the losing party? Last, but most certainly not least, the Europeans will find out (and some already have), that the US literally does not give a damn about not only regular Europeans, but even about the European ruling classes.
[Sidebar: a quick study of history shows that when exploiting elites are doing great, they all faithfully support each other, but when things start to go south, they immediately turn on each other. The best recent example of this phenomenon is the schism in the US ruling elites who, since the election of Trump, have immediately turned on each other and are now viciously fighting like “spiders in a can” (to use a Russian expression). In fact, this is so true that it can even be used as a very reliable diagnostic tool: when your enemies are all united, then they are probably confident in their victory, but as soon as they turn on each other, you *know* that things are looking very bad for your opponents. Likewise, we now see how southern Europeans are getting really angry with their northern “EU allies” (Macron seems to be falling in line behind Trump even if he uses a more careful and diplomatic language). Finally, the way the US CIA has one foreign policy, the Pentagon another and Foggy Bottom one of its own (even if limited to sanctions and finger-pointing) tells you pretty much all you need to know to see how deep the systemic crisis of the Empire has become.]
While there are very few truly intelligent people left in the US government, there are still plenty of “horizontally clever” ones and it did not take them long to find out that this pandemic gave then a golden opportunity to pin all their own failures and mistakes on China. The elements? Simple really:
- Anti-Chinese propaganda has a long history in the USA and it was really easy to re-kindle it.
- Most US Americans have a completely irrational reaction to the word “Communist” so it is really easy for any US propaganda outlet to mention the CCP and “lies” in the same sentence and sound credible, irrespective of what else the sentence claims (like, say, factual evidence).
- The US plutocracy is terrified of the Chinese economic and industrial power, hence the vilification of companies like Huawei or DJI which are declared a national security threat to the USA. Blame everything on the Chinese and the US oligarchs will love it!
- China and Russia are in a relationship which is even far deeper than an alliance. I call it a “symbiosis” while the Chinese speak of a “Strategic comprehensive partnership of coordination for the new era” while the Russians speak of a “crucial alliance”. The terms don’t really matter here, what matters is that Russia and China are standing together (that is what they mean by “coordinating”) against the Empire and that the (admittedly few and clumsy) US attempts are breaking this alliance have totally failed.
- As with any new pandemic, it did take China time to figure out the nature of what was happening and it was extremely easy to accuse China of deliberate obfuscation (while keeping the fact that China did inform the world as early as December 31st is, obviously omitted, as is the presence of a multi-national WHO delegation to investigate this issue. In reality, one might as well accuse China of being TOO open, and allowing various estimates and hypotheses to circulate even before the Chinese government had all the facts established. It is a perfect case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
- The US political culture is that 99.99% of US Americans will believe literally ANY lie, no matter how self-evidently stupid, about the rest of the world than accepting any unpleasant truth about the USA. So scapegoating another power, especially a Communist one, gets a knee-jerk reaction of approval from the overwhelming majority of US Americans.
- When the WHO clearly did not buy into the US propaganda, it was a great move for Trump to defund it. Not only did the USA already owe the WHO millions of dollars (50-200, depending on who you ask), so the easy pretext not to pay was to accuse it of being pro-Chinese. It is obvious that Trump has no use for the UN other than as a whipping boy, and this was a prefect way to target it again.
- As with any scary event, a true tsunami of completely unsubstantiated and outright silly rumors began as soon as it was clear that this was a major event and all the US propaganda machine had to do was to speak in serious tones about some of these rumors and to make it appear that the media was “just reporting” rather than planting stories.
- China is also a major threat to US interests in Asia, and this pandemic provided a perfect opportunity for the USA to present reports from Taiwan as reports from China (that is an old trick). As for the Taiwanese government, they were more than happy to find yet another pretext to hate on China, nothing new here either.
- Finally, US economists did not take long to figure out that this pandemic would have devastating effect on the “best economy in the history of the galaxy” so preemptively blaming it all on China is the perfect way for Trump and his Neocon masters to deflect the blame from them.
The stories which were then planted were truly magnificent. Here are a few of my personal favorites
- FBI Says Foreign States Hacked US Research Centers Seeking COVID-19 Breakthroughs (though this article points the finger at Iran, not Russia or China, it sets the “we are under attack” tone very well: notice the plural in “foreign states“).
- US Launches ‘Full-Scale Investigation’ Into Wuhan Lab
- Has a study proven that the coronavirus was a human creation, as claimed by a French Nobel Prize winner in medicine? (excellent move, it gives authority to the argument by quoting a celebrity, nevermind that there are many more credible voices saying that this theory is baloney).
There are many more, I am sure that you have seen them too.
Eventually, and inevitably, this strategic PSYOP upped the ante and FOXnews (logically) aired this true masterpiece: “Sen. Hawley: Let coronavirus victims sue Chinese Communist Party“. Truly, this is brilliant. “I lost my job, let the evil Chinese commies pay me back” is music to the ears of most US Americans.
Right now, most of the US statements are simply lies, but as China will, with time, eventually release more corrected and accurate information, these corrected/updated statistics will immediately be interpreted as the proof that initially the Chinese were deliberately lying and not as the effect of the Chinese themselves gradually getting a better picture of what actually happened. Again, this is the typical case of dammed if you don’t and dammed if you do.
I should mention that there is another reason which might contribute to the decision of the US to blame it all on China: it is still not clear where this virus came from, but one possibility is that it originated in the USA and was brought to China by US Americans (whether deliberately or not is not the issue here). As for the reports which claim that the US is deliberately covering up the real magnitude of the disaster in the USA, they are ignored.
Furthermore, it is now painfully obvious that the US politicians totally misread the situation and began by saying either that it was a Chinese problem or that it was “no worse than the seasonal flu”, or both. This is just the latest case of what I call the “US narcissistic messianism” leading US leaders to believe in their own propaganda only to find out that reality still exists out there and that it is dramatically different from the delusions held by most US Americans.
Now all these US politicians (the Republicrats as much as the Demoblicans) all have to run and cover their collective butts. What better way to achieve that than to blame it all on China?
As I said above, this is clever, but definitely not very intelligent.
The USA is already locked in an unwinnable war against Russia (as I always remind everybody, this war is 80% informational, 15% economic and only 5% kinetic). To open a full-scale “second front” makes sense in terms of short term political expediency, especially in an election year, but in the long term it is self-defeating and disastrous. In fact, if there is anything history teaches us, is that opening a second front when you can’t even handle the first one is suicidal. But who cares about history, especially in the “United States of Amnesia”? And, besides, when you are both totally exceptional and totally superior, why would you care about the history of the common “deplorable” people and nations out there? Just call them “shit holes” and wave your (Chinese made) flag. That is what passes for “looking Presidential” these days…
Regardless of anything said above, the momentum of this sinophobic campaign is too big to be reversed or stopped. And since most of the US political class supports it, this will probably continue even after the US Presidential election (assuming it takes place).
Still, all this begs the question: what did really happen? What is the truth?
The truth is that nobody really knows. It will probably take years to get the full picture and, even more so, the correct numbers. What correct numbers? Well, ALL of them: carriers, resistance, age groups, comorbidity, the exact characteristics of this virus (and of its various mutations), how effective the various tests are, which antiviral medication might help, its side effects, whether the BCG vaccine somehow helps the body to fight off the virus, etc.
Right now, I don’t believe that anybody really knows, even the percentage of asymptomatic carriers changes by an order of magnitude depending on whom you ask. Sure, some guesses are closer to the truth than others, by definition, but which ones are closer is still very hard to ascertain.
They key thing to keep in mind now is that most of what we see now has very little in common with any scientific investigation. What we see is an attempt to use this pandemic for political, financial and geostrategic purposes.
And please don’t think that it is only Trump! Just remember what Pelosi was saying as late as February!
That was almost two months after China had warned the WHO that there was a major crisis developing!
But Pelosi, just like Trump, only thinks about power, money and influence, not the safety of the “deplorables” which the Dems hate so much (as do the Republicans, of course, they just don’t say so openly like Hillary did; but just Trump’s “grab them by the pussy” says all you need to know about his true respect for his fellow human beings!).
Then there is another very real risk: as the situation gets worse and worse for the USA and, specifically, for Trump’s reelection, he might well decide to do what many politicians do in such a situation: start a big war. Before the pandemic, the US clearly had no stomach to start a war with Iran, but now that the pandemic is crippling the world economy and that all the ugly sides of the transnational capitalist system are becoming obvious, I would not put it past Trump to start a war with Iran just to deflect the many accusations against him. The Idiot-in-Chief has now ordered USN forces off the coast of Iran to, I kid you not, “shoot down & destroy” any Iranian gunboat which would “harass” the USN. Apparently, he still cannot understand that should any USN ship execute any such order it would soon find itself dealing with a swarm of Iranian anti-shipping missiles. Clearly, messianic narcissism and a rabid megalomania simply don’t allow Trump to understand that the Iranians are for real, that they absolutely mean business and that they, unlike the US, have carefully modeled the consequences of any war between Iran and the USA and while they won’t deliberately provoke such a war, they will fight it if needed, with infinitely more staying power than the US.
[Sidebar: Like a typical US flag-waving politician, Trump probably thinks that if all goes to hell, the US can nuke Iran and prevail. He is right about the former, but oh SO wrong about the latter. If nukes are used against Iran, then there will be a total and long war to kick both the US and the Zionist entity out of the Middle-East. But that is a topic for another day.]

A new mascot for both US parties?
US politicians remind me of a person living in a arctic cabin who decide to burn down the cabin to get much needed heat: sure, this strategy will work, for a while, but only at the cost of a much bigger disaster down the road. This is what pretty much ALL US politicians did with this pandemic, and this is why they will never ever accept any responsibility for anything.
Check out this cute little donkey on the right.
Would he not make the perfect mascot and symbol for both US political parties and for the many US politicians who can think of nothing else than covering him?
There is one more thing I would like to mention here: there are a lot of folks out there who like to carefully note all the instances when somebody predicted that this pandemic would happen. They take these warning statements as evidence of a conspiracy. The truth is that the scientific community and even the general public (at least those few who still read books) fully knew that it was just a matter of time before such a pandemic would happen, because our society made such an event inevitable. Just one example:
In distant 1995 the US journalist Lorrie Garrett published an excellent book called “The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance” in which she explained why and even how a global pandemic would naturally emerge due to the very nature of our modern society. I highly recommend this book in spite of the fact that it is now a quarter of a century old: it is very well written, easy to read, and it makes a very strong case that such pandemics were inevitable (and with no need to appeal to unsubstantiated biowarfare theories).
History will show that we all, our entire planet, did not take this and many other warnings seriously. Ask yourself, what is easier for a politician: to accept that our entire socio-political order is unsustainable and outright dangerous (or “out of balance” to use Garrett’s expression), or to blame it all on the Chinese commies and their “secret biowarfare program”?
I think that the answer is self-evident.
The Saker
The western oligarchy has painted itself into a pretty tight corner. It is almost as if time itself has elected to leave them behind. They continue to sing the same old songs, tell the same old lies, pull the same old stunts. However, the world is waking up more and more every day, regardless of what they do or say. Their partners in crime are simply not as solid as they once were, nor as able to stand up to the heat which is brought about by their criminal behaviors. Their victims are not as powerless as they once were. Their enemies are no longer as divided. Their audience is no longer as captive as it once was. Their storylines are becoming more and more childish, and frankly, incoherent. I believe that the writing is on the wall.
The choice that they face is actually quite stark. End their aggressions and make peace, so that they may rejoin the rest of mankind. Or, face the fate that they have woven for themselves.
As the saying goes, “a cornered rat is a dangerous rat”. When an empire starts to fall, it begins to play dirty. The corona virus may or may not be a bio weapon, but it is certainly being used as a geopolitical weapon, directed at China. As I have written before, the actual appearance of the virus is highly suspicious, as it begs the question why it appeared at this particular time, when Russia and China are on the rise. And yes, most Americans will believe the current charges against China. However, will the rest of the world also believe them ? I think not. Such political and legal machinations will only speed up the demise of the empire.
The empire played dirty from the day Columbus landed in America (okay this is over simplified). Just think of millions slaughtered bisons and “Injuns”.
This bug was already in the USA by 1-Dec-2019. Most likely October 2019
The mortality figures are on par with a standard flu season. The PLANDEMIC is a fraud / hoax / psyop.
Please refrain from pretending otherwise as I find it hard to believe anyone who claims otherwise. It undermines your other arguments.
But I do think your other argies have merit.
Amen. By calling this a pandemic rather than the hoax it is undermines all the other excellent points in the article. As I have said before, I live in a retirement community. Between family and friends I have direct and indirect contact with more than 100 people. I have yet to hear of even one person who is infected with the corona virus. How can this be a pandemic???
Yeah, so please take the next step.
ask all the other 99 of community friends and yourself to visit, cheer up, gather and buy things at the next supermarkets and stores twice a week.
Thanks for the advice. However, we are already doing as you suggest. Walmart, Target, grocery store and our weekly get together to play cards. Whenever we meet we all ask “do you know anyone who got the virus?” Such a big deal when nobody knows anyone who got the virus!!! Then you go on line and see videos of facilities with hundreds of beds all empty. Then you see stories on line of much fewer deaths from heart attack, stroke, cancer etc. If you arrive at the hospital with any life ending ailment and you have a fever – it is listed as corona instead of heart attack, stroke, cancer etc. It all adds up to one big hoax.
here in Toronto I know of one person – she is around 20 when she returned home from Barcelona they scanned her and tested her and she had it. This was month or so ago, she self-isolated (my brother’s Serbian neighbor) and she is doing great.
Another Serbian friend told us his twin sister in Serbia had it and she had to be on a ventilator (nobody else from her family got it – she is about 55 I think or 54).
Another friend in Paris (he is probably 47) told me a few weeks ago when we spoke on skype that he things he got had it a few weeks before and his kids and wife. His kids are 10 and 12 I think. He looked better than ever on skype.
These are the only people I heard about who had it or who think they had it
As I have written earlier: https://thesaker.is/what-did-u-s-intel-really-know-about-the-chinese-virus/#comment-792690 I do not believe that China is responsible for the SARS-COV virus.
China and Iran was the primary victim of a Bio weapon, with potential fallout to Europe and America.
The fact is that western Deep State Agents such as the 9/11 swamp in the US, the BSL-4 lab in Fort Detrick, The Australian Animal and Health BSL-4 Laboratory, Bill Gates, The Johns Hopkins University, and World Economic Forum are the real origin of this Laboratory spliced SARS-COV, and the COVID-19 Lockdown.
The economic effect on the West was amplified by National politician’s reacting in panic, because they were told by military and health authorities (Deep State agents) that a Bio-weapon had hit China and Iran, and that weapon was now returning back to sender.
As solution, the Deep State “Experts” suggested instituting martial laws in the west, by interning the entire populations, instead of shutting down National borders and quarantining for 3 weeks, people entering their Nation as potential carriers of the virus. The real motive of the western Deep State was to quell all protests in France and Exit movements within the EU, while making the virus a perfect scapegoat for the coming crash of the western Banking system and world reserve currency, the petro Dollar.
These Deep State “Experts” also suggested that Nations should transport their stranded but potential infected national citizen’s home in Airplanes and Cruise ships. Airplane and Cruise ships are confined space with recirculating ventilation systems, where infected are placed in close proximity with non infected citizens. That ensured a spread of the virus into a pandemic, as the potential carriers were not quarantined when they entered their respective Nations.
Taken into account that China has been struck by the western Deep Stat since 2002 by:
SARS-COV: Killing thousands of Chinese citizens.
Birdflu: killing most Chicken and Geese in China
Swineflu: Killing most pigs in China.
Artificial Drought: creating famine in large parts of China
Nuclear Explosion in Tianjin, Destroying a major transport hub out of China
SARS-COV-2, Killing Millions of Chinese citizens
I´m convinced that China wouldn’t mind Returning the US-CDC patented SARS-COV to Sender.
However, I have not yet meet anyone infected by the COVID-19 virus.
A. Dane
Columbus didn’t land in North America, and the bison and “Injuns”as you put it, were mostly slaughtered by Anglo-Americans. The Spanish and Portuguese mostly slaughtered the indigenous inhabitants with introduced diseases.
Stiven, while I appreciate your comment, I’d like to point out that:
I did not say “in North America, I said America”. I also said “oversimplified”. While he was only a “paid tool”. He opened the door for the other greedy “me too, me too”.
Someone made an interesting list, still about South America:
So, to end, I will say that: England and France seeing the Spain roaming around went and landed in North America (Luisiana? from the king Lui? and the list goes on). French also in Canada, later got muscled out by the English, but not quite, because while everyone thinks of Quebec as French. if you go to Northern Ontario you will hear most of the people speak French. Pelt traders and trappers were mostly French all along Great Lakes.
Columbus is credited with ‘discovering’ America, and not Leif Ericsson, the Norwegian Viking. The Vikings stayed in America (which they called ‘Vineland’) for some two years, while Columbus never saw the North American continent, making three voyages to the Caribbean islands. Even so, he is credited with making the ‘discovery’, which is strange. It was Americo Vespucci who sailed a little bit further and grasped the fact that America was a new continent.
As for the native population of North America, it was chiefly exterminated with smallpox and hunger. According to one historian, in the year 1500 there were 90 million native Americans in North America. Of that number, 75 million were exterminated.
BF, correct. I have also read somewhere that “cowboys” got paid for shooting 20mln bisons, which were primary source of food and furs for warm clothing for Native Americans. Someone suggested: “lets starve the “injuns””.
Small pox infected blankets and clothing were used in “Reserves” simultaneously.
This article talks about 10mln slaughtered bisons:
Check out the pile of bison heads (from 1870):
Enjoy this video about Native Americans (sorry its Greek):
Eagle and wolf were their sacred spirits:
You will find more videos on the subject full of beautiful pictures.
Enjoy this beautiful flute:
Technically Columbus himself also was aware from other accounts that there existed a vast land across the ocean, and that formed the basis of why he was searching for it and argued for its existence, based on the testimony of others. Even when they got there they’d discovered that Christian missionaries had visited there before of their own accord, but had died long ago without successfully completing their mission. It’s a fascinating topic. There is much about history that is lost to us.
Sadly there are many black myths that were passed around to tarnish Columbus. For one he was Catholic and a very holy man, which the largely Protestant pre-Americans who arrived didn’t like. He in fact regarded the indigenous peoples as some of the best people on the Earth, and he dearly wished to convert them to Jesus Christ. He was against slavery, but one sad incident did stick against him when the pressure of his crewmen demanded some compensation that he couldn’t provide and settled with him that they would personally take slaves of the natives for their booty, which Columbus under pressure gave in. But upon returning to Spain, the Queen chastised him for it.
Wish I could remember all the details, but Columbus was a true man of his time and the likes of which we have never seen in quite a long time as our present generations grow even stupider and drunk off nonsense politically correct history.
Actually, I think disease was introduced before the Spanish actually arrived in North America (on the Gulf coast). I have read somewhere (can’t recall where) that when I think it was de Soto started to travel up the Mississippi, he discovered major settlements that had all been decimated by some kind of plague. That is, North America was already relativelyh depopulated before European settlers or even explorers arrived. One hypothesis is that a plague-carrying corpse of a european sailor that washed up on the shore of the Guld introduced the pathogen to North America. There are also various accounts that New England was in an ecological and possibly health crisis by the time European settlers arrived. European fishermen had already been fishing off the coast for decades in the 16th century.
