Dear friends
This week end my family and I have to move from the house we initially rented after the hurricane to a cheaper location. Frankly, I don’t know what the new place will look like or, worse, what kind of Internet it will have (it has some kind of connection, but I don’t have any details). Which means that what we could save from the flood and which we took with us we will have to move it all again to our new location.
In practical terms this means the following:
- There might be a few days where I cannot access the Internet or work on the blog
- I should retain the ability to email, but I will only reply to urgent messages.
- I will try to avoid this as best can be, but there might be a little longer lag time for moderation
I have all the reasons to believe that by mid-week we should have settled down and have the conditions we need to work. One way or another, but I will keep you posted (updating from my cellphone if needed).
I ask for your understanding and and patience.
Next, I have a request.
I have just listened to the almost 4 hours long Putin speech and Q&A at the Valdai conference. I am under no illusions as to how this event was “covered” by the “free and democratic” “press” in the Hegemony (aka Zone A).
My question is address only to those who live in the Multipolar Free World (aka Zone B) and it goes as follows:
- How much coverage, if any, did Putin’s speech at the Valdai Club and the subsequent Q&A get in your country?
- Could you watch the full video or, at least, read the full transcript?
- What about the Q&A – was it made available to you?
- What kind of comments, if any, did this event elicit in your country?
I ask this because this was, yet again, one of Putin’s most important speeches and it was full of extremely important messages, especially to those capable of “reading between the lines”, understand his references and know Putin’s body language. From watching the video I get the feeling that the participants to the event felt its importance. But what I would like to know is did that event have any ripples and, if yes, how big, in your country?
I would be thankful for any information and comments.
Kind regards and many thanks!
“Video not available in your country” Canada and any other VPN I can access.
That was through the Saker site. I got it through: on Yandex browser now.
I don’t watch the local news in Jamaica, the international news is a facsimile of US networks and BBC. Regarding coverage of Putin’s speech at the Valdai Club in Jamaica I would have to say what’s a Valdai Club and yes our educated classes have heard about this evil person called Putin. But for some strange reason the poorer people here generally view him as some kind of hero badass, westerns are popular in Jamaica
i got the entire talk and the text translation on the above, no problems.
I didn’t see any references in NZ to Putin’s speech, but I gave up on the main western news outlets many years ago.
Prezado Andrei,
Sou do Brasil e, ao que me pareceu, não houve aqui praticamente sequer menção acerca do discurso de Putin no Valdai na mídia tradicional, o que não é nenhuma surpresa, apesar de, felizmente, fazermos parte dos BRICS.
Na verdade, houve uma menção em site dr Internet de um veículo de comunicação chamado Folha de São Paulo, mas, como era de se esperar, com uma nota do escritor com um viés bastante idealizado em favor do atlanticismo.
Por favor, se mais alguém do Brasil tiver Mais informações, complemente aqui.
Que Nosso Senhor abençoe você e sua família Caro Andrei
Por lo que yo puedo ver en los países hispanohablantes de sudamerica pasa lo mismo que en Brasil.
No hay ninguna mención al discurso de Putin, y los artículos de opinión están escritos por atlantistas declarados.
La única diferencia con periódicos de España, es que en Latinoamérica el tema es secundario y en España lo ponen en primera plana
Brazil had the most important elections of the century and probably of Brazilian democracy this week. With a genocide fascist without brain trying to boycott them with the “jagunço” responsible for his campaign shooting at the police!!! With another farwest in São Paulo. In fact, I have just seen Lula’s victory in a presidential regime and Congress has already sent economic messages?! At least won’t stop to think that are talking to a former President fouding of the BRICS who placed Brazil among the 5 largest economies in the world? Today it’s out of the top 10 and it will not be easy to rise again with the authentic political cancer that Brazil has fallen into. Today in the world there are only 2 politicians on Lula´s level. Putin and Xi. And I’m talking about results and not subjective assessments! That a corrupt judge sent to prison with the US help because Lula would also end up destroying the Monroe doctrine and taking all of South America out of Washington’s grasp! With Venezuelan oil included. The US has waged wars for less! Without Russian oil or Venezuelan oil, no gasoline or diesel in the US!
Yes, we have seen Lula won, but we’ve read that within Brazil’s body politics, Bolsanaro has “majority rule” with his many minions in the parliament.
Is that true?
I can only conclude to say that Lula knows very well who sent him to prison. This time it didn’t help to send Vitoria Nuland and they won’t do any good to pat that bastard Obama on the back either! Brazil has many problems but does not suffer from the hatred of Ukraine! Lula will finish what he started even though many here are also unaware that Brazil is one of the greatest potential in the world. That apart from the Amazon and oil it is not the biggest food producer only because of the 2008 crash and the ensuing coup d’état! Brazil has a place in the BRICS alongside Russia, China and India in its own right! It is not by chance that it even heads the acronym. Lula will not waste time with Bozo or Moro who sooner or later will end up in jail! And are no longer a child to waste time with scumbags!
I dont follow Ecuadorian news but on searching, there were fragments reported.They seem to have been reported fairly. Only a small part of the whole. What was interesting is that Lasso, the President – a Banker pretty much in thought to be in US back pocket – stated he wishes to talk one on one with Putin for discussions relating to Ecuador and Russia relationship. !!
Dear Andrey and the readers of this blog.
I can say that I am in Moscow at this time. The meeting of the Valdai Club was broadcast on the information channel Russia 24 at least. Also, the broadcast was conducted on the Russian platform СМОТРИМ. I only watched Putin’s opening speech live – I was at work, in the office, it’s not very convenient. The broadcast is in the recording – all 4.5 hours. Accordingly, there is a discussion, and questions and answers. The Kremlin has translated everything to the current moment and here is a link to the transcript at English
And yes, it takes a long time to load, have patience.
After the event, the state media in the news outlets gave quotes and fragments of the event during the day.
You ask a good question – was there a wave in society, here, from this event and Putin’s report. I didn’t feel it in Moscow, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t there. It seems to me that there was no furor for a number of reasons. I see two: first of all, Putin has not announced something new, sensational, in the news sense of these definitions. Secondly, he did not say anything that people here did not feel and did not understand. That is, he described, succinctly and lapidarly, what most people here feel. They cannot put all these thoughts and feelings together and state them, but what Putin was talking about is not news and revelation. He expressed the feelings and thoughts of people who are in their head and chest. We do not take into account the members of the 5th and 6th columns here; those who use their heads only to take food into it, we also do not take into account here. The latter, most likely, did not listen to anything and did not watch.
