Dear friends,
Two quick messages:
First, by now most of you have heard that Alexander Dugin’s daughter has been murdered in a car bomb. The target was clearly Dugin himself. All I want to say at this point is that Dugin never was the “‘Russian world’ ideologue“ as RT so stupidly wrote. (The same goes for another supposed “ideologue of the Russian world” German Sterligov).
How many times did you hear Putin quoting Dugin? If anything, Putin’s ideological influences would be Ivan Il’in (also spelled Ilyin) and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, not Dugin.
Dugin was much more of a big thing in the West, not in Russia where most key players never took him seriously or, even less so, were influenced by him. None of that makes a difference to the abject act of cowardice and pure terrorism which the murder of his daughter is. And it does not take a genius to guess who was behind this attack – the same folks who have been terrorizing and murdering civilians en masse ever since the Euromaidan.
Unlike Russian officials, Dugin was not under the protection of the FSO and was an easy, if symbolic, target. Just a civilian with no special protective security detail. The ugly and cowardly nature of this murder has, once again, shown to those with eyes to see and ears to hear the true nature of the US backed Nazi regime in Kiev.
May God rest the soul of this latest victim of Nazi terror and all those who were also murdered before her!
Second, the blog was down for a few hours, but this was not an attack, just an internal issue which has now been solved.
I wish you all a great Sunday!
Kind regards
What will be the symmetrical response?
To exert substantial pressure why not shut down gas and oil deliveries for a month or three
Peter, no. Putin has made it quite clear that he does not want to harm ordinary, non-radical Ukrainians, esp from the Slav family. It’s like hacking away at a cancer patient by a surgeon, not using his skill, just cutting out willy-nilly. That’s why precision strikes are used & also no Tupolev bombers, he wants the minimum amount of civilian casualties.
Can you imagine what would have happened if the us military had attacked ukraine instead?
I agree with you, Ralph. The Ukraine will not be punished. Zelensky and his band of thugs will, someday. I believe it more likely that Putin further shuts down natural gas, oil, coal, mineral are rare earth deliveries to Europe. Why kick the master’s dog when you can kick the master.
To me it looks like Empire is moving to a new stage in the conflict.
It was anonced not to long ago that the US would activate their networks inside Russia, that would be f.i. to influence economic decision making etc. That is an attack on civil society to it’s detriment. It seems resonable to assume that there have been planing for this in order to break Russia suffering from effects of sanctions and war.
I’m wondering if the recent attack against ‘Drugin’ is part of this. I get, maybe mistakenly, the impression that he is an important figure in the more right wing political spectrum in Russia. Not all whom are satisfied with Putins ‘soft’ approach on various issues. The perceived lack of ‘revenge’ of his death, would have the potential to create a crack in society.
I find recent development disturbing. The Empire is begging for war, it looks like they will throw the population into the meat grinder … in the same way they have done with the Ukrainians.
I believe in the competence of the russian military personel, who will certainly identify and terminate the responsibles.
As german suddenly want to open NS2, I would answer: ”sorry guys” too late, all gas is already reserved for domestic purposes”.
Eventhough it would also be tempting to taste this capitulation fom the former Reich.
Or stop NS1 for the winter.
Come on man. Business is business. Gotta keep your priorities straight. Get the frozen funds returned and let Europe deal with a “slight” increase in cost of gas to cover rehabilitation of the Russian protected regions of Ukraine. War reparations by another name.
Think of the amusement, the mischief!!!
If business were business, then sanity would be sanity.
Germany has already been informed some time ago, that half of NS2 capacity have been reallocated/re-routed for domestic purposes on a long term basis.
What people don’t see is the politics that is being played in the background.
Scholz is under enormous PR pressure from the German media which are basically the arm of the US. The US is ready to replace him with a straightforward fascist. As much as I hate Scholz – he is still struggling against this pressure.
What you don’t see is that this admission to wanting to open NS2 is connected with an enourmous pressure on him and with several different ways they are trying to oust him (bare breasted women jumping into a photo session criticizing him for wanting to open NS2, for example – they are not a coincidence). He is fighting his fight. And if NS2 is opened, this would be a blow to the US which is counting on “keep Russia out, Germany down and the US in”. Opening of NS2 would partially break Germany free from the US. This would be a GOOD thing.
No. But an asymmetrical one is a real possibility. But first, the investigation has to produce facts. I personally feel confident that Kiev is behind it, but “confidence in” is not knowledge.
So let’s wait for the official reports.
It smells pure UK aka jihadists, or white helmets, gladio,fake chem in Syria etc…
with or without SBU.
Tonight I saw on twitter videos of long cars queues escaping Kiev en masse…same ZE junta asks people to stay home between 23 and 26 of August(teleworking if possible)
Curfew in Kharkov
There are pissing in their pants expecting a massive retaliation to decapitate centers of power in Kiev..
And the one for the poisoning of Russian soldiers in the Zaporizhya region with botulinum toxine type “B” of which there are large stockpiles in the USA?
Iskanders on all SBU offices?
Ukrainians are many things, but they are no backwards people.
They do not need US help in waging /primitive/ chemical warfare. You can manufacture stuff like this in your average (Ukrainian) high school lab. When you know how. And there are tens of thousand people in Ukraine who – if want – know. Ukraine is no US where physics and chemistry are bad words in schools.
That is besides nothing is confirmed.
And somehow they are happy to be the useful idiots for globalist cabal. Happy to bring their country to the end of its existence, in order to please their masters by playing a pawn it in the globalists’ war on Russia. They are beyond backwards.
Same could be said for the majority of the socalled West.
SBU offices are also prisons where they hold and torture dissidents. I think that’s a deterrent to simply bombing.
I read that this morning the head of Ukrainian SBU in Kirovohgrad has been found dead in his home with a gunshot wound through his chest.
Perhaps that is the symmetrical response? Unlikely, but possible. :)
Said to be self inflicted by local authorities but who knows? The ukes are serial liars, obviously
There will no symmetrical response, that’s the point: he wasn’t a Kremlin untouchable, just a Russian nationalist esotericist. A horrific attack all the same, that should be condemned in the West, as elsewhere, with same vehemence as the attack against Rushdie.
As tempting though in my opinion overrated as revenge may be, cooler heads will prevail; Russia’s agenda will proceed apace and the allies will not be distracted from achieving the goals they set to achieve. As cruel and ugly as this act was, it and recent terror attacks are but publicity stunts and an indicator of the PukroNazis’ inability to wage war, resulting in lowering themselves to terrorist attacks and attention grabbing stunts which will not suffice to affect the final outcome in their favour by any means.
Agree. She is a martyr in a brutal battle. The best revenge is success, with a cool head and a warm hearth.
Soroš, Gates, Musk all in same moment!
Women only vendeta would be:
Killary Clinton, Pelosi and Kim Kardashian ;)
Doing perceivably nothing absolutely drives them up the wall. Telegraphing a weakness can be a weakness. Enlightenment answers one’s childhoods dreams, in its own way, in its own time. In an addicted culture – the universe gives you exactly what you want, to the point that if you’re afraid you’re not getting it, you won’t.
Never. Russia is not a terrorist state.
Large amounts of long range anti-aircraft systems as well as full umbrellas of SHORAD systems are being amassed in Belarus, all in range to cover Ukraine. Belarusian airfields are showing high Russian Armed Forces activity. This suggests Russia is preparing for a large scale air attack on Ukraine.
The United States also suggested that Russia is preparing for something big, a “big attack” on Ukraine.
The US diplomatic mission in Ukraine’s capital has advised Americans to leave the country, warning that the security situation could deteriorate rapidly.
“The US Embassy urges US citizens to depart Ukraine now using privately available ground transportation options if it is safe to do so,” the embassy said on its website on Tuesday.
“The Department of State has information that Russia is stepping up efforts to launch strikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and government facilities.”
The attack was horrific, uncalled for by any sane standards, and very disheartening.
Not an analysis on my part, but just a gut response: I think this sad event will mark some kind of significant turning point. Time will tell.
If he was not important, why would he be targeted? I also severely doubt that the Ukraine would be able to strike in Moscow. Perhaps it was for another reason entirely unknown to us?
As I tried to explain, but okay, I will repeat it.
1) he was a symbol IN THE WEST
2) he was an easy target
==>> ALL Ukronazi operations are about PR, not about winning a war they already lost<<==
You also mentioned the risks associated with handing out Russian citizenships.
Yes, but just to clarify: the newly made Russian citizens form the Ukraine are a risk, yes, but the biggest risk is pro-Ukrainian elements in and from Russia. Again, there are few such elements, but enough to create a huge risk, especially in a society not willing to go full paranoid and enact the kind of total control the USSR had during WWII.
“Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.”
But nevertheless they can be very deadly operations, like the latest using botulinum toxine type “B”.
True. So we have, so far:
1) use of illegal cluster munition with illegal anti personnel mines
2) attempts to create a nuclear accident at the ZNP
3) attacks on the Russian power grid.
4) biological/chemical attacks against Russian troops
5) strikes on civilians everywhere
6) summary executions of Ukrainian soldiers NOT willing to fight
etc. etc. etc.
THAT is what the USA created, organized, financed and is still supporting to the hilt.
Just for funzies
The US Senate unanimously declared Russia a terrorist state…
May all the innocent blood shed by the satanic forces fall upon those who are guilty of these atrocities!
Couldn’t agree more.
7) Hiding behind civilians by, for example, shooting from schools and hospitals.
correct and agreed!
Did they actually go through with it and declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism? Trying to find an article about it. These pedophiles really know how to project.
American society suffers from the Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to Russia. Two hundred years of anti-Russian propaganda has done its job on even the semi educated,
Wrong many of us over hear see it for what it is.
I personally celebrated the operation in hopes elensky would be done away with and our tax dollars stop buying him a mansion in miami and elsewhere. If any idiot decides to push the button I will be in a better place, just as I would if I left and went to Russia.
The lack of enforcing the Minsk accords and thousands killed in the Donbass is rarely mentioned in our media but it comes up in comments in lots of places like here.
Many here do not know history.
«6) summary executions of Ukrainian soldiers now willing to fight»
e.c. noT [willing to fight]
There should be a construction boom in the west. Carpenters building gallows, rope manufacturing, drains installed, transportation accommodation, church services, prison industry, psychiatric care, Huggies, clothing rentals, funeral parlors etc; under the aegis of justice. A lot of work for the unemployed if the right thing is done.