Per Wiki:
“The most destructive disease brought by Europeans was smallpox. The first well-documented smallpox epidemic happened in 1518.[3] The Lakota Indians called the disease the running face sickness.[8] Smallpox was lethal to many Native Americans, bringing sweeping epidemics and affecting the same tribes repeatedly. ”
I think you are right – many people especially abroad (the ones watching Hollywood BS) still somehow expect that America is not just very rich, free and democratic… but also ruled by people who are not a bunch of dumb idiots and getting dumber by the day
Unfortunately for USA – this has nothing to do with reality. Getting cornered also makes the more stupid and more scared – because don’t forget – Americans are probably the biggest cowards the world has ever seen.
It was a big surprise for me to learn that around about that time when Snoweden revealed the dirty about NSA (I lived in DC at the time and was surprised with how scared and paralyzed in fear everyone was – and I expected there a revolution.
I emailed a friend whose father was JFK’s Attorney General who wrote the Civil Rights Act – and I told him what is happening – your country is turning into Eastern Germany from the 70s..? He just told me to watch my back because they are spying on everyone (and he was generally fearful and passive). Even though he is a friend with Hitlery. I thought – what a shame his father would be spinning in his grave
So due to being cowards and generally most bullies are cowards – they are also getting more and more scared of the world and reality.
That’s also a variable in their possible moves and reactions – they are cowards more than they are stupid.
The propaganda against China would have worked a lot better if the US were still capable of substantive leadership, and if their health care system wasn’t showing itself as a model of what not to do. It’s just really hard not to notice that the US is neither willing nor capable to help anyone else, while some of its key enemies (China, Cuba, Russia) are. And it’s really hard not to notice that domestically they’re messing the whole thing up massively, showing themselves as the opposite of a system to emulate.
For decades, whether I like it or not, the US was the world’s production centre and their model seemed to be something that was working; people wanted to imitate them. There was a part of this that was due to propaganda, and even then another part that was about eating your seed corn, if for the fairly distant future. But part of it was real; they made all the stuff, they did all the research, they produced the culture and the brands, they were having fun; the US was vibrant and dynamic. They were coercing the world, but also doing some constructive leadership.
That’s all gone now. They moved the production elsewhere, they gutted the education, the culture is stale, and even if they bring back the production they probably can’t compete with China or Japan or Germany or a dozen other places. They have nothing resembling vision. Strip away the media dominance and there’s no reason anyone would want to follow them. But media dominance works better when you’re peddling half-truths than when there’s nothing at all under the lie.
It would be a giant step forward for mankind if the leaders of the world would make a call for open source science in dealing with this Virus/thing-ee. One can hope. But of course, everyone has a political agenda mostly involving money and power including the incompetent WHO and CDC which initially denied the severity of the health challenge as well as saying ridiculous things like “masks don’t help.” And the CCP isn’t much better with its accusations however plausible that the Virus/thing-ee came from a US lab but without really confessing how much they have been buying up viral lab research from the US in the first place or coming clean with how they play footsie with the American techie elites ( Apple, Google etc.) who are urging Chinese style surveillance lock-downs in the USA. ( Just remember, Apple’s cloud based servers are in China).
Face it, there are globalist forces in China, there are globalist forces in Russia, there are globalist forces in the USA and perhaps they will prevail together in a one world technocratic government to save us from ourselves. Maybe, just maybe, this will be another dark age time for humanity for awhile. This is one way of looking at it, too.
My chiropractor said that the real challenge in the times to come is if people somehow allow themselves to be lead into doing something that is not in alignment with their Truth. Let us hope that there really are nation states and leaders of peoples who manage to stay in alignment with their Truth.
Megalomaniacal Malthusian racist Bill Gates who sterilizes only black people, calling that a vaccine, does not like China’s reliance on Linus Torvalds’ open source linux.
You ‘re right there, Bob. Linux, Open Source and free d.i.y software are anathema to Bill “Box-Them-In” Gates, whose virus ridden Microsoft brand is notorious for Restrictive Licensing. But I cannot blame the poor fellow, it’s in his genes and family ethos. Gates had a relation in the billionaire Rockefeller crime family, and his grandfather was a Licensed bloodsucker for Woodrow Wilson’s unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank syndicate.
“open source science” as opposed to what other kind? Do you even understand the term open source? Truth with a capital t, eh. Chiropractor? Oh you mean quack science? Hello Mr gates, I will be your server today.
Also, I find it very satisfying to observe that all of their alleged advantages have rather quickly turned into distictly pivotal disadvantages in, in just about every field, everywhere, at very nearly the very same time.
Just saying, that is pretty cool from a ‘good guy’ point of view.
one of the reasons of that is probably because they get jobs through contacts – not because they know what they are doing.
I have discovered 2 (without trying) children of billionaires who went to MIT etc and got degrees in various subjects. I introduced one of them to a friend who was at MIT at the same time (and the best student of his generation). He later told me that he never ever saw the trust-fund baby from MIT not even once. This person got a degree from MIT without even ever going there for lectures. But there is a library there sponsored by that family.
That person stopped telling people she was an architect then (because I exposed her unitentionally – and this is not the only one) .
Imagine how many more such uneducated people with bought diplomas from USA’s ‘best’ unis are holding important positions in the US.
Also I was told by a friend who works in Pentagon and White House that 40% or so of the State Department are GAY…they even have their FB page…
I can imagine how they got their jobs at the US State Dept..
This is how the rulers of the US got their jobs…no wonder it’s become like that movie IDOCRACY
Very compelling read, Saker.
Pandemic, PSYOP, dysfunctional society and leadership, war as distraction, and humanity left to fetch for its own safety as the decrepit Western leaders scramble for more power.
The only remaining question is can China get back on track to pace the world into the future or has this demonizing operation acquired enough momentum to knock them back so far, they won’t be able to do BRI.
It’s just begun. We’ll watch this unfold this spring and summer.
And we’ll have to see if Iran takes the bait Trump and the Israelis/neocons want. The US and Israel will gladly lose a ship in order to level all the buildings and critical infrastructure 3000 cruise missiles and guided bombs can strike in Iran. If Tehran doesn’t wave a flag of surrender, then maybe the US will use a small nuke. They probably will take one of Bibi’s (at his insistence) and deliver it.
You pose an excellent question, and point. I do hope that China’s, and Mankind’s, collective momentum towards genuine and good advancement in Life is greater than its opposition.
About Iran, and southwest Asia, I believe that the western strategy has been fundamentally compromised. They truly do not perceive their peril. The compelling defeat that is before them is more than merely symbolic, to put it politely.
understood, by summer of 2021 you’ll ”want” to be correctly situated in important areas of your life, you’ll need to be ready.
I mean yes but Iran can also launch well over 3,000 missiles of its own. This will not be some one-sided affair previous Israeli/USA wars of aggression.
Australia’s support for an international inquiry has angered China.
Resulting in an ugly verbal stoush between Australian officials and the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Australia was committed to the independent inquiry despite China’s concerns.
Late on Tuesday, the Chinese embassy to Australia accused MPs of falling into line behind US President Donald Trump.
“They are keen to parrot what those Americans have asserted and simply follow them in staging political attacks on China,” the embassy said.
Treasurer, Mr Frydenberg said the commercial relationship with Australia’s largest trading partner should continue despite occasional political and strategic disagreements.
“We obviously have some differences from time to time on the political and strategic levels. But, like with many countries, we make those points clear,” he said.
“But ultimately, the Prime Minister’s role, my role, and all our colleagues’ roles, is to defend the Australian national interest, and that’s what we’ll continue to do.”
[… so it’s China, China, China … bad bad bad… but we need China.]
Babushka I visibly cringe when people around me say with certitude that this terrible thing started in Wuhan and they genuinely don’t like Chinese people.
I say that highly-educated professionals are unsure about the origins of this virus; that the Chinese are leaving no stone unturned in their own investigations etc
Then they start on how the Chinese have bought up vast tracts of Australia and I counter with
The Australians were willing participants in all the transactions.
Bottom line: they are self-acknowledged racists and television educated experts and I am a loon
It is all just so sad.
I know Dimitar wrote to you yesterday (in alignment with the very fine words of The Desiderata) to not let these issues affect us, that things are unfolding as they ‘should’, but I continue to feel unspeakably sad about all the blatant and destructive injustices
On the domestic front it seems to me that all dysfunctions are now blamed on Corona virus.
I have to return to PO because an article I registered last Friday continues to be at the PO where I registered it, according to the tracker.
My son ordered and paid for a starter motor for his car in the last week of March. Cancelled the order and requested refund due to lack of delivery.
No reply. No refund. No starter motor one month later.
Peace to You and all in the Vineyard
Babuška, we indeed live in Difficult Days.
I feel so sorry for the thousands of international Chinese students now stuck in Australia. They have lost their part time jobs in cafes etc. As non citizens, will get nothing from the emergency packages paid by govt..
They have been told to go home if they can’t support themselves, but can’t afford airline ticket – no planes flying anyway – and their home country has shut the doors. These poor kids, away from home, can’t pay rent, now stranded in a very hostile country. We took their money, now they are lining up at homeless shelters for a hot meal and a bed. And being jeered in the street, because they come from a ‘bat soup eating’ Communist country.
The media sounds like they stepped in dog poo whenever they say the ‘communist Chinese govt’. Which they like to say very often.
That is indeed a sad plight for the Chinese students Babushka.
It would be such a mercy if Australian and Chinese governments could collaborate in putting together Care package for these young people. It’s harsh that the Chinese govt closed the door on its own. But since they are here to study, then a joint mission would be beneficial for everyone concerned.
But I’m idealistic.
I’ve lived without television since 2004. Stopped reading newspapers 2010. Turned off radio news after Fukushima, which followed hot on the heels of Christchurch earthquake which happened soon after Qld floods in which innocents died thru ‘mismanagement of Wivenhoe Dam.
Trauma upon trauma upon trauma
And now we have the usual suspects peddling internet news which is an odious mix of gloating by the money managers, sleazy gaping at other people’s lifestyles, cheap hints for domestic issues and hopeless spelling- a pathetic melange to keep the ignorant distracted.
I learned first-hand about the deadly hard-ball played by media personnel in Oz
Babuška, that starter motor was probably Chinese made. I am hoping that, when ordinary people discover the goods they want are not domestically made, maybe some realism will creep in. China is the world factory now and will remain so for a long time. Education and manufacturing has been decimated in the ‘west’ so manufacturing cannot be restarted in an instant.
I was in conversations on Yahoo AU Finance pages back in 2012 and ‘13 where we openly lamented the machinations and photo opportunities of Julia Gillard, her ‘visions for Ostraya’ which she never articulated, but we grieved and commented on the off-shoring of our significant manufacturing/production plants amongst other issues.
We were trolled without mercy until Easter Sunday 2013, we the conversationalists were shocked at the extreme and depraved sexually charged assault on one of us.
We reported the abuse and without further ado, that comment board was closed.
At the same time, thousands of similar conversations were happening on Yahoo UK and Yahoo US
So we knew then that something was reserved for Australia which would not be shared with UK and US.
My son is a philosophical, wise person who will not lose sleep over this. Just more resolved in his forward path
We all know how far the perverts will go
Peace to You
I think the words to a song summarises the flawed thinking of economic retaliation towards China
“Anything you can do, I can do better”
‘I can confiscate anything better than you”
(just ask all the ‘western’ companies with property, markets and supply Chains dependent on China)
Australia is now economically dependent on selling our backyard to China, also Chinese tourists and students
I wrote this as a comment on a news article in Youtube and was instantly spat at
‘It will be a rocky and tortuous road, but one we must travel’
Our identity comes from family, village, town, city, state (region), country. in all we have a common society, culture and history. In all there is a sense of family. Perhaps, one day, in the future we humans will include the planet earth as part of the extended family. Perhaps one day ‘we’ will find a way of governing the planet that is benign and not susceptible to corruption. Perhaps …..
In the meantime it is nationalism that is triumphing.
As the world comes out of this, it is an opportunity to come together as one world
Instead of looking to blame, we should be looking for ways to work together as nations.
My heart lies in nationalism, but my eyes look to a better future.
It will be a rocky and tortuous road, but one we must travel.
“we should be looking for ways to work together as nations. ”
There is a world of meaning in that sentence.
The problem has been that the money powers have been working assiduously to destroy “nations” and bring about a unitary world government. One where their representatives are in power and the rest of us a grist for their mill, or wind up and donkey crap from powering it.
You forgot the Payne in the ass that poses as Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, who broke more loudly winds. The other amazon who poses as Minister for Defense sent a friccata to South China Sea to fight the virus. The Treasurer forgot to don his kippa when making the same noises.
For a bit of fun… on how to behave in a crisis
Example of typical Australian cabinet meeting …. discussing whatever…
and a Trump White Horse meeting….
Australians can also be thankfull that they are not ruled by clowns.
Think …. Joe and Donald, both would ‘sentence’ you but one cannot finish a sentence and the other cannot make one complete without using ‘fantastic’, ‘amazing’,’incredible’ or ‘greatest’ attached to the first person singular.
Nancy ‘let them lick icecream’ Pelosi thinks there will be an icecream led recovery.
It will make a change from licking her boots or kissing her nether regions
In 2001 I watched a documentary about what is the most danger to the plant. The panel had 8 scientists from all fields …. a meteor? nuclear? ….
At the end of the documentary the scients were asked what they thought was the most likely and imminent threat, they all replied, “A virus”
Any yankee psyop, nowadays, can only have the effect of further bamboozling the longtime, dumbed down, American street-sheep.
You wrote:
Sad but true.
I am finding myself cutting myself off from conversations with friends who repeat the drivel being dished out in the American media. Further, I am ready to break off friendships. The situation has become too serious to sit back and just accept it as another day in America.
In America, we are ruled an increasingly dangerous and deluded oligarchy. Accepting that status quo as “business as usual” is no longer an acceptable course of action
Too bad Russia and china don’t understand how to respond.
They are prepairing for the hot war but losing the cold war again.
Remeber the hegemon just took back Brazil/Bolivia/Chile without firing a shot.
I must say that the fundamental strategic position is proven to be correct. The execution of the strategy has most certainly been effective. The underlying momentum and focus of the strategic movement remains unchanged. It is all but over.
So Oceania has changed target from Eurasia to Eastasia this last Hate Week. It will switch back when convenient.
Anything to point fingers anywhere else except at Big Brother, whom the increasingly restless proles are starting to suspect does Not have their best interests at heart.
My latest favourite piece of propaganda: “21 Million infected Chinese have got their state-sponsored bullet-in-back-of-their-head” (this proudly announced by some corona-fearing cnn-absorbing cruise-lining hi-risk demographics at work, predictably prone to panic and whose brains have been thoroughly washed by the MSM content & who see me as some kind of leftard)
As the above article explains, there are rational economic reasons for the cancellation of the accounts, but naturally the MSM has not wasted the opportunity.
The developments in the Persian Gulf are more disturbing. Any US vessel ringed by speedboats will surely be targeted by dozens of missiles, her commander will be acutely aware.
But one, a small “sacrificial” craft, may be directed to push the boundaries, it will probably start with “warning shots”.
“What if” a speedboat were sunk? The Iranians may not sink the offending vessel as expected. The White House /Deep State likely think they would not return any aggression with adequate overkill (which is how the US always seems to react), given Iran’s past very measured responses.
What might an asymmetric response from Iran look like – sink another larger vessel, destroy some desalination plants maybe.
But sometimes the best response is measured in small precise doses, especially knowing that the empire is spoiling for a fight, well not exactly a real fight but a distraction. “Operation Monica” revisted.
I also wonder about the developments in Iraq. The troops are hunkering in their bunkers, now under Patriot protection. They are increasingly becoming tokens now, as this blog & E. Magnier predicted. Maybe they too are bait.
If/when the Iraqis set up S-300 (or better) would the US forces simply sit back and let it happen?
I too, Saker, have been long saying that a global disaster caused by some form of communicable disease was a foreseeable event.
We have over the last couple of hundred years totally changed a way of living that worked well for humans for thousands of years – and we’ve done it the blinking of an eye. A couple of hundred years is nothing in terms of epochs.
Along with industrialising, we created huge, population dense cities. Never before in recorded history have millions of people lived crammed together in a small area, and the truth is, we just dont know how to do it. We have a majority of humanity who are so divorced from the real world, they dont know where their food comes from, how to obtain water if the tap dries up, how to live without electricity, an elevator for a high rise, everything.
And one thing a study of Biology shows us is that Nature resets the numbers, and mostly does it using microbes. A huge plague of apocalyptic proportions will run through cities killing millions; those in small self sufficient communities scattered across the land will survive.
And the people running the cities refused to see this, got dizzy with ecstasy over the latest electronic toy, and did not one thing, leaving those millions sitting ducks.
This is still a threat; one country I am aware of doing something about this is, as you might expect, Russia. President Putin has put in place system of payments to small local communities and governing groups, drawn from the people, to make the local decisions which affect people on a day to day basis.
I read recently a claim that a good 70% of fresh vegetables and fruits still come from home farmers, and people growing their own in dacha gardens.
It’s a model the rest of the world could do well with emulating i think.
Pamela, many government are financialy helping thier citizens not just Russia. Trump wanted to send the money directly to US citizens, “I’d prefer direct payment,” were his words. He didn’t get that, the money was doled out to the banks and the banks decide if you qualify.
My kids just got some nice change ‘directly’ from the Canadian gov’t, $2000.00 no freakin gov’t in my life has ever sent me two grand (they have another 2gs conmming next month). So Pres Putin is putting his faith in local athorities if he expects the money to actually reach the people who need it most. Middlemen, regardless of the system or the country, will alway skim of thier `fair`share first.
I think this system is being watched sean.
It’s a new system to return local power to people, and it has to work eventually, but it seems to come naturally. If all the people know the money is there, they will be the first to complain when they see it being “skimmed”. I think Putin is doing the right thing – and I am sure is first to understand that after a few generations of living under total government control, it will take a little while for them to learn self governance. But they will, because they’ve done before for millennia.
At least, that’s how I see it.
Propaganda campaigns against Russia or China are gradually becoming more and more ineffectual because of a simply fact: the people they are addressed to have all but lost their former power, broke and indebted as they are, so it doesn’t matter if they work or not.
Propaganda campaigns are addressed to one’s own constituency and the purpose of them is to rally them behind the state and its declared or undeclared ends and plans–like the propaganda apparatus of the Nazi Party did so well in Germany convincing Germans that they needed to invade and plunder other nations so their own could survive, which was a powerful motivations for them. The difference in the case of the U.S. is that the same process had time enough to deteriorate and decay (as “interrupted” by war and defeat was in Germany) which brings us to the present time when the U.S. populace has practically lost all its power, political financial or economical, and so IS IRRELEVANT. So it doesn’t matter if the US people swallow whole or not this anti–China campaign because when their country comes out of this they will be broke anyway so unable to make choices even less the kind that implies boycotting this or that. And the same applies for Europe. That is one of the paradox of our times, while the propaganda apparatus of the US elite has reached its finest tune, its greatest power, it has lost at the same time its reason d’etre because the masses their propaganda is addressed to have lost all theirs…!
