By Saker Staff for the Saker Blog
Military Summary Channel reports on the collapses and the progress. Soon after the start, he relates the sorry story of the sorry Ukrainian attempt to bribe Russian pilots to fly their battle aircraft out of Russia, in an attempt to steal them and stage a media victory for the Ukraine.
Defense Politics Asia Channel has more information.
The SMO is making steady but slow progress if one does not take into consideration that Russia and the Republics are reconstructing and instituting military-civilian social structures all the time.
Military Summary reports or considers that the entire South of the front line has already collapsed in some areas and is in the process of collapsing in others. Only small and under-equipped Ukrainian forces remain, are being cleaned, or retreating or surrendering.
To note: These two reports in from the Republics:
Less than 10% of the military personnel remained in the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the start of the special operation – Ministry of Information of the DPR.
Donetsk People’s Republic will be liberated from the Ukrainian army by end of August – Information Minister of Donetsk Republic.
As for surrounding news Sergei Lavrov’s visits to Arab countries, the Arab League, and African countries continue and can only be described as a stunning victory and a complete triumph for diplomacy.
Zakharova reports that US officials tried to persuade everybody (and of course themselves) that Russia is “completely isolated” and “separated” from the rest of the world. These officials have been running around trying to convince everyone not to take photos with Mr. Lavrov, so that they can support their thesis for a domestic audience, that Russia is isolated. Another US ploy unmasked! From Mr Putin’s meeting with Ali Khamenei in Tehran, several European leaders said to Ali Khamenei, that they totally oppose NATO expansion eastward and (in particular) towards Russia. However, when they (European leaders) were questioned about the reason behind this expansion, they answered that it is an American demand.”
Of course, trying to isolate Russia by not taking photos with Mr Lavrov, did not go anywhere. In diplomatic circles, contacts are usually peer to peer, in other words, a foreign minister will be met by a foreign minister. For these visits, Lavrov is being welcomed with full honors in each country and in each case being met by the President of the country. This is rare to see and is a triumph, coming so soon after Mr Putin’s successful visit to Iran.
If Lavrov was an opera singer, we would describe him as being ‘in full voice’ during his visits, and his comments are both scathing and at times jubilant. It takes sheer guts for a diplomat to describe the self-named ‘free world’ as “… a disgusting manifestation of hegemony and neocolonialism.”
These diplomatic coups will then filter through to the highest levels and we can expect to see more overt support for Russia in the UN and its organs. In reality, the situation on the ground in the world is the following:
“We are at the beginning of a new era, which would be a movement towards real multilateralism, not to the multilateralism, which the West tries to impose on the basis of the exceptional role of the Western civilization in the modern world.
And I think the movement is unstoppable.” [quote: Lavrov]
Enjoy your comments, and the SMO is making steady and relentless progress and these diplomatic successes will filter through to the Ukraine and the eventual ending of the carnage there. We will have to wait and see the shape that the exact resolution takes. Moscow will dictate these terms.
It’s amazing how, in my lifetime, I have witnessed the tail end of the “bipolar world” (capitalism vs communism), morphing into a “unipolar world (neoliberalismo) and now the so called “unipolar world” is coming to an end with the emergence of a multipolar world!
The unipolar world is run by Zionists and benefits them only (capitalism and globalism).
But as everything the Zionists touch (Bolshevism in Old Russia, and Direct Zionism in stolen Palestine), it turns to dust.
And so will their empire as fronted by the US.
The Bolshevik were not all Jews.
They were not a natural uprising. They were extreme very small communist groups financed by Schiff in New York and Rothschild in London for years to overthrow the tzar, remember, Jews were persecuted under the Tzar.
Do you could say the regime change was financed by Jews to remove the issue of persecution of Jews and perhaps to take revenge. The Japanese, Schiff loaned money to for war with Russia.
Let’s not pretend nothing bad happened to Jews in Russia under the Tsar.
That doesn’t justify what the Bolshevik did, but it explains why they were able to succeed.
Bolshevik Jews murdered over 30 million orthodox Christians
Not to forget killing of over 200,000 Orthodox Priests in Russia, and destruction of 60,000 to 70,000 churches.
You can only cause mischief for so long, and then it’s payback time.
Khazaars have done a lot of mischief in the last 1,000 years,vsince they were booted first by Kievan Russ in 965 AD and then by Genghis Khan in early 1200s…and the Khazaars have given Judaism a bad name.
The current situation in Ukraina with slavs killing each other is a continuation of genocide of slavs. Nuland, Blinken and gang are surely happy with this but their joy wont last.
Orthodox christians murdered millions of “Heiden” all over the world. Stop your religious nonsense.
(Zionist) “Truth Seeker”,
You are excusing the behavior of the Bolshevik Jews in old Russia, but you must know that Bolshevik/Zionist/Neocon Jews always have an excuse for the crimes they commit.
What is the excuse you’ll ascribe to them for the crimes vs humanity they’re committing in Occupied Palestine?
Look at these pictures and tell me what’s the excuse now?
West killed over 1 billion people in the last 300 years alone, its states are built on the bones of destruction, imperialism and looting, only Russia stood in its way which why it hates it.
There is no excuse for what they do in Palestine.
I don’t contest they behave like a colonial nazi state or that their actions are justified but I was trying to explain why they the foreign banker Jews financed the Bolsheviks
They are vengeful
As President Putin himself recently exposed 85% of Bolshevik were jew.
This is not to say that The Vatican didn’t have a hand in approving the overthrow of eastern Orthodox society.
Westerners need to realize that The Vatican has been a geopolitical player for as long as the Great Schism of 1057. Witness the Crusades of 1095 which extended well into the 1400’s & the fall of the Byzantine (eastern Roman) Empire with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans in 1453.
The Vatican may not have organised the Norman genocide of Anglo-Saxon Orthodox Britain, but they could barely contain their delight at the mass murder of our Anglo-Saxon Orthodox monks and priests, and the forced “conversion” of England to Roman Papal paganism.
I stand for the complete annihilation amd overthrow of the Roman Crimes that began in 1054.
It is a direct line from 1054 to 1066, to the 4th crusade, to the Conquistadors, to the anti-Orthodox rape of Serbia and Russia in 1914, to the anti-Orthodox Bolsheviks, to the Vatican-condoned invasion of Russia in 1941, to the Cold War, to the sex abuse of children and the mass incaceration and abuse of children in North America.
The Norman foreigners and their Genoese and other allies imposed a sytem on England that is still with us to this day. They usurped all the English leaders and parceled out the entire country to their friends and allies, all foreigners. They rule to this day, quietly, secretly unobserved in the main.
The Normans did however conduct a separate deal with the City of London to ensure the City’s rights and privileges. These two groups have worked hand in glove ever since. The City has its own unelected Remembrancer sitting in the House of Commons.
That is why there are so many castles in England and Wales, the people did not want this self perpetuting elite caste ruling over them. When people bang on about Anglo Saxons, they have the wrong people.
The Tsar did NOT persecute Jews. That lie has been disproven.
The Tsar persecuted everyone except the ruling class, hence the Bolshevik Revolution.
Thats a lie if anything the West persecuted everyone except their rich ruling elite, Tsar persecuted much less people during his lifetime.
Trying to shift the blame to the jews? In reality the enemy of Russia has always been the Vatican/West/Germans, the jews/zionists are their associates. Bolsheviks were not all Jews most were composed of Russians and other minorities such as Latvians, Balts, Armenians as well as jews and they did not murder 30 million people archives show they murdered around 550000 people for real crimes all punishable by death at the time by every country and alot of people had their sentences commuted to something less worse.
Dear Historia
I agree, it is really important to be objective especially on sensitive topics
You are right the vatican, Catholic (Biden) Anglo-Saxon and Germans are and have always been the main enemy to Russia
Israel is a coloniser and apartheid state but it did not cause the conflict with Ukraine nor is it that keen in getting involved but it has no choice Anglo Saxon America lead by a Catholic is its financier and protector
I am getting sick and tired of being called “Anglo-Saxon”.
For the love of God, the true English Orthodox Anglo-Saxon civilisation was overthrown and genocided out of existence by vile French and Norman filth, post 1066, with the blessing of the now global virus of Roman Papism.
If anything, please refer to the disgusting disease of Anglo-Americanism as “Anglo-French Protestantism”.
Never forget, the Roman Papist heretics were the first Protestants against the true Church.
“…against the true church.” And, what church would that be?
Best reading about Russian Jews is a A. Solzhenitsyn-200 years with us- all about them 1795-1995……
The Jews had a free ride under the Tsars. Read “200 Years Together” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn before you go spouting off how badly the Jews were treated. Take a look at how badly they treated everyone they could exploit and look how the financial world is arranged and how Christian culture is under total attack by “the government” in the “west” – where the Jews have had full control of government and media for nearly 100 years. A case in point, hardly anyone knows the names of the generals and provocateurs who started the World Wars, but the one unassailable “fact” of WWII – and what can get you thrown in jail for questioning in some countries – is that “Hitler killed six million Jews”. In fact, Hitler did not kill any Jews unless they were across the battlefield from him in WWI. In fact, Hitler’s “final solution” was to ship the Jews out of Europe to the Island of Madagascar where they could not interfere with Christian civilization again. They are essentially anti-civilization and that is what Hitler wanted to end.
Read written by a “Jew” who was raised a Jew but adheres to truth rather than headlines.
Look who persecuted the early church and hounded Christians whenever they had the power to do so. It wasn’t the Romans initially, it was the Jews, who to this day vehemently blaspheme the name of Jesus the Christ and deny that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, who to this day reject the Torah and cling to their “customs”, their Talmud, who to this day regard all people except Jews to be soulless hulks to be exploited, used, murdered, without regard. Probably not everyone who calls themselves a Jew is aware of the rabbi’s doctrine, but that’s behind Jewish culture, of which they are definitely aware.
Read “The Judeo-Christian Tradition” by Gary North
excellent comment.
you’re completely wrong, read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and you’ll know jews were never persecuted. There were from time to time popular insurrections of the koulaks because they couldn’t bear anymore the suffering they had to endure from the jews who worked as cattle-keepers for the nobility, the same nobility that helped actively jews kiling two tsars after the tsar abrogated serfdom and gave two thirds of the land to the people. the revolution was done by the jews and especially the money lenders and their sayanim known as the haute bourgeoisie, with the help of criminals who where liberated and unleashed on a defenseless population at whom they just gave white card to their most vicious basic instinct of slaughtering them by the millions. stop reading, watching and listening msm BS, and do your own research.
and it can’t happen soon enough!
Thank you for sharing the information.
It is absolutely tiring to hear over and over “capitalism” used as a pejorative. I point out for the hundredth time that capitalism – a market free from government interference – does not and has not existed outside of isolated places like Ethiopia when there was no collection of demons recognized as a national “government”. For example, RPGs were for sale on the street then.
The collusion between wealthy individuals and government to use the police powers of government to stifle competition is not capitalism. It is not “crony capitalism” either because no aspect of favoritism has anything to do with a free market or with freedom at all. In every case that is called “capitalism” the reality is collusion to prevent the level trading field that is capitalism. Jews do not benefit from capitalism, the Federal Reserve System is a Ponzi scheme, not capitalist at all. That collection of demons who call themselves “government” and claim a right to the lives and property of all productive people they can dominate through the threat of pain and death are not capitalists! They are pure and simple demons who work to eliminate individual freedom and ownership of property, they work full time to impoverish and enslave as many people as is possible. The fiat currency system serves a dual purpose of government demons getting free funding for world wars, getting for free what everyone else has to labor to get, and it ensures a permanent instability among the masses of people who cannot save for the future due to inflation constantly diminishing the real goods and services that the forced “legal tender” can buy.
In summary, “capitalism” is inextricably linked to a free market which is inextricably linked to individual liberty – freedom!
With all due respect, Cyberican, did the thought ever occur to you that, if you are living in US or EU, the ship you boarded by birth certificate and citizenship tickets is the Titanic and it set sail long ago?
Of course, Soleii, it’s occured to many of us.
I was born in New York State in 1958, have no right of return anywhere, don’t have the means to aquire citizenship outside the United States. I’ve watched my government assault innocent people nonstop since I can remember, and couldn’t do anything about it (though I tried) because in this country policy is not in the hands of the citizenry. The government doesn’t listen to us because the people running it don’t have to.
From the age of fifteen I understood with certainty that the US was going to collapse, so yes, on the Titanic.
We don’t expect it to be pleasant for us personally.
To Irene
I too was born in NYS and live not far from there. Here are some updates that prove these plans are long in the tooth, so to speak. It is on the USUKEU future where one should be focusing, as UKR will be taken care of effectively by Putin.
“New York, USA, 13 June 2019 – The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed today a Strategic Partnership Framework outlining areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The framework was drafted based on a mapping of existing collaboration between the two institutions and will enable a more strategic and coordinated approach towards delivering impact.”…
_______. See also:
John Coleman, 4 Billion “Useless Eaters” to be Culled by 2050 (Published 1993)
by John Coleman, FMR MI-6 Intelligence Analyst
[Editor’s note: Originally republished here on 27 July 2021. Perhaps it will receive the attention it deserves now that the global genocidal agenda of the New World Order is well on its way.]
To the people who own and run the planet, humanity has become a dead-weight except as servants and sex slaves. Below, MI-6 whistleblower John Coleman describes the covid end-game: A return to feudalism where a billion people will serve the super-rich.
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.”
There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One-World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist.
The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately-owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.
“The non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled.”
“Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property.”
To Irene, more to think about:
In a previous post, a person wrote, “I know that as an American, I and all my dear ones are to suffer mightily in the days to come. I am grateful that I am steeped in the Bible, since it helps me accept what is coming.
I, then, issued this reply to her: “Naaa… We dont gotta accept their genocide and poisons. Either we leave the country (yet, already they messin with planes) or we unite and form an Opposition Front. Take the wexxine? Say NO. Accept QR Codes? Say NO. If nobody does what they order, then they gonna give in.”
My reply fell on deaf ears, on people resigned to acceptance. But look at the protests in France when Macron was attempting to install the “green pass.” There were hundreds of thousands, maybe 10’s of millions, out there in the streets — and every day.
With the trucker protest in Canada, there were hundreds of tractors, some with attached trailers and supporters all over the place.
This trucker event was tried in US and fizzled quickly.
Also in US, one of the most important of rally in was held in DC against the poisonous wexxicanations by one of the more important of figures of our time, viz., RFKjr. He got, maybe, a few thousand people.
Americans cannot wait. We don’t have time. If we don’t unite now, they will win.
The war in UKR serves as a big distraction while they get their cbdc-QR Code system in order. Once they eliminate paper currency, it is checkmate for them and game over for us. They shall control our savings with programmable cbdc’s. If you don’t spend it they way they want on the things they mandate (insect food, fake meat, poisonous gmo veggies from aerofarms), then it will expire. Suppose you eat out of your back yard garden and trade food? No problem for them. You gonna give up your driving “privileges,” go live in the woods? Got to buy gas but even such refusal ain’t gonna change the game in your favor. Your cbdc’s can be frozen from use in travel and will expire upon your nonuse of your monthly quota. And then their goal is to implant computer chips in you, controllable by 5g, 6g technology. How long can one go in this world with no bank account?
Why is no one talking about this?
Why is no one trying to come up with a plan?
Why are Americans so resigned to acceptance that they (some anyway when the number should be zero), shockingly, offer up their 6mo newborns to be poison-injected and diaper the mouths of their toddlers?
I think two things.
First the WEF/ billionaires plan is also just a plan and no plan survives first contact with the enemy. The rest of usarent just going to give up and on their side there will be divisions and disunity as well.
Secondly, we aware Africans do have a plan
Pray Russia wins, reject western pressure to abandon and sanction Russia, push our nation’s to be more aware and self sufficient and pray
The most covid vaccine skeptical place on earth is Africa. For years even in villages it has been known that the West will make a vaccine to sterilise or kill Africans. People really believe this.
So I wouldn’t worry too much, zone B knows West can’t be trusted, we have watched all their wars, we see all the time, result, we know them better than they know us.
As for a plan
It’s happening before your eyes
For the first time in Russia the West is meeting a real resistance, in the refusal of most of the world to sanction Russia it is meeting real loss of influence and resistance
I don’t worry about the Americans or the others
But the British did not come from a small island have a huge empire for nothing. Of all masters of the dark arts and the double face there are few on the level of the British and it would be foolish not to understand that
The Americans for all their might are but simpletons in the face of the 500 year old British tradition of conquest.
Let us not forget. The British can play chess too. They can play very well. And they can outplay the Americans any day.
Thank you for your informative reply post. Re your comment, “For years even in villages it has been known that the West will make a vaccine to sterilise or kill Africans. People really believe this.” Billgates did not just kill and sterilize Africans. He also paralyzed children with his poisonous fake vaccines in both Africa and in India.
The Americans in power and running our govt are just an extension of the British empire. Regardless there is collusion between the two. I have no doubt Britain broke away from the EU because of this proxy war and other nwo agenda reasons we don’t know about yet.
Soleii, the billionnaire wars are underway. Certain of the billionnaire banksters who were on board with wef in the beginning no longer support their plans. They & Treasury Secretary Jerome Powell are quietly fighting wef in a battle way above our heads.
Under Trump, Powell replaced LIBOR, which attached US to EU finances, with our own system. That decouples us from Europe’s coming woes. Last year, Powell was able to neutralize $2T of new $$ with quiet actions in the repo market. That’s $2T not flooding the market right now.
Those banksters bought dem Sens Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema, who sabotaged Biden’s $3.5T BBB infrastructure bill.
Powell needed to wait for covid lockdowns to end to start raising interest rates. Now he plans to raise interest rates to 4% by the end of the year, *under the guise* of taming inflation. It’s not enough to stop the inflation, but 1. the timing will kill the dems in the midterms 2. Money people will move their money out of euros — which is were wef gets its financial support — back to interest paying $$.
As far as killer viruses, they will never release anything truly deadly as that would put themselves at too much risk. Just stay away from their pseudo-vaxes & toxic medicines. Follow FLCCC & America’s Frontline Doctors, boost your immune system.
We are just ants in this war. Our job is to stay alive & resist…when we can be a wrench in the cogs of their machine.
Time is on our side. They have met with far more resistance than they expected & their plans are falling apart in front of their eyes. Kinetic resistance from Russia. Medical resistance from leading doctors & researchers who couldn’t be bought. Political resistance with Desantis showing the way. And economic resistance from Powell & Jamie Dimon/JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs & others.
And, per Dr Mike Yeadon, who has met with them, they are stupid.
The Empire US may be dying, but none of us wanted to be an empire anyway.
Rome the Empire died. The Italians remained.
To Mary
Thank you so very much for your thoughtful reply post. It was almost enough to give me a basis for hope.
One point I offer you about: “Rome the Empire died. The Italians remained.” Back then, there was no massive depopulation agenda, no billgates, no klausSchwab, no wef, no bioengineering of foods, no attempt by a global elite to put chips in you or control you with 5g,6g. Yes, the Italians survived when the Roman Empire died. But there was no attempt by the Roman Empire to target and depopulate its own people, as is the case now with the US-UK-WEF Empire (or, as i like to call them, the U-SUK-WEF empire)
To Mary again
How do you know this? “They & Treasury Secretary Jerome Powell are quietly fighting wef in a battle way above our heads.”
Powell seems to me to be the el grande bankster of them all and special agent for JPM, who is a member of WEF.
To Mary again
Do you have any websites or other information, references, etc that you can share?
Try read Tom Luongo
Soleii, yes, I follow Mark Wauck (retired fbi) on substack, who led me to Tom Luongo (former research chemist/Austrian economist who has written for zero hedge, newsmax & other alt media)
And Larry Johnson (former CIA, State Dept Counterterrorism, military special ops trainer)
There is is good reason for hope. Doesn’t mean it will be easy. But it dawned on me over a year ago that they are all apex predators & they will end up going after each other. Top dogs wanting to be top top dog, or at least remain top dog in their country. No way Putin would hand over the reins of Russia to Nazi Klaus Schwab. Same with Xi and China. Same with certain higher ups in US. Out of power, but not.
