Dear friends,
First, I just wanted to let you know that I am working on two interviews which I think you will find interesting: one with Michael Hudson and one with an expert on Syria, who prefers to remain anonymous. Both should be very interesting. Please give me a few more days to deliver these.
Now, about the Ukraine. Please read this report:
and watch this one:
Bottom line: this situation is very VERY tense.
Listening to the junta propaganda, this appears to be preparatory attacks for an imminent “reconquista” of Donbass, but this is not necessarily so. My own evaluation is that this is probably not a prelude to a massive Ukronazi attack, but it is definitely an attempt to provoke Russia and sabotage any ongoing negotiations, while giving the Empire a reason to demand an extension of the sanctions. I say that, because according to many reports the Ukrainians are now extremely frightened of the Novorussians: twice already, their counter-attacks were stopped (Minsk 1 and Minsk 2) at the last moment, but nobody believes that a Minsk 3 will happen. In other words, if the Ukronazis attack, they will be taking a huge risk. I might be wrong, but my sense is that they will try to delay the (otherwise inevitable) moment when they will have to launch their last attack.
Europe and the OSCE are taking the typical spineless attitude towards these events. The OSCE is reluctantly reporting that the Ukronazis have brought back a lot of their heavy weapons and that civilians are being killed every day. The EU is strenuously looking the other way.
It is pretty clear that Kerry, Nuland & Co got nothing out of Lavrov or Putin and that “punitive escalation” is the US response to the Russian refusal to budge.
Officially, the Russians are sticking to their original stance. However, I am also sensing a change in tone. There are now public discussion about the need to gather the Federation Council to re-authorize Putin to take military action in the Ukraine, if needed. The consensus seems to be that since the Ukronazis did sign M2A, they now have to abide by it and that no “M3A” or any other negotiations will take place. Some very senior politicians have indicated that if the Ukronazis attack again, “all bets are off” or, to use the favorite US expression “all options are on the table”.
I am increasingly getting a feeling that Russia will now oppose any other kind of “efforts” or negotiations. Ukrainian suggestions that this or that new idea has to be discussed, are summarily dismissed in Moscow. The Russians seem to have concluded that they have the Ukrainians, the EU and the USA exactly where they want them to be and that the best thing to do now, is to wait.
In other words, neither the Ukronazi junta nor their US patrons are going to get anything out of Russia at this point. I believe that they understand that. Worse (for them), time is running out and the Ukrainian economy has essentially collapsed and for all practical purposes, is in a state of default (the Rada’s vote to allow Iats to choose which creditors to pay – or not – is, essentially, an admission of bankruptcy).
Barring a miracle of some kind, the Ukronazis will simply have to attack as a war or, better (from their point of view) a Russian “invasion” (which would be a liberation, of course) is now the only and last option left to cover up the total collapse not only of the US Ukrainian policy, but also of the entire “Independent Ukraine” project.
Of course, a major false flag is also a very real option.
The next couple of weeks will be very, very dangerous.
The Saker
But is Kerry’s bike still okay?
Question is if Kerry is ok ? we did not hear about his INJURY PAST 3 DAYS
For that matter, is John Kerry even still alive? Why, we haven’t seen him in public for a full 3 days now!
He’s in Switzerland — having a baby with his girlfriend!!
Since Kerry is basically a life sized rubber Gumby, I imagine he bounced when he hit the ground and the story about him being injured is to cover up some secret mission that he is on.
Harry Reid was attacked by his exercise equipment. So he says. Maybe Kerry was attacked by his bike.
Was he ever alive?
A coherent and realistic Ukr crisis article by Saker, btw.
And good luck to you OffGuardian also.
Rumor (taken by me with big hunk of salt) is that it was a failed assassination attempt on Kerry. Not a bicycling accident
failed assassination …… OY VEY ! Mazel Tov to him……….. LOL !
Thanks very much for this heads up, Saker. I hope the Russians know that a great many North Americans are also “waiting to be liberated” from the same entities that have taken over Ukraine and are driving it into the ground.
Yes, my people have waited long, in vain, for our liberation from this empire; however, many of us sense that our fate is inextricably tied to the fate of the people of Novorossia. May God deliver them and, through their delivery, us as well.
It is amazing how long Nazi Ukraine can stumble along, without ever quite collapsing entirely.
Yes, Anon…I agree…and according to many alternative media commentators…the US should have collapsed long ago too.
That’s correct. Commentators much too often express wishful thinking, not objective assessment.
The Ukraine won’t go bankrupt – Soros & Co. will make sure of that.
The Ukraine won’t be able to function – Soros & Co. will make sure of that.
In this delicate state between life and death, a nations wealth can be plundered most effectively.
When you have low friends in high places, you can squeak by for a while.
And Australians as well! It’s a global generational malaise.
Speaking of Australia, the greatest, most powerful and most important film ever made is “On the Beach.” It looks like it might be time to dust off our old copies and fire up the VCR and cry our eyes out watching it. If anything will sober people up to do everything possible to prevent nuclear holocaust, it is that worthy movie. Thank you, Australia, for playing your part in this great film. It is the best wake up call available. Who knows, maybe it already prevented a few nuclear confrontations already. Dr. Strangelove just doesn’t do it quite the same way. Too silly.
The best song in the English language also belongs to Australia:
Now that song will make Australians cry. But it’s a good cry!
You might want to try He is a historian and has been on RT and Press TV. He is trying to get mass traction issues going, nothing revolutionary, tax wall street, nationalize the fed, jobs, infrastructure etc.
Tarpley’s a blowhard. You can see his eyes practically light up every time he gets asked a question. And, according to Tarpley, Zionism doesn’t exist.
Anonymous Tarpley detractor: Have you read his books, listened to his lectures on you tube, etc?
Or did he just maul one of your pet ideological positions and this is the only answer you can muster? Get a grip on your bruised ego and read his 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA, and enjoy a rise in your political and historical IQ by about 30-40 points.
I’m tired of posts that call names, with no contribution to either the cause, or even to cognition itself.
Some idea content, please, or negative remarks should just go in the trash. What, pray tell, are YOU doing???
The only way Russia can “liberate” the american people from their plight is by nuking Yellowstone and the stratosphere. I doubt the american people are looking forward to that kind of liberation! If they are they might as well shoot themselves… or rather, their government officials.
And how do you propose Russia, or anybody else for that matter, penetrate the airspace of the most militarized country in the world?
Google ICBM’s, and, “the inability to intercept them 100% of the time.”
Anonymous: How to penetrate the most militarized airspace? Just carry boxcutters!
get Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney to organise some training exercises and stand down the radar operators.
Maybe this baby has a box-cutter on board?
there are countless tunnels from the coast of california up to yellowstone.
that’s where you go and explode yellowstone. a submarine could do it.
sorry, you asked.
but, the story is….that benevolent ETs are already there, easing the rumblings of
that volcano.
WTF? Why should Putin or Russia “liberate” US? Because we don’t have the balls to do it ourselves? For chrissakes. What a laughingstock we’ve become. Just a bunch of whiny-bitchez expecting OTHERS to save them from THEMSELVES.
Here’s my advice to VVPutin. And to Russians. Screw the US. I’m American. And as I look around at my “countrymen” don’t see much worth saving. The ones who are will come to you.
Let. It. Burn.
I think a very significant statement in the interview with Lavrov was:
Interviewer: ‘Do you think sanctions will be extended?’
Lavrov: ‘We don’t think about sanctions’.
There is something wrong with the idea that these attacks are linked to the upcoming EU talk about extending them because I think Lavrov can be trusted on what he said, and I think EU knows it.
What this is more likely about then is Ukrainian politics and power, and impending bankruptcy. Everything else can sit and stew indefinitely, but not Kiev’s or Poroshenko’s collapse. This also means NATO is getting very close to a fish or cut bait moment. Their Ukraine door is closing.
Since this is a proxy war, the cost burden is initially on the US. They will “print” whatever it takes. Debt is produced as needed. The fleecing of the taxpayers is automatic and corollary of that is the “extraction” of anything of value from Ukraine’s assets. The junta will get paid to keep fighting.
So the argument that economics is a factor is irrelevant to the continuation of the war. Continuing the war is a policy by the US, Merkel and NATO nations.
What matters is the social temperature inside Ukraine. How much economic pain and family pain from loss of sons, brothers and fathers wasted in the war effort can the Ukies take? The are people who are partially Russian. They can take a lot.
Since the only time they have big losses is when the attack, the Ukies now have a very good strategy of artillery fire into the Donbass. The new American equipment and trainers, PMCs and volunteers from NATO make the work safer and more accurate. Thus, the Ukies are in a better military situation than ever, if they don’t attack in mass.
They stopped the militia in Maryinka with GRADS.
Trying to get Russia to “invade” to save the Donbass will not work.
Transnistria is the touchstone. That will get Russia rolling.
After the SCO and BRICS meetings in Ufa, and after Putin goes to Beijing, that is the time when it would be best for Russia to take some serious action.
Meanwhile, Russia can control the front with the spigot on the voentorg. Increasing manpower and better weaponry, filling the skies with small UAVs with cameras, treating Donbass as Russian soil so that Intel reports are more thorough and counter-Intel operations are increased will do the job of keeping Kiev off-balance along the front.
And creating a backup force from Kadyrov’s force of 20,000, on the ready, in a semi-permanent basing should be considered. If they are merely an hour or so away from the front, the fuses in the “minds” of the junta should burn out hourly. They would negate half the Ukie Army.
It would be a beautiful thing to see columns of Russian Muslims coming to the rescue of Russian Orthodox brothers. Tanks, APCs and helo gunships flying cover as the Chechens chase the fleeing nazis back to Lvov.
…and I believe Kadyrov can not wait any longer… there do not will be Minsk 3…
I would add the addendum that it’s about damn time Russia expose the Polish, Lithuanian, and U.S. merc ‘vacationers’ in Donbass to the world. Yes the OPSEC for NATO’s Foreign Legion in eastern Ukraine has improved since they were speaking Italian to journalists from Italy or broken Russian with Polish accents for their English. But it seems to me Moscow needs to fight back with the evidence that Westerners whether as ‘advisers’ or contractors are on the ground with Ukraine’s own units and expose NATO/US lying on that score.
Agreed. Let’s see some of the aerial photos and hard evidence taken off bodies.
But then the West would show the dead Russians, and Russia has this policy of trying not to escalate things. Maybe wise; maybe not.
What dead Russians? They can take any dead Ukrainians and dress them up as Russians, who would know the difference? And vice-versa if they so chose. Remember the story of the mobile crematorium the Russians were using to hide their dead? LOL!