Great, to a point, thanks for a peek from outside the iron curtain of DoD-owned US media and CIA-owned pizzagated pols. Be sure to research the rest by looking at youtubes by George Webb, any interviewing Dr. Rashid Buttar, and then what it takes to cure any corona virus including covid-19. You could pick up the porphyrin caging idea, about release of toxic iron burning the lungs, just search on porphyrin iron covid-19. Then what puts down CIA biowar until the wheels come off that trojan horse before a vaccine comes out July 21, 2021, is vitamin C and D and magnesium to use D. To that end, hydroxychloroquinone, aka Trump orange hair chloroquine subject to knee jerk irrational dialectical screaming, is verified by thousands of doctors who actually treat people, as opposed to (bioweapon) experts at CDC WHO etc. Jim Jonestown Two’s driver Maatje Benassi was patient zero in China, turning up biowar to prevent turnabout in Russiagate Fake Impeachment and just move from virtual coup against Trump to virtual coup against Xi and Trump.
War is only a distraction from Bill Gates and Clintons-Podestas humanitarian genocide.
Recently, it was exposed (and a number of U.S. Congressmen have since acknowledged) that the pathogens research being conducted at Wuhan is partially funded by the United States. So there is some murky evidence that there is complicity between American and Chinese “scientists”.
This type of accident/incident could also have happened somewhere in the Caucasus or in Central Asia, where the United States is also involved in dangerous bio-chemical research, being conducted in obscure facilities in these regions. (There may very likely be other locations. I just haven’t read anything about their existence or location.)
The “elites” in America have had a pretty good thing going for them since the Reagan Administration, when “privatization” of publicly-funded enterprises was promoted as a means to gain government efficiency (and to secure guaranteed profitability to the privateers). A lot of politicians were courted and rewarded by these elites. Duribg these years, the power of organized labor and -along with it- the implicit contract between labor and management in America was broken.
Bill Clinton recognized that Democrats could never hope to match the money (both in the form of political contributions and in personally lucrative investments and job opportunities for themselves) as long as their party depended upon unions and workers for contributions. He persuaded the Democratic party to curry the favor of “Wall Street” financiers in order to gain financial advantages for themselves.
These engineers of finance don’t care how they make money, nor where it comes from. They just want to make more . . . and more . . . and more money! The widely-extolled “comparative advantages” of Globalization presented them with an opportunity to make more money by displacing the factors of production from the countries which consumed the products, to the countries where those factors could be procured at the lowest price.
Chinese Premier Deng Xiaou Ping seized upon this opportunity, and worked diligently to insure that China presented the lowest cost and the most reliable source for virtually everything that could be mass-produced.
The unrestrained enthusiasm of western financiers to pursue profits in this manner has led to the inevitable transfer of control of the process from the consumer to the supplier. China controls the factors of production. As long as the Chinese keeps the flow of trade profitable to the financiers in New York and to the politicians in Washington, the United States is crippled.
Donald Trump ignited what was a smoldering anger among a significant portion of the American public against this subordination of the American to the Chinese. Shrewdly, to unite Americans across party and ethnic divides, he has directed their animus against the Chinese, illegal immigrants, and NAFTA; and -for political expediency- against the Democrats in the “swamp”. But he didn’t point the finger of blame at the plutarchy and oligarchy, which have crippled the American people and have taken their democracy away from them.
These plutocrats and oligarchs will exploit this Wuhan virus situation to their advantage. They will take what little is left of popular governance away from the American people, and they will take back some measure of the control over the money flow which they have lost to the Chinese.
The ruling class of the Chinese Communist party have themselves evolved into something much like the ruling class in America. The Belt and Road is China’s grand plan to control that portion of the world -what used to be referred to as “the Third World”- that the Anglo-American Zionists do not; and use that to assure their ascendancy over them well into the future.
It would be better for the whole world, if Russia was part of neither. But without Ukraine, it would be impossible.
“Sen. Hawley: Let coronavirus victims sue Chinese Communist Party“
I wonder how the senator thinks that the “victims” could win such case – the last time I checked, the chinese don’t recognize the authority of any court but their own (it’s the same with the Russians too, BTW). The plaintiffs could either “win” in a court that doesn’t matter (and has no tools to enforce the decision) or to lose in a court that does matter.
“shoot down & destroy” any Iranian gunboat
The last time I checked the boats are supposed to be sunk, not “shot down” ;-)
In any case, I wonder why that idiot believes that the Iranians wouldn’t respond. And the response probably would be total – the Iranians won’t just launch an ASM salvo on US vessels, they’ll launch cruise missiles against the oil producing/processing infrastructure belonging to all US allies in the region.
Suing the Communist Party is simply a legal ruse to provide a legal justification for defaulting on Chinese-held US Treasuries and/or seizing private Chinese-held US investments. Of course, tit for tat will apply as well, so it’s hard to imagine the US actually winning such a pointless food fight, but the propaganda gains will still apply as well. It’s all about further demonizing the Chinese and sewing dissension in general – not to mention further obscuring any legitimate Covid-19 origins non-debate – as part of a larger globalist agenda.
Iran would seem to be the definitive line in the sand. If the Russians and Chinese won’t respond there, one wonders what they’re good for at all. In that case, the AZ Empire would be free of constraints altogether other than its own internal contradictions, which, unfortunately, at this time still appear to be relatively non-limiting.
The russians and chinese actually won’t have to interfere militarily – if the americans sink an iranian gunboat, without the iranians actually firing a shot, this act shall give the iranians legal cover (inasmuch there is such thing as “international laws” left) to send the entire U.S. carrier group to the bottom of the Persian Gulf via use of ASMs.
Such response shall have two consequences:
1) This will lead to the escallation in the Persian Gulf, however, without a comparable oil supply secured from elsewhere (for example, from Venezuella), the americans won’t dare to resort to tactical nukes (it may contaminate the oil supply there for centuries), which is pretty much the only thing that could achieve quick victory against the Iranians. Anything short of that – it would lead to significant casualties for the americans. And they no longer have the stomach for that.
2) The myth of the “invincibility” of the U.S. carrier fleet would be refuted once and for all. At which point the U.S. Navy shall become a punch bag for everyone, who can afford russian, or even chinese, anti-ship missiles.
There is no US carrier group presently in the Persian Gulf or the Mediterranean. The nearest one is in the North Arabian Sea.
Maybe the US Navy has realized that aircraft carriers are sitting ducks, when faced with accurate high explosive supersonic guided missiles as pointed out by Tom Walsh below.
Agree with your analysis for the most part, but I’m not sure mass casualties are still the limiting factor they once were. Another benefit of all this Covid nonsense is that it’s put mass casualties out there in the public consciousness once again, in turn watering down the public perception of them, for a time at least. Just another benefit of the globalists’ “shock and awe” approach to mass terror events. It puts the public into a state of perpetual PTSD and enables power grabs that were previously unthinkable.
As to the invincibility aspect of the US military; that’s a double edged sword as well, in that it forces the AZ’s to escalate even further. The conventional military alone is largely implicitly recognized as a paper tiger now, but as we’re also seeing, the power of asymetric warfare is still strong in this one. They’re creative as hell and utterly ruthless, and that remains a dangerous and lethal combination.
Indeed, the gloablist masters of US never cared about the casualties. There is, however, one thing under those sands that they do care about – the large oil supply (if it wasn’t there nobody actually would bother with that desert, and those areas still would’ve been under Ottoman control – I’m talking about the Arabian Peninsula, not the Iran). And this is what they wouldn’t risk.
As for the effectiveness of the special operations (any other tool in the “asymetric warfare toolbox” would have a limited impact at best in short term, and probably none in long-term) in the Iran – well, that’s something debatable. Despite what you see in the American movies and TV shows, except for operations within a very short time frame (no more than 48 hours), any undercover operation in a rather hostile environment like the iranian, would require local support. And I believe that two generations of Islamic republic rule has erased any such potential support by now.
The Spanish Empire’s navy suffered a similar fate once upon a time, did it not?
This would seem like a more sensible legal pursuit:
Ignore the headline and scroll down to the argument for the legal strategy.
The argument that the “elite” behind this “pandemic” have engaged in a RICO conspiracy seems coherent from my misty souther ocean perspective.
If you have assets in a country over which the US courts have jurisdiction, then you will be sued for those assets.
Also if you obtain a judgment in your favour in a US court, you can then go to other jurisdictions and have it recognised. (Think of all the Chinese investments in Greece, currently EU, for example, e.g.. port of Piraeus)
It’s not even necessary to go to court, just the threat of possible legal action will be very dissuasive to any further investment. So this is one way for the US to slow down BRI..
What you describe is called “lawfare”, and on this topic the americans are actually behind the chinese ;-) Reference: “Unrestricted warfare” by colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui.
If a lawsuit comes through a pandemic – especially not proven – then we will receive pandemics on a regular basis. And only if it happens under the wrong flag. War has always been associated with the dead.
All this talk of impending war and disaster is smoke and mirrors. The world will recover with time but this world will not be the world we once knew. Just like after the melt down from the financial crisis of a decade or more ago, things will, have, changed forever.
That being said, for the last 40 years and more SehSha and europe have steadily but surely shut down their heavy and medium industries and farmed these industries out to at first Mexico and then to Katai and other ‘developing’ Asian countries, and Russia. Why? Because the bean counters found they can get steel and all it’s related industrial product made cheaper in Katai and with none of the ‘climate change’ bovine scatology that so hobbles most anything done in SehSha and europe. Who cared if the ‘dinks’ were poisoning their own lands as long as the corporate spread sheets showed how much cheaper it was to have everything from heavy industry to uniforms to sewing machines made by the ‘dinks’ and shipped to SehSha and europe at vastly less cost than the same product could be made at home base? As a result, any real trade war, and yes I’m aware of the ‘tariffs’ and ‘sanctions’ put against Katai for ‘dumping’ steel and aluminium on the US market, will be patently unsustainable because SehSha and europe no longer have the industrial base to survive without Katai as their backshop. Ergo, they do not have the industrial base to go to ‘real’ war and sustain that war for more than two months, if that.
There is an old saw that’s been floating around educated military circles for quite some time. ‘Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics’. At this time the collective ‘west’ does not have the wherewithal to sustain neither a trade nor a shooting war for much longer than a fortnight. And don’t kid yourselves about ‘Chinese’ quality. The Chinese can build the finest products the world has seen but, being competent businessmen looking for profit, they will build to the quality level the customer demands. As for Russia, I’ve heard every joke there is about Russian ‘quality vs. quantity’, the rusting tanks and ships that are a ‘joke’ and poorly trained and miserable soldiers. I laugh at that, as does my charming bride. I noticed something recently, a very tiny something, that I’ve mentioned to no one but one very close friend and comrade and that comrade will tell no one, not even Saker, until this mess is over, both the plague and the impending wars. This tiny something is as plain as the nose on one’s face and clearly visible on any web cam throughout Russia and says vast reams about reality and what will be coming if SehSha and europe get stupud.
“Oh sun of mine, break through the darkness. My outstretched hand offered in peace is now my fist.”
Never The Last One, ebook edition. Never the Last One: A Novel of Spetznaz A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. An Incident On Simonka March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
Well said. The industrial base the US does still possess has produced low quality weapons (ships and planes, and armored vehicles). We see this over and over world-wide incidents, in combat and in non-combat situations.
The entire pandemic mess in the US is a disastrous example of incompetence and incapacity.
These are signals of the end days for US competitive status. China and Russia are pulling away in the race of weapons, products and leading edge breakthroughs.
Your quote of Viktor Tsoi’s lyrics is prophetic. Russia is ready.
i second that, why ever think conspiracy when ignorance, incompetence or outright stupidity adequately ticks off the boxes.
washington is a nest of whining threatening ‘karens’ that nearly no one takes seriously any longer.
There is precious little left of the past industrial might of SehSha, and this includes the former vast employ of so many skilled workers, those who worked with their hands. This is another sign of the slow but steady decline of what was once a world power and is now a second rate, if that, ‘power’ that has nukes. With luck and help from Him, perhaps we can go through this two or so decade change without a major war. One can always pray for peace, but when praying for peace one should prepare for war and hope for the best. When the realization of reality finally hits Foggy Bottom and the inhabitants therein, I would think that Mother Russia will again extend the hand of peace. It remains to be seen if this hand will be accepted, but if it is not, I have no doubts that the hand of peace can become a fist if needed.
Never The Last One https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK
An Incident On Simonka https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU
The Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex is easily followed with the meanderings of the Boeing Company.
Their space division is uncompetitive, needs about 20 billion USD in recapitalization to make reusable components for launchers and remedy safety issues.
The US military is unhappy with their products, particularly aerial tankers with a long list of issues. This is a political pork barrel that just keeps on giving. Again, major technical issues are outstanding.
Boeing sacked about 1300 engineers in their commercial aviation division some time back. The current 737 Max crisis shows the current mind-set to engineering safety issues. Jack Welch’s GE madra of financial engineering paid off hugely for the last ten years, so what could be wrong with that? Their balance sheet now shows negative equity, yet the banks will continue to lend to them?
This is the company that had Niki Haley, ex US ambassador to the United Nations on its board of directors. She resigned because she was philisophically opposed for Boeing to get financial support from the US governement. That would be admitting too much.
This is the financial, economic and political team that the US is betting on for its survival and rennaissance. The New York Stock Exchange is waiting for your orders, ladies and gentlemen. Step up and make your bets.
Laurie Garrett’s book is excellent. I very much concur.
Back in the USA at a CIA intercept facility at the Pentagon: ‘I say! Poor Donald Bump must have been at his wit’s end faced with the dilemma of having to bring covid19 vaccines back from Bejing,’ commented one unnamed Washington Post reporter to another.
Meanwhile Donald Bump visited the State Department for advice on passports and visas.
Pompeo looked across to his assistant Hillary. ‘Oh! That must be the Bump.’
‘Yes, that must be President Bump, yes. No one else comes through the window.’
Pompeo: ‘Coming. Coming.’ he crosses the room towards the window.
Hillary, ‘Tell him we’re very sorry.’
‘Sorry for what?’
‘Well.. well.. well.. make something up – anything will do.’
Pompeo opens up and helping Bump through the window said, ‘we’re very sorry, Sir. Oh ohhhhh oh!’
‘Do you want to buy a Senate Report?’
Bump adjusts his tie, ‘No thanks. I’m trying to give them up.’
Hillary from behind Pompeo, ‘Oh, so are we.’
Bump somewhat embarrassed clears throat, ‘I want to leave the USA…. again.’
‘He’s going to China!’ said Hillary.
‘Traitor! Stop him!’ rejoins Pompeo.
‘Stop him!’
Hillary & Pompeo continue yell, while Donald Bump joins in and shouts, ‘Stop, Stop I say!’ Then thinking better of it reacts seriously, ‘Are you threatening me?’
Pompeo searches his desk and finds an old NY driver’s lisence and throws to at Bump. ‘Now get out!’
After checking the lisence was his and the photo resembled a famous Vietnam Vet departed through the window. Muttering to himself as he went …’ now for Xi … something.’
this is the most proficient, relevant, useful contribution I have read from the Saker..the one that has left me feeling best after reading
Grave danger we all face from here on in. we may not make but the world is in a-roil over the lockdown. we dont know what Covid is but clearly the people feel it is better to take their chances out in the open, living… rather than cooped up imprisoned in their own homes
america is in the bind they made for themselves their situation looking more catastrophic every day. american imperialism cant survive this.
can america even fight under Covid19? are their military personnel fit for any duration of war?
are we seeing the end of the empire as we speak?
I love that possibility..it made my day. yet I am trying to deal with, and rationalize the fact that a lot of ordinary people in the USA are and will go under. I am not happy about that..a lot of those people are and will be.. Black I am even less happy about that.
but we all have prices to pay and must take it into stride while looking for the best, most cost effective way out!
“Apparently, he still cannot understand that should any USN ship execute any such order it would soon find itself dealing with a swarm of Iranian anti-shipping missiles”.#
It’s interesting to notice that the only US carrier group near Iran, the Dwight D. Eisenhower, is said to be in the “North Arabian Sea”. It has apparently not ventured into the Persian Gulf, where it would be the ultimate sitting duck. If it stays a few hundred kilometres offshore, the US Navy may reckon it would have a sporting chance against a swarm of Iranian missiles. (But have they considered submarines?)
But my personal gut feeling is simply that the AngloZionists are freaking out about the “full-spectrum” loss of face they suffered with their massive mishandling (medically and, even more so, politically!) of this pandemic-induced socio-economic crisis and that they now are pointing fingers pretty much at everybody (including each other).
That’s a slight misreading of the standard AZ Shock Doctrine playbook. The so-called “loss of face” was intentional in order to ramp up public tensions to a fever pitch before launching into the well-rehearsed accusatory portion of the program, the American government having long since surpassed the embarrassment stage of its political development several decades back. All of which is standard playbook 101: do something abominable, then point fingers at the victims themselves as the perps. It’s a sophomoric tactic, to be sure, but it works every time, so what’s not to love? With a population as willingly stupid as America’s, the globalists have to be pinching themselves in wonderment about easy all this is.
When it comes to shocking world events these days, I always assume that until proven otherwise it’s a AZ sponsored false flag event, and that as bad as the initial fall out from the initial event might be, its always a prelude to a much bigger power grab – political, economic, and/or military – of some sort in the aftermath. Always assume ill intent from the usual suspects and always assume the absolute very worst, and making sense of the news these days is comparatively simple.
Andrei My Orthodox Brother,
Xristos Voskrese!
May the Good Lord bless and protect you and your family during this crisis, during this blessed Paschal season and always.
Andrei I love my country (the USA) and I have fallen back in love with my country (over the past year I would say) after years of being angry with her because of Washington’s countless misdeeds. The country is not the government as you know. The country is the people, the American People who of course can be extremely ignorant, guilable and naive especially with the sad state of education over the past few decades. You live here and have for awhile now. You know that if the American people knew what their traitorous elites and politicians had done to their nation, their Constitution and to them all of these bastards and prostitutes would be scrambling like the rats they are to flee to foreign countries before we strung them up as they deserve.
I don’t pretend to know if the Coronavirus was an act of nature or some deliberate man made plague but what I do know is that if this continues much longer we will be facing an economic catastrophe that may even be worse than the Great Depression of the 1930’s that my grandparents lived through and often told me stories about. I also know that by design it will be the working class, the middle class, the self employed and the small business operators who will suffer the most. Many will lose everything including the roof over their heads while the Fed bails out the banks, the hedge fund operators and the super investor class. The rest of us will be left holding the bag, house foreclosed upon, auto repossessed, evicted, laid off, unemployed, homeless with a greenback worth the same value as a square of Charmin toilet paper.
Meanwhile the Constitution (that is the Supreme Law of the Land) has pretty much been defacto suspended. I’ll be surprised if they don’t shred the rest of the Bill of Rights that they didn’t finish shredding after 9/11 with the War on Terror or the War on Drugs or the War on the Mafia that preceded it. Edward Snowden and Julian Assange know full well where the shredding of the Bill of Rights plus the rising of the Police/Surveillance State+ Big Tech have led us. (Orwell is scolding us, “I told you so!”) from beyond the grave.
What if our Western Globalist Elites (be they Anglo-Zionist or whatever) were just waiting for a crisis like this? Here we have what could be the near complete destruction and impoverishment of the Western Middle Class (who are I would say the bedrock of any Constitutional Western Liberal nation state) with their net wealth (including property) being transferred to the Super Elites and thus making them completely dependent on Big Government. At the same time you have the suspension of the Bill of Rights (in the name of protecting us from the virus) and you have the complete activation of a Police/Surveillance State in conjunction with Big Tech which is controlled by those same elites. God willing I am wrong. God willing there is no such diabolical plan being played out here. Or maybe these people are just control freaks and are following Rahm Immanuel’s infamous words of wisdom never to let a good crisis go to waste. Whatever it is I am laid off from work and anxious at home trying to figure this all out. Thankfully my family and I have food in the pantry and a roof over our heads. We have options. Many people I know do not. If they don’t get back to work soon and money runs out they will be in a world of hurt.
