The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation ( held an urgent briefing, ( detailing a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation possesses the information related to the preparation of provocations by the United States of America in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of using chemical, biological or tactical nuclear weapons.
There are three scenarios to be applied in order to accuse the Russian Federation.
The first one is a ‘staged incident under a false flag’ that is the most probable.
The second one refers to a ‘Maximally covert use of weapons of mass destruction in small volumes’ for neutralising the will power and the capacity to resist within the fulfilment of a particular operational task.
The third and the least probable one is the ‘overt use of weapons of mass destruction at a combat area’.
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation possesses the information related to the preparation of provocations by the United States of America in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of using chemical, biological or tactical nuclear weapons. This plan has already been developed and represents a response to the success of Russia in conducting the special military operation.
Only in March and April senior officials of the Western countries have been making regular provocative ‘warning’ statements. The mass media propagate the points about the possibility of using weapons of mass destructions by Russia.
For example, the National Security Advisor J.Sullivan has commented on Biden’s words that the USA “in kind” to the possible use of weapons of mass destructions by our country. And on February 27 the American permanent representative to the UN Greenfield announced an intention of Russia to use any instruments ‘under a false flag’, including chemical and biological weapons for intimidating the Ukrainian population and the international community.
Against this background, the US State Department considered positively the transfer of up to 400 sets of personal protection equipment, 390 NBC reconnaissance devices and 15 ‘Stryker’ reconnaissance vehicles.
Staged use of WMD is aimed at accusing Russia of using prohibited weapons with the subsequent implementation of the so-called «Syrian scenario», in which the state is subjected to economic and political isolation, as well as exclusion from international organizations, including the UN Security Council.
A possible way forward is to put pressure on the countries loyal to and friendly to the Russian Federation, including India and China, to compel them to impose sanctions on our country.
We would like to recall that the Russian Federation completely destroyed its chemical arsenal on September 27, 2017, which is confirmed by an OPCW certificate. In turn, the United States, with its strong financial, economic and technical potential, is the only country party to the Chemical Weapons Convention that still possesses an impressive arsenal of chemical warfare agents (672.5 tons).
CIA Director Burns’ statement about Russia’s possible use of tactical nuclear weapons is absurd. With the current level of technical equipment of the international nuclear test monitoring system, it is impossible to conceal the use of such weapons. If the CIA director does not understand this, then he is either unprofessional, or he is being misled.
The biological weapons programs in the USSR were completely phased out in 1972. At the same time, the number of U.S. biological laboratories is incomparable to other countries. According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Washington controls 336 laboratories in 30 countries, which is of great concern.
To date, the United States is the only state in world history that has used all three types of weapons of mass destruction.
The dropped nuclear bombs during the Second World War on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of toxic chemicals in Vietnam and Iraq – all these crimes were not properly assessed by relevant international organizations.
Thus, in an attempt to discredit the special military operation of the Russian troops, the Kiev regime, at the suggestion of the American administration, is able to implement scenarios in the near future that will lead to the death of tens of thousands of Ukrainian citizens and cause an environmental and humanitarian catastrophe.
The various posts on the Mod Telegram channel starts here:
Scary stuff. But how in earth would they stage a false nuclear attack and blame it on Russia? “They hacked one of our nukes” or something?
Simple: “the russians deployed a nuke.”
Who’s to say otherwise?
You’ve seen the absolute BS that westerners will believe; you think if a nuke goes off there will be much time to ask questions?
Thanks for your input Alex.
I should have stated my question more clearly. What I meant to ask was if there’s a way to objectively find out who really detonated a nuclear device? And thus prove that there was a “false” nuclear attack that’s blamed on an innocent party.
Yes, the average westerner will believe whatever BS they are being fed. But there are people like us here, and I like to hope a growing number of people around Zone B, that are now clearly seeing the imperial liars and haters for who they are.
I firmly believe that there will be countries and nations that will remain unaffected by any “limited” or full-scale nuclear war. Who’s going to nuke Malawi, Nepal or the Seychelles to name some random example? What for?
Let’s say some Russian government and military officials survive a nuclear “escalation”, they will expose the truth and will pass evidence on to others.
My point being, if Russia were to be blamed falsely for a nuclear attack, the truth can come out as per the above scenario. It might take some time for that to happen, but questions certainly will be asked once a nuke goes off.
No, the “average westener” will not believe the BS. That’s western propaganda. The average westener doesn’t even watch legacy media anymore, and neither does he listen to the shitheads in power.
Legacy media and globalist organisations – including the security council and international criminal court – on the other hand will “believe” anything. No proof needed. No laws needed. No authority needed. Not even logical of physical possibility needed. It’s a lawless club of lunatic despots.
But what power do they have, when the general public doesn’t even listen to them? A lot! All that’s needed for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing. And that’s the real goal of propaganda: Suppression, not conversion.
They still watch evening time TV shows that discuss current affairs or listen to similar radio talkshows.
If the average westerner saw through all the BS then there would be massive street demonstrations attended by millions of people. Their outrage at all the injustices would compel them to do so.
Too many westerners still believe (and want to believe) that their governments uphold democracy and human rights. That’s why they still vote for the same clowns each and every time.
WW2 starter with pretext of Nazi agents staged a fake attack on the German radio transmission tower at Gleiwitz. Do you think that this would ever surfaced out if Germany would have won?
The winner will ‘make’ a true and loser is always wrong.
I disagree with the statement that:
… the “average westener” will not believe the BS. … The average westener doesn’t even watch legacy media anymore, and neither does he listen to …
If this were true I wouldn’t end up “talking to the hand,” or be so hesitant to talk freely so often. Though the percentage is growing no doubt, if I were to hazard a guess at the percentage that fit that statement? 5-15%
Proof to this point was clear to the world in December 2019: “You have no standing,” US Supreme Court in response to the group of states’ Attorney Generals challenge (with massive amounts of submitted voter fraud evidence proving the theft of the 2020 US presidential election). Russia must be ready to legally counter this highly likely level of false flag nuke treachery.
Facts and objectivity matter little if a nuclear device/warhead is detonated anywhere where casualties could occur. Irrespective of who or how. NATO and Russia would go into a de facto first-strike-counter-strike presumptive launch-on-warning posture. The red phones would be used but understand both have the ability to fire multiple thermonuclear ordinance against each other with little warning (5-7 minutes from launch to strike-and silo-based or mobile icbms with about 15-25 minutes before reaching their targets) leaving no time to ponder- meaning each side will assume the other will preemptively fire their missiles, and hence fire their missiles against a presumptive attack. If one nuke goes off, it’s WW3 irrespective of MAD.
No doubt that what you describe is a possibility.
Facts and objectivity matter in the aftermath of a nuclear conflict. The survivors will want and need to know what the heck happened and how they can prevent this from happening again.
No need to be a Russian nuke! The train station was clear a tonka missle and they still blame Russia, also Bucha everybody knows it happened a few days after Russians left, still blame it on Russia.
over the years they did so many fake flags, so they are experts in this and terrorism.
Seeing how dishonorable they are, I really hope one day the Earth will get rid of all these ones. Sooner rather than later. They are the plague on this Earth (not Americans, but this deep state, Americans suffer too because of their agendas). All these Davos crowd cheering for a Satanist world while making crimes and genocides and blaming on others… they must go!
They always did it: remember Native Americans? They came into America, then the bad guys were the Native Americans, that were slaughtered and genocided and they tried to defend themselves. But somehow they were the evil ones!
Some ”elits” do this and manipulate the others, but their time has past, people from around the world see the horrors they do, loud and clear, they cannot hide anymore. Luckly they and minions most took the poisonous mrna jabs, so it is only a matter of time
Oh please!! Stop using the stupid argument of Native Americans. Many native tribes were absolute savages with no regard for human life. There was plenty of land to share. Both natives and white man were greedy. Natives didnt want to adapt to modern progress and white settlers had no regard for native culture. Let’s talk about Russian indigenous peoples like the Eveks, Mansi etc. These are the same people who crossed over the sea into North America. Has Russia treated her natives any better throughout history? Shall we all just simply give the land back going back a thousand years? What nonsense.
Please bring this back on topic, mod
”Natives didnt want to adapt to modern progress and white settlers had no regard for native culture.”
You sure that’s what happened? the natives just did not want to adapt? in case you are not aware of the numbers. 400 million natives were slaughered because the ”European” did not like how backward the natives lived. Natives had to fight back (that’s the part of history you were taught and made it appear that Natives were savage).
Nobody is arguing that America is only for natives, but had happened it was genocide of the natives and you must learn to accept the fact.
I am not saying all europeans were involved or to be blamed but it’s the european history not in americas but in africa and asia. They are doing now to ukranians, Ukraine was fine as a russian ally until the west came in.
The world would have a whole lot fewer problems today if ‘the Natives’ still ran North America they way they had always wanted it to be.
Vous êtes un cinglé de croire à ce que vous écrivez. Les colons ont ramené le progrès moderne aux indigènes ? Qui les a invités ?
Native Americans were at home before a bunch of white savages and criminals came slaughtering them. Why should they have to adapt “progress” or in fact western european way of life, since they were at home? The whites should have adapted their way of life and lived with them in peace since they were the newcomers and not the other way around. Russian indigenous peoples were not slaughtered and most of them still exist today. The only reason their numbers are decreasing is because many leave freely their native homelands and their nomadic way of life to go to live in cities. Life in the city and sedentary life in general is more attractive especially to young people than being totally dependent on natural conditions. When they leave their home many also lose their native language and traditions. But contrary to Native Americans, Russian indigenous peoples did not disappear by genocide, slaughter and massacres, only by unforced assimilation. In fact, the government has taken many measures to protect them and keep their traditions alive.
When Russia owned Northern California no NDNs got their hands cut off and tongues cut out for not wanting to be laborers for the church … like killer Junipero Serra
Every point you made, I agree with. Europeans could have adapted the ways of the natives,but they were compelled by the imperialist royalty and the imperialist religion to conquer and subdue the land and people of the land. Their”good intentions” paved the road to Hell. Every empire in history has slaughtered and enslaved its way to dominance…on every continent. The Pyramid structure of society produces suffering for the vast majority to support the perverts at the top. Once again we are watching this pattern play out,but this time it could result in the suicide of the Human Race. Let’s stop supporting the Pyramid of Power!
Plenty of Land to share! So if your neighbor comes on your property and doesn’t agree with how you live, you have plenty of land to share with him, right? You’re a true Nobleman :) How about all the Lands that the “settlers, ie Americans” have settled in and killed the natives, it’s not just the Native Americans. A man might just give them that one as a one off if it ended there with the Indians. But the list grows more and more everyday. The “settlers” have run out of Lands to conquer. Maybe they will do like Alexander the Great and drink the herculean cup and die because they have no more lands to conquer.
American Revolution (1775-1783)
Total U.S. Servicemembers1 217,000
Battle Deaths 4,435
Non-mortal Woundings 6,188
War of 1812 (1812-1815)
Total U.S. Servicemembers 286,730
Battle Deaths 2,260
Non-mortal Woundings 4,505
Indian Wars (approx. 1817-1898)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (VA estimate) 106,000
Battle Deaths (VA estimate) 1,000
Mexican War (1846-1848)
Total U.S. Servicemembers 78,718
Battle Deaths 1,733
Other Deaths (In Theater) 11,550
Non-mortal Woundings 4,152
Civil War (1861-1865)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Union) 2,213,363
Battle Deaths (Union) 140,414
Other Deaths (In Theater) (Union) 224,097
Non-mortal Woundings (Union) 281,881
Total Servicemembers (Conf.)
2 1,050,000
Battle Deaths (Confederate)
3 74,524
Other Deaths (In Theater) (Confederate)
3, 4 59,297
Non-mortal Woundings (Confederate) Unknown
Spanish-American War (1898-1902)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Worldwide) 306,760
Battle Deaths 385
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 2,061
Non-mortal Woundings 1,662
World War I (1917-1918)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Worldwide) 4,734,991
Battle Deaths 53,402
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 63,114
Non-mortal Woundings 204,002
World War II (1941 –1945)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Worldwide) 16,112,566
Battle Deaths 291,557
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 113,842
Non-mortal woundings 670,846
Living Veterans 5 389,000
Source: Department of Defense (DOD), except living veterans, which
are VA estimates as of Sept. 2019
Korean War (1950-1953)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Worldwide) 5,720,000
Total Serving (In Theater) 1,789,000
Battle Deaths 33,739
Other Deaths (In Theater) 2,835
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 17,672
Non-mortal Woundings 103,284
Living Veterans 1,165,000
Vietnam War (1964-1975)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Worldwide)
6 8,744,000
Deployed to Southeast Asia 7 3,403,000
Battle Deaths 8 47,434
Other Deaths (In Theater)
8 10,786
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater)
8 32,000
Non-mortal Woundings 9 153,303
Living Veterans 5, 10 6,262,000
Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990-1991)
Total U.S. Servicemembers (Worldwide) 2,225,000
Deployed to Gulf 694,550
Battle Deaths 148
Other Deaths (In Theater) 235
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 1,565
Non-mortal Woundings 467
Living Veterans 5, 10 1,680,000
America’s Wars Total (1775 -1991)
U.S. Military Service during Wartime 41,892,128
Battle Deaths 651,031
Other Deaths (In Theater) 308,800
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 230,254
Non-mortal woundings 1,430,290
Living War Veterans11 14,918,000
Living Veterans (Periods of War & Peace) 19,210,000
Global War on Terror (Oct 2001 – )
Not listed Syria and Venezuela…
more to come….???