The funeral industry is already booming beyond expectation, especially there where many got Pfizered or did some ‘dancing’ with Johnson and Johnson. SADS, peri- and myocarditis are fully à la mode nowadays.
Any information on the Botulism incident,can’t find anything?
RT covered it briefly. The soldiers were poisoned in Zaporizhzhia oblast, and are being treated in Moscow. RT reported the doctors could tell the botulism was a man-made variant.
Thank you once again for the clear insight.
Every comment I have read about him here starts out “I never read any of Dugin’s books, but…” and then goes on to project a bunch of absurd clown world nonsense onto the man.
I have read two books by Alexander Dugin: ‘Putin vs Putin’ and ‘The Fourth Political Theory. ‘ I had the feeling they were not all that well translated. Interesting but not too amazing. He promoted Neo-Eurasion and multi – polar world views.
I am appalled and very sorry about the tragic news.
Dugin is associated with this web site: but that’s in Russian.
The English translation comes a bit little later at For example, right now the Russian version has this murder as its top story, but it’s not yet on the English-language version. Yandex translate is your friend here.
Other than debunking the lie of the western media that Dugin is influential within the Kremlin, as a matter of decency, right now is not the time for anyone to evaluate Dugin’s work. Realize that we must mourn not just the callous murder of an intelligent and cultured woman, but also the additional damage to freedom of speech and freedom of thought.
«1) he was a symbol IN THE WEST
2) he was an easy target»
1) The question, to which you answer with this one of yours, was smart and pertinent. People, that are not children of “symbols”, get killed every day. Killing of children of “symbols” cannot be exempted from this ordinary dynamics of killings. So nothing should be given for granted.
2) If he was so an easy target, we wouldn’t get to the point of this Kafkian plot.
If Dugin was an easy target, he could have been easily taken, even by snipers. The fact that his daughter was the victim means that: 1) she was the real target or 2) the assassins made a huge mistake or 3) they saw that he was not in the car but decided to proceed with her assassination. The use of a powerful bomb at night provided a big show with fire for the MSM, a real PR stunt that has reverberated as people are blaming the ukronazis for it while asking a strong response from Russia. Was this operation a provocation and a strong Russian response its final goal?
@ Zzzzzzzzil
Having fun doing devil’s advocate. As for the rest I do not dear to answer your question since I guess it too often. Cheers. :)
Its a very sad story. Im on the theory these people must have known it was his daughter. Maybe or maybe not beforehand, but when they pushed the button.
His daughter is a much more “feel the pain” in the media than Dugin would have been. I see it as a typical (CIA/)MI6 job carried out by proxy.
Anyway it made a lot of anger in me too, such a dedicated young woman.
But my theory is only guess work. Hopefully these rats get rooted out. All the best.
My guess work :-o .
I respectfully disagree with Andrei. She was the target, and someone/something is using the SMO as cover for the murder. I would look into what she has written about since March for clues.
Driving her dad’s car, plausible, but highly unlikely. Sad none the less.
Any good criminal investigation would start at the event they were attending, see if there was any indication of surveilance.
the parking lot where the Toyota was parked did not have CCTV.
a least that is what the Investigative Committee (like a Russian “honest FBI”) had declared so far
There were surveillance cameras but they weren’t working “for a long time”. This shows how laxness, laziness and not taking the war seriously is costing Russian lives as well as finding the culprits.
“The explosive device was under the seat. Approximately 400 g of TNT, without shell. In the VIP parking lot, where her car was parked at the festival, surveillance cameras had not been working for a long time.”
This happens when you smoke your own sh*t that you sell!
I think that Dugin might be even a CIA asset…
The Ukrainians probably researched online whom they might target. And they found this “brains of Putin” guy. Sounds good to target Putins brains, right? :D
I suspect that they didn’t even know that Dugin was just a Western boy, but really a nobody in Russia.
Tragic and infuriating. May she rest in peace. I think it’s past time for some Kiev ‘decision-making centers’ to be eliminated.
Another criminal act by the Nazis. On August 4, Ukrainian army rockets struck the drama theater of Donetsk and a neighboring area, killing famed ballerina and teacher, Galina Vasilyevna Volodina, and one of her protégés, Katya Kutubaeva, 12, a rising young star with a brilliant future ahead of her.
For the last two days, Saker was under attack, and I was unable to connect.
No, we were not under attack, we had a maintenance issue now solved.
Don’t copy a link from your internal Gmail. This doesn’t work.
Try this link
My most sincere condolences to Don Alexander Dugin, and to all the families of those who die unjustly.
Nothing worse than the death of a child, and more so in these circumstances. Which reminds us that the devil plays dirty: When cornered he can cause a lot of pain, and killing civilians is a trademark of the evil empire and its henchmen.
You have to be vigilant. In the fight with Satan, you must not take anything for granted; not only the soldiers, but also the civilians who express relevant opinion, must take precautionary action.
This kind of sick bottomless evil has been going on since 9/11 2001, exhausting 21 years and the next 8 years ahead.
Such a tragic waste of life.
I’m very sorry.
We are dealing with forces that believe all life is a waste. Tragedy has nothing to do with it.
I’ve always known that Western media has lied about Dugin’s political philosophies. They’ve portrayed him as a Rasputin type figure, or a mad proponent of Russian world conquest. The pundits and journos who make these scurrilous claims are fully aware they’re lying. But they do it anyways.
When I heard the news about Dugin’s daughter, I google searched his name. An article at the top of the search results described him as a “Kremlin ultranationalist and fascist who is the architect of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.”
In other words, Western media is playing bait-and-switch: the truth about US/NATO’s Ukrainian proxies is projected onto a convenient Russian scapegoat, in this case Dugin.
Concerning Dugin’s alleged “influence” over the Kremlin, it’s been established for a long time that he has no such leverage. The man is just a professor at a Russian university. Not much more.
Patrick Buchanan, Reagan’s press secretary during the 1980s, has often said the effectiveness of US/UK propaganda is historically unparalleled. Buchanan supported his claim by pointing out that, today, over 70 years since WW2, most Americans are still confused about the origins of the war. He knows what he’s talking about.
The ugly English-language media hoopla about Dugin is a case lesson demonstrating the truth of Buchanan’s words. US/UK propaganda is still the world’s most effective form of mass-brainwash. Scary but true.
Regarding what just happened, we know about Putin’s reactions in the past when he spoke of “provocations.” There is no known response, no clear reaction, so as not to allow the “provocation” to bear fruit (i.e., when the Russian ambassador in Turkey was murdered). This kind of thing (meaning, intentions) has some relation to his KGB experience.
“Buchanan supported his claim by pointing out that, today, over 70 years since WW2, most Americans are still confused about the origins of the war. He knows what he’s talking about.”
Patrich J. Buchanan (and Paul Craig Roberts too) downplay the sole responsibility of Hitler as to the origin of WWII; for a determination of that issue, a writer needs to have all the books that all the German collaborators of Hitler in Germany wrote about that era. I don’t think they have those books! Most Americans are right and Buchanan (no scholar) is wrong.
Read Germany’s War and you’ll arrive at a different conclusion (which is no apology for Nazism) by the way
It was, in fact, Churchill & Roosevelt who wanted war with Germany
Main culprits for WWII, Britain and France. They controlled the League of Nations and used it to punish Germany for the War that they started.
While I consider that to be true, I consider certain ‘elements’ in those countries to be responsible. The same elements that brought us 9/11 and every war since.
Germany’s War – John Wear
Concept: ‘No one’ in Germany wanted war against France or England, including Hitler. This has absolutely nothing to do with Hitler being solely responsible for WWII (the concept). ‘Many’ people in the world wanted war against Hitler’s Germany, including certain people at Time Magazine who were wishing for it in 1938 and openly anticipating, also, a wide front of countries against Hitler. He is still solely responsible. Hitler was secretive and a liar when it came to the origin of the war (he had reason not to be candid about it!). I said you need German authors too. You can’t just or mostly rely on Western authors for this question, that is, you can’t be like that and then expect to know. (Why do people also visit this website? To know about Russia! Should I only visit the NYT to know about Russia? No!)
Unless you don’t want to believe the English ambassador (Henderson) in Germany on September-1939, and Hitler’s translator (Schmidt) back then, who were present in the last meetings between Hitler and the West before the war, and who give detailed accounts of the meetings (see what I mean about certain sources being key for certain answers and that any disregarding of them shows lack of readiness for the task at hand?), the sole responsibility of Hitler is clear. It’s what both Henderson and Schmidt tell you – they tell you why. Then I read people who didn’t care to seek such information, and don’t include it (the Buchanans and Roberts and you also), but who want to say who is truly responsible for WWII…… least I have a complete library, I may be missing the account of a bodyguard (important too) or someone like that whose book is only in German, or otherwise I must have it. I’m open to recognize a mistake – but not like that! It won’t be because I didn’t care to read Henderson and Schmidt, after whose last meeting WWII started!
“Patrich J. Buchanan (and Paul Craig Roberts too) downplay the sole responsibility of Hitler as to the origin of WWII”
Buchanan correctly points out that WW2 happened when France and Great Britain declared war on Nazi Germany. That happened on September 3rd, 1939. Note that Germany didn’t declare war on the French and English that day. Quite the opposite.
There was no world war until the Western allies resolved to have one. That’s simply a fact.
As for the Germans, they were trying to put Germany back together again. That’s why they attacked Poland, which had wrenched considerable territory from Germany in 1919, at the behest of the US, England, and France.
Interestingly, try finding a website that gives the exact date Nazi Germany declared war on France and Great Britain. You’ll have a difficult time. That’s because Americans and Englishman don’t like dealing with the awkward reality that Germany was not the first side to declare war.
September 3rd, 1939 marked the second time in less than a year that Great Britain and France did something stupid and arrogant which put the world on course for a world war that might have been avoided.
Originally, the Soviets tried to negotiate a defensive alliance with the French and British. The goal was to contain Nazi Germany, and in so doing, force a permanent “cold peace” on tension-ridden Europe. But Paris and London cynically rebuffed the Kremlin. That’s why Stalin had no remaining option except to sign a non-aggression pact with the Germans.
Of course, the pre-war situation in Europe was extremely complicated. Three great power concentrations were at each others’ throats: Nazi Germany vs. the USSR vs. France and Great Britain. Any one or two of these three corners could easily have declared war on the others. The great powers were indeed loose cannon at that time.