Someone (forget who now) even suggested that Trump backed off the fight deliberately to let Biden admin be at the helm when it all went south. Eg, from what I’ve read, he had generals with back channel communications with Russian generals throughout Syria. And those back channels continue to this day, right under Millie’s & Blinkers’ noses.
Rome died, and the Latins died. A few of them fled to Sicily.
What we now call Italy became the fiefdom of the Lombards and various tribes from what is now Hungary, and the Normans took the southern part.
And there were no “Italians” until 1860s. Until after World War 2, most ‘Italians’ saw them as Piedmontese , Lombardians, Tuscans, etc. There was no ‘Italian’ identity until around 1950s and even now some northerners want out.
No one is coming up with a plan in the US because they are complacent. They are caught up in the present and enjoy their lives because the threat isn’t tangible right now to them. Another reason is media capture. If you’re not interested or motivated to search for the truth on alternative media, you don’t know that protests in other countries, Sri Lanka, the Netherlands, France, Italy, are occurring to fight for freedom and personal rights. I personally think the EU is being used as a test ground for the nwo plans. Finally, the US is enormous; there is no total unity among the states, let alone the people. And because we are a melting pot of many different cultures, we don’t have the cohesiveness of a single cultural identity to fight against totalitarianism; unlike the smaller older countries in EU and Asia. Nobody is talking to each other about this. When I talk to my neighbors (in MI) they are clueless about our govts agenda; about vaccine damage, food shortages, rising gas prices, world events, etc. Nobody wants to think about what’s really going on because they don’t want their lifestyle to change. It won’t become real until it personally threatens their freedom. Right now everything occurring is just an inconvenience and not big enough to cause alarm. I have no doubt our govt is working towards the wef goals. Control the money, control the food, threaten personal security, and the people will comply. The best you can do right now is to stock up on food, water, meds, and be prepared if a cyberattack or an EMP takes out the power. Be safe, be strong, and talk to everyone you met about what’s going on.
Dear Cindy,
We are used to power cuts in Africa and humanity survived within internet and electricity for millennia. We will be ok I think. And someone will fix it eventually. This is just the usual cycle of conquest and resistance.
I would encourage you to look Eastern philosophy and study more approaches.
The world has never been and never will be conquered by any one person or group. That trend is set to continue.
The world has always faced evil and those who dominate, deceive, lie, cheat and oppress others, how much of these traits do each of us here have.
The world has always been complacent in times of peace.
Only God knows when the earth and all universes will be destroyed. Does a fleck of a human outrank the creative power of all there is. Never speak the negative words have power, especially when it comes to our lives and human future. Speak the positive and the one force will find in you an ally to show the way.
Man is mortal. Civilizations rise and fall.
Our role is not as insignificant to power struggle, our role is as part of creation, equally unique and vested with power to think speak and act. The influence we have leave to God. Just do your bit, to internally progress and resist the negative inside and outside.
To Truth Seeker
I see the wisdom in your words. Until two years ago, I was one of those ignorant compliant Americans. I have 3 special needs kids and covid ground our lives to a halt, giving me time to read, research and find out the truth about our government that doesn’t represent the people but special interest groups. These special interests promoted by Gates, NGOs, the corrupt UN, WHO, the MIC have caused havoc in Africa, India, pacific Asian countries with their GMOS seeds and Vaccines. But you are right, I do not know anything about the culture of Africa, India, Russia, other countries; what they believe in, who they are as a people and a nation, and the efforts of these people to fight back against American interests. I would really like to learn more either through recommended books or websites that would help me to know more about Africa and other countries. Any suggestions?
My sincere thanks to kapimo, mary, & cindy for your references and very informative replies. I will do some readings by those authors.
I don’t think most Americans grasp the level of hatred involved. With regard to the government, never ascribe to stupidity what can be explained by malice, that makes more sense.
People are basically good, that’s the Orthodox teaching and I believe it; and here it works against them, it does make them simpletons, in the way that a clever psychopath can deceive an ordinary person until their eyes are opened. Hopefully their eyes are opened before it’s too late.
Thanks for the links.
Honestly, if that’s what they have in store for us, I say give me nuclear annihilation any day of the week.
To hapalong cassidy
Your pist here reminds me of catherine austin fitts said: “Death is not the worst outcome for us. Getting chipped is far worse.”
Not quite.. it was the Olympic, deliberately ‘sunk’ for insurance purposes by a Banker. Goggle.. ”Did the Titanic Really Sink or was it Olympic? – Shorthand Social”.
Thx, thomasturk. I will ck it out.
Soleii . . . . . My God man, look what you started !! . . . . Effin’ BRILLIANT thread Using the vernacular – “My man !!” Excellent input from all who’ve contributed here. A page saver for sure
Cheers, Chris in Ch-Ch
Amarynth, I am trying to post a reply but the button keeps bringing me here to moderation. I rebooted my phone. Same thing. I am unable to post. I am trying to do so on the last sitrep article, so, it is a couple of days old now. But my understanding is that postings dont get closed at the end of the day or even within a couple of days (or ever). Can you please look into this for me to see if something happened on your end. It is almost as if i am blocked from posting by administration. But i did not post anything bad. Quite the contrary. One person posted the following and i was trying to post a thank you to him. You can contact me by email. I will get it when i next go to library (which is not that often but i will try to get there within a week). If i have been blocked from posting by Mod, please explain in email. I had thought that i was making valuable contrubutions to the community. Here is the post:
Sorry, it did not get into memory. Would not paste
Amarynth, here is the post.
Chris in Ch-Ch on July 27, 2022 · at 11:13 pm EST/EDT
Soleii . . . . . My God man, look what you started !! . . . . Effin’ BRILLIANT thread Using the vernacular – “My man !!” Excellent input from all who’ve contributed here. A page saver for sure
Cheers, Chris in Ch-Ch
To Chris in ch-ch
I want to thank you so much for your post. It was so rewarding to me to receive that enthusiastic feedback from you. I, too, was happily both surprised by the wonderful response and grateful for the discussion and all that everyone learned, including myself. This is how a community should be: intelligent informed discussion, people helping people, and people offering overt expressions of gratitude and appreciation, as did you.
All I want to know is when Zelensky gets that last payment of Western money, does he take it all and flee to Russia where the West cannot claw back the money?
To bertdilbert
In case you did not hear: The fake wife left her 2 alleged elensky kids (ages ~10&17) in Ukr and flew to WH. I would not be surprised to learn if she presented to get her share of the boodle or the keys to that waterfront compound in FL. If so, brandon may be finished with the comic.
ASB Military News
Moscow considers Israel’s anti-Russian stance on the Ukrainian conflict regrettable, according to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. During a TV talk show appearance on Tuesday, she noted that West Jerusalem’s recent rhetoric was “absolutely unconstructive” and “unobjective.”
Relations between Russia and Israel have soured since the launch of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, and Zakharova drew attention to the fact that this “did not happen by itself.”
“In recent months we have heard absolutely unconstructive and, most importantly, biased rhetoric from Tel Aviv,” Zakharova stated. She noted that anti-Russian assessments coming from various levels of authority in Israel raised serious questions in Moscow, especially since they were being framed in an exclusively pro-Ukrainian manner.
“And this was not in terms of supporting the Ukrainian people, but only in support of the Kiev regime,” the diplomat noted, adding that the rhetoric was “absolutely in tune with the strange and wild voice of the West.”
Zakharova also emphasized that the “impulse” to complicate bilateral relations with Israel did not come from Russia.
“When we now hear comments from the leadership of this country that some of Russia’s actions on the bilateral track may affect relations, I would like to ask if these same people do not think that their actions and statements over these months have already affected bilateral relations,” she said.
Israel has so far refrained from supplying weapons to Ukraine and joining sanctions against Russia.
i have been mulling & mulling pepe’s VK post disclosing abramovich was signatory to the istanbul grain deal. reflection makes the event loom larger, unique in fact. i’m not a historian merely a follower bt i can think of no other time, over years, of such a precedent, possibly the creation of the fed. anyway, rothschild did not send lapid, blinken or nod, or even a tawdry bojo or macron (all appointed & servants) bt his personal valet/thug. the russians known for keeping signatures & odd bits of paper & history will have this sealed document for use some later date. is it possible the puppeteer has begun to intervene in events?
To emersonreturn
First and foremost, I ask that you consider posting more and with greater transparency or explanation, as I fear that the meaning and significance of your post has not been conveyed to other than the most careful and observant reader. I would also be interested in knowing if you reside in either US or EU. (That can be a Y or N to the disjunction.)
thank you, solreii, for your response & advise, i shalll try to be more transparent. i live in victoria bc canada.
To emersonreturn
Thank you so very much for responding. I think you have a brilliant mind to be able to have such an insight. My hope would be that one day you will write a paper to be posted in this forum. I will watch for future posts from your handle, which i hope will be frequent. Thank you again for your initial post herein. It was able to open my eyes, my mind, in a way that i had not expected but should have figured out myself in absence of your prompt. Please return emerson :)
Terrifying, if you are correct. No leopard changes his spots.
To emersonreturn: Please reply. Please post more.
soleii, thank you for your invitation. i find it curious bt not frightening nor a change of spots. the spots remain indelibly the same. what i find curious & inexplicable is that the city of london views the flow of events so important to actually warrant putting their thug’s signature to it. that’s stunning to me, & i believe putin oversaw the event.
Yes, exactly. I thought the same thing. Something monumental happened that shall have profound implications. Why would “The Owner” of the city of london offer an appearance by proxy, by agent thereof? For a mere grain deal? And in light of Owner’s recluse to date (since early 1900’s).
The event is curious to me in that on its face the grain deal appears to be an antidepopulation decision (even if only a limited one to be later reversed). So, that raises the question of Owner’s relationship to wef — as depop is a clear & openly admitted agenda (cf., the bioweapon jabs, the intentional destruction of ~80 food processing and storage facilities by fire in the last 2y, the lockdowns that destroyed middle class businesses, the calculated orchestrating of alleged supply chain shortages, the telegraphing of eating insects and now, their most recent chatter about cannibalism being “an option,” etc). Yet, the “no change in spots” problem. So, I see an inconsistency here between an event that on its face appears to be a depop event and Owner’s depop agenda — ergo, my “change in spots” question that i ruled out as an impossibility.
So, that is what i find to be curious or perplexing. What i found to be frightening is the fact that this grain deal seems of little significance and surely (at least on its face) not worthy if Owner’s directive to in-person mediation or signatory. The bear comes out of his cave for an important reason like food — not to check the color of the sky. So, i find it frightening that he did make appearance (by proxy or agent). Something really significant had to cause that in personam and, by nature of spots, that can be only bad for humanity. So that is why I found it frightening.
Notice that the event could have had an agenda beyond mere signatory to grain deal. The deal may have been a ruse, a smokescreen, an opportunity to have some further (very important) communication with Putin under the cover of said event. For the signatory event simpliciter closes the door to questions of what really went on and why the bear came out of his cave. It is pretext with a finality. It is a quite effective sham, giving plausibility to the in personam. I was here for this and not for anything else and my John Hancock on the paper “proves” it.
Would love to hear your thoughts. And thanks so much for responding.
Correction to a typo in my post.
I said, “So, I see an inconsistency here between an event that on its face appears to be a depop event and Owner’s depop agenda — ergo, my “change in spots” question that i ruled out as an impossibility.”
I accidentally omitted the ‘anti’ and it should read as follows to show the inconsistency:
So, I see an inconsistency here between an event that on its face appears to be AN ANTI-depop event and Owner’s depop agenda — ergo, my “change in spots” question that i ruled out as an impossibility.
Allowing the grain deal to proceed is an anti-depopulation event because people get food. The WEF policy is a depop agenda because its plan is to commit genocide by starvation — one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Thanks to Amarynth for fixing the glitch that was preventing me from posting.
“i can think of no other time, over years, of such a precedent..”
Jared kushner has a nebulous background and absolutely no credentials. Yet he presided over more important negotiations and ceremonies such as the Abraham Accords. He was pointman for most initiatives concerning the Holy Land and its surroundings, during and since the Trump administration.
Kushner had the only credential that mattered at the time: He was at the time the father of the grandchildren of the president at the time.
Actually he had another important credential. he was/is heavily in debt to Zionists.
AHH, i always look forward to your posts, i’ve learned a great deal from you, thank you. i don’t see the abraham accords in the same light, russia wasn’t present, neither in my memory was an direct envoy from the city of london, it was israel, some arab states, SA, possibly jordon, UAE & trump’s representative. all, if i’m not mistaken, memory no longer photographic, bt it was played to keep israel happy: palestine, syria, lebanon, yemen, iran & iraq understanding they had a large foot on their necks & to suck it up. palestine’s, lebanon gas fields probably already played a part.
thanks, likewise. yes I agree. Of greater global significance is the Istanbul grain deal in the land of Troy. It is a manifestation of tectonic changes and tumult. It is a retreat by the Anglo-Zionists in face of widespread opprobrium for transparently contriving the fertilizer and foodstuff shortages. They cannot afford to disregard the public opinion of the 85% of the Rest.. not while the population is so large. And it was too existential for the Global South, so they broke ranks and fought for their people.
The regional Abraham Accords sets the table for the next phase in West Asia (post-Armageddon) – of binding the arab rulers until then, turning common people against their rulers, and sparking civil wars.. the real Arab Springs are coming. I agree with our host, AZE has no regard for jews or israelis.. this is proof in itself against jew-haters and limited conspiracists. They are being fattened for slaughter too. You could say all this is an annex of Rockefeller’s 2010 “Scenarios” manifesto of the NWO. Currently, we appear to be between Stage 2 [Hack Attack] and Stage 3 [Smart Scramble] – see page 16 of the PDF for the overview..
There is some parallel with the current “Grain Accords” in that this is a sleight of hand too, with same malign intent to renege.. they are most dangerous when bringing Trojan offerings of peace! May God preserve all Russian and non-Russian warriors, including diplomats & civilians & this forum, striving against the legions of the Antichrist!
I wondered what the “grain Deal” was about. I did read somewhere that Sergei Shoigu was in Istanbul at the time. And within a short while of the announcement of the signing the port in Odessa (Ukie warship & Harpoon storage facility) was Kalibrated, which the Russians initially denied doing. As Soleii said “The bear doesn’t come out of his cave to check the sky” . . . . . so what WAS the Defence Minister doing there ?? NOT signing off on the grain deal that’s for certain. Something else afoot. Ideas anyone ??
The Balfour declaration perhaps?
agreed, a possibility. thank you.
I recently read on intel slava z that poseidon was developed (not with US) with UK as its intended target.
Now that much of Russia’s latest weaponry have been unveiled & quality demonstrated, the (soon to be) powers are paying attention.
There has been the beginning of a sea change since poseidon is now known to be lurking somewhere in the depths.
israel is barking up the wrong tree here, and if it continues, it will be de-nazified as well. Perhaps this is why the US is so scared shitless of Russia prevailing in ukraine. It would be a bad omen for zionistan.
People seem slow in understanding that Ukraine was meant to be one of the corner stones of ‘Greater Israel’ (actually of Global Israel) along with an ‘independent’ Kurdistan and Central Asia ‘stans’ from where to dominate a weakened Russia, the stumbling block in the way of Zionist dreams. There is no other explanation for the fanaticism with wich the Anglozio world embraced the Ukranian ’cause’.
But the writing is on the wall. Russia cannot be dismantled but is systematically dismantling the ‘Oded Yinon Plan for Greater Israel’.
If you ask me, the obvious managed depopulation of “ukraine” is the a dead giveaway.
30 mill population to start out with. About 10 mill abroad as of now. 10 000/day lowball + steady in Hungary alone from day one.
The rest(men) is sent to the slaughter.
Pound of flesh – check.
suicide by cop…
I do not want to blame the victim…I understand. I do not celebrate “decalibrations”. RIP.
Russians are Ukranians and vice versa.
What else can I do at this point?
The population of Ukraine was 51 million in 1990, at its peak. Who knows what it is now.
Absolutely. If the dollar-based neoliberal world order is a chair, Israel is one its legs. The other three are of course the US, UK and the Zionist oligarchy with WEF as its head office.
To edover3
You say, “the US is so scared shitless of Russia prevailing in ukraine.” What sources back up that conclusion? I see no fear. They got their plans.
Food for thought: US does not care one whit about UKR. And elensky is useful to US only insofar as he can keep the war going so that the attention of people is distracted from their cbdc-QR Code system, still in progress, and so that more people get depopulated. That is, of course, the goal — “4 Billion “Useless Eaters” to be Culled by 2050” to be achieved by poisonous injections and gmo fake food, pandemics, food scarcity, and of course war.
Why is everyone focusing on UKR when Putin has that well in hand and when we need this precious window of time to stop the digital agenda and to stop the fake meat, fake veggies, fake wexxines?
Explain that to me, please. Soon it will be too late to do anything about it.
The US risk goes beyond losing face. It is about losing influence. 30 years of NATO infusing Ukraine, creating Europe’s largest and best equipped standing army (bet you didn’t know that), is all going down the toilet. If you are not already a country captured by the West and are watching Ukraine’s absolute failure and are watching the West dither to the point of paralysis, you wonder if the US is the right kind of friend.
This is why the US is scared ****less. It’s running out of countries who are willing to throw themselves between the US and its enemies.
To David Whitney
But Dave, it is hard to for me to believe that anyone in US administration cares one whit about losing face. Pepe calls brandon “the crash test dummy with a microphone in his ear.” He calls his sec of state, “Little Blinkie.” The entire administration is laughed at all over the world as a clown show of idiots. They don’t care because they sold their integrity for mire money that anyone can imagine. But in reality they are not idiots. They are gaslighters, actors, who are carrying out an agenda — the 2030 agenda. They are only concerned with keeping the fiction, the script, going whilst the digital tagging program is being finalized.
On your other point, all that Putin’s and the eastern bloc alliance is going to do is split the world. US UK WEF will not get 100% but there will still be countries to invade and capture with shock and awe and bring into their lair. That game won’t be over after Ukr, not even after the silk road is done. They ain’t scared of nuttin. Its all a game to them. Lose this piece, capture that one.
But we the common folk are gonna get depopulated.
What had you expected? Russia again stealing our ancient homeland expelling innocent Khazarians out to refugium in Europe.
Prince Igor had and has no rights to make moral judgement over Khazaria, our ancient promised land with milk and honey, lgbt rights and slaves.
“Depending version, this July is the 969-1050th anniversary of the capture of the capital of the Khazar Khaganate by Prince Svyatoslav Ingvarovich – the city of Itil, famous for its vineyards, palaces, synagogues, the biggest farting market and the largest slave market in the Volga region. It marked the death of the largest Jewish state in world history!
Ingvarovich, Igor, Ivan the Terrible, Putin, or whatever this dirty dog call himself has been alive for a 1000 years but cant continue to live forever! This time he will be cornered!
If Phase 2 is achieved by end-of-August then Phase 3 ( liberation of Odessa ) is unlikely to start in Ernest before spring 2023
Not in Ernest before spring 2023″ Nor in earnest before Spring, if I understand you correctly ?
if you have some kind of crystal ball that lets you read the Kremlin’s intentions, I’m sure the CIA would pay a lot of money for it. Even if it doesn’t work, maybe you could get millions of dollars because obviously that would be worth a lot more than a mere Su34 warplane they wanted to buy for USD 1.1 million and passports. And then … maybe you could get the CIA – or at least their subsidiary, the SBU, to spill the beans about their own crystal ball while you are selling them yours, and perhaps the Russians will pay for that information. But the Russians will only pay if the CIA isn’t working off a ridiculous B-grade Hollywierd script, but most likely one of those scripts is the CIA”s main source. Still, maybe it’s worth a try.
