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Terrorists stockpiled international help goods and kept them from the people of Aleppo:
“Aleppo Atrocities”: The Mainstream Media’s Latest Psy-Op
“The echo chamber that they’ve expertly crafted over the decades works by concocting politically convenient narratives in advance and then selecting or outright fabricating “stories” and “evidence” which “confirm” this, all the while silencing and censoring those which oppose it.
Once the selected media item, tweet, or fake “White Helmets” video (sometimes all one in the same) is promoted by a Mainstream Media organization of popular repute (or better yet, advocated by a “think tank”), it takes on an entirely new life of its own with copy-cat publications citing and republishing it until it becomes ubiquitous and taken for granted as the “official” “politically correct” discourse.
It’s relevant to cite the popular adage that a lie becomes the truth if it’s repeated enough times.”
Ambulances, Buses With Militants Leaving Aleppo Accompanied by Russian Officers
“Ambulances and buses with militants leaving Aleppo are accompanied by Russian servicemen and Red Cross staff, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation said that the first convoy of buses with militants has already left eastern Aleppo.”
Lots of upadtes today:
Russian response to General S Townsend comment on manpads and also clears up the rumours on equipment left in Palmyra
Syrian army and Russian jets currently taking out terrorists in Palmyra
All the terrorists and their families being evacuated from Aleppo:
and in exchange the Syrian Government sent buses etc to Idlib to rescue Syrian families under siege:
Russian Ambassador calls out UK authorities use of terrorists information:
hopefully he can forcefully re-iterate this today as he has been “summoned” by uk government ……BBC news was carrying commentators views that the Uk should still send in a protective airforce to protect the Aleppo convoys from being bombed by Russian and Syrian airforces that would be deliberately targeting ” the children” which has become the latest meme…………..crazeeeee BBC etc etc
Let’s get ‘Rodney Real’ here over the current situation in Syria, especially in Aleppo.
Go to Southfront and read:
“Chronicle of Fight in Palmyra from Serviceman of Syrian Army”
Here we have a blow for blow account (from our side) about how Palmyra fell, and it makes for terrifying reading.
Before I comment- let me establish a few facts. The ISIS unit that attacked Palmyra was a state-of-the-art veteran division, under the leadership of British and American special-ops, and briefed with perfect intelligence. Meanwhile the British had traitors embedded within the defenders of Palmyra, reporting back, taking instructions, and assisting the collapse. Even so…
Palmyra was *not* lightly defended or without sufficient arms or men. To the contrary there was a massive defense force there in a series of layered positions. For ISIS to succeed, everything had to go right for ISIS and everything had to go wrong for our side. Think about this.
The attack was pre-empted by Putin ordering all Russia forced to withdraw from the frontlines (yes, really). The forces the Russians left were more than adequate (in theory) to easily defend against ISIS- but Russia was well aware of the numerous times in the past ‘superior’ Syrian forces had been over-run, defeated, or made to run away by a significantly inferior terrorist attack.
Without direct Russia support on the ground, the superior Syria forces paniced with each wave of terror attacks- failing to do something as simple as take out vehicle suicide bombs that could be seen coming from dozens of miles away. And then these bombs idn’t even have to kill anyone to cause the defenders to simply run away back tho the next line of defense.
In war-gaming terms, the morale of the defenders was essentially *zero* and the attackers had full ‘beserker’ status. At no time did the attackers come close to having the slightest military advantage.
Russian air power proved to be utterly useless against the mobile ISIS force. ISIS didn’t take Palmyra with actions involing hundreds of fighters- their force of 4 thousand split into many tiny units that only had to run at the defenders to make the defenders run away. Once the dispersed ISIS force was over-runing defense lines, the Russians claimed that striking from the air was too risky because the targets were never clear.
And ever time ISIS moves forward in Palmyra, the Russians move back leaving a large force of hopeless non-russians.
Let’s get this straight. A division of russian ground troops no more than two hundred in number would slice through the ISIS forces in Palmyra like a hot knife thru butter – but Putin has absolutely no intention of using Russian ground troops in this way. And Putin wasn’t even prepared to have Russia special ops on the front-line wiping out ISIS leaders/vehicles from miles away with sniper, missile and ground guide air-strikes. This is Palmyra where open desert means you see attackers coming hours before they arrive.
The only conclusion is that Putin felt it useful to have ISIS take Palmyra once again (a town of no strategic value), cos it would force the Mainstream Media to talk about the ISIS threat in Syria, reminding people what Assad and the Russians face. This was a very very naive propaganda mistake that the West has exploited to the max.