But on the whole, I think Buchanan is correct. The British and French made the initial, irreversible decision to launch the world war. Nazi Germany, as evil as its leadership was, did not.
Patrick Buchanan, White House communicator under Reagan, is an arch reactionary who supported the rampages of the murderous contras in Nicaragua and rightwing death squads in El Salvador in the eighties. He also supported the fascist rule of Francisco Franco in Spain. Although he seems to back Russia today (probably because of the revival of Christianity in that country), he was a virulent anti communist and used to severely castigate the USSR in those days.
The Russian-run government of Post-Communist Russia isn’t the Ashkenazi-run government of Commmunist Soviet Union.
There in lies the difference, and there is no contradiction nor paradox in Buchanan being anti-Communist anti-Soviet Union (which was anti-Christian) and being pro-Christian, pro-Russian.
Hitler was told clearly and had every reason to know that if he invaded Poland there would be a world war. That he acted like he didn’t know and sent a letter to England after conquering Poland, asking for an end to the hostilities, doesn’t change the fact. This revisionism from Buchanan and others is something Hitler would gladly agree with if he were alive, though.
It is true that HItler did not want war with the West per se, because it was from Russia-Soviet Union that he wanted to gain his “room to live.” Still, it’s only hypothetical and not real to say that the West should not have taken the anti-Germany stance it took – that’s what Hitler also said! Such revisionism of WWII should just reckon with what was the reality in 1939, which was that if Hitler invaded Poland, England would declare war on Germany, and then of course the United States would side with England, and that it was too strange of Hitler to expect that his pact with Stalin could last, or to assume that Stalin did not know what Hitler’s book Mein Kampf said about room to live or Lebensraum, Hitler did not accept the foreign-policy reality and did not act realistically, and he also wanted to be a ‘glorious’ conqueror; the soldier not the statesman was his archetype. I would say do not exaggerate the genocides that Hitler did commit by inventing crimes more than 16 years after the end of WWII! On the other hand, it’s wrong to downplay the personal responsibility of Hitler for the war.
“Hitler was told clearly and had every reason to know that if he invaded Poland there would be a world war.”
Sounds familiar.
Think about it. Since 2014, Russia has been told by US/NATO to passively accept that the West would turn the Ukraine into a stronghold on the RF’s borders – including extremely dire consequences for Russians – or face a terrible, bloody war.
This means the West ordered Russia to accept that Sevastopol should default to NATO, and that twenty million ethnic Russians and Russifed-Ukrainians would undergo forced Ukrainization by the post-Maidan regime in Kiev. That’s in addition to Washington and Brussels ordering Russia to submit to the reality that, in the future, the Ukraine would be the site of NATO ICBMs, anti-missile defenses, powerful military radars, and F-35 bomber fields, all used to intimidate the RF.
In other words, since 2014, the West has been telling Russia to resign itself to a new international geopolitical and security arrangement in which the RF subordinates its independence in foreign affairs to US/NATO’s mandate. That’s the truth.
Most stunning about the West’s arrogance has been its hypocritical claim that, if Russia dares to take military action in the Ukraine to protect its existential national interests – including sovereignty and security – then the RF is guilty of starting a terrible conventional war in which tens of thousands of people die. That this is all Russia’s fault, not US/NATO’s.
I believe everyone on this forum agrees with my stated argument. I have no doubt that everyone here knows it’s the height of Western arrogance to pretend that Russia “started” the Ukraine war, when in truth, US/NATO provoked the entire mess.
Consider my line of reasoning, and how it parallels with the ultimatum France and Great Britain imposed on Nazi Germany in 1939. We all know the West’s mendacious line of reasoning regarding Russia and the Ukraine. Something similar happened in Europe in the years prior to WW2.
Britain and France wanted to use Poland as a base against Germany and Soviet Russia, to compromise the security of both powers. Nothing more. That’s why the Western Allies threatened war against Germany in 1939 unless Hitler submitted to their will.
In other words, does it really make sense to blame the Germans for allegedly starting WW2, just because they refused to surrender their national sovereignty and territorial integrity to the mandate of London and Paris? I don’t think it does. Not at all.
I’m not denying that the Nazis were extremely evil. I’m not denying that Nazi Germany had imperialistic ambitions of the most rapacious sort, either. All I’m saying is I agree the arguments made by Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts that Britain and France started WW2. They did so in a reckless effort to prevent Germany from regaining the great power status it enjoyed during the 1870-1914.
Britain and France started WW2 because they – especially the British – feared a new generation or two in which a revitalized Germany would strenuously challenge both powers globally in trade, economics, industry, geopolitics, competition for colonies, and arms build-ups. London envisioned that, perhaps, the British Empire might collapse under the strain of this German competition over the course of a few decades.
I’ll concede that, if Hitler had gotten his way in 1939 and WW2 didn’t break-out, meaning London and Paris backed down, then Germany might very well have started a new world war eventually. Just like the Germans bore the lion’s share of responsibility for having provoked WW1 in 1914. But still, under this scenario, Germany probably wouldn’t have started such a war until the 1950s, 1960s, or 1970s, assuming the West didn’t start a war first.
So, no. I don’t buy into the argument that Germany necessarily started WW2 because it refused to obey the orders of Britain and France.
Finally, just to be clear, nothing in my argument should be misinterpreted as meaning that I equate today’s Russia with the Germany of 1939 (I don’t!), or that I condone the evil of the pre-WW2 German Nazis.
I’m not denying that the Nazis were extremely evil.
But it is all relative now. What was it, US popped 1.5 million “communists”, execution style, in Jakarta in 1965 and buried them in shallow graves. The horrible acts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq etc. US has biolabs everywhere. Even the president and his son are financially tied to biolabs in Ukietown, so what makes Germany extremely evil? They aren’t even ordinary, generic evil. They’re small potatoes to the west.
Throw in the firebombing of Dresden, Tokyo and the atomic bombs. and you see nothing eclipses us.
The problems with this analysis is that it ignores the litany of German breaches of trust prior to the invasion of Poland and somehow posits that the “reasonable” position was to accept German protestations that all it was seeking was a land bridge to Gdansk. So, to accept the thesis one has to ignore the impact of the following events on the political class of the time:
1. the obviously contrived Reichtag fire and the elimination of any pretense of a free society
2. the establishment of concentration camps for the extra-judicial imprisonment of dissenters
3. the “Aryan laws” and anti-Jewish boycots
4. the book burnings
5. the eugenics laws
6. the indefinite imprisonment laws
7. the purge of the SA and its associated murders
8. the abolition of the office of President
9. the bans on the Jehohovah’s Witnesses
10. the German-sponsored murder of the Austrian Chancellor
11. the systematic persecution of homosexuals
12. the Nuremburg race laws
13. the esablishment of concentration camps
14. the anti-semetic exhibitions
15. the annexation of Austria
16. the refegee crisis
17. the threats against Czechoslavia
18. Kristallnacht
19. the complete exclusion of Jews from the German economy
In short, anyone but an out-and-out fascist could see that the German nation was becoming unstable, alien and dangerous to civilized peoples. There’s a reason NATO wants to keep Germany down. I just wish it would be done in conjunction with the Russians, who already have a history of getting the job done.
“. . . anyone but an out-and-out fascist could see that the German nation was becoming unstable, alien and dangerous to civilized peoples.”
Great comment. Still, isn’t “unstable, alien and dangerous to civilized peoples” the natural state of all sovereign nations these days? Is the United States government sane? Is France? Is the British Empire that won’t die and is in a permanent state of denial sane? And what about the whole world?
The known and direct reason was the invasion of Poland, and of course also the previous military actions (1936, 1938, etc., an accumulation of things as you point out). These are the acknowledged reasons for war. You point out everything the West rejected, but England made clear (often in the same breath) that it did not care about how Germans conducted its internal affairs, that this other (military) factors were unacceptable, intolerable to them.
For centuries,the earth was the centre of the universe and the sun rotated around the earth.The Catholic church thought that doctrine,then Galelio’s “revisionism” discovered otherwise! As did Copernicus circular orbits that too encountered the “revisionism” of the spherical planets elliptical journeys! The earth is composed of four ‘elements’ ,water,fire,air and earth – so said the great Greek-Aristotle,then the periodic table “revised” that too, one hundred and eighteen elements.We must all stand for objective truth.Germany was given a raw deal in 1919 at Potsdam,fact.All documents related to WW2,must be made available that we may seek the truth.
Only in an environment of transparency and truth can a universal and sustainable peace exist.Sincere sympathies to the Dugin family on their loss.Salaam
Galileo didn’t “discover” anything that his predecessors hadn’t, and he could never prove his case. Neither did Copernicus. Even unto today, cosmology is a tangled mess of ad hoc patches of mysticism labeled ‘science’ that cannot prove the Inquisition’s basic arguments to be wrong. People are taught to laud Galileos and Einsteins, but are never taught about the various models such as Tycho Brahe’s or the intereferometer experiments of Michelson, Morley and Gale that support what the Church always held as dogma. They are simply fed an unsubstantiated rival one, engrained by repetition and not even half the story. Science in practice is often not far from religion on either side. All hypotheses are rooted in faith-based assumptions, made unsolvable when it comes to things on scales too grand beyond our ability to measure.
History has a similar problem. Thus even with WWII, we are still sorting through the various motives and trying to piece together lost time. So we will have to live with the fact that there will always be unknowns and descrepencies that could hypothetically turn things over and even back again. Only God at the Final Judgement can tell us the true story.
No, sweetie, Hitler was warned there would be a Western European war if he invaded Poland.
Nobody had premonitions of Pearl Harbor.
He crossed a red line “the West” drew and those countries decided to put their own citizens’ interests on par with the Poles’. Tragedy ensued.
Now please draw the analogy. Consider the nations who have announced they are putting the interests of Ukrainians (so they say) on par with those of their own citizens. This is the path through pathos to tragedy.
It is known that Stalin read ‘Mein Kampf’ attentively, highlighting the relevant passages with his own hand.
Germany wasn’t planning to go to war with the UK and France until the mid-1940s at the earliest. The evidence is simple — the Kriegsmarine construction program wouldn’t be finished until 1946. Their aircraft carrier, under construction, was never finished and they never did design, let alone produce, any carrier aircraft.
I believe all this chit-chat about World War II is just wishful thinking for simpler times. “Oh, to return to the World Wars of yesteryear.” It was all so personal back then.
