by Katherine Frisk for the International Reporter
Only those with their head in the sand are not aware that NATO, the western allies and the Wall Street bankers are determined to follow a course that will lead to World War 3. With Russia in particular and any other country that stands in their way. In a recent interview Vladimir Putin chided western journalists for the false narratives that are being published in the Main Stream Media press. He said:
“We know year by year what’s going to happen, and they know that we know. It’s only you that they tell tall tales to, and you buy it, and spread it to the citizens of your countries. You people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this is what worries me. How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? While they pretend that nothing is going on. I don’t know how to get through to you anymore.”
More recently the highly respected film director Oliver Stone said:
“We’re going to war — either hybrid in nature to break the Russian state back to its 1990s subordination, or a hot war (which will destroy our country). Our citizens should know this, but they don’t because our media is dumbed down in its “Pravda”-like support for our “respectable,” highly aggressive government.”
What I would like to do in this interview is focus on cycles of time, repetitive narratives from one century to the next that replay over and over again like the film Groundhog Day. This is in a sense, a Matrix with the myth, the story line passed on from one generation to the next, and each generation in turn performs the same stage show. As Shakespeare said, ‘each has their entrances and their exists.”
On the 9th of May 2015, Russia celebrated the Victory over Nazi Germany in World War 2. Saker wrote the most touching and deeply moving article Something truly amazing happened today and I quote:
“Defense Minister Shoigu made the sign of the Cross before the beginning of the celebrations:
This is an absolutely momentous moment for Russia. Never in the past history had any Russian Minister of Defense done anything like it. True, the old tradition was to make the sign of the Cross when passing under the Kremlin’s Savior Tower, if only because there is an icon of the Savior right over the gate. However, everybody in Russia immediately understood that there was much more to this gesture than an external compliance to an ancient tradition.
The Russian journalist Victor Baranets puts it very wellwhen he wrote:”At that moment I felt that with his simple gesture Shoigu brought all of Russia to his feet. There was so much kindness, so much hope, so much of our Russian sense of the sacred [in this gesture]“. He is absolutely correct. To see this Tuvan Buddhist make the sign of the Cross in the Orthodox manner sent an electric shock through the Russian blogosphere: everybody felt that something amazing had happened.”
Saker also pointed out :
“For centuries Russian soldiers have knelt and asked for God’s blessing, before going into battle and this is, I believe, what Shoigu did today. He knows that 2015 will be the year of the big war between Russia and the Empire (even if, due to the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides, this war will remain 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military)”
So let’s go back to World War 2. Almost 30 million Russians died during that war. That is almost half of the total number of people killed on both sides, military and civilian from 1939 to 1945. A horrific figure that is not often quoted in western media or history books.
Question to Saker: What parallels do you see between Russia in 2016 and over 70 years ago?
The most disturbing and frightening parallel which I see between, say, 1938 and 2016 is the total arrogance and sense of superiority of the leaders of the Western world. I know that this will sound crazy to many because Russians and Europeans are supposed to be of the same “race”, but my entire life experience has brought me to the conclusion that many, maybe most, westerners are deeply racist towards Russians, even if it is at an unconscious level.
There is only one type of Russia which the West likes: a weak, subjugated, bleeding, disorganized and poor Russia to which the western Herrenvolk can send humanitarian aid, advisors and other “bearers of civilization” (just like Hitler’s Kulturträgers) to the eastern masses of Untermenschen.
You think that I am exaggerating? Look at the way the American leaders are trying to treat Russia: like some kind of bad boy who did wrong and who must now face the consequences of his bad behavior. The fact that all that grandstanding and lecturing has zero effect on the Kremlin or the Russian people does not seem to dissuade the Empire’s rulers who now sound like a broken record. But this goes far beyond just leaders. There is a cultural, moral and even technological assumption of Russian inferiority which permeates the entire political discourse in the West. This is why when a US built Boeing or a European built Airbus crashes the media speaks of a Boeing or Airbus crash. But when a Russian aircraft crashes, it is always a Russian built Antonov or Russian built Ilyushin which crashes, as if that explained anything.
This is one of the reasons why the folks in the West simply cannot wrap their minds around the current day reality that the Russian armed forces are substantially superior and generally more capable than their western counterparts. Right now, not only does Russia have better submarines, better tanks, better aircraft, better air defense system, better electronic warfare, better artillery, better tactical missiles, etc but also a far better infantryman. True, the Russians are behind in other fields (surface ships, communications, satellite technology, etc.) and the superior Russian systems are only being introduced now and are still few in numbers, but they are more than enough to make it impossible for the US/NATO/EU to militarily “defeat” Russia in any conceivable conflict.
So what I see is this: the West is on a collision course with Russia and yet nobody seems to discuss this and when they do, they express all the confident optimism of a drunken idiot who wants to take on a Grizzly bear in a fist fight: the bear might not show any reaction until the drunken idiot jumps over the fence, but once he enters the bear’s territory his life expectancy will be measured in seconds.
An infinite arrogance which completely blinds the western leaders to the immense risks of their policies is what I see in common between 1938 and 2016. And I find that very, very frightening. There is also a major difference: in 1938 Russia was not ready for war and the regime in power did not enjoy anywhere near the 80%+ Putin enjoys today. But today Russia is ready for war, it seems that at least 80% of the talkshows are about the confrontation with the West and the risks of war, while the military is almost constantly involved in very large scale strategic exercises preparing for major war.
On all levels, the Russian society is being prepared for war while in the West, nobody seems to be paying any attention to this (other than absolutely imbecile talks about a Russian invasion of Latvia or Estonia…). There is also a consensus in Russia that if Hillary gets into the White House the chance of a real war will sharply go up. I agree with that assessment.
Katherine: 2017 will be the 100 th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. What most people are unaware of, is that the same Wall Street bankers who funded the 2014 Ukrainian coup and funded Hitler in World War 2, even though the USA was supposedly on the side of the Allies, were the same group of people who funded Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks. To quote from The Creature From Jekyell Island:
the cartoon “..portrays Karl Marx with a book entitled Socialism under his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. Gathered around and greeting him with enthusiastic handshakes are characters in silk hats identified as John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, Morgan partner George W. Perkins and Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.
What emerges from this sampling of events is a clear pattern of strong support for Bolshevism coming from the highest financial and political power centers in the United States; from men, who supposedly were “capitalists” and who according to conventional wisdom should have been the mortal enemies of socialism and communism.”
I have heard from other sources that somewhere around 100 million people died under the Bolsheviks between 1917 and 1939, or is that an exaggeration?
Question: Why did the USA, a country that supposedly believes in freedom and democracy, support communism in Russia? Their anti-communist stance was after all, the raison d’être for funding wars, coups and revolutions to overthrow communist inclined governments in South America, Africa, Europe and other countries around the world through overt and covert CIA and Operation Gladio involvement for the next 100 years, and replace them with fascist military dictatorships. (A few examples Brazil – Branco; Chile- Pinochett; Argentina- Videla; Indonesia- Suharto; Congo- Sese Seko; Greece’s – “reign of the colonels”; Zimbabwe-Mugabe;) What political and economic parallels do you see from 100 years ago that are applicable today?
First, the issue of the real number of victims of the Communist regime in Russia is an extremely contentious one. Those interested could look at this article where I touched upon this issue. I think that the 100 million people figure is absolutely ridiculous, that is for sure. The real figures are much much less than that, but they are still horrible and should not be dismissed either. Frankly, this is an issue for historians to decide and I don’t find it helpful to insist on a specific figure. What we can say for sure is that the victims of the Bolshevik regime were counted in the millions, that is for sure. This “in the millions” is both safe enough and vague enough to be useful for discussion purposes, especially when covering the entire period from 1917 to 1991.
Second, US Jewish bankers did finance and support Trotsky just as the British supported Lenin. The former did that as an act of revenge against and hatred for Russia due to what they perceived as the anti-Jewish policies of the Russian Czars. The latter wanted to subvert Russia from the inside to weaken her on the outside. This is pretty straightforward.
The concepts of “Freedom and Democracy” versus “Communism” were always just facades, a facade to make the US imperialism look noble and a facade to justify interventions worldwide.
What is taking place today is not very different: we do have an imperial financial system which seeks to subvert Russia from the inside to make her weak on the international stage. We also have US Jews, now rebranded as “Neocons”, pursuing a hate-based racist crusade against Russia as an act of revenge for what they perceive was the anti-Jewish policies of the Soviet Union, especially under Stalin. Those interested can read about this here.
So just as we had an AngloZionist conspiracy against Russia 100 years ago we have a different variant of the same AngloZionist conspiracy today. What changed most over the past century is the rest of the planet, especially the emergence of China and the general collapse of the EU
Katherine: Now let’s go back to over 200 years ago. The Patriotic War of 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia. He had as allies the Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Italy, Naples, Confederation of the Rhine, Baden, Bavaria, Berg, Saxony, Westphalia, Austria, Prussia, Swiss Confederation, Napoleonic Spain, Denmark–Norway.
That was a formidable united front against one country. The line up looks very similar to the current European Union and the NATO allies today.
Question: Who funded this army and why? And what parallels do you see 100 years later with World War 1 ,the Bolshevik Revolution, World War 2 and the current tinder box that Russia and Europe find themselves in 2016?
You are right, this all looks very similar doesn’t it? I would just toss in the Crimea war, which I like to call the “Grand Ecumenist War” against Russia in which you had secular Freemasons, Papists, Protestants and Ottoman Muslims all united against Orthodox Russia.
The main reason for the regular re-emergence of anti-Russian coalition is the mistaken belief in the West that there is safety in numbers. The Russians know the exact opposite: in military terms, coalitions suck. Badly. The western leaders are fundamentally cowards who rule over people who have long lost the warrior-culture which is so central to any society which can stand up and defend itself, even against a superior enemy. The people in the West have come to believe that high-tech wins wars and they have forgotten that what wins wars is not high tech, but willpower and the help of God. Those interested in this topic can read this article.
The main advantage the US had over, for example, the Iraqis was the fact that they succeeded in convincing Iraqi of the futility of resisting the almighty USA. But with nations and cultures like Russia, Iran, Hezbollah or even Vietnam, the USA is faced with an enemy who is not at all convinced of the US superiority and who is willing, sincerely and truly willing, to die for his country and people. That is something which the US military has never learned how to cope with.
And then, consider this: during WWI Russia imploded due to the combined effects of the February and October revolutions. During WWII, the Soviet regime was largely unpopular and much of the ruling elites were themselves russophobic (this would change during the course of the war).
But today Russia is united. And ready in military and civilians terms. Even Russian banks have recently completed a series of exercises on how to continue to function in case of war. Will the West try again, one last time or will cool heads prevail in the West? I don’t know.
Katherine: Now let’s go back to almost 1,000 years ago. I first interviewed Saker in July 2015. Orthodox Christianity is by and large not understood in the West, least of all by me at the time, though I am learning. Saker enlightened both my readers and myself in An Insight Into Orthodox Christianity.
Another very informative article that he wrote was : Another Crusade? : Ukrainian nationalism – its roots and nature in February 2014 during the coup in Kiev and the beginnings of the outbreak in the civil war between western Ukraine and eastern Ukraine. In that article he went back to 1204, Pope Innocent III, the fourth crusade and the sacking of Constantinople by mercenaries who were funded by the Jewish Del Banco bankers in Venice. He said:
“Most people mistakenly believe that the Crusades only happened in the Middle-East and that they were only directed at Islam. This is false. In fact, while the official excuse for western imperialism at that time was to free the city of Jerusalem from the “Muslim infidels” the crusades also were aimed at either exterminating or converting the “Greek schismatics” i.e. the Orthodox Christians. The most notorious episode of this anti-Orthodox crusade is the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204, during the 4th Crusade, in which the city was subjected to three days of absolutely grotesque pillaging, looting and massacres by the western “Christians” who even looted and burned down Orthodox churches, monasteries and convents, raped nuns on church altars and even placed a prostitute on the Patriarchal throne. This outpouring of genocidal hatred was hardly a fluke, but it was one of the earliest manifestation of something which would become a central feature of the mindset and ideology of the Latin Church.