Remember Racak !! (Ratschak, Kosovo). The OECD again will arrange a crucial false flag . It’s mission is headed for this purpose by a Galician – Bocyrkiw – or something vaticanised like that – , son of a paperclipped professing Nazi. “Fertile still is the womb , from whence this monstrosity crawled.”
A German quote referring to enlightened Nazism/Fascism; – a tool of Babylonian Talmudism (+Bolshevism, Globalism…) achieving successive regime change and instigating and financing most wars/geno/ethnocides in this luciferian age of enlightenment.
Bessarab, Since you mention Babylon, you might want to look at the way they have designed EU parliament to mimic the famous painting depicting Babylon.
If that doesn’t creep you out, look at New York’s St John the Divine Cathedral
When people say that those at the top of the banksters’ NWO plot are luciferians, they aren’t kidding.
I think Russian special forces should seek out and capture one of the western ‘advisors’ and put him on display for the world to see. Remember the political leverage gained with the capture of the spy Francis Gary Powers during the U2 incident in 1960,
See: .
Your word in God’s ear !
good comment, maybe it is time for the muslim russian alliance as predicted by sheikh imran
Dear Saker/Friends
Please tell me WHEN THE SITUATION in UKraine was/is/will not be dangerous since last 25 yrs. We should be happy that it is coming to its culmination as each day is passing by. We should rather observe and take lesson from the desperation of the Vampire. Isn’t it?
It is nothing new that the demon wants a perpetual sanctions because since time immemorial it is a parasite. As a result the so called enslaved Europe will go with it. Russians know this very very well. Listen to any Politicians( not the 5th Col ) they would say that they would never talk about Sanction even Medvedev ( I think he is no more a 5th rather awaken one. It is just my take. He has played an excellent game with Putin). The Vampire needs blood hence war. It is good and very good that Russia is delaying it as much as possible to let the world see (even those who haven’t seen it yet). As I said always “WAR is certain since the Die is CAST”. Nevertheless this time it would be truely a WAR of righteousness vs non-righteousness. Oh one more thing the WAR must happen to destroy the current form of Europe because Europe is the problem and a very big PROBLEM otherwise we would not be in this situation. I think Europe is much more dangerous and serious problem than US.
We must have the courage to witness and if possible participate for the protection of not only humanity rather the COSMOS. It would happen my friends.
I hope it make sense, friends.
sorting out england and taking out criminals like blair and most of british spy journalists the real war plotters would do much more than any general world war. let england be destroyed to save the world rather than world destroyed to save that parasite country called england.
ever wondered why in FIFa case or ukraine it is always the english from uk who are the main instigators?
why can russia and others not pay their enemy in their own coin?
Looking forward to Hudson’s insights on the debt bubble (the Big One, not Kiev’s) hysteria reaching the breaking point..
I believe the mega-crime against humanity will be planned in and ordered from London.
Americans are inept at Empire because too many of them don’t even believe that is what they should be doing. Now you even have an announced presidential candidate (Martin O’Malley) running on a platform of restoration of Glass-Steagall, which would steer the London-centered Wall St casino right into the ditch, and declare it a dangerous and illegal wreck unfit for human beings to do anything with, other than spit on it. .
Then, if you can’t pay your Nazis, jihadists and bribe your Euro-whores, how they hell are you supposed maintain your global Ponzi scheme? And keep the subject peoples of the world bought, pinned down, or killing each other?
Time for the real Empire to upset the global chessboard and regain some measure of imperial control. Bloody Yanks are bloody incompetent at this business of building World Empire.
Very tense time indeed. The Emperor is not only naked, but financially (as well as morally, spiritually, and culturally) bankrupt. Some sort of Obamination must therefore be in the works. He did after all, pledge himself to Her Majesty’s “humble service” in May 2011 at the White House , did he not?
A couple brief items about Martin O’Malley, ex-governor of my state: (1) He’s the only politician I’ve seen since FDR (whom I can just barely remember, mostly because my grandfather had polio “just like the President”, but whom I heard much about from my parents and their generation), who seemed to have genuinely have cared about “the common good,” a term he frequently used in his speeches, and the label a column he wrote for a State magazine. Restoring Glass-Steagall is entirely congruent with that. IMHO things began to go significantly bad economically in the U.S. when Clinton I (would there not be a Clinton II) got Glass-Steagall repealed.
(2) All the pundits say he has no chance. Because of that, I haven’t followed his views on foreign policy (if any). They’re likely as bad as all the others’ (but who knows ?).
O’Malley is firmly in the neoliberal camp (who isn’t these days?).
Expecting anything from him (or any neoliberal) is like letting Lucy hold the football for you.
pualmeli: Since O’Malley is being declared Wall Street’s Public Enemy # 1 (by Goldman Sachs’ reaction to his candidacy) please put your cynicism on hold and realize that under extraordinary pressure, from extraordinary crisis conditions, people, including O’Malley are capable of changing, even dramatically changing, and doing what people who previously knew them would never suspect they were remotely capable of doing.
I don’t know the man, but someone on this site said that the Novorossiya commander Motorola was no great shakes until the Ukronazis began shelling civilians in towns in the Donbass. Subsequently, under the influence of this jolt, it appears plausible that he may have found a certain purpose in life that caused him to multiply his former not really so dynamic self, many, many times over. Crisis of historical dimensions can do that to men and women. Anywhere. Even in the USA, believe it or not. Consider:
Ulysses S Grant said to be a depressive, a misfit and a Union Army drunkard, until service in the western theater of the US Civil War brought him to the attention of Abraham Lincoln, who promoted him to head the Army of the Potomac. In civilian life, he was a failure in business.
Cynics, especially in the Army that thought they had known Grant for years and he was nothing but a useless alcoholic lobbied hard with Lincoln to reverse the promotion, repeating their commonly believed profile of the man, which they assumed to be true and forever fixed. Lincoln was wiser, more perceptive. His response: “Find out what Grant is drinking and order it for all of our generals. He fights!”
Human beings who are not irrremediably damaged are never necessarily forever fixed. They can change. Even me. Even YOU. Pull for the change and give it a chance. O’Malley’s courageous change merits that from Americans being destroyed by Wall St thievery. He might disappoint. He might not. You and I don’t know yet. But if someone is doing the right thing (taking on Wall St), I’d rather he KICKED than ball than have you hold it, so far. Now, if you demonstrate more judgment than the safe negativity of the Cynic, and do better than O’Malley, then maybe you should be the kicker. Fair enough?
The head of the snake.
But don’t forget Tel Aviv.
I have been scanning both warring parties media sites and have no idea which side is the aggressor at this point. I get your assumptions about the Ukronazi offensive intent. But I am at a loss as to how you conclude that the Marinka flare up was an Ukronazi provocation and not a rebel probe, capabilities test or recon in force. I respect your strong assumptions, but sometimes they cause me to pause (which is not necessarily a bad thing.) Thanks Saker.
Good question: How DO we know that the provocation was by the Ukrainians and not by Donbass?
1. Donbass had nothing to gain, since they are ordered to follow the Minsk agreement. That is, any territory gained has to be given up again.
2. The vote on whether to extend sanctions is coming up, so it’s predictable that Kiev (US dependent) would want to provoke military action & then blame Donbass/Russia– which they immediately did.
3. OSCE has uniformly been skewed in their reporting of the situation on the ground– always tilting toward’s Donbass guilt.
4. The last time there was hesitation by EU regarding sanctions they did the MH17 shootdown, and immediately the sanctions went through w no evidence of Donbass or Russian guilt– just the same kind of media guilt campaign that’s being manufactured now to portray Donbass/Russia as guilty of the provocation.
Don’t look for an Ukrainian offensive this summer.
The Saker is correct: the Ukrainians are afraid of the Novorussians. The UAF has been badly beaten during offensive operations twice. That is why their strategy is now to bait the Novorussians into an offensive, so it will be the Ukrainians turn to blast the forces of Donbass with concentrated artillery as they penetrate the Ukrainian dfenses.
Ever since the Minsk II agreement, the Ukrainians have been conducting harassing artillery fires and limited attacks. Their intent has been to coax the DPR and LPR forces to attack. There also have been attacks against the pro-Russian enclaves within Kiev’s control from Odessa to Kharkov. Transnistria is part of the plan.
Think of Kursk. Despite the tremendous victory of Stalingrad, German armies under von Manstein wreaked vengeance on the Soviet armies on the winter of ’43. Despite superior numbers of tanks, artillery, warplanes and infantry the Soviet Army was not about to take on the German Army in the open terrain in a mobile battle. They waited and prepared for the Germans to attack.
The Ukrainian Army is not even close to the Soviet Army in terms of fighting ability. So, it is even more important for them to employ the same game plan as the one used by Zukov at Kursk. It takes a lot less skill and training and toughness to fight on defense than it takes to carry the war to the enemy’s side. The UAF is counting on being just tough enough to channel DPR/LPR forces into killing zones for the artillery to do its thing.
Thanks, Arthur. Your educated observations are always intelligently put forth.
Think of Kursk. Despite the tremendous victory of Stalingrad, German armies under von Manstein wreaked vengeance on the Soviet armies on the winter of ’43. Despite superior numbers of tanks, artillery, warplanes and infantry the Soviet Army was not about to take on the German Army in the open terrain in a mobile battle. They waited and prepared for the Germans to attack.
Kursk took place during the summer, not the winter, Israeli. Your people lost. Decisively. There.
JFC, the ziospam here now.
@вот так
thanks, buddy…
Thanks to British intelligence, the SU knew of the Germans’ plans to counterattack and were able to group enough force together at Kursk to defeat the German army.
BOT TAK, you grievously misinterpret Arthur Brina’s accurate summary of the events of February and March, 1943, in the Third Battle of Kharkov to imply that he suggests the Battle of Kursk was fought in the winter. He clearly indicates that the Battle of Kursk followed the the Third Battle of Kharkov after a significant waiting time. Your ad hominem labelling is unwarranted, and you owe an apology to Arthur.
Arthur B. said : ” on the w i n t e r of 1943
And please stop consulting wickedpaedia !
Arthur began with, “don’t look for a Ukrainian offensive this summer.” A careful reading of his comment will tell you his point is buttressed by his allusion to Kursk, which occurred in the summer following the German penultimate winter offensives.
anonymous 2 on June 05, 2015 · at 4:12 pm UTC
AB wrote “think of Kursk” and did not discuss the battle of Kharkov. You lot have this bad habit of running interference for each other to the point of absurdity. I was going to retract what I wrote about AB being Israeli/ziospam (and replace it with something more neutral, such as ignoramus), but seeing how you lot are using the common websayan tactic of group spamming to support each other, I wont be retracting the Israeli/ziospam attribution after all.