For one thing, for another World War to take place, too many people would need to die to make it personal again. The world population in 1940 was a mere 2.3-billion people. Today, the world population is over 8-billion. World Wars, real World Wars, are measured in the size of death they bring about; about how many people died on all sides. And right now, the world seems to be begging for mass deaths to make it feel real, again.
During World War II, killing a few tens of thousands in a day was a big deal — back then. Today, there aren’t enough firing squads being led by posturing and perfectly dressed Nazi officers, shooting people in the back(s) of their head(s). Dead people, who then fell almost poetically, as if obediently, into a pre-dug mass grave(s) in acts of almost sweeping prose. Today, there just aren’t enough dead people to be impactful. Not like if used to be.
World War 3 has already begun, but so what? The things that used to mean something don’t mean anything anymore. Sanctions are an act of war, but so what? Proxy wars are an act of war, but so what? Blockading Kaliningrad was an act of war, but so what? Confiscation of private property is an act of war, but so what? Asset forfeiture is an act of war, but so what? Assassination is an act of war, but so what? Treating Russia and the Russian people (a whole people) as sub-humans is an act of war, but so what? If the French weren’t invading Russia and killing Russians, then the Germans were. Now it’s the United States turn.
How about yet another dark age lasting 500-years?
The problem with killing 6-million Jews is not the genocide; it’s the “so what?” that inevitably follows the killing of 6-million people. It’s the “Still here. Sorry.” Lurking in the background. Always. Forever. On both sides. That’s the problem.
World War 3 has already started. The entire world has been desensitized to what is coming. The fog of war is just the great desensitizing. It’s almost the ultimate hygienic act; a washing of the hands by the whole world. If you thought a man-and-woman-made virus permanently adding itself to the great “So What?” was something, then just wait until the full spectrum of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear warfare is unleashed upon the world. It has to be. Somebody out there wants to do something, anything, to make the world sit up and do more than simply take notice.
“Some people don’t care about money (that has no value) or power (valueless money that has no meaning). (Oh, wait.) They just want to see the world burn.”
I suggest you read the former USSR ambassador, Ivan Maisky’s book Who Helped Hitler, to the U.K. 1931-1943 to see in more detail who and why certain people wanted the USSR to be in a war with the Dritte Reich.
A.J.P. Taylor in his book, “The Origins of the Second World War” makes clear Hitler had no intention or desire of starting this war. As stated elsewhere, he was attempting, among other things, to undo the harm of the Versailles Treaty; to restore territory back to Germany; and restore back to German protection millions of German speaking people who had been transferred to Poland and Czechoslovakia with the German territory transferred to those countries.
Britain had secretly promised Poland that if it was attacked by Germany Britain would come to its aid. The problem was it was secret, so it was absolutely no deterrent to Germany attacking Poland…. if you wanted to deter that, it was necessary that Germany knew it also. Sure looks like the Brits were setting up things for a war. This British promise also interfered with the negotiations between Germany and Poland that could have produced a solution without war, but Poland thought they could do anything with the Brits behind them.
After Taylor published this book, his respected career was brought to an end. I guess the PTB didn’t like what was in his book. Worth reading.
Yes, worth reading. I read it again not long ago. It was a History text in NZ in the seventies. David Irving’s ‘Churchill’s War’ also enlightening on this subject.
“…he was attempting, among other things, to undo the harm of the Versailles Treaty; to restore territory back to Germany; and restore back to German protection millions of German speaking people who had been transferred to Poland and Czechoslovakia with the German territory transferred to those countries”
All of those were only extra or additional reasons.
Regarding Versailles as the cause of war, why did Taylor ignore Mein Kampf?
Hitler made clear in his book what he thought about Versailles, and he also made clear why Germany would expand towards the East, and from the reasons he gave it’s clear that his war desire had nothing to do with Versailles. It was about Lebensraum or room to live; thus, the foreign policy of Hitler would have been based on aggressive war with or without Versailles. This author must have read Mein Kampf, so it’s a logical error. Well, it’s a multitude of writers – both pro and anti-Hitler – that make the same error.
tranquilocomp wrties
«This kind of thing (meaning, intentions) has some relation to his KGB experience. »
But the CIA, knowing well what would could be related to KGB, could emulate it for the purpose of blaming.
Now the KGB, knowing that CIA could do that, so since it does not matter who will be blamed, carries it on itself.
The CIA knowing this last, runs to do it before KGB does it.
The KGB knowing this last, decides to suspend all the “operations” leaving them to the CIA, and so saving effort and money.
You see, tranquilocomp, the world of spied could be too complex for our minds. Don’t you think? :)
Regarding the quote, I just meant that his past KGB work surely must guide his idea of “provocations” and of how to best react, based on his past reactions to “provocations” too.
“…for a determination of that issue, a writer needs to have all the books that all the German collaborators of Hitler in Germany wrote about that era.”
I think it would also be necessary to have access to the archives of the British Empire & Crown … which never sees the light of day. At the end of time I think we will find that the British Empires role in WW1, 2 & 3 does not look pretty.
Seeing the headlines today; although it’s possible as something bad and mindless too, I don’t think Ukraine did it – it’s outside their scope, and interest (even).
«Patrich J. Buchanan (and Paul Craig Roberts too) downplay the sole responsibility of Hitler as to the origin of WWII»
Your Reductio-Ad-Hitlerum is cartoon-like history. Wars have origins in promoting the respective interests of the states / nations. The main problem in what you say (does not deserve to be called “thesis”) is that it promotes simple mindedness (or “cognitive idiocy”, in other words). So this ones, flatten-minds, like that of Hitler the only responsible (or more than others) is against the interests not only of the West, but against the (long-term) interests of the whole humankind. All the world should stand up against this decadence of ours.
He knows what he’s talking about.
Indeed, Pat Buchanan surely does as he played a large part in perpetuating the myth. One can take his message to heart but the man should be condemned as being an effective soldier for the western neocon cabal.
You are correct about Buchanan. The man understood what his neocon employers expected from him (savvy propaganda).
As they say, “it takes one to know one.”
Buchanan is critical of neocons and of their positions on Russia, so is not like them. He favors good relations with Russia and did since the Soviet Union fell. In the end, Buchanan was anti-communist, but not anti-Russian.
Buchanan is savvy enough to garner more press and television time by stating that position. Otherwise, most people no longer know who he is … much less care.
No, he is just smart in that. He is famous since long ago; he has his old column. He believes his own ideas; they’re not arrived at to “garner more press and television.” He’s beyond that! He’s known as a “hardliner” on ideas or doctrines, an ideologue.
I think he is not a professor any more. As far as I know, he was thrown out from the Moscow University for his ultra-nationalist views.
Since Dugin made an unanticipated last moment change of plans and didnt travel in the car the people behind the assassination probably intended to take out Dugin or both. He is quoted for having been outsoken about what to do to those behind the Odessa massacre in 2014 and the daughter was apparently significantly influenced by his opinions(?)
The empire wouldnt like her to become influential but would they put her on a hitlist? Maybe and deniability would then be facilitated by making sure suitable scapegoats would get the blame.
If you are relying on media reports then you are already going down the wrong path. “Dugin made an unanticipated last moment change of plans ” is a piece of information deliberately planted in the media. By who and for what purpose?
In criminal investigations, law enforcement often plants disinformation as part of their investigation. It is a common technique, much more common than revealing truthful information to a reporter so “the public can know.”
In information warfare, intelligence organs plant disinformation to “create a narrative.”
So ask yourself, what is more likely? That this information was released within 24 hours for the “public interest” or that it was released for a specific law enforcement and/or intelligence purpose?
Thank you for the clear explanation about Alexander Dugin.
The USA is trying to stir up as much fear and hysteria as possible. It sounds from my perch in Lower Manhattan that we are being set up for another False Flag.
Hopefully, I am misreading this.
“The US Senate unanimously declared Russia a terrorist state…”
Oh wow. I had missed that. Looked it up:
Meanwhile, the CIA continues to carry out terrorist acts all over the globe.
God help us!
The ‘discussions’ here in the West are chaotic and getting hazier by the day.
Two things that were puzzling me this day:
– If Alexander Dugin was such an important person, how come that he didn’t have proper personal protection? Or was he not e.g. the ‘Putin-whisperer’ and the ‘architect of the war on Ukraine’, as was hissed in the press here, and by that mere a symbolic target (already stated by the Saker)?
– If his daughter was the target, then how did the attackers magically knew that she would unplanned decide to take his care, shortly before departure (that is, what I’ve read so far)?
It fits the PR war, and will be shouted out loud here in the West (‘suddenly’ Navalny was praised by Kanzler and slot machine Scholz here today, do we really think that is a coincidence?)
To be honest, I’m more concerned about the poker play around the nuclear reactor. The chemical warfare has already started with that botulism stuff, and mark my words some biological warfare is waiting in the wings, just like another flare up of the war against Serbia.
If anyone things these are ‘interesting times’ I’m wondering whether the dangers are fully grasped.
Cheers and stay safe, Rob
Is the death of Oleksandr Nakonechny in any way connected to this incident?
I had never heard of this particular Nazi until you raised his name. He was a high ranking Ukie intelligence official. His wife found him dead, a bullet in his head, in their home less than 10 hours ago.
Curiously, the Nakonechny news is not being covered by leading Western MSM. His demise is reported only by marginal Western media outlets.
Imagine if a senior level Russian intelligence officer had been murdered yesterday. Western MSM would splatter the story all over its front pages, claiming the incident as a “great victory” for Ukie special forces. Or, if not that, they’d hype it up as a suicide scandal supposedly triggered by “Putin’s tyranny.”
There are no “Ukie Special Forces.” Look at their leaders. Look at Zelensky. The Ukies just aren’t smart enough.
Alas, there are Ukie special forces (at least in the US/British meaning of the word) and, alas, they are not unskilled at terror operations.
I wish you were right, I really do, sorry!
and the Ukrainians are NOT dumb. Some other, others not. They are quite talented people, and tough too.
Again, sorry!
A big ‘disagree’ here. The Ukrainians fell for the civil war divide, just as Libya, Iraq and Syria did before them. Every country that falls for the ‘freedom and democracy’ line ends the same way. Even before the war and once the breadbasket of Europe, EU guidance reduced it to the poorest country in Europe.
Nazi militias, Bandera statues, human shields and terrorism are not the attributes of a tough and talented people.