But that guess about Russians not fighting in winter … Actually that’s the Germans who don’t like winter war. My guess is that most people in Odessa want rescued a lot sooner, before the SBU rounds them up.
Because of what reason?
Why can’t phase 3 begin before early Spring 2023 ?
Logistics – it’s a massive logistic undertaking that requires moving hundreds of thousands of tonnes of supplies plus moving, rest and re-fitting a rather large ground force.
That takes a 10-12 weeks. Simply count 10-12 weeks from end-of-august (end of phase 2) and one arrives at the earliest begin of Phase 3.
The Allies are definitely already preparing the theater for Phase 3. The MOD is signaling as much in its daily reports.
Note – this rough estimate merely illuminates that this Ukrainian conflict is going to last at least until 2024 and more likely last into 2025.
Logistics for the west, not Russia. Ukraine is their backyard, their forces are mobilized and already engaged. The longer this goes on the easier it gets for Russia as Ukrainian forces become ever more depleted and the west (the U$ and Natostan) sink ever deeper into economic suicide.
Best case secenario: Ukraine collapses, _elensky is killed by his own troops (or retreats to London), and Russia walks unopposed into Odessa.
Ukraine is also now the back yard for nato. They have been moving troops there.
In UK US army fighter jets are hiring pilots to game Ariel warfare with Russia.
They are getting ready.
There will be a wider war at the point when they think Russ thinks it’s over they will attack.
To Truth Seeker
I’m not sure you’re making the right conclusions. Read Andrei’s recent post. Putin, is a person who studied all the US president’s and thouroughly understands his political opponents. This statement was made by his former minister of finance (from 2000 to 2006) on an Epoch times interview. The time was right with Biden and his admin. Putin tried in early 2000 to join the western group to no avail. He has wanted peace and just good trade relations. He has been rebuffed again and again with diplomat requests. He then had to choose a different path for Russia. Hence, he is prepared for a long and extended war. Unless US/NATO gets forces on the ground, the war will end on Putin’s terms. His military arsenal is far more advanced than anything that others have that oppose him. US knows that Putin is not afraid to use nuclear weapons because from the very beginning he put them on alert. Why do you think the no fly zone over Ukraine was observed and no troops from NATO were formally sent to Ukraine? They knew from the beginning they could not win this proxy war against Russia once the SMO began. This is about the military industrial complex making billions of dollars to replace all the old weapons being sent to UKraine by everyone. The supposed threat of war also has other nations placing orders for American made military equipment. The only problem I see with that is the world global supply disruption is causing microchip shortages that the US military needs. Hence, the shift to focus foreign policy on Taiwan to secure the necessary supplies because they not only manufacture the microchips they are also integral to developing new ones from US/others ideas. As proof, the US congress is going/or has (not sure yet on status) passed a bill to invest billions to establish a microchip mfg operation in the US. Yes, I think they know Russia will win and they have underestimated the world’s response to the Ukraine situation. It is so inspiring to see others countries stand up to the US and say no. The Ukraine situation is just another hegemonic war, while the US has been extracting resources and controlling and profiting from the ukr govt through corruption for years, and the world is finally saying enough of that. Interesting also was our Lady of Fatima’s revelations that Russia is necessary to save the world.
Flashback to Russian Odessa at 10min 25sec on this heartwarming 1980s video, Human Face of Russia:
Wonderful! Thanks.
Thank you for linking this exceptional video.
Thanks. Great documentary. There is a segment about Donbass shortly after 1:00:00.
It’s already beginning, at least in part.
Nice try.
Another. Get informed.
I would like to “get informed,” however, RT and Sputnik are blocked here in Spain.
Multiple missile strikes in Odessa against military targets. Russia making preparations for the near future, and just to “say hello.”
But to bomb now, then wait 8 months to make a move is a funny idea. Doesn’t matter. Either way, Russia is ready anytime.
I’ll provide details for you on interesting info in these links. To keep the loop open.
What are you talking about. They are still waiting for the ground to freeze before launching the Odessa offensive :)
Operation Z: Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring
Report from the front:
🚀Over 40 mercenaries of the “Foreign Legion” (mostly Poles) were destroyed by the Russian Aerospace Forces in the area of the city of Konstantinovka in the DPR.
☠️The Ukrainian artillery division was liquidated in Nikolaev, their losses in people and equipment exceed 70%;
✈️Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed more than 70 Nazis and an ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR;
During the day, it was hit : 8 command posts , including units of the 14th mechanized brigade near n. the village of Sol, the 28th mechanized and the 79th air assault brigades near Nikolaev, as well as the 61st infantry brigade near the village. Polygon of the Nikolaev region.
More details in the report of the Ministry of Defense:
The despicable scum Brit regime has sanctioned video blogger Graham Phillips, a British citizen, for reporting from Donbass, exposing the nazi elements in Eastern Europe and generally telling the truth.
The pilot fake was Bellingcat, yet again barking up the wrong tree.
And Hungary’s Orban puts it pithily :
…the European Union is “sitting in a car that has a puncture in all four tires.”
Those four tires of Western strategy on Ukraine were: “
that Ukraine can win a war against Russia with NATO weapons;
that sanctions would weaken Russia and destabilize its leadership: that sanctions would hurt Russia more than Europe,
and that the world would line up in support of Europe’s policy.
It is absolutely clear that the war cannot be won in this way.”
Does anyone know anything about the strengths and depths of the fortifications around Odessa and Nikolaev? Is it as bad as in the Donbas? I ask because I was completely unaware of the kind of defensive structures the Ukranians had been constructing over there during the past 8 years. It is only now obvious to me that they have been very concretely preparing for a war with Russia for almost a decade.
So is there anyone out there who knows whether or not the region around Odessa looks like the area around Donezk or around Kramatorsk?
In Odessa there are tunnels and structures like in Azovstal, but smaller.Big difference there must be more RU patriots (if not killed or ‘missing’ till then)?
Lot of patriots have been killed since the massacre at the Union house by nazis.
All jews(30k) left for Israel or the US.But expect a lot of UK forces.False flags etc.. they will try anything, as this is an even bigger ‘trophee’ than Mariupol or even Kharkov, the name Odessa is worldwide known at the same level as Kiev.
The head of the German Defence Ministry said that Germany had supplied Ukraine with the promised Mars-II multiple launch rocket systems and three self-propelled howitzers.
Since the German guns are firing at the Russian soldier again, we’ll traditionally have to end things in Berlin – MFA
Indeed those German bastards deserve a special place in hell and the sooner they are sent there the better,if any German mercenaries are captured don’t bother with a trial.
I have zero respect or good words to say about the (West) German govts present and for the past decades. And with the russophobe, militaristic and totally US-obedient German “greens” rising to 1st/2nd place in the party landscape things are only going to get worse.
That said, if you look closer and monitor Germany’s actions (not just the words) you will notice that it has been among the least willing to actually DO anything for Ukraine, especially re military aid. Pro-Ukrainian channels see “military sabotage” going on on the parts of most EU countries, esp. Germany, for many weeks now.
It very much looks like the EU is too weak to openly oppose and defy uncle sam (especially since US/UK control many of the European media!) but that they obstruct behind the curtain to some extent.
Doesn’t make them heroes or allies but I think it’s important to note this. Germany and even France are not nearly as excited to provide military aid as the ultra-dumb Eastern europeans (Poland, the Baltics, Czech, Slovakia)
@Martin Herold: “EU is too weak to openly oppose and defy uncle sam but that they obstruct behind the curtain to some extent. Doesn’t make them heroes.”
The First Circle of Inferno is the largest, populated by those who are neither for God nor for Devil but for themselves.
In the name of German history, with help from the Franks and Angle Saxons, Europe was awash in blood for several centuries.
It seems a certain church helped, too, to keep the fire alive for those 30 years … and ever after in either declared or undeclared wars, including the one now in UA (uh, I know, we must call it “404”, only God knows why). Il faudrait écraser L’Infame – but nobody really tried so far.
the Gepard anti aircraft tanks have started to arrive from Germany too. I think 15 are due.
I don’t get this. Russia (USSR) and the USA agreed in 1945 to cancel Germany as independent force, to split it into two parts and to make of those two parts the most extreme cases of the yes-man-countries (for their respective overlords) that you could find in the east and in the west. Germany’s government is very obviously doing everything to harm the German people. They are behaving in exactly the same way as the Ukrainian government: They do what their overlords in Manhattan and Washington tell them to do. And the same applies to all other western, southern, northern and central european governments. There is no independent Europe. And the reason for its inexistence is that the Russians and the US-Americans divided the continent between themselves. Each side has created in their respective zone of influence regimes whose primary purpose was to betray their own nations in the interest of their overlords in Washington/Manhattan or Moscow. Anyone who is promoted to any position of relevance in Germany has been selected according to his willingness to bow to the foreign overlords and to betray his/her own people. The Russians (when they were wearing the Soviet hat) have done the same in the eastern parts of Europe which fell under their control.
Germany is behaving in exactly the ugly, dirty and evil way in which any country behaves onto which a foreign empire has imposed a treacherous and evil elite which only serves the empire’s interests. Russia and the USA have chosen this destiny for Germany 80 years ago. Germany does not have the luxury of Russia to be able to count on a continent-sized landmass which provides its people with every ressource that you can wish for. And despite this huge advantage in the 90s Russia was very close to ending up in exactly the same position in which Germany finds itself today.
The USA, maybe, but no so much Russia. IIRC Stalin wanted a reunited neutral Germany independent of any external hegemony. But the Anglophone allies refused, and the rest was history.
Said Anglos were supportive of Hitler, in his quest to defeat Soviet Russia, in the early years of the war. As such, I find it hypocritical every time someone claims that the division was to prevent Germany from waging war a third time.
I think this time it will be necessary to go a bit further. To root out the Nazi creators and backers in Oceania. Rip up the evil by it’s roots.
Amazing! It’s what it’s always been, at least for the past 120 years or so, it’s the Imperialist world against the rest! And what is this imperialist world?
10 countries, all former colonisers/ white settler regimes; the US, UK, Germany, France, Belgium and Italy to which we have to add, Canada (white settler colonisers), Australia (white settler colonisers) and the ‘honory’ white colonisers, Japan.
And it also points to the centrality of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, to create the conditions which made ‘multipolarity’ a reality.
Don’t forget Holland.
To me it looks ancient, like the Holy Roman Empire and it’s derivatives against the rest of the world.
German guns are again killing Russian soldiers and the Germans complain about gas?
Nice Sitrep, I mean, what to say? I enjoyed it.
“Less than 10% of the military personnel remained in the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the start of the special operation – Ministry of Information of the DPR.”
How do you like that Ministry?
Ministries of “Information” are Ministries of “Propaganda.” It’s usually “Communications”, I think, but this info. is propaganda. How could they ascertain such info.? It’s more a taunt than an information.
Due to significant losses on the front line, a widespread mobilization of citizens over 65 years of age into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being carried out. – Rybar
OMG. Get rid of the seniors, just like Cuomo did in NY nursing homes. “Useless eaters.”
Erdogan told the US to get all US troops out of Kurdish held areas in Eastern Syria (but he means both Syria and Iraq)
This was agreed on by Iran, Turkey and Russia in Iran last week.
Hateful as the Americans can be, if they leave Turkey May slaughter the Kurds.
Why can’t there be talks with Kurds and Turkey to create conditions where it is safe to leave them unprotected.
I appreciate US uses them and steals but Turkey is no angel wrt to the Kurds.
The Kurds would be their own worst enemies if it wasn’t for Turkey and the US.
To Carl
Yes, it is true that, “Erdogan told the US to get all US troops out of Kurdish held areas in Eastern Syria.” But, two old expressions come to mind: the proof of the pudding is in the tasting; and, a contract is as good as its enforceability. JCPOA, Paris Accord, and many others come to mind here. Question: Is there now a sufficient legal basis or authority in Putin such that the “this side or that as per the highest bidder” can now be trusted?
What is your source or basis for your conclusion, “(but he means both Syria and Iraq)”?
How is it possible that Russia is still sending gas through Ukraine, and STILL PAYING
transit fees to Ukraine!
Jack, because Russia is honouring its business contracts: how else would it get the gas to those countries who are paying for it? Russia also does not want to destroy ukraine economically (ukraine will do that with help from its yank master); Putin is still very much concerned about the ordinary – non-nazis ukrainians – & in particular the extended Slav ‘family’.
The difference between a US “war for democracy” and a Russian “Special Military Operation” to remove the Nazi threat on its borders, perhaps?
To eagle eye
Are you implying that you see no difference — that the two are indistinguishable? Your post was unclear to me.
An excelent documentary on the fighting at avastol im Mariupol
The brutality of the fighting there was not exagerated
Welcome to the Fourth Reich:
British Journalist Graham Phillips Added To UK SANCTIONS LIST! – Inside Russia Report
26 Jul 2022 The UK imposed sanctions against its own citizen Graham Phillips for covering the situation in Donbass, his assets and home were also seized.
so just like the lady German journalist in Donbass……
All the journalists with integrity may be forced to live and work in Zone B!
This is now a common theme among the five eyes countries, they confiscate your assets if they don’t like what you’re doing or saying, even if no crime was committed or what you speak is the truth. Least we also not forget Germany threatening a German reporter with three years imprisonment for reporting the truth from Donbas.
Makes me want to barf when I hear any western politician or government official offer their spiel on democracy or ‘western values’.
Sorry, but it’s not a good, honnest a accurate Sitrep.
It’s just pure propagande. As we can see everywhere, but pro-UKis, in France .
Your Military Chanel is not a reference. It exist only for few monthes and always mistake when he predict a russian move.
Head of DPR have already declared battle of Slaviansk…. one month ago…
There’s no yet battle of Slaviansk.
Head of DPR claimed the victory in Seversk… 10 days ago…
Seversk is not yet taken.
Two weeks ago, it was claimed the collapse of all Ukraine army.
It not yet collapse.
Andreï is back. Thank Lord.
It’s time to get serious back.
Thank you
Cassad mentioned yesterday on telegram that the AFU (Ukraine) has managed to “keep the defense along the Seversk-Soledar-Bakhmut arc by involving almost all available reserves.” He suggests that the front in the East is “frozen… or not quite” and that it is “difficult to predict the final breakdown of the AFU.”
The Russian PMC Wagner group has liberated the Uglegorsk thermal power plant in Svetlodarsk. It could generate 3 600 MW & is one of the biggest in europe. Yet another – energy & economic – loss for ukraine.
And the ukrainian energy company naftogaz wants to defer a debt payment because of a “significant economic and business decline in ukraine”.
So, as I asked before, which will fail first in ukraine, the military or the economy?
While the british bellingcrap (mi6 run) admits it was involved in an attempt to steal Russian military jets. Yet another failure of those sub-standard freaks who are a national & international embarrassment.
Well we keep hearing about this Wagner group i was not always convinced they existed,i also saw reports some time ago the founder is a NeoNazi which i find hard to believe,what the hell is the truth about him and the group?
Meet the Uber Warriors, The Modern Varyags, in the New World they would be the Aztecs, The Apaches.
No messing with these Russians.
Today papers quote that zel wants a ” gas lend lease ” from usa. Basically free gas to get through winter and pay you back never. Rather insane considering the existing infrastructure. But we are here.
that’s just usual schlomo mode of operation. nothing new.
The attempt to bribe Russian pilots for their planes was just tragically funny
“Ukraine’s military morale in decline – NYT” -RT (7/26/22)
Germany, for the umpteenth time, is again beef in the sandwich – the stated written purpose of NATO is to keep the Russians out, the Anglo’s in, and Germany down. Check it out, that is Germany’s problem.
Down in freezing dark Winter.
RTD, German RT, banned of course, puts it clearly :
Volksaufstände oder Unterwerfung – wie werden die Deutschen im Herbst reagieren?
Which, for the illiterate, means : Popular uprising or Submission in Autumn?
NATO demands total submission.
Been there, done that, and the UK’s NATO postures like Churchill, the great supporter of the NSDAP.
Next UK PM may do a Churchill pose,look what good it did BoJo. The never learn.
Russia does learn.
Now, if some simpletons hope for a Von Staufenberg attempt in Kiev – check Churchill’s diaries. Von Staufenberg made 1 fatal error – informed Churchill.
It is tempting and good to share.
Did you know that Michael Flynn said hello to Dutch farmers through video link? “Today we are all Dutch farmers. Your struggle is our struggle,”
It is quite interesting news! You can find the link here
at the end of the post.
As seems apparent now, the West’s plan to defeat Russia was not ill-conceived. On the military side, they funded armed and trained the Ukrainian military establishment up to the best, most powerful military in NATO aside from the US itself and (perhaps) Turkiye. This included the erection of a system of fortifications along the contact line unrivaled anywhere except for N. Korea, which would cost the Russians hugely to overrun. On the economic side, they planned to pull out all the stops on sanctions, so that even if Russia maintained internal coherence (i.e. the government remained in power), its ability to sustain military operations in Ukraine for any length of time would be undermined. In that case, the Russians would be under tight time limitations and so be forced to hurl their army against Ukraine’s fortifications, resulting in such huge losses that, as Lloyd Austin said, they’d never be able to attempt the like again. At that point, the West believed, Russia’s ability to resist either economically or militarily would be so eroded as to be approach collapse. So, how’s that working out for you, Western planners? Russia outsmarted you in every way. Their go-slow approach to the Donbass (which Ritter and most others never anticipated) is yielding military victory at easily sustainable costs in personnel and equipment; indeed, Russia is probably stronger now than it was in February. And, as you say, its success is showing particularly forcefully on the diplomatic plane.
Midge on July 26, 2022 · at 2:15 pm EST/EDT
“…So, how’s that working out for you, Western planners…?”
Not so well, mind you.
Zelensky is a SOB, but he’s ours.
He’s so corrupt, his soldiers have nothing to fight with, no bullets, no grenades, no food, while he and his wife are busy in shooting sessions (not bullets, pics) with “Vogue.”
We lost Lugansk, are about to lose Donetsk, and much of the Black Sea southern coastline is going in that direction. After every coke snorting session, Zelensky turns into Napoleon, barking orders to launch counterattacks here and there, and his generals have to wait until he’s “down” from the high to let him know there are no troops to counterattack anywhere, most of the crack troops have been lost, and the rest of them will be gone after Donetsk is taken.
He then gets high again, and we just wait for another delusion.
He’s losing the weapons we are providing him at a high rate, by selling them or by exposing them to the Russians’ high precision missiles. Only under threats his troops stopped selling weapons to them. The concrete fortifications they built were not able to resist the Russian “arto,” besides condemning the Ukrainians to be stuck in entrenched positions, leaving the battlefield free for the Russians to find the best shooting angles.
On another note, we are facing serious economic difficulties, gas prices are skyrocketing, we have no idea how we are gonna keep our population warm this winter, even worse, how we are going to feed them. We might be facing social upheaval in many places in the new year, if we are not able to regain our footing on the energy sector, and otherwise. Governments in Europe are falling like dominoes, political instability is the price we are paying for supporting our SOB.
Orban is right, Ukraine lost the war, and even our great idea of feeding them weapons to fight to the last Ukrainian, was wrong. The Russians had already seen that in their calculations, they want to test our weaponry against their new hardware, and decimate our arsenals at the same time. For the Russians, this is a dress rehearsal. They are testing their troops against our NATO-trained biggest army in Europe, and they are defeating us hand down. The Ukrainians had three times their troops, and they have lost tens of thousands facing an army inferior in numbers.
It’s a debacle, a disaster zone.
Our main problem is not to know when to give up, Ukraine is déjà vu Afghanistan, Viet-Nam, etc. We will keep on digging the hole, because we don’t know better. Ukraine will turn into a humanitarian and ecological disaster, not due to the Russians, but thanks to our Russophobic neo-con anglo-zio-nazi-saxons. In any event, what’s new? That’s what we do best, turn countries into shit. Look at Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, former Yugoslavia.
Ukraine was too low a fruit not to use it against Russia.
And who cares about a few thousand Ukrainians, while we are laughing all the way to the bank?
