.For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff
Best again today, is Military Summary and worth listening to and watching. He is ‘predicting’ a ‘riot’ in among the Ukie troops in the cauldron. There is an update on Snake Island (Serpent Island).
What does become clear is that the map is going to turn very red in large areas very soon.
Yes there is a cauldron with estimated 1,500 to 2,000 Ukrainian forces. This is where Military Summary expects the ‘military riot’.
The main take-away from the Russian MoD report is this: “The enemy suffers considerable losses.”
Now we wait for
- cessation of the shelling into the Donbass and
- the results of all oil refineries in the Ukraine now non-functional and the results of
- … this Kadyrov announcement: the imminent encirclement of Lisichansk and the subsequent cleansing of the city.
The Russian Defense Ministry also reported that as many as 500 Ukrainian troops from a single brigade were killed in the city of Nikolaev.
In the wider world, Ukraine War fatigue is setting in. We still get reports that this country or another country will be sending wizzbang weapons, but if you read the fine print, it is usually dependent on arrival of US or other weapons in exchange. Here is only one example:
Slovakia is trading with Germany on the terms of military assistance to Ukraine, writes Buisness Insider.According to the publication, Slovakia agrees to supply Kiev with 30 Soviet-made T-72 tanks, but in return requires 30 Leopard 2A4 tanks from Berlin.Germany does not like this formula, they are ready to supply only 15 tanks there — one Leopard for two T-72s. As a result, all tanks remain in their places, deliveries are delayed, the newspaper notes.
While Ukraine War Fatigue is setting in in the western climes, the fear of cold and a powerless future is also setting in. The disgust and fatigue with the Ukrainian refugees are now palpable. What also is turning decidedly red, is some faces of the greens, because we hear that in various places in the EU, they are un-mothballing their old coal power plants. It is of course not easy to recommission these plants, and one can only laugh because at least 70% of European thermal coal, is imported from Russia.
Our own Mr P, who knows about power plants and engineering wrote up a piece for us in the Cafe. It is worth taking a look at: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/moveable-feast-cafe-2022-06-18/#comment-1111759
A central idea is that the coal power plants can be taken out of mothballs, but what about the old skilled craftsmen?
Some overall themes that are appearing, are that Turkey may want to leave NATO (or should we say, subtext, Break NATO) and the EU cannot agree on anything, so, they want to change their ways so that they do not need 100% agreement or approval on anything from the member states. What this should indicate to us, is that NATO may just be history in a while and the EU as well, in its current form. Something else can be predicted to change its current form, and that is the United States. In Texas they have this referendum to determine if it will secede from the US. It won’t be the last state either.
We are in a tsunami of change, but there is one term that can be used and that is the old military term SNAFU everywhere. This applies to Zelensky as well, as Zelensky fatigue has now really set in. Zelensky addressed the African Union and only 4 out of 55 invited heads of state attended the virtual session.
2 Short Updates
The US Embassy in Moscow has a new address (https://t.me/donbassr/22283): 1 Donetsk People’s Republic Square.
Putin: The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of BRICS currencies is being worked out. The Russian President also invited representatives of the BRICS countries to the economic forum in Vladivostok in September.
just let us hope that the bombing of Donbass can finally stop for good
There are few ways to stop bombing Donbass. 1- Russia responds by hitting decision centers and clearly states that it’s Russia’s response to continuous bombing of Donbass. 2- Russia’s response is order of magnitude more destructive ( while still avoiding civilians casualties ). 3- Russian Counter batteries actions and here I don’t know if Russia is responding by hitting the nazis’ batteries or if it’s too busy elsewhere.
While they are “un-mothballing their old coal power plants,” knowing full well “it is of course not easy to recommission these plants,” how did they get not to remember that we, the ninety percent of humanity, “can only laugh because at least 70% of European coal, is imported from Russia.”
Sleepwalking to their own disaster! I really do pray the day I drink to the end of NATO and EU comes this summer!
Me, TOO!
Europe is flailing like a turtle flipped on its back. They have no solutions to their self-made problems, so flailing wildly at least shows that they’re trying to do something. Inevitably, it will all end badly.
The EU import of Russian coal is supposedly 46 percent, but your point still stands :)
At the present level of consumption. I wonder where the sudden demand for extra coal is going to draw it from?
SNAFUs are manageable, the Ukraine is FUBAR’d. Will never recover. The manpower losses over the last few days alone, the Russians even let thirty Brit/Yank wounded mercs and their dead leave their area of combat.
I notice a pattern, every Russian success plays out in western media as a Ukrainian victory. Headlines today have Russians worried about being encircled by Ukrainians. Talk about projection.
Let’s hope the shelling of Donbas stops soon.
For many, myself included, that will be the most important gauge on where Russia is in this phase.
Cheers M
If it were a tennis match, you can imagine the announcements. “40-love, Ukraine”. “3-love, Ukraine”. “First set to Ukraine”. “Second set to Ukraine”. “Ukraine leads 5-0, third set”.
Then, to everyone’s surprise and dismay:
“Ukraine retires from the match. Russia wins”.
Wrong. Because you dont know the new US/Nato science invented military term:
“Winning by losing it”!
.neolanguage…that sounds very orwellian….
As a tennis player, that is a spot on analogy!
Why would Russia do that, let those mercs go? Those low lifes are there to murder people for money.
Maybe because they are so severly wounded and on the verge of dying, and the West takes so long to even discuss them, so they are just a liability in the hospitals, where all “hands” are needed for wounded RF/LDNR soldiers.
The Russians have too much heart to just dump them on the “border” and let them die there. Better then, to let west do all the surgical procedures and other costly medical help.
“Why would Russia do that, let those mercs go? Those low lifes are there to murder people for money.”
If they have only engaged in combat, in uniform, then why should they recieve different treatment from Ukrainians who have done the same? We shouldn’t make being a mercenary a crime on its own, let alone a capital crime. Does the Geneva Convention say it is?
So you say it is the same if you are, on the one hand, by law bound to join the amy in the country where you are a citizen, and, on the other hand, if you are a mercenary on “sniper safari” (paying for the right to shoot civilians), or payed to volontarily shoot civilians?
In my mind, it is a big differnce!
Let’s flip the script.
Let’s say that it is 1969 and you and your biker friends are sitting around drinking beer and just decide that it is time to go to Vietnam and “help out”. Perhaps you fly into Cambodia all dressed up in your homemade combat gear and walk across the border into Vietnam in search of an ARVN outfit to join up with. I’m sure that the first ARVN unit you come across will be more than happy to share their weapons and rations with you and would be glad to have you on board even though you do not speak the language, do not know the country and have no understanding as to how they’ve been trained to fight.
See how utterly ridiculous that sounds? It sounds 100% crazy, right? But this is exactly what is happening in Ukraine right now with thousands of foreign fighters – fighters encouraged by their governments to go do some paid murder tourism.
Murder tourists, like partisans, have no protection under the Geneva Convention.
Ti zoldnieri su (budu) svedkovia, co sa deje na 404. Snad to pomoze otvorit oci ludom, ktori nemaji informacie. Takze svojim sposobom propaganda proti mainstreamu. A to bude neprijemne pre Zapad.
Those mercenaries are (I will) witness what is happening on 404. Perhaps it will help open the eyes of people who have no information. So, in a way, propaganda against the mainstream. And that will be uncomfortable for the West.
Mercenaries kill for money and pleasure.
There can be only one punishment
Geneva Convention relative to POWs would apply to members of volunteer units meeting certain standards (Art.4.A.2) including the Art.3 requirement that all parties must avoid “(d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.” In other words, sentences and executions in accordance with “regularly constituted court” procedures is permitted, and evidently that’s what has taken place.
From what I’ve seen, these are traditional mercs like the U.S. deployed into various theaters (Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia). Those people universally had military experience, almost all had prior combat experience, and were solely motivated by money – the traditional view we have of mercenaries.
The foreign combatants in Ukraine are very different. A few I’ve seen had prior military experience, but it was varied (cooks, etc.) and in police-action roles (not direct combat). The older Brit just sentenced to death for example was married to a Ukrainian woman who didn’t want to live in the U.K.. As someone who’s lived most of his adult life in Russia, I completely get that. I’m not saying they should be there – just that it’s not a black and white thing like Blackwater operatives fighting for six-figure-a-year contracts.
It’s black and white enough. Murder is wrong.
Murder is wrong, in fact it is a War Crime. Being a mercenary is not a War Crime however.
The specific crimes they were found guilty of should be made public.
from MoD: “This night, Ukrainian command evacuated up to 30 wounded and 8 killed American and British mercenaries to prevent their capture by units of the Russian Armed Forces in view of the possible defeat of the units from the 14th and the 24th mechanised brigades near Nikolayevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).”
Of course this is just speculation on my part, but I can think of a lot of reasons why the Russians might not go after 30 wounded mercs. Besides what others have already said, how important are those 30? If there are 30 there, isn’t there 1000’s left everywhere else? Maybe is was not worth the risk to the Russians to go after them, or maybe they just had more important things to do. As the Russians seem to be doing pretty good, I won’t try to judge them from position of a lot more ignorance than they must have.
So they can return home to their families in The West thus spreading the truth of what is happening in Ukraine: Russia is winning.
Nothing is more provocative example of truth to the Western locals than a maimed individual returning from Ukraine.
Local Western Proles are too busy trying to earn their daily money to maybe put food on the table, day-in and day-out; to pay attention to Ukraine. When their friends return home from Ukraine, maimed and permanently wounded? Effective truth.
Western psychopaths and their millions of political adherents on the streets have been very effective in controlling society through impoverishment. Indeed, many Western Proles believe that they are part of those movements led by those self-same psychopathic political leaders. Until a mercenary or thrill-seeker comes home with a missing leg…
Then reality sets in. Among the locals. The leaders could care less.
Remember all those helos sent to extract high value people from Azovstol? Extreme efforts were made to extract Yanks dead or alive.
The antipropoganda effect of a batch of US POWs in Donbas would be even more impossible to manage than the collapse of the US economy. Just wo is already a nightmare. So much for plausible deniability …
They should not allow those mercs to just walk away.
By most accounts they didn’t walk away; many limped, some stretchered, and a few on crutches LOL
The lust for revenge, although understandable, is a poor advisor.
Capturing severly wounded mercs becomes a liability, a drain on YOUR resources. It’s a smart move by Russia to let Ukraine deal with them, drain THEIR resources or hand death to them to eliminate of that drain.
A killed fighter is a loss of 1.0 fighters only. A severley wounded fighter is the loss of 1.0 fighters PLUS the enduring obligation to expend resources on him, which will multiply the loss.
Chrissie, good of you to point that out, I originally didn’t mention it, just thought it was a given. Drain on resources, esp the wounded, and the optics. Not worth it.
Cheers M
I bring this to the attention of The Saker community in case it’s not common knowledge yet and let those curious to know more make what they may of the article.
Russia lines up its State Fund of Precious Metals for Military Mobilization
Published 22 June 2022 11:17
Ronan Manly:
“Amid heightened tensions between Russia and Lithuania over access to Kaliningrad, Russia’s Ministry of Finance has this week published a draft bill to create a new ‘Reserve Fund’ of gold and precious metals within the existing State Fund of Russia (Gosfund). This Reserve can be used in the event that the Russian government moves to a state of ‘mobiliziation’ (i.e. if Russia moves to a general war footing).”
“The draft amendment bill is to the existing law “On mobilization and mobilization training in the Russian Federation”. As a reminder ‘Mobilization’ in the context of a military means:
“the organization of the armed forces of a nation for active military service in time of war or other national emergency. In its full scope, mobilization includes the organization of all resources of a nation for support of the military effort.” Source – Britannica
The article goes into detail of Russia’s planning for this eventuality even posing the question in this paragraph.
Ronan Manly:
“Interestingly, although this legislative bill to use precious metals of the Gosfund in a general Russian mobilization is now appearing in June 2022 in the middle of the Russia-Lithuania (NATO) standoff, the bill itself was perceptively planned over a year ago back in mid 2021. Which begs the question, has a widespread Russian – NATO war been planned all along, or is it just preceptive pre-planning?”
I’m pretty sure the Russian staff gamed all scenarios prior to the ‘SMO’ launching. The Kaliningrad cut-off would be easy to predict as would counter moves, both temporary and permanent.
I wouldn’t be surprised that Lithuania becomes another Oblast of Russia – and the Lithuanian people will hardly care as long as they have jobs, food, and shelter.
This is the sort of statement that I often see repeated in this forum: Russia already thought of every possible eventuality before launching the SMO. That, of course, is absurd. Did no one ever hear of “the fog of war?” Russia may have thought of many possible outcomes and paths that the operation could take, but they almost certainly are making adjustments on the fly according to developments foreseen and unforeseen.
Alan, of course, but a Kaliningrad cut-off ***IS*** easy to predict. No ifs and buts about it.
