A minor but oh-so-telling example of the power of the Zionist regime in France:
French comedian Dieudonne was sentenced to a two months suspended sentence for “condoning terrorism” because he posted on FB: “I feel like Charlie Coulibaly”.
French comedian Nicolas Bedos was cleared from any wrongdoings even though he had called Marine LePen a “Fascist bitch“.
In the case of Bedos, the court declared that it was “perfectly clear to any reader that the column in question was being deliberately provocative,”
This begs the question of whether Dieudonne was not provocative enough or if he was too provocative. Either way, it is pretty darn clear that some in France are more equal than others.
Not that I feel particularly sorry for Marine LePen who, unlike her father, has been doing all she can to be accepted as “one of our own” by the regime. She engaged in the obligatory Islam-bashing which is now “de rigueur” after the Charlie Hebdo false flag, and she also cozied up to the all-powerful French Zionist lobby. This apparently, is not enough groveling as shown by the fact that neither she or her party were invited to the “Je suis Charlie” mega-demonstration.
In the meantime, Alain Soral is threatened with a 250’000 Euros (1/4 million!) fine for having taken a photo of himself making the now famous “quenelle” at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.
What is so amazing in this case is that this gesture was never banned by any court. In fact, it was not even defined. All it took is a few statements of the heads of the main French Jewish organization in France who declared that, I kid you not, it was an “inverted Nazi salute” and the “sodomization of the victims of the Shoah” (this term meaning “catastrophe” in Hebrew and is used interchangeably with “Holocaust” in France). The crime had been defined, the heresy denounced!
France, of course, has no such thing as a First Amendment, but at least in theory, speech is supposed to be free unless it is illegal. In this case, Soral should logically win, but considering how tightly the French courts have been controlled by the Zionist lobby, anything could happy.
The irony is that while Jewish organizations claim that the “quenelle” symbolizes the “sodomization of the victims of the Shoah” there are, indeed, plenty of sodomizations going on every day at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin: it is a well-known meeting place for the homosexual community. Anybody doubting this is welcome to click here to see the short video made by E&R about what takes place in this location (no translation needed!). Apparently, a sodomy-related gesture is far more offensive that an actual act of sodomy. Go figure…
If all this was not so scary and dead serious, it would be hilarious. But funny it is not – what this shows is that the regime in France will stop at nothing to crack down on the modern French Resistance. In fact, since neither Soral nor Dieudonne are showing any signs of backing down it is likely that non-suspended prison sentences will be meted out to them or their supporters in a not too distant future.
Already several absolutely unprecedented events have taken place recently. The highest court in France banned a show by Dieudonne (on grounds of risk to the public safety!) and now the sale of the DVD of the show is also banned (it is unclear on what ground). This is the first time in French (European) history that a *show* is banned (even though there has never been a single instance of a show by Dieudonne resulting in any clashes or, much less so, threats to the public safety!). Needless to say, this gave such a visibility to this (excellent!) show that if can be found all over YouTube (see here or here). The website of the movement Equality and Reconciliation is probably the next target of the French regime’s censorship efforts.
But that is not the scariest thing of all.
What is *really* frightening is that in a country which strongly believes that Voltaire once said “I don’t agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (he never said that!) nobody seems to care that was is at stake is not “good” versus “bad” humor, but freedom of speech itself, the very concept of freedom. Millions of “Charlies” are sniveling at an obvious false flag, but when two men are viciously and illegally persecuted by the entire state apparatus – everybody looks away. Here, I want to quote the beautiful words of Yehuda Bauer who said:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander
And yet, most French intellectuals, authors, journalists, party leaders, social leaders and everybody else are remaining silent, trying very hard to look away or, at least, to find some reason to blame Soral and Dieudo for what is being done to them. As for the media – it rambles on about the “right to blasphemy” but, apparently, this right is only to be used when targeting religions.And yet, in a paradoxical way, Dieudo and Soral are winning just as Solzhenitysn and Sakharov were winning against the Soviet regime: they forced the Kremlin to expel one of them (Solzhenitsyn) and exile the other one (Sakharov). And by doing so, it showed by its true, ruthless, face but also its weakness and paranoia. This is exactly what the French regime is doing now.
By persecuting two men for clearly illegal and ridiculous reasons, the Zionist regime in France is showing its true, ruthless, face and its paranoia. When the Prime Minister of a nuclear armed member of the UN Security Council openly declares “war” on a comedian all pretense of “democracy” is clearly gone. When an entire power structure is terrified of a simple gesture you know for sure that it’s legitimacy is based on deceit and that it’s ability to con people is melting.
When the Soviet regime persecuted Solzhenitysn and Sakharov they have very little support in the USSR. Just as in France today, most people preferred to look away, or blame them for their plight. This is a sadly human way to cope with the cognitive dissonance of letting somebody innocent being mistreated without defending that person. And yet, within a decade or so, the Soviet regime collapsed, mainly because nobody had any respect for it. I am absolutely convinced that this will also happen in France.
The Saker
PS: before some doubleplusgoodthinking folks accuse me of saying something I never did – let me clarify that I am not comparing the personalities, values or actions of Solzhenityn, Sakharov, Soral or Dieudonne. All I am saying is that as somebody who lived through the Cold War and remembers these events very well, I recognize the same pattern taking place. That’s all.
The ‘holocaust’ itself isn’t even defined.
Actually it is, it’s mass-murder or mass extermination. That actually happened and not especially related to Jews – just ask the millions of exterminated Slavs and Gypsies.
In the West there is one Holocaust ONLY. The Judeocide of the European Jews, between four and six million murdered ruthlessly. A great and unforgivable crime and a gargantuan tragedy. However the genocides of the Roma, Serbs, Poles, gays, crippled, ‘mentally deficient’, Jehovah’s Witnesses and above all the twenty to thirty million Soviet citizens are in contrast either totally or nearly completely ignored and forgotten.
As far as Western politics and the MSM are concerned only the Jews are, in Chomsky’s parlance, ‘worthy victims’ of the Nazis. The others are unimportant. While the MSM is still full of ‘Holocaust’ stories concerning the Jews only, every US city has, is planning or will some day surely build a ‘Holocaust Museum’, generally, but, after complaints, not always, dedicated to Jewish suffering alone.
Meanwhile no museums exist in the USA dedicated to the memory of the victims of the genocide of the US Indigenous, nor more than one or two that commemorate the tens of millions of victims of the Atlantic slave trade. While ‘The Holocaust’ becomes a quasi-state religion in the West, shoved down our throats day in day out, and no details of which may be investigated in any way, all such efforts being immediately labeled ‘denial’,(and, of course, denial of the Judeocide is, indeed pernicious)all the other multitudinous genocides, massacres and slaughters of human history do not merit, all together, even a fraction of the near hysterical obsession with the Nazi Judeocide.In fact one writer noted that while in recent decades there had been in the order of ten thousand scholarly papers published concerning the Judeocide, there had been ONE describing the hecatomb in the Belgian Congo that killed just as many human beings.
Even more infamously, various Zionists actually utilise the Judeocide as an excuse or justification for Israel’s brutal repression of the Palestinians, which seems to me to insult our intelligence and the memory of the victims of Nazism. The notorious Elie Weisel did just that during the latest Israeli slaughter in Gaza, only to be put in his place by a group of decent survivors of the Judeocide who declared that ‘Never again means never again for everybody’.
In the west it may be, but the west is a minor part of the world. We in the east could care less about actors like Chomsky etc.
Here’s a picture of Yatsenyuk making an inverted quenelle salute. This is presumably totally acceptable.
When a Jew does it nobody says a thing. Same old. Same old.
The French equivalent of AIPAC, CRIF, has been successful in compelling the French Gov’t to make Holocaust history a mandatory subject in all school cirriculums.
Thus, the concept of Holocaust Guilt that Israel has been able to use so successfully is implanted into the minds of French children from a very young age.
Same thing in Spain.
It’s OK. In Russia people are aware of who did what and when.
Not a big deal, what was taught in US schools is there were 12 million holocaust victims.
Would be nice to see a tribute, a burnt offering, to the 60 million souls whose lives were cut short by the Bolsheviks.
Not a big deal, what was taught in US schools is there were 12 million holocaust victims.
Are Israelis that ignorant of the USA?
Would be nice to see a tribute, a burnt offering, to the 60 million souls whose lives were cut short by the Bolsheviks.
Oh, come on, zio-neocon/nazi, only 60? Surely you forgot the other 100 million? Have you no shame posting such low exaggerations?
Why Americans were told of 12 million
“As the paper Der Weg proved, the so-called “interrogators” were sent to Europe early in 1945. These “interrogators” consisted of up to one hundred percent of American Jews and of German Jews who had emigrated to escape from Hitler. They began their enquiries in 1945, and when their records were summarised, it appeared that twelve million Jews were killed by the Germans in the gas chambers. This result was apparently a bit too much even for the Jew, Walter Lippmann, who warned the Jews in the columns of the New York Herald Tribune that by using such manifestly forged (161) figures they would only harm themselves. As a result of his leading article the figure for Jews “murdered” by the Germans was suddenly dropped to six million.” (http://educate-yourself.org/cn/worldconquerorchapter11.shtml)
The memorial to the victims of fascism at Auschwitz too, has changed throughout the years. The plaques indicating that “4 million people” were killed at Auschwitz were removed in 1990. They were replaced with plaques stating the more accurate figure of “one and a half million.”
Immediately the French Parliament adopted “The Gayssot Act or Gayssot Law (French: Loi Gayssot), enacted on 13 July 1990, which makes it an offense in France to question the existence or size of the category of crimes against humanity as defined in the London Charter of 1945, on the basis of which Nazi leaders were convicted by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945-46 (art.9)”. It is one of several European laws prohibiting Holocaust denial. Coincidence?
Now from a country where Holocaust denial is legal:
“The best estimates of the number of victims at the Auschwitz concentration camp complex, including the killing center at Auschwitz-Birkenau, between 1940 and 1945 are the following: Jews (1,095,000 deported to Auschwitz, of whom 960,000 died); Poles (147,000 deported, of whom 74,000 died); Roma (23,000 deported, of whom 21,000 died); Soviet prisoners of war (15,000 deported and died); and other nationalities (25,000 deported, of whom 12,000 died). In total, at least 1.3 million people were deported to Auschwitz of whom approximately 1.1 million died there. @Holocaust Encyclopedia – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
(Published on Apr 15, 2012- You Tube)
“The 1948 German newsreel is a startling, indeed a sensational video-document. Here is a verbatim transcript (with translation) of the 1948 newsreel soundtrack: “IN KRAKOW the trial of the principal culprits for the Auschwitz concentration camp came to an end before a Polish court. The defendants were German camp guards or members of the German camp administration staff. Unheard-of atrocities against the camp inmates, particularly against female prisoners, were proved against them. Altogether nearly 300,000 people from the most different nations died in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The court sentenced 23 of the accused to death, six to life sentences, and ten to lengthy jail terms; one was acquitted. The Auschwitz concentration camp remains as it stands today, as a monument of shame to the lasting memory of its three hundred thousand victims.”