1242 – The Northern Crusades of Pope Gregory IX:
Unlike his predecessor who directed his soldiers towards the Holy Land, Pope Gregory IX had a very different idea: he wanted to convert the “pagans” of the North and East of Europe to the “true faith”. In his mind, Orthodox Russia was part of these “pagan lands” and Orthodox Christians were pagans too. His order to the Teutonic Knights (the spiritual successors of the Franks who had pillaged and destroyed Rome) was to either convert or kill all the pagans they would meet (this genocidal order was very similar to the one given by Ante Pavelic to his own forces against the Serbs during WWII: convert, kill or expel). In most history books Pope Gregory IX has earned himself a name by instituting the Papal Inquisition (which has never been abolished, by the way), so it is of no surprise that this gentleman was in no mood to show any mercy to the “Greek schismatics”. This time, however, the Pope’s hordes were met by a formidable defender: Prince Alexander Nevsky.”
Today what was the Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christian Russia is currently under attack by Daesh, or commonly known as ISIS. Syria has some of the oldest Orthodox Christian communities in the world going back to the 1st century A.D. who still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Russia in turn, since September 2015, has given President Assad full military support in fighting these terrorists.
Question: What parallels do you see almost 1000 years ago, including the vast tapestry of The Patriot War of 1812, World War 1 ,the Bolshevik Revolution, World War 2 and the current situation that could very well lead the whole world into World War 3?
The West has always been more than happy to try to use Islam against Russia, there is nothing new here. This is the old divide and rule technique – the Russians and the Muslims fight each other down to the last Russian and Muslim and then we, the western 1%er will finally get to rule the world unopposed.
In a way, Islam and Russia present a very similar type of threat not only to the West’s international and financial order, but also to the western social, political and moral order too. Both Russia and Islam present an alternative civilizational model, one which is based on values fundamentally different to the ones truly underlying the western political order.
I would argue that China and Latin America also have this potential, that they are developing it right now, but that they have not yet reached the “political escape velocity” to openly dare reject the West with it’s so-called ‘values’.
This is why pitting Muslims against Russia and vice-versa is so important for the Empire. I would say that to some degree, this has been an effective policy with the Srebrenica pseudo-genocide as a cornerstone, but this policy is now hitting a number of walls.
The first one is that the Muslim world is extremely diverse and hard to unite. Next to Wahabi liver-eaters you will find a myriad of other non-Wahabi Sunnis, Shia, Sufis who all reject the Wahabi model and for whom the Wahabi model is, in fact, no less a mortal threat than for non-Muslims.
Second, people like Vladimir Putin, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Nursultan Nazarbaev, Ramzan Kadyrov, Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar Assad and many others are seeing through the Empire’s ploy and are refusing to be baited by it. Historically, the Ottomans have always been a rabid and even genocidal enemy of Orthodoxy, and the modern Saudi-inspired Wahabis are no better, but the rest of the Islamic world is objectively an ally of Russia just as Russia is an objective ally of the Islamic world.
Both sides here need to “clean house”: the Russians need to free themselves from the toxic influence of the pro-US Atlantic Integrationists inside the Kremlin and “liberal” supporters in Russia (less than 5% of the population) and the Sunni Muslims need to sever their often too cozy ties with both the Wahabis and the Ottomans.
This process has already begun in Russia and I have high hopes that it will also take place inside the Muslim world.
Katherine: Last question. Do you think Europe and Russia will ever reach the stage where they abandon the script, take the red pill, escape the matrix and walk away from this repetitive groundhog day narrative that has been so destructive to so many people for over 1,000 years?
Yes, of course this is possible, even likely, but only in the future. For that to happen the Europeans need to liberate themselves from the ideological claws of the AngloZionists and their propaganda machine.
Second, the Europeans need to give up their artificial European identify and see themselves for what they really are: north Europeans, Central Europeans, Eastern Europeans and Mediterranean Europeans. The Mediterranean one, is one which is especially dear to me and it immensely saddens me that it is now diluted into this ridiculous and faceless “EU European” pseudo-identity.
Furthermore, a new European identify, far more diverse and religious than today, will eventually have to emerge from the chaos following the collapse of the EU. At this point in time, the Europeans might possibly re-embrace their racist and imperialist worldview, but I doubt it. I find it much more likely that Europe will give up its dreams of grandeur and embrace a much more low-key but human worldview which will accept diversity and pluralism without feeling threatened.
Last, but most definitely not least, the entire capitalist economic model and ideology will have to be replaced with a sustainable and socially civilized economic model. This will take time, a lot of time, but I don’t see Europe, or the US, for that matter, sustaining their current delusional policies forever and ever.
Eventually reality, in the form of a Russian missile or simply of massive economic collapse, does catch up to everybody, no matter how deep their delusions.
In truth, in its 1000 years long history (yes, modern Europe was born in the Middle-Ages, not from the Roman or Greek civilizations) the Western civilization has shown itself to be both magnificent and abhorrent. It is sometimes hard to believe that J.S. Bach and Adolf Hitler were born of the same civilization, but it is true.
The peoples of Europe will have to find their way, a new way, from these contradictions and this will be hard, but the good news is that if they give up their messianic delusions they will have the rest of mankind as an ally and a friend.
“So let’s go back to World War 2. Almost 30 million Russians died during that war. ”
-Soviet citizens, not Russians, USSR was not Russia and Russia was not the USSR.
For Anglo-Zionist from 1917-1991 SSSR was Russia. Look at the old AngloZionist media.
That was actually and intentional propaganda trick to stimulate ethnic conflict inside USSR, by suggesting that USSR was actually a Russian occupational structure so all none-Russians would feel upset and rebell, NATO is very fond of ethnic conflict. That is why they call USSR for Russia. I believe Churchill invented it.
True, they were Soviet citizens. But Soviet Union – а union of the people’s councils (Союз советов) was actually on the Russian empire’s land, with the same citizens as before.
“Most westerners are deeply convinced that western civilization is the pinnacle of mankind ”
-What PC nonsense, every civilization thinks they are the pinnacle of mankind, doesnt matter if they are westerns or Japanese or Chinese or Saudi, you think Koreans think blacks are their civilizational equals? Heck, they think Japanese are subhuman dogs. And japanese think they are subhuman dogs, and all cultures with a particle of self-awareness behaves the same way.
Get over your anti-white eurocentrism.
Perhaps you are right. Because only Anglo-Zionists are always right on issues of race and hierarchy.
You remind me of a quote from Franz Fanon: “Objectivity always favors the oppressor.”
That would mean anti-white liberals always right on race and hierarchy, which would white conservative heterosexual males are subhumans to be replaced by superior non-whites races. To quote the founder of EU.
“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. …”
The only person plunging headlong into talk of ‘rights’ without the complementary talk of ‘responsibilities’ is you. I said nothing of ‘rights’.
I quoted Franz Fanon, who said “Objectivity always favors the oppressor.”
You have not proven that to be a false statement.
But it is a welcome sight to see someone so ardently defending ‘white’ people.
They have been so disadvantaged for the last three or four millennia.
“I know that this will sound crazy to many because Russians and Europeans are supposed to be of the same “race”,”
-Since when has raced meant anything? Europeans has been fighting with Europeans for thousands of years, east asians with east asians, arabs with arabs, africans with africans, there has never been an empire based on race, only based on ethnicity. And a Swede is not the same ethnicity as a German, and a German is not the same ethnicity as a Frenchmen, same is true everywhere who can tell a Japanese from a Korean? They are the same race, but different ethnicities and hate each other.
And if there is one people that does not work within their race it is Europeans, they are too busy flooding their country with members of every other race they can find. Why today, whites a minority in London, the concept of loyalthy within race, espically among Europeans is nonsense. If anything the entire western liberal world hates Russia because Russia does not hate their own white heritage people like the rest of the west does.
This is Russia.
She is not ashamed of being Russian or white, and this is something the western leaders cannot accept and therefore hate.
Come on man! Do not forget about the past. Britain was among the biggest imperialist countries if not the biggest at the time of so called colonization having Therefore influence over a big number of nations same as France. Is Russia in the same bag? No and no. Did Russia exploit and robbed the “barbarian”? No but civilized Britain and France did it.. Pay attention story is going on…
I’d say, come on man, dont live in the past, especially not such a ideologically subjective path, Mongola empire was pretty big wasn’t it? The Zulus have a pretty good run too, the first islamic empire stretched a far bit, the moors occupied Spain and made it into France, the aztec did a fairly good job too and the Ottomans, they colonized a far bit into Europe itself as did the mongols. Japanese had a good run in ww1 as well and so on.
Yes, Russia exploited and robbed barbarians, everyone did that, how do you think Russia expanded so much beyond Europe, by asking every tribes area they conquered to hold election if they wished to become part of the Russian empire? Hardly. Russians were hardy warriors that butchered those that oppose their lords, just as all other people. Russia is a just a European country that kept her colonies. While most other European countries lost them.
Interesting interview. Thanks for posting it.
Saker: Checkmate?
Thank you, Saker, for another great analysis. I would only ask if there is a larger picture. Why does the West continually demonize the Russians, the Iranians, and the Germans? (The “demonization” of the Germans occurred mainly in the postwar treatment of that nation.) Is it because of the traditions of patriarchal family structure and honor, traditions which make these people far more difficult to manipulate and control. These are people and nations which have, or once had, a highly cohesive culture–again, this is to be destroyed by the legions of Mammon which rule the West. The concept of honor has totally died in the United States. Maybe the Confederacy was the last glimmer of it. Satan-Mammon-Yankee: they want to rule over slaves, that’s for sure–despite whatever their rhetoric says.
The case of Germany is an example how a nation can be broken spiritually, well, at least half of this nation. Germany before the WW1 and to a certain degree even after that was a unique country of science, philosophy, music and high level of civilization. German discoveries and achievements are still unsurpassed and used in the world. Long time ago my professor used to tell me before my publications: “Check first the German sources.” I asked why and he said: “Because Germans already did everything.” After the WWII the sting of the Germans in West Germany was plucked out and their backbone broken. The German spirit survived to a great degree only in East Germany and the only hope for Germany today is there. During my travel to Europe this summer I spent some time both in West and East Germany and I know what I am talking about.
“The German spirit survived to a great degree only in East Germany and the only hope for Germany today is there”
Thank you for this contribution, you are writing, what my heart feels. I’m so sick
of the atlanticist arrogance. What a heap of guiltiness.
R: I would add that the German spirit after WW II was “frozen” in East Germany from 1944-1991. Since the Wiedervereinigung in 1991, the citizens of former West Germany have looked down upon the former citizens of East Germany as second class citizens. The West German elites rule united Germany.
Travelling across Germany by train in 1991, stopping in the night for the border control, travelling on through East Germany in the morning, it was like being in another country, another world, and I remember the whole mood and character of the townships and countryside as though it were yesterday.
Very hard to put this quality into words, as it was not only the physical differences of the East and the West of Germany. Perhaps there are paintings, films or poetry which show this, and I will have a think for the café. . .
Unfortunately, there is no German spirit any more. Not in the East, not in the West.
It’s gone!
Those, who wanted to destroy this spirit, have achieved it. The character of the Germans has changed drastically. There is no thrust and friendship anymore in this country, no common values anymore; except liberal materialism of course, which I don’ see as a value.
The only things which Germans share, is the common guilt complex, the shame for their past and their ancestors and deep resentment against his fellow citizen.
The distrust was especially seeded in East Germany by the „concept of STASI“, where neighbors, even family members denounced each other…
I know, what you mean, when you say, that East Germany is different: the socialist system let on more of the human being, then the capitalist system. Therefore, there is a distinction. True.
But the East German alike is less then a shadow of a grotesque caricature of the being that was a German once upon a time.
The only hope for those, who long for this stolen, raped and destroyed past is the fantasy or maybe reality of Neuschwabenland…
I’m reminded of this song.Maybe more Germans today show hear it and change:
Lieber Freund, geben Sie nicht auf, die Sonne wird wieder scheinen.
Ah, Anglo-Zionist feminism comes to our intellectual rescue–“traditions of patriarchal family structure and honor.”
People are totally confused these days–ideological poisoning.
“Why does the West…?”