Worst of all is that I have absolutely no trust, no faith in our ruling elites and our political class to do what would need to be done to save the nation from this catastrophe upon the catastrophe (that is the virus). Like I said I wouldn’t be surprised if many of them were waiting for a crisis like this for sometime now. I also wouldn’t be surprised at all if these Western Globalist Elites would destroy America, send her spiraling into economic/governmental collapse and anarchy after stealing every last penny they could from the Treasury and then will be there to divide up her assets and resources (as they did to Russia after the USSR collapsed).
What a Time to Fall Back In Love With One’s Country!…Right? I guess it’s not until you are about to lose someone you love that you realize how much you actually love them. That is why I have become a born-again Patriot, an American Nationalist with a fury towards all those traitors who have raped my beloved America. I want to save my Motherland and serve up revenge to those who’ve done this to her (and I know it’s not the Russians, or Chinese or Iranians but domestic enemies and “indispensable” foreign allies).
God bless you and keep you and yours Andrei my brother.
May I suggest the most important will be to be able to hold onto your work tools. This will be the same objective as for your family and friends. It is time to put the ones that might be claimed by bankruptcy courts out of their reach.
If you have meager savings earning nothing at the bank consider buying out someone you are close to and trust their credit card debt.
Banks and businesses are restructuring. So can we and often faster and more effectively. Consider this an opportunity.
How can you increase storage capacity to help yourself, family and friends? If your neighbor’s car is low on gas maybe this would be a great time to fill it up with cheap fuel. Make a deal. Idem for heating oil.
Are you ready to help the vast number of overseas students that cannot keep a roof over their heads? This might be one person sleeping on the couch every other day and using the shower or pitching a tent in the back yard, or parking a van in front of the house. For others it might be to share your WIFI without entering your living space.
Helping others to quit smoking, get exercising will always pay dividends.
It is time to be creative. Start a conversation.
I think this virus is natural, just another proof that there is a higher authority than uncle sham in the universe.
Saker, how is Trumps faction the Neocons? ” His masters” you said. Bush Jnr’s faction went to war, Obama continued the exact plan. The media fell unto line with Bush Jnr. It hates Trump. That should tell his faction is different from the last two presidents.
2 wings 1 head as all eagles have, you focus on the bread and circus show they put on to entertain/scare you.
Do not listen to what “they” say, look at what “they” do.
Even if you are not Christian these words are worth their weight in gold,verse 20 especially so when dealing with politics and politicians.
‘But, take heed of the false prophets, who come unto you in sheep’s clothing, and inwardly are ravening wolves. 16From their fruits ye shall know them; do [men] gather from thorns grapes? or from thistles figs? 17so every good tree doth yield good fruits, but the bad tree doth yield evil fruits. 18A good tree is not able to yield evil fruits, nor a bad tree to yield good fruits. 19Every tree not yielding good fruit is cut down and is cast to fire: 20therefore from their fruits ye shall know them.
Yes, US American leadership displays genius in creating fake news, stories, narratives, allegations, false flags, and so on. I have long admired the work they dedicate to this endeavor. They are very imaginative. I believe it’s called gaslighting, where you try to convince people that what they can see with their own eyes is not actually there. This is why I do not listen to anyone speaking from the White House. In fact, I do not listen to anything that any US or Western politician has to say, because in my view they are all grifters. This is also why, when the world finally figures out the truth about this pandemic, the US will not be involved in the process. The US does not use science. It pretends to use science, but only to make a profit from its victims.
I’m happy that the websites that report the news that I read (RT, PressTV, The Saker) do the hard, distasteful work of reading and listening to these criminals pretending to be politicians. I spare myself the revulsion. The US American leadership is not capable of speaking the truth about anything – everything is part of their gaslight operation, efforts to convince the world that the US has the explanation for everything. Fortunately, the world is realizing that the US is a terrorist state and full of shit, pardon my French.
Recently PressTV has been using plain language when describing the US presence, referring to it as terrorist forces. I love it! Because that is exactly the truth. We will never hear a US American “politician” say that the US is a terrorist nation, because the truth is not possible in the US media.
I’m a Vietnam veteran, not proud of my stupidity and ignorance in wanting to kill gentle Vietnamese people, and I’m praying daily for God to sabotage all terrorist weapons and plans, and to bring all terrorist organizations to an end. Until that happens, I certainly will not listen to them talk, nor read what they say. They are disgusting, and I can’t listen to them. Yuk! It will be a great day on earth when no one cares to listen to them make their noises.
Hum, yet two war fronts…Russia then China and a third one with Iran. It resembles the neonazi cauldron in Donbass years ago.
U.S. using same strategy looking for a different result.
You should have been where I was when the cauldrons were formed. The stunning return of Strelkov’s ‘where are all the young men who should be rallying to the colours’ did indeed return and caught the orcs sitting fat, dumb and happy on the endless steppes below Saur Mogileh. The slaughter was epic and sent hundreds of orcs to the Russian borders screaming for succor. Russia did take them (the outstretched hand of peace) and returned the orcs to their homeland, only for them to promptly take up arms again. The Debaltsyevo Cauldron that followed the next January, the first time the orcs violated the agreement for safe passage out of the cauldron no quarter was given and none should have been.
Of note, both Five Points and Foggy Bottom were stunned at what Russian trained troops can do. The virtual obliteration of two full regiments of orcs in less than 15 minutes in fall of ’14 was, or should have been, an epiphany for those fools. It wasn’t.
I think this system is being watched sean.
It’s a new system to return local power to people, and it has to work eventually, but it seems to come naturally. If all the people know the money is there, they will be the first to complain when they see it being “skimmed”. I think Putin is doing the right thing – and I am sure is first to understand that after a few generations of living under total government control, it will take a little while for them to learn self governance. But they will, because they’ve done before for millennia.
At least, that’s how I see it.
Food Lines Stretching For Blocks All Over US
The Jimmy Dore Show
I dont think this release, today, from the Chinese Peoples Daily will help them much;
April 23, “people’s daily” online — According to the medical scientific journal Nature Medicine, a recent study conducted by some of the world’s leading institutes that study the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus shows that there is no evidence of artificial creation of this virus.
The study was prepared by scientists from the Scripps Research Institute, us universities, the University of Sydney in Australia and Tulane University in New Orleans.
After analysing publicly available data on the genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses, scientists found no evidence that the virus was created in the laboratory or in any other artificial way.
“By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated from natural processes,” said Christian Andersen, PhD, associate Professor of immunology and Microbiology at Scripps Research.
“There is no reason to believe that the virus was made in a laboratory,” Dr. Robert Shafer, a Professor of infectious diseases at Stanford medical University, told ABC News. “There are many strains in nature that can lead to such an outbreak,” he added.
According to Dr. Robert Garry, a Professor at Tulane University school of Medicine, although some people initially believed that laboratory work led to this mutation, in fact, the opposite is true. “When a virus with a mutation passes through cell cultures, it is lost. That is why it was impossible to create it,” he added.
Professor of disease prevention at Stanford University school of Medicine Dr. John Ionnidis) stated that the COVID-causing coronavirus does not behave or look artificial. “If it had been created by man, it would have looked different,” he said.
Dr. Ioannidis added that these alternative theories are not widely accepted in the scientific community. He noted that the only scientific article in which doubt was expressed was withdrawn after the scientific community criticised it.
At the same time, according to the France 24 television network, on April 17, France said that there is no actual evidence of a link between THE covid-19 outbreak and the work of the P4 research laboratory in China’s Wuhan, which France helped establish.
“We would like to clarify that until now there is no actual data on the connection between the origins of COVID-19 and the work of the P4 laboratory in Wuhan,” a representative of the office of the French President said in response to relevant reports in the American press.-
Says Russian professor
World renowned expert Professor Petr Chumakov claimed their aim was to study the pathogenicity of the virus and not ‘with malicious intent’ to deliberately create a manmade killer.
Professor Chumakov, chief researcher at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow, said: ‘In China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over ten years.
It appears that Donald Trump made his statement about blowing up Iranian speed boats as a way to boost oil futures on the stock market, which is all he really seems to care about. He has used this trick for other stocks. For example, making a public statement that he would recommend investing in Apple and immediately Apple stocks jumped. I think that is what is behind his statement because big oil is taking a thrashing. And we know how much Donald loves oil. “We are keeping the oil”.
Having said that, nothing has changed with the plans of this empire. They still have enemies to create and destroy and lesser thorns to pluck out and burn. Whether that will mean kinetic war soon or war by other means, such as economic, which they have used with good success in some cases is yet to be seen.
I wouldn’t say they are launching a psyop. This has been ongoing for quite some time already. The Hong Kong riots were one phase of this operation. And the howls in the west were against the evil tyrant communist Chinese against lovers of freedom. Now there is this ‘accidental’ coronavirus to blame them for. I feel compelled to stay on the conspiratorial side of this issue. There are just too many nearly related events to brush it off as coincidence. These coincidences seem to happen a lot. It happened with 9/11. It happened with the London 7/7 bombing. It happened with the Norway mass shooting. How is there so often a drill or simulation occurring in very close proximity and mirroring the event? I do agree that it is near impossible to get to the entire truth. There is just too much contradiction from various sides. We do know that dear Dr. Fauci, who believes we should never shake hands again, forecast a very high death rate unless we were all locked away before downgrading that and then downgrading it again. His excuse was faulty data. Well, I read a few days ago an article about the killer virus at stalker zone. I’m sure the article is still there. It quotes several virologists and epidemiologists and others who say, from the data, the authorities are seriously underestimating the number of those infected and also seriously inflating the number of those who died because of the virus. They concluded about 80% of those infected never show symptoms. The very high death rates in northern Italy, besides being the result of the inaccurate cause of death listed, is largely due to pollution and legionella. They could have simply made a public service announcement suggesting (not forcing) aged people or those with chronic conditions to avoid public contact as much as possible for a month. Instead, they totally locked down half the planet or more. We are told that flu kills thousands every year. Tens of thousands. In 2018 alone 1.5 million died from TB. Did they put entire countries in solitary confinement for this? No! So, why now? And why does this look an awful lot like prisoner training?
A lot of people are salivating at the thought that we are witnessing the end of this evil empire, myself included. I’m sorry to have to say that I don’t believe it is. They have a long term plan which they are now determined to complete. The establishment of their rules-based new world order. The worldwide financial system is run by them. The U.S. arm of this empire holds dollar supremacy. The one product of this BIS, World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve System is debt. The more debt issued, the stronger they become. According to them, there is no limit to how much funding they can provide. They are currently buying up all the big corporations they want to continue as well as funneling an unknown amount to other banks around the world. They may very well crash everything, but only as a means to launch their next big instrument of control: digital currency fully controlled by them. No more secret stash in the cookie jar. This crash will no doubt be devastating to the general public whose lives mean nothing to the power elite, the billionaires and trillionaires. Millions will die from starvation, sickness, exposure, and whatever other means of deprivation exist. Maybe it is at this point a big war will occur because not everyone will go along with this takeover. And this beast has no intention of becoming a ‘normal’ people.
I know this sounds gloomy. It is. But this is what I see coming. It is on full display. I don’t expect their little reign of terror to last long.
Your advocacy for a more just international order is one of the reasons why I like this blog. Still, if you would keep this always 100, it would have a much more convincing argument.
I don’t want to list all the failures of the CCP (specifically in this current iteration of a pandemic/epidemic – HK flu, swine fever (almost 80% of male hogs gone) bird flu, SARS) and even more so, if I really would believe that the CCP is not made of a bunch of gangsters – yet I cannot in any way promote a totalitarian, anti-human organization, that only seeks power and self preservation (yes, just like the Anglos, but without the same inhuman treatment of its population and that of its allies – today). I know the deal for Chinese is simple: STFU, obey and watch yourself get rich, maybe, at least a rise in living standards. Needless to speak of the crimes against humanity, that the CCP commits.
Funny, how the Chinese and American establishment are alike in certain ways. Americans heap death, destruction and are indirectly responsible for genocide of it’s non-client/victim states – the Chinese do it to their domestic enemies. Also on the business side of the game, resource extraction through debt bondage by US oligarchs and the same for inner party royals of the CCP (yeah, btw, with a lot of pain I have to recognize, that my birth country has sunk so low as to be a b* to the WEST and China simultaneously).
Even if I largely agree with your article, I simply don’t see how Beijing will be a better player/hegemon internationally.
Let me attempt to explain a world without a unipolar hegemon.
In order to rid the globe of the US unipolar hegemony, the Russians and the Chinese and nearly all of Eurasia, most of Africa and some of Latin America support the alternative to unipolarity, multipolarity.
So, the structure of global governance, international affairs, trade, rule of law, treaties, transport, food, water and health will be multilateral.
There. is no room for a unipolar China in this arrangement that replaces the US as #1.
More so, China eschews world domination. Though the Communist dogma longs for a singular government over all humanity, the Chinese people and nearly all the rest of humanity don’t want the CCP running the globe, any more than they want the USA running the globe.
So, even if you think in a straight line, with no events changing the course of development, in 50 years, there would be no room at the top for a singular power. Multipolarity has its own dynamic. Multilateralism has its own processes. Neither allows for hegemony.
China especially is incapable of being an imperial global ruler. China requires importing energy, food, water, and its closest neighbor, Russia is now, for many decades to come, too powerful to allow China’s CCP to take a lead.
So, there is a dynamics in international relationships which China cannot escape.The US could not escape it. Other nations, without even coming up to competitor status, can influence the impulse to try to be a global hegemon.
China can lead with the BRI, but Eurasian Integration will produce a much stronger Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, South Korea and Japan. These are all counter-weights to China.
So, in the end, China will not be a hegemon.
It would be good to pay attention to what Larchmonter445 is saying here. It is a wrong perspective to think that the world can continue any longer with one hegemon or that China wants to be the new hegemon. The BRI system itself is anti-hegemonic in its founding and in its design. It is based on strong countries in order to have a strong BRI, otherwise the new silk roads will be a wholesale design mess.
This is one thing that I agree with in this whole thread.
What is barely mentioned by anyone, however, is that the globalists, including those in the WHO, are able to influence (or fool) some Chinese into playing the biological and technological control games of Gates, Zuckerberg Silicon Valley (Apple, Google, Facebook) and some Chinese care not if they cooperate in making it look like all such deviltry is “Chinese” …..instead of the sorcery of Deep State westerners, at root.
The other problem is the pretense that no one in the USA can grasp the above complexity……and there is some sort of eternally hopeless and moronic Empire mentality here that has no conceivable possible remedy other than abject humiliation economically and/or militarily to accompany the last 50+ years of moral and cultural decline and that Trump could never conceivably ever break from such hopeless stupidity.
We shall see.
In the meantime the Dr Rashid Buttar (american military veteran physician of Southwest Asian ethnic origin) demonstrates the kind of growing immunity to globalist mind control that ought to be noticed by anti-neocons…and that you just might find exploding into the mass consciousness and averting the disaster many would like to see unfold here:
Dr. Rashid Buttar Exposes Fake Plandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses Blasts Gates…
And another example of the awareness within America …that the problem has never fundamentally been EITHER Russia or China…but rather the malignant oligarchism most entrenched in the West itself:
https://youtu.be/AmYVO0vMpj8 12 minutes Friday Update
“Who Are the British Promoters of War w/China, and Who are the Useful US Idiots Allied w/Them?
Harley tells Americans:
“Your ideas about China are not your own. Understand the source of the anti-China headlines and soundbites. These are the neo-cons, the Project for a New American Century, the Henry Jackson Society, the people who brought you the Iraq War and Russiagate. The people who President Trump ran against in 2016 and who have been trying to overthrow his presidency ever since.” Etc.
I’m going to deconstruct your comments here, my wife is Chinese and I spend a lot of time over there and no I am not Chinese descended myself. If you research ‘The Incarnations of China’ you will find an article I wrote in 2011 about the cultural mores of China and if you also search ‘Manifest Destiny to PNAC’ you will find one on the cultural underpinnings of the USA – same author name as I use here and feel free to read my bio. One of the issues most westerners face when confronted with an eastern mindset is they don’t have the historical cultural perspective to understand it – as I believe your post very clearly illustrates.
“totalitarian, anti-human organization, that only seeks power and self preservation” is not true – such a regime would never have lifted so many people out of poverty as the Chinese government has done, nor would they have initiated the ‘great green wall’ for de-desertification, nor would they have provided so much support for their citizens in the event of natural disaster like they have.
” I know the deal for Chinese is simple: STFU, obey and watch yourself get rich, maybe, at least a rise in living standards. Needless to speak of the crimes against humanity, that the CCP commits.” is likewise not true either, there are ways to speak up in China but it needs to be done in a manner respectful of the culture and this means don’t let the other chap lose face, give them an exit route. Chinese culture is based on win-win, not win-lose like western. I’m not sure what crimes against humanity that you reference here – there are many propaganda articles in the west that promote such but I have seen no evidence of any of them.
” the Chinese do it to their domestic enemies” I’m not sure what you are alluding to here – in general Chinese cultural mores desire a peaceful – even boring – society. Will you be more specific?
Liu Bei is a direct ancestor of my wife, he ruled 1/3 of China during the 3 Kingdoms period and here is a view into their cultural mindset. We were watching the TV show The 3 Kingdoms and Kongming, Liu Bei’s adviser, was trapped in a city with no food or other supplies. I mentioned that the solution is easy, take it from the peasants and to hell with their needs – that’s what a western army would do. Her comment was ‘Stupid! How do you rule? When you win, how do you rule? Farmers never forget! Always fight you! Stupid!’
Reflect on that.
I, also, am not Chinese but my long time partner is Chinese. I have spent time with her in China and met her parents a number of times. I have also spent a lot of time with Chinese people.
Your analysis of them is completely accurate.
Nachtigall’s comments are reflective only of American propaganda. And American propaganda has nothing to do with the reality of Chinese society.
@ all:
First I like to point out, that my comment above is not an absolute statement (rather on principle / trend) and that I have a much more nuanced view on China. I lived in China with a Chinese family and got introduced to different people in different societal strata (even got introduced to an retired PLA officer). I know that the Chinese culture is more collectivist in nature and socialist with, shall we say, “Chinese characteristics”. I roughly know the historic context, that the Chinese civilizational realm exist in and I value it. I don’t fall for the primitive propaganda in the West against China – even more so, because I know the WEST, lead by the US, is in an cultural-historic information war against China.
Without further getting into the reasons why China is the way it is, I now, want to point out, that I very much agree to a point with Larchmonter445 and have the hope, that it is true, but I see signs, trends in the opposite direction. And here is why:
1. International gangsterism by pushing faulty products and drugs. The CCP does punish its gangsters, but is still unable or unwilling to curb this massive problem in a fundamental way, where drugs like fentanyl and drug precursors are shipped mainly to the US and Latin America. The recent export of faulty tests and masks, is showing a general lack of oversight, especially if it’s exported. There are hundreds of cases in this regard – toys, cosmetics, food – drug contamination, faulty steel (even scandals with radioactive steel)… list goes on. Don’t even mention the fact, that much contraband (illegal poaching, wood imports – yes Russia’s primorsky krai!) is imported, processed and than exported . Here it also depends to which region export goes. Only the established supply chain to “developed countries” has a minimal standard of control. The general free for all business attitude and lack of regulatory enforcement, leads to often devastating results, the recent pandemics are a direct result of it (even if you discount the SARS 2 one, for the lack of direct evidence).
