By Nightvision for the Saker Blog
We must evaluate the timing of the Bucha false-flag, which is of great importance and will give us major clues as to the real unfolding of events behind the curtain. It is no coincidence that the single largest mass surrender of the conflict so far occurred literally in the latter part of the same day as the false-flag. There is a clear connection.
Here’s the surrender video for those who haven’t seen it:
In short, Ukrainian command and the western Intel services that control it, are getting desperate. The fall of Mariupol would mean the beginning of a long chain of events that will start a domino effect of collapse for the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine). The Ukrainian elite obviously knew that one of the last remaining contingents holding Mariupol together at the seams was ready to fall and they needed an event that would somehow disrupt the momentum Russia was soon to have from the upcoming fall of Mariupol. Because it is now clear the battle for Mariupol is nearing its end – the fall of the 501st special marine battalion today was like a giant edifice crumbling from the face of a barely standing building.
The powers that be know that once Mariupol falls, the Russian, Chechen, and DPR forces therein will be freed to immediately begin Phase 2 of the operation. And all indications from my analysis points to the fact that Phase 2 will be much more brutal and swift than what we’ve seen so far, for the following reasons:
- Particularly after the pullbacks from Kiev, Sumy, Chirnihiv regions, and the injection of freed Mariupol forces, Russia will have more forces than ever concentrated on a much smaller area of operations. This will have a big compounding effect.
- Freed from the constraints of large urban warfare, where the Russian forces are at a disadvantage, they will instead be facing the open plains of the western Donbass and Dnieper regions which favor the Russian force disposition in every way imaginable. Not only are civilians much easier to evacuate from the small villages and settlements but Russia can much more freely use its ‘big guns’ like the Msta 2S19 self propelled 152mm artillery, the various MLRS including Tos-1 thermobarics, and its fleet of attack choppers – all of which have been completely locked out of the urban battles in Mariupol and Kiev for the reasons of preventing mass civilian death and civil infrastructure destruction. We’ve had a taste already of how a more unrestricted Russian attack can look in the battle of Volnovakha and it was not pretty. I won’t needlessly post the photos/videos but Ukrop forces were brutally gored there.
The Ukr command are desperately trying to forestall these events. They know they stand no chance without some major escalation from NATO and unwilling European friends have been dragging their feet and noncommital about providing the types of arms that would allow Ukraine to stand a chance in Phase 2, in short – things like actual good light armor / tanks. Germany has supposedly agreed to give ancient 1960 BMP-1’s from the GDR era, but even if it manages to effect this the delivery to the frontlines would take time and this is exactly why they need to forestall as much as possible with these ‘false flags’.
Also there’s now reports Czech Republic has sent many T-72s and BMP-1 equivalent (the Czech copies/versions)
And on the topic of urban vs. open warfare. One thing that’s important to mention is, a lot of people claim Russia’s initial strategy of seizing cities was a ‘failure’ of intel because Russia hoped these cities would lay down their arms and embrace Russia and that didn’t happen. But if you really examine the opening more closely, it’s clear that Russia’s plan DID work to a large part – they seized several of their most important key cities in the exact way they wanted, without firing a shot nor destroying the cities in urban warfare. These are: Kherson, Melitopol, Energodar, Berdiansk. The ones they hoped would give up but failed were Kharkov, Kiev, and arguably Nikolayev. It’s obviously a partial success, and more so for the fact that the ones that fell were in the important region that Russia is likely to incorporate in one way or another into its sphere of control anyway. So how can one claim the strategy was a “failure” when Russia now controls this belt of important cities and life there has returned to normal, and the cities are being fully integrated into the Russian economy. New reports show how Kherson and Energodar have created economic commissions which are now coordinating trade economies with Crimea, and fiber internet from Crimea has also now been established linking Kherson directly to the RF and cutting it from the Ukraine.
But back to the first point: we still don’t know the exact objectives of Phase 2, and most of us just assume by far the main thrust will be to close the ‘Great Cauldron’ in Donbass. But there are some indications that Phase 2 will in fact either include or even favor an initial focus on Nikolayev and Kharkov. These are only rumors, but simply something to keep in mind. Western/Ukrainian intel ‘sources’ and chirps from their upper command claim that Russia is set to attack Kharkov, and there is an obvious RF force accumulation towards the Nikolayev axis.
One possibility is that Russia continues to play maneuver warfare and keep Kiev guessing to throw them off and strike them where they’re weak. Everyone fully expected the cauldron to be next and Kiev announced the sending of large reinforcements there, but Russia may instead choose to focus a powerful thrust onto a lesser defended Nikolayev instead, as an example.
Anyway, though there is mostly an operational pause on the ground, at least for the RF side while they regroup, reposition and wait for Mariupol to fall so that they can begin Phase 2, there are still some gains and frontline changes we can speak of.
Reinforcements continue pouring in:
The DPR continue to break through the defensive line in NW Donetsk. There are very gruesome videos of Ukrainian trenches being overrun, littered with the UAF dead.
In the Izyum direction, UAF command has announced the loss of Brazhkivka, which is a town on the way towards Barinkove. Dovenkhe which can be seen here is under attack by RF forces as they appear to be pushing a possible two pronged direction towards Barinkove and Slavyansk.
In the LPR, it appears Ukrainian forces withdrew from the rest of Rubizhnoe and as is their usual tactic (remember the coke factory detonation when they withdrew from NW Donetsk?) they blew up a big chemical plant which now threatens large civilian populations with all sorts of toxic acid.
On the Mariupol front, there appears to be more surrenders, exact numbers not confirmed yet but I heard 30+. As I said previously, Mariupol appears to be crumbling and speeding up.
Also there are several new videos of self-propelled artillery for seemingly the first time being brought in to the frontline. One of the suppositions is that, since the Azov militants are holed up in the factories, the allied forces now feel more comfortable being able to shell them with indiscriminate artillery without inflicting civilian casualties.
Also, for those that haven’t seen it yet, a beret of some sort of French foreign legion or mercenary, as well as a pin were found by Semyon Pegov in Mariupol:
And there continues to be reports that French mercenaries are still trapped in Mariupol and have not yet been evacuated in those previously failed helicopter rescues.
Unconfirmed reports like this: “NATO officers from France, Germany, Britain and “neutral” Sweden got stuck at Azovstal in Mariupol. Right now they are getting in touch with the Russian troops with a request to help them leave, to organize a corridor for the exit. – journalist German Vladimirov.”
Now there are new reports at the time of this writing that RF forces have shot down 2 new Mi-8 helicopters in Mariupol, sources such as Colonel Cassad are reporting. Someone is getting extremely desperate to evacuate some VIPs there it seems. The choppers were allegedly coming over the Azov sea and were shot down on approach and fell into the sea, so we’re unlikely to see crash photos this time, but we’ll see how this report pans out.
Meanwhile Russian marines and DPR troops pour in towards the final frontlines near the factories:
Elsewhere in Dnipro, Ukrainian troops have been filmed committing monstrous brutality against civilians These are the ‘glorious heroes’ that we’re supposed to believe are the ones protecting civilians like in Bucha and elsewhere? Time and time again we see the absolute brutality of Ukrainian troops on civilians. There are countless videos of them shooting civilians from the start of the war. And in general civilians do not seem to be greatly valued in Ukrainian society as the Volkssturm terror wave continues unabated throughout the country, in fact recently it’s spread to taping children, old women, etc, to poles indiscriminately.
One thing that must be noted and expounded upon. What we’re seeing is a shift in Ukrainian tactics from actual, ostensible warfare to psychological warfare almost exclusively. What this means is, Ukraine has ceased even trying to win in the sense of operable offensives / counter-offensives and real strategic battlefield victories. Rather they have now devolved into a strategy where only psyops, intimidation, and propaganda aimed at reducing morale is their chief and primary ‘weapon’ against RF forces.
There hasn’t been a single recorded ‘victory’ of any sort from the Ukrainian side in a long time against actual Russian troops. They are retreating and losing manpower virtually everywhere apart from the places Russia willfully pulled back. But this is a huge difference between being forced to retreat due to suffering losses, and a reorientation in strategy. For instance, in every single place where Russia pulled back, they were actually gaining ground and taking victories against Ukrainian forces. Example: in west Kiev, Russia had captured several new towns and was pushing towards Byshiv and other areas SW of Kiev. But then they simply stopped and pulled back due to the decisions of high command. Same goes in areas like Chernuhiv where we know Russia had just recently made major gains, captured the town of Slavutych and encircled the city of Chernuhiv. Ukrainian forces on the other hand are being brutally driven back and killed en masse as many videos in my possession attest.
So the point is, Ukraine has shifted to conducting only a psychological war as its last resort. From Bucha, to the POW tortures/killings, to the pointless but ‘showy’ strike on Belgorod, which did nothing more than attempt to deal a psychological strike to the Russian morale. Remember, Russia is drowning in oil/fuel, that is the least of their problems. An attack targeting a minor, insignificant oil depot in a small backwater town is strategically irrelevant. The fact that Ukraine risked such a daring operation shows the shift into psychological war rather than actual strategically effective war against real targets. It is a sign of an enemy who is losing and desperate.
The Ukraine is now fighting a war primarily in the electronic/cyber/abstract sphere of influence, rather than the real objective sphere of physical battle and direct warfare. In short, they are doing anything possible to take the attention away from their own massive strategic losses on the real, physical battlefield. This is effectively a shift to a psychological operation rather than physical operation on their behalf. The types of attacks and “victories” we are likely to see from them from this point on will be things of this nature – small strategically insignificant but ‘showy’ and designed for psychological effect – and of course a likely initiative switch to increasing the scale and frequency of false flags of all types we will see from this point onward.
Now, I don’t want to paint an overly rosy picture. The RF continues to experience some losses as well but they are typically of an asymmetrical nature. UAF is not winning any ‘battles’ whatsoever or even engagements. They are merely bleeding our forces here and there with small guerilla attacks that manage to take out one or two vehicles from a supply convoy, or as seen recently, take a helicopter or plane every once in a while.
This takes me to the final topic, yes it appears true that after suffering little to no air losses for a couple weeks now, we have suddenly seen the shoot down of an Su-35 and a Mi-28. It is claimed that a new Wunderwaffen from UK called the Starstreak manpad was used for these shootdowns. I can confirm having viewed the videos that it is possible the Starstreak was used, as opposed to just ‘propaganda’. The reason is, the most notable characteristic of the system is its exorbitantly high speed, Mach 3-4 of the projectile, which is much greater than most/standard manpad systems. In the Mi-28 video in particular, the projectile does appear to come ridiculously fast nor has a smoke plume that is characteristic of typical rocket-engined manpads. The Starstreak has a rocket stage that falls off, sending a trio of metal penetrator rods at the target. This is exactly what I seemed to see in the video and if true, this weapon system does appear to be quite a problem because the DIRCM systems in use by Russia (or anyone in the world for that matter) cannot possibly consistently stop such a system. The simple fact of its speed means it takes less than a second or two for it to go from the launch to the hit, which makes a response nearly meaningless (depending on the height of the aircraft, but in this case the helicopter was low, as most RF choppers are as per their operating standard in these areas).
The Su-35 on the other hand seemed to fall straight down in a strange way that could be indicative of a hit from these metallic penetrator rods that would have severed the empenage causing a catastrophic fall. A typical manpad strikes with a smaller explosion that often just damages the engine and/or wings, causing the plane to fall in a characteristic pattern more in line with rapid forward descent, not catastrophic straight down flat stall.
And by the way, the pilot of the Su-35 was apparently captured by Ukrop forces, as I saw a photo of the bleeding tied up pilot who will likely now be tortured. But the Mi-28 pilots fortunately not only survived but were successfully evacuated by our retrieval forces.
So what can Russia do against such advanced anti-air systems? Not much really. The fact is, NO country can do much against them. If these same Starstreaks were used against the U.S. airforce, they would have the same exact problems as Russia is having. There is simply no real way to effectively and consistently stop them. The only difference might be that the U.S. has a far greater drone capability and the U.S. would likely cease using its airforce in the area and would instead hunt these targets with drones nonstop. But of course, the U.S. has never gone against a near-peer enemy of this sort that is supplied with such advanced weapon systems. Even in Iraq going against an enemy who literally lacked manpads at all and used only much larger and easier to spot/kill ancient legacy soviet anti-aircraft systems, the U.S. still suffered massive aircraft losses. Here’s a list of many of their air losses just to give you an idea
The list is equally as long for Afghanistan.
But my point isn’t to make fun or imply the U.S. couldn’t have done a better job, but simply to illustrate that air losses are an undeniable mainstay of combat. You simply cannot stop them entirely without completely withdrawing your airforce from action. There is only stopgap measures you can use to ‘minimize’ the threat as much as possible, which are already being used – like flying at low altitudes and rapid speed, or conversely flying at extremely high altitudes out of the manpads’ range. But you can never get rid of the threat entirely and no electronic counter measure on earth is 100% effective against them but merely reduce the chances of the manpad functioning depending on a multitude of factors, such as the aircraft’s vector, velocity, atmospheric conditions, manpad range to target, number of simultaneous manpads fired, etc, etc. I have several videos showing the neutralization of enemy manpads by Russian counter-measure systems.
With that said, RF airforce is conducting a large amount of sorties daily, and their losses in the past few weeks have been extremely minimal for this level of conflict, and in fact videos appear all the time showing the effectiveness of the Ka-52 and Mi-28’s strikes on enemy positions.
I’ll finish with a map of current Mariupol. Time is ticking and the desperate rescue attempts are increasing, there can’t be much time left for Mariupol.
“Freed from the constraints of large urban warfare, where the Russian forces are at a disadvantage, they will instead be facing the open plains of the western Donbass and Dnieper regions which favor the Russian force disposition in every way imaginable.”
What if Ukrainian now forces hide in the cities?
What makes them formidable and hard to get at is, that they are dug in, entrenched, interconnected, surrounded by minefields.
That – also makes them immobile…😉
Czech Republic will send about 40 of tanks T-72m1 and bmp 1. No gamechanger at all.
Target practice.
THAT will be a decision, that will haunt the citizens of the Czech Republic for some time to come I am afraid…
Anyway, ever since the times of Benes and Masaryk, I have no time for said republic.
The Soviet Union DESTROYED Czechoslovakia in 1968-1971 by the so-called “normalization” which meant that 80% of all senior specialists, engineers etc. were either fired or forced to emigrate to save themselves.
Soviet Union in doing this not only lost its (only ?) true ally in Europe but also destroyed a generation and removed a future from the following generation. The social losses to the country were more severe than the results of the WW2. Think about that.
The Czechs remember it and are RIGHTLY pissed off. So bugger off. Mr. self-important.
On to the point:
Yes, the CZ gov seems to be going batshit crazy. But that is no surprise. The corrent gov there is 80% from parties funded by the one-narrative folks. They are just doing their job for their masters and the enmity which the SU created in 1968 is just making the population agree. SU made the Czech into an enemy for no good reason. Now the Russians are reaping the fruits. Simple as that.
BTW, did you know that the only politburo prepresentative who oppossed the 1968 invasion was the Russian guy. Yeah. He knew. But was overruled.
The problem with “We’re righteously pissed and we have a bona fide reason to be” people like you is you pretend history began at the point convenient for you.
Let’s move back three decades and talk about whom your beloved country was allied with.
See how the picture changes? A good chunk of those senior specialists and engineers actively fought against the USSR on the side of the Axis. No great loss as far as Moscow was concerned.
Recommending people bugger off while practicing selective history is not a good look for you
And lets’ remind this no name “User” that the re-armament of Hitlerian Germany was made possible by the Czech sale of the Czech armament industries to Germany, one of the best of Europe at that time.
@Patrick Laforet
Please kindly stop spreading false propaganda here. It is despicable how you turn one of the few PURE VICTIMS of WW2 into an accomplice. You are disgusting.
Czechoslovakia was wary off and later on purely HOSTILE to Germany throughout its existence. Especially once Hitler came to to power.
The country WAS DISMEMBERED by the Western power in the Munich agreement. With the assistance of Poland, Hungary and Romaina.
True. That was a FATAL mistake as 30% of the arms Germans used to conquer France a year later were Czechoslovak. This was by no choice of CS. It was as the French (!) wished actually as they forced the CS into it.
BTW, the USSR was the ONLY ally who supported Czechoslovakia in the 1938 crisis which resulted in Munich. And that was, by the way, why USSR was seen as a TRUE ALLY in 1968.
That image the USSR had is why the Czech today are way more pissed than Hungarians are about 1956. For the Hungarians that is now just another struggle with a stronger power. For the Czechs it is a brotherly betrayal. Something way, way worse psychologically.
The country was stabbed in the back by Chamberlain and his gang, who persuaded the Czechs to let Hitler take the Sudetten, at a time when the German army was slightly weaker than the Czech army. This, plus City loans above a million pounds (vs. slightly over 100K for Czechoslovachia), got Hitler’s conquest project afoot. Read Alex Krainer about this.
On the other hand, people who lump Russia with the Soviet Union are making the same error you are eager to point out. Russia was a victim of the bolsheviks. Lenin was a maniacal russophobe.
Hey, I feel your pain. It is not me, that puts the average citizen in jail for exercising his/her freedom of speech as we speak is it? It`s the republic. And no, I do not have illusions about the – you get the gvmnt you deserve/vote for either. It`s complicated. We are all in it.
But the price for the wrong decisions will be extracted one way or another from everyone.
There is no “Pain of mine”. I am well aware of the complexities. It is the pain of the society as a whole. It is the pain of being stabbed by your own brother – how Russia was seen up until 1968. And I do not mean brother-in-arms, I mean it in the true family way.
In the same way the Russian society retains the pain of the Great partrtiotic War. Despite it being a two decades further still.
I have reacted to your:
“Anyway, ever since the times of Benes and Masaryk, I have no time for said republic.”
That is disrespectful to the extreme and was uncalled for. It completely ignores the fact that is was SU (equified to Russia by Czechs historically) who made the Czechs into a bitter enemy.
Yes, I understand the motivations of the SU leadership. But all that does not matter. Once your brother stabs you into the back, you will NEVER EVER trust him. No matter his motivations. And the current (last decade ot so) glorification of that stabbing in Russian (non-official) circles does not help one iota here.
Nough said.
As I understand it, CZ was deceived by Britain in 1938 to cede the Sudetenland to Hitler, and this was followed by more territory ceded, all without a fight. And CZ was reputed to have a superior army to the Germany at that time. Even the German generals ceded that point and were apprehensive about any invasion. But the British deception meant they didn’t have to engage militarily.