The West, the West, the West… There is no West! All Western nation states have been debt slaves to the ex-jewish-now-nihilist Zionists for at least a couple of centuries, probably for much longer.
Whenever a politician, blogger, journalist, historian, artist, or expert, in fear of being accused of antisemitism, uses the nonsensical blanket term “the West”, the Zionists and their minions smile.
What an easier and more effective way to hide your crimes, then by “scripting” all your nefarious deeds on your willing executioners, the hapless debt-slaves of the Western world, be they corporations, NGOs, think tanks, political parties, foundations, states, universities, hospitals, cities, communes, sports clubs, or each and every citizen – all hopelessly indebted to the parasites, the banking cartel?
But the majority of people can’t afford to see the obvious, the proverbial elephant in the room. Because, wouldn’t that be – as mentioned before – “antisemitic”, and therefore put their job, the next tranche of their credit line, their family, their company, their very life at risk?
Much safer to play dumb and ask silly questions like: ”Could it be that I am actually not a human being, but a dis-functional monkey with cabbage DNA, running on out-dated, virus-ridden software…?”
_smr I agree with your post. Not to make light of it, but I am reminded of a scene from the movie Network (1976) actually a great movie which I recommend. Anyway, there is a speech in that movie which left me scratching my head when I first heard it long ago. This is fiction of course, but as I’ve learned more about the world it has somewhat haunted me and made more and more sense.
The speech is given to a newscaster (Howard Beale) who had become alarmed at the prospects of Arabs buying major corporations. He actually was able to stop the sale of a major communications corporation by urging his audience to send telegrams to the White House.
He is then read the riot act by the corporate head Jensen. Transcript follows:
Jensen: You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?! You think you’ve merely stopped a business deal. That is not the case. The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity! It is ecological balance!
You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.
It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!
Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.
What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state — Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do.
We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality — one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.
And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.
Beale: But why me?
Jensen: Because you’re on television, dummy. Sixty million people watch you every night of the week, Monday through Friday.
Beale: I have seen the face of God.
Jensen: You just might be right, Mr. Beale.
Sorry, forgot to type my name. Anonymous 3:05 UTC above was me.
_smr, Thank you. Just so.
Here’s the epitomy of US ignorance, arrogance and bullying aggression from ‘black-is-white, up-is-down’ uber-harridan propagandist Samantha Power:
Quite the video. (Vitaly Churkin’s response below was cut off by CNN, according to comments)
The reality of Western malevolence can be explained, I believe, by understanding how the most evil people in society have been empowered, and taken over all the seats of power, in politics, business, the brainwashing apparatus of the MSM, PR, entertainment and advertising and most of academia (which, in very small part, remains somewhat unpolluted).As a result of this rule by psychopaths, their pathopsychology has been projected on society and normalised, so personal untrustworthiness, lying, egomania, greed and the total absence of human empathy and compassion are now the norm, whereas, only decades ago, they were, notionally perhaps, reviled.
As to why this situation has arisen, I can see two inter-connected reasons. First is the ‘triumph’ of laissez-faire, Free Market capitalism, which dehumanises a society, making greed the sole raison d’etre for all actions, and which acts like cancer in consuming its hosts, humanity and the natural world, and spewing out nothing but waste ie pollution of every kind, in its stead. Capitalism inevitably produces as great inequality and poverty as a society can tolerate, up to the point of revolt or massive repression, and we can surely see that everywhere from Greece and Latvia, to the waves of desperate refugees fleeing the destruction by the West of Libya, Syria, Iraq and many other countries, flows that will grow and grow as climate destabilisation renders more and more regions uninhabitable.
And the second reason is the ‘victory’ of the West over socialism, after Gorbachev surrendered in the face of the risk of nuclear war from the deranged religious fanatics of the Reagan regime. After that great ‘triumph’, the West was reinforced in its deranged egomaniacal belief that they were ‘God’s (Newer and Better) Chosen People and ‘Exceptional'(ie ubermenschen)and that ‘History had ended’. They are that insane.
Now, when faced by resistance that cannot be murdered in their millions, men, women and children, by sanctions, subversion or direct ‘..bombing back to the Stone Age’, and into surrender to the West’s Holy ‘Moral Values’, these psychotics know nothing but increased belligerence and aggression, protected, as ever, by a bodyguard of lies peddled by the worst of the worse, the vermin of the Western MSM lie and hate-machine. I cannot see any way out, because the Western elites (perhaps because of their deep penetration and control by the very worst kind of Jews, and their Sabbat Goy underlings)are dedicated to controlling the entire world, forever, and will destroy the world (the ‘Samson Option’) if they cannot control it, absolutely, and will happily sacrifice their own populations in a nuclear war (the Masada Complex) rather than reverse course and allow any other seats of power to arise, even in great, non-Western World Civilizations, like China, India, Iran and Russia.
As for a single person who represents Western elite malevolence most perfectly, there is a surfeit of candidates. Clinton cackling her delight at Gaddafi’s hideous death, the animated corpse Albright freely admitting that murdering 500,000 Iraqi children under five was ‘Worth it’, Obama lying and lying and lying some more, and selling out the ‘Hope Dopes’ every single time etc, but for my money Samantha Powers really takes the cake for vicious, arrogant, hypocritical beyond all previous examples and all round poisonous malignancy. She is a true marvel.
Very well written!
I can’t see a way out either, trying to make business as usual with them ? for how long ? when and who will decide the day when saying “Nyet” clearly ? or probably there is an attempt to wait till those who lived under better days of communism-socialism will die out bringing with them the last memories experienced by them, having a comparison of ideologies. The newly born generation after the collapse of the Soviet Union (after the “end of history”) will have to live the real “1984” world written by Orwell.
“probably there is an attempt to wait till those who lived under better days of communism-socialism will die out bringing with them the last memories experienced by them, having a comparison of ideologies
You are right – that way, many personalities in the current Russian leadership are inadvertently helping the AngloZionist cabal to fulfill their objective of total global domination, since, the control and domination of the people’s mind (and hence, sense of morality-righteousness-justice) is far more important than physical control over the region. Control over the mind demolishes the collective will of the society to identify and defeat the devil. The famous quote from the AZ camp – those who control the ‘past’ control the ‘future’, and one who controls the ‘present’ is capable of controlling the ‘past’ – quite naturally, when the generation of people who remembers the USSR’s past society and its achievement, dies out, fabricating the ‘past’ history becomes easier for the AZ cabal … But why and how our current leadership can remain silent about it ?
” when the generation of people who remembers the USSR’s past society and its achievement, dies out, fabricating the ‘past’ history becomes easier for the AZ cabal …”
I am seeing the commentariat here a bit on despair, come on, guys, especially those on the left side! Comrades hearts up! The generation who lived and experimented the goodnesses of the USSR have still half of its life to live, but, then, there is a whole internet archive about it. And even taking into account that the following the Evil masters will want to do is to take over the internet, perhaps you could go printing and recording your personal archive for your children, grandchildren and so on, for the times when even you could loose your memories and were not be able to tell them all what you would want by your own words, as was transmited all the popular knowledge since the beginning of the times….
Despite censorship, tripping, and collective efforts to destroy our conscience and spirit …we, the left, will prevail!
And, as a sample and for you to cheer up, comrades:
“I am 34 and I miss the USSR”
A testimony from Daguestán. Then there is a P.S by Kristina Kharlova you should not miss:
P.S. from Kristina Kharlova:
“Guess what, dear Western readers, the stereotypes you hear about USSR are lies! Those store lines you see on the pictures are from the 90’s when Russian government followed the advice of Western advisors and drove the country to default.
The Soviet model is a mortal danger to the Western system and it is imperative for the media to instill an immunity against it in Western consciousness.
You may be surprised to learn that security, lack of crime, safety, trust in the future and ethical education were the hallmarks of USSR. Please don’t judge a society by it’s elite, but by it’s lower class. While lower classes face high odds of hunger and incarceration in the West, in the USSR there were only two classes – the working class (95% majority) and the thin sliver of nomenclature, the management class (who existed somewhere in the movies, but were rarely encountered in daily life), who were rumored to enjoy special benefits like personal vehicles and finer foods by virtue of their role as controllers of country’s resources, who, however were unable to steal so much that it would be noticeable and undermine the working class.
There was one solid working class sharing similar socio-economic background and opportunities. The Soviet values were that all workers have a right to free and subsidized housing, education (including higher education), daycare, job placement, adequate vacation (4 weeks), sports and activities for kids, public transportation, job security, early retirement (55 for women), 2-3 years of maternity leave, summer camps and healthcare, of course.
Another words, equality so coveted but elusive in the West, was achieved in USSR.
Soviet ideology was a religion. No, not about praying to Stalin. Our God was Lenin and he was the epitome of virtue. Soviet education developed a moral code which aimed to raise perfect Soviet citizens. Soviet ethical code was the foundation of Soviet education. From age 7 you were accepted into the club of the highest honor and virtue. You were expected to help the youngest and the oldest. Each tram, bus and trolley had seats assigned to the elderly and mothers with children. Men would give up their seats for women. What is so striking in the West? Men don’t get up in public transport. We, as young pioneers (junior communists) went to the homes of the elderly to pay them a visit. We mopped our own classrooms, because hard work was one of the cornerstones of Soviet ideology. After school was out for the summer we had 2 weeks of “labor” – painting desks and preparing for the next year. We did duty in the cafeteria helping set up for lunch. We were expected to study hard and try hard, because Lenin did. Lenin was our God, but we knew Lenin as a model of righteousness. Every school had a Lenin room – a mini-museum of Lenin’s life. And we tried, we tried to be good like Lenin because together we can work towards a better future.
In school we studied the sacrifice of little communists in WWII tortured and murdered by the Nazis, and learned to appreciate the unique traditions of various nationalities inhabiting the USSR, dressing up in different ethnic costumes for special festivals. Soviet education aimed to raise hard-working, selfless and driven children who all had the same opportunities to fulfill their greatest potential.
The fall of the USSR ushered a segregation of society into rich and poor, a spike in crime, greater opportunities for fewer people and struggle and survival for most.
After a 25 year experiment marked by wars and economic tremors, although the oldest Soviet generation is gone, the memories are not forgotten and Soviet nostalgia is a force that will be a major contestant for Russia’s future. “
And I would add, for the world´s future…..Now I am going to tender with the pocket flask with the effigy of Lenin and emblem of the CPSU and the folding glass with the emblem of the CPSU a good friend of mine has expressly brought me from Russia as a souvenir for being here, always, in guard, despite all obstacles.
How do I get there from here? Actually, my first trip to the Soviet Union was in 1966. And I visited scores of times since. I can bear witness to all that you say. I tell my Western ‘partners’ that one can only talk about the Soviet Union in five year spans, at most. It was always changing and evolving that quickly.
Thank you from the heart for that splendid, nostalgic, and also optimistic post.
What Kristina wrote, is like seeing myself in that time again. I remember, an old friend of mine, wrote me a letter after the Revolution in Romania in 1989 : ” …this is terrible, the people cannot realize what are they doing and what are they loosing…” He was an “old style” communist, being beaten not once, for his “illegal” activities in the time between the two wars. After the war in the new era, he was named lately, in the 60’s director of a sugar factory. After his promotion in this function, at first day, a car with a chauffeur came to his home to take him to his job…he hasn’t accepted that and has left with his old bicycle, doing the same as long as he worked there as director, till pension. Before he died, he called me by phone and asked me to go to him. Being there, he told me “you know, I’m gonna die ” – why you say that ? then he said ” my father stood here on my bed last night and told me that he has come after me…” And, he died after I leaved, a few hours later. His wife called me back on the phone. I wrote this, just to emphasize that there were really and truly devoted people, with great hearts and minds who put the basis, leaving behind them a deep and honoring example.
Don’t forget “Prime Evil”… George Soros.
Not really OT considering the zionazi freakshow considers clinton to be a key mechanism for their WW3 plans against Russia.
‘Personal insult’ for Obama if black Americans don’t vote Clinton
“President Barack Obama told a predominantly black audience it would be a “personal insult” if they don’t back Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in the November presidential elections.
Speaking at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner on Saturday night, Obama said he would take it as an “insult to [his] legacy” if there isn’t a strong black turnout for Clinton.”
