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Boris Johnson dropped out today. Aside from middling support, he probably doesn’t want one of these schemes attached to his name.
It seams that BJ is less imbecile than he wanted us to believe. No sane person will take the post of PM in situation like this. To be directly responsible for the instigation of nuclear holocaust. And now, when caught red handed, for the grave consequences that follows.
Brits should do something with Anglosaxxon oligarchy that infested their island, before it’s too late.
Do what…..get a truncheon up the keister? Break bread with Assange? The minority of Anglo Brits are pensioners, senile almost, if one reads some of the long mindless rants they post on blogs. Senility so bad thet believe England a source of good to the world……yes, I choked on that. The rest, the majority, are immigrants, having left their home country to avoid the benevolence of English Imperialism.
Btw, Brit, Anglo, Saxon, same shit regardless of name.
Cheers M
USA is sending a message to Russia: If you attack Odessa or bomb decision making centers in Kiev, we will have Ukraine use a dirty bomb and then blame it on you.
This reeks of desperation. It is a sign that there will be no serious Ukraine offensive against Kherson.
Just a comment about Hu Jintao, he is 79 years old and is allegedly suffering from Alzheimers. His actions are in accordance with that affliction.
Having said that, Pelosi’s visit and the armed escort was almost certainly the final straw in US/China relationship. It would certainly lead to a dismissal of any individuals who may have US sympathies. I don’t think the US has a clue what they have done.
It became quite obvious that international mafia works against core interests of all countries, US included. They should be considered as parasitic Alien invaders, and dealt with accordingly.
Russia made one mistake at the beginning of the war. They should have taken Kiev in the first week. The failure to so so requires them to defend a front line of 1,000+ kn.
That is what West expected Russia to do. Afterwards, we would have Ukraine government in exile, all Nazis in Ukraine alive as insurgents and saboteurs, and no economic consequences on the Western world. Russia would be bogged down for decade(s). They even bragged for giving Russia its Vietnam or Afghanistan, remember? Instead, West burned all strategic reserves in EU and large part in US for nothing.
The goal of the West is the regime change in Kremlin, not open war with Russia. They can’t afford it. They just want free resources. Not gonna happen, so now they are panicking. Very dangerous situation.
To minimize military losses mobilization should have come first?
In that way the Ukraine army would have retreated as fast as possible
Ho hum. This ‘Russia should have taken Kiev’ thing is getting a bit boring.
All right, let’s say Russia manages to capture Kiev — despite employing a relatively small force, Russia manages to take a city populated by three million mostly hostile people, and do it rather quickly, a matter of weeks rather than months.
And then let’s suppose the Zelensky regime manages to relocate to, say, Lvov. He refuses to capitulate. Instead he orders his forces in the Donbass to turn around towards Kiev and his forces in the west of the country to also converge on Kiev, and together they surround the Russians in the city. Then what?
Russia will have to police three million hostiles, fight an urban war, contend with stay-behind parties and resupply its large garrison in Kiev by air. Russian forces occupying Kiev would be strangled slowly and destroyed piecemeal. In the meantime, elsewhere the SMO grinds to a standstill because resources are focussed on extricating the large force trapped in Kiev.
I don’t know about you but I’d call that state of affairs a quagmire.
Intressting. It seems this Dirty bomb is how Empire intended to insert itself overtly into the conflict.
Hopefully the Russians managed to convince them of what a bad idea it would be. Seems they got good intel.
another perspective??
💢Take this copypasta for what it is worth.
Chinese folk saying Hu Jintao and rest of Committee voted for new members of politburo at some point before the closing ceremony took place. Same day or day before maybe.
After Hu was seated next to Xi he realized the names on the new Politburo list were not the people that the committee voted for.
Hu started to protest and was quickly removed from the hall.
The people the committee votes for were who Hu wanted on the Politburo, all market guys.
Xi had something different in mind apparently.
Side note.
Here is a pic of Hu in his leadership days surrounded by his loyal cadre. Every single one of those men have over Xi’s time in leadership been arrested and not seen anymore.
Hu was last to go.
AKA, a Chinese takeaway.
Alexander Mercouris had a different interpretation of the “removal” of Hu Jintao from the meeting. Mr Hu sat next to Xi Jinping and was escorted out as he was ill. Look again, Andrei!!
As for the suggestion that Russia should have “taken Kiev” as if they were the USA shock and awe!!Not true!!
My wife was reading the MSN version, I had seen footage of him being brought in and seated, he was very frail. My take as I told my wife, he was sick, or was feeling ill and was helped out. Glad I’m not the only one seeing that….not good Ancestry Worship dragging old men out in public …just not a Chinese thing. Especially the gravity of the meeting.
Cheers M
Shoigu contacting his western peers appears to be a warning in the event of a false flag using a ‘dirty bomb’ which will give the excuse that the US/NATO seek to inhabit Odessa and set up a buffer zone. The actions of the US/NATO are reminiscent of Russian involvement in Syria. Russia in Syria had the terrorists virtually defeated but decided to withdraw a sizeable portion of their military back to Russia; at the time it was announced to have been a ‘brilliant tactical move’ by Russia. In hindsight, it was a mistake that allowed the US/NATO to set up bases in Syria acting as a buffer zone and training grounds for their proxies. Russia could have finished the war in Syria much earlier had they continued their attacks.
Russia appears to have made the same mistake again in Ukraine; time will tell but it seems likely that the US 101 Airborne are positioned to maneuver into Ukraine and set up a buffer zone and commence training proxies, Ukrainians to fight Russia and if that is the case Russia will lose against the US.
Hopefully not but due to Russian passiveness and procrastination, it may have left the door open for the US/NATO to enter Ukraine.
If that happens those 101 Airborne need destroying,as for Syria i think you have a point,never understood why the Russians allowed Islamist thugs to pull out of Aleppo and go to Indlib,then when the SAA were on a roll Russia did a deal with the Turks and the Syrian advance on Idlib stopped,now we have a terrorist state in that area.
What next?
My take:
I think RF won’t do any “big moves” until MidTerm elections in USA – why? – because US has planned to go in to “secure a buffer zone” in Odessa “if something big is happening” – that makes a huge Ukrainian false flag more probable in the coming days to have that pretext.
the losing Biden club needs a victory so badly – they would try anything to achieve another blame game as a distraction – knowing that this war is lost.
The plan could be to send in the 101st to Odessa – knowing RF would not directly attack them (RoE)
But I am not sure if that Rule of Engagement will hold for ever.
That para brigade (4.7k won’t change anything on the battlefield – it will only prevent RF to enter or hit the area.
how ever – after the US MidTerms RF will start their operations – I don’t know from where – but my bets are on Kharkov and somewhere along the Belarusian border – to cut off / disrupt supplies to the east.
After that – and Ukros run out of everything – agreements could be made.
ROE, where’d you get that. Anything, anyone, yank or not, that steps into the Ukraine is a target. Russia already tapped a NATO cargo plane full of terrorist gear near Odessa. Is there room in Arlington, or is it being expanded?
Cheers M
Correct. There are no ROE stated. Any NATO/US/UK maggot entering is a target. The West’s assets trapped in Azovstal were shot down by RF in the helicopters attempting extraction.
Also in Syria a vipers nest with 200 NATO “intelligence” assets was bombed a few years back.
Russia will not be hesitant to wipe the invaders out. They can’t afford to allow the “West” to form a beach head, as if they do they will find it difficult to remove them without a major escalation.
@ Blackring on October 24, 2022 · at 1:16 am
There is no international mafia in the real sense, i e signifying an independent actor.
It is all about the anglosaxon empire.
The only international thing is the reach of the anglosaxon octopussy.
The anglosaxons like you to look for schlomo (or whatever alien you suggest ) everywhere and they try to fuel the tensions if the practise of anglosaxon liberalism itself doesnt fuel the tensions enough already.
Ukraine was always set up as a trap for Russia. That’s why ever since the CIA coup in 2014, Ukraine has been trying to rape, torture and wipe out the more Russian aligned Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine. It was always known that the Russian aligned Ukrainians would fight back, they are Russian and only want to talk Russian and drink vodka, so of course they are going to fight back rather than change their lifestyle and culture just because some idiot in western Ukraine says so. The conflict in eastern Ukraine was created to draw Russia into Ukraine. Russia ignored the bait for 8 years, but had to put her foot down at some point, and that point finally came in early 2022.
But what sort of a trap can the West set for Russia in Ukraine, Russia cannot be defeated conventionally by the West. So the only possible trap is a nuclear or biological strike against the Russians in Ukraine. Afterwards everything will be attributed to the Jew Zelensky valiantly trying to defend his country against Russian aggression. But Russia was always aware of this trap and so only put minimal troops into Ukraine. So the West has been throwing more and more Ukrainians and mercenaries into suicidal attacks against Russian positions to draw more Russians in so the dirty bomb or small nuke or biologics or whatever will have maximum impact on those Russian forces.
Therefor the 300K extra Russian troops are just what the West wants in Ukraine. There could be a case for deploying these troops to western Ukraine, rather than eastern Ukraine, making a strategic split of Russian forces in Ukraine, just to confuse the living daylights out of Zelensky’s dirty bomb. This would make the conflict last longer, but Russia has all the time in the world, NATO forces don’t want to be drawn into Ukraine. If this SMO can last through winter without a dirty bomb or small nuke or biologic being used it means victory for Russia because Ukraine cannot hold out much longer with the bombing campaign Russia is now finally, finally, finally subjecting Ukraine to.
But Russia should definitely make it known that should a dirty bomb be used on Russian troops that Russia will nuke England and Poland, or something like that. It makes no sense for Russian troops to be dying of radiation sickness without gifting NATO some of that as well. Might as well go for every NATO capital in Europe, small bombing campaigns don’t help, big bombing campaigns however do.
Is it true that Ukrainian forces fired continuously for 20 minutes at a flock of geese believing them to be Russian drones flying over Kiev?
No casualties were reported among the geese.