2. Currency manipulation, price undercutting and lack of regulatory protection, which leads to the complete deindustrialization of other countries, where worker is pitted against worker internally. Yes, they are using other capitalist and political weaknesses, to beat them at their own game. And wholesale environmental destruction, which in turn effects the whole globe, like over fishing to climate change (if you believe it).
3. Total inversion of international order by buying up assets worldwide and prohibit foreigners from doing so in China. Don’t tell me about the stock market, which was recently allowed to be invested in after it is basically a bubble. The most profitable assets are off limit, because they are either state owned (the limited amount of land you can get is in fact a lease for 70 years, much lower for commercial) or you will have to be invested in Yuan, which is not freely convertible and you will have to get the approval of the CCP to sell (that’s why so many Western are so docile when it comes to China). Also you have transfer technology, if you want to do business in China, but if Chinese buy global assets they get all they want, most importantly the intellectual property.
4. Debt bondage of client states, corrupting of local elites and simple resource extraction (f.e. the Malaysian affair, in which the corrupt president has enriched himself by allowing to build a mega project by mostly Chinese workers and through unsustainable debt financing – the deal was recently renegotiated). There are many examples of this, where the unsustainable debt burden was lifted by the Chinese for a resources grab (Turkmenistan, Pakistan..). Resources are extracted just like in colonial times, where the local population gets almost no benefit, among other things Chinese workers are imported by the millions (Africa, Asia and lesser degree in Latinamerica).
5. The abject abuse of it’s population, used as slave labor to build all the infrastructure and consumer products. Foxconn suicide epidemic anyone? Than outright slavery of minorities (one example Uighurs being deported to all parts of the country to work in factories, for slave labor).
6. Racism and an ethnocentrism is widespread in the population. I experienced it myself, how they treat Africans (even in the pandemic). The duplicitous ethnic policy favors nominally minorities, but Han-Chinese will be promoted
7. Totalitarian state, with almost a 100% control on the informational sphere, where our conversion wouldn’t be even possible, without the police showing up and censorship. The surveillance is btw of the charts and a step further and you can wish for 1984. Not only that, they sell their surveillance software and hardware worldwide, no questions asked.
8. No personal freedoms, inc. religious freedoms in any meaningful way – everything is nominal in the constitution. Having to run through state bodies to approve f.e. clergy and the vague of defining normal practice leaves the CCP with all the discretion to control it. All is nominal in China, if you are not sticking out or you are against the party, than you enjoy a normal life, for everyone else, you will be disappeared, killed or imprisoned. Foreigners are at a big disadvantage in Chinese courts, I don’t know, that there is even one case that they won in court. I know of many instances where they were ripped off by Chinese partners by using Chinese courts.
9. Everything is enforced through naked power relationships, if you are connected you can expect to be fast tracked, if not you are at the mercy of local, regional, national CCP clans. Farmers, migrants and the poor be damned.
10. Biggest crime against humanity: concentration camps for minorities, slow genocide by out breeding and displacing of minorities and organ harvesting of all kinds of prisoners. Case in point are the Uighurs, imprisoned, reeducated and used as slave labor (shipped to different parts of the country and CCP officials living with the family). Tibetans, Mongolians can also attest to this “treatment”.
“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”, Dostoevsky’s statement is as true as it gets.
My bigger point is, that you can expect all the mentioned niceties to come to a theater near you, maybe not in the form of direct CCP rule, but by CCP enabled local comprador elites. And these elites won’t bother to talk about rights and appearances. You will just catch a bullet if you are standing in the way.
Most of what you posted is just plain wrong.
I won’t go into it detail by detail but here’s a few from personal observation.
“No Personal Freedoms”
This is just nonsense. I know people who not only protested publicly without interference but were even told that their right to protest would be respected as they protested.
“Concentration camps for minorities.”
Again, pure nonsense. Minority heritage is celebrated throughout the country. There are even theme parks celebrating minority heritage. One of them I visited was larger than the financial district in Manhattan. In the countryside minorities are supported by the government in the celebration of their minority cultures. Minority cultures are even subsidized.
“Abject abuse of its population” “The poor be damned.”
Complete and utter nonsense. I have seen entire cities rebuilt to raise the standard of living of the population. I am talking about entire cities. The scale is incredible. In the countryside poverty is well on its way to elimination. I have seen state subsidization of projects to raise the standard of living even in the tiniest of villages. In one province I saw a project which had been implemented to raise the standard of living of small group. That group had only a handful of members of a primitive tribe. Nonetheless, they were not forgotten. There is an ongoing nationwide project to eliminate poverty everywhere in the country and its scale is immense reaching from the large cities to the tiniest of groups.
“Complete deindustrialization of other countries”
America deliberately shipped its’ manufacturing overseas. This was a deliberate choice. The reason was that the profit margin in manufacturing was small. The profit margin for services was much higher. This was a deliberate and conscious decision. I know that since I know people in the United States who were literally involved in dismantling factories and shipping them item by item overseas. I, myself, was actually involved in one of these transactions, post hoc. I remember talking to a friend who was involved in this. He and I both were very doubtful at the wisdom of the decision to ship manufacturing overseas.
“Totalitarian state, with almost a 100% control on the informational sphere,”
This is complete nonsense. I can reach any news source that I want when I am in China. By way of example, in the morning in America, I visit a number of independent news sites (including this one), I can visit the same sites of my choosing whether I am in America or I am in China. The only thing I can’t do is use the Google search engine which has been barred due to its connection to the American Intelligence Community. But I don’t use Google in the United States (again, due to its connection to the American Intelligence Community) anyway. I use DuckDuckGo when I am in America. When I am in China I use Yahoo with no problem.
“Complete surveillance”
You must be talking about London, where there is complete video surveillance of the public. In London, there are surveillance cameras everywhere. I have never seen one in China.
I could go on and on.
This is not to say that China is perfect.
Some of the statement you made indeed have merit:
For instance, there is the movement of Han people into Xinjiang Province. This movement does not displace native Uyghurs since the population of Xinjiang is so low and there is plenty of space. However, the intent is make the Han people into a dominant majority. Everywhere this has been done in the world (and it has been done many times in world history) it is always a mistake and always causes social strife.
The exploitation of Chinese workers by foreign corporations. Foxconn – as you note – exploits Chinese workers. Foxconn is a Taiwanese Corporation and China should do more to protect Chinese workers from exploitation by foreign corporations.
I am sure there are other issues to be addressed, as there are in all countries. But your description of China bears little relationship to the facts on the ground.
Both this and your previous comment are strongly worded, heavily laden with distaste for China, and to my interpretation very much follow the US propaganda points. My contacts in China range from simple farmers, to government officials, to the now retired General who ran their Baidou Nav system development, and some medium and high level business contacts. When we travel to China, we live in the family farm home and with friends in their homes. I am going to address your points this one last time.
1. This is a loss-leader, and you’re mixing two things together, product quality and illegal drugs to make your point appear stronger.
1A. International western companies have been doing business in China since the 1970’s and the quality you receive is what these companies specify. I have done supplier negotiations within China and have always received the quality we specified and with good communication and warranty of any defective parts, this from both western partnership and fully Chinese owned companies. Remember that business in China is based on Guanshi – not on standard western norms – so if you walk in like an arse, you’ll be treated like an arse. Your own vaunted US companies by the way, have been caught in quality control scams with potentially life threatening results, and I actually had to deal with the fall-out from this one: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/aluminum-extrusion-manufacturer-agrees-pay-over-46-million-defrauding-customers-including
1B. International drug smuggling is an international problem not specific to China – let’s address this one when the USA has shut down all the Meth labs within your border and is no longer supporting poppy growth in Afghanistan that is then trans-shipped to Russia: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-nato-russia-afghanistan-idUKTRE62N56U20100324
2. Currency manipulation based on whose interpretation, the IMF? The World Bank? When the USA unilaterally declared that the Bretton-Woods agreement would no longer be upheld, that was currency manipulation! Countries were allowed to set their own exchange rates after B-W collapsed, and I think that fundamentally any sovereign nation has the right to set their exchange rates in a fiat currency system: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brettonwoodsagreement.asp
3. Whose international order? The US? Not even a Chinese citizen can own land in China – it’s all leased for a specific period, including houses and apartments. Farm land is apportioned based on a complex formula on family size. My wife’s Hukou posted foreign, the family lost a couple Mou. Remember their history – the century of shame – Chinese sovereign policies are calibrated to stop the rape of China perpetrated by Great Britain, Germany, France and your own vaunted USA. Very few of the looted artifacts have been voluntarily returned – just saying.
4. So what is when the USA controls the IMF and World Bank and forces ‘austerity’ onto countries? Is that not debt bondage? Think hard before you answer these ones: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/IMF_WB/WhoAreThePeople.html
5. Abject abuse, oh please provide specific examples, I will enjoy this! Just an FYI, ethnic minorities in China receive substantial government funding to retain their culture and were never subject to the one child policy. Remember that there are 56 different ethnic groups in China and I have travelled to a few of those regions although not Xinjiang. Most of the ethnic groups live in the more diverse regions where development is only beginning. The Deng Xiaoping plan is still being followed, coastal opening with trade routes and development growing inland in horseshoes. My wife’s province just received high speed rail two years ago but not yet to her city. The Chinese treatment of their minorities is substantially better than the USA and their treatment of the Native population, or Black, or Hispanic. I notice that Puerto Rico is still unable to vote and their poverty level is lower than the worst US state – please explain, you’ve had until 1898 to get this right.
6. Interesting, I have had only two incidents in almost 20 years. One where a friend told me he was happy I wasn’t Japanese or he would have asked me to leave his store, and one other that was rude because he thought I was from the USA. I have observed though, how US citizens behave in China and I will tell you that you should be embarrassed in general. Rule one before you go, learn 4 words; hello, good-bye, please, and thank you. Oh, and don’t strut around and laugh at them like that US business ID-10-T I met in Shenzhen.
7. Sure, like the time my Pakistani friends daughter wrote an article favourable to Musharaff and no western news paper would publish it – no censorship – right? Or the time the BBC reported a major riot in the Chinese city I was actually visiting at that time – it was a calm peaceful day to be honest, but no political control of newspapers in the west – right? I have only noticed on my last trip that some sites were blocked from my access – first time ever. I could also subtly suggest that based on the current political situation in the world with US propaganda running rampant and US infiltration techniques being deployed, that this is a defensive program and therefore fully justified.
8. Because nobody expects the Tai Ping rebellion! Most destructive civil war in human history brought to you by western religions and missionaries. There is an old saying that the missionary is the tip of the spear and they have experienced this first hand. We have yet to have family members or friends disappeared, or killed although we did have one imprisonment. It was justified, but that member is now running a very successful restaurant with no repercussions whatsoever. I will tell you that one of my western educated Chinese film industry contacts did – while in China – produce a western biased disparaging video and the police came to talk with him, he now works for their government. Freedom is a particular US obsession and nobody is ‘free’, you are constrained by society and the societal mores and are no more, and no less, free in the west than you are there but there are restrictions here that do not exist in China and vice versa – get over it.
9. I’m barely going to address this, but I do notice how lots of connected companies in the USA get very big contracts, do you remember Cheney and which old company of his received the very lucrative Iraq supply contract, how do you think that happened? Do you think this list has changed? https://www.nndb.com/lists/439/000127058/
10. Ah yes, the age old Uighur question. I’m only going to point out that when you share a border with a certain country under the control of the USA, and some of your local province members travel to Syria and fight alongside DAESH, and then you start noticing internal acts of terrorism, well, countries tend to take notice. I will also point out that Washington funds this group: https://www.uyghurcongress.org/en/
As you’ve ended with this quote:
““The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”, Dostoevsky’s statement is as true as it gets.”
I’m going to point out this: https://www.statista.com/statistics/262962/countries-with-the-most-prisoners-per-100-000-inhabitants/
and I will leave you two quotes.
Robert Burns, Ode to a Louse
“O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
An’ ev’n devotion!”
and C.S Lewis, Prince Caspian
“You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,” said Aslan. “And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth. Be content.”
You wrote:
What you describe has happened to me too many times. Things are reported as fact by the Western Media, but I know from personal experience that the “articles” are complete fabrications. It has gotten to the point that I can no longer ascribe all this to “poor journalism” as I often did when I was younger. Sometimes, I have found, that it was just far too easy to get the true story. There is simply no way to ascribe this to simple incompetence.
The only conclusion that I can come to is that the American media is engaging in deliberate disinformation.
What is even worse is that, on some occasions, the issue involved is not really all that important. Nonetheless, I later find that the “reporting” was completely false. It is almost as if lying has become a way of life in the Western media.
Accordingly, I almost never read American media. I do scan the headlines every day in order to see just what narratives they are trying to spin. I don’t think that that is paranoid. I do not know how the entire media complex is being coordinated or by whom – but it obviously is being coordinated. I simply cannot come to any other conclusion.
@Mike from Jersey,
Good to see we share similar experiences and observations. I’m so tired of the nonsense that is promoted as news in the west. I still read multiple news sources but with a jaundiced eye alert for propaganda techniques and emotional triggers. When I observe those techniques in use, I automatically review the news in the targeted country for the other side.
There is powerful energy being directed towards making citizens of the USA hate Russia and China and I can’t see this ending well for anybody. As I stated in another thread here, people need to drop their emotions and simply process data right now.
I read the comment section on several blogsites and the emotional maturity level is so low it is beyond belief, this is what our school system has brought us. I have an antique history book in my library that was taught in the 1930’s and it details the historical development of the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the citizen and the government. A citizens duty in a democracy is to be properly informed on current events so that the government can be kept under the control of the citizen, not the feudal ‘board of directors’. The news organizations have a duty to represent facts to the citizen and hold our governments accountable. The government has a duty to make laws and regulations to keep the general peace, general infrastructure maintenance and construction for the common good, and the defense of the realm. Where did we lose that?
Your response triggered so many thoughts. You wrote:
I generally eschew the Western media. But when I do read a Western media article, I do exactly what you describe. I look for propaganda techniques and emotional triggers. I also run a web search on the author. What is his or her history? What organizations do they belong to? Do they have connections to the military or the intelligence community? What positions have they advanced in their other writings?
I also, as you do, read the foreign press of the country being discussed. Finally, I look to see exactly which facts both the American press and the foreign press agree on. I then apply logic to see what the agreed upon facts suggest.
You also wrote:
One of my last major projects before I retired required me to do historical research of an event occurring in the late 1930’s. I had to read newspaper after newspaper to try to determine why a large property transaction took place. In the course of reading all those papers, I was amazed at the commitment to the very type of good civics that you describe. It is, unfortunately, something we have lost.
@Mike from Jersey,
In a corporation far, far away in the space/time continuum and now pretty close to defunct I used to perform international strategic business planning. The process I used was simple in concept, but difficult to apply. First step was to divorce emotion from the analysis, then examine all relevant facts from all parties to the argument, everything was the truth and a lie at the same time. Step 2 was to accept those facts supported by all sides as correct, and discount but document any information that was countered by any of the parties. After that came the review of the countries history, culture, and historical responses to stimuli. Once those steps were completed I reviewed the conflicting data and assigned probability values to the conflicted data based on intuition and knowledge. The last step was plotting the most likely courses for a successful project based on that data.
My success rate in predictions proved about 75% or higher as time passed, but the largest obstacle I faced in presenting the planning and getting acceptance was the mindset of the other executives. “The sun never sets on the British Empire! Eh, wot!”, the hubris was strong there and our opportunities at available International markets withered as we focused on unsustainable and unmarketable product heading towards October 2008.
From your description I’d say your technique is very similar if not identical. It’s difficult for propaganda to influence when analytcal skills are strong.
You seem to be a kindred spirit.
Just trying to discern what is actually happening.
Peace to you, my friend.
Given the sheer volume of consumer goods made in China, even if a very small percentage of them had a problem, it may seem like large number, and this is what may give an impression of overall poor quality.
In any case, quality issues with Chinese products get a lot of traction in the media.
Compare that to Boeing or Monsanto who have bribed and lobbied regulators (Boeing & Aviation officials, scientific omerta on GMOs) in order to get their subpar and dangerous products accepted in the market, but are rarely called out for it in the media.
In the United States there is a big push to get everyone on statins.
This supposedly is to help reduce heart attacks.
I don’t know anyone who has tried those drugs – including myself – without severe and, in some cases, crippling side effects.
There is no proven efficacy to them, except some questionable research dealing with people who have already had heart attacks. For the general population, the drug is useless.
Nonetheless, these drugs are prescribed like crazy based upon pharmaceutical company advocacy.
Listen, I’m not an American and do not elevate their system to be the “shining beacon on the hill”. To the contrary I often describe it as the allegorical collective “Satan”.
Maybe I have formulated my points too sharply, but I still see it this way in principle. I can support every thing I wrote with at least an article of the international press (yes it’s hard to find esp. English speaking press, that doesn’t lie or German for that matter – I’m Russian speaking and know that from experience). The easiest thing in the world is to deny them out of hand, because they are not Chinese (just like you will find the occasional almost neutral piece on Russia, I never take anything for granted, and evaluate it line by line). It’s cute btw that you write that you have access to this blog and almost all of your regular sources, yes sure, an English speaking, comparatively small blog is hardly disproving, that any Chinese speaking publication is not immediately censored, if it’s not towing the party line. Weibo and we WeChat is censored in real time and automatically, just fyi – hardly an example for freedom of speech. You certainly know about the social credit system and the A.I. enabled surveillance system, how do you still pretend, that you don’t see how it is used against ANY internal opposition is still beyond me. The most surveilled cities (just CCTV): http://www.statista.com/chart/amp/19256/the-most-surveilled-cities-in-the-world/
Internet traffic is almost 100% surveilled. That the West is also under surveillance is a mute point in the regard, that a hypothetical Chinese Saker against the CCP would be so gone, that your head will spin. Just one more tini tiny example is the disappearing of HK book sellers, who were selling anti-CCP books.
Now tell me that the terrorists supporting almost always lying rag, is lying on this too. Than you tell he committed a crime by CCP standards, than you will tell me that the CIA is running Psyops in HK, Taiwan and everywhere else in Asia-Pacific. Duh…
Speaking of Asia-Pacific, tell my also that China isn’t very much supported, by local countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines because of it’s ludacris nine dash line policy? Tell me it’s all lies and fiction.
Fun fact, just for shits and giggles, China has cut the water supply if the Mekong river by building dams, that have dramatically contributed to food insecurity of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Ok, tell me this is a discredited Falun Gong rag, maybe FP than, no Western rag, surely there must be a Vietnamese Lügenpresse in the vicinity.
Now, Rewriting a holy text like the bible and catechism is hardly a practice that enables religious freedom. Still, I’m able to acknowledge, that China was abused by Western people in this regard.
Now back to the age old question of Uighurs, yes millions of people who do not like to be governed by you is a pesky question. Maybe you have it backwards, maybe their harsh and unfair treatment resulted in an insurgency? Maybe the West intelligence agencies exploited this fact, just like in the Middle East? Just maybe. Contrary to the Saker I also don’t believe that it’s all happy dandy with Russian muslims too, it’s a different situation, but it’s an undeniable fact, that Chechens were also involved in anti Russian activities, that’swhy they were deported by Stalin btw. Please tell me this document dump isn’t all sheister talk:
Listen, you have obviously made up your mind and we are obviously talking about an almost 1.7 billion population, which has different experiences all over the country, for political, economic and historical reasons – including HK and Taiwan (is the population just against the CCP or is this also just Western propaganda, I do not – why don’t we ask everyone of them what they want?). So spare me the talk about recognized minorities, lol, I know that myself. All this recognition hasn’t helped Tibetans and Uighurs and maybe they wouldn’t have resisted that much, if they were allowed to self determine. Don’t get at me about the dictator lama, rofl.
