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I challenge everyone estimate how right or wrong journalist like famous Robert Fisk can be when analyzing Syrian War by watching films, using his pc and thinking. It’s sad how much people are believing that men like Fisk with his “critical thinking” can solve this puzzle.
Let me make my guess: Syrian War has not been not near as bloody as western mainstream media and angry ruling class has claimed. 500 000 deaths? No way. We must remember that even the most bloodiest 3 week in Aleppo took toll of “only” 360 civilian deaths, much less per day than Gaza operations in 2009 and 2013. Or average death toll of war in Iraq. Or daily civilian losses in Vietnam 1965-75.
Mr Fisk had his doubts too. Can you explain what are his biggest misleading claims in his article?
‘We must remember that even the most bloodiest 3 week in Aleppo took toll of “only” 360 civilian deaths’
The SAA is finding mass graves in East Aleppo and also places and bodies of people who were tortured by the “rebels” (there are photos of some these bodies too). There were many people directly murdered and not from the battle deaths and “collateral damage”.
Here’s a link to the news of Russians and Syrian soldiers finding mass graves with mutilated corpses. I doubt they were counted in the claim of only 360 deaths, and though, perhaps some were killed before, many were probably killed during those weeks.
The next shows video from a rebel headquarters and they are finding corpses of tortured and executed men there too. I doubt these had been counted either.
A school in east Aleppo was used by so-called-rebels as a headquarters. Inside they found executed & tortured men. Also weapons &foreign aid
No doubt there are many places were people were being snuffed out and tortured but it wasn’t discovered at that time – and hasn’t been yet. So how can they claim 360 deaths without a thorough survey of the ground and the buildings, houses, and mass graves, and whenwitnesses (besides insider rebel-terrorists) could not see all the murders?
Also, there are people now being killed, when they come back to check their houses, by boobie traps the rebels left.
Look here, all this chatter about “killing” is misleading and false impression-creating. The so-called war is simply a murderous proxy campaign. 100% illegal. A crime. The “supreme crime” according to Law. Every single non-criminal person who is killed in Syria as a result of this long term attack, again an illegal and criminal act, is a murdered person.
Please! Let the crimes be spoken and written about as crimes, and not as something that one simply regrets in sadness. Referring to murder as “killing” or (worse!) “extrajudicial execution” is a deceptive and corrupt white-wash of crime.
Let people see the bare truth – call it murder.
Obama administration legacy: ‘Iran nuclear deal was a positive step, but no thanks to Kerry’
“The only positive thing the Obama administration did was support the P5+1 deal with Iran – which in any event was done by another five countries, while the US almost destroyed it on many occasions, says Gregory Copley, editor of Defense & Foreign Affairs.”
Also interesting discussion of u.s. support for the terrorists:
“Gregory Copley: The anti-ISIS coalition has little or nothing to do with the US. Certainly, they are making a lot of headlines about it, and there are many air strikes in Syria, in Iraq, and Libya. But in reality and in terms of the substantive fight against ISIS, particularly against Al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups, the US has been counterproductive. This is more the case because the Obama White House and the State Department have actually been supporting the various jihadist groups and rebels including ISIS through Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Moreover, because of Kerry’s ineptitude, the US is now mired in meddling in Syria and Yemen in ways which will considerably exacerbate the conflicts and the human suffering in those countries.
We only have to look at what happened to the US intervention in support of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In Libya, for example, they introduced jihadist groups there which subsequently introduced ISIS forces there largely and logistically supported by the Turks but with US support. And even now we see this fighting in Sirte between the so-called provisional government and the ISIS forces – in fact, it’s the US supporting both sides of the game. The provisional government itself is actually a jihadist Al-Qaeda group which is being supported by the US…”
‘Amid US Failure in the Middle East, Russian-Iranian Alliance Gains Momentum’
“Commenting on the trilateral meeting between Russia, Turkey and Iran on the Syrian crisis last week in Moscow and the resulting joint statement on reviving the political process to end the conflict, Iranian political expert Alireza Rezakhah told Sputnik that while the US influence is drastically waning, Russian-Iranian alliance is gaining momentum.