So Americans lived after all the wars?
Deployed to Gulf 694,550, Battle Deaths 148, Other Deaths (In Theater) 235.
So Americans only died when they were in a Theater and by car accidents in battles. LOL………Americans never gets killed by the enemy in wars.
We don’t know much about the culture of the Natives because it was erased. What we are left with is folk-lore, spelling intended. They eventually became fierce defenders, why it that savage. Not a question, really. They didn’t have the means to go on great wars or conquests since they did not have the wheel and no roads in the modern sense. Before the white man, also no horses. Pretty difficult to defend a great Reich from the soles of your feet with the help of a few dogs that make hauling stuff a bit easier. Surely, there were squabbles between tribes. No different than the same squabbles European tribes used to have. Things developed at a faster pace in Europe because of the domesticated horse. And cattle. And the wheel. Once those got to the new world, things sped up there too. Including the violence that this speed brought with it.
The first settlers were actually welcomed and taken care of in a strange new world they knew little about. The area I used to live in in Canada actually had some early history from people living among the local Natives, in a first contact sort of way, and they were treated well, because they were in turn treated well by these early settlers. Things turned sour when too many settlers arrived and made too many demands on the locals. Action Reaction. Always ask yourself why a reaction is the way it is. The current situation between Russia and Ukraine demonstrates that rather well.
Bottom line is that the white man was known among the Natives for talking with a forked tongue. Was known for dishonesty. Many treaties with the Natives have been broken. That is well documented. The Lakota Nation are still fighting for recognition of their treaty, whose validity is not in question, it is simply being ignored and which would give them governance over a massive swath of land covering five states in the north western part of the US. Broken promises, for decades. Untrustworthy. Again and again. That is the reality when dealing with the US. Blatant theft is another reality. The US even loves to do it to its own people, calling it civil forfeiture. If a government can’t even respect the property of its own people, respects its own laws, no foreign government should have any hope that they would be treated any differently. The problem is that the US is good at hiding these things and even better at making promises that are so believable at the time that people and governments fall for it again and again.
We collectively live the fool me twice moment and keep repeating it.
Believe me, no one knows more about their government’s misdeeds than American conservatives.
It’s indeed so clear that the men behind the curtain are responsible for virtually all wars as well as practically every other evil affecting large populations. I often wonder why they’re not taken out. Some, like David Rockef, felt free to walk on city streets; I’ve seen videos where he was accosted by some “hostile” indy journalist, indicating that security wasn’t iron-clad at all.
I wish I knew the answer to this. All these blasted wars could stop, assuming the well-trained minions also get eventually liquidated.
We’ve all seen the meme where a large group representing the world’s population is standing on one end of a long plank, the other end of which holds a small handful of people and is suspended over a giant chasm. Though they have the financial advantage nearly 100%, it does seem there must be some truth to the meme?
They can use a lot of explosives an pretend that this was tactical nuclear attack or in worst case scenario they can use some dirty bomb or small, suitcase nuclear bomb and blame it on Russia.
There are many who believe that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were “dirty bombs” simply laced with radioactive material.
How else do you explain the complete reconstruction in 4 years in a place that was theoretically supposed to be uninhabitable for 100s of years?
The Empire of Lies is not a recent phenomenon.
Because it was an airburst detonation of a nuclear weapon where the fireball did not touch the earth and suck all that dust, rock and debris into the plume to make a huge amount of fallout.
IF the bomb had malfunctioned and detonated on the ground the center of Hiroshima blast would be empty to this day.
Interesting. Do we know if current nuclear weapons are programmed to detonate in the air or on the ground?
Actually; the crater at the Trinity nuclear test site is very habitable. I’ve been there. The longevity of nuclear weapons fallout is dramatically over hyped. As a general rule, the radioactivity decreases with the seven-ten rule. Multiply the time by seven, the radioactivity decreases by 90%. Seven seconds after detonation, the radioactivity is about one-tenth the residual radioactivity only one second after detonation. About a minute after detonation, the radioactivity has decreased by 99%. An hour later the radioactivity has decreased by about 99.99%. After a few weeks, the radioactivity from a small, tactical nuke is inconsequential anywhere except for ground zero and only if it was a surface detonation.
Just for perspective, the radioactivity of the reactor core of the Chernobyl accident was equivalent to about a 50 Megaton nuclear weapon. The Fukushima accident was far worse because multiple reactors melted down.
Fukushima was a nuclear false flag attack. It’s a textbook example of the number two option. Essential info at below link.
Elmer – the Trinity test (25kt which is tiny by today’s standards) occurred many decades ago (1945), and it’s not that surprising that the background levels are reasonably low (yet STILL over 10x normal b/g after nearly 80 years . . . .)
As for your demonstration of the “relatively” innocuous long term effects of an isolated, SMALL TacNuke, we’re not talking tactical here, rather the very realistic likelihood of prompt escalation to a very significant exchange.
Whilst your “rule of seven” might be relevant (although there’s a lot of reasoned discussion refuting the conclusions in Kearney’s Nuclear War Survival Skills), the risk is absorbed dose. As a very general rule 1 Sv as an acute absorbed dose (approx 1Gy), is (again approx.) 1 x Ld 50 for humans, so how long after an event will the total b/g be above this threshold (and remember that’s for previously healthy “test subjects”). Whilst us humans might be able to seek shelter, the rest of the biosphere cannot, and just assuming “everything will be OK because WE’RE OK” is dangerous and silly. As was clearly (and brutally) shown in the excellent 1984 docu-drama “Threads” , the initial radiation exposure was only the overture – the significant problems last for decades, and many don’t emerge for decades.
“We” can’t tolerate temperatures much outside 20 – 25C, and we certainly prefer clean air with “about” 21% oxygen, and certainly not much CO2, let alone CO. After a significant exchange the combination of wildfires (creating their own microclimates), and ecosystem damage (read – significant reduction in photosynthesis, including marine surface photosynthesis) will result in an appreciable loss of atmospheric O2, along with appreciable increases in atmospheric CO (resulting from incomplete combustion). Carbon monoxide has a far greater affinity for haemoglobin than oxygen (about 200 – 300 x), and binding of CO increases the affinity for bound O2 (so reduces tissue availability). It doesn’t take much CO to kill the average human (for humans the one-hour exposure resulting in 99% death is “only” 4000 ppm (or 0.4% by air volume).
So, it’s not “just” the radiation we need to worry about, which is why Kearney’s book is pretty much fantasy. Direct radiation exposure will become relatively insignificant (compared to ingested alpha and beta emitters) quite early on, but the ingested nuclides will be the real “killer payload”, assuming we live long enough to start developing osteosarcomas, liver and kidney tumours, and don’t succumb to CO narcosis / frostbite / infection (all those dead animal carcases will be a microbiological time-bomb all of their own), and all those other problems arising from the incident.
Phil S:
You offer a cogent argument. I’m familiar with Kearney’s NUCLEAR WAR SURVIVAL SKILLS, however; I was citing the data from THE EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. I’m extremely cognizant of the chronic effects of ingested radioactive isotopes. For most radionuclides, inhalation is an even greater threat. However; all of the radionuclides that are likely to be absorbed in high enough doses to inflict a serious, chronic radiation exposure are shorter lived. As an example, the radioactive isotopes of Iodine which are a serious health risk because they are concentrated in milk can be mitigated simply by taking Iodine tablets to minimize absorbtion. Milk can be made into cheese which can then be eaten months or years later after the radioactivity has decayed.
What you fail to understand is that there is an enormous difference between what is unhealthy and what is unsurvivable. The experiences of airline flight personnel who are subjected to chronic exposure to elevated radiation levels offer valid data.
I agree that the use of tactical nukes in Ukraine would probably escalate to strategic nukes because the United States never developed a cogent, realistic doctrine for limited nuclear war. Anyone who attempts to do so is accused of being Doctor STRANGELOVE. I know that the Trump administration provoked outrage by developing a low yield warhead for the Trident II SLBM. Not much was published in open source literature, but the re-entry vehicle was probably manuverable with precision guidance and an earth penetration capability similar to the Pershing II. It is/was a hypersonic weapon but without the hyperbolic hype.
The first scenario you mentioned is very interesting. The sheep could actually believe that a real nuclear attack happen even when it was normal explosives. But that could easily be disproven I guess, by having a bunch of (objective) journalists and scientists cover the wasted land and show the world there is no fall out, ergo fake news.
But then I can imagine a bunch of MSM journos and bought-off scientists walk around in Wyoming or somewhere and pretend that there actually is fall out in the area. Man, what a world we live in.
They would have to nuke a plausible Russian target area I suppose and kill Ukrainian civilians. Before losing directly, I don’t doubt UAF and NATO would adopt strategy.
All this talk from the wicked witch of the west, miss Vicky Newland warning yesterday Russia not to use Nukes truly the most frightening dimension of this whole conflict.
I regard Nuland’s actions as “preparing the sheep” for the event the West has planned. The Wife and I (Madame rather unwillingly I may add) watched “Threads” last night at my behest – just to let her know what the REAL effects of a nuclear war will be. The fact that we live in Australia will not insulate us from the devastation “up North”, since we’re very dependent on Northern Hemisphere trade, and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns will bring the problems here soon enough (and that’s assuming our recent belligerence towards China doesn’t result in a visit from a single DF 41, its up to ten probably 100kt warheads visiting interesting places such as Canberra, major ports, and of course the Pine Gap US facility)
This is why I’ve not much time for the “Doomsday Prepper” mindset. Certainly in case of a significant (> 1000 warheads, say 80 – 150Mt total exchange) the environmental effects alone would mean that life will be very difficult. If “everyone” jumps on the “use them or lose them” bandwagon, it’ll be a lot worse, and it’s not that far a jump in credibility to assume that the majority of complex life will be destroyed, either initially, or later as a consequence of far-reaching environmental degradation and chronic radiation exposure.
Any nuclear explosion carries it’s distinct signature so it can be traced back to whomever manufactured it. Good reference for that is Tom Clancy’s book” The sum of all fear’s”. So any nuclear detonation would be immediately traced back to the country of origin.
” So any nuclear detonation would be immediately traced back to the country of origin. ”
“Immediately” is an interesting word.
The Americans claim to have satellite data tracking the alleged Russian Buk missile which allegedly downed Flight MH17 from launch to impact. Here we are how many years later, still waiting for that data?
What good has come of the belated general acceptance now, some two decades too late, that George Dubya and his tribe of Neocons used a pack of bald-faced lies to launch the destruction of the sovereign nation of Iraq? Have George Bush or Tony Blair or any innumerable others been held to account in any way?
Even now, years later, have we obtained any official acknowledgement at all that the multiple unilateral cruise missile attacks against Syria were premised on clumsily staged false flags sponsored by the Americans and loudly promoted globally by Western media organs?
How many weeks have already passed since the alleged massacre in Bucha, with all manner of accusations and sanctions thrown against Russia for this alleged atrocity, and yet the European Union and the UN Security Council staunchly resist any suggestion of a proper forensic investigation of the matter.
And of course, the train station massacre, with an emphatically identifiable Ukrainian munition lying there on the ground in plain view, yet the universal Western narrative that the Russians dunnit continues to steamroll any objective assessment of the facts.
Maybe Tom Clancy is on the case and will swing in to save the day. That seems to work in the movies.
Not so much in real life.
Ultrafart the Brave,
Did we leave the Skripal affair out of that list? It seems like we skipped the Skripals.
In which a chemical WMD, the deadliest you could imagine: according to the ‘official narrative’ it killed exactly no one. A cartoonish narrative which makes no sense. The Skripals are not available for comment. No questions.
They will fake a supposed nuclear attack that may not even be nuclear, and say it is by presenting fake evidence. Would zelstein allow a real WMD attack on ukraine by his sponsors? Either he would not, or if yes, then he would be liable for it. So doing such a thing is risky. Russia isn’t Syria.
Ultrafart the brave
Russia would “immediately” know where the nuclear device was manufactured. That’s the only one that needs to know. Putin has stated several times there will be no “limited” nuclear war. You use that from your toolbox and you’re gonna get the full monti in return.
My reference to Tom Clancy’s novel was only a way to understand how nuclear material can be tagged.
Very true… but the half-life of U.S. ignorance/arrogance is something like 2-billion years or so.
LOL. That’s like a whole new Mayan Calendar kickoff, right there.
If they do a nuke false flag though, mightn’t Russia say OK, Amerika thinks it’s nuke time, let’s let him experience a little war at home finally – and there are some weapons factories that would be ever so much better for the world, if flattened.
“the half-life of U.S. ignorance/arrogance is something like 2-billion years or so.”
We’d have to see it begin to decay before we can begin to estimate the half-life. Unfortunately, the available evidence so far appears to point to a scenario of an exponential increase with respect to time, instead of a decay.