It seemed to me that Putin presented publicly for the first time a complete picture of the world and his attitude towards it. Earlier, in his speeches, he described this or that fragment, of greater or lesser coverage. Now – the full picture, the whole mosaic is put together and demonstrated. No more hidden or lost puzzles. A giant canvas is presented to the world. That’s a good thing. and it’s bad at the same time. It’s bad – because nothing new can be added to this canvas. You can only detail individual sections, refine them. Rudely: I have a feeling that Putin wrote his War and Peace, or Crime and Punishment, or a Cat’s Cradle or One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Nothing else is needed. It remains to work – a lot, long and difficult. This is a subjective opinion, an inner feeling. I apologize for the strange English – it is not my native language 😊
Thank you for the link to the transcript. I read very quickly, but have difficulty remembering the spoken word. I had searched for the transcript, but couldn’t find it.
I live outside the west, haven’t seen anything about Valdai in the media, and no-one has heard of Valdai or listens to anything that Putin says. The consensus is that he “wants more land”!
Any time you have a link to a Kremilin site in Russian, such as one of Putin’s talks in Russian, you can just as “en.” before – if there is an English translation it will be there, If there will be a translation but not yet, there will usually be a title. Often the translation is added in stages (“To be continued” at the bottom). Within a few days they are usually finished.
For Lavrov’s speeches it is similar, but – offhand from memory – I think the Russian is[something]/ru/[rest of link] and the english is[something]/en/[rest of link] – or whatever, but the point is you just have to change the language flags.
That is a useful trick, thank you.
I am grateful to the translators, who do a very good job — they seem to capture both the literal meaning and the spirit (I say, having watched Mr.Putin for a number of years — I don’t speak Russian but he has a distinctive intonation. Also, I’d be very surprised if he doesn’t vet the final translation himself, for the more important talks and documents.)
I believe I saw the link here — I am in the US but haven’t paid attention to our MSM in decades. But don’t recall any mention anywhere, at all, not even in the alternative press. I don’t think it was suppressed; rather, I think they don’t even know it exists. (I certainly didn’t before reading here.)
Unfortunately I do not live in the multipolar free world. I live in Sweden.
No coverage here in MSM.
It is so unpleasant here that I feel I am afraid of even say what I think.
Never let them silence you,we have the same thing in the UK.
The people in the USA are so brainwashed. I was chatting with a fellow Californian and he proudly proclaimed that California has now surpassed Germany in GDP and could be its own country! I told him California is unsustainable and only exists due to Federal government deficit spending. Somehow Germany’s loss is a California gain.
He then moved on to California generates more power than any other state. I reminded him that California has the largest population of any other state and that would be expected.
Actual intelligent conversations are difficult.
When I went to kindergarten, we were taught to deal with name calling by teaching the kids “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me”.
Now name calling is advanced to “labels” and we are taught that words are harmful. Where we used to turn children into adults, it is now common practice to turn adults into children.
Bertdilibert: We can appreciate your frustrations. We left California in 1990 and moved northwards. The same level of American ignorance followed us up here.:)
It’s true, California is a powerhouse in the US. It has oil/gas industries, Big Ag in the Central Valley, but most of all, it sports many multi-billionaires who have made their money from: Big Tech, Big Banks and its Financial Centers.
While your friend is enthusiastic about California’s GDP, what he doesn’t understand is that a good part of that GDP includes all the profits made by its multi-billionaires. All factors combined, it’s about 1%-10$ of the population who are living quite well.
In contrast, perhaps you should take your friend through any large downtown’s in California. What do you see: impoverished people, homeless camps, people living under freeways exit/entries, and those who are fortunate enough to live in old camper trailer. Now it’s likely your friend will blame the poor on the poor choices they made earlier in life. Nonsense. It’s the California Financial System that is impoverishing so many in California.
When we grew up in California, in the 60s-to early 80s, we witnessed very little impoverishment. Fast forward to today, it’s an unrecognizable state that used to be quite beautiful.
GDP is a measure of spending not of economic growth and vitality. Look at the US. Big spending, ie GDP, but deathly and unsustainable levels of debt and income disparity. Americans don’t understand that – like your brainwashed and uneducated friend – but they are definitely feeling the impacts.
We can quickly overcome income disparity by sending all monies to the UN where they can redistribute it to each country based on population. Then the governments can redistribute the wealth.
As Andrei Martyanov explained. The cost of producing a top of the range tank in US (probably parts made elsewhere), ballpark $5 million, Russian cost $500k.
Added to GDP 20 US tanks – $100m
Added to GDP 20 Ru. tanks – $ 10m
GDP humbug.
America wants to sell India tanks and an inferior missile-defence system to that of Russian made @ X times the cost. Expect a large uptick in Russian & Iranian armaments in the new multipolar world.
Last, from memory, America relieved Saudi of a patriot missile defence system a few months back to ‘lease’ to Ukraine. Saudi probably miffed as one of the largest US MIC customers. Bearing in mind the Houthi drones are getting through regularly, wouldn’t now be the best time to get the Russian upgrade for a fraction of the price?
Is there any coverage in Sweden of Sweden’s refusal to share information about the Nordstream sabotage with Denmark and Germany?
No. It has gone down the memory hole… There is some coverage in alternative media. All the old MSM and state news are silent.
We follow our old traditions since WWII. You know when we started our Institute of Racial Biology well in advance of the nazis. Sterilized over 60000 women to protect our “Folkhemmet”. Didn’t want any unpure blood in the Peoples Home!
We were nazis the and we are nazis now. That is why we are “in solidarity” with Ukraine. We helped nazi Germany the best we could and now we help Ukraine.
And if things get complicated we have an enourmos memory hole…
From Denmark.
There is no news coverage in the Danish MSM of President Putin´s Okt 27 -2022 Valdai speech.
As such there is no debate regarding his speech.
I found his speech via link from the Saker blog. And have read the transcript.
I must say, since the days of John F Kennedy, and maybe Helmut Kohl, I have not seen any Western Leader worthy of the title “World leader”, like President Putin.
Putin is touching the Zeit Geist of the Globe,
He is including all people, not excluding anyone.
He stands for equal right for all, not primacy for a Fascist elite.
And most of all he stands for liberation and future prosperity for humanity via cooperation.
It is no wonder that 2/3 of the Global population, is giving Putin their support.
What a breath of fresh air, to see so many representatives of various Nations meeting in a positive spirit of cooperation toward a better future for all.
The west has got to wake up, or we will be left behind, when the majority of the world rides into a new renaissance of peace and prosperity.
Denmark has unfortunately also a nazi history. Like Sweden. We inspired each other and nazi Germany…
Steincke is especially known for his book The Future’s Social Welfare (Danish: Fremtidens forsørgelsesvæsen) from 1920 in which he foretells:
“We treat the inferior individual with all care and love, but forbid him, in return, only to reproduce himself.”
