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Great to see Aleppo celebrating at last. Well done SAA and Russia.
These are strange times indeed. How many on here, particularly Americans and Brits, understand that the demise of the Anglo Zionist – or whatever – empire will spell the total loss of every public service, luxury, freedom, advantage, peace and all that you currently enjoy. You are cheering your deaths and the total implosion of your children’s futures.
Perhaps pray for the reason and sense that these two 500 and 200 year old beasts come to the table and negotiate a compromised role in a new international order, rather than cheer demise on anyone, including yourselves. Without a big war first.
I don’t see it that way at all. The US returning to become a great power (yes its size and population assure that), and not a “hegemonic” power,is not a terrible thing for the American people.The enormous wealth generated for the elites in the empire, doesn’t benefit the long term needs of the American people.The US ,though never a “perfect” country (by a long shot).Was a much better country for its citizens before the rise of “the empire”.It could be again,with the demise of that “empire”. It will force people to care once more about their “own country”. And stop spending all their efforts trying to dominate the entire World.It will also weaken the hold of the zionists and other elites in the US. Giving back power to Americans to shape their own destiny,without destructive global ties to others.Who use the US for their own agenda’s.
America has never lived without empire. Respectfully, you and most Americans make no truthful acknowledgement of how empire currently benefits you and have no conception of what ‘no empire’ feels like. See my comment below.
When exactly was this time? As soon as US was done with genocide and slavery, it took over Hawaii, then Cuba, Philippines… and it has not stopped since. Building the empire… remember, the Monroe doctrine dates back to 1823. That is not to say that Amer. people could not take over their country – but that would mean the banishment of the elites (and a whole new consciousness on the part of the populace). Not likely any time soon
Because some people truly believe that a world free from oppression and exploitation is worth giving up a few luxuries for. We are not all so narcissistic that we can ignore the suffering of others so that we can get a cheaper iPhone and a few cents off the price of petrol. I will happily cheer and dance in the streets the day that Australia is free from the US/UK alliance and becomes its own sovereign free standing nation.
“Perhaps pray for the reason and sense that these two 500 and 200 year old beasts come to the table and negotiate a compromised ”
Because that will never happen. The ONLY reason the US/UK come to any compromise is so they can find a different way to destroy you. The only way to be free of them is to crush them.
@freedom has a price
I get that, particularly your last paragraph, and I agree that that is how it FEELS. But as an Australian you are one of the core beneficiary nations of the empire. This is why your client government will cough up your young men and women to serve the empire in time of war.
What you are not asking is why your government would do that. I know enough Aussies to know they are very rarely pro imperial to that extent. But they are honest with themselves about the position you would be in as a nation should you lose your hugely advantageous position vis a vis the rest of the world should failure of empire force you to live on your productivity, have no capacity to live on debt, sell your goods and minerals in equal competition with south America and Africa.
If you want an end to empire, you have got to be crystal clear – not wishful or utopian – about what your people currently gain from the status quo and what non-empire looks like. Then you know what you are asking for, and can do so with real weight.
Australia’s main export commodities are agricultural products and minerals. The main market is Asia/China. This is also the fastest growing area of the world and right on Australia’s doorstep. As a source of raw materials and food supply for China, only eastern Russia is closer.
In standing with the empire, we stand to lose that.
Without the zionists we have no debt, neither does anyone else, we would be free to trade with whomever we choose to, no federal reserve means no conflict and scarcity system.
Australia has nothing to fear and everything to gain from rejecting the globalism that has destroyed every one of its industries and made it artificially destitute and enslaved to a few self apointed parasite oligarchs.
Yes. True. But the debt empire has huge leverage. Huge. You can’t come off it without big trouble and pain. That’s how it works.
This is an article about one in the eye for the empire. We can all feel it falling. Great. But stop cheering it like it is some great benign awakening. It is a beast in a corner.
A rapid transition between empire and no empire will kill millions, either in war or by starvation, loss of currency, loss of health care, loss of electricity, etc. Are you ready and willing to embrace and cheer that quantum shift? Or are you going to engage in a conversation about what you currently gain from empire and how those rapids of no-empire are negotiated with as little damage as possible to everyone, particularly the poor and innocent?
Let’s jump to no debt ideal, however. In the most localised example, without debt your house – or your landlords – is worth almost zip, because no-one has any real money or savings, and what is held in the bank is not yours and has no physical value. What happens then? Think it through? Who ends up with your house? Who wins and who looses.
When empire’s – even an empire of debt – falls, the rich loose their prestige, the empire builders go on the bread line and the working classes die in the trenches or afterwards in the street. Always been so. So stop cheering the fall and start thinking about how you put the beast down gently.
Who are you to dictate whether I can congratulate the brave soldiers who liberate a besieged city after years of barbaric (Empire sponsored) occupation?
Who are you to tell me when and who I must cheer?
IRL I’d tell you exactly what you can do with the Butcher’s Apron you have so cosily wrapped yourself in– but online I am far too polite.
Proper Gander – please refrain from telling other commenters how to think or feel. Keep your comments unpersonalised – you are just antagonising other commenters. Thanks. Mod
Dear Helen, I am sorry to have got under your skin. It was not my intention.
[Australian poster]
You are of course correct.
And support for the fall of the current empire is the only moral position one can take – the USA empire drones people to death, extra-judicially (with no due process), all around the world, every single day, to enforce its hegemony / empire – this is immoral in the extreme and must be stopped!
Giving up our “great economic advantage” is what we must do, to bring a stop to the evil done in our name and for which the blood of our sons is sacrificed here and there – we have no high ground here other than “we won WWII, we have a right to dominate the rest of the world” – this must stop.
Yes, we must bring it to an end. But the costs for my generation and my children and grandchildren will be huge. Immeasurable. Only that the outcomes will be worth it. How we negotiate that period without war is, in my view, the debate and challenge.
@ proper gander
Scaremonger much? The US/NATO wannabe empire can get a reasonably soft landing for their citizenry by dumping the Rothschild/Soros Zionist power-pissing match and cooperating with the rest of the world rather than trying to rule it for the advantage of the 0.001%. Neither Putin nor Xi want a World War, nor do they want to rule an empire. But if necessary, they WILL try to lead the rest of the world to put the US/NATO/Zionists in their place, permanently if need be.
The post WW2 manipulated Bretton Woods/US$-reserve-currency/IMF/WTO/World Bank/BIS/SWIFT/FED/Central Banks/corporate/MIC system is bankrupt, to the tune of $200+TRILLION and growing daily. Even WW3 wouldn’t unwind that without significant pain for the US/NATO population, so no gain there. As Goering said, “no one wants war”. Except the 0.001% and their delusional, psychopathic sycophants.
The citizens of Aleppo have the right to celebrate, they have earned it. When US/NATO citizens equally throw off the yoke of the US-petro$/Bretton Woods/0.001% project, they will have earned a similar right.
No celebrations ever for you though, as you still wish to divide and conquer as the 0.001% dictate. Will the 0.001% favour you and yours with a spot in their personal fallout shelter when WW3 takes a nuclear turn and the US experiences the destruction they have visited on nearly every other corner of the earth? I doubt it. So you’d better hope those of us who wish to end the Zionist-instigated, US-led reign of terror succeed.