Listen to President Kennedy’s Peace Speech (available on Youtub), then listen to President Biden (even on a good day)….. there would appear to be considerable evidence that both ignorance and arrogance have massively increased even since the days when both were leading America into the “Big Muddy” of Vietnam in the search of falling dominoes.
Kennedy was working to get US troops OUT of Vietnam. The problem here, as many have stated, is not the US but the Beast, or the Empire, that squats here and covers the world with its lies and killings: Obama, Clinton, Biden, Soros, Macron, Boris, Schwab and on and on. May God grant the triumph of His people and the demise of these ones sold out to Evil.
Thanks Raven 6, this was the answer I was looking for!
So, it’s possible to ascertain where a nuclear device originates from, and thereby establish who released it.
From a tracking viewpoint, certainly yes (with the obvious exception of SLBMs). From a detonation / post-detonation viewpoint, certainly no.
I believe Clancy’s book implied the ability to perform isotopic analysis based on neutron activation, so determining the composition (therefore origin) of non-fissile device components. Whilst in theory this “might” be possible (if the detonation was in an undeveloped area), if we’re targeting civilian or military areas (where there are far larger quantities of similar non-fissile material), it becomes far more difficult that the proverbial needle in a haystack.
The greatest danger is that the US was helping to secure nukes after the collapse of the USSR. Wouldn’t surprise me if they pocketed a couple for a rainy day.
Time to draw another red line: if the US and NATO keep participating in any form in these hostilities against Russia, then Russia will reciprocate in a time and manner of its choosing including hitting the central planning centers or other US NATO interests.
Russia has already clearly stated that command and control centres will be hit, there is no need for them to repeat the warning.
Western media has been busy talking about russian invasion occupied genocide…next? yes use of nukes. It’s that simple. The brainless masses in the west will believe any bs you tell them.
I was in a street yesterday (in sweden) a guy wore a Tshirt that says ”Don’t be a PUTIn be a nice guy”.
The world believed 19 arabs hijacked planes and flew them to WTC and Pentagon… They will believe anything, they are used to it.
Yes, I certainly did back then.
But I think things are a bit different nowadays, fortunately!
More people are starting to wake up because the lies are just too obvious. A huge column of Russian tanks and troops nicely queuing up towards Kiev and not a single Ukrainian aircraft bombed them? Or what about locking down your country, not when the first person in the country tests positive, but only when enough people have it. Then open your country again, not when the last person in the country tests negative, but only when enough people don’t get it anymore.
The more they lie, the crazier and bigger they will lie, until it becomes just too obvious.
The cracks will appear and they will fear, when the sheep start to wake up.
The cokeheads running Ukraine have nothing less to escalate to.
Today I heard of the first actual Russian military strike in Syria for many months now. I must admit I am surprized the Russians – or more appropriately, the Syrians with Russian help – haven’t taken out all the USUK SF at al Tanf. Death of substantial numbers of those terrorist enablers might be a means of sobering up the western politicos – though I doubt it.
Isotopes are traceable to country of origin.
There is a reason other than money Hellery sold Russia US uranium via the Uranium One Deal
Putin apparently speaks quite decent German. This ability could serve to overcome the linguistic barrier thrown up by coopted Western media and governments.
Putin should RIGHT NOW give a speech in German briefly reviewing the SMO to date, with the following additional points:
(1) Russia has no military need to resort to WMD in the Ukraine and would not benefit from their use. Even Germany did not use chemical weapons in WW II.
(2) Russian MoD and SVR have obtained information that NATO elements are planning multiple false flag scenarios to escalate the SMO into a larger war that would server various NATO agendas.
(3) U.S. and NATO planners have been working for many years to force Russia into a war, and openly discussed this in published documents.
PROPAGANDA EFFECT: Western elites are, of course, well aware of what is and has been happening in and around the Ukraine since the 1990s. A Putin speech would have little effect on this group, although their families etc. may be swayed to a limited effect.
For the broader public, a speech by Putin directly addressing the peoples of Europe in German would be much harder to hide by the MSM than even a high-profile official speech in Russian (e.g. delivered before the Duma).
Do Western elites care what their own hoi polloi think? Surprisingly, YES. At least for now, they care desperately about their treasured “narrative” as shown by the relentless and indeed demented efforts at positive propaganda and suppression of any non-compliant information and views which is coordinated worldwide.
Could a speech in German impact non-German speakers in Europe and beyond? YES. The simple fact that the Russian leader has chosen to speak in German would inevitably attract a great deal of attention throughout Europe and beyond given memories of 20th century history. n
Russia would need to release translations of the speech into English, Chinese, French etc. simultaneously with the speech. Absent official translations published by the Russian government, Western media would immediately interpose their own “creative” translations of Putin’s words which would then take on a life of its own.
Fissile material removed from the Russian Federation after 1992 in the disarmament program. Possibly shipped to The US. Any chemical fingerprinting of isotopes (if possible, highly unlikely) would point to a Russia. The material could have also been obtained from post-Soviet states such as Kazakhstan.
That’s only if The CIA managed to hold onto some of that fissile material. The production of a low-yield nuclear device using Russian fissile material obtained after 1992 is certainly possible by elements within the US. The low-yield warhead would simulate the primary ignition device of a multi-stage thermonuclear device – Operation Merlin comes to mind whether true or not. Or perhaps a nuclear detonation would be accredited to a Russian ADM – this is most likely.
It seems that Western oligarchs and their politicians – who seem to have all their economic eggs in China – are hell bent on collapsing Western economies in the all-but-vain hope of a color revolution in Moscow.
How have they got much of the world convinced there’s no Nazis in Ukraine and Russia is responsible for MH-17. You’re not new here on Earth surely?
Please remember about 20 years ago when a cruise missile/nuke was stolen off an un-attended bomber sitting on a base here in the mid USA. Its use would be perfect in this case. I’ve forgotten details but sure they can be found on the net. one base I believe was Minott? B-52 base in Wyoming, I believe. Never did find it…
this statement is incomplete
it should continue:
“Ukraine is a puppet proxy state, US/UK/EU are in command
if any of the above provocation happens, the real string culprits will be punished
one of the following cities will be chosen randomly and nuked with the new Sarmat weapon
The cities are:
Hack into western media outlets and repeat that message endlessly
afaik, a single fully loaded sarmat could take of a big sized country, e.g. france.
but yes. if it where me, i would do it from the beginning. something alike:
‘all nuclear forces are on high alert. tomorrow, a single non nuclear glider will destroy the pentagon. if any response is given, this is the list of 5000+ cities that will be vaporized.’
sometimes im glad better souls than I are in control.
Sarmat (RS-28) is only just entering service, and would be a waste of resources if targeting France! Having said that the Satan (R-36 Mod.2) has more than enough “capability” to destroy everything of significance in most European Countries – 10 x 750kt warheads can certainly ensure “getting the message across”.
One or at most two RS-24’s (Yars) would be equally effective I suppose – you don’t really need a 750kt warhead to level a city – 150kt is more than enough (so 12 cities permanently removed from the map).
As for the idea of flattening the Pentagon by a non-nuclear armed Avangard glide vehicle – if travelling at Mach 27, the impact energy alone is about equivalent to 20 tonnes TNT, so I suppose that’ll cause quite a hole without any need for a warhead (standard fit seems to be in the 800kt – 2Mt range).
The white helmets soon in action!
Well, the Borg knows only how to advance.
It will keep poking until reciprocal First Contact is achieved.. perhaps Hal was signaling correctedly regarding April 24. During the Destruction phase of Empires, they are under terrible compulsion too. At a certain point, you just want to be put out of your misery. dear comrades, if this site must cease by tomorrow, it has been a privilege.
Stumpy refused to take my bet. I tried to bet that in nazi tunnel complex there is a “self-destruct device”, and that because letting that (and all the nazi officers and their germs and so on) get captured would be a bigbignono, nazihq will bring one to the locus and have it do its thing as in special weapon “B83” or the similar gadgets
Of course the propaganda has already primed the credulous with idea that Ruski did it…
Ah, I see. While there are logical mundane reasons for VVP to call off any further incursion into Avovstal, the fact that the decision was made so widely public supports your theory. Thanks for sharing.
The white helmets soon in action
Those who with White Helmets or even Red-Cross on the field for whatever reasons should understand that the Ukrop will use them as human shield, they risk themselves by helping people on the wrong sides (although we knew that they are just want to make money).
From the links, on the second scenario, small amounts of WMD to be used in Mariupol:
“This scenario was supposed to be implemented in ‘Azovstal’. But the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to cancel the assault of the entity has frustrated the plans of the Pentagon.”
So, that was why Russia called off the storming of Azovstal! Thank goodness Russia has such outstanding intelligence gathering capabilities.
I thought exactly the same. It may be one of many surprises hidden in the “catacombs”
Unconfirmed but there was a report just a moment ago on the BBC,i know it has to be taken with a pinch of salt,but the report said the Russians were storming the steelworks,if so that could explain the threat of a chemical false flag.
The BBC has become a parody of itself. Their version of “storming the steelworks” is nothing more than a few squads securing areas where fire was received, subsequent to them being bombed. There are still snipers and small fire positions in the mill, and as long as there are people underground that can pop up from time to time, this will continue to be a hazard. The correct analogy is to the game of Whack-A-Mole, the only difference being that they will eventually run out of moles.
BBC

comedy central
Boy Buggering Corporation.
The SIR Jimmy Saville incident certainly did nothing positive for their reputation. The BBC’s credibility started to become severely eroded post the start of the US Mid-East “wars of choice”, especially after the REAL evidence of a complete lack of WMD deployment started to leak out.
Nowadays the BBC is not much different to the Pravda of the pre-1980’s. Regurgitating the Government-approved lines with no opportunity for discussion. “What we say is “The Truth” ” seems to be the case with most NATO-aligned Nations’ press and “news” corporations.
There were many reasons to not storm Azovstal. The best being that spiders locked in a jar would turn onto each other and die in great suffering from hunger and stress.
Best way for Azov to end.
Unless they start reproducing down there.
Maybe Paul Craig Roberts was right is assuming the Western elites have deceived themselves into thinking that Russia can be defeated with enough underhanded and dirty deeds followed by a late stage direct military intervention. They are misinterpreting Russia’s cautious approach to the prosecution of the war for weakness and vulnerability.
PCR is absolutely correct in that the provocations will not stop and will only escalate. The above article is proof.
If the West (NATO / US) is prepared to escalate to any nuclear incident (“Dirty Bomb” or real), then we better hope that Russia has people of the same calibre as Stanislav Petrov.
I’m reminded that in the American 1990 film “By Dawn’s Early Light” WW3 was started by a nuclear attack on the Donbass. Let’s hope that in this case reality doesn’t follow fantasy, since the conclusion of that film was hardly reassuring.
Exactly the kind of game-changer i asked about some weeks ago in the comments yet no one replied..
No one replied because I already mentioned it several month ago before anyone was even thinking about it :-D.
The destruction of a new Tjernobyl II with slip of radiation will cause a lot of work and confusion and hopefully prolong the war, plus at the same time attack with new fresh Polish forces into an untouched area of Ukraine thus making more mess.
Kharkov spread of biological/chemical weapon in the city making it difficult to access for Russian forces.
The whole idea and aim to prolong the war and making it a quagmire for someone we care for.
I remember you comment from a few weeks ago. I didn’t reply (and I imagine others didn’t as well) because I don’t have a degree in abnormal psychology or have experience working with the criminally insane. I think most of us here at Saker are normal people with normal points of view and experiences to draw upon, so to put one’s self in the position of Ted Bundy or the folks in the US Security State who might contemplate this type of operation is simply impossible. Things like the Holodomor, Holocaust and Gulag Archipelago are simply beyond the comprehension of normal well adjusted people and it takes someone like Alexander Solzhenitsyn to disabuse us of our naivety. IMHO
But from what I have witnessed over the last half decade, I don’t think anything is beyond those currently running the US Security State.
One doesn’t need a degree in forensic psychology to understand that the ultimate game changer would be exactly that. A tactical nuke that would obliterate any international resistance towards total isolation and perhaps even full on offensive nato strikes on RU forces.
It would solve so many issues for the empire that it seems (at least to an amateur analyst like me) almost rediculous not to do. The use of such low yield/ low radiation or fallout tactical nukes has been well documented and thus far from implausible. I imagine the chemical weapons card has been drawn once to many to be able to convince the international community again so not much choices left to turn the tables now. I do hope i am very wrong but it all just makes too much sense to ignore..
apparently AFU have shelled a transformer and power connections at Chernobyl…..Belarus used to supply electricity for free to keep it going…but can no longer ….
Electricity supply to the Chernobyl NPP facilities from Belarus has been suspended – the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus.
Kiev connected the station to its power grid and refused to supply electricity, the ministry added.
The Armed forces of Ukraine fired several times at a substation and a power line feeding the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Belarus supplied electricity to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for free, realizing the danger of disconnecting the plant from supply.
sputnik telegram z channel
need more info to assess risk of this situation could lead to problems…..?????
Could lead to huge problems. Power plants aren’t isolated. Even in a simple coal plant, cutting it from the grid suddenly can lead to cascading system failures within the generating units. It’s why they all have massive emergency generators and usually very large battery banks. It’s part of what happened at Fukushima, with the sea water fouling the emergency diesel generators.