The Germans were very meticulous about record keeping so I think we can find the accurate figures from those, who ever is holding onto them now. There were multiple copies where people sent to the camp via transports were recorded, so we get how many actually went to the camps and how many were moved out which is a rough estimate. It is still amazing that those who survived would force march with the very same captors who were gassing them to other camps when they were starving. You would think they would prefer to be left behind. Even the medical records of those who had died. When they talk about millions and no trace is left other than some teeth and bangles.. Well that’s a little too much. It is not like hundreds of years have passed. If they can find lost soviet soldiers who had died in the marshes of the USSR 50 years later and be identified, millions are disappeared without a trace.
“…… The Auschwitz concentration camp remains as it stands today, as a monument of shame to the lasting memory of its three hundred thousand victims.”
300,000 – over half of whom were not Jews and none of whom died in homicidal gas chambers. Puts the 6 million myth into a whole new perspective doesn’t it?
too much sentimentality…go visit Gaza…but that’s too dangerous.
All the sentimentality of Auschwitz takes away from the crimes against humanity that are current.
Hitler was a maniac, and because of the German economy, created by the West, the young Germans became right-wing…just like today in many empoverished countries (again by the West)
Hitler was ‘spotted’ on a street corner, peddling his insanity….guess who ‘spotted’ him ??? The West.
This right-wing thing is scary…and it may be coming to a theater near you (and me)
Its devilish…inspired directly…
Oh I get it now… six million would be somehow “bad” but if it’s “only” one and a half million, that’s just fine and not mass murder.
Of course, it’s not even interesting to talk about people of other nationalities that were killed. I guess Russians or Serbs or Gypsies invented the numbers as well???
Some people really make you wonder…
Somewhere in the late 1970-s there was a regular televised event at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, fittingly titled “Attack!”, where a well known person holding extremely controversial views would show up in person and subject himself to nasty questioning by a packed large auditorium of extremely hostile audience. For someone with nerves far stronger than steel one would say…
I watched one of these, featuring the legendary William Shockley, a co-inventor of transistor and the winner of 1956 Nobel prize in physics and numerous other worldly honors. Oh, yes, the main topic was his chief interest in latter life, eugenics, and his booklet on this subject titled “≠” (which stood for the exceedingly obvious fact that the gift of intelligence is not equally distributed :-)).
During the merciless grilling, the subject somehow drifted to “Holocaust”, concerning which he stated that the figure 6×10^6 was inflated beyond reason. When they asked him about the correct figure, he said: on basis of his research, somewhere between 150,000 and 350,000 – and certainly not more……….. I am only happy to report that at the end of the hour he managed to leave the auditorium alive :-)
Apparently the figure six million has some Kabbalistic significance. In any case millions of Jews were murdered, by Einsatzgruppen and Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Latvian and other fascists, and in various death-camps, so I would say that both quibbling over numbers and making it a crime to investigate the truth are pernicious, the latter the more so, in my opinion.
Solzhenitsyn says 66 million. Millions died, from Lenin on, and the war waged by the Nazis against Russia killed up to 30 million. What I don’t know is if these two figures are combined to make Solzhenitsyn’s 66 million or if they are separate.
Anonymous on March 23, 2015 · at 12:21 am UTC
Look at the population totals of the USSR:
I know it’s wikipedia, but it’s late and I’m lazy.
And the USA:
These actually seem low for the middle of the 20th C, again too lazy to check further.
The point being that population increase in the USSR was not very much different than that of the USA. While the USSR suffered a loss of something like 30 mil at the time of the civil war due to regional secession and another 25-30 mil due to WW2, while the USA suffered no such population reductions. Also, birth rates in the USSR were less than in the USA, given the better availability of birth control (and fewer Catholics, Mormons, etc. ;D ). That alone should show that the 10s of millions killed by the evil commies the fascist right regularly vomits out is propaganda on the same level as that of Goebbels. If the USSR suffered such massive slaughters as the fascists claim, on top of the documented real losses, the USSR would have had half the population they did in 1950.
In fact, if one delves further, one finds that the WW2 “facts” these same sorts of far right western “historians” regularly use abut the USSR is regurgitated WW2 Goebbels’ propaganda rubbish – something the hypocrite propagandists entirely discount when it’s Goebbels’ propaganda about US/UK. With the advent of the neo-con freakshow, Goebbels BS got a new boost. The “Iraq has WMDs” mentality of the zionazi is rooted in that of the fascists preceding it in the west. The zionazi neocons have wholeheartedly endorsed the nazi propaganda of Goebbels, and that of their far right support group, as typically represented by the corrupt closet homosexual and fascist Lyashko double, J Edgar Hoover.
You’re right. But this has been 100 times confirmed and notwithstanding these lies are repeated over and over again. Like all the other lies of the ‘Empire of Evil’.
Exactly. The Right have blown up the figures of ‘victims of communism’ over the years, so a mere sixty million is surely proof of incipient communist sympathies in those circles. It’s one hundred million or none at all.
Today Auschiwtz and the Holaucaust for the “New World Order or the Empire of Chaos” are the equivalent of the Cross and the Gospel to the christians. People today are supposed to repent and kneel in front of the jews for what happened during the war as christian had to repent for Jesus’s crucifixion.
The New World Order is putting back in function the inquisition to fight those who criticize the veracity of the official version of the Holocaust. The common people, the goyim, have to kneel in front of the victims’ children. those poors who now control the banks, the media and the politics in that dreadful empire and are so nice toward the palestinians.
Dude… in my country, just in one major camp complex there were almost one million CHRISTIANS butchered. Stop selling your nazi nonsense here, this is the wrong forum.
The Holocaust has become a religion of the Jews. The Jews want the non- Jew world to worship it.
Funny, as the Jews are always harping up and down about the indignities of forced conversions.
Though they too did it before the Inquisition. Conveniently, they never mention it.
And now, one cannot do at the Berlin Memorial a Quenelle gesture. Oh! Quelle horreur! However, in that Memorial site males may expose their bare homosexual buttocks and do all type of perversions; male with male, as proved in The Saker’s link.
Gilad Atzmon said that political correctness was invented by Jews so we all censor our own selves.
I have never been one to censor myself. Ever. So here it goes:
These Zionist Jews’ goals is to pervert/ corrupt everything. The unique culture of each country, their unique political systems, their beliefs, to destroy the main religion of each individual country ( secular Europe ring a bell?, Happy ” holidays ” instead of Merry Christmas) the non Jews ways of life, of morality.
To invert right into wrong. Wrong into incorrect. These are many of their goals. So far they have succeeded in many avenues.
And their * first main* goal in my opinion, is not obtain power ( that comes after ) but to destroy Christianity and Islam. Though I must say, the Muslims fight for their religion more vocally than we Christians. So, if you are wondering from where I get this great admiration for Muslims, look no further. You have my answer. The Muslims answer them back in their love for their prophet. I am ashamed to say, we the majority of Christians, to be ” politically correct” keep our mouths shut. And WE end up saying ” Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas. And laughing and applauding their Jesus jokes/ mockings. Accepting their Conchita’s ” stars”, etc.
And to those atheists that say ” but I am not religious”, I say to you: neither are most Jews and they would never allow you to insult their ancestors’ Judaism. So, DO wake up and defend your ancestors’ and country’s religion because the day is not far when YOU will be forced to worshipTalmudic Judaism in all its forms -Jewish ethno supremacy, stealing Palestinians’ lands, racism and perversions.
And make no mistake, above, way above their hatred of Muslims and prophet Muhammed there IS One that they hate above all and above everything–Jesus of Nazareth and His followers.
Theirs is not a 70 year hatred. It is a hatred of 2,000 years. Ancient, dark, and demonic.
‘It is a hatred of 2,000 years.’ This. And why? Because He said: “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him.” And “He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God.” And “Amen, amen I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am.”
Apparently, Jesus’ teaching (he was a Jewish rabbi) was intended to fundamentally reform the accumulated wicked ways of the Jews at his time. That also explains the hatred in the hearts of the incorrigibles. Internationalization of Christianity was a later phenomenon, not originally intended (a subject for religious historians), but when it took place, that hatred also internationalized.
The Jewish rabbi as understand in our times did not exist in the time of Jesus. That was a later, Talmudic development. Jesus was sometimes addressed as Rabboni meaning master or teacher, a term of respect. But that does not mean that He was a “Jewish rabbi” with all that connotes.
Same indoctrination activity in the UK widely promoted by bootlicking quisling politicians.
Every time we see the focus on young children. My local paper reports
Crowds gather to remember Holocaust
The event was attended by community leaders, as well as borough councillors and MP Karen Lumley.
Ms Lumley said: “It was a great pleasure to meet survivor Eva Clark on Saturday at the Redditch Holocaust service on Saturday and listen to her talking about the tireless work she does for the cause. The memorial service was as usual very moving and also very enjoyable with music from the Kerela group and the polish youngsters along with the Astwood Bank First School.
Dear The Saker,
Yes it is utterly deplorable what is going on in France.
An interesting interview of a French business man in Ukraine and the treatment he had at the hands of the SSBU and Right Sector. I noted he discussed an athlete (Spartakus Golovachev) who is on hunger strike in Kharkov – no mention of his plight by the EU MSM but they harp on about a Ukrainian muderer in jail in Russia.
The fact the French Govt. hasn’t kicked up about this just tells you how rotten it is even with their country men abroad. This is the wonderful Ukraine the EU wants to join……….Silence yet again.
Let’s not kid ourselves; there is no true freedom of speech.
Even this site has ‘moderators’ [nothing personal, guys & gals, just making a point here].
The essence of it all is; what is the exact definition of ‘free speech?’
I like your point. Difficult or impossible to escape from the ‘web’ of the world. Current moderator.
Wait a minute!
This blog is not a public space, is it?
It actually belongs to the blog owner, The Saker.
So, isn’t the comment about “not even on this blog” kind of irrelevant?
“Let’s Not Kid Ourselves” can go and start his (I assume it is “his”) own blog and say what he wants there.
I think you may have misunderstood the above exchange but I’ll let you say it ;)
I agree with Katherine. I don’t want to read trolls and crazies at this site.
How do you determine who is a troll or crazy.?
What if a user says ” the shoah must go on”, what is your reaction?
The reaction is obvious. The Shoah and all mass murders and genocides are the epitome of human evil and must be resisted by all means, and those responsible brought to justice, and all victims of these atrocities, whether a Jew or Roma in a death-camp, or a Gazan in that hell-hole, are absolutely equal in their human worth.
Some has difficulty spelling.
@ Katherine & Ann,
What is your personal definition of ‘freedom of speech?’
no crazies or trolls. crazies are crazy and trolls are boring
And freedom of speech belongs in your living room, with your guests (having) to listen to you.
But if “Freedom of Speech” on MSM, which is where it belongs, is going to allow crazies and trolls, then they should also allow Sakers and Austin-Fitts on MSM
@ Vineyard Moderator – H.S.
Check CalDre’s reply [below].
I struggled with it myself [to come up with a morally satisfying definition], but his/her remark is right on the money.