Best thing that could happen for most of us Americans are sick and tired of their endless wars,sick of already loosing many of our freedoms sick of the police state that we have become, and will be more than glad to see the empire crash and burn…
It is the empire which is destroying us, here in the US and the rest of the world.
To all of you anti-Imperialists above, no one could wish the demise of Imperialism more than me. I am just asking – do you have any idea what the consequences are for you? Yes, elsewhere, Africa getting up off its knees, the end of continual war, breaking the MIC, genuine international co-operation, end of mass migration etc etc.
But what about the Imperial core where you live? Cut back on a few luxuries? Are you kidding me? You understand that empire functions by requiring peripheral client states to supply labour, cash, raw materials? This in the form of access to or direct theft of minerals, enforced purchase of empire debt/currency by client states; and labor supply (by locating domestically registered companies in cheap client countries plus inward migration of low wage workers). Australia, Canada, USA, UK, Europe, and Japan all survive exclusively by these means. Your salaries, company investment, pensions, roads, schools, all infrastructure, banking system, everything is supported by this free flow of resources from the client nations to the core (USA/UK) and its closest beneficiaries. Remove these pillars and we are nothing. And I mean, nothing. Unproductive, unsustainable and with no currency. The USA is both small (it fits into the Sahara desert for heavens sake) and relatively mineral poor, like Britain.
We, the Brits, made the huge mistake before WW1, of believing that our empire was a product of our moral, cultural and genetic superiority. Our indispensable character. Our wonderful country. Sound familiar? We believed that we could take whatever hit the world threw at us and bounce back, because our empire was a product of our work ethic, culture and character. Within 20 years of 1918 the paladian mansions that littered this country were gone, wealth the like of which current Americans can only dream of, whole families that ate of silver plates (money) all on the bread lines with the poor. Queens of the wealthiest nation with the largest empire ever seen queuing for rationed food for 16 years! Why? Because we believed that the gold and silver that showered our country was earned by us and our ability, when in fact it was delivered courtesy of a military and companies like the East India that slaughtered, plundered and suppressed wealth out of our client states and cast it like stardust over our population.
So, please, stop the simplistic understanding that Clinton, Obama, Osborne, Soros etc are demons. They are insane imperial patriots who believe and know that empire is the life-blood of our 6 nations, and that losing the ability to force debt down the throats of the world and back it up with bloodshed will mean total collapse of our countries. Sure, resist the fact that they have led us down this path, but please understand that walking it back is an incredibly delicate operation because you are set to lose everything if it happens quickly, or if there is a war. The negotiation of this dawning new reality is like building a match house in a dynamite factory.
A push back against empire is wonderful, but cheering and jumping up and down is infantile.
We need a more serious discussion about life after empire. It is going to require the most brilliant crop of politicians the west have ever produced. And it is your job as the public to now what you need in your leaders and bring them to the fore.
‘Queens of the wealthiest nation with the largest empire ever seen queuing for rationed food for 16 years!’
Give me a break, the Ministry of Information understood the power of a one time photo-op even if you don’t.
Remember the one of young Queenie in khaki fixing an army truck? The only truck she ever laid hands on, and then for a brief moment while the flash bulbs popped, I’ll bet.
You weep for the loss of palladian mansions littering the country and families eating off silver plate, any tears for the millions of Brits who laboured long hours to scrape a very poor and dangerous living in the pits, factories, fields, and sundry other dark satanic mills of the industrial revolution? I can’t see any in your piece.
I grew up in this poverty, as did most of my generation–I saw the other side too in the remaining colonial outposts my military father was assigned to. You might convince a few fools to wave the flag but the Empire is no loss at all.
This is Empire:
Absolutely right Helen!
The “benefits” of Empire that “proper gander” carries on about were mainly limited to the post WW2 years when the Establishment looked across the legislature floors and union negotiating tables and saw a generation of trained military men who fought, killed and watched their mates die for an idea… that idea was real democracy and economic fairness. The Establishment was afraid that a new “Bonus Army” would form, one better educated, informed and able to communicate/organize and sweep their greedy, corrupt asses from power forever. The 0.001% were afraid for their own lives, as the men who fought WW2 and knew of the horrors of WW1 from their parents would brook no BS and would not take “no” for an answer from those who stayed home to mind the cashbox.
So the Establishment’s self-preservation instincts allowed a generation of marginally more egalitarian policies to take a small piece of the profit pie, essentially bought the quiescence of a war-weary Western world with a temporary fulfillment of that Depression Era promise of a chicken in every pot and a car in every homeowner’s driveway.
But the psychotic 0.001% must have their many pounds of flesh and in the 1970’s the slide back to taking as much as possible from the working class to give to the oligarchs began. The repeal of Glass-Steagal was the symbolic heralding of the New Golden Age, where the 0.001% robber barons again could rape the world economy and its societies at will, using the US military/black-ops/spying/Fed/US$ to enforce their Empire-to-end-all-Empires.
The money spent by the US/NATO on WARS (not talking about reasonable self-defense military) could still put chickens in pots, build schools and hospitals etc. Few people really want McMansions… they just want to be able to provide for their families and live in peace. So double benefit, US/NATO tax$ is diverted from war to benefit the people of those counties AND the people in countries not bombed/regime-changed don’t suffer. DUH!
Only the corrupt and venal 0.001% lose their insane military spending profits and the ability to create round-robin Disaster Capitalism worldwide. It is time to put that nightmare of Empire to death, and if the 0.001% insist on defending it, they can die in the attempt. Their choice.
I agree that discussion is needed. However, I do not share the fear of cutbacks.
Due to the imperialistic attitude of the US, the UK, the KSA and Israel, their leaders neglect their homelands to the point that the local infrastructure and economy is near collapse. Do you seriously think, that steeling foreign assets does any good to the robbing country? It only keeps it addicted to these assets, but leaves no chance to escape when the assets dry up.
Loss of the empire status has two consequences:
1) Trade deals can no longer be imposed but need be negotiated. This means that unfair advantages are history. But it does not mean that international trade would stop.
2) Any kind of manual work gets much more valuable as it can substitute for automated energy-guzzling production. Gone are the days of mass unemployment.
All in all, some non-essential luxury will be scarcely available but all the essential goods and services will be more abundant than today, because the local economy is strengthened in times of weaker international trade. With business as usual, the US might have another five years before it goes bust, but I am already certain it will.
In principle, I agree. So long as the transition between vast plunder showering your nation and none at all can be done smoothly I see no reason why raw material and productive economies could not be restored. But it usually involves a big war, however. Empire’s don’t die quietly. The defence of our British empire in 1914 cost us everything. 4 years – king to beggar man.
End of empire negotiated by cutbacks? Like the cutbacks undertaken by the Hittites, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Maya, Persian, Scythian, Mongol, Zulu, British etc?? Empire’s don’t end with cutbacks. They end in a paradigm shift.
We are all trusting to the Russians to let us down lightly. Not the elites. The everyman and his dog.
I’m not simplistic, nor infantile. I understand exactly how dangerous the times are, and how the collapse of empire could destroy the nation as well — me included (I bare survive already). Yet, there is no other choice, because if the empire survives it will destroy the entire world.