Not how it happened. The complex was under attack from stuxnet. Otherwise,the reactor would have automatically shut down. Plus,the quake was a 7.0, 6.7-6.9 intensity. There was plenty of videos. 3-11 truth .org will supply you with the necessary facts.
So now it’s official that Finland will formally apply to join NATO. Scary times indeed we’re living in.
Not official yet. Helsinki Times are a Anglo based news unit.
Still a few weeks of deliberations before decision is made. I know it looks dire but we ain’t there yet no matter how much the Borg wants it. The issue is being investigated by a Parliamentary Committee which will submit a report in a few weeks.
I hope they look good and hard at the fine print of Article 5 with regards to NATO membership because from my reading it means if Finland gets into a war, other members don’t have to do anything to support her. Not much different to the scenario that led to Poland getting squashed in 1939 (empty promises of support from the usual suspects). Finland should also remember the turning of support during its wars with the USSR and how quickly the Usual Suspects dropped their support when it was suiting their political (support a corrupt banking system) agenda.
Notice that Pekka Haavisto – the FM of Finland is a Green. How environmentally friendly is it to engage in war especially at the Global Nuclear level………
Seems also like the German Greens are pretty Environmentally War Hungry too.
Personally I hope Russia is able to meet her goals on time and that neighboring countries should be good to each other not hateful idiots. Russia could also town down the rhetoric as well but hey, by the beginning of the week the EU could be putting itself out of misery by banning Oil and Gas from Russia. I know Brussels has a lot of Gas but scientists has not discovered a economical way to tap it from the Commission and Parliament and store it – yet.
No need for Russia to tone down anything. Finns need to be fully aware of just how stupid their government is being if it actually applies to join NATO. It all reminds me of the old saying about turkeys voting for an early Christmas.
So here we have a non-aligned country – Finland – which was minding its own business not and upsetting anyone, but who suddenly decided that they needed a war against Russia. Can anyone explain to me why this state has now put up a sign – please NATO nuke us as the Americans have told us to make an enemy of Russia.
Stupid doesn’t begin to describe it. Why not jump of the nearest high building, it will be much cheaper and less messy. The west seems to have gone into a deep schizophrenia cum death-wish. I don’t think I have a ruling class in Europe and the US go quite so insane. Or perhaps it is all a clever trick. Sorry I don’t buy it, not with these head cases.
Down deep, the “libera;” or person with “European values” knows promoting Homosexuality or trans causes is evil, as is their economic imperialism, but they are too afraid of not conforming to the group. So they want “suicide by cop”, Russia. Western civilization has mutated into a Death Cult.
Little by little any remaining belief that the ‘western partners’ of Russia are concerned for Ukranian civilians or interested in a peaceful solution is disolving.
In fact it must be clear to even the most doveish Russians in every walk of life, that the empire has its back to the wall and is going to fight 100% dirty. I would expect that for most, this will simply harden resolve.
The ‘cancel Russia” project is getting ridiculous, my daughter is studying Russian language & history ( in the Uk ) a lot of her online research is via Russian cultural websites, lots of cross refferencing everything from balet & theatre to literature. Nearly all Russian cultural web sites are blocked in the west. This is what the west has come to, students must use a VPN to access usefull & reliable foreign language material.
Has she filed formal complaints with the Internet controllers in the UK?
Masha and the Bear are now Soviet propaganda…lol.
Do you have a few sample websites for testing that assertation? I’d like to check which sites are being blocked by ISPs. Thank you.
All this talk, for a long time, from the western side of use of tactical nuclear weapons is making me a bit nervous. It seems like classical projection going on.
It is my understanding that since Russia would be able to winn a conventional landwarfare in Europe, the NATO side will use tactical nuclear weapons to stop the advance. Russia has (including reserves) 15 000 tanks, Germany have 150. UK even less.Say all of EU could muster together 1 500 tanks, they would still be outnumbered by a factor of 1:10. Not good odds.
I also seem to recall that the US advocated for changing its strategy to rely on tactical nuclear weapons, the thinking was that since the impact would be relatively small … it would not cross the limit for a conventional all out nuclear retaliation. To which the Russians have replied, that ANY nuclear attack would result in an all out retaliation. Also how any incomming missile on Russian territory, will be treated as a nuclear one.
No doubt that the U.S. military would use tactical nuclear weapons at a very early stage. For Europe that is a very dangerous game. US/NATO tactical nuclear weapons are all air delivered. The (probably initial only anyway) nuclear battlefield would be Eastern Europe. In addition any sign of preparations of nuclear strikes from the sign of NATO, or even too much talk about it can – might – would – will lead to a Russian pre-emptive (and probably nuclear) strike again the six nuclear storage facilities in Western Europe.
“…the Russians have replied, that ANY nuclear attack would result in an all out retaliation. Also how any incomming (sic) missile on Russian territory, will be treated as a nuclear one.”
Not quite, actually in 2018 what VVP warned was this ““We would consider any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies to be a nuclear attack on our country. The response would be immediate,” Putin said in a speech to Russian lawmakers.
He did not state that ‘any’ incoming missile will be treated as nuclear. “Only when we become convinced that there is an incoming attack on the territory of Russia, and that happens within seconds, only after that we would launch a retaliatory strike,” he said. “It would naturally mean a global catastrophe, but I want to emphasize that we can’t be those who initiate it because we don’t foresee a preventive strike.”
USSA – UK – NATO is on suicide ropes, they will throw everything they can at Russia at this moment. The perfect asymmetrical-response for Russia to be applied immediately are; to end an Iran Arms-Embargo and to (with help of China) send some “goods” to North Korea, and open more intense bilateral communication with Taliban in Afghanistan, also to openly embrace Houthis in Yemen. It is about darn time to clear out a whole Syria of Takfiri-Zionist-Wahabi Terrorists, end Syrian War right now!
I understand Russia is testing Iranian-made anti-aircraft systems in the skies above Ukraine.
Excellent. Precisely. Expanding bases is the necessity for Russia now. With isolation from world institutions, Russia is free to act to protect it’s interests.
Best thing think about supporting cuba and having a Russian base there. Tit for tat, right on the doors of USA.
One thing to stop the Western intervention: Declare support for Palestine including military support. This will send shivers down Israel’s spine and high chances of immediate withdrawal by the West. Can someone pass on the message to the Russian federation?
Some of the points such as increasing support gor Iran etc, however Cuba sadly doesn’t. Think of the supply lines
A pity. If Zone A nukes Kiev or Kharkov or Mariupol, lots of people will die.
As a Russian, I’m ok if Nazi and their criminal helpers die id drowes. But they wouldn’t suffer alone – there’d be massive deaths among common folks, civilians. I percieve later as people – misguided, abused, tricked – but people who do not deserve to die in suffering. It’d be such a sad and needless thing for them to die. -_-
Xenophoby and arrogance of elites of Zone A is unmatched. Disgusting. Hateful. Needless.
It’s all very well for the EU$A to raise an FF (False Flag such as Con-911 or Con-Kosovo or Con-Viagra) to rally a Coalition of the Killing and attack some small weak country such as Serbia or Iraq or Libya. But to stage an FF and attack a big strong country like Russia? No way would the EU$A dare. I think this FF against Russia will be just another Novijoke.
Fifty times normal background levels of Tritium, an isotope of hydrogen with two extra neutrons in its atomic nucleus, were found in the bathtub water of what were the basements of the twin towers, indicate that a fusion weapon was used to disintegrate 2 million tons of steel girders and steel reinforced concrete into micron sized dust in nine seconds. With regard to the 2,000 deaths, hardly any bodies were recovered, just bone fragments.
This is very serious.
I ask then that stupid speculation be kept to the minimum or not at all.
There are more slides at the Russian Mod site, and people should perhaps look at all of them.
In addition: Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova: On April 26, FM Sergey Lavrov will hold talks Antonio Guterres in Moscow

New news is that he will of course meet Mr.Putin as well.
This information is what Guterres will be confronted with, in this little meeting. I’ll engage in some speculation and I think Guterres is under pressure. He used to be much more even-handed. What pressure? Who knows? We all know that previously even the ICC staff were outright threatened and many more examples exist.
What is true is that the pain dial is now jumping the red side peg. (This is for all of us).
I’ve added this: A new security structure for the world has been outlined by Xi Jinping last week at the Bao meetings. There is some careful coordination here, looks like to me.
The ICC was threatened? Can you tell me more , please?
This is not the thread for that. But here is a quick starting place – search for Threats ICC – and you will find it. This is a start but I don’t have time to check how clean it is.
Also take a look at one of the previous heads of the OPCW, Bustani is his last name. He was openly threatened, resigned overnight and the lie that Syria used weapons of mass destruction carried the day. Again, a start and I don’t know how clean it is.
I have a video of Nikki Haley proudly discussing how they pressured the UN/HCR and forced withdrawal of report implicating Israel and forced resignation of the the concerned official who tabled the report. It is a must watch. Don’t think YouTube has it now. Either I need to create a channel myself, upload the video and share the link here. Or is there any way to upload the video here. It is a must watch, gives a good idea how much the Anglo-Saxon Zionists exert control over global institutions.
During the Iraq war, Bush openly threatened to invade the Netherlands if any American was tried for war crimes. It is becoming more and more clear that all the global institutions are nothing but imperialist tools to control the weaker nations and keep them under perennial fear and slavery. How true the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion have come out to be!
The Grayzone has good articles and have done a lot if research on these topics
Well, their credentials are excellent!
Bolton – absolute right-wing hawk, and “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo.
This is the Country that has the barefaced gall to call others “Rogue States”!
Well if goes with that Nation’s history, and once you learn that the Boston Tea Party was a not about “taxation”, but a LOT about “protecting piracy and smuggling”, then it is hardly surprising that a Nation whose (“approved”) history is based on outright lies and half-truths, should continue as we see today.
Aaron Matté (Grayzone) coincidentally announced there will be a documentary on Jose Bustani streamed for Canadian viewers (but there’s still their own Grayzone interview, linked in the tweet):
US has Hague Invasion Act; LITERALLY. Also Recently Remember Trump sanctioned the then ICC Prosecutor, Bensouda and her staff, from entering US to investigate or question anyone regarding US war crimes in Afghanistan.
“U.S. President George Bush today signed into law the American Servicemembers Protection Act of 2002, which is intended to intimidate countries that ratify the treaty for the International Criminal Court (ICC). The new law authorizes the use of military force to liberate any American or citizen of a U.S.-allied country being held by the court, which is located in The Hague. This provision, dubbed the “Hague invasion clause,” has caused a strong reaction from U.S. allies around the world, particularly in the Netherlands.”
besides others, I would consider the hague invasion act a direct threath to any international tribunal dealing with usa
Not only IS this a direct threat to others, especially others who might have a very different viewpoint to America, it is also a VERY clear and LOUD statement that the US of A regards itself as supra judice – above all laws.
So much for the much-trumpeted “rules-based order” – which is really “Our” rules, which WE can change whenever we like (and don’t you dare to complain).
Thanks for the sheet linked to.
Looks like this is a grand move to place the US ‘offside’, to force its hand in making itself a ‘rogue’ state.
Good link, the exact Xi proposal that the UNSC has to deal with.
Agree that any energy toward unthinkable and unallowable outcomes need be minimized. Let us envision the best possible outcome and send our best thoughts and grace to those who are on the firing line. May they be protected and inspired by Divine Providence.
‘ He used to be much more even-handed.’
I knew him since the 90s, and as with most politicians, he has trouble standing upright. no dorsal spine, nor moral one.
Zelensky today complaining that Guterres should have visited Kiev first priority.
JJ As the brilliant Sergei Lavrov said in his interview to an Indian TV channel – Zelensky says a lot of things. It depends on what he is drinking or taking at the time!!
Like Putin says, if its inevitable, strike first, “nuclear or not”.
Something puzzling here. While it’s obvious that various Western actors might be willing to trigger a whole chain of events ineluctably to full-blown WW3, it sounds suprising that it would come from the “official” tip of the Western iceberg. Until now, the Pentagon seems to have been the less deluded Western actor in its assessment of the on-the-ground situation.
Smth coming from an actor such as UK would be quite possible (as the Brits seem to believe that their tiny island is somewhate protected by a magic shield), there is also Poland potentially (Polish intel has been deeply/dirtily involved in this whole shitshow since the beginning and Poles seem to suffer from one of the most extreme form of acute russophobia)…
so it is some kind of indirect warning from the Russian MoD to their less-deluded Western counterparts about some “initiative” from one of the various Western factions? or about UKR factions who facing their imminent annihilation and inhaling too much magic powder may opt for Armageddon.
As it obvious that nobody – except zombified Western masses irremediably doomed anyways – would believe that such option came from the Russian side (even if assuming some undeclared bio-chem weapons stocks): absoluely zero interest, quite the opposite.
I doubt that the Russian MoD does that only for public com as Russia already knows that Western media are going to filtering out and it won’t reach the Western masses, nor for communication directed to the non-West who already got properly the whole situation…so seems like high-level indirect com. Don’t know, just feels like the actual message is not the obvious one here, which seems to serve as the “bottle”…
Good points. I agree there are various target audiences. The common people of Zone A are not of significant interest.
The primary target is the Technocracy/owners of the Empire. It is quite similar to the December ultimatums. The forms must be observed. Russia-China are highly legalistic. They will exhaust all peaceful steps to avert the slide into general war.
They will expose the malfeasance, firstly to clarify to the enemy that they are aware of it and will hold them accountable. This is a determined nuclear superpower, not a banana republic. It can and will defend itself. So this step in itself will raise internal conflict in AZE and may abort unfortunate scenarios.
Additionally, posterity will receive the true accounts, regardless of how it proceeds. The greatest benefit of these announcements is to occupy the moral ground. To demonstrate who does not lie and is for the Truth. Alliances among Zone B will be reinforced, in the face of these recurrent False Flags, now universally well-known to be an Imperial staple.
In 2017, after the Syria experiences and noting the M.O. of the criminals, Russia wisely eliminated its chemical weapons arsenals, under verification. Before that they kept slow-dragging the reduction of nuclear weapons stockpiles and built Sarmat et al. They knew what was coming.
So the AZE, for all its crazed bluster, has multiple loaded guns firmly pressed to its temple. If they choose to activate this FF with resultant Russian casualties, they can eat conventional hypersonics to the deciders (if carnage not too egregious) or a commensurate reprisal, a la “Fail Safe (1964)”. And with the UN on life support, China, India, ASEAN and Africa indicate they stand with the moral ground. The very fruit of a FF (international isolation of Russia) is denied them in advance. If NATO subsequently wishes to charge into the Ukraine on a futile suicide, it will be obliged. So any which way the AZE loses. The military-technical will impose indivisible security for all on a rogue West, throughout Eurasia, whether willingly or per force.
You certainly make good points and so thanks for bringing up other aspects of the West/Russia dynamics currently. Yet I have a worrying feeling that all of this might be related to the Azostal puzzle.
There is really smth fishy about all this situation, and obviously Western actors are in panic mode: thus worry and concern as do not augur well if you add WMD to the equation.
You got a siege, so not much happening yet all spotlights are there and updates are provided whenever somebody farts in the area: makes no sense. The usual newscycle routine is not respected: by now should have switched to other areas where more action is on-going.
That’s the first mistake or oddity. Can’t keep brainwashing the audience with news about “nothing-happening-nothing-changed”.
Secondly, if there is anything/anyone compromising for the West down there, giving such constant high visibility makes also no sense. Would be smarter to redirect attention elsewhere while negociations go on in the background. So that’s the second weird thing here. Again makes no sense.
Then now videos about the desperate civilians and wounded keep on popping-up: again makes no sense, Russians have offered many times (absurd number of times actually- ask once, twice then u stop) safe exit – which was broadly announced even in Western media.
So what are we supposed to believe here? That such offers applied only to combattants while not for civilians – women, children – or wounded and so they would be shot on the spot if they were to come out? So again makes no sense once put all together.
Then you got that nutcase commander who managed to both describe some desperate situation and in the same time requested some VIP evac, and did so while addressing directly “world leaders”? So don’t know if he was uber-high, or having some extreme sense of entitlement (typical for psycho) but again made no sense – just gave more substance to the various rumors about what/who is down there and should not be.
All to say: there is a feeling of panic mode, not the same usual pre-defined script nor coordination, it goes in all directions as if (at least some) Western actors have found themselves facing a dead end – cornered. That is why it’s rather worrying – here they really seem to face a situation for which they have no more any form of control and they are really freaking out.
So wondering if this MoD message is really not some kind of “bottle” to actors who may have the power to interfer with any of the factions apparently in extreme panic mode, and certainyl enough to potentially contemplate Armageddon as a way out. So question wtf is down there? Can’t be just about some Western high-value assets. And so, if it really goes out of control, afraid there won’t be such things as posterity, accountability…
High level nato advisors or a bunch of centrifuges????
Filistin, what a thought provoking and well reasoned article. You know, I think you might be right and you’ve put some things in context for me. for example, the recent ‘plea’ if you like from one of the Azov protagonists asking for ‘extraction’ by a 3rd party and transit to a third country. This struck me as odd at the time because civilians and low level military, I’m sure, do not talk about ‘extraction’ that is a high level military or political process. FWIW I think, if the information that is available is followed, we can’t call it evidence but there is some consistency in pockets of the information which would create an ‘evidential’ picture, that there is some ticking time bomb down there in terms of a bio lab or bio weapons or some live ‘active’ material that is likely to be lethal if it deteriorates chemically or something if it is not contained properly or updated or something. There is no doubt that some high level NATO assets are in there because of the numerous failed rescue attempts but who they are and why they ended up there is the unanswered question at the moment. I strongly suspect, given the brilliance of Russian Intelligence, they know exactly who and what is down there but, for whatever reasons, are not making it public. It shows the inhumanity of Azov and the paramount importance of the protection of the ‘assets’ that are down there that they won’t even send up the wounded and dying for medical treatment or that they will not send the women and children up. Interesting times. I don’t think we are even close to Armageddon. I believe we have President Putin, Xi Ping and the more sensible senior military officials in the Pentagon to thank for this. One thing I so desperately want to find out what/who is in Avostal. It’s a matter of patience and at that, the RF are experts. Sit and wait. Think and Act.
The brits,
they went to such a great deal to control the world financially, yet they did it so poorly.
And zone A wants to just get the first 10 people across the finish line, of the ring around the collar issue, then wash their hands of the problem and they will be back on their way again.
We’ll be waiting for you at the finish line Mr Zone A. Oh yeah, from the deplorables.
I agree. I would be only add that Russia and China are much older cultures and diplomatic etiquette and protocol are paramount in dealing with foreign nations
I mean sure…but no one with an IQ level over warm water will belive.
What I am expecting is for airliners going down all over europe…also, get ready to learn the sound of an AK on full auto.
The bottom graphic left out the by now confirmed use of biological weapons in Korea in 1951.
Source material.
American War Crimes during the Korean War. Chemical and Biological Warfare and Genocide.
They used their own population as lab rats.
not to mention their “back-yard”
and very plausible use of anti-crops bio-weapon in Japan 1945
And in Cuba at least twice.
If they try this crazy sh*t we’re basically in WW3. Either 1) they are completely insane 2) the implosion of the US is impending and they rather take us all with it 3) they want to depopulate and themselves survive in luxury bunkers.
Yes but what happens when they have to come out of their luxury bunkers? I would suggest that the scenery is likely to be a little difficult to adjust to – unless of course you are fine with a new stone-age. Can you imagine Victoria Nuland scratching around for something to eat.
Dear Nazi Party of Canada. please help your ukro nazi murderous brethren out! start marching to the North pole, where u can kindly, Die with “honor” (Not), when you either freeze to death, drown, or attack an eskimo claiming they r communist scum. either way, leave my country. A Free Land is what we want, instead we were given some nazi btch named Freeland.
, but my fingers are crossed for this one!
I hope she has a heart attack! God, I don’t pray to you enough
BurnEye Minds3rdEye ScienceGuy
With the SMO, Russia turned over a rock under which thrives immeasurable ugliness.
It serves to reinforce the argument for necessity of the SMO.
There was no way Russia was not going to have to defend itself on all theaters—especially the information and disinformation theatres.
If such a thing happens it’s WW3. I don’t see another way out.
Maybe so. There is hope that the predicted event will be throttled back, or some managed smokescreen, up to the point of full scale provocation, without going past it. Plus both sides are pursuing risk management of sorts, as this announcement is perhaps partially a deterrent, whereas a provocation that falls short of being incendiary does the same thing.
Seems much of this may tie to the Mariupol siege, as the warning comes now following this announcement of a protracted engagement —one NV suggests can go two weeks. The signs point to a critical event there at azovstahl but who can say just why. I was shocked to here the respected bishop Onuphry personally requesting to lead a convoy to the catacomb for the sake of rescuing the poor soldiers there, this was only Thursday, the same day Putin announced a timeout of sorts there. I regard both these men as not merely wise but also compassionate, and of having the same goal of liberating the Ukrainian people while minimizing loses, which is how I read these events. The pain dial at the red is too unpredictable and must be scaled back a notch or two —this is a basic law of confrontation after all, if your opponent turns bright red, be very cautious he is capable of anything, but when his face turns pale then he will look for a way to escape the conflict, and can hear reason.
I remember the Skripal scam, when the US and the UK were two of the nations that still had chemical weapons while Syria and Russia had none left and were certified as such. Facts have no interest for the Empire of Lies. Reading all the Mariupol news now, you would think that nobody had been warned of the “invasion” and that babies regularly reside in steel works underground.
Time for Russia – China and other like-minded countries to establish a new UN; separate economic block based somewhere outside of N. America or EU. It would nicely isolate the Satanic club of the post WWII Ziowestern Mickey Mouse establishment. Enough is enough. The international community have had enough of the American, Zionists and European nonsense behaviors.
Can Russia take this to the security council or just some international bodies, please?
The UN is both toothless and manipulated. They even blocked an RF call for an emergency meeting of the Security Council. First time in history that has happened.
I’m surprised that so far there are no comments on possible legal ramifications and what Russia’s legal stance could be in relation to this?
What is a declaration of war if it is not formal or expressed in some way?
Why is Russia saying these things and bringing these proofs? What do they want to accomplish? I mean outside of just exposing the horror.
Exposing what the freaks want to do to either limit the consequences of what they will do or to make them cancel what they are planing to do. It happened in Syria several times.
I have a bad feeling about current times. The empire of lies and hate is too crazy. I really don’t know if there is a way to avoid a war between Russia and the empire of lies. I don’t think the rulers of the empire can grasp what they are doing until nato bases accros europe start blowing up.
Realistic view. The American novel will not survive the defeat in the Donbass; the British have already figured it out.
What is extraordinary about British diplomacy is that it is continually looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve and bring to please its client across the Atlantic, the United States. This makes British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s remarks on the Ukraine conflict during his press conference in New Delhi on Friday very significant.
Johnson recalled the evocative lines of Matthew Arnold’s poem Dover Beach about the “long, withdrawn, melancholy roar” when faith recedes.
He was in complete disagreement with US President Joe Biden’s remarks at the White House the day before. Biden therefore promised the day before:
“to hold Putin responsible for his brutal and bloody war”;
“to further increase Ukraine’s ability to fight in the east — in the Donbass region”;
“to repel Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, repel Putin’s savagery”;
“to send an unequivocal message to Putin: he will never succeed in dominating and occupying all of Ukraine. He won’t — it won’t happen”;
“to increase the pressure on Putin and further isolate Russia on the world stage”;
“to continue to deprive Russia of the advantages of the international economic system which it has enjoyed so much in the past”;
“to continue to stand with the brave and proud people of Ukraine. »
Biden managed to pack all that vitriolic anti-Putin rhetoric into one speech! In fact, he even ended by exuding optimism that “there is no evidence yet that Mariupol has completely fallen.”
But Johnson, by contrast, tended to follow reports from British military intelligence that the Russians might be winning in Ukraine.
Without any verbal acrobatics, he came straight to the point:
“I think the sad thing is that this – the Russian victory – is a realistic possibility. Yes, of course. Putin has a huge army, he has a very difficult political position… the only option he has now is to keep trying to use his appalling, overwhelming, driven, artillery led approach, trying to crush the Ukrainians . He is now on the verge of securing a land bridge in Mariupol. The situation is, I fear, unpredictable. We just have to be realistic about it.
During his recent visit to Ukraine, Johnson reportedly advised President Vladimir Zelensky to stand down and form a new line of defense, but Zelensky has no choice but to follow American advice.
For President Biden, of course, there is reason enough for the war to continue as an eternal war. The war rallies Europe despite the weakening of the transatlantic leadership of the United States. Moreover, Biden now has an alibi to explain the high inflation in the US economy. It appeases the military-industrial complex in an election year. Biden on Thursday announced a new $800 million military aid package for heavy artillery, 144,000 rounds and drones, which will be sent “straight to the front lines of freedom” in Donbass.
However, the big question remains: how long will Western unity behind US leadership hold out if Biden seeks a protracted conflict with Russia? Successive defeats in Mariupol and Donbass would not only break the back of the Ukrainian military and seriously undermine US credibility, but would discredit the entire Western triumphalist narrative.
While Western sanctions have hurt Russia’s economy, current indications are that Moscow is adjusting to a “new normal.” Contrary to Western expectations, the sanctions did not shift Russian public opinion against the government.
Last Wednesday’s successful test of the next-generation Russian intercontinental ballistic missile Sarmat – which “has no analogues in the world and will not have any for a long time” (in Putin’s words) – is undoubtedly an affirmation provocative.
Meanwhile, Western attempts to “isolate” Russia are not having the hoped-for success. At the meeting of G20 finance ministers in Washington, the “boycott of Russia” plan had no other taker than the Western bloc. The United States has failed to persuade Saudi Arabia to disengage from its OPEC+ cartel with Russia. Above all, in the key area where it matters most – oil and gas – Europe is in no position to accept an embargo. Several EU countries are threatening to veto such a Commission decision.
European economies are in various stages of collapse as the backlash from sanctions begins to hit them.