Lone Wolf
PS: I couldn’t resist the sarcasm to answer your question to the “Western planners.” Kudos for your post, succinct, short, and to the point.
Gotta laugh at these cockroaches, pleading with former colonies to shun Russian diplomats. How pathetic, what hubris, refusing to acknowledge the new status quo.
The party’s over!
OK, WTFUD, party ova, as u say. So how about now we all start focusing on the events is this country? Do you know that now they are trying to normalize cannibalism?
How about we all do a No Confidence vote against Biden, just like the one he ordered to throw Khan out of Pakistan leadership?
Because the US does not do snap elections for the head of government. First Tuesday after November 1 like clockwork every four years, rain or shine, war or peace. It’s one of the things that makes us exceptional.
The only people unhappy with that situation are political hyenas who will reflexively snap at any chance to increase their power.
Thanks for that clarification, dave whitney. I was always at a loss for what makes US exceptional.
Sarc per chance Soleii ?? ;-)
“… a disgusting manifestation of hegemony and neocolonialism.” man I just laughed when I read that little gem. Lavrov put it better than I ever could, guess that’s why he’s the caliber of diplomat that he is.
Why the heavy censorship (er moderation) on this sight lately…..especially when someone just states the obvious? And the obvious is the Rooskies should have taken down the west ukie power grid on the first day. No modern society exists in the dark, with no communication, no internet, no commerce, no transportation. Capitulation, mass exodus, or stone age existence must soon follow. Instead, their goofy SMO tactic is just resulting in carnage and infrastructure destruction….for no reason. C’mon Rooskies, get serious and end this thing quickly by taking down the west ukie power grid.
You again advocating for punishing the Ukraine civilians. Just shh..
@ John on July 26, 2022 · at 3:47 pm EST/EDT
You again advocating for punishing the Ukraine civilians. Just shh..
See his nick?
“No Such Agency.”
Trolling for the NSA, checking to see who picks on his troglodyte “let’s bomb Ukraine back to the Stone Age,” where he comes from.
You may forgive his nostalgia.
Lone Wolf
Musta found some light at the end of the tunnel and came back to report his findings, or should I say, suggestions.
Tip of the day: He who must end conflict quickly, has not much time to give.
You’re glowing like the sun…
I am defanate in the fact, that I could have not done in my twenties what Lavrov is doing in his seveties(?)
For that alone…I admire the man.
Wake me up tomorrow to meet the prime minister of whatever – the world is going to hell, but the messenger first… 😁
ZelenskyY is so scared schittless that the commies might put a bullet in the back of his head….that he is attacking US journalists and even Senators/Congresspersons who are having qualms about using American materiel and even US lives to prop up his Burisma regime. I imagine he thinks this will shame them into providing his pathetic military with more weapons, most of which promptly end up on the black market in Poland or even Marseille. SACRE BLEU!
‘Let’s do a clown’s world’, Alex Christoforou would say. Vesti just brought this news: “A petition that proposes to give Boris Johnson Ukrainian citizenship and nominate him for the post of prime minister of the country appeared on the website of Vladimir Zelensky.
However, only 70 people out of the required 25,000 have signed the petition so far.
Meanwhile, Boris Johnson himself managed to present Zelensky with the Winston Churchill Prize. The ceremony was held in London on Downing Street. The Ukrainian President took part in it via video link.
Johnson called Zelensky a symbol of the heroism of the Ukrainian people. The President, in turn, recalled that weapons should go to Ukraine regularly.” Source:
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on changes per day on 22.53 Moscow time on 07/26/2022 during a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine specifically for the Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok channel :
The cleansing of Pokrovsky east of Artemovsk has been completed.
The Klinovoye-Pokrovskoye line has been completely hacked. Artemovsk is a few kilometers away.
Fights for the Happy Valley. Artemovsk itself and the surrounding villages continue to be subjected to intense attacks.
Uglegorskaya TPP. TPP was cleared. The enemy suffered significant losses in people. Also today he began to withdraw from Novoluganskoye.
According to some reports, the Armed Forces of Ukraine retreated in the direction of Semigorye and Kodema. This opens up opportunities for the RF Armed Forces to advance towards Artemovsk from the southeast.
Soledar. Fighting on the eastern outskirts of Soledar, as well as in Bakhmutsky.
To the north, fighting is going on near Yakovlevka and Belogorovka.
Seversk. Fighting in the area of the Seversk-Serebryanka road, as well as in the area of Ivano-Daryevka.
The Seversk-Soledar highway is controlled by the enemy, but is under constant artillery fire from the RF Armed Forces.
Krivoy Rog direction. The enemy was completely ousted from Belogorovka, which he occupied 2 years ago. Fighting continues for Andreevka. Accumulations of manpower and equipment in the Krivoy Rog direction (as, indeed, in Nikolaev) continued to deliver concentrated strikes.
As a result of one of the recent strikes, the command of the 28th brigade, led by the brigade commander, was completely destroyed.
Zelenski and wife is doing a Vogue photoshoot.
I really almost vomited watching that! Just simply disgusting and they dragged in that nasty Jewish lesbian photographer.
“Relations between Russia and Israel have soured since the launch of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, and Zakharova drew attention to the fact that this “did not happen by itself.” -RT (7/26/22)
This is a very serious failure of Israeli policy and of the Naftali Bennett administration in particular. Besides the war and the issue mentioned in the article, the foreign minister Yair Lapid spoke like a Russophobe while standing next to Biden by mentioning the threat of terrorism in the same breath he mentioned Russia as threats that required the use of “force” (on TV). He is unqualified. As the FM of such a small country, he has no business whatsoever to speak like that. So, how is Israel contributing or helping Ukraine? I think that not much at all. The Netanyahu govt. built a good relationship with Russia, which remained good even after the downing of a Russian plane…The Bennett government is ruining it after attempting to mediate between Russia and Ukraine. To first try to mediate but to soon after condemn Russia showed lack of skill and no doubt it gave to a Russia a different (“real”) image of their relationship.
They are not a small country, their headquarters are in Washington, D. C.
So nice, at last, a subtitled Desi.
Take in what he says … meter by meter they go, the Ukrops bring food and then as people come for food, they shell them, the allied soldiers are slowly losing sympathy for them .. How they were forbidden to give counterfire to those shelling Donbass, in order to find their positions … anyway, right on the ground.
Amid western MSM blackouts, here are representative photo-ops during the merry travels of H.E. Sergey Lavrov (local African or Russian media):
01. Cairo: Arab League
02. Egyptian President
03. Egyptian Foreign Minister
04. Congo Foreign Minister
05. Congo President
06. Ugandan Foreign Minister
07. Ugandan President
08. Ethiopian Foreign Minister & Dep PM
He should be scheduled to see Ethiopian leader today or tomorrow. Ethiopia also hosts African Union headquarters so he is scheduled to spend a third day until 28th. Hopefully he will mediate between Egypt (his first stop) & Ethiopia on the explosive GERD dam issue.
Lavrov to return to Ethiopia in October for second Africa-Russia Summit..
@ AHH on July 26, 2022 · at 8:30 pm EST/EDT
Congrats, AHH, for the best post of the day!!!
Grateful as I am to the Saker Staff for a great SitRep, the picture where Lavrov is greeting an African dignitary has no caption. Neither does the other one, where he is with a group. Who is the African leader he’s greeting? In which country is Lavrov having that gathering? We don’t know.
Problem is, the presstitute MSM does not highlight Zone B leaders, so we don’t know who they are.
We only see pictures of the Euroclowns, BoJo, Macron, Scholz, or the whores i.e. la Truss, et al, front page riding tanks in Ukraine, and nowadays comedian Zelensky, which makes them all easily recognizable.
Not with African, Asian, or Latin American leaders.
I could sit on a plane next to the Argentinean president, the president of Indonesia, or the Moroccan king for that matter, and I wouldn’t know who they are. For me they would be just another passenger.
Zone B doesn’t exist in the mental map of Zone A.
That’s how they “disappear” most of the world. Zone B doesn’t exist for them. Only the VIPs, in their majority whites, or assimilated “brown” or “black” make it to the MSM, hence the projection that Zone A is what matters in the world, the “most important” part of the planet is white. That’s what you see in TV, internet, or the press, right?
The rest are “niggers,” sand niggers, snow niggers, nigger niggers, brown niggers, yellow niggers, dark niggers, not white enough, not important enough, to be on the front page of any presstitute western media.
Hence the importance of your post, highlighting the names of the African leaders Lavrov is meeting across Africa. And what a party that is. They are all soooo happy to meet Lavrov, he’s being welcomed as if he’s the returning prodigal son, a long lost brother coming home, he doesn’t have enough hands to greet them all.
This is the result of the SMO, Russia is now occupying a new position in the world, and those who have been subjected to the oppression of the Collective West, see in Russia’s actions the harbinger of a new paradigm. Plus, Russia is now selling them grains at affordable prices, they were all deeply concerned about feeding their people.
Lavrov’s welcoming is that of a pioneering hero of the new era.
As for the ones coming in the wake of Lavrov’s visit, their welcoming will be pure protocol, it won’t have the happiness Lavrov awakened in our African brothers and sisters. It will be down to business, hand shakes, and goodbyes.
They bring nothing to Africa that Africans care about, they are coming to compete with the winner.
Too little, too late.
Lone Wolf
PS: To the Saker Staff, whenever possible, please caption the pictures of Zone B leaders, so we don’t contribute to the “disappearance” of those Zone A has condemned to oblivion. Thanks.
@ AHH on July 26, 2022 · at 8:30 pm EST/EDT
Grateful for the pics.
They are now in my “Russia” personal collection, next to that of Putin and Khamenei in their most recent encounter, and Raisi praying at the Kremlin early this year.
Lone Wolf
Agree. Please show and label all these pictures and any update on what was discussed.
Thanks Lone Wolf. I was born not too far from Uganda, which I heard from a visiting relative is one of the true paradises of our world. Exceptionally beautiful, temperate climate, and lushly verdant. It was not coincidentally one of the contemplated destinations of the Khazarian diaspora in the late 19th – early 20th Centuries. Geopolitics won out and they were shunted to occupy Palestine..
“This is the result of the SMO, Russia is now occupying a new position in the world”
I agree this trip of Lavrov is a watershed event. Most can now SEE the reason for the panic alluded to by the Sultan Erdogan..
Africa is “voting with its feet.” You cannot fake the joy and anticipation in the faces of all he meets. And he knows it and is reciprocating. They are all giving the AZE gargoyles the Dubya 1-finger-salute. Saluting them all way to the trashbin of History! They can spin it how they want, but you cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together.. All watch in the Global South and are similarly ecstatic. What a time to be alive
PS – checkout the video linked with the Ugandan President. A gem! Lavrov (age 72) meets his elder who cracks an excellent joke
PPS – “We only see pictures of the Euroclowns, BoJo, Macron, Scholz, or the whores i.e. la Truss, et al,” This is by design. Only the Exceptionals are permitted to grace positive photos, to thereby shape minds and intimidate the Rest. Such imagery of Russians has been marginalized for centuries too, alongside Africans and others. See here a good MFC post which highlights how even RT website follows diktat in blackening iconic Russian photos such as cathedrals (“margarita simonyan and the black towers”).. Hopefully RT will be cleaned up soon.
The correct response to all this is being pioneered by Russia today – ignore them, mock them and move on. Establish your own cultural sphere and stop looking for approval to a dying paradigm.
PPS – “Hence the importance of your post, highlighting the names of the African leaders Lavrov is meeting across Africa.” sorry I didn’t include names of the leaders who met Lavrov. I chose to focus on the photos, as we are all overwhelmed with data and what really counted was the joy on their faces and Lavrov’s statement presence. If interested in specific names, you can type their title in search engine, check against the happy face, and you have the name. Maybe these days will be accounted alongside Ibn Battuta’s fearless, tireless and transformational travels?
Regards to all
@ AHH on July 26, 2022 · at 11:16 pm EST/EDT
PPS – “Hence the importance of your post, highlighting the names of the African leaders Lavrov is meeting across Africa.” sorry I didn’t include names of the leaders who met Lavrov. I chose to focus on the photos, as we are all overwhelmed with data and what really counted was the joy on their faces and Lavrov’s statement presence. If interested in specific names, you can type their title in search engine, check against the happy face, and you have the name.
Sorry, I didn’t mean names, that was very subconscious, I mean countries. Knowing the countries they belong to was more than enough, the rest is Google if I wanted to go further, I don’t think it necessary.
A picture speaks a thousand words, and these pics of Lavrov meeting Africans speak what millions have been trying to say for centuries to the Collective West: F.O.!!!
RT is a Russian presstitute, a shameful example of “liberal” Russia squirming to fit in the West. Not until recently they stopped adding in the closing paragraphs “Russia attacked Ukraine…blah, blah, blah…” probably because of the laws passed by the Duma re: anti-Russian propaganda.
They are not different than “soft” porn, if such a thing exist.
For me, they are part of Russia’s fifth column, there is a side of them that is ashamed of Russia, and attempt to change Russia from the outside in. La Simonyan is part of this Russian elite whose head is in London, and RT is for her a filter to project into Russia the ways of the west.
A shame.
Lone Wolf
Thanks AHH, for the positive and productive work.
Not wanting to comment on all the comments in this sub-thread, I want to say one thing. If you want ZoneB news, you cannot read ZoneA and expect to find it there. Good heavens, those guys don’t even want to take pics of Lavrov and ZoneB folks.
So, this is a must do homework thing.
So, Lavrov went to Egypt where he met with the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. He also met with his counterpart Foreign Minister of Egypt Sameh Shoukry.
Lavrov held meetings with the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit and with the permanent representatives of the Arab League.
Then he went to the Republic of the Congo and held series of meetings but mainly with Denis Sassou Nguesso, the president.
Then he went to Uganda and met with his counterpart and with the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni and held meetings in Entebbe.
Then to Ethiopia, again met with his counterpart and President of Ethiopia Sahle-Work Zewde held a meeting in Addis Ababa.
There are many meeting transcripts, many many photos. The live meeting with the briefing for African Union Permanent Representatives and media has just concluded a little while ago.
With Lavrov addressing the League of Arab States and African Union Permanent Representatives during this extensive trip, and his very enthusiastic welcome, he addressed a very large part of our world. This is a very big thing!
The Russian formal offices of state all moved to Telegram for quick dissemination of information, during the time that their sites were under attack.
All of this information plus many more pictures and many more links are in the Russian Foreign Ministry Telegram Channel, and on their various Twitter streams. In addition, Maria Zakharova has her personal channels. In addition all of these countries have news – and all of them have English news – so, search for the news in those countries and in the sites of the larger bodies representing those countries. Yandex is most prolific here.
pictures said all….Africans like Mr.Lavrov….Go Mr.Lavrov Go !!!!!
I read that allied Russian, DPR, and LPR forces liberated the northern DPR town of Novoluganskoye and cleared the nearby Uglegorskaya power station.
Some videos for today.
Russia delivers humanitarian aid to heavily shelled city in DPR:
LPR artillery fires shells containing leaflets calling for surrender:
‘Smerch’ rocket launchers destroy Kiev regime supply depot:
Russian Ka-52 in action:
Recent Russian missile strikes hit a Kiev regime barracks in Konstantinovka:
I’ve previously called for Zelensky’s arrest & hand-over to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity & Ukie’s unconditional surrender.
Recall we’re now only 3mths away from northern-most Europe’s winter.
I believe that this analysis hits the right tone, i.e. non-military impacts which will determine the successful outcome for the Russian Federation in its military intervention in Ukraine.
“And already the economies of the West are showing signs that a recession is coming. In part as a result of massive sanctions levied on Russia, gasoline prices have risen to historic highs, global food supplies have risen to near crisis-levels (raising the price of nearly all groceries), and inflation in the US & UK remains at a four-decade high”
Note: Its often said, given the size of its economy, ‘when the US sneezes, Europe catches a cold’
Great article. I used to be an ardent student of military history. Watching the videos from the front and your previous Military Summaries, I, too, was getting the feeling that the AFU are on the verge of collapse. It’s gratifying to see you confirm my thoughts.
July 27, Intel Slava
The railway bridge across the Dnieper in the Kherson region was ALSO damaged during the shelling of Ukrainian militants – Deputy Head of the VGA Stremousov. What ELSE was damaged by Hohols/US rockets? Are Ru Forces already cut off, in a cauldron, and Hohols offensive of untrained civilians, of course it is some tactical level only, eventually really started? Shortage of news from there. Road and rail damaged bridges, by rockets, HIMARS?
‘However, when they (European leaders) were questioned about the reason behind this expansion, they answered that it is an American demand.”’
There is of course a very simple solution to such a difference of opinion: the Europeans could leave NATO en masse and immediately conclude a non-aggression pact with Russia. This would include non-military buffer zones within 50 miles of all Eastern european nations’ borders with Russia/Belarus on both sides of such borders.
This would clearly drive the US warmongers absolutely ballistic, which is a necessary precursor to European freedoms…..
“Less than 10% of the military personnel remained in the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the start of the special operation – Ministry of Information of the DPR.” very unclear meaning here.
The risible Western Political Class is betraying its own citizens in every aspect: economic, cultural, security,….
Thank you Russia for your determination & courage.
From ASB Military News, a bit of an overview of the last few days. I noticed that the Ukrainian channels that I follow are a little short of what they used to write. (I don’t know if I’m mad or glad – that is usually horrible stuff!) The secret is in the last paragraph here:
Extensive update of the military situation in Ukraine over the last few days:
24.07.2022/Dnepropetrovsk —Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed an ammunition depot near Lyubimovka, Dnepropetrovsk region. 100+ high precision HIMARS missiles were blown up as well as 120 military personnel guarding the facility. The personnel consisted of foreign mercenaries and foreign technical specialists (most likely Americans) their chances or survival are slim, they’re likely all dead.
Bakhmut direction —
Ukrainian military launched a counteroffensive in the western side of Pokrovsk. They were met with Wagner PMC groups resistance and subsequently retreated back into Bakhmut, suffering losses. Ukrainian units are ramping up the Defense of Bakhmut. The city is being barricaded and residents are trapped in some parts of the city, not being allowed to leave. According to information on the network, field hospitals are being deployed in large numbers in Bakhmut. The operational deployment of Ukrainian units and structures suggests Ukrainians are throwing a lot of personnel into the Defense of this city and likely have strict orders to hold their positions. This includes Soledar where more than 450 troops of the Ukrainian 10th Guards Rifle Brigade are stationed as well as artillerymen.
As Uglegorsk fell under Russian control, Ukrainians rotated around 250 to 300 (depending on source) troops from Novoluganskoe to Kodema/Semigorye in hopes to defend the southeastern flank to Bakhmut.
Ukrainians are attempting to employ aviation in from of Mi-24 helicopters. They’re launching unguided rocket barrages on the front line of the Russian/People’s militia forces. They don’t seem to have much success with this at the moment, likely due to lack of experienced pilots.
Earlier, Russian Anti-aircraft SAM systems “Tor-M2” shot down a Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force. Also during the day, nine Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed, and 10 shells of the Ukrainian Alder and American HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems were intercepted in the city of Kherson.
Product-305E high-precision missiles have destroyed the temporary deployment point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city of Nikolaev, on the territory of the former plant of reinforced concrete products and the Nikolaevstroytrans motor transport enterprise. The 28th mechanized and 79th air assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were badly hit, the losses of the Ukrainians amounted to two hundred military personnel and more than 20 units of armored and special vehicles. Footage of this attack is available and will be posted under this post.
Phones of Ukrainian military personnel are being confiscated to ensure operational security. This explains recent lack of footage from Ukrainian places of deployment that were hit.
@ amarynth on July 27, 2022 · at 7:09 am EST/EDT
(I don’t know if I’m mad or glad – that is usually horrible stuff!) The secret is in the last paragraph here:
Thanks for the report.