The Czechs should remember their betrayal by the Brits and be rightly pissed off. But I guess they have a selective memory.
There were no good guys vs bad guys, that is the point. But there were some real pieces of excrement, who contributed above their weight to the festivities, that followed. To me, Benes was one of those.
You will prolly not believe me, but the Benes decrees are in effect today! Under the EU! I am not shitting Ya.
Then there’s is the matter of CZ gold held by the Bank of England that was handed over to the NAZIs.
There are many people who hate Russia for 1968, sure. The problem is that they don’t realize that Russia 2022 is not the Soviet Union 1968. They don’t even know that the Russian delegate opposed the event.
BUT!!! This decision is not about 1968.
And believe it or not. In my neighborhood, a lot of people are on the Russia side today. Anyway, it’s better not to talk about it in public and certainly not to write about it. The information space belongs 98% percent to paid debaters, NGO employees and other trash. They do everything to make the hatred towards Russia as great as possible.
The problem is the government. If someone builds monuments to the vlasovists and supports the banderovists, one can hardly expect anything humane from him. For the Czech government, even its own voters are second-class citizens. No wonder, since they won the elections by fraud.
They will probably be responsible for the break-up of the V4 countries. And their servility to their American masters proves that infinity exists.
Hon, I was there… seeing tanks on Aug. 21, 1968 – and yes, it seemed a horror at the time; however, as one grew older and learned a lot more about the world, it now seems clear that the tanks prevented what could have turned into a civil war. Just look at the Indonesian coup d’état (65-67) – Indonesians killing other Indonesians just because they disagreed. The US embassy gave out kill lists – names of people, who were to be disposed of. It would not surprise me if that was what was planned for CZ.
“The social losses to the country were more severe than the results of the WW2” – what in the world are you talking about?
Sometimes (or, always), the passage of time gives us a better perspective – we just have to be willing to see it.
CZ was spared the destruction and privation that afflicted other eastern European nations during WWII. So the comparison is not as outlandish as someone might expect based on the destruction that happened elsewhere.
That was the SU, not the RF. The Czechs better wake up, because this grudge holding is making them blind to worse things. If the one-narrative folks sleepwalk you into a war and your country gets obliterated, what then? Who will be your savior? Best to stay out of this altogether.
It does not matter. The Czechs had been betrayed and they will not trust the nose between (any) Russian eyes for a century or more.
Yes, it is not rational.
But it is as it is. You can stab a brother only once in the back. The next time he will not allow you to stand behind him or even to stand close enough. If you try to enter his personal space, he will punch, stab or shoot you immediately.
This is the same way that “Oh the Russians better wake up, no one cares about WW2 anymore.” view which the West says – often genuinely – is wrong. Such strong psychological moments cannot just be forgotten. You cannot “wake up” from them. And suggesting such to anyone is only gonna make them more entrenches and you their enemy. Works in personal relations too, BTW …
/no, you do not have to convince me here, I post here to better the understanding of other poeple, not to vent my feelings, whatever they may be on the topic/
1968 does not mean for Czechs they now look for revenge. Not in their vast majority.
What it means is they do NOT TRUST Russia with absolutely anything. If Russia today stated that the sky is blue, they would say that is a trick, and look for something behind it. This is what makes them to “eat” into the Western propaganda seemingly irrationally.
In reality it is more them “interepreting whatever Russians day as the exact opposite being the case”. In this way they see the Russians debunking of Wester PSYOPs as Russia “confirming them”.
Then some idiot on the Russian state TV declares that SU “saved” Czechoslovakia in 1968 it is all they need to have their “evil/distrustful Russsia” view confirmed.
There are a LOT of rational people in CZ. But you need to understand that NONE of the warnings and concerns which the SU raised to the CS leadership throughout 1968 were made public – not at the time, not later. It was a COMPLETE PR disaster for SU then and still is for Russia today.
And the present Russian leadership knows all this. That is why they do no really react to Czech outbursts – they understand these are amotional/irrational and there is no argument to be made to allay them.
It is a pure action-reaction situation. It is not good. In the same way the current war is not good. But calling out the other side for daring to react to being attacked, utterly humiliated and damaged beyond repair (in 1968) is not helpful. It is disrespectful and the only thing which it sows is discord.
Discord which buratino – unfortunately – intended per his follow-up posts as he seems to take the WW2-closure events personally. The same way the Czechs take 1968 personally.
Oh no, You don`t – after I have said, that I consider Benes personally a piece of excrement.
I didn`t say word one about the Czechs, au contraire, I have pointed out, that we are all in the same boat upcreek without a paddle.
Just a tidbit about Benes: the father of our beloved and recently deceased Madeleine Albright used to work with him – no doubt in the same spirit he taught her daughter to operate.
I consider Benes as a prototype of a Zelinksky…and look what that conniving mother… us all into…
So there. To remind, that all those machinations will induce a reaction is not blaming a people won`t You agree?
In the same spirit, as Russians will remember kindly the effort of some Greek people trying to shut down weapon shipments north by rail…
«The Soviet Union DESTROYED Czechoslovakia in 1968-1971 by the so-called “normalization” which meant that 80% of all senior specialists, engineers etc. were either fired or forced to emigrate to save themselves.»
That was 60 years ago, and that would matter in the long run only if being a “senior specialists, engineers etc.” was genetically inherited, so that the rest of czechs were too genetically stupid to have children that could be educated to replace those departed “senior specialists, engineers etc.” in 1-2 decades. I personally think that is an absurd assumption, if anything the average czech is quite smart, not just upper-middle class ones and their descendants.
I will believe it when I see it. It has to come on rail. I can’t imagine Russian Aviation not destroying it on the spot. Then again, railroads should have been destroyed a long time ago. I still don’t understand why they were not, nor why the bridges all along the Dnieper are still standing. I guess the Russian General Staff are pretty confident that Ukraine will not be able to send forces to contest Donbass. They have said as much. If it was me, I would not take any chances. All of them would be down.
What is up the Czech Republic anyways? They have been one of the most belligerent states towards Russia even before this conflict. There is nothing defensive about Tanks. Why doesn’t Russia state that the delivery of such systems make the country providing it a participant in the conflict?
“What is up the Czech Republic anyways?” -you woudlnt believe the amount of propaganda in our media right now! There is absolutely no truth what so ever anywhere. Complete hysteria on practically all levels -the liberal academic one the most toxic of all, completely shuting down every attempt at discussion.
We have a saying, “If elections could change anything, they would have banned them long ago.”
So-called “free elections” are the greatest chimera of our time. And the candidates are all from “the same nest”. There is no real opposition. Not in our country. That’s why half of registered voters simply don’t vote.
And here’s another Matthew 7:15-20 thrown in for good measure.
“You will know Them by Their fruits”
These are the ones who rule us. All the judicial and executive powers of the state are theirs. Democracy is just n slander and deception. When they banned alternative sources of information, they only confirmed what many of us already knew.
No one can imagine how envious I am of the Hungarians now. I wish them well, but I envy them.
Same in the UK. The liberals are more crazy than at least some of the conservatives. Cardiff City orchestra even banned a Tchaikovsky concert!
You can copy this for The Netherlands. TV, papers, commentators, they are gladly copying the narrative from
Xelensky. According to them Russia should have already lost their Police Action and Putin in jail.
The majority of the population is anti-Russia.
The Czech Republic government international policy is confusing to say the least. It reminds me of President Milanovic of Croatia who doesn’t know where is head is from his arse. A Ukraine missile flies over both Hungarian and Croatian Airspace and lands on Zagreb without being picked up by so called NATO countries.
President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman “apologised” officially to Serbia for the 1999 bombing of the former Yugoslavia. The government then turns around and sends old tanks and BMP-1 armored vehicles to Ukraine. It is laughable as those armored vehicles will have zero effect in the war. Maybe the Czech Republic needs to be reminded that Ukraine used to be one of the largest Tank producers with factors in Kiev.
The Czech republic is no better than Poland who’s bark is louder than its bite. Poland is expecting a shipment of 200 Abram tanks and is obviously one of NATO cannon fodder candidates. They will probably be procuring new F-16 planes as well to continue to bolter NATO aggressive move eastwards. towards Russian.
The Czech Republic has no real international policy. They just do what they are told to do. And what is worse, in order to please, they are still trying to exceed it with their own stupid initiative.
To call them brown nosers is an insult to the common brown nose.
I call them traitors to the motherland.
“Then again, railroads should have been destroyed a long time ago. I still don’t understand why they were not, nor why the bridges all along the Dnieper are still standing.”
I agree Cyric. Puzzling omission by the Russian High Command.
Russia said they don’t want to destroy civilian infrastructure. That will be a good policy if this thing can be over soon
@ Nightvision There have been unconfirmed rumors on various, non-mainstream websites that US Army Major General Cloutier has been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol.
Is there any truth to that? Can you clarify what is going on? True or false or unknown?
Intel Slava Z reported earlier that Nato officers from Germany, France, UK & Sweden were trapped with Azov in Mariupol.
Explains the rather frantic, suicide copter missions that those pesky Russians keep shooting down. 🍿😮
Capturing these assholes would go a long way to proving Russia right.
It would be very interesting to see how the west would spin this. Probably as kidnapped from their home countries by the FSB and whisked into Mariupol for propaganda purposes …
Seems Russia are determined not to completely level the factory, probably want to capture these NATO bigwigs. It’s not worth it as I’d be just as happy seeing NATO commanders flung on the top of a pile of Azov bodies and recorded for historical purposes.
Let’s also hope Blackwater/Academi are well represented also.
I was with a group of people that were some of the first responders to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I went with Veterans For Peace and Food Not Bombs. We had to wade into the neighborhood we were assigned. This is seemingly off topic but once we got our cart set up and started distributing food and water … Blackwater … fired over our heads, ran us off while threatening to kill us and stole the food and water. We had signage that made it clear who we were and what we were doing. I hope those tw@ts eat lead soup.
I would rather they be paraded publicly, tried, convicted and executed.
Who remembers the three SAS scum, dressed as Arabs, that were arrested and beaten by Iraq police. They were caught in a passenger car with explosives, obviously on their way to a false flag which were happening regularly.
Anyway the Brits were enraged and sent a tank to free them. They destroyed the police station in doing so.
Now they are helpless and would explain their desperation and rage.
Schadenfreude is a wonderful feeling.
dear grr,
Those three were definitely not SAS! It was in 2005 remember? They were from the same team that did London 7/7 and then assassinated the Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes, as well as taking out two ‘terrorists’ at Canary Wharf on 7/7. They were from the British army’s Force Reconnaissance Regiment, but they were not British, they were Israeli, which is why the Poms went ape-sh*t in releasing them. And then the head of Britain’s military police when he started to investigate, he was ‘suicided’.
Nick Kollerstrom did a very good article on that event. The British Army’s FRR Go Through The Looking-Glass? at his ‘Terror on the tube site.
This information came from Veterans Today, a dubious source to say the least.
I wouldn’t put much faith into it being true.
You mean the Veteranstoday that published this very article? You’re some guy who knows nothing. Gordon Duff and Jim Dean rock the truth. I would put way more faith in them, than you.
Also, a recent article at Veteranstoday under Jonas Alexis there is truly shocking to read and informative. It is: The Inside Story From Inside Ukraine. Prepare yourself to be pissed off at what the Ukkies are doing to civilians and captured Russian soldiers. Explain why Veteranstoday is dubious in your opinion, please. You read the Saker, is this dubious also, in your opinion? I am suspicious of your opinion some guy.
Is that “Jonas Alexis” as in Alex Jones?
I don’t mind, just want to know…
No. It’s a different person. He writes a lot for Veterans Today
Ok, thank you, Sean
I keep seeing this rumor of captured U.S. general but honestly it sounds really fake to me. There’s no reason for U.S. general to be on the ground himself, he could easily direct forces remotely. It sounds really fake to me but the only credence to it was that supposedly this General was just recently in Bulgaria and the general region. But this is likely fakenews, but we’ll continue keep our ears open
I have not been so quick to dismiss this story (which has circulated quite widely in the last few days) as the General in question is to the Ukrainian military what Nuland is to Ukrainian politicians. He has also been photographed many times on the ground inside Ukraine (pre war) helping the Ukrainian Army get up to NATO standard whilst the British help Ukrainian Navy develop and the French help the airforce. In a press conference with a Ukrainian General he said that Ukrainians were his Brothers.
He is an old school General, not the degreed and desk bound type popular today.
Such a man would be very important to the planned Ukrainian assault on Donbass and such a man (reading his profile) would be keen to be on the ground helping to co-ordinate the combined US/UK/French intel and technical support to Ukraine during this operation. His arogance may also have got him trapped inside Mariopol.
Spec Ops helicopter pilots would not be sent to exfil Mercs or even Intel (unless senior CIA/MI6/Mossad), much less highly skilled and valuable Spec Ops pilots on an ultra high risk mission (twice).
There is more to this story.
There is also more to the story regarding todays attack on Ocativ by the Russian navy which was believed connected to British “Sea Skua” missiles being set up.
Although Sea Skua is an old system, the British have large stockpiles of them and they can be set up on a ground launch platform and fired from cover / a truck / inside a warehouse. They would make a mess of Russian supply ships and landing craft.
So far the British have supplied 1000’s of missiles to Ukraine in the form of NLAWs, and now Starstreak. Boris Johnson himself has promised that anti-ship missiles are being sent. When does this cross from being support to an act of war, and if an American General is co-ordinating Ukraine with NATO, when does this cross from support to direct military involvement – and therefore war between NATO and Russia).
It is what it is. I can see both sides.
But with the spin at the level that it is (i.e., 11 on a scale of 1-10), reckon even that could/we spun for the sheeple. For the intel pros – well, they already know what the score is. And even beyond the intel crowd – a senior exec at the State Bank of India (24,000 Branches!) came out saying, basically, something to the effect of “I’m all for US sanctions – the longer they last and deeper they are, the more (long term) opportunities they present for India). Even a few years ago, something like this could not be stated by any exec of a SOE/state-owned/public sector bank, much less a private sector bank exec, in India.
The mask is off. Everyone knows how the game is going to be played go forward. Long term (in the sense of 80-100 years/the year 2100 being the *short* term) implications are being thought through by the various long-term planning groups in different countries.
That bit of dialogue from “The Wire” comes to mind:
Avon: “So what’s up? What’s up with you otherwise, you know?”
Marlo: “Ah, the game’s the game.”
Avon: “Always.”
The helo missions are quite intriguing, I must say.
Министр обороны России Сергей Шойгу с ультиматумом обратился к лидерам НАТО.
Он заявил, что нужно остановить поставки самолетов и систем ПВО Украине.Иначе ” мы адекватно отреагируем»,-сказал Шойгу.
Stop the delivery of arms to Ukraine or we will respond accordingly. I hope this is no idle threat.
“React adequately”(DeepL translation) is kind of an all encompassing term. It could mean
targeting the weapons convoys inside Ukraine, but I hope it goes further towards tit
for tat reprisals or destroying the factories where the weapons are made(there are
probably plenty of these weapon systems already inside Ukraine). There might
be other options I am missing.
Agreed 💯
But it was actually the third wave of helos.
Ukrops lost another two.
Thats 8 in total in 3 waves.
How many successes? How many did they rescue?
The Helicopter missions to Mariupol are also resupplying the units trapped therein. If they were pure VIP rescue missions they wouldn’t be using big lumbering Mi-8s.
The US general in question is a 3 star. If true, that’s very significant. Also note, there were lots and lots of NATO ‘trainers’ in Ukraine in late Dec and early 2022. Some of theses ‘trainers’ ended up being bottled up in Mariupol for sure. There are likely more ‘trainers’ in the Cauldron.
They could be delivering stuff to entrap Rus forces…chems….mined high explosive forces etcc…new radio comms sets upgrades etc…and EMF equipment to collect the EU and partners promised intelligences
@ Nightvision Thank you. Please find out if you can, who the NATO personnel are who are embedded with the AZOV Battalion.
I am skeptical as well. Even if he was there, why not get out sooner? Or course all rumors can be dispelled if the good General would simply make a public appearance.
There has to be some big wigs there though. Is it 5 or 6 helicopters shot down now? I have lost count. These are with Manpads no less. I hope Russia is moving in some Pantsyr’s and Buks in there.
I think, that such a high general must have dozens of preplanned public meetings It could be possible to verify if the general has been in most of these places in last three weeks. And so to find, where is now this U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier, who is the Commander of NATO’s Allied Land Command…
I have news for you:
It looks like he was in Izmir (Turkey) yesterday. As per his LinkedIN and some Nato FB pages.
It’s likely that there are foreign mercenaries at least and intel forward observers/consultants at worse from the countries listed, go ahead and toss in US operatives in Mariupol and elsewhere in Ukraine. Some videos appeared when the noose started tightening around azovstal complex that multiple foreigners had been captured but they were few and far between (has anyone found anything conclusive)? As is common in war, prisoner exchanges are done behind the scenes. What we see in various outlets, videos, etc., are just one part of the hidden campaign behind a shroud of secrecy. Now think about what NVision pointed out, that the Ukronazi forces are now transitioning to a psyop campaign. They have overwhelming multimedia centerstage in Zone A and I doubt that the fact that their weakass forces lost control of the battlefield while they were hosting foreign mercs would help Ze’s worldwind tour of constant shilling on stage for more money & arms. Hence no news on this from the Ukronazis.
If true he needs to be executed — along with any other Nations military personell. They should get no special treatment if not there for peaceful reasons.
One thing is for sure. He won’t lose any hair while in captivity.
Russia need to destroy all Railways, highways, bridges and bridges in several point in West Ukraine.
Why they have not done is a mistery
Cut the enemy supply lines
yes, absolutely necessary!!!!!!!
“Today, for the first time, Russian aviation has begun to seriously work on the railway infrastructure of Lozovaya, Pavlograd and Sinelnikovo – in the west of Donbass.”
This was April 2nd. Not nearly enough though.
Yeah, you made a good point. Even mainstream channels are making the same point now regarding the Kiev railway connections,
[Forwarded from Periscope Notepad]
It should be noted that after the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the Kiev and Chernihiv regions, the powerful Kiev railway junction returns to full operation again. If in March it was in a “semi-suffocated” state (2 out of 5 directions were cut, and the fast course could be controlled by reconnaissance drones from the locations), now nothing prevents it from being used with high intensity. The only thing is that the Polessky passage to Korosten is out of order (the APU themselves blew up the bridge over the Irpen), but the other 4 directions are now free. And the most unpleasant thing is that the Zhmerinka – Kazatin- Fastov-Kiev main line can now be used again for the transfer of heavy weapons from the west of Ukraine, because it has seriously distanced itself from the zone of control of Russian troops.