We also learn from this that while the West is allowed by Putin to continue to directly interfere in Syria, the Syrian people cannot defend any region of Syria against the terrorists indefinitely. Only by putting insane amounts of manpower in a region can Assad hold it- but that strategy means leaving other regions depleted, at which point the terror gangs move in again.
Only when the would-be terrorists are no longer recruited, trained, armed, funded and led by the British and Americans (sometimes using their proxies in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Israel, Jordan etc) will the terror threat end. The Russians will *never* provide the military means to defeat the terrorists on the ground *permanently*. No, Russia must make the West end the war- and Putin has shown zero interest in doing this. He won’t even make the West end the war against his own people in Ukraine.
Russia could use *direct* military action against Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel, and make these horror states “cry Uncle” and give up their support of the terrorists- all three would give in very quickly to a real Russia threat. But Putin publicly states he is best mates with these terrorist supporting states.
So sorry- explain to me again how the poor Syrian people are anything other than doomed. Once again we will soon see a massive surge of car bomb attacks in Damascus killing thousands of innocents (the fav trick of the Americans and Israelis). And then there will be a resurgence of terrorist take-overs all across Syria. We now know Trump isn’t going to live to make a difference.
The zionist Mainstream media has literally defined pro-Assad forces as the ‘terrorists’ and the real terrorists as the ‘victims’ across the last three days. They haven’t engaged in this sick twisted propaganda as an act of ‘fail’ but in complete certainty that their side is about to *win*- and where does this confidence come from? What do they know that we don’t? They know what their masters tell them, and their masters rule over Humanity’s most powerful Empire, most powerful Armed forces (outside of nuclear), and most powerful departments of social control and engineering. The direct baiting of Putin in the media shows they’ve lost all fear of him and Russia- a bravado that may be foolish but is directly indicative of what the next phase of demonic action is to be.
Well how about another version (of equal value since no one in the MSM or independent media will be getting the full dataset from either side anytime soon), which seems far more plausible and consistent in it’s detail?
The main points:
-The majority of elite Syrian etc. troops were understandably busy in Aleppo, where the US-backed terrorists made their inevitable defeat as difficult and drawn out as possible. ( I think most probably to get out the US/Israeli/etc. “advisers”, Y’know, the ones left after Russia bombed the command/control centre and killed about 30 of them… they got them out as Ketchup Kerry suddenly folded on his BS negotiations)
-The 1,000 Syrian defenders of Palmyra outnumbered 4:1 across the entire front of action.
-Some Syrian guard positions with 20-30 personnel facing 700 terrorists, many of whom were merely ferried from Mosul and somehow the US didn’t notice.
From another source, the Syrian Palmyra troops managed to evacuate 80% of the civilians while simultaneously holding off the US-backed terrorists.
The baiting of Russia/Putin in the media over “hacks” is more frantic desperation than real bravado… the 0.001%/US/NATO/Saudi/Israeli-Zionist agenda is crumbling under the truth of their exposed corruption and duplicitous lies. Focusing on fictitious “hacks” when even John Bolton thinks it was a disillusioned Dumbocrat LEAKER is merely to avoid addressing the content of the emails etc. It is of note that the FBI operatives have been ordered to continue the Clinton Foundation/Weiner investigation.
And you can bet from here on out, Putin will have greenlighted targeting all US/Israeli/Saudi “advisers” anywhere that ISIS INCORPORATED engages Syrian gov’t troops. And those “moderate terrorists” being bused out of Aleppo may be the last to get such kid-glove treatment. If I were Putin or Assad, from here on out those cowards committing the war crime of hiding behind women and children would NOT be set free to fight another day. Syria didn’t need the cost and waste of limited manpower/resources holding these terrorist criminals in custody, but the US-blind-eye Mosul-to-Palmyra terrorist conveyor belt shenanigans may change that… and it will be interesting to see how many are quietly summarily tried, convicted and executed for their war crimes from here on out. hard to recruit new terrorists when ISIS is losing ground and can’t afford to pay while their stolen oil system is being bombed out.
Right- and America didn’t just deliver massive airstirkes against targets in the Russia warzone, Palmya, just hours ago- as I stated was going to happen. Wait- that’s exactly what has just happened.