Manstein launched a Operation Winter Storm in December 42; to break the encirclement of Stalingrad.
Otherwise Arthur’s comparison and analysis are excellent..
Arthur Brina
BTW, at Kursk the Russians had a quantity edge, but the Germans had the quality edge in armour. This is why the Russians adopted an initial defensive posture at Kursk, and for similar reasons the British did at El Alamein. The Russian armour had fallen behind the German armour with the introduction of Tiger, Panther and Elefant vehicles and Russian tank weapons lacked the power to destroy these German AFV effectively. Had the Russians gone on the initial offense with their weaker AFV, they would have been slaughtered. The Russians had to rely upon their anti-tank vehicles and artillery, a reliance that necessitated defensive tactics. They wore down the Germans first, using air power, but mostly their anti-tank units. Then sent in the tanks after the German AFV ranks had been thinned. It was the only intelligent option, really.
Comparing Kursk and modern fighting in the Ukraine now is a non-starter. Very different forces opposing each other who also have very different goals. The junta is being used to goad the Russians into the Ukraine, not to conquer Novorussia. Their provocations are for propaganda purposes, to get political/diplomatic results in the ZPC/NWO effort to isolate and weaken Russia. The orc strategy may be to goad a Novorussian counter-offensive to their provacations, but they have no serious intent of fighting against such an offensive. They will simply retreat (more likely rout) once they start losing positions and their usual panic sets in.
The Novorussians (and obviously the Russians, too) are well aware what the ZPC/NWO strategy is in the Ukraine and are simply not taking the bait. They have no desire to conquer the Ukraine, and become occupiers. In that aspect, this current war doesn’t compare to Kursk, either.
@Arthur Brina:
“The Ukrainian Army is not even close to the Soviet Army”
The SOVIET ARMY!? Really?
Quite revealing
Christina, I get your point about Arthur’s slip of the keyboard, but I don’t really care that much, and it seems others don’t either.
Does that make me a closet commie? Hardly. It makes me a person that is re-evaluating a great deal about the Soviet Union and NATO that I was brought up on.
Consider: Did the MSM go from being upstanding truth tellers to satanic liars all in one fell swoop, circa 1990?? Probably not. Then maybe we should re-examine the period from that evil bulldog Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech until the dissolution of the SU, as well as our automatic responses to trigger words like Soviet, while we are at it. Ummm??
Default and bankruptcy are not a bug for the US, they are a feature. That is part of the plan. How else to legally get control of things like the port in Odessa or perhaps the nuclear plants?
It won’t take a miracle to keep a desperately poor country going. The US can and has kept places like Honduras or Guatemala afloat (and massacring huge percentages of the public) for decades. Instead of killing Mayans, they will kill Russians. Even better from their point of view. From an American point of view, perhaps the Ukraine is just a bigger and more challenging place to operate than Yugoslavia or Libya – but the game plan of murder and plunder is not that different.
The picture provided for this entry will probably attract the gay sorts of zionazi sites such as and than the host intended… ;D
Dear Saker
… please tell me that this was an oversight…
the picture provided for this entry has Crimea hanging by a thread and attached to Ukraine
By a pocket thread..
Not to be overly pessimistic about things, but one can make a case that the Ukraine is in much better shape now than before. Not economically, but socially and structurally. After the coup, the state hardly functioned, and it was easy for Russia to incorporate the Crimea and basically do anything or nothing. However, over time, the West has managed to put together an army of sorts and clean out the police and security branches of all the pro-Russian elements and spies. And it appears that the propaganda has worked to a good degree. Russia is the source of all problems, and “the Fatherland is in danger” as the story goes. So a high percentage of the public sees the war with Russia as being unavoidable or necessary.
Versions of this are heard regularly, and I even saw one yesterday from a member of the NAF. It is painful to admit but the US is steadily rebuilding the Ukraine on an anti-Russian line, and a large percentage of the public agree with it. And all the trainers and equipment will make it very painful to go far in battlefield. As the Soros paper recently said, “meet, but don’t raise”. So whatever equipment the NAF gets, the UAF will get.
So, even though Russia-friendly people don’t want to believe it, the US has made serious progress. I know someone from Odessa who left decades ago and refuses to believe that Odessa won’t rebel. But a lot of those who liked Russia left, and the brainwashing is powerful. Plenty of people in Nazi Germany waited for an inevitable rebellion against the Nazis in places like Berlin, thinking that Prussians could never put up with the ruffians from Bavaria. It never happened. And it won’t easily happen when fighting people like Kholomoisky or American death squads.
One can also make the case that Ukrainians are fed up with the regime. Lots of evidence for that despite all the propaganda either way. One is the reluctance of people to join the army and the lengths Kiev goes to try to make them.
Aside from that, there can’t be much of a social structure when the people are constantly getting screwed over and denied decent living standards.
But if it turns out to resolve as the bulk of Ukraine turning Nazi, that sort of makes the decisions involving war easier — less ambiguity and less motivation to be so careful or selective when attacking. It would not be necessarily a good thing for Kiev.
The problem may not be that everyone turns Nazi, but that nobody resists. Everyone complains, but nobody risks prison and torture and loss of assets by fighting. Think of some of the regimes in the world that haven’t collapsed over the last 40 years. Bangladesh, Burma, Guatemala, North Korea, Indonesia, etc. In the case of the Ukraine, a lot of those who can’t stand the regime are going to leave, which is good for the regime. And the US controls the biggest printing press the world has ever known, and the oligarchs who control the US have trillions to play with.
You mean like this:
Get off the bus…
Boy, Ukrainian & Russian women have a fearless mouth on them, don’t they? It’s glorious.
Your comments make a lot of sense.
The Shiites in the South and the Kurds in the North were forced to submit to the Baathist Sunnis in the center of Iraq for a long time. Iraq remained stable until the US military attacked in force. The Russian-speaking population of Ukraine are probably faced with similar circumstances. So, a guerrilla war in the countryside or a popular uprising in the city streets is not likely to happen.
Putin’s decision not to occupy the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine in the Spring of 2014. was difficult. And it still should be seen as the correct one. But, unless Russia openly and vigorously supports the Donbass forces in order to fight a full-fledged civil war, there is a very good chance that the DPR and LPR will just degrade into states of exhaustion.
It’s really difficult for most places to rebel any more than they already have: They are not armed. It’s tremendously courageous that they have done as much as they have.
Russia lost on 12 August 2013 when it launched the blockade of Ukraine. Very stupid. The rest has been short term attempts to save face, not even damage limitation. Damage limitation would have tried to keep Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Belarus onside. As it is, even Armenia is having a rethink.
“Russia lost on 12 August 2013 when it launched the blockade of Ukraine. Very stupid. ”
I agree. Russia seems incapable to build alliances. It keeps finding excuses to start boycotts. Given such a treatment there is not a country that will not conclude sooner or later that the West is more reliable.
Russia can not retreat always in the name that USA try to bring Moskow in war.You must to put a red line,and to say to them enough is enough. “In an effort to avoid war, we do not escape this. But the war goes on “The parliament of Ukraine adopted bill on amendments to the law “On the order of admission and conditions of stay of the armed forces of other states on the territory of Ukraine”. The corresponding decision, No. 2953, was supported by 240 MPs out of 327 registered in the session hall.
The implementation of the law allows the deployment of a foreign military commitment on the territory of Ukraine t for keeping so-called “peace and security” in the country. Furthermore, the law is established that foreign carriers of nuclear weapons and other types of mass destruction are allowed for short-term accommodation in Ukraine.
Is deploying of US’s nuclear weapons on the border with Russia the next step? It’s clear that this law is provocation against Russia. Washington-backed Kiev’s government are trying to push the world for the new world (nuclear) war.”
ps.Can Saker to write his opinion the really reason why Kremlin dont try to topples Kiev Junta with hard economic embargo ps my opinion is that there are three responses Russia could do without invading
1. Cut off gas
2. Quit shipping coal
3. Demand payment of the $3 bil bond
Cutting off gas will only alienate her last supporter in Ukraine. Russia has abandonned us… it won’t break Kiev, unless a revolt happen.
3$ bil bond. Sadly money in our world mean nothing when you don’t have an authority to validate it. It’s also the same for payment. Sure there are “international law” blabla and “no one will borrow you afterward” blabla2. But bottom line is more if you have less to lose from not paying back and no one can force you then you don’t.
Cutting off the gas won’t win any hearts and minds in the Ukrainian heartland and it only hurts the most vulnerable in society. Remember, Russia gets blamed for everything.
Russia must take heed of what Mao Tse Tung said some time ago…” we are the advocates of the abolishen of war. We do not want war but war can only be abolished thru war. In order to get rid of the gun, it is necessary to pick up the gun.” There is no other way.
— There is no other way
May be there is…
At least another Chinese sage, “a little bit” older than Mao, thought so:
– The real bravery is not to kill as many people, as possible, but to defeat one’s own bravery
Dangerous… yes — very dangerous! Not for just Ukraine.
US officials consider nuclear strikes against Russia
By Niles Williamson
5 June 2015
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is meeting today at the headquarters of the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany with two dozen US military commanders and European diplomats to discuss how to escalate their economic and military campaign against Russia. They will assess the impact of current economic sanctions, as well as NATO’s strategy of exploiting the crisis in eastern Ukraine to deploy ever-greater numbers of troops and military equipment to Eastern Europe, threatening Russia with war.
A US defense official told Reuters that the main purpose of the meeting was to “assess and strategize on how the United States and key allies should think about heightened tensions with Russia over the past year.” The official also said Carter was open to providing the Ukrainian regime with lethal weapons, a proposal which had been put forward earlier in the year.
Most provocatively, a report published by the Associated Press yesterday reports that the Pentagon has been actively considering the use of nuclear missiles against military targets inside Russia, in response to what it alleges are violations of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty. Russia denies US claims that it has violated the INF by flight-testing ground-launched cruise missiles with a prohibited range.
Three options being considered by the Pentagon are the placement of anti-missile defenses in Europe aimed at shooting Russian missiles out of the sky; a “counterforce” option that would involve pre-emptive non-nuclear strikes on Russia military sites; and finally, “countervailing strike capabilities,” involving the pre-emptive deployment of nuclear missiles against targets inside Russia.
The AP states: “The options go so far as one implied—but not stated explicitly—that would improve the ability of US nuclear weapons to destroy military targets on Russian territory.” In other words, the US is actively preparing nuclear war against Russia.
Robert Scher, one of Carter’s nuclear policy aides, told Congress in April that the deployment of “counterforce” measures would mean “we could go about and actually attack that missile where it is in Russia.”
