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eresa May — Friend of Israel and the Organized Jewish Community
Posted by Francis Carr BegbieAnyone wondering about the priorities of Mrs Theresa May should follow her actions from the moment she learned she was to become Britain’s next Prime Minister.Her first act was to sign a pledge committing her to remember the Holocaust and “stand up to hatred and intolerance”. And her second was tospend the evening before her confirmation by the Queen at a private dinner at the home of Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.Whatever else awaits the British people, they can be under no doubt that their new leader is once again a true Friend of Israel.In a parliamentary career marked by cowardice and a tendency to go along with whichever political wind is blowing, it is hard to say which has been Mrs Theresa May’s most inglorious moment. Was it her decision, as Home Secretary, to throw open Britain’s borders and allowimmigration to arise to record levels — after being elected specifically on a promise to reduce it? Perhaps it was her plans to target “non-violent extremists” via blacklists, internet free-speech restrictions and movement bans?For many nationalists, the most egregious moment in this wretched woman’s career came in a speech she gave at the Finchley United Synagogue in April 2015 when she defiled the memory of British servicemen killed in Palestine 1939 — 1948 by praising, instead, their Jewish terrorist killers.So as today we celebrate the independence of the state of Israel and pay our respects to those who have fought so hard for it…. We remember the sacrifice of those who fought to achieve and protect that independence….Thus the woman about to become the British Prime Minister tarnished the sacrifice of an estimated 784 British servicemen, police and crown officers killed in what is — for the Friends of Israel — one of the most embarrassing episodes in British colonial history (see Note below). She did not even have the decency to deliver this stab in the back behind closed doors.Understandably, there has been much glee in the Jewish press over the elevation of such a devoted Friend of Israel to the position of Prime Minister. The Times of Israel said she was widely regarded as a good friend.The Jewish Chronicle noted:But of all the contenders to follow David Cameron — both from the Conservatives and other parties — it is the 59-year-old Maidenhead MP who boasts the soundest track-record on Jewish concerns.Much like her touring of Tory associations nationwide, Mrs May’s appearances at communal dinners and meetings with Jewish groups have been carried out both frequently and quietly.On that score, her history of supporting Jewish initiatives is strong. Last July there was a speech at Hasmonean High School’s annual dinner; two months later she met Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush; and then there was the aforementioned CST dinner…It was Mrs May who, last December, stood in for David Cameron at the Downing Street Chanucah party, lighting the menorah alongside Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. Little could she have dreamt that this year she would be repeating the feat as Prime Minister herself…Mr Cameron has been lauded as the most philosemitic premier since Margaret Thatcher. British Jews will now hope that the second woman to hold the keys to Number 10 will follow in the footsteps of those two predecessors.It was the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris that gave Mrs May the opportunity to demonstrate that the welfare of the Jewish community was at the top of her priorities. Most of the Charlie Hebdo victims were non-Jewish but that detail seemed to escape Mrs May. Or maybe it was just not important. She said at the time “I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom would say that they were fearful of remaining here in our country. And that means that we must all redouble our efforts to wipe out anti-Semitism here in Britain.”Warming to her theme she said “without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain,” and then she said “Jewish people have long been an important and integral part of this country”.Asserting that “the safety of the Jewish people can never be taken for granted,” Mrs May said it is a “tragic fact of history that the Jewish people have had to protect themselves against repeated attempts to obliterate them.” She even repeated David Cameron’s words that, “If the Jewish community does not feel secure then our whole national fabric is diminished.” Fine words, if only the White communities of Rotherham and elsewhere could find someone to defend their interests with as much passion.There was another curious boast during that Finchley speech which came at a time whenprosecution of “historic” war crimes is still popular in Germany and elsewhere. For Mrs May said she was proud of changing the British law to make it impossible to prosecute Israeli war criminals in the UK under Universal Jurisdiction, so that alleged killers such as Tzipi Livni and Israeli officers involved in crimes against Palestinian civilians can roam free in Britain. Pro-Palestinians in Britain applied in court for an arrest warrant issued for Livni who was Foreign Minister during Israel’s brutal 2008 Operation Cast Lead operation but thanks to theintervention of the British government, automatic immunity was granted to Israeli government officials visiting Britain.But that later Finchley speech showed even more shameless self-abasement. Mrs May complimented Israel’s leading role in combating human trafficking, and omitted to mention the abuse of Palestinians and its expulsion of African workers from the Zionist state.It was also an occasion on which Mrs Maydeclared her allegiance to the so-called “Community Security Trust,” a Jewish vigilante body. Four months ago she was given a standing ovation at the annual CST dinner for handing over £13.4 million of British taxpayers money to this sinister organisation which claims to protect Jewish schools and synagogues. (This figure represented a £2 million increase on the figure promised