translated by Scott
Sergei Naryshkin:
Dear participants of the Conference!

Sergei Naryshkin
Our meeting is taking place against a backdrop of an extremely complex international situation. It is qualitatively different from previous periods of the “cold war” and the brief triumph of American unipolarity. The confrontation between the powers in those years was tense, but generally predictable and regulated by a clear set of rules. In today’s world, the degree of disorder and uncertainty is growing rapidly. Old balances of power are collapsing, norms are being rewritten, and rules are being destroyed in all spheres of inter-state cooperation.
The main reason for the observed processes lies in the unwillingness of the so-called West led by the United States to recognize irreversibility of formation of multipolar world. Clearly visible is a desire of the Euro-Atlantic elite to maintain its leadership, which until recently seemed uncontested. German philosopher Walter Schubart at the beginning of 20th century said about the British that they, unlike other nations, look at the world as a factory, and do not crave anything but profit and benefits. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, we have had an opportunity to observe how historical and political successors of the British – the Americans – have built and expanded their factory, or rather the corporation, which now squeezes profits on a global scale. Many countries, such as Yugoslavia, Afghanistan or Iraq, have experienced its business model.
But, at the beginning of the new century, something went wrong for the Atlanticists. States and peoples began to remind Washington about their geopolitical sovereign subjectivity in more and more stern terms. The global financial cataclysm of 2008 revealed a shaky foundations of the global liberal economy built by the West. To date, no new sources of high and stable growth have been discovered. In the Western countries themselves, the population was not prepared for the severe consequences of the crisis, nor for the experiments of its own elite in the field of multiculturalism and the substitution for traditional identity. Proof of this – a sharp rise in popularity of anti-systemic, nationalist and populist forces. A society sends clear messages to the authorities that it feels deceived. But, instead of an adequate response, their elites chant about a mythical “foreign interference” and organize “witch hunts”.
Many of the above-mentioned problems would lose their relevance if the Western elite would learn to consider international relations not as a “zero-sum game”, but as a way to jointly solve accumulated problems. However, the global corporation cannot stop expanding and allow its profits to decline. It is more likely to destroy the international legal system and security architecture, which has become disadvantageous and inconvenient for them.
Motivated by selfish motives, Americans and their obedient allies are increasingly resorting to use of force to advance their interests at the expense of multilateral negotiations. They are making outright attempts to destabilize the situation in most regions of the world. And increasingly, they act not only without regard to the norms of international law, but also against common sense.
A striking example is the situation around Venezuela, which today is being cynically decimated in the same way as previously Libya or Syria. The White House itself is talking about danger of uncontrolled migration, plans to spend billions on strengthening the border with Mexico, and at the same time inflates a new civil conflict, provokes another humanitarian disaster, and this time – almost at its doorstep. Such arrogance and self-deception are some of the main challenges to international security.
This reckless line of action is not limited to Venezuela, which the United States, judging by its behavior, considers to be almost its own province! We see the United States, the United Kingdom and its most loyal NATO allies gradually abandoning basic rules and multilateral regimes, even on issues as critical to strategic stability as arms control and WMD. They violate principles of free trade, which is fundamental for the global financial and economic system they themselves have built. They arbitrarily interpret international law, inflicting military strikes on the territory of sovereign states, killing tens and hundreds of thousands of civilians and imposing sanctions against their geopolitical rivals. Even the very concept of law was turned into a joke after the British introduced a “Highly Likely” expression into legal circulation. Other Western countries considered it sufficient for a mass expulsion of Russian diplomats (which received a mirror response).
The US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the Golan heights as the territory of the Jewish state in spite of UN resolutions, as well as Washington’s unilateral withdrawal from the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program undermine collective efforts to stabilize the situation in the Middle East. Moreover, the very principle of crisis management through multilateral negotiations is under threat. The emphasis on the use of force without regard to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in the affairs of other states is a basic element of the doctrinal documents of Trump’s administration, including its national security Strategy and the US Counter-Terrorism strategy.
Against this background, many regional powers are also beginning to behave more aggressively, counting, for example, on the solution of long-standing border disputes or strengthening their own military and political positions. As a result, there is a chain reaction, and collective response mechanisms erode further. Impulsiveness replaces decision-making, and an egoistic approach prevail. The risk of so-called accidental conflicts is rising due to unilateral and spontaneous actions of individual players and they are difficult to calculate. An increasing number of people around the world are being getting caught up in conflicts of varying intensity. As a result, even a small provocation may be enough to trigger a global crisis.
Remember the First World War. None of the great powers, it is believed, were ready to start it, and yet they all literally “fell” into it, paying for it with tens of millions of lives, and some – with disappearance from the geopolitical map of the world. A hundred years ago, the state leaders in the justification for their actions could refer to the lack of international legal mechanisms for the settlement of contradictions at early stages. Today, such tools exist, but the so-called West, and especially the United States, consistently destroys it without offering anything in its place, but harassment of white knuckle Bullies or empty declarations about strengthening their supposedly universal liberal order, reality of which is doubted even by its authors.
This irresponsibility can, probably, be explained by the fact that the United States don’t have the historical trauma of war that other nations, especially Russia and the European countries, have. But the modern world (by the way, by the efforts of the US itself) has become so interdependent, small and flat that even the Atlantic and Pacific oceans can no longer be considered a reliable protection during a possible global conflict.
Russia, which has experienced three devastating wars in the past hundred years, never tires of calling on other members of the international community to jointly search for solutions to accumulated problems. Unfortunately, even in areas where such negotiations are conducted, such as fight against terrorism or information security, Western partners continue to keep a middle finger in their pocket. This does not mean, of course, that we need to cut off all contacts, to go into self-isolation or to isolate them. A dialog must continue, if only to prevent the final collapse of existing international system, which nevertheless provides strategic stability. In the current tense situation, it is necessary to follow the path not destruction, but strengthening global and regional formats, simultaneously improving and transforming them in the interests of peace and security throughout the world.
If the West, led by the US, lacks maturity and courage to move in that specified direction, the rest of power centers will have to design a global future without the West. A new world order, just and sustainable, must replace an obsolete liberal universalism. It must be established on the conditions and in the forms that will ensure joint existence of states and regional unions, while preserving the right to original development for each of them. I am sure that the common sense forces in Western countries are aware of risks facing the world community and are elementary interested in self-preservation will be increasingly drawn to this process.
The contours of the future world system are still shrouded in fog of uncertainty. Whether it will ensure true unity in diversity or will, once again, become a cover for the power of a narrow club of a few chosen, largely depends on our work together. The Moscow conference is an excellent platform for such work, for deepening cooperation in the field of global and regional security.
Thank you for your attention!
His name is Sergey Naryshkin.
“The emphasis on the use of force without regard to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in the affairs of other states is a basic element of the doctrinal documents of Trump’s administration, including its national security Strategy and the US Counter-Terrorism strategy.”
Sadly, Trump has taken on all the evil attributes and weapons of the Hegemon. He is little Hillary, she, the madwoman of Benghazi and Syria.
Trump serves chocolate cake and missiles at his state dinners. A sign of madness, too.
Naryshkin has spoke of these topics directly with the US counterparts. He knows their mindset.
His speech is an indication that the Russians and their multipolar partners are not waiting for the next US election or some moment of lightning to hit and wisdom to set in Western Liberal minds. They are onto building a World Order with Four Great Civilizations and two-thirds of mankind.
Yes,the next US election won’t bring change for the better. Trump has sold out to the zionists and neo-cons (with many they are the same people),as I warned two years ago.And at the same time, Russophobia has become almost a religion in the Democrat party. The tiny number of Democrats that might disagree,have little possibility of winning the election.If Trump and the Republicans win,we will probably see the same policies we have today against Russia.While with a Democrat win we would see the most anti-Russian leaders in modern US history. Naryshkin is right,Russia and other countries need to build a system that isolates the West. And slowly but surely,many Western nations would desert the US and attach themselves to that new “law based” system.
“Trump serves chocolate cake and missiles at his state dinners. A sign of madness, too”
If they lived in our time, I can well imagine Nero, Caligula, Commodus or Elagabalus doing likewise.
We can only wait, with bated breath, for Trump to make his horse Secretary of State. If only he had a horse…
Tom Welsh
It was Caligula who promoted his horse to the rank of senator. As for Trump, he has no need to promote his horse to the rank of Secretary of State, as a not too bright horse already occupies that position.
Actually, not a horse but a hippopotamus, or possibly just an animated bloviating blimp.
A pachyderm, surely.
History will be the judge how honest Trump was in taking out the Deep State. History will also conclude if Trump was under the control of the Deep State before he became President, or if he became so after entering the White House.
However, no matter what Trumps true intentions were and are, it is a fact the the US elite controls the US, and it has no intention of either relinquishing control of the country or of abandoning it’s globalist agenda. Worse, the elite is living in the past, thinking it can control events in the world and be believed. No, it will not be believed by the rest of the world. Worse than this, it is issuing imperial decrees to it’s European allies, asking them to sacrifice their economic interests with Russia and potentially turn Europe into a battlefield. As I have also written before, there is no mood in Europe for World War Three, as the previous two were more than enough. In fact they should not have been fought in the first place. I am not sure how all of this will end. However, it is a fact that Europe is beginning to look towards the East.
We can tell that Trump is serving the US Deep State because he is still alive.
This is an very realistic analysis. If there were anyone on the US security state paying attention, this would be a good article for them to read and think about.
Don’t worry. I would be surprised if US intelligence did not surf this website, as it is well known and provides great analysis of events.
There is no one to reign in the US security state. To them, its all about increasing/maintaining power. The media isn’t an instrument of the people to check the security state, but rather a tool used of the security state used to control the population. And the great majority of the population is too busy, ignorant, or apathetic to pay attention.
Maintaining the dollar status as world currency is paramount. Hence, the relationship with the Saudis and Gulf States takes precedence over everything. Control of energy (production and pipelines) and the currency trade tied to energy is the whole ball game. Hence, the destruction of Libya, the invasion of Iraq, the regime change operation in Syria, and now the regime change planning for Venezuela.
It’s ludicrous that after trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, and the complete destruction of several societies, that the majority of Americans see these actions as well-intended attempts to liberate people from brutal dictators; even as the US partners with the Saudis and props up the despotic Colombian regime. It’s sickening.
The key message here is that the so called West was given some specified direction, and if the West refuses to follow this direction, a global future will be designed without the West.
This year the MCIS was attended by 100 countries – the majority of the UN members.
What about the spiritual side of things? What if the total destruction is the end goal of those who control so called “Western societies”? “If I can’t have it all – I’ll destroy it all” kind of mentality. 5G infrastructure is already installed in all major cities, and clearly, it has mothing to do with any communication grid. It is a full spectrum surveillance and a kill grid. The type of electro-magnetic radiation it can create will fry absolutely everything that is alive. In the last two weeks, I was driving through some small villages and the technology is already visible just about everywhere. In my area, people who are living next to the transmission towers are all getting very, very sick. Imagine what would happen once the 5G stuff is online. It reminds me of Hitler’s last days when he decided to flood Berlin’s subway system with thousands of Germans who were using it as bombs shelters. Hi said: “If Germans are losers, they deserve to die”. Or something along those lines
… and China is pushing this 5G technology !
Where are the scientists speaking out ?
What effect will 5G have on babies and all animals ?
There was and is nothing wrong with land-lines … health safety comes first.
Yes, but In China the maximum permissible exposure is ten microwatts per square cm, or something like that. In the mighty USA it is 600-1000. I dare say that the Chinese have no desire to fry their people, or any others, but the omnicidal psychopaths who control the USA are another shtetl of rancid fish.
This seems a realistic and well-articulated summary….. and then there is that odd little phrase “new world order” that pops up in various speeches by various players, often in the West (the elder Bush springs to mind, but there are plenty others: a search for videos of “new world order” produces some).
Here the phrase follows a suggestion of creating a future without the West:
“A new world order, just and sustainable, must replace an obsolete liberal universalism.”
Is this a turning of the phrase back on its Western preachers, as a kind of diplomatic Karma, or some other kind of message?
An excellent speech, and a worthy sequel to the famous speech of Putin on the Munich security conference in 2007. There Putin already said ‘no one feels safe’ and even repeated that.
Still two sidebars, though I think that mr. Naryshkin knows this but will not state this in public.
First, the leaders did not exactly fall into WW1. This was already thought of for more than 10 years, largely triggered by the industrial rise of Germany, and their plans to build a railroad from Baghdad to Berlin. And with that the naval control of the British over their sea trade would be gone. See ‘A century of war’ by F: William Engdahl, chapter 3.
I see some resemblance with todays BRI.
“become a cover for the power of a narrow club of a few chosen”
Second, this phrase is politely stated, but are we talking about ‘becoming’ or ‘consolidating’? And are they chosen, or did they choose themselves, just like the somewhat bigger club of people who claim to be chosen?
And I think this is the real elephant in the room, considering odd ideas circulating there. Just read this article, posted by vot tak in a former Cafe:
Finally, Trump promoted Haley, Bolton, Pompeo and Kushner, so who also needs a horse promoted anyway.
Cheers, Rob
@Rob, yes indeed, it seems to have been long in the planning.
If one listens to the lectures of Rudolf Steiner (The Karma of Untruthfulness, part 1: and part 2: he talks about manipulations behind the scenes to bring it about.
Terry Boardman writes on these behind the scenes meddlers too; here is an article about the British machinations through and surrounding Sir Edward Grey:
James Corbett has also done a less esoteric review of events and conspiracies leading to WW1 in a number of videos and interviews:
America (along with its European crime partners) is a global dictator state that masquerades as a Beacon of Liberty or Leader of the Free World.
Increasingly, however, other nations are not obeying America’s dictates.
So an impotent fits of rage, America lashes out in more desperate propaganda smear campaigns; coup d’etats attempts against sovereign nations; state sponsorship of jihadist terrorism; economic and financial sanctions; and wars of aggression and militarism–all while pathetically trying to convince the world that America is just an innocent victim being threatened by evil-doers … who hate our freedoms!
America is hilarious–unfortunately, it is also an existential threat armed with nuclear weapons that can literally destroy the entire world.
”But, at the beginning of the new century, something went wrong for the Atlanticists.”
Yes, and they are biting the dust with their ludicrous, pathetic attempts at regime change à la Guaidó.
Neocons and neoliberals to the gallows — Поздравляю с Днем победы!
Both the neo-cons, those former Trotskyists, many acolytes of the sinister Judaic supremacist, Leo Strauss, and neo-liberals, followers of the Chicago School of Milton Friedman, Pinochet’s little mate, are essentially ‘Jewish’ phenomena. The negative side of ‘Jewishness’, (and there are positive and negative aspects to all human groups, including Jews), and very much enabled by the root Judaic beliefs of superiority over all others, Divine destiny and separation from and opposition to the rest of humanity.
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the translation. Just wondering what does it mean “Western partners continue to keep a middle finger in their pocket.” I’m still learning Russian so wondering from phrase this comes from in Russian. I can read Russian if you reply.
The solidity of these speeches by russian officials is welcome, and surprising for those brought up in an MSM information environment.
Can the Saker collect this and other such speeches (e.g. the previous one by the GRU, speeches by Putin etc) into a single tab at the top the Saker pages ( like the ‘watch’ , ‘sandbox’ etc tabs ) so that one can find them easily later ?
Thank you.