His book was the basis of the Danish laws about Eugenics, the sterilization and castration of unwanted elements. Steincke regarded the prevention of “inferior individuals” reproducing as important for society, as for the children of the “inferior individuals”.
My thoughts may be a bit off-topic but… Our media is now censored. No internet connection to russian media any more. And Russia knows of course. This can get ugly for us. And we are on the wrong side of truth…
Yes this is off-topic – please move to the MFC. Mod.
Frank I have replied to your post in the MFC.
There are “Zones B” anywhere in the world! YOU make it ;-)
We deeply appreciate what you are going through. It’s very unsettling, given the current world issues going on.
Please keep in mind the predators of Big Insurance Monopolies in the US. They are treacherous beasts.
Keep all of your paper work, online documents they send and any phone conversations between you and your Insurance Company. Contact trusted friends if you have questions about your insurance company. Those beasts are there to make profit. In *no* way are they there to “serve” you.
RE: President Putin’s speech. The only coverage we found was at Russia Today. One could clearly appreciate how the President has fully, deeply understood that the US Financial/Military power is a deadly predator.
Thank you, most kindly, President Putin and we thank Andrei for his communications.
I live in Canada. No News about Putin’s speech. The two topics on the top of the menu today are the peaceful protests in Ottawa in February and Iran. Iran bad and the peaceful protest against the lockdowns are being described as an insurrection by the Political and Media pundits. Could I imagine a so called leader in the West giving a speech and a Q&A for 4.5 hrs ? I don’t have to answer that. All I can say is…can we make a trade ?
The Netherlands
Main stream media outlet = NOS:
Thursday 27 october
Headline: Putin lashes out at West in speech
In a speech, Russian President Putin lashed out at Western countries, accusing them of, among other things, “colonialism”. According to Putin, the West is playing a “dangerous, bloody and dirty game” on Ukraine and is out for world domination.
According to the Russian president, Western leaders want to impose their way of life on other countries. “They think everyone is below average and that only they belong to the elite,” he said. According to him, Western countries impose sanctions on those who do not do what they want.
At the same time, Western countries are losing their dominance, the president said. In his view, the next decade may be the most “critical and dangerous” since World War II in that regard. He suspects that a “new world order” will emerge, in which dialogue between Russia, the West and other “development centers” will become more important. He believes that law-and-order must play an important role in this new order.
Putin emphasized in his speech that Russia does not currently consider itself an enemy of the West, but that he will continue to oppose Western “neoliberal elites” who are trying to weaken Russia.
The president made his statements at the annual meeting of the Valdai Club in Moscow, a think tank with which Putin has close ties. The speech comes at a time when Russia is suffering losses at the front in Ukraine and the Ukrainian army is making an advance around the strategically located city of Kherson.
Most of the main stream media news here is like the last paragraph. They bend everything to how they want it to be.
Alternative media does link to the transcript:
and even presents a nice machine translation in Dutch:
Hi Niccos…
In the Netherlands too. What a joke. The constant stream of Russophobic lies, often dressed up in opinion pieces or reports like this, are truly dumbfounding. Wish I could say it started in February this year but has been a trend since at least since 2005, consistent Russophobic media in NL.
It makes me sick that a speech and fascinating Q&A that essentially continually underlined friendship, peace, cooperation, hope, equality, diversity, fairness, mutual respect ends up being plugged as anti West…
Andrei, I gave up on the entire NZ MSM once the Govt bought off their narratives and so I simply can’t stomach watching any of their shill crap any longer.
Having said that, Putin’s speech has been widely circulated and applauded on social media.
We are a pathetic Natostan lapdog country so will more than likely be the very last country on earth to realise that we have made a huge blunder with ‘our’ Govt backing the appalling WEF agendas of the Western ‘Elites’ including their show of fawning solidarity with fascist neo-Nazi lunatics.
Perhaps we need to rethink this label… [Western Elites]… it needs to become the Western OBSOLETES!
Hope your shift goes smoothly Andrei
Heya Col. As a fellow Kiwi, I just thought that I would give you a heads up.
I follow ‘The Saker’ site pretty closely, reading almost every article that gets posted. And the comments. Sometimes I find the information that is in the comments can be even more interesting than the articles.
I have only commented a couple of times to the site, both times were to Jorge’s articles.
In reality I don’t feel that I can really add anything to these conversations, however I gain a phenomenal amount of information, understanding, history, philosophy, and so much food for thought.
So when I see your comments I always am thankful that there is a kiwi (yourself) who puts some relevant and intelligent input into this site. Showing that there are Kiwis who who can see through the b/s that is thrown at us in this wee country by our loaded and paid for mainstream media.
Thank you.
I have checked the big three Canadian broadcasting networks for highlights of Putin’s speech. Total information black-out. Though these entities did mention the Sevastopol incident. As usual, there was a mix of lies – 99%, and slivers of truth-1%. The masses here are beaten down and bent over a barrel. Everything fed to westerners by our media reminds me of a great movie: They Live.
Hello Andrei, good luck with all of it.
I have not viewed the video yet and don´t know if I will.
I am in Brasil and all that counts is the election here. The second round is tomorrow and today was crazy in Centro. We are going to have to wait and see who wins. I am told Lula is seven points ahead. I do not have an once of confidence in either case and had to tell people in the street yesterday I am voting for candidate number 0. It is bizarre here at the moment and you have to decide which color clothing is safe to wear, depending on how much flak you can tolerate.
What I will say with conviction is that who knows what Brasil will bring to the table after the election results are in. Anybody who claims to know what Brasil will do next is smoking crack. It is that simple. But, the populace here does know that what is coming is going to be bad. As Russian President Putin seems to have also voiced, the road ahead is going to be quite rocky.
Best wishes to all,
I have bought your book, but the last time I tried to send £10 to The USA – Tom Feeley – Information Clearing House, it resulted in my transaction being blocked by either the American or my British Bank, and my account being locked…
In fact it is getting more frequent, even trying to pay my car insurance – less than £300….I get a message in the middle of the night on my phone…is this you I reply Y. I then get another message….I tell them to PIss Off…Do not wake up me in the Middle of the Night…
So I have got to phone the bank up trying to remember my security passwords…and she eventually says, your insurance payment has gone through…
(but why tf are you trying to send money from England to America)
I don’t need this grief..
My $10 to Feeding America went straight through – no problem.
I wish you well.
My son might be able to host some of your stuff if you go bust (well at least email you or phone you up with technical advice) but he is worrying about going bust too, and has no affection for Americans, and unlike me has spent 2 weeks in the USA. He was not impressed.