And right on time, the Australian Governments Official Propaganda ChANNEL, the ABC, just happen to have prepared this for its readers:
Not one mention of the PNAC, or the fact that its founder/author, Rober Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland of Euromaidan anf “Fuck the EU” fame.
Perspective is everything if you want to understand anything.
I’m English and will put my hand up and admit I’ve never heard of Dugin. I suspect that if I went out into the street and asked the British public if they knew who he was, they wouldn’t know either. What is becoming apparent though is that if President Putin doesn’t start taking the Ukraine seriously and treating it as a NATO proxy war instead of a counter ‘intervention’, terrorism is going to be a real problem in the near future.
Yes i am also English and i can’t recall having heard og the Man,but i believe he was on the sanctions list of the US Reich and was outspoken in his support of people in the Donbass,that alone would be enough for the Reich to kill him,they also killed quite a few leaders of the DPR/LPR,these people need to know thats a two way street.
I would say that you really did not miss much.
I respect Mr. Putin and embarrasingly for the west, he’s outplayed the politicians for years. However, there comes a time when psychopaths who are continually losing will smash the chess board and demand it’s played by their rules. The chess match is now a physical fight and if Mr. Putin doesn’t learn the new dirty rules and put a stop to this, he’s going to end up losing. Go in hard and put an end to this before it gets out of hand.
I heard about Dugin from a “well-versed friend”. He mentioned him when he was trying to convince me that Putin is fascist. My research led me to see that there was already a year long western propaganda around him. In Russia he seems to be less known (with respect to the fact that he’s actually living there).
Dugin was a professor at the university of Moscow. But due to his ultra-nationalist views he was thrown out from there. Since then he appears on Western(!) social media and is well-known in the west as “Putins brain” – at least with people who “know about geopolitics”, i.e. research geopolitics on wikipedia. I suspect he’s a CIA asset.
Please recall the experience of the Central American civil wars after WWII but particularly in the 1970s and 1980s. America supported dictatorships that guaranteed American hegemony against populist movements (insurgencies) that sought equality, land reform, and justice and were labelled Communists.
massacres, car bombings and rape were the norm.
The American CIA was very busy at this time. Killing commies and running drugs. It was supported at that time by the School of the Americas, a US military institution that has provided training (think death squads) to high-level military officials through Latin America, Yet, there was a third unheralded element that provided political cover for the CIA, finance for the drug lords, and weapons for the death squads. That element was Mossad.
Is it too farfetched to assume that Russian speaking Mossad operatives carried out the cowardly act against Dugin’s family to add gasoline to the Ukraine fire?? The history of Mossad in Central America provides a roadmap.
Hi Richard,
Like some others here I did not know much about Mr Dugin, but from what I have now seen, your scenario seems much more plausible than anything else.
I have had difficulty accepting that Ukrainian operatives would take such risks, for a low profile target.
Low profile outside Russia means weak propaganda. The fact that ABC was seemingly all wound up and ready to go reeks of something well organised, by someone with tentacles.
Classic FRU operation by design. Brits being ball deep in the Ukraine and providing targeting info. The training in the UK will be straight up sabotage team training. They are not training grunts for mince meat LOC duty.
Cheers M
For those curious for a few samples, I found one recent article by Alexander Dugin, a video interview of him, and his Foundations of Geopolitics book, written earlier.
Unregistered 193: Alexander Dugin (VIDEO)
Foundations of Geopolitics
Eurasianism is a big part of Dugin’s thesis. Putin is more influenced by Dugin than you actually think. Either way, Dugin has a lot of following within Russia and helps with Russian integration and patriotism a lot, so a proper response must follow.
Can you provide at least ONE quote which shows Putin agreeing/liking/caring about Dugin?
He cannot. He is repeating generalizations and has no actual knowledge.
1) I have to do some research, but I think I wrote, in a marginal blog, many things about Eurasia before Dugin did it.
2) Russia would take its current path, Dugin or not Dugin.
3) Eurasianism is a thought (idea) phenomena on its own, while Dugin is a promotion phenomena. That said, I don’t know much about his actual “achievements”.
Mackinder’s heartland-theory about the importance of Eurasia is old, and I have been lecturing it since 15 years. That hardly means that I am “influencing” Putin…
Everybody, who has studied history knows this thesis – and it has a sound base.
The trilateral Brzeziński renewed it.
So Mr.Putin should have learned it during his education, for sure.
@ FarSight3
The Heartland theory does not contemplate aggregations of powers. As for the rest it was almost impossible to convince Russians to go East, but West did his best to push them there. It all goes well beyond Mackinder.
This is immensely sad. Mainly for this family and just more Russian blood, spilled out of evil and senselessness.
RT writes, in similar terms as Andrei: “Dugin is known for his staunch anti-Western and ‘neo-Eurasian’ views. Western media has painted him as a driving force behind key aspects of President Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy. However, despite his reputation in the West, in Russia he has never enjoyed official endorsement from the Kremlin and is largely considered a marginal figure.”
This would mean that this horrific act was made to target a specific public, western pro-Russsian crowds ostensibly seeking to undermine western support for Russian SMO. How sickening this is. A young talented woman’s life cut forever. A family forever in sorrow. RIP.
RT quotes a RAND assessment :
“The US think tank RAND Corporation wrote in 2017 that despite Western media reports of Dugin’s alleged “ties and connections” to the Russian leadership, he is “perhaps best thought of as an extremist provocateur with some limited and peripheral impact than as an influential analyst with a direct impact on policy.””
And RT writes :
“Dugin never enjoyed official endorsement from the Kremlin”
The important point is the CCD kill list of the Kiev recently withdrawn under US activist pressure :
Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD).
Acting head of CCD, Shapovalov, charged that people who deliberately spread disinformation are “information terrorists,” subject to be tried as “war criminals.”
Not known whether Dugin is on that since withdrawn list – the others are definitely in danger.
Anyway RT does report :
“Dugina was a political commentator and daughter of the veteran Russian philosopher, known for his staunch anti-Western and ‘neo-Eurasian’ views.”
The neo-Eurasian POV is very likely the target – to be checked, homework essential, is the EAEU strategy.
Maybe Pepe Escobar has some info?
The Western media has blood on its hands…
This is just a bigger version of the General Pavel fabrication:
Putin calls in Retired, Obese General to Fight in Ukraine
And the next thing that happens is that the SBU puts a contract out on General Pavel (who in reality was a retired border guard) and his whole family is blown up. Which is then celebrated in the West as a massive victory over the Russian army.
I don’t even know what to say, the whole thing is so very very sad. :(
Pepe Escobar knew the victim :
Fsb solved the murder of Dugina
Is it possible the perp is in Estonia? Even the mini cooper number plates are known.
According to this info the intended victim was the daughter.
They even found the suspect’s Azov ID !
That was fast!
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Classical talmudic vengeance, these people don’t argue with ideas and philosophy, they just pick up stones and try to kill you if they don’t like what you have to say and can’t refute it.
Or they kill your daughter if they can’t get you. Why would anyone expect them to treat us any different than the Palestinians? This is exactly how they are going to treat us if they get to run the world, and that’s the best case scenario.
>this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Why do you perceive it that way? Dugin doesn’t command an army or holds an official position, he’s a philosopher. So why did they attempt to kill him then?
This is vengeance for thoughts and ideas they can’t refute and examples of this murderous behaviour are described in various places in Bible! It is a behaviour pattern of these people who reject God. Once they loose an argument they pick up a stone and attempt to kill you.
And I’m referring to the Palestinians here because this is how these people will treat anyone once they have total control. This is what Russians can expect if they are overpowered and have to submit in this conflict.
If we take into account their special hatred for Russians and the terror of the Bolsheviks in the past then it is safe to assume that the fate of Russians will be even much worse than that of the Palestinians.
My concern with the news of Alexander Dugin’s daughter’s assassination is how this failed assassination represents just more episode of bearbaiting. Before today, I didn’t know who Alexander Dugin or his daughter were. I quite frankly, I didn’t care. There is more than enough going on in the UK, the EU, Europe, Brussels, the Baltic states, Moscow, and Kiev to keep one plenty over-occupied. The whole deal is almost beyond burnout. Maybe that’s what the “Powers That Be” (PTB) want.
My real concern here is how these attacks inside Russia are not just US-backed Ukrainian Nazis, supported by the CIA and the Pentagon, but may represent actual United States’ operations carried out by the CIA directly.
I worry that maybe my government is just that insane. And that the US government’s insanity is so intense that the US might actually believe it can do anything it wants, anywhere it wants, at any time it wants.
I just don’t think the Ukrainians are smart enough to carry out these kinds of operations themselves; not without help, and plenty of it.
If this presents itself as a set of choices — the terrorist here being either the Ukrainians or the United States then, with the fog of war being as thick as it is, I would have to lean towards “all of the above.” Either way, these attacks on Russian soil and on Russian citizens represents nothing but more bearbaiting.
I know. I know. This thing will risks getting out of control. And when this thing gets out of control, we will be lucky to live through it. The US, the UK, the EU, Europe, risks attacks on their soil. And then what? Even the Ukrainian Nazis are now threatening to carry out attacks against allies that don’t give them every last dollar they have. The irony here is that the USD stopped being worth anything 12-years ago; peoples’ lives long before that.
If Dugin was/is an uninmportant figure, and especially his daughter (in the sense of not being “mastermind” etc as portrayed by western media), then what would be the purpose of this attack, cui bono? This is competely crazy for me. What the organisators aimed to achieve? This is not going to stop the operation nor to induce significant damage to Russia or lower the morale. The pure act of terrorism that may signify that tomorrow no one is protected. What would stop these idiots to attack other civilians, to plant explosives somewere in Russia, on metro stations etc? If a western secret services organized this act, then they should be aware of the real significance of Dugin, why should they do such an act? I do not think that even UA secret service is so naive to think of it as an important target. If they are so naive then it might be another sign of decaying and unfunctional institutions. For me this may be something not directly related to UA operation, or some naive and uncalculated lone shooters who did not know where to attack and what to do. I am deeply sorry for this horrific loss.
asked and answered.
can’t help you any futher
When something seems completely crazy, it is usually a sign of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance often results when one tries to interpret facts using one’s beliefs instead of following the logic of the facts themselves.
Cui bono. What is the psychological effect of this murder, upon whom is that effect manifest and how are those persons manipulated as a result of that effect? Keep your eye on events that occur this week and that will likely answer these questions.