by David Cameron the previous year which in itself was an increase of £3 million on the year before that!)Not long after Britain joined the international commitment to defend Charlie Hebdo’s freedom to satirize Islam, Theresa May’s Home Office began a prosecution against a White nationalist called Joshua Bonehill for publishing Holocaust cartoons on the internet. Bonehill was sentenced to three years and three months of imprisonment and has since been charged in prison for two-year old “race hate” tweets against a Jewish MP, the fragrant Luciana Berger.There are numerous examples of Mrs May’s cowardice but most recently she showed a lamentable talent for failing to give leadership when the situation most called for it during the EU referendum debate. Instead of defending her position in the Remain camp she kept her head down and was invisible during the campaign. A gross dereliction of duty by any standard.The elevation of Theresa May can be seen as the mirror-image of the fate of her opposite number. The end game has now surely begun for Jeremy Corbyn, the embattled leader of the Labour Party. Normally it would be good riddance — Corbyn is an odious open borders internationalist and loud enthusiast for flooding Britain with the Third World. In every way then, Corbyn someone who would normally be acceptable to the political elite. Except one — his sentimental attachment to the one group of people he does feel some affinity for — Palestinians. This has set him beyond the pale of our political puppet masters, so Corbyn has to go.It looks as if his defenestration may come at the hands of a veteran leftie. In their political outlook, leadership challenger Angela Eagle is pretty much indistinguishable from Corbyn but is shrewd enough to stay away from the Middle East. She voted for the Iraq war and two years ago was one of a handful of MPs who voted against recognising the state of Palestine. Significantly the Times of Israel reported that she recently met a delegation of Jewish students to pledge her committment to fighting anti-Semitism.One of the most entertaining aspects of the media coverage around all this concerns the questions that journalists are scurrilously avoiding asking. Such as, if it had not been for the entirely fabricated anti-Semitism scare, would this Labour leadership contest be happening? Of course the answer is no, because the rise of Theresa May and the fall of Corbyn are due to the same reason — that it is as unthinkable that we could have party leaders unacceptable to the Jewish lobby.NOTE: As we have noted before, the story of thePalestine Mandate and the casualties that the British suffered, is one that the authorities are only too eager to drop down the rabbit hole. The British must not be reminded of the deaths inflicted by Jewish terrorists against British servicemen throughout World War II. This terrorist campaign was also vigorously conducted as allied troops landed on Normandy and fought their way through France.The casualties included a 25-year old gunner called Harold Yates from Sheffield whose death may be attributable to the presence of a Zionist “fifth column” in Britain which gave the go ahead for the attack in which he was killed. A veteran of Dunkirk, he was guarding a railway injunction when he was shot down by terrorist wearing British army uniforms. The attacks on British servicemen were acts of treachery that can be compared with the bombing of the USS Liberty.The atrocities also included the King David bombing in which 91 were killed by the Irgun organisation. Also there was the savage killing of 20-year-old sergeants Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice. The two men were kidnapped, held for 28 days and then strangled. Their bodies were left hanging in a eucalyptus grove and were booby trapped with land mines.
TO The Saker: so you can fully understand how things really are for people in the UK as opposed to your fantasy beliefs about us…lifted from The Occidental Observer…our soldiers were murdered by Jews during WWII but our leaders behave as though it never happened but readily adopt the holocaust lie. Imagine for one moment what it is really like for a patriot living in the fascist British police state. R.Cley.
Wow, what a great comment. I’m afraid some zealots will promptly refer to it as an ” anti-Semitic” Borscht.
How sad, that the leaders of Europe are chosen in synagogs and the citizens are just staying there silent and in fear.
Comment, it reads like war and peace … .
May in action following the Charlie Hebdo false flag.
@ Richard…
thanks a good find
Readers may find the original article with formatting a bit easier to read
Paragraphs are your friend,
Agreed that ‘The Occidental Observer’ is a hotbed of diversionary WASP phantasmagories dressed in academic garb (occasionally hitting the right target). But I am not at all sure that The Saker has much to do with it.
I can’t believe that you might have entertained the illusion that UKIP, Brexit, and what you have it, was somehow about ‘liberation’ from the Rothschilds, Goldsmiths, etc. stranglehold.
Pray that the newly ‘independent Britain’ wouldn’t introduce the Continental legislation (which so far Britain had the decency – which the “Europeans’ threw to the wind long ago – to stay away from it) of criminalizing ‘Holocaust denial’. Let’s hope that Theresa may keep her initial stand (the Litvinenko hoax) on the rabid anti-Russian frenzy that is gripping the ‘oh, by Jingo, Rule Britannia’ mob. That she caved in then, against her better conscience, is not a very encouraging sign. No wonder that Russians (who have a centuries-long experience of the ‘perfidious Albion’s’ double-dealings and ‘gratitude’) did not rush to toast for the Brexit. They did not forget (or forgive) that ‘Georgie’ green-lighted (with the support of the whole British ‘Establishment’) the assassination of cousin ‘Nicky’ (whom they worked hard to overthrow, despite being their most faithful ally).
More info on Theresa May: Theresa May hawkish liberal globalist
So, who will lead the UK in the wake of the US in the near future? Should we look at political profile of Ms. May?