If it wasn’t plain before, it should be now.
vot tak, Obama has betrayed blacks every day, but they remain slavishly ‘loyal’, although Obama’s hatred and contempt for them (and his black half)is plain. In fact, as Abner Mikvah, the stalwart of the Chicago Jewish elite, former Congressman and judge, noted in the interesting article, ‘Obama and the Jews’, from the Chicago Jewish News, of October 24, 2008, (written by Pauline Yearwood), Obama is not the first black President, but the first Jewish President, as his generosity to the Wall Street banksters, and his forgiveness of their crimes (that reduced black household wealth, never great, by 50%)show. And Clinton and her philandering phony ‘husband’, Bill, presided over staggering blows against blacks in vicious ‘welfare reform’ and mass incarceration policies that devastated black communities.
Yet they turned out to vote for her against Sanders, and now the House Negro-in-Chief is ORDERING them to vote for Clinton, like a trusty overseer cajoling the ‘Field Negros’. Why are they so subservient and spineless?
I suppose generations of slave-owners breeding for docility can have an effect. After all they were treated like animals, and any black man who showed any fight was either lynched or refused the ‘privilege’ of having a family. This continued even after Emancipation with lynchings, including COINTELPRO and other domestic death-squad campaigns to extirpate the Black Panthers, and the poisoning of Paul Robeson (the perfect anti-Obama)and then the clever tactic of reversing the Civil Rights movement by locking up or impoverishing young black men, and allowing drugs and crime to ravage black communities. And the educational level was kept deliberately poor, and lead poisoning seems to have been a deliberate tactic. Not to forget the malignant effect of religious brainwashing into the habits of subservience and servility. In any case the last great, black, African-American hero, Muhammad Ali, a man unlike Obama in every way, is gone.
He should be seen as a disgrace for Black Americans.But they can’t see that (most,a few do). The “honor” of having a Black President blinds them to all his faults. If he had been White,they would hate his record on Black problems during the last 8 years.And he’d be thought of as a “racist” by Blacks. But instead ,like with Clinton and many women,who only support her since she’d be the “first” Woman President. His race alone,is the only issue they care about in supporting him.
I would be delightful if Blacks turned out in record breaking numbers and ensured that he is not only personally insulted, but in a really big way!
Not really OT considering the zionazi freakshow considers clinton to be a key mechanism for their WW3 plans against Russia.
‘Personal insult’ for Obama if black Americans don’t vote Clinton
“President Barack Obama told a predominantly black audience it would be a “personal insult” if they don’t back Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in the November presidential elections.
Speaking at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner on Saturday night, Obama said he would take it as an “insult to [his] legacy” if there isn’t a strong black turnout for Clinton.”
Spoken like the gay zionist white Jewish new york waiter obama has been all along. If what he is wasn’t plain before, it should be now.
Accidental double post, the second posting is the finished one.
An article on Obama’s smearing of Putin and Russia:
“I think it reflects the fact that Obama is frustrated in that he can’t out-smart President Putin who is a strategic thinker. And so he has to go down into the gutter and throw out things,” he told RT.
Daniel Wagner, managing director of Risk Cooperative, was wondering whether the presidential election campaign in the US could become any more “ridiculous.”
“I really don’t understand why there has to be some sort of connotation that anything Russian is automatically bad, but, unfortunately, there are many people in America who would equate anything Russian with being bad just like they would equate anything with China to be bad. They don’t understand the world,” he told RT.”
Obama Lambasting Trump for Praising Putin Won’t Help Hillary
In the first part of the article Obama’s smearing of Putin by associating him with Saddam Hussein is discussed:
“I do not even know what that means. I’ll bet you people have even forgotten the name Saddam Hussein. I’m telling you. People would need to understand that our society, with our news cycle, they have the attention span of a gnat,” the media analyst said.”
It’s likely the speech writer is a neocon or israeli who would think such pathetic rubbish is meaningful still. It’s very clear obama’s bum belongs to these zionazi scum, despite the occasional disinfo put out they got a divorce.
The zionazis shot themselves in the foot again, an uncanny ability they have.
Trump Takes Huge Seven Point Lead in LA Times Poll as Black Voters Ditch Clinton
“The latest survey conducted by the LA Times of 2,507 respondents nationwide shows 47.7% of voters support Republican nominee versus only 41% who support the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Trump’s poll performance improving by an unprecedented 7.1% over the past 6 days.”
Well, that didn’t take long, obama’s zio-gay threats notwithstanding…
vot tak, the Western MSM is controlled by the Zionazis, despite the screeching of that ritual curse, ‘antisemitism’, that substitutes for thought processes in the West these days. These creatures (and the entire Australian MSM sewer is particularly and loathsomely loyal to ALL Imperial diktat)know that their owners are either Zionazis like Satan Murdoch, or in hock to them, so Clinton, clearly the preference of the Israel First Lobby, is, therefore, also their favourite.
The bias against Trump has been so ludicrous, and, since he not only refuses to go away, but is looking more and more like winning, hysterical (typical of Zionazi influence, redolent of Gilad Atzmon’s ‘Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder’)as to be quite amusing. As ever with the ‘Free Press’, the Groupthink is 100% and utterly puerile, yet the posing and pouting as fearless defenders of ‘the Truth’, is as nauseating as normal. NO attempt is made, or allowed, to explain Trump’s allure, save to abuse his supporters. And, naturally, the total elite hatred and contempt simply makes Trump ever more popular. I can just imagine that some Kidon team is already in training to remove this menace, although the chances of Trump being inimical to Israel’s ambitions are vanishingly low.
“Both sides here need to “clean house”: the Russians need to free themselves from the toxic influence of the pro-US Atlantic Integrationists inside the Kremlin and “liberal” supporters in Russia (less than 5% of the population)”
Cleaning the house inside the Kremlin is one thing, but how do you free yourself from the 5% (still a huge number) of liberals?
On so many occasions I tried having debate with these people, but they flip out immediately. There is no way that I can see that would convert them or even begin to open their eyes. They are beyond anyone’s ability to influence.
In this context, how does Russia “free” herself from these people?
“On so many occasions I tried having debate with these people, but they flip out immediately. There is no way that I can see that would convert them or even begin to open their eyes. They are beyond anyone’s ability to influence.”
In that sense they are identical to the right in the USA, especially those who get their daily dose of the gay zionazi freakshow called “conservative talk radio”. There is no reasoning with these kool aid drinkers at all. They know everything, the Israeli queen on the raydeeo explained it all for them and no need to think further.
@ RosaR How can these people hold such views after Russia was nearly destroyed by the neoliberal onslaught of the 1990s? This has been partially halted by Putin but otherwise Russia would be as bad Ukraine at this point. What is their vision for Russia?
They don’t have a vision. They are mostly apolitical (yet stink to high heaven about the current government), consider themselves well-read and know-it-all, but dig a little deeper, and they know nothing. They are selfish, superficial, interested only in their own well-being, French cheeses in the fridge, foreign travel, fashionable cool “friends” – you get the picture.
They regard themselves as progressive and modern. Liberal. Everyone else in Russia is an old relic, uncool, and (!) brainwashed by the mainstream TV. Oh, the irony!
They sound like parasites who think the world owes them a living. They probably feel they are entitled to a much higher place on the economic food chain than they can really achieve. Were I Russian, I would be be doing all I could to encourage these people to emigrate to the West. They can compete for minimum wage jobs with the Latvians and Ukrainians. I would expect them to slink back in a year or so much quieter than they had been before.
A Russian programmers income is already comparable to both of those other nations – if their decision was based in economics, why would they “slink back”?
Very true. I guess you could say that neoliberalism has been quite successful when it comes to cultivating and fanning people’s vainglory and self-importance. The nonsensical mumbo-jumbo about “freedom of choice”, “free market”, “free competition”, freedom this, freedom that serves to prop up the totally unfounded perception that the Oligarchy is in love with the dim-witted petty bourgeoisie, but with the latter being mercilessly “exploited” by low-brow people through taxation or something along these lines.
Neoliberalism is precisely what’s sinking the West and its bloated middle classes, deliberately so at that. Lord the Almighty works in strange and wondrous ways, eh?
I have read somewhere that the Russians are quietly translating German criminal and civil laws into Russian. Hungary underwent a similar transformation several years ago (German to Hungarian).
Why don’t the Russians the learn how to absorb the best aspects of French, German, Swiss, and Italian civilizations and discard the rest? Can they do this while remaining self-sufficient and independent?
How does Russia shake off the negative perception of resembling a dysfunctional African country?
I would be convinced that Russia is a country of very high living standards and has an excellent future when Germans start moving there in large numbers.
Saker: Russia prospered whenever the ruling elites allowed the Germans to move there, and suffered when the Germans were later persecuted. It would do well to reestablish the Volga Republic and then influence Germany and Austria from there. Could this be achieved without it becoming another Atlanticist 5th column? Russia needs to make the Germans and Austrians some kind of irresistible offer to entice the Germans away from the Anglo-American orbit.
Thomas Sowell wrote a great deal about the subject of German immigrants making many positive changes in Russia and the Baltics. However, I think in today’s world, it is time for Russia to work towards complete economic and cultural sovereignty. Russia can do it!
God be praised that the Orthodox religion is pointing out the problem-the Khazarian Jews who make up 90% of the Jewish population of this planet. As Ezechiel said, tihe AshkeNAZI of Magog have gone up since a thousand years ago about 1046 with a mischievous plan and they are now a virus spread throughout the whole body of mankind.
Do you have any sources?
At one time that might have been true of European Jews.But the latest figures show they are less than 75% of Worldwide Jewry.
Uncle Bob 1
Was your only quarrel with what Dogwood Tree had to say the per cent of Ashkenazi? Nothing more?
The Russian reaction to the strike that killed more than 100 Syrian soldiers has been very pathetic. It was a test to see Russian commitment to Syria and everything was bla bla bla.
Israel and the US attacked syrian soldiers with total impunity.
I agree.
The Syrians are in their country fighting against terrorists and criminals who wish to tear the country apart.
The Russians are there by official invitation.
No one invited the Americans!
Russia helped to broker this deal.
Russia must devise a way to bolster the Syrians so that there is not a repeat.
One more stunt like this and the Russians will be perceived as weak and naive by its current and potential allies.
To reduce the Eastern Question – the European powers (including Russia) vying for control of the failing Ottoman Empire – to “the West” using Islam against Russia is surely a travesty. It calls in question the quality of the whole analysis. It seems the thesis is that everything that has happened in the last 1000 years is “the West” (the Roman Church, “the Jews”, the British Empire -Russia’s ally in three world wars – the USA etc. etc.) trying to destroy Russia. A simple tale of good against evil, but certainly not grown-up history – and therefore not very useful in analysing what is happening now, which is presumably the point of the exercise.
Your comment itself seems to ignore quite a swath of history : the Polish attempted coup d’etat in Moscow with the false Poroshenko… I mean Dimitri, The Swedish War, The Napoleonic Invasion, The Turkish War, The British/French attempt on Crimea, World War One, World War Two, not to mention the first ‘Color Revolution’, the ‘Red’ one in 1917, run out of New York and London.
So, to quote you right back at you: “It seems the thesis is that everything that has happened in the last 1000 years is “the West” (the Roman Church, “the Jews”, the British Empire -Russia’s ally in three world wars – the USA etc. etc.) trying to destroy Russia.” People who know history would likely agree with that.
You have a thesis that is viable, you just need to develop it a bit.
Is it possible you are over-generalising in just the way I am suggesting is unhelpful?
For example, Russia was Britain’s ally in the Napoleonic Wars, the First World War, and the Second World War. It was Britain’s opponent in carving up the Ottoman Empire, for reasons to do with the imperial ambitions of each. And the British and American response to the Bolshevik revolution (your first “colour” revolution) included armed intervention to defeat it. – Churchill and Wilson were rabidly, apoplectically anti-Bolshevik. Lumping together the Roman Catholic Church, various Crusaders, the “Jews”, the British Empire, the Swedes, Napoleon, Hitler, the US, assorted Muslims etc. etc. gets less and less explanatory of anything other than the would-be historian’s state of mind.