Nightvision, Thank you so much. I appreciate your sitreps
There have been numerous mentions today on various sites about as yet unconfirmed reports that an American LT General has been captured or is trapped in Mariupol. Your thoughts and if these reports of the American and other NATO officers is true… what is their status in terms of combat?
Great update,one wonders how much intel can be acquired from those Ukrainian Marine prisoners,as far as any Nato personel are trapped in Mariupol?
I wish that you would translate the map legend into English.
Go Putin!
Let’s Go Brandon!
(Translation: F**k Joe Biden)
Red: Russia & Militia
Blue: Nazis + maybe western intel and instructors
Striped: Contested areas
Pretty much the same scheme for all maps, except sometimes the striped areas mean under fire control, which means even though there’s no red units there, the area is under recon and can be hit with long range weapons, so nobody moves in there without russian permission.
Thank you ZOFH.
Time for us to learn Cyrillic.
If there’s NATO-officers trapped in Mariupol, i see no reason whatsoever why they should be allowed to escape. They’re operating on foreign soil in a warzone and actively participating, therefore they’re legitimate military targets.
If they don’t want to die, they can surrender just like anyone else and be taken as POWs. Then their governments can negotiate in shame for release, while explaining to their people why there are NATO officers in ukraine working with nazi-units.
If they want to survive, let them hang their heads in shame.
The problem is that their presence there can be interpreted as expression of war and/or attacking them might trigger NATO to retaliate, not to mention the huge PR victory that parading them around would afford.
Probably they will blow themselves up rather than be captured.
For the N-th time: People and vehicles aren’t nations. Nations are nations. NATO is a treaty covering nations.
The moment those people and assets left their nations, they stopped being covered by NATO and became just “british”, “french”, “american”, etc.
Will those self-entitled brats cry foul anyways? Sure, and i don’t give a damn. “Rules based order” my ass.
Damn right!
If NAZO (Nazi Atlantic Zionist Organisation ) are looking for an excuse to enter through the front door, let’s get the welcome mat out. Let’s watch on as their ships and bases receive the first salvos of Mr Kinzhal & his brethren.
Mother of all f*cking bombs meet Mount Azov. In 1000 years archaeologists will be discovering deep underground tunnels and digging up Nazi memorabilia in burial sites.
Actually that’s got nothing to do with what i said, but alrighty Mr. Glowie.
Just hold the mercs in WuFlu quarantine for some months for ‘safety’ since none of them bothered to provide negative tests before crossing the border, throw their Reset/NWO lockdown programming back at ’em.
As long as they are serving officers of their own nations, they are just pows and only if in uniform. If found out of uniform they can be shot on sight as franc tirreurs. They have no rights under the Geneva Convention as mercenaries or not in uniform.
After having seen what has been done by too many Russians , I’d lob in a few stray bombs onto them, as I think their being caught alive for display purposes is not of much value. Better they be killed and that will send a message itself.
Their orders are to die, preferably so horribly their bodies can not be identified.
It is US government practice to report the deaths of such people in a different country as a result of an aircraft accident.
Another excellent post from Nghtvision. A few points…
The Bucha story is meant to distract the Western public from other immediate developments. While one of those developments may in fact be the surrender of Ukrainian forces in Mariupol, it is much more likely related to the German hysteria building over the gas-for-roubles matter. It is becoming clear that there is money missing, that Western banks’ involvement in the Russia gas trade was concealing that fact, that their removal has created a crisis, and that everyone save the Russians are scrambling to avoid accountability for what ultimately is a criminal matter.
The unconfirmed reports about a U.S. general being tapped in the Azovstal complex in Mariupol strike me as fanciful and much more likely to be disinformation related to the U.S. Undersecretary of State’s visit to Europe that fact. What is most certainly disinformation is that NATO officers supposedly trapped in that same complex are seeking Russian help to escape via corridor. Whatever else they are, NATO officers are professional military men and were they to be in Mauripol would know their options are surrender or die. There does appear to be a French presence in that city and it obviously has Macron concerned, but for personal political reasons related to his re-election. Any NATO personnel in a war zone know the consequences.
I am beginning to suspect there is no grand Russian offensive to be had, merely a series of small actions that set a chain of events into motion that lead to the inevitable collapse of the Ukrainian state.
I do not understand the connection between the roubles matter and Bucha. Why would the Ukies go to the trouble of fantasy for the Germans?
Bucha FF and the many other coming soon, has also a diversion power for the sheeps here in Zone A(mainly in the EU):diversion for the catastrophic economical consequences in their daily life(mainly popular and middle classes,top 40 % are not really touched or not at all).Inflation is now eating savings or simply salaries of many.Winter energy bills are arriving in the mailbox with very often a 50 up to 80% increase.Grocery stores are increasing their basic food prices(up to 30/50% for some items in Aldi in Germany for exemple). Some products are missing in supermarkets.Macron even mentionned ‘ffod stamps like in WWII are possible). It is just the beginning as it takes some time to realize.Holidays bookings which were at all time high after covid and before the war started are now almost freezed.
False flags are perfect but there is also some ‘war fatigue’ as people around me are starting to be tired of hearing tv coverage of ukraine war 24/7.
Even refugees are starting to behave à la ‘bandera’ in some places in zone A, it is still light, but exemple of ‘refugees’ claiming about everything: not enough money( they receive 1.100 euros/month).Hotels not good enough, why Ibis if we could have Novotel or Mariott, food is not good enough, there are too many arabs and blacks in Zone A, language problems nobody speaks ukrainian here(and very very few Russian)…etc…enjoy banderists Zone A.
Refugees returned by their host family
Due to noise, language or cleanliness problems, many people in Switzerland want to separate from the Ukrainians they have welcomed.
After solidarity comes disillusionment for many volunteers. Currently, 22,000 Ukrainian refugees are in Switzerland and around 1,000 more arrive daily. A large number of them – more than 5,000 people – are accommodated in private accommodation, with colleagues, friends or volunteers who have made their house or apartment available.
Hosts no longer want refugees… and vice versa
It now seems that solidarity is eroding. “With us, 1,800 of the 30,000 potential guests have withdrawn,” explains Christian Messikommer, of the Campax association.
Several cantons confirm that Ukrainians seeking protection have had to be relocated. In the canton of Lucerne, this is so far about 60 people. Other cantons do not give figures, but if we extrapolate to the whole country, there should be hundreds of people in the same situation.
Silvia Bolliger, director of the Lucerne asylum and refugee service, sees problems on both sides. “Announcements from host families and individuals who no longer wish to accommodate fugitives are increasing,” she explains. Conversely, it also highlights the fact that several refugees have come forward because they wish to leave their private accommodation and be assigned to cantonal accommodation.
Communication difficulties underestimated
Tensions and misunderstandings would be the order of the day: “People on the run are not just sitting in their rooms and grateful for the rest of their lives,” explains Christian Messikommer. On the contrary: “They are often sad and permanently stressed, because they are in uncertainty, and many have a social life as active as their hosts.”
What most people underestimate is communication and mutual understanding. “Even with a translation tablet, you end up being exhausted,” says Christian Messikommer. “When you have to explain to someone in a foreign language how you want to find your toilet after use, it’s not always easy.”
“Fugitives are disappointed if they have to sit on the sofa”
As in a roommate, people’s habits differ in social interaction, hygiene or eating behavior, continues Christian Messikommer. “So it is completely normal for conflicts to arise.”
Ukrainian historian Olha Martynyuk, who currently lives in Switzerland, believes the problem stems from false expectations, both from refugees and hosts. “After fleeing a brutal war, refugees do not expect to have their own house or apartment. But fleeing your own house and then having to stay in a small room or on a sofa is not pleasant.
Privacy Matters
The two parties also often lack intimacy. “It’s very important to have a piece of your own to be able to retire,” continues Olha Martynyuk. She believes that care must be taken to ensure that the refugees match the lifestyle of the host as best as possible. “It is better to place an elderly woman who needs calm with elderly people with the same interests than in a house full of children,” says Olha Martynyuk.
Here in the U.S., our Customs & Border Protection are preparing for up to 100,000 Ukraine refugees to be admitted, similar to the Afghan refugee program last fall after American military forces abruptly abandoned that country.
Are MS-13 gangsters from our southern border, those unvetted Afghans (some terrorists, no doubt), and now Ukraine Nazis the new Biden administration ‘diversity’ policy?
Sounds like a Trojan Horse, a way to bolster the neo nazi’s in America. Watch America get taken over.
Sure sounds like a Trojan horse to me.
Bigger problems if they link up with their neoNazi forerunners in Canada.
White jihadis.
All refugees should be obliged to do community service helping the homeless.
Until they show signs of being cured of any sense of entitlement.
A diversion alright, to cover the planned dismantling of the “international community” countries economies.
Classic hegelian problem/action/reaction gambit to shove us the grest reset, a la “you’ll own nothing and be happy” by NWO WEF.
As recently posted:
The Food Chain Reaction exercise (which was conducted in 2015) predicted a food crisis that escalates in 2022 and doesn’t fully resolve until sometime after 2029. Could someone please explain how Russia invading Ukraine prevents the globalists from engineering this multi-year famine? In fact if you were to try to engineer a world wide famine can you name a more efficient way of achieving it? Russia and Ukraine are the world’s largest grain producers, and Europe’s local food production is highly dependent on Russian fossil fuels and fertilizers. A war between these countries guarantees supply shocks, but in spite of this vulnerability we see western European countries provoking Russia with sanctions and weapons shipments, practically begging Putin to cut supply. Are we supposed to believe that western leaders (WEF stooges themselves) are really this stupid?
” – stormcloudsgathering
Minsk Agreements were signed, because in the cauldrons there were plenty of NATO soldiers(mainly Germans and French), otherwise they would have been shown on TV.
Aleppo was the same, propaganda was going mad about Russia bombing last hospital/nursery/puppy shelter. Then about 300 NATO and Arab military were found in ISIS hideouts, and lists with names were published on several sites. At a certain point, the lists were gone from those sites, the crazy propaganda stopped and coincidentally the Geneva/Astana diplomacy started.
I believe Russia will try to extract those NATO bozos alive and use them for negotiations. If Germany gets caught again and is associated with Nazis, that would demolish Scholz(a 3rd gen Nazi) and the country itself.
I don’t think so, Nato officers and trainers begged to be saved in Debaltsevo some seven years ago , as did captured ISIS in Syria.
It is striking that the more arrogant and cruel the man ,the more they cry when the shoe is on the other foot.
Arrogance and cruelty are driven by fear. That’s the reason why those cowards cry like babies when their time to go comes!
When US advisers became trapped with the Albanian terrorists in Aracinovo Macedonia during 2001, the “international community” screamed & threatened Macedonia to halt its forces, and then extracted them, so I don’t see why you’d think U.S./NATO officers would be any different 21 years later.
“a force of 400 KLA/NLA fighters became surrounded in the town of Aracinovo near the Maceodnian capital, Skopje, but as Macedonian forces moved in, they were halted on NATO orders. Instead, US army buses arrived to remove the heavily armed terrorists to a safer area of the country. They were accompanied by 17 US military advisers from the ‘private’ military company, MPRI, which had been training the KLA/NLA.”
It’s unlikely UK would let such an advanced manpad into the hands of Nazis for fear of some being sold in the arms market and end up in Russian hands.
I’d say they are fired by SAS so Russia should make a point to hunt them down.
UK Def. Sec. Ben Wallace in his prank phone call with “Ukrainian premier”, in middle March, promised anti-air missiles, which are better than Stinger, work at night and are “very,very fast”.
Maybe these?
Alas the Brits already confirmed that they did send these new manpads to Ukraine …
Does anyone even know which extremist group is using it? Can this weapon be directed at civilian aircraft?
It is one of the most advanced and capable portable anti-aircraft systems in the World. It can be used against any aircraft lage enough to get a lock within its range – from drone to helicopter, and from fighter jet to tanker (or same sized airliner).
It can be used as a single manpad or used on a multi-tube mount giving just one man up to x4 shots.
It is likely being used in Ukraine by British “ex” Special Forces volunteers, such as the ones who have been traning and advising there for the last few years.
The British NLAWs and Starstreaks are formidable weapons and the Russians clearly are spending time and resources tracking and destroying as many as they can.
Thanks as always for your updates Nightvision.
With the utmost respect, I have some questions, if they can be answered.
1) Could the Russian forces have mantained some presence near Kiev that could have avoided the Bucha false flag / massacre of perceived Russian sympathizers?
2) Can the Russian forces commit more manpower for preservation of territory and prevention of future “Buchas”?
3) Do you believe that the current reduced ratio of manpower (less or equal number of Russian than ukro forces can be sustained? After Bucha, the maneuver warfare that many times implies withdrawal of territory is still an option for the Special Operation?
4) How risky are the delivers of weapons like the czech armor you mentioned?
5) The ukros are making loud noises about recapturing Kherson. Is that the usual crap of them?
6) How difficult / easy would be for the Russian forces to retake the territories they exited recently (Kiev, Sumy, Chernihiv) if that course of action is decided?
7) Finally, how do you think that the ukro massacre at Bucha would affect the course of operations (if it would), besides the propaganda bonanza for banderastan and the west?
I want to reiterate that I pose those questions with my deepest respect for Russia, Donbass and everyone oppresed for the nazi banderites and the empire in general. Sincere regards for your outstanding work.
1. A military presence near Kiev is neither cost-effective nor prudent. Their presence there has served its purpose. It is wise to avoid mission-creep.
2. Why should they? Taking territory is not their mission (save for the Black Sea coast) and preventing false flags is not a wise use of military resources.
3. The ratio should tell you the scope of the operation. It is the right size to accomplish the objective Putin envisions. Do you really think a man of his background has been taken by surprise regarding anything?
4. The delivery of weapons is a propaganda excerise directed internally. No one is Russia is concerned, and when they are you will see missle attacks.
5. Kherson will never again be part of the Ukrainian nation.
6. Russian forces could take all those regions in a month were they to use their top of the line troops. It was never part of the plan.
7. It is insignificant. Once the UK refused to convene the UNSC the rest of the world knew it was a false flag.
Thanks for your answers. I hope that you’re right and I mostly wrong. Don’t know if in your name and the tone of yor responses are some sarcasm, in any case, whatever. Your answers are valuable and, believe it or not. both of us know that Russia is the good goy in this struggle, and are confident in her victory.
1. I’ll be honest I predicted they would keep a garrison and that’s one point I was wrong. I didn’t expect full withdrawal like that, so that caught me by surprise. I openly admit in the areas where my predictions were correct or wrong. With that said that doesn’t mean they don’t intend to come back to Kiev and capture it eventually, but that could be a long way down the road. Anyway I don’t think it would have prevented anything because the Ukies are clearly bent on creating falseflag massacres and while it may have prevented one in Bucha, they would have committed one elsewhere.
2. Theoretically and according to my calculations they can but it seems they don’t want to use their full complement of active forces, possibly for reasons that we’re not privvy to such as saving them in reserve for potential showdown with Nato.
3. I predicted Russia would pump in much more forces for Phase 2 so I don’t see a reduced ratio of manpower. But we’ll have to wait and see if that’s accurate or not. There definitely is lots of reinforcement movements but we can’t be sure if they’re just switching out units that will be sent to rest or adding units to theatre.
4. Risky for who? The amount of the weapons promised to them so far is not a super huge problem but it definitely could create some losses on Russian side but nothing significant enough to slowdown Russia. The reason I say this is, from daily MOD reports, Ukraine has been losing anywhere from 5-20 armored vehicles per day in various strikes etc. So with the delivery of these 70 or so armored pieces, this is only a few days worth of losses, not something to be overly worried about. The bigger issue is the BMP’s allow troops to transport to the frontline as right now Ukies have very few options to even transport troops to Donbass as reinforcements.
5. I saw several respectable accounts address these rumors today, people like Colonel Cassad, etc and they said it’s all b.s., just more propaganda. Russia appears to have one of its current largest force dispositions in the Kherson/Nikolayev area and the Ukie troops there are doing nothing but squawking.
6. Depends on which stage of operations we’re talking about, but if hypothetically we’re talking a couple months down the line after the entire eastern front has collapsed and Ukies have lost 60k troops to encirclement or etc., then I can imagine those zones being retaken fairly easily as the amount of forces freed up on the allied side from the Donbass and every other theatre would vastly overpower the skimpy garrisons Ukraine would be able to muster in those previously given up regions.
7. I think the massacre will be forgotten and swept under the rug and possibly memory holed in a week or so after more and more info (as per usual) comes out that shows Ukraine to be the culprit. However, the general aim of these falsefalgs is for the CIA / U.S. state dept to incrementally guilt trip allies into providing larger and larger escalatory measures. So one thing it will accomplish it put the mentally weakened EU/NATO “allies” into a position of degraded resistance towards escalation so we might see them increasingly pledge more powerful units like anti-air systems, jet planes etc to Ukraine armed forces. Also we’ve already seen larger ‘sanctions’ supposedly announced against Russia today so that will be a lasting effect as well but overall it won’t really affect the war effort.
Thanks for your answers, I appreciate them very much, and please excuse my late response. It seems that the SMO continues to develop according to Russian plans. I very much hope so. I wish that tools could be developed for the maximum possible protection by RF of the civilians in Donbass and beyond, so that the maximum number of them could become sympathetic towards Russia, but I suppose that we will see what is possible in this issue according to the military realities.
You mentioned that in recent battles there are high number of ukros killed. It seems that given the nazi infiltration the Russian forces has deemed necessary inflict a higher level of death and destruction in the AFU. Do you think that is the case? (Sad but so be it, if it’s what it takes)
Sincere regards
I also got this somewhere, answers some of my concerns:
Analytical Note by Lieutenant General L.P. Reshetnikov ::::: I consider it extremely mean to accuse our army of lack of communication systems without informing ordinary civilians that our units on the territory of the former USSR operate with three to five times higher manpower and with full support of the enemy by all NATO reconnaissance and radio technical power.
Any android, any iPhone is tapped continuously, any Facebook, WhatsApp and other vibes are continuously transmitting information, all processed by all the power of artificial intelligence systems and forming a map for targeting in real time. And that’s even if the Russian army is all on encrypted communication channels – where to put the population?