I know you have been washed away in a hurricane..
Try it in a Sailing Boat in The Atlantic
My Family would all be dead, except for The Shelter of The Scilly Islands
Stormy Seas -“Do Not Do That”
Shoved the Kids in the Cabin down below
And we Sailed Straight into The Storm.
Just cut through the waves.
apologies for the capitals, but i thought we were all about to die
Still Here,
Good Luck, and God Bless
A small headline sample from Norway, sorry for the long links but archive-ph would not cooperate.
And here is a few from Sweden.
Good evening everyone, first and foremost I’d very much like to thank Andrei the Saker and his team for their outstanding job here, thank you very much indeed, and good luck and all the best for Raesky and his family in their new home hoping that everything works as smooth as possible.
Than I’d like to say that I’ve seen none, zero, coverage. I truly watch no FTA but, as much as read and listen and even the paid ones, they simply ignored it, mostly because Flamengo and Atlético Paranaense had their Final match deciding Libertadores da America football cup (CONMEBOL), meaning that 2 Brazilians teams were “the best” and so the press went crazy about that. And there’s the presidential elections tomorrow, so VVP was simply ignored. Cheers from a warm (23C) Vale do Ipiranga
I found the translation of the speech by doing a Yandex search which led me back to the Saker site of all places. Yet I cannot find the translation text from the Saker site itself, I only find the video with subtitles. The speech is truly remarkable, multiple layers packed with meaning, and honesty in it shines thru. It is the words of a man trying to solve massive problems. May God’s wisdom stay near him.
Just listened to most of speech for first of many listens, only found it in rt or here, no lamestream America media.
I use Putin and Maria to relearn Russian, slow going.
Thank you
Not a peep about Putin’ Q&A on CBC news to date 10/29/22
I saw nothing on Valdai while browsing the newspapers of my country (Nigeria), but let me speak broadly about African attitudes to Russia. Contrary to what some may say, attitudes to Russia varies across the continent. Nevertheless, regardless of the attitude of common people, African countries, as a rule, refuse to take sides. Although some countries (e.g. Kenya) have criticized Russia’s “special military operation”, none has agreed to join sanctions war or refuse to associate with Russia— despite relentless US/UK/EU pressure.
Francophone African countries, due to anger with France, are largely on the side of Russia. These are countries where street demonstrations carrying Russian flags are commonplace. It also helps that the Wagner PMC guys are helping two francophone countries (Republic of Mali and Central Africa Republic) fight Islamic terrorists.
Mali seized the golden opportunity to kick out French troops from their country; making it one of the few francophone nations without the destabilizing presence of French military bases, which tend to be the headquarters of planning the overthrow of governments deemed unacceptable to France, (French paratroopers overthrew President Jean Bindel Bokassa of Central Africa Republic in 1979. An French troops in columns of armoured tanks deposed Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo in 2011)
Portuguese speaking nations like Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau and Angola are extremely friendly to Russia because they all owe their independence to Soviet weapons used to convince Portugal to abandon its colonial possessions in Africa. If I recall correctly, I once read a pro-Russian article here on The Saker Blog written by an African from one of these portuguese speaking nations.
Barring South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe (governed by political parties have historic ties with USSR), most Anglophone African countries are friendly towards the United States and UK. However, there is no deep hostility towards Russia per se. Attitudes to the Ukraine-Russia conflict ranges from indifference to mild sympathy for Russia. This is in total contrast to francophone Africa where support for Russia is strong from the common person on the street to government officials.
ATTITUDES IN NIGERIAN FEDERATION (The largest Anglophone African Country)
Most Nigerians are neutral on the conflict, but there are minorities that are vociferously in support of Russia and other minorities who support the United States position. You can see it in the contrasting coverage of the Ukraine-Russia conflict in different newspapers.
The Guardian Newspaper of Nigeria (the largest in the country by circulation) wrote an editorial that is largely neutral in tone about the Russian/Ukraine conflict and seems to accept Putin’s complaint about NATO at Russia’s doorstep:
In sharp contrast, The Punch Newspaper of Nigeria (a popular newspaper with the second largest reading audience) wrote an unhinged editorial saying that USA and NATO must defeat what it calls “Putin’s megalomania” by “escalating the sanctions”.
Muito obrigado garoto da Nigéria por nos dar um relato tão completo sobre as impressões em África.
Baora, Many thanks.
I went to your link and copied the speech and Q & A in eng.
Monumental presentation. Leader of millennial proportions. His audience, themselves representing many countries. Are called upon to unite. To forge a just future.
… In empire of chaos, we can’t even talk to one another. … I continue to hope. And pray.
Oregon Coast, here. Typed “Putin speech question and answers at Valdai Club transcript” in duck duck go and got
Has everything complete and unedited.
So no censorship… but how many americans are really savvy enough to either care or know what search terms to use? And after jumping that hurdle, what fraction has the attention span necessary to read that many words in one sitting, then cull another large fraction with the comprehension skills required to even know what the hell they just read?
In answer to your questions the answer is (unfortunately) a big fat NO on both accounts in N CA.
Thanks! I saved that together with the other links. In CA.
I live in Zone A (USA). I get a lot of valued info from The Saker and other independent international authors to access basic geo-economics, geo-politics and related information, but surprisingly limited info from the main Zone A sources.
To give the Zone B citizens an idea of the quality of information from Zone A, I did a brief test today on one Zone A search engine, Bing. I searched for “Putin Valdai speech”. I will summarize the sources and headlines for the top 3 searches, MSM/Yahoo, Business Insider and The Economics Times. Before I do, let me say that I watched the English version of the speech and I was personally excited about the positive nature of it (unless you are a rabid Zone A warhawk.)
Now, the 3 Zone A headlines. The quoated headlines are taken directly from the listed source :
Source Headline
Yahoo/MSN: “Putin’s speech at Valdai proves Russia’s war as genocide against Ukrainians…”
Business Insider: “Putin – who has jailed critics and rivals – took a nonsensical detour in his major foreign
policy to rail against cancel culture…”
The Economic Times: “James Clevery blasts Vladimyr Putin for untrue, unclear speech defending Ukraine
Putin’s Valdai address available on YouTube western Canada. Voice overdubbed in English audio, no subtitles.
In full.
I’m in Canada. The only news outlet I trust is ZeroHedge, which I’ve followed almost every day since it’s inception in 2009. My other world news comes from The Duran, iEarlGrey, Redacted, and for good measure, Gonzalo Lira. All have given excellent coverage of the speech from different but intelligent perspectives.
I was an avid fan of CBC in the days of Rex Murphy, but haven’t been able to stomach it’s news or programmes since 2016.
