The Turkish attack on al-Bab commenced a day or two after the ISIS advance on Palmyra.
Did Putin lengthen Erdogan’s leash a little so he could bite ISIS on the butt at al-Bab and make them pull some of there forces back from Palmyra?
Since the zionazis are about to lose Aleppo, it’s expected they would direct their al qaida terrorists to go all out in diversionary attacks in other regions to draw off SAA units away from Aleppo. This is known as desperation and matches their hysterics in the zio-(very)gay media and their zio-(humilliatingly)gay diplomatic propaganda warfare.
“Speaking to delegates at UNGA, the Russian ambassador to the UN explained that the Canadian resolution contained “serious flaws,” making it “impossible” for Russia to support it.
“The causes of the conflict’s genesis and evolution have been misidentified. The blame is mostly pinned on the authorities of the country. The terrorist threat and the role of foreign sponsors in perpetuating and augmenting it are outlined only in broad strokes,” Churkin said.
“Condemnations will not help to reach a specified goal,” in Syria, the Russian ambassador proclaimed, pinning the scale of destruction in Syria on an “aggressive form of colonialism” pursued by countries which supported the so-called moderate opposition.
“It is a result of the mindless foreign policy of several international and regional players who once decided to change the leadership in Damascus and to redraw drastically the political, ethnic, confessional, and economic map of the region,” Churkin said.
But despite having “extensive financial, logistical, and propaganda support” from the outside, “the elusive concept of ‘moderate Syrian opposition’ has effectively failed,” the Russian diplomat said.”
“203 more US special ops troops adds to the 300 currently authorized US special operators in Syria fight to take Raqqa from Da’esh
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 10, 2016”
Yeah, sure, israeli quisling who deserves to hang. They will be there to direct daesh terrorism and to carry out more ops such as the shelling of the Russian mobile hospital.
“A “declassified” map of an alleged Hezbollah military buildup in southern Lebanon shared by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been exposed by Twitter users as a fake, forcing the IDF to admit the picture was just a “visual illustration” of the militant group’s “war crimes.”
Now that is sad, twitter users taking out the supposed zionazi propaganda gods using their own zionazi medium. No wonder the buggers have opted for total censorship now.
“President Obama’s waiver of restrictions on supplying arms to militant groups in Syria looks like a desperate attempt to compensate for the loss of Aleppo and preserve terrorist assets elsewhere, former US diplomat Jim Jatras told RT.”
The zionazis are desperate. Subjugation of Syria is a high priority on their yinon strategy for greater [gag] Israel. This is getting beyond their grasp and that desperation is becoming psychotic.
The fake news have been predicting that a Syrian victory in Aleppo will make the war worse. Obomber and co are trying to ensure this fantasy becomes a reality.
The days of US/Israel making reality ended with Putin’s UNGA speech a year or so ago. When it comes to living in an alternate reality, this crowd will make even Denis look like an amateur.
“A total of 90 Iraqi servicemen were killed and 100 wounded as a result of a mistake strike by the US Air Force in Mosul, a local news portal reported Saturday.”
Mistake? Hardly.
“According to the Factiniraq news portal, the airstrike also damaged Iraqi military hardware, and the troops had to retreat from the area.”
Sound familiar? The terrorist forces were no doubt mysteriously ready to move right in, just like the last time israel’s butt sore quislings ran this number in Syria against the SAA. The israeloscum are just beginning to act out their desperation, and they still have a month and a half to go.
Syria and its allies have to prepare for counter measures and eventualities of this type, especially with them having the knowledge that the terrorists are been assisted and abetted by NATO, the GCC and Israel.
They will have to dig deep and wrap up the retaking of Allepo while ensuring that the hard won victory in Palmyra is not lost.
Moscow, Damascus and Tehran are fighting on the right side of history and all persons around the world still able to think outside of the Matrix are in full support of them.
The Empire is exposed with all its ugliness on display. Decent people are revolted by the stench emanating from the crimes and corruption of the ugly hideous beast.
Russia must not back down now, press on in Allepo and liquidate and neutralize all those trying to over run Palmyra…..
Syrian Army backed by Russian Air Force thwarts ISIS attack on Palmyra
“The Syrian Army backed by the Russian Air Force has repelled all Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) attempts to recapture the historic city of Palmyra, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.
“Over the past night, with active Russian air support, Syrian government forces repulsed all attacks by the terrorists on Palmyra,” the ministry said in a statement.
Over 300 militants were killed in the offensive.