After humiliating Putin with the fall of Palmyra (which was *not* lightly defended, but had assets and men more than enough to fight off ISIS), the Americans have now used the fall as an excuse to begin their military actions in any part of Syria they so wish. The American bombing of targets in Palmya today is the beginning of a new phase in America’s aggression, even if those targets were ‘ISIS’.
Let me explain. The jews of Israel claim the right to butcher any number of non-jews anywhere on the planet if these non-jews ‘threated’ Israel *indirectly*- that is to say the people targeted might usefully help the enemies of Israel with arms or other assiatance some point in the future. This logic is Obama’s logic.
So in Syria, *any* Russian or Syrian asset can be targeted for destruction by the Americans, because said asset is in danger of falling into ISIS hands, as proven by the recent situation in Palmyra. The Americans now give themselves direct permission to bomb Assad’s stuff, because the Americans claim it is only a matter of time before Assad’s stuff becomes ISIS property, and so must be destroyed *before* this happens.
Making up convoluted excuses to allow for their atrocities is the demons’ favourite game. In the British press today is the story of a British war criminal who butchered a wounded soldier in Afghanistan in cold blood, laughing as he did so and stating (on camera) that he was purposely acting in defiance of the Geneva Convention. Now this servant of the demons did get jailed for murder in the UK (his confession on camera made this impossible to avoid), but now he’s served 3 years in a holiday camp laughably described as a prison, his terror supporting mates in the UK government are preparing to get him released under the *excuse* that if he was stupid enough to admit on camera that he was a war criminal, he obviously must have been ‘mad’, and if he was ‘mad’ then he can’t be guilty of *murder*.
This kafkaesque way of perverting ‘logic’ is a standard zionist tool- indeed Hitler in his early days, when debating jewish communists in public, noticed their universal tendancy to use such fake logic and dishonesty. When Hitler suddenly had the bright idea of emulating the zionists, and dropping his excessive ‘honesty’, his rise to power became unstoppable.
The guardian newspaper allows comments under ‘russian’ linked stories less and less, cos the comments have become almost 100% bashing of the Guardian’s lies and bias. But yesterday the Guardian posted the “Putin personally hacked the US election” fake news story, and allowed comments. But there was a tag team of *five* Tel Aviv desk trolls who attacked anyone who dared write facts about why the story was pathetic balderdash, saturating the comments with hundreds of their own posts- repeating the same ‘talking points’ over and over again. The Guardian newspaper knew these trolls were going to keep this comment section a ‘safe space’ for the demons.
This is why naive “who cares what the mainstream media says” or “who cares what politicians of the West do” or “Palmya fell cos regime forces were distracted by Aleppo” (which is a complete fabrication) do our side a massive disservice. I don’t know why Putin chose to allow Palmyra to fall- but I have my suspicions. However I do know it was a massive mistake, and is backfiring already as an emboldened US is now using airstrikes in parts of Syria they never dared attack before.
The demons play an insanely clever game – the ‘devil’ has always been correctly portrayed as the master of deception. When you think you’ve beaten them, well that’s when they are at their most dangerous. Putin refuses to act to end the war in Syria (no fly zones for any force not aligned with the Syrian govenment, a promise to attack any nation who funds terror attacks in Syria in direct defense of Syria), even though he could formally announce Syria was part of the Russia federation tomorrow. The West protects its friends (like Israel and Saudi Arabia) which is why the West has so many loyal friends. Why can’t Putin do the same?
Without a permanent end to the war, Assad’s gains are always temporary. And every time the terror gangs re-enter a village, town or city, the decent people there lose even more hope in normality, and come one step closer to thinking they may as well embrace the ‘inevitable’ and accept the terrorists. This is what the demons call the ‘freeze and thaw’ tactic.
There are too many people who claim to be on our side who use the ‘microscope’ tactic- post links and promote the microcosm of local activity as if all that noise means something real. It is another sheeple controlling method. They *never* want you to see the big picture (which is why they flood forums with ‘small picture’ links), because the big picture shows the real strategy of the demons, and makes it all to clear as to the real threat we face.
The current ‘big picture’ is the ear-piercing scream of Putin/Russian demonisation in the mainstream media. I thought the organised media bashing of Trump during the election cycle was unprecedented. But this direct, named campaign against Putin is like something from a Lovecraftian nightmare. The demons are howling like never before, but they are howling in bloodlust like a pack of hounds before they tear apart the fox. And Putin just stands there, baring his throat, as if the old rule of MAD (mutually assured destruction) will continue to protect him. He just doesn’t get that the goal of the demons is to get the nukes flying.