Freedom of speech might even include the publication, in English, of ‘Two Hundred Years Together’. By my account the book is rather mild.
Know who your masters are.
It’s very simple. Most websites don’t allow free speech, and they don’t have to. In fact it is nice to have a comment board that isn’t filled with trolls. From my experience – though maybe I’m not in the loop – the site only filters out comments that don’t add to the discussion.
Now if the blog had real power (like NY Times, WaPo or WSJ) it would be more disturbing, particularly if they censored political speech.
The more power an organization has, the more troubling censorship becomes. When the organization (such as an ISP or a government) has a monopoly, at that point censorship becomes completely unacceptable.
@ CalDre
Q; The more power an organization has, the more troubling censorship becomes.
R; One of the sanest things I’ve heard in years. Nice, very nice. Kudos to you.
I think Mark Twain grasped the essence of this question when he wrote, “In our country [the USA] we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either”.
Mark Twain was a genius.
well, I wouldn’t put Huckleberry on the same par as Hamlet, but MT was witty.
During my past life as a college instructor mired within the Outlaw Empire, I allotted 3 lecture hours for a discussion/debate over the meaning of “Free Speech’–The first 2 to explore and develop one’s interpretation, and the third to present the position paper on the topic. This was during the rise of the concept of “hate speech” and the escalation of violent rhetoric utilized by Rap music artists. Essentially, you have the right to express your point-of-view–provided it doesn’t directly incite a violent incident or utilizes falsehoods to demean a person’s integrity. One may opine, but being fact-based is sounder and safer.
As for holocausts/genocides, many have occurred, the most recent being the genocide waged against the Iraqi people by the Outlaw Empire. But few have adopted the proper, factual term to describe what was done in Iraq. Is it proper to describe what happened to the Soviet people during WW2 as a genocide? Why isn’t Slavery described as Terrorism? Don’t the planet’s people have grounds to sue the Outlaw Empire for the massive, wholesale violations of their privacy by the NSA, asking say 100 Quadrillion dollars in damages, and amount that ought to bankrupt the Outlaw once and forever?
I told my daughter, my only child, that all we really own is our integrity; it can never be taken from us, but few can claim to own their own having given it away long ago. That lack of character plagues most politicos of the west. Not too long ago, if you lacked integrity, you would find it very hard to be entrusted with any responsibility–certainly not political office. Nowadays, prevarication is rife to the point where it’s very hard to discipline a child for lying when s/he can point to a Bush, Obama, etc., and ask what’s the diff?
Given the behavior I view within contemporary society, it seems clear that the Lie is valued higher than the Truth, at least within the EU and Five-Eyes countries. It’s a degenerate condition that seems most powerful in vassal countries of the Outlaw Empire, and most potent within the Metropole–so potent that you can’t easily discuss it.
@ karlof1,
Q; I told my daughter, my only child, that all we really own is our integrity.
R; I think we might have many different words for ‘integrity’ like spirit, character, personality, etc., but whatever it is it is very important we understand what it really is.
Should we take into consideration the question, “Who am I? Am I a being, controlled by a chemical complex and how much control do I have over the functioning of it?” or assume to know and fully understand ourselves?
Would it be fair to state that, ‘We are a product of many, many factors, internal as well as external, and all these combined influence the way we see and deal with this, personal ‘integrity?’
How would you define ‘integrity’ and how do you safeguard it?
I liked your comment.
Daniel, integrity is roughly equivalent to your word of honor–your veracity and rejection of prevarication. But it also includes your ability to be fair and amicable to all others, unless you are rejected out-of-hand by others without them attempting to understand you through dialog. Essentially, integrity forms the foundation for being civil in relations, which then allows for trust to develop between you and others. IMO, the West has no integrity whatsoever since they lie over and over again, and seem to be very proud of their many prevarications. Thus, very few have any trust in the West.
Integrity is easy to safeguard by maintaining your honesty and govern your relations with others via the “Golden Rule.” Yet, it’s just as easily thrown away; and once destroyed through dishonesty or disrespect, it’s very difficult to rebuild with those knowing your lack of integrity.
For a very long time, too many nations leaders have lacked integrity–particularly those thinking they’re Exceptional. Such behavior provides all the weight needed to make this true: “How can you tell when a politico’s lying? When you see its lips move.” In Le Carre’s “Russia House,” it is asked if there are any “decent human beings” left. Those would be people of integrity. From my perch beside the ocean in Oregon, I see many–but none are members of government at any level within the Outlaw Empire.
I think studies show school kids think it is ok to cheat now a days. Little wonder mediocrity sells for such a premium these days.
Probably the comedian Dieudonne knows nothing of modern humor. In Russia people discuss now how Poroshenko gave the soldier who lost his leg in the war a soccer ball. Here is a sample exquisite modern European humor.
too bad there are no subs for English speaking people for that ‘show’
Saker, thanks for the clarification. Sakharov supported the Vietnam War.
Sakharov supported the Vietnam War.
He did? Can you provide reliable evidence he did, please?
Perhaps it is a function of exceptionalism, but the implicit premise of the exchange appears to be that “support for the Vietnam War” can only mean support for the US and allies war on Vietnam.
It is quite possible that “support for the Vietnam War” can mean support for “Vietnam” in its war against the US and its allies..
Some even see the names of the wall in Washington as an encouragement to do better; doing better also being subject to myriad definition.
If memory serves me correct, there was an interview of Sakharov by Playboy magazine in the early eighties in which he expressed his views on the Vietnam War. Here is an extract from Michael Parenti’s article entitled “The Nobel Peace Prize for War:”
In 1975 we come to Nobel winner Andrei Sakharov, a darling of the U.S. press, a Soviet dissident who regularly sang praises to corporate capitalism. Sakharov lambasted the U.S. peace movement for its opposition to the Vietnam War. He accused the Soviets of being the sole culprits behind the arms race and he supported every U.S. armed intervention abroad as a defense of democracy. Hailed in the west as a “human rights advocate,” Sakharov never had an unkind word for the horrific human rights violations perpetrated by the fascist regimes of faithful U.S. client states, including Pinochet’s Chile and Suharto’s Indonesia, and he aimed snide remarks at the “peaceniks” who did. He regularly attacked those in the West who opposed U.S. repressive military interventions abroad.
from: http://www.michaelparenti.org/nobel_peace_prize_for_war.html
One might ask how accurate and complete is such a description of Sakharov’s views. We find in notes to Sakharov’s Progress, Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom, translated by Harrison E. Salisbury, such food for thought as:
“Sakharov calls for a radically new approach [to international development, hunger, etc]… He attacks the United States and Americans for their failure to allocate sufficient resources to begin to lift economic and social levels in depressed areas of the world…”
“He [Sak…] calls for similar [policy] by Russia and other developed nations…”
“He [Sak…] proposes to outlaw all ‘export’ of revolution by military or military-economic means …”
“Sakharov cites four general tendencies which threaten the integrity of the personality, one of which is to be found principally in the West, one in the Soviet Union, and two in both cultures.” [“stupefying ‘mass culture’; authoritarianism in education; chemical and mechanical control of life processes (R.S. this long before GMOs and general awareness of ubiquitous hormone mimicking materials!); man’s increased reliance on mechanical means of decision making, the use of computers…(yikes: guilty as charged – R.S.)]
Much else of interest. At any rate, I think that one would be well advised to not be too sweepingly dismissive of Sakharov.
You are correct that one should not make sweeping generalizations or dismissals. All great people, like every human being, have contradictory features in their personalities. For example, Mahatma Gandhi called the untouchables of India (i.e..those who were outside the caste system) as “Harijans” or “Children of God.” And yet, in his exchange of letters with Babasaheb Ambedkar (one of the framers of the Indian Constitution), he showed some ambiguity about the “Varna” (i.e. caste) system. But does that deny the greatness of the Mahatma (Great Soul)? Absolutely not. The same applies to Sakharov.
Perhaps the following will add to the points you outline by referencing Mr. Mercouris’ recent posting:
and the notions that datastreams and premature ejaculations have utility.
Perception is a function of experience and those of a different experience may add illumination aiding perception; ergo knowledge is social.
What is perceived should not necessarily be conflated with what is published.
It would appear that a notion insufficiently explored in the published article of Mr. Mercouris is the notion of projection.
Oftentimes these projections are not only functions of expectations and/or confirmation bias, but also an indicator of where the projector perceives her/himself to be vulnerable.
It is therefore not necessarily unfortunate that the opponents misunderstand “Russia” since such affords opportunities for those not addicted to axioms.
As to hubris, this is as constraining as a telephone box. It is only good manners to forgo inhabiting this space so it can be comfortably occopied by the opponent.
This is not placed in Russian Insider as they hold the notion that source indicators are required – perhaps a projection on their part.
Anonymous on March 22, 2015 · at 6:09 pm UTC
Here is an extract from Michael Parenti’s article entitled “The Nobel Peace Prize for War:”
Many thanks. That was the sort of info I was looking for. Parenti has a very strong track record for reliability. Excellent source.
Anonymous on March 22, 2015 · at 12:08 pm UTC
Pathetic, but typical of the justthetalk.com AZZ.
Robert Snefjella & Anonymous on March 23, 2015 · at 1:48 am UTC
That reads like a typical western spam defending a war crime supporter who is on your side. With the usual echo[s]. Nixon and Hitler also had their “good points”. Likewise, fail.
Sakharov’s Achilles Heel was his wife Yelena Bonner, a very nasty Western propaganda asset.
Mulga Mumblebrain
Sakharov’s Achilles Heel was his wife Yelena Bonner, a very nasty Western propaganda asset.
She wasn’t able to force him, though, so he must have some predilection to fascist sell out. It couldn’t be sex, since Russian women were, and are, not as puritan (and cold) as American women (or better put, the American inclined sort of western chick), so he would have had no problems there.
bot tak…do you think that’s the only power a woman has ??? Get real dude … mmmwwahahahhah
bot tak…do you think that’s the only power a woman has ??? Get real dude … mmmwwahahahhah
Well, I was only assigned to this planet a few years ago and still have a long way to go in understanding the various life forms here. There are literally millions of different types!
France used to be a country. Now it’s a bad and vicious joke, scoffing down McD’s Freedom Fries, with a side dish of unjustified, self-congratulating arrogance.
As with the rest of the western empire, law, principle, truth, justice, and integrity are out the window — it’s turned into an evil, childish clown show.
Look at Charlie Hebdo — this is what passes for culture and ‘intellectual speech’ now, so how can one expect anything to be of any value any more. Any whiff of ‘Western Civilization’ is long gone. I have doubts it would even be a good idea any more.
Russia & the Jews http://www.vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres10/WALENDYsolje.pdf
[MOD: it is extracts of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Jews in the Soviet Union]
Take with a grain of salt, like everything from him.