There is a qualitative difference between the “on the fly adjustments” made by the Russians by picking from the mant options they have previously identified, and the “off the cuff” adjustments made by the empire of lies by panicking and picking whatever rubbish they can find lying around the mess they have previously created.
Fail to plan? Plan to fail.
Do you seriously think the Russian military will go to war without looking at all the alternative moves the USA could make and plan for them? It’s rather like an endless series of ‘if then do’ loops, most countermoves the USA could make are easily predicted.
I’ve run large projects for over 30 years and even with the current supply chain shortages my division has been ahead of the stock-out curve and able to keep producing. I am no smarter than the Russian general staff.
Most countries have predetermined war plans that are updated every year based on immediate and foreseeable threats. The Russians have had 8 years + to game this out and produce a detailed plan.
At any rate, thank you Jim Bob and Eagle Eye for the comments.
For context it is essential to read the entire article. “Legislation” is the key word.
This has nothing to do with Ukraine per sé. Ukraine is just one of many symptoms of the Western hegemonic collapse. There’s the big picture. And the minutiae. The big picture is the changeover to a new monetary and financial system. Led by Russia and China. Period.
“…has a widespread Russian – NATO war been planned all along…?”
I think it’s like the lightning encirclement of Kiev earlier on. The Russians probably thought it unlikely that the regime would be overthrown – but it was worth a try.
Just as, if your opponent plays the Nimzowich Variation of the French Defence with a White pawn on e5, it is worth putting your bishop of d3. Maybe he will castle!… and then you have the Greek Gift.
Of course a strong player won’t castle – but you have lost nothing. Game theory shows that, as well as the bets possible moves and replies, one may also take into account the opponent’s intelligence, experience, and emotional state.
Today, the Severodonetsk/Lisichansk cauldron is being left “ajar” – and, sure enough, Kiev is sending yet more soldiers into the trap. Every soldier who goes into the cauldron will not get out, but is one fewer for the regime in the West.
Over Snake Island, the US drone flew high in the sky – possibly helping to direct the battle. Bit it was not short down. Why not? Perhaps the Russians learned a lot from observing it and its signals.
As to NATO, it would have been extremely foolish and rash to start the SMO without making full provision for a possible NATO sucker punch elsewhere. One reason why it is being conducted with such relatively slight means. We can be sure that every possible contingency has its plans.
I think you make some thoughtful points. Great insight.
Bro, they weren’t observing the drones mechanics and notating it’s maneuvers. If they could have shot it down they would have. Let’s not start guzzling the kool aid and thinking Russia is perfect. They’re not. They’re just as bad as everyone else – which of course is not as bad as the US.
Switzerland reportedly makes first bullion purchase from the sanctioned country since February
The purchase represents about 2% of the nation’s bullion imports in May. Switzerland is a key refining hub that handles two-thirds of the world’s gold.
Bloomberg et al. reported on Tuesday.
Everything was planned by the boss himself all along…
Quote: We still get reports that this country or another country will be sending wizzbang weapons . . . .
I just want to tell you all that in Australia, the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) and its daily television “news” broadcast puts to air nothing but pro-Kiev propaganda; never mentions any civilian deaths in Donbas and Luhansk; is totally Russia phobic.
I think SBS gets its news feed from the BBC and CNN ~ the broadcasts will make any sane person vomit.
That turns a PP2 mask into a barf bag!
No laughing matter!
Reply old Lucky
And all things brown / female / gay / green/ weird. Hate all white Christians and normal families. Love Government freebies for illegals. Oh and only foreign spicy food is any good, because it is so moreish as they finger food into their mouths.
Stopped watching social manipulation TV years ago. The fake news is a Tax payer funded disgrace.
From Lucky country to Woke country, look out for Broke country. Aus and NZ are all aboard the Biden Titanic. Both Prime Ministers are in the band.
California, Texas , Arizona etc were under Mexican/Spanish rule till USA forcefully acquired them . Millions of brown people have many more generations native to these states than Trump or Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or Obama or Larry page or Sergey Brin or Madeline Albright or Victoria Nuland or Antony Blinken
G’day Aaron,
Actually both Prime Ministers are “in the Bag”.
I stopped watching SBS News for that reason (and so I don’t throw things at my TV screen!). Still watch documentaries there, though. (I also note that their new WorldWatch channel has a Ukrainian news service, but no Russian.) ABC News is just as bad, and the commercial channels are unbearable. At this point I trust Russian news sources over anything in Australia.
I second that sentiment Suzy. Nauseating bunch of woke suckholes. I watch to learn what direction the flock is meant to move in and then make a point of going the other way. It is useful for that.
G’day Suzie McHale (and eagle eye),
If you haven’t already, I suggest you watch Riccardo Bosi’s expositions on our near term Oz future. He isn’t up to speed yet on Xi and China and his suggested 2% expenditure tax in lieu of all other taxation would produce more than required, but mostly he presents an Oz future that will happen.
G’day Lucky Larrikin,
Ita and the ABC and SBS won’t be with us much longer.
Re-commissioning plants take time, things corrode when not in use and maintenance is stopped, valves and other components go obsolete and must be remade or replacement circuits installed, masonry dries and cracks. Sometimes it’s less expensive, safer, and faster to simply bypass the situation and build a new plant – but the EU has long been running on borrowed time, the USA has long shown signs of internal cracks, and NATO has been exposed as a paper tiger.
I have frequently counselled interns that every day you wake up the world has changed, either learn to adapt to the changes or the world will force you to adapt regardless. The first method is less painful, a pity the EU didn’t understand that.
Not to mention that any coal-fired power plant is far more radioactive than any nuclear power station.
Ho hum, we are quickly learning the establishment’s order of priorities.
Lets not overthink this.
In euro-speak a “mothballed” plant is one which was -prematurely- shut down and put in an emergency reserve state with the vision it must be possible to recommission it within a given timeframe. Usually months.
The gov gave subsidies for those premature shutdowns and part of the conditions was the owners were paid to keep them as cold-cold-standby units.
These are not your usual “decomissioned” plants where everything is rundown and equipment needs to be replaced. Some of these were not even 20 yrs old and had at least a couple decades in them when mothballed.
Yes, mothballed plants are much easier to bring back up, rather than fully decommissioned plants where key components are stripped to be used elsewhere and the power is completely shut off.
However, it will take months to bring back online AND it is certain the original employees either retired or found productive work somewhere else, and may not wish to return unless there is a nice $$$ package and incentive. Any number of them may have moved out of the area, as well.
Not to mention that lack of trust that they quit their current jobs and then in about 12 months (or less!) the coal plant is shut down again.
I saw a goose flying over my place today. In euro-speak this was a proper gander!
Mothballed my ArZe. If you could ‘mothball’ these coal fired plants why did they tear them down in the de Pfeffer lands soon after they were shut down?
Lest we forget CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04% of the total of components. This is a trace gas. Study geological history. It is Sweet FA. The planet itself contributes from 90-94%. of this trace gas.
Anusoles claim this miniscule trace gas controls liff on earth!
Go figure on distractions.
@ User,
Let’s not underthink it either :-)
So, let me see, a ‘for profit’ corporation is being given money to maintain a plant that may never start up again, and you think they’re going to actually maintain it to the proper standard without cutting corners? >.< I have some bridges for sale, interested?
G’day Jack JC et al,
Fortunately the whole issue is moot because the existing global political cum financial control situation is coming to a head and once Russia resolves it’s end of it, the UK and EU et al will transition to Tesla type energy generation modes and most existing systems other than nuclear, will begin to be phrased out.
On main problem is that no company or private investor wants to invest into long therm projects like a new coal plant. Because the EU, especially the Germany government, are totally unpredictable. They say the last years that they hate coal plants and fossil fuels. So what will happen when this crises is over? They will restart their “green Khmer” suicide plan and start to shut down the coal plants again.
First the current government and their NGO’s (servenat/ master?) must be cleansed out of existence.
Likewise who will want to invest in new oil terminals or refineries to handle non-russian oil, if said infrastructure will have to be scrapped by 2035 or whatever year the wizards in charge of EU decide to stop all fossile fuel?
In a sign of the times Sweden today declared being open to building small new nuclear power plants (for which Sweden no longer has any design knowledge but Russia has…) and looking again at restarting the Barsebäck plant that was shut down last year, but the main name of the game is “efficiencies” AND fossil free steel (yes I am aware that fossil free steel will increase Sweden’s electricity consumption by 50%).
I suspect the fire brick liners in the furnaces will have to be rebuilt. The liners tend to crack when cooled down.
There is also have to be a detailed survey of the condition of the plants, piping, values, pumps…
Say six months to restart. Three if they’re lucky.
@ Bob Sykes,
Fully agree about the brick liners. I think 3 months would be incredibly lucky for them but I think 6 months like you said is much more likely.
I had a van that I left in a garage for four months without running it. Thing wouldn’t start when I finally tried it. Had to get the engine cleaned out, new spark plugs, etc.etc. And I think a van is significantly less complicated than a power plant!
Robert Hunter, U.S. Ambassador to NATO from 1993-1998, thoroughly establishment pedigree, wrote to postpone the Spain NATO confab to avoid a debacle, discrediting it.
This year’s NATO summit should be postponed
“Going forward with the scheduled meeting at the end of the month risks creating serious problems when the alliance can least afford them.”
Listed are all the fault lines.
The Establishment cannot ignore anymore what is happening with Hunter not yet ready to admit the end on the Unipolar Order.
As Putin said at SPIEF, St. Petersburg, a change of Western Elites, soon, will be evident.
What bearing or significance would anything Hunter having to say equate to?
Equates to an Establishment admission.
Saving face sure beats falling on your sword, what?
I get where you’re coming from, but Hunter has zero legitimacy whatsoever.
Likely already cancelled for letting the cat out of the bag.
Yes. Curious how little has been written/said about the US after NATO breaks apart.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” — Lincoln
Curious how nobody in the US seems concerned about the levels of division we currently experience in this cancel culture of ‘ignore what’s inconvenient, shriek at what offends you, and burn the constitution’. The rifts will only get wider, especially if a Trumper becomes the next president.
The US will also break apart once NATO goes. The only question is, along which lines?
Maybe the USA could return to the policies recommended by every single one of the “Founding Fathers”: peace with all, enmity against none, and no “entangling alliances”.
“Curious how nobody in the US seems concerned about the levels of division we currently experience…”
Every group believes that they alone have the absolute and complete truth, so everyone else is WRONG. Being wrong, they can be ignored.
Being wrong, they can be silenced, publicly mocked, marginalized… and imprisoned.
There is no division, the government and all its agencies, branches and modes of governing are all in bed together obeying the dictates of the 1% which the country was founded on. When you look at the so-called constitution, it’s amazing at just how much it’s built like the one they fought to get a way from, that’s why The Articles of Confederation had to be destroyed for it gave the people way too much power to be replaced with a watered down version that placed the power in the one branch that was given all the power the congress, leaving the peoples house as little more than a wet dream which it isn’t even that anymore..
Lincoln was a War Criminal
Working for the “House” over the rights of people.
The Real Lincoln Thomas Dilorenzo
G’day pasha,
Arguably the US won’t need a ‘Trumper’ because Trump will still be in charge. Moreover, once multi-US states simultaneously decertify “Brandon’s” fraudulent election, all of his illegal regimes’ decisions will be reversed. When the truth comes out rifts will heal except in relation to the machinations of miscreants.
One of the maxims in the law of Equity “He who grants – can take it away” ( the play on “The Lord giveth and
the Lord taketh away”). Russia granted Lithuania its independence, and Russia is in the position to take it away.
I’d like to hear opinions on the subject of Kaliningrad’s blockade, which is clearly a continuation of Ukrainian SMO.
p.s These sitreps are superb and always a good way to start my days. Thank you!
Lithuania Launches DANGEROUS Russian Blockade | Jacob Dreizin
Use SNAFU sparingly!
It is the one time an enlisted gets the chance to curse out the officer :
“Situation, Soldier?”
“Situation Normal, All F*cked Up, Sir!”
For sure a lot of that going on – I wonder what SNAFU is in Ukrainian?
Or in French, German, Polish, Czeck, Hungarian?
A good German version could be :
“Alles ist Friede Freude Eierkuchen und im Eimer”
Everything is peaceful, happy and egg-cake and in the trash-can.”
Had Ukraine had even a modicum of national sovereignty left after the coup in 2014, it would never have reached the point of provoking a military confrontation with Russia.
And if it had reached this point, the conflict would never have started. And if it had started, there would never have been its continuation and negotiation would prevail.
Even if diplomacy failed, the military situation would never have reached the current carnage with unprepared men thrown like cannon fodder to certain death.
And even if this horrifying scenario occurred, surrender would prevail.
We must ask ourselves: What will happen after the death of the last Ukrainian soldier? How many soldiers does Lithuania have?
This is a war that is bound to escalate until we find ourselves on the brink of the nuclear Armageddon into which the Imperium in its incurable madness threatens to throw us.