The few pics getting filtered out are macabre. The Wagner Orchestra had a field day in Uglegorsk TPP and Novoluhansk. Poor Ukrainians are getting killed wholesale, forced to defend positions that have been compromised for weeks on end.
Glad I don’t get to see pile after pile of rotten bodies.
Ukrainians take videos of themselves in badly made trenches, trying to escape shelling, then the survivors post the pictures at the moment the shell hit the trench. I watched one of those yesterday. Whoever taught them to make trenches was an idiot, was never in war, or never saw how the Vietnamese survived B-52 bombings.
UkroWerhmacht is trying to hold their last line at all costs, it seems. However, the Wagner Orchestra is back on tour, they have to play in every town in their way.
Lone Wolf
Trenches and Foxholes:,
Kiev’s military was trained by NATO and is commanded by NATO officers. What can you expect ?
My uncle fought in the 2nd world war. He told me that he and his fellow soldiers had just finished digging a foxhole when a group of officers came over and said, “That’s our foxhole. Go dig another for yourselves somewhere else.” So they did. A couple of hours later the enemy fired a round of some kind and it landed right in the first hole that they had dug and it killed all the officers. My uncle said that on that day, he was glad to have been enlisted.
I’m just glad to be alive when I hear all this deadly stuff. Cream I’m so glad.
@ amarynth on July 27, 2022 · at 6:38 am EST/EDT
Thanks, Amarynth, for elaborating on Lavrov’s visit to Africa.
I reproduce your post here in its entirety so those who come later benefit from the information you provided.
Lavrov’s visit to Africa was an apotheosis, to say the least.
Thanks AHH, for the positive and productive work.
Not wanting to comment on all the comments in this sub-thread, I want to say one thing. If you want ZoneB news, you cannot read ZoneA and expect to find it there. Good heavens, those guys don’t even want to take pics of Lavrov and ZoneB folks.
So, this is a must do homework thing.
It is.
An integral part of the West’s dominant narrative is to drown Zone B as irrelevant or secondary to Zone A, sort of an unnecessary addition to the world that sometimes comes into relevance when something happens in those countries, a natural event or an accident, or when someone from Zone A dignifies them with a visit.
So, Lavrov went to Egypt where he met with the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. He also met with his counterpart Foreign Minister of Egypt Sameh Shoukry.
Lavrov held meetings with the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit and with the permanent representatives of the Arab League.
Then he went to the Republic of the Congo and held series of meetings but mainly with Denis Sassou Nguesso, the president.
Then he went to Uganda and met with his counterpart and with the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni and held meetings in Entebbe.
Then to Ethiopia, again met with his counterpart and President of Ethiopia Sahle-Work Zewde held a meeting in Addis Ababa.
There are many meeting transcripts, many many photos. The live meeting with the briefing for African Union Permanent Representatives and media has just concluded a little while ago.
With Lavrov addressing the League of Arab States and African Union Permanent Representatives during this extensive trip, and his very enthusiastic welcome, he addressed a very large part of our world. This is a very big thing!
In advance to Lavrov’s coming, main African newspapers opened their pages to prominently display his visit, with an article Lavrov penned for the Egyptian newspaper “Al-Ahram,” the Congolese “Dispatch de Brazzaville,” the Ugandan “New Vision,” and the Ethiopian “Ethiopia Herald.”
22 July 2022 07:00
Article by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov for the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, the Congolese Dispatch de Brazzaville, the Ugandan New Vision, as well as the Ethiopian Ethiopia Herald, July 22, 2022
Russia and Africa: a future-bound partnership
The Russian formal offices of state all moved to Telegram for quick dissemination of information, during the time that their sites were under attack.
All of this information plus many more pictures and many more links are in the Russian Foreign Ministry Telegram Channel, and on their various Twitter streams. In addition, Maria Zakharova has her personal channels. In addition all of these countries have news – and all of them have English news – so, search for the news in those countries and in the sites of the larger bodies representing those countries. Yandex is most prolific here.
Thanks for the link below, great coverage of Lavrov’s visit.
Lone Wolf
Just when I thought NOTHING could top the Vogue Photoshoot for nausea inducement, we now have Lego Azov action heroes. They did forget the Nazi emblems:
You can’t make this propaganda shit up!
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
Report from the front:
✈️The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed the temporary deployment centers of two brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Nikolaev, the enemy’s losses amounted to 200 military;
💥In the Dnepropetrovsk region, more than a hundred US-made MLRS HIMARS missiles hit an ammunition depot;
🚀As a result of the destruction of the command post by a high-precision strike, the 53rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR actually lost its combat capability;
💥As a result of the fire damage of the RF Armed Forces in the Artemovsk region, one of the companies of the 10th mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was completely destroyed;
💥The RF Armed Forces hit a Hurricane MLRS battery, Giatsint-B howitzers in the Dzerzhinsk area, a Grad MLRS battery in the Bylbasovka area;
🏹In the Kherson region, air defense systems of the Russian Federation intercepted 10 shells of Vilkha and HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems.
More details in the briefing of the Ministry of Defense:
One cannot say if they are back from R&R, or new Chechen forces, but the patches on the back of their very clean clothing say:
“to Kiev”
A nice video building the prestige and mystique of the musicians. No real war is shown.
The link, the name, provoke me to ask, Can I just get a passport? More Russian than the Russians is my qualification (I also like Russian ice cream more than any other ice cream, and the Russian pickles and dark bread and cakes).
I don’t know if getting this right is another qualification: It doesn’t exist!
“RT witnesses Wagner group fighting in Donbass (VIDEO)”
It jumps at you. I’ll quote some of the funny lines.
“…the Wagner Group, a secretive Russian private military company, as it fights in Donbass.”
How secretive is it?
During their offensive, the Wagner troops…”
You would think it’s referring to the alleged “Nazi” Ukraine, right? Wrong! Could it be bad “PR”? There’s a thought.
“The contractors, who call themselves ‘the Orchestra of Wagner’ or ‘the Musicians’, conceal their identities. The name is thought to have come from the call sign of the unit’s founder Dmitry Utkin, a veteran of two Chechen wars. Richard Wagner was a famous 19th century German composer but the name has also been used for characters in literature, computer games, comic books, and even by a motorcycle manufacturer.”
Those names are what “the contractors” call themselves, not what the Russian govt. called them, of course. It just accepted whatever they call themselves…No fair changing it from the Orchestra of Wagner to “the Musicians” now! From contractors to motorcycles, it sounds like other crazy stories.
“The Wagner fighters…”
Too much time spent on computer games and comic books?
“The Kremlin has denied any ties between the Wagner Group and the Russian government.”
Ha, ha.
(I always like this guy’s SitRep Analysis):
Voenkor Kitten Z
The liquidation of the “appendix” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Russian rear – my commentary to RIA FAN on the capture of the Uglegorsk TPP
On the eve of the Russian army, they achieved notable successes on the Donbass front. The liberation of the Uglegorsk TPP and Novolugansk is the successful elimination of the dangerous “appendix” of Ukrainian troops in the Russian rear.
This will allow the Russian army to release significant forces and assets that were involved in this direction, as well as transfer them to the west – with the task of taking Artemovsk and then going to Konstantinovka, taking the cities of Soledar and Seversk, which are the enemy’s strongholds of defense. The main intermediate goal of the Russian troops is to reach the Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration and inflict a crushing defeat on the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this key region of Donbass. It is necessary to liberate these cities, which are directly connected with the Russian spring of 2014, this is of great psychological importance. Only after that, the Russian army will be able to completely defeat the remnants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine grouping near Donetsk, from the territory of which shelling of the capital of Donbass is being carried out.
It is clear that at these stages the tasks of the military special operation of the Russian Federation will not end. Because our army needs to liberate the historically Russian territories far to the west of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions. Otherwise, all this muck in the form of “Haymars”, “Hurricanes” and other dangerous rubbish will continue to fly over the heads of the Russian people and indiscriminately kill civilians. In the end, we must nullify all these rocket attacks, enough to endure how Ukrainian shells and bombs fall on the heads of our fellow countrymen.
The very fact that the allied forces took control of the Uglegorsk TPP is a key and extremely positive moment at this stage of the special operation of the Russian Federation. This shows that there may not have been an “operational pause” during the special operation, officially announced by the leadership of the RF Ministry of Defense. The fighting in key areas continued, and now we see their fruits. The Russian army is slowly, steadily, step by step, moving forward, to the west – in the direction of Seversk and in other areas. Another thing is that it is the liberation of the Uglegorsk TPP, this painful “stub” in our rear, that can seriously speed up the advance of Russian troops, with all the ensuing consequences for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This successful operation shows that no matter what forces and means the enemy puts up against us, no matter what arms supplies go to the Kyiv regime from the West,
If such large units of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as Slavyansk and Kramatorsk are liquidated, then the Russian army is quite capable of liberating the entire Donbas by the end of August. But to give clear forecasts for the timing of the military special operation is an extremely ungrateful and wrong thing. In the conditions of the current confrontation, events can develop completely unpredictably, for this there are a lot of both objective and subjective reasons.
In any case, the task of liberating the ancestral Russian lands, set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, will be carried out in full. Yes, we see that the enemy is stubbornly defending himself, applying not only efforts, but also skills. At the same time, not a single successful counter-offensive operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was carried out, all such attempts invariably ended in defeat. I am sure that the Russian special operation will continue no less successfully.
(About that bridge):
Voenkor Kitten Z
The USA is destroying what the USSR was building – my commentary to RIA FAN about the shelling of the Antonovsky bridge.
Antonovsky bridge across the Dnieper in Kherson on Wednesday night was damaged as a result of an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. So far, the destruction of the bridge is not fatal, but even if the enemy manages to cut this artery, the military builders of the Russian Federation will be able to build a crossing in a matter of days. The enemy was clearly given the task of destroying the most important communications connecting Kherson with the “mainland” at any cost.
Apparently, this task was set by the top leadership of Ukraine, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are purposefully trying to fulfill it. The Russian air defense forces that cover the bridge work very well, by military standards, and intercept most of the missiles fired at it by the enemy. Unfortunately, even those ammunition that manages to break through to the bridge is enough to destroy the roadway.
I don’t want to act as an oracle, but, given the damage that has already been done to the Antonovsky Bridge, the enemy may destroy it in the near future. There is nothing sensational or supernatural about it. After all, no air defense system in the world today can intercept all 100% of the ammunition fired by the enemy. There is a possibility that the number of holes from the HIMARS missiles can develop into a critical mass, and as a result the bridge will be destroyed.
By military standards, the enemy is acting tactically correctly, but one must be calm about such actions in the conditions of a military operation. It is clear that in this case it is necessary to build crossings across the Dnieper, which, unfortunately, is very wide in this place. But there is simply no other option. For an effective attack on Nikolaev, Russian troops need to link the groups together, direct supply routes – these are military operations, you should not panic here.
It should be especially noted that the successful attacks on the Antonovsky Bridge were the work of the Americans. This is a clear result of the “military lend-lease” for Ukraine, as well as Washington’s “gift” to the Russian people and at the same time to all Ukrainians who do not want to join the criminal Kyiv regime. The destruction of bridges by the Americans is a kind of symbolic step, they are destroying what was built during the Soviet era. At the same time, Kyiv understands that these territories, in fact, do not belong to them and will not belong to them. Give them free rein and they will destroy everything they can reach in the liberated territories.
In this regard, the primary task of the Russian troops is the destruction of American HIMARS installations, and ideally, the capture of one or more samples safe and sound. This is necessary in order for our engineers to carefully study the military equipment of the enemy and draw conclusions about how exactly it needs to be countered. I am sure that now the situation can change in this direction for the better, as they say, “the rope does not have long to twist.” Actions such as the deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure cannot go unpunished for long. I think that in the very near future the situation around Donetsk and in the Donbas itself as a whole will change for the better.
The HIMARS installations themselves are not at all a “wonder weapon”, as they are presented to Ukrainians. There is nothing supernatural about them – yes, this is a system with advanced capabilities that can fire both MLRS ammunition and operational-tactical missiles. However, they are in no way superior to the latest designs of Russian technology. Yes, now in the Ukrainian theater there is a unique confrontation between the air defense and missile weapons of Russia and NATO. And Ukraine in this case is just a training ground where the Anglo-Saxons run in the latest models of their weapons.
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin about changes per day on 20.53 Moscow time on 07/27/2022 during a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine specifically for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok :
Krivoy Rog direction.
It is reported that after the APU was driven out of Belogorka, the enemy was also driven out of the Andreevka area, where he also tried to attack, having suffered heavy losses from artillery and aviation fire of the RF Armed Forces.
Similar attacks can be expected in the coming weeks.
Nikolaev direction.
The enemy damaged the Antonovsky bridge. During the repair, a crossing was built and a boat service was launched. We can expect strikes on the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.
The enemy attacked the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the Kherson region.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in turn, attacked targets in Nikolaev, as well as in the Krivoy Rog direction.
In the morning, powerful blows were delivered south of Avdeevka in the direction of the village of Peski and Krasnogorovka. The enemy suffered significant losses. Assault operations were reported, but for the evening the situation with progress in this direction is not clear. The presence of extensive fortified areas, which have been equipped in this direction for 8 years, does not promise very fast success.
The enemy continued to actively shell the territory of the DPR – 4 civilians were killed today.
Battles near Semigorye and Veselaia Dolina.
After the capture of Petrovsky, the RF Armed Forces will intensify strikes on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine directly in the city. Today, the location of one of the companies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was covered there. The enemy responded quite intensively, using an artillery group assembled west of Artemovsk.
On the Slavic direction – no changes.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are striking at the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka. There are fights at Sidorov and the Valley.
The enemy today threw in a fake about the capture of Bogorodichny and a number of other villages, but later he himself denied it.
The front line did not fundamentally change.
So far, no significant progress. Fighting at Bakhmutsky and on the outskirts of the city, as well as at Yakovlevka and Belogorovka. Similarly, near Seversk, battles for heights in the city area, as well as in the Ivano-Daryevka region, continue. The enemy is throwing reserves here from the Slavic direction.
In one of your precedent lectures, five months into the military operation, you say : “This is why he stopped the LDNR forces from moving any further westwards in 2014-2015 even though the Ukrainian military was in disarray. While he knew that during the time the Ukrainians were in a panic and disorganized, ” . Well so Russia stopped an autonomous territory to save their people from further lynching and massacres despite facts that the banderists were destruct-ible and by FAR by LDNR . This is an unacceptable way from a foreign country to intervene in the interior affair of a region even Russian speaking , to clear a terrible situation for their people. its very sad and you ll see that the situation is not easier now but it has become worst even for your great Russian army.
After seven to eight years, an easy pronouncing discourse to proclaim.
No Minsk should be attempted, no talks with Paris and Berlin no peaceful aims to still give Donbassians a autonomy.
After the fact of the Russian military support to LDR DPR having shaped the reason of sucessful resistance.
Just take Donbass AFTER having taken Crimea and what would ensue?
This whole idea is what we call being “a civil engineer of works DONE”
Military Summary is saying there are reports of the Allied Opera punching through the Ukrainian front lines north east of Kherson. If the Russians establish a bridgehead they will be able to sweep to the south east, the Ukrainian Kherson offensive will have Russians behind them and a bridge less river in front of them. He figures if it’s true, it might end the offensive before it begins.
GL just reported four rather large explosions happened around Karakov.
Cheers M
Some videos for today.
RT’s exclusive report on the Wagner Group fighting the Kiev regime on the DPR’s front-lines:
Young people from the Donbass speak out against Kiev regime shelling:
Russian Smerch MLRS fire at enemy positions:
DPR tank destroys Kiev regime firing positions:
Aerial footage of DPR artillery hitting Kiev regime positions near recently liberated Novoluganskoye:
LPR artillery firing at Kiev regime artillery:
Russian Bear on July 27, 2022 · at 11:50 am EST/EDT
(I always like this guy’s SitRep Analysis):
The very fact that the allied forces took control of the Uglegorsk TPP is a key and extremely positive moment at this stage of the special operation of the Russian Federation. This shows that there may not have been an “operational pause” during the special operation, officially announced by the leadership of the RF Ministry of Defense.
Your “guy” is confused, RB.
He doesn’t understand the difference between “operational pause” and “operational halt.” Commander-in-Chief Putin ordered an R&R for all troops after the fall of Lisichansk/Severodonetsk. That was an order, not a suggestion. In this context, an operational pause in Donbass meant a kinetic reduction in offensive actions, not that military operations stopped.
It means second echelon troops come forward to hold down the fort, while the crack troops take a well deserved rest. The “pause” can be interpreted in many ways, but military operations continue uninterrupted, though at a less intense level, enough not to give the enemy the opportunity to retake the strategic initiative.
For example, the Wagner Ensemble, whose operational area was the Soledar/Svitlodarsk arc during the battle for Lisichansk/Severodonetsk, were able to stop 404 reinforcements moving along the Artemivsk/Lisichansk highway by taking control by fire of several towns along the way, including Bilohorivka and Berestove.
The “pause” caught them half way in their offensive for breaking the line Seversk/Soledar/Artemivsk/Toretsk, because the operational objective was limited to support the taking of Lisichansk/Severodonetsk. On their return, rested, they picked up where they left it, came back to kick the macho nazis out of Uglegorsk TPP/Novoluhansk, and now they won’t stop playing concerts in every town until they reach Artemivsk.
Yes, the psychological factor in the taking of Slavyansk/Kramatorsk/Artemivsk arc is important, but it comes second or third to the most important objective, the isolation, encirclement, and annihilation of the nazis in Avdiivka and surrounding towns, for which these towns is the life line. The Donbass arc will be taking shape with the falling of town after town, and each new town under the control of the Allied forces will add to the isolation of Avdiivka, the final objective.
Avdiivka will be Mariupol in steroids.
Lone Wolf
The “Wagner Ensemble” adds more fog. You once said not to talk about it, that the least said the better, that in Russia someone could be prosecuted for talking about this group (named as if to call the attention of the public), but you are writing a lot about it (it’s foggy). Is the Russian MOD speaking about the Wagner group? (I don’t think he is and I would be surprised if he is.)
The NYT or Western media bias of not covering what the Russian MOD says as frequently as what Ukraine says, as they should, is not washed off by saying that the news from Ukraine “could not be independently verified”, but at least that’s better than not saying it. This bias in reverse is bad too. Maybe a decisive battle will take place in the South soon:
“Ukraine expressed a heightened sense of urgency on Thursday over its looming counteroffensive in the south, saying Russia was racing to bolster its forces in the region and taking further steps to solidify its political hold in the territory it controls.” -NYT (7/28/22)
@ tranquilocomp on July 28, 2022 · at 10:06 am EST/EDT
You once said not to talk about it, that the least said the better, that in Russia someone could be prosecuted for talking about this group (named as if to call the attention of the public), but you are writing a lot about it (it’s foggy).
You’re twisting my words, either intentionally as part of your trolling work, or your chronic reading comprehension problems. Or both.
My post was about a comment portraying the Wagner musicians as mercenaries, my point was they are part of Russia’s hybrid warfare, they exist in the twilight zone, and like the “No Such Agency,” they are non-existent in this realm, so people should stop talking about issues nobody knows anything about it, which current Russian laws have penalized.
I have no time for your non-sense, and lack of reading comprehension capacity.
Why don’t you go back to read the NYT/Moscow Times, to find out more tripe to post here as part of your campaign to legitimize fake news as “real”?
You’re as upset at the Wagner Orchestra as the Ukronazis are.
Ukronazis built three fortified lines of defense at the Uglogorsk TPP, through which the Wagner Orchestra walked while playing their instruments, defense lines melted like butter.
(BTW, did you see the nice video I posted for you, with the Wagner Orchestra playing a tune with special dedication at the end? That was my response to your request not to call them “Wagner Orchestra.” :-)
Ukronazis had sent units from all their Special Forces branches, trying to stop the Wagner Ensemble, and no one has been able to, so far.
They are upset, and you’re as upset as they are because of their success.