Well, repression is repression. It pretty much looks the same no matter which institution practices it. The zionist control in France is like that in the USA, where any criticism of zionism is immediately slandered as anti-semitism. And like the USA, the zionazis have infiltrated every aspect of French institutions and society. They have more or less done this throughout “the west” to varying degrees. This is why I consider the zionazis the most important to take down first. Compared to the other fascists that make up the ZPC/NWO, the zionist aspect is the most effective at preventing opposition to the ZPC/NWO, as well as totally subverting and destroying movements that worked towards ending the dominance of fascist oligarchic control.
I wonder what would happen to Doug Stanhope in the zionazi second coming of vichy France if he used this routine in a performance there (warning: naughty language, very, very subversive thinking expressed ;D ):
Doug Stanhope – Jew, jew jew (subtitulado)
Had bookmarked a youtube video of this performance some time ago, but found out that somebody called “Israeli defender” somehow managed to own the copyright to that DS performance recorded and put up on youtube and had it removed. Now if anyone can believe that zioshite, have I got a bridge to sell you. Zionism is nazism and all the rest of the rightwing faggot (sodomy r us) freakshow on steriods and meth.
@ The Saker
“… France, of course, has no such thing as a First Amendment …”
And the U.S.A. does have “such thing” – but in practice it is completely worthless.
Just try to say publicly something, anything that is not “politically correct”. If you are employed, you will instantly lose your job on some concocted unrelated pretext, and then good luck to you getting another job. If you rent an apartment, you will be evicted, no reasons need be given to you. You will be sued in a civil court by one of “those” groups, and your goose will be cooked instantly if you have no money to hire a lawyer, and if you do have such money, you will soon run out of it paying him, your mortgaged house if you had one will be gone, and you will then be both unemployed and on the street – and you will loose the court case anyway … and so, your goose will be well cooked after a long agony. And the “beauty” of it all is: it will all happen in complete silence. No public outcries (such as one about Dieudonne). You will drift silently into oblivion.
All in the U.S. know that very well. That’s why everybody here keeps “one’s trap shut” tightly. Indeed, that is the first thing a newcomer to the U.S. notices and wonders: why is everyone here so phony (no better word to describe it)?…
Yes, you are right, the things in France are indeed as bad as you describe them. And in some other places in western Europe as well. But please, please do not ever mention again the “First Amendment”.
Quite right, Johan. The US doesn’t need de jure censorship because it has something even more effective: ‘corporate diversity management’. Like much else, censorship in the US has simply been privatized.
You hit the nail on the head Seamus. Exactly.
Or, to use the systems terminology, the censorship and the entire judiciary in continental Europe are centralized, while in the U.S. those are distributive: a centralized system vs. a distributive system. And distributive systems tend to be more robust…
A look at that “distributive society” from another angle. I don’t know have you seen the great Werner Herzog’s 1977 movie “Stroszek”. For anyone who came from continental Europe to America, this one resonates mightily. Somewhere towards the end of the movie, Stroszek, a simple man from Germany who had came to the U.S. in hope of a “better life”, finally sees through the American cheap façade the essential underlying inhumanity and concludes (quote from my memory): “in Germany they merely beat you up, they abuse you physically, but here in America they suffocate you, they abuse you psychologically — and that is much worse”.
True That! excellent commentary and re-blogging
Thanks for spending your valuable weekend time exposing the utter hypocrisy, hatred for free expression, petty small mindedness, craven cowardice, despicable inhumanity, soul-less immorality and prejudicial stupidity of a whole country that once proclaimed liberty and fraternity. It’s a malignant rot that could infect the entire planet if left unchecked. The good news is that countries like Russia and liberated resisters like Novo-russia see the danger and may be the immune system to save us all. It’s now or never, do or die, make or break time. If any one individual fails in their part of this epic struggle, I’d say the human experiment will have failed. The way I see it, that much is at stake, hanging in the balance of the history of man.
I am immensely grateful of your post about Soral and Dieudo, steadily and wrongfully depicted as pariahs, nazis, fascists, far right, and so on by those in power. I sincerely hope that the french Saker will quickly translate and make it available to their french readers around the world, including those from the Nouvelle-France. Meanwhile, the Soral’s video about Charlie Hebdo tops over 400 000 views, which means that the official narrative is largely and more than ever challenged Thanks again for helping break the wall of silence. Thanks for extending the scope of our community so, united, we can fight our common ennemy. I understand very well your rapprochement
with Soljenitsyn and Sakharov and I think its in essence absolutely right.
Well, at least former italian prime minister Mario Monti listened to your forcast of a collapsing France [Sputniknews].
In regards of freedom of speech: France signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see article 19 [UN] – fortunatedly there is no need for anything like a First Amendment of a (from the very beginning) criminal organisation like the so-called USA. Furthermore France joined the European Court of Human Rights. Of course it’s a long and winding road, but France (1959 – 2011) already has been condemned 25 times in trials pertaining to freedom of speech. May be will see two more times?
This one is too good to not pass it up.
Some Italian jokers have requested for information at Yad Vashem concerning their grand-ma allegedly killed by gasing at Maifdanek. For that they filled out the official formulary and sent them there. After a time, the site presented that lady as a real victim of the holocaust with all the infos provided. Only problem, it’s an invented person with following identity:
Name: Edith Frolla (anagram of Adolf Hitler)
Date of Birth: April 20th 1889 (the same day as AH)
Profession: painter
Lived in Rome at 29 via della Lungara, which is the address of the Regina Coeli prison.
The picture: it’s one of the most common picture of Magda Goebbels.
Conclusion: no verification whatsoever of the data entering Yad Vashem. Nice, isn’t it.
And here the original source of that info, for those who understand italian (or who know google translate).
And here the link in yed vashem http://db.yadvashem.org/names/nameDetails.html?itemId=11318457&language=en (at least at the moment I posted it, it still worked).
Really thanks for posting.
http://m.alterinfo.net/Des-Italiens-et-l-imposture-du-Yad-Vashem_a112053.h doesn´t work but the rest is enough.
Today, I have the feeling that being a french, I am now living like the Palestinians in an occupied country, under the same occupier. When looking at what is being made in Palestine, the Frenchs have many reasons to worry for their future. Yet I am not sure that we will have the Palestinian’s courage to start an antifada and join Dieudonné and Soral in their battle.
I don’t know enough about Soral, but why would he make this gesture at the Holocaust Memorial, if he knows that it is perceived as anti-Semitic? And also, why on Earth does he call himself a national socialist – i.e. a nazi??
Please, forgive France, she is just an American vassal
like any other country inside EU-NATO-stan.
All the peoples of all the democratic countries have lost control of the governments that rule them.
What is left to the good people is Resistance.
You will never ever be able to vote out the Elites and move away from the Hegemon.
Breaking away requires the Russians and the Chinese breaking the unipolar hegemony.
Meanwhile, we must stay in touch with the Truth and communicate it as widely to the rest of humanity. That is the Resistance. Disengage from the System as much as possible and spread the Truth.
The role of moderator should be primarily to filter out trolls and the mentally disarmed who bring their problems to the forum.
In a free speech environment it is best to allow the process of challenger responses to control and advance the commentaries.
Here at the Vineyard, it is fairly clear that the higher the importance and relevance of the topic of the article and the threads that result, the greater the “challenge” becomes.
You can write something you think is profound or precisely zeroed in, even “factual”, and shortly, you find there are several voices that correct or at the least challenge your post.
This dynamic is what matters. Moderators short circuit this dynamic if they have a heavy hand or a comment does not fit their POV. (Not an accusation here, dear mods.)
Speech and thought needs a process of challenge, in my opinion.
Merely stating an opinion or forming your own ideas is just part of the journey to possessing the truth or sharing it.
I have found that most of the time there are other folks who know more about what I thought I had the most knowledge or the best insight.
Thus, I like an environment where challenge is “free” and the challengers “bring it on”. (best done with no personal animus or insensitivity, and as often as possible, with generosity and humor).
We have several such challengers here, and it makes for a great read, especially in the new format.
You and a few others commenting above are making too much of what moderators do here at the Saker blog!
It’s actually quite simple: http://thesaker.is/moderation-policy/
@ David Chu,
Q; It’s actually quite simple:
R; I found it quite difficult at times. Larchmonster445 hints at a few points that might cause [inner] friction.
David, it became a philosophical discussion…Its fun.
I propose that the moderator should keep an eye on the grammatical errors which became entrenched.
Ex. “then” for “than”, “it’s” for “its”, “its” for “it’s”, “seperately ” for “separately”, a.o.
They are indicative of poor schooling and half digested knowledge.
Dear commentator, the scarce moderators here, we certainly do what we can in our spare time, but, what we needed is, apart from read all the comments and chek the links, also correct typos / misspellings. We do not have time for this.
Also, keep you aware that some moderators are not even native English speakers. We would love to have some academic on English language among us who perhaps could make a difference.
The aim is to be understood, and I think that this object is achieved by 99% of the commenters here. We all miss one type.
dear moderator…I wonder how many hours a day a commitment it is ?
Some do an hour or two every day; some 10 or 12 hours on a few days; various combinations in between, whatever their outside lives allow. Of the 8 of us I believe only one has English as his first language, but some live, or have lived, in Anglo countries. Anyone interested should give an email address.
“My bar. Ramblings for an either Saturday night”. BY Vigne.
WTF? Becoming the master is the ultimate freedom. Love and Equality are the the ultimate freedoms.
Fraternity, Equality and Liberty…these three…got very confused in 1820…French Revolution.
these three need to be guided though…Liberty in Economics is what we’re suffering under now.
“Fraternity and equality” are masonic concoctions and mean actually just the opposite of what they’d suggest. The whole jazz was invented by the Romans and was what later gave birth to Fascism.
“out of many one”, “brotherhood and equality” etc., those phrases were (ab)used in every single fascist or totalitarian communist system to date.
Look at the Declaration from the french “revolution” (it was a masonic coup actually), it’s got a big fascia right in the middle. Right below the all-seeing eye, the Ouroboros and the phyrgian cap.
That’s a masonic document. Needless to say, you will find these symbols all over the US administration buildings, along with a bunch of pagan roman gods etc.
well, I wasn’t thinking of masons. There’s meaning in the words themselves.
That’s your own interpretation as a normal human. But what I’m talking about is the political and symbolic value of those words and how they’ve been instrumentalized through the centuries.
It all comes from the luciferian-gnostic “we are all one”. It’s the pyramid system as you know it, with the one-eyed “deity” at the top.
BUT: individuality is what makes us human, each one of us unique. Everything that goes against it is tyrannical and is only useful for ants and bees.
I am no “we”, I am not “one” with killers and psychos of this world. I have no brother and I don’t feel “equal” to anyone else.
Get this and you will already be better off than the vast majority of our species. It sets one free.
“I am no “we”, I am not “one” with killers and psychos of this world. I have no brother and I don’t feel “equal” to anyone else.”
In addition to your linear binary views you appear to hold that equality and difference are mutually exclusive.
These are interesting illustrations of ideological immersion reflecting various axioms of the present paradigm of utility, not restricted to, but including the notion of “I” .
Your contentions are hardly sustainable when you appear to be part of the genus homo sapiens.
Friend senior strategist, welcome to the new blog, I’m glad to see you here.