Your questions are a classical case of cognitive dissonance in action, but they are the first step.
@ Bojan on August 21, 2022 · at 5:37 pm EST/EDT
“If Dugin was/is an uninmportant figure, and especially his daughter (in the sense of not being “mastermind” etc as portrayed by western media), then what would be the purpose of this attack, cui bono?”
Pure PR without any military significance whatsoever.
Ukronazis had done nothing more than killing another innocent woman, one more among the thousands.
Their terror campaign only shows they have been defeated on the battlefield, their nazi options have dwindled down to do what they do best, killing innocents.
They have blown up Dugin’s role as “Putin’s ideologue,” a total lie, to show their brainwashed nazis “we can hit those behind the war against us in their own backyard.”
All they will achieve with this crime is for the Russians to fight them with even more determination.
Russia’s been there, done that. Chechnya, Dagestan, unleashed terror campaigns on Russia, which only increased Russia’s will to defeat them. The UkroWerhmacht was defeated long ago, their terror campaign only shows they are in death throes.
Lone Wolf
how do we know this is not internal opposition to Dugin from within Russia rather than action from an external force? people here are very quick to discard that option and look elsewhere for blame, which is understandable given the current happenings, but perhaps not very wise.
@ petr on August 21, 2022 · at 11:01 pm EST/EDT
how do we know this is not internal opposition to Dugin from within Russia rather than action from an external force? people here are very quick to discard that option and look elsewhere for blame, which is understandable given the current happenings, but perhaps not very wise.
“Man’s most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.”
― Euripides
Lone Wolf
Lord have mercy!
The point of this murderous attack is to intimidate the commentators in the blogosphere who report the grisly truth about the Ukraine and the West’s continuing assault on Russia. The Ukes and their masters have been losing not only on the battlefield but also in the information war; they are unable to do anything about the former,
so they are trying to alter the latter by targeting the independent commentators, who are, unfortunately, “soft targets.” It really doesn’t matter to the Neo-Nazi scum whether they kill their target or just a family member, since the object is to intimidate and silence. I think it is extremely important for all such independent commentators to be aware of this, and to increase their security measures.
All fingers point west. The SBU doesn’t take a dump without explicit instructions from Langley.
Russia aren’t fighting Ukraine – they are fighting NATO
Russia KNOWS it is at WAR with the entire NATO bloc !
The day before, Kiriyenko, the first deputy chief of the Russian presidential staff, claimed that the West was conducting a “hot military operation” against Russia in Ukraine.
“We understand very well that on the territory of Ukraine we are not at war with Ukraine and, of course, not with the Ukrainians either,” Russian state news agency Tass reported.
“The entire NATO bloc is waging a war against Russia, on Ukrainian soil and at the hands of Ukrainians.”
cant remember the name but a duma member spoke that russia is already at war with NATO. Kherson has regular Polish troops fielded there and destroyed, i also remember seeing ukie propaganda of polish marked helicopters firing on the donbass in the early days.. Poland is well engaged just no one is saying it.
This goes without saying. Still, glad you said it. More people need to. If for no other reason than to underline how the west has no pride and no shame, no honor and no character.
I post this from Diesen eventhough I’m not a fan at all, but there some sane parts which are spot on.
Glenn Diesen: How ‘Russophrenia’ from supposedly smart people in the West has slowly led us towards a major European war
By Glenn Diesen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Twitter @glenndiesen.
The author and holocaust survivor, Victor Klemperer, identified two distinct styles of language that defined Hitler’s propaganda against the Jews: either “scornful derision” of the inferior race or “panic-stricken fear” of their threat to civilisation.
Anti-Russian propaganda over the past centuries has similarly produced two contradictory positions – disdain for Russians as an uncivilised and backward people, and simultaneously an immeasurable threat looming over Europe. A state of affairs described by one writer as “Russophrenia: the idea that Russia is simultaneously about to fall apart, and also take over the world.”
Russia is hopelessly inept and weak, yet it is also capable of subverting the democracies of the world and restoring a global empire. Moscow is so impaired that the West does not need to acknowledge or accommodate its basic security interests, yet NATO’s 30 member states need ever-more weapons to defend against the dreaded Russians.
Exaggerating the weakness or the strength of an adversary (or both) is a key component of propaganda, which carries with it the obvious risk of miscalculations, as the real capabilities of the opponent are not accurately assessed. The war in Ukraine is a good case study of this phenomenon.
Exaggerating Russian strength and weakness
To encourage more NATO, more military spending and containment of Russia, it is commonly argued that we have underestimated the threat of the Russians. During the Cold War, it was falsely argued that the Soviets enjoyed a huge positive missile gap vis-à-vis the US, which incentivised further military spending in the US. After the Cold War, NATO expansion and raison d’etre have continued to rely on an exaggerated Russian threat.
To encourage a more forceful approach to Russia, it is now argued that we have overestimated Moscow’s strength. Case in point, an article by The Atlantic argues that “Ukraine Has Exposed Russia as a Not-So-Great Power”. It suggests that because the Russian army “has seized only 20 percent of Ukraine,” it is time to shed the illusion of Russia being a great power. This conclusion supports an even more hard-line position towards Russia as opposed to Kissinger’s argument that great powers must be accommodated for peace. In other words, more of the same policies that fuelled tensions and brought us to this horrific conflict.
The flawed narrative of Russian failure in Ukraine
There is no doubt that Russia failed to achieve a swift victory in Ukraine. Russia stormed up to the outskirts of Kiev in the early stages, seeking to impose a settlement. The Russian territorial advances seemed very impressive and coincided with the narrative of an all-mighty Russia. In reality, these positions relied on thin and vulnerable supply lines. With the failure of achieving a diplomatic settlement with Kiev, these positions had to be abandoned.
The UK and the US persuaded Kiev to abandon the peace talks in Istanbul, and the nature of the fighting subsequently changed fundamentally. The collective West promised it would provide all the weapons required if Ukraine would end negotiations and fight Russia. Washington stipulated its objective of permanently weakening Russia and knocking it down from the table of great powers. US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin explicitly announced that American aims included getting “Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things it has done in invading Ukraine”. This objective is consistent with the goals set by the renowned intelligence-linked think tank RAND Corporation in 2019, which is to overextend and take down Moscow: “The Ukrainian military already is bleeding Russia in the Donbass region (and vice versa). Providing more U.S. military equipment and advice could lead Russia to increase its direct involvement in the conflict and the price it pays for it”.
The Russian hope of a swift victory was thus replaced with a war of attrition, in which Moscow aimed to grind down and destroy the Ukrainian army – before imposing a settlement. The breaking point has now been reached, as evident by the current collapse of Ukraine’s most heavily fortified positions in Maryinka, Pisky and Avviivka. This will likely end in August or September, and then shift towards more rapid territorial conquest. Is it strategically wise to deny this reality to sell the narrative of a weak Russia?
The narrative of an inept, exhausted and demoralised Russian military that has almost run out of ammunition has persisted since March. Yet, there is an even wider problem with the narrative of Russia not being able to defeat its weak neighbour. In reality, NATO has also indirectly gone to war against Russia. US Brigadier General Joseph E. Hilbert argued that “the worst thing the Russians did was give us eight years to prepare.” Furthermore, the collective West has supplied increasingly advanced weapons since Russia invaded in February 2022.
Is Russia a great power?
American political scientist John Mearsheimer defines a great power by its “reasonable prospect of defending itself against the leading state in the system by its own efforts.” It appears that Russia has passed that test as the collective West has now thrown everything but the kitchen sink in terms of supplying military hardware, military intelligence, and economic sanctions.
The collective West has depleted a large part of its weapons storage in a futile effort to stop Russian advances on the battlefield. This is despite the fact that Russia is only fighting with its peacetime army of 200,000 troops against a Ukrainian army several times this size. The 3:1 rule of war stipulates that in order that for the attacker to win the battle, his forces should be at least three times the force of the defender. In Ukraine, this ratio is reversed with 1:3 in Ukraine’s favour. Russia’s 2 million reserve soldiers and much of its more advanced weapons are kept as backup in case NATO directly enters the war.
The collective West has launched unprecedented economic sanctions with the explicit expectation that it would immediately collapse the Russian economy, financial system and currency. This never happened and the Russian ruble is the strongest performing currency this year. Instead, the sanctions have backfired so spectacularly, to the extent that the West has set fire to its own house in the hope it would spread to Moscow.
The attempt to mobilise the international community against Russia has also failed, as 85% of the world population live in countries that have refused to participate in sanctions – despite pressure and threats from the US. Even the pope pointed to NATO expansionism as a source of the war.
The dangers of wishful thinking
Denying that Russia is a great power may feel good, but as stated by Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu more than 2,500 years ago: “There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent”.
Wishful thinking about Russian weakness incentivises the collective West to escalate, while diplomacy and a peace agreement become increasingly difficult and unfavourable.
Before February 2014, Russia’s main policy towards Ukraine was to preserve it as a neutral state, a bridge between East and West. After the Western-supported regime change and support for an “anti-terrorist operation” against Donbass, Russia demanded autonomy for Donbass. As the US sabotaged the Minsk peace agreement, which was aimed at delivering autonomy, for seven years, the Kremlin switched to pushing for Donbass independence. Once the US began sending advanced weapons to Ukraine with the explicit aim of permanently weakening Russia, Moscow expanded its territorial claims to counter this threat.
The anti-Russia sanctions have been exhausted, and have backfired terribly. There is now a recognition that the measures have been a spectacular failure, as Western economies crumble while Moscow is shifting its economic connectivity to the East. Russia’s economic dependence on the West has been a source of great influence, but this leverage is dwindling and is not coming back.
The desire to depict Russia as feeble is required as NATO insists it must negotiate from a position of strength. But isn’t this the source of the problems? For 30 years, NATO negotiated against a weaker Moscow, and the result was that the US-led bloc could act unilaterally and ignore Russian security interests. By abandoning pan-European security agreements, pan-European security collapsed.
We have been moving slowly towards a major European war for 30 years and there are no good solutions anymore. But an end to wishful thinking must be the beginning.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. i encourage all of you to make up your own mind 🙂
Dugin as THE ideologue of Russia, the ‘brain’ behind Putin, his ‘Rasputin’, the man behind the ‘invasion of Ukraine’ is an invention of the West and shows the ignorance and incomprehension of things Russian by the ‘West’. But there can be no doubt that the attack against him was intended to be symbolic precisely for these reasons.