Russia has for long been a major power, which has regularly found its interests at odds with those of its neighbours and of other comparable powers – as has happened in every region of the world for as long as there has been settled human habitation.
Its true that the history is a long complicated affair.To dissect each and every point would take a book length article. So it needed to be condensed down to “a pattern”.The pattern is that the West has constantly attacked Russia.And has always coveted her land and resources. I don’t think the reasons are even as important, as the fact that they did, and do. The “temporary” alliances that the West has had with Russia were always born of the necessity of fighting a greater foe at any given moment.And has never altered the West’s ultimate aim of destroying Russia.When that “greater foe” ,forcing them to unite with Russia was absent.They were back to Russophobia once again.
Likewise, supporters of Israel say that everyone who is against Israel is anti-semitic.
These broad, sweeping conclusions miss out all the salient facts – to the point of being useless or untrue.
Neighbouring states have long coveted each others land and resources. Russia acquired an empire on the same motive.
There I would have to disagree with you. When “Russia” started out it was “Rus”. A united state of the Eastern Slavic tribes.With the Mongol invasion,that state fell apart.Helped along by,Polish,Lithuanian,Hungarian,Swedish,and the Teutonic Knights regimes,who seeing a weakened stricken Rus, attacked her to steal away her territory in the West.For 500 years after that, the Russia that survived after finally overcoming the Mongols,spend their blood and wealth trying to regain what was lost.In what was called the “gathering of the Russian lands”. To free their ancestral Motherland from foreign domination.Not to take “others” lands. But to regain their own lost lands.The other areas, in the East, united with Russia,had been under Mongol control. And were used as a base for centuries to raid against Russia.Those areas were not “nation states” conquered by Russia to build a great empire.They were areas freed from other nations control.And united with Russia, to protect Russia, from invasions by her age old nomadic enemies in the East.There was no intend to build an empire for the sake of having an empire.Which was very true of the Western created empires. But only to regain lost lands and protect Russia from attack.I don’t recall the native Americans raiding across the Atlantic and savaging Spain or Britain.Nor the Indian peoples in India,or African peoples,attacking France,the Netherlands,Germany,Britain,Portugal,Belgium,or Spain.Where they needed to take those areas to protect themselves.And certainly,no one was attacking the US,when they started their “Manifest Destiny” to steal all the land from “sea to shining sea”. So no,Russia was not the same as the West in building an empire.
Uncle Bob 1
I did reply but it disappeared into the ether.
I agree entirely that Russia is nothing like the West – but then no-one else on earth has engaged in genocidal imperialism quite like we have.
And Russia is uniquely exposed to attack from the west.
Nevertheless, Russia did acquire an empire which just happened to be rich in resources.
Thanks Alex. Yes that’s true. But when it was acquired,that wasn’t the reason. And in fact that wasn’t even known then.Oil and gas resources had no meaning for people of the 16th Century. And the few minerals known to be there,were too far away for the primitive transportation systems of those days to transport them to places they could be sold at.As can be seen from that time until the USSR days. Those lands never had a huge rush of settlers going there. As would have happened if they were taken for their wealth.Its only in the last 100 years that they really gained much in population.And the wealth in resources began to be developed.
Uncle Bob 1
Your account of the Russian Empire is more accurate than mine (it’s the detail makes it persuasive…).
The notion of “Russophobia” is still unhelpful in trying to understand events. It discourages further analysis.
“Condensed down to a pattern”, brilliant, the pattern reflects the big picture, and the big picture is grasped with knowledge and true imagination, and that’s ‘grown-up history’ for you.
Uncle Bob has answered comprehensively, and I believe that you two have reached a synthesis on the larger theme following the dialectical method.
So, to concentrate on details: England needed allies against the French at any cost. The Republic was an existential threat to the the English Monarchy.
England has never had allies, only interests. The US parrots the phrase as it is the inheritor of the ‘values’ of the Anglo Empire.
Having aided it, the British response to the Bolshevik Revolution was to play both sides. After all, The Great Game had been going on since the time of Catherine. Hence the British went so far as to provide the wrong caliber bullets for the guns they had recently supplied the Whites with.
They also insisted on having ‘observers’ embedded with the Whites. In effect, these were spies, who leaked vital information to Trotsky, head of the Red Army. This was noted by many White officers at the time.
Militarily, the British intervention was worse than useless to the Whites; once again raising the question of what real British motives were. The stranded Czech battalion changed sides several times before deciding that they wanted to go home. As for “Lumping together the Roman Catholic Church, various Crusaders, the “Jews”, the British Empire, the Swedes, Napoleon, Hitler, the US, assorted Muslims” add the USA and you have pretty much described the makeup of the Fourth Reich. Which looks very much like the Third Reich, the rearmament of which the USA, through Prescott Bush and others funded (in breach of the Versailles Treaty), and with which the Jews had a love-hate relationship. The Transfer Agreement, for example, caused the Jews to break the Anti-Nazi boycott in return for Palestine. This more than anything made possible the confidence of the Third Reich and its attack on Russia.
As for Churchill and Wilson being “rabid anti-Bolsheviks”, present history shows that what they were, underneath all that posturing, was Anti Russian, like you.
Your account got ever more bizarre the longer it went on.
I have said nothing that would allow you to infer that I am “anti-Russian”. I am not.
You praised Uncle Bob for providing details. How about some from you?
“More bizarre as it went along” is not detail.
@the West” trying to destroy Russia…a simple tale of good against evil
As such it is indeed a simple tale. Actually, a simplified tale erected as a straw man. The reality, for sure more complex than that in its historical details, is that of the ” ” trying to destroy the Church of Christ in all its incarnations. It is a story that begins on the Golgotha and is going on ever since. The Orthodox Church its protective shield which was the Christian Empire, is the ‘katechon’ (ὁ κατέχων, “the one who withholds”), the one which still ‘is restraining” the manifestation of the Antichrist. The “West” has embraced openly the Antichrist and mobilize for the final struggle against the ‘katechon’, which now is represented by Russia.
Is it only attacks from the West that count? Were the Tatars and the Japanese similarly intent on destroying the Church of Christ?
And in the West, was Britain intent on destroying the Church of Christ in the Crimean War, but not the Napoleonic War? Russia was a natural ally of Britain in Europe. In the Middle East, an opponent.
In the last hundred years, Russia was head to head with the US in Europe and a handy bogeyman everywhere – nothing to do with the Church of Christ.
What you wrote, is the essence, the root of all evil since His Birth – Jesus Christ. And I perfectly agree with you. Russia represents and symbolize with the Orthodox Church, this very main struggle between the good and evil, being the last line of resistance against the Satan.
I think you’ll find Jesus Christ (if that deity exists) as the evil one.
How can a being purportedly with omniscience, omnipotence and omnibenevolence design…the food chain.
Theodicy features largely in every form of Christianity. Your comment, I think, doesn’t come close to engaging with it.
Golgotha: the Romans got rid of a threat to public order. And the priests of the Temple were no doubt not keen on competition from yet another charismatic rabbi from the sticks.
Church of Christ: during Jesus’ life, the followers of a charismatic rabbi preaching Judaism; after his death, the Jewish followers of Jesus in Palestine; after Paul, gentiles as well as Jews; by the time of the Gospels and Epistles, a complex of doctrine and ritual with only a Chinese-whispers link to the teachings of Jesus; by the time of most of the early church fathers, a state religion whose interpretation of the Chinese whispers whose imposed as dogma.
The “historical details” surely make quite a difference to what the term “the reality” refers to when it comes to the “Church of Christ in all its incarnations”, as to any other social institution.
I think WizOz is speaking of the Spirit of Jesus Christ more precisely, when associates Him with the Russian Orthodox Church.
…And what is the relationship between the Spirit of Jesus Christ and Jesus of Nazareth the Jewish charismatic rabbi?
You are talking about one and the same person.
The Russian Orthodox Church is the last bastion of a first century Jewish rabbi? You will gather that I haven’t a clue what this means.
I think you may have to read the four Evangelists to have better view on this issue.
Paul’s epistles are closer in time to Jesus and already present a drastically different theology. The link to Jesus the Jewish rabbi is already tenuous. What scholars sifting through the gospels can discern as probably reflecting Jesus and his original followers looks nothing like what centuries of doctrinal accretion produced.
Well, yes, centuries of doctrinal accretion has mainly washed away the main lines, even when the lines are there, in that book, the doctrine, which is named “official” has made changes in interpretation (s) , leading – as we see it – to the split in Christian Church. Some months ago, or maybe a year ago, we had a large discussion here on these questions. There were more capable people than I am, regarding the interpretations of the Gospel. I have my own view on that and have no intention to forcing it to any one. We are not the same, to share the same blame. The views my differ, on when to use the trigger.
One final comment, if I may.
The very heart of the argument was that Russia is the last defender of the True Religion and therefore the West has for a thousand years tried to destroy it. Now we seem to agree on just how nebulous is the notion of the True Religion – which should lead us away from wild claims of “Russophobia” and back to a proper study of history and current affairs..
Thought provoking article, BUT. The Patriotic War 1812 against the Napoleon can not be compared to the current confrontation between NATO and Russian federation.
Back then it was competition between French, British, Austro-Hungerian and Russian empires. The Treaty of Tilsit between Napoleon and Czar Alexander I
was signed on a raft in the river Nemunas in 1807. Napoleon’s aim then was to defeat the British and purpose of the 1807 treaty was to cover his back
while he defeats the British – but the czar abrogated the treaty and joined the British side. The rest is history…
Also the russian army in 1812 was composed of many conquered nationalities, just like the french army.
Acertados comentarios de Saker, como siempre.
While most americans continue their lives being mushrooms, most of the rest of the planet is coming to this understanding:
US Coalition’s Attack on Syrian Army Highlights Support for Terrorists – Tehran
“This action, which coincided with a Daesh’s offensive, indicates that the United States is supporting terrorist groups in Syria and is also a violation of Syria’s sovereignty,” Bahram Qasemi said in a statement obtained by Sputnik.”
US Strike on Syrian Troops May Be Coordinated With Daesh – Assad’s Adviser
“”The moment the American planes struck the Syrian army, the terrorists came from the same side that the Americans struck, and occupied the place [that] the Syrian army was in. So it was obvious to anyone in the field that there is an absolute coordination between the American planes who shelled the Syrian army and the terrorists who came in place of the Syrian army,” Shaaban said in an interview with the RT channel.
“I think, you know, it would be very strange if a country like the United States of America, who is supposed to be number one military power in the world, to make such a mistake” Shaaban said.”
Sputnik is now headlining their international news website with this article.
Thanks for the broad and deep information. Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part but it seems most of this western sword brandishing is bluff, designed to keep the masses in fear and therefore constrained to keep funding a failing empire. Dimitri Orlov expresses this well. You alluded to cooler heads, and I think Putin did too when he distinguished the media from “they know that we know.” Those in the know are aware of the madness of MAD (which seems a recent realization different than the history you review) while they keep feeding their slaves lies to keep them in check.
The world hangs in the balance. Now is the time to inject love into the swing of good and ill. A featherweight can make the difference. Russia and her allies are demonstrating love in their resistance to evil, and that effort needs to be integrated into a new meta-story and economic model.
The vineyard is in a position to do that. Vineyards are traditionally bowers of love; later corrupted into dionysian wine drunken bacchanals. The original intoxication was from pure love associated with vineyards.
Build a virtual vineyard and they (lovers) will come to this Field of Dreams. What did we expect? White swans forever, or an unexpected black swan event? We get what we desire or deserve. A wasteland of mire or a love fueled fire?
1) I am not sure that it is a good thing to look back at history if it is to develop resentment against his neighbours. De Gaulle and Adenauer are a good exemple to try to forget the past and encourage the French and the Germans to get along.
2) The Saker is talking a lot about all the western invasion and he seems to have forgotten the Tartars which were controlling a large part of Russia at the time of Alexander Nevsky.
3) Also neither Napoleon nor the German troops were cowards.
4) I agree that almost all European countries are now some dominions of the Anglo-zionist Empire and as such are managed by some kind of “Gauleiters” ; traitors to theirs people.
5) Concerning a future WW3,I think that the Empire is convinced that Russia will not start a war unless an.invasion. But the Empire will not stop from insulting Russia, applying sanctions and try to corrupt the elite. They are ready to wait for the end of Putin expecting that the next president will as Eltsine let the Empire steal the country.
6 ) No one dares today pinpoint at the enemy running the Empire, for the risk is too high to be assimilated to NAZI and Hitler. So actually no one is really fighting the real enemy whose major weapon is the Dollar and the Euro. Fighting the enemy requires requesting gold and not Dollar or Euro when selling him resources . This eventually would force the Empire to start a war because this would put their system in jeopardy.
7) I also desagree with the Saker on religions, for, essentially they have been tools to manage people. By being close to the power, the people managing the religions have always benn close to the Devil. Yet It is true that on can find extraordinary people among the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims but it is not for what they have been taught by their “sacred books” but for the works they have done to understand God. I will add that between those people, Jews, Christians or Muslims, the différences are negligable.
“The most disturbing and frightening parallel which I see between, say, 1938 and 2016 is the total arrogance and sense of superiority of the leaders of the Western world. I know that this will sound crazy to many because Russians and Europeans are supposed to be of the same ‘race’, but my entire life experience has brought me to the conclusion that many, maybe most, Westerners are deeply racist towards Russians, even if it is at an unconscious level.”
Well put, Saker. The West is a kakistocracy all right; it has no other MO than imperialist misappropriation of other peoples’ land, labour, and natural resources. Given today’s realities, a highly significant difference to 1938 is that finally the West’s deluded, arrogant self-worship can indeed be written off entirely as wishful thinking since Western imperialism has de-industrialized its old heartlands of Western Europe and North America. The neoliberal rot has become 100% irreversible, threatening to finish off the EU cesspit in the process. On this basis, fear and hatred of Russia in the West make perfect sense among the powers that be more than ever before. As for the latters’ grovelling domestic subjects — especially in the US — Russia refusing to give away her resources for free sets a most unwelcome precedent since the West has no other way of sustaining itself.
Here’s Russia refusing to give away her resources for free:
and the 3rd item from end of this list:
And our dearest little Anonymouse, peeping at the very bottom rung of aforesaid Western kakistocracy. How cute.
Our dear Finnish vulgarity…still avoiding any answer.
I think you could put some more “fire” into your submissions, Anonymouse. Here is a true gem from another Western ultra-super-duper revolutionary unhappy with Putin and his government:
“/…/ Putin’s oligarch capitalist serving regime and its crude blitzing interventions”
Slightly more impressive than your tiresome repetitive reference to a table of statistics. The above quote can be found here .
The task with you, dear Finnish vulgarity, is as difficult (and pointless), as the attempt to convert a Wahhabi to Agnosticism.
Nevertheless, your tired rhetoric must always be opposed.
Great interview. Just one mise au point. Modern Europe was not born from Medieval Europe, but rather from the Renaissance, and above all from the so-called “Enlightenment,” when the modern mentality comes into view definitively. It is true, however, that the seeds of the European betrayal of its Christian civilization were present towards the end of the Medieval period, for example, in nominalism, in the abuses and worldliness of the Papacy, and in the quarrelsomeness and overweening ambitions of the aristocracy, as in the case of Philip the Fair. Between the European mind of the 12th and 13th centuries and the 16th century, there is something like an abyss. Also, no doubt the great plague of the 14th century contributed to the chaotic nature of the 14th century, which is like an isthmus between the two periods. There is an ignorant and deeply subversive prejudice against the Middle Ages in the modern Western psyche. For a contributing antidote see “Those Terrible Middle Ages,” by Régine Pernoud.
Modern Europe was born from Charlemagne and his barbarians. “Europe” is a culture that grew from this including the delusional idea that they were/are legitimate successors of the ancient civilizations. Like new money with an inferiority complex buying titles to become respectable.
Thank you for your thoughts and predictions. Katherine did a good job asking about parallels between now and various stages in history.
I consider myself to be a Mediterranean European of Byzantine culture. I don’t see myself as an all encompassing European.
I too see a clear distinction between various European peoples and cultures and it is hard to put them under one umbrella.
I also think that Europe Union will have to separate itself from the US influence and create it’s own path. I don’t think that they will have to become more religious, as you say. I would state that they would have to become more spiritual. Why? Because I think that religion can be easily exploited (see jihadis and other religious fanatics).
Being spiritual is being kind to others, whereas being religious in the current religious atmosphere) means being exclusive and blinded.
Thank you for your words of wisdom.
Rasta is the future
Russia Has No Partners In The West
Paul Craig Roberts
The Russian government is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The Russian government keeps making agreements with Washington, and Washington keeps breaking them.
This latest exercise in what Einstein defined as insanity is the latest Syrian cease fire agreement. Washington broke the agreement by sending the US Air Force to bomb Syrian troop positions, killing 62 Syrian soldiers and wounding 100, thus clearing the way for ISIS to renew the attack.
Russia caught Washington off guard in September 2015 when the Russian Air Force was sent to bomb ISIS positions in Syria, thus enabling the Syrian Army to regain the initiative. Russia had the war against ISIS won, but pulled out unexpectedly before the job was done. This allowed the US or its agents to resupply ISIS, which renewed the attack.
So Russia had to return to Syria. In the interval Washington had inserted itself. Now the Russian air attacks on ISIS are more complicated, as is the sky over Syria. Russia notifies Washington of its planned attacks on ISIS, and Washington warns ISIS and perhaps Turkey which shot down a Russian plane. Nevertheless, the Syrian Army gained ground.
But each time victory was stymied by “peace talks” or a “cease fire,” during which the US supported forces would regroup. Consequently, a war that Russia and Syria could have already won continues, and with a new element. Now Washington has directly attacked the Syrian army.
The US military claims it thought it was striking ISIS. Think about that a minute. The US claims to be a military superpower. It spies on the entire world, even on the personal emails and cell phone calls of its European vassals. Yet, somehow all this spy power failed to differentiate a known Syrian Army position from ISIS. If we believe that, we must conclude that the US is militarily incompetent.
This is what has happened: Priot to the current “cease fire,” the Russians could attack the US-supported jihadists, but the US could not attack Syrian forces directly, only through its jihadist proxies. The US has used the “cease fire” to create a precedent for US direct attacks on the Syrian Army.
The Russians, who almost had the war won, have shifted their focus to “peace talks” and “cease fires” that the US has used to introduce Washington’s direct participation into the conflict.
It is a mystery that the Russian government believes Washington and Moscow have any common interest in the outcome in Syria. Washington’s interest is to remove Assad and put Syria into the chaos that rules in Libya and Iraq. Russia’s interest is to stabalize Syria as a bulwark against the spread of jihadism. It is extraordinary that the Russian government is so misinformed that it thinks Moscow and Washington have a common interest in fighting terrorism, when terrorism is Washington’s weapon for destabilizing the Middle East.
How can the Russian memory be so short? Washington promised Gorbachev that if he permitted the reunification of Germany, NATO would not move one inch to the East. But the Clinton regime placed NATO on Russia’s border.
The George W. Bush regime violated the ABM Treaty by pulling out of it, and the Obama regime is putting missile bases on Russia’s border.
The neoconservatives deep-sixed no first use of nuclear weapons and elevated them to pre-emptive first strike in US war doctrine.
The Obama regime overthrew the Ukrainian government and installed a US puppet government in a former constituent part of Russia. The puppet government launched a war against the Russian populations in Ukraine, causing secession movements that Washington has mischaracterized as “Russian invasion and annexation.”
Yet, the Russian government thinks Washington is a “partner” with whom it has common interests.
Go figure.
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the 5th century BC. Attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu – “Master Sun”, the text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly thought of as a definitive work on military strategy and tactics. It was placed at the head of China’s Seven Military Classics upon the collection’s creation in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of Song, and has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia.[1] It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.
Yes. I agree with PCR
Putin needs to stop repeatedly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I really wish him well.
I wish I could disagree with that. But its exactly my thinking on the situation as well.
And to make the crass point for resolution and peaceful cooperation, there’s just soooooo much more money to be made by leaning in and building up than there is by dividing up and tearing down. Even in the hyper-militarized US the non-military economy is still 10x the war/killing/military economy – and it’s vastly more forward-looking and synergistic.
Unfortunately it’s only after the coming wardebt-induced US economic collapse occurs the populations will start to assertively move in that direction.
I’ve read in a few places now – independently reasoned – about the imminence and steepness of that reckoning/collapse/piper paycheck. It’s coming, so the opportunity and motivation to move forward constructively may be closer than generally believed.
I just wish it didn’t always take so many dead human beings to give their relatives, friends, and neighbors the clout to make the powerful stop killing.
Great interview. The patterns of behavior over centuries was particularly educational.
Russian FM: Lethal US Strike on Syrian Army ‘Borders on Connivance With Daesh’
“The Russian Foreign Ministry doubled down Sunday on suggestions that the United States may be aiding Daesh (ISIS) terrorists in Syria after an airstrike by the US-led coalition decimated a Syrian Army base killing at least 80 and “paving the way” for a major offensive by the terrorist group against Assad regime forces.
“The action of coalition pilots — if they, as we hope, were not taken on an order from Washington — are on the boundary between criminal negligence and connivance with Islamic State terrorists,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The language mirrors remarks by the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson on Saturday suggesting that the “White House is defending ISIS” like they have allegedly been defending al-Nusra terrorists.”
Syrian ceasefire observed only by govt, militants prepare for offensive in Aleppo – Russian military
“”During the sixth day of the ceasefire … only the Syrian government troops have been actually observing the moratorium on combat operations,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said.
“All our requests to the US side to provide contacts of ‘moderate oppositionists’ or to influence them have been to no avail. On the contrary, the … shelling of the Syrian government troops’ positions … is only growing,” he said.
The Americans have also failed to separate the ‘moderate’ opposition from terrorists as was agreed under the terms of the Syrian ceasefire, brokered by Moscow and Washington on September 9, the spokesman said.
Objective control tools, other reconnaissance channels and accounts from civilians indicated the movement of fighters and a concentration of armored vehicles and cars in the eastern part of Aleppo and in the city’s suburbs.
“Such facts only prove our apprehension of regrouping of terrorist groups and their preparing large-scale combat operations,” Konashenkov said.”
The zionazi subhumans operate their terrorists in Syria almost identically as they do in the Ukraine, with one notable difference. They would not dare try to bomb the Donbass using aircraft of their pindo bum boi’s or [g]ato.
I would like to try and clarify the definitions of the terms “Europe” and “West”.
Europe has two solid definitions 1) Phoenician princess in Greek mythology and which I would say was probably a real person who lived thousands of years ago in Canaan, what is now the Levant 2) a name for basically western peninsula of the Eurasian landmass. Apart from these traditional definitions there have been others however they have always depended on the powers that propagate them, but they always fail.
What is now thought of as “Core Europe”(France, Western Germany, Benelux, and England) is nothing more than the old Carolingian empire. But it is a mistake to call this power “Europe” or “The West”. The West in another term that has been rendered meaningless. Traditionally, I would say, the West was a purely geographic term and meant specifically the western mediterranean sea and lands. It had a sort of fantasy appeal to the Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians and Egyptians. Unfortunately it too has been monopolized by Carolingians and their modern day descendents.
I think those are more or less correct definitions of Europe and the West.
Historically this “empire” is born out of Greco Roman and Gallo-Germanic elements, those are the primary bases although they can vary by core country. Its first phase was between the 7th century and the 9th century, this is when it was united under the Franks. Its second phase begins when this Frankish unity is lost but later it is regained but not with the Emperor as its head but the Pope, this phase runs from the 10th century to the 15th century or early 16th century. This phase was also when it started to expand from its traditional homelands into other areas(Spain, Southern Italy, Eastern Roman empire, Eastern and Northern Europe, and the Near East.
Later on it starts to spread West into the Americas. But by this time this “Papal west” is starting to show cracks and basically that is what happens, the Protestant Reformation tears this world apart. The French Revolution also does a lot of damage to it. The remnants of this Europe are Spain, Italy and Latin America, even so they are Catholics but different because of their “recent entrance” into western culture and power. France is out because their Secularism has been successful as well as because of them being a core country. With the Protestant Reformation and the French Revolution a new west is born. This is its new and current phase which I bluntly call “Protestant-Secular”.
I have to say here it is Putin’s mistake, one of the few he has made, but a very big one. Employees do what the boss says. There is nothing any one else can say to wake up employees / reporters, they do what their boss who pays them says or get fired etc.
Putin needs to have crash the USSA dollar ASAP then the USSA will collapse quickly on its own as the Soviet Union did.
To help in this Putin must get Russia to create its own money out of nothing, instead of borrowing from Rothchild’s etc. western banks that create money out of nothing and paying them interest, then Russia can win. No country like Russia or Canada or Australia and even the USSA needs to borrow foreign investment capital created out of nothing and pay interest on it. These countries all have the resources and human capital they need. They don’t need trade. They can create their own wealth.
If Russia starts to create its own money out of nothing, it will become the most powerful country in the world and in world history, all the brains of the world will move three and it will become the most powerful country ever.
Everyone always fights the last war not the war at hand.
Finally in the military arena, the American conventional military edge on Russia in Syria or any place on the planet is irrelevant and useless. Yes it is good to have some conventional military power to prevent any type of foreign backed color revolution etc. and to be able to last more than week or 2 before going nuclear as a kind of pause mechanism. Beyond that conventional forces today are useless and a big waste of money, unless you want to bombard and occupy a defenseless third world country. Just as the Soviet advantage in conventional forces during the cold war meant nothing. It just made them good targets for tactical or bigger nuke. The same is true of the conventional USSA military advantage over Russia today, it is totally useless. Russia and the USSA can project their full nuclear military power anywhere on the planet in 30 minutes and it is relevant how far any such country is from the USSA or Russia.
Russia is very smart in investing in its nuclear forces and doing so in such a way, so even a small corvette class ship is carrying nukes that can travel thousands of miles and wipe out entire USSA carrier groups, bases or cities on the USSA mainland. Such a strategy makes it very hard to destroy the Russian capacity to retaliate after a USSA first nuclear strike. The Chinese need to do this a well ASAP.
Such stupid idiotic and dangerous talk that Russia can’t protect its friends it has treaties with is very dangerous and only encourages the mad men that rule America today. Russia needs to make it very clear to the billionaire criminal oligarchs, who rule the USSA and Western Europe today, that if they don’t agree to get out of Syria and Ukraine etc. areas of vital Russian national interest ASAP and stay out , they, the billionaires specifically, will all be destroyed along with their families etc, along with every American military base on the planet in 30 minutes. Let them know this will be a war like no other in history. Not only will it be a nuclear war, it will be the first war where those who start it, the ruling criminal elite, will be the first to die, not innocent civilians. Russia needs to demonstrate total nuclear commitment in this respect. This is what kept the cold war from getting hot. This is what the USA did in Cuba.
To do anything less is to make certain there will be a global nuclear war within 5 years or less.
When the billionaires know they and their families will be on the front lines of any nuclear war, no matter where they or their relatives may be living on the planet and that they will personally pay the price of their actions, peace will break out everywhere, as chicken hawks don’t care if the masses die, only if they die.
Russia’s good allies, the Chinese, have a trillion and a quarter in US debt in dollars.
I imagine they, in addition to you, have something to say about crashing the USSA dollar at this stage of the game.
At the very top in the “west” is there any element of religion in decision making, or is it simply greed and quest for more power that drives the decision making.
For the zionists up there, perhaps an element of religion, but for the rest of the psychopaths?
Yes, the Roman Catholic Church has three papal Bulls represented by the three tier papal crown that they believe gives the pope not only the right to be Christ’s sole representative on earth, but entitles him to ownership of the planet, all people on the planet and all souls. These bulls were instituted from the time of Pope Innocent III and arose from the time of the Fourth Crusade against Constantinople in the east against the Orthodox Church as well as at the same time the Cathar Crusade in the west in the Languedoc, south of what eventually became France.
At least some popes did try to enforce this vision after Innocent III; but practically it was of little avail, fortunately.
I hope some day it will be officially declared heretical, but as popes since Paul VI are openly heretical, there is more urgent job to do at present…
This particularly, just before the end of the century of Our Lady’s requests at Fatima (1917), left unfulfilled.
Remember that, just a century after Paray-le-Monial requests, was 1789…
But how to gather “all the bishops” in Russia, with so many of the Catholic bishops, in 2016, being :
– perfectly in line with US agenda;
– likely not validly sacred as bishops (yet validly named; so they are “bishop elect”).
Plus the morbid anti-Catholic stance I am so sorry to see among Russian Orthodox clergy, and believed by so many Orthodox faithful among whom even so clever and good people such as The Saker?
@popes since Paul VI are openly heretical
This is the stumbling block for any possible understanding between Catholics and Orthodox, which allows silly affirmations like “the morbid anti-Catholic stance I am so sorry to see among Russian Orthodox clergy, and believed by so many Orthodox faithful among whom even so clever and good people such as The Saker”.
The Popes are openly heretical since, at least, the introduction of the Filioque in the Creed. Open embrace of heresy leads to severance from the Church, so the ‘apostolic succession’ is broken. There are no ‘validly sacred as bishops’ bishops in the Roman so-called church (actually a ‘parasynagogue’ on the way to became a fully fledged synagogue).
E o placere sa-ti citesc gandurile asternte pe ecran.
Translation via Yandex from Romanian:
[It’s a pleasure to read your thoughts on the screen.]
Revelation 18:4 ‘And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.’
The Roman Catholic church is the false church.
Payback? Syrian Armed Forces Reportedly Shoot Down US Spy Drone Over Deir ez-Zor
“According to Press TV, the Syrian Army hit and brought down a UAV that was spotted hovering over mountains in the Jabal Therdeh area in the east of the province. AMN new agency, presenting itself a source of news from the Arabian world, specified that shots were fired by Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Tank Division, though noting that drone managed to leave the Syrian airspace.”
If this report is true does it mean the Syrians will treat american aircraft as hostile and fire on them if they approach Syrian units?
Rather than making a public announcement, one way to deal with provocations from israel and its quislings would be to simply shoot down any of the sods who approach and could be a threat.
“The main advantage the US had over, for example, the Iraqis was the fact that they succeeded in convincing Iraqi of the futility of resisting the almighty USA.”
Beg to differ, Saker, if you think that the almighty USA actually won that war in Iraq. Iraq, like Ukraine, was, of course, a mishmash of different peoples artificially thrown together by Western colonialists (Ukraine was first assembled as a “republic” from many disparate parts by the Bolsheviks). America never vanquished the Sunnis, though they probably killed nearly a million of them, displaced them from their homes and denied them political power. These are the people who are fighting as ISIS and other noms de guerre in Syria, Western Iraq and Libya. Plus they gave America’s army a bloody nose in Iraq to the tune of about 4,800 military dead and tens of thousands of permanently maimed. How many “private contractors” (mercenaries) were casualties we will probably never be told. (They also cost U.S. taxpayers well over a trillion dollars, which is a lot of free speech.) The Shias support our proclaimed enemy Iran, after we “liberated” them, and are fighting with Assad against America’s goons and alleged interests in Syria. The Kurds have been the victims of bait and switch by America for generations. Perhaps they will become permanently alienated after the most recent betrayal by America to the guns of the Turks. (In any case, if you think they are all incipient Americans ready to pledge allegiance and stand during the national anthem, guess again.) America did not roll over the Iraqis. The ethnically diverse Iraqis simply expanded the war geographically and made it more complex for the Americans to control anything. All the disparate groups who live on what was Iraqi soil will long toast the eventual route of the Empire from their lands, as will the Afghans some day. America hasn’t “won” there either, it just hangs on by its fingernails in its fabled “bases” scattered around the “country” (which never existed as a Western-style polity). If America intends to “occupy” the entire world as it has these Middle Eastern countries, it will have bitten off more than it can possibly chew. It’s madness born of hubris. Obomber is as certifiable as Dubya. Perhaps they should share a room at the “Happy Farm.”
I think his meaning there was that the US “convinced” them by bribery. You are right in they fought back.But the US was able to effect “general control” over the country.And they did that by bribing the Sunni tribal leaders and political elements. To the tune of many millions of dollars.Once the money stopped,when most Americans left,the rebellions started up again.The Shia,being 60% of Iraq’s population. Didn’t continue the US policy. Probably a bad mistake on their part.
Well said, thank you, and pretty much my thinking re past and present conflict and the human condition going far far back as handed down to children over generations. I suppose we all feel security as part of a group, national, ethnic, financial, or ‘religious’ etc. whereas the conflict of such actually creates an us Vs them situation resulting in what we still see today after millennia. The planet that offers so much for every living thing has been plundered for the few. Please change.
The problem is even worse than presented here. The ‘western elites’ seem to want to achieve a global Orwellian police state. As far as I can tell they do not really care if it happens via WW3 or via a slow, creeping, inescapable stranglehold. They might prefer ww3 because it seems that they would like to reduce the global population, but they can do that by other means too.
No war is just or justifiable, but the war in Syria is as close to a just war as we have seen in our lifetimes. Syria is a country under brutal assault, primarily from external forces. Peace is good, but not necessarily as a short term goal when it leads directly to more war. Putin has a habit of declaring peace each time the Syrian government seems to be gaining momentum – this after it took him literally years to step in to support an obviously overmatched Syria, facing nearly infinite enemies. Each time Putin declares peace, the opposition escalates. What truly is Putin’s role in the whole disastrous mess? It looks, let’s say, very questionable. Putin continues to insist that the very countries that support terrorism are his ‘partners’ in fighting terrorism! He knows better than that.
In America it has been clear for many years now that the ‘elites’ were on a course towards WW3, or that they have at least been walking that knife edge, like maniacs who believe that others will bend to their will because they are the craziest. Yet one cannot discuss this issue in polite company in America, nor can one discuss the rise of the Orwellian state. This dam of denial may be on the verge of breaking. There is hope still. In the end, it is up to Americans to change the course of America, if it is to happen peacefully.
A more human future would have aspects of both socialism and capitalism – and, by the way, it would be gay friendly. I know folks like Saker hate that.
We are facing scylla and charibdis: WW3 and/or Global Police State. It’s not too late for humanity to steer a different course.
“Putin has a habit of declaring peace each time the Syrian government seems to be gaining momentum”
It gives the US & Russian arms companies a chance to fulfill order books – their increasing stock prices and dividends are more difficult to come by without perpetual war.
After 9/11 I began intense research of everyhing I was taught concerning history.
The one constant in my research was that everything I had been taught consisted of more lies then truth. Which made me wonder why I should believe the stories about Hilter, if everything else was based on lies. Of course, the fact that many countries have laws against questioning the official story was like a loud speaker in my head telling me to research.
To make a long story short, allow me to share a link to a website that may change the way you see things.
I so admire you Saker, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.
The zionazis are set on “auto” now. They got their script and are following it religiously. The israeliscum want Syria at any cost. Their quislings say what is necessary for the Zionist PR machine, but they continue their aggression irregardless and according to their set plans. The zionazis are are of one mind and hellbent on war, and appear desperate to get that war hot before the pindo elections to make sure the war will be domestically unstoppable.
Syrian Rebels Unite With al-Nusra Front, Prepare for Offensive – Russian MoD
“The United States and so-called moderate opposition groups under its control have not fulfilled a single commitment taken on under the Geneva agreements. Above all, the moderate opposition has not been separated from al-Nusra Front [also known as Jabhat Fatah al Sham],” Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy said at a briefing.
“In the provinces of Aleppo and Hama, opposition units used the ceasefire to regroup, get more ammunition and prepare for an offensive to capture more territories, while the Syrian troops have ceased combat operations,” Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko said.
“The joint US-Russian statement on the cessation of hostilities in Syria reached on February 22, 2016 says that our states ‘will also work together…to delineate the territory held by Daesh, al-Nusra Front and other terrorist organizations designated by the UN Security Council.’ Unfortunately, our US colleagues still have not made any real steps in this direction,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.
“In the past 24 hours alone, the number of shelling attacks by militant groups reached 53 episodes. The cessation of hostilities regime has been violated a total of 302 times since it came into effect. During this period, 63 civilians died and 252 were injured, Syrian armed forces lost 153 service members,” Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, the head of the Russian Chief of the General Staff’s Main Operational Directorate, said.
“They attack not only positions of the government’s forces but also residential neighborhoods with civilian population. Within last 24 hours, ten civilians, including two children, were killed in the shelling from the militants-held areas. Thirty people were injured.”
The Russian General Staff said it suspects the US of attempts to create such a situation in Syria to accuse Moscow and Damascus of disrupting the delivery of humanitarian aid.
The issue of providing humanitarian access to besieged areas of Aleppo has also not been resolved, Rudskoy added, stressing that opposition fighters have failed to adhere to the agreement and to set up a checkpoint to allow aid convoys to pass through safely.”
Regarding the humanitarian aid, the zionazi war criminal Kerry already spoke his lines in the script and claimed Sunday the Syrians and Russians were blocking it.
Assad: US Coalition’s Airstrikes on Syrian Army is Aggression Serving Daesh
“Increased state support for terrorists hostile to Syria has recently presented itself in the form of naked American aggression against one of the Syrian army positions in Deir ez-Zor in favor of the interests of the [Daesh jihadist group],” Assad said, as quoted by the Syrian presidency’s Twitter account, hosting a senior Iranian diplomat.
He added that “countries hostile to Syria increase their support for terrorism as Syria succeeds in liberating territories and signing ceasefire agreements.”
Australia, Denmark and the United Kingdom have confirmed their participation in the airstrikes in Deir ez-Zor.
Assad emphasized the importance of support provided by Russia and Iran during Syria’s war against terrorism.”
“Australia, Denmark and the United Kingdom have confirmed their participation in the airstrikes in Deir ez-Zor.”
I wonder what that means. The reports were that there were “4” planes involved. So unless there support didn’t involve aircraft.That means only one of them was a US plane.Though they were the ones in charge of the attack. But with those 3 regimes openly admitting their criminal act. I doubt they’ll need to wonder much,on “the why”, down the road when Syrian secret services take their retribution on them.Hopefully after the war is won the Syrians will adopt the Israeli method of having their secret services hunt down and eliminate those that oppose them.That has always been one of the few Israeli methods I’ve though well worthy of emulation. Had the Syrians adopted it starting in 2011,or even 2009,when the plots against Syria were conceived,there would be far fewer neo-cons running around the US ,Europe,and Australia.As the Romans were fond of saying,they would have been sent to the afterlife.And almost a half a million Syrian citizens,would still be in this life.Let alone the millions of displaced and refugee Syrians forced by foreign malice from their homes.There is a saying about the death penalty I’m reminded of in these cases,” the death penalty doesn’t stop criminals from killing” to which is answered “true,but it certainly stops that criminal from killing again”.Russia would do well to pay attention to adopting that Israeli method also.To deal with Russophobic war mongers,especially bandera Ukrainian ones.That should have been active starting in 2014,if not 2013. A lot fewer of those killing in Donbass,(or plotting in Washington) wouldn’t be missed at all,by the decent people of the World.
Hillary ‘Looking Forward to Being a War President on Day One’
“Clinton’s record suggests that should she be elected the next US president in November “she’s looking forward to being a war president on day one,” Micah Zenko, a senior fellow with the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations, said.
“Make no mistake about it: she is a neocon and a war hawk,” he added.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently used this assumption to attack Hillary, describing her as “trigger-happy.” He further said that “sometimes it seemed that there wasn’t a country in the Middle East that Hillary Clinton didn’t want to invade, intervene in, or topple.”
The 2nd half of the article is typical zio-gay “don’t worry, it won’t be that bad” bs, unfortunately, and undermines the warning message. This time around there won’t be any “checks” or “balances” to the zionazi aggression. They got it all locked in and clinton’s election is obviously one of the key elements.
Syrian Army Declares End of Ceasefire
“The Syrian Army has declared end of ceasefire claiming that militants did not adhere to any provision of the truce.
Terrorists have breached Moscow-Washington brokered truce more than 300 times, the Army said declaring it would resume war on terror.
The Syrian army reaffirmed commitment to fight against terror after the end of truce.
Syrian Army declares ceasefire over, unclear if it will be renewed
The initial seven days of the nationwide ceasefire in Syria have run their course, the Syrian Army has declared. It did not add whether the truce will be reinstated in the near future.
The Syrian Army’s statement blames “terrorist groups” for jeopardizing the cessation of hostilities, Reuters reports.
People who think that Russian government and Putin negotiating because they trust western “partners” keep forgetting that Russia needs to buy time. Time at all cost!
Time will allow Russia to gather her strength, and time is already eroding Zionist tyranny.
There is no gullibility or any kind of illusion on the part of Russian leadership. They know who they’re dealing with, and they will do whatever it takes to behead the leeches of humanity.
Time will not allow “Russia” to regain “her” strength – it’s basis of organisation is one in which which individuals are subservient to Capitalist corporations. This will only result in our final enslavement. There is no ideological difference between “Russia” and it’s “partners” (Western or Eastern).
Unle Bob explained the process here
“Pushing through Globalist trade treaties: this is why he was put in the White House.
This is his appointed task.
This is his real job.
His bosses are watching.
“I pledge allegiance to the Trilateral Commission, and to the domination for which it stands, one planet, indivisible, with tyranny and poverty and top-down order for all…””
The method being:
“How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; ratify trade treaties that effectively send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and undercut their domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.”
The Chinese & Russian Oligarchs are part & parcel of this final subjugation of the masses and Putin occupies a similar position as Obama in the above description.
If this generation is not subsumed to the animal farm the next will be…the global masses are on a trajectory toward zero bargaining power with their global masters.
Don’t rely on “the Russians” (as they are currently organised) to pull us out of this particular hole.
The SAA, The Russian forces, Iranian forces + Hezbollah should just go ahead and smash these mercenary yahoos, ignore the squealing from Washington, London and Tel Aviv just keep wiping them out.
OK so we need to expand the context of this analysis otherwise we argue about trees and never discuss the forest.
There’s a trend for those in elite economic circles to control their wealthy and project control onto systems to further their position. Perhaps it can be considered socio-pathic, which in naked capitalism is encouraged (and rises to the top), but it doesn’t really matter why.
What we are witnessing is the Atlantic group actively engaging in strategic posturing – primarily Bankers, technologists and the procured Media – and I suspect those in high tier governmental positions (advanced strategic planning in the Pentagon, CIA, etc) who have a mandate to seek hegemony as a defensive posture. That is, their posture is the best defense is a strong offense: prevent the rise of a competitor before they can adequately challenge your position.
Before resorting to hot war, these groups are waging every known type of informational and monetary war they can muster. Color revolution on the periphery? Check. Information war demoralizing the population and promoting incorrect interpretation of work events? Check. (as an aside, what is the term for collateral damage in the informational space? Does the mis-information pushed into internet space, causing incorrect interpretations of history and world events, cause damage to society? Yes I would say, and this topic is not adequately addressed. Surely it lowers production capacity of a people, causing internal strife and backwardation).
What is the correct action we should be promoting? We will never remove those in elite circles when they can control the media and therefore the reality of the masses. Anything we attempt to obtain, either socialism or communism, if only to cull the elite and obtain real democracy, can be hijacked and manipulated from the top down when you have near limitless wealth and influence.
It seems we’re in the seat of a car being driven by someone else, whose intentions are to win a race regardless of the personal risks to the others in the vehicle, and yet we cannot influence the wheel. How does the problem get solved? We, as Westerners, lose if our elite lose by going for broke, we lose if they win and gain world hegemony and start treating us as outright puppets.
Finally, the only tool we as people have been able to utilize, even with inserted propaganda, is the internet. And this is being handed over from the US to the globalist UN, where any half-assed censorship initiative can be implemented? It’s potentially about to go dark just when shit heats up.
What is the correct action we should be promoting ?
In that respect, the elite are protected and helped by the US military and intelligence services. Cannot get to the elite until you get past them. The US military and its huge intelligence apparatus floats on the US dollar.
As far as I can see, the US dollar needs to be taken down from the outside. Then the elite could be taken down from within.
Most of the world will take a hit if the US dollar goes down. If Russia and China are thinking there is a very real possibility of the US starting I hot war to achieve its aims, then taking a financial hit may be a small price to pay.
For all countries locked into the US financial system, times would be tough. Which makes me think of Britain deciding to join the AIIB and a flood of other vassals following suit.
An excellent discussion of the chess pieces on the board. I would maintain that even the belief systems are pawns in this game. The discussion would be wise to enlarge the awareness of the consciousness of readers to the occulted history and truth of the agenda behind the geopolitics. Mark Pasio has shared some of that knowledge. If the premise is incorrect, the analysis will be also be incorrect.
Saker, tu aurais pu parler de l’Eglise arménienne qui existe depuis bien plus longtemps et qui a été sujet à des génocides au cours des siècles derniers pour ne pas dire même peda,t les périodes des croisés.
Comme l’Eglise arménienne n’a jamais voulu accepter le diktât de Rome ni même de Constaninople et a su restée toujours indépendante, eh bien, les occidentaux ont laissé les autres peuples les massacrer, ils ont toujours dit qu’ils seraient prêts à intervenir pour les aider à une seule condition que les arméniens se convertissent, sinon, qu’ils périssent sous le joug des perses, des arabes, des turques, des mongoles etc. Tant qu’ils ne se convertissaient pas à Rome ou à Constantinople, ils n’étaient pas des frères chrétiens. Et lorsque même les rois ou les seigneurs arméniens étaient prêts à vendre le peuple, le peuple et l’Eglise s’est révolté et s’est rebellé pour ne pas être converti, préférant garder leur indépendance même sous le joug des massacres.
Nobody would deny the tragic fate of Armenians. But it is to push a bit too far the victimhood card in relation to what you call Rome or Constantinople ‘diktats’. There were the Armenians who severed themselves from the Church by rejecting the universal consensus reached at the Synod of Chalcedon in 451. The schism of the ‘Eastern Churches’ was the first manifestation of ethnophyletism. It was these ‘eastern churches’ which opened the gates to the Arabs for spite of the ‘Melkites’ and refused their alliance.
“if they give up their messianic delusions”
Could you please explain to me what their messianic delusions are?
Dedicating Russia to th Virgin Mary and converting Russians to Romona Catholicism. In other words, giving the Vatican feudal rights and title deed title whole of Russia in accordance with the three papal bulls that were written from the time of Innocent III whereby the Vatican gave themselves the right , 1,000 years after Jesus, to own the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. Symbolized by the three tiered crown. Jesus on the other hand turned the devil down in the wilderness when offered all the kingdoms of the world.
lumpenkoenig, the link you supply
makes an important error. It says
“The law says that the Central Bank is governed by international agreements.” Let’s dissect this statement. Firstly, no other central bank in the world is not permitted to support its own national economy. The Russian Central Bank is the only one in existence with laws governing it that do not support, or even abide by the requirements of the Russian economy.”
In fact all countries labelled “developing” are subject to the same ruinous Fed/IMF rules which prevent their freely creating their own money supply to supply the credits necessary for development. My authority for this is Starikov’s free online book [pdf] Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom by Nikolay Starikov .
While I am happy Sacker is on Russia side, I find most of his comments regarding USSR and Bolsheviks/ Communist party a ,load of manure quite fit for grandson of “White” grandfather.
Let’s put it into perspective that while Soviet army was not ready for war in 1941 being late as many say by one year or so, still, population was far more prepared for war, Soviet army had some 15 million reserves and modern Russian army capabilities and abilities both strategical and tactical have their roots directly form Soviet battles with Germany in 1941-1945. Without Soviet military experience Russian army now as we know it would not exist neither technologically nor in terms of operational art.
Whatever Russia has no technologically wise was built and developed under those pesky Bolsheviks and Commies because before that Russia was basically poor, undeveloped peasant society.
Marx was his whole life financed by Engels, right. May be Lenin was bankrolled partly by some banksters, but ultimately nobody cpould control Lenin and Bolsheviks as all those who could give them money were just useful idiots for Lenin.
I find it extremely hilarious people of considerably lower intellect daring to criticize people of truly epochal significance like Lenin and Stalin.