“It is no secret to anyone that the West had applied double standards in Syria, especially in the fight against terrorism. It had only made an impression of eliminating terrorists while Iran and Russia, two strategic allies who supported the Syrian government, have pursued a clear strategy: the Syrian future should be defined only by the Syrian people,” he told Sputnik.
While commenting on the trilateral meeting in Moscow, Alireza Rezakhah said that it was really a very important and logically appropriate step to regulate the Syrian crisis without those players who are only pursuing their own national interests, namely the US.
“I think that we are witnessing not only the decrease of the US’ influence in the Middle East, but its complete failure. We are witnessing how the US’ might is waning globally,” he said.”
Having failed in the unsc, the genocidal maniacs at zionazi, inc. go through the unga to attack Syria.
UNGA Syria War Crimes Resolution Aimed to Undermine Damascus Legitimacy
“Syria’s Ambassador to China and former Ambassador to the United States Imad Moustapha said that the UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution is merely a continuation of the war against Syria by different means.
“It goes without saying that this resolution is merely a continuation of the war against Syria in different means. The Western powers along with the oil rich Gulf states are rabidly looking for every possible tactic and venue to, intensify the smearing and demonizing campaign [against the Syrian government], divert the attention from the series of successes attained by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies, and, most important of all, pump more blood and vigor into the veins of the armed terrorist groups,” Moustapha said.”
‘US not serious about fighting ISIS, it raised terrorists & wants them to stay’ – Iran Def Min to RT
“The Western coalition is of a formal nature, they have no real intention to fight neither in Syria nor in Iraq. We don’t see any readiness on their part to play a truly useful and meaningful role in fighting IS, because it’s them who have raised terrorists and they are interested in keeping them there,” Dehghan said.
According to the Iranian defense minister, Tehran has never coordinated its operations with the Americans and “will never collaborate with them.”
“Maybe the coalition forces would like to see terrorists weakened, but certainly not destroyed, because those terrorists are their tool for destabilizing this region and some other parts of the world.”
He also mentioned Al-Nusra Front (also known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham) and said that terrorists in Syria receive support from the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. He also accused Turkey of supporting terrorists on the ground.
“If Iran, Russia and Syria were to reach an agreement with Turkey to end Turkish support for those terrorist groups, particularly IS and Jabhat al-Nusra, and start fighting them, then I think we would see the situation in Syria improve,” he added.”
See also:
US ‘Fairly Irrelevant’ in Syria Talks – Former CIA Operative
“The recent meeting in Moscow of the foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey and Iran indicates that the United States does not play a significant role in the Syrian crisis negotiations, former CIA operative Robert Baer said on Tuesday.
“This meeting in Moscow between Iran, Turkey and Russia tells us that we are fairly irrelevant in Syria,” Baer stated in an interview with CNN.
Baer stated that the United States has lost Turkey and the loss has not been helpful for US foreign policy.
The CIA operative explained that Turkey is “fed up” with the United States because Washington continues to provide arms to Kurdish forces. Baer also noted that Turkey has seen an additional inflow of refugees from Syria, from the city of Aleppo.”
Considering that the usa is israel’s main power base and enforcer, and the war against Syria is for israeli interests, this is the sidelining of zionazi power. The israeli arrangement of the assassination of the Russian ambassador, through the usual proxies, is an indication of the desperation in the zionazi freakshow.
In 1945, faced with the imminent loss of Berlin to the Russians, the Nazis launched an offensive in Hungary out of desperation. What the zionazi freakshow is doing now reminds of this irrational acting out. After all, zionazis and Nazis are cut from the same decayed, befouled, and rotten cloth.