Theresa Mary was born in Eastbourne, Sussex. She studied geography at St Hugh’s College, Oxford. She worked in the financial sphere (Bank of England, the Association for Payment Clearing Services) until 1997 when she was elected to parliament.
On domestic issues, May is known as supporter of so-called gender equality and marriages for homosexuals. In 2010 she even declared her support for pedophiles to adopt children. In 2015 May was accused in covering up a child sex abuse in the Northern Ireland.
She is often criticized by the left for her “hard stance” on immigration, but in fact it is May under whom Britain witnessed the greatest surplus of migrants in its history, and border security funding was cut by 2 million pounds. As a Liberal, she did not oppose the ideology, which is in the center of current migrant crisis in Europe. In addition, she supports the inclusion of Sharia law into the British legal system.
At the same time it was May who proposed to increase spying on British citizens, proposing Draft Communications Data Bill and Investigatory Powers Bill to suppress anti-governmental forces.
In parliament. May supported all the hawkish initiatives of government, including bombing of Yugoslavia, the Iraqi invasion, and the operation in Libya. She was in the remain camp prior to the referendum in the UK, but declared that she will implement theimperative for Brexit. However, she will be more comfortable partner for Brussel in the UK-EU negotiations that Leadsom could be.
She is known as strong supporter of Israel. At the same time, she enjoys god relations with Saudi Arabia. In March 2014, May signed a secret security pact with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, known for his close ties with the USA. In 2015, May supported a £ 5.9 million contract to help run prisons in the Saudi state.
Her husband -banker Phillipe May is reported to be one of shareholders of GS4 – the world’s largest private military company, which also helps to Israel runs prisons. Today he is working for Capital Group Companies, one of the leading plutocratic institution in the world
She is a strong Atlanticist and has no sympathy for Russia. May played an important role in hysteria over the death of former FSB agent Alexandr Litvinenko, blaming Russian president Vladimir Putin in his killing. She supports the renewal of the British nuclear arsenal (Trident) as a response to “Vladimir Putin’s intent to upgrade Russia’s nuclear forces”.
Theresa May criticized Donald Trump and his comments on migration crisis in Britain. She believes, that the US Presidential Candidate does not understand the UK
This hawkish, warmongering trend may be reinforced if the current Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Michel Gove receives top place in her Cabinet. Gove was the person who toppled Boris Johnson through intrigue. And he had intended to plot with May against Leadsom before the second tour of the election of the Tory party leader took place. Michel Gove is an outspoken neoconservative and is praised as such by his American colleagues, including Bill Kristol.
“At Last, a Jewish Prime Minister” by Gilad Atzmon
Apologies to everyone… I typed “Carmek” instead of Carmel in my previous post.
Carmel by the Sea
Mixing zionazi atrocities and the usual nazi propaganda bs. And doing so in such a manner to saturate the site with nazi noise. Very clever. ;) Looks like bevin’s and bernhard’s people are working overtime here again. The zios really don’t like it that this site exists still. I wonder why????
The zionist tactic being employed here, and after most of the recent ppsts, is known as smearing by association, An old zionist trick of saturating sites critical of their rule with nazi style nonsense so people will associate critcism of zionism/zionists with the nazi/skinhead far right, and dismiss it as based in that nonsense, and dismiss the site as nazi fringe site.
Some good comments under the news articles over at Ziad Fadel’s site.
He hasn’t apologized for that over-the -top story yesterday 12th claims those Russian bombers flying in LD to drop some important “bombs” around Palmyra & Arak were nuclear battlefield bombs!
Ron Paul Liberty Report – State Department Stonewalls On Syria Weapons
Streamed live 6 hours ago
Who is Washington shipping weapons to in Syria and why do they keep getting in the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda?
july 14
The jihadist rebels of the Turkmen Islamic Party and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) launched a surprise offensive in the northeastern countryside of the Latakia Governorate tonight, targeting the strategic hills that surround the mountaintop village of Kabbani.
new Sultanic sidekick speaks.
ANKARA: Turkey aims to develop good relations with Syria and Iraq, and both countries need to be stable for counter-terrorism efforts to succeed, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Wednesday.
Turkey has long been one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s staunchest opponents, arguing that only his departure could stabilize Syria. That has set it at odds with Assad’s ally Russia and distanced it from a U.S.-led coalition more focused on fighting ISIS.
Video with great clips.
State Department Stonewalls On Syria Weapons
Carmel by the Sea
Excerpt from article “Britain Is Now A One Party Political System”–by Gilad Atzmon
‘If Brexit was staged as an internal Tory debate, the Post Brexit era, under the rule of new PM Theresa May, presents itself as a Kingdom United. May, herself a remain supporter, appointed a cabinet full of Euro skeptics. May is basically telling her Foreign Secretary Johnson and her Brexit Minister Davis, ‘if you really want us to leave the EU, you better secure a very good deal.’
Anti Semitic is used once in awhile to mean don’t speak or don’t look or don’t think. It’s meant to be a warning.