Over Romania and Poland there are airborne early warning aircraft of NATO with experienced crews, there are U.S. intelligence satellites in the sky all the time. I remind you that just in terms of budgets for our Roscosmos we allocated $2.5 billion a year, the civil budget of NASA is $25 billion, the civil budget of SpaceX alone is equal to Roscosmos – and that is not counting the tens of billions of dollars annually for the entire US feverishly unfolding control system of the entire planet.
In 2-3 years, we will have an order of magnitude higher density of U.S. intelligence and targeting.
The U.S. not only sees our troops on the ground, they see our aircraft, drones, study radar fields, estimate the time of approach of Calibers, they constantly give targeting instructions to Ukrainian generals online from the operations control center in Poland.
Is this all credit to the former Ukrainian SSR?
That’s where the accuracy of Ukrainian artillery is noted by our troops, that’s where the Tochka-U missile brigades know exactly where and how to advance, exactly what time to launch and how much time they have to get out of position.
That’s how the Ukrainian Nazis know where the gaps in the rear of our columns are.
It’s not their eyes and brains. It’s NATO’s eyes and brains. The Ukronazis are nothing but free controlled zombies. And the Ukrainian army is a remotely controlled zombie organism.
Naturally, the use of hypersonic Daggers and supersonic Onyxes has drastically reduced the ability to hide the most sensitive elements of this remotely controlled Nazi zombie organism.
Again, the masters of this remote-controlled Nazi zombie organism desperately need to know what innovations we have in RTR and REB (radio-technical reconnaissance and electronic warfare). Therefore, it is vital for the future victories of our Russian army to conceal these innovations.
The fact that, under these conditions, our few troops have zeroed in on the sky, taken the Saint Bayraktar factor off the map and are crushing the Ukrovermacht is an outstanding hard work of our military and home front.
This isn’t like destroying an ISIS bioreactor in Syria, no. There has never been such a war before. The tactics and strategy of this war are the subject of textbooks for military academies around the world.
Once again: the Russian army is smashing a Nazi zombie organism, fully integrated with the eyes and brain of NATO.
On the ground and in the sky, the Russian army smashes Russian zombies, brainwashed by 30 years of propaganda. Under the conditions of the total military-psychological terror machine, working for the West and raising Nazi zombies out of Russian children.
But the Russians have an outstanding resilience in combat.
Look into the future and tell me where else the maniacs of the United States and the European Union can find such infantry. How many “world’s best commandos” are left to fight after Yavorov’s calibration?
Reshetnikov L.P., Lieutenant General
Translated with (free version)
…so yeah, there is plenty room for employment for young IT professionals in the Russian Military…
wow that’s a tour de force write up. I fully agree. And before anyone says “well if NATO/U.S. has such capabilities that see everything Russia is doing, then how could Russia ever defeat U.S./NATO in a war?” Well that answer is very simple. In a REAL war against U.S./NATO Russia would take all those systems offline by destroying their satellites and ELINT aircraft, so U.S. wouldn’t have any of those capabilities in a real war against Russia. But in this proxy war unfortunately Russian hands are diplomatically tied, not wanting to escalate to WW3, it cannot simply destroy these capabilities of the U.S. so it must operate through them no matter how hard it is.
Anyway to bring down these AIWACS plane by remote control? Perhaps make it look like the Ukrainians shot it down? So far Ukraine has shot down two of their onw planes, One Romanian Plane and One Romanian helicopter.
Well if you believe the infamous legend of the Khibiny system which supposedly shut off the entire US Donald Cook destroyer in the famous incident years ago. But the system would have to be relatively close to the Awacs. Other than that Russian jammers can take down and hack the top US drones because keep in mind the majority of US Sigint/Elint type patrol surveillance on RF/Ukie borders is typically done with the Global Hawk drone. And the thing is, about a decade ago Iran famously brought down a similar Lockheed Martin stealth drone in this well known incident–U.S._RQ-170_incident
But one little known fact most people don’t know about the incident is the drone was basically hacked midflight by a Russian system supplied to Iran
“A Christian Science Monitor article relates an Iranian engineer’s assertion that the drone was captured by jamming both satellite and land-originated control signals to the UAV, followed up by a GPS spoofing attack that fed the UAV false GPS data to make it land in Iran at what the drone thought was its home base in Afghanistan. Stephen Trimble from Flight Global assumes UAV guidance could have been targeted by 1L222 Avtobaza radar jamming and deception system supplied to Iran by Russia.[13] In an interview for Nova, U.S. retired Lt. General David Deptula also said “There was a problem with the aircraft and it landed in an area it wasn’t supposed to land”.[14][15]”
The “big deal” about this incident was that Iran didn’t just shoot down this highly advanced Lockheed drone, it completely spoofed and took control of it and perfectly landed it on its own runways. Iran then proceeded to reverse engineer it and mass produce their own copy
So the point being, if Iran can do that at a decent distance to a top advanced U.S. drone with some old Russian jamming tech, then I think Russia could do quite a few things of their own with their latest stuff
almost forgot that few years ago Russia did the same thing to U.S. drone in Crimea as well at a good distance
Also, it wouldn`t hurt, if the dalla lost some(most) of it`s purchasing power…🙄
🇷🇺⚡️ Foreign creditors will be able to convert rubles received on Russian Eurobonds into currency not earlier than Russia will be given back access to frozen foreign exchange reserves, the Ministry of Finance explained
To think of this as a Russia-Ukraine war is a mistake. Russia is fighting the US and NATO. Ukraine is just one theatre where the war is currently hot. Russia fighting more or less alone right now, must see this.
This war did not start on Feb 24. Where and how it will end is anybody’s guess. Sooner or later China – the real existential threat to Western hegemony – will be pulled in. The elites are playing some kind of real world board game called World Domination.
One thing is certain: the world has changed forever.
Emotionally driven nonsense. Russia is not fighting the US and NATO, it is destroying forward operating bases in Ukraine so that it doesn’t have to fight the US and NATO on disadventatous terms. This has been a multipolar world since the end of WWII, with a brief false respite for a single generation in the 90s and early 2000s. Now Russia is demonstrating what everyone has always known, but that new generations need to be reminded of. Russia is a great power whose ability to inflict damage in its near-space is unmatched by anyone on the planet. Period. The world has not changed; you just started paying attention.
So you disagree with the Russian Lieutenant General’s estimation of things?
He explicitly describes a Ukrainian zombie army under the direct control of a higher power.
I miss Khrushchev here in Ukraine. His resolve of the Suez crisis toward London was brilliant.
He wouldnt have allowed Britain to submit “Starstreaks” to Ukraine, and Khrushchev wouldnt have allowed “Nato surveillance and officers giving targeting instructions to Ukrainian generals online from the operations control center in Poland”.
Forgive me this emotional outburst, Russia probably knows what they are doing. But anyway.
The Ukies are lucky Uncle Joe is no longer in charge.
Khrushchev made his career in the Ukraine and married two Ukrainian women. He amnestied ukronazis, who streamed back from Canada to infect the country. And, of course, he’s the one who gave Crimea to the Ukraine.
In addition, he had a plan of extirpation of Christianity, and many priests and monks, like Ioann Hristiankin, were abducted and tortured by the KGB. This is in stark contrast with the late years of Stalin’s reign, which saw reconciliation of the state with the Church, churches being rebuilt and a seminary opened.
It is for good reasons that he was retired.
“There has never been such a war before. The tactics and strategy of this war are the subject of textbooks for military academies around the world.”
Ok, this is not completely true, we ve had from 1992-1999 so many russian observers, advisers and members of the intelligence service embbeded in many operations around former Yugoslavian rebublics.
Alle these russian military experts could see live first hand how the Nato was using croatian, bosanian and albanian as there infantery. Delivering weapons on a 24/7 to their CROBOAlbano infantrey.
Same playbook like the theatre with and in Ukraine.
The U.S. not only sees serbian troops on the ground, …….., they constantly give targeting instructions to croatian bosnian and albanian generals online from the operations control center in Slovenija and “neutral” Austria.
What i dont understand that since this time the Russians have not learned from the serbian theatre and run headlong into well known Nato trap.
Forgot to mention in my last post: the links that you included doesn´t seem to be working. I don’t know if other commenters had had problems opening them.
@Nightvision, thanks for the informative update. Are you able to post links to some of the videos of Ukrainian forces being driven back/killed en masse, or is there a reason for not providing the links.
Well I’ll give you a clue, check that same channel where I posted some of the other vids and scroll down to such videos as “Ukrainian Trench Wiped Out” etc
These ones from the 501st Battalion of the Marine Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU), have certain similarities to 501st_Legion from Star Wars, also known as Vader’s Fist, those of us who love Star Wars, to a certain extent, can associate with the Empire , the Empire of Lies.
Believe it or not it turns out this guy captured a week ago was the deputy commander of the 501st. He ditched out first and left his battalion behind, now they were capped a few days later
“So what can Russia do against such advanced anti-air systems? ”
Switch to higher altitude higher speed bombing tactics which is exactly what the Americans would do. Also killing masses of the operators on the ground, will help greatly . Russia of course wishes to avoid killing civilians and so using bombers on city neighbors wasn’t an option. As its been pointed out the Russian AF wouldn’t even use attack helicopters there.
Unfortunately we don’t have full info of what happened, and of course many times Russia does operate at super high altitudes, I have videos of Su-35’s clearly operating at the 30-40k above clouds range in Ukraine. This particular flanker I HEARD was outfitted for ‘SEAD’ mission which is interesting if true (it could be fake news), because it almost seems to suggest it was hunting the very anti-air system that shot it down. With that said, we know too little to make any assumptions. First of all SEAD and such is not even Su-35’s role so there’s a lot of strange holes with the story, although I HAVE seen Su-35 previously weeks ago taking off in Belarus outfitted with HARM-style anti-radiation missiles so Russia apparently is using it in this role from time to time.
Now as to why it might’ve been flying low enough to get shot down, there’s a multitude of reasons. Your reasoning to fly very high works if you have laser guided and PGM’s, which Russia does. But maybe as some suggest Russia doesn’t have “a lot” of them and thus from time to time ‘cheats’ and uses cheaper munitions that force it to fly low? That’s one possibility though typically I believe that style of thinking is western propaganda because I know for a fact Russia has tons of other advanced munitions that the west claimed for years Russia only has very “little” of, like Kalibers and other cruise missiles.
Other reasonings could be, there was no available asset to paint the target with a laser, the targeting drones all busy, and ground assets not available on the ground — off hand I can’t remember if Su-35 has its own such targeting pod like more dedicated craft like Su-34 do, I would assume not since as stated before that’s not what the plane was designed for. Which would mean it would need a dedicated target painter like a Orlan-10 drone or a spec op on the ground, and for whatever reason maybe one wasn’t available at the time. Maybe a target was reconned that needed to be hit asap and since no laser painter was around, the Su-35 decided to take a risk and go low to strafe it with missiles/rockets. I have no clue, but there are many possible explanations that could make it a fluke. Like I said, I know for a fact that Su-35’s do regularly fly above manpad range over Ukraine as several MOD videos have shown them flying well above the clouds where you can’t even see the ground below and firing off munitions.
Interestingly both shoot downs seemed to happen in the same rough area so who knows it could very well even be the same Starstreak operator, if that’s even the culprit.
Altitude is no protection against the S-300.
It can shoot down jets at 90,000+ feet and above.
Im not even sure it was a Su-35.
Could have been a Su-27SM or Su-30SM.
They look very similar and from the wreckage its impossible to tell.
They should have used stand of weapons but they probably couldn’t pinpoint the exact location of that particular launcher and the Su was looking for it.
Bad idea in my opinion.
Also the Su-24 is more suited for such tasks.
Using state of the art jets for such missions is very high risk.
They probably counted in the speed, maneuverability and EWC the Su-35 has but it cant do a miracle.
Especially if Ukraine using passive radars and NATO telemetry to feed their SAMs with data.
In passive mode these launchers are almost impossible to detect.
Using cheaper jets and drones would be more effective.
Just my two cents.
The S-300s the ukrops use are 30+ years old and Russia knows them in and out and yet they till pose a high risk.
Western trolls trolling Russian tech eat their own words now.
Can you imagine what these systems could do against NATO jets whom don’t know much about it?
Or the new S-350 and S-400?
If NATO would dare to attack Russia they would lose half their air force the first day.
Great job on the reporting Nightvision.
My only gripe, or disagreement would be regarding the shoot down.
If a Su-35 was shot down, I would think MOD would have officially acknowledged it. I have not seen this story even on Colonassad, if so, it was discarded promptly as fake news. And anything that comes from the ‘DailyMail’ UK is generally chalk full of fake stories. Unfortunately, I’m very skeptical of this story. It sounds more like a pysop fairy tale spin than anything based on actual facts.
Videos of very low-quality nature are easy to produce and fake, not to mention many real-time video game footage has been used as collaborating proof of ‘official evidence’ from the Uky sources.
Maybe the starstreaks were supplied by these Mi-8’s trying to evacuate the VIPs from Mariupol. Where were the two aircraft downed, was it the same area?
What “anti- air” weapons are you speaking of? What power does the West have against Russia? Propaganda, lies and false flags? Yes. Repeatedly bullying other nations? Yes.
I remember when Trump hosting Xi-Jing Ping in Florida launched 59 tomahawk missiles into a Syrian airport, claiming that the contained chemical weapons. The Russians were told as agreements then were, and promptly told the Syrians who evacuated the airport. 30 Tomahawks fell into the sea, others never made it to land and a few bombed a mess hall, and little damage to the airfield. In 24 hrs, the Syrians were flying planes off that same airfield. Trump got a reprieve from MSM for about 2 months.
They will be no more agreements/understanding from now on, and America has to leave Syria, Iraq much like Afghanistan. I deal in facts.
On the economic front, we in North America will be in a depression, but Europe will be in disaster, as is happening right now. Neo- con Blinken was in central Asia extolling the virtues of evil America and vp- ,. Kazisthan said that they would endorse sanctions. This was after Russia had freed them from a “colour revolution” but such is the role of Western paid oligarchs, traitors to their people and Western scum.
China seems to want to wait until they see Russia win, but this absolute mass lies, falsehoods and propaganda is having is wearing a toll on everyone. The Chinese people are crying out in mass for China to support Russia. They know it means cutbacks in their life, but willing just like the Russians have to do. To me, despite all the rhetoric; that is all they have to do.
The numerous people that believe that the West can take on Russia or China are fooling themselves. Russia destroyed Hitler and Russia destroyed Napoleon and Russia will destroy the entire West. If they want.
P.S. I might be wrong, but it is my deep feeling that these negotiations are just something that the Russians agree to, as was the case in listening to endless Western leaders who came to threaten them. The Russians always had a plan, and I see nothing deviating from that.
”I remember when Trump hosting Xi-Jing Ping in Florida launched [by 2(!!) destroyers] 59(!!) tomahawk missiles into a Syrian airport, claiming that the contained chemical weapons.”
I remember vividly the case,because of a lengthy comment/article I read at that time in this blog.
The first 30 or so were nullified by ”Khibini” or ”Krasukha” and the rest destroyed everything but the airstrip.
They were let by Russia to do so, so that Presisent Trump and the US Armed Forces should not feel embarassed and be forced to escalate. One officer and seven citizens, I think, were killed, in a faraway village. Both sides staged it in this way, as well as the next two, only with even better results : there were no deaths.
That’s why I wholeheartedly agree : ”The Russians always had a plan, and I see nothing deviating from that.”
Pretty sure that Chinese know that Russia will win this. Perhaps if there’s some really nasty tricks by the US/NATO that China may weigh in, though unlikely militarily. Most support will be economic, and it’s here where the Chinese know that there will be a LOT of work to be done on this front (the economic war).
The US/West/NATO can threaten China, but that’s all they can do. Chinese government isn’t in any way conquerable via “color revolution” or other subversive mechanisms. AND, for obvious reasons, China can in no way be conquered on its own soil: takes actual bodies, and China’s numbers are overwhelmingly sufficient to repel any such attacks.
Nazi US/West/NATO is backed into a corner. I fear that their only option is that of some sort of plague: COVID-19 might have been testing the waters. One reason why it’s essential to get at all the biolab info from Ukraine out into the public realm. Great list on all of the fake propaganda against Russia.
I can’t get this site to load at all: “Connection refused”
“NATO officers from France, Germany, Britain and “neutral” Sweden got stuck at Azovstal in Mariupol. Right now they are getting in touch with the Russian troops with a request to help them leave, to organize a corridor for the exit….”
Why should Russia let them leave? They are enemy combatants, They were already given ample chances to leave before this. These NATO scumbags should be held responsible for helping the Azov Nazis with their inhuman crimes committed against helpless civilians and pay the ultimate price for their perfidity and their involvement in all of this..
They could keep them and exchange them for Russian POWs.
Pepe and some other twitter users are indicating that there are some high level NATO assets caught there…
Guys love to be incognito, so be their graves.
No press release needed either.
As usual, you have provided to us a really fantastic, highly detailed report, Nightvision. Thank you very much!
“It is no coincidence that the single largest mass surrender of the conflict so far occurred literally in the latter part of the same day as the false-flag. There is a clear connection.”
Imagine yourself in role of PR for this bunch of Meth-addicts who entered quiet settlement and killed everyone who wore wrong color? Something must be done, quick. That is what most likely happened.
“The fall of Mariupol would mean the beginning of a long chain of events that will start a domino effect of collapse for the AFU.”
Looks like that was the plan from the beginning. As I recall, all opinions, what was the goals, strategy, timeline… didn’t came from Russia, but from various external “sources”.
“Phase 2 will be much more brutal and swift”
Definitively. Glows are off, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
“The ones they hoped would give up but failed were Kharkov, Kiev, and arguably Nikolayev.”
Sounds right. And now when fog of war is a little bit thinner we can foresee revisiting those towns in Phase 3,4…
After witnessing fate of poor Mariupol, and many following gore-videos from Donbas cauldron, population of those towns will know exactly what to expect. Ukraine forces will have extremely hard time with locals. It is possible that those places will fall without single bullet shot. If not…
Lets say, Mariupol will look like heavenly garden compared to them. Remember Grozny?
“Ukrainian troops have been filmed committing monstrous brutality against civilians”
Looks like like counter-productive propaganda effort, because it is. Western PR advisors feel an overwhelming need to pull out their own hair, because crazed, Captagon fueled soldiers, became totally rabid and uncontrollable. More atrocities incoming. They wont be able to pin every one to Russians like Bucha.
“What we’re seeing is a shift in Ukrainian tactics from actual, ostensible warfare to psychological warfare almost exclusively.”