According to other Pentagon officials, this option would entail the deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles throughout Europe.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Joe Skewers told AP, “All the options under consideration are designed to ensure that Russia gains no significant military advantage from their violation.”
The criminality and recklessness of the foreign policy of Washington and its NATO allies is staggering. A pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russian forces, many of them near populated areas, could claim millions of lives in seconds and lead to a nuclear war that would obliterate humanity. Even assuming that the US officials threatening Russia do not actually want such an outcome, however, and that they are only trying to intimidate Moscow, there is a sinister objective logic to such threats.
Nuclear warmongering by US officials immensely heightens the danger of all-out war erupting accidentally, amid escalating military tensions and strategic uncertainty. NATO forces are deploying for military exercises all around Russia, from the Arctic and Baltic Seas to Eastern Europe and the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Regional militaries are all on hair-trigger alerts.
US officials threatening Russia cannot know how the Kremlin will react to such threats. With Moscow concerned about the danger of a sudden NATO strike, Russia is ever more likely to respond to perceived signs of NATO military action by launching its missiles, fearing that otherwise the missiles will be destroyed on the ground. The danger of miscalculations and miscommunications leading to all-out war is immensely heightened.
blah another idiot rag. And to think I actually support these guys. But talking like this actually gives the impression that something like nuclear war is like creating some monsters like ISIS. I know americans are arrogant and talk big, because they think being a zombie is the height of enlightenment. I think not having toilet paper would their height of technical achievement as they would have to find a substitute. I doubt they would use the roman system of sand on their delicate posterior. blah! On the other hand Russians saying 6 nuclear strikes would be enough to incapacitate the US. Who cares! Anything of the sort is a game changer.. With so many idiots in the world all selfish greedy self-serving morons have placed all of us on a string that when it breaks will dump us all into the freezing waters with no one to rescue us. People were acting like the 98 and 2008 financial meltdowns were global extinction events. Imagine a real event that actually disrupts everything. It would wipe out half the population without a blink.
“There have been many warnings by eminent scholars such as William Engdahl and others since 2008 of the possibility and danger of a U.S. nuclear first-strike against Russia. Has anything been done, with any effect, either by governments or peoples, to eliminate this possibility? No. So perhaps the human species will soon demonstrate in spectacular fashion its unfitness to survive on this planet.”
Operation The Eagle Strikes
The thing I find worrying is:
Imagine Mrs. Smith gets up one morning, goes to the store and buys a big turkey, and veggies and fruits, and flour, and all, and spends the day cooking up a huge feast with fresh bread and sumptuous cakes. She sets the table and puts out all the food ….
and then just throws it all in the trash with no one eating.
Seems unlikely and difficult — but what sort of feast is the US military and empire preparing? Will all that be abandoned while foreign policy does a 180? Have there been any preparations for an alternative to massive war been made? How can this apocalyptic horse be changed in midstream?
Yup, nothing has been done to bring about a turn. When there is opposition & criticism it’s always partial leaving behind the complexity & the ultimate cause. The reason for this seems to me the early manipulating & brainwashing of children. Knowledge of nurturing a child is cunningly held back from the population, instead everything is done to distort the natural response to a baby & a child. The result? There are few balanced people who have a comprehensive mind & an unconditional courage to face the truth. Mention the Bilderberg Group, Anglozionism, the Rothschild family etc., & people shrink back, as if it is some forbidden fruit – mommy/daddy doesn’t allow me! Reminds me of the parent-child-bond. You can’t push the parent from the pedestal.
Quote from your link:
Ultimately Russia will be forced to take an action that will be perceived by Western audiences as ‘going too far’, and that will be the excuse for the first strike.
Russia does a lot of war-avoidance & is wise to turn to alliances with other countries. It’s a race against time.
Anonymous, How in the world wd you eliminate the possibility of a first-strike by US? There isn’t any way, is there? I suppose the only reason it hasn’t happened is that the bad guys are afraid it wd topple the present power-structure.
If people become fixated on actual physical necessities, abstract power structures like the monetary/financial system are apt to become irrelevant.
Good-night all. I’m too tired to be morid.
Yes, Ashton Carter is a very dangerous man to be leading the Pentagon. I remember reading an article about him on the site. He advocated using nuclear bomb on N. Korea many years go, or at least threaten to. He is probably the most hawkish since Donald Rumsfeld. But I get the impression the at least Rumsfeld is more sane than him when it comes to using nuclear arsenal!
I’m tired & didn’t read it terribly carefully, but it looks like all the quotes refer to “deployment” , but all the interpretation refers to “attacking”– not the same thing.
However, US has long been in violation of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty because it interprets it to mean that it may station nuclear arms outside the US. US says it can do this since the nukes remain under US control. So I don’t know how many different places they’ve deployed them. Germany, for one, no?
This “misinterpretation of the treaty ought to have been scotched when it first occurred, but nobody spoke up.
A week or so ago, US was urging Greece and their creditors to come to an agreement. I take it the US dollar financial system is very shaky. A Greek default and Ukraine default at around the same time?
I suspect Greece will get a deal that ends austerity, and Ukraine will be carried to avoid any risk of a major financial system crash.
We have a completely opaque foreign policy. We don’t know what actually wants the President and the Kremlin. We are constantly on Ukraine political conduct secretive special operation instead of clearly and openly show their position. As we vary, the Ukrainian authorities (and behind them Pindostan) actively and consistently apply. Transnistria: the next stage. Pindostan continues to pursue its insidious Anglo-Saxon policy, giving behind-the-scenes promises, but in reality provoking Ukraine on the collision with Russia.
Exacerbating the situation in Transnistria, they try to involve in the conflict with Russia, Moldova and Romania. The latter has ultranationalist elite and powerful army. The goal of Pindostan is to incite the bear (Russia) by means of dogs. The bear is strong, but dogs can fight. Russia, according to the view of the radical patriots, has completely lost the initiative. It’s pursuing an ostrich policy. On Russian television, the problem of Transnistria is not mentioned at all. The Transnistrian Republic is still not recognized. Then there is the fact that Russia recognizes the integrity of Moldavia, which means that the country may demand to withdraw Russian troops from her territory. So the ground is prepared for the diplomatic defeat of Russia, the probability of which is very high. There are conditions under which the withdrawal of Russian troops will be inevitable. This would be the surrender of Russia on this front. Indecision Russia, from the point of view of its opponents, says it is weak and opens the way for more aggressive action.
Saakashvili was appointed Governor of Odessa region to fulfil the main goal of the blockade of Transnistria. This is an energetic man, and he will stop at nothing in carrying out his task. He will block the supply of this Republic, which is only possible through the Odessa region. He can arrange a border provocation. On the territory of Transnistria, troops will block the Russian army at the point of dislocation and will besiege, not attacking, but harassing and gradually bringing about a situation akin to starvation. An airlift to break through the blockade impossible. Not taking response, Russia will inevitably fail the defeat. Our army will force them to care. At some stage in the diplomatic game, Russia will impose something similar to Minsk-3, only on Transnistria, with the loss of our positions. They boil the frog slowly. The frog will continue to cook. The foreign policy fluctuations of the Russian Federation will lead to further defeat upon other positions.
Unfortunately, all true.
Romania has no ultranationalist elite. The only one which comes close to that is the Romanian Orthodox Church, whose policy is that “you’re not a Romanian if you’re not Orthodox” and is heavily involved in politics, supporting the candidates who will give her the most benefits.
The other “elites” are just a bunch of political whores and mafia gangs, including the not-so-secret police, the not-really police and the definitely-not-justice system. They’ve been told several times by the EU to clean up their act, but they didn’t. They just had some show trials and arrests by which they removed their opponents mafia-style, but the corrupt structure is intact from top down to the last beat cop.
So no ultranationalism there. Just the lowest of low-lives getting fat while old people beg on the streets and children have nothing to eat.
Dear The Saker,
I agree – we are in a very, very dangerous situation. It looks like the Junta have passed a law allowing foreign troops and nukes/WMD’s to be in Ukraine too:
These people are crazy. They are on self-destrct and want to bring everyone down with them :(.
Perhaps they are just trying to break Russia. A gradual escalation is logical for them, and it makes it hard for Russia to defend her interests. There is never one point where you can say “Go for it.” When Georgia attacked South Ossetia, there was a clear point and the risks were limited. How do you fight an opponent who simply raises the pressure all over the place forever? Do you go to war if you lose the World Cup? How about if some prime Russian assets are taken and given to Yukos shareholders?
The West has used this approach before. Say, Japan in the 1930’s.
Of course they are trying to break Russia – that’s all they’ve done for years with it accelarating recently.
Chocie boy seems to think that allegedly informing the OSCE means they didn’t break the Minsk Agreement. The G7 already saying they are going to use Maryinka whilst discussing sanction extension – no surprise there!
This fool is beyond a joke. Well I suppose the OSCE is going to have to either deny or expalin this.
Am trying to find my friend Mea Veritas from FB -her page has been removed, if you are her please email me to let me know you are ok – Sorry if it is not you
Actually Minsk2 calls for the removal of all foreign troops from UKRAINE (no Donbass area specified) so how can they be bringing in more foreign troops? This is just one of many “laws” they’ve made that go exactly opposite to Minsk2, so how can they keep even pretending they are keeping to it?
similar opinion here from The leading research fellow of the Social Sciences Institute at the presidential academy RANEPA, Sergey Bespalov
further thoughts etc here
video of Maryinka action here
Kiv cuts off water supply to Donbass—–just in time for summer, irrigation of crops, summer gardens etc, to put out fires from shelling maybe….treating injured….Basurin says in order to provoke panic just before a Ukr attack………Poro claims people in Donbass are prisoners , so need rescue…………Poroshenko Block initiating food blockade too it seems…..another child is killed ..yet
“As stated by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, during his address to the Verkhovna Rada – Ukraine is ready at any time to restore economic relations with the Donbas.
“We are committed and are ready even today to recover all economic ties with the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, to remove all internal barriers and restrictions for people and goods, provided that Ukraine will restore control of the external border,” – said Poroshenko. But with such statements from the same Poroshenko sound and calls to prepare for war, so for example in the same speech in parliament, he said: – “In connection with the permanent threat of the deployment of a full-scale war against Russia in Ukraine, ensuring the defense of our country will long remain our a key priority”(anna-news
“In ektremistskoy organization “Right Sector” stir ordinary fighters given the command to return from leave, and their commanders to begin to mobilize. This informed the world of the pages of my Facebook representative Andrew pravosekov Stempitsky.
“Those who are on leave or temporarily left home during a lull at the front, you need to prepare to return to their combat units. Commanders reserve battalions to recover the full mobilization and prepare people to be sent to combat units or in the Learning Center,” – said in a statement.” google translate
as it says
maybe Trans. must be overcome to ensure these can get through? Or shipped to Odessa?
re 11 countries to supply lethal weapons to Ukr?