“The militants actively used cars filled with explosives, armored vehicles, and rocket artillery. Russian aircraft carried out 64 airstrikes on militant gatherings, positions, columns, and reserves as they advanced.” ”
Original source for his claim might be this: @QalaatAlMudiq: Huge amount of heavy equipment left to #ISIS by pro-Regime forces in #Palmyra: 5 T-55s, 3 T-72s, 2 BMPs, 1 BVP-1 & 1 APC.
Do not worry though. In two days. this will be very different I believe.
The amount of ISIS “soldiers” from Ra qua, with new weapons and vehicles, did take the Syrian army, and to an extent the Russians by surprise. Why? I do not know, as it must have been (should have) obvious to them, that since the Western powers have announced, that Ra qua is next on THEIR list, and the humiliating defeat in Aleppo is a setback, the obvious move would be to direct the proxies to Palmyra.
They have had extreme casualties and losses of equipment (armor, vehicles) in the assault though.
20 % of population couldn’t be evacuated and got trapped in Palmyra. 5000 criminals crossed the dessert from Mosul to retake it according to some sources.
Russian and SSA knew about how the criminals in Washington were trying to push this with their operations in Mosul and were caught with their pants down anyway.
“BRUSSELS, December 12. /TASS/. Russia has given the Islamic State a chance to recapture Palmyra as it was focused on fighting against the armed groups of the moderate Syrian opposition in Aleppo, French Foreign Minister Jean Marc Ayrault assumed before the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels.
“The Russians are just pretending to fight terrorism while in fact they have been focusing on Aleppo thus giving IS a chance to recapture Palmyra,” he said.
According to the French minister, if Syria’s government forces take control over Aleppo that won’t put an end to the war. “What will happen if Aleppo falls? There is a risk that the war will go on,” Ayrault said…….”
The Turkish attack on al-Bab commenced a day or two after the ISIS advance on Palmyra.
Did Putin lengthen Erdogan’s leash a little so he could bite ISIS on the butt at al-Bab and make them pull some of there forces back from Palmyra?
Since the zionazis are about to lose Aleppo, it’s expected they would direct their al qaida terrorists to go all out in diversionary attacks in other regions to draw off SAA units away from Aleppo. This is known as desperation and matches their hysterics in the zio-(very)gay media and their zio-(humilliatingly)gay diplomatic propaganda warfare.
Illusive concept of Syrian ‘moderates’ failed despite financing & propaganda – Churkin
“Speaking to delegates at UNGA, the Russian ambassador to the UN explained that the Canadian resolution contained “serious flaws,” making it “impossible” for Russia to support it.
“The causes of the conflict’s genesis and evolution have been misidentified. The blame is mostly pinned on the authorities of the country. The terrorist threat and the role of foreign sponsors in perpetuating and augmenting it are outlined only in broad strokes,” Churkin said.
“Condemnations will not help to reach a specified goal,” in Syria, the Russian ambassador proclaimed, pinning the scale of destruction in Syria on an “aggressive form of colonialism” pursued by countries which supported the so-called moderate opposition.
“It is a result of the mindless foreign policy of several international and regional players who once decided to change the leadership in Damascus and to redraw drastically the political, ethnic, confessional, and economic map of the region,” Churkin said.
But despite having “extensive financial, logistical, and propaganda support” from the outside, “the elusive concept of ‘moderate Syrian opposition’ has effectively failed,” the Russian diplomat said.”
The delusional greater isreal desperation continues to mount.
US sending 200 more special ops soldiers to Syria – Pentagon chief
“203 more US special ops troops adds to the 300 currently authorized US special operators in Syria fight to take Raqqa from Da’esh
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 10, 2016”
Yeah, sure, israeli quisling who deserves to hang. They will be there to direct daesh terrorism and to carry out more ops such as the shelling of the Russian mobile hospital.
Meanwhile the desperate zionazi massa tries to justify their recent provocation.
Israel defends fake Lebanon military buildup map as Hezbollah’s ‘war crime illustration’
“A “declassified” map of an alleged Hezbollah military buildup in southern Lebanon shared by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been exposed by Twitter users as a fake, forcing the IDF to admit the picture was just a “visual illustration” of the militant group’s “war crimes.”
Now that is sad, twitter users taking out the supposed zionazi propaganda gods using their own zionazi medium. No wonder the buggers have opted for total censorship now.
‘US to hand out arms as if Christmas cookies to preserve terrorist assets in Syria’
“President Obama’s waiver of restrictions on supplying arms to militant groups in Syria looks like a desperate attempt to compensate for the loss of Aleppo and preserve terrorist assets elsewhere, former US diplomat Jim Jatras told RT.”
The zionazis are desperate. Subjugation of Syria is a high priority on their yinon strategy for greater [gag] Israel. This is getting beyond their grasp and that desperation is becoming psychotic.