Will there be a choice?
《Mobilized a week ago. That means no training, no combat coordination. Nothing. 》
“What will happen after the death of the last Ukrainian soldier?”
“A land without a people for a people without a land.”
Beware the “is”.
People in Europe will be wishing for coal in their Christmas stockings. Will East Germany hold a referendum to join the Russian Federation?
38% and climbing want the wall back.
Politicians say they wish to shut down coal plants, nuclear power plants, and stop sales of gasoline and diesel engines.
As a result, young men choose other careers. We are going to have too many solar panel installers.
I see trainloads of coal every day headed to the west coast ports destined for China. Oil companies can’t build storage facilities fast enough for the oil pumped daily. Biggest problem is distribution to ports and refineries. There hasn’t been a new refinery built in the US since 1970, meanwhile the nuclear power plants go…..hmmmmm.
Obama shut down the nuclear waste project at Yucca mountain, so where is the nuclear waste going to ? (perhaps some landfill project soon-to-be another subdivision).
I read somewhere that solar and wind power provide only 2% of world power needs. What is the maintenance cost on each wind powered generator versus how much Kw does it produce ? No one mentions child labor mining lithium in the Congo, nor where do you discard the used-up Li-On batteries as HAZMAT.
It takes more energy and $$$ to be green ;} ………and the planet keeps making crude
(read “Black Gold Stranglehold” by Jerome R. Corsi and Craig R. Smith)
Bright Green Lies lays out the economics of so-called green energy very well (doesn’t hurt that Derrick Jensen has a master’s in mining technology). Wind / solar / hydro all require huge subsidies because when you include all the expenses in their installation they use more energy than they create. The truth is that the West can no longer power its luxurious way of life (exuberant is the term used in Overshoot), but it is not going to alter its ways. I have more respect for the “climate change denier” who recognizes that climate change is real but sees no point in altering his lifestyle than I do for the person who thinks that we can continue to live this way without fossil fuels, the latter being far more energy-intensive than anything else. And watch out, don’t confuse “energy” with “electricity.”
Germany is one of the worst, burning up the world’s forests which are desperately needed, and calling it biomass and renewable.
In Germany, no sign yet of keeping the last 3 Nuclear Reactors beyond 2022
And the situation there is much worse than coal plants – nuclear engineering Uni courses were practically banned – so no hope of German nuclear expertise.
China and Russia would of course be willing to help.
Can the SMO battles in Ukraine end only many years from now?
“NATO Chief Stoltenberg Says Russia’s War In Ukraine Could Last Years”
Stoltenberg’s tour of duty at NATO is on extra time already.
Maybe he want’s to extend again?
He should take that job at the Norwegian Central Bank, and simply shut up.
He could certainly do far more harm, and kill more people, as a central banker.
That’s funny. :)
Tranquilocomp — not likely. With broken supply chain & access to raw materials & manufacturing capabilities, tbe west, in particular the US, cannot replace weapons & ammo indefinitely.
Western soldiers — assuming they can draft any — will be throwing sticks & stones against Russian tanks & missiles.
Do people actually really listen to or,even more incredible,quote that utter moron Stoltenberg?
“…even more incredible,quote that utter moron Stoltenberg?”
Here’s another link, but I don’t know if it would have saved me from your critique.
“Russia-Ukraine war could last for years, say western leaders”
I do now and then because his words count…and not just in Russia.
Stoltenberg is the Talesman of the Gay7 cult, and as such he indicates the day level of insanity when he speaks.
but the government of Russia also reads what he says, wouldn’t you agree? They disagree with him, but they pay attention because – why do you think they care to read what he says?
I quoted him just to stimulate some critical thoughts, but a couple of others became critical of me. We basically agree, Tommy. He kept saying even at Geneva that Ukraine would join NATO in the future, sounding “insane.” I don’t know anything about that cult.
@ Praxis
Good question.
For the poster, engaged in subliminal trolling, everything that comes from the NYT, the WaPo, Moscow Times, NATO, etc., etc., etc., and diminishes or question Russia’s SMO, is valid to post.
So, he makes full time idiot Stoltenberg relevant by posting his drivel.
Lone Wolf
“The EU cannot agree on anything, so, they want to change their ways so that they do not need 100% agreement.” But they do seem intent on Ukraine joining up. That is exactly the last thing you would expect from rational thinkers.
One wonders if the EU notables Scholz, Macron, Draghi, Iohannis and von der Leyen inquired about the health and whereabouts of the Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk while they were visiting the T-shirted Zelensky in Kiev. Are the human rights of the Russian minority important for the EU? And what about using civilians as human shields? Is that a topic for the EU?
The EU has become an instrument of geopolitics and that will surely tear it apart, just as Ukraine has been torn apart.
Well the Europeans agree that Ukraine gets the state of candidate. But that does not mean anything. In business terms, that is a letter of intent. And something that does not request any hard conditions, you can easily agree on. Like with the climate change conference. In the final note everyone usually agree that they should do more.
It seems there a few chess aficionados here!
Great analysis by Alastair Crooke :
*A chess term, where a player must move, but every possible move only worsens his situation
It sure looks like the EU and NATO are in an impossible situation – every trick they use makes it far worse for them. Lithuania, the latest prank, is bound to vastly amplify their predicament.
Rule #1 – when stuck in a pit , STOP digging!
Russians have a great and well-deserved reputation as chess players, so it is a reasonable guess that those who admire Russia might also have absorbed chess culture.
I remember when the USSR played the Rest of the World over 50 boards – and won! At the Lepizig Chess Olympiad in 1960, the USSR fielded Tal, Botvinnik, Keres, and Korchnoi, with Smyslov and Petrosian as reserves! “Only” 4 world champions plus probably the two strongest players never to be world champion…
I susprect that, as well as judo, Mr Putin has a good understanding of chess.
Thanks for the link, bonbon, a very good essay. And I have a new word which I love: ZUGZWANG!
“He is ‘predicting’ a ‘riot’ in among the Ukie troops in the cauldron”.
Maybe “mutiny” is a better word than “riot”, in the military context.
Might start as a planned mutiny, but never forget the Maidan trick – fired on by fragging ideologues it would turn into a riot. The Bastille storming of 1792 being the model.
Russia would be a peacekeeper!
His English is limited, and he is occasionally challenged to translate technical terms. Somebody already clued him in, and he uses “mutiny” in the 6/22 summary.
Douglas Macgregor «This war has been lost a long time ago»
“”The western unity you’re seeing is a facade, at best”: Colonel Douglas Macgregor.
NATO planner, Iraq vet, vast experience, outspoken critic.
Swiss WeltWoche interview.
@ bonbon
Thanks for that link.
This is an important interview.
The political-military acumen of this man is worth to pay attention to.
The Saker team should post this interview, as they did with his article “When the lies come home.”
Just a suggestion.
Lone Wolf
fz-mod: a couple of comments are way off topic. Could you place them from now on in in the Moveable Feast Cafe?
I just came back from from having my car serviced at the Ford/volvo car dealer down the road from me. I noticed there were no vehicles on the sales lot; no new Fords, and no new Volvos for sale. What used vehicles were on the lot were of measly pickings. I asked the dealer, “what’s up?” He replied, “we can’t get anything in, and what little does come in gets taken off the lot right away.” I notice just about all other car dealers in the area are seriously short on inventory too. Seems like there is a serious car shortage going on in the U.S.A. With inflation also out of control, and the stock market taking yet another dive today, we here in the States seem to be in some sort of economic meltdown. This “Ukraine war” is certainly going beyond the Ukraine; seems like the Ukraine just happens to be the convienient hot spot of the moment in a much wider WWIII. I’m not so sure the West is winning.
The pain and suffering of first world countries is laid bare in this harrowing report.
Those who push do not receive the blows, says the ancient popular wisdom.
“Ukraine retires from the match.Russia wins”
Thats expecting the West to admit defeat. The West are really not going to report a Russian victory and will massively subvert the truth to give the appearance of a catastrophic defeat.They will fool many of their zombified constituency but will very quickly hugely fail to convince the vast majority.
If Selensky does not sign a piece treaty, and is the only president the West will accept, then Ukraine can not lose. Maybe 100% will be occupied, but not, that is not a loss. It is only the preparation for the final win. The West certainly can do that. West Germany never accepted East Germany as a valid state, even that they had some relations. So with Selensky in exit we can get an forever war, even when the fighting stops.
Europe has not much potential left. But the is still enough philosophical thinking left that they can frame it as “we did not lost the war”. Maybe because we never fought, because we do not like fighting? (We just kill people differently these days)
I fear that the cornered US will resort to something horrendous.
US will do this even if not cornered.
To be specific, the worst atrocities, whether by US itself or thru directly sponsored groups (take your pick of the worst of the last 70 years, pick practically any conflict since WWII) were committed and/or supported when there was no threat to the US security or financial interests – it was purely and exclusively in defense of greedy imperial ambitions.
The world knows.
Yep, after the surviving western mercenaries were pulled out of the Gorskoe/Zolotoe area, the UA position that was defended hard for 4-6 weeks (?) is falling apart very fast. As a consequence, the UA position in and near Lisichansk is now exposed, and I think it’s days are numbered.
After that, probably will be an intermediate line, roughly North-South thru Artemovsk (aka Bakhmut) to Seversk. This line also coincides with the Bakhmutka river – but perhaps this river will be less of a physical barrier compared to the Seversky Donets river.
Then finally after that, or maybe at the same time, battle will happen for the significant semicircle of cities: Slavyansk/Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, Toretsk etc. Arguably, that semicircle of cities forms the heart of the overall UA presence in Donbas.
“Every battle is won before it is ever fought”. ~ Sun Tzu
American MSM would likely discount this as Chinese propaganda…
“A central idea is that the coal power plants can be taken out of mothballs, but what about the old skilled craftsmen?”
1. this is not either simple task, nor quick
2. role of thermal and nuclear plants in the system is not the same as role of gas or hydro power. Gas and some hydro powered plans work in peak periods, they go in or out operations quickly. Thermal or nuclear plans, once fired, produce virtually constant power – not flexible enough to synchronize production with demand.
Even with all human resources available 100%, points 1 and 2 are valid. Skilled engineers and craftsmen can only do so much.
At best, without gas (if hydro was sufficient to begin with, no gas plans would have been built, so no luck again) , the system will be unstable most of the time = unpredictable and incontrollable blackouts or brownouts. Think of Sarajevo 1990s or Belgrade 1999.
Coal Plants – I suspect this mostly a PR move to keep the pitchforks and torches at bay for a little while longer.
Kaliningrad – This move just shows that Lithuania has no real sovereignty or at least that her leaders are bought and payed for.
It also suggests to me that Neo-Con Globalists are firmly in control, of the USA/West, and have decided to deliberately provoke a general European war. The USA has a history, going back to at least 1861, of provoking its intended victims into ‘firing the first shot’.
Russia clearly is aware of what is going on. The S-500 deployment and an apparent increase in the tempo of operations in the Donbass show it.
But, how far will the West go?
Thanks for these great Sitreps. No obvious ‘Zelensky Fatigue’ setting in for a Nazi’s grand-daughter and Canada’s deputy minister (of Banderite affairs) as she introduces the little-big man himself to a national audience of Canadian University Students in Toronto earlier today…
“Zelensky delivers virtual address to students at the University of Toronto’s Monk School of Global Affairs. He is introduced by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland…(scroll down)
A technical issue with recommissioning coal plants, which is a huge job in the best case and entirely dependent on how they were shut down. A key factor in shutting one down depends on whether the turbine and generator are destined for restarting, sale or demolition. If it’s either of the first two, you have to keep the assembly spinning. It can be very slow and done by forcing air through the steam channels.
If these components aren’t spun, the deflect. The shaft gets out of shape and the clearances inside the units is tight. It can take weeks of slowly building up the speed of rotation even for a unit that was mothballed with the intent of restarting (like Guatemalan sugar plantations where the units run only during harvest/processing). If you get it wrong and/or start them too fast, the whole thing explodes. And the turbine casing is cast, so you’re not fixing it.
Source: my experience with coal fired power plants including maintenance outages and decommissioning.
Now we can say with all certainty the first of the (several) cauldrons developing in Donbass, slammed down.
The Gorskoe/Zolote cauldron, the “Mountain/Golden” cauldron as they call it, closed off after the taking of Rai-Aleksandrovka and Loskutovka. Combat continues toward Volcheyarovka and Nikolaevka, in the direction of the Lisichansk Oil Refinery.
Out of curiosity, take a look at the pro-nazi (LiveMap),
do you see any signs of encirclement? It shows combat in Zolote/Gorskoe/Vrobivka, but no signs of Russian troops north of those locations.
Pure pro-nazi stench.
Same with the map of the pompously named “Institute for the Study of War,” a neocon site for whom the lies hasn’t come home yet.