Thank you for your coverage of Putin’s speech with sub-titles. His world view is mine, but no longer Canada’s. I’m hoping that our new Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre, will return Canada to individual freedom and the rule of law, and keep us clear of supporting the US in its will to power and destruction.
I originally thought that Brave New World, then 1984, was the playbook, but now I’m convinced it is Atlas Shrugged with no John Galt to the rescue!
Dear Andrei,
Interestingly enough, here in Germoney I can easily access the material of this year’s Valdai Discussion Club. And that even via google, world of wonders.
Here is the transcript of Putin’s speech:
And here the whole thing again on youtube (still) with English subtitles:
But basically this is not a problem for the establishment in Germany. The majority of people here are so brainwashed that they would not even think of getting such information. The rest live in a multipolar echo chamber, not too big, but cozy.
More, uncommented links:
Once again yawning emptiness in our media. Interestingly, some of the German newspapers had problems with the time representation and wrote on 10/29/2022 in Future 1:
-Putin wants to hold “extensive speech” on the Ukraine war
Munich Merkur
-Putin wants to give “detailed speech” on Ukraine war
Kreiszeitung (same text, copy&paste)
However, at that time the speech had already been in the world for a long time. All in all, one can say here in Germany: “Valdai? What is Valdai?” Thereby all material is available.
-translated with
Hello Andrei, best wishes for your family to move to your new house! I don’t know If my previous post got thought, pls delite If doubled.
I ad my media analysis from Germany (A) and then briefly something about China (B)
Previously Josh has already mentioned his Germany research and said that there is very little media coverage in Germany on the Valdai Forum, mostly MSM bashings, dito like the rest in Zone A.
Here is something else from an exile German,
‘Anti Spiegel’ an alternative media platform in german by Thomas Röper, based in St. Petersburg. He has published the speech in German and linked the video, with 200 comments, of which according to the comments 1/3 have read and understood the speech, the rest have either not understood or not read the core of the message.
Here are some of the German comments:
” This speech is awesome! If the leaders in the West were smart, they would send a delegation to Moscow today and offer constructive cooperation at eye level. At least the Europeans would have to do that. But unfortunately it will not happen (yet). The misery here must first become much more drastic, up to and including civil wars, before the tender little plant of wisdom and purification can sprout again. Putin said it himself with his reference to the most dangerous decade. At the moment, the word of Reinhold Schneider applies in the world: “only the prayerful can still succeed….”
“The speech is so rich in content that you have to read it at least three-four times. Our media certainly make – if they perceive it at all – a threatening speech out of the whole, taking – as usual – only the passages from it that could support this thesis. But this is usual for a Serbian society. That’s what the communists did in the Soviet bloc in the eighties, that’s what all the despots of the world did before them, as far as you can look back. It didn’t stop the decay.”
“His speeches are an asset and show foresight, strength, determination as well as wisdom. All qualities that have been completely lost on the Western elite.”
Interestingly, nothing about Putin’s Valdai speach can be found in the leftist and socialist/communist media outlets, which are usually more pro Russian.
The German MSM are poisoned, equal-switched like all other msm media in Zone A, comment functions off, or no reader comments in first place.
Here briefly Chinas media coverage.
Wechat and the other social media were very active with the coverage (of course, so were the major newspapers). Various excerpts of the speech and Q&A have been discussed and shown in videos, the response from the Chinese has been consistently Putin supportive comments counted 150 to 500 per post and enthusiastic likes arround 1/2 Million per Video clip.
The nuclear threat issue was simply brushed off by various ministries in their press conferences, almost unison, “China is not afraid of a nuclear attack”.
Hi Josh,
I’m German, too and I can access the video only by clicking the link here on the website! If I try from youtube homepage, my internet access gets “lost” ;-(
You’ve been busy and found a few sources, that’s great.
Btw, ever heard of ?
Take care
Beste Grüße!
Checked the headlines of five English-language Vietnamese news sites in both the conservative Ha Noi North and liberal Sai Gon South. There was zero mention of Putin’s speech in this Global South country – no surprise, yet sad for a country which leans toward becoming an economic vassel of the USA and the West.
Hello Saker
One view from India,
1. How much coverage, if any, did Putin’s speech at the Valdai Club and the subsequent Q & A get in your country?
A: In India, the private media channels, which has a greater following/ viewership than Doordarshan (the goverment media), have significant tie-ups with US media, so the coverage of news in India is practically identical to Zone A (e.g., Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine). Same for print media.
2. Could you watch the full video or, at least, read the full transcript?
A: Yes – the transcripts are available if someone wants to read them. Russian government and non-government sites and media (e.g., ENG.MID.RU,, RT TV, Sputnik etc.) are not blocked here.
3. What about the Q&A – was it made available to you?
A: I can read the transcripts if I search for it, but it was not highlighted in any Indian print or audio-visual media (maybe outside of RT TV/, Sputnik etc.).
4. What kind of comments, if any, did this event elicit in your country?
A: Based on an extremely limited sample, I have heard practically no comments about this among my fellow citizens here.
I am on a Yandex browser and able to see the video in Japan. I will make a point of doing so later today. So far I have seen no mention of Putin’s Valdai speech in Japan’s mainstream media, but expect bits and pieces of it to leak in over the next week or so, but not during prime time.
I am keeping you in my prayers, basically saying “the people of the Saker who strive for world peace,” asking for Divine strength and guidance for all involved.
I find I do a lot more earnest prayer nowadays. Basically prayer for divine intervention for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and those who aren’t assigned a slot in the underground bunkers.
I do remember the days that the US had civil defense shelters. Although they were in many respects lacking, they are better than what the public has today – which is nothing.
The Western psychopaths with assigned bunkers rattle their nuclear sabers with every intent to use them in my opinion. These Western psychos hate Russian, Chinese, and pretty much humanity as a whole except for their own blue-blooded/pure-blooded/old-blood-money ilk. The Western commoners and Joe Public? We’re not suppose to survive. Remember. The WEF psychos only want themselves and a population of serfs, slaves, and some breeding females making up no more than a total of 500,000.
They’ll nuke the rest of the planet and kill everyone off. The Western elite making up the upper tiers of government, corporations, and the military are not rational actors. They have very literally become insane on the elixer of power, greed, and obscene wealth.
No – the constant day in and day out references of Russia threatening to use nuclear weapons (which Russia has never stated but these players via their media keep repeating the trope which can only mean is that they themselves plan to use nukes) it is not the thinking of sane people. These people are not sane. And they have not thought this through outside the blinders of their own hatred and sick ideology.
So being Joe Public and a commoner? I pray. And I pray for divine intervention to offset that horrendous Satanist force that is pushing humanity to the edge of extinction.