German central warned on Friday that a complete embargo on Russian energy purchases could cost 180 billion euros, reduce Germany’s expected GDP by 5% this year and send the economy back into a deep recession. He warned that even the need to find alternative energy sources would be tantamount to putting a rocket under inflation, adding more than 1.5% percentage points to this year’s consumer price index and more than 2% to that of next year.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz told Spiegel on Friday that a gas embargo was ultimately intended to “avoid a dramatic economic crisis, the loss of millions of jobs and factories that would never reopen”. He said that given such “enormous consequences for our country, for the whole of Europe, … it is my responsibility to say: ‘We cannot allow this (this embargo)’. »
The Europeans realize rather late that they are big losers. Apart from the disruptions in supply chains hampering industrial production, with the burden of 5 million refugees (so far) and the great impact on food security due to the war in the “breadbasket of Europe” combined to the shortage of fertilizers which are used to increase crop yields, Europe is bearing the full brunt of price increases.
Even before the war in Ukraine, fertilizer prices were rising rapidly due to the rising cost of gas, with nitrogen fertilizer costing almost five times more than this time last year. Experts warn that all of this could lead to a food crisis. Restless farmers led protests demanding concessions.
Gallup International polls have shown that the main concerns of EU citizens right now are rising prices, fear of an extension of the war in Ukraine and possible energy supply shortages. More than half of EU citizens believe that Europe has already given enough support to Ukraine.
This is where the defeat in the Donbass would turn into a culminating event challenging the entire American narrative on Ukraine – NATO expansion, European security and dialogue with Russia – and, of course, the fixation on Vladimir Putin’s leadership over Russia.
A poll released Thursday by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that Americans’ desire to get involved has waned somewhat. Only 32% say the United States should play a major role in the conflict, down from 40% last month. Another 49% say the United States should play a minor role.
While speaking in Delhi, Johnson all but dismissed Biden’s account.
Instead, he called for “defining a vision for Ukraine’s future in Europe’s security architecture.” Where is Ukraine now? »
Johnson said Ukraine should eventually be able to answer that question — “what Ukrainians ultimately want.” Interestingly, he did not use the word “Ukrainian government”.
Johnson expanded on “a set of security assurances from like-minded countries – security commitments on what we can do to support them with weapons, with training and with intelligence sharing.” But he was quick to add that it cannot be “like an Article 5 (NATO) guarantee”. Instead, he said, Ukraine should have “deterrence through denial.”
According to Johnson’s vision, Ukraine’s membership in NATO is inconceivable.
Britain anticipates new facts on the ground. Johnson appeared to acknowledge the emerging political realities as the Russian juggernaut relentlessly “grinds” kyiv’s war machine to dust.
Surely exposing the existence of these plans = getting out in front of the “narrative” that the USA/NATO will want to impose on the world.
Provides an aid for all of the audience—the helpless bystanders as well as both the good and bad actors—to understand the plot before the movie begins.
Kind of like a spoiler alert.
Dmitry Polyanskiy – I think something like first secretary to the permanent Russian UN delegation:
Dmitry Polyanskiy
Russia government official
A new important information from the @mod_russia
on discovered prepared provocations with chemical, bio or tactical weapons in #Ukraine️.
We will alert the UN and UNSC member states today
thank you!
Unlike the West, the Russian MoD does not have a reputation for hyperbole. If they have published this information to the Internet (after all Telegram is internationally available), then they WILL have excellent evidence to support this.
Since, then, this IS the case, what is the next step? Perhaps by deliberately exposing the West’s plans the MoD are hoping that common sense prevails, especially since those who NEED to know (i.e. non aligned, or Russia-friendly) Countries will now have advanced warning, and so the risk of “defection” to Zone A is reduced.
This might also be useful to alert the Chinese population. China is already aware of how devious the US can be, and exposure of information such as this will certainly serve to strengthen Russo-China co-operation (and public support for such co-operation), since we can rest assured that the Chinese Military are VERY aware that if “Russia goes, then China’s next”.
If nothing else, this could also be used as proof that the US was planning an attack all along, and their “support” of Ukraine was nothing more than a political smokescreen.
Looks like the Doomsday Clock might be getting VERY close to midnight.
How BLOODY (literally and metaphorically) typical of Anglo-Khazari-Zionists – whatever pretenders!!
We are, lousy/bad losers after 300 plus years bullying, battering and bullshitting the rest of the planet – Chinese will confirm that from 1730s thanks to Sassoon Co Ltd .
Payback time..
Please bear in mind the Today Perspective – China and Russia if need be can hinder/hack/remove much of Satellite/GPS intelligence if necessary – even better *poach* into CNN/BBC/DW with well prepared information broadcasts.
Latest Russian *global reach* missile test with clear warning from Kremlin – further underlines Ango-Zionist strategic inferiority.
Perhaps large parts of CIA/MI6/City of London etc., networks are also compromised!!!
Past 12 months have demonstrated clearly that Chinese naval intelligence/hi-quantum tech is able to largely trace and even perhaps *parasite-Limpet* latch onto US/UK nuke subs in east Asian water.
Maybe ultra silent Japanese (better trained,,) and German designed subs are more problematic.
Syria mid-2021- the latest Russian ECM and AA missile systems were able to *beam-target* most aviation movement over occupied Israel-Palestine for a short time incl. sacred Ben Gurion airport.
Pointless in letting NATO needle-pick/latch onto latest Russian hi-tech with longer ECM periods.
As stated numerous times here, the US Navy is an abysmal state of maintenance and training. Hardly like that intelligent US sub captains with family and kids are going to start pressing Polaris/HARPOON missile buttons etc.
Plus USS Liberty 1967 -5 day war incident is an under-estimated factor hanging over US naval captains…
US and NATO tactical technology/ammunition/gasoline reserves are inadequate, in short supply, cannot be produced at home and much over-rated.
Apparently, an unverifiable and possible large number of NATO military personnel are compromised by various Vxxx etc and other nasties from those hundreds of bio-labs here, there and every where.
US and UK grunts/veterans are buggered, suicidal, on medication etc., So CIA and Co., now hire perhaps plus 200,000 PMCs.
Sure as Kissinger predicated , the pool of *useless eaters* in Europe and North America is exploding exponentially..
The English cannot EVEN find enough staff to effectively man their REAPER killer done systems – so yet again, the ANZACS (false historical mythology) Ozzies will assist with staffing.
Our Anglo-Zionist pyramid-banking system is really crapping itself and most EU and Anglo economies are sinking towards social unrest, hyper inflation, unemployment, water shortages (Germany etc., )
Typically – We Anglo-Zionists have backed ourselves into a corner with the full support of WEF (Schwab, Kissinger etc).City of London with Soros, Google etc., we don*t have a plus 21 plus WW2 million war dead COMPLEX as do the Russians and Chinese.
Therefore, we Westerners – Euros are most disposable and should dispose of ourselves as soon as possible.
How do we present our demise to brainwashed US and Anglo plebs –
We are nothing but *USELESS EATERS* quote Nobel Peace prize laureate Henry Kissinger.
**I would be reincarnated as a virus** – deceased Prince Philip von whatever (late partner of the most corrupt *royal family* on earth..).
We Anglo-Zionists must always find a scape-goat/bogeyman – that Putin target scenario is no longer working effectively- on the contrary it is boomeranging back on the Khazari elite…saturation level has been reached for many of us cattle-goyim.
Kremlin-Russians & Chinese particularly, have us Anglo-Khazari-Zionist loosers pretty well sussed/understood – they have over 200 years experience dealing with this back stabbing and treachery ie., Bonaparte*s serenade to Moscow and the whole Vatican-Catholic led attacks on Orthodox believers going back another 1000 years. Andre – the Saker has dealt with this in detail on numerous occasions.
Maybe I be so bold/arrogant and pretentious to suggest that the above *false-flags* are targeting our own Anglo-Western electorates – Of course, accidentally dirty *nuking* our own Energy Plants and/or urban centers is also on our vindictive Tarot cards with a fatal super EBOLA virus strain thrown in for good measure.
Optimistically, perhaps fatally, I would be counting on Chinese and Russian intelligence /brains/quantum computing/hi-tech advances and objective understanding of history to adequately defuse the above situation.
Losing face is a major headache for all human beings – particularly those at the *temporary* top..
Many thanks to Andre, particularly in this Holy weekend for Orthodox believers, Night vision, Amarynth.
Most of all thanks to the Russian speakers, people for tolerating so much hubris, venom and broken promises from us Anglo-Zionists
I would add to this list of possible points of concern Zaporojie Nuclear Plant.
If the US wants to end itself ……. Doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks about it we all know the end result. The world will not exist without Russia.
Should a spent/tactical nuke or chemical attack happen on Ukrainian soil every NATO facility in Europe is a target.
Send Gutierrez home with this message.
This, of course, begs the question: “why?” The logical answer is: “because the narrative is failing.” The purpose of the narrative in Zone A is to demonizes Russia sufficiently, so that the masses in the West will submit to the reciprocal economic deprivation (shortages, inflation, etc.) that result from the Western elites imposing a new Iron Curtain on Russia. Today, the Iron Curtain has many holes in it. There are people in Europe who have sufficient power to allow them to continue trading with Russia. “Sanctions are good for thee but not for me.”
Evidently there are too many holes. Why? Because Russia is not being economically destroyed! The West must ramp up the demonization of Russia to close these holes, to force Europeans to be satisfied with Europe being turned into Haiti as a small price to be paid for destroying Russia.
This is what I believe is the purpose of a WMD false flag, to close the remaining holes in the Iron Curtain. Understand: the masses in the West are as expendable to the Western elites as are the people in Ukraine.
East Texas Deplorable
Yes, i see it the same way. The idea to stage a nuclear false flag is too tempting because it will immediately put all europeans under total submission under the U.S. – and this is the highest priority goal of this provoked war.
Making those statements are not enough. Without saying that if they do those attacks those involved will be directly punished for it is not a deterrent. Knowing that Russia will not sit back and take it,but will strike back not just against the Ukies but directly against those sponsoring the attacks,will be a deterrent. Only fear for their own lives will ever stop them.
This is the right time for Russia to release pictures proving the sept 11 2001 was false flag, it will be killer for all future false flags.
Yes, it’s the right time to release all the truth on sept 11 2011 false flag. Show the world again how evil those devils in power in USA are. With all they have as potent PR materials, i don’t understand why the Kremlin isn’t more agressive and won’t placate the USA as the supreme serial criminals they are. Long live Russia/China. Thanks Saker community and others truth defenders.
Looks like something already happened – a hack attack on Russia”s FEMA announcing a nuke retaliation for Easter, on Apr 19, a guy called Rothrock.
Has anyone seen this?
Here is the hack tweet :
The idiot hacker used miles in the image. See comments.
Looks like the NSA outsourced to punks….
That guy is banned in Russia and full-on Nazi supporter. Don’t give him clicks here.
Sure – but he reported the hacker somehow got through, assuming he is not the hacker of course?
Pretty sure a massive cyber assault is 24/7 ongoing, not by punks but a really dangerous crowd.
Nuclear weapons leave a distinctive signature that can be linked to the originating country. This would require that Ukraine has an original USSR tactical nuclear weapon for such a false flag to work. Total insanity.
All they would need is some plutonium from Chernobyl – which Russia already said was being used for work with the background radiation there as cover. Plutonium laced with distinctive isotopes.
Any and all plutonium is under massive scrutiny.
There were reports though of Chelyabinsk USSR labs with powder lying about way back in the height of the Cold War.
RT did measure higher radiation levels at Chernobyl raided offices early in the SMO.
Something very nasty is going on, or was pre-empted by the SMO.
Any lie can be used to sell a narrative being trotted out as truth.
When told with conviction, listeners who have been trained now for decades to do so will believe that narrative.
Belief trumps fact every time.
As the world turns, the ability of the West to persuade anyone other than their own people that anything they say is credible is fast eroding.
Like their civilization….
Israel has been long using chemical weapons on Palestinians and documented by UN and human rights watch. Israel has committed immense war crimes. Yet America keeps vetoing any resolution against Israel.
We are living in an age of Jungle law, where might is right. EU, NATO, USA , and all countries know for sure the dirty Western Empire of Lies and Deceptions is behind all this. Don’t expect justice.
No amount of evidence, facts or logic would work with the satanic Empire. Every effort is made to create a direct US Russian war. To create the next Super Power, it is a necessity to destroy the existing super powers US,Russia and China.
Let’s wait and see. The West will stoop to any mean levels to attain it’s agendas. May God support and protect Russia and grant her victory over the evil Empire.
If the Russians are sure about such provocations, they have to do only one thing.
Make a declaration that a single attack on its armed forces would result in all the western capitals being blown to dust.
Biological material and pathogens have traceable fingerprints. The same applies to nuclear fuel. If the west tries something along the line of a false flag it will be under a very short window of opportunity until whatever used gets traced back to them. They will be risking their own existance. They can not be that desperate. Can they?
If they use nuclear fuel from Chernobyl they will claim that Russia took the fuel from Chernobyl when they “occupied” it. (Why Russia would do that instead of using their own fuel could be explained with Russia wanting to put the blame on Ukraine.)