No-brainer. Ukies are running out of fuel. It would be interesting when they try to send reinforcements from ,say, Kiev to Donbas cauldron or (later) Odessa. Over open plains of Ukraine.
About Starstreak… I am baffled with your report on effectiveness of it. It looked like yet another over-hyped novel weapon, but seams it is real threat.
Nightvision, thank you for this comprehensive analysis , it was great pleasure to read it.
Remember, we don’t have confirmation for definite a Starstreak was used. It may very well be a piece of crap Wunderwaffen and the 2 shoot downs are completely unrelated. I was merely stating that from the little evidence I saw, it did seem possible that it was a Starstreak, but by no means was it confirmation that it was. But with that said, to clarify, the supposed intel posted with the videos around the net did say ‘Starstreak’ so it wasn’t just me assuming, I was going off of what others had said, and then simply visually confirmed that it was possible. But we really don’t know yet if the systems are even in the country.
It would be nice to share all links on videos , I would like to watch them closely.
If some gamer successfully sold Ghost of Kiev “footage”, imagine what serious weapons merchants can do?
Let’s hope Russia have bagged ZATO’s best & brightest and put them in a Guantanamo type security facility for long term stay POW’s in Donbass. Let’s hear them squeal and reveal bundles of dirt to dropkick the cycle of never ending NATO propaganda into touch.
Any talk of Russia agreeing to release, at the request/behest of NATO, any of their commanders/trainers would be disgraceful to the memory of the fallen (may God comfort their family & friends ); would also be viewed by me as treason, rules for the elite, not for the frontline fodder. Remember reading John McShitstain got out of Hanoi, Vietnam due to Old Boy Network of Ransom & release of 100’s of Nth Vietnamese.
The Ukrainian Army will have witnessed the capture of swathes of their troops and yet go ahead and allow the torture/murder of Russian POW’s. Do they not think of the repercussion to their many Ukrainian POW’s. I wouldn’t be following any conventions if my mates were brutalised & murdered. Could be that US Ukraine AZOV Command see surrendering Ukrainian POW’s as traitors and couldn’t care for their safety.
«Do they not think of the repercussion to their many Ukrainian POW’s. I wouldn’t be following any conventions if my mates were brutalised & murdered»
Good soldiers behave well and with discipline even if provoked, both because of personal self-respect, and because the mission matters more than the provocations.
Those “Tulip” 240mm self-propelled mortars are seriously bad news for the Azovs in the steel plant. Those things have been described as “city killers”. Supposedly there are only a couple dozen left in the Russian army. Apparently the TOS-1s were not enough for the steel plant, so Russia sent in the really big guns.
Also note that these mortars are perfect for the Ukrainian bunkers in the Donbass. They are literally bunker busters. They supposedly can even fire a nuclear round (not that they’re likely to do that in Ukraine.)
As for the repeated helicopter rescue attempts, there is a rumor that there may be biolabs under the steel plant. The plant supposedly is owned by the same oligarch who funded one of the companies involved in the biolabs. If so, then these rescue attempts may be attempts to remove either important personnel or equipment or data involved with biowar research. The fact that the attempts are still being made indicates that not all of the important assets have been removed.
Here’s hoping the “Tulip” mortars don’t destroy all the evidence if it is there.
“Those “Tulip” 240mm self-propelled mortars are seriously bad news for the Azovs in the steel plant. ”
It is also bad news for Mariupol industry workers. Apparently Rusia decided to sacrifice high value exterminate the vermin. On “brighter” note that will be example for population of Nikolaev and Odessa when their turn comes Maybe they will find more reasonable solution. .If things unravel that way, good, old factory will not go in vain.
Factories can be rebuilt. Nazis can’t be resurrected.
“Nazis can’t be resurrected.”
Sadly, Ukraine is blatant example they can. Its slow process that takes decades. What bothers is still unexplained indifference of all who let Western Necromancers to weave their spell.
High value object is still less valuable than lives of hundreds soldiers, who would be forced to storm the factory. Better to raze it with multiple Tulips, Tos and other. Azovites decided to sacrafice this object by building there fortified positions. I can also imagine that boobie traps and mines are at every corner there.
AndrewK, I really think so too, the plant will be so heavily and sneakily mined, that it will be a very risky business to send Russian troops in. To many casualties in vain. And compared to all other rebuilding projects, this is just a small fraction.
There’s a big battle to be had yet. Need to finish off Mariupol as time is a wasting…
I suspect the “trapped generals” is a ploy/story (no such there) to slow down the completion of this operation. At some point time is more important. While, hypothetically, it might be great to snatch up such folks there’s the risk that they’re not there and that a delay in waiting them out will result in increased RF lives during the next phase.
If they really want their prize assets out alive, why dont they persuade the Azovs to surrender?
Yeah someone posted the ammo for that thing underneath the original post, and it’s gigantic
And yes I did hear the rumor about the biolabs in the basement, I think that was Pepe Escobar right? Seems pretty outlandish but who knows, nothing would surprise me with the Ukies at this point.
Tulip is perfect for destroying fortified positions of the enemy.
after scholz talked to putin last week about gas-only-for-rubles, both scholz and habeck made public comments against further sanctions/etc (thursday? friday?) that clearly showed that putin had intimidated germany either with a mysterious threat or with a reminder that the EU sanctions dictated by the US against russia (i.e., germany) will destroy germany as an industrial nation, much to the liking of the USA that wants to take over germany in one fell winner-takes-all we-invested-20years/60billion-to-get-here swoop.
then came the staged bucha incident and everybody fell in line like a wonder… Nuff said…
“Ukrainian Media Reported ‘cleansing operation’ against ‘Russian collaborators in Bucha’ on April 2″…
“When the regiment appropriately named “Safari” moved in to “cleanse the city of Russia’s accomplices”…
“Safari” is the term the Israeli’s use for the IDF sport killing Palestinian’s, isn’t it?
Same bloodthirsty Kosher Nostra coward’s behind this one too…
Z for victory!
Here is a marketing video on the STARStreak man portable missile.
See: .
This munition weights nearly 31 pounds and uses a laser beam guidance system with a maximum range of 7,000 meters (~ 4.5 miles).
See: .
This is going to be a problem for the Russian Air Force if the UK is able to supply the AFU in sufficient quantities and train their personnel on the use of the weapon going forward. Russian optical engineers are going to have to come up with some sort of airborne laser beam deflector or splitter in order to defeat the guidance system from getting a lock on the aircraft.
See:–Fast-wide/10.1117/12.2546162.short?SSO=1 .
See: .
See: .
Due to laser guidance, these are then only “good weather ” weapons?
I have to freshen up my knowledge of them, but I recall that Starstreak has a complex multi tiered guidance/tracking/locking system that enables them to initially be “invisible” to enemy planes because instead of painting the plane with a radar signal as it tracks it, it initially uses passive IR, or something to that effect. According to wiki:
“Starstreak has a number of advantages over infrared homing guided, radar homing guided, and radio command guidance MCLOS/SACLOS (e.g. Blowpipe or Javelin) missiles:
It cannot be jammed by infrared countermeasures or radar/radio countermeasures.[11]
It cannot be suppressed with anti-radar missiles.[11]”
“The darts do not home in on laser energy reflected from the target; instead, the aiming unit projects two laser beams which paint a two-dimensional matrix upon the target. The lasers are modulated, and by examining these modulations the sub-munitions sensor can determine the dart’s location within the matrix. The dart is then steered to keep it in the centre of the matrix. The sub-munitions steer by briefly decelerating the rotating fore-body with a clutch. The front wings then steer the missile in the appropriate direction. The three sub-munitions fly in a formation about 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) in radius, and have enough kinetic energy to manoeuvre to meet a target evading at 9 g at 7,000 metres (23,000 ft).[7]
Earlier laser guidance systems used a single beam that had to be kept on the target at all times, the missile homing in on laser energy reflected off the target; if it moved off the target, the reflection would end and guidance would be lost until the target was regained. This problem could be reduced by making the laser’s beam wider, but at the cost of reduced accuracy and reflected energy. Starstreak’s system allows for the beam area to be much larger than the target while retaining pinpoint accuracy.”
So the fact that it doesn’t use IR nor radar guidance but rather laser guidance means that flares and chaff do nothing against it.
With that said I don’t see why electro-optical dazzlers like the famous Shtora-1 system on T-90 tanks can’t stop the system by ‘dazzling’ away its laser feedback sensors. I know the L370 and Rychag AVM systems on Russian choppers are electro-optical capable though they’re tuned towards IR/radar missiles, I just am not sure why they wouldn’t be able to do the same to laser guidance as well. Maybe they can, just in ideal conditions. I’ll have to research this more.
I read the same info on Starstreak guidance mechanism. The first impression is that the main advantage is super fast aiming-to-hit time, which leaves couple of seconds to counter. (initial speed of submunitions is 1000m/sec , 7000m range). Weapons effective range is much smaller due to low-energy lasermatrix guidance.
Seams that primary task for constructors was protection of personell that operates launcher by minimizing time of flashing enemy with laser beam, exposing itself in the process, and being sitting duck for counter strike.
Simple “dazzlers” are countered by using two lasers. I suspect they are polarized at 90° to each other with variable switching polarization in rhythm that only submunitions can recognize. That should filter out all external laser countermeasures. Maybe they use something more sophisticated, the only hard fact is that it has low energy and still able to “paint” area much larger than high energy simple laser.
The weakness of the Starstreak can be its maximum effective, lock-on-target, range. The advertised 7000m is distance at which submunitions lose kinetic energy (speed) and ability to steer. This is variable, because steering mechanism creates drag every time it corrects path. In real life conditions, max range suddenly becomes 1/10 of simulated. That goes double for probability to hit.
That’s why 3 (three) submunitions. One, could not hit at all.
On countermeasures. Curently there are none. Luckily, it shouldn’t be too hard to counter, but it must be automatic system. As soon sensors detect laser beam on aircraft reflective smoke trail should be released . Starstreak aims at the center of laser-matrix so by visually elongating target, center will be moved behind aircraft. Submunitions will steer behind airplane, harmlessly. Starstreak’s sheer speed works against it, as operator has no time to react. Of course, all detected laser sources on ground should be engaged automaticaly to avoid second attempt. (Children, do not play with those laser pointers outside, it can be deadly)
I hope Russian military industry will jump on the problem and produce viable countermeasures fast.
During the bombing of Yugoslavia ’99 we protected our ancient Nevas by waiting incoming HARM till the last moment, and than switch off radar and engage decoy. Stupid HARM always went for decoy and ended in the dirt inbetween. No system is unbeatable.
Another tactic might be to copy the weapon and discover internal vulnerabilities. It may be jammable. And yet another would be to devise a method of automatically locating the firing position and creating a dead-man shoot-back weapon…with the effect of liquidating any operator just about as fast as the hit or near miss he has achieved. A you shoot you die weapon…but we must defer to the Russian boffins…they’re probably working 3 shifts. Meantime, one may consider that there might be an accident in transporting these things.
Dense Smoke should be effective shouldn’t it, or if one can be captured, lasers of similar type & frequency could be used to spoof the device maybe ?.
Dump a barrage of phosphorous rounds on the suspected position !. Nasty but should effectively block laser designation.
The UK has now entered this conflict on the battlefield against Russia vis-a-vis the Starstreak MANPAD. Putin must respond with strikes on British military assets in the region and at the very least must destroy the UK factory that produces Starstreak. I believe they are actually made in Belfast. Send a few hypersonic missiles to turn that factory to ashes. It is only fair.
You are advocating WWIII.
Russia has Ukraine in hand. Be patient and watch the west unravel.
I’m not advocating; I’m simply stating reality. Britain has done far worse than advocating: they have declared war on Russia by proxy and at-a-distance. Putin will respond militarily: he has no choice and if he doesn’t he will be overthrown, not by the Atlanticists but rather by the Kremlin hardliners. Everyone always seems to forget about the Kremlin hardliners….
@ Milton
International law of armed conflict has no clear rules regarding neutrality and material assistance to a belligerent party. It is, basically, a matter of degree. Humanitarian assistance is permissible of course but deliberate contribution to the war effort of a party steps into the grey zone. For instance, supplying purely defensive weapons may not breach the neutrality status of an assisting party while other weaponry would. However, it is quite certain that assisting, arming, training, providing logistical support and military intelligence for a number of years for a given purpose would, in its totality,breach the laws of neutrality.
At a certain point, support to a belligerent will make the supporting State a party to the conflict and the NATO countries have already passed that test.
In my view, NATO has made a de facto declaration of war and it is up to Russia to respond accordingly.
In my view, NATO has made a de facto declaration of war and it is up to Russia to respond accordingly.
Agreed, that is clear. But it is probably to Russia’s advantage to wait before responding. No need to respond in haste. Wait until the Ukrain theatre is at an advanced stage, Donbass cleared, Odessa/Nikolaev/Khakiv not requiring too many resources (or preferably after they have been subdued), before engaging NATO itself.
In the meantime maybe they can advance their countermeasures to all the systems NATO has already exposed.
I never forget that VVP is a moderate often called too soft by some .
What If Russia loses a warship to one of these Anti Ship Missiles what then? These are acts of war. It is time to teach Mud Island a lesson.
Thank you Nightvision another excellent piece!
My take on stage 2 is Donbass is done the way it is as AFUs are immobile and trapped in their well dug graves. They will simply surrender one day, or be wiped out by RF like the elite “Manchurian Jap corp” at the end of WWII in a matter of hours/a few days.
I propose the stage 2 is for Nikolaive and Odessa, where Right sector and many EU special forces are located. I will also think it is likely that RF will escalate by shooting down those EW planes flying on borders and, why not taking out the NATO command center Poland as well? Escalate to de-escalate? Without NATO eyes Odessa shall fall with less resistance.
What can NATO do if the command center in Poland is taken out? NATO is already in war with Russia by being part of theater of war so why not call it’s hand and see how it will fold?
It seems only a matter of time before Poland has to be crushed as well. I foresee that war starting by about 2030 or earlier.
Poland is now asking for U.S. to not only move nukes onto its territory but it’s now begging for MORE American troops in its occupied country. It’s only a matter of time before Russia must do to Poland what it’s doing to Ukraine for reasons of civilizational and existential safety.
Yes Poland is doing the exact batshit they were doing in 1939
Personal comment removed … mod
In 1939 Poland didn’t have many options on the table. Her fate was sealed by Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. Poland was a small fish between two superpowers.
No its fate was sealed by refusing to have a military alliance with the Soviet Union and falling for Chamberlain’s Machiavellian phoney guarantee.
It is somewhat true. Poland could seek for protection in alliance with Soviet Union as was suggested by gen. Sikorski. It would be still better than placing trust in UK and France, which screwed Poland good from the very beginning in 1939. But then again, Hitler would rush through Poland and raze her anyway in his attack on Soviet Union. So her fate was sealed anyway. We ended as an ally of Moscow in 1945.
Poland is also partly responsible because from 1919 to 1939 it subjected German population in Danzing (nowadays Gdansk) to terrible persecution, in spite of many protestations.
Mr Zelko. How Danzing, Free City Gdansk, an autonomous city governed by Germans and populated by majority of Germans, was controlled by Polish minority???!!! You just repeating propaganda whitewashing Nazis. The only one, who was persecuting people there, were Nazis. They were persecuting both Poles and Jews.
YES, disregarding all common sense .How ignorant Poland is. If a War spreads , Poland gets wiped out . have they not learned from History ?
Here in Poland, there is a lot of American troops already. Kicking them out or preventing them from placing nuclear weapons meand direct confrontation with USA. Putting nuclear weapons in Poland was proposed by maniacal warmongering thief Kaczynski.
It is definitely a beret from the metro (not para) Légion Etrangère. There are no French uniformed regular units in Ukraine, and an active soldier sent or “allowed to go” would avoid carrying that. Therefore it belongs to a former legionnaire, of Ukrainian (or else) origin, like there are a lot, who was showing it off while serving in an Azov-type militia.
What do you make of this bit of info:
“”The beret found by Semyon Pegov in Mariupol is made by the German company MFH Int. Comp and is unlikely to be associated with the French Foreign Legion. However, indirectly indicates the presence in Mariupol of former or current fighters of the ground forces of the Bundeswehr.
The green beret is worn by motorized infantry units (Panzergrenadiertruppe), infantry units (Jägertruppe), military musicians (Musikkorps) and a guard battalion (Wachbataillon).
#Mariupol #Russia #Ukraine””
Well, apparently they came to visit the graves of their grandfathers, probably not realizing they will be joining them pretty soon. You cannot fix stupid.
The pictures posted show a beret made by Laulhère in Oloron Sainte-Marie bearing the logo of the French army (“Armée de Terre”), and a metallic beret insignia of the Légion made by Béraudy & Vaure in Ambert. The insignia is generic of the Légion since it bears no regiment number, and the owner was rather a cavalryman than an infantryman or engineer since the insignia is silver rather than golden colour. A lot of Eastern Europeans have been serving in the Légion Etrangère in the last thirty years, and most leave after the first five-years contract, therefore still young and able to fight for their home country, or for any other employer like well-paying US privateer military companies. The “bit of info” about a German beret-maker is not related to the pictures posted in your article.
as for Starstreaks thing, is it a time to fire massive hypersonic missiles to london?
No. The Disunited Queendom has been well f*cked under the Tories for a long time. Barring her nukes, bioweapons and chem weapons, she is a hollow shell. It is only the City folk and their bastard kin who need all this nonsense for their own survival in a daft game they have helped improvise. Suum cuique.
A more appropriate escalation would be sinking a British ship in the Black or Baltic seas (flagged in advance and the rationale explained to the world). The provision of this effective weaponry, plus existing training etc, makes UK dangerously close to being a co-belligerent. They need a warning shot.
Much better to remind them that “Malvinas son Argentinas”.
Reminding does nothing, changes nothing. Those islands are under the UK’s control.
“The choppers were allegedly coming over the Azov sea and were shot down on approach and fell into the sea, so we’re unlikely to see crash photos this time, but we’ll see how this report pans out.”
I wonder if it would be better to wait until AFTER the helicopters have picked up the NATO mercenaries to shoot them down?
Also, I wonder if the “negotiations” to get Russians to agree to leave around Kiev were done to set up a false flag in their wake – that maybe Ukraine’s puppeteers were thinking 2-3 steps ahead in regard to staging massacre.
The choppers carry a lot of ammo and food for the nazis. So the choice is: Shoot them down on their way in, so not supply the nazis, but miss the opportunity to catch/kill people.