Agree with the bulk of your post, Torak, but I believe our would-be Transhumanist Overlords are targeting a stable planetary population at 500,000,000.
If the world only had a total of 500,000 laborers and sex-slaves, it would negatively impact the fine-dining, and eco-tourism to which our rulers have become accustomed, not to mention the impact on household staffing and the “social season”.
The most important speech of a world leader in centuries (V. Putin, on September 30, 2022), then: terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge…; Another relevant speech by President Putin denouncing the disastrous Anglo-Saxon paradigm (October 27, 20202), then: terrorist attack on the Black Sea fleet…; Relevant issues to be discussed by public opinion, then: unexplained shootings or massacres of civilians (mk ultra?)…; Does anyone remember what happened politically in May 2007 when Madeleine MacCann happened?
They are just some of many examples, which have been repeated in the history of at least five centuries.
At least I see a pattern since always: you have to divert people’s attention at any cost, and no matter how, to maintain the objectives of the beast.
…hope all the headaches about finding new residence and then moving would be resolved soon. As for the question on the media coverage, here in Iran we have a fairly good coverage of Putin’s speeches and interviews both on national TV channels and internet. Russian websites and news outlets are accessible from here without any problems. Also the Russian President official website both in Russian and English is where I read the latest speeches made by Putin. It’s an excellent website and always up to date. By the way from this location sites like twitter, instagram, youtube, facebook …etc., are inaccessible unless we use a vpn. I don’t use their services anyway. Also videos on the Saker blog are inaccessible from my location, including the ones by Gonzalo Lira.
I live in Belgium . No video or any references to the speech available.
both live video live stream and subsequent uploaded videos [both with VPN] accessible here in Kenya
Video not available in Albania.
No mention of it on the media here.
Total blackout.
Hello Andrei, my best wishes for your family, retreat well back to your old house!
Small media analysis from Germany and then briefly two words about China.
Previously Josh has already mentioned his German Media research and said that there is very little media coverage in Germany on the Valdai Forum, mostly MSM bashings, dito like the rest in Zone A.
Here is something else from an exile German,
called “Anti Spiegel” an alternative media platform in German language by Thomas Röper, based in St. Petersburg. He has published the speech in German and link to the video, with arround 200 comments, of which according to the comments 1/3 have read and understood the speech, the rest have either not understood or not read the speach.
Here are some of the German comments translated with deepl:
” This speech is awesome! If the leaders in the West were smart, they would send a delegation to Moscow today and offer constructive cooperation at eye level. At least the Europeans would have to do that. But unfortunately it will not happen (yet). The misery here must first become much more drastic, up to and including civil wars, before the tender little plant of wisdom and purification can sprout again. Putin said it himself with his reference to the most dangerous decade. At the moment, the word of Reinhold Schneider applies in the world: “only the prayerful can still succeed….”
“The speech is so rich in content that you have to read it at least three-four times. Our media certainly make – if they perceive it at all – a threatening speech out of the whole, taking – as usual – only the passages from it that could support this thesis. But this is usual for a Serbian society. That’s what the communists did in the Soviet bloc in the eighties, that’s what all the despots of the world did before them, as far as you can look back. It didn’t stop the decay.”
“His speeches are an asset and show foresight, strength, determination as well as wisdom. All qualities that have been completely lost on the Western elite.”
Interestingly, nothing about Putin’s Valdai (German, Waldai) speach can be found in the leftist and socialist/communist media outlets, which are usually more pro Russian.
The German MSM are poisoned, equal-switched like all other msm media in Zone A, comment functions off, or no reader comments in first place.
Here briefly Chinas media coverage.
Wechat and the other social media were very active with the coverage (of course, so were the major newspapers). Various excerpts of the speech and Q&A have been discussed and shown in videos, the response from the Chinese has been consistently Putin supportive comments counted 150 to 500 per post and enthusiastic likes arround 1/2 Million per Video clip.
The nuclear threat issue was simply brushed off by various ministries in their press conferences, almost unison, “China is not afraid of a nuclear attack”.
Regretably, I live in a country which was sold out by its politicos, for a tap on the shoulder, to NATO in 2004, and promptly occupied by it. And in 2007, without asking the people if they want it or not – dragged into EU. I wouldn’t say that my country – Bulgaria – is a Zone A, but it’s most definitely occupied by it.
I can tell you this – there’s only ONE newspaper (and its accompanying site) on my native language, which, more or less, represents truthfully the events in Ukraine. The rest – TV channels, newspapers, magazines, web sites – lie through their teeth about what’s happening there. But they’re very good at addressing low blood pressure issues ;-) – 15 minutes listening to their lies, and my blood pressure is back to normal.
Fortunately, 45 years of socialism taught us not to believe the MSMs, but generally most people here won’t bother to argue the issue – we KNOW that they’re lying, but why waste time to argue with them? Back in the days of the socialism there was a saying: безсмислено е да спориш с телевизор. Roughly translated it means: it’s meaningless to argue with a TV set. It was true then, and it’s true now.
As for Vladimir Vladimirovitch’s speech – it was briefly mentioned (if at all), and, as expected by our presstitutes – represented as the ravings of a madman.
Brazil here.
1) Several sites disseminated, who wanted to see; Pepe Escobar is Brazilian and he – and many geopolitical sites and channels – have widely publicized the fact. I myself published an analysis on YT, providing a link to the full speech [Kremlin website].
2) Yes; I opted for the Kremlin transcript.
3) Yes, Pepe even recommended it; I also made it available in my post.
4) The entire community interested in Geopolitics commented widely; the big press did that it didn’t happen.
“Who the hell care about what Putin said on the other side of the world?” (wink wink). Well, that contains truth in it here.
People preferred to keep eating same garbage over and over again everyday, eventhough it is bad for health but hey it is the way the world revolved here right?
Also, since we are heading into 2024 Presidential Election presented by Oligarchs, so, mostly the news on MSM are about:
1. Presidential candidates, controversies, coalition of party red, blue, yellow, who actually don’t give a damn about people. Too much BS, less relevant to what benefits will it bring to the people at the end, and don’t solved economy problem which is big hit since everything just up up up.
2. Plenty of death and chaos, one forth goes to un-ending corrupt police cases, and yes people are getting killed here everyday like too many for basically, nothing.
3. As always, one forth goes to celebrities’ life who literally needed by people in order to shift our problematic lives away for a while.
Government suppressing its own citizens through “Rubber-Law” who literally targeting any oppositions. plenty of hatred towards Islam eventhough Muslim are majority. Also, lots of BS coming from the brainless, heartless, fraudulent, and incompetent assholes running the office. Economy is not doing okay and I preferred to move to Russia if it weren’t for our loves on our parents and our motherland.