Whatever happens, it will be just opener for imposing racket on NATO allies.Support for Anglos agenda is dropping as energy reality bites. More&more PR extravaganzas are needed to keep flock rounded.
The US is seeking domination over the Mediterranean Sea as tensions with Moscow mount. NATO and Russia have built-up their forces in the region to the most significant level in a generation.
Thibault Lavernhe, regional communication officer of the French army in the Mediterranean, said, “Ukraine has changed things. The Americans are back. This hasn’t been the case since the Cold War.” He added, “Russia has doubled, if not tripled, its military capacity in the area.”
The French military official estimates Russia has 20 ships in the Mediterranean. Lavernhe says the US has moved warships from the Atlantic Ocean to double its presence in the sea.
Before Russia invaded Ukraine, NATO was operating with three aircraft carrier strike groups in the region. Three weeks ago, the US extended the deployment of the USS Truman aircraft carrier in the eastern Mediterranean…..
..,..addition to the massive naval presence, NATO has stepped up its intelligence gathering. The French Atlantique 2 spy planes are deployed to Crete to surveil the sea.
A NATO military officer speaking with AFP said the purpose of the deployment is “to show the Russians that the eastern Mediterranean is a NATO area.”
Could the biological attack be preplanned long ago and that’s why Europe was busy vaccinating the population…Israel sure was ahead of every other countries. Just a thought.
If there is any area of Western military high facility or superiority to the RF its in biological warfare. Given RF clear regular military superiority why then Western aggression and lead to war? The West must be convinced they at least have an equalizer f some sort that gives them a chance on the ground
I am sure they do nd that it is bound to be their strength – Biological/Chemical weapons
The biological Weapon Lab destroyed by russian armed forces is clear evidence. Someone must have leaked the information more than two years ago and all sudden we were introduced to some bs virus to lead us to vaccination against something is on the way, just my thought and so far only one person wrote similar thing in one comment few months ago. But now that events unfold, it becomes more clear that indeed biological weapons will be used. Israel came to mind, why would a tiny country with a tiny population rush to vaccinate its population. They can’t harm their own unless they were given vitamins while the rest of the world were given poison…just a thought
I also been thinking along those lines. It would explain some of the weirdness in how the pandemic was handeled.
Why isn’t the Russian or Chinese vaccine approved or easily available in the West ?
Maybe the Western vaccine works real good, but for an yet unknown virus ?
Biological Warfare is the last trumph card of the Empire of Deception.
How about making this statement.?
“Russia does not need to resort to nuclear weapons. We can prove it, if you want. We can sink any NATO ship we want, at any time we choose, using our conventional weapons. If you force us to prove it; we will.”
The Russian military destroyed American and European weapons at a military airfield in Odessa.
This was reported in the Russian Defense Ministry.
Political scientist Nikolai Sevostyanov especially for the Voenkor Kotenok Z
channel @voenkorKotenok
1. The closure of Turkish airspace for Russian military aircraft is a loud headline with very low actual content. I will disappoint the Ukrainian “experts”, who immediately began to squeal that this step means a blockade of the Russian group in Syria. Does not mean. The “Caspian” route through Iranian airspace is not only working, but is also actively functioning.
2. This decision is precisely a political gesture that fits perfectly into the general course of Turkish policy towards the Russian Federation. Its basis is a classic Eastern mixture of blackmail, concessions and endless probing about Ankara’s entry into the Russian sphere of influence. Given that the latter is in a state of collapse, the Turks have truly Napoleonic plans here.
3. In the same Central Asia, at the level of political elites and LOMs, the influence of Turkey is much higher than the influence of Moscow. Moreover, we are talking not only about the Turkic republics, but even about Tajikistan, a country that not only does not belong to the “Turkic world” in any way, but is also its natural antagonist. In practice, this does not prevent Ankara and Dushanbe from signing a framework military agreement and negotiating the purchase of the same UAVs that are already being supplied to Bishkek, with which Tajikistan’s relations continue to deteriorate.
4. At the same time, the Turks themselves are a nation whose political worldview is still being formed on the basis of a critical discrepancy between the current status and the dominant historical myths. The latter are cultivated at all levels, from entertainment media platforms based on the mass production of pseudo-historical series to higher education. The Turkish architects of soft power succeeded very successfully in combining the image of the Ottoman Empire with the demand for assimilation and nationalism. And this despite the fact that the Ottoman Empire was a state of any kind, but definitely not Turkish.
5. In a sense, the political course of Erdogan’s Turkey resembles a blast furnace, which requires continuous replenishment in the form of external victories, and at growing stakes. Karabakh very seriously raised the appetites of the “imperial-Muslim” electorate, and it needs to be presented with either a new war, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences, or Turkey’s acquisition of the status of the main mediator in the post-Soviet space, which “reconciles” Kyiv and Moscow.
6. That is why the Istanbul negotiation process is extremely important for Erdogan personally. And it is no coincidence that those figures who have the reputation of Turkish lobbyists in Russia are the most active in supporting the talks. The ban on the passage of Russian aircraft through Turkish airspace is nothing more than a demonstration of the acute dissatisfaction of “friend Recep” with the fact that the “party of victory” in Moscow is beginning to dominate the “party of betrayal.” And this step is certainly not the last.
there seems to be difficulties with Armenia and very assertive Azerbaijhan peace talks needing overseeing by Russia. Eould not be surprised if Azer supported by Turkey is using anything possible as leverage with its own negotiations re the Monteux Convention.
This is a shocking shocking disgrace on the part of NATO & the West. They are going to get into a possible WWW3 on account of a corrupt country with a Tin pot Dictator just to save face just because they can’t stand the thought of Russia beating them. Real diplomats and politicians would be doing everything in their power to listen think and work towards peace and resolution which would address Russia’s genuine and well founded concerns about their security. Russia has won this. Deal with it. They should deal with Zelensky in the process. Shame on them. Russia has outclassed and out militaried them so to speak. What a shocking indictment of the USA and Uk EU and the West that they cannot accept defeat. Leave the Ukraine and let Russia and the Ukraine sort it out. The solution is simple. NATO agree as do the EU not to allow Ukraine as membert and that theyou remain neutral with no weapons
Is that too much? No. It’s common sense.
Zed gave a 2 hr press conference today Kiev….looked about 200 ” journos reporters”….very repetitive rambling never give compete answer…very skewed perspectives ie suppositive lies twisted perverse reasoning.
Maybe some saw through the incoherence.
Jo, it is not about NATO occupied Ukraine. Surely by commenting here you have read and understood that.
You all need to follow the Russian Mod.
And …
IAEA Chief Grossi to Head Assistance Mission to Ukraine’s Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant Next Week
Looks like automated radiological monitoring was cut off.
“The team of IAEA nuclear safety, security and safeguards staff will be in Chornobyl from 26 April to deliver vital equipment and conduct radiological and other assessments at the site, which was held by Russian forces for five weeks before they withdrew on 31 March.”
I think the best way to understand American leadership is to picture an alcoholic: while he is busy drinking, he is not thinking, “how wonderful this drink is,” but he is scheming how he will get his next drink. This is the sickness that is addiction, whether it is to substances or behaviors – drugs, money, power, sex, food – that what the addict has is never enough to fill the gnawing inner emptiness. The driving illusion is that satisfaction always lies in the next fix. That next one will finally give him or her the peace of mind that no other ever has. In this mad race to destruction, the addict’s moral character disappears. He will gladly lie, cheat, steal, murder (if he thinks he can get away with it), because his insanity tells him he must surely die if he does not.
Ukraine feels to me like the final battle in the Hundred Years War the US declared against Russia when it sent in an invasion force in 1919. When the addicts lose this one, they lose it all, and they know it. Insane as they are, they are sure they can defeat Russia as if it was a larger `Panama or Granada, then help themselves to its vast natural wealth. I think rational observers worldwide see the lunacy of backing the bear into a corner. The future of mankind now lies in the wisdom and the human decency of Russia’s leaders, and I have more trust in their ability to do the right thing that I could ever credit the leaders of my country. Having a senile fool for a president seems a perfect metaphor for the nation that once dreamed of “liberty and justice for all” but which is now a hollow (yet infinitely dangerous) mockery of itself.
Enough is enough. The Empire of lies is becoming so distateful that I wish its implosion. This empire is broke financialy and moraly and it is going to end in Hell. We are all guilty for having let it become so perverse. We are in a dead end, trapped in a path leading to Apocalypse.
Yes, America is “Babylon the great” and headed for a fall, according to the word of God.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev 18:2)
Video from “Azov” base:
Neo-paganism. Anything but Orthodox Christianity, which has to be demolished together with Russia.
French Embassy in Ukraine caught smuggling munition into Ukraine
photo: and
Embassy, FFS…
Yandex Translation of (Mod)
Our little diplomatic exclusive.
Ukraine was supplied with ammunition through diplomatic channels.
To the question of who supplies Ukraine with what and how. At first, a notice was found on the zinc with cartridges that the cargo could only be transported by plane.
Then, after twisting it, we found a tag. For those who do not know French, I translate:
Sender: Chateau-le-Brienne, France. Postal code: 10500
Checked. Everything matches. There is a railway station in this commune that serves freight traffic.
BUT! The recipient of this cargo: THE EMBASSY of FRANCE in UKRAINE.
This is supposedly a diplomatic cargo.
What does international law say about the possibility of transporting ammunition through diplomatic channels? I would really like to receive some official comments.
Reminder about the future France preplanned for Ukrainians:
heard some report Ukraine already rained some fials with unknown chemicals fro mdrones onto alliied forces. The fials failed to break though and were moved to military chem-labs for analysis. Noit sure if this can be trusted much.
In the area of the Odessa port “Yuzhny”, the special services of Ukraine are planning a provocation with the use of toxic chemicals to accuse Russian troops of allegedly striking civilian infrastructure facilities.
Rather than wait for the false flag to happen, Russia should act preemptively.
I find it hard to take this stuff seriously.
Is the human race, so monstrously evil?
Even the leaders of my country England???
Did we bomb Serbia to hell in 1999. We did.
Did our intelligence services, recruit and brainwash young men, from all over the Middle East, such as Osama Bin Laden (renamed Tim Osman) and millions of others, and pay them to destroy, not only their countries of ethnic origin, but also ours – The USA, Europe and The UK.
We did.
Does anyone know anything much about Operation Gladio??? We do
The infiltration of all our major institutions , governments, and points of control and power, by complete psychopaths…such that the entire world’s future is controlled by the likes of these demons, trying to turn our beautiful planet to the hell where they belong.
Peter Sellers, tried to warn about it. It was not a joke. Nuclear Weapons and other methods of Mass Destruction are very real indeed.
It might not matter that much to me, cos I am well past my sell by date, and will drop dead sooner or later, no matter what I do.
But I have two beautiful grandchildren, and another on the way.
I have little fear of death, I just want to outlive these evil bastards in control.
Throughout my entire life, I have been against the Death Penalty.
I not only make an exception for these evil genocidal lunatics in control, just give me the chance, once they have been tried in a fair court of law, with a jury…all agreed?
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair first?
“Dr. Strangelove – Final Scene”
Like you i live in Britain,those criminals have most of the population lobotomized,i know because i argue with them every single day,there are no real Journalists anymore,they are all bought and paid for and prostituted themselves.
Yeah, one thing is we have to deal with a little group of gangsters+++ less than 10000 individuals globally, but to deal with the 75% sheeple population on top is lead heavy. We must tell ourselves God is in charge.
Save your breath. Expend effort on preparing yourself for the fall and saving those under your sway.
Go with God.
The fact is that western Jewish owned capitalism in dying and the are not prepared to lose that power.
The Jews apparently are prepared to risk a whole lot to maintian their economic domination of the planet including widespread biological/chemical attack where they think it would be decisive.
This may turn into Russian hypersonic nukes vs Ebola tied to the feet of chipped migratory birds, shedding over Moscow, Beiging and Tehran….
“The fact is that western Jewish owned capitalism in dying and the are not prepared to lose that power.”
There is more than a grain of truth in that. The decadence of the “Western” (hate to use that word) world started with the Soviet victory over fascism and they claimed that victory for themselves when in fact fascism/nazism was of their own making to crush the Soviets. It did not work then, so Churchill ordered Plan B (Operation Unthinkable) while Truman had burning wet dreams of “Sizzler”, “Broiler”, “Scorch”, “Dropshot”, etc. The trouble was that the army fellows told them that it was not doable: Stalin was a step ahead of them and they had no chance of defeating the Soviet army or destroying the cities. Enter Plan C, Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” and NATO and the premature “victory” from within (the regime change model) with the help of traitorous elite in 1989. Curiously, the new owners of Russian and other republics enterprises were near all Jewish! Strange coincidence…
They robbed the Soviet people blind in an orgy of plunder and mayhem until another promising collaborator turned on them instead and the cashcow became problematic, but still profitable for some time but gradually declining. Hence the cabal has been frothing at the mouth and planning the revenge for years since the Orange and later Maidan putschs led by their own creepy Victoria.