Regardless of the lies, the “Mountain/Golden” cauldron is shut, between 1,500 and 2,500 troops are expected to be caught in the boiler. We will be waiting for details re: the units.
Contours of the Gorsko-Zolotoe Cauldron
Today, our troops took Rai-Aleksandrovka and Loskutovka. All the villages around Gorsky and Zolotoye are controlled by our troops.
Fighting is underway in the direction of Volcheyarovka and Nikolaevka. The remaining enemy forces in Gorsky and Zolotoye moved to a circular defense.
The next boiler for the Ukrainian army is fully ready.
Next, Severodonetsk/Lisichansk.
Cheers, brother Russian Bear!!!
Lone Wolf
This is the link to the neo-con “Institute for the Study of War” situational map, as of 06/21/2022.
Lone Wolf
It’s been a very quiet day for news today. I’ve been scanning my Telegram channels and not too much being reported. Glad to hear about the Cauldrons.
My ex works for a large auto leasing company. Same issue in Canada – very few new cars. You can wait months if you want something special, weeks if you don’t.
Component shortages hitting everything.
Electronics, plastic resin, rubber, bearings, castings, you name it.
NATO should have been abolished by 1995 at the latest — but that wouldn’t have been useful for the (((Neocons))l and their craving to reacquire control over Russia after the (((Soviet Union government))) was removed from power.
Just over an hour ago Defence Politics Asia published an update on his Youtube channel showing the Zolotye (sp?) cauldron now has a tight-fitting lid, though he does wonder how many Uke troops remain, quoting some reports that forces had been withdrawn and sent towards the Bakhmut direction.
In other news, it appears that the pro-empire Bulgarian government is now in a state of collapse after failing a no-confidence vote: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/21/bulgaria-faces-fresh-political-turmoil-amid-government-confidence-vote
Bulgarian Govt is one thing.
Bulgarian People are other.
The mention of Texas… https://news.yahoo.com/texas-republicans-want-secede-united-223147171.html
(et sec)
They are at pains to avoid the precedent set by Kosovo and elsewhere. Texas can succeed. But timing is everything. .a matter of disequilibrium of power. After Russia makes mutual defense treaty with Mexico…well, that would change the balance, eh? Imagine! Ruskie bombers making call at old US bases…
Thanks, fellas, for your remarks about thermal plants. I am sure that many of y’all are more familiar with TPS than I. We would, over beers, all have great stories about “famous” screw-ups” (like rigging the shell backwards and dropping over-centered on the throttles – yeah, I saw that on a GE extraction steamer at a sawmill). In the ’80s I did a re-start of a geothermal…supposedly “mothballed”…sulfur and wet steam had done its work…it took a year. I see from aerial images that many/some EU steamers are dry, that’s as in air-cooled – (There’s a similar combined GT-steam at Yuba City that I am familiar with, 2 Siemens GT and 1 Mitsubishi ST) I wonder how the condenser systems will be as-found – even a tiny air leak…then there are pigeons…at Yuba City? Well, it’s hunting area, one bullet hole… accidents happen. I’d hate to have to go searching for that leak.
Imagine you’re a technical guy and your job is to walk through a dead plant, day and/or night, checking everything – after a time, well, an idle mind…pretty soon you will be tempted to start seeing what mischief can be found…I recall an overhaul where somebody had stolen the overspeed governor for the ID fan turbine…about a year later it lost the grid-coupling (bad alignment) and, as expected, exploded. Generally managers don’t put their best people at watchman-inspection jobs… And, well, I observed that pilferage in US plants leads to the management, graft seems to float to the top of the sewage flow. I could tell you how a particular nuke got to the point where the steam generator (big shell and tube gizmo, and somewhat radioactive) had to be replaced…(20% plugged tubes) they pencil-whipped the water chemistry and also other maintenance…their bonuses depended upon not spending their budget! They also managed to lose positive H2 pressure on the generator…and had the inevitable H2/air explosion inside…cracked casing and nearly torqued right off the foundation. Years later they slugged it…a Westinghouse…blew the LP stage… And in the control room, it was said, one could buy LSD. I don’t doubt that.
I can imagine that a feed-pump spare and its motor might be a tempting piece of scrap to sell…get a forklift…
They’ll get some running, in the fullness of time….and the pols will announce an investigation…
“…mutual defense treaty with Mexico…”
Do remember what happened to the last country that tried that one. It was the immediate impetus for the US’s entry into WWI, and as a result Germany was destroyed.
Mexico has miniscule federal armed forces, not very effective against invasion. It does have some really nice ports and shipyards as well as a 2,000-mile undefended border with the US. And it’s got oil — lots and lots of oil.
If the US were smart, which it is not, it would annex Mexico and give up on keeping America white. Then there is no danger of our neighbor allying with our enemy.
@David Whitney on June 22, 2022 · at 4:43 pm EST/EDT
“…mutual defense treaty with Mexico…”
”…If the US were smart, which it is not, it would annex Mexico and give up on keeping America white. Then there is no danger of our neighbor allying with our enemy…
No need to be smart to be a rapacious pillager, which the US has been historically, your mindset a loud and clear legacy of that history.
Mexico’s army is highly corrupt, the top-brass dedicated to make millions protecting the drug cartels, while pretending to keep the “war on drugs” going in order to help the neighbors to the north with a facade that fell long ago.
While the Mexican army will be taken care of in a few months, the drug cartels irregular “armies,” armed by the US with everything their billions of dollars from drug sales can buy, have much better weaponry than the Mexican army, and can become a formidable foe fighting a guerrilla war against a US occupation, à la Pancho Villa.
There is a large sector of the middle to upper-middle and the Mexican elite that dream with being “gringos,” occupied by the US. I heard that from many sources in Mexico, not once, but several times. Their dream might come through, however, they might find themselves in a position of “third to fourth or fifth class citizens,” much worse than Puerto Ricans.
If Texas goes “Texit” (what a bunch of crooked BS), they might attempt to get Mexico for themselves, with a little help from the Feds in DC, not openly, of course, out of respect for “international law.”
In any event, the Empire of Lies doesn’t need the suggestion of a hot-headed imperialistic mindset to keep their eagle claws sharp and ready to steal, kill, pillage, and plunder the weak and vulnerable.
They can do it on their own.
Lone Wolf
Well, yes, I do recall…and recall that it was a conditional proposal. “If the US went to went to war against Germany”…and that it was illegally intercepted and decrypted by the Brits, then presented to the world.
Nothing happened to Mexico, but the propaganda helped build up on the foundation of the lawful U-20 sinking of Lusitania in May of 1915. (Lus was loaded with ammo…illegally and in front of the public in New York…and the Germans warned people to avoid taking passage….and it looks like it was a set-piece to drown innocents for propaganda purposes.)
I was thinking that Mexico would need both Texas re-united as the Northern Provence with the bases intact, and the RF military support…TU160’s flying in and out from these (list> https://www.operationmilitarykids.org/air-force-bases-in-texas/ ) And SS500…etc…big change happen suddenly. The reason for Texas secession and fight at Alamo was slavery…and that reason has gone poof. And Texas joined by treaty…as we see now, treaties mean very little…and Kosovo means a lot…
Aboard SMS Seeadler the fellas heard about the Z-telegram decrypt, and knew they were lost, as they knew how US industry and resource would defeat Imperial Germany. Knew that the propaganda would work.
However tongue in cheek my remark, the matter of industrial power and resources remains valid…and precisely where do such industry and resource exist today? RF, India, China…
Did W1 result in destruction of Germany? The war was not fought in Germany. Instead, after armistice (and betrayal at Versailles) the commies and the fascists went a bit funny in the head.
Bringing back to stated (in part) topic…secession of Texas “treaty of guadalupe hidalgo” has not been followed…one can make a legal argument that it’s voided. There is in the formerly Mexican parts of USA a “movement” known as “reconquista”…what is yet missing is total collapse of federal power….watch what happens when the junta can’t pay the army. See inter alia Panarin’s maps.
One may speculate about the Chinese defense treaty with Hawaii Free State…and Alaska Oblast…aheeem. Elmendorf AFB and TU160’s? Maybe…
And bet which happens first.
My bad> erratum _ W1 was fought inside Germany, East Prussia…nevertheless, Germany was left mostly undamaged, just hungry. Tannenberg fubared bigbigplan Schlieffen. Ruskie lost.
Everybody’s probably aware of today’s dramatic developments, but I’ll post them anyway.
Western MSM and Ukrainian authorities are confirming Russia made a massive breakthrough southwest of Lysychansk. Four villages were overrun, and Russia’s closing in on a fifth. This means Russia is now positioned to attack Lysychansk by land, without needing to risk another dangerous crossing of the Donets River.
Incredible. Big news indeed!
Also, Western MSM reports a Russian “breakthrough near Severodonetsk.” I don’t know if this refers to the big Russian victory southwest of Lysychansk, or if it pertains to something else. Of course, Severodonetsk and Lysychansk are divided by the Donets River. So, hopefully MSM is referring to a second key breakthough, something that compromises Nazi forces in Severodonetsk.
And, as if this bombshell news wasn’t enough, Russia allegedly won another major victory today by taking the village of Toshkiva. This news comes from pro-Russian media, and hasn’t yet been acknowledged by the Nazis or their Western presstitutes. But if true, it means 2,000 Ukrainian troops are encircled at Zolotoe.
What a day for Russia!
My understanding is 2,500 Nazis are trapped in Severodonetsk. On top of that, 2,000 are probably at Zolotoe. More Nazis are three-fourths encircled in Lysychansk, although I don’t know how many thousands are pinned down in that city.
The Ukraine’s Donbass army – supposedly the best trained and most capable Nazi soldiers in the country – may be crumbling fast.
Bingo! Russian troops are now penetrating Lsyschansk!
They’re attacking buildings used by the security forces, police, and the judiciary. Western presstitutes released this news less than an hour ago We know it’s true because MSM doesn’t acknowledge Nazi defeats unless they’re so conspicuous the truth cannot be denied.
Events are moving very, very fast today!
Telegram has become one of the best media for getting information and opinion about the war in Ukraine. Specifically the Russian channels are of excellent quality.
On the horizon looms Minsk III (https://t.me/c/1730098651/28), yet again Russia will succumb to a recurring plot in its history: to be able to defeat the enemy militarily, but not be able to consolidate the victory politically?
On the day of the infamous Nazi invasion of Russian territory in WWII, a tribute to the heroes who liberated Mariupol from neo-Nazism: https://t.me/kaagranovich/1941
Minsk III: https://t.me/colonel_cassad/103805
Best Report on the “Golden/Mountain” Cauldron And Situational Surroundings
The View (https://m.vz.ru/world/2022/6/22/1164255.html) has the best (so far) of all reports I have read today on the Gorskoye/Zolotoye (Mountain/Golden) cauldron, its positive effect on the upcoming Severodonetsk/Lisichansk cauldron, already in motion, and for the attack on Artemovsk and surrounding areas.
The narrative of the Russian/LDNR troops movements on the battlefield is priceless, explaining in detail the Allies reading of the Ukrainian army mindset, which the Allies have fully used to break the UkroWehrmacht defenses. This mindset was best described recently by Col. Douglas McGregor in an article published by “The American Conservative” titled “When the Lies Come Home,” which the Saker team wisely posted.
“…Once Ukrainian forces immobilized themselves in static defensive positions inside urban areas and the central Donbas, the Ukrainian position was hopeless. But this development was portrayed as failure by the Russians to gain “their objectives.”…”
Long ago I pointed out the Ukrainians were doomed the moment they started digging and building steel/concrete fortified positions, underground networks and pillboxes, which you see now blown to bits by the powerful Russian artillery, next to which the UkroWerhmacht has nothing in comparison.
Interesting the reference to the “…”Brusilov breakthrough” of the 1916 model…,” a WWI attack tactic which the article describes as follows,
“…In general, if you look closely at local battles in the most important and difficult areas of the front, you can identify an interesting trend. Russian and allied forces do not exert pressure on any one “direction of the main attack”, but push through the enemy’s defenses simultaneously at several points (“Brusilov breakthrough” of the 1916 model). Somewhere, and it will sell out…
“Somewhere and it will sell out…”
The positional war mindset of the Ukrainian army makes it difficult for them to counteract this tactic, their units are already committed to defending fix positions, unable to detach, displace, and counterattack the weak points the Allies probe, exploit, and breakthrough.
Next to the “set-piece” mentality, the Ukraine army linear approach to war has also been exploited by the Russians/LDNR forces, using roads when less expected, and getting off them when needed.
“…It seems that from the point of view of the Kiev General Staff, the most correct direction is in a straight line. They project this logic onto the Russian troops. As a result, the enemy concentrates reserves and weapons on these straight lines.
It should be noted here, however, that last week Russian and Allied troops advanced along these “straight” lines in this sector of the front – what was previously called a fashion show in classical military science.
