At least 59 Palestinian protesters were killed and 2,771 were injured by Israeli forces near the so-called security fence in the Gaza Strip during the May 14 demonstrations denouncing the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.
Various sources provide conflicting numbers of people involved in the protests, but all of them agrees that there were at least 35,000-40,000 people at the security fence and in the nearby area.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the Israeli actions as self-defense against the Palestinian movement Hamas, which “intends to destroy Israel and sends thousands to breach the border fence in order to achieve this goal,” according to his remarks.
Education Minister Naftali Bennett told Israel Radio that the Israeli government will treat any person approaching the fence as a “terrorist”.
US President Donald Trump called May 14 a “big day” for Israel while White House spokesperson Raj Shah claimed that Hamas had provoked the Israeli actions.
It should be noted that there has been an ongoing wave of protests since President Trump’s official decision on December 6, 2017 to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Since then, the already complicated Palestinian-Israeli relations have deteriorated further.
The Palestinian government denounced the May 14 violence as a “terrible massacre” perpetrated “by the forces of the Israeli occupation” and called on the international community to intervene to stop the violence.
The US-Israeli actions faced a cold response on the international level. For example, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again described Israel as a “terrorist state” while Iran’s parliament speaker Ali Larijani said that Israeli actions will not go unanswered.
On May 15, a new round of protests erupted across the Palestinian areas. The protests mark the 70th anniversary of Nakba Day (Day of Catastrophe), when Israel was created.
On May 14, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the May 10 missile attack on military targets in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights had marked the start of a “completely new stage” of the conflict.
Nasrallah said that 55 missiles had been launched from Syrian territory at Israeli targets and advised Israel to stop its acts of aggression or it will face stinging retaliation. He also dismissed Israeli claims about the number of casualties and extent of damage in the aftermath of the May 10 encounter saying that Israel attempts to conceal its failures through such lies.
In Syria itself, government forces have continued their operations across the country. In the Rastan pocket in northern Homs, an evacuation of militants is still ongoing. On May 14, 122 buses transporting militants and their families left the area. On May 15, a new batch will be leaving.
In the Yarmouk refugee camp area in southern Damascus, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have liberated Quds Mosque and nearby buildings.
This advance is part of a wider push by government forces to re-capture the western part of the Yarmouk refugee camp from the terrorist group and to shorten the frontline in the western and southern parts of the pocket.
The target is not simply Palestinians or Arabs or Syria.
And Netanyahu is just the hired thug murderer for the AZ Empire. He could be put in his place if Amercans were to smarten up.
The target is world peace thorough economic development and cooperation between the Four Powers:
China, Russia, India and the United States.
Although even “political” Americans are mostly “out of it” with their likes and dislikes and single issue “politics” and lack of any comprehensive in depth global historical perspective of any kind. a greater number than ever before in history are getting educated………..but there is still way, way too much of the infantile shallowness and simple-mindedness this excerpt from today’s LPAC briefing describes so briefly, as an annoyance interfering with their sports or entertainment, or just plain littleness::
“I like this leader, or that one,” or, “I don’t like all the chaos and infighting,” won’t solve anything. American citizens have to become leaders and independent thinkers themselves, as once was their brag.”
Seems like an absurd claim at 5 minutes to midnight before global war or financial crisis 100 times worse than 2008. But there was a time, not just in the 19th century….but very briefly even in the 20th century….until JFK’s tendencies for the good were cross vectored by several shooters…….
Some disjointed, scattered, mostly ignorant or AZ mind controlled banalities expressed one or two days out of the year will no longer suffice, to “get along”…by going along. AIPAC (in support of British AZ EMPIRE “geoplitics” has made too many of them too stupid to see what sort of attack dog Netanyahu is……for what master.
“For the United States, more is needed. The British attack on the Presidency is a war against cooperation with Russia and China; but also an attack against leadership, as such. It has been half a century since the United States had Presidential leadership which even partially defied British geopolitics; and that leadership was assassinated. During that half-century, Americans have increasingly let Wall Street take over from Presidents, and run Congresses; have lost the sense of productive employment, become cultural pessimists.”
Here’s the overview they lack:
“Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu government has committed an unforgivable massacre of Palestinians in Gaza during the past day; and in doing so, has increased the danger of a new and general Mideast War which is already too close. The danger this poses to the world’s peace should not be underestimated — nor the disaster it could be for the economic reconstruction and progress potentially available to the Mideast and Africa, from the Belt and Road Initiative spreading across Eurasia.
Netanyahu is not the prime mover in this escalation, even in his blatant aggression against Syria and threats of war against Iran and Lebanon. Nor is President Donald Trump, whose rash mistake on Jerusalem came as he was fighting for his political life against a campaign of impeachment and prosecution.
The prime mover for war has been British intelligence and British government elites, demanding war confrontation with Russia from Trump, while simultaneously instigating and escalating the coup attempt against him.
Again today the head of British Intelligence MI5, Andrew Parker, lectured European Union intelligence officials on the necessity to fight Russia in every way. Since March the British government has whipped up war hoaxes and anti-Russia confrontations — the Skripal poisoning case, the very dubious Douma, Syria, “chemical weapons” attack. British assets in Israel and Saudi Arabia have staged their own hoaxes against Iran while attacking Syria and conducting an ethnic cleansing war against Yemen.
So terrified are British geopoliticians by the prospect of “New Silk Road” collaboration among China, Russia, India, and Trump’s United States, along with Japan, South Korea, and others, they have willingly promoted wars against it.”
“Nor is President Donald Trump, whose rash mistake on Jerusalem came as he was fighting for his political life against a campaign of impeachment and prosecution.”
“The Trump government is aligned with the Israeli govetnment that has no moral conscience against the Jews and the rest of humanity who do. Does anyone on earth really believe, for example, that Natanyahu has a moral conscience?”
And exactly the same is relevant to Trump – this was no mistake. Excuses for the spilling of innocent blood are most foul.
stop reading Lyndon LaRouche
Nikki Haley walks out of the security council meeting when Palestinian delegation starts to speak…wow..this doesn’t look very diplomatic or dignified….I mean, even the UK managed to show remorse.
This is a political disaster, not just for the US but also for Trump personally who has severely tarnished family’s brand name by sending his daughter to the event in Jerusalem.
New York daily headlines: “Daddy’s little ghoul ”
Weapons meant for US-backed militants handed over to al-Qaeda
Israeli Assassins in Turkey now, Erdogan Targeted
Security authorities seize a large numbers of tanks and heavy weapons in eastern Qalamoun
Two martyred and 19 injured due to shell attack in Damascus
Army’s General Command announces liberating new areas in Homs and Hama countryside
Russia warns against danger of Daesh re-emergence at East Euphrates
I was surprised that even the BBC seemed somewhat outraged yesterday. Maybe there’s hope yet? (I am not holding my breath). The Beeb even answered the one question I had which I had not seen reported elsewhere.
Presumably if the Israelis opened fire and killed/injured so many then they must have faced a deadly threat. How many Israeli soldiers were hurt in this bloody confrontation? The BBC said last night that “one Israeli soldier was mildly injured”. Surely this is something that even the most ignorant can see is wrong?
In another age the people of my generation in the UK championed the cause of an alleged South African “terrorist” against the prevailing opinion of the state. The “terrorist” was Nelson Mandella and “the state” was proven wrong about him. Now that my generation are older, less informed, lazy and disengaged we need the same passion today from younger people about the injustices in Palestine. The media reporting yesterday showed cracks in the pro-zionist fascade which I was pleasantly surprised to see. Maybe there is hope.
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