The fake news have been predicting that a Syrian victory in Aleppo will make the war worse. Obomber and co are trying to ensure this fantasy becomes a reality.
The days of US/Israel making reality ended with Putin’s UNGA speech a year or so ago. When it comes to living in an alternate reality, this crowd will make even Denis look like an amateur.
US Airstrike in Mosul Reportedly Kills 90 Iraqi Servicemen
“A total of 90 Iraqi servicemen were killed and 100 wounded as a result of a mistake strike by the US Air Force in Mosul, a local news portal reported Saturday.”
Mistake? Hardly.
“According to the Factiniraq news portal, the airstrike also damaged Iraqi military hardware, and the troops had to retreat from the area.”
Sound familiar? The terrorist forces were no doubt mysteriously ready to move right in, just like the last time israel’s butt sore quislings ran this number in Syria against the SAA. The israeloscum are just beginning to act out their desperation, and they still have a month and a half to go.
Iraq denies the story.
Iraqi Army Denies Reports of US-Led Coalition Strike on Troops in Mosul
There’s no ceasefire in Aleppo.
Syria and its allies have to prepare for counter measures and eventualities of this type, especially with them having the knowledge that the terrorists are been assisted and abetted by NATO, the GCC and Israel.
They will have to dig deep and wrap up the retaking of Allepo while ensuring that the hard won victory in Palmyra is not lost.
Moscow, Damascus and Tehran are fighting on the right side of history and all persons around the world still able to think outside of the Matrix are in full support of them.
The Empire is exposed with all its ugliness on display. Decent people are revolted by the stench emanating from the crimes and corruption of the ugly hideous beast.
Russia must not back down now, press on in Allepo and liquidate and neutralize all those trying to over run Palmyra…..
Syrian Army backed by Russian Air Force thwarts ISIS attack on Palmyra
“The Syrian Army backed by the Russian Air Force has repelled all Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) attempts to recapture the historic city of Palmyra, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.
“Over the past night, with active Russian air support, Syrian government forces repulsed all attacks by the terrorists on Palmyra,” the ministry said in a statement.
Over 300 militants were killed in the offensive.
“The militants actively used cars filled with explosives, armored vehicles, and rocket artillery. Russian aircraft carried out 64 airstrikes on militant gatherings, positions, columns, and reserves as they advanced.” ”
More at link:
Take Care
ISIS has Palmyra now along with some Tanks and Russian equipment. Obama is smiling right now.
Obama won’t be smiling for long. Yes there has been a tactical withdrawl – they never learn…..
Where did you get the information they have Russian equipment and tanks? Please provide facts.
Hi there.
Unfortunately it appears to be true.
Original source for his claim might be this: @QalaatAlMudiq: Huge amount of heavy equipment left to #ISIS by pro-Regime forces in #Palmyra: 5 T-55s, 3 T-72s, 2 BMPs, 1 BVP-1 & 1 APC.
Do not worry though. In two days. this will be very different I believe.
The amount of ISIS “soldiers” from Ra qua, with new weapons and vehicles, did take the Syrian army, and to an extent the Russians by surprise. Why? I do not know, as it must have been (should have) obvious to them, that since the Western powers have announced, that Ra qua is next on THEIR list, and the humiliating defeat in Aleppo is a setback, the obvious move would be to direct the proxies to Palmyra.
They have had extreme casualties and losses of equipment (armor, vehicles) in the assault though.
Normally I do not update anything in close to real time on this blog. I have, however, today for a very limited time done that on this thread:
” Obama is smiling right now.”
Forgot this. He might be smiling, but that would be for other reasons that I don’t really want to get into.
He is not in any kind of updated loop of what is really going on ANYWHERE!!
Thought that would be obvious to readers here.
Take Care
20 % of population couldn’t be evacuated and got trapped in Palmyra. 5000 criminals crossed the dessert from Mosul to retake it according to some sources.
Russian and SSA knew about how the criminals in Washington were trying to push this with their operations in Mosul and were caught with their pants down anyway.
“BRUSSELS, December 12. /TASS/. Russia has given the Islamic State a chance to recapture Palmyra as it was focused on fighting against the armed groups of the moderate Syrian opposition in Aleppo, French Foreign Minister Jean Marc Ayrault assumed before the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels.
“The Russians are just pretending to fight terrorism while in fact they have been focusing on Aleppo thus giving IS a chance to recapture Palmyra,” he said.
According to the French minister, if Syria’s government forces take control over Aleppo that won’t put an end to the war. “What will happen if Aleppo falls? There is a risk that the war will go on,” Ayrault said…….”
ye gods……..such sentiments so so so disappoint me………….putting it mildly