So, you got no Putin other than he is some evil person and Russia is about to start nuclear war. I could go on and on but it only gets frustrating.
Thanks Andrei, stay safe. May God have mercy on us all.
Dear Andrei,
From Malaysia(zone B) here.
1. There is hardly any coverage of Putin’s Valdai Speech in Malaysian media. Malaysia’s pro Government mainstream media(eg NST, The Star, Berita Harian, Sin Chew Daily etc) have either cut and paste articles/translation of articles about the speech from Western MSM(eg Reuters, AFP etc). Pro opposition media(Free Malaysia Today, Malaysiakini) are pro USA/West with ties to NED, so they are even more rabidly Russophobic(Putin and Russia is evil, USA is the true beacon of freedom narrative) and Sinophobic. Our opposition parties like DAP and PKR are pro-progressives/woke. Pro-Govt parties are pro Malay supremacists. My country is an example of the failure of multiculturalism. In short, limited coverage with a pro West anti Russian bias. Those of us who want to know more have to go to alternative media or websites like yours in the Internet.
2. Yes, I can catch the full video. Tass, Russian Government sites, RT and Sputnik News are available in my country(although sporadically unavailable in the initial months of the SMO). I can watch China’s CGTN europe(surprise surprise because CGTN europe is totally pro Ukraine) video of the whole speech. I have to shamefully admit that I have not watched the full video as yet. Iearlgrey has the video, planning to watch that later when I do have some free time.
3. Q and A not available in our mainstream media.
4. No comments at all from friends, acquaintances and relatives so far. Most are not emotionally invested in this conflict except shallow acceptance of Western narrative, most don’t know much about Russia(except Western narrative or it’s a beautiful country for a touristy visit). In Malaysia, the middle and upper class and elites consider association with the West(ability to speak English, graduation from Western universities [usa, Canadian, UK, NZ, Australian but especially UK, our ex colonial master) as prestigious. So, most will buy Western narratives about Russia hook, line and sinker. To them, CNN, BBC, sky News, ABC, CNBC etc… All Western news, are true and correct. Other Russian news or Chinese news are considered ‘state propaganda’and possibly fictitious. If I and some of us in Malaysia have contrarian views from the majority it’s because we ourselves found out all these things reading from all sides. Different ethnic groups and education levels will have differing perspectives but most have a totally superficial understanding /no idea about Russia.
If I may state my opinion, Putin’s Valdai speech has limited impact on the views of Malaysian educated class(they only read the short pro West Reuters or AFP ‘coverage’) , most of them believe the Western narrative. That’s why personally I am always for actions rather than words by Russian political class. Russia must decisively defeat Ukraine militarily and expose USA/collective West to be not undefeatable and show western MSM as spin doctors rather than nice speeches by Putin(which will never reach the average Malaysian) to open the eyes of Malaysians. Or else, Putin is just preaching to the converted(who are a minority) in Malaysia.
Thanks for the interesting view from Malaysia. May I ask, East Malaysia or West Malaysia? Is East Malaysia any more pro-Russia than West Malaysia?
I am from “West Malaysia”(the Malayan Peninsula).
Not really sure if there are any differences between East and West Malaysia with regards to sentiments towards Russia. I don’t have any friends/acquaintances from East Malaysia.
Realized that a few of my countrymen are also commenting in this particular thread(PYWong and freedom). Would be interesting to if their their views are similar or different from mine.
Nordeste do Brasil, not a single word or voice about the most important speech of our times. From there you can imagine the overall power of the hidden string movers, whose names it is prohibited to mention, of the Western World: Soft Inquisition 100 times more efficient than the Catholic original.
In France, the translation by Christelle Néant on her Donbass Insider site
Hi, I am from Malaysia. Here it seems that credit cards cannot be used to send money to you. Finally, after 5 attempts, I managed it through PayPal to register with Patreon.
Hope it helps. You are doing a great job educating us.
Maybe it will be useful to check why there is so much difficulty to contribute.
Respectfully, I think these Canadians are members of the State Department. I don’t have time for a thorough search (like checking Putin coverage for embedded references to his Valdai talk), but here is Canada’s Global News featuring a 4 min clip of his speech:
Here in Thailand: nothing about it.
Here in Malaysia, I got RT’s version posted by iEarlGrey – full speech and Q&A in english translation, also from CGTN but with incomplete translation and from Michael Rossi Poli Sci – full speech with english sub-titles all found in youtube. I would say Asean countries are enjoying full spectrum of news although we have had some interruption of Russian news channels like RT and Sputnik during early days of SMO.
I will be praying all goes well, Andrei. I can view video and read transcript and I saved both. In CA.
Video available in Northern CA; but unfortunately I know of no one that is interested enough to listen and educate themselves about Putin’s leadership or Russia in general. It’s a BIG problem in the US. Also, besides the Saker, the Reminiscence Blog is excellent. Stay Safe Everyone!
In regards to the Valdai club speech.
In the Czech Republic, there was zero coverage.
There was however this news article –
Installation on Czech Interior Ministry depicts Vladimir Putin in cadaver pouch
An installation unveiled on the building of the Czech Interior Ministry on Prague’s Letná street, on Czechoslovak Independence Day, features the Czech and Ukrainian flags together with a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin zipped up in a black cadaver pouch. According to Interior Minister Vít Rakušan the installation is to say who is Czechia’s friend and who has made himself an enemy.
There was also two demonstrations which give me hope.
“In Prague tens of thousands of protesters gathered on Wenceslas Square to call for the demise of the Fiala government. They held up slogans reading “Czechia First” and slammed the administration for helping Ukraine beyond the country’s means and neglecting its own citizens.”
“Thousands of Czechs joined a demonstration in support of democracy and Western values on Prague’s Wenceslas Square on Sunday afternoon. The rally held under the motto “Czech Republic Against Fear: Together on Wenceslas Square” was called by the civic association Million Movements for Democracy . The demonstration took place two days after an anti-government protest in which tens of thousands called for the demise of the Fiala government, blaming it for the energy crisis and soaring inflation. Protesters accused the government of helping Ukraine at the expense of its own citizens and called for a turn in the country’s foreign policy.”
Take care Saker.
In the UK, I was able to easily access President Putin’s speech on the Valdai web site. I didn’t try to watch a video as I’d rather read.
As far as I can tell, there has been absolutely no coverage of the speech in the UK, but I don’t use much internal UK news, for obvious reasons.