Moreover, north of Slavyansk, pressure was generally exerted along the only highway there. And at the exit, the breakthrough was carried out in a tactically more complex, but not obvious to the enemy area. If all this was a tactical ploy of the Russian command, then we can only applaud…”
And I applaud too.
The group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fell into the cauldron on the model of Mariupol
The first major encirclement of Ukrainian troops after Mariupol was made on the fronts in the Donbas. Russian units, together with allied forces, managed to break through the front in the direction of one of the key settlements – Artemovsk. How many Ukrainian troops ended up in the cauldron and what does this mean for the fighting?
On Wednesday morning, the encirclement of the AFU grouping in the area of the settlements of Zolotoe and Gorskoye was finally formed. Parts of the Russian and Allied Armed Forces occupied several settlements to the north and west of Gorsky, including Vrubovka. Thus, the last dirt road from the boiler was cut. Formally, the Alexandrovka Paradise remains unoccupied, but on earth this is no longer significant.
Thus, the Russian and allied forces came very close to the road Artemivsk (Bakhmut, in the future we will use geographical names that existed before the mass renaming of settlements by the Ukrainian authorities in 2014-2016) – Lysychansk. This begins the design of a larger and more important boiler around Lisichansk and the Azot plant.
It is noteworthy that the Russian and Allied forces met almost no resistance, moving towards the settlements of Mirnaya Dolina and Vrubovka. And this is despite the fact that earlier in these areas around Gorsky and Zolotoye, the enemy fiercely defended. Russian troops occupied the Peaceful Valley, then came close to the villages of Belaya Gora (2 kilometers away) and Ustinovka in the northern sector. And Belaya Gora is actually a feature of the city of Lisichansk, its southern outskirts.
In the eastern direction, having occupied Vrubovka, Russian troops moved to Nikolaevka. Thus, by Wednesday morning, the advanced units of the Wagner PMC were about 5 kilometers from Artemivsk.
Just east of Mirnaya Dolina, units of the Russian and DPR Armed Forces advanced to the railway and entered the village of Podlesnoye. Gorskoye (or from it) can now only be reached by a bad road through Rai-Aleksandrovka, but it is under close fire control of the Russian Armed Forces.
There were between 2,500 and 3,000 Ukrainian servicemen inside the cauldron. And this is not counting those servicemen of the 57th motorized Infantry Brigade who voluntarily left their positions in Vrubovka and Podlesnoye. In some places, they surrender. But a significant part of them ran in the direction of Lisichansk (from Podlesny) and Artemovsk (from Vrubovka).
The 57th Brigade has not put up any significant resistance in the last couple of days, and there is unverified data that personnel losses in a number of battalions amounted to more than 60%. It is difficult to guess how long those parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that were locked up in Gorsky – Zolotoy intend to resist. The morale of the 57th brigade and mountain riflemen from Transcarpathia is extremely poor. They do not even attempt to break out of the encirclement and break through at least in the direction of Lisichansk, although this is completely useless.
Street battles began in Klin, that is, in the immediate vicinity of Artemovsk. However, Artemovsk itself is heavily fortified and it will not be possible to take it on the move. In addition, the enemy understands the importance of this locality for the overall tactical situation in this area. And if ” Wagner “can occupy Nikolaevka within a day, then the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of Lisichansk will become critical.
The fact is that Russian troops and allies in recent days simply block the territory of the Azot plant and the city of Lisichansk, without making attempts to storm them. This was due precisely to the expectation of the group’s actions at Gorsky – Zolotoy. And this morning, its advanced units actually reached the southern outskirts of Lisichansk, while other units continue to block the Artemovsk – Lisichansk road.
In fact, this means an operational encirclement of the enemy group in Lisichansk and at the Azot plant without a chance to unblock it. The remaining roads around the urban agglomeration are completely shot through. The enemy’s attempts to counterattack south of Artemivsk only resulted in heavy losses.
The encirclement of the Ukrainian group in Gorske-Zolote is the first such successful operation since the liberation of Mariupol. Before that, it was not possible to create precisely boilers, and important settlements were either stormed (Popasnaya) or dashing onslaught (Severodonetsk). Now, for the first time, the classic operation to encircle the enemy, which had previously literally bitten into these Vrubovka, Toshkovka and other local villages around Gorsky, has been fully implemented.
This cauldron, of course, is also important in itself, since it annihilates an entire AFU brigade and part of the mountain riflemen. But still, the context of the larger operation to encircle Lisichansk is much more important.
A paradoxical situation has been created. The enemy obviously expected increased pressure on the northern sector of the front near Seversk, that is, directly to Slavyansk and from Svyatogorsk to the south. And also to the south near Avdiivka, where all this time there are artillery skirmishes and counter-battery fighting. The Kiev command considered the positions at Gorsky – Zolotoy to be strong and unshakable, like Popasnaya earlier. As a result, the trouble for the APU came just from here. The breakthrough of Russian and Donetsk units around Gorsky-Zolotoye was completely unexpected for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
It seems that from the point of view of the Kiev General Staff, the most correct direction is in a straight line. They project this logic onto the Russian troops. As a result, the enemy concentrates reserves and weapons on these straight lines.
It should be noted here, however, that last week Russian and Allied troops advanced along these “straight” lines in this sector of the front – what was previously called a fashion show in classical military science. Moreover, north of Slavyansk, pressure was generally exerted along the only highway there. And at the exit, the breakthrough was carried out in a tactically more complex, but not obvious to the enemy area. If all this was a tactical ploy of the Russian command, then we can only applaud.
In general, if you look closely at local battles in the most important and difficult areas of the front, you can identify an interesting trend. Russian and allied forces do not exert pressure on any one “direction of the main attack”, but push through the enemy’s defenses simultaneously at several points (“Brusilov breakthrough” of the 1916 model). Somewhere, and it will sell out.
On the other hand, the enemy does not have time to orient itself and, it seems, continues to adhere to some previously written general defense plan. As a result, the Ukrainian defense in the central sector of the front becomes chaotic and poorly managed. In addition, they are very dependent on communications, and therefore they have turned key settlements into fortresses in advance and are now forced to hold them (Artemovsk, for example).
With such tactics, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lose their main advantage – numbers. In fact, there are a lot of them, in some places quite more than ours, but they are unevenly distributed along the front. Large and combat-ready units are being pushed around these fortified settlements in anticipation of a Russian offensive (by the way, the same picture is now being observed around Kharkiv), and the flanks of these groups are being guarded by no one knows who or by units that have already lost their list, combat capability, and morale.
Right now: in Gorsky, the commander of the remnants of the 57th brigade, Colonel Bakulin, could organize the defense of the Zolotoe fortified area for as long as he wanted, and his front collapsed on both flanks. The flag is in his hands after that. White.
Also surprising is the persistent desire not to withdraw troops from the encirclement. Logically, the command of the 57th brigade should have given the order to retreat even on foot, even on horses and carts through the forest in the direction of Rai-Aleksandrovka. Despite the fact that in one battalion, according to operational data, 20 soldiers remained in the ranks, and in the other only the command staff. But the brigade command continued to cling to Gorskoye.
The 57th brigade is recruited exclusively from contract soldiers, and also exclusively from the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. That is, the families of these servicemen are now in the territory controlled by the Russian Federation and, possibly, receive Russian passports en masse. And until very recently, the 57th Brigade was considered an elite unit, which was among the first to receive Western weapons.
Still, overly rosy reports are still premature. Indeed, such operations greatly approach the moment when it will be possible to state a tactical victory. But we still need to wait before we talk about the operational environment of Lisichansk or the occupation of Artemivsk. Everything will be. But later.
Lone Wolf
PS: At least we now know one of the units inside the cauldron, 57th motorized Infantry Brigade, an elite unit of the AFU.
Thank you, Lone Wolf !!!!!!!!!
Some videos for today.
Demining continues in the Donbass:
Defiant locals try to survive in town annihilated by Kiev regime forces:
Russian artillery destroys US-supplied Kiev regime M-777 howitzers:
Russian Iskander missiles take to the sky:
A Su-35 participating in the special military operation:
Yeah you guys, the Military Summery blog is excellent, the fellow running it really puts his heart into it and provides just a wonderful plethora of information that is top shelf. May he do good for everyone caught in the evil doings behind this conflict with his critical thinking and observation skills. The fellow cares about everyone and thats really sweet. Like you guys.
I’m American, can not express enough how great it is this community of people across so many platforms have a nice thing going. Nowhere I am aware of brings real honest news and journalism with the network you all got, first rate all the way.
I can say here in the USofA “waaaaay” too many folks have not an inkling of the momentous earth changing events happening. Nor The Truth of things. I truly wish for everyone eventually turns to people like yourselves for understanding what is happening. They are missing a once in an age turning of history, and its for what is beautiful and good and right the world is changing. That no longer whatever it is that creeps and operates along the fringes of the shadows for centuries is no more, too long IT has ruled and murdered created unspeakable things committed inhuman things, murdered 100’s of millions of good folks. The subversion undermining and destruction will be ended. What ever IT is its out there, whether evil conspiracy or evil incarnate, not important now, but it is, IT is finished, don’t know how i know such a thing yet it is undeniable, nothing less is right, and it seems i am only one out of many and many. I think also it is that kind of time that comes to us, just is, there are powers and energies good and evil we do not know, but they are, that much is sure. Another thing its always us dirt people who in the end of things effect positive change on this earth, there are and never have been any others to do this, and that is as it should be. There’s awesome motive power and wonderful creatively destructive audacity, it comes from good folks.
Really appreciate everyone. Keep up the great job. Seriously and sincerely.
Very Nicely Said!
Thanks RB appreciate you. You Russian guy? Hey, Mr. Putin, he is one heck of an awesome leader. Your blessed to have him and his great Warrior soldiers and the rest if all involved doing great deads and making our world a better place. Got nothing but respect for Mr. Putin for years now since the late 90’s. No BS kind of man. Its great to see that. Just excellent. God bless and keep everyone safe you know? I would be proud to have Mr. Putin as my president. thats a fact. What all you guys are doing is totally legitimate in every way. No more nazi’s, no more 2 legged rats who are running things here in America too. They all must go. All of them. You can’t leave none to rise up again. Its that serious far as I’m concerned, and Russia beginning to do that is a great start. Understandable why the empire of lies and pieholes want everyone to go along with their hate, thats classic divide and conquer tyrant crap. No more friend no more. Solidarity, common cause, unity in purpose, is how we defeat and rid our workd of them. To long they have caused people to got at each other. I think great things are coming the right things and what matters like time honored traditions the hard won long learned things and codes they count more than any politics or money. Russia knows that maybe more than any folks after all you guys have endured and suffered and come out the other side better for it. That says everything in my book. Its evident too in the writers on Saker’s, smoothie and Larry, moon of Alabama guy, too many to list, amazing, so many, can’t stop the message right, everyone working towards something better and larger than just themselves, it really matters more than anything. cool intelligent honest people with courage and gumption. Yeah man! Russians and Americans, good folks, we need to be friends and allies, not thos evil hate out of rats and crooks running things. Time to go you rotten bastards. Times Up.