Chinese workers dont unionize and complain, because they are already represented by the CCP ;). The whole point of Deng Xiaoping’s policy was to sell out its population to Western capitalist in SEZ. Of course this was gladly done by Western elites. Nothing new here.
Last thing, I criticize everthing harshly if it’s deserves to – no exceptions made, also Russia, which government is also an iteration of a disgusting dinosaur capitalist party created to liquidate Russia for Western interests (with the honorable exception of Putin and a couple of patriots) after 1991. So spare me the “What aboutism”.
Maybe I should drop the mother of all link bombs onto you, for every point of my ten commandments, but I fear this will be a futile exercise in “you propaganda, no you propaganda “.
One more thing, at last, when i write about the poor, ill, worker be damned, I do not mean that the CCP doesn’t provide jobs or infrastructure development. It’s like this with every other government or party – they all care mostly about themselves and only do as much as is generally regarded as the moral norm.
The danger with the CCP and absolute power is that you will find yourself at mercy of the CCP, because it has almost absolute power in everyday life if it is regarded as a vital interest of the state. Yes, I know you can nicely ask the party official through indirect whisper talk and guanxi for a change in behavior and policy or protest in the streets (which will cost you dearly if you somehow appear to be a protest leader [Tianamen?!] – certainly there are cases, where you appear untouchable because of public support), but you do not have recourse against any decision if it’s the party line, to be frank courts=police=army=CCP (it goes to the extreme, that you can see Mao style banner and poster on the Chinese streets, praising the party and its dear leader…).
So when I warn about the CCP influence, it’s the bad practices they export by nurturing foreign comprador elites (lobby-ism, feeding them money etc.) giving them surveillance tech, robbing them of their country resources…
America does it too, sure, but those two China and the US are scourge on the planet, when combined. Surely the Europeans are too, but they are a dying breed.
As far as Russia goes, I still can hardly believe, that my country of birth is content and aspires to be a highway, bridge or water-lane for Chinese products. On more than one occasion, I could hear influential Chinese experts say, that Russia is inferior to China and can only be a junior partner in the future. Guess with a political establishment like that, they are factually right. Russian liberoids are working hard to push Russia down, to be an appendage to the West and EAST. For them being serves to the WEST is an article of faith. Sadly, the country that put Gagarin into space, build the Buran and was a technological powerhouse, is now selling its forest, agriculture, minerals, supports its enemies financial system (by exporting billions of profits to the WEST, in offshore, to Londonistan….), letting the CCP freely reign in Ex-Soviet states and letting the West pit its neighbors against it (UKrstan is maybe the biggest f up after WW2, should have ended it in 2014-2015).
I am sorry but I have better things to do than engage in this debate.
I have been to China. I have lived with Chinese families. I have been in the homes of others in China. I have seen it with my own eyes.
I know better.
But still, a couple of quick points
You wrote:
When in China, yes, I can access this site. I can also the Washington Post, CNN and any other publication I wish. I can access them in English or in Chinese. So can anyone in China. Back here in the US, I often get emails from China. Sometimes I am sent links to CNN or other links and my Chinese correspondents literally laugh at the portrayal of China in the Western media. Those article are not hidden from them and they can readily compare the Western portrayal of Chinese life with what they see around them.
They have free access to the Western press and more.
And “censorship?” You honestly don’t think that this is done in the West? Anyone who starts to get his message out in the West in de-platformed or barred from Facebook or from barred Twitter or barred from YouTube or barred from access tp payment platforms or “algorithmed” into obscurity by Google.
That is the reality in the West. Finding honest information is an uphill struggle.
You also wrote:
I was recently invited to take a trip to Xinjiang province. Then the virus came. Still, I might go next year. I haven’t been there but from what I am told there are, indeed, dissidents in Xinjiang but certainly not “millions of people.” The dissidents are a small minority of the overall population.
Xinjiang was described to me as a very happy place. That is why I was invited to go. The people who went described it that way and had a wonderful time. I may go and see with my own eyes.
As far as the “millions seeking freedom” – just another propaganda meme from the West.
I am sorry but I have better things to do than engage in this debate.
I have been to China. I have lived with Chinese families. I have been in the homes of others in China. I have seen it with my own eyes.
I know better.
But still, a couple of quick points
You wrote:
When in China, yes, I can access this site. I can also the Washington Post, CNN and any other publication I wish. I can access them in English or in Chinese. So can anyone in China. Back here in the US, I often get emails from China. Sometimes I am sent links to CNN or other links and my Chinese correspondents literally laugh at the portrayal of China in the Western media. Those article are not hidden from them and they can readily compare the Western portrayal of Chinese life with what they see around them.
You had written about China, “Totalitarian state, with almost a 100% control on the informational sphere…”
That is what you said, “quote-unquote.”
But that is not true and not even close to being true.
The reality is that the Chinese have free access to the Western press and more.
And “censorship?” You honestly don’t think that this is done in the West? Anyone who starts to get his message out in the West in de-platformed or barred from Facebook or from barred Twitter or barred from YouTube or barred from access tp payment platforms or “algorithmed” into obscurity by Google.
That is the reality in the West. Finding honest information is an uphill struggle.
You also wrote:
I was recently invited to take a trip to Xinjiang province. Then the virus came. Still, I might go next year. I haven’t been there but from what I am told there are, indeed, dissidents in Xinjiang but certainly not “millions of people.” The dissidents are a small minority of the overall population.
Xinjiang was described to me as a very happy place. That is why I was invited to go. The people who went described it that way and had a wonderful time. I may go and see with my own eyes.
As far as the “millions seeking freedom” – i am going to assume that that is just another propaganda meme from the West until I see the contrary with my own eyes.
You wrote:
Nothing wrong with that, I am the same way. But criticism has to be logical and fact based. Not unsupported allegations.
For instance, you wrote above:
That is what you wrote, “quote – unquote.”
But it just isn’t true.
It is easy to access Western publications in China. You can access them in English or Chinese. In China many, many people speak English. It is widely taught in schools. Moreover, many American ex-pats make a living teaching English. Those ex-pats are all over the place. Most new construction projects (roadways, public buildings, etc.) are bilingual – English and Chinese. When I am in China, people actually come up to me on the street and ask me to engage in conversations simply so that they can “practice their English.” These people can access and read CNN or the New York Times or the Washington Post or the Financial Times in China just as I can.
Thus, your statement that ” … almost a 100% control on the informational sphere” simply is not true. It is simply not fact based. And I’ll go further.
Even the Chinese-only-speaking people can read these articles. They are often posted Chinese social media sites with interpretations. I know this as a fact. And people can check the interpretations with publicly available translation platforms.
So when you write ” with almost a 100% control on the informational sphere ..” I know that is simply not true and not even close to being true.
Look, there is nothing wrong with being critical but you are letting your biases get in the way of accuracy.
For instance, in a post above, you made allegations of “currency manipulation,” drug smuggling” and so on and so on. One negative statement after another about China with scant or no facts to support those positions.
JackJC demolished you arguments point by point.
Again, there is nothing wrong with being critical. But for some reason or reason you are biased against the China and you are letting it get in the way of critical thinking.
Look, I do that too sometimes. I am absolutely livid about American interventionism throughout the world. We, in America, simply have no right to dictate to other countries their foreign or domestic policies. I am so angry about it that sometimes I let my biases get the better of me and assume the worst. But I have disciplined myself to always take a hard look at issues so that my biases do not overcome a reasoned approach to understanding the world.
First, that’s your perception – I for once am not convinced, at all, by your answers. I think you’re biased, non fact based, too, no argument here:
As for the drug trade, read it might be interesting:
Currency manipulation:
For me the CCP wants it both ways, “free market” for thee but no free market for mee. Always for globalization when it benefits them, but strict controls, access blockage for foreign states, if it means giving up control by them. You also have to give up your intellectual property and joint venture (build up your competitor) if you want to do business in China. I haven’t even touched the mega topic of spying and copy pasting by China…(from military tech to consumer goods). Let me guess also all lies right?
As for censorship: https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/china-foreign-news-websites-censorship-1203381682/
1. About a third is directly blocked.
2. Those that are not directly blocked are not a big problem at all for the CCP.
3. English proficiency is very low, most won’t even understand what they would try to read
(mostly never used at all).
4. Controlled news sources like social media, legacy print – TV media, propaganda and rumors on China’s web are absolutely the informational mainstay of most Chinese – all which are subject to state censorship. (rumors are not censored if the party is either uninterested in it or if it is useful to the party: Case in point is the rumor that foreigners who stayed in China, esp. blacks, are virus transmitters.)
5. If any story would be published, that threatens key tenants of the CCP on the whitelisted sites, they would be blocked (or selectively blocked articles – show me an freely accessible article in Chinese about the Tienanmen protests) if the CCP would deem them threatening to their rule.
This is what I mean by “Totalitarian state, with almost a 100% control on the informational sphere.. “, alright.
Most of what you both write is not fact based, but personal stories, which can be true or not (as far as your personal experiences go).
I have better things to do, I like to spend my time with other things, but we are in a discussion unfortunately.
Mike, please don’t lecture me about bias, I’m against the CCP gangsters, fat cats and their system of control – I know the Western press is lying, manipulating and mostly indirectly censoring too. I’m also against the Western establishment, which are also a bunch of murderous, warmongering hoes. It was also maddening for me to talk with Germans, Austrians, other Europeans about our criminal leadership, so don’t get the idea that I single out the CCP – this is the topic of this blog entry. I wouldn’t make such a big deal about the CCP if it wasn’t on track to becoming the world hegemon – that’s it! Europeans are a bunch of confused sissies as are most Americans, except for the hard left/right.
Let me say this: The US world system is hypocritical, unjust, murderous and untruthful and its establishment all the above too – for the most part. Agreed! Now the CCP has the same qualities (with a much more primitive hands on approach on its own population), but it’s limited in its world influence till now. Even if there is unlawful behavior, censorship through indirect means and everything else, it is on much lower scale than by the reality of living under CCP rule, as write in my post before. I live in a relative free society and all my criticism of Germany and its parties, would have put me in jail in China. You think I like our system? Get out of here! The undeniable fact is that the European and American pop. has recourse if it wants to. PEGIDA is one manifestation of that right, in China the CCP will put you on a list, tear you down and put you in prison after a while. If you would be honest, you would agree. You want to protect China, ok, me too, where its warranted.
At the end of the day its about power balance, name it CCP, Chinese rep., state party, Chinese democratic union – I really couldn’t care less – it’s people in power, receiving more and more of it, with far reaching worldwide consequences and its nature isn’t benevolent, but driven by weak human interest. Judge people when they are in a crisis or filthy rich, than you will see who they really are – and I don’t see much difference of them compared to our apparatchiks. Let me dumb it down for you as much as possible:
power (economic to political) balance worldwide US 35% China 29% Russia 10% everyone else 26%
military balance US 40% Russia 30% China 15% rest 15%
China getting stronger by leaps and bounds, while the rest is comparatively getting weaker and weaker. CCP policies will get more influential worldwide and give it enough time we are not only economically depended on China but by extension will be politically. If the party would be blessing to the world, than welcome be my guest, but its ideology, policy and internal affairs are a stark warning to us all.
@Mike in Jersey,
Your comments were fair made, measured in response, and true.
Persistent noxious sentiment can’t be corrected, but it can be displayed.
Peace to you.
I was in China when the pandemic started. I returned to the USA before it hit here.
China – as the Saker pointed out – warned the world immediately. Then the protected their own citizens. The response of the Chinese government to the disease was awe inspiring. I saw part of it with my own eyes.
The American response was a combination of crony capitalism, stupidity and stunning incompetence. I saw it with my own eyes.
Accordingly, it does not surprise me that China contained the virus and in America the epidemic is spinning wildly out of control.
I am also not surprised that the American government/media complex is now trying to blame this disaster on China.
All this is standard operating procedure.
It does bother me that a lot of my fellow citizens are buying the excuse.
“It does bother me that a lot of my fellow citizens are buying the excuse.”
Coincidentally, I had to pick up some electric components today and the store was serving one customer at a time, I had to wait outside till they let me in. The clerk apologized for the wait, and I mentioned it was no problem. He stated he was a little frustrated we were in lock down mode for what was no better than the common cold and I mentioned that the when the death rate was plotted against the min/max and statistical average for the month that England showed a death spike more than the double those normally expected, and that as I have a Chinese wife, we saw what was coming.
The clerk actually said – they should have told us sooner. I mentioned that the Chinese government told our government on 13th December and he mentioned again – the Chinese should have been all our our social media warning us. At that point I mentioned more forcefully – The Chinese Government *told* our Government on 13th December – and *our* government did nothing – I am pissed about that, aren’t you?
The wall went up behind his eyes, conflicting data – the propaganda is working in the west.
Yeah, I am running into the same thing here in the US.
It is like Orwell’s novel “1984.” As soon as the media proclaims that were are at war with East Asia, the public immediately denies that Eurasia was ever our enemy. It doesn’t matter that one day prior, “Eurasia” was our enemy and “East Asia” was our ally.
The level of control over the citizenry via propaganda is downright frightening. Orwell was spot on.
“13th December” ???
The first case in Hubei was Dec. 26th-27th. Dr. Zhang Jixian was the respiratory doctor handling a mother, father and adult son and she was the first to send alert up the chain to municipal CDC, and then provincial CDC was brought in to examine the patients and take samples.
Is your date related to an event not reported even in CGTN reports? I believe the official date of notifying US CDC is Jan. 3, 2020.
Please give us more info about Dec. 13th.
I simply detailed an incident today where I was attempting to break some propaganda conditioning, and apparently failed. This report does provide some support for a mid-December date although, it’s not specific to the 13th: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/intelligence-report-warned-coronavirus-crisis-early-november-sources/story?id=70031273
You are correct that official notification was supplied to the WHO by China on 3 January. I went through our family Wechat which starts heavily discussing the subject on Jan 10th. Prior to that there are some references (without context) to wearing masks in later December. As the comments are often in support of a phone or personal dialogue it’s difficult for me to discern from a distance if they were in relation to an awareness that sickness was sweeping through, or just general precautions.
So – there you have it. Never believe anything until it’s been officially denied. ;-)
And my wife confirmed that there were family video chat discussions in early to mid December regarding high levels of sickness in certain areas but with no confirmation as to type of sickness.
I was at the store today, the lady clerk was penning $5 and $10 dollar bills, I asked if people were counterfitting $5 bills now, she said they were asked to do it by management. Just when i thought he couldn’t get any moore insane, he goes over the top with another one.
What does ” penning $5 and $10 dollar bills” mean?
It’s a counterfeit check. Not sure exactly how it works, but they swipe a special pen across the bill to check it.
Saker has the term why Americans are so gullible: US narcissistic messianism.
I think the world will start to heal once a majority of humans accept that there is no huge difference between the spiritual and corporal/material. The gnostic mentality and it’s opposite, purely materialist one must be done away with. Another fact of reality all must accept, especially the avaricious, is that death touches all, your material possessions will not save you from death. I believe fear of death is ultimately the source of avarice. This is wisdom that is old but has either been forgotten or people just dismiss because they think it is irrelevant. The belief that it is irrelevant stems in part from the individualism of our society. It also stems from the purely materialist conception of the universe in the West. Catholicism was never really helpful because 1) it created a separation between the laity and the clergy 2) it involved itself in politics and became a political power. Protestantism, although it started with good intentions, eventually ended up justifying the new capitalist economy of Europe. I have come to the conclusion that the west will either have to become Orthodox(which will not be a simple thing) or almost completely reboot, destroy much of what it has inherited in the last 2000+ years from the Greek and Semitic East. If this real, creative and destructive change will start somewhere, it will start in the Americas. I guess you can say that the old West, the capitalist, Protestant and Catholic West will be split between the Orthodox world and something new that is being created here in the Americas. That new thing or civilization will be a combination of the pre-christian, pre-hellenistic, Western European tradition(think of people like Viriathus, Vercingetorix) and the various native American traditions. The Chinese and the Russians should develop an interest in Native American and Mestizo people, I believe there can be a very strong alliance in this existential struggle.
No ‘ecumenistic’ American utopian concoctions would save the ‘West’. Nor the sneaky introduction of pseudo Germano-Celtic or Candomble, or Voodoo mumbo-jumbo into an enlarged pseudo-Orthodoxy. People who think that way miss the only point about the Church, that the Church was founded by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God incarnate, the Light of the world, and only there is the Truth, the Way and the Life. The only way. It would be extremely difficult to bring Americans to Orthodoxy (i.e. the Church), because America was built on anti-Incarnationism from the start.
I agree w/everything Saker said but there is one more reason we are doing and Ardennes offensive against China, it has finally dawned on the Neocons that taking out China is their best chance to take down Iran. China is the only country with enough strength and will to continue buying oil from Iran, albeit at a reduced level. If only we could coerce China into joining our trade embargo then we could really starve and kill a large number of Persians so that the Bibites could finally sleep peacefully at night.
shooting down Iranian speedboats, yes we are that dumb
There is a hardcore in DC that still believes that we can arbitrarily destroy Iranian lives and property with military attacks and Iran will not respond in kind with a conventional attack. I see them on FOX chortling about Iran’s decrepit military and limiting their capabilities to starting dumpster fires. This is not bravado or a trick to start a war, they really are that dumb and will be shocked when Iran blows up a U.S. ship with missiles. I’ve seen a parade of military analysts, experts, and Congressman all repeat the same crud.
The Saker wrote about the Skripal incident:
Question for Europeans, is this true?
Does the average European (or at least a large percentage of them) no longer buy into the Skripal story?
On the disgust towards the Trump administration.
I have often thought that the European oligarchs were just trying to wait until Trump was removed from office (by Russiagate or some other concoction) or be beaten by a Democrat in 2020. Once Trump was gone, then oligarchs on both side of the Atlantic could go “back to normal.” I would not be surprised if the oligarchs on both sides of the Atlantic have been conferring on this since the moment he was elected. That would explain why Merkel and Macron allowed their noes to be repeatedly rubbed into the dirt without significant complaint. They were just trying to wait Trump out.
But now Biden has the nomination and he is going to get destroyed in the election.
Why on earth the Democrats and the Media allowed Biden to get the nomination is beyond me. As soon as Ukrainegate collapsed, there should have been front page articles in the Times and the Post about Joe and his brother and Hunter with “exposés” showing how his position of power was milked to benefit family members. And, at best, Biden did nothing to stop it.
It would have been easy to bring him down and advance a more plausible candidate.
Now, the Democrats and the media are stuck with Biden. And the Europeans must understand by now that they will be stuck with Trump for another four years.
This is very interesting.
A Cambridge University study has been analyzing the genomes of COVID-19 samples from around the world. It has found that origins of the virus MAY NOT even be from Wuhan.
Virus origin: Scientists claim COVID-19 outbreak did not start in China’s Wuhan
Here is the actual study itself:
Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes
All roads lead to Putin say Pelosi.
All roads lead to Xi says Trump.
All roads lead to self inflicted Perdition. But by then, too late.
Hey, don’t insult donkeys. They are very intelligent and reasonable creatures. While they are aggressive enough toward predators to effectively guard flocks of sheep, they are usually tolerant and kindly toward us. Not submissive, no, but what would we expect from an intelligent companion?