Interesting that this happens short after rumors that the west is about to activate its network of agents in all off russia to couse distraction and help ukraine by diverting russian ressources. Could this be the first case of this or would that be to early?
I think it’s a first, the timing seems right. The Ukrainian army seems very close to breaking down. I expect to see more of this going forward, both in Russia proper as well as in the liberated areas.
The Ukrainian army is not breaking down as it is still generally holding firm its line of defense. The map of things today is similar to the map of 4 months ago. If you go back to reading what people said back in March, April and May, they were saying the same thing about the Ukrainian army. Yet it continues to hold, even if, in some areas, the DPR forces make some progress. The progress is very, very slow and there hasn’t been a major breakthrough or collapse yet. Ukraine is getting more sophisticated weapons and is now hitting parts of the Donbass it couldn’t before. Unless Russia gets much more serious and gives the DPR forces more help, it will just be a stagnant war and will be stuck in the far east/southeast Ukraine through the rest of this year at least.
You are right. Ukrainian army is not close to break down.
The line of combat may be approximately the same, the problem is that there is an estimated 230’000 wounded or dead on the Ukrainian side. On the Russian side it’s estimated around 1/3 or this. What matters, or how progress is measured, is the rate of destruction … not a line on a map. As time goes by the ratio is increasing in Russias favor under present circumstances, they took most of their casualties in the beginning of the operation.
The Ukies are outgunned 1:10 with artillery, with improved precision thanks to drones. Running out of munition, while being pounded by 50’000 shells pr. day … from an apparant infinite supply, fresh from still operational factories.
NATO is running out of ammunition, so Ukraine has been put on an ammunition ‘diet’.
I belive in those predicting a major change in the conflict come mid september.
From RT :
“Americans urged to leave Ukraine / The security situation may change “without warning,” the embassy in Kiev says”
The fact that they were able to get so close and commit such an evil crime when this sort of murderous terrorism is highly anticipated is a fair indication that Dugin is not anywhere near as important as the Evil Empire likes to portray. Yet, it is still very sad and a horrible crime. We cannot even say that it is further proof of the pure evilness at the heart of the Nazis as there is so much ample proof of that already.
I have been aware of Alexandra Dugin since the mid-2000’s. What Dugin sees clearly is that the West with its antithetical “values” had become the enemy of mankind. As I began to realize that this is one of his core tenants, I gave him credence since I, as a man of the West, had come to see precisely the same thing about my own “culture.” It is my enemy as well!!!
The neo-cons hate Dugin simply because he is Russian. The neo-liberals hate Dugins because he represents resistance to their depraved decadence which they foist on the rest of the world by various means of force: predatory lending, propaganda, NGO agitation, fomenting revolution and outright war.
There is or was likely a nexus of President Putin’s understanding of the Russian state, Russian society, Russian culture and Russian faith and the understanding of Dugin’s on those same matters; however, their respective trajectories which brought them to that nexus had different points of origin and have, since the nexus, more off on different vectors. However, ideologues, like neo-cons and neo-liberals do not allow for the dynamic aspect of relationships or ideas. The freeze them, appropriate them and turn them into aspects of their ideology and propaganda.
The Collective West has a hit list. Dugin was on it. So are other statesmen, politicians and journalists such as Graham Phillips, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Lancaster, Alina Lipp, Anna-Laure Bonnel and Vanessa Beeley, among others. These people are all low-hanging fruit with no meaningful security. I look for an uptick in assassinations and assassination attempts among those listed.
This war has entered a new, deadly and evil phase. I pray God’s mercy on us all.
I see the attack as by the master behind the Nazis. They have all the willing traitors living in Moscow, safe houses, and embassy.
And their history of killing off weak opponents of Putin to frame him.
the correct response is, to collect data and intel, killing then Ukra special agents and officers, if NATO was involved, kill some of them as well, or strike a US troops in Syria and Iraq and use Iran and Iraqi rebels as cover!
No open hostilities that support Western Propaganda!
you never appear on screen! Always hide behind smoke screens…
I think I read this was a suspected? contract killing. A suitcase full of money and instructions. It’s a profession.
“you never appear on screen! Always hide behind smoke screens…”
Yep, I remember it was the Donbass fighters who were getting all the attention and who were popular and giving interviews who were soon assassinated.
I had a reconnection to a vital insight, but from a different direction, when I was listening to a video which auto-played after the intended one. It too featured Alexander Dugin, but this time he was part of a round table with Francis Fukuyama, Mr “End of History” himself.
Competing Ideologies
I was half-asleep, when I heard the familiar polished lie, that modern liberalism has at its core the idea of tolerance.
Immediately I thought, except tolerance of alternatives to liberalism!
Then, the candy coating of the idea, that who can disagree with tolerance?
But what if it’s tolerance of Evil, and not necessarily even the complicated religious interpretation of that word, but the pragmatic consequences which naturally follow adoption of the idea that anything goes, aka moral and cultural relativism?
Back to the idea of there is no objective truth, only opinion. So “go find yours and make your way as if there were no principles at all to learn from, to connect you in a way where you avoid repeating mistakes of the past. Don’t worry because it’s all equally good or bad.
This implies denial of the value of history, or cultural memory, effectively erasing a peoples connection to previous generations, rendering them as helpless and culture-less as animals on each generation.
The most recent iteration of political correctness has crossed the line over into the absurd. Hard reality itself has become completely relative in the eyes in a cult-like belief system. Where corporate executives will tell you with a straight face that a man can be a woman and a woman a man.
They aim to not only make us irrational but also insane. One leads to the other in the extremes.
He may not be a though leader to Putin, but this tragedy has opened my eyes and ears to his writings and hers as well, and I must say I agree with their characterizations of the West and of the spiritual and physical battle that Russia is waging on behalf of world freedom. I don’t know of people like this in America who dive so philosophically into our place in the world. Of course the Founders did but we don’t seem to examine ourselves as do the Dugins and I suppose other Russian thinkers.
@ Saker
Thank you for that kind and heartfelt note.
That was a dastardly act by the usual bastards.
A cheap shot, an opportunity coup to “celebrate” their anniversary of “independence” killing innocent women and children, as they have been doing for years, ever since the Gorlovka Madonna, and the children of Donbass.
Inshallah Russia will teach them the real meaning of terror.
Time to take the gloves off.
On another note, glad it was not a DDoS attack.
Lone Wolf
PS: Slavyangrad reported people are leaving Kiev in droves, afraid of what’s coming from the other side.
“The wicked flee when no one is pursuing…” Proverbs 28:1
I love that quote! It’s worth keeping in these times.
So sad about this news! I’ll have to do a special prayer for Dugin and his girl.
Zero Hedge quoted RT, saying Dugin was Putin’s close friend. The title too was shocking, starting with “Daughter of Putin’s…” Thank goodness for Moon of Alabama. They said some liberal out let in the US was gloating over Dugina’s death. Goodness gracious, to think I used to be a US liberal!
Appalling situation and the fingerprints of of the US deep state are all over this via their puppet Zelensky.
Info received now leads me to believe EU agents using UKN radicals did the deed.
Saker, you seem unimpressed with Alexander Dugin, I’m unfamiliar with him beyond that he is a nationalist ideologue. What importance if any does he have in Russia, and why do you suppose the western media has chosen his views as one of the many straw men with which to attack Russia’s growing sense of national solidarity?
There is something about it. Neither Saker nor Adriey Martyanov consider Dugin important to Russia. Perhaps he is actually better known and appreciated among people standing in opposition to liberalism in Western and Arab countries. I live in Poland and I agree with almost all of Dugin’s theses. It is with them on my way. They are often unflattering for Poland, but … true. Nevertheless, Dugin’s sacred and philosophical concepts do not translate into the technological and economic reality in which the war is waged. The assassination of Dasha and the blow to Dugin is a blow to the symbol that he was for the opponents of liberalism in the Western countries. This PR “look, we killed the daughter of the ideologist of Eurasianism, and Russia was unable to prevent it.” On the other hand, if Dugin as a philosopher was unimportant from the point of view of modern Russia, are the thoughts of Saint Ignatius of Brianczanin, Saint John of Kronstadt or Saint John of Tobolsk important for contemporary Russia? Because when talking to the Russians, I got the impression that they didn’t know them at all …
Thanks for the response Janek. I often see quotes associated with Dugin all over the internet, but always out of context (short cut and pastes), I do notice his views seem to polarize many Russian commentators.
“Dugin’s sacred and philosophical concepts do not translate into the technological and economic reality in which the war is waged. The assassination of Dasha and the blow to Dugin is a blow to the symbol that he was for the opponents of liberalism in the Western countries.”
So his philosophy and concepts might be considered anachronistic to the modern Russian sensibility? I’m going to have to take some time and perhaps read one of his more well known writings to fully understand the man and his ideas, and why he might be considered a PR target of value.
Prayers for Darya Dugina may she rest in peace.
This saddens me greatly . My money is on the Brits. Since Crimea rejoined Russia the entire UK media has been fanatically anti-Russian. Skripals, the Integrity Initiative, the smears against Russia Olympic team. They are rabid enough and stupid enough to think Dugin important.
Condolences to the Dugin family. Heartbreaking to loose your daughter to such senseless violence. Such a pretty young women with her whole future ahead of her. Tragic.
I haven’t read any of Alexander’s books but I am interested. Perhaps in the near future I’ll attempt to understand him.
So far and that really is suprising there is no stock market panic in any western country, not even in Europe. Instead quite confidence. And if any share holders are one of the first acting fast if there is danger looming behind the corner of third street.
Those neonazi criminals behind the attack clearly didn’t achieve their primary objective. They killed an innocent young woman while Mr. Dugin is still alive. RT mentions that Dugin is the main architect of the Eurasian Union ideology and a multipolar world order. Let’s face it, the multipolar world order through the Chinese BRI, SCO and the Russian EAEU would undermine the entire western system by eliminating the dollar as the global reserve currency. When there’s any talks about the dollar, we see a small number of Jewish oligarchs – represented by Israel / vise versa – who are in charge of the current western financial system. In short, it would be impossible for puppets like Zelinski and the NATO-run neonazis in Ukraine to commit an act of terrorism without the full knowledge of their Jewish handlers mainly from Israel. Renowned author Dimitry Orlov has written an excellent essay on the topic of the Jewish Oligarchy on the Unz Review. A must read.