I think Mr. Putin and all are going to cause wonderful things before what needs doing is over. Just all the folks in the Donbass, they are going thru unimaginable tribulation and they still can not be defeated and so many want to be part of all the good Russia is going to cause before its over even, you can see how those folks in LPR DPR, all fighting together against this incarnate evil, or the Chechin warriors, and the other allies, its not even their country and they put their lives on the line to help, man don’t get any better or honorable our noble than that, every working for the same thing, want it and ain’t gonna ever quit, never say die! WhooHoo! Got my support 1000% Thats how you do it. Russia and friends lead the way. Show everyone what needs done and how to do it, much more powerful, the power of good. Yes Sir. I think this evil, its rrally hard at first to rip its grip from the levers of power, but once it loosens, at some point it beguns to fail, and it all fails real fast, its that kind of power, no legitimacy, only fake and tacit consent, made up, and like here in my country, everything we have been told to believe is lies. Everything. And that evil, its afraid, so afraid of anyone doing something good or right or beautiful, it spoes on everyone, peping creepin’ pervert tom’s, they really fear Mr. Putin and what he represents, that Russia can not ever be ruled again or controlled by khazarian criminals tribe and their mafia, and their faux Ashkenazi Jews. What? Anyone see that? Ashke-nazi? Nazi ??? Old nasty name stealers. Maybe them guys was bolshiviks? And their Nomenklatura too. We got those here. Fake patriots, we call them glowies, and all the unkronazi’s, also known as gangstalkers and antifa and blm, its all lies and false, false flags and fake media, child rapers child slavers, child mirderers traffickers of the most vile depravity, inhuman depravity, no words convey the bottomless depravity of their hellmouth either. See i don’t know much but i think i know in my heart and my gut what they are. Inhuman’s trying to create inhuman power, because what they are what they do good folks never do, never even think its possible how evil on 2legslooks human but its not, but they get away with it for centuries because its all but incomprehensible to good folks. See how they do that, gull us and make us suckers by using our simple goodness and kindness against us, weaponize all the things, stigmata tge stick on us for what they are only guilty of and pretend not to know things. I read history i see how they did that to Russia, and when they crap the bed because they raped mother Rusdia they pcked up nd came to my country, knowing long years before they neded a new good place to rape and murder andstrip mine its wealth. See you guys in Russia you show everyone how you fight this thing this evil fight back and you win. Once that evil starts to fail it fails all the way like totally. Trick is you got to dig the rats who scurry away to hide and plan and once again poison everything, maybe nazi, or nice sounding intellegentsia, or poor helpless what me sex perverts and othee perversions, they are sneaky and cunning and ruthless, they know this way, centuries the polish that turd till its nice and shiny and say its a cake here it it tastes really mmmmm good and few really stupids fall for it, others they use complex blackmail, make complicit, like Mao, dirt all hands, then you in only way out is dirt nap in for life or out feet first, but its tge really sick things, incomprehensible inhuman depravity without bottom and more than some are twisted in their souls some even really like it and all of them, amazing, nobody even tell on themselves, really bad juju, satanic juju, drink blood from childs full of terror juice and really dark like no darkness, blood at moment of murder after terror and torture, they all have a sip, and no longer human being but inhuman insects. See i read history, name stealers do more than steal persons indentity, they steal history, but no way to get all critical pieces tgey have to leave bread crumbs because they all need that blood and depravity and its incarnate blackmail, and everyones hands dirty with that blood and satin, might be even darker evil very alien, dances with paint brush slashes them all with that blood and everyone dirty now. No way out even if wanting to. No bottom to that hole. Once you fall in its your soul that falls forever no way to get it back. See how they get you? Its why great conspiracy is so effective and is conspiracy, its tge very reason. It, it knows it smells tiny bity itty bad piece of souls, no way otherwise that little dark spot ever show up, but its cancer, that grows in the soul till its not human, IT grows em in its bowel’s its a big pit, always thru ages and time it seeks that tiny evil and fertilizes it and reaps a terrible crop. But its evil that once it begins to fail it all fails. Just need to push it in the right spot. That takes a certain leader, sets it off, why they hate and kill all who have any chance of becoming indpiration and power of true soveriegn, one who leads, gift of nature and great creatir, true soveriegnty of self, the only legitimate power, kind that does not corrupt absolutely, leads others with humble legitimacy, not rules.
And its power IT, can never have. Only legitimate ones have soveriegn power, reluctant heroes, and they never like it, and its like hot potato, get rid of it ASAP. Cinccinatus, Washington. Putin? I think he never be corrupted by power, is why he has great power of leadership, not dominion.
The rmpire of lies and hate their afraid, like insect nest and big glame thrower outside its door waiting for them to come out. Putin is bait, Putin actually make himself be bait for the fear he is to them, bit smart bait, bait with really ferocious bite. Bait that knows enemy very well. And terrorizers suddenly find out what real terror thats deserved is like. They not say it, but in their deep slimy hides tgey whisper and are afraid, the terror blinds them, but they really blind themselves because after all they are liars and lie to themselves, its the hubris, it gets them, Putin is not worst enemy because Putin knows, his Warrior’s know, the worst enemiy is always been themselves. Just push in the right spot and they destroy themselves never knowing because they aftaid because they all sold their souls for filthy lucre and special blood, 30 pieces of silver they call it i think.
Imagine life without all that evil. Just to think it is power. Believe, and when you believe funny thing happens, its really what Russia is doing too, its said its the most powerful weapon ever devised by hand of men. Its so simple. Once you get it. Gobbsmacks you up side the head. No one does it like Russian do. Turn away. Turn the back. Its called “I Won’t!”. Withdrawal of your consent. Lot of people are fooled, tgey believe the lie, its The Big Lie too. That its worthless, your consent is junk garbage they gull you. Withdrawal of ones consent is the most powerful legitimate thing. Its the thing the great creator gave everyone. Only the soveriegn can give this power. Because the great creatir is The Soveriegn to begin with. But you got to know it so it has power. All you need is to believe. Thats it. Leader like Putin he knows this. Little big secret thats no secret at all. But you got to believe first or you have no power at all. Funny thing. Hard easy little thing. Nobody can it explain it to anybody. You have to see it for yourself. But leader, guy like Putin, somehow he has gift i think its like such guy people begin to believe him but what happens is somehow people believe they consent counts then they see then they got that power the enemy can never have. Drives IT mad. Like hilkary clinton, she mad, psychopath over she can not ever have that kind of power. She can’t, nothing legitimate about her because everything is a lie about her, too busy greedy coveting she believes she has divine right to power over all. But she knows power of consent never hers no matter what. Never ever. Max sinner she, ultimate sins, twins, named hate and envy. She mad one, not only one too, her consent worthless. Only power she has, the whole lot of them, power to hurt, unequivical cold ruthless power to hurt. Real hirt. Murder. Bloody Revenge. Cross that line and you got to kill everyone all the time. Bit she only vile example. But that power, it eats away and before long nothing left but hate and envy. What kind of power does that things consent have?
And Putin see this all along and he thinks and he knows what kind like she is, Always, in war, first, no matter what, if you are to win, defeat the enemy, no way but, you must know your enemy. Then you win and win more easily too. Lick got nothing to do with it. And thats the thing, see our enemy, it knows not us, if ever it did. See it can’t win, but bad thing its a long game. Bee around for a long time. Not easy beating it fast, but as they say, timing is everything. And oh boy is time ever right. Anyways thats my story and i’m sticking to it. But all i meant to say was appreciate you guys, glad Russian folks and your Putin guy who you guys are. It just seems somehow right, may be poetic, its you guys started what needs doing. Hope us folks here in America get our licks in too. Not all of us are paid globalist whores like fake ass media actor liars. Nor are we all like they like to make us seem to be. All us good folks really want is just simple, just to be left alone, thats it, sure yeah we got alot to do, along the line we forgot and we lost vigilance buts its not all gone, some of us stiil know and keep the faith. Besides, this is America, even if its only in our hearts and minds, twice no we had a slave revolt, won one, kind of a no win no loss second tome, but tge first, up to then it was the only successful slave revolt, same slavers, but we won and for a whike things worked good, but the evil was always there because we did not get them all, they came back too soon, so we had another slave revolt, #2, defeated in war but not in spirit. Gonna have to do it a third time now. Its just very different kind of thing than before and its a long row to hoe. not impossible. Bit i was saying, this is still America, and in our America, (excuse my french but there’s no way to really say this), in America, F$&K YOU is always a choice. And a hundred million of is armed to the teeth is nothing to scoff at either. But in the fonal equation, its us good folks who effect pisitive change. And thats a really nice thing my Russian friend. You guys prove it. God Bless!
A bit of digression here, but please, anyone still heard from Nightvision?
@ grr on June 22, 2022 · at 5:55 pm EST/EDT
By most accounts they didn’t walk away; many limped, some stretchered, and a few on crutches LOL
I’d say, best laugh of the day.
I watched a video of a van full of mercs fleeing whatever combat area they were into, all shot out with bullet holes in their legs, arms, heads, etc. The driver was bleeding from a shot to the head, pretending he was OK, others were asking him if his vision was fine, after all he was driving. He was being patched up while driving away. There was a South Korean that appears to be infamous in the merc world, one of the few not wounded.
You’re exactly right, they didn’t walk away, most of them couldn’t stand up.
Very perceptive, and great sense of humor.
Lone Wolf
Grr and Lone Wolf laughing out loud at the sad fate of the wounded Ukrainians. I should be proud that these two loudly dislike my participation.
Count me in with them!
I am on the side of LDNR, and if people that engage in, and/or support the indiscrimnate shelling of civilians get some “karma” back, I will not cry for them.
@ KRL on June 23, 2022 · at 2:38 am EST/EDT
Count me in with them!
Our in-house resident not-so subliminal troll, driven by his need to retaliate to those who highlight his trolling, failed to see Grr and I were not talking about Ukrainians but mercenaries. I used the short “mercs” several times, and mentioned a South Korean, obvious for anyone without reading comprehension issues I was writing about mercenaries, not Ukrainian soldiers.
This was a comment about Allies allowing 30+ mercs to “walk away,” a discussion followed about pros and cons of letting mercs “walk away,” and Grr pointed out the obvious, they were so shot at they couldn’t walk, a perceptive observation with a humorous touch.
I was laughing at Grr’s observation, not at wounded Ukrainian soldiers, however, trolling is about distortion of facts, and there you have it.
Cheers, KLR.
Lone Wolf
Your “subliminal” means there’s no such thing really there. Now it’s “not-so subliminal.”
Your personal criticism is okay to me in one way that is funny: You want to fight the war without fighting it. You found in me, a commenter just like you, your antagonist for it. Ha, ha, that’s funny. The problem is that “our battle” shouldn’t be about disqualifying the other like that. We post things for critical analysis. Why don’t you find something you don’t like in an NYT or msn article and make clear why it is wrong? Often, that’s the whole point of posting it too! That must be your real battle, and I could be joining you too if it’s really wrong.
Wounded Ukranians? The subject matter matter was wounded mercenaries, foreigners. Please do keep up.
Okay, the bloodshed of war is not something to enjoy; the sight of wounded men is not something to laugh out loud about far away from the battlefields.
Coal from Australia, which is chasing new coalmarkets, is not going to be cheapeither. Royalties have had an increase in one of the main producing states and other states are expected to follow. Add to this the carbon tax the EU has placed on all Australian imports and it is going to be very expensive to try and get around picking up coal from places with a surplus in their export market. Shipping to the EU will alo be more expesnive than markets closer to Australia.
Australia is looking for new buyers because China has placed a 6% tariff on Australian thermal coal. While India is picking up some of the slack from that drop off they don’t want everything Australia has.
NATO press gangs starting to round up Ukie citizens who live in their countries to be used as cannon fodder.
approx. 21 million Ukie citizens live and work overseas. The war party wants this to be a long long war
“While the villages are small, their collapse within days of one another amounts to a significant breach in Ukraine’s defenses, bringing Russian forces to the doorstep of Lysychansk and threatening the dwindling supply routes into the city.” “The seizure of three strategic villages confronts Ukrainian commanders with a grim choice: fight on and risk encirclement or retreat and lose the last major centers in the region.” -NYT
United States media made clear today that Russia is close to gaining the East region.
Sad little video of Ukie kid soldiers (probably military cadets). Some will probably die in the fighting. Some flee or be jailed. Hopefully most can be denazified and returned to a decent life after the SMO:
@ Uncle Bob on June 23, 2022 · at 2:04 am EST/EDT
Sad little video of Ukie kid soldiers (probably military cadets). Some will probably die in the fighting. Some flee or be jailed. Hopefully most can be denazified and returned to a decent life after the SMO:
The term “denazified” has changed meaning and connotation as the SMO unfolded.
At the beginning of the SMO the term carried some sort of redemptive quality, as if neo-nazis were going to be sent to reeducation camps, hoping for some sort of reformed behavior or ideological rehabilitation. However, as the SMO developed, “denazifying” has become a synonym with cleansing the land from nazis, and you can see plenty pictures of dead Ukrainian servicemen with a caption reading “such-and-such location denazified.”
Unfortunately, I believe Mariupol and subsequent experiences changed the approach to neo-nazis, and the meaning of the word, for the remaining of the SMO. I feel sorry for these kids, fresh cannon fodder, unable to experience life, they are already caught in the nazi/fascist ideology, ready to go kill those who don’t fit their narrow view of a “superior race.”
What can you do with monsters (no offense to the monsters), who killed unarmed men, women, and children, 24/7, for the sake of being Russians?
Lone Wolf
At least at the beginning, the policy was to release those military cadets because Russia acknowledged the reality, discernible from just common sense, that they were not “Nazis.” This is truer now than before if the reports that Ukraine is having trouble replenishing its army are true. Anyhow, it is more credible that they are “racists” than that they are “Nazis.” Needless to say, if you are a “racist”, it does not mean that you are a “Nazi” too…Speaking of terms and accuracy, although Russia does not want to call it “war” for historical reasons that one can understand, it is a “war” for the rest of the world and according to the dictionary too.
Excellent SitRep. Many thanks to the Saker Staff. I hope that Saker is getting well and come back soon. We will have a nice future to celebrate, I hope.
Russian Success in the Donbas Accelerates
By Larry Johnson
Published June 23, 2022 at 7:15am
Ukraine is now suffering catastrophic losses. In case you skipped over the briefing of the Russian MOD, there were significant American and British casualties in one of the attacks-30 wounded and 8 dead. These are significant losses. The Russians are not behaving like a force barely hanging on by its finger nails. There operational pace is increasing and the situation of the Ukrainian forces in the east is becoming more dire.
The Gateway Pundit is a fascist publication. Just another site i have been banned on where free speech is verboten.
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
‼️Report from the front: APU suffer huge losses in the cauldron
. Mirnaya Dolina LPR of the 34th battalion of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, losses in 2 days – more than 150 killed and about 450 wounded.