And also:
Saudi Arabia Should Not be Allowed to Take Part in Syrian Crisis Settlement
“They [Saudi Arabia] are seeking to topple the existing regime. No talks should be allowed with those who are eager to do it. we must give them a decisive answer,” Dehghan said in an interview with RT television commenting on the peace process in Syria.”
And especially this piece:
Turkish President: US-Led Coalition Gives Support to Daesh
“Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has announced that he has evidence that US-led coalition forces are giving support to terrorist groups including Daesh.
President Erdogan also accused the US-led coalition forces of supporting Kurdish militant groups YPG and PYD in Syria, at a news conference on Tuesday in Ankara.
“They were accusing us of supporting Daesh (Islamic State),” Erdogan said. “Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It’s very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.”
On Monday, Erdogan called on president-elect Donald Trump to provide assistance in their fight against Daesh by blocking Kurdish forces.
“The international coalition must carry out its duties regarding aerial support to the battle we are fighting in al-Bab,” Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said at a news conference. “Not giving the necessary support is unacceptable.”
The neocon/neolib wing of zionazi, inc. really messed up.
It looks like those dozen or so special forces troops from israel/usa/”Arabs” were unfortunately allowed to leave Aleppo and were not detained as I had thought.
The report contains a wealth of info about current operations ongoing in Syria.
Southfront is reporting unidentified unknown special forces seem to be taking out militant rebel leaders…..I wonder if the uk trainers being sent to Syria to retrain rebel opposition may become the centre of a similar focus……….Erdogan is spilling the beans about usa supporting Sarah but maybe because someone has him by the throat and may incriminate him too?
Additional info on erdogan’s claim the usa supplies terrorists.
“On Tuesday, Moscow also accused Washington of “sponsoring terrorism” in Syria.
Commenting on the latest National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by President Barack Obama, the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the new bill “openly stipulates the possibility” of delivering more weapons to Syria.
Those arms “will soon find their way to the jihadists,” ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, adding that America had “refused” to fully cooperate in fighting terrorism.”
‘US intentionally giving weapons to extremists in Syria’
“RT asked Professor Marandi whether he shares Moscow’s concerns on the matter and what his stance on the US supplying rebels with MANPADS is.
Mohammad Marandi: I think it is quite obvious, the perception among Iranians and the people of Syria that I have spoken to in Damascus is that the Americans are intentionally giving these weapons and they know that they will be passed on to the extremists. The Americans only give weapons to the so-called moderates so that later on when some tragic event occurs they can claim that they were not responsible. But the belief is that – as with the sophisticated weapons that in the past had been given to the extremists – in this case, the Americans also are doing this intentionally.”
And also:
Daesh ‘Could Have Been Wiped Out in 2 Months If It Wasn’t Serving US Interests’
“Speaking to a Daily Beast reporter on Sunday, US commander in Iraq Lieut. Gen. Stephen Townsend said that the current Iraqi and US-led coalition offensive against the Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) terrorists is unfolding about as well as can be expected, and will take up to two more years of hard fighting.
Geopolitical analyst and Middle East expert Navid Nasr has a different view. Speaking to Radio Sputnik, the independent expert suggested that Daesh could be erased from the map in a matter of months, not years, if it wasn’t serving the geopolitical interests of influential regional and global powers including the US.”
Russia, Iran & Turkey consolidated their strategy during their recent negotiations. Obviously all gloves are now off in connecting the usa to the terrorists the usa supports. Its beginning to snowball.
When trump takes over, he will have 2 choices. Continue with existing zionazi terrorist policy and lose all credibility. Or shut it down. Either way, the Russian strategy will defeat the zionazi’s assault on Syria, and see them substantially weakened in the region.
In my opinion this is Russia not waiting for some initiative from trump, which may never come, but Russia taking the initiative and making sure the zionazi’s are defeated in Syria, as a step forward to eliminating the zionazi’s terror strategy world wide.