The US-Neocon-Empire is using every mean to discredit, blame China. Zero Hedge used to be pretty decent site, now is completley filled with anti-Chinese articles, anything you could imagine ie “The Chinese did it” ” The Chinese lied” ” The Chinese tries to destroy US”, and so on, so on..well, any kind of conspiracy you could imagine from bad to worst.
Tucker Carlson he is so on the ‘China is our main enemy’ bandwagon that he has dropped whatever skepticism he has on our foreign policy establishment. On this issue he is indistinguishable from the Hedge or the other FOX hosts, save for the fact that he will occasionally voice our rather obvious carelessness in handling this in the beginning. Can’t stand that he is giving so much time to Gordon Chang.
I’ve even stopped watching his show, I’m willing to watch people I disagree with, I’ll watch him again, I just need a break. I had to laugh, one of his regulars is an ex-CIA Intel officer who said that we need to publish a report with a ‘high degree of confidence’ showing that the virus originated in that now famous L4 lab to get our allies to punish them. I just love how he admits that reports have a predetermined outcome and the investigation is just a formality. In all fairness, this guest stated this on the morning show but it was the same guy. I loved how the hosts didn’t even blink, one of the hosts was that creepy Steve Doocy.
ZH has always been a controlled opposition. There are rumors that they get money from the Steve Bannon alt-right network.
Saker, your little donkey with the blue coat does make a good mascot.
However, since we have chosen China as our primary scapegoat, I offer the painting below as a model, which might be altered to be covered with a red coat instead of blue –
It hs been a little while since I last commented as I have nothing particularly interesting, much less “new” to bring to the table.
However – I would like to politely remind people that we (a collective “we” as in the global community) are just beginning this new journey of massive social-economic and geopolitical change.
As we are at the beginning of a journey which may be as destructive and life changing as any major war, we should not allow ourselves to become distracted, much less bogged down, in analysis of aspects of this change such as the aspect of the greater plan to seize Venezuala, or the aspect concerned with destroying Iran, or the aspect of the plan concerned with expanding Israel, or the plan to deliver so called ‘literal’ (correct spelling?) river patrol boats to Ukraine (to use eventually to conduct operations along Ukraines and Europes major river and canal waterways, including eventually inside Russia too?).
Whilst we are watching these apsects, although important, we risk forgetting that the higher level plan is the complete subjegation of the developed nations under some sort of neo-communist post Orwellian / Huxleyan NWO – to be enforced by starvation and a technocratic control grid.
The medical martial law we currently find ourselves under is a precursor to the coming food shortages (as per control the food and you control the people, control the oil and you control the nations, etc).
The coming food shortages (I estimate 3 to 6 months away, maximum) will blind side many – especially those in rich countries who expect the so called lock-downs to end with the result that all will return to normal.
From what I have observed to date there is NOT any fighting at the highest levels of the control grid. The super-national elite have achieved amazing successes in controlling the nations – even nations I thought were free such as Russia.
The “above Billionaire Luciferian Class” (such as the British Royal Family, the Rothschilds, Rockerfellas, Bush Family, Chinese Blood Lines, the Gates Family, etc) are advancing thier global control ‘New World Order’ programe at break-neck speed.
So successful has this Pandemic / Plandemic lockdown been that they are now pushing momentum to:
1) Collapse the global ‘fiat currency based’ economies and replace it with a new single currency – a global digital system – they create and control (beta test was the electronic systems used in the Eurozone).
2) Collpase the current Political order and national governemnt system to unite the nations under a common technocratic leadership (beta test being the EU eurocrats, which in turn were a deritive of the earlier UN system).
3) Completely impoverish the peoples (the workers) by smashing thier ability to earn money outside the new system. As most are already seriously indebted and do not own thier homes (a mortgage is not ownership) property rights and inheritance will also be lost.
4) Compel all citizens to submit to draconian ‘laws’ such as getting vaccinated or giving up rights of freedom of movement (aka life and liberty) in return for access to the new digital currency (Bill Gates has explained how his passports will work).
5) As global food supplies are already beginning to collapse (and many supply lines already have), access to food (ie starvation) will compel the holdouts to eventually submit to the new system.
6) I could go on with another 10 points but reading the old “Communist Manisfesto” and “New World Order Handbook” (or even the controversial but powerful “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”) will clarify where this is eventually going.
The global super-elites have pulled off a global coup.
The coming economic chaos and food shortages will consolodate thier hold on power, and after millions die of (take your pick from starvation/war/riots/health/oppression/vaccines/poverty/homelessness) the new digital global currency and technocratic control grid (likely 5G ‘internet of everything’ based) will have at least ben rolled out.
The 2025 Deagel projection is quite stunning as to where we are going, with Deagal actually explaining economic collapse and mass exodus of young people (quote – the migration engine will work in reverse) will result in massive depopulation of developed nations.
In comparison to the plans the super-elite have for humanity, the squabbles of the ‘elite’ for governerships / fiefdoms under the new Kings are almost insignificant.
I implore people to look to secure your food supplies and ensure that you can maintain a roof over your head during the coming chaos. Life is going to get very, very, hard for everyone soon, and those who are not psychologically prepared especially will not make it through the next 9-18 months transition.
May God Help us all.
“Littoral” boats. Meaning boats used along the shores. Not blue water ships.
Very nice offering, Hassan, but a little too optimistic.
We are in the midst of the 6th Mass Extinction wherein certainty
is assured, even for global super-elites hunkering in their bunkers.
Whether the virus is handmade, or nature made, I believe it makes perfect sense for Russia, and many other countries, to support “the nature made” theory. This is our ticket away from a major war, and I totally agree with this approach. None of the outcomes will save the empire, and for the rest of us, war is not what we need.
What pandemic? Oh, the one on TV you say? I don’t have a TV. If the West bungled it this bad, the Wuflu has already made the rounds. End the “lockdown”. Riddle me this, my fellow Pindostanians. Who gets “locked down”? That’s right, prisoners.
Not many links in this post, but a couple puzzling points from a Canadian perspective:
– Australia would never, ever, launch a serious “take you down forever” aggression like this against Canada, even in a coalition with the USA. I don’t know what Australia has to do defend itself against the AZ Empire, as an island in the south, but both Australia and Canada depend on the Commonwealth for their survival. Neither would turn on the other in a death match. So I can’t make sense of the apparent coordination between US and Australia from that point of view.
– From statements by elected officials, this seems to be some kind of a CIA, and 5th column, “take over the country/economy” project in Canada, while at the same time the Canadian military and the American one (under the Pentagon, right?) seem to work together. Maybe that coordination is propaganda, I don’t know.
On April 18-19, there was also a mass killing, the largest in Canadian history, killing 22 people plus the gunman.
It’s hard for me to believe there was only one shooter in this, but I have no evidence of that. The military is now involved at those crime scenes. This may suggest the CIA or Mossad? They cross the border, kill some people, our military personnel show up, kill some of their people, and the beat goes on. And on. (Only a superpower can do something about the head of the snake.)
If 80% of this war is informational I can confirm that it has already started. The sinophobia here in Western Canada where I live, has been in full swing for some time. Today we received an 8-page ‘newspaper’ in the mail, called the Epoch Times, consisting solely of anti Chinese propaganda from first to last page. I was shocked. It hit me how many people are going to swallow these lies hook line and sinker.
“How the Chines Communist Party endangered the World” was splashed across the front page. And “Why the coronavirus should be called the CCP virus” read an ‘editorial’. and ‘How Beijing’s coverup led to a Global pandemic’ and on and on.
I have also noticed that when I go to check out YouTube lately, a fancy slick propaganda piece appears with a woman reading as from a trusted news source: “How China brought the Opioid crisis to Canada”
Something tells me that we are in for some turbulent times, if we aren’t already. China is the new terrorist threat. The manufacturing of consent has gone into overdrive.
You can lead a person to opioids, but you cant make them use it.
Yes true enough Alabama. My point was that China has nothing to do with the opioid crisis in North America.
Meet the family who’s got everything to do with it;
Speaking as an Australian, I have no clue generally what you are talking about.
True, the stooge-boy poodles that occupy the Australian Federal Government instinctively lick the butt of all things American, to the point of consistently shooting ourselves in the foot by ganging up on China for no good reason (hence now calling for an “independent” [yeah, right] international investigation into the cause of the “Wuhan pandemic” and China’s handling of it – funny how no-one is calling for a similar investigation re the US).
But as for somehow conflating Canada into all this skulduggery – I just don’t see it.
@ Ultrafart the Brave
Please just tell me that the doe-eyed Exceptionalists who run the lower 48 on this continent did *not* declare war on the British Commonwealth. (How did President Trump take it, by the way, when Prince Charles encouraged him to retire early?)
And if they did, perhaps someone with more patience than me can explain to our American neighbours, what kind of fate they are bringing upon themselves.
But look on the bright side: Russia is sure to reliably provide aid. Ample provisions of buckwheat! Whole grain and gluten-free.
The prior concern I had was how Canada would respond wihen the oligarch-du-jour down there hires some mercenary Blackwater army, and decides to take some chunk of our territory, as the union disintegrates politically, with no one in particular in charge of its entirety. Looks like that might not be much of a concern?
France and Germany will sit on the sidelines and watch, I suppose?
And I trust there are no takers, except maybe for China, on the proposal by Putin to have a sit-down with the UN Security Council members?
And it begins.
Missing Canadian Cyclone helicopter off the coast of Greece. From Operation Reassurance (the one based in Latvia, which clearly explains the chopper in the Med.)
To be hysterical for a moment, I never conceived that a situation this dire for North America could be created so suddenly. I really can’t imagine what happens from here (except maybe a sharp increase in Canadian military spending.)
Let’s switch gears. The daily Press Review on TASS was especially enjoyable this morning.
1) Izvestia: Putin extends quarantine. … For a thousand years, Russia has been living with the values of mutual assistance and solidarity, and these qualities are the main pillar of our country today, he said.
2) Vedomosti: Haftar unilaterally declares himself ruler of Libya, but Moscow disapproves … The field marshal’s move to assume full power over the country came as a surprise to the international community, Vedomosti wrote.
3) Kommersant: Russian diplomat slams Washington’s scheme to extend sanctions on Iran … Russia’s Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov told Kommersant that he believes that Washington’s arguments are ridiculous and will not find any support.
4) Izvestia: Russian banks facing $28-bln black hole in capital … However, such losses will arise if a stress scenario is realized, which implies a decline of the national currency to 98 rubles per dollar, an outflow of 10% of depositors within three months and an increase in the share of “bad” debts, Izvestia wrote. … First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov earlier at a meeting of the Russian president with leaders of major banks warned that the Russian banking system could face problems amid a deterioration in the quality of the loan portfolio in the fall.
5) Kommersant: Russia’s IT market may crash harder than in 2015 crisis … The situation may be worse than the crisis of 2015, as the collapse has already affected the mobile phone, computer and server segments. The IT market depends on other sectors of the economy, market players told Kommersant, hoping for a quick recovery.
Those are my fave sound bites, anyway.
(I don’t know where to post this – my apologies if it’s too off topic.)
Trudeau and EC President, Ursula von Leyen had a little chat earlier today.
“Prime Minister Trudeau and President von der Leyen looked forward to continued collaboration between Canada and the European Union, along with other international partners, to address the health and economic challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. The two leaders discussed the need to reduce economic vulnerabilities, and strengthen multilateralism to ensure a strong and sustainable recovery for the long term.”
My first reaction is to assume the “European community” decided, “thanks, but no thanks”, to whatever Trudeau was pitching. Now that they have our undivided attention. Let’s see what they want. Trudeau posted a link to this event on his own account.
To come full circle: today, post helicopter incident, Trudeau talked with Australia’s MP, Scott Morrison. :-)
To quote the immortal words of Barbie: “Math is hard.”
After the event in the Ionian Sea, Greece blasted out information about it in its media, while Canada went into complete military communication lockdown.
Separately, Moon of Alabama trolled the Pentagon (Apr. 29): “The Pentagon generals must love the Coronavirus. It will allow them to spend on a new ‘threat’. ” He explained the previous day that Turkey has landed itself into a financial bind, and requires cash. From somewhere.
I’m going to guess that Canada’s desperation-fueled creative problem-solving (like that NY-Quebec-Arctic Circle-Russia link) is not welcomed at this juncture.
Making amends, after offending the mighty, is a particular strength for Canada. (years of experience) Personally, I think it is in Canada’s interests overall, since it will provide us with leverage in case certain former imperial powers become a bit too demanding (and should perhaps consider sailing in warm waters under their own flags?)
Diplomatically, we appear to consider this as an act of terrorism (and I would guess that both Australia and Greece agree. So there.) In a later briefing, Zhakarova mentioned Russia’s opposition to the killing of civilians in acts of terrorism (reference to Israeli attacks of Syria.) No traction there for the helicopter crew. China threw us a little (very little) love. Said they appreciate our ‘cool headed’ approach in contrast to the US, and they assured us those two prisoners of ours, who’ve been in custody for 500+ days, are doing just fine.
In CTV’s program, Power Play, I think the term friendly fire was raised in a question – which may be the absolute most we can expect to get from this, diplomatically.
On May 1st, the UK Defence Journal announced the roll out of a new system to reduce risk of friendly fire.
I keep seeing/hearing that mantric term, “Chi-Coms.”
That’s old, old propaganda talk, no? It was used in the Vietnam days, probably in Korea. Mein Gott, it’s a tired old term. Yet people use it all over the place. Alex Jones famously said that the Chi-Coms control Hollywood, and now there are trolls calling people Chi-Com trolls all over the Hedge, trolls who like to come out of nowhere sometime yesterday.
Similarly, at some of the radio sites I read, there are old school communications guys who really know their stuff, who routinely use the word “Soviet”, “Sov’s”, and “USSR” as currently real entities.
I think a large portion of otherwise mostly decent Americans are stuck in these comfort zones, which render them pretty clueless about modern world politics. How can you observe and analyze the modern world with nothing but cliches? Don’t cliches have a sell-by date?
ChiComs, ChiComs, blame the ChiComs. Look over there!
Gore Vidal, thirty years ago: “These cliches sustain us, for how much longer?”
Excellent article. Over the past 40 odd years I have found that the majority of Americans I have encountered are extremely ignorant about the rest of the world and completely misunderstand their place in it. They really believe that they do everything better and we should all enthusiastically (blindly) follow their example. The average American is simply not interested in looking at anything which contradicts this “America is great” and everything we do or are is the best.
The AZ Empire is in a great power competition with China-Russia. The Empire is on its last legs and is about to sink soon and it knows it. The Hegemon is in retreat and all its actions can be explained by the fact that it’s in a titanic (pun intended, see below) competition with the other two combined great powers. None of its actions should surprise anyone.
The great sailing ship “Angzio” is heading into the eye of a fierce storm, a storm the likes of which the captain and crew have never seen before. The captain — newly appointed and over- endowed with misplaced confidence — is intent on sailing through the storm, driven by a desire to prove his greatness as a sailor. He is goaded by the ship’s owner via radio who has wisely decided to stay ashore. The owner, who also owns the place that made the sails and rigging that propels the ship, wants to prove that his class of sail are the best in the world and others should follow his lead in sailmaking. But the good ship “Angzio” is springing small leaks, the sails are being shredded in places by the howling wind, the main mast is beginning to creak ominously and may snap in half at any moment and the crew and the two passengers (eco-warriors hitching a ride) are getting very anxious. In the battle against the wind and the torrential rain, the captain is not helped by his first mate, ostensibly his loyal assistant, but actually the owner’s agent, who plots to abandon ship, get ashore in one piece and get his own berth on board the owner’s iron steamer — small, very seaworthy and well provisioned — and well tethered to the quay before the “Angzio” sinks. And it does. A great wave driven by the wind breaks the mast and splinters the ship and all on board are thrown into the water, desperately clinging onto the flotsam for dear life.
And then my thoughts returned to the book I was reading, Conrad’s “Lord Jim.”
Cheers and keep well, all here at the Vineyard.
I agree with The Saker’s approach to COVID-19. Observe the undisputed facts and omissions and criticize based on that. If we had done that with 9/11 instead of conjecturing about the how and focusing on disputes about what actually happened, we would have had: (1) Why weren’t the planes shot down that were headed for the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as previously practised in simulation exercises? (2) How did the airport security allow weapons on the planes? (3) Why didn’t the NORAD officers in command and the Secretary of Defense not get fired for incompetence?
In terms of COVID-19, the facts are the West sat on its ass while the East did something about it. Valid questions are: (1) Why, despite the practice steps in all the pandemic simulations that were done, were none of these steps carried out with the appropriate timing when a real pandemic occurred? (2) Why, when there are so many western government biolabs that exist to develop protection against bioweapons, was there a lack of PPE, masks, sanitizers, ventilators in the countries that sponsored those labs?
The answer is simple – they simply do not know how to do those things. Critical mass of ignorance has been reached a while ago. Like cricket and ants. Ants were preparing for the Winter, working hard, making things, while we, the Crickets, choose entertainment ‘industry’ and financial speculations. The best, brightness and most hardworking ants all become engineers, whereas best, brightness and most hardworking crickets become marketing gurus and financial brokers. By the way, brokers are supposed to manage wealth. Why do we call them brokers, it comes from verb ‘to broke’….
Reminds of Engineering School Oklahoma A&M 1954-58. By second year required 4hrs study for each class hour to keep-up and pass rigorous testing. Some couldn’t cut-it so transferred to law or business schools. 30-40 yrs later these were my management sending US mfg to China while shutting down most R&D.
American MBA’s and Attorneys should have been required to have faces dyed indellible purple when turned loose on productive creative industry.
Reminds of Engineering School Oklahoma A&M 1954-58. By second year required 4hrs study for each class hour to keep-up and pass rigorous testing. Some couldn’t cut-it so transferred to law or business schools. 30-40 yrs later these were my management sending US mfg to China while shutting down most R&D.
American MBA’s and Attorneys should have been required to have faces dyed indellible purple before turned loose on USA’s productive creative industries.
China has maximised damage caused by crisis. I’d rather attribute this to china fith column than to Xi who is indeed currently under attack by US banker frontmen (Kill Bass..)
Criminal intend by China:
. Report of inaccurately high death rate to spread panic
. Knowingly innacurately report there is no cure (false: HCL + zinc) to spread panic
. Introduce false response to crisis: state sequestration (confinement) which destroys ennemies economies, extend duration, create recurring wave and ultimately generates more death.
Note: correct answer to the crisis is to isolate people at risk while letting the herd immunity developp (60-80% of the population confronted with virus)
Note: unnecessary to mention possible design of the virus in a lab as this irrelevant to the above
Chinese took the extraordinary measures that it took, because they quickly realized (and it is not impossible to have had intelligence – why the immediate story that Chinese spies stole the virus from a Canadian lab and then ‘weaponized’ it?) that it was a bio attack meant to provoke chaos, disruption of economic activity and isolation of China. The ‘strategists’ who planned the attack did not expect the rapid, resolute and efficient reaction. They certainly miscalculated the preparedness of China to stave the attack, which is another illustration of their incompetence and of the delusional world in which they live. Apparently they shot themselves in the foot.
Trump threatening Iran is surely a move to push up oil prices, since the fracking community faces bankruptcy and he wants to keep the mirage of US oil independence going. If he starts a kinetic war in the gulf he knows two things 1) the price of oil will jump and 2) The Iranians will not be able to export any oil. He will feel that this will suit the US because it will not have been thought through.