Or wait, knowing that a load of supply will be delivered, and hope that the choppers will be taken down/out after. At least two choppers have escaped, after delivering supplies and picking up mercenaries. Maybe the Russians don’t want to risk that again.
“I wonder if it would be better to wait until AFTER the helicopters have picked up the NATO mercenaries to shoot them down?”
And risk them getting away? Now they serve as bait – and when captured they become assets.
Great analysis
Here’s a video which shows Ukrainian soldiers placing or adjusting a body in the street in Bucha.
This is despicable. WTH? They have lost all of their humanity. This is what I’m saying…these savages need to be removed from society. They’re too far gone.
This video was shown on television on MSNBC more than once a day or two ago, probably in the other two big channels also (FOX TV and CNN). They said that they had to remove the body like this because it could be “mined.”
Gotta be kidding me. The guys who regularly kick mines like soccer balls to clear them now suddenly fear them so much they have to tug a body with a rope from 20 feet away?
Awesome job, Nightvision! I look forward to your Sitrep! I wish it was daily.
Thanks. I would probably do a daily one when things pick up it’s just for now there’s not enough real updates per day to fill a full SitRep due to the fact that the entire RF army is mostly on an operational pause while it regroups and maneuvers/repositions and also while it waits for Mariupol to fall. But if things pickup when Phase 2 starts then I would definitely be open to doing daily updates.
This was a superb update. I am thrilled to hear that the intensity of Russia’s attacks should increase. I was upset earlier today with Russia’s pace. I understand it has been incredibly fast and thoughtful however I am furious with the tactics the US&Co. are using. Reading today on ZeroHedge that the US knows Russia is going to step up operations, they are plotting pre-emptive attacks.
This is all good news if there is good news to be had. It’s all really just heart wrenching and awful but necessary.
I saw a RT clip today (on IntelSlava), where a line of DPR MRLSs shot missile “volleys” in synchronized salvos over Azovstal. Beautiful!
God Bless the Russian troops and God Bless Russia.
Wish we had a more clearer picture of number of forces deployed. I understand the build up in and around Nikolaev, but at the same time I am told about this Ukrainian force possibly threatening Kherson. This is a force that is not hiding in a city but rather apparently out in the field. Should it not be engaged and eliminated?
Also if there are Russian forces along the border why not draw upon them? Why wait for the end of Mariupol?
I understand that the Bucha false flag was an attempt to change the narrative but was the withdrawal from Kiev really a concession to Ukraine in order to get a peace agreement? If so, Moscow looks very foolish.
Well I did hear one report that Russian forces were already being released from Mariupol as of today because command sees the end as so close that I guess it doesn’t feel the need for as much forces there since the mass surrenders of Ukie troops. But the ones released I heard were going north rather than ‘west’ near Kherson.
Now as for the Ukie troops in Nikolayev, I think I wrote a couple SitReps ago how one analyst that’s in the know stated the Nikolayev Ukie grouping was currently the 2nd largest and most powerful in all the UAF after the Donbass grouping. So they appear to be a major threat. However for whatever reason our guys don’t seem to be worried from all the whispers I hear, so it seems they are confident in being able to hold this grouping off.
One of the reasons for that might be because if you recall the Nikolayev group about a week ago or more kept claiming they were doing a “huge counter offensive” that would smash Russian troops in that area. This is where they came out into the open for the first time and acted all heroic but from the reports we’ve had from our side (and who knows how true it is) they were smashed badly with major losses by Russian artillery, and basically immediately retreated. So IF those reports are accurate, it seems that this Nikolayev group is like a rabid pitbull that’s barking really loudly and seems really aggressive but in fact has been tamed and beaten back and is now afraid to approach the fence.
We don’t know with full certainty how accurate such force disposition maps are, BUT if this map is anything to go by, the Russian force in that area is by far the largest of any other single area in the country. I count something like 4 brigades and 3 regiments all clustered in that one front.
Hi Nightvision .. here is something – interesting correlation on Nicolaev.
Today the first secretary’s – Russia permanent mission to the UN – twitter was immediately throttled after he tweeted the following:
If the peace talks are progressing in a positive manner, it makes sense to withdraw troops from Kiev and Nikolaev, as a goodwill gesture. Thus, the plan would be to retain a land bridge between Donbass (+?+), with water supply for Krimea, and Melitopol and Kherson oblasts in a special status, and military control of the naval facilities in the adjoining Nikolaev & Odessa regions (goodbye UK naval plans).
Nightvision and Saker – I saw this post out there from Pepe Escobar about giant Azovstal:
“Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal.
Yet the key is what was going on in this underground 8 floors down. Civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” at Mariupol airport said they were constantly threatened to be sent to a pit – from which they would never return. The “pit” may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal. Azovstal owner, billionaire oligarch Akhmetov, is freaking out. The bio-military experiments in 404 were carried by Akhmetov’s company Metabiota. The Russian Investigative Committee is frantically collecting evidence for a REAL, upcoming Nuremberg Trials-2. So the real story of the sinister “pit” will emerge soon.”
I am wondering what is down there? I think it may be incredibly evil bioweapons labs with human experiments and other satanic evil. Have you heard anything about it?
That’s the first time I heard about it from Pepe Escobar as well. It seems strange that you’d have bioweapons labs in a steel factory but… I said elsewhere nothing would surprise me with the Ukies at this point. It seems really speculative and outlandish but who knows…
Only thing I know is that it’s true that the factory has many levels below (I heard 6 or more) and it’s one of the reasons why the Azov mutants are so intractable because they’ve turned lower levels into weapons stores and can hide from bombs/attacks etc.
“… the factory has many levels below (I heard 6 or more)…”
I assume a local H2O ‘flood’ is not a weapon of mass destruction (unless it’s done by the gods).
There must be some large water mains nearby — or the sea even.
A metre a day would let them float to the top like the turds they are.
that’s actually a funny/good idea. There was some major flood somewhere in the Izyum area and one twitter rumor had said a day or two ago that Russian forces blew up a dam to flood Ukie tunnels/trenches in that area. It’s probably b.s. but along the same lines as your idea. Why not just pump some smoke down there and choke / smoke ’em out. Or would that be considered ‘chemical warfare’ ?
In the SciFi story The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, the ai system running the moon colony would get rid of annoying humans by changing their air settings.
Air is 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, approximately. By increasing the nitrogen a bit (and decreasing the oxygen) in selected areas, the humans in that area would go to sleep. Permanently, if oxygen is set to 0.
Yeh, I thought of smoking them out of the fox hole, but no doubt there would be some woke cause being offended and feed the mass hysteria machines running western foreign policy atm. And they probably have breathing gear. The smoke trick might work if it was from some good Afghani weed — might help chill the speed-crack heads to see the light, or they’d eat they rations in double time, … lol.
No, just send in the plumbers and flood a floor at a time. Safe unless they’ve got phosphorus down there. Electircal risk maybe although take out the substation and that is solved. Then it is just wet damp hell and floating to the top or drowning. If there was a working sprinkler system then set that off to cool things down.
You just need to knock out the ventilation system. It’s like a coal mineshaft. You don’t want to be stuck in an underground coal gallery with hostile people on the surface. Same goes for Odessa catacombs. Alternatively they could activate the ladles and pour molten slag into those tunnels.
They are by the water, large water pumps similar to what is used in gold mining…..flood the place. I remember once sticking a garden hose down a mouse hole….was surprised at how many exits they had. Flushed them out good.
Yes, it does seem like a good idea.
How about pumping some raw sewage into the factory.
Low-tech bio-warfare.
Flooding does seem like a good idea. On the one hand, you’d need truely massive quantities of water and very high flow rate. On the other hand, one thing occurs to me belatedly: the factory is so close to the sea, it necessarily must be very close to sea level, and the underground levels must be below sea level. There must be pumps permanently pumping out sea water, because it is impossible to stop influx at pressure. So destroy those pumps for a start. Then maybe a Khinzhal striking at a very low inclination from the sea outside aimed into the understories, so that the sea floods the entire complex immediately. Whether it would work or not, the devil is in the details, naturally!
Some videos for today.
‘Get outta here before we shoot you’ – Mariupol locals on their encounter with Kiev-regime forces (MUST SEE — the criminal Kiev-regime’s war crimes are being exposed):
DPR troops attack Kiev-regime stronghold in Mariupol:
New drone footage shows Russian tank activity in Mariupol:
Russia launches missiles targeting Banderites from the sea:
No one can be sure that Russia thought that there was a realistic chance that Kiev and Kharkov would give up without a full scale attack.
Kiev no, Kharkov yes. The latter was always thought to be more of Russian city. It isn’t. Russia speaking, but not Russian supporting. Eight years of Nazi indoctrination can get you to hate anyone, even yourself.
Yeah even I thought Kharkov would easily lay down its arms.
The only reason kharkov wasn’t giving up might be because of the hardcore nazi deeply embedded with the regular army. I bet 90% of civilian population would go for Russia in Kharkov city proper and within the Oblast. They are Russians.
This is the first time here in the “EU” that I have been able to see RT footage.Thank to Murad Gazdiev and odyssey.
“Ukrainian forces on the other hand are being brutally driven back and killed en masse as many videos in my possession attest.”
If it’s now public information, I hope you post them like these others.
I promised Saker not to post too much gore unless absolutely necessary but if you see my response to the other guy who asked about it above you can find some of it
Russia is, and has bombed the hell out of all the roads of entry to Ukraine from Poland. And all the major intersections in the west.
Effectively reducing the armaments being sent in by a very large degree.
Previously Syria had offered 16,000 troops and then later 40,000 troops to assist Russia in her campaign. These are not volunteers, rather they are trained troops used to working under Russian command. LPN/DNR has stated thanks, but no thanks, we have all that we need.
To me this seems like a mistake, but the usual reply that I get is that the introduction of a foreign military would be seen an “escalation”. Nevertheless, it seems to me that Ukraine by allowing thousands of foreign mercenaries to fight on its side has already “escalated” the conflict. The other response I get is that Russia is trying to minimize civilian casualties, and a foreign military acting independently would be less concerned about that.
Anyways, I know that both Donetsk and Lugansk undertook mobilization, but these conscripts are not the same as trained, battle tested troops. People should not scoff at the ability of the Syrian Army either. They were in a sorry state, prior to Russia’s intervention, but they are very capable now.
That sounds like a very unrealistic number. I don’t think Syria has that much troops to spare, I think at the height of the “civil war” they had as low as 25-40k troops total though reports always claimed higher for morale purposes. It was rumored for a long time that the elite Tiger forces report directly to Russian command and are outside of Syrian jurisdiction which is why Suheil al-Hassan to this day travels exclusively with Russian spetsnaz as his bodyguards, so I’m sure many of the Tigers would proudly come if asked.
With that said who knows they may allow them later, it seems Russia is doing things very incrementally. For instance at first banning the usage even of Russian volunteers, but now we hear that Russia is allowing for volunteers to sign up and I saw videos of the first ever volunteer battalion already being trained apparently in Chechnya IIRC. So eventually they may open this up as well. With that said, if it’s the LPR you’re talking about specifically then that’s their call as they are still a sovereign republic at the moment so if they feel like they don’t want foreigners fighting for them then I guess that’s really not Russia’s decision.
And you’re right I wouldn’t scoff at the SAA at all, they’re probably better than Russian or U.S. or anyone for that matter at urban warfare at this point. Experience is everything in battle and no one has more than them in the world right now.
I think Syria offered because Russia was a very good friend in helping Syria. The Syrians probably want to return the favor. I think Syrians should make sure everything in Syria is protected. The Russians and their others friends DPR,LPR and Chechens probably will be able to handle things.
Syrians would help if they gain back their own country. They’ve mostly been defensive in that war, and after being relatively passive in the first year or two of the fighting, and that is why its borders and much of its territory is under control of hostile forces.
I keep looking at the NASA FIRMS data at;d:2022-04-03..2022-04-05;l:noaa20-viirs,viirs,modis_a,modis_t,street;@34.8,49.7,8z
Th map can be tuned to go back to different time periods (e.g. the previous week). For the past week, the area west of Kyiv shows very little activity (thermal anomalies). But go back for the full eight days and beyond and there is heavy activity in that area. One week ago is about the time point at which the Russian military left that area. So it appears that NASA FIRMS information can tell us where the fighting is occurring.
Still pretty quiet in eastern Ukraine. I assume the Russian military is preparing for the final battle.
I’m going to keep monitoring NASA FIRMS to see if things continue to hold up. Who else might be looking at this data? I’m wondering if this data might also reflect major troop movements since there has been much activity in Russia where this is no fighting over the past two weeks.
Thanks I see screenshots of this posted all the time specifically for Mariupol, showing where the ‘fires’ are to see which district Russian forces are progressing into, but I didn’t know this is the exact site they are using so thanks for that. I’ll check it and incorporate it from now on if it proves useful
Thank you Cesar! Excellent! In learning what to look for, Mariupol airport area was hit on 03/31, sure enough, the sliding date scale lined it up…I checked a local refinery 20 miles North of my location, and get the same heat plume signature from their normal daily operations. But, this is a great tool to surmise were the action is, or was…Big thumbs up!
Z for Victory!
RF Ministry of Defense website can be reached with VPN through Switzerland.
The Starstreak Manpad is the most advanced, infantry anti-aircraft weapon.
thank you for the great information
This has always been a bed for an information war.
The question is,
Russia has been accurately forecasting such a conflict for at least 15 years!
As anyone with comparatively accurate information should know by now, in almost every way that matters, Russia/China///… are not only winning, they are devastating the opposition.
Maybe not the obvious?!
this is a war by the global elite, led by the so-called, western elite, against… the 99% of Zone A, “the west“.
And it always was.
The greatest theft in human history occurred, during the past two years of…. ahem… supposed public medical emergency justified government anti-rights and freedoms mandates.
Now, who for the lemmings to blame?!
Those evil Ruskies, and their anti-woke rainbow alphabet heresy!
The their evil lord….Putin!
Please reserve pity for those who have lost their soul to this… latest download to the smartphone addicts…. everywhere………
They can be saved, and brought back into humanity….
…. but not if Russia fails.
Thanks again for the great intel
Dead UkroNazis are good UkroNazis! It is as simple as that, and it is just utter stupid to expect those UkroNazis and their handlers to obey International Laws, they are running their own rules and laws. and remember ISIS? those Oy Vey Azov Kosher truly learned a lot from their bastard brother, so Russia better did what they did to ISIS in Syria, decimate em till the last of em all!
When will the MFA and the Kremlin address the big Finnish Elephant in the room?
Shouldn’t Russia be preparing for war in Finland?
Or is Putin going to let this one slide and have another but bigger NATO neighbor?
No one seems to be addressing this huge issue.
What’s to address? Nothing but words from a politican so far.
You’d think they’d know about getting a little too far out ahead of their ski tips!
Making the rounds in Russia:
We don’t want a dirty world.
We are tired of following the news from Istanbul and other places where the negotiators meet. Every time we shudder when they begin to inform us about the conditions under which we are going to negotiate with the enemy.
It is necessary to stop any negotiations with the delegation of Ukraine. Until they themselves crawl to us on their knees and begin to beg to accept their complete and unconditional surrender.
Otherwise, everything that happens is a betrayal of those who right now are offering their lives on the altar of the Fatherland.
On behalf of all Russians at the front and in the rear, I appeal to those who make decisions: stop these stupid, obscene negotiations.
I also appeal to our comrades at the front: work, brothers, and do not worry – we will not let them steal our victory.
We are Russians, God is with us!
Btw speaking of mercenaries, there’s a strange set of images making the rounds for a while. It looks like it might be photoshopped, the American flag I mean. But the problem is, when you do reverse image search either on or google images, there’s no non-photoshopped original that comes up which is almost always the case with photoshops. So that’s the only thing that gives it some hint of authenticity… I dunno, you all can make up your own mind
Looks legit to me, no obvious signs of photoshop.
There was a video on youtube from 2014 that was removed recently for “violations of terms ofmservice”. It was a Unranian TV news reporter at the scene of a shell hit. In the background an AFU solider walked away. She chased after him, peppering him with questions in Unranian. Soldier – with full AFU uniform, gear, and an AK -speeds up as the reporter gets closer.
Finally she gets right next to the soldier, sticks the mic in his face and jabbers a question. The soldier shows her the palm of his hand and says “Get out of my face!” with a central east coast accent.
US special forces have been in Ukraine since the coup, outfitted like locals.
Nightvision and Black Cloud,
That video was one of the most important. Hopefully someone has full resolution copies of the original.
It was better information war than hours and days of Russian defense ministry video with cheerful marching soldiers and shiny military toys flying about. Here we had a soldier checking for damage after a heavy weapon strike, in a place where the only legal language is Ukrainian, and with four words we knew where he came from.
That video said that Zone A news was lying, and the reports from the Donbass republics were true. They were fighting the USA since 2014, and probably before that.
Starstreak might be problematic in the short term, but Russian forces will almost certainly recover some of these systems intact, and will reverse engineer them. This means that Russia will not only be fielding very similar technology, but be more capable of countering NATO forces in the future.
In a war that was already guaranteed to be lost, to put your most effective systems into the field for the same of inconveniencing the Russians is beyond boneheaded. Add to that given the inevitable outcome, Ukrainian fighters are going to be looking to escape the field, and have a retirement plan. How much would Iran pay to get their hands on one? Tens of millions no doubt.
that’s actually a really good point. The Starstreak may shoot down a couple air assets, but that tiny price will cost the UK majorly because one of their topflight assets will be captured and reverse engineered and then nullified. So now any future war between UK/Russia will have UK at a big disadvantage. Is that risk really worth it to them, just to shoot down a few jets out of the 2000+ that Russia has?
Wouldn’t it be a true “shame” if Cuba,Syria,Iran,Hezbollah,Yemen,and North Korea,were to suddenly “somehow” get their hands on some of those manpads. The way I look at it is “karma”.
They’ve already adjusted their tactics seems two planes flying in tandem releasing massive amounts of flares truly incredible footage that’s out there
Btw I should mention that for the same reason, all of NATO has already given up its best tech to Russia to be reverse engineered, studied and nullified via countermeasures. Hundreds of Javelins, NLAWS already captured, a Lockheed Martin advanced counter battery AN/TPQ radar already captured from the Ukies as well, and many other goodies. NATO is really putting themselves at a disadvantage with this
Nightvision, so soon after starting it, I think you may have the best report of this kind in the world.