More about the statement by Ms. Z:
US defense bill ‘directly threatens’ security of Russian military in Syria – Russian FM spokesperson
“Washington’s decision to supply weapons, including portable air defense missile systems, to militants in Syria “directly threatens the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, other Russian military personnel and the Russian Embassy in Syria, which has been shelled more than once,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Tuesday.
Moscow views the decision as “hostile,” the diplomat added, saying that the outgoing Obama administration “appears… to create problems for the incoming Trump administration and complicate its relations on the international stage, as well as to force it to adopt an anti-Russia policy.”
“Instead of joining forces to cut short the sway of all forms of extremism there, as we suggested long ago, Washington has decided to deliver military assistance to anti-government groups, which are not much different from the terrorist cutthroats,” Zakharova said.
By introducing its new Act, Washington “is bound to see” that its weapons provided for the so-called “moderate opposition” will “soon find their way to the jihadists” from Al-Nusra Front, which is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, Moscow warned.
“This can only be described as sponsoring terrorism,” the statement said.”
“This can only be described as sponsoring terrorism,” the statement said.”
Modern wars are not near as bloody as those in 1914-1945. Even Vietnam War though twice as long as WW2 had total casualties of 966 000 (Vietnamese, +/- 90 000, Hirschman, Preston, Vu Manh Loi). OBR’s claim of 1.2 million casualties in Iraq War (until 2008) has commonly debunked with exaggeration rate been atleast 6 or even 10. There are lots of reasons to doubt claims of 400 000 – 500 000 battle/genocide deaths in Syria with likely same exaggeration tendency (6-10 rate).
I would suggest not to take too seriously US and Russian claims of 50 000 killed terrorists in Iraq and 32 000 jihadists in Syria. American famous body counts have been nonsense. And how can anyone be so naive to believe that rather few Russian combat aircraft have wiped tens of thousands of enemy soldiers in Syria.
Real loss figures (SAA and jihadists) have been much more moderate. This is not any kind of WW2 Eastern Front slaughter house.
I’ve noticed the headlines often exaggerate the amount of terrorist killed, but reading the text you find a much smaller number actually killed.
Like Al-Masdar news: just yesterday they had a headline that “scores” of terrorists were killed. But reading the article you find it is only 25 who were killed in a few failed offensives (by the rebels) and where there was a 4-hour long battle in one case.
25 is only 1 score plus five.
Scores means a multiple of 20. So reading the headline I thought 60-80, as that would be 3 to 4 scores.
Virtually all their headlines are like that – leading you to believe many were killed, but the article itself reveals a much smaller number.
So, going on the text and exact count of those killed (if it is revealed) does not show major numbers of rebels killed in the battles. Often it is just in the single digits.
Sorry, I’m going with the 1,000,000 quoted from The Lancet, hardly 6-fold exaggerator, concerning the Iraq war, and 4,000,000 from the Viet Nam war. There are estimates of 1,000,000 killed in Cambodia by US bombing, conveniently ascribed to Pol Pot. What is alarming is that the ratio of civilians to military killed has been steadily increasing since WW I.
US-Backed Syrian Militia Seeks Anti-Aircraft Missiles
“The SDF militia expressed hope that a decision by the US to ease weapons restrictions will allow them to acquire hand-held anti-aircraft weaponry, or MANPADS. This statement comes despite the fact that Daesh, which is said to be SDF’s primary target, has no warplanes. Additionally, neither Syrian nor Russian warplanes have targeted the ranks of the SDF.
“Currently there are no planes targeting us but in the future they might, and on this basis we are asking for them,” said SDF spokesman Talal Silo.”
The israelis tend to select the most pathetic buggers to be their proxies…
Pay attention aipac congress of pindoland.
Counterpunch is another progressive media many times having decent articles picked from good sources but not always. Here’s another blunder: trusting too much Al Jazeera, Independent, Human Rights Watch, even infilitrated Amnesty International.
Read it and learn mistakes of Anthony DiMaggio.