All you want is to call them mercenaries, and that is eating you out.
Go ahead, puke your venom.
Lone Wolf
But, is the Russian MOD speaking about the Wagner troops today, or even this week?
“Ukronazis had sent units from all their Special Forces branches, trying to stop the Wagner Ensemble, and no one has been able to, so far.”
I quoted this from RT (yesterday, 4:57 pm): “The Kremlin has denied any ties between the Wagner Group and the Russian government.”
I believe the Russian MOD is not even mentioning them, without seeing his reports other than in excerpts here. The truth is that it demeans the merits of the Russian army, and of the Russian soldiers who have died in this war, to give such credit to a “Wagner Orchestra” the Kremlin denies any ties with. This is why I can’t imagine the Russian MOD even mentioning them. There are signs that this group may be bad PR.
You care about bad PR, at this stage……even here in Canada, no one gives a rats ass what happens in the Ukraine. The Filipinos here are pissed, they pay $5k per head to get into Canada and must pay for services like the rest of us, while Mr DressUp and his Domitrix are pissing thousands of our tax dollars on Ukie refugees. Refugees go home, these bastards will be a drain on the social system forever, they get everything for free.
Bad PR, really, grow up for heaven’s sake.
@ sean the leprechaun on July 28, 2022 · at 4:17 pm EST/EDT
Bad PR, really, grow up for heaven’s sake.
Lose hope, he’s not different than a “hasbara,” of which there are thousands spread around in different forums that oppose Israel. Same way, pro-Russia sites have their “hasbaras,” and he’s one of them.
It’s not a matter of growing up, it has to do with how he makes his income.
Quoting Upton Sinclair, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Lone Wolf
We gotto keep one around to see what they say!
“Bad PR, really, grow up for heaven’s sake.”
I say it’s they who must mean it as good PR (as grownups), but I wrote this which you ignored “olympically” (is not used in English but you get it): “The truth is that it demeans the merits of the Russian army, and of the Russian soldiers who have died in this war, to give such credit to a ‘Wagner Orchestra’ the Kremlin denies any ties with.”
The glory of the “Wagner Orchestra” (I think the bad PR people want to change it to the “Musicians” now that they know Richard Wagner better), or the “private military company” with no ties to the Kremlin, as RT described it, does happen at the expense of the “glorious” army with actual ties to the Kremlin. Does this make sense? In other words, at the expense of that glorious army we see roaring in military parades because it is not it. I would think that you, amarynth and Lone Wolf would not want “Wagner” private troops to take even a little of the army’s glory, but who the Russian here is I don’t know anymore. ;) The PR point came with the previous and in addition to it (I hope it passes the censorship this time, if it wasn’t the trolls).
“Bad PR, really, grow up for heaven’s sake.”
You also did not understand what I meant by “there are signs that this group may be bad PR.”
They are not already the “Musicians” for nothing. Maybe they’re visiting. Who knows, I guess not. You don’t feel it, but they would!
All I meant was that they tried to come up with good PR (maybe), cause a splash like they sure did, but that it turned out to be bad PR. Big problem, “Wagner — “, no kidding (very serious!). You guys stay like this and I’ll end up being the only Russian here or something. I want my passport. :)
Operation Z: Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring
💥🚀☠️😎Report from the front:
✈️The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed up to 70 people of the personnel of the battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemovsk;
💥During counter-battery combat, the RF Armed Forces hit two batteries of the Uragan MLRS and a battery of the Grad MLRS of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
🚀During the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Kherson region, the battalion of the infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine completely lost its combat capability, more than 130 soldiers were liquidated;
🏹Over 1,600 drones and 359 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the entire period of the special operation in Ukraine;
☠️Terodefense militants shot the remnants of the 15th battalion of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during their retreat to the DPR;
✈️The Su-35S of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed the launcher of the S-300 air defense system of Ukraine in the Kramatorsk region.
More details in the briefing of the Ministry of Defense:
Just very excellent commentary by Brian Berletic. Enjoy!
He needs to bring the comments forth more; it’s a little imbalanced with the information right now. I only saw parts of it. I follow the ball here. (Good formality.)
So you criticise Brian’s commentary but admit to only watching “parts of it”? That there says a lot.
I didn’t read a book once, however it was rubbish.
He can comment. Friendly advice. Great advice? We picked our nicks for a reason. It’s time for you to change yours together with your attack approach. So Western “grr” is. You speak English probably better than Russian too.
Putin’s curse
During a debate with Rishi Sunak re: the successor to BoJo, political and otherwise whore Liz Truss was stopped in her heels after uttering the name “Vladimir Putin” while spilling her usual Russophobic venom. At that moment, the broadcast host passed out, you can hear the ruckus as she falls, and Liz Truss leaves the podium.
What’s funny was her scared reaction, hands to face, cringed shoulders, “oh my God…” Is this the new “iron lady” who will “lead the battle against Vladimir Putin”?
I can see la Zakharova in a similar situation, calm and unmoved.
That’s an Iron Lady.
As for the reasons for the host to pass out, “the intensity of the rhetoric” was mentioned, as well as “medical reasons,” however, the fact she passed out at the moment la Truss mentioned the name “Vladimir Putin,” says a lot about the long arm of Putin’s curse.
Liz Truss’s speech during a debate in Britain was interrupted after a rumble during her words about Putin
In Britain, the round of debates between candidates for premiership ended earlier than expected. The debate was interrupted during a speech by Liz Truss, who, we recall, is leading an intra-party confrontation with Rishi Sunak, who previously headed the British equivalent of the Treasury Department.
During the words of Truss about Russia and Vladimir Putin, a roar was heard in the broadcast studio, which caused genuine fear in the candidate for the premiership. She left her podium in a hurry.
Liz Truss’s speech broke off at the following words:
If Putin wins in Ukraine, he won’t stop there. He will take freedom and democracy…
It is reported that the broadcast host Kate McCann fainted. Sunak and Truss, who were arguing, among other things, about how they would raise the standard of living of ordinary British people, were confused for a while, then they approached the fallen Kate McCann. The debate was immediately taken off the air of British TV. As it was later noted on the channel, this happened for “medical reasons.”
After this incident in Britain, they are trying to find out the cause of the TV presenter’s fainting. Some believe that she “could not stand the intensity of the rhetoric of the candidates.” Others put forward a conspiracy theory that the fainting was almost a staging in order to stop the mutual “pricks” of candidates for the premiership.
Lone Wolf
The long arm of Putin extends to soccer.
Turkish fans chanted “Vladimir Putin” at the match with Dynamo Kyiv (VIDEO)
In Istanbul, fans of Turkish Fenerbahce chanted “Vladimir Putin” after Dynamo Kyiv scored a goal for their team in the Champions League match.
As a result, Dynamo won 2-1 and advanced to the next round of the Champions League.
Lone Wolf
I remember seeing Gorbachev in a TV interview in Buenos Aires, in the late 1980s. He was treated like royalty by his interviewer. He was very proud about his political legacy (about ushering in a more ‘open political system’). He is reportedly upset now that Putin erased his legacy.
“Freedom is Gorbachev’s business. Everyone has already forgotten who gave freedom to the Russian Orthodox Church. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev,” added Venidiktov. “Freedom of speech, the first law on the press—Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. Private property—Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. So what is he going to say now?”
That TV interview was in Buenos Aires but not in the 1980s. I saw it on youtube and he was much older. I once took a history class on the Soviet Union and I gave a test answer just based on my own sense of how the Soviet Union fell. It had nothing to do with Gorbachev. I just said that everybody in the Soviet Union knew that the system had failed, and that it ended once this happened. Maybe it was too simplistic an answer. Anyway, my sense is that Gorbachev, opportunistically, tried to claim credit for a social-political change that was actually much larger than him or his presidency.
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
😎Report from the front:
🚀The 30th mechanized brigade, which was preparing to be sent to the Donbass, was hit;
☠️Critical losses were suffered by the 57th motorized infantry brigade, which was restoring combat capability in the Chernihiv region;
💥During the day, the following were hit: 1 installation of the Tochka-U missile system, a warehouse of rocket and artillery weapons and ammunition of the 81st airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
✈️A Su-34 aircraft destroyed a Ukrainian Buk-M1 launcher;
🏹Shot down 6 drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
🏹12 rocket launchers and 1 Tochka-U ballistic missile were intercepted.
More details in the briefing of the Ministry of Defense:
@ amarynth on July 28, 2022 · at 8:49 pm EST/EDT
We gotto keep one around to see what they say!
He’s all yours.
I have no patient for these type of double-talk “hasbara” entities.
I am in full agreement with whoever said,
“My people skills are just fine. It’s my tolerance to idiots that needs work.”
Lone Wolf
@ Amarynth
A couple of threads ago, you posted a challenge to the “armchair generals” about how to take the fortified town of Marinka, where the Ukronazis have fortified themselves by opening trenches along roads in the middle of residential areas.
Well, the offensive on what is called the Avdiyevsko-Krasnogorovsky fortified area is in full swing, one of three offensives the Allied forces launched after the “operational pause.” The other two are Artemivsk (Bakhmut), and the Seversk/Slavyansk/Kramatorsk triangle.
Interesting aspects of the assault to the Avdiivka/Krasnogorsk fortified area, among them the Allied forces disguised themselves in UkroWerhmacht uniforms for the assault on Pisky, the first town besides Marinka mentioned in that report of “Military Summary.”
The Ukronazis are crying foul, don’t know if for the Allied forces subterfuge, or for the effects of having been penetrated.
Russian troops have resumed their assault on Avdiivka and Peski using tanks, howitzers and multiple rocket launchers. The advance is slow, but with minimal losses – everything is leveled by artillery.
Russian soldiers in Ukrainian uniforms-so write in the reports of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Long story short, I digress, so much is happening.
I highlighted some of the methodology Allied forces are using to dislodge the war criminals from their entrenched positions.
The DPR reports on the advance on Pisky and Krasnogorsk, and on the methodology used to protect civilians, infrastructure, and annihilate/dislodge the Ukropithecus.
More later.
There was information about the advance of our troops in the direction of Peski and Krasnogorovka to the west of Donetsk
Reports are coming from the Donetsk People’s Republic about breaking through the enemy’s defense line in several areas to the west of the republican capital at once. Today, throughout the day, Russian troops, together with units of the DPR People’s Militia, carried out intense fire on enemy positions, not allowing what is called to raise their heads.
Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Daniil Bezsonov reports on the progress of our troops in a number of areas. In particular, there is progress in the direction of the settlement of Peski and the city of Krasnogorovka. These localities belong, in fact, to a single fortified area, which is usually called Avdiyevsky or Avdiyevsko-Krasnogorovsky.
From the report of Daniil Bezsonov:
The Armed Forces of Ukraine suffer heavy losses.
Self-propelled howitzers destroyed several fortified enemy positions in forest plantations in the vicinity of Avdiivka. There is an active work of rocket artillery. Targeting is most often carried out using copters.
There was information about the advance of our troops in the direction of Peski and Krasnogorovka to the west of Donetsk
According to some reports, tank units with the support of army and assault aircraft are working in the areas near Peski and Krasnogorovka. There is information about the capture of the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the north-east of Maryinka.
Heavy flamethrower systems are used against fortified dugouts and bunkers of the enemy, which do not leave any chances for representatives of Ukrainian armed formations in the areas of use.
The demilitarization of this fortified area by the Kiev regime continues.
It is reported that the most massive strikes on enemy forces in Avdiivka and the surrounding area over the past few weeks
“…It is known that the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Avdiivka, from which civilian objects were shelled in Donetsk, Makiivka, Yasynuvata, Horlivka, are being attacked by artillery, including rocket fire. The enemy, who has turned Avdiivka into a powerful fortified area, is being fired at with the use of other means, including combat aircraft. Ground-attack aircraft are operating in the sky above enemy positions.
Our troops are using adjustable ammunition to eliminate hotbeds of resistance at the Uglegorsk thermal power plant
Russian troops and units of the People’s Militia of the DPR and LPR are using tactics that have already yielded results in several areas of the special operation against the enemy in the area of the Svitlodarsk (also known as Uglegorsk) TPP. Recall that after losing control of Svitlodarsk and a number of territories of the so – called “impregnable” Svitlodarsk arc, the enemy clung to an industrial facility-the mentioned thermal power plant.
The Ukrainian garrison takes advantage of the fact that the destruction of the infrastructure of this station can lead to extremely negative consequences for vast areas, including due to the possible destruction of the hydraulic infrastructure of the Uglegorsk reservoir.
In this regard, as local residents say, the Ukrainian security forces, who have not perceived the Donbass as their land for a long time, can go to a provocation with the destruction of the mentioned infrastructure.
The tactics of the Russian troops and fighters of the DPR and LPR People’s Militia in this direction are to obtain the most accurate coordinates of the positions of the militants and then destroy them. First of all, corrected ammunition is used so that strikes fall on military equipment and enemy positions, but at the same time do not lead to negative consequences, for example, for the dam system of the Uglegorsk reservoir. The tactic is paying off. The enemy suffers losses in both manpower and military equipment. Adjusted ammunition of the Russian Armed Forces effectively eliminate the enemy’s pockets of resistance.
Lone Wolf
The foreign minister of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, published a column in The New York Times today. There’s nothing “new” in it, but his assessment of the war itself at this time is noteworthy:
“With global support, Ukraine has already stabilized the front line and is preparing to regain control over territories currently occupied by Russia, first and foremost in the strategically important south. It’s true that we lost some ground in the Luhansk region, because of Russia’s overwhelming advantage in artillery. But we are now slowly but steadily closing the gap, thanks to heavy weaponry supplied by the United States and others. In recent weeks, Russia has failed to make any significant gains. We are determined to turn the tide in our favor and push Russian forces out of our land.” -NYT (7/29/22)
Reading (any) war news, the fantasy must be separated from the elements of truth, if any are present. Interpreting this quote, the following is true:
– Notwithstanding a strongly biased – irrational – state of mind from people responsible for their political views and these consequences, there is a great confidence in Ukraine’s leadership based on facts that must be real. All in all, its army must be better now than last year too; some experts reckon that it’s one of the best in the world.
– The war has gotten more difficult for Russia, without, if we stay rational, any chance whatsoever that Ukraine can win in the end (none). In a war of “survival”, Ukraine does not have the strength to prevail over Russia.
– Overall, the minister’s account of the war (quote) is more faithful to reality than biased Russian accounts are. It’s no easy victory.
Also, the United States recognizes that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia in a “survival” war. The Ukrainian state disappears in a war like that. The Bolivian state would too. Canada would too, as well as more States than one can count (99% of all States). The United States wants a negotiated settlement reached from a “position of strength”, which may naturally mean as “strong as it’s possible.” The U.S. negotiation goal for Ukraine is the ‘bottom line.’ Forget WWIII: Nobody but maybe a desperate (doomed) Ukrainian leadership could want that. So, I think sooner rather than later the U.S. will move more decisively towards “negotiations”, and the FM is right, in his column, that Russia keeps sending negotiation signals, except that they are serious and not “not serious” like he says. One’s intuition, only, is that Russia would permit referendums in almost none of the territories it has conquered in war. It may in one or two as part of a negotiated settlement.
This is what everyone is talking about today. UKR is blaming Russia. Russia is blaming UKR. ASB make it clear who’s responsible and why.
ASB Military News
Graphic: Azov POW’s executed by Zelensky regime forces using American supplied MLRS. It appears most of them were asleep during the strike— which is not by chance, the time of the strike was chosen carefully to inflict as many casualties as possible. The prisoners have just started speaking against the crimes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine before the trial was about to take place.
Ukrainian propagandists are already saying Russia hit their own detention centres. — yes, Russia killed their own witnesses which they could use on national television to support their narrative at home & to detain and prosecute Ukrainian military officers. Logic level: Ukrop 🤡
Cleaning up riff Raff, Military Summary was saying some word from the ground is a Ukie surrender. They gave it a four week time table. The reasons, starving and freezing through winter, with absolutely no economy is not much in Vouge with the freezing starvees.
Cheers M
Do not worry about the riffraff, they will always be around.
I think Eurobastardstan is beginning to see their macho bravado will mean nothing before Marshall Winter. Russia is already playing with their fear tuning up the pain-dial that will keep them cold the coming winter.
Here is a sobering article about the Euroidiots prospects in their gas acquisition before cold weather hits them with vengeance.
Russian vengeance.
In the meantime, Gazprom is taking their time with “maintenance,” turbines need further “repair,” there is no rush to get the gas going.
Weren’t Eurodumbs yelling “no more Russian gas”? Russia is only fulfilling their desires.
Read on.
British press: Putin has driven Europe into an energy collapse and deprived it of political will
British columnist Ross Clarke published an article in The Spectator weekly in which he argues how Russian President Vladimir Putin exposed Europe as politically powerless. To this end, the Russian leader did not wait for the EU embargo on its energy carriers, but, in fact, introduced them first.
Have we finally reached the end of Vladimir Putin’s energy war against the West — the point where he will cut off gas once and for all?
— the author asks, recalling that today Gazprom has reduced gas supplies to Europe to 20% of the capacity of the Nord Stream — 1 pipeline.
Clark believes that Gazprom’s statements about the need for preventive maintenance at the compressor station “sound unconvincing.” The GPS has six working turbines and two spare ones, which should be used for replacement during repair work. According to the author, the ill-fated turbine, which was repaired in Canada, was allegedly also returned to Gazprom.
However, despite the technical capabilities to pump gas in sufficient volume, the Russian gas monopoly continues to reduce the volume of supplies of blue fuel to European consumers.
Clark goes on to discuss what will happen in Europe if Russia completely closes the gas valve.
First of all, the German economy will suffer, which is already on the verge of recession. As previously stated by Chancellor Scholz, if there is a lack of gas imports, the largest automobile plants will have to be closed. Then the domino effect will work, and prices will continue to rise.
This is another political embarrassment for Scholz, who previously announced plans to abandon Russian gas and oil, promising that by mid-2024 they will account for a maximum of 10% of total consumption in the country.
Now Germany is without a rudder and sails, as Putin is now setting the tone,
Clarke says.
Further, the British observer caustically notes that at such a rate of shutdown in two years, there will simply not be Russian gas in Germany, which Germany is so jauntily going to boycott. Even now, not only Germany, but the whole of Europe is moving towards global political upheavals due to energy shortages.
Putin has managed to make Europe look politically powerless
– concludes the British columnist.
The author’s correctness is already confirmed by the record increase in gas prices, which began today immediately after Gazprom announced another reduction in gas pumping through Nord Stream-1. Currently, blue fuel costs about $ 2,600 per thousand cubic meters in Europe, and the price continues to grow.
It got to the point that the problem of gas shortages in Europe was also puzzled in the White House. The Biden administration seriously fears that problems with gas supplies could shake the unity of the European Union. In addition, the rise in gas prices is also reflected in the US economy, where the cost of energy is also inevitably rising.
Author: Alexander Grigoriev
Lone Wolf
This may be the video of the incident you refer to. Some brief detail in case of censorship: video shows carnage of Nazi prisoners annihilated by HIMARS in a dormitory type setting. Total incineration of all animate or inanimate material due to high heat, is visible. Some remnants of bombing apparatus are shown.
Another link. This one even more graphic, in color. Like being inside a blast furnace.
It’s been rumored that birds do not sing within a certain radius of Auschwitz.
Starting @:30 birds can be heard chirping in the background of the footage…
@ the punisher on July 29, 2022 · at 7:08 pm EST/EDT
Thanks for the videos.
I was hoping someone would post some info.
So, Reuters was there, eh? And what’s the Collective West going to say? Nothing.
They are behind this massacre.
Same reason they struggled to evacuate their secrets by air and by sea, prompted them to kill their own useful idiots. Too many secrets to be spilled, they are afraid of the consequences. Wonder what is so powerful that pushes them to the extreme of killing them, first while in Azovstal, then burn their bodies, then incinerate them while in prison.