We are always seconds away from nuclear war. And there are a million+ ways to begin this war. Russia will never begin it. But Putin will not and cannot be backed into a fatal corner, so will respond to the wrong kind of US aggression with a series of back and forth escalations that will bring full-on nuclear war within two days of America’s first fatal provacation. *That* is how quickly nuclear war will happen.
And the mainstream media, Soros media, and the sheeple that believe in and comment on these sites are increasing demanding that the West attack Russia *now*. The liberation of Aleppo, by these people, is not seen as a symbol of Russia’s strength or Putin’s resolve, but ‘proof’ of Russia’s ‘weakness’ and ‘mendacity’. I am supposed to cheer this, just because I know our side is right and just and honest and decent and honourable? What do these qualities get us, if we lie back and allow the demons to steamroll right over us?
Why is it too much to expect Putin to throw America out of Syria, as the laws of our planet, agreed by all nations at the UN, allow? Why?
How do you spell “delusional” at saker? “Twilight”.
Um, funny how no media anywhere is talking about the “US massive airstrikes” at the top of your confused and irrational rant. After that I just skimmed and increasingly realized you’re simply making noise for the sake of it. Almost like you’re channeling Kurt Eichenwald
Read more:
So don’t bother replying to this or any other of my posts, as I will simply refer it to the mods as cyber-bullying. I’ve said all I care to regarding your post-truth, bullshit-baffles-brains-strategy “views”.
I’m obviously hitting far too close to home, which triggers your off-the-rails reaction.
Bye bye.
Please close down this conversation – its getting personal. Twilight please stop your trolling of the site with these long diatrabs which constantly criticise Russia or its President. Any further comments will go to trash. Mod
I don’t know really if I agree on your decision (not in the loop of MOD reality though).
However, I do find this exchange interesting for more reasons than one.
The two parties involved obviously are on the “same side”, different views though.
None the less, I feel that the “ceiling” should not be to low on this forum on such important matters.. That one person has a (IMO) simplistic view and understanding of military strategy and real-politik should not automatically exclude the person from further comments.
I didn’t know anything at all about Eichenwald, so for me that was a bonus in this exchange.
As I’ve said before, I do not envy the MOD’s here. Not an easy task to balance without tripping once in a while, that’s for sure. (I have no way of knowing really if you tripped or not on this one).
Take Care
Aleppo is won!
Syrian army in full control. Congratulations.
President Assad has also made it clear Palmyra was a distraction but Aleppo and its outskirts are the priority. Glad he has made it clear – quite disgusted by some of the commentary I have seen here and other so called pro-Syrian or Russians sites that used the MSM comments on Palmyra. The guys know what they are doing:
Meanwhile the US and its allies still rambling on about “humanitarian” aid and the mealey mouthed de mistura rambling on about 50,000 people needing to leave? – its over – all that need to leave are going. Where the UN gets its fugures from is very worrying.
But hey Obama has more or less told us Ban & Co. worked for the US:
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard blasts Obama for funding ISIS, introduces “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”
“The CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda,” Gabbard stated on the House floor last week.
She went into more detail:
“The CIA has long been supporting a group called Fursan al Haqq, providing them with salaries, weapons, and support, including surface to air missiles. This group is cooperating with and fighting alongside an al-Qaeda affiliated group trying to overthrow the Syrian government. The Levant Front is another so-called moderate umbrella group of Syrian opposition fighters. Over the past year, the United States has been working with Turkey to give this group intelligence support and other forms of military assistance. This group has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s offshoot group in Syria.
“This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. The Government must end this hypocrisy and abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.”
Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration are well aware of the support the Gulf states have provided to ISIS.
The bill would prohibit any federal agency from supporting a terrorist group or funneling support through other countries that directly or indirectly support terror groups. It is also co-sponsored by lawmakers Peter Welch, Barbara Lee, and Trump ally Dana Rohrabacher.”
This is an important piece of legislation. It is intended to stop the zionazi war against Syria, and would create the atmosphere for further restrictions on american aggression abroad, since quite a bit of these ops use terrorist mercs as part of their strategy.
Also one can see that this “rebellion” isn’t a rep (trump) vs dem (clinton) conflict, it’s about a much deeper division in the zpc/nwo hierarchy and rep/dem politics are pretty much irrelevant in it.
Its late 1938 Saker and the local streets are being bricked up.