Looking for brilliant leaders won’t help. What is needed is brilliant people — aware, self-educated, and able to organize and function in new ways. Leadership is not the quality of ‘leaders’ but of the group and the people. At this point, no one could lead the US people to any solutions — they are too dumbed down and crazy. First they have to cure themselves of the insanity and idiocy before they are even capable of properly utilizing someone with leadership abilities.
As for serious discussion, I’ve written many thousands of pages over the last years –a little of it is at starting about 12 years ago, but there never many takers for such discussion, and it’s been difficult to learn and improve my understanding, largely because there are so few people who are willing to participate. The fault dear Brutus, is not in our ‘stars’ but in ourselves.
Yet, there are no physical reasons why the situation could not improve rapidly (even from ending the massive waste and inefficiency). The US still has tremendous resources, and many people bright in technical knowledge, and in potential understanding — if they can break through the delusions (such as needing brilliant leaders, and dependency upon them, and a few others you echo) to do anything and fix the problems.
‘Leadership is not the quality of ‘leaders’ but of the group and the people.’ – blue on December 14, 2016 · at 7:55 pm UTC
Yes, definitely.
We can see the writing on the wall if we continue with the chaos, death and destruction that is the prime operant mode of the western Empire–it encompasses all those losses you mention and more with the prospect of permanent war and increasing oppression for the masses of the world.
Life is always a gamble and its time to roll the dice and introduce some dissenting notes into the narrative. Scary, maybe, but you seem OK with fear-mongering for your own agenda.
You picked a very apt screen name for yourself, propaganda–shame you can’t actually take a proper gander (realistic look) at the world us little people have to live in.
I am with you Helen, and everyone else above. See above. But as the wheel turns over you have got to be very, very clear about the consequences of loss of empire. The fear of that loss is why our empire government is contemplating total war to save the status quo as a better alternative to losing the status quo. Think about that. All this is more than just feeding the MIC; nor are our governments just plain psychopaths. They are patriotic imperialists. Their knowledge of the scale of our dependence on empire and the resultant scale of our loss carries a great deal of weight.
To be able to sit across from your enemy and see with them the future implosion that they think they are defending you from will give anti imperialists the weight and voice that utopian idealism currently lacks. Until then they will exclude you from the debate because you are a dreamer. Until then, you can formulate no terms of surrender but are committed to war to the end. Knowing what your enemy is defending and what they think they are set to lose, root and branch, is how you formulate terms of surrender and bring them to the table without war.
And yes, a ‘proper look’ is exactly what I meant.
We’ve seen how the Empire negotiates historically, as well as currently in Syria with Mr Lavrov who has finally stated the impossibility of negotiation with such types.
This isn’t a new phenomenem, in his 1775 ‘History of the American Indians’, James Adair, relates how some Indians speak of white lawyers as “hired speakers, who use their squint eyes and forked tongues like the chieftains of the snakes [meaning rattle-snakes], which destroy harmless creatures for the sake of food.”
That Hollywood staple: ‘white man speak with forked tongue’ has plenty of precedents, worldwide.
Lavrov’s et al negotiation is exquisite. Everyone at the table knows they are negotiating the death of an heavily armed empire. They are not trying to stop its expansion. The whole world is killing the empire. If Russia et al do not include in their thinking an accommodation of well founded fears of the empire, namely, that their countries, currencies and populations are dirt if the empire implodes, then the lesser of two evils for the empire is war. The transition from empire to no-empire has to be extremely measured, considerate and wary, or the empire will let off its suicide belt. Like the English did in 1914.
At end of empire, the poor always loose most. In the trenches or from common illnesses in their hovels. Like 12 of my grandfathers infant brothers and sisters.
I doubt from what you write that you understand what ‘utopian idealism’ or ‘dreamer’ even means — or how systems work (or don’t work). It seems to me that you project your own fears, and likely do not know what it is to live in relative poverty for decades — which many in the US have done, while forced to serve the empire.
There is nothing patriotic about the manner in which the current US government operates. It may not be apparent to you, proper gander, but the manner in which the current US government operates serves the wealthiest among the one percent to the detriment of the rest of the country. This is why Trump got elected – the rest of the country has wised up.
You say “The fear of that loss is why our empire government is contemplating total war to save the status quo as a better alternative to losing the status quo.”
The status quo is not only corrupt, it is unsustainable. And it is not about empire – empires only last so long before what is happening now happens to them. Sure, we “dream” of a soft landing – we had one once, after the Great Depression, when the government became the job creator of last resort in this country. Funnily enough, that is to a certain extent what Putin has done at the outset of and during the repressive sanctions that are still being maintained. He has governed for the people, and the people support him in this wholeheartedly.
Putin even editorialized in the New York Times about America’s founding documents and he was absolutely correct in his understanding of those. This country’s best aspirations were never about empire although plenty of nefarious dealings would run counter to that. The people, however, always dreamed better and dreams are good – they help you become better than you will ever become without them. Russians have a dream now for their country and its federation, and that is a joy to see.
We are not afraid. FDR said “the only thing to fear is fear itself” and that is on the minds of everyone in this country who refused to let the current poisonous regime continue. The battle’s not over yet, there’s a confrontation brewing. But we are fired up and we won’t go back to the way it has been, no we won’t. This is a watershed moment.
Excellent comment. The power structures of empire are stuck between a rock – the undo-able dissent of their own populations, wealth disparity, indebtedness and corruption – and a hard place – war. If they can secure world hegemony with that war, all their problems go away. Otherwise, they lose either way. The impossibility of winning this war, of turning the heads of their people, of reducing debt or balancing the economy is why the empire is failing. It is not undesirable for them. It is just impossible.
But I do sincerely believe that the empire believes it acts in the interests of its home populations, even by using great evil. Allied to this, I also believe that empire populations do not understand very well how little of their prosperity is actually home generated, and that loss of empire would be a massive shock, even to the degree that big war is preferable in the mind of a imperialist. The simplicity of life of the Amish, for example, is about all that a non debt-fueled, non-imperial human population can achieve. So how does the post-imperial future work? After the total loss of benefits of empire, what then? How do you stop a population of mostly sheep from hungering and pushing for a return to what has been lost? How do you stop them pushing rapacious power mongers back to the top? We can’t just cheer an end of empire. We have to decide what we want instead and work for it. And I am grateful for you reminding me to be hopeful.
The liberation of Aleppo is being treated as a nothing story in the UK where I am
It is not reported as widely as the Pamyra story was which was given a big headline in the Daily Mail
Aleppo is way down the page as I write this at 10.30am uk time
You can draw the conclusions about this ISIS is in western control if we all did not know this.
It’s time for Russia to wake up and stop dreaming of a grand alliance with the west.
After what had happened in Ukraine it amazes me that there are many Russians who still do not get it that the US is coming to destroy them
Trump is sending Putins friend from Exxon to act as the judas
Please don’t see this as anti Russian I am not I am just concerned about the policies that they are following the plunder of Russia is going to start again and I am scared Putin and lavrov will allow it
I totally agree with your comment sir, Russia must be very very very careful and watchful of thus Trump gesture of goodwill. It can be a case of seduction then BANG!. Mr Putin, do not drop your guard, the world is supporting you, and have love and affection for Russia, the blood of all those soldiers , Iranian,Russian,Lebanese,Syrians, will not be for nothing, They will be remembered with Thanks and much appreciation for now and in History. THEY WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN .
The honey moon between Trump and Putin will be sweet and short.
Both Trump and Putin are deal makers, but Trump routinely drags his business partners straight to court after contracts have been signed – a policy that won’t be appreciated by his Russian friends.
The Exxon guy has just one mission,to try to make Russia turn against China.But it is a trap of course.Putin is clever enough to understand that.
They will also try to divide the union between Iran and Russia.
Today in the french mainstream press it is an orgy of propaganda(festival of fakes news),fake jornos asking to send Putin and Assad to The Hague etc etc…the russians are killing hundres of children,they even go from house to house to finish the ‘rebels’ etc..a real BS,I never saw this in my all life.
These ‘jornos’ are real prostitutes.Same for 90 pct of the politicians.
Their Empire is falling apart.It is their biggest defeat since WWII or Vietnam.
LOL! Bring in the helicopters!
I too believe that Putin and Lavrov by now understand well that the west cannot be trusted.
Trump will try to peel Russia away from China – don’t let that happen.
Talking about dragging partners to court, Trump pulled one in Hong Kong.
“The liberation of Aleppo is being treated as a nothing story in the UK where I am ”
In Australia it has just been on the news as a “Humanitarian Catastrophe” with the Syrian government and the Russians portrayed as war criminals for the civilian casualties.
The horrors and sufferings imposed on Syria is not by chance, it has been in the planning stages for ages, but if Syrians and their supporters are in doubt, the the Israeli Minister for War is articulating same for those who wish to keep abreast of regional developments:
“Thus, to genuinely solve the region’s problems, borders will have to be altered, specifically in countries like Syria and Iraq. Boundaries need to be redrawn between Sunnis, Shia and other communities to diminish sectarian strife and to enable the emergence of states that will enjoy internal legitimacy. It is a mistake to think that these states can survive in their current borders.”
Please take the time to read the article so that you can begin to understand and appreciate why 9/11 was perpetrated, and why it is for some “the gift that keeps on giving”
The war being waged in Syria is a confrontation between Good and Evil and its impications are of a global magnitude…..
The war against ISIS has nothing to do with religion. Recall that the war was started because Syria refused to allow the Anglo-American elites to build an oil and natural gas pipeline running directly from Saudi Arabia and Qatar through Syria, and then to Europe. If the Anglo-American elites and their ISIS proxies cannot have all of Syria, then they will fight for a piece of it for their pipelines.
None of the Anglo-American goals can be achieved without assistance from Turkey. Although Russia prevented a coup in Turkey, why should the Russians trust Turkey? What would motivate the Turks to betray their Anglo-American masters?
Its a shame he didn’t think that should be done with Israel as well. Release the Arab regions of Israel and Palestine to form one state.And only the Jewish areas be included in Israel. But then,being a zionist Imperialist,I guess he wouldn’t be able to see the “irony” in his statements.
The jews have three prerequisites to fulfill before the Messiah comes: repatriation of all Jews to Israel. The rebuilding of the temple on temple mount. Reestablishing their borders as they were in David’s time. That includes Palestinian territories, Golan heights, part of Egypt and Jordan. For them it is a no-compromise desire. Then and only then will the Messiah come. This is why Rabin, who negotiated peace at any price with Arafat, was assassinated by an ultra orthodox. That is why they are after King Davids part of Syria. This is why they can’t build a temple somewhere else in Jerusalem. It the Yinon plan in action.
The messiah is of God and his kingdom spiritual. He said so Himself. But not within current Judaism. The kingdom is physical and the the messiah is a literal king of kings. As a theology, it is a bit of a liability for them really.
Re-drawing borders along ethnic lines has a name: Balkanization. This was imposed on Austria after WW I in order to keep it from ever being a power in Europe. Similarly, the division of Germany after WW II (it was hoped, forever).
In and after 1989, no effort was spared to reduce the former USSR into little independent entities. For the same reason.
Sunnis and Shias cooperated well in Iraq before it was attacked. Look what happened to this national unity in the aftermath when all power was given to one religious faction. By design.
Divide et impera. Where animosities exist, exploit them to weaken and divide the nation. Where they don’t, foment them.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Little comic opera ethnic republics (Kurdistan) pose no threat to anyone (except Serbia, which was “giving the others ideas”) — especially in this region, and weaken the larger nations they were part of.
German and Austro-Hungarian influence in Europe was deliberately weakened in order to allow the Anglo-American elites to dominate. That was a dream conceived by the London elites in the late 1800s. Recall that the western third of Poland was once German. The Germans and Austrians have lost much. I would wager that even Western Ukraine had more democracy under Austrian rule than under any other subsequent ruler. Since the end of WW 2, the meme has been: 1.) Russians out; 2.) Americans in; and 3.) Germans down.
Germany continues to take orders from Washington/London, and so it remains weak. Why would the German elites agree to allow muslims to flood their country? Was this necessary in order to maintain control?
Eastern Aleppo Was Engulfed by Total Terror, No “Opposition or Watchdogs” in It
“There were no “opposition”, “humanitarian organizations” or “human rights watchdogs” in Eastern Aleppo, instead there was a total terror at the side of militants, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said on Tuesday.”
Videos of Alleged ‘Russian Strikes, Firing Squads’ in Aleppo Staged by Militants
“All Western statements with reference to ‘posts of activists’ and movies about alleged ‘Russian airstrikes’, ‘firing squads’ and other staged scenes were filmed by special TV groups comprised of militants. It remains a big question why some media used it without checking the source. Some advice — do not believe the propaganda of the terrorists,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.”
Tales of ‘250,000 Trapped’ Aleppo Civilians Just ‘Russophobic Chatter’
“The Syrian troops’ operation to liberate the eastern parts of Aleppo, successful and humane in every sense in regard to civilians… showed a number of important things… All of the dramatized outcries, allegedly in defense of the ‘250,000 trapped’ Aleppo civilians, especially those which are loudly voiced by representatives of Britain and France, are nothing more than russophobic chatter,” he said.”
You know what? I just watched Finnish YLE TV news (at 6. PM local time) not a single clip of celebration, not a mention about celebration. However an hour before YLE radio news told about “huge masses celebrating in streets of Aleppo”. It looks like it’s rather bitter defeat for local YLE pro-Nato anti-Russian lobby. Anyway people here have got the news and spread it to everywhere sending Youtube-links to friends and relatives.
This is the situation of “brilliant western free information society.” Without internet and social media we would be not much different than North Korea.
Allepo’s liberation – like Gil Scott-Heron’s revolution – will not be televised by the MSM.
The genuine celebration of Allepo’s residence will not be shown on the BBC, CNN, FOX, etc. etc.
How dare residents celebrate the liberation of the city and put a lie to the coverage of the MSM?
What is being aired is interviews with UN officials and “rebel and opposition” sources alleging massacres by Syrian “regime” militias.
They now even have an exact number of those summarily executed : 82
This is the current headline for the BBC:
The hue and cry about “fake news” is really frustration by the MSM about no longer being able to ‘fool most of the people most of the time’.