I always wonder why the Russians left them there, instead of taking them to Lefortovo, Siberia, somewhere else. Hope they learn the lesson. That was a stupid move.
Any idea how many were killed? Any data on how many prisoners were in that location?
If anyone has any info, please share it.
This is a war crime, an atrocity, regardless of who these people were.
Now we know the real purpose for the HIMAR.
Ukrobastards, they need to be turned into dust.
Lone Wolf
The death toll has been climbing. I believe I read it’s now up to 57. has some more info
@Lone Wolf
The west must be looking at itself in the mirror and saying: “damned if we do; damned if we don’t”
Two interesting videos that may be connected: the first one is the Helo “emergency evac of personnel” from Azov. The second is showing Chechen Special Forces thanking Joe Bydone for sending them all the missiles…
They’d intercepted the shipments of javelins and stingers from the Ukros and got them to operate. Effectively too, judging by the dates the two videos were released (same day). The irony is unavoidable: high ranking personnel shot down, possibly by munitions of their own manufacture? The rest of the nazis were scooped out of Azovstal by Russia and her Allies.
Agree, these Pow’s probably exchanged their lives for incriminating info on the Ukrainian/Nazi/Nato command, evidently in support of Russia. Remaining Kraken were abandoned by Z near the last strangulation point (Bakhmut?) recently. I’d assumed they were the ones maybe wearing the price tags.
Again, the irony is hard to avoid. Biblical even. Seems they’re on a collision course with their own destiny ….
the helo crash:
Chechen gratitude:
@ the punisher on July 29, 2022 · at 10:01 pm EST/EDT
Thank you, bud, appreciate it.
Please don’t punish (no pun intended:-) me anymore with videos from the massacre.
Absolutely grotesque.
The link is not for the downed helo, it is another video of the massacre.
Lone Wolf
@ Lone Wolf
This is the Helo evac video…. and is also +graphic. With evidence of mercs from all over.
@ the punisher on July 30, 2022 · at 12:02 am EST/EDT
Thanks for that one.
There is another video going around, MSM is reproducing it as Russian troops castrating a Ukro soldier for having raped a 5 y/o girl.
Grotesque savagery.
I watched it at “Military Chronicle,” who posted it clarifying Allied forces had nothing to do with it.
Who knows why the guy was castrated, then beheaded, then shot to stop his nerves from shaking the headless body. The entire savagery caught in video. Then they post it and accused the Russians of doing it.
Ukronazis are capable of that, and more.
Lone Wolf
When I heard the guy with the Javelin spake, sure I thought for a moment…..gees, the Chechens have a Highland Regiment…Siol Na Fear Fearlail.
Cheers M
The Wagner Orchestra PR
Our in-house troll has been braying about how the Wagner Ensemble is bad for Russia’s PR, given the plausible deniability issue, by which Russia does not officially acknowledge any link to them.
As I have previously stated, the Wagner Philharmonic is embedded in Russia’s hybrid warfare, and that’s all we need to know.
Full stop.
Regardless of stupid opinions, the Wagner musicians are extremely popular, and have no need to pay for any PR campaign, it comes for free.
Read on.
Graffiti “PMC Wagner” flaunts on the wall of a building in Belgrade, Serbia
The image of the “Wagner PMC” fighters was noticed on the wall of a building in Belgrade. “Wagnerians” are becoming increasingly popular in popular culture.
The exploits of Russian soldiers and their willingness to protect civilians around the world have long been a subject for creativity. In Serbia, street artists decorated one of the houses in Belgrade with the image of “Wagnerians”. The graffiti depicts armed men in camouflage clothing with the inscription: “Wagner Group – Russian Knights”.
The popularity of Russian fighters is explained by their effectiveness in the fight against radical elements that terrorize civilians around the world, the reader of the RUSSIAN-SERBIAN PORTAL notes.
PMC Wagner has become a model of heroism and courage, which inspires people to create folk art. This year, the Network has published comics about the superhero Wagner, protecting civilians from monsters and villains. In addition, fans write songs, poems and make T-shirts with themed inscriptions to pay tribute to Russian fighters.
What better PR can that be?
And most of the fans haven’t heard them play yet.
Once war is over, they will have a concert in downtown Kiev, and I am going. :-)
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf: “…in-house troll has been braying about how the Wagner Ensemble is bad for Russia’s PR, given the plausible deniability issue, by which Russia does not officially acknowledge any link to them.”
But, how is it good to regain the Donbass with the help of a group that can’t be acknowledged and must be denied – and what for? If the Kremlin has officially no ties to it, then the Russian army has no ties to it. I can confirm from your silence that the Russian MOD is not mentioning Wagner troops at all in his war reports. It is Russian soldiers who have died in this war, so Russian soldiers fought and are fighting in this war. You said here that this Ensemble is fighting and winning impressively in the Donbass, though.
If someone in this “Wagner Ensemble” were to commit a war crime(s) or many of the “Musicians” were accused of war crimes, the Russian govt. would say that it has no ties to the group, right? Is that a believable or sound, or convenient position to place itself in?
According to you in this thread too, someone in Russia can fall under laws penalizing things said with regard to the Wagner troops: “…people should stop talking about issues nobody knows anything about it, which current Russian laws have penalized” (July 28, 10:06)
Richard Wagner is not responsible for Hitler, needless to say, but such was his influence on Hitler that there might have been no Hitler without him. From “The Young Hitler I knew”, by August Kubizek, below are some fragments (sequential quotes) which describe Hitler’s reaction to Wagner’s Rienzi opera, when Hitler was 17 years old:
“Adolf stood outside my house in his black overcoat…Rienzi was being performed that night. We had never seen this Wagner opera and looked forward to it with great excitement…When at last it was over, it was past midnight…I asked him what he thought of it. He threw me a strange, almost hostile glance…He looked almost sinister, and paler than ever…I will not attempt to interpret this phenomenon, but it was a state of complete ecstasy and rapture, in which he transferred the character of Rienzi, without even mentioning him as a model or example with visionary power, to the plane of his own ambitions…He conjured up in grandiose, inspiring pictures his own future and that of his people…Many years had to pass before I realized the significance of this enraptured hour for my friend…I was also present when Hitler retold this sequel to the performance of Rienzi in Linz to Frau Wagner, at whose home we were both guests. Thus my own memory was doubly confirmed. The words with which Hitler concluded his story to Frau Wagner are also unforgettable for me. He said solemnly, ‘In that hour it began.’”
There’s a saying in Spanish, “La ignorancia es atrevida” (“ignorance is disrespectful” or “impudent”). I think it fits this case perfectly.
Good that the Wagner PMCs at least work to free everyday civilians from privately employed Mercs, Mercs from all parts of the world, who cause terror, death, and destruction where ever they go… Fallujah….say no f’n more.
Assholes like Blackwater/Academi, private contractors who are never held to account for their massacres and war crimes….Raqua….and some people take issue with the LDNR authorities asking the Wagner Philharmonic to come perform on their land……cue some sad violin music.
Cheers M
Jalan damai adalah langkah yang paling dinanti dari ke dua kelompok yang hari ini masih saling berebut kekuatan dunia. Tapi yang pasti dunia ke depan akan berubah, semoga saja barubah ke arah yang lebih baik. cerpen santri
The path of peace is the most anticipated step of the two groups who today are still fighting for world power. But what is certain is that the world in the future will change, hopefully it will change for the better.
A discussion of Russia’s (evolving?) strategy in Ukraine.
Operation Z: Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring
👍😎Report from the front:
✈️In the area of Krivoy Rog, fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft ;
▪️☠️The Russian Armed Forces destroyed up to 30 Ukrainian fighters , military equipment and a warehouse with rockets for Grad military vehicles in the DPR;
💥In the DPR, the US AN / TPQ-36 counter-battery radar was destroyed , and in the Kherson region, the American AN / TPQ-37 radar ;
🚀The point of temporary deployment of the brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemovsk was hit;
🔥On July 29, the Russian Armed Forces hit the deployment point of the MLRS division of the 110th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR with air-based precision weapons ;
💥Russian troops, as part of a counter-battery fight, suppressed 6 platoons of the Grad MLRS and 2 batteries of self-propelled guns Gvozdika of Ukraine.
More details in the briefing of the Ministry of Defense:
From Military Chronicle 👍:
A direct hit destroyed a military train transporting an elite battalion of the 1st Separate Brigade of the President of Ukraine, more than 140 soldiers were killed. The blow was struck at the Krasnoarmeysk station in the DPR, – the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Offensive on the Kurakhovsky direction. The Headquarters of the Territorial Defense of the DPR announces the liberation of the settlements of Oktyabrskoye, Yalynskoye, Georgievka and Maly Kermenchik.
In the area of Krivoy Rog, fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft. The US AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar was destroyed in the DPR, and the US AN/TPQ-37 radar was destroyed in the Kherson region.
Information from enemies: Russian troops in the Kherson region continued fighting without creating shock groups. ️Russian regional media reported on the recruitment and formation of an additional volunteer battalion in the Republic of Buryatia and the formation of a reserve battalion in Novosibirsk.
Radio Liberty, citing satellite intelligence data, reports that Russia is pulling together a huge amount of equipment on the border with Ukraine.
Statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the missile strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka.
As a result of a deliberate missile attack on July 29 from the American Hymars multiple launch rocket system on a pre-trial detention center in the area of the settlement of Yelenovka, the Kyiv regime killed and maimed most of the 193 Ukrainian prisoners of war who were there. According to data updated on the morning of July 30, 50 Ukrainians were killed as a result of the missile attack.
The remains of 48 Ukrainian prisoners of war were found and removed from under the rubble of the isolation ward. Another 2 Ukrainian prisoners of war died from severe wounds on the way, while being transported to a medical facility. 73 Ukrainian prisoners of war were delivered to medical institutions with severe wounds. All of them received the necessary medical care.
Nancy Pelosi’s plane flies up to Hawaii, more than 60 thousand people are already following it. China promised to shoot her down if the plane landed on Taiwan. Information about “Taiwan fighters on alert” is taken from the Twitter of an Indian journalist, a China hater, sitting somewhere either in Mumbai or in Delhi. China is deploying PHL-16 MLRS to a province just 180km from Taiwan.
Russian Bear on July 30, 2022 · at 12:30 pm EST/EDT
Information from enemies: Russian troops in the Kherson region continued fighting without creating shock groups.
The Russian tactics in Kherson are really interesting and innovative, their fortified defenses does not chain them to their positions, maintaining their mobility.
Speculation over Ukropithecus counteroffensive has been going on for months, kicking down the date until they get the next wonder weapon. However, there is speculation their Kherson “counteroffensive” is a feign, a diversion, and their real goal is an offensive toward Kursk.
Troop accumulation will happen in the Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts, wooded regions with natural camouflage, invading Russia through the Kursk oblast, threatening Kursk city, turn south toward Belgorod, and then west toward Kharkov, slamming the Allied troops in Kharkov from the rear, in a classical “hammer and anvil” pincer.
The Kherson axis is a gamble, a Russian roulette. They will have to run 56 kms on naked steppe without any cover, trying to reach Kherson outskirts before Allied forces pulverize them with all they got, art, aerial bombing, missiles, etc. If they decide to risk it and go for Kherson, there is a chance Allied forces will launch an attack on Nikolaev from Snihurivka, risking the return of the committed troops attacking Kherson.
Losing Nikolaev might be the price Allied forces will charge them for their “counteroffensive.”
The Kherson “counteroffensive” is being pushed by the Biden administration, believing that anything with a semblance of “peremoga” will help them in the mid-term elections.
More delusions.
In the meantime, pressure on the Ukronazis in Avdiivka and surroundings is getting hotter, they are getting ready to abandon Pisky, part of their fortifications around Avdiivka.
No doubt it will be a long, hot summer.
Lone Wolf
Voenkor Kitten Z ✔😎
Military expert Boris Rozhin about changes per day on 21.00 Moscow time on 07/30/2022 during a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine specifically for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok :
Fighting in the Veselaia Valley area. After the capture of Klinovoye and Pokrovsky, the RF Armed Forces intensify the defeat of enemy positions on the outskirts of Artemovsk and concentrations of forces to the west of the city. To the south-east of Artemovsk, the RF Armed Forces, after clearing the Uglegorsk TPP and Novolugansk, took part of Semigorye and are expanding their zone of control in the area of Novolugansk and Dolomitnoye. After the end of the battles for Semigorye, we can expect the start of full-fledged battles for Kodema. The enemy continued shelling from heavy MLRS targets in the depths of the LDNR.
Fights in Bakhmutsky, Belogorovka, Yakovlevka.
Fighting on the eastern outskirts of Soledar. In the city, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are striking at locations and concentrations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the outskirts.
After the transfer of reserves from the Slavic direction, the enemy was able to stabilize the front and continues to hold key heights around Seversk. The Seversk-Soledar road is also controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, although it is exposed to artillery fire from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Fights in the area of Serebryanka, Verkhnekamensky, Ivano-Daryevka.
Fights in the area of Upper Saltov, Lower Passages, Nursery, Liptsov, Tsupovka, Uda. There are unconfirmed reports of the advance of the RF Armed Forces near Borshcheva. Intense attacks on Kharkov, Chuguev, Zolochev. The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired on Cossack Lopan and border villages. Several concentrations of enemy forces were destroyed in Kharkov.
Positional battles in the area of Prishib, Sidorov, Dolina, Bogorodichny. There are no serious advances at the front. Attacks on the Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration, on Krasnoarmeysk. There is a noticeable bias in the hunt for heavy artillery of the enemy and the remaining air defense systems. On the Izyum direction – without any changes. Moderately intense fighting in the area of Bolshaya Kamyshevakhi, Kurulka. In the Balakleya area – no changes.
To the north of Avdiivka, fighting along the Avdiivka-Konstantinovka highway, in the area of Kamenka and New York – without significant progress.
To the south of Avdiivka, the DPR army is stepping up pressure on Peski and Krasnohorivka, having achieved advancement through a continuous enemy fortified area.
The attack on Avdiivka does not promise any immediate success. It is possible that all this will eventually turn out to be restrictive actions to prevent the Armed Forces of Ukraine from transferring reserves to other directions.
Positional fights.
Fighting near Novomikhailovka, in Marinka. To the east of Velikaya Novoselka, the enemy attacked unsuccessfully in the direction of Novopol.
On our part, they say that they are strengthening control over the villages south of Velikaya Novoselovka. Positional tendencies dominate here. It was from this direction that Ukrainian prisoners in the Yelenovskaya colony were destroyed by a HIMARS MLRS strike.
On the line Kamenskoye-Orekhov-Gulyaipole – without significant changes. Medium-intensity combat operations. The enemy launches missile strikes on Melitopol and Tokmak, reinforces the grouping in Zaporozhye, which, if possible, can launch attacks in the direction of Vasilyevka, Tokmak and Pologi, which can become an alternative to the “attack on Kherson” (another fallback option is Balakleya in the Izyum direction) .
The enemy, after weeks of chatter about the “attack on Kherson,” switched to chatter about the “offensive of the RF Armed Forces on Nikolaev.” Unsuccessful attempts at offensives near Vysokopole, Davydov Brod, Belogorka showed the costly nature of the attacks, and that in order to achieve success in the conditions of dominant aviation and unsuppressed artillery, much more forces and readiness to bear more serious losses are required. Therefore, now the emphasis is on strikes on bridges across the Dnieper and ammunition depots of the RF Armed Forces, as well as terrorist attacks on territories liberated from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The RF Armed Forces in the Nikolaevsky, Krivorozhsky and Nikopol directions are still on the defensive. There is a build-up of forces and an increasing systematic strikes against Nikolaev.
The most dangerous for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the Krivoy Rog direction. The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Nikolaev seems unlikely.
Odessa, Dzerzhinsk, Sumy – no change.
A sobering article for those deluded folks still believing in a miracle re: 404 offensive to retake Kherson.
US Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis (ret.), makes a balanced analysis of what the Kherson “counter offensive” may signify for Ukronazistan.
Bottom line, he concludes,
The task in trying to successfully pull off an offensive to drive Russia from Kherson facing Ukraine may well be beyond what is reasonably possible for any military to accomplish.
allowing the Ukropithecus a way to justify a future defeat by saying “no army could have accomplished that, at least we tried.”
Besides the usual MSM bullshit regurgitated by the usual suspects, Richard Moore, MI6 head honcho, and U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, re: how Russia is losing the war but Ukraine is not winning it, the gist of the article stays objective.
His suggestion for the Ukrosavages to retake Kerson, is to pull another Battle of Kursk, throwing a lot more cannon fodder into the meat grinder than the Russians can kill.
Good luck with that one.
Ukraine’s Big ‘Million Man’ Offensive Against Russia Is A Mistake
In mid-July, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksei Reznikov boasted that President Volodymyr Zelensky had ordered him to form a “million man” army to liberate southern Ukraine. A senior aide to the head of the Ukrainian region of Kherson said on Sunday that “the Kherson region will definitely be liberated by September, and all the occupiers’ plans will fail.” Given recent Western reporting, such claims have encouraged many that the war is about to turn against Russia. Careful consideration of combat fundamentals, however, should temper too much optimism just yet.
Zelensky has for some time been focusing his efforts on retaking Kherson, saying on Sunday that his forces continue a relentless “step-by-step” progress towards retaking the Russian-occupied southern region. Last week Russian forces endured accurate rocket fire from the U.S.-provided HIMARs launchers, seriously damaging the Antonivsky Bridge over the Dnipro River. The loss of that bridge could severely hamper Putin’s forces from continuing to fight in Kherson. British Intelligence this week reported even more bad news for Russia.
Richard Moore, chief of Britain’s MI6 intelligence service, said that Russia’s offensive would soon “run out of steam” and were headed to an “epic fail,” adding that Russian forces had lost at least 15,000 killed during the first five months of war. The HIMARs provided to Ukraine by the U.S. have reportedly destroyed 50 Russian ammunition dumps, further degrading Putin’s ability to sustain operations in Ukraine.
U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, flatly declared last week that despite everything Russia had done, they have “failed to achieve their strategic and operational objectives.” Given this flood of bad news for Putin in the Western press, one might believe that truly a Ukrainian offensive could recapture the region by September. Unfortunately for Kyiv, however, these reports are only part of the story and omit rather critical elements in assessing the likely effectiveness or failure of the proposed offensive. When all the key factors are considered, things look much less rosy for Kyiv.
First of all, it is crucial to understand that wars and battles are not primarily won and lost based on numbers of platforms, such as tanks, artillery pieces, and personnel carriers, but on the quality of the troops and their level of training. On June 15, David Arakhamia, one of Zelensky’s closest advisors and Ukraine’s lead negotiator with Russia, said that Ukrainian troops were suffering up to 1,000 total casualties per day in the Donbas fight. A large percentage of these losses have been among the most experienced and trained troops, leaving increasing proportions of the fighting force in the hands of inexperienced troops.
Yet concurrent with the loss of their most effective fighters, Ukraine has also been bleeding equipment. On the same day Arakhamia admitted the Ukrainian Armed Forces lose up to 1,000 troops per day, Brig. Gen. Volodymyr Karpenko, the Land Forces Command logistics commander, told National Defense Magazine that “we have lost approximately 50%,” of the military kit they had at the start of the war, saying “1,300 infantry fighting vehicles have been lost, 400 tanks, (and) 700 artillery systems.”
As someone who has fought in large tank battles and spent years participating in large-scale mechanized war games in Europe, I cannot stress how difficult a task it is for an army to mount an offensive operation when it has lost a sizeable portion of its experienced leaders, is filled with large numbers of raw recruits, and have a patchwork of limited armored vehicles and ammunition. The task in trying to successfully pull off an offensive to drive Russia from Kherson facing Ukraine may well be beyond what is reasonably possible for any military to accomplish.
Many rightfully point out that yes, Ukraine has taken serious losses, but as I have often pointed out, so too have the Russians. Yet even when considering the comparative losses of each side, the task for Ukraine is still monumental. Part of the reason are found in the fundamentals of combat.