“Time and time again we see the absolute brutality of Ukrainian troops on civilians. There are countless videos of them shooting civilians from the start of the war.”
This proves what we thought about there being people who must dislike this government they have, and its role in worsening relations with Russia prior to February-2022. They are not shown on TV, that’s all, but it’s only normal to assume they are there. Sure enough, this quote shows that there are actually a lot of people that are what we call normal people. Ukrainians must be like any other people. I would think, therefore, that 9 out of 10 persons who have seen the dancing video of their president (below) also look askance at his role in the disaster they are living through. We see this logical assumption become confirmed in what you are reporting. It’s not surprising to confirm that the tortured are tortured for basically believing that this is a “fratricidal war” that could have and should have been avoided – for being normal people. Also, these torturers might call them “Russian” for not wanting to become soldiers themselves (maybe they refused a rifle or didn’t want to learn about making a molotov cocktail).
“It is claimed that a new Wunderwaffen from UK called the Starstreak manpad was used for these shootdowns. I can confirm having viewed the videos that it is possible the Starstreak was used, as opposed to just ‘propaganda’.”
That makes Great Britain responsible for those downings. They say they are doing all they can to avoid a direct war with Russia, but there’s no way to agree with that without becoming dumbed-down.
Better without music
Thanks, I’m honored you find my report more informative than the Kiev Post, MSNBC, and your usual fare, I’ll take that as a compliment ;-)
I felt like I was the first one to say it. There’s no justice. By the way, Sean Penn was interviewed yesterday on TV. I thought that he needs to read you. Like too many, he only knows his part of the story.
Thanks Nightvision!
Always a good report!
The post above about the reality of fighting under/against surveillance, planning, coms, intel and on the ground ‘advisors’ of nato ‘proxy’ war scenario seems realistic. Also supported by the older vehicles and planes being used in the ‘Light touch’ phase 1.
As for the feint/deep war/maneuver warfare strategy in the North, I wonder if ALL the vdv that were pressuring the major cities for weeks got back in their vehicles and retreated? None of them ‘wandered off’ in the woods and marshes?
How do you respond when you know that there are ‘nato’ specialist ‘volunteer’ groups hiding in camps, ambushing convoys, functioning as air defense and otherwise being ‘force multipliers’? Ignore it? Carpet bomb, Agent Orange and nepalm the entire forest?
Just a thought, probably nothing. 😂
I remember the original story was that most of the vdv had been killed while still aboard their transport planes (by ghost of kiev) or while parachuting. Then videos were released that there were no planes and it was a helicopter insertion at the airport.
What I’m getting at is while it seems like there has been a recent transition to ‘media’ stories to cover up battlefield losses remember that the snake island story was cover for the Russian navy sinking of 16(?) ukr boats guided by a ‘nato’ global hawk as claimed by MOD. That was so long ago.
If fact there was a major effort to post media stories that every middle class, middle age woman was a deadly sniper as a distraction from the reality that there was 100k troops on border asking for mutual security negotiations.
There was a pretty interesting map on the wall of the dearly departed SBU headquarters in Mariupol. Did you see it?The fluorescent colored highlighting was interesting.
Maybe someone will make a viral tictok ‘influencer’ video about it in zone B?.
Another French beret found by Semyon Pegov, this time in the Mariupol airport which would make sense since foreign mercs would have flown in over there
“We found another green beret of the French legionnaire in Mariupol. In the military unit at the airport where Azov was based. So the presence of foreign military in the ranks of neo-Nazis is not some special case, but quite a systemic phenomenon. It will be easy to prove this in the near future. In some channels they write that already several foreign specialists who have been surrounded at Azov-Stal are asking ours for a corridor to get out. Sources of the @wargonzo project, in turn, confirm that these reports are not far from the truth. So we are waiting for very interesting news in the near future.”
He also confirms some of the rumors and says there might be truth to them…interesting.
Unfortunately, that turned out to be dead end. There is a discussion on the Rybar channel where it turns out these are cheap replicas from a western clothing company that used to be sold in military clothing stores in mariupol.
Thanks for info. Interesting although a little odd that one of them would be found in back of a burnt out truck. If they were just something for civilians to goof off with then why would it be in a military truck? Either way, whoever’s holed up in that damn Azov factory is worth at least 10 Mi-8’s so far cus that’s about how many have been shot down trying to get those buggers out so, if they’re not French/Euro mercenaries then I dunno who they can be
Andrei Martyanov speculates in one of his latest vlogs that it might be none other than the great Bernard Levy himself.
Probably not true. There must be some NATO(‘ish) personnel holed up in Mariupol whose capture would bring a huge propaganda win to Russia. It would prove significant, on-the-ground NATO/Swedish involvement, possibly opening up a political route to taking military measures against NATO and Sweden. Much of what Russia does and does not do can be explained by her having to take the sensibilities of China, India and other more or less friendly countries into account. Being able to parade captured NATO officers would provide much more leeway in these regard. They could be questioned on TV about the atrocities their Neo-Nazi comrades in arms have been committing in Mariupol itself and at so many other places. It would be a spectacle that would go a long way towards neutralizing NATO’s virtue signaling over the war in Ukraine.
Speaking of military measures against NATO, why not shoot down NATO surveillance airplanes and drones patrolling along the Ukrainian borders from within Ukrainian airspace, then deny any involvement? Let’s say airplanes and drones circling over the Black Sea would be targeted first. That would even remove the risk of missile debris being found that could be attributed to Russia. Russia could say that Ukraine did it to get NATO involved.
Indeed its time for the gloves to come off,as for the Nato personel in Mariupol problem is we still have no evidence,as you say if they are there and captured Russia should go to town,and yes take some foreign military aircraft out in Ukrainian airspace,too many Russians and Ukrainians have died,its time those Nato gangsters felt some pain as they did a few weeks ago when Mr Kalibr went for a walk in Western Ukraine hitting that military base near the Polish border.
Apologies, should have linked to the posts by Rybar and others:
I don’t think they would go to all that trouble for a few deluded Foreign mercenaries or even remnants of Azov,whoever is there are more important,once Russians take control of the area they need to seal it like a bottle of wine then search the whole place in fine detail.
Is this the Romanian version of self-immolation?
One Dead After Car Slams Into Gate of Russian Embassy in Romania and Catches Fire
“”This morning, around 6:00, an incident involving a car was reported, as it left the road and hit the fence of a diplomatic mission. The driver died and firefighters had to intervene in order to extinguish the blaze”, police said in a statement.”
Nightvision, thank you for your work, and if you should read this and find time,
Do you have any explanation as to why Russia, despite having premier air defence force in the world, seems to lag in manpad development? If I am correct they use modernized Igla and Strela systems, which are basically Soviet legacy. Also drone mass production is unfortunately great Russian weakness. I wish they simply bought great number of Chinese systems which are likely good.
And- how much airforce efectiveness is curtailed if Russian bombers flew high, like 7 km + out of Starstreak range? Maybe that is time to bring in Tupolyev bombers, if I am correct they can use smart GPS rockets and bombs…
There is a bit of balance. Russia is fighting NATO in the Ukraine, but it is sensible to keep cards in reserve for if and when the scope or scale escalates beyond the ukraine. Russia needs to not reveal things in advance of facing american systems (or chinese for that matter), because it is not wise to give your enemy time to prepare or develop counters to your advantages.
No no no my friend you have it backwards. Russia is currently the world leader by far in Manpad development. I could tell you’re slightly out of the loop in regard to that when you mentioned Igla and Strela. Those are a generation behind. The newest Russian VERBA manpad is by far the most advanced in the world and you can see that proven on most lists on the internet such as this
This U.S. based channel is biased so they gave Stinger #1 spot but that’s complete joke as the Stinger is the only missile on the list from the 1980’s several generations behind and doesn’t even belong on the list, but you know how biased Americans are.
Anyway the Verba is by far the most advanced and our intel indicates in Ukraine (as I have reported several times already before) the Stinger has been deemed useless by Ukrainians and in fact the most shootdowns they’ve achieved was with Igla systems in their possession.
In the drones department is where you are correct. Russian drones mostly stink and I have no explanation for why they’ve lagged behind for so long in that department. Now keep in mind the newest ones they currently have in development are very good, there’s a bunch of them. But the ones they are using at the moment are very mediocre and don’t compare to things U.S. or even Turkey has. They are simply “adequate” but most of them are just pieced together crap filled with western electronics inside, made mostly as a stopgap measure to quickly put something usable up (like the Orlan-10, etc). The only one that seems to be a gamechanger and actually advanced that’s currently already being used is the Orion drone (several variants) but I don’t know how widely they are using this. It’s the only real drone to my knowledge that is truly a UCAV and capable of hunting/destroying targets rather than simply being a surveillance or laser designator like the Orlan-10.
Actually I think the Forpost is also Ucav capable but it’s just a cheap licensed copy of an Israeli drone.
But like I said, the drones Russia has in development which are currently being tested, some of them are the most advanced of any nation. The stealth Ohotnik S-70 beats anything in the U.S.’s arsenal and it’s coming along pretty far in development
The upcoming Altius also will be a good one
The main weakness is not drones in general, Russia has decent surveillance/recon and target painting / laser designator drones, but it’s the UCAVS specifically i.e. combat drones like TB2s or Predators that Russia needs which can strike their own targets with accurate Hellfire-like or MAM-L munitions.
Btw I dunno why haven’t seen this new Russian Lancet loitering/suicide drone yet in Ukraine. It’s already proven quite successful in Syria, killing many terrorists.
As for your last question, no effectiveness is lost if they fly 7km and drop precision munitions like laser guided or etc. But for you to do that, someone has to be on the ground designating that target with laser designator or a drone has to be flying closer to the target to designate it with laser, and that drone could be shot down with the manpad. Some planes like the Su-34 have their own laser designator pods but if they fly too high and there’s cloudy conditions, etc it could make it difficult for the laser to function etc.
So Russia pretty soon will have the most advanced drones in the world, but for NOW the ones they’re using are just merely ‘adequate’.
Thank you for extensive reply!
Why Russians are lagging behind with drones? The same reason they are using old Soyuz spacecraft. Russians tend to rely on proven technologies to the point of absurdity. This can be explained by scarcity, but I would say that it’s not the scarcity itself, it’s the way of thinking induced by scarcity in the past and inherited to this day. The other reason (related to first one) is lack of sense for nuances, you can see that everywhere, e.g. their weapons are crude (but effective), their military planners are neglecting tactics, they focus on logistics and strategy, etc. Even when they develop most advanced weapons, those are strategic weapons. On the other side, once they accept the necessity of implementation of some technology, they often develop very good solutions.
Informative article. Please why can’t these SU-35 fighters always fly at higher altitudes beyond the range of these British anti-missile defenses or better still can successful targeting be achieved by flying beyond the ranges of the anti-missile defense systems. Why didn’t Russia destroy those systems while in Ukraine because I have read about its supply to Ukraine.
Manpads are small, compared to other AA systems. Do you really expect that in a huge area such as Ukraine every single hand held weapon can be destroyed in a month?
Yeah it’s physically impossible to get rid of every manpad. You will never do it. It’s never been done and it will never be done. If the U.S. was fighting the Ukraine right now — guess what? The U.S. would not be able to get rid of the manpads. It’s physically impossible because if you have enough of them, any infantryman on the ground can just be carrying them around on his back. The U.S. has never faced an enemy armed with manpads. Iraqi and Afghanis certainly didn’t have any, at least not in any great number or any advanced ones. Maybe a couple old soviet ones from the 60’s.
And who remembers “The Great Scud Hunt”? It took U.S. MONTHS to try to find gigantic scud launchers of Saddam and they still couldn’t get them all.
“Nonetheless, when the coalition began its devastating air campaign over Iraq on Jan. 17, 1991, it threw everything from B-52s to F-117 stealth fighters and Tomahawk cruise missiles to blast 28 fixed Scud sites as well as storage areas and factories.
It became clear the following night, however, that the raids had not silenced the ballistic missiles. The Iraqi military also had a fleet of transporter-erector-launcher trucks dispersed throughout western and southern Iraq. Saddam Hussein settled on a strategy designed to undermine the alliance’s political underpinnings. Starting on Jan. 18, Scud missiles began to rain down cities in Saudi Arabia — and Israeli cities, injuring dozens.”
Everyone should read this article above, it shows how the U.S. with the most advanced NATO intelligence backing on earth, satellites, 24/7 etc could not successfully hunt or find these ancient scuds.
“Coalition air and Special Ops units claimed the destruction of over 100 Scud launchers by the end of the war, and many operational histories repeat the claims of efficient Scud destruction. But when the Pentagon did its own postwar assessment, it came to a very different conclusion: it could not confirm the destruction of even one of the mobile Scud launchers.”
Nightvision, careful with videos like your 10th link (below). It’s very brief for what it shows. The people on the sidewalk look odd, not natural (more like perpetrators than angry or shocked bystanders). The people far away looking from a doorstep look as if they were watching something else. It looks like a fake video, whereas other videos here like for instance the one with soldiers kicking civilians in the face and stomping on them, are not deniable.
Re: the Cauldron; defenders point of view
1) strategy ? hold out until (NATO) reinforcements arrive
2) what to do while RF regroups ? Dig, Dig, Dig, and then more Digging. The defenders are going to be developing a multi-layer trench system in depth. The area of the cauldron is relatively small by maneuver warfare standards. We are likely going to see some WWI western front style trench networks. Improvised Minefields will be extensive.
Attackers Point of View;
1) most important is to prevent a reliving force coming from West.
2) dust off those WWI French artillery fire plans and bring up tens of thousands of tons of shells.
3) starve them out;
Some rumours said, that in Mariupol is Nato’s lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. (Allied Land Command). Because he is so high general, he must have many public meetings.
It could be possible to find them and check , if he has cancelled all of them in last weeks.
My gut feeling tells me the story about the capture of General Cloutier is probably correct. It’s now so widespread on the alt-media that it would have been credibly denied by now. Check out this photo from last year of Cloutier with a senior Ukrainian commander:
What are they supposed to discussing over the map – the planned invasion of the breakaway Donbass region, maybe? Certainly the photo is meant to suggest the US is directly involved in Ukrainian military planning. If the US/NATO was directly involved in the alleged planned offensive against the Donbass, which the Russians supposedly forestalled, Russia would have every reason to keep quiet about this while they interrogate Cloutier about his role. Proof of US involvement in directly provoking this conflict, would be a real game changer. Personally I believe that the timing is that of NATO, not Russia. Putin was forced to react or to face the consequences of betraying the Donbass Russians. Although NATO may be winning the information war at the moment among their own dumbed down populations, they are already on the back foot as regards the rest of the world. If Cloutier can be persuaded to disclose what he knows, the consequences could be immense. Is this wild speculation on my part, I wonder?
So is Nato’s General Cloutier the new Friedrich Paulus?
Maybe he is not yet captured, because they keep sending helicopters to help. The Russians could promise 10 million dollars and freedom to the Azov-fighters, who help them to capture that general. Because USA is not at war with Russia, so I think, the Geneva warlaws doesn’t help him and so the Russians are quite free to give a suitable treatment to press information.As lieutenant general he knows most valuable secrets. In Nato’s headquarter they couldn’t know which secret he has exposed. That would make many things very hard to Nato.
Yeah I agreed with your suggestions . I think Russia should interview the general and every NATO personnels arrested before the whole world on television to see,if and only if they were arrested. Russia should invite journalists from friendly countries to be at the interrogations. Even Russia should allow American journalists to the interview. I remember that during the golf war a British pilot was shot down and he was interviewed on Iraqi television which was broadcasted to the world to be exposed to substantiate the truth.
The fact that they put so much accent on information warfare is not necessarily a good sign, as the target audience seem to be the NATO countries, and the Ukrop propaganda is widely disseminated in the West. Its purpose seems to be psychological preparation of the Western countries for some kind of military intervention against Russia. My expectation is that NATO will intervene when the Ukrainian armed forces start crumbling down to the point of a major victory for Russia.
Since the primary enemy being targeted by the empire is the people of the West itself, as well as the governments and elites of Europe, ANZ etc., the primary purpose of the Ukropropaganda is to instill and reinforce a sense of self-sacrifice among these targeted groups.
It follows directly from the “we’re-in-this-together-all-in-the-same-boat” Covidian propaganda working to instill the same self-immolation mentality, but now replaces the Covidian “unity” focus with the classic divide-and-conquer, now on a global against-or-for-Russia basis.
The secondary purpose is like you say to soften up the people for escalating NATO provocations unto WWIII. The people don’t need to support the imminent hot WWIII, just be willing to submit to its alleged inevitability.
They started a world war, but it only lasted 8 days.
Congratulations, Nightvision, Pepe thanked you for the latest sitrep on Twitter and telegram.
I really hope that you are right because it’s been a month now that i have been reading that the Ukrainian army is done.
A goose is already ‘cooked’ just before it goes in the oven, but it still takes a couple of hours to roast.
It’s over when it’s over not before when the Ukrainian army is destroyed then let’s celebrate not before because we been hearing for a moth that the outcome is in no doubt.
That Russia will be victorious isn’t in dispute: only ones disputing are those using such comments for propaganda. The ONLY issue is how long before larger-scale fighting is over and some sort of traction starts with the political reshufflings.
Right now Russia is staging for the big push to, essentially, remove the last possible resistance. There will continue to be people running around with guns until the end of time. What marks the end of the military campaign is when people sit down and start signing documents.
Again, Ukraine has ZERO chance of winning this “war.” Any chance that they had was gone within the first couple of days as Russia’s incursion caught them on their back feet. NATO/Ukraine staged for only ONE scenario and the Russian forces sidestepped and they, NATO/Ukraine fell flat on their faces and won’t be getting up again. Lots more death to come, and most will be Ukrainian forces; the only thing left of doubt is how many deaths and how much time (and by “time” has a fairly narrow band/window as Ukie forces have no resupply or reinforcements; die, surrender or starve to death- any of these aren’t going to take long).
Pilot of Su35 plane didnt have to fly that low and slow imo..those manpads cant hurt 4++fighter flying 5000+ meters with even modest speed..?
Its time for Russia to press all nazi prisoners of war to sing Ahmat Sila and Glory to Russia..we want
LIVE broadcast 24/7!
People here dont believe those nazi realy gather their corpses with svastikas or just body parts of them.
Picture is everything to sheeps
filister mind!
[QUOTE] Unconfirmed reports like this: “NATO officers from France, Germany, Britain and “neutral” Sweden got stuck at Azovstal in Mariupol. Right now they are getting in touch with the Russian troops with a request to help them leave, to organize a corridor for the exit. – journalist German Vladimirov.” [END QUOTE]
A similar thing happened in Syria during the Battle of Aleppo, when a command and control centre stuffed with NATO special forces was captured by Russian troops. The Russians, being the true gentlemen they are, discreetly sent them back to moma without making a fuss.
Seems like these tossers in Mariuppol expect the same treatment.
But Syria was a foreign adventure. This is an existential war for Russia, and war crimes are being commited against Russians at this very same moment.
What’s your opinion Nightvision? Any chance these scallywags will see their sorry arses sitting on the benches of a war crimes tribunal.
Shouldn’t somebody send these poor lads a warning SMS?
IF any of that noise has any base, and IF they are apprehended, EVERY effort is to b made to keep them alive.
Until after a fair public international trial.
Excellent commentary as usual Nightvision, thank you.
Thanks to others as well for the interesting questions and commentary.
I think Zelensky actually thinks that Ukraine will win the war.Either on the battlefield or more likely he thinks in the negotiations. I don’t think they have a chance on the battlefield,but in negotiations, the jury is still out on that.
He’s already planning for a new militarized Ukraine after the war. He plans on turning Ukraine into a new Israeli style security state.Prepared for war in the future with it’s neighbors. I will say again, if this regime is somehow left in power in Ukraine,Russia has lost the war. The post war Ukraine under that regime would be worse and more Russophobic than even the one today.
Agree completely. The Kiev regime already has lost the war on the battlefield, but judging from the transcribed words of Lavrov himself on how the political leadership directed the military to abandon hard-fought positions around Kiev and abandon friendly civilians to the tender mercies of the Nazis, all for the sake of these worthless, demeaning, troop-demoralizing talks, it’s definitely possible for the Ukronazis to win the war at the negotiating table.
I doubt they will even show up for serious talks, what talk about how to spend the money we are giving them?
As events seem to have shown so far, and going by Lavrov’s own testimony about the “negotiations”, the Ukrainians don’t have to be serious since the Russian political leadership will project the “seriousness” onto them.
Didn’t that already go in one ear and out the other which lead to todays bombs?
What we are seeing is a captured general hushed up, and excessive last wins in the capitol of the Ukraine, and I shudder to think what happens once they run out of wins or the time to win again.
If he and his ilk have their wish, the whole world will look like that bro. They have been workin on it for like – EVER.
Time to stop calling them neocons.
(neo)bolsheviks is what they always were at heart.
Khazaria uber alles! 😉
“I think Zelensky actually thinks that Ukraine will win the war.”
Zelensky is a 2-passport 2-bit talent deprived Jewish actor with a drug habit and a $billion in the bank peddling his tricyle as a hero-Gaido ex-president with myth status on the Western forever cocktail & cocain circuit enjoying free 3-letter security. He only needs to stay useful and alive long enough to enjoy it.
I think Zelensky thinks he can win the war trophy as the woke Victim Inc. He’s the type of Jew that matches the Malcolm X “house negro” prototype known as “Barry” — or otherwise referred to as “Barack Hussein Obama II”.
He’ll probably put an emotional bid in for one of those stolen Russian super yachts.
Hollow men mastering the art and craft of reading scripts and teleprompters.
Yes. if this regime is somehow left in power in Ukraine,Russia has lost the war.
I do not know how people can take what Zelenski says seriously. Or even believe him when he says something which is about daily.
So, here is how it works. Zelenski is a stooge of the west. He is a puppet. He is not the puppet master. They give him statements to make and sometimes he clearly goes off script a little. Then, a vast western propaganda team takes over, and they elevate his comments and amplify the narrative, they write the memes and distribute these all over the west and the whole west treats him like a newly arrived Messiah. Somewhere on this site or on Mintpress is posted the complete structure of this propaganda machine.
It is pure propaganda. It’s junk and garbage designed for a western audience.
“So, here is how it works. Zelenski is a stooge of the west. He is a puppet. He is not the puppet master. They give him statements to make and sometimes he clearly goes off script a little…”
Zelensky looks like he speaks on his own, ‘yielding’ but on some things only. The mayor of Kyiv is the boxer Vitali Klitschko and he is Zelensky’s main political opponent, right? He speaks like Zelensky when speaking of victory and about Russians. He also does not look like he just reads from a script.
Isn’t it really a “conspiracy theory” if you have no proof of it and it is based on intuitive sense as the main thing or even only? You say “here is how it works” as if you had read the script or have it, or someone close to Zelensky had revealed it (in which case it would be an intelligence report). Lavrov made a similar point but in a more general sense. It’s politics. It’s not religious revelation. For such a massive thing such as believing the speaker is an absolute puppet with no mind or declarations of his own, proof is needed. I thought that even Lavrov’s statement was unfounded. He was saying that because the negotiators changed their minds as if on cue, this showed they were following Western orders. He didn’t mention Zelensky, that Zelensky could be the one giving the orders; he said implicitly that they are all only puppets, and others in the Russian government have said it. Looks amateurish coming from a government; it sounded like gossip from Lavrov, who is a diplomat.
No, not much intuition really. More like following what is happening and concluding from the actual.
This helped:
In that thread in the comments, there is a Chinese view on part of it.
To understand the ‘pain dial’ helped tremendously to form a view and also understanding the western expectations:
And for the rest, seeing how his messages (and it is Zelenski that is in the western news) are carefully calibrated toward the country that he visits .. and watching the coverage after the visits. As well as comparing the management of the Zelenski phenomenon with the management of one Juan Guaidó.
In other words, fair analytical work.
Dan Cohen (link): “the nameless figure told PR news” the whole thing. This anonymous figure gives individual names, political parties involved, so it’s not something you can or should rely on. We also know that governments are often swimming in consultants who are happy to make a lot of money regardless of what’s done with their advice. To say they control all his words is to exaggerate (or naivete).
Putin may say influence, control, but nothing like body snatchers who took over a president where now all he says is what they give him to say. That’s beyond politics, needs proof to say it. It can’t be proven, so I think no skillful leader will take it that far. It’s checked for exaggeration too.
What is the problem?
Thesis: Zelenski is a puppet.
Question: Describe how you got to the thesis?
Answer: Researching various publications as well as my own process.
Response: I cannot take your thesis because there was one that would not disclose names.
End of story: Zelenski is still a puppet. The rest is noise. (Remind me to never answer a process question ever again – because people do not get it!)
Go and study the process of NED, and you will get this one as well.
“Thesis: Zelenski is a puppet.”
I can take that although I mostly disagree he is a “puppet.” Perhaps I misunderstood you. Another commenter said “puppet” in the sense of having no voice or mind of his own – ever. “Insane” may not follow directions so easily. Maybe that’s why some can’t see yet that the man looks, sounds and is insane. The insane can be very ‘independent” and they want a “puppet” with puppet master.
Regarding the “Response”, the thesis is fine when it does not disfigure political discourse itself. If Zelensky practically ceases to exist because he became a literal puppet, it’s hard even for me not to defend his humanity. When taken to that extreme – and it happens – political discourse suffers too because you can’t quote the guy since it’s always somebody else who said it (the “puppet master”). Who knows how Russia wants to accomplish her aims. If it wants to accomplish them with the minimum conflict possible, it’s better to actually distinguish between Zelensky and his allies. I’d tell them he’s nuts and wait for them to tell me they’re nuts too, if they want. Hopefully, they would reflect that they should no be so much like him. I’ll try to find out what NED is.
On negotiations – people seem to think that negotiations mean Russia has lost the war.
Nothing is further from the truth and you forget the ‘paindial’.
The Kremlin this morning (I think Peskov):
We know that Zelenski almost begged to see Putin and Putin refused but it was just noise. Right at the moment, he is still refusing – only if there is an agreement will he see Zelenski. He is calling the bluff! Putin is again opening the real face of the west to the world and opening up another set of lies.
Now, check the paindial .. Negotiate you bastards! Otherwise more paindial. The paindial can be anything – Russia can turn where-ever in this Ukraine thing and we will not know the plans beforehand. We do not know. We will only see once it happens.
In the mean time, much of the whole of the world is with Russia. China talks daily! China encourages negotiations. Do you think Russia should just ignore that? Even if it is just a theater performance.
Who does not want this war to end? The negotiations must be a thorn in the flesh of those trying to create a new Afghanistan. Negotiations make pain for the Nato alliance.
Just this morning in Iran for example. “West seeks to derail Russia-Ukraine talks with war crimes ‘hysteria:’ Lavrov ”
This notion that Russia will lose the war if she negotiates is just not valid and this is what should be done .. education so that people understand it and not an erstwhile campaign against this. It is part of war.
Lavrov said for the first time there was a very dim light very far away, but nevertheless a dim light. The Ukrainians now understand that they cannot waste time any longer, and they understand what Russia’s requirements are – and you know those as well as I do.
There is more than one way to win a war. I would like for the torment of the non-combatants and civilians to come to a half asap! If that is by further kinetic action, or by negotiating for Russia’s requirements – I don’t care. Russia will have its requirements as it is part of a much bigger set – the security balance which has been jerked out of balance.
The continual concern trolling about the troops being demotivated I think is so much nonsense. A well-educated military man understands this that I’ve just said and we believe the Russian troops are well educated, do we not?
The Nato alliance wants someone else to fight their war against Russia. And you all want to take one of Russia’s hands away and tell them they can only shoot with one hand. Negotiations are equally a war – a cognitive one.
All wars are banker’s wars. This war is bigger than Ukraine, it’s about a reset of the world monetary system which will devastate the west’s financial system. First up to collapse is Europe. This will be the great reset alright, only not the one Klaus Schwab and the Davos crowd dreamed about.
That’s what makes this situation so dangerous. The west can see the writing on the wall and understands that to lose is the end of the old system. There going down with a whimper or a bang, let’s hope the former not the later.
Yes, I also think that way.
If that happens, it sure looks like too high a price to pay for “free membership” in a military alliance. It’s no Gym membership.
It is alleged that Z sincerely ran for President on a peace-platform, and found after election he could do no such thing, running into a stone wall of Galicianist/NATOzi “security” and military intransigence.
What would have been the honest thing to do at that point?
To go on television and admit he as President was powerless to bring peace, and resign.
I have a feeling that the General is caught… but the Russians are deciding what to do with him.
Plea bargaining might save his life but he would have to spill a lot of intelligence against NATO to the point where they would deem it as treasonous.
IMO, the SBU brilliantly took a bad situation for Russia and magnified it 100 fold.
Apparently, Bucha is in an area where Russia lost many personnel due to supply line attacks. I can imagine that units affected by these attacks would be quite resentful, and that they may have been pretty “rough” with the local population, even committing war crimes in some isolated incidents. Then, when told they’re to retreat they thought this was their last opportunity to extract some revenge, probably on just a few known Nazis and Nazi sympathisers. Just goes to show discipline is crucial. Perhaps there was only a few dozen victims of this retribution, but the SBU would be well aware. Of what happened and then threw in dozens of their own cadavas all over the road.
When a unit has been morally affected by enemy action they should be pulled out for a while and it redeployed then redeployed to a different area.
Nice try, but there is Ukrainian footage dated 2.4. of their units “clearing” the town, with no corpses on the streets, no signs of any kinds of violence against the local populace:
Then, a day after, piles of fresh corpses emerge on the streets. Obviously, all crimes were committed by the Ukrainians, there is no question about that.
Indeed. I’m pretty sure the cadavas strewn all over the road are a blatant SBU propaganda operation.
However there are some fairly convincing testimonials of some crimes in March. As I said, the SBU was probably well aware of these minor incidents then sought to amplify them. Now they’re using these isolated crimes and testimonials to “prove” to the world that is ALL true.
“testimonials” are made by the living… Do you think that anyone alive and in the midst of nazis is going to say anything that would get themselves killed? That’s like accepting a confession from a torture victim (people will say anything to stop torture, especially civilians).
Using a “screen” of water vapor, would casus the laser range finder to malfunction due to diffraction and interference. This cheap temporary measure, can be used on a continuous basis, during sensitive parts of the flight.
Water vapor/micro-droplets can be created in a cold way (ultrasound) or a warm way (heat). Obviously the latter increases the IR signal but is easier to do.
I am not sure about the above but have a hunch, as a amateur observe. The US ship-based laser guns, are ineffective against speed boats. That is why the solely try them on drones, with predetermined flight route.
I think the Perfidious Albion should get a cookie, made of own dough. It retrospect, it was not smart to let the Expeditionary ISAF forces to escape from Afghanistan. Time to learn.
Good luck to the righteous Russian servicemen.
The foreign guests trapped in Mariupol, and the failed helicopter rescues, explain why the EU regimes re flipping out, and going on a sanctions and diplomat expulsion spree. They are worried about something. I TRULY, TRULY hope that Russia does not make any back-room deals that will allow the foreign guests to be quietly evacuated without any questions. These guests need to be ideally captured and exposed to the public. Let the EUrodents squirm and sweat.
Russia also needs to present any found evidence such as that French foreign legion beret and pin to the French and demand an explanation as to why France, and the EU, are involved in assisting neo-nazi battalions.
Yeah. For every French or UK “advisor”, how many Polish, Latvian, Ukrainian and Estonian advisors do you think there are? Probably 10:1.
Plus somehow the sum of the parts, added up to more than the whole, fight fire w/fire I say.
No water you say, well, use your feet, either to put the fire out, or run away from the burning troubles.
Bitchute has been censored the video of the UKI military abuse of civilians in Dnipro ( ). The vacant panel cites ‘Harassment’.
So Bitchute is also a corrupt inventory?
The second bitchute video is not blocked, even when blatant harassment. How they figure it is a mystery.
In the RT newsfeed there was a pic how a NATO cargo plane was in the Poryspil Intl Airport near Kiev, delivering military hardware. How come NATO planes can fly into Ukraine and so deep?
Old footage of proof of delivery so as to be paid first, and secondly to be used to throw off the opposition at a designated time.
Its called killing two birds w/one stone.
Like all the best propaganda I suspect that the, Bastards of Bucha, is based on a kernel of truth. Russia needs to be more vigilant about pulling out demoralised units. I don’t blame them but the officers need to be more aware and vigilant about the psychological effects of combat.
what BS Captain Phoebus,…… signed Lt Col, ret w/ 3 plus years in/support vietnam…………………
The “Captain” is projecting the effects on USMC after 25+ years of non-stop war, repeated missions, with PTSD and mass shootings at various US Forts. In other words the US military is ruined, the $830 billion budget is for the MIC.
Russia does not have this problem.
Wikileaks shows USMC Iraq civilian killing sprees, which is why Assange is being tortured. Not forgotten is General Colin Powell’s whitewashing of Mai Lai – on another forever war , lost too.
speaking of Mai Lai (which is getting pretty far off base) but with approx 300 villagers killed including 12 year olds raped, only the Lt. served “prison time:, ie 3 years house arrest, and all others went free….no war crimes there…..(sarc)
Powell knew, and went on to start Iraq2 with the WMD hoax, which he admitted he did know, as Pelosi too admitted, was a hoax.
After 25+ years of war the US has plenty of killers in uniforms or Academi to go through Ukraine. Could be even Kiev does not get the memo.
Gonzalo Lira has updated information on US Lt. Gen. Roger Cloutier and other NATO officers.
This is the telegram link:
which has photos.
This is the written text:
Unlikely that some 3 star US general gets caught in Mariupol.
If ever: question with extreme prejudice Guantanamo-Style.
Bury in anonymous site
Put some concrete over it.
Send personal belongings to spouse.
Deny story.
Rinse and repeat.
“13 hours ago (midnight Turkey/Ukraine time) Gen. Cloutier answered a message on his LinkedIn account, refuting the rumors that he was in Mariupol, but not giving his location. His LinkedIn profile says that he is in Turkey at a conference.”
Meaning, an answer was sent out under his name, but no one has seen him.
I can’t imagine why the empire would want to keep him hidden and keep alive doubts about his disposition. So far the obfuscation looks like strong circumstantial evidence that he’s dead or captured.
amarynth, I think it’s just more grist for the mill. Attention diversion, imo. Like the hydra headed jihadi capo killed here, there, and everywhere. We all know NATO US are balls deep in Orcville.
2,4,6….stars has no bearing on the SMO. If six or eight helos landed, and only two or three were shot down, Cloutier was on one of the first choppers out that escaped….just a guess, he got out, he’s injured, he’s in Turkey US base hospital, and should he ever walk out into sunlight….snafu, egg on face etc……
And, I hate to say this, if he’s captured, returned, and he shows up unscathed……what are Russian soldiers dying for. Just thinking of my Gramps, fighting Germans for England….all the while Black and Tans from Brittan were raping and pillaging their way across Ireland in the name of Crown.
Black n Tans: named for the colour of their uniforms, Black tunic supplied by Scotland Yard, brown army pants, supplied by Britain’s Department of Defense. Units were fromed by releasing English prisoners, giving them guns and uniforms and sending them to Ireland.
Cheers M
Don’t know my friend. It may all be smoke and fog.
But there is something there .. France asked for a humanitarian corridor (asked Putin) and now is asking to do a humanitarian mission.
Germany is in supposed secret negotiations to give the Ukraine some stupid guarantees.
All of a sudden.
Dear lord, not more Minsk………running away screaming ……..
Cheers M
“. . . all the while Black and Tans from Britain were raping and pillaging their way across Ireland in the name of Crown.”
Weren’t The Black and Tans recruited into the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) as reinforcements during the Irish War of Independence beginning in January 1920, i.e, after the War?
We Irish have plenty of reasons to hate the English. I hope we, and the Russians, will be on the side of truthful reporting always
You’ll eat bugs, own nothing, have your kids taken away and be happy: Shanghai Residents Rebel As Cases Surge, Lockdown Extended ‘Indefinitely’
Jack Doe, first .. this has nothing to do with this thread.
second .. it is anti-China propaganda
third .. zerohedge is not a bastion of truth
fourth, here is some Shangai lockdown coverage for you .. and I have plenty more but it is not for this thread.
amarynth: It is very much about this thread, only you don’t “see” it.
BTW, I bet I was more enthusiastic about China than you, let alone how many times I have been there.
But let’s talk each other in 2-30 again, if you need that long to figure out the relation.
I don’t need to figure out the relationship Jack. Say what you see, otherwise, I just punt to the mods as they apply the rules. I just follow them.
A single German and or French officer captured in Mariupol is worth NordStream2 .
If a quiet deal is made, and gas flows with various ‘explanations’ it would be a coincidence, right?