Alternative sources of information now expose the lies of the MSM daily, and this is what they aim to stop.
RT, Sputnk, Press TV, the Saker and a growing number of other sites increasingly make MSM lying a difficult task.
Its no longer easy and fun to lie it seems..
The total collapse of the jihadists with no bitter prolonged house to house fighting in Aleppo speaks of a huge amount of background work. The removal of external support, and with Turkey, not only physical support but political support. Also a lack of leadership – Russian special forces at work taking out the leaders?
Also no US/NATO core of “advisors” or special forces to pull things together for the jihadists as had been circulating on the alternative news rumor mill.
Wonderful analysis. Of course there was no authentic ideology among the mercenary Anglo-Zionist headchoppers.
So, when the chief snake (take a good look at Kerry’s face one day, if you dare) was de-fanged, his minions folded too. Was anyone deeply surprised when John Pilger revealed the source of Kerry-Cohen’s (grandpere of John) fortune? It was the China Opium trade.
Remember the scene in Wizard of Oz? When the Wicked Witch of the West was finally summarily executed, the winged creatures no longer knew what to do. They immediately bowed to Dorothy.
Turns out Trump’s bordello-owning grandfather was a minor crook compared to other US aristocrats.
“John Pilger: And yet, for the American elite in the 19th century, China was a goldmine.
James Bradley: A goldmine of drugs. Warren Delano, the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was the American opium king of China; he was the biggest American opium dealer, second only to the British. Much of the east coast [establishment] of the United States – Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Princeton – was born of drug money. The American industrial revolution was funded by huge pools of money – where did this come from? It came from illegal drugs in the biggest market in the world: China.”
This clip is from the bottom of the page, Sidebar in New Internationalist:
And not so much John Kerry Cohen, try John Forbes Kerry, opium dealer in China inheritance via Francis Blackwell Forbes. Different crowd from the magazine Forbes.
What a nasty bunch that have sanitized their past history of greedily climbing to the top on the misery of others. Don’t forget the Opium Wars were where Britain FORCED China to allow opium to be sold on the streets IN CHINA.
Or maybe not so much “history”? Sound familiar, the CIA providing “incentives” to Afghan farmers and drug warlords to produce poppies after the Taliban reduced opiate output to near zero?
The Western oligarch families – fortunes built on war, usury, drugs, and in light of some contentious Wikileaks info … human child and organ trafficking?
The Anglo Americans love to run their mouth about narco-states and drug cartels, but the biggest narco states in the history of the world are THEMSELVES.
The Americans were involved in the Golden Triangle in SE Asia during the Vietnam War era; were dealing cocaine in Central America in the 1980s (where the USA was waging its dirty wars from Nicaragua to El Salvador); just as they were dealing in heroin in the 1990s in the Balkans (during the Balkans War); just they were protecting the opium poppy fields of Afghanistan with the fake War on Terrorism.
Indeed, under the Taliban, most of the opium had been destroyed before 9-11 and the American invasion of Afghanistan, which conveniently restarted the production of opium after the USA overthrew the Taliban.
It is any concidence that wherever America wages its wars (conventional or proxy), the drug trade just so happens to flourishes?!?
From the British to the Americans, they have specialized in drug dealing not only to enrich themselves but also to destabilize and weaken targetted nations around the world.
The Anglo Americans make drug lord Pablo Escobar seem like a two-bit amateur in comparison.
The Swedish MSM are not too happy. Apparently, defeat for Soros and the Zionazis means bloodthirsty “Syrian Regime soldiers” go cannibalizing Syrian children en masse. And, needless to say, Assad and Putin are the personifications of two really rotten “regimes”.
The MSM are so über-ludicrous that I rarely rage and fume against all their lies and imbecilities. Rather, I spontaneously resort to giggling due to refined amusement, especially when — such as in this case — it is Zionazi defeats which drive them bonkers.
@Nussiminen: Have you any idea why the ScandiWegians are on the side of NATzO? I mean Norway awarding a pre-emptive Peace Prize to Obomber, Sweden trying to silence WikiLeaks, Denmark helping to destroy Syria, and all those attack dogs in NATzO with ScandiWegian names. Has it anything to do with global warming, and the control of putative underwater hydrocarbons and NorthWest passage when the Arctic ice melts? Or is it just some strong men using political muscle, PNAC sympathizers like Carl Bildt? And has the strange new norms of Swedish justice (as in the Julian Assange honeytrap) anything to do with the mysterious assassination of a Swedish prime minister?
“There is something rotten in the state of Denmark” — Hamlet
As far as Sweden is concerned, her ruling classes have been anti-Russian for at least 400 years. And this took a great leap forward in the early 18th century when Peter the Great’s army eventually routed the Carolean army of King Charles XII in the Ukraine. This was how Sweden lost its Great Power status with Russia taking her place and eventually taking all of her overseas possessions. Then, in 1917, traditional Swedish Russophobia was reinforced by anti-communism which also took a firm hold in Sweden’s “upper crust”.
Long story short: The ruling classes here are reactionary and Russophobic as part of their very “national heritage”. But as the West self-destructs, they are also becoming ever more covetous of plain imperialist loot in order to keep the West going as well as preserving their own place in the global pecking order. On this basis, bleeding Russia white presents itself as a most attractive solution. Sadly, given the prevalent leadership qualities of the EU and Russia, they will not live to see it.
Here is one site showing also some captured terrorists really in bad shape. Some of them have used heavy drugs too.
The German ZDF is going on the same path. They say : ” the Syrian regime forces are entering civilian flats and houses, killing women and children…”
I am not sure why anyone continues to speak of occupied Germany as anything other than Anglo-Zionist occupied territory.
As for the fake news of house to house killings, I have heard similar things when the ‘Free Soviet Jews’ movement was scamming the West in the eighties and when the Kuwaiti Ambassador’s daughter lied about babies being thrown from incubators in Kuwait.
ZDF – zionistische deutsche fernsehen
Given the historical analogies it may be prudent to expect censorship in war-time – that’s the fake news theme and it will get stronger…at least one may assume that.
With radio broadcasts nobody can say who is listening to what…
Perhaps Comrade President has considered this –
He may decide to bring back Radio Moscow… At least it would be prudent to round up the big tubes and the bits an’ bobs – not trivial in broadcasting powerful signals.
The ‘net? It gives away the “listener”… That’s DARPA for you!
Aleppo? Great! But as people here observe, it’s either ignored or distorted in “MSM”.
I remember Radio Moscow…
Meanwhile the reporting on the BBC site is despicable:
“the fighting ‘ends’ in Aleppo ”
That’s like saying Foreman fell down in Zaire.
I swear to God I have more respect for actual prostitutes.
“lol. fk mod”
Well done Syria– well done–
Gore comes.
Even now it seems doubtful that the Democrats, or those trying to interfere in the election, will ever be supported by any Trump voter again. And they continue to make things worse, alienating people from both those who are attempting this coup, and from the government in general — setting things up for a civil war of some sort, underestimating just how outraged people are. Good way to destroy the nation — but it won’t work out for the neoliberal, neocon, and zionist international fascists as they think it will, but rather feed the world-wide revolt against the aristocrats now in progress. Their empire is collapsing. That which is incapable of being sustained will not be.
Well done Syria and its friends – Russia, Iran.
As for the presstitute media – everyone who reads alternative media should get into the habit of going to MSM web sites and jumping to this site and all the other sites that actually report the news. Their web masters and Google Analytics reports will pick this up – and this WILL be reported up the chain of command when there are high numbers of click aways (or ‘bounce rate’). Try and get into the habit of doing this every day.
That is not going to work as you wish.
MSM websites cannot see where visitors come from unless the “from” website creates a link to the MSM website. So, if made links to MSM websites, and his visitors clicked those links, the MSM web logs would show the referrer, and they could see the high bounce rate, if they care, when visitors leave in disgust.
Nice idea though.
Well Done SAA, Allied Militias and others(hint , hint….Specnas- Khudorvs men -Chechnya) ,for your legendary liberation of Aleppo.
Gen. of the Soviet forces around Stalingrad, Jan 42′ would be proud. It should be studied and taught in Collages.
And don’t let the desperate ‘thrust’ if you will, of ISIS/DAESH in Palmyra dampen the celebration. If I had a bottle of champagne I would pop it open, but I don’t drink.
Apart from the obvious bias in the relate of the facts coming from who has produced it and who the actors are in this documentary, I post this link here as a sample on how clumsily they do things, how they spread chaos wherever they go and how they finally have to leave, leaving no other thing but disaster behind:
Warning strong images!
“Losing Iraq”
The link to this documentary was provided by a commenter in an article by Ray McGovern about Gen. Petraeus in RI, and in turn recommende to me by the “old strategist”.
Those of you who never have been into a war, as happens to me, will be able to taste a bit the feeling of chaos, disaster, insecurity and disorganization, and, above all, how cheap the human life become in such state.
Also, perhaps you can make yourself an idea of the magnitude of ISIS, eventhough, as can be seen at minute 1:19´onwards you will find that many of them are very young people, but I also would ask your attention to the guys ( only two or three ) who appeared serious, without celebrating, masked till the eyes in the same image, as well as those “specialists” who appear at 1:17¨onwards….
Who these individuals are and why they go around there masked to the eyes?
elsi, I have noticed these types as well. PavewayIV comment from Moon of Alabama is worth a read. I cannot link the comment so have copy and pasted it in full. It seems there is a well trained wahabbi style special forces group that will go anywhere well trained terrorists are needed and fight to the death for their cause. Paveway’s comment may be very close to the mark.
Peter AU@102 – I assume your Aussie, so I’m kind of surprised you haven’t heard anything about the UAE SF. I had mistakenly said Blackwater was hired to build the UAE’s SF, but it was a shadowy Blackwater-like outfit called R2 if I’m not mistaken. Same nebulous five-eyes intelligence community ties; not sure if R2 itself was Aussie.
The build team they sent over in 2011 was mostly Aussie, including some colonel that was allowed to retired directly out of the Aussie Army to head the UAE SF. A lot of other Aussie (and western) SF types followed him over for lucrative positions as well. The UAE is tiny, so while the SF is officially under the Emirates’ military command, it’s mostly non-UAE mercs. The more conspiratorial among us would say it was a private western/Israeli/GCC merc army created and intended to be used initially in Libya and then in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Other skeptics might just observe that the UAE with its tiny army hardly needs dedicated SF forces numbering in the thousands.
The UAE uses and treats their SF exactly like it’s their own private merc army, spreading the weaponized Muslim Brotherhood love across the Middle East and putting the screws to Iran. Other SF-types apparently don’t care much for them – they’re mostly butchers (and quite intentionally so).
I quite often use the terms fake-al Nusra and fake-ISIS. The UAE SF would be perfect in that role, including the head-chopping part. They are still experienced, well-trained pros and good at their jobs, they’re just homicidal psychopaths as well. Israel used them as part of the fake al-Nusra to take out Syrian air defenses and listening posts in the hills bordering the Golan. The GCC and western powers seem to frequently employ them in other operations that it can’t trust to the everyday head-choppers.
It was suggested – internet rumors of course – that they had some part (rather than the Saudis) in killing and staging the victims for the (fake) East Gouta chemical weapons attack. The few accounts of direct Saudi involvement were just a red herring, although I’m sure their intelligence guys were part of the scheme. That makes sense, and these psychos are certainly capable of such inhumanity.
I certainly can’t substantiate any of this with MSM citations, of course. You’re not going to read about this in the NYT or hear it on ABC down under. This is SF-types gossip and the occasional observations (like yours) of, “Hey – those guys don’t really look like your run-of-the-mill, Captagon-fueled jihadis.” Then there’s the occasional mil-types that report suspicious-looking head-choppers sporting titanium-barreled rifles (costs about as much as a truck there) running around Syria and Yemen. Add tin-foil had and you have the perfect cover for GCC/Israeli/western intelligence wet-work with plenty of plausible deniability.
Posted by: PavewayIV | Nov 12, 2016 12:18:30 PM | 127
BBC calling! BBC calling!
Aleppo battle ends as Syria rebel deal reached
But not before one last barrel bomb and some uninspired and unconvincing propaganda:
(Technical question: How do these fighter jets, as dubbed in the top video, manage the immense drag from a barrel bomb slung under the wings? /sarc off)
Suitably dramatic and melancholy music for the second video -but not a White Helmet anywhere.
Unbelievable honesty (for the BBC) in the third video -speech by Aleppo MP Fares Shehabi.
Ah, at last we hear from the White Helmets in the last video with bloodcurdling tales of future genocides and the ubiquitous very last medical post that we heard about with monotonous regularity over the last months. No White Helmet in sight though; perhaps these helmets can be had for deep discounts over Christmas -10 for one cent?
Aleppo is a great day for mankind, but now the demons know they need to go bigger- 9/11 bigger- once again. Bush Jnr was a know-nothing chump, but Tony Blair’s 9/11 false flag neatly placed the chump in a box and he then had no choice but to do exactly what his puppet-masters commanded.
Trump is either taken out, as Michael Moore is calling for, or given the Bush Jnr treatment by another 9/11 so outrageous, Trump has to go along with the lightspeed propaganda agenda that will accompany the false-flag.
Palmyra shows Putin’s weakness in the face of such strategies. Putin keeps looking for (non-existent) ‘reason’ in the West. And then, worse, Putin is foolish enough to think if the demons reveal their *real* agenda (as with their tactical support of the ISIS gang that took Palmyra), the sheeple of the West will start to reject the demons. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Putin is happy to hit the body of the snake, and usually very successfully. But Putin is *never* prepared to hit the head of the snake. And these ‘snakes’ grow new bodies faster than their old ones can be destroyed. A sick media campaign in the zionist mainstream and Soros controlled fake indy media has *forced* Putin to allow the worst of the terrorists in Aleppo to safely leave the scene of their atrocities. Palpyra shows how quickly the British and Americans can turn these ‘defeated’ terrorists around and send them on successful missions against a new target. And each time this happens, the will of the Syrian people is worn down a little more.
Putin plays ‘clever’ but the West plays hard, with zero scruples or morals. ‘Clever’ has never won an Empire Game between two evenly matched opponents- as so many nations discovered during WW2. Putin promises to never ever stamp on the head of the snake, so every level of war-mongering leader in the West, in the Middle East, and in Israel sleeps soundly in their beds after activating the next new waves or terrorism. The demons and those that directly serve them literally have *nothing* to lose under Putin’s strategy.
Indeed Putin’s methods only serve to *embolden* the demons and their immediate servants- for each success Russia gains makes it obvious that their is a need to be even harder and more ‘creative’ in countering Russia. And at this very moment, in the USA, the British are telling the Americans that the ‘fall’ of Aleppo means it’s finally time for the next 9/11.
Oh, and as for those that naively shout “this time we’ll be ready- cos Internet”, I have some *very* bad news for you. The very bad guys are all too aware of this- so next time the new 9/11 will be also used as an excuse to end *unofficial* ‘unlicenced’ free speech on the net. Those who attempt to reveal the truth about the new false flag will be literally treated as terrorists- given the *same* legal penalties as online ‘stalkers’ and online ‘hate harrassers’- and the sheeple will literally howl their approval as ‘truthers’ are tracked down, arrested and give long terms of prison time. Britain already has the legal framework for this in place, and so does every significant nation in the West bar America. But the next false-flag will end constitutional protections in the USA as well.
Another armchair general/foolish Putin …..
And what are your credentials and claims to fame?
The foolish Putin that has the empire reacting and tripping over itself rather than setting the agenda. Some of the reactions may be vicious, but they are more short term revenge or actions to try and make Putin start reacting, rather than war winning strategy.
You “foolish Putin” crowd fall for every trick in the book.
Why can’t a commenter make an unfavourable remark about Russian diplomacy and tactics in the face of a long chain of US lies, stabs in the back and tricks making the Russian side look inept and incapable of resolve and firmness? Is Putin untouchable and infallible?
Looks like there is a new cult among us.
“making the Russian side look inept and incapable of resolve and firmness?”…. It is only if you believe the US propaganda that you will think Putin/Russian government inept.
Seeing where Russia has come from since 1999, they are anything but inept. The driving force or the vision behind Russia rising from the ashes is mainly the “foolish” Putin.
“Why can’t a commenter make an unfavourable remark about Russian diplomacy and tactics.”… I dunno. Twilight just has and it hasn’t been modded out. Plenty of others appear here at times so there doesn’t appear to be anything stopping unfavorable comments on Putin /Russia.
“Is Putin untouchable and infallible?” time will tell. At the moment I look at Putins track record going back to 1999 and compare that to the track record of the armchair generals. when I find an armchair general that within a generation pulled a country up by its bootstraps and in the same period of time, take it to where it can face down the most powerful empire in history, (the screams of impotent rage at Debaltseve and MinskII, the screams of impotent rage at the destruction of jihadists in Syria, the screams of rage at russia’s information warfare) then I may start to take that armchair general more seriously. But then if that was the armchair generals track record, I guess he/she would not be an armchair general.
I find I agree
with the Aussie.
“Looks like there is a new cult among us.”
No, it’s not new. It’s very old and almost always 100% Anonymous. With no proactive solutions.
Despite US/NATO MSM claims of widespread religious zealotry, the “moderate terrorists” making up the majority of ISIS Incorporated are mostly of a mercenary bent, as seen when Russia began bombing the ISIS-to-Turkey oil convoys which caused a 50% cut in pay and resulted in massive no-shows. Dying for a cause “dedication” is often strongest when the possibility of living to share the spoils of victory is a high likelihood. The US/ISIS is NOT going to win in Syria, and even the US/Kurds may be having second thoughts about what Washington, London, Tel Aviv and Riyadh said they could promise. Russia/Putin learned how to deal on the ground with US proxy-agitations in places like Chechnya, and the US/NATO bag of tricks is getting VERY familiar. You REALLY didn’t want to be a known Chechin “rebel” once Putin had the upper hand.
Putin and Xi play smart/hard, the US/NATO plays stupid/tough. And Putin’s various gov’t divisions are all following his direction and are VERY competent and disciplined. China/Xi actual action capabilities are a bit less known, but are formidable on pure numbers alone (2million at last “downsize”).
The US/NATO equivalents can barely find their own asses with both hands, and are constantly going off in all directions. What can be expected when the 0.01% intention is to sell weapons, merely wreaking endless destruction and chaos, not actually WIN and achieve peace?
Um, in case you missed it, the US HAS no remaining substantial FUNCTIONAL Constitutional protections left… while y’all were screeching about gun rights, gay marriage and abortion (keep your eyes on the shiny, emotional baubles, ignore the nasty men behind the curtain), everything fundamentally important was gutted. So unless a WHOLE LOT of powers incrementally taken from citizens, Congress and the Supreme Court and handed to the President/Executive are rolled back so Trump can’t use them, YER DONE. You missed the “anti-fake-news” law just passed? Maybe someone down in the US of Stupid wants to wake up the Supreme Court on that bit of unconstitutional crap. The rest of the world will watch as the US implodes and hope the nuclear launch codes stay in the brief cases. US citizens REALLY better hope that the codes stay locked, as neither Russia nor China will leave the US mainland untouched if some US lunatic fires first. Putin and Xi won’t be picking up the red phone knowing it will just be some US President or other gov’t “leader” saying “OOPs” and begging forgiveness. Sorry, too late, kiss your kids goodbye, you have about 5 minutes.
As for internet… the 0.001% will get their 0.01% political/military/NSA-etc. minions to TRY use ghost-banning style tactics and their NSA-choke points to disrupt the quick movement of real news worldwide, but they know that obvious outright blocking or censorship will only hasten the likelihood of direct action by individuals or small groups. The US has an entire subculture just looking for an excuse to take out the oligarchs. There will be no guillotines in public squares, but these actors will “water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants”. And if the kingpins like Rothschilds, Soros and Koches can’t be easily accessed for “negotiation” or elimination, those who serve them all can’t be protected by the police state and military (assuming the front line officers and GI’s would not turn a blind eye, fragging helped bring down the Vietnam war).
So just maybe the 0.001% and their enablers will see the wisdom of not pissing off at least 1/3 of the world’s population by cutting off their internet access to whatever info they want to see. Best to leave the sleeping giant at rest. Even China knows it can only go so far in blocking content before the natives get restless.
Post 9/11, there is enough generalized skepticism of false flag actions that only an major, actual nuke strike will panic the population. Electing Trump and the staged “riots” were supposed to trigger panic… nope. Now the “recount/electoral college”/Russian hacking BS fooferaw is supposed to cause panic… nope. Enough US/NATO citizens remember McCarthy and the Red Scare to know there are no spies under the bed (as long as you don’t count the NSA/CIA/FBI/5-Eyes etc.). We’ve told our kids, and they pay even less attention to such MSM crap.
Did it ever occur to you that it is our own duty to stomp the snake, not Russia’s?
To which the zio-gay Western Leftists angrily respond in unison:
Cannot be!
Mustn’t be!