The defensive is the inherently stronger form of war and the easiest to perform. Ukraine has acquitted itself beyond what many – myself included – thought they would be capable of at the war’s outset. The grit and tenacity shown by Kyiv’s troops, however, is not sufficient to overcome the factors weighing heavily against them and in Russia’s favor. For example, if Ukraine did somehow muster a force of sufficient size, equipment, and supplies to mount a credible offensive in Kherson, they would have to leave the security inherent in the defense and expose themselves to the risks of the offense, as Russia has done thus far.
There is a much lower requirement for training and performance in the defensive, as the prime requirement is to hold a position and repulse an attacker. In the offense, however, there is a critical requirement to closely coordinate actions of a unit’s right and left flank companions, artillery support from behind the lines, logistics to support the move forward, and most critically, the knowledge of how to conduct complex maneuvers to unseat the opponent. These are not actions that troops with limited or no training at the platoon, company, and battalion level can be expected to pull off.
When the side with inadequate experience and training also has severe equipment shortfalls, the task of conducting an offensive against an opponent that has far more resources, more men from which to pull as replacements (Russia had more than half a million more active troops at the outset of the war than Ukraine), and even with everything the West has given Kyiv, Russia still has enduring advantages in air power, rockets, and artillery.
The danger in shooting for a miracle and trying the offensive anyway is that Ukraine would risk suffering even more casualties, losing more irreplaceable equipment, and in the end potentially suffering the loss of even more territory than they had at the beginning of the battle. All Russia would have to do is absorb the blows, yield only when required to avoid encirclement, and then when the Ukrainian side had expended its striking power, launch a counter-offensive to drive the weakened troops further west.
Virtually the only way Ukraine could succeed in an offensive against Russia in Kherson region at this time would be if they pulled a page out of the Soviet playbook from July 1943. In the Battle of Kursk, for example, the USSR was willing to throw over two million men into the meat grinder against the German Wehrmaht in a massive tank battle. The Soviet Union sacrificed 800,000 troops lost, but inflicted upwards of 200,000 casualties on the Germans in the process.
But the Red Army had more men than the Germans and Hitler’s troops were never able to recover from the loss of so many men and tanks, but especially they never replaced the experienced troops. From that point on, the Soviet army drove Germany all the way back to Berlin. Unless Ukraine is willing to sacrifice upwards of a million men – something the Russians may not be able to match, regardless of how many planes, tanks, and rockets they have – Zelensky’s forces have no valid shot at driving Russia out of Kherson.
Now a 1945 Contributing Editor, Daniel L. Davis is a Senior Fellow for Defense Priorities and a former Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army who deployed into combat zones four times. He is the author of “The Eleventh Hour in 2020 America.” Follow him @DanielLDavis.
Lone Wolf
It was all an “accident…”
AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎
If it was a blow from the Ukrainian side, I assure you, they did not want to do it
A high-ranking representative of the US Defense Ministry asked about the involvement of the Ukrainian side in the strike on the colony in Elenovka‼️
West narrative falling apart…
Lone Wolf
[I think this is a HUGE change in strategy and a true strike on a decision maker! First oligarch to be eliminated.]
Ukrainian oligarch destroyed
in Nikolaev As a result of a missile strike in Nikolaev, Ukrainian oligarch Aleksey Vadatursky was liquidated. He was a sponsor of the armed formations of the Kiev regime.
In 2018, Vadatursky was included in the Russian sanctions list.
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
😎✔👀Report from the front:
🚀A blow was struck at the point of temporary deployment of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Up to 50 servicemen, 2 Msta-B howitzers and 10 units of military equipment were destroyed;
✈️The Russian Aerospace Forces hit the point of temporary deployment of the Kraken national formation. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to 350 nationalists. Also, 11 units of military equipment were destroyed;
☠️Destroyed up to 100 Nazis and 25 units of military equipment in Potemkino, Belogorka, Kherson region, in Belaya Krinitsa, Mykolaiv region;
🚀4 ammunition depots hit;
💥An American-made M777 howitzer was destroyed in the Novopavlovka area of the DPR, in the Nikolaevka area – the Uragan installation;
💥Suppressed: 9 Grad MLRS platoons, 4 Giacint-B artillery platoons, 5 D-30 artillery platoons;
🏹5 Ukrainian drones shot down, 11 MLRS shells intercepted
Congratulations to the Russian Navy on Russian Navy Day!!!
In memory of Peter the Great, founder of the Russian Navy.
Lone Wolf
Scroll down to video # 6, or if you have an account, watch it on second link.
Congratulations on the Day of the Navy from the soldiers of the 155th Marine Brigade from the front line.
Lone Wolf
Voenkor Kitten Z 😎✔👍
Boris Rozhin: Kiev exudes terrorism
Exclusive interview on the situation in the Ukrainian theater of operations (part 1)
– The advertised attack on Kherson of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not visible. Except for him an attempt to expand the bridgehead on the left bank of the Ingulets. What does the dynamics look like on this sector of the front?
– Positional battles continue here with periodic attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack with small forces in the Krivoy Rog and Nikopol directions. The latest attempts ended not very well for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but they will certainly be repeated. A direct attack on Kherson from Nikolaev looks unlikely.
As a maximum, they can try to reduce the bridgehead of the RF Armed Forces on the right bank of the Dnieper.
The RF Armed Forces are accumulating forces in the Nikolaev direction, in view of which the enemy started talking about a possible offensive of the RF Armed Forces on Nikolaev.
Attacks on bridges have not yet made a fundamental change in the dynamics of hostilities.
– The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Avdiyivka are being ironed by artillery and VKS for several days. Activation near Krasnogorovka, Marinka, Sand. How to release the specified n.p. will it affect the shelling of the Donetsk-Makiyivka agglomeration, taking into account the fact that the enemy with Western supplies has expanded the geography of shelling?
– The release of these settlements will prevent the enemy from using part of the artillery systems to shell the city, but it should be borne in mind that the presence of heavy MLRS and OTRK retains the ability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to shell Donetsk even from the Krasnoarmeysk region.
Nevertheless, advancement in these areas will certainly reduce the overall intensity of shelling of Donetsk and other settlements. Donetsk agglomeration.
– Channels report on the concentration of forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Bryansk and Kharkov directions (except for Kherson). What can the enemy do here, given that the activity is stopped by the artillery of the RF Armed Forces?
– In the Kharkov direction, the enemy, on the one hand, provides the defense of Kharkov, Chuguev and Zolochev and the retention of the current front line, for which reserves are needed.
On the other hand, local offensive actions may follow in order to recapture several settlements previously occupied by the RF Armed Forces. In the direction of the Bryansk region, one can expect an intensification of shelling and actions of the enemy’s DRG.
If we talk about the risks of an offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then more likely (in addition to Kherson) are the Zaporozhye direction (Vasilyevka, Tokmak, Pologi) and Balakleya in the Izyum direction.
– According to my information, the enemy is trying to advance in the Volnovakha direction. What is he counting on?
– With its activity in this direction, the enemy is trying to improve his tactical position, as well as to divert our command from operations in the Donetsk and Artemovsk directions, forcing additional forces to be transferred here to stabilize the front.
In the current realities, a serious advance of the enemy to Volnovakha is not possible. The offensive at Ugledar showed that the price of even one occupied settlement, like the same Pavlovka, turns out to be too high with minimal tactical benefits.
– The provocations of recent days with the “castration” of the “Ukrainian prisoner”, the shelling of the colony in Yelenovka by Khaimars and the death of the captured “Azov” testify to the information war from the West to a new level. What else can we expect? Attacks on the ZNPP?
– I would expect not only new attacks on infrastructure facilities in the liberated territories and on ammunition depots/fuel and lubricants, but also further intensification of terrorist activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.
This activity will receive the full and unconditional support of the West, which will support any terrorist attacks against the Russian Federation, if necessary, facilitating them.
Hence the need to consider the issue of stigmatizing our opponents as terrorists at the official level – this applies to both perpetrators,
Voenkor Kitten Z
Boris Rozhin: Kiev exudes terrorism
Exclusive interview on the situation in the Ukrainian theater of operations (part 2)
The first part is at the link .
– Is it true that Ukraine is refraining from strikes on Sevastopol, the Crimean bridge, Belgorod and Kursk because of fears of the safety of the government quarter in Kyiv?
– As we can see from today’s terrorist attack in Sevastopol and the ongoing shelling of the border areas, Zelensky’s gang is not particularly worried about the government quarter in Kyiv. The voiced threats of strikes against decision-making centers do not particularly impress the Zelensky gang, much less impress its sponsors. Therefore, in my subjective opinion, more targeted and demonstrative strikes are needed on the centers of the Nazi regime in Ukraine, ranging from regional regional state administrations to the buildings of the SBU and GUR MOU in Kyiv and other cities – in fact, they are no different from the regional offices of ISIS in Syria and Iraq in 2014-2018 From my point of view, these are now legitimate military targets.
– How can the escalation of the situation in Taiwan affect the fighting in Ukraine?
– In the event of a hypothetical outbreak of hostilities in the Taiwan Strait, this will obviously affect the volume of arms supplies to Ukraine, since the United States will, in fact, be forced to fight on two fronts. Plus, the economic tsunami after the start of the war in Taiwan will hit Europe very hard, which threatens it with even more terrible consequences than the rejection of Russian gas.
Therefore, from the point of view of the operation in Ukraine, the aggravation of the crisis around Taiwan is objectively beneficial for the Russian Federation, since it diverts part of the enemy’s forces to another theater of operations.
– What will the mobilization of women give the Kiev regime? When will the mobilization famine begin in Kyiv?
– That will give you some more cannon fodder.
With the continuation of hostilities at the current intensity of manpower, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have enough to compensate for the large losses for many more months to come, with a general decrease in the quality of personnel.
The mobilized women will allow the release of men for the front.
The war strategy to the last Ukrainian assumes that everything that is possible will be raked to the front without a trace. Victims for the organizers of this conveyor are not fundamental. This is a consumable item.
– Why are we not working on the combat control centers and key figures of the enemy’s military leadership?
– So far, the most high-profile strikes of this kind are the strike on the headquarters of the Sever OTG and the strike on the command of the Ukrainian Air Force in Vinnitsa.
From my point of view, such strikes are desirable and necessary much more often.
– Will there be any result from the agreements with Iran in terms of deliveries of strike UAVs to Russia?
– I think it’s very likely. Deliveries, most likely, will be legalized through the organization of a joint production of drones in Russia.
– According to the military, the logistics of the warring factions, to put it mildly, leaves nothing to be desired. Will the situation in this regard change in almost six months with the beginning of the SVO, and what needs to be changed first of all?
– The situation has improved somewhat compared to the first months, but in matters of supply there are still a lot of problems that help to partially close civilian humanitarian organizations.
There is still a lot of work to be done to increase the systemic state accumulation of funds, increase the efficiency of procurement of the necessary and the speed of delivery of the necessary to the troops. The society here is ready to fully help the state – the main problems are seen in the sluggishness of various elements of the bureaucratic machine and the unpreparedness of logistics structures to conduct combat operations in such a vast theater of operations, which requires a more complex and extensive logistics system than, say, in Syria, not to mention the general volumes needed.
This is an objective problem and it is being solved, albeit not as quickly as I or you would like.
Why have the SitReps stopped?
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin about changes per day on 21.45 Moscow time on 08/04/2022 during a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine specifically for the Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok channel :
Detachments of PMC “Wagner” entered Artemovsk and started fighting on its eastern outskirts, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy suffered heavy losses both in defense (under artillery fire) and during an unsuccessful attack on Pokrovskoye. There are also battles for the Merry Valley and on the outskirts of Kodema. Semigorye is completely liberated.
Fighting continues in the industrial zone. Bakhmutsky has some progress. Fighting continues near Yakovlevka and Belogorovka. In the area of Seversk, the enemy managed to stabilize the front, fighting continues near Serebryanka, Ivano-Daryevka and Verkhnekamensky.
In the morning, most of the village was controlled by our troops. By evening, progress was noted in the cleansing and advance to the western outskirts in the direction of Pervomaisky. Nevertheless, reports of the complete liberation of Pesok are still ahead of events, although the fortified area in Peski is not long away. And then either an attack on Pervomaisk or Vodyanoye will follow in order to create a threat to the Orlovka-Avdeevka highway.
No significant changes. Fighting north of Avdeevka continued along the Avdeevka-Konstantinovka highway near Kamenka, Novoselka-2, Novobakhmutsky, and also on the outskirts of New York. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine generally recognizes the complication of the situation for the Avdiivka group due to the advance of the RF Armed Forces south of Avdiivka. It is also worth noting the ongoing terrorist shelling of Donetsk and other settlements of the Donetsk agglomeration.
Positional battles continue in the area of Sidorov, Bogorodichny, Dolina and Prishib. The Armed Forces of Ukraine claim that they were able to regain control over the destroyed village of Mazanovka, which was located in the “gray zone”. The RF Armed Forces continue to deliver concentrated strikes against concentrations of enemy forces in the Slavyansko-Kramatorsk agglomeration, from where the civilian population continues to be evacuated. The Russian Defense Ministry claims that up to 400 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed in Konstantinovka.
The front in the Izyum direction revived somewhat. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are storming Gusarovka, the loss of which can significantly complicate the situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not comment on the statements about the storming of Gusarovka.
After the capture of Borshcheva, the RF Armed Forces are pushing in the direction of Kharkov in the direction of Russian and Cherkasy Tishok, as well as in the area of Bayrak and Dementyevka. Nevertheless, the trend towards positionality persists here. Regular rocket attacks continue on Kharkov and Chuguev. The enemy continues shelling the border areas.
Krivoy Rog.
The attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to strengthen the foothold on the Ingulets River near Andreevka continued, which has already led to large losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in manpower. Increasingly, instead of statements about an attack on Kherson and complaints about constant attacks on Nikolaev, there are statements about the threat of an offensive by the RF Armed Forces. Nevertheless, the enemy did not give up hope for successful offensive operations in the Krivoy Rog and Nikopol directions.
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin about changes per day on 22-07 Moscow time on 08/07/2022 during a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine specifically for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok :
Fighting on the Zaitsevo-Kodema line. Our troops are fixed on the eastern outskirts of Artemovsk.
Enemy attempts to counterattack in the direction of Pokrovskoye were unsuccessful.
Fights for the Happy Valley. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue strikes against Artemovsk and concentrations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in adjacent settlements.
The assault on the Knauf factory. Fights – on the territory of the industrial zone. The enemy puts up stubborn resistance.
Fights for Bakhmutskoe. Reports about the capture of Bakhmutsky are ahead of events.
Battles for Yakovlevka and Belogorovka.
Positional battles at Serebryanka, Ivano-Daryevka, Verkhnekamensky. After the enemy transferred reserves, the front stabilized here, the emphasis in the battles for the Seversk-Soledar line shifted to the assault on the eastern part of Soledar that had begun.
Positional battles north of Avdiivka near Novobakhmutovka, Novoselki-2, Kamenka.
Fighting on the outskirts of New York. In the industrial zone of Avdiivka – no changes. South of Avdiivka, the main fighting is taking place in the Pesok area.
Battles for the northwestern part of the village. The enemy strengthened his artillery grouping and transferred reinforcements to cling to the village. Our troops are clearing and demining. Artillery is intensively working in the northwestern part of Pesok.
The enemy is actively fortifying Vodyanoe and Pervomaiskoye, which he intends to hold after the loss of Pesok.
Intense fighting on the river. Ingulets, where the enemy suffered heavy losses, trying to create a full-fledged bridgehead on the eastern bank of the river in the Andreevka area.
In the area of Blagodatnoye, the Russian Armed Forces are putting pressure on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the village itself is badly damaged, but so far it has not been occupied.
Strong attacks on Nikolaev, in the Nikopol direction.
In the Krivoy Rog direction, a large warehouse with NATO ammunition was destroyed.
The enemy is shelling Kherson, Novaya Kakhovka, Energodar (including the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant), the Berislav region, and is trying to prepare a strike in the Krivoy Rog and Nikopol directions.
Positional battles in the area of Bolshaya Kamyshevakhi, Kurulka.
Balakleya is unchanged.
Gusarovka is still under the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Positional battles in the area of Prishib, Sidorov, Bogorodichny, Dolyna, and also near Mazanovka. The RF Armed Forces strike at the Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration.
The RF Armed Forces are pressing the enemy in the direction of the Russian and Cherkasy Tishok north of the northeastern outskirts of Kharkov. Fighting at Dementievka. Attacks on Kharkov and Chuguev – almost on a daily basis.
The enemy continues shelling the border areas of the Belgorod and Kursk regions.
Odessa, Dzerzhinsk, Vuhledar, Zaporizhia – no significant changes.
🇬🇧🇺🇦 Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine
as of August 8, 2022
🔻The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.
▪️As a result of strikes by high-precision air-launched missiles in the KHARKOV region, the points of temporary deployment of the battalion of the 92nd mechanized brigade and the 122nd battalion of the 113th territorial defense brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit. Enemy losses amounted to 150 military personnel and 14 vehicles and armored vehicles.
▪️In the areas of the settlements of BELOGORKA in the Kherson region and PAVLOVKA in the Nikolaev region, up to 70 nationalists and 14 vehicles were destroyed by the Russian Aerospace Forces strikes on the combat positions of the 105th and 106th battalions of the 63rd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine .
▪️As a result of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the NOVOPOLTAVKA region of the Nikolaev region, up to 30 military personnel and five vehicles of the 18th battalion of the 35th marine infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, as a result of the destruction of points of temporary deployment of Ukrainian nationalists by pinpoint strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces and missile forces, mass losses and desertion of mercenaries, the Kraken national formation lost its combat capability.
To urgently replenish the losses, the commanders of the Nazi formation unsuccessfully try to force the inhabitants of the city of Kharkov to join it.
🔻Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery continue to strike at military facilities on the territory of Ukraine.
▪️During the day, five command posts were hit, including the operational-tactical group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “Soledar” in the area of the settlement of CHASOV YAR of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the 63rd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of BELAYA KRYNITSA , Kherson region, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 117 districts.
▪️Depots with ammunition of the 66th, 110th mechanized and 56th motorized infantry brigades in the area of the village of VODYANOE, five ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of KRASNHOROVKA, NOVOMIKHAILOVKA and ARTEMOVSK, as well as a fuel depot in the area of NOVOMIKHAILOVKA of the Donetsk People’s Republic were destroyed.
▪️During the counter-battery fight, the following were hit: a battery of multiple rocket launchers “Hurricane” in the OCHERETINO area, a battery of self-propelled artillery mounts “Akatsiya” in the area of RED , as well as combat vehicles of American rocket systems of multiple launch rocket systems “Hymars” in the area of KRAMOTORSK.
In addition, the following were suppressed: three platoons of the Grad MLRS in the area of the settlements of KODEMA, MAYAKI and ADAMOVKA , four artillery platoons of the Msta-B guns, as well as two platoons of the Giacint-B guns at firing positions in the areas of the settlements of SOLEDAR, ARTEMOVSK, VESELOE, DZERZHINSK, MAKSIMILYANOVKA and ANTONOVKA of the Donetsk People’s Republic.
▪️During the day, Russian air defense systems shot down seven Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of KIRILLOVKA, MANDRYKINO, KRAPIVNYTSKO E of the Donetsk People’s Republic, BARVENKOVO, DOLGENKOE, SAVINTSY of the Kharkiv region and BARVINOK of the Kherson region.
▪️Three Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles were intercepted in the air in the areas of the settlements of PRUDYANKA, Kharkiv region, and NOVAYA KAHOVKA, Kherson region.
In addition, 19 rockets of the American HIMARS multiple rocket launcher system were shot down in the air in the areas of the settlements of DRY KAMENKA in the Kharkiv region, MELITOPOLI in the Zaporozhye region and ANTONOVKA in the Kherson region.
WHy no more sitreps since July 26?