“”Ukraine reached agreements with 11 countries on weapons supplies, including lethal weapons. Significant progress on the issue has been made by our principal ally, the United States,” the document read.”
“Tomorrow there will be an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council dedicated to the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine, namely on the issue of yesterday’s events in Marinka
This meeting is convened on the initiative of Lithuania in the Lithuanian permanent representation at the UN.
“At the request of the Lithuanian mission on Friday in the Security Council meeting will be held in Ukraine. With a special briefing will include representatives of the OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine, as well as UN Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman,” – RIA Novosti reported.
It is expected that by the OSCE SMM before the Security Council will act Deputy Chief of Mission Alexander Hug. The briefing is scheduled to take place in an open format.”
so watch out for Lithuania perhaps backing up Poro’s claims of 9000 Rus troops in Donbass as he so claimed in his RADA report…………….
cyberberkuy has evidence Ukr and USA collaborating to hoodwink OSCE re heavy armaments after Minsk 2
The site “KiberBerkut” is a screenshot of the letter A.Taranu of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which contains an embedded employee of the US Embassy T.Podobinskoy-Bayonet and satellite images that suggest that Kiev repeatedly violated the agreement on the withdrawal of heavy weapons. Judging by the dates images were taken over the past two and a half months, after the talks in Minsk. Specify the name of settlements in the territories, which is controlled by Ukrainian troops. In the pictures you can see a variety of heavy equipment, including MLRS “Grad”, heavy howitzers, etc.
In a letter to the employee of the US embassy recommends to General Ukrainian figure out how to hide the equipment from the international mission of the OSCE.
“I send pictures, which can become a serious problem for you. Think about how this can be explained if they fall into the monitoring mission. Talk with the team leader and think through a plan of action, as it can be justified or put a fake” – said in a letter.”
anna-news google translate
comment re OSCE
“The head of Lugansk military-civilian administration Gennady Moskal in an interview to “Radio Freedom” accused OSCE observers in drinking and unwillingness to go to the territory controlled by the militias and the DNI LC
“Respect the OSCE should not sit permanently in the restaurant in the hotel” Mir “, from morning till night beer and whiskey” ignition “, and go to the (controlled by the DNI and LC) territory”, – he said.
“I always see them in the hotel, where they live. Those who come to us in the administration povezesh for lunch, and they were sitting there. I was talking to waiters:” This is the English club, or what? “- Said Moskal.
A spokesman for the OSCE in Ukraine CMM Michael Botsyurkiv declined to comment on the statement of Lugansk military and civil administration Gennady Moskal about the behavior of observers.
“I will not comment on such a statement to the governor, but I remind you that it is very hard times, with respect to the shelling, we later bilaterally talk about it” – he said.”
Communist Party wants Soros Foundation banned in Rus
USA wants sanctions adjusted so they can buy Rus rocket engines…
Kiev’s attitude toward its citizens in the eastern part of the country was succinctly summed up by Poroshenko, who famously declared:
-“Our children will go to school, to kindergarten, while theirs’ will hole up in basements. This is how we will win this war!”-
His statement has got to be the first time in recorded history that a government leader has boasted about targeting children in wartime.(sic)
Read more here:
All is in God hands.
What is sure is that He loves all ppl.
But He will judge everyone… on earth or in Heaven.
Evil and Good.
Find who is who and u’ll get a idea on how this will end.
Uhm…the souls in Heaven have been judged already.
Dont’ bet on it, Brian. Don’t delude yourself that you escaped it.
putin and especially lavrov has really messed up. what novorussians could have achieved by february this year-these two duo have sabotaged just to please their anglo enemis !
russia deserves to be defeated with such attitude. Russia will succumb to thousand cuts one by one-which she has foolishly allowed to be forced on her.
instead of talking and acting tough-Russia has given way in all steps.
now anglos are going to enter ukraine one pretext of uno and just like russia supported Yemen resistance to be destroyed by sauidis they will support that step as well and then anglos will target russian missiles.
it is very hard for the average American to get the real truth of most of these conflicts around the world because of the control over mainstream media by government and the CIA, in Europe there is more alternate news or should I say true news that the people are privy to, the most BLATENT cover up by the CIA is their involvement of the Malaysia airlines sabotage and 2 DUTCH reports of their involvement that were silenced by the CIA, also their is a suspicion across Europe that nearly all or at least 98 percent of sabotaged planes mostly Malaysian were a CIA INFLICTED, and DR RON PAUL is absolutely right that the CIA is out of control and it is past time for them to be eliminated, America may have some of the European leaders controlled by threats or blackmail but not it’s people, shame on the American people RON PAUL should have been president at least 10 years ago, I think that all AMERICANS should study and listen to the speech of JFK given to the press in 1963 because only then will they completely understand what the truth really is when it is given by the last honest president that America ever had.
Ukrainians strip to their underwear in order to be eligible for a discount on second hand clothes:
Meanwhile …some of those stripped to their underwear were still wearing gold chains. Wonder where these “used clothes” came from.
This hatred of the “colorado beetles” is not new. I remember early 90’s when I asked a group of them in Brooklyn NY, if they were Russian.
They were vehemently insulted by my question.
At that time I had no clue
It surely must be frustrating, that the Russian administration refuses to see reason, but remains reticent to cooperate! For that, they will feel the wrath of the Empire! It’s the only way the Empire rolls, ladies and gentlemen, so get used to it, and if you can’t, well, you’re just wrong-headed and you will be eliminated.
Why do Putin and Lavrov have to be so stubborn? It’s because they do not forget precedent when dealing with the Empire and that unwelcomed Empire interruption of Ukrainian internal affairs right on the doorstep of Russia is like a burr under the saddle. But wait, wasn’t that about human rights and democracy?
What the Russian administration wants from Ukraine is not their territory, but a partner in economic terms, and for that, Ukraine must have some semblance of a healthy economy within her borders in order to be able to trade. As it is, nothing like that exists any longer, and it has long-term negative impact on developments that affect an entire continent, not that there’s no “work-around.” Washington doesn’t see it this way because those developments were taking place with out US permission and consultancy, moreover, they were planned without considering the de facto world reserve currency.
As it turns out, while Yanukovich was perhaps not the best choice for head of state, what Ukraine got instead of him was the absolutely worst possible choice in Poroshenko who is simply unfit for office, as well as his band of nazi orks that are running amok and have become a negative force in their own right. It may be that now that they’ve been unleashed they will have to burn themselves out, and that’s bad for Ukraine in the long run because there’s no telling how long they persist- a reasonable argument is they will last for as long as the Empire has use for them and as long as they themselves haven’t collapsed (which I see coming).
Please, please, stop using the term US to denote the western PTB. By doing so includes all citizens of the US, which is not the case. Most citizens have no idea about any of this, and are struggling with abuse by the same PTB. Call them Washington, western oligarchs, something. Calling them US just increases animosity between people who should be working together, and hopefully will at some point in time.
CIA is out of control in US, and citizens should vote for someone who is not part (or bribed) in the military industry, ” the people” shou
There are no choices — the system is rigged, and no alternatives are allowed to run.
Absolutely true, yet few see it. Dems/Repubs are two sides of the same coin and since the USA is not a democracy but a plutocracy, plutocrats ensure that no outsiders get in.
The USA has the best government that money can buy.
“The USA has the best government that money can buy.”
That was perhaps true in the past, but now it’s such shoddy merchandise the Lemon Law could be invoked.
It’s bad enough being ruled by tyrants heading an empire, but worse when they are such incompetent losers: we get neither democracy and sanity nor a working empire — just a train going over a cliff.
First we have to stop worshiping the military before there can be any clarity. After that there has to be a plan which totally bypasses the criminals in Washington.
A plan like this:
It is doable, bloodless, legal and Constitutional. Unfortunately it will not be possible without a total financial collapse of the current regime, which could come at any time.
And no Tim, most US citizens have no idea about this, and shame on them for not being responsible enough to search the truth out.
Riverdrinker: America Again is an odd and mixed bag, at first glance. They appear to support John Wilkes Booth, after wrapping themselves in the stars and stripes with plenty of homilies for simple, down trodden Americans. Please explain. Lincoln was bad, Jefferson Davis was good? Seriously???
You’re right Tim, and thanks for pointing it out. It’s this shorthand we use- assuming everyone understands that US means the government corporation, as opposed to the people, but as you point out, it becomes an all-inclusive broad brush that paints everyone in the country, and all are guilty of the sins of a hegemony that Americans have been trying to bring under control for as long as I can remember.
Whos fault is it that most citizens don’t give a puk?
The ones who actually care are few in number. The ones who are arrogant enough to think they are gods creation and the rest are expendable outnumber this number by quite a margin.
As you say.. They are collateral damage. So please stop with the its not the people. Yes it is the people. There are quite a few in there who don’t like what is happening, I am sure the blacks would like the entire system to be changed. But that is not because of what that system does to others, its just another selfish reason.
I used to believe otherwise before, that was before I found myself on the other end. See, by your callous indifference you cause me suffering. Even if I have nothing to do with things directly. And in the end I will suffer as much as everyone else, the guilty and innocent alike. And mass destruction does not leave the innocent untouched. But you could join the rest of us to fight the evil. But leave you alone because you are one of the good guys? Not a chance.. Boosh was very accurate when he said, you are either with us, or against us.
The Poverty of the Fourth Estate.
A headline article from the major Anglo/Zionist/American Propaganda organ, the New York Times, should make it clear just how the story of the War in Europe is being told to the American people, and many other NYT readers.
Too many American people, as well as Europeans are as clueless about the actual history of this War in Europe, as they were about the War Against Vietnam, 50 years ago. The Saker is one of the few, and most successful, in attempting to pierce the wall of imperialist propaganda, and shed some light amidst the fog. But, in a nation of 320 million, how many know the facts, (or at least the other side of the story)?
Note; the NYT article has not a drop of truth in it. It treats the victims as the aggressors. There is not a scintilla of balance in their description of the war in Southeast Europe. Half a century ago, the NYT had a more balanced approach to the war Against Vietnam. They described anti-war demonstrations, without spitting on the participants.
In 1965, they covered up for the American Military/CIA/Zionist Holocaust against the Indonesian supporters of President Sukarno’s Nationalist Party, and his electoral allies, the PKI (Indonesian Communists). But in their cover up, they admitted the carnage, and conceded the excesses (feel free to Google, “Indonesian Massacres” and peruse). One million Indonesians were butchered (almost the entire Indonesian Middle Class). In Vietnam, 2 million died, mostly civilians, mostly from American bombing.
In 2015, 50 years later, there is no pretense of balance in the American media. The Liberal imperialists at Huffington Post, or MSNBC, are more strident Russian, and Putin haters, than the Conservatives at FOX (check it out). The CIA remnants of the Marxist Lemonist organizations, claim to support the “Deformed Workers’ States” of Donetz and Luhansk, but not Russia itself, (which is capitalist). These Lemonists, even manage a touch of sympathy for China and North Korea (which are also deformed workers’ states), but they have none for the functional Democratic Republic of Russia, which sports a multi-party electoral political culture, and actually confronts the imperialists throughout the planet.
The nation/people who have effectively slowed the expansion of the imperialist Oligarchs, have few friends indeed. While there is a significant (but submerged) amount of sympathy for Russia, in America, and throughout the world, the sympathizers are passive, intimidated, and disorganized. Many are trapped in the twin (oligarch approved) democrat and republican gangs. They feel old and tired by the time they are 16 years of age. They are sedated, brainwashed, poorly informed; They have never heard of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, or Promethius.
Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Ventura, even Jimmy Carter, are blacked out of the media In America, (and therefore, rendered into invisible non-persons). Here, there are few Decembrists. They are our hope.
The Novorossyan Militia are putting up one hell of a fight.
For the Democratic Republics! Here and There!
Yes, in complete agreement. But only Americans themselves can fix this very American problem, no one else can!
Peter, they don’t call it the New York Slimes for nothing. Wall St = Empire’s Original New World Outpost = Main Sewage Media. The enemy within.
Prometheus I will endorse. Jefferson, not. See Manhattan’s Struggle for Human Freedom Against the Slave Power of Virginia, by Robert Ingraham, May 8 Issue of Executive Intelligence Review:
Americans get real fuzzy and confused on a lot of their iconic “heroes” that they need to re-examine.
Jefferson is one of those men. See Page 17 on his role in extending Salve Power through to 1861 with the sole exception of the election of John Quincy Adams.
Another is Andrew Jackson. How can a man that led in the genocide against the Cherokee Nation of the southeastern states to clear the way for slavery and King Cotton be chosen over Washington;s most trusted aide, Alexander Hamilton? Millions of ignorant American Patriots with good intent but the mental rigor of a plate full of spaghetti make this fatal error, because of the disorientation from the Wall St media 200+ years ago!.
It’s ok. The crucible of crisis will float a lot of the slag away. Wall St is in a world of desperation now, and if they don’t take the world down in flames with them, prospects for revitalizing the American population, in alliance with the BRICS nations will be very bright indeed. Check out the Thursday evening activist call of June 4 with Mr LaRouche and you will be surprised at the quality of many of the particpants and questioners, on the subject of Russia and Eastern Ukraine, particularly the third questioner from the beginning, if I recall correctly. No parsing of the grimness of the threat of general (nuclear ) war. But why does it loom so heavily at this time? Because the smell of victory against them is in the air.
Mind & Soul,
Andrew Jackson was a genocidal slave owning homicidal maniac. He was only a child at the time of the American Revolution & had no ties with the founders.
Jefferson, was the ideological theoretician of the American Revolution. Washington called him the leader of the revolution. Most of the founders were slave owners; and most of the rest profited off slavery. If you oppose the American Revolution, Say So!
***In the context of the time,*** Jefferson, as with John Locke, were revolutionary leaders. If you cannot examine Jefferson’s ideas, ( you will throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is a reason that Jefferson is rarely examined in American history classes. The Oligarchs cannot answer his approach to empowerment of the new generations, or his approach to the value of property.
Marx also was a pro-colonialism racist, but his economic analysis has some value. For Jefferson, you must read Richard Matthew’s “The Radical Politics of Thomas Jefferson” Start from there.
If you cannot abide Jefferson, then how do you view the way forward for humanity, and how would you restore the American Republic? Don’t just snipe! Show the way!
Some deny Lennon’s IMAGINE because of his line, “A Brotherhood of Man” He wrote it that way, and excluded ‘Women’ because, Man rhymed. Shall we condemn Lennon and the finest song of the 20th Century over that? We can also deny Picasso, & his “Guernica” because he was a male chauvinist.
The restoration of the American Republic cannot be accomplished without Jefferson, and most of the other Founders helping.
What can we do to arouse the American citizens to restore our Republic?
Where do we meet?
Where do we leaflet?
Where do we demonstrate?
Where do we fight?
Peter: On the left coast. You’d like it out here! Just joking.
I respect your reading suggestions. Let’s compare notes and do something long distance under the geographical constraints. There are plenty of mixed bag personalities and actors in every nation’s history and even the best of them can err. Can’t we all? Which principles operating within which figures were beneficial principles and which were erroneous, harmful non-principles, even tragically so, in terms of evil content?
Jefferson was neither all good nor all bad, that’s for sure. Unfortunately, he was operating in Virginia. And the networks there were not the best, to be charitable about it.
I’m sure there is common ground. You’ll hear from me. Just slammed, but that won’t be a constant refrain.
Peter, Also too often rushed and have a bad habit of typing a response before signing in.
Fly the American flag with 13 stars. I do. A reminder that America once had principles, leadership and substance. And maybe that DNA isn’t totally dead.
Dear Peter,
I live in PA and would like to know more about your newsletter. I googled but came up with zero. Got a Link?
TIA Christine
TIA Christine,
Use my other email
Family resided many years in Allentown.
Just IN:
After murders of Oles Buzina and Oleg Kalashnikov Ukrainian Wikipedia names famous historian and journalist Miroslava Berdnik a “terrorist”
De-facto it means that the authors of this Wikipedia article are calling for the murder of Miroslava Berdnik. Wikipedia is backed by CIA.
Here is one of Berdnik’s articles recently published by fortruss:
Ukrainian nationalists were preparing an armed uprising in Western Ukraine as a pretext for German invasion on the eve of WWII
The situation in Syria is also very dangerous. Some analysis on what is happening on the ground. But from the look of things, I think I can perfectly understand why Hezbollah does not work with the SAA an Iran is training their own fighters. I never understood why people never fought to the death. They get captured or killed and then get their freaking heads chopped off. Are they such cowards? I can see if the officers run off leaving the men to face experienced shock troops alone but why cant they find any good officers to lead the men? In every case the SAA fled the scene without putting up much of a fight leaving behind large amounts of weapons. While fleeing most of them also died. Same as in Iraq.. It seems the IS tactic is simple.. massive artillery type barrages, then large truck bombs taking out the pillars and then swarm in. The Syrian troops are shell shocked and easy defeated. You would think 5 years later they would be short of weapons.. Seems they can arm the IS and a few other terrorists groups as well. Seems Syria has lost radar coverage for most of the country now. So Turkey can fly around without fear of detection. Maybe the new Iranian trained troops will change things because the Syrian conscripts don’t seem to have many competent officers to lead them to battle. They have plenty to lead them away from it.
Please do yourself a favor and stop reading that site. This site has the truth on it.
Alexander Zakharchenco:
UAF suffered 400 dead,1000, wounded
There is also serious trouble between French and US NATO commands, so something like a false flag in Poland may be on the cards: the Polish elites have been heavily involved in the Ukraine project.
Kiev is between a rock and a hard place – if they don’t get a ‘victory’ over the Novorossiyans soon, they will default. The IMF cannot keep spinning their fictions/playing for time. So I think you are right Saker.
I wonder if the Germans now realise what a pile of elephant dung they’ve stepped into?
No comment necessary
Some more de-bunking of ‘Sputnik’ International ??? aka ‘reports’
here :
Are Sputnik like the Moscow Times,Carnegie Moscow Centre etc etc ???.
zerohedge article on the pros of Russia “losing” the World Cup hosting
Dangerous situation in the Donbass: Per article in RI. It appears that it does not matter what Russia/Donbass does or does not do, the sanctions will be extended. So much for all the sacrifices of ” taking it in the chin, for the gipper”. So how much longer is the Donbass going to have to take it with essentially their hands tied behind their back for the sake of this diplomatic shell game?
Remember the martyr Mozgovoi? By the way, the usual tit for tat is that–OK you did one of ours, well, lets show you how we can do one of yours? This is not for revenge particularly but for morale reasons—to demoralize the gloating other side and to encourage the people on your side that they will be honored by an act of justice if there is such a thing in war.
Let’s be clear- the cannon fodder rounded up by NATO and their neo-Nazi quislings in Kiev do NOT want to fight- they know the outcome is always a Russia crafted meat grinder, where the forces of the neo-Nazis suffer terrible casualty rates.
But their NATO masters know this, and consider the game no different from when cannon fodder was rounded up on an industrial scale during WW1, and forced to fight whether they wanted to or not.
Ukraine is a nation under complete war-time control. Only a few days back, laughing neo-Nazis stated they’d attend the LGBT march in West Ukraine, and hand out legal conscription papers to all attendees, forcing them into NATO’s war machine. How many times have I watched anti Nazi propaganda depicting wartime Nazi Germany persecuting exactly the same types of citizen? It is so ‘in your face’.
Anyway, what propagandists on our side don’t point out is that NATO planners understand a ‘tipping point’ will be reached, when the very force of societal militarisation in West Ukraine will ensure they will fight a war regardless of the overall feelings of the population. Why do you think war trainers from every major NATO nation are in West Ukraine as I type?
How many innocent civilians will die in Novorussia when the great push begins? How many our our brave defenders will perish? The neo-Nazis can’t win, but NATO doesn’t expect them to. Death and destruction on an unthinkable scale is all NATO needs. And idiots on both sides cheering the war, while never giving a second’s thought to peace, or the suffering of ordinary Humans.
NATO is amassing one of the greatest land armies of the modern age. Equipped with astonishing reserves of ground-to-ground weapon systems. What does Putin call this threat? Practise. Yet even as Russia lazily defeats this gigantic army, Putin gives less than zero consideration to the Human cost. And this fact should horrify all of us.
An alternative that will never happen has Russian peacekeepers storm into Ukraine, within minimum casualties as the forces of the neo-Nazis immediately give in, ending the war and beginning the process of partition. A policing action that we were once told was the duty of any modern civilised army. Instead, propagandists on both sides demand you think that policing actions are the worst use of military force, and that dirty wars with maximum harm to ordinary people are the only way to go.
The brave defenders of Novorussia want victory conditions. Moscow denies them this. Moscow controls the purse strings, and Moscow alone has the expertise to defeat NATO proxies. Our brave people don’t get even the slightest say about their own destiny.
I cannot imagine what it means to be a citizen of Novorussia at this time- knowing that one lives in a perpetual battleground where the future has no certainty whatsoever, and that is just fine as far as the true sponsor of Novorussia is concerned. A never-ending war where the one focus is always being ready to hold back the neo-Nazi hordes. It is like the dystopian nightmare of 1984.
We admire the efficiency of the best Russian military experts, as they burn NATO’s state-of-the-art gear to dust- Russian special operations in this conflict have been just magnificent. But would you want to live amongst such activity every day of your life? It should be Israel and Saudi Arabia feeling the wrath of Russia’s might, not idiot neo-Nazis raised to minor power by foul American interference.
Simple question: why can USA openly deploy its military in Ukraine whilst sanctioning Russia on baseless claims being involved in Ukraine? Why can’t Russia openly and publicly send their generals and lethal weapons to Eastern Ukraine in support of the rebels? Also why don’t the rest of the world with Russia sanction America for their actions? It was so obvious the planning of the coup in Kiev USA being behind it.
Do you have any updates on what is actually happening??
There is a lot of negative opinion on here.
And not any actual facts. It’s actually very depressing reading such negativity it is exactly like reading the mainstream media.
Dear Guest,
It is so comfortable for you to live in DeNial, a cozy little place where no one can hurt your gentle self. No negativity, everything said must be positive and only positive, never doubt, never be critical, never criticize. Just ask your elders for advice. Exactly what the rules of employee conduct anywhere in the American corporate world dictate.
your not saker
I am not addrssing you so keep your comments to yourself.
The plan is dethroning Putin and breaking up Russia into a compliant vassal state as in the Yeltsin days. Ukraine is one of the means to achieve that by dragging Russia into war and weakening it.
It’s all about US hegemony, the oil-backed ponzi $US, and their perception that Russia and China stand in their way of dominating the world. Read up on Manifest Destiny, the Grand Cheessboard and the PNAC.
Few dare to oppose the USA; the penalties are too severe.
Love the Cheeseboard!
Pretty funny! In a great hurry, I had no idea I had made that typo. Perhaps though it was a Freudian slip?
I am sure Zbigniew Brzezinski would not be impressed. So sorry Zbig.
Read this swill from the former Canada’s Herr Harper:
Stephen Harper is heading to Ukraine to demonstrate solidarity just as Kiev’s war with Russian-backed rebels escalates
It’s enough to make you weep.
As a Canadian I agree with “enough to make you weep” or die of embarrassment. Thankfully most ignore the automaton Harper’s yapping as that of the paid court jester who has drank one to many cups of the neo conservative cool aid. The sooner Canada rids herself of Harper and his intellectually starved loud mouths the sooner we can get down to rebuilding the nation that most Canadians want.
Here’s an update to make your blood boil:
Harper pledges funds, equipment for Ukraine as fighting intensifies
Note the OSCE’s Michael Bociurkiw is Ukrainian and the OSCE only appears to monitor from the ‘rebel’ side and of course he only sees their defensive movements.
@Sanctuary One and BRF
can’t remember where I read this: There is a CIA agent installed in the OSCE team.
Was it Scott’s article? Not sure
Dear Saker,
Is there any possibility of finding out from Michael Hudson whether he thinks IMF has to be disbanded due to its money/credit creation controls upon each nation’s central bank? (Not due to its predatory loan policies; I think everyone understands that conditionalities are just a way to funnel assets into the pockets of the 1%)
A simple question – about that elephant in the room.
Until a short while ago we all recognized the naked fact that Putin’s amazing build-up of Russia depended almost exclusively on the sales of oil and gas to Western Europe. You know, Gasprom, contracts, this country, that country, this stream, that stream, and so on.
And that is(was) the income that finances(d) the entire envious Russian military resurgence! You know, the stuff you saw on the Parade.
Pray tell: do you see the elephant? Standing right beside us in this tiny room? And I mean, right now (while the China thing is still millions of parsecs away)?
Hi, Saker. Thanks for the caution re danger. I was dismissing the latest hostilities as just an excuse to renew sanctions. But you’re right; they may also be trying to muddy the waters w peacekeepers.
I also think you’re right that the Russians are out of patience. Moreover, Minsk2 is such a great legal box that that they’ve prepared that surely they intend to use it. This quote by a Duma deputy perhaps s/b taken seriously, “If there are serious full-scale hostilities, Russia will not be able to stay on the sidelines. I do not exclude that if Minsk-2 will be buried, in this case Russia will have a reason to abandon the preamble of the Minsk agreements – the guarantees of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. And it can be even more serious than military intervention,” warned the politician.
I also think there are actions by the US that are tending to make it difficult for Russia to wait too much longer: US use & militarization of port of Odessa and all their jabber about stationing (more) missiles in Europe.
Also, re Transnistria, the firmness of the intention stated here may be significant:
5/29/15 The Russian Federation intends to create an air bridge through its military aviation in order to connect with the break-away region of Moldova, Transnistria. The initiative follows Ukraine’s decision to ban the transit of Russian military troops to Transnistria.
The announcement was made by Yuri Yakubov, the coordinator of General Inspectors Department of the Defense Ministry of Russia. He stressed that the air bridge will be built to supply the Russian army from Transnistria and the peace-keeping troops.
“Now, when Ukraine denounced all the military agreements (with us), the Ministry of Defense has nothing but to transport the necessary supplies to these military units by using the military aviation”, stated Yakubov, quoted by Interfax.
Thank you so much for the analysis.
Re: false flags, don’t forget the chlorine gas one apparently in preparation:
5/29/15 Kiev/US preparing chemical weapons. same
@ The Saker
“… Russian “invasion” (which would be a liberation, of course) is now the only and last option left …”
True. However, it is 100% certain that it won’t happen. Putin has completely given up on it more than a year ago. He probably realizes that his capitalist Russia too much depends on the West, economically and financially. (Though, where he is actually going isn’t clear. The resurgence of the most notorious “Atlantic Integrationists” (Kudrin et al.) is only one indication of the wind direction, and besides, the difference between AI and ES is ultimately only marginal, apparently the same cabal makes all the important (non)decisions. Novorussia has been written off long ago, not to mention Malorussia.)
you are being very negative aren’t you? on what evidence?
Do you have anything to back up or explain this bit, please —
The resurgence of the most notorious “Atlantic Integrationists” (Kudrin et al.)
What resurgence? what have they done? where? it’s all news to me.
@Kat Kan Sorry, the answer on a wrong thread:
Yes I found it there. Perhaps repost it here and I’ll report mine, too.
— Novorussia has been written off long ago, not to mention Malorussia
Who told you so ? – Don’t listen to the person any more :)
Yes, the Americans will pull out all the stops they can with this last push by the Ukrainian military and Nazi militias. Under US nuclear doctrine tactical nukes have been legitimized. Would the Americans dare use such weapons as a way of drawing in the Russian hand? Or the disabling of a nuclear reactor as a false flag aimed at Russia seeing as MH-17 is wearing thin? The Americans may be getting desperate as the Ukrainian situation deteriorates, or perhaps their own economic situation, of which we have no way of telling at what crisis state it is in?
“… lethal weapons”? Until now I didn’t know there are non-lethal weapons:)
Anyhow, I don’t think there is a danger of any escalation. Instead, the ziofascists are playing for a low-level long conflict “until the frog is cooked.” They know by now that the ukrops aren’t capable of overrunning DNR & LNR, & that Russia can’t be baited into an invasion. Hence, that’s their only option.
You know I’m Brazilian, nationalistic, Slavic by parent etc. .
I suggested you move to Brazil.
I have a bad feeling that the northern hemisphere will turn radioactive barbecue to October 2015 ..
For my part all right, I’m 53 years well lived.
If worry is the health of my two children and future grandchildren if any.
As you may remember, I am Geographer and fan Ives Lacoste, who wrote the brochure “Geography, it serves primarily to make war.”
Your concerns are my with respect to climate, atmospheric pressure and humidity in Donbass.
The next four weeks will be decisive.
Putin is being mild?
This summer I think so, for now …
You know a Slav in extreme situations acts by instinct and the answer is insanely disproportionate to the threat.
That’s what I’m afraid when I get acoado.
The people I work with know me, know and have witnessed my share of attitudes that are not politically correct.
I believe it is genetic.
Who knows where it comes from well knows where it goes.
Saker, my salary as a teacher in Brazil restricts the will to send donations to you.
I know that solidarity does not fill belly.
At this point, the only thing I can do is write these meager lines and fill you thanks.
Saker & Team.
Você sabe que sou brasileiro, nacionalista, eslavo por parte de pai etc. .
Já sugeri a você mudar para o Brasil.
Tenho um péssimo pressentimento que o Hemisfério Norte irá virar churrasco radioativo até outubro de 2015..
De minha parte tudo bem, estou com 53 anos bem vividos.
Se me preocupo é com a saúde dos meus dois filhos e futuros netos se houver.
Como você deve se lembrar, sou Geógrafo e fã do Ives Lacoste, aquele que escreveu a brochura “Geografia, isso serve primeiro lugar fazer guerra”.
Suas preocupações são as minhas no que tange a clima, pressão atmosférica e umidade em Dombass.
As quatro próximas semanas serão decisivas.
Putin está sendo ameno?
Nesse verão creio que sim, por enquanto…
Você sabe que um eslavo em situações extremas age por instinto e a resposta é insanamente desproporcional à ameaça.
É isso que tenho medo quando fico acoado.
As pessoas com quem trabalho me conhecem, sabem e já presenciaram atitudes de minha parte que não são politicamente corretas.
Creio que isso é genético.
Quem sabe de onde vem sabe muito bem para onde vai.
Saker, meu salário como professor no Brasil cerceia a vontade em enviar donativos a você.
Sei que solidariedade não enche barriga.
Nesse momento, a única coisa que posso fazer é escrever essas parcas linhas e encher você de agradecimentos.
Saker & Equipe.
I’m very sorry that I posted that stupid comment the other night; I was just trying to get a rise, and I did.
Perhaps stupider than me was Peter the Great and his Window on the West. He let the bastards in.
Good essay on the betrayal of Russia by the US and the West:
Evidently, nobody here knows that Peter was the father of the Russian Navy.
Das Vidanya
Oligarchs on both “sides” waging war with private armies and state funded high tech gadgetery while steering up nationalism in absurdum. The fake “religion” of commersialism and “national” “sportinduced” Brainwashing. The parochial era of democracy is giving way to military nazism and Authoritarianism. Divide et impere indeed.
Politics on all side refrain from even the slightest hint of self criticism. Incidentely one of Habermas’ biggest pillars of political criticsism. To own fortunes are not enough for these power mongers and psychopath. Destroying the world as a legacy to their own esoteric brainwashing and legacy to theri own kind o people. While the sheeple is runnign around in the gutter bying their produce.
What a sham humanity is. Bloodmoney for power and greed.
What about an attack on Transnistria which would force Russia to defend and thus the necessary pretext to maintain sanctions?
I ride my bike a lot. I am about Kerry’s age.
How do you break your LEG falling off a bike after hitting a curb?
I can see a head injury and some scrapes, maybe even an arm break, but not a leg break. How could the impact be great enough to bust the femur of a big strong male homo sapiens?
Guy survives Vietnam and breaks his leg biking when he hit a curb????? Can’t he drive?
Come to think of it, maybe this is a microcosmic communication regarding USA foreign policy.
Eats rubbish. Old. Osteoporosis. Or taking “osteo-preventative” drugs which is worse. And they said something about a hip operation site near this latest fracture.
Well, one can sense “foaming in the mouth” hatred for “independent Ukraine” concept. Don’t think it would make any difference whether those “ukronazis” even existed, that is not the issue. Back around the early 1930’s in the USSR, as historical records seem to bear out,—don’t even know for sure if this was Stalin’s original idea or from some other source,—there was a reversal of previous policies of Ukrainization in Ukraine or of fostering anything or anyone non-Russian in the USSR. The concept was the so-called “confluence of nations” [zlyttia narodiv] to create a so-called “Soviet man” or “Soviet person”. He was to be strictly Russian-speaking and Russian cultured, also, fanatically dogmatically atheistic, also, obedient to the “communist party” leaders without question or objection.
Needless to say, Stalin’s enforcement of this confluence of nations was by destroying many non-Russians in specific ways for not being Russian [enough]. Correct, not only Ukrainians were targets, other nationalities were targeted as well. There were various degrees of mass murders and cultural suppressions, typically with killing educated ethnic groups [like Turks did with the Armenians],—and this was right around the time Hitler was put in power by the German elites who of course realized that if Stalin ever got to them, they would be dealt with like the tsar and his family, losing not only property and social/class rank, but just becoming exterminated by the rival USSR communist party elite.—Then there was a copying by German fascists of the mechanisms already pioneered and established in the USSR,—one party-elite,—secret police rule by rage and terror,—administrative mass murder by death camps, labor camps, etc.,—the concept of leadership as one leader, like a “god king”, in some mystical mind-meld with the “masses” or the “volk” so that no checks and balances, no elections, no curbs on the leader’s/vozhd’s/fuehrer’s powers were desirable. It is in the details of this evil mechanism of rulership that Hitler’s system and Stalin’s system were very similar and rather equivalent. Of course, the main targets were different,—racial and ethnic enemies for the Reich, whereas social/class enemies for the USSR.
The sources of support were also different, being shadowy megacapitalists supporting Hitler and according to many arguments, other shadowy secretive societies supporting Stalin,—and all of the supporters for both systems coming from within the backalleys of the “West”.
The Novorussians,—neo-stalinists, neo-monarchists, looks like supporters of a renewed concept of the “Soviet people”. It would be one thing if they stood for the indigenous Ukrainian non-racist socialism, as a true alternative to the Ukrainian so-called racist fascism, but they and their supporters are simply, terrified of “Ukrainians”, the whole concept, so I think. Something like North Korea terrified of contamination by the supposedly “degenerate” South Korea. So they want to be led and controlled by the oligarchs and the government straight out of the Moscow power-centre.
And they would be happy even to give away other portions of Ukraine, portions for control by Poland, portions for control by Hungary, portions for control by Romania, I mean, just divide up the land among any of the other “legitimate” countries of Eastern Europe, even something for Bulgaria or Serbia, or Albania, or Turkey, if that were possible, just as long as there exists no “independent Ukraine” of any sort, and as long as all Ukrainians are under strict control by somebody, anybody, else.—Now, why is that?—And let’s remember, just before the rise of those “ukronazis” the country of Ukraine was economically traumatized and moribund, hardly expansionist-aggressive, and it was the 40,000,000 population country that had undefended borders, and no professional operative military at all to speak of, only 6000 combat-ready soldiers it was said. Big threat to Russia or anyone else!—Can’t help but somewhat chuckle at the notion, those 6000 immortals just surging invincibly across all of Russia, straight at Moscow, taking over the Kremlin, leading Putin & Co away in handcuffs, putting up the original trident emblem of Great King and Kahan Volodymyr Sviatoslavych the christianizer of Kyivan Rus, onto the spires of the Kremlin, in place of the non-indigenous two headed Byzantine eagle or the occultistic-satanistic pentagram, likely inviting individual,—not corporate,—talented scientists and engineers from the USA, China, Japan and Germany to help build and modernize non-military industry, agriculture, develop the vast Siberian frontier, and there you would have it, the Ukrainians taking over Russia!—Leaving aside all that speculative nonsense about NATO taking over the Crimea, or putting NATO troops and missiles on Ukrainian territory,—wasn’t it the case that NATO has 10,000 times said “no” to any Ukrainian membership therein? There is a steady drumbeat of accusations by the Russian authorities, about speculative future possibilities, American and/or NATO forces occupying Ukraine and using Ukraine as staging area for campaigns against Russia, all very remote and speculative, yet serving to rationalize preëmptive moves by those whole real ultimate objective, regardless of “ukronazis” or not, is simply to eventually obliterate any country and any concept of “Ukraine” primarily because it challenges the “god king” system of rulership which first burst on the scene under Ivan the Terrible and has had its roots in Russia ever since. But now Ukraine has little choice except to be dependent on the “West”, well, then at least it is not “indepedent”, at least somebody else is in control of the Ukrainians.
@ Anonymous on June 06, 2015 · at 5:00 pm UTC
“—Leaving aside all that speculative nonsense about NATO taking over the Crimea, or putting NATO troops and missiles on Ukrainian territory,”
What medication have you forgotten to take ?
Are you a Canadian or a US Ukie?, go read the archives here.
“American and/or NATO forces occupying Ukraine and using Ukraine as staging area for campaigns against Russia, all very remote and speculative”
You have a lot to catch up on buddy!
Trying to drown the present in the soviet past is useless.
Check out hours of violent Pravy Sektor ‘Ukro-Nazi’ videos, torchlit marches plenty of ‘seig heils’…..the USA used the ‘Bellamy Salute’, Canada and US into,eugenics,racial purity etc etc.
The Canadian and US governments have fostered and nurtured Banderist UPA/OUN for 70 years,for use against the Soviets and now Russia…..which has always been the target.
Your on the wrong website mate!
Vladimir Putin’s Interview to the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera
Excellent interview!
If history is any guide, also to try to cause a rift between Novorussia and CIS. The evil Russians brokered a one-sided peace deal in which the Ukronazis (Nazi being a derogatory term shunned by the National Socialists and also, look up the word–Nasi–in a Hebrew dictionary) can inflict harm at will with no penalty. If Russian support could be disrupted, the Ukies might have a slight chance at a military victory. Poland, of course, will be waiting in the wings to grab up some territory if this approach fails…
The Ukranians have good reason to hate the Russians. Not just for the mass murder of 8,000,000 by starvation but millions more at wars end by being sent to the gulags. What the Ukranians are doing now is stupid but hate is too powerful for reason. Don’t expect RT to tell you this.
8 million is Hearst Press propaganda and Hearst recruited Hitler and Mussolini in other contexts to write articles so you see how the fascists were underlings and anglo elites were directing. Harvard University has continued to spread those lies. 2 million may be closer to the truth. Some say 600 thousand. But the anglos always omit that they exported machine equipment, vital to the russian modernization of industry, but refused to accept payment other than in grain. Consequently the starvation was deliberately boosted by the anglos.
Britain was backing antirussian sentiments from the 30s to the 60s.
Hitler was an anglophile and was so heavily backed by the anglos that nazism was never quite an independent force.
Peter: Weighing what I know now versus what I thought in the 70’s and 80s, your reply to d grudge sounds quite accurate. Americans in particular need to do a great deal of re-evaluating of WW II and the Cold War. To keep our knees from jerking us into not resisting being stampeded into the service of Empire yet again, for the umpteenth time since the assassination of McKinley and becoming an Anglo-feely-feely nation in WW I and WW II.
We’re supposed to be a Republic, guys. Sad to say we were unable to keep what Ben Franklin and the founders gave us. Now we’ll have to regain it. We’re stupider now (on average) than 1770’s and 1780’s but we may have more allies than 2+ centuries ago, pulling for us, within a few years, if we can carry out a Hamiltonian reorganization of our financial system, bankrupt Wall St with restoration of Glass Steagall, stop pulling the Russian bear’s tail, and realize that Putin is ready to be our friend if we stop acting crazy and Obomber is likely to get us all killed if we don’t impeach him first.
The best part will be when the ukronazis fleeing across the border into NATO will give an opportunity to attack and smash the enemy in hot pursuit. There will be only one option for the NATO scum – either keep the fleeing ukronazis from entrance ( by firing upon them? and thereby destroying any chance of anyone ever cooperating with them again seeing the betrayal of the ukronazis ) or be destroyed as protector and supporter. The latter would be sweet. I’d personally go there to help liberate the NWO captive nations all the way to the Atlantic.
Either way NATO will collapse – either the betrayal of the ukronazis will destroy NATO’s credibility with other potential allies , resulting in eventual NATO demise., or NATO will be literally destroyed if the fight against the ukrainians pursuing the ukronazis.
Ukraine would be mad to try to ‘finish off’ the Donbass. Poroshenko may out gun the rebels, but 3 good defensive men counter 5 offensive. And the cost would be catastrophic. To finish off Novorussia, I’m guessing a hundred thousand deaths. Though under armed, the rebels have lots of artillery, mortors, small arms and lots of trained, battle experienced soldiers who have great moral and motivation. And the rebels have gotten a taste of winning.
There are too many cameras on the Donbass. A whole sale slaughter is what it would take to defeat the rebels, too many deaths and injuries on both sides. The world community would revolt against Poroshenko.
Have you considered Kiev might just be trying to purge Kiev of the Right Sector’s most powerful and violent members? Deliberately starting up the war again and sending the Right Sector to the front and to their deaths, would be an ingenious under-handed way to do so. Not only can Kiev blame Putin, Kiev can get the sympathy of the gullible US and EU sheep as they suffer massive losses of those they wanted to die anyway. To me it is so obvious, I will be surprised if the Right Sector radicals fall for it.
All that Russia has to do is take Donbass and Kiev. The rest will fall apart.
A new purely Czech and Slovak squad of anti-Maidan volunteers was established under DNR. Google search for “Interview with Czecho-Slovak anti-Maidan Legion in Donbass” if you want to know details about their life and work.