The ramifications of a kinetic war (as has been mentioned) will embroil the US in the Middle East and the competition will then have plenty of opportunities to quietly undermine them and advance their own plans at the same time.
In the end it is most probably just a case of President Trump trying to fear talk the oil price up and nothing more.
The one thing plain for all to see in the last few years is that all the hegemonic plans of the US are not only failing they are causing blowback. The newest rounds will most likely do the same. Western leadership is bereft of strategists.
Recent discourse developments as I see them.
Three leading edge discourses this week representing the developments in clarifying the situation.
A. [23 April 2020]
“In this follow-up interview with Stanford University’s Dr John Ioannidis, he explain the findings from three preliminary studies, (including his latest, which shows a drastically reduced infection fatality rate); the negative health and economic effects of draconian ‘lockdown’ policies, as well as Sweden’s non-lockdown approach, Italian data, the pro’s and cons of testing and finally the feasibility of much touted ‘contact tracing’, and much more.
According to their new findings, the infection fatality rate for COVID-19 is significantly lower than previously assumed. “If you take these new numbers into account, they suggest that the fatality rate for this new coronavirus is likely to be “in same the ballpark of seasonal influenza,” says Dr Ioannidis.”
“Interview by John Kirby from Press & The Public Project with Dr. Ioannidis.” [Apr 20, 2020]
“Researchers from Cambridge, UK, and Germany have reconstructed the early ‘evolutionary paths’ of COVID-19 in humans – as infection spread from Wuhan out to Europe and North America – using genetic network techniques.’ …. The team used data from virus genomes sampled from across the world between 24 December 2019 and 4 March 2020. The research revealed three distinct ‘variants’ of COVID-19, consisting of clusters of closely related lineages, which they label ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
Forster and colleagues found that the closest type of COVID-19 to the one discovered in bats – type ‘A’, the “original human virus genome” – was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city’s predominant virus type.
Versions of ‘A’ were seen in Chinese individuals, and Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and mutated versions of ‘A’ were found in patients from the USA and Australia.”
“No proof that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan: Peter Forster”
[Peter Forster, a geneticist at the University of Cambridge, Apr 11, 2020]
“The coronavirus outbreak could have began in mid-September, British scientists studying the diseases mutations have claimed. They also believe it may not have started in the Chinese city of Wuhan as is widely believed. Researchers from the University of Cambridge are trying to trace the origins of the deadly disease by mapping its genetic history to patient zero.” [18 Apr 2020]
Basically Type-B (Wuhan dominant) emerged between September 13 and December 7, 2019.
C. The economic fallout (non-USA cluster-f_ck)
“Heartbreaking scenes in Bangkok. These people are lining up in a wat waiting for a free meal. For how much longer? No less than 27 MILLION WORKERS – now unemployed – applied for a monthly subsidy by the Thai government, equivalent to $165. The absolute majority lost their jobs in the tourism, entertainment, food and service industries.” (Pepe Escobar, FB)
There are other themes bubbling away, but these three (to filter it down) seem to be leading to the next phase.
The tide is starting to turn on the idiots in control (I decline to use the word “leader” or “leadership” otherwise why would we be here in this mess. Rather, I use “decision maker” because that is functionally what they do (usually as servants), and it supports the notion of accountability.
Yes all very concerning.
If you listen to this clip the ramifications are truly appalling,
you will note not even a hint of humour.
Secondly a clip from a former GRU colonel .
Actually, I think disease was introduced before the Spanish actually arrived in North America (on the Gulf coast). I have read somewhere (can’t recall where) that when I think it was de Soto started to travel up the Mississippi, he discovered major settlements that had all been decimated by some kind of plague. That is, North America was already relativelyh depopulated before European settlers or even explorers arrived. One hypothesis is that a plague-carrying corpse of a european sailor that washed up on the shore of the Guld introduced the pathogen to North America. There are also various accounts that New England was in an ecological and possibly health crisis by the time European settlers arrived. European fishermen had already been fishing off the coast for decades in the 16th century.
Per Wiki:
“The most destructive disease brought by Europeans was smallpox. The first well-documented smallpox epidemic happened in 1518.[3] The Lakota Indians called the disease the running face sickness.[8] Smallpox was lethal to many Native Americans, bringing sweeping epidemics and affecting the same tribes repeatedly. ”
Sorry, posted in the wrong place.I meant to post this up-thread. Not sure what happened.
“Secondly a clip from a former GRU colonel .
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=emb_title&v=t2vqjBtnltI&time_continue=12&fbclid=IwAR3vrb9ZpYTrMw_8hma6sBLpaVHdMq-p9YJ0mKLlbS5rfU30O5FOoDxT5bM ”
Wow. Just watched this.
Highly recommend. It has English captions.
I’d love to know this man’s background in more detail.
What he says sure is not funny.
But his delivery is extremely dry—almost childlike.
It takes awhile to get that this is a very canny fellow.
I do think China has a lot of blame for the crisis, but not because they are ‘evil’. First, I believe the most likely source of SARS-Cov-2 is the Wuhan Laboratory. Most likely does not mean definite, and probabilities change with information. I have posted the information on a 2015 paper before. Here it is again (you can easily find the PDF),
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Vineet D Menachery1, Boyd L Yount Jr1, Kari Debbink1,2, Sudhakar Agnihothram3, Lisa E Gralinski1, Jessica A Plante1, Rachel L Graham1, Trevor Scobey1, Xing-Yi Ge4, Eric F Donaldson1, Scott H Randell5,6, Antonio Lanzavecchia7, Wayne A Marasco8,9, Zhengli-Li Shi4 & Ralph S Baric1,2
If you like to trust Russian Scientists, here is one:
The second reason I place blame on China, is that the rest of the World decided to emulate China’s insane ‘LOCKDOWN’ response, in the mistaken belief that is why the epidemic ended in China.
These things happened because China is China. This was not part of any plan or intent but, if they had intended to destroy the West, they could not have come up with a better one.
Yes, the northern indispensables have chosen the wrong foe.
But it is time for Beijing to abandon the diplomatish tos and fros phrasing and start speaking a language that the Empire fully understands.
This language of course need not necessarily be in words.
Because the planet is round and the empire has a myriad interests and stakes from the arctic to the antactica.
Fake News when was US anty China? Lol for the first time USA and its president Donald Trump care about their country’s interest. All previews presidents gave all the power to china up to the point where most of USA companies moved away to China. Its causing not only American people to have less options for employment but also giving the China privillage to dominate the world in the near future. China has an extreme influence over eu and also Australian market if we continue this way we will end up in a communist/ totalitarian country like China. I pray for USA and Donald trump to stop it even though I live in Europe. Clinton’s, Obama, Who bidens interest is in China not USA
Who was pro Chinese they even agreed that we should be taking infected members of family out of the families and locating them seperately that’s exactly what China has done and its absolutely against our constitution. Trump is the only president with guts to make any changes, the only president who is not taking a penny from his presidency a true patriot who puts country’s interest at first and not their own dodgy deals
Many American families have living quarters that are large enough to isolate an elderly parent. In fact, that is the point of so-called “in-law apartments” that are a feature of many suburban homes. Given competent public health support (PEE supplies, information, training and assistance) such isolation would be feasible. Especially if younger schoolchildren were sent to stay with families who don’t have elderly or immuno-compromised family members at home.
The ironic tragedy is that the most physically vulnerable populations are in many cases the same ones who have no extra space, are the most crammed into small households in urban areas, who are getting the biggest repeated viral loads by traveling on public transportation to their jobs, and that also lack the educational background to understand the reasons for taking various kinds of isolation and sanitary precautions.
And of course there is virtually no public health outreach. When I see documentaries on Africa it seems there are more medical and public health professionals in many African villages than there are in the USA. For example I saw a documentary about health workers in Uganda during the ebola outbreak.
to SteveK9:
to cite a British “Daily Mail” as resource from a scientist is too far away from being believable even to laymen.
Search for some decent papers and its scientists concerning virology or COVID-19-virus data.
It is too “relaxing” to blame everything onto another state. Especially when a state has extremely big problems concerning economy (while feeding its oligarchs and deep state) and is with its import/export-balance in a minus for approx. fifty years.
to Yama:
Did it never occur to you that USA’s populace is extremely manipulated ? Is extremely watched ? Have you never known US citizen ? Any US friends in order to have more personal experience ? And with it got a glimpse of their way of thinking ?
And EU ? As an European I know what I am speaking of: we in the EU are too going the same path as USA – extremely totalitarian. We are watched at each corner and our politicians are questionable in their actions. And democracy ? There is no democracy if you are looking into Brussels, its elected people and its “output”.
Please be more objective for your own sake.
Blaming other states it far too easy. EU didn’t show a dime to help other EU states concerning the virus spread and any needs therefore.
Are you blind ? Didn’t it occur to you that EU has a lot to blame itself ? Didn’t it occur to you that a total lock-down is something much different than a quarantine in affected places (or where people/individuals are concerned)?
We here in the EU (and USA I think) are only a blink away being turned into a totalitarian police state.
I really wish I could say otherwise but facts are facts.
History tells us everything starts with fear and false assumptions. And populace is easily to maneuver with fear and religions (see Roman Empire/Metternich time in Austria/Hitler/Mussolini etc.).
Maybe check the credentials of rhe Russian professor in the dm article….he implies he actually knows what has been going on
…..”World renowned expert Professor Petr Chumakov claimed their aim was to study the pathogenicity of the virus and not ‘with malicious intent’ to deliberately create a manmade killer.
Professor Chumakov, chief researcher at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow, said: ‘In China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over ten years…..”
“History tells us everything starts with fear and false assumptions. And populace is easily to maneuver with fear and religions (see Roman Empire/Metternich time in Austria/Hitler/Mussolini etc.).”
I don’t disagree with much that you say.
Regarding the quoted statement, though, IMO this is somewhat off-base. Can’t speak for Mussolini and Italy because don’t know much about that. But I do know something about Germany. Hitler ruled through fear once he established his totalitarian regime, but IMO he did not come to power because of fear (of Nazi Party). He was able to come to power because enough Germans saw in him a beacon of hope (although never, it must be emphasized, a majority). You have to understand the situation of Germany during and after WW1. The country was under siege during and after the war. The total destruction of the economy via reparations and other means, attacks on the culture, pride (huge unemployment), health (food blockage against Germany that started in 1914—my mother, born in Berlin in 1916, had rickets throughout much of her childhood because inadequate food, and her family was not poor), fatherless families (men killed in war), PR campaigns against Germans and German culture, against a background of enormous social and political upheaval and loss (downfall of the Second Reich), millions of people leaving villages and streaming into cities, etc. You know the story I am sure. Hitler actually seemed to be one who pushed back and stood up for Germany and Germans. This is not intended as a value judgment on Hitler, but we need to avoid 2020 hindsight. One must look at things as they appeared at the time, not later.
to Katherine:
I should have also added “…or to believe in some sort of “savior” or political belief.
I know about the history of Germany and that of Europe. So you are right.
Hitler had been regarded as a savior for many at his time. Naturally not all, but his political “set” belief that Germans are some sort of “better race” fell on fertile soil. As well as that therefore some “ethnic groups” blaming being evil individuals and/or some “not so healthy individuals” aren’t worth to live.
Usually most individuals fall for some sort of belief “being better than others” or being “extraordinary” or “Chosen by God”.
Quoting Saker: “”There is one more thing I would like to mention here: there are a lot of folks out there who like to carefully note all the instances when somebody predicted that this pandemic would happen.””
For example US intelligence predicting a pandemic outbreak in Wuhan in November before even China knew about the outbreak (December)? Wow, what a coincidence!
“US intelligence alerted Israel of coronavirus in mid-November
According to the report, the US intelligence community became aware of the emerging disease in Wuhan in the second week of November and drew up a classified document.”
“Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November:
Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event, a source said.”
Speaking of psyops….
Here is an informative analysis of how America has pushed and promoted its “Wuhan biolab” psyops.
How a Trump media dump mainstreamed Chinese lab coronavirus conspiracy theory
The world is out of balance? It is: because the prevailing mores of this age of history are vanity, injustice, profiteering, a love of ephemeral entertainments that tickle the senses and lull you into a sense of stupor, and all of it is presided over by deeply and fanatically atheist governments. Too many people live instinctually, rarely using their faculty of reason, while also being unwilling to actually develop their personality in a moral and just way, to know themselves.
Is there hope for all of us? Yes. We Orthodox celebrated Pascha recently, a reminder that we as humans are more than just this flesh which is subject to desires, that in us resides the divine spark which was planted in us by God.
Please read this interesting article. Russian researcher
This scamdemic is a nothing burger with admitted false reporting of the mortality (dying WITH COVID). Even with that, mortality is clocking in at around 0.1%..about the same as seasonal flu.
Brilliant analysis . The elements that you list maybe simple to some, however, they serve the political establishment only while reducing the masses into a servile drones who need to work in order to eat. American history is full of victimization of others and the Chinese received a full share of it. The 19th and 20th Century victimization and exclusion of the Chinese by the government and media of the day now gets the same play in Washington.
In the 1880 the working poor killed Chinese mine worker and expelled them from mining towns in the West. Grover Cleveland send in the federal troops to Washington Territory to stop the vigilantism.
The Chinese are taking our jobs Trump tells the servile drones who flock to hear him and it works as evidenced by court actions in Florida and Texas.
In Canada we have the same mentality as evidenced by a recent act of loutish behavior in a Vancouver drug store where a brainless oaf literally picked up a small 90 year old Chinese man who could barely walk and threw him on a sidewalk injuring him baldly.
Where does behavior like this come from? I have to attribute this to the education system devoid of rigor and school books that lie by omission. .
. .
Good, sane report! I’m amazed at how many of the commenters insist on a hoax or conspiracy. First, China, Iran and Italy got hit, so it appeared to favor the Anglo-Zionists, but it subsequently hit America and the rest of Europe much harder. Obviously it hits everyone eventually, with their vastly different abilities to respond and different environmental challenges. The pandemic can be entirely natural, and yet billionnaires can still perceive it as a long-awaited opportunity to accrue power. The two are not mutually exclusive.
One slight quibble: the elite turn on each other when things head south as you say, but not all of them do. It is the visible second tier. The well-rewarded flamboyant types with big egos who do the dirty work. Andrew Lobaczewski considered the Nuremberg trials to have resulted in one grave mistake: they had all these people executed, depriving the world of information on those above them. We get glimpses of who funded whom and who secretly got saved, but nothing solid that might be used to confront them.
That is likely to happen again, as people direct their rage at the Jeffrey Epsteins and others of his ilk, leaving the head of the beast intact to recruit new limbs. Lobaczewski’s advice? Stick them in a cage, feed them well, stroke their colorful feathers and encourage them to sing. We certainly tried that with Mr. Epstein, and everyone knows what happened. Meanwhile his gal Grislaine or whatever is…where? Meanwhile, that Attorney General Barr says Epstein suicided, end of case, speaks volumes.
How do we attack the head of the beast?
They kill the surrogates in order for the head to survive. Loose lips sink ships. Just look at the Yugoslav scenario, they killed Croatia’s fascist leader Tudjman (after treatment in US for cancer) Obama Bin Laden’s friend Izetbegovic (accidentally fell down some stairs) , and then they killed Milosevi (withhold medication) , then Bin Laden, and all the others that could have pointed the finger at the head of the real snake.
Couldn’t let Epstein speak or Ghislaine Maxwell, as well so she may be in a safe house in protected by Netanyahu.(another crook) I understand she did him some favors as did Epstein.
I’m a bit late to this conversation – but – it is well worth revisiting Dilyana Gantsheiva’s research on the US Bioweapons program that she documented and presented in 2018. NONE of the many corona videos made in 2020 approach this degree of specificity.
AV9 – Pentagon Bioweapons….Exposed
Interesting and relevant….she makes the connection between the US reversing its ban on bioweapons in 2017 and subsequent publicising of its bio lab work – as a reaction to – Putin’s public presentation of Russia’s untraceable stealth nuclear weaponry.
As in “Fine, you have that? We’ll use this.”
(This video also casts a side light on the US woman using diplomatic cover but not a diplomat that the US refuses to deport to the UK to stand trial in the road death case of a 21 year old boy.)
This link is banned in Facebook
Probably the Unz connection
Astute as usual as far as the geo strategic dimension goes but I disagree with the corona views. I don’t have a lot of evidence but there are many indications that the official narrative cannot be trusted. Why do i say that? Two things: 1 we are being bombarded with over simplifications, the narrative is as infantile as the Scripal thing, and 2 omission are glaring. For example:
a) how many people died of flu in the same period?
b) how many people die each year of flu
c) how do we trust figures and percentages given test is unreliable, practices non-standardised and incentives given per number of reported cases
d) On what grounds exactly did WHO declare a world pandemic against a sample of 3000 deaths in a city of 11 mil?
I am sure there are many more bit I am now rushing to work
The china bashing is shameful but not surprising since the US is the one thieving looting criminal, terrorist, dictatorship nation with fake democracy in the world. Currently the US is stealing Syria’s oil in broad day light backed up by its criminal allies UK, Australia Canada etc. It instigates wars of aggression against innocent civilians in foreign nations, and funds and props up despotic brutal regimes, dictators around the world. This is accomplished through its CIA run fake NGO USAID, NED etc. The US has murdered millions of human beings since WII and continues to commit genocide and war crimes undercover of its fake criminal R2P extra territorial criminal interventions. Yet there is no meaningful opposition among the US population against US war crimes and acts of aggression, mass murder, genocide and heartless psychopathy even in these times of COVID-19? See how the US and its populace is happy to kill innocent women and children by blocking COVID-19 MEDICAL AID to Iran, Venezuela, Cuba etc ? Including stealing medical kits meant for other countries that are in need of help.
Americans are sick at heart and soul, they are psychopathic mass murderers and heartless killers, Just look at the mass shootings!! The US is one sick psychopathic nation whose leaders commit mass murder, lies and deceive the world non stop, alongside its five eyes criminal allies UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc. All should be tried for war crimes and mass murder under Nuremberg international law!!! Right now the US is busy training ISIS terrorists at Al-Tanf Syria illegal US occupation base, then unleashing them on Syria , middle east, Africa, asia , south America etc. to commit heinous crimes (decapitating women and children’s civilian heads, eating their brains , rape and murder etc. see this link- https://www.globalresearch…. Who would trust the US and its evil deception in trade, media , wars of aggression, poison medicine made by its criminal pharma companies, poison food agriculture by its evil Monsanto etc? Remember the war of lies based on fake narrative of Iraq’s saddam’s WMD, Libya and Gadafi soldiers using Viagra to rape women? Kuwaiti princes posing as some poor girl lying on tv about babies being removed from incubators? And what about the latest Syria’s Assad being falsely accused of chemical attack in Douma with corrupt OPCW producing now thoroughly debunked criminal fake report to instigate war against Syria? Now US is stealing Syria’s oil in broad daylight backed by criminal allies UK, Australia, Israhell etc? What about US training and funding terrorists aka moderate rebels in Altanf illegal US invasion camp in Syria, then unleashing it on Syria and beyond? Lastly, have you seen US destructive wars based on pure lies on Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan , Yemen, Somalia, Congo, South America , Syria etc. etc
That poor mascot is being grossly insulted. There is no dumber animal than a politician (with a few exceptions).
Trump is no politician. He is far from perfect but as the Saker will surely find out, he is not as bad as he thinks. We judge people’s motives by our own way of being and thus what we think of others, mirrors ourselves