▪️ In each of the companies of this battalion – no more than 15-20 soldiers . The junior command staff abandoned their subordinates and deserted from the combat area.
▪️In the units of the 30th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the settlement. The wedge DPR as a result of the fire damage by the Russian Armed Forces, less than 50% of the personnel remained . More than 170 more soldiers and officers were evacuated from the combat area with severe wounds.
🚀On June 22, high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Nikolaev region destroyed 49 tanks with fuel for military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as up to 50 multiple launch rocket systems located in the hangars of combat vehicles , including foreign-made ones.
🎯During the day, high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces also hit 3 bases for the repair of armored vehicles in the Nikolaev region, 4 command posts, manpower and military equipment in 18 districts.
💥As a result of air strikes, missile troops and artillery , more than 650 nationalists, 17 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 3 Smerch MLRS combat vehicles , and 17 special vehicles were destroyed in a day.
More details in the report of the Ministry of Defense:
Russian Spring Z: special operation in Ukraine and Donbass
‼️🇬🇧Briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the situation in the special operation zone:
❗️The enemy continues to suffer significant losses.
▪️In the destroyed under n. Mirnaya Dolina of the LPR The 34th battalion of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 150 people in two days …
Cauldron(s) Report
According to Readovka.news,
The only road from Seversk to Lisichansk is under control
The pattern of fighting has changed dramatically over the past month
The only road from Seversk to Lisichansk is now under the control of the People’s Militia of the republic, the LPR Ambassador to Russia said.Rodion Miroshnik. In this regard, the Ukrainian group, including 5-7 thousand militants, is now cut off from supply.
⚡️Народная милиция ЛНР взяла под контроль единственную дорогу из Северска в Лисичанск. Украинская группировка 5-7 тысяч украинских боевиков в Лисичанске теперь отрезана от снабжения.
Jun 23 at 01:06
Google Translate
⚡️The People’s Militia of the LPR took control of the only road from Seversk to Lisichansk. The Ukrainian grouping of 5-7 thousand Ukrainian militants in Lisichansk is now cut off from supplies.
They are left without ammunition, without physical reinforcements. A military expert specifically for Readovka explained why this event is important from the point of view of the local “boiler”.
“We must understand that the picture of military operations has changed extremely seriously over the past month. Operational ” boilers “for Ukrainians are no longer just” cutting ” some road, it means a rather serious environment, which is most likely to be supported by forces and means. Practice has shown that the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot pull out their own-they do not have the ability to open the “boilers”. And this one, most likely, will lead to the inevitable capture or destruction of the enemy, “ the expert said…
Military Chronicle starts with a triumphalist headline, their usual style, which sobers up as they get into details. Allied troops are approaching Lisichansk from the SE and SW, combat around Volcheyarovka and Belaya Gora (White Mountain), the latter in the outskirts of Lisichansk, at the same time the villages of Mirnaya Dolina, Podlesnaya, Loskutovka, and Rai-Aleksandrovka were fully taken, lid over the cauldron has been shut for 2 to 3 thousand Ukrainian servicemen, which according to the report, want to surrender.
THE APU FRONT COLLAPSED! Lisichansk is in an operational environment: our troops are storming Volcheyarovka! TINPLATE from Ukraine-noon on June 23 (15 videos)
In the afternoon, reports were received that fighting for Volcheyarovka had already begun in the south-west of Lisichansk. Battalions of the Russian group captured an important stronghold on the eastern outskirts of Lisichansk near the village of Belaya Gora-the first photos from there have appeared (in a cart).
The villages of Mirnaya Dolina, Podlesnaya, Loskutovka, and Rai-Aleksandrovka were also finally taken under full control. Plus, in the cauldron that was slammed yesterday around Gorsky and Zolotoye by 2-3 thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Enemy soldiers get in touch there and want to surrender.
“Today we should probably say that the culmination of the battle for Donbass has come. The breakthrough of 90 APCs, during which they quickly occupied the locality of Mirnaya Dolina, allowed on the one hand to surround the APU in the Gorskoye-Zolotoye area, on the other hand, such a breakthrough forces Ukrainian gangs to choose between bad and worse, that is, between captivity or death.
At the same time, the Lysychansk group of the enemy is under threat of a complete encirclement, and from the north, the 20, 36 and 29 armies continue to destroy the Kiev formations with artillery from all barrels and calibers. In principle, you can already see with the naked eye how the troops of group ” O ” are fighting, I just returned an hour ago from the northern border of the DPR, where artillery is working non-stop.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces respond, yesterday they again hit our rear from the Protopopovka area. They strike at the Raisins themselves, but in general, the steel pincers of the Russian troops are increasingly tightening the enemy’s throat. Once again, I would like to note that the offensive is being conducted in an extremely difficult theater for the attacking side. Dense forests, rivers, elevation differences, many settlements and numerous forces of the defending side. Despite all this, we advance, and the enemy bends.” (Older than the Edda)
The Foreign Policy publication reports on complaints from Ukrainian pilots that Russia’s strengthening of its air defense systems has nullified the use of American and Turkish drones in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost several dozen Turkish drones-almost all of them available. Now “Bayraktar TB2” is used only for limited operations, mainly in the area of Zmeiny Island. Also in this article, based on this, it is said that you should not transfer American attack UAVs to the APU, since there is a high risk of losing them.
Ukraine is creating a river flotilla on the Dnieper and its tributaries – – Commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Vice Admiral Alexey Neizhpapa.
Two to three thousand men inside the Golden/Mountain (Gorskoye/Zolotoye) cauldron, five to seven thousand men in the Lisichansk/Severodonetsk cauldron, is a sizable amount of potential prisoners, KIA, WIA.
On another note, Readovka.news reported Allied troops penetration into Gorskoye/Zolotoye, “moving deeper” into the cauldron.
The forces of the LPR People’s Militia and the Russian army entered Zolotoe and Gorskoye
We are now moving deeper into the resulting “cauldron”
The forces of the LPR People’s Militia and the Russian army entered Zolotoye and Gorskoye. Now there is progress deep into the resulting “cauldron”, said the lieutenant Colonel of the Defense Ministry of the Republic.Andrey Marochko, reports Luganskinformcenter.
«Our units have also already entered the settlement of Zolotoe, and at the moment the advance is going deep into the settlement,” he said.
The military commander noted that the forces of the People’s Militia of the LPR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation after the encirclement of the Gorsko-Zolotovskaya group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “began to squeeze this ring” and added that “the pace is not bad.” We also receive local reports about the entry of allied forces into Gorskoye. There are no reports about the complete liberation of these settlements and cleaning up…
There go the Allied forces, squeezing the UkroWehrmacht into surrender.
The advance of the southern pincer was so fast, according to reports it took the Ukrainians by surprise. Gorskoye/Zolotoye was supposed to be yet another “impregnable” position set to hold the Allied advance toward the supply roads to Lisichansk. As a result, Lisichansk is now isolated, unable to receive supplies, the Allies cut the Artemivsk/Lisichansk road at several points, and have control by fire of the Artemivsk/Seversk/Lisichansk alternative supply road.
It is going to be a long, hot, summer.
Lone Wolf
I had a bear in the back yard last night. She had her claws out, absolutely huge! I fed her peanut butter crème cookies. A very good omen!
@ RussianBear on June 23, 2022 · at 12:14 pm EST/EDT
I had a bear in the back yard last night. She had her claws out, absolutely huge! I fed her peanut butter crème cookies. A very good omen!
I am sure it is a very good omen.
Question is, whose backyard was the bear at?
Lone Wolf
Chez moi! We’ve been getting bears since 2014.
@ RussianBear on June 23, 2022 · at 9:08 am EST/EDT
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
‼️Report from the front: APU suffer huge losses in the cauldron
. Mirnaya Dolina LPR of the 34th battalion of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, losses in 2 days – more than 150 killed and about 450 wounded.
And whatever is left of them is now encircled at the Gorskoye/Zolotoye boiler. The 57th MIB was supposed to be an elite unit, first to get US weapons and training. They were fleeing the Allied forces, were too slow to get out.
They still have one way out.
A white flag.
Lone Wolf
Another defeat for the French:
Captured French self-propelled guns “Caesar” were taken to Uralvagonzavod.
French lawyer and politician Regis de Castelnau said that Russia seized two intact Caeser self-propelled guns of French production in Ukraine and is now studying them at Uralvagonzavod.
“Another achievement of Macron. Two French CAESAR self-propelled guns were captured by the Russians unharmed. Currently, they are at the Uralvagonzavod plant to be studied by reverse engineering. Thank you, Macron. We pay for it,” writes Castelnau.
SMO teaching us about Donbass geography/toponymy.
Zolote, one of the towns inside the cauldron Gorskoe/Zolote has an interesting toponymic history. First of all, Zolote means Gold or Golden, and it is made up of several merged villages, numbered from 1 to 5, which before the merge were called Karbonit, Rodina, Stakhanovets, Maryvka and Partyzansky.
More than 50% of the population is Russian. You can read the rest here.
I learned about the merge and name history reading an article about the progress inside the cauldron.
Allied forces liberated Zolotoe-2 and entered Zolotoe-1 in the LPR
LPR People’s Militia officer Marochko said that the Allied forces liberated Zolotoe-2
MOSCOW, June 23-RIA Novosti. The Allied forces in the last few hours took the village of Zolotoe-2 in the LPR, said Lieutenant Colonel of the People’s Militia of the republic Andrey Marochko.
“Just before your broadcast, I received a message that the village of Zolotoe-2 was taken and our forces entered Zolotoe-1. That is, the pace is colossal, ” he said on Channel One.
On the release of Gold-3 and Gold-4 Marochko said this morning.
On the eve of the Luhansk security forces clarified that the enemy group in Gorsky and Zolotoy was in “complete encirclement”, andLisichansk and industrial zoneSeverodonetsk-in the “operational environment”. According to the AmbassadorLNR inOf Russia Rodion Miroshnik, there are about five to seven thousand Ukrainian soldiers in Lysychansk.
In addition, the units of the republic approached the Lisichansk oil refinery, which is located to the south-west of the city…
The boys are moving fast, getting close to the oil refinery. That would seal the fate of an even larger operational cauldron.
Lone Wolf
i spent some time in slovakia a few years back. they have a system like many other countries where upon high school graduation they can either do community service or a small stint in the military. most of my friends chose community service (working at a swimming pool so not exactly arduous) but a few did the military thing. according to them, it’s barely got enough gear to be called a “military”, much less donate to another “country” where it will just get blowed up real good. one guy said he tried to size up their “air force” and it was probably under 20 jets (again, this was a few years back).
It’s like Putin said, Germany could go back to nuclear and get independence from Russian energy.
Plus it would be carbon free and they could lead the way in decarbonizing world energy.
But the motives as to why that won’t be allowed by their masters is likely 2 world wars, and their masters own commitments to supplying and profiting from fossil fuel energy world wide, as the western hegemony remains in total climate change denial.
The ‘Greens’ in Germany are irrational in many ways. CO2 is not a problem, but they think it is warming the Earth, which is wrong, but is also not a problem. They hate coal (Germany does have the filthy lignite mines to reopen), but they also hate Russia, so no coal, and no natural gas, which is much cleaner than coal. But! they also hate nuclear … bad, bad nuclear. That leaves them with wind … which won’t work. Solar is not worth mentioning. The best comment from a German on solar was Herr Grossman (I think, of RWE) who said, ‘solar makes as much sense in Germany as growing pineapples in Alaska’.
One more example of what the former Ukraine turned into. And why Russia must destroy them:
The expert commission at Kyiv City Council recommends renaming Fedora Pushina Street to Orest Vaskul Street.
Orest Vaskul is a veteran of the SS division “Galicia” and the group “Bayersdorf”, writes Eduard Dolinsky
The Nazis valued Orestes: he was given the honor of standing in the SS guard of honor during the funeral of the German Lieutenant Governor Otto Bauer, who was killed by Nikolai Kuznetsov.
Vaskul also served in the Baiersdorf group, fought against the Soviet partisans of Kovpak.
Paramedic Fedor Pushina died saving the wounded in 1943. For this she was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Orest Vaskul died at 94. He was buried with presidential honors in the main temple of the OCU – St. Michael’s Cathedral, by the guard of honor of the Presidential Regiment.
https://t.me/OpenUkraine/19325 (including pictures of the funeral)
Voenkor Kitten Z
1. Good day June 23 – did 2 big things except the boiler, which finally “cooked”. They blocked the Lisichansk-Seversk road, there is an operational encirclement of Lisichansk. Now they are squeezing out Zolotoe and Gorskoye, strangling it. I think they will “boil” in the next day or two. If operational luck is on our side, then the Lisichansky cauldron will also be “welded”.
2. I hope that Lisichansky will be cooked before mid-July, at least before the first autumn rains they will finish with Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. With rain there will be impassable mud.