Clearly we all have many things in common, especially those that we constitute 99% and are exploited by the remaining 1%, and that our advantage is precisely the number. But in a society where individualism and competitiveness has been promoted almost to denature us as human beings, and people live alienated running out of breath to get the latest model of electronic device, sometimes it is difficult to find something in common with some of these equals.
For example, if we take the case of the last regional elections in Andalusia, one of the most extensive regions located in southern Spain and determined to win the next general election, one wonders what the hell they need, to see all that 55% of voters who have again voted the PSOE (supposedly socialist party, which alternates on bipartisanship with the right and has sold us to the Troika, whose former ministers and presidents are now millionaires thanks to the revolving doors, has pardoned directors of failed banks and is not free of scandalous cases of corruption), to embrace change. I do not understand these people and feel I have very little in common with them.
Agricultural land par excellence, land of caciques and large landowners (in the style of the pre-Soviet Russia and its Kulaks) that precisely because of the overwhelming majority of working class people, should be a stronghold of the left, opt for a pro-establishment party whose betrayal of socialism and the working class has now been more than demonstrated.
Why? Because when they get home after work, just want to watch reality shows, gossip programs, football and have a few beers at the bar?
What to do? Being a Kirov and tour the villages and fields talking to these people to see if they wake up? They would isten to someone like Kirov? It happens that some, like Kirov in speech, but richer, they are not exactly proletarians, and seemed to have been heard, but finally have not heard. They also have some among them proletarians who talk like Kirov, but may not work as hard as that. Will these people wake up any day? Is it that the Andalusians are not like the Russians? So we are not as equals …
.And the most terrible is that these people, with their votes, drag us, everyone, into the abyss of always. Thus, the field for separatism and nationalism is paid.
And this, always favors our opponents…..
Any form of representation is giving control to another, so why vote instead of do?
Voting reinforces the present practice/ ideology precluding your purpose – a small example of the means conditioning the ends.
Disapointment may be assuaged/integrated in the way suggested by a song from Cabaret ” May be this time I’ll be lucky, may be this time he’ll stay (do what I expected him to do when I voted for him)”.
Voting also obfuscates critical mass by positing that majority and critical mass are synonymous and hence undermines the confidence of doing whilst simultaneously seeking to define where is appropriate to do – akin to telling a dog where to take a shit.
It also reinforces the binary way of seeing which supports the present practice/ideology paradigm including good/evil – the Russian Social Democrats fell for this one from 1903 onwards through the designations Bolsheviks and Mensheviks with a tinge of chutzpah.
Dubya used this one as well with his “if you are not with us you are with the terrorists”, which my associates immediately related to post 1917 history of “Former People” and “Enemies of the People” and roads previously trod like Volga boatmen.
To improvise on Mr. Rumsfeld, known knows are comforting and known unknowns discomforting, and hence there is a predeliction in some of attraction towards known knows even to the extent of failing to perceive or actively forgetting/dismissing the existence of known unknowns thereby rendering/reducing them unknown – one of the major points in Mr. Rumsfeld’s exposition and a significant part of the reason he saw fit to make the statement.
This can be rendered as certainty is comforting for some, uncertainty discomforting for some,
and uncertainty the comfortable norm for some. These are the key differences which you apparently express as not being equal instead of being different.
Certainty is predicated on omniscience and omniscience is likely an impossibility in any linearly dynamic interactive system – such as this particular planet and the phenonena in/of and around it.
However uncertainty can be used as a catalyst to encourage a journey to greater knowledge – given that certainty is likely an impossibility – knowledge is a process of questions not answers.
As to axioms one of their roles is to short-circuit thought thereby disincentivising a journey to greater knowledge.
As to alternative doing, some idicators has already appeared on various ocassions on the blog – including think global act local instead of relying in some measure on a blog as a displacement strategy – in the realisation in the Russian sense that some things are written for the drawer.
At the present moment in the process, anti TTIP efforts may prove a useful activity.
Gogol wrote that dogs write letters, and Bulgakov that dogs could be made just like “us”.
Like a previous correspondent it would be reasonable to deduct that you are a member of the genus homo sapiens and hence have elements in common including some equalities and equivalences.
I think that you mean to say that you have differences, and hence fail to see that differences and equalities are not mutually exclusive.
Another part of present practice/ ideologies are to hold that some differences are of a higher consequence – Orwell’s line of All animals are equal but some are more equal than others; in some cases some may posit moral/perceptive superiority as the key determinent thereby riffing on the good/evil theme.
A half life and sometimes more of these ideologies are to be found in the great man/woman of history/messiah/monarchist/reliance on authorities paradigm – your citing of Kirov and the notion that Mr. Putin or Mr. Stalin or Mr. Obama or whomsoever are deciders and act alone illustrated relatively often in this blog.
If you read a response on masters and mastery in the Solzhenitsyn and Sakarov blog you may see a short illustration of axioms and ideological immersion, including of when you come out of the swimming pool you still carry water.
You may be unaware of it but in the light of hypotheses outlined above your exposition lies within the linear paradigm of present practice/ideology sustaining the mastery of the opponents and hence you are in some respect favouring your opponents by doing so.
Challenge can never be linear – in the vernacular you can’t win by playing the opponents chosen game on his field of play – effective challenge can only be lateral.
If you would like a more nuanced picture of say Mr. Stalin and associates’ practices/reputation, bearing in mind the above on the great men paradigm since they all got by with a little help from their friends, visiting the Memorial website (Pamyat in Russian) or reading books such as Orlando Figes’ The Whisperers – the interview transcripts (in Russian) and the podcast of 3 radio programmes (in English) were available at one point through the BBC website.
Not entirely a black swan?
Friend, thank you so much for the references. When I got some time I will be looking around all these topics.
I have a question about “Pamyat”, you mean People’s National-patriotic Orthodox Christian movement? Please, could you clarify this to me? ( in case I have misunderstand you )
Your point on Pamyat/memorial, and how knowledge is a process of questions.
Andersen in the emperors new clothes cited one instance, you in your points on Chubais and Nemtsov cited other instances, you in Pamyat and memorial (People’s National-patriotic Orthodox Christian movement?) question is yet another, as are the statues in Lubianka Square in Moscow; all examples of the uses of clothes.
A recent speaker to the FSB remarked on clothes called democracy, and how some wear the clothes of others for their own purposes.
In the early nineties People’s National-patriotic Orthodox Christian movement adopted the clothes and name of the respected history project – memory.
Some in other locations are wearing the clothes of Stepan Bandera and friends since phenomena have half lives, and some previously forgot that rather than ends justifying means, means condition ends.
If you want to find the previous owners of the memorial clothes follow the Orlando Figes and The Whisperers pathway.
Generalities and axioms are not conducive to continued well-being.
Some who were offered what some deemed opportunities for mastery decided and continue to decide not to be – depending on your definition of masters and mastery of course, remembering that omniscience doesn’t exist.
One swallow does not a summer make, but a contrary instance undermines/disproves an axiom.
Ideology seeks to immerse in axioms. Of course when you come out of the swimming pool you still carry water.
I wonder whether anyone of you had ever loved as much I did the stories of Tartarin of Tarascon by Alphonse Daudet and by extension the exhilarating atmosphere of the Provence, Occitania, the “patrie” of such nasties as Leon Daudet, Charles Maurras and the nastiest of the nastiests, Robert Brasillach. It happened to me, at occasions, to wander through that region that was blessed by the presence of Mary and Marthe (at Tarascon!). No wonder that the FN had such a big win exactly in the Occitanie in 2014 elections. Well, well, what now? Let’s wait until tomorrow, but I have already spotted that:
“France’s far-right party, the National Front (FN), is predicted to make further gains in the first round of the country’s departmental elections taking place on Sunday. Could the results mark a step closer to national power for the FN? (@http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31981555). Oh Gawd! That’s more:
Polls suggest that the party’s leader Marine Le Pen is likely to reach the second round of presidential elections here in two years’ time. She’s not predicted to win, but even so, it is a striking result for a party that currently controls just 11 towns in France”. Hmmm!
But what you think of this:
“And it is not just France’s traditional parties that are defining themselves against the far-right.
In the eastern district of Montbeliard, one of two new Muslim-majority parties – the Equality and Justice Party – is out campaigning for the first time, with a pro-diversity agenda.
The Front National may still be largely a protest party – but its impact on France’s political landscape is real.” Oh, Mon Dieu! Dieudonne, Soral and Marine What’s going on?!!!
Dear Saker,
thank you for updating us about Dieudo/Soral situation.
One question:
When are we going to see Alain Soral’s video about Charlie Hebdo in English ???
On free speech in America:
From a dissenting opinion:
A transit agency isn’t required by the Constitution to sell advertising to proponents of various causes…But once an agency decides to turn its buses into public forums, the 1st Amendment prevents it from declaring an entire subject off-limits because it wants to avoid controversy. The 9th Circuit got this one wrong.
From the same Mondoweiss article (granted, Mondoweiss has some speech taboos I don’t appreciate):
The ongoing saga began when King County Metro approved SeaMAC’s ads in 2010 and then abruptly canceled the contract before the ads were displayed. The Metro claimed that threats of vandalism, including the warning that “Jews would take physical action” against the ads, could disrupt transit service. Since then the county metro system has claimed to take a “viewpoint neutral” policy of rejecting all ads relating to Israel/Palestine as part of an effort to ban debate of public issues in bus ads, but it undertook a “quiet policy change” to accommodate ads by Islamophobe Pamela Geller. The court’s decision supports this double standard which has in practice endorsed Geller’s views while censoring SeaMAC’s.
US Propaganda in Korea Exposes American TV as Social Engineering Tool
When Wired published its article, “The Plot to Free North Korea with Smuggled Episodes of ‘Friends,’” it probably hoped that its impressionable, politically ignorant audience would not pick up on the underlying facts and their implications, and simply see a “cute” anecdote poking fun at the besieged East Asian country while inflating their own sense of unwarranted cultural superiority.
What they missed, of course, is the fact that the program peddled by Wired as the work of “the North Korea Strategy Center and its 46-year-old founder, Kang Chol-hwan,” is in fact funded and organized instead by the US State Department.
Indeed, the North Korea Strategy Center is partnered directly with the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the US Department of State, the US State Department’s Radio Free Asia propaganda network, and the US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a de facto “department of regime change” backed by Wall Street’s Fortune 500, solely for the interests of Wall Street’s Fortune 500.
Readers of Wired’s latest, long-winded spin on US-backed sedition abroad also most likely missed the fact that if TV shows from America are considered a tool for social engineering in North Korea, they are most likely being used as a tool of social engineering in the United States as well. The degradation of American culture, the family, and weakening of local communities, versus the growing centralized dominance of corporate-financier monopolies and their increasingly draconian police and surveillance state is a direct result of this.
Kang likens the USB sticks to the red pill from The Matrix: a mind-altering treatment that has the power to shatter a world of illusions. “When North Koreans watch Desperate Housewives, they see that Americans aren’t all war-loving imperialists,” Kang says. “They’re just people having affairs or whatever. They see the leisure, the freedom. They realize that this isn’t the enemy; it’s what they want for themselves. It cancels out everything they’ve been told. And when that happens, it starts a revolution in their mind.”
North Korea’s government has always made the distinction between the Outlaw Empire and its serfs. That TV programming programs is 100% correct. You and others might want to view the films archived here, http://metanoia-films.org/films/ There are several that speak to your subject.
“When an entire power structure is terrified of a simple gesture you know for sure that it’s legitimacy is based on deceit and that it’s ability to con people is melting.” People in NATO occupied Ukraine are being charged as criminal for “thinking differently” than the US occupants.
the khazar khaganate defeated by the Russians, dispersed physically centuries ago, but managed to take a hold on the Western world cognitive system. Not that much on Asia so, if at all.
As for the Soviet Union paranoia, get this: ruled by the ethnic Ukrainians, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, the Communist Government kept in secret that the death battalion that burned the entire Belarusian village Khatyn was fully staffed with the Ukrainian nationals.
Here is the basic facts about Khatyn, which gives the reader an impression that the Germans burned it. http://www.belarus.by/en/travel/belarus-life/khatyn
here is the page of the prominent Ukrainian historian with the unique images and facts.
The cognitive dissonance is inevitable if people are deliberately misinformed, in particular about Soviet regime, that collapsed mainly because the zionists wanted and planned and finally did that (with the assistance of Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov). http://reseauinternational.net/leffondrement-de-lurss-lhistorique-de-la-trahison-de-gorbatchev-et-eltsine/
It would appear that you exhibit cognitive dissonance encouraged from a similar source.
It was and remains a tenet of the opponents that they destroyed/defeated the Soviet Union and it continues to have utility for them to hold this “axiom” unchallenged; giving rise to contingent opportunities including encouraging their over estimation of their agency/potential and encouraging their over-reach.
Continuence of the notion of uni or limited causality also has utility, especially in areas of accelerating opportunities outlined above.
Perhaps instead of citing/referencing “authorities”, you would care to test the hypotheses.
Je suis pas Charlie but definitely not Soral. I’m sorry but the quenelle on the memorial it’s a really childish and stupid provocation. Who gains? Lot of brainwashed messianic christians in the USA are zionist and racist but antisemitic fascists and neonazi in Europe are not better. Antizionism has to be separated from antisemitism or we all loose this game. In my opinion Soral is to simpicistic and unrealistic, France is not Russia. Russian Nationalism is unique, of course are some extreme zarist there but patriotism grows up in harsh moments and it’s deeply antifascistic. Une bonne quenèlle à touts
“This is the first time in French (European) history that a *show* is banned…”
Not quite so. To take just one famous example, Beaumarchais’ play “The Marriage of Figaro” was initially banned by personal order of King Louis XVI. Even he, however, relented three years later and the play enjoyed great success when it opened in 1784.
It seems the present French government is even less liberal than the Bourbons!
Zionist commando attack a group of spectators traveling to a show of Dieudonné.
The Zionists were well received …
Slogans: Zionists … racists, murderers
Zionist commando attack by a group of spectators traveling to a show of Dieudonné.
The Zionists were well received …
Slogans: Zionists … racists, murderers
You know for a population that is what? less than 1-2% of the entire planet, the Jews certainly dominate just about everything. Case in point: almost every post here at the Saker turns into a discussion about the Jews (viz., zionism, anglo-zionists, etc., etc., etc.)
Don’t you commentators here find this rather interesting to say the least???
O.K., you want a change, sooo … here is something entirely different (as Monty Python would say):
讨论的犹太人(即: 犹太复国主义的英国-犹太复国主义者等。 等等, 等等)
O.K. :-?
A 27″ answer to that quandary:
Jews are admiring of type A personalities….they’re also fun to go to dinner with. I had a Jewish friend growing up and man those dinner parties at the Chinese restaurant was fun….
And the Jewish delis in Vancouver BC where I was from were fun places too. The diaspora is a great thing. Its so sad that Zion Inc. has taken over.
Poor Palestinians. We must overcome immediately somehow. Gilad said he thought the Zionist rule was coming to an end possibly.
But honestly folks, we need a new system of society where massive wealth can’t accumulate.
Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989, e.g., http://to-name.ru/biography/andrej-saharov.htm ) was a talented Soviet nuclear physicist who participated in the early development of Soviet thermonuclear weapons program, for which he won the coveted Stalin Prize in 1953 and other state recognitions.
Falling under the strong influence of Soviet anti-Stalinist Jew Roy Medvedev (who later became an “advisor” to arch-traitor Gorbachev), from 1966 Sakharov gets involved in some petition signings and letter writings to the authorities which earn him job demotions.
However, his life’s mistake went by the name of Yelena Bonner (who although born Alikhanova, “preferred” the surname of her mother, a Jewish communist activist Ruth Bonner).
Sakharov, psychologically totally devastated by the death of his wife in 1969, and “Bonner”, a divorcée with a tribal agenda, got together in 1970 (formally married in 1972 – when she again retained her mother’s surname…). From that point on, his life was completely steered by the commanding Bonner woman – into the full service of the Jewish dissident “cause” in the Soviet Union.
Under his “new management”, he was now again writing letters – but not to the Soviet government – but rather to the U.S. Congress!
For instance “in support of Jackson-Vanik amendment”, which was a scurrilous AngloZionist Empire’s “reaction” to the USSR supposedly “impeding” emigration of Soviet Jews. (The best in the world university education was completely free for USSR citizens, 100% paid by the government in the times of economic hardship, and it was only fair to charge a diploma fee for those who would emigrate – regardless of ethnicity. But the A-Z Empire used that only as an excuse to weaken the USSR economy.)
And so on and on… What “naturally” followed, was “Nobel Peace Prize” (in 1975) and other such hollow accolades of the AngloZionist Empire. …
He should have been left in Gorky to rot. Though an easily led and manipulated person, he was ultimately responsible for his own actions, as everybody else is.
In the late 1970-s and early 1980-s, professional journals of the American Mathematical Society and the American Physical Society, for example, were experiencing a veritable Noah’s flood of “Letters to the Editor”, all crying foul in a strange unison, “USSR discriminates”, “antisemitism in Soviet Union”, “let my people go” and alike. All about Jews and only Jews … as if there were no other people living in the USSR… The world’s eternal professional victims (and they only :-!) wanted “to get out” (but would not like to pay – which was the bottom line ;-)). It was truly nauseating.
And then, after 1991, many of them suddenly wanted “to get back” into Russia, “their” country… But that is another story…
The Khazars– The eternal ” victims”. Nobooooooody has ” suffered” more than they.
The sufferings of Others is always so much less in the eyes of these Khazars.
Boo hoo hoo they want us to cry for them only. NEVER for the Others. Even when the Others are our very our own.
It should be NoooooobooOOody.
On the Sunday Dutch talkshow ´Buitenhof´ an interview with Kasparov. I never saw this charismatic, but very bitter man before.
He actually said that Putin was worse than Hitler and Stalin. Being pressed several times for a solution, he did not come up with more than ´not showing weakness´ and of course regime change.
In English, with Dutch subtitles:
What frightened me was the expression of the public in the background during the interview.
well, I watched a minute of it. Why do you admire someone as crazy as that guy ?
They’re a dime a dozen…better to watch good guys than bad guys…at least for me.
I never said I admired him!
I just watch many Dutch people swallow it hook line and sinker. Someone with the ability to easily convince a lot of people with so little arguments has the skill called charisma.
Yes, it is awful that fools watch tv. Hmmm. Did you hear the cynthia mckinney audio I posted ? Here it is again
Many great chess champions were a little ‘eccentric’, but Kasparov is floridly insane. That the West relies on people plainly out of their (in his case, not so)tiny minds is deeply significant and sinister. Putin is a rational, calm man who speaks Truth to Evil, which is why the Atlanticist elite, the Western, Judeo-Christian psychopaths, for that, in short, is what they truly are, fear him, hence hate him, with demented intensity.
If you know that Marine Le Pen, “unlike her father, has been doing all she can to be accepted by the regime” that is by the CRIF (French Zionist Lobby) and that she has engaged in the ” obligatory ” islam bashing “, why then you spend so much time defending her (un)official spokesperson (Alan Soral) ?
Dieudonné is a very talented commedian, probably the best in France; but he is politically naive; otherwise how can one explain that a black commedian(the author of these line is black) will be associated to a racist thug, Jean Marie Le Pen, former leader of, – Front National -a racist party , and today the party used by the Jewish lobby for Islam bashing?
In France ,there are people fighting against CRIF , against the Anglo-Zionist empire .They are no saints but they ‘re not fools.
It’s your site, you can defend who you want, give space to who want…but may I suggest that you can, even in France, find better warriors against the evil empire ?
thank you
I believe that Le Pen has a Jewish paramour. The Zionazis have long been in league with European neo-Nazis and fascists like Brievik, who loves Israel. The ‘English Defence League'(the same usage as the Kahanist Jewish Defence League) was set up by English Zionists, and Israeli flags were always as prevalent as Union Jacks at their demonstrations, until it became too obvious. They have a common enemy, Moslems, so the alliance is only to be expected.
Yes, there’s something about Marine Le Pen’s face that says, “I sold out.” But its kind of the same thing as Ron Paul…I don’t like all his stuff but at least he’s anti-war.
Marine Le Pen is anti-Euro…that’s a good thing
Free speech means just that – you are free to say anything you want to say. Even screaming “fire” in a crowded theatre when there is no fire. If someone happens to die in the stampede out of the theatre . Then we could say that the people’s government is free to put you in jail. And then we could say that there is no such thing as ” free speech” except where their is anarchy.
“Via la anarchy.”
Sorry but you got it completely backwards. If I start saying some nasty things about your mother right here and now, that would NOT be free speech, but simply unrestrained hate speech.
Saying “fire” in a crowded theater is very likely to start a panic and maybe even kill some people. If you think that has anything to do with “freedom”, then you have no idea whit it is to begin with.
What you are defining up there is simply egoism/egotism.
I agree
When the ducks come home to roost, the tough and mighty shall whine and whine and whine.. Hoe the exceptional US can force others to bend to its will but only until they lose the edge.
Clark rebutted this claim in his remarks, saying: “It’s a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black.” He points out that most large international airlines in Europe and Asia earn money through connecting traffic. Lufthansa, Air France, KLM and Singapore Airlines make significant amounts of money through connecting traffic.
The opening of European markets, they say, should be gradual and limited. Only third- and fourth-freedom rights should be covered in a comprehensive air service agreement, and further traffic rights to Gulf airlines would be linked to “a positive evolution of the competitive environment,” the ministers say.
The third and fourth “freedom of the air” dicta cover the rights to carry traffic to and from an airline’s home country. But the Gulf carriers’ business model is built to a large degree on connecting traffic and beyond (sixth freedom), thus the condition has to be unacceptable to the GCC and its airlines.
Clark expressed hope that the U.S. policy of open skies will remain unfettered nonetheless. “Open skies is probably the most powerful global ‘aeropolitical’ tool,” he said, praising the U.S. government for negotiating liberalized treaties with more than 100 countries. Emirates is not in violation of the treaty, he said in Washington on March 17.
found this funny aznavour adaption:
u may find a good german translation at the end of:
my request for help:
i found attributions to charlotte aznavour with this song on the net, does any expert on france know why?
and further: anybody know if there have been reactions from aznavour himself regarding the cover?
Oh and: I really dont know what to make of soral, are there any collections of his writings in english available on the net?
Huge thanks in advance.
it appears, the French government / political establishment is effectively completely Zionist controlled. Despite this fact, I am still surprised, what kind of uncensored reports can still be found on French sites. Here is a report (in French) of Zionist influence concerning propagation on euthanasia, pedophilia etc..
Strongly assuming, that if this video would be published in German and in one of the German speaking nations, the author would be immediately arrested.. Here in Switzerland, when Dieudonné was giving his show in Lausanne in January, the sites concerning his presentation were pretty much sabotaged by Google, even Google map wasn’t anymore able to find the relevant theater. The local media tried the best to discredit the show, very much in sync with the French media..
Surprising report in yesterday’s WaPo Opinion Page of the Korean War holocaust from aerial bombing in North Korea, entitled “The U.S. War Crime that North Korea won’t forget”. Article by one Blaine Harden, described as a former Post reporter, and author of “The Great Leader and the Fighter Pilot”. Harden reports that General Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command, told the New Yorker magazine in 1995 (boasted apparently) that “over a period of three years or so we killed off – what — 20% of the population”. Dean Rusk, eventually Secretary of State, said the United States bombed “everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another”. Wikipedia gives the North Korean population at 9.62 million in 1949, a year before the war, to the death toll was likely in the order of 2 million. The tenor of the article is mildly apologetic, but its presentation in the WaPo, which never met a war it didn’t like (except maybe Viet Nam, where the children of the elite were drafted also) suggests a warning” “This is what we’ve done before, and are ready and able to do again when we think it necessary”.
ref crimes comitted by US and allies in North Korea, not sure if this link is still functioning..
Not to forget the germ warfare, utilising information gained from the Japanese Mengele, Shiro Ishii of Unit 731 infamy, or the bombing of dams to cause inundation, the threat of nuclear attack, or the brainwashing, which was inflicted by the USA on returning POWs, not by their North Korean and Chinese captors.
You’re wrong about the pattern.
People had no support for Solzhenityn and Sakharov not because they were passive bystanders, but because they perfectly knew, that one was a dedicated russophobe, writing idiotic illogical crap about his Motherland (Solzhenityn) and the other was just an idiot (Sakharov). Good physicist but idiot of a public person.
And the USSR didn’t “collapse” due to lack of people’s trust, it was deliberately dismantled buy a traitor — Gorbachev.
The propaganda Nobel for peace and glorification in the zionist media should’ve been indicating, really.
Articles like this one kinda dilute your efforts in spreading the truth for me.
Dear comrade Vovka, I have not read yet Solzhenitsyn nor Sakharov, for lack of time, although I have pending. But I am surprised that they have been so critical of the early leaders of the USSR, as Stalin, and have not been so to those who succeeded them, acting as facilitators, (Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Gorbachev) or directly involved in the sale and looting of the country (Chubais, Gaidar and company).
And, perhaps speaking from ignorance, may well be possible, but, is there is any written work of Solzhenitsyn or Sakharov denouncing those who submitted to misery and killed about 12 million Russians in the 90s?
Comrade Stalin, like any human being, certainly made many mistakes; as the leader of an immense nation at war and constantly harassed from the outside and the inside, surely some very serious.
But what can never be Stalin accused of is that he wanted for his countrymen anything other than a dignified and prosperous life with equal rights for all, regardless of their social origin.
Nor may say of him that was moved by any profit. At the time of his death, they had to send to arrange one of his few suits that were so frayed.
I’m sure that the Russian people, mostly, have a good memory of Stalin. Although we do not have access to their testimonies, as these are not published nor reports about this are made ( when traveling to Russia, if possible in the not too distant future, perhaps we can gather some testimonies about this among the common people, in some villages ) . But what we do know is that some people died when wanted to say him their last goodbye, as were many thousands, millions, who mourned his death and wanted to pay him the last tribute.
“12 million Russians in the 90s?”
The question of blame/responsibility is normally formulated as who put the bong in the bong-de-bong-de-bong. In other words the formulation is not only nonsensical but the hunt for blame is an ideological cul de sac whether pursuing uni-causality or even multi-causality an effort of dissipation, exhaustion and disappointment, which precludes the opportunity of doing of more utility..
Perhaps it is wiser not to cite numbers given that many cited are projections upon projections, an ideological trap based upon notions of statistics and their relevance, generally eliciting the response of are you sure it wasn’t 12 million plus 1, or 12 million plus 2 – how about 11 million 200 thousand, one hundred and forty say?
Memorial and others have better methods.
“….Perhaps it is wiser not to cite numbers given that many cited are projections upon projections, an ideological trap based upon notions of statistics and their relevance……”
I guess this one you will be willing to apply it also to mass murder figures attributed to Stalin? If not, does not serve me.
As for Memorial, not sure if you mean this:
Linked to Lev Ponomaryov ( something to do with Ilya Ponomaryov, “the traitor”? I think so, both were seen in that video, in and out of the US Embassy in Moscow, where some blonde ladies, also treacherous, complained about the media presence there as “Surkov propaganda” ),
and which is an anti-Putin and anti-Russia organization and was promoted by Lech Walesa (another traitor to the working class) to the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize?
If this is what you mean, with these recommendations, I have almost no doubt that your opponents and mine are not the same.
Khodorkhovski, perhaps?
As Memorial bears “the clothes” of uncompromising defender of human rights in the territories of the former USSR, some study or serious indictment of this organization on the gross atrocities and violations of basic human rights in the Donbass?
I’m afraid not, that on this absolute silence.
Raro, raro ,raro……
All have agenda/purpose subliminated in areas of research and evaluation is always a function of purpose.
On collectivisation – a raw nerve of more than half-life in current “Ukrainian” ideology, and the Yezhovschina amongst others, the oral history archive of memorial is a useful datastream.
In English terms try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and try to remember that it has been said that there is none so blind as one who will not see.
You may not be aware of it but you are your own opponent – to some degree we all are our own opponent in the absence of omniscience and escape from ideological integration.
Perhaps if you follow the Figes links and try to dispense with the notions of bad guys in black hats, good guys in white hats and black guys in attractive hats, you will understand more.
The world is neither binary nor constant. The craving for certainty and simplicity won’t help Ulysses or any one else make safe journeys. Mr. Rumsfeld amongst others “understood/understands” that one and continues to give reliance/succour to that hypothesis.
Try to avoid knee jerk or intuitive practices as this is also defined as exposing/relying upon pre-judgements also known as prejudices.
Try to avoid the analogue of emotional outburst including terms such as “traitor”, as it is usually not coducive to continued well being. Some in Argentina and Chile became monuments as a consequence, as did some relatives of your neighbours, not restricted to POUM.
Try to avoid the wonderland of we hold these truths to be self-evident and WYSIWYG.
Life is a cabaret and some catalyse group hates by barking dogs that are unaware of complexity or nuance but pumped full of the analgeisics of anger displacement. That is an activity practiced by opponents whose results include but are not limited to events in Odessa.
Some also view blogs as opportunities to catalyse barking.
Some may or may not be aware of the possible purposes of giving advice on concentrating only on the “good stuff” and the when did you last beat your wife type questions.
As to your last sentence -first accusation of being an “American” which gave rise to laughter and now the chubby one with spectacles who recently lost weight?
Try to avoid certainty; as explained doubt is a catalyst of knowledge.
As has been stated before some things are written for the drawer.
Not everyone is counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike or pledging alleigance to the wall.
If you were lighter in your defense of the indefensible ( Memorial, Lev Ponomaryov, Rumsfeld …., trivialization of the victims of the adventures of enrichment of Chubais, Gaidar and partners, to put the focus only on victims of Stalin ), one would not have to think of you as “American”.
Please, tell me how do you explain this: ( to see if you can answer a direct question )
“Foreign agent”
“Memorial was declared to be “foreign agent” because it receives funds from abroad and carries out political activities and demanded the formal registration as such according to the Russian law. The management of Memorial argues that the society does not try to influence neither political decisions nor public opinion”
“Possible closure”
“The Russian Minister of Justice Alexander Vladimirovich Konovalov has called for Memorial to be liquidated and the society will face a Supreme Court hearing on the possible closure on 13 November 2014. The lawsuit concerns technical details over the legal registration of Memorial”
Some are blind because they cannot see.
Some are blind because they refuse to see.
Some are blind because what they see are their own projections.
The source is of course spinning and some of inexperience believe the source is adept at misrepresentation. For those of experience in specific contexts it has utility if that illusion is not publicly challenged.
Some may view the vote as telling a dog where to piss and others to guage ideological integration – a bit like Crimea 2014 really.
If you look on the right hand side you will see that in 2007 Mr. Putin was acknowledging the suffering and people who suffered under the regime which sometimes is telescoped into the description Stalin.
Part of this acknowledgement was informed by data gathered by memorial and partly informed by data gathered under the roofs of Mr. Andropov and others.
Russia is not the Soviet Union, and 2005 is not 1937. This is in part because some the persons who catalysed it to become so did not restrict their activities to voting.
Not only you dates now as source the BBC, notorious member of the propaganda war anti-Putin anti-Russia, but reading what it says your preferred Orlando Figes, in the article you contribute, almost like I do not need to read / hear anything over him:
“What we have now [in Russia] effectively is the KGB in power”
Orlando Figes
British historian
Masks are falling, so it is likely that the day of reckoning is coming.
Datastreams are always useful, that includes the opponents subjected to rigorous evaluation processes.
The memorial databases from the 1990’s are still valid as advised.
“Possible closure”
The content is not only in the detail but also in the why/how.
In Russia hearings are not usually prejudged – since it is no longer 1937 and for other reasons.
KGB was disbanded but perhaps some haven’t heard.
KGB in some regards was an equal opportunity employer including for those without much blat.
The foreign section was particularly so. – entry usually not by application but by invitation.
To paraphrase Sun Tsu – know your enemy – but try to avoid not knowing yourself.
Also those who know neither themselves nor their enemy generally lose.
“Masks are falling”.
And what would you include in the causative agents in that process?
You appear to be reverting to a McCarthy state of mind: possibly working too hard?
As remarked before – the interchange was probably written for the drawer in some regards.
I want to clarify that no one is using my name, I am, elsi, of the house, the usual,
I “embrace” only “doubt” about who they really are your opponents and therefore “do not have the certainty” that you and I are on the same side.
As for you “doubt and uncertainty are the best to catalyze the lateral strategy”,
from this, it would appear that my mood is now optimal to achieve transcendence.
Is this a MacCarthy state of mind? I do not know, because I do not know the mood of this man. Apart from knowing everything, now you’re a soothsayer? I could also say that you seem to have a Zinoviev state of mind….
You wonder if maybe I’m working too hard? ALWAYS!
This is the fate of the proletariat in struggle, work and study, tirelessly, inaccessible to despondency.
Which I think is trying to get me exhausted is you, maybe that is your purpose:
“COINTELPRO began in 1956 and was designed to” increase factionalism, cause confusion and get defections “inside the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). However, the program was soon broadened to include the disruption of the Workers Party Socialists (1961), the Ku Klux Klan (1964), the African nationalist groups, including the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam and the New Left socio-political movement altogether, which brought peace groups (against war), communities and religious groups (1968). “
“You wonder if maybe I’m working too hard? ALWAYS!
This is the fate of the proletariat in struggle, work and study, tirelessly, inaccessible to despondency.
Which I think is trying to get me exhausted is you, maybe that is your purpose:”
This is one of the purposes of “work” used by some.
In some self-perceived “revolutionary Marxist trends/groups/parties/ML or other varieties” activism was used by their own “leadership” as a substitute for analytical thought, minimising “results” leading to frustrations and internal splits giving opportunities for the “leadership” maintain their “control”.
To clothe this the membership was encouraged by the “leadership” and/or their own projections based on their belief system derived in part from devotional tracts, to believe that the sources of distress were external agents controlling internal challenges – Former people, Enemies of the People the solution to which was suppresion rather than taking the opportunity to consider and learn from the ideas of the “opposition” (the don’t conflate difference with non-equality point).
This also fed into the “cult of personality” which contributed to orthodoxy in Stavka and arguably contributed significantly to Soviet losses during the “Great Patriotic War”.
The opponents do contribute to this process and seek to over-estimate their own agency to delude their consistuency – for example we won the cold war, the Russian threat etc.
This also gave the opportunity for the “leadership” to deflect responsibility or write articles such as “dizzy with sucess”, and enhance consequences including those consequent on the blindness of those who only see their projections.
Some were of the view that the Bolshevik “revolution” was doomed from November 1917/ October 1917 Old calendar, when the Bolsheviks awarded themselves special food rations , and some were minded to date it from the Russian Social Democratic London conference of 1903 and the publication of “What is to be done”, and some to Narodnaya Volya and before.
The initial step to transcendence lies in productivity.
If a slogan is required “Struggle less, think more”
This was finally understood by Mr. Andropov and some others after Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, the Brezhnev doctrine and carrying out International Solidarity Missions in Afghanistan.
Russia is not the Soviet Union, counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike or saluting the wall.
Diversity is valued and blind conformance dissuaded.
Well, I´ll try to be more productive and not be blind ( somewhat difficult if I am all day at the computer ). In any case, today I have to go for a walk, have coffee with cream cake ….and… skate! Even God rested on Sunday, the revolution can wait for now.
While I return, could you please develop this point a little more? It is the first time I hear of Narodnaya Volya. I’ve seen what they say on Wikipedia, but what do you think?
….”Some were of the view that the Bolshevik “revolution” was doomed from November 1917/ October 1917 Old calendar, when the Bolsheviks awarded themselves special food rations , and some were minded to date it from the Russian Social Democratic London conference of 1903 and the publication of “What is to be done”, and some to Narodnaya Volya and before”……
PS: Yesterday very sad thinking you’re with opponents. I slept badly (which also contributed the change to daylight saving time).
“COINTELPRO began in 1956”
An English poet called Philip Larkin wrote a piece containing roughly the following
Sexual intercourse started in 1963
Between Profumo and the Beatles first LP.
I think I have an idea of what you are wanting to mean ( but not sure ).
Anyway, you do not comment anything about what I asked you, up here, on Sunday.
Tell me, how it could be, that the Russian Revolution was doomed for about events that occurred in a previous century?
P.S:( Please, forgive me for calling you Khodorkovsky )
“Tell me, how it could be, that the Russian Revolution was doomed for about events that occurred in a previous century?”
To do so would be naive.
To do so in a broadcast would offer actionable intelligence to the opponents.
The ignorance of the opponents generally suits the purpose, since the general purpose is not to describe the world, but to change it.
As you provide to me and share with me links and authors of interest also I want to give something in return (not doing so would be somewhat ungrateful of me) and want to share with you some of my sources:
“This document (1) was made known to us in its French version, by the web Komintern.doc currently inoperative, which played it from the edition of 1971 by Éditions Norman Bethune (76, boulevard Saint-Michel Paris 6th.), which is omitted any information about their authors as well as the exact date of publication necessarily illegal in the Soviet Union. References in the text itself allow placing it in the immediate aftermath of the ouster of Khrushchev (2) (14 October 1964) period.
We have tried in vain to find the original in numerous Russian sites who are interested in the disclosure of documents and research on the history of the USSR. Finally, we found a Russian version in the web http://www.enverhoxha.ru, which in the end proved to be an English translation from an edition produced in Albania in 1965, which is available in the same web.(…)
On his own, the editor of Komintern.doc said that, at the time appeared this “Policy Statement”, “circulated in the media Marxists-Leninists the assumption that the wording would be the liability or could have been monitored by the Comrade VM Molotov (3), companion of Lenin and Stalin “.
“Programmatic statement of Soviet revolutionary communists (Bolsheviks) (Part I)”:
I.The opportunist leaders of the CPSU under the mask of Marxism
“Programmatic statement of Soviet revolutionary communists (Bolsheviks) (Part II)”:
II. Stalin and Proletarian Democracy:
“Programmatic statement of Soviet revolutionary communists (Bolsheviks) (Part III)”:
III.The domain of bureaucracy:
“Programmatic statement of Soviet revolutionary communists (Bolsheviks) (Part IV)”:
IV.The opportunists in the international arena:
“Programmatic statement of Soviet revolutionary communists (Bolsheviks) (Part V)”:
V. Communists, forward!:
OK, friend ( I answer here because up there there is no possibility ) thanks anyway.
Clearly we should see each other to solve questions. I’m used to study alone, but even the lonely self-taught student needs, occasionally, some tutoring. Sometimes, everyone comes to a dead end and needs another point of view. Do you have Easter vacation?
P.S: keep online, do not go very far.( I am not like MacCarthy, at all ).
“Avava Inouva” ( Father open the door / Padre ábreme la puerta / Отец открыть дверь ) by Idir :
Some are blind because they cannot see.
Some are blind because they refuse to see.
Some are blind because what they see are their own projections.
Complexity increases the probability of doubt.
Knowledge is derived in interaction.
Omniscience does not exist and some averse to, or in fear of, doubt bridge this lacuna with their own projections.
Some add to this bridging process through confirmation bias, thereby increasing the possibility of becoming one who refuses to see.
Understanding is often subject to, and inhibited by, a linear extrapolation of initial premises.
The process of apportionment of blame normally tends to undermine the process of understanding of causation by limiting the areas that can be seen – an instance where some are blind because they cannot see.
Certainty is a function of omniscience and a precluder of knowledge.
Knowledge is a process of questions not answers.
Let me offer you a question in illustration to ponder.
Why is the slogan – Glory to the heroes?
In a previous blog to the question whatever happened to Stepan Bandera responses tended to apportion blame – killed by the KGB in Munich – which simultaneously asserted sole agency, all having the effect of limiting/precluding exploration of causation.
In response to the question Why is the slogan – Glory to the heroes?
Some may be tempted to respond in blame mode on fascist tendencies, existence of evil in the world, or remember OUN/OUP etc.
Those embracing doubt and understanding that omniscience does not exist, whilst seeking to initiate a process of understanding causation, would likely respond with a formulation such as:
It appears on present information that factors include but are not necessarily restricted to ideological notions, including the notions of exceptionalism encouraged by and a pre-requisite of commodity production systems including capitalism, the decisions of the London Social Democratic conference of 1903, the Creditanstalt crisis, etc. all in interaction with differing significances at different moments in the lateral process.
To slightly improvise on Marx.
The purpose is to change the world through understanding it, a step in this being describing it, the most effective description lying in factors of causation and lateral interactive process, giving indication of how and where to intervene in the process to encourage the presently perceived best outcome to facilitate the purpose.
If you visit the doctor with smallpox and he treats your for a rash giving you some creme as a salve, you are unlikely to travel far in the process.
I suggest that a modicum of understanding of causation and interaction is the wisest way forward.
You may find the book a useful catalyst if not a comfortable ride.
Karl Schlogel : Moscow 1937
I’m not sure it is actual paranoia that is in part responsible for the actions of Zionists; I believe they just like to flex their muscles and show one and all who is in charge…just like in America.
Some wags blame it on the brits.
French comedian Dieudonne was cleared from any wrongdoings even though he had called Manuel Valls (French PM) a “Mussolini with half a Down syndrome“. No “double standards” here.
There is a big (but sometimes subtile) difference between french and english/american concepts – and laws – about freedom etc.
Roughly, french laws aim at protecting the society – while anglo-saxon laws aim at protecting people. That’s why we have no class-action (but “public concern” associations can go to trial), no gag order (and much much lower indemnities) etc..
Then of course “protecting the society” implies some political ideas behind, therefore court decisions may vary depending on the political context – the way words or drawings are [supposed to be] perceived…
French comedian Dieudonne was cleared from any wrongdoings even though he had called Manuel Valls (PM) a “Mussolini with a Down syndrom”.
No double standards here, but a big misunderstanding of the difference in french and anglo-american laws and concepts about freedon etc.
Roughly, french law aim at protecting the society, while anglo-saxons laws aim at protecting people.
Thats why, for instance, we have no class-actions (but associations “of public concern” can go to trial while others cannot), no gag-order (and much much lower indemnities)
Of course “protecting the society” implies some political ideas behind, and therefore court rulings may vary depending on the political context … and yes sometimes depending on the political forces on the battlefield.
Court rulings about Dieudonne are not a problem. He is a public person with a lot of fans.
Much more upseting: ordinary citizens were sentenced to jail: a drunk guy (14months), another mentally unbalanced (3months) (for shouting “Allahu Akbar” or “I want to kill cops/jews..”).
A few months ago, some people where charged for contempt and obstruction after a march in solitarity with Gaza (the march had been banned because of the risk of violent clashes – but yes, one may argue…)
a) The FN and Marine have a PR act…and the Zionists know its a PR act.
b) The increasingly close and visible relations between Putin’s United Russia and the “evil” “far-right” parties of Europe show who are the real rebels and how the Russians know who are the real rebels.
c) In the field of “anti-Zionism” you’re NOTHING next to Jean or Marine…a ZERO. Know your place…
d) Africans and Muslims are to European natives what Israelis are to Palestinians…Zionist-imported invaders. This invaders are a bio-weapon that the Zionists use against us whites since this invaders have the terrible combination of low cognitive/emotional intelligence and very high levels of tribalism/ethnocentrism (racism). You know it…i know it…and deep inside every “anti-Zionist” knows it but this is the Elephant in the Room that some dont adress out of cowardness or their own tribalistic/racist bias.
e) Keeping the FACT stated on “d” we Europeans dont have to accept this Zionist-imported invaders who drain our vital forces with their low-IQ and tribalism.
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