Yet, there was another dimension to the plan – apart from the subversive/military operations – also born from the “victory” of WWII but directed at the European people to keep them in a state of submission such as Gladio and similar psyops through NATO structures. But the crowning achievement was the cultural modification of the populace to accept the new doctrines of subjection to the Hegemon’s power, hence the Straussian assault on national cultures as a prelude of the coming of a global order under a cabalistic power structure. To our shame – all of us – they achieved their aims of cultural conditioning and turning us in obedient slaves. Before the Straussians people did rise up to defend their rights and faith, even USians when the “Bonus Army” marched on the White House to be mauled by the “heroic” Douglas MacArthur. But by the time of the Vietnam protests we were already being channelled into the new orthodoxy of “political correctness” and when the Soviet Union fell on its sword there was an apotheosis of triumphalism and the cabalistic Straussians came out from the half-open cupboard to claim the credit, the laurels and the profits of the NWO. Except the former promising collaborator had his “road to Damascus” vision and put in a snare on “the Borderlands” and they are close to seeing their own Armageddon in a planetary-size Sampson curse.
They will get crushed but we will go down with them, punished for our collaboration with the Straussian enemies.
Why is Ukraine renouncing and rejecting Christianity.
Is it something original, some kind or Salvic religin or something recently constructed by Hollywood?
They decided to join the ”Modern Western Civilisation”. It was suicide.
Scenario: False flag in Ukraine as justification to attack Russian positions in Syria. A NATO three-carrier battle group is in the Eastern Med, France has moved airborne anti-submarine assets to Crete, the RAF reinforced their detachment in Cyprus. And now Turkey has closed its airspace for Russian military planes, making rapid reinforcement (or evacuation) de-facto impossible. And Turkey has also entered Northern Iraq, closing a potential route via Iran. The storm is building … NATO can’t really hurt Russia in Ukraine, so they’ll try it in Syria. And that game can go nuclear in an instant.
If true, this is indeed concerning.
The eastern med build-up is very concerning when combined with Turkish actions. They can’t really attack syria without attacking the Russian fleet and Air assets.
Are they crazy enough? That would escalate extremely quickly…..
Well you said it. It could quickly turn nuclear.
An attack on Russian troops by Nato in the eastern Med or Syria will result in the sinking of at least one destroyer or even a carrier most probably via Zircon. From there everyone will recalibrate. If it escalates…
The naval grouping is a show of force, nothing more. I believe there are many in the top circles of Nato member countries that matter — the heavies — who have not taken leave of their senses and do not really want to die for the Ukraine or for US hegemony. Turkey is one of them; Germany’s another, as is France; even the kapo UK. Big-mouth Poland too, although it is only a lightweight Nato member.
What is really unfortunate is that if a US/NATO attack on Russia territory results in the sinking of any US ship, the MSM will whip the American public into such a frenzy that 80% of the US citizens will demand a scorched-earth retaliation on Russia, Russian assets, and Russian cities.
Because America has sat fat, dumb, and happy sandwiched between two large oceans and the US public feels invincible as well as entitled. Most Americans can’t think of anything more entertaining then sliding up to the TV in their recliners and watching CNN and other MSM sites streaming live coverage of US planes bombing someone else’s cities into the Stone Age (llke Raqqa, Baghdad, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yukoslavia, etc etc etc) while they play reruns of John McCain singing “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran” to the Beach Boys.
But guess what? If US/NATO strikes Russia this time. Two oceans and the Arctic aren’t far enough away in 2022 to stop convention weapons strikes. Of course, once that sinks into the fat, dumb, and now scared s**tless US masses, they will then be calling for nuclear war. The average US pleb really doesn’t have a clue. The US is the Exceptional Nation and they have Carte Blanche to bomb any country in the world that they wish. “Doesn’t everyone know that!” (cracks another beer and flips channel).
Except? Not any more. But I truly believe that the average American with maybe the exception of a few US veterans will be screaming for more war and death to all countries which the State Department, PNAC (gallery) neo-cons/neo-libs, and US MSM outlets say are American enemies. And they will hold that opinion right to the point that they finally see a nuclear explosion signifying the end of life as we once knew it – all unavoidable except the Exceptional Western Citizens simple need to be told that they are always the winners and war will always happen “Over There.” And oh by the way – remember civil defense nuclear shelters for the public? Yeah – they don’t exist do they. I guess public school teacher should lead “Duck And Cover Drills.” (I”m old enough to remember those back in sixth grade) Unlike in Russia and China were at least a part of the public will be kept alive in bunkers. In the West? Well, the politicians, corporate executives and the CEOs of weapons manufacturers, and ‘essential bureaucrats’ and select billionaires will head for the first-class bunkers while the US proles are culled on the surface all the time screaming for More War. (BOOM)
The end of that psychopath society will not be a loss. The end of most of mankind will be.
How pathetic.
What Russia must do publicly, is announce all this to UN countries, and also let it be known that Russia shall hold the ukrainian regime, as well as the US and all of NATO, responsible for these false flags, and that it will respond immediately by declaring the ukie regime a criminal terrorist organization whose members are now open to arrest or elimination, and that any NATO country which aided and abetted the false flag attack shall be targeted in whatever ways Russia sees fit, even militarily.
These NATO psycho must know that any and all WMD false flags in ukraine they have planned shall have serious consequences for them.
Advanced devolution of human consciousness is at hand among the elites in the West. Can it be reversed in order to redirect resources and energy toward cooperation and empathy, or will it continue to plunge civilization into misery and chaos and destruction? As humans have developed technology (a double-edged sword) they have not learned from past catastrophes to limit the use of it to furthering positive life-affirming goals. Thus our predicament with the heightened threat of total annihilation because m.a.d.ness is ever more widespread.
Allegedly videos from Odessa of the incoming cruise missile.
At least that missile does not seem to be damaged by some flakk, but instead destroying what it wanted to (or maybe what it was tricked to by EW, just speculating)
Reuters special incidents reporting taskforce reportedly arrived to Lysychansk town on April, 21st, probably eager to film that special incident promised to them
The truly horrific implications of these unwarranted warnings is that they are propaganda preparation for Ukraine or anyone else to launch a false flag attack. As you might recall, during the 2021 NATO summit, Ukraine explicitly threatened to obtain a nuclear arsenal if they were not granted membership to NATO. Ukraine would be insane to make such a threat unless they already had nukes or were very close to having them. The United States should have been bitch slapping some sense into Zelenski rather than encouraging his provocation. Putin had no choice except to invade.
How much fissile Plutonium and refinement equipment did Russia confiscate at Chernobyl?
As an American, I sincerely apologize for the Traitors in our Country, not just against us US Citizens, but against the World and of course Russia. Some of us, solely based on our professional background/not better than anyone else, we have been aware for decades. We are legally fighting, at all costs.
Thus, there has always been bad parts of our Military, I do know, there has been a cleanout going on for quite some time. Trump has made several hints over the years, that the rank and file of the Military are good/love him, not so much many of the Generals, “Intelligence” Agencies and of course the UN and NATO.
You have to realize, (all I can say), is some of this is a “show,” (Not The Ukraine War – but other stuff), to wake the idiots up. Many things have already happened, re timelines and such.
There are many “me’s,” Men & Women, for centuries. Including in Russia.
I’m also aware, of some current US Political Families, whose ancestors, financed the Bolshevik Revolution – etc., in Russia. For those whom did not know this, look up Adam Schiff, Democrat, US Congressman from California. I “imagine,” many US Politicians are already, shall we say, processed, in one way or another. ;)
I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but I look forward to that day, when the good people of Russia and USA have the real indisputable factual history, via public disclosure – past to present, in all our hands. So, that we can truly, become friends, and each of us “commoners,” spend time, get to know & support each other.
That is what God demands, that is what people like me want, all over the world. Just reading comments on this site, affirms that goal, of what we all want. Peace, working together for the common good of us “commoners,” and making a better World, for the Children of this World.
Thank you so much, for the Heroes and those helping them in the Russian Armed Forces. I myself, pray for your daily. Have been for months. The good military (& their helpers) are working together across the World, has been going on for a few years+++ now, that I can guarantee.
All My Best – PJ
UK/US propaganda machine has been hugely successful, instigating WW1, WW2, and all the other wars that UK/US brought to the unwilling but insousiciant citizens of the West/NATO countries. In the end the population of West succumbed to the propaganda. Brainwashed, stupid bimass.
How do you protect yourself from something like this? The very thought of it sends chills down my spine, and the persons in charge of the Ukraine have already proven themselves as completely uncaring of their citizens. Certainly, the US doesn’t give a damn about its citizens either.
Not very many would be around to ask these kinds of questions. The detonation of thousands of thermonuclear warheads in a very short timeframe will eject millions of tons of radioactive soot, ash, debris into the stratosphere. This will lead to a nuclear winter covering most of the planet. Temperatures will fall dramatically. The ash, soot and debris in the upper atmosphere will heat-up from the sun’s radiation killing the Earth’s ozone layer. What follows would at best be very high levels of UV reaching the surface causing most animal life to become blind, skin-burned, and sick eventually leading to their mass death and extinction. Vegetation will succumb to the UV and changes in the environment. The very high temperatures in the upper atmosphere will likely lead to a near immediate decrease in global precipitation, further causing loss of animals and vegetation. At the same time fallout from nuclear power plants (all going into meltdown) and ground detonated nukes will contaminate large swathes of land with ionizing radiation. Caesium is the main byproduct of nuclear fission. It will settle on land throughout much of the planet, with a half-life of roughly 135 years. These weapons aren’t firecrackers. They’re extinction devices. Just some thoughts. Let’s truly hope this war doesn’t lead to nuclear war.
Should we assume that west is going to use WMDs they’ve found in Iraq or radioactive isotopes they confiscated from Iran?
I wouldn’t put it passed these nose ring orcs to consider a false flag of this magnitude. The children of Satan want the ukranian hive mind to feel what’s its like to be nuked through visuals, sound, heat, dustruction chaos. Its the devil holding out a mirrior to the Russian soilder on the ground as he looks over a corpse that looks all to familiar. In turn, they hope the Russians will gradually turn on their leadership because all those slain look way to familiar. This is a devil trick. Can you imagine how many mixed ukranian and Russian families are now at sort of internal conflict due to this war? How many mixed ukranian and Russian kids have had one of their parents abruptly leave because of the ukranian hive mind? More pain more blood in the ukranian hive mind brings a never ending supply of ukranian hive mind souls to the battlefield. Russia has the righteous stand and will seize victory.. The Ukrainians have no morale they need to truly feel in danger and morale must increase so this nuke proposal makes sense.
Why doesnt the west impose all sanctions possible to Russia and save time and resources conducting so called falseflag operations to blame it on Russia?
Death by a thousands cuts!
Secretary of State Blinken and Sec. of Defense Austin are visiting Kiev this week. A false flag assassination against them could be staged in order to blame Russia and provide an excuse to escalate for war.
I have been overawed by the brilliance of RF Intelligence in recent weeks. The first time it really hit home was that recent hit on NATO and the West’s weapons storage facilities in Lvov which even senior Western officials said they were perplexed about how the RF got the information as the whole operation had been top secret and the weapons had been transported via private and commercial carriers not military ones. Now we have the strike on the same facilities in Kharkov (?). Now we have this comprehensive and damning, absolutely damning, set of slides and FF strategy on the part of the USA (who control NATO). I might be making a stupid statement but I don’t think there is a Military Intelligence Agency in the world that rivals the RF one at the moment. It’s impressive in its scale and depth. Keep the Aspidistra flying!!
We live in a despotic totalitarian autocracy, have for 240 years, for millennia before that. We are the slaves on our Owners’ plantation.
When speaking of false flags I’m alway reminded of a line from the movie ‘Citizen Kane’ Orson Wells starred as a very wealthy newspaper tycoon. Some say this 1941 classic is the greatest movie ever made. And I agree, if only for a few well placed lines. I’m going from memory here, please forgive me, but you’ll get the idea. Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles) gets a phone call from the leader of a (fictional) ‘shit hole’ country. The president is complaining heavily to Kane about the headline story in the morning paper which reads something like, (I’m substituting the country) “WAR BREAKS OUT IN UKRAINE”! The leader, could be Zelenski, says, but but there’s no war here. And Kane replies. “Of course there is. It says so right there, in the paper.”
I cannot speak for the Russians, but if I were falsely (albeit successfully) accused of using chemical/biological/nuclear weapons and was made to suffer the consequences of so doing, I would think, “What the heck – if we’re going to suffer the consequences irrespective of the truth, we might as well use the weapons!”
The idiots running the U.S. never consider the possible unforeseen consequences of their actions, because they think their schemes are just too brilliant. This is the problem when you have, as Kurt Vonnegut described them, a bunch of “upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography” running America. They are convinced that they are smart because they only travel in their inbred circle of fellow “elites” who reinforce their grandiose self image. They only listen to the propaganda-spewing mass media that is owned by them. They think that by censoring/cancelling anyone who spreads “misinformation” about them and their agenda that they are in total control of people’s minds.
It’s all hubris and self delusion.
They’ve lived for so long in their bubble world they are unhinged from objective reality. This is not what I see when I look at Russia, China, India and others. I can only imagine that these other countries look at us and are frightened because they see the seriously stupid people running the country and realize that they have a massive nuclear arsenal that they increasingly seem to be willing to use.
God help us before these psychopathic idiots kill us all.