3. Even if they run away (withdraw) forces from the boilers, this is a plus for us. Every fleeing soldier is a person who has experienced panic and remembers it for a long time. There are people who, after a panic, get operational anger with an attempt to return. And many (not a smaller part) will say: “I don’t need it, I jumped out once and don’t want it anymore.” They looked at this hell and become “500”. Retreating units always act in a demoralized manner, even if they retreat in an organized manner, which I doubt, because too quickly they jumped out of the Golden. Even if they retreat in orderly columns, the key word is “retreat”. Retreating troops have a bad effect on the morale of both the population and commanders.
4. If Lisichansk is now pouring in, and we come to the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, from this ledge we can not force the capture of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk and rest, and start a large encirclement of Avdiivka and Ugledar with the left lobe through Bakhmut with access to Zaporozhye. There are steppes and settlements. not too much. Left petal go south. They are waiting for us to storm Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, while we go to the rear of the Avdeevskaya and Ugledarskaya groups.
a) Take Slavyansk and Kramatorsk into the cauldron. Just block. In the boiler, maybe it won’t work, because. there is a strong group. But block and get under it. Not by storm.
b) Now we need to see how the “boiling” goes. If the Ukrainians run and you can’t jump on the fortifications on their shoulders, then you don’t need to storm them – you need to get up under the fortifications and develop an offensive and encirclement, finish with the enemy at the Svetlodarskaya CHPP, where they sit and scurry across the lake in Svetlodarsk.
c) Take the Lavra – it is not finally taken. They blew up the bridge, both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and many civilians are sitting in the Lavra, so they bypassed it and did not storm it. They will talk there. There are few of them, uncritical history.
Svyatogorsk itself is stretched over the hills, landing, such as a country town, boarding houses next to each other, the paths are a complex terrain. You just need to clean up and stand under Slavyansk-Kramatorsk. Completely clear the rear of small groups of retreating who are roaming the basements.
6. I repeat – I would go with the left lobe to surround Avdiivka: we need to finish the shelling of the long-suffering Donetsk. The Slavyansko-Kramatorsk agglomeration is important, but, in my opinion, it would be more correct to finish with Avdiivka, Maryinka, Peski, take Ugledar, level the line, remove the threat of breakthroughs, the threat to Donetsk, and besiege Slavyansk without storming.
7. Near Kherson from 6 am on 23.06. our artillery flew in that direction, flew all day. As long as the Armed Forces of Ukraine have attempts, they pump up the group there. The threat persists.
forwarded from
Older than Edda
Today, we can probably say that the culmination of the battle for Donbass has come. Snatch 90 TD, during which they rapidly occupied the settlement. Mirnaya Dolina allowed, on the one hand, to encircle the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Gorskoye-Zolotoye region, on the other hand, such a breakthrough forces Ukrainian gangs to choose between bad and worse, that is, between captivity or death.
At the same time, the enemy’s Lisichansk grouping will hunt under the threat of complete encirclement, and from the north, the 20th, 36th and 29th armies continue to destroy the Kyiv formations with artillery from all barrels and calibers. In principle, you can already see with the naked eye how the troops of Group “O” are fighting, I just returned from the northern border of the DPR, where artillery is working non-stop, just an hour ago.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are responding, yesterday they again hit our rear from the Protopopovka area. They also strike at Izyum itself, but in general, the steel pincers of the Russian troops are tightening the throat of the enemy more and more. Once again, I would like to note that the offensive is being conducted in a theater of operations that is extremely difficult for the attacking side. Dense forests, rivers, elevation changes, many settlements and numerous forces of the defending side. Despite all this, we are advancing, and the enemy is bending.
This evening from The Military Chronicle: https://voenhronika.ru/
There is reconnaissance in force near the Lisichansk Oil Refinery, the enemy defenses in the south of the city are crumbling before our eyes. The refinery is located far to the south of the city in the deep rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is an industrial zone three by three kilometers.
It is reported from Severodonetsk that a mass surrender of Aidar members, who are blocked on the territory of the Azot enterprise in Severodonetsk, is expected. According to the evening report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the allied units captured Nikolaevka – this is between Berestovoye and Volcheyarovka.
“Now, along the entire front line in this area, both locally and massively, surrender is taking place. This also applies to the Lysychansk-Severodonetsk grouping, this also applies to the Gorsko-Zolotovskaya grouping,” Andriy Marochko said.
In the morning, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked in the direction of Yegorovka with a reinforced company. The enemy column was detected in a timely manner by the UAV of the OBTF of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR. Fire damage inflicted. The infantry of the enemy dispersed in the “greenbacks”, a battle ensued. As it became known from the prisoners, today, by 8:30, today they were supposed to take possession of Yegorovka, but something went wrong. Judging by the radio interception, the infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine frankly sent their superiors away, saying that they did not want to become cannon fodder.
The settlement of Kodema in the Artemovsky/Bakhmutsky district was liberated. This is extremely important news for Gorlovka: from that position, Ukrainian militants continuously shelled this front-line city in the DPR.
The situation in the Severodonetsko-Lysichansk direction as of 17.00 June 23, 2022. The units of the RF Armed Forces, having broken through the enemy defenses, completed the encirclement of the AFU grouping in Gorskoye-Zolotoye. Allied troops are cleaning the boiler: Katerinovka, Zolote-4, Zolote-3 (Stakhanov), Novoivanovka, the area of the Karbonit mine in Gorsky are occupied. In Gorsky, Zolotoy and the suburbs, there are at least 4 battalions of 24 Ombr, 57 Ompbr and 10 Ogshbr.
Developing the offensive, the allied forces reached the southern outskirts of Lisichansk. The Russian Armed Forces, pursuing the retreating units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, occupied the southern part of Volcheyarovka and established fire control over the Lisichansk-Seversk highway. This is the last supply route for the Lisichansko-Severodonetsk grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Parts of the Ukrainian army in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk are in operational encirclement. Fierce fighting unfolded in the industrial zones on the southern outskirts of Lisichansk, where units of the 24th brigade, 80th brigade, and 110th brigade of the defense forces hold positions at the gelatin plant and the rubber products plant.
Separate enemy units are trying to leave Lisichansk. There are both attempts at an organized exit from the city, and flight as part of columns with civilians. Columns with military equipment are subjected to fire damage by rocket and cannon artillery guns. There is an intensive shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in certain areas of Severodonetsk. Units of the 79th Airborne Brigade are suffering heavy losses. (Fisher)
They write that the French self-propelled guns CAESAR ended up in Uralvagonzavod. Either they abandoned them to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or they sold them. We won’t know.
The situation in the Kharkiv region as of 21.00 June 23, 2022. ️In the north of the Kharkov region, the Russian army has finally entrenched itself in Tsupovka and is fighting on the northern outskirts of Prudyanka, regaining lost positions. On another sector of the front, clashes continue in the vicinity of Verkhniy Saltov. In addition, the RF Armed Forces continued to strike at the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kharkov itself, Chuguev and the Zolochiv region.
In the Izyum direction, Ukrainian forces have not been able to cross the Seversky Donets and are holding positions at the Chepel-Petrovskoye line. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in turn, were able to gain a foothold on the opposite bank of the river, having occupied Nortsovka in the Nortsevsky forest, located northwest of Izyum. ️MiG-29 and Su-25 flights of the Ukrainian Air Force continue in the area of Slavyansk-Barvenkovo. The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a field radar post near Konstantinovka in the Kharkov region.
A good rundown of the situation from a pro-Russian Ukrainian site:
What do we, ordinary Ukrainians, expect from returning to Russia:
1. Security (got patriots with machine guns that arrange expropriations);
2. Law and order (we want a fair trial, reining in our feudal elites, transparent rules);
3. Protection of our culture and language, traditional values (we want an end to LGBT propaganda, to be able to be ourselves and speak our native language);
4. Normal education (our level of education has not only fallen, but Bandera values are instilled from childhood);
5. Opportunity to realize yourself in your homeland (to live and work in your native country without forced immigration in search of security and a piece of bread).
What do we fear when we return to Russia:
1. We are afraid of law and order (we all here have become a little anarchists and are not used to paying taxes, we are used to deceiving the state);
2. We are afraid of competition and loss of understanding of how to survive in the new conditions (who should pay a bribe, where to decide, and so on);
3. We are afraid of Bandera and terrorist attacks (you can see everything here to explain it yourself).
What can we give to the Motherland:
1. We are able-bodied and educated (although there are fewer of us);
2. We love our homeland and will live, work and fight for it;
3. We will unite, which means they will not break us one by one.
What are the negative consequences for Russia from reunification with us:
1. Tough Western sanctions (practically a new Iron Curtain);
2. The heavy legacy of Ukraine (corrupt elites who will try to Ukrainize the rest of Russia);
3. The need to spend money on the restoration of vast territories (destroyed by the war and mismanagement of the Sumerians);
4. Terrorism (Bandera, with the support of the West, will arrange terrorist attacks).
What are the benefits of joining us:
1. Security (elimination of the Anti-Russia project, containment of NATO on the distant approaches);
2. Economic growth (Ukraine is an integral part of the industrial, logistics and agricultural complex of Russia. In addition, the restoration of Ukraine will provide new jobs and greatly revive the economy);
3. Population growth;
4. Consolidation of the status of a Superpower (the ability to protect one’s people in the area of their historical residence).
What would you add to these points?
An interesting conversation I was monitoring had this post that I thought needed posting. It is a reply to a Ukie supporter attacking Putin and Russia for the SMO. And claiming the nazis aren’t important in Banderastan. Showing all the people in the US aren’t braindead on Ukraine:
Neo Nazi ‘factions’ as you put it, need not be the / a dominant aspect of Ukrainian popular culture to justify Russia’s concerns re. Nazis.
In any case, you seem unaware of the extent of their influence within Ukraine (or choose to ignore it).
First, the neo-Nazi / far right groups were the primary faction initiating (with U.S. help) the Maidan protests-turned coup, immediately following Yanukovych’s announcement of the economic deal with Russia.
That coup, which helped further entrench the neo-Nazi factions and pressure, led to the adoption of anti-Russian legislation, and coupled with neo-Nazi-led assaults on ethnic Russians in E. Ukraine (including the burning alive of several dozen in the Odessa Union Hall), led Crimeans to overwhelming vote to petition Russia for annexation; and exacerbated the fears of people in Donestk & Lugansk autonomous regions, leading them to declare independence (as the Minsk Accords had been disregarded by Ukraine).
When Ukraine, largely using the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, increased the attacks in those regions, the Russian Duma asked Putin to recognize their independence, a request he initially declined. However, the shelling escalated in late 2021, leading Putin to assent to that recognition.
The NATO issue was itself already long festering. Russia had already witnessed several times the breach of the promise that NATO would never expand “an inch eastward” towards Russia via the former Soviet republic. NATO’s very reason for existence is its (the U.S. in particular) treatment of Russia as an ‘enemy’ state. That the U.S. and Ukraine were now openly promoting the latter’s entry into NATO- a hostile military alliance- bringing a direct threat to Russia on its border and likely blocking its vital Black Sea access- was a huge ‘red-line’ national security issue for Russia. This had been warned about not only by Russia itself (for decades) but also by seasoned U.S. officers from Military, Intel and Diplomatic corps, as well as by Russia-expert scholars & international relations experts.
All this has been well documented should one actually want to learn about it.
Whether or not Russia’s invasion was “justified” by these threats, or not, it’s important to recognize that from Russia’s standpoint, (and that of most citizens), there is a long memory re. the last Nazi invasion from the West, in which an est. 27Million of its people were killed. That this situation represents an existential threat to Russia , from its perspective, can NOT be denied.
One has only to ask their self, what would be the U.S. reaction should the same situation be created, say, in Mexico? What if Russia had enabled a coup there, and the new government joined an anti-American military alliance, placed its weapons on our Southern Border (including ABMs- which we’ve done already in Poland and elsewhere)? Well, we all know damn well what the response would be.
This was all avoidable. In fact, Zelensky was elected on a platform and promises to bring peace to Ukraine internally AND with Russia. He spoke of negotiations with Russia. The neo-Nazis literally threatened to kill him should that happen; and he capitulated. He joined them in calling, for example, for the retaking of Crimea… against its population’s wishes.
What moral equivalency?
It is hard to defend the morality of the leader of my own country when it deliberately provoked a war by proxy, one that will have taken the lives of very many innocent people and reduced an already-struggling nation to an even more dire situation, and one that could easily cascade into a thermonuclear war that destroys much of the planet. And Biden himself has much of the blood on his hands, as he was the guy who signed off on the coup and regime change operation in 2014. It was he who appointed the Neocons to the State Dep’t., including Blinken, alongside of whom he summarily dismissed Russia’s pleas for discussions of Russia’s security concerns, as “a non-starter”.
Gateway has a video of Putin rushing back to the Kremlin around 2am Russian time. Atypical.