Haben Sie auch einen Link zu dem Essay von Dimitry Orlow?
The essay, ‘Americans Are Criminally Insane.’ by Larry Romanoff.
Dugin is most certainly not the one behind the multipolar world order. It’s Sergey Glaziev.
Corrected – Americans Are Criminally Insane by Larry Romanoff.
Payers to her, her father, family, friends, and country. Also for her enemies and blind and stupid westerners that their eyes may yet be opened and see the horrific and evil nature of their actions and lies behind the actions they act upon. Prayers for the latter i worry are lost, as the west is no longer under the control of humans but of nephilim as Putin stated a few days ago at the Security Expo in his foreboding speech, referring to western allegiances being loyal to and forcing rules alien to their societal norms and “extraterritorial” to their culture. Closest he’s come yet to calling out evil directly. May el elyion have mercy upon the world’s remaining non-evil inhabitants.
Ukraine is a Nazistate that killes opposition and journalists
they murder and torture for their Bandera ideology
the CIA is involved in Ukraine since the 50s.
nothing can excuse this
the end result will be a much smaller weaker Ukraine and a bigger stronger Russia and if we are lucky there will not yet be WW3
This is WW3, it started over 30 years ago.
Nobody in Empire really noticed before after the Stalingrad moment.
It will be cold this winter.
I said at the time and i still believe it started with the brutal attack on the FRY.
I agree. For some strange reason WWs always start in Yugoslavia.
Winter is coming to Europe…that means Ukraine as well.
I don’t see why East Ukraine should suffer while west Ukraine is warm.
Time for Russia to hit the coal fired power stations in the West.
But not Odessa, that shall be a refuge…the more the better!
Since the importance of Alexander Dugin was only existing in the minds of western audiences and their media producers, the intended audience of the car bombing were the very same. And when you know the audience, it’s way easier to find out any “hidden” messenger and the intended effects of the message. My take would be that the messenger was the not so hidden group of influencers who need to convince the west of something, some kind of capacity or illusion of control. This in face of being at the brink of complete military, economical and political collapse. This would then be the increasingly isolated and panicked leadership in Kiev working now completely outside military command with plots, terror and psychological warfare. As if that could change something. Then again, a cornered animal will stop at nothing to create the chaos needed for escape, to prevent its own collapse. Which is why the west should be wise to increase their support for a military coup and enter negotiations, mainly to keep Odessa as economical life line for a small 3rd world country called New Ukraine.
My deepest condolences to Alexander Dugin and his whole family. It is very sad. And this disgusting terror attack does show the real face of Kiyv and the cruel clown’s regime supported by the West.
Evidently it was an inside job. It was a soft target. Probably by a 5th column or a strong opposition to try to discredit the government.
Dear Saker,
I took a day to get over my profound shock at the murder of Dugin’s daughter before commenting. I don’t even know why I feel moved to record something which will be lost in the aether of the digital world.
It goes back, I think, to a report from Patrick Lancaster in Donetsk early in the SMO where a Tochka-U had exploded a short distance from him. He ran to the scene, and what at first seemed a relatively mundane incident took a terrible, and pathetic turn when he encountered the first dead civilians slumped in the seats of the bus they had been travelling on. What I found most piteous was the man who was standing by the corpses of his wife and daughter, wailing in hopeless grief.
This was brought back to me again by the terrible helplessness of Dugin in the video from the scene of Miss Dugina’s murder.
More shocking than this though, is the outpouring of vile triumphalism in both the British press and the commentary of the Western public. Dugin is no Nazi. I have read several of his works, and see much to be admired in them. It seems this is not the general view of genuine Russians, but to a Westerner like me, I saw many ideas, and questions posed by him which had merit, in my mind at least.
The press here though, seemed determined to paint him in the blackest light, and as has become the norm here, seemed to find no inconsistency in portraying him as a Neo-Nazi, and impossibly, also an intimate of VV Putin.
I confess, I am losing hope for peace. I cannot see how the emerging Russia, and my country can be reconciled. I think a wider war is both inevitable, and necessary.
Necessary not because I want it to be so, but because the two modes of thought are incompatible. The totalitarian nightmare unfolding in my part of the world cannot tolerate differences of thought. This is one of the themes Dugin seeks to explore, though his recent statements seem to reflect my view that eventually some form of physical conflict between Russian and the American sphere of influence.
What else is there to add?
I begin to understand why Martanyov, and yourself think that the West is Russophobic. I did not see it until the last week or so. It is true that a man rarely suspects others of crimes he himself would not think to commit. Life goes on, of course, but as a father myself, I thought I would take a moment to remind everyone that a man saw his child killed in front of him, and must endure today, and every other day from now on, with that memory lurking like the beast that kills happiness in the corners of his mind.
To paraphrase the song, ‘I am looking at the river, but I’m thinking of the sea.’
Best regards to those who know how to say a prayer for the recently bereaved.
Well said. And because Alexander Dugin was/is a much more significant target for the West, I tend to think deliberately targeted by the West? uK?
There seems to be evidence that this was a professional assassination, planned at least weeks in advance. The CCTV for two weeks from the area of the festival is missing.
There is also some speculation that Daria herself was the target because of her journalistic work looking into Bellingcat. Does anyone else know more about this?
I belive Dugin was definitely the target by the Empire. Question is, is he worth more dead or alive to it ?
I do not know more about her Bellingcat investigation, I doubt it is relevant though. Bellingcat was exposed as an MI6 outfit years ago. More likely a victim of an influence operation on her father, who got hospitalized.
Seems like the US/NATO (Ukraine is not counted since it’s just a vassal) are getting desperate. Car bombs are typical cia/mossad method.
Sadly and madly a well-worn modus operandi of the Kiev regime. In memory of the assassinated of LPR/DPR.
On MoA found two interesting links from German major MSM. Seems like they ve immediately catched the Assassination for spinning the begining of guerilla warfare inside Russia against Putin.
Germany is toast and no longer trustworthy. Very dangerous rusophobes re controlling Germanistan.
New russian hero from speznas for German MSM
Dear Andrei,
You say: All I want to say at this point is that Dugin never was the “‘Russian world’ ideologue“ as RT so stupidly wrote.
RT has indeed disapointed as a news agency. We could expect better from Russia… Recently, it is in fact getting worse, and your observation illustrates it. RT also has a very bad comment system – Tolstoy – that frequently give the impression to coomenters that it is biased against Russia!
As long as this SMO continues, and West seeing its cards being discarded, the situation must get worse. US and its vassals have a lot to lose with a multipolar world. Such point take us to believe that US will definetively show its face as a terrorist country, making and blaming Russia for acts of violence arround the world. A chemical war against the East is not disregard. With our multilateral (to west) organizations like UN, WHO among others, and the roten ocidental press covering and manipulating everything, will be a mess. I really hope the russian intelligence personel has the competence to expose and punish the responsibles for this tragedy.
Good points. I agree that the west is not going to be easily defeated — mainly because they have all of those organizations you cited, and the brainwashing media. Yes, it will be/is a mess. The role of the Russian media to counterbalance the western MSM is, thus, very important and should not be underestimated.
RT is Russia’s most read news agency by westerners and it should do a better job than just repeat, at the end of almost every article, that ‘Russia invaded/attacked/sent troops to Ukraine in February…”. Is this necessary? Why? This is not going to help Russia, while it irritates the readers that support Russia.
Another example: today, RT published an article about a Swiss politician who was slammed for stance on Ukraine, while at the same time RT stated twice that this politician asked why Russian teenagers/young soldiers were dying in the Ukraine conflict. As the article does not refute the assertion that teenager Russians are dying in high numbers in Ukraine with informed statistics, which they could obtain with the Russian MoD, we are left to believe that this is actually occurring. Some readers may even think that mostly Russian teenagers are dying in the conflict. Is this not a contradictory article for such an important Russian media at this time?
This conflict (vs. the neocons via US/UK/NATO) is going to continue at the current heightened tempo for a long time – generations.
The UN’s biennial World Population Prospects (WPP) report, originally scheduled for release in 2021, was delayed due to the pandemic, and released in July 2022. In its median variant projection series (the data incorporates several scenarios), the global population is expected to continue to rise, reaching about 10.4 billion in the year 2100.
RF’s population in 2100 is expected to be ~115 million, down from ~145 million today. Many other advanced industrialized countries with below replacement level (2.1) total fertility rates are expected to experience population declines (absent large scale immigration, which the study does not consider) that are even larger – South Korea’s population, for instance, is expected to more than halve, from current 50+ million, to less than 25 million by 2100!
Meanwhile, rising temperatures, if only of a few degrees, or less, are expected to benefit RF substantially – increasing arable land, yields, and the ease of accessibility and extraction of other natural resources (including freshwater), all of which will have even greater value in a world of 10+ billion.
Who will own and control these vast and increasingly valuable resources, and the wealth that they will create – a few individuals and private corporations (of any nationality, including RF), or some form of Sovereign Wealth Fund similar to Norway’s Government Pension Fund (aka Oil Fund)?
The neocons will never give up. Ukraine is but one stratagem. Multi-generational “elite capture” is another – target the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of today’s RF business, political, and military elite. Get them scholarships to Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and Yale. Then jobs at Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Blackrock, and Blackstone. When you’re making tens or hundreds of millions of dollars/euros/RMB a year, your values change.
Vikram Sood, the retired head of India’s external intelligence service, has written two books – “The Unending Game” and “The Ultimate Goal”. I hope they are translated into Russian and distributed widely. They are must reads for every citizen of a would be sovereign nation. Should be mandatory reading in every high school.
this lady is an interesting read…the post was fri jan 10th.. 2014.
I suggest you take a day out and read her site in Russian
With ref. to FSB, RIA Novosti reports that Daria was the actual target and that the killers were two Ukrainian women, who fled to Estonia.
(do not know how reliable this is)
My sense is that however reprehensible this assassination is, this would help putin completely control the entire Russian masses to show them what he’s been forced to fight on their behalf – The ukronazis have overplayed their hand because now Russia can feel free to strike wherever it please and no allies will object
Are Iwan Iljin works in English somewhere? I found only Russian and German
Bright memory of the servant of God Daria. God rest her soul. Condolences to her father Alexander Dugin.
RIA Novosti reports on 08/22/2022:
The FSB has solved the murder of journalist Daria Dugina.
“It has been established that the crime was prepared and committed by the Ukrainian special services. The performer is Natalia Pavlