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The zionazis are about to lose big in Aleppo, so naturally zio-gay illusion show is in overdrive again.
Washington Gives Russia an ‘Ultimatum’ on Syria, Moscow Responds
“On Wednesday, The Washington Post published an article saying the White House is at its wits’ end, and has issued the Kremlin an ultimatum on Syrian peace. The paper noted that the Obama administration “expects a decision from Moscow in the next several days.” The question now is whether the Kremlin will allow itself to be bullied into agreement.
Peskov also emphasized that all points in the possible agreement are being discussed “in the format of compromise,” added that on “a small number of outstanding issues, compromise has not yet been reached.” What those issues are remains unclear, but their existence indicates that for one reason or another, on one issue or another, Moscow has rejected Washington’s effort to foist an unfavorable agreement on Russia and on Syria.
That sentiment sums up the essence of the Syrian negotiations. Because while US officials and media can huff and puff about the urgency of reaching an agreement, Russia and Syria won’t allow themselves to be swindled into a trap. At the same time, it’s worth remembering throughout that Damascus understands the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict more than any other party, since Syrians are the ones who have been dying in the fighting.”
What the Jewish owned/run media and the zionazi quislings in the u.s. regime are attempting here is more of that Jewish zionist engineered psywar. I don’t need explain further, I’m sure, since we have all seen this zionazi bluffing strategy in use repeatedly the last few years.
Turkey, I think, is an unknown factor in this (to us), their role could be pivotal in what happens next.
See also RT:
Russia-US deal on Syrian reconciliation ‘not yet finalized,’ talks to continue – Kremlin
Always keep in mind when reading news about Syria that the usa has zero interest in the country. What america says and demands are what israel orders them to. A destroyed Syria is what the israeli parasite wants. The americans are being used as gofers, albeit very willing gofers.
Good article. And if Sputnik “does” speak for the Russian governments position.Then it is positive,especially this part in the article, “That sentiment sums up the essence of the Syrian negotiations. Because while US officials and media can huff and puff about the urgency of reaching an agreement, Russia and Syria won’t allow themselves to be swindled into a trap. At the same time, it’s worth remembering throughout that Damascus understands the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict more than any other party, since Syrians are the ones who have been dying in the fighting”.Still though,I’ll be looking for the signs I mentioned below to understand what’s really happening.
Only one thing I disagree with you on: Usa has zero interest in Syria.
I wish that was true, the fact is though, Usa is trying to pivot to asia and prevent the rise of china. So, they cannot allow the economic project of the asian giant to go unopposed. Washington cannot really declare war on china directly because of their economic ties with their intended target but they can do a lot of things to prevent the silk road from going through Syria and Turkey.
This is not about Israel only, the whole anglo empire is at stake. If China is successful with its economic project, Washington will lose their place in the global financial system. No more free money for their army. I wonder when they will stop taking the world hostage and start behaving responsibly. At some point they will have to because they will need to pay the bills for all the military bases.
This is bigger than Israel. The whole american empire is in peril. Thank God.
Does anyone outside the inner circles of governments really know what is happening in Syria. I know I certainly don’t.The lies,half-truths,guesses,and spin,from all sides,is too thick to cut with a knife.But here is the bottom line we can look at to try and gauge what is happening.And more importantly ,who is winning. If in the next days or weeks or months,Assad announces he is “resigning” or “stepping down” for a period. Then we know that the US and West have won.No “if,and’s,or but’s” permitted,they’ve won.If not,they haven’t.If Aleppo falls,to the SAA,and the SAA and allies,liberate Raqqa,then Syria has won.I believe those are the “litmus test” for the winners and losers,we need to look at.The Western media is talking about a “deal” (read betrayal) that will see Assad removed.And some “phony” ceasefire (read slow defeat for Syria) over the country.With a “democratic” government installed in Syria,representing parts of the opposition (read Western 5th column stooges).The “moment” we hear of the things I’ve mentioned happening ,then we “know” the future.So those are the “signs”,I’ll be looking for in the next days and weeks in Syria.Hopefully,the Western media ,like so many times is wrong. But the “signs” with tell the tale.
Couldn’t agree more. We’re all watching,
At the end of the day it was always going to come down to Russia standing up to the US, Always.
The moment of truth,
Today’s Sputnik –
google images “The Curse on people who say Assad Must Go”.
Why should Dr.Assad step down? The good doctor has barely finished waving his usual fond farewell to the latest victim of The Curse, British PM David Camoron, before preparing to wave farewell to POTUS Barak O’Bomba. The Curse is about to strike, and The Man from Uncle looks dreadful.
I believe the Russian gov have said a diplomatic solution can resolve the problems in Syria if Mr Lavrov just talks to Mr Kerry for long enough. Many observers think that is naïve beyond belief.
Read what this Syrian boy says –
“I Am A Syrian Living in Syria: It was Never a Revolution nor a Civil War. The Terrorists are sent by your Government”
This testimony of a Syrian named “Majd” was posted to Facebook two years ago, before Facebook started censoring everything.
“I am Syrian. . . living in Syria in the middle of everything. We have seen horrors. It was never a revolution nor a civil war. The terrorists are sent by your government. They are al Qaeda Jabhat al Nusra Wahhabi Salafists Talibans etc and the like extremists jihadists sent by the West and the Saudis and Qatar and Turkey. Your Obama and whoever is behind him or above him are supporting al Qaeda and leading a proxy war on my country. We thought you were against al Qaeda and now you support them.
The majority here loves Assad. He has never committed a crime against his own people. . . the chemical attack was staged by the terrorists helped by USA and UK etc – everyone knows that here. American soldiers and people should not be supporting barbarian al Qaeda terrorists who are killing Christians, Muslims in my country and everyone. Every massacre has been committed by them. We were all happy in Syria – we have free school and university education available for everyone, free healthcare, no GMO, no fluoride, no chemtrails, no Rothschild IMF – controlled bank, state owned central bank which gives 11% interest, we are self-sufficient and have no foreign debt to any country or bank.
Life before the crisis was so beautiful here. Now it is hard and horrific in some regions.
I do not understand how the good and brave American people can accept bombing my country which has never harmed them and therefore help the barbarian al Qaeda. These animals slit throats and behead for pleasure. . . they behead babies and rape young kids.
They are satanic. Our military, helped by the millions of civilian militias are winning the battle against al Qaeda. But now the usa wants to bomb the shit out of us so the al Qaeda can get the upper hand.
Please help us American people. They are destroying the cradle of civilization. Stop your government.
Impeach that bankster puppet ape you have as president. . . support Ron Paul or Rand or anyone the like who are true American patriots. But be sure of one thing – if they attack and I think they will, it will be hell.
Be sure that it be world war and many many will die. Syria can and will defend itself and will sink many US ships. Iran will go to war. Russia and China eventually if it escalates. . . and all this for what ? For the elites who created al Qaeda through the US gvt and use it to conduct proxy wars and destabilize countries who do not go along with their new world order agenda !!!?!!
American people. . . you gotta regain control of your once admirable country. Now everyone hates you for the death you bring almost everywhere.
It sometimes appears to me that the Russians believe the Syrian conflict is a simple internal civil war with no broader geopolitical implications. This despite the fact that Moscow had been informed that Assad was to be removed before they even intervened. There is simply no basis for a compromise settlement. If the Syrians surrender their political process to any outside party then Assad will be removed and all Russia’s interests in Syria will be forfeit. This is regardless of any and all reassurances from the US that Russia’s interests will be preserved. This seems almost painfully obvious.
Secondly, the Russians should know by this point that attempting to negotiate with Kerry is pointless. Although he does seem to me to be a relatively well-meaning individual, he clearly does not really control his own department. If he did, he would have fired Nuland long ago for contravening his authority.
Says it all,
Thanks Emily.
I’m more optimistic than pessimistic about your country.
Think how bad it was becoming last August, then Putin stepped in and gave Syria breathing space (at least) and time to regroup and advance.
I also think Trump will become President, but the danger period is between now and end January.
I do also wish your country/people peace too (asap).
Try and stay strong.
If the Syrian Government is gaining the upper hand again it is time for Putin to make another ‘peace deal’ so that the SAA momentum can be stopped and the opponents can make further advances, get more weapons and reinforcements, etc.. Putin is a master of timing.
the fifth anniversary of 911 is not the only date of an important event this month.
I refer to September 30, the one year anniversary of the onset of the Russian air campaign in Syria. Until that action took place, Washington was permitting ISIS to cash in on their stolen resources. No more. From that time on, Obama symbolically wore a ‘Scarlet H’ (for hypocrite) on his golfing shirts. He said he didn’t want to inflict damage on the environment in Syria. He didn’t mind leveling old, historical cities and turning an ancient nation into rubble and remunerating ISIS with $2 billion.
But even more contemptible than that for the US, the UN and the West is the fact that until September 30, 2015, when Russia turned things around for Syria and Assad, You barely heard a peep out of the great Hypocrites of the West about a ceasefire.
Washington had no use for a ceasefire when ISIS and the so called moderate rebels were winning, because a ceasefire would freeze all the contingents in place and prevent the US and her lackeys from making further gains.
But now that Syria, Russia and Turkey are in the driver’s seat, Obama and Kerry have puffed up their hypocrisy to the busting point, and they are suddenly worried about the same Syrian citizens they have been slaughtering for 5 years.
“1) The Russians can’t arm the Kurds and even if they did, Erdogan isn’t concerned about a bunch of Kurds in Syria defeating the Turkish Army there. He will simply use any enhanced attacks on Turkish forces to justify an even further invasion of Syria. After all, like every other state leader, it’s not going to be him who pays any price for further military action.
2) Mark Sleboda is right: Putin screwed the pooch by not following through on cutting off the ratline from Turkey into Syria.
3) The US doesn’t care what happens to the Kurds and is perfectly happy to let Turkey be the stalking horse for imposing a “safe haven” for ISIS and al-Qaida – so long as Obama isn’t blamed for any bad results. This is clearly an Obama move because it REEKS of “lead from behind” – which is code for “do stupid stuff – but don’t blame me when it goes sideways…”
4) I disagree with Mark in that I think Putin SHOULD warn the US and Turkey that Russia will not allow the tide to turn against the Assad regime EVEN IF they have to turn on those S-300, S-400, S-500, BUK and Pantsir batteries and point them at US planes. If the US is willing to escalate to World War III, which is what they’ve done with this Turkish move, then Russia should be willing to do the same.
5) Before attacking US planes, however, they should attack any and all rebel forces in and around the Turkish positions and dare Turkey to do something about it. Turkey can not afford to engage in air combat against Russian planes while Russia has its air defense systems active. Therefore Turkey can do nothing to stop Russia halting its advance into Syria. The US can also do little to stop Russian planes while those air defense systems are active. Obama does not have the balls to order direct attacks against Russian planes, whatever the Pentagon may want.
6) He can also take advantage of the Kurds disillusionment with the US to support them from the air and with Russian advisers to continue their advance against ISIS and al-Qaida, even if he cannot actually use them against the Turkish invasion.
In short, Putin needs to call the US and Turkey bluff and respond forcefully to protect Syria from Turkey. If he does not, Russia will have lost the initiative and as Marks says be reduced to hoping for “negotiations” – and you never negotiate from weakness.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack”
You certainly may be right that Turkey is more in the US camp than in Russia’s.
But I can not let myself be overwhelmed by such thinking. It’s like believing that Hillary is going to waltz off with the election in November. I’d have to put a gun in my mouth.
Enter Magical Thinking.
Except for the Kurdish problem and his intense dislike of Assad, I thought that Erdogan was on Putin’s side in the Syrian rebellion and would do nothing to harm his international reputation of power. I believed this because of the events from December 2013 to March 2014 when tape recordings of Erdogan’s conversations with his son about money were released a month before parliamentary elections in March. Can there be any doubt that the CIA was responsible? And if the Mossad were responsible, didn’t the CIA task them to do it?
So in my mind Turkey leaned more to Russia than to the US. Then came September 30, 2015, and the Russian bombing, and it proved me right. For almost 2 months. Until November 24 when a Turkish jet shot down a Russian jet which supposedly trespassed Turkish airspace for 19 seconds.
Erdogan had been playing both sides and came down on the US side. Putin was somewhat mild in his response: some economic sanctions, a demand for an apology. Seven months later, June 2016, produced Erdogan’s apology and then about 2 months ago, I started thinking.
What if the downing of the Su-24 was a deception? What if it had been worked out between Putin and Erdogan in advance to prove Turkey”s bona fides to the vipers in the Pentagon? The Su-24 has a crew of two: a pilot and a gunner. One pilot could have flown it to that spot on the Turkish border and either ejected before or after the Turkish missile struck it in the rear.
If the Russian jet was flown by one pilot, then one pilot was rescued. Perhaps one of the men assigned to get him was killed. Or not.
With all due respect for Col. Oleg Peshkov, the slain pilot, he may have died on the Turkish border, on another mission, or respectfully, never existed, V STILE PORUCHIK KIZHE.
I feel much better about Turkey and Erdogan now and wouldn’t at all be surprised if Putin will ultimately broker a peace between Syria, Turkey and the Kurds.
There is absolutely nothing to be gained by thinking Erdogan and Turkey are in this contretemps to punish Putin and Russia. If that was Erdogan’s plan and it succeeded and Russia was weakened (America’s goal for world domination), do you think he would imagine infinite invitations to the White House and sessions in the Oval Office with Monica and her cigar?
Don’t you think that Erdogan has read Sun Tzu? And if he hadn’t, that Putin told him “All warfare is based upon deception”? Pretending that your jet was shot down is a perfect example of what Sun Tzu was talking about.
**“Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;
When using our forces, we must seem inactive;
When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away;
When far away, we must make him believe we are near.”**
So I recommend that you don’t prejudge Erdogan’s moves in Syria and Russia’s Ministry of Defense’ recent lament concerning them, for when Russia and Turkey deceive America and Obama,they must, perforce, deceive you and I as well.
Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:50
Syrian Government Swaps 169 Prisoners for Bodies of Russian Pilots
Chammas told AFP the releases would take place in exchange for the return of “the bodies of five Russian soldiers” that are in militants’ hands.
Two officers and three crew were aboard a Russian military helicopter shot down on August 1 in the Northwestern province of Idlib, which many parts of it were under the control of a coalition of militant groups at that time.
Whether the five deceased Russians were pilots or soldiers or a combination of both, it is a sign of victory, respect and devotion to trade 169 alive anti-Assad prisoners for those five Russian bodies.
It’s hard to imagine the Pentagon making a similar trade for five dead American soldiers. Ash Carter would just make up some lie about the whereabouts of the Americans’ bodies. Or put the bones of anybody into a sealed coffin with a false flag on it.
“Or put the bones of anybody into a sealed coffin with a false flag on it.”
yep. US flag – false flag… one and the same.
Anyone seen events pointing at this today what Ziad is claiming?
This indicates a high level of confidence that the SAA will be able to provide complete security – this as the Russian military is conducting maneuvers in Crimea with an eye to increasing its ground forces in Syria for the fight against terrorism. Russia is about to up the ante on everyone.
There’s no article on the Russian Paralympic team being banned and the Belarus athletes protesting at the opening ceremonies. The Belarus delegate who carried the Russian flag has been banned. Meanwhile Russia is holding its own game for its Paralympic athletes.
Also the Republic of Transnistria has declared it wants to join Russia.
Looks like the chosen ones picked good timing to open a second front against Syria, stabbing them in the back just when they’re finally winning.
Israel has, however, enforced new Hebrew as official administrative language, denies building permits and engages in other violations of international law that aim at oppressing the Arab population and culture and Syrian administration in the occupied Golan.
Al Marsad, which is the only human rights organization that operates in the Golan, reported that hundreds of Israeli police accompanied by bulldozers demolished the home of Bassam Ibrahim in Majdal Shams, the largest town in the Israeli occupied Golan. In a statement, Al Marsad said:
“This is the first time that the Israeli authorities have demolished a home in Majdal Shams.
Since they have an unlimited budget with $ printed out of thin air by their bankster buddies, there’s no end to the angles used about not letting a good crisis go to waste.
here see how they are upping the funds/training to kurds on/in Iran kurdistan:
09 September 2016 14:08
VIDEO: Iranian Kurdish Terrorist Group Training by US and EU Advisers
An Iranian Kurdish Rebel Group received military training in weapons and explosives from US and European advisers, the group’s commander told The Associated Press.
The group, called the Kurdistan Freedom Party, is one of several Iranian Kurdish rebel factions that have carried out attacks this year inside Iran, sparking a rapid reaction by Iranian security forces.
Just when you thought Lord Sultan could kick back & relax with the weekend here.
Netherlands: Rojava embassy in the Benelux opens in The Hague
The representation will be opened in the Hague city which is the political capital of the Netherlands, where the headquarters of the parliament, government and the Dutch king are situated.
It is scheduled that the opening ceremony begins at 17:00 in Rojava 16:00 GMT in Europe, representatives of Dutch political parties and the Dutch parliament, and representatives of Kurdistan parties and parties in Rojava are attending the ceremony.
Erdo’s response—I care THIS MUCH for the Kurds: