The murals shown here are from the Serbian city of Novi Sad and they have been made in remembrance of Lt. Colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Peshkov, the Russian airman shot down by the Turks over Syria. Writing on the flags are words of а song “С чего начинается Родина” (Where does the Motherland begin – a Russian song describing what love of country is) in Russian and Serbian. The mural was done by the Serbian League, Eastern Alternative and National Network (or People’s Network) organizations.
As my friend Larchmonter445 wrote to me, the western media would say about this photo that it represents “Alawite Mass Murderer and his Sunni Wife force Christians to take Selfies at Church“. What is really shows is Bashar al-Assad and his wife visiting the Christian community of Damascus.
May God bless the Assads and heal Syria. Merry Christmas Syria.
R.I.P., dear comrade Colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Peshkov.
You didn’t die so barbaricly for nothing.
Towarish Stl. from heaven will punish them in the name of all saddness brought against Russia!!!
Марк Бернес. С чего начинается Родина?
BTW, here is an interesting video I which just popped up from at least 2013 (probably much older), which – given how old it is – from as much as I have heard and seen of it is interesting to check for the parts of the prophecies which in fact did materialize or look probable for neighboring countries nad also Turkey’s potential future:
Turkey will disappear from the face of the earth as a state (1994 prophecy?) – Prophecy Elder Paisios from Greece
The speaker sounds like Webster Tarpley (only a guess)
Picture this!
1. The Airforce of the Zionist Land Thieves is allowed to wander, and bomb, freely, in Syria.
2. The Russian media reports Favor the Zionist Land Thieves’ account and excuse for the air attack murder conducted against a sovereign Nation (Syria), a nation that the Zionists are not technically at war with.
3. What use are the vaunted S-300 & S-400 & S-800,000 anti air systems if they do not protect, or even attempt to protect Russia’s Syrian Allies from all enemies, including the Zionist Terrorists?
4. Here is another article from the Zionist Propaganda outfit, “Sputnik News” – that is totally biased against the Victims (the Arab peoples) of Zionist Terrorism. The article accepts the Zionist propaganda that their shelling of Lebanon is “in response to South Lebanon’s shelling.” There is no mention by the Zionist propagandists of “Sputnik News” of the 68 years of Zionist aggression and genocide against the Arab nations of Palestine, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, (do not forget the bombings of Tunisia and Iran by the Zionist Air force).
One might as well ask Terrorist Zionist American President, Netenyahoo, for his version of the attack. Why waste time reading the zionist media?
Read the articles. You decide.
5. Apparently, the Zionist Land Thieves, and their puppet Americans, have carte blanche to bomb and shell Syria and Lebanon, at will, and Iraq, whenever they invade, or make a mistake.
How would you like to be a soldier in the Syrian Army, and know that you have absolutely no (0), air cover against certain enemies, such as the Zionist Land Thieves, or the Americans?
Just what are the S-choose your #s, in Syria for?
There is no air cover in Syria, or Lebanon for Russia’s allies. It raises the question of what the air cover in Iran is worth. Did the Iranians finally receive the Russian S-300s after promising never to use them (specially against the Zionist Land Thieves)? And the poor Iraqi soldiers, is there no help for them?
Even Democratic Republics need air cover.
Is it not -Completely Obvious- that the Zionists control the Russian media, (as well as everyone else’s media)?
*It is not so important to know who is a Jew, but it is vital to know if the Russian leaders are aware that their media supports the Zionist Land Thieves? And, as they must know this, it would be nice to know, just what they are receiving, for being silent about their surrender of a genuine Russian Voice.
For the Palestinians, this state of affairs with Russia is nothing new. The Russian leadership have been betraying them since 1947 (when Djugashvili supported the Haganah’s destruction of the Palestinian state).
Read the articles in the Russian media.
Tell me it ain’t so – Joe!
For the Democratic Republics – without air cover.
Ok, you got the point.
Putin will have to confront Israel, sooner or later, if he doesn’t he will lose this war anyway.
It’s not about Putin confronting Israel. There will be no need for that. The battle is against the prescription medicine taking schizophrenic psychopaths in Washington. If they go away, people like Netanyahu also go away. These comments here are ridiculous. Sputnik and RT are zionist outfits? Whoaaaaa Nelly! Take it easy and let the Russians work. Sputnik has it’s purpose as does RT. If you want to hasten things up then go ahead and do something about it yourselves. Russia knows what it is doing and how it is to be done. All in due time.
And good for the brothers in Novi Sad for creating the mural.
The problem is you don’t understand what a Zionist is.
Which makes you ‘useful’ to them Burning Spear.
How do you know what I understand and don’t understand?
Remaining of comment removed… would only lead to a flame war… mod-hs
Missing link to Sputnik article on Zionist air attack on Syria:
The Syrians are obliged to make the Terrorism analogy, all by themselves.
Unfortunately since the murder of Stalin it is not possible to tell you, it aint true (although there were phases in history: De-Stalinization, re-habilitaion and so on)
I do not read RT at all anymore and SputnikNews may be nice entertainment, but on the tough issues they are always too soft, if they mention them at all. This became clear during the active phase of Novorossiya’s freedom war.
I don’t think this is the Russian government’s line. But the deep state needs to be finally dealt with!
However – that’s probably not so easy if one doesn’t want to end like JFK.
Yes, I too have started to see a disturbing trend from RT as it relates to the coverage of Israel.
RT now, almost always, follow the exact wording of the worthless MSM when covering Israeli crimes.
I personally follow RT because I’m expecting some objective reporting.
I do not need to have them regurgitate the same crap oozing from the Zionist-controlled MSM.
It is now a sad fact that; RT’s coverage of Israel has become compromised. Don’t ask me why.
Oh Lord, have mercy, et tu RT?
Antonsen, today you are right in almost all except on that of Djugashvili supporting the Haganah, Where have you taken off that pearl ? Was told by Trotsky in his deathbed?
Anyway, you are a very funny Trotskyist, indeed the only one I have ever met.
The other day you answered to me that Trotsky had “his moments” in the Petrograd Soviet. Yes, “moments” which he used to kill the good Kirov.
elsi is correct!
(rgds. and good jump into 2017 / Merry Xmas on that occasion!)
Err, 2016 I probably meant.
But as I still live in the 80ties – one year more or less, what does it matter?
Given the current 1984 like world situation anyway: Paul Craig Roberts Warns “Everything Is Disintegrating”
Merry Christmas & Happy new Year.
Trotsky was elected President of the Petrograd Soviet in 1905 (pre Stalin era – before Russian Socialist Revolution of 1917). Trotsky had his moments & his achievements (formed the Red Army & led it to victory in Russian Civil War 1918-1923). And his earlier efforts, such at St Petersburg 1905.
Kirov assassinated in 1934 – 29 years later, when Stalin in was Power.
Am not Trotskyist, or Marxist, but Anarchist. Greatest anarchist was Buenaventura Durruti who fought against Franco’s Fascists in Spain 1936 (was even invited to Russia by Stalin).. Am not sectarian. I admire many who resist imperialism. I also prefer George Orwell’s approach to doing good, and Solzhenitsyn, & Tolstoy, and some of Jefferson and all of Tom Paine, among others.
Stalin sent advisers & weapons to the Israeli Army (Haganah), in 1947, and these gave the edge to Zionist Land Thieves against the poorly armed Palestinians and their small number of Arab allies. America also supported the Haganah, but not as much in 1947.
Apparently, even then, deals were made.
Anarchists do not like deals (with the devil), or Big totalitarian governments (almost all American, European, & Asian nations fit in that category of big repressive States controlled by wealthy Oligarchs).
After WWII, (1945), few nations or political parties cared for the oppressed peoples of the “Third World.” The French & English & Dutch attempted to reestablish their control over their African & Asian empires. America slowly began to help them (ended up in Vietnam & JF Kennedy ended up Assassinated).
In 1947, the Palestinians had no friends. Today, The Syrians have Russia, but no air cover or help from them against the Zionist Land Thieves, who have already stolen the Golan Heights from them (Syria).
*I admit to one thing; I am a very funny Trotskyist.
Found this today.
George Orwell: Strategic Genius?
Similarly, Orwell questioned his own farsightedness as a commentator on martial affairs. “One way of feeling infallible is not to keep a diary,” he observed wryly, and his prognostications from 1940-1941 proved it. Yet
“…I was not so wrong as the Military Experts. Experts of various schools were telling us in 1939 that the Maginot Line was impregnable, and that the Russo-German Pact had put an end to Hitler’s eastwards expansion; in early 1940 they were telling us that the days of tank warfare were over; in mid 1940 they were telling us that the Germans would invade Britain forthwith; in mid 1941 that the Red army would fold up in six weeks; in December 1941, that Japan would collapse after ninety days; in July 1942, that Egypt was lost and so on, more or less indefinitely.”
Hello Peter,
what you wrote to Elsi is to a large extent definitely correct, and even if and where not, very well written.
Are you a native speaker of English?
However – while Stalin wasn’t member of the Petrograd Soviet when it was formed, 10 years later he was already
“”Stalin was one of the seven members of the first Politburo, founded in 1917 in order to manage the Bolshevik Revolution, alongside Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.[2] Among the Bolshevik revolutionaries who took part in the Russian Revolution of 1917, Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the party’s Central Committee in 1922.””
So the major figures were neither unknowns to one another, nor unrelated in terms of the power structure.
> Stalin sent advisers & weapons to the Israeli Army (Haganah),
> in 1947, and these gave the edge to Zionist Land Thieves against the poorly armed
> Palestinians and their small number of Arab allies. America also supported the
> Haganah, but not as much in 1947.
Like many humans Stalin learned new insights and developed over the years.
Yes-no-yes-no – politics is a strategy game. But you should decide what his true view was versus what he wanted it to appear on the surface.
First he wanted to give them Crimea, later he changed his opinion.
He also wanted to clear the Soviet Union of the western bankers’ influence, which lead to some cleansing. The turning point bnecame visible when Trotsky the traitor got expelled for good reasons.
Who murdered whom – study that again.
Here it is 4am and I must continue to work on my unpaid sfw prohect – then stand up already in 3 hours.
Therefore I cannot respond in a clean verbose style matching yours.
Nevertheless, did you ever come across the video which I post about 5 times per week???
Joseph Stalin – here and now (Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science.)
Martin from Soviet East Berlin,
“what you wrote to Elsi is to a large extent definitely correct, and even if and where not, very well written.”
Are you a native speaker of English?
Father – Belgian from Antwerp. spoke Flemish/Dutch, French, German. & English.
He served in Belgian & American armies.
Mother NYC-American born.
I am as Native a speaker of English as anyone raised in Brooklyn, NY can be.
Attended- University of Mexico.
Improved my writing at Lehigh U.
Learn much on this fabulous Saker website-forum.
Quite a diverse CV, not bad.
@Peter: If you say you are an Anarchist and never make any deals: That’s fine, but but do you think can be achieved by anyone with this attitude – for himself or for humankid??
Nothing, because if you make no deals with anybody, nobody will make deals with you.
Order and control —> POWER.
Anachrchy == dust, weakness, no society.
If you love anarchy then why don’t you admire Wallstreet?
But as for your historic points maybe I find some time next night.
Very good response!!! People seems to be so brave these days posting comments in an assured way armed only with a superficial and shallow knowledge of history. Knock ’em out Antonsen!
Until how many percent did you attempt to read the above conversation?
I congratulated you all the Christmas holidays and the New Year some days ago, here, including a traditional Basque carol and a concert of an also very good Basque choir:
Albeit a proletarian, and not writing missives, but simple comments in plain and simple language, and not having studied at the University of Mexico but in the local public university, with photocopies, and only for a few years, for family economic haste, I usually congratulate Christmas to everyone in advance enough, even to those who throughout the year have been treating me badly ( be quiet, with this I’m not talking about you ).
Well, Stalin, supported the nascent state of Israel, in any case, very briefly, and only by geopolitical interests related to oil trade in the Middle East looking for the protection of Russian interests, more or less what now makes our comrade V.V. Putin, but the greatest support for the Hagannah came from the British, who under the guidance of Charles Orde Wingate provided them with training, intelligence and weapons to neutralize the Irgun, but then the Hagannah itself turned against its initial promoters, understanding that they would never allow mass immigration to Israel, but its greatest source of supply was the illegal trade of weapons from Europe.
I leave a link to a Zionist site ( therefore nothing suspicious of Stalinist ) where the history of the Hagannah is told, and where Stalin does not appear anywhere. I can not reproduce here some interesting snippets because it is protected by copyright and can not be reproduced except for scholar purposes, you have to read it ( you and anyone interested ) by following this link:
What bothers me is that you wring history to the unimaginable saying that American support was minimal and almost ascribe the creation of the state of Israel to Stalin. Within a little time, I will have to hear that Stalin wrote love letters to the very Golda Meir….
I hope, when those documents “senior estrategist” said to be released in 2017 on Stalin were released, that many things are clarified, and that the most reviled man in history, will be done some justice and will be attributed the fair deads and fair charges to him, no more, no less. It is something I would like to personally request to comrade V.V.Putin and comrade A.V.Bortnikov, before they leave office, if needed as a Christmas gift, if I was given the opportunity.
As for the good of Kirov, that Trotsky was not in Petrograd when he was foully murdered in the back, does not mean they did not participate in it, and even did not organize it. Kirov replaced Zinoviev in the Petrograd Soviet, very reluctantly, sent there by Stalin as henchman to bring order where the counterrevolution was being organized by the Zinovietist / Trotskyist sector in charge. Kirov, who, as complete and honest person, plus a proletarian, had the bad habit of convincing people when talked to them in the factories and workshops with his arguments, had almost managed to thwart this conspiracy, when he was murdered. There is no evidence against Stalin, despite all the anti-Bolshevik and anti-Communist spies who swarmed by the USSR, such as MI6 spy Conquest, who have rushed to write literature in order to charge this dead also over Stalin. Most expert in the murder of Kirov, one woman nothing suspicious of Stalinist, Alla Kirilina, concluded that Stalin had nothing to do, but, I believe in her theory about that was done by Nikolayev, alone, as much as I believe that L.H. Oswald, alone, killed JFK, rien de rien. The hand behind was Trotsky and the bankers who paid him.
I let you link to an interesting discussion on the topic, where there are arguments for everyone. For you to lire these holidays ( you must translate it, as it is in Spanish, but I assure you that it is worth to do it ):
As for Durruti, I know him very well, remember that I am Spanish, he was also a man of integrity and honor, and proletarian, like Kirov:
I take it personally that not even elsi wished me back “Happy Holidays”.
As for @Antonsen: You won’t believe it, I also speak multiple languages and attended Technical University (Maths/Computer Science). And I’m not simply from a family with _some_ academic background.
I have my own UNIX distro and worked 1000’s and 10’s of 1000’s of hours for free as unpaid volunteer in Open-SRC programming projects.
Which is btw one of the main reasons why I had so little time to contribute here.
As here are no friends left, I will also stop this remaining quick’n dirty sporadic commenting.
Don’t have time anyway.
I withdraw my Xmas wishes.
Hint: Rather than posting known stuff about Yugoslavia focus on what may soon start again in DonBass :(
(I hope I’m wrong)
You sound like those pathetic guys who go to church functions to meet girls. Why not just do it because you want to learn and or share your knowledge. It is how most of us learnt anything real for the past decade with all the lies anywhere we looked.
If you happen to meet people who are as curious and knowledgeable then it is a wonderful gift to find. Friendship takes a long time to form.. It needs trust and knowledge of their motivations which only develop through time. People throw around euphemisms like this as if its a word without any meaning. When there is meaning then the word comes into play by itself without having to be defined.
Without Kennedy we all would never have been born!
USA State secret list of nuclear targets 1956 free
A decade after the atomic bombing of Japan was working the Air Force General CurtisLeMay Strategic Air Command built on a comprehensive devastating blow against the Soviets. LeMay, who commanded the atomic bombing of Japan, had advocated since the late 1940s for turning Russia into a parking lot. A study published now of George Washington University Air Force study in 1956 for the projected for 1959 Erstschlagskapazität proves itself by military standards as cynical.
The amount of funds used exceeded even the apparent exaggeration in Stanley Kubrick’s “Dr. Strangelove” by far. So 145 nuclear bombs were provided with parameters from 1.7 to 9 megatons of TNT alone for Moscow 179, for Leningrad. (By comparison, the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had an explosive yield of 0.013 and 0.02 megatons of TNT). The explosions should be made at low altitude, in order to achieve maximum destruction and distribution of the radioactive material. Since the test Castle Bravo of 1954, the US had a 15-megaton bomb, the explosion cloud filed in the troposphere, and later even a 25 Metatonnen bomb. The newly published documents alleging that US generals even demanded a 60 megaton bomb, which would correspond to 4,000 Hiroshima bombs. (1961 tested the Russians a hydrogen bomb of this size.)
The US never had nuclear superiority enough to have destroyed the soviet union even with nuclear weapons…. They were that powerful. That is why it was never used. It would have destroyed all soviet cities but it would not have defeated the soviet army. And you can imagine what they would have done to europe. They could not hit the US but 5 years later they had the means to do that as well.. So the US would not exist soon after as well.. The US military does have their share of Custer’s.. You only need to look at the colonels in the US army who strut around like they are field marshals and drunk on power. Unlike the Iranian generals on the battle fields of Syria who take part with their men in battle these gusy sit in their 5 star hotels with hookers like pre WW1 aristocrats moving checker pieces for strategy.
Perdon mi Espanol, pero falto de practica. (no se como poner accentos -exception, el é)
Mi hija estudio’ en Espana – U de Seville. Mi ex – Puertorriquena
Gracias por los conexiones.
Parece que algunos do los anarchistas Espanoles estaban viviendo (en exilio), en México, cuando estaba estudiante.
Mi preocupacion mayor es la necessidad de reestablecer La Republica Americana, y derrotar los zionistas imperialistas.
Una vez mas, y para ti y para todos los demas Sakers,
Que tengan un feliz Navidad y prospero Ano Nuevo!
Está bien, Peter J., no worries.
Yo te deseo también paz, salud y prosperidad y que tengas suerte con tu República Democrática en USA… vas a necesitar…. tal vez más que yo….
Pareces un buen tipo….sólo te equivocas con Trotsky……él te clavaría un puñal o te descerrajaría un tiro a bocajarro, como a Kirov, a la primera oportunidad.
Feliz Navidad y buen año para ti!
Trotsky had no deathbed. He died on the ground with a hole in his head.
I do not understand this dirty relationship between Orthodox Christian Russia and Zionist Jewish Israel.
The killing of Samir Kuntar shows at least for now that Russia is not a reliable ally.
I give you a clue: there are ~500000 people of Jewish descent in Russia.
Русь was the last governing body free of Jews in this part of the world.
I also notice that RT and Sputnik are very competent at blaming Turkey and Erdogan. I was told it is a political suicide in Russia not anti Erdogan. So Turkey now right into the Israel’s embrace after been friend of Russia. for 25 years I am not sure what kind of chess is Putin playing, but Putin has really out playing himself so far!
Looks like empire, NATO et al are losing more of it’s grip.
New parties win big in Spain election, ruling conservatives lose majority
Published time: 20 Dec, 2015 19:15Edited time: 21 Dec, 2015 00:32
We should learn from the betrayal of Syriza in Greece not to pin too much hope on these new parties.
They promise to confront the Empire and govern in the best interest of citizens, but as soon as they summoned to Brussels and Berlin they start singing a different tune.
Don’t get me wrong though, I am not here to traffic in pessimism and negativity, I would love to be proven wrong on Podemos, its just that experience has taught us wisdom.
Elsi has a decidedly different view on this.
Sorry, can’t remember the thread. You’ll find it in ‘recent comments.’
We’ll have to see on that. The pro-NATO party still got 123 seats. The also pro-EU party got 90. Another, who I think is a Trojan Horse party got 40 seats. And Podemos got maybe 69 seats. So I don’t see that as the fall of NATO in Spain (a small start,at best).
Yes, perhaps just a start, but better than the pro-NATO and pro-fascist starting out as completely dominant and going on downhill from there, without any opposition. Every bit of struggle against the fascists will take some of their resources to overcome, and if enough people engage in resistance they may even win a war of attrition, or rally more people into the resistance.
Well, it depends on how complete you see it.
In the longer run such bought-up infiltrated fake Empire-Haters political parties will damage the movement _much_ more than helping it.
Because during the next election voters will be disappointed and then will elect the exact opposite.
That’s btw the “function” of the so called Democrat vs. Republicans and so called Green versus so called Social-Democrats versus so called conservatives versus so called Communists in the EU.
It’s all part of the game, and in the end it will neutralize all votes, no matter who get’s “elected”.
It’s a puppet theater of marionettes.
Was that quote by Kurt Tucholsky? “If polls could change anything [to the better], they were already forbidden for a long time!”
I just invented a new name for that, but it describes it best: FALSE FLAG “DEMOCRACY”
New show…
CrossTalk on Syria: Road to peace?
Published on Dec 18, 2015
After years of bickering and bellicose language, it would appear the major powers might be able to come to an understanding on how to end the Syrian Civil War. Well, that’s according to John Kerry. Moscow is not as convinced as the US Secretary of State. The question remains: can Washington change its thinking about the conflict? CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Stephen Zunes and Josef Olmert.
Is Russia losing its little brother? Information war drags Serbia closer to EU
December 20, 2015 –
Kirill Ozimko, PolitRussia –
Translated for Fort Russ by J. Arnoldski
“Serbia is betraying Russia and joining the EU”
Serbia already received candidate status for EU membership back in March 2012. For a long time, starting negotiations was blocked by the conflict with Kosovo, which seceded from Serbia in 2008. For a few years, Serbia did not recognize the secession of their land. However, this summer they agreed to cooperate with it.
On August 25, Serbia and the partially-recognized Republic of Kosovo even signed agreements in Brussels, according to which they will deepen their cooperation and join the European Union together. With this step, Serbia actually recognized the independence of its […]
Never equate the people with their rear licking government.
As long as they hold power “they are Serbia” to the World. That is just a fact. No matter how much we may wish it wasn’t.
Uncle Bob 1- You are very correct.
Syria conflict: Dozens killed in suspected Russian strikes
The British Bloviator Corp. has ramped up the anti-Russian propaganda over the last few days.
Since their information slant is directed by MI6 and indirectly by other alphabet outfits like NATO it is clear that something is afoot.
I had thought it might involve Israel but there’s nothing in Debka and the Canadian outlet for pro-Israel propaganda curiously only has the sex scandal Israeli minister resignation. My conclusion could be premature of course.
I feel quite sure that Russia knows what they are up to but does anyone here know?
I don’t know but assume it’s the standard anti_Russian propaganda, maybe ramped up in response to the new agreements which could derail the imperialist agenda against Assad etc. There are also NATO planes, including British, there which could do such things, with Cameron as Psychopath in Chief.
Here’s yet another BBC piece of pompous crap from one of those non-governmental think tanks that is full of government types:
The last two lines say it all for the russophobe smear meme. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black:
“Others fear Russia may compensate for weakness with risky foreign adventurism.
Indeed, for many, it is already doing just that. ”
Is Russia still a key world power?
If there is any doubt about the impartiality of James Nixey who is head of the Russia and Eurasia Program at UK think tank Chatham House and specializes in the relationships between Russia and the other post-Soviet states :
“So whereas we feel that we are punishing Russia for its actions in Ukraine, or for the downing of the MH17 airliner, Russia feels it is punishing us for our punishments towards Russia”
“Let’s not mince words here. There is a war going on in Ukraine and Russia is responsible for it.”
I think the plan is to use the new UN resolution against Russia and the Assad government. It forbids attacks on “civilians”. So if the West can make out a case that Russia and Assad attack civilians,there is their plan in a nutshell. I started smelling a rat when I read that in the resolution. And the smell grows larger everyday.
might be intresting
“Lone wolf attacks will soon morph into guerrilla war inside Europe – ex-Pentagon adviser”
but also
this was ok ish
“The issue of human rights has played a central role in the discourse of western nations. But it has also been misused as a foreign policy tool to justify wars and bloody military interventions. How can we ensure that the fundamental and universal values we so cherish don’t become the cause of the violence and suffering that we abhor? Oksana is joined by Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, to debate these issues.”
He talked very strongly re Minsk should be fulfilled is the only answer for Ukraine……….
There has been much hand-wringing about the recent Israeli air strike on a Damascus apartment building.
Let’s set the record straight:
First, the imposition of a Russian no-fly zone over Syria, directly under the noses of supposedly the most powerful military alliance on earth, is a tremendous psychological blow to the Zionist Power Configuration.
This from the Toronto Star (Mitch Potter’s incoherent rage bubbling just below the surface):
Russian anti-aircraft system in Syria likely to lead to more death, refugees: Analysis
It beckoned all year as the next best thing to peace in Syria: the imposition of a no-fly zone, enforced by the world’s collective air power, to clear the deadliest skies the Middle East has known in decades.
And now it’s not going to happen because amid Western indecision, Russia just went ahead and gobbled up Syria’s airspace, mobilizing a trove of advanced air defence systems in support of the region’s major killer — the Assad regime.
Second, arising from point number one, the Zionist Atlantic Treaty Organization’s most important objective must now be the removal of the threat posed by Russian S-400’s. The militarily insignificant Israeli strike on Damascus was an action designed to force Russia to turn on their systems, allowing for further development of countermeasures.
This is a technical problem and it is safe to assume the very best analysts ZATO can provide are already hard at work. Intensive monitoring of Russian S-400 signals/frequencies/locations/etc. will only escalate.
Russian forces must keep their cool and refuse to allow ZATO to seize the initiative. So far they have responded by randomly ‘painting’ NATO aircraft or over-flying the Golan. This is the correct way to behave and keeps the opponent off balance. Eventually we can expect large numbers of NATO/IAF aircraft to approach Syria simultaneously from multiple directions in mock attack. Very soon we will all be reminded the AngloZionists speak only with forked tongues, their diplomatic undertakings being essentially meaningless.
Lastly, setting the record straight on Samir Kuntar, nothing you read in the Western MSM is even remotely accurate. Samir Kuntar was a heroic Palestinian Druze resistor who was falsely accused of bashing the head of a four year old child with a rifle butt, for which he spent 30 years in jail before being freed in a prisoner exchange.
In fact the child was shot dead by Israelis who later bashed the child’s skull to conceal their typically sadistic and cowardly imcompetence. Please note the statement of an Israeli psychologist below.
Samir Kuntar – wiki
Psychologist and former senior police officer Zvi Sela denied that al-Kuntar had killed the Haran family. Between 1995 and 1998 he served as Chief Intelligence Officer of the Israel Prison Service and met al-Kuntar in prison in this capacity. In an interview with Haaretz he claimed:
“We turned Kuntar into God-knows-what – the murderer of Danny Haran and his daughter, Einat. The man who smashed in the girl’s head. That’s nonsense. A story. A fairy tale. He told me he didn’t do it and I believe him. I investigated the event… and in my opinion there is support for the fact that they were killed by fire from the Israeli rescue forces. You can accuse him all you like, but it was obviously the rescue forces that opened fire.”
As an aside, I think by now Hezbollah should understand that all exchanged prisoners come back electronically ‘tagged.’
On your first point I posted the comment below earlier with a little more detail surrounding the Star article. I also failed to get any comment on why ‘Soviet’ wasn’t mentioned in the same sentence as ‘Putin’ -nor did it appear anywhere else in the article. The lack ofany mention of the Soviet Union is quite odd.
Off topic, Mohamed, you said Israel will dare to fly over Syria and Lebanon now that Russia is protecting Syria? Israel airstrike just killed top Hizbullah near Damascus—-
That pic,isnt Assad scared about some christian children without his head taking him out or slipping on his wife? Being a mass murdering butcher and all.. To be in a public place. When the most powerful person on earth is scared to be seen outside a monitored room protected by thousands of special forces and secret service..
Quntar was murdered by Israeli’s because he was trying to organize resistance with the Druze in Israeli occupied Golan heights.. Cant have anyone organized now can we…
He was a pubic figure attracting Druse to pro-Hezbollah “Syrian Islamic Resistance” not a military one. Al-Quntar was a known figure attracting Druse in Quneitra. Israel wanted to hit him for various reasons.
and again… ooooooooooopppssss that was a mistake.. The knifes slipped and chopped off their heads…
Syria’s Druze Under Threat
Recent attacks on the Syrian Druze community threaten to further roil sectarian tensions, radicalize Druze elements, and potentially draw Israel into the civil war.
On June 10, al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra (JN) killed at least twenty Druze in Qalb Loze, a village in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province. Six days later, two Assad regime soldiers serving at the Druze town of Khadr on the border with Israel killed their Druze commander before defecting to JN. The next day, Islamist militants and other rebel forces seized a strategic hilltop north of Khadr and surrounded the village after fierce fighting with regime forces.
These events underscore the vulnerability of Druze communities straddling the borders of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel. The roughly 800,000 Druze in Syria no longer receive sufficient protection from what is left of the regime and are considered heretics by JN and other Islamist groups. Moreover, further escalation could spur Israel to intervene, among other perils.
On June 13, JN announced that the attack had been carried out by group members who “violated” the leadership’s orders. Calling the incident “an unjustifiable mistake,” the statement added, “the village and its people are still safe…(and) under our protection.”
For Druze in Israel, a humanitarian safe zone to protect their kin and co-religionists across the border will become a much more difficult prospect if JN and other groups complete their takeover of the Syrian Golan. Israeli officials are watching the situation carefully, fearing that without an international haven in Syria, they could suddenly find themselves contending with a massive flow of Druze refugees streaming toward the border. The Israel Defense Forces have reportedly warned JN not to target the Druze, a message communicated through the Free Syrian Army. Moreover, the IDF chief of staff made a veiled reference to the Druze predicament while testifying before the Knesset on June 16, noting that the army would “act to prevent the slaughter of Syrian refugees.” In the meantime, Israeli Druze will no doubt dramatically increase their humanitarian and financial support to Syrian Druze.
The Zionist F-16 was flying over Jordanian airspace at the time it fired its rocket at the building in which Sameer was visiting friends. There can be no doubt the Jordanian authorities knew the jet was flying in their airspace because the Patriot missile system would have certainly picked it up. The rocket was fired “off-target” so as not to ignite a situation in which the Zionist murdering pilot would be trying to evade the Pantsir and S-300 systems Syria is now free to use.
Another essential fact (that might help Peter J A calm down) is that the Israeli missile was launched from Jordanian airspace – there was no aircover system failure or abandonment of allies.
So it remains to be seen what other sorties will be likewise launched.
They fly over the Syrian border – that will be another story.
That doesn’t help I think. By that standard if the Turks stayed over the Turkish borders but fired at the Russian base in Latakia they would be safe from Russian missiles? I strongly doubt that. It is a political decision,not a legal matter of borders. Self-defense is self-defense. Firing from Jordanian airspace gives them no better protection under the law.
The law is not clear here, This happens a lot and I mean a lot.. Breaking a cease fire is actually invading a sovereign area.. Shelling and shooting and such are not counted as breaking.. Since a person did not violate it. Drones fall in the same category as well. The US is the main culprit as usual in creating such paradoxes. Now everyone does it because of prior actions. Many laws are violated by the US using legal ambiguity and it creates a lot of problems.. Hot pursuit where you can chase someone and as long as you don’t lose track of them you still have jurisdiction is one. I think the US annexed large parts of Mexico using this. And then turning it into captured during war and now we have it so it is ours..
I think this is what Putin wants to stop, He wants UN law applicable to all equally and concise and hence predictable. Which don’t violate sovereignty. The turkish funded chechen terrorists would run off to turkey when things got hot, The US would chase vietcong all over asia and bomb them in hot pursuit violating everything. If that was the case Turkey would have been a smoking crater…
“If that was the case Turkey would have been a smoking crater…”
And that would somehow be a bad thing? I’m not so sure of that. If you allow your supporters to be murdered with doing nothing to stop that or punish the guilty. Then I’m not sure you are worthy to have any supporters at all. One of the oldest imperatives of human society. And certainly of submitting to “rule by others” is the need for protection of the weak by the strong. If the strong don’t fulfill their duty to the weak. Then the weak need to choose another among the strong that will fulfill that duty. Its been that way for thousands of years. I don’t see that changing,nor should it.
You are right – morally. But functional corruption of laws – loopholes through bad wording or applying them to contexts they were never intended (the 14th Amendment to justify gay ‘marriage for example ) is the very life-blood of legal practice.
The Israelis are exceptionally well practised in causuistry, sophistry and, when that fails, outright violence. No surprises there.
The latest is an attempt to smear Russia with collusion:
A pretty bog-standard essay in ‘plausible deniability’ to my mind – surprised they couldn’t have come up with something better.
Note: the site offers all the ‘latest news from Lebanon’ but is actually operated from Pennsylvania. Draw your own conclusions.
Israeli jets never entered Syrian air space.. They did not even fire from the Golan heights but Jordan.. Why the missiles were not shot down is a good question.. Maybe the pantzir’s are hidden and not active.. The S400 would not have been able to intercept the missiles, the jets were only like 40 km away and by the time the S400 missiles get there it would already be too late.. But Jordan definitely knew. Also Jordan has the Patriot missile system so they had to know and got permission. This was just a hate crime.. The guy was high up but not a military commander having been in prison since he was 17 but he could recruit people to a resistance movement and as a symbol not even being Muslim.
Nazi Azov battalion now doing a torch-lit march in #Mariupol!
A pic is worth a 1000 words or is it.. Depends what you use it for…
Left: #Ukraine forces detain pro-Russian militant
Right: Polish MP has evidence of ‘#Russia|n warcrimes’ in Donbass
Putin: We’re open to work with the EU despite sanctions.
Soloviev: What about Turkey?
Putin: Turkey is not Europe.
EU has handed its sovereignty over to a Bloc – and not even #NATO as a whole, but to its leader, Washington.
We don’t want EU to change its Euro-Atlantic direction, but EU should at least have a say in it.
The foundation to int’l relations is finding a balance between respective countries’ interests.
We’re ready to deal w/ everyone. Key to int’l relations is a single understanding / implementation of rules.
One can’t automatically transfer one’s ideas about good & evil onto people from other cultures & traditions.
There are certain countries in the world that would never accept the role of a vassal [to Washington].
US nuclear weapons stationed in Europe have a strategic purpose that is a threat to #Russia.
No not iraq, Syria,Afghanistan, Libya or any other war zone,This is Turkey.. On fast track to EU membership and close nato member..
Isn’t tomorrow, Monday, which day it is already Moscow time, the day when Russia/Kremlin releases their official investigation & exact flight path into who shot down Peshkov’s plane that day?
I saw the news item about 48 hours ago, up on one of the true alternate internet news sites.
That definitely excludes RT, which just days ago I clearly read a ‘news’ release up on it that referred to the ‘Syrian regime’!
Cheers to those Serbs. Viva Assad. These are views of a world beyond the xenophobic freak show presented by the zionazis/nazis running “the west” and it’s Jewish owned/run media of manipulated hatreds.
The reports that Israeli overflew Damascus is incorrect. They fired four missiles from off-shore, not from inside Syrian air.
All this ‘Russia should shoot down Israeli planes’ is nonsense. They have worked out arrangements that Israel will get warnings (getting lighted up by radars is one), but they also have other communications and the arrangement works to protect Russian planes when they get near to Israeli borders. And the Golan is a place claimed by both Syria and Israel, so that zone is a particularly dicey sector.
The US is not flying manned planes over Syria. The Israelis are not. and Turkey is not.
As for the hits on Hezbollah, an arrangement between Russia and Israel is that Russia will not interfere if Israel is suppressing rocket fire over the border from Hezbollah.So accommodation has been made. Russia rules the skies. It does not wage a regional war.
What has the murder of a man in Damascus got to do with Hezbollah rocket fire in Israel. There was no rocket fire until the murder.Then it was in retaliation for the murder. A retaliation,I might add,that was pathetically weak and worthless.
Another picture that would say it all is a photo of the covers of mainstream newspapers and magazines. How pro-Russian are they? Surely Russia has learnt from the disasters of the last ten years in ignoring the info war, right? Serbian TV should be full of pro-Russian channels by now. Asking bloggers to do the work of professionals is like asking the volunteers in the Donbass to take on an army by themselves. They would have been crushed without lots of Russian help.
Amen to that. We all know it is true. It’s only our “leaders” that seem to ignore it.
Nice mural in Novi Sad!
Have you seen this video of Serbs demonstrating in Belgrade in front of US Embassy, couple of years ago?