@twilight: Stupid beats clever in a war. Did you crib that from Thucydides? His generation (which included Plato) saw the very worst which liberal democracy can bring: luxury, arrogance, injustice, witch hunts, mobocracy, mass murder, foreign adventures, oligarchy, and a self satisfied descent into abject failure. No wonder Thucydides occasionally indulged in that cynical realism which is the last comfort of a bruised psyche; no wonder Plato had such contempt for democracy: the best form of BAD government, but still a BAD form of government. I believe that the evils you predict are likely but not unavoidable. There has been a remarkable swing in public opinion away from government by lie and cynical realpolitik; it is up to every member of us (the sheeple) to exercise critical judgment and individual honesty. The main battleground will likely be Internet Neutrality, as you predict, with military as a sideshow: Orwell’s 1984 – but with many more Winston Smiths ready to commit the crime of speaking truth against the Anglo-Capitalist New World Order.
“Stupid beats clever in a war” :
Napoleon said the same thing, only better :
“In war, as in prostitution, amateurs frequently outperform professionals.”
The BBC and the rest of the corrupted press are showing only sour faces in Aleppo all the while Southfront is showing thousands of happy faces, parties, and cheers in the streets. Hmmm….. I need not guess.
Trump versus Killer two sides of the talmudic luciferians.
A divided house fighting for power.
The left/Marxist side in power since Reagan is livid and fearful of pizza gate blowing wide open and bringing them down. Fake news meme must prevail in their mind.
Putin displaying leadership and statesman ship in a world with leadership vacuum. History, if written by us will treat him well. My country will rightfully be reviled for its evil. The cultural Marxist have successfully dumbed down our son and grandson’s generation.
Albert Pikes WWIII is not going according to occultist timelines so between now and 20jan17 will be a tumultuous time. Meanwhile it is a sigh of relief to see my fellow man in Syria be free from anglo-zionist hegemonic agendas.
Do not drop our guards, these wicked people never rest and will forever push their wicked agenda until they suceed. So fellow men/women let us be vigilant and fight our fight where ever we are in life. Truth will make lying roaches scurry….
@ Texas Son
“The left/ Marxist side in power…”
Welcome to The Saker Vineyard where you’ll find rich pickings to entertain and educate you about the basics of political discourse and chicanery – very alive today as in the years of Texas annexation back in 1845.
Lesson No. 1 – I don’t know where you have been since Reagan departed from the Whore House but I can certainly swear and prove that no Marxist or leftie bum sat there at all, not even the cleaners. The residents, servants and sundry lackeys were all of extreme right political persuasion and enforced extreme right political agendas to support the Zionist billionaires, banksters and corporate tycoons to global hegemony in the course of which they amassed huge fortunes, immiserated the working class, and destroyed several countries.
No wonder Yanks don’t know geography – they can’t tell the right from the left!
Over lunch today I asked my dozen middle class left leaning professional work colleagues what they thought was going on in Aleppo. None rushed to the MSM narrative about bad Assad etc. Most said you can’t believe the MSM. They had little idea what was going on but were very curious as to what I thought. Reiterating views from places like Saker’s Vineyard they all were quite willing to agree. One knew the White Helmets were a front for propaganda, most said it’s like the TV series “House of Cards” but likely much worse. All were pretty much of the belief that the West was covertly supporting jihadists – and my mention of Lt Gen Michael Flynn’s al-Jazeera interview was confirmation of their suspicions.
The Cabal/Empire is rapidly losing the narrative.
Small issue. I don’t think this terrorist backed by Obama has used speed because speed give soldier real boost. He’s either drunk or he has used mixed stuff.
Hitler-AKA NWO- learns Aleppo is liberated
super timed appropiate ssubtitles……..obama, kerry etc
Truth came and falsehood was vanquished, surely it was destined to be vanquished
BBC calling! BBC calling!
Syria conflict: Fierce fighting halts Aleppo evacuation
The same Joud al-Khatib being barrel-bombed again today by fighter jets today in the same foootage as yesterday, White Helmets, one-man UK dress shop Syrian Observatory -they are all here.
And it’s all the fault of the Assad ‘regime’ -as usual.
AP aka ‘All Propaganda’:
Thanks God, i am not Japanese. i would have to do – seppuku- right now. because i cannot withstand shame from what i just heard on my Croatian tv. i feel miserly… “Tema dana” is the name of part of news. they were two morons acting as some specialists in strategic thinking saying things from MSM, actually insulting every sane person who understands Croatian language. they piffle about Syria, atrocities in Aleppo, Russians, Assad etc… nonsense.
from start of Syria carnage i did not see that anybody in Croatian government was upset much like last few days. yes they were a little when they lost oil fields because followed US hint for sanctions against legal government in Damascus. situation is that i don’t think that people are uninformed. i think they are 1. drugged – poisoned with food and programmed in unknown way to be … what they are. 2. they don’t want to be informed because they are to miserably cowards to accept truth 3. they lost/sold soul long ago and they are, actually, enemy of every conscious human being. situation which only a rifle can solve, if it comes to that.
i had to say that. Thanks everyone for understanding.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to. The US is doing it themselves in their own ignorant way.
Very painful (but unavoidable) though for a lot of people when the sudden pain of the death cramps set in.
See for yourself.
We are so happy!!! we have been following this situation for two years learning all we can and thank you for your persistence and courage for keeping us informed. We could not have counted on the insights offered @ the Saker if we had relied only on the fake MSM news – far from it. My heart goes out to the people of Aleppo and President Bashad al-Asad, and may more victories be ahead for the people of Syria.
If you read these comments of sayanim trolls you can easily see that they mantain tha same line of the MSM on “the Syrian Army running as rats instead of fighting”.
I wonder if any military in the world, included IDF, does not retire when the enemy displays a surprise attack with forces that outnumber them 5:1. I wonder which is the military in the world, included IDF, who would have remained to be slaughtered and perhaps also beheaded in a secured martyrdom, where the weapons would have been lost anyway, apart from the lives of the 1 thousand Syrain soldiers remaining there in Palmyra.
Retire in time before a sure death is, if I am not wrong, one of the many strategies and tactics every military in the world displays, according with every situation.
For the mods, to know what is the discourse of the MSM, and this way distinguish easily the sayanim trolls who have come in here, I leave the following article from Red Voltaire:
Yet again Washington allows Palmyra to be occupied by Daesh
So, it´s not the Syrian Army who have not done their work well, but instead it is, as always, the AngloZionist coalition who have cleared completely the surveillance in the zones which has compromised with Russia in the agreements to allow thye movement of 5000 efectives from Mosul and Raqqa.
If the Syrian Army were such useless as it is painted here by the sayanim trolls, it has not survived as it has done 6 years of ferocious war against the main military powers in the world, except Russia and Iran, who have thrown over them a huge terrorist army who does not subject to any human international law in peace or war, and it have not taken over the main cities of Syria, Latakia, Homs, and Aleppo ( the Golden Triangle ) besides of mantaining control always over Damascus.
Some music from Aleppo to celebrate the victory:
Waṣlah de maqām ḥijāz (Alepo, Siria)
Madrid “Leftist” City hall (ruling party: “New Left” party Podemos) decided to turn down city’s major foountain Cibeles lights “in solidarity with Aleppo”.
This people is really, really sick… or they really know who bankrolls them.
Nowadays I prefer the monopolist capital to mourn, than the Syrian people and childres (as Serbs do now).