Moon of Alabama (Germany) has been unavailable all day, at least on my PC in London, England but I have previously been able to send him 10 Euros at least twice…
However, I don’t know how this money transfer works over the internet…
A few years ago, my wife lost her mobile phone on Brighton Beach, and this German student found it, and phoned me up. – in perfect English. “I have found this phone” I tried to describe what my wife looked liked…
So I gave her our name and address…
My wife gets home several hours late….a bit sheepish. “Yes I know”
So delighted to get her mobile phone back from this German Student – by first class post
She goes to the bank, and says I want to send this Girl in Germany 50 Euros + 10 Euros for the Postage…
“I have got her name and address”
She was told, by the girl behind the counter in our a local bank, after consulting with her boss – the banks will take 98% of it – she will be lucky to get 2 Euros.
So, she bought a happy smiley “Thank You Card” in ordinary envelope, with the correct postage stamp (second class) from England to Germany with 60 Euros in Cash.
I know she got it when she got back home to Germany..and was delighted.
She sent us a photo. Very pretty girl in every way.
My wife and I would do the same, if we found your phone
I am in Ireland and saw nothing in our MSM about Valdai . Have managed to get an English translation of Putin’s speech . I don’t think that the Q&A session is available in English .
We both knew, both of us – doing the full back job – a bit fat and useles most of the time driibling up to the front and scoring goals – and get sent off…
If you want a hint of what we were like almost totally useless at Scoring Goals
See The Film Kes
“Kes…The best film ever made”
We were very shy, but eventually learnt how to score
I see my Son has tidied up the attic, and the same wooden cot, for My Baby Grandchild. His Duaughter
You have no idea how happy I feel
Nana and Grandad – still doing fine
We have got a New Baby
And She’s a Girl.
Never heard of Guardian News on YT?
Russian president Vladimir Putin takes part in Valdai discussion club meeting – watch live
English vocal, and yes I know, Guardian News, affectionately known as Grauniad..
As Vermonter in the US I find very few forums for exchange of non MSM points of view.( Rokfin, GrayZone, Libertarians, anti imperialists). I can also occasionally express my ideas to the Chinese students at the private school where I work and can see that this is encouraging to them. I also post relevant articles on facebook, but with understandably little response.
I just want to say that this is one of the most interesting threads or pieces of impromptu journalism I have read for weeks, such a global cross-section of voices: Europe, Asia, South America, Africa. Wow. Thanks to Andrei and to every one of you who answered this telling request. Let’s do it again.
From my perspective, after decades of increasingly narrow and dishonest politicians and MSM reporting in the US, Putin is intelligently and calmly voicing a vision of a future that many people in the west claim to want even while they go along with endless excuses for our historic and current crimes. Some in this culture so given over to self-deception even talk of the feasibility of nuclear war. Let those who pray pray for the complete confounding, failure and exposure of any attempt to initiate a dirty bomb based escalation.
Here in Hong Kong, the SCMP ran a report from Reuters on Putin’s speech and the Q&A on Oct. 27 ( Just 10 comments and not particularly well informed. Didn’t see any report in Asia Times (
I read the full text of the speech and the transcript of the Q&A on the website of the Valdai Discussion Club, which I can readily access from here.
The optimistic conservatism of Putin’s Valdai address
from 2021, but 2022 is yet to appear.
Looks like their editorial desk got the Slava Ukraine memo!
How much coverage, if any, did Putin’s speech at the Valdai Club and the subsequent Q&A get in your country?
Little coverage.
Could you watch the full video or, at least, read the full transcript? Yes
What about the Q&A – was it made available to you? Yes
What kind of comments, if any, did this event elicit in your country? Most of people here, in Indonesia, agree with what president Putin said.
I watched the full speech on Youtube with english subtitles but could not get the Q&A session. The site and its IP addresses…72 do not respond at all (from Switzerland).
Zero coverage on Swiss television ( and newspapers (NZZ, Tagesanzeiger, Basler Zeitung).
Russian president Vladimir Putin takes part in Valdai discussion club meeting – watch live
English vocal, and yes I know, Guardian News, affectionately known as Grauniad..
Among many key points :
Putin said the common economic home from Lisbon to Vladivostok, as German Chancellor Kohl proposed, will sooner or later happen, when Europe recovers its independence .
The Grauniad, Torygraph, Ecomonist with BBC are British MSM.
The entire British Commonwealth of 56 states can see this. Also ex-Commonwealth states still defer. The English vocal is not too bad. Whether certain key points are cut is to be determined. 3+hrs, -30mins at the start.
It was not even reported in the U.S. to the best of my knowledge. The only reason I knew about speech is this website and The Unz Review. I also found a link on Revolver News and read a transcript of the speech.
No mention in Mexico to Putin’s speech, zero.
Hello Andrei,
hope you are doing alright!
Our Location: Zone B in Germany :-)
We can see the video if we click on the link here on your website, also watch on youtube, but if we try to access it from the youtube homepage – search for “Putin Valdai” > select > suddenly the internet access is lost, that’s the notification we get (happens all the time with certain content). The video we can watch by clicking on the link you provided is 43 minutes long, no Q&A.
I can’t say much about MSM coverage because the websites are behind paywalls (they won’t let you not even have a look longer than a few seconds), but I don’t think that they say anything intelligent about Russia/Putin, if they report on it at all, which is unlikely. – There is one big alternative magazine that is already on the brink of becoming mainstream, quite good overall, but 100% transatlantic; it is funded on voluntary donations, means you can read everything for free if you want, so I had a look but could not find anything on the Valdai conference. – Yet, we have “anti-spiegel”, a German guy who lives in Russia, he published a whole series of articles on the conference :-) he also published a few books on NGOs, Corona and “big money”; he’s good and unafraid and increasingly popular. – There are also small alternative news websites, labeled “far right”, that report on Valdai and have a … let’s say a different approach to Russia and Putin, i. e. different from the extreme propaganda that is forced on us every day.
Btw there are anti-war demonstrations every weekend, for example last saturday over 10.000 in Dresden. The most absurd thing here in Germany is the fact that the Green Party, which emerged from the 1980ies peace movement, are the worst warmongerers. Not even the dumbest sheep (sorry) can ignore this anymore.
Hope this helps.
Many thanks for your valuable work!
Accessible from South Africa. But no coverage, not unexpected. Our media either stays silent on the Russian point of view or they proclaim the usual BBC/CNN bull as the absolute truth.
In France, no coverage, but I don’t follow much news
Of course, the angry sheep LesMoutonsEnrages follow the Donbass Insider and sometimes cross post the french version of TheSaker, so no surprise to find the french transcript and link to the video there.
China: Bing search 普京瓦尔代俱乐部演讲 talk about over reported : )
Reading through all the above comments I truly feel blessed to have picked up stumps and relocated to the land of freedom.