Russian Military police and Syrian Army border guards dancing together with Kurdish fighters after arriving to Western Manbij Countryside (source)
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Someone wrote on twitter that Russians have done something unheard of: they have integrated into Syrian and Kurdish troops and fight together, shoulder to shoulder, not just “advise” them, as the Americans do.
So true!
Great video – in this sea of destruction and death it is good to see the smiles and comaraderie of all these men.
They show respect for each other and have found common ground not just with fighting together (against a wicked enemy) but expressed through dance/music – a universal language.
Thats the reason US can not participate … They cant dance. .. oh, only dirty dancing maybe.
There’s Russian blood in Syrian soil, and Russian music in the atmosphere.
The Syrian people know who came to save their nation, their diverse society and their lives.
Russia risked confrontation with the Hegemon, with NATO, and with the powerful alliances behind ISIS and AQ/al Nusra.
At least 27 highly valued Russian military have died, as well as the associated deaths of hundreds in the airplane explosion and the death of the Ambassador in Ankara.
Syria is forever linked with the RF.
The Dance of Brothers is symbolic and serves as testimony to the bonds of blood shed.
Premature celebration. The U.S. deployment to Syria is starting to look like the inside of the Greek Trojan Horse. Every day there’s another contingent intended for Syria on its way to Kuwait. Putin dropped the ball with Libya and he’s doing it again. You don’t give Americans an inch knowing that they’ll turn it into a mile! Trump is intent on the U.S. cavalry declaring victory in Syria and no one else. Putin is allowing defeat for the Russian coalition to be snatched from the jaws of victory.
The US will be forced to withdraw their troops when the Kurds they were hoping would help create the “caliphate” from pieces of Iraq, Syria and perhaps even Turkey turn on them. The “enemy of my enemy is my friend” way is tempered by “never back the losing side”. If they can’t have full independence (which they would never get under US/NATO/Saudi/Zionist control) the Kurds would rather have a peaceful life under Assad than repeat the folly as seen in Afghanistan and Libya. Oddly the Iraqi Army is suddenly capable of liberating Mosul, yet the US “advisers” seem to have melted away along with the safe-exit zones the US promised for ISIS “moderate terrorists” to flee to Syria. Or maybe the ISIS thugs have decided it wasn’t worth the US-blood-money to end up dead like so many of their compatriots in Palmyra.
The US will soon face UN resolutions requiring they leave Syrian territory 100%, even if they use their veto to prevent them from passing. They are there illegally by all international law and even the normally pro-US comments at Zero Hedge are saying so. Capitalists may be a hateful bunch, but they demand accurate intel to know how to try to screw all concerned. Trump has been led down the garden path to calamity by his generals, first in Yemen and now in Syria.
Putin is taking the tactic of “don’t interrupt foes when they are shooting themselves in the foot”. If the US was smart, they’d get their troops out of harm’s way, as one the locals or your own hired thugs turn on you, it’s over. The US is really just cleaning house, trying to avoid another reveal by those “moderate rebels” they were paying… the Saudis and even Mossad can’t seem to tidy up those loose ends, as seen in Aleppo.
The real reason Trump wants to defeat ISIS in Mosul: To deny Iran glory and ‘take Iraq back’
“Trump’s master plan will be to undermine and chip away at Iran’s power in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon, with Iraq being the easiest one to start with as nailing ISIS in Mosul should be relatively straightforward and buy him tomes of PR coverage back home: ‘I said I would hit ISIS. I just hit ISIS.’
But the US president is less bothered with the terrorist organization. Despite the fanfare, I would argue that ISIS is not at all important, per se, as the subject of the focus of getting rid of ISIS is more about creating fake news about Iran and its proxies and producing ‘alternative facts’ for sloppy journalists in the US. ISIS was never a focus of the Obama administration rather than the removal of Assad, a mindset mirrored by the Trump team: Assad is part of Iran’s power base which Trump and Mattis are so threatened by, according to a bevy of recent reports in the US media.”
Extract quote: “ISIS was never a focus of the Obama administration rather than the removal of Assad…..”
Oh please. It’s 2017. The evidence over the past 4-5 years that the US conceived, birthed, nurtured, sponsored and directed the so-called ISIS is overwhelming.
The US “fighting” ISIS is just kabuki..
Yes, the US goal both pre- and during Obama was removal of Assad and conquest of Syria.
Knowing the US public would not allow/support another “shock-and-awe” “bombing back to the Stone Age” of Syria, with memories of the Iraq debacle still current, the US interests whose plan it was to profit from a pipeline through Syria (with other benefits) needed another strategy. Hence they “Invented” ISIS as a tool of deception to wage war. Widespread/blanket coverage in western MSM of ISIS atrocities in 2014 were horrific and therefore shepherded the sheep to support a “war” on this proxy, fictitious enemy. The diabolical US plan also included the recruiting via social media of thousands of young males from around the world to participate in this war-game gone live: this was an added, cost-effective bonus.
I have 30+articles in a bookmarked folder “US-creates/funds” ISIS. So I have to call “BS” when I read statements like “ISIS was never a focus of the Obama admin…” It was their tool, and it worked extremely effectively until that wretched Putin got involved.
Here’s just a couple of links. Like the US state department spot defending the US sponsorship of a group that beheaded a child. (There’s footage, but I chose not to view past a certain point that convinced me the event happened and was not “staged”.
Here’s more links.
Here’s a link to US support/protection of its creation just this week:
Commander of Asa’eb al-Haq Movement affiliated to the Iraqi popular forces of Hashd al-Shaabi said that the US forces have carried out a rapid heliborne operation and evacuated two commanders of ISIL terrorists from Western Mosul in Northern Iraq.
Javad al-Talaybawi said that the US forces carried out the heliborne operation in one of the Western neighborhoods of Western Mosul, evacuating two senior ISIL commanders to an unknown location after the commanders came under siege by Iraqi government forces in intensified clashes in Western Mosul.
“Americans’ support and assistance to the ISIL is done openly to save their regional plan in a desperately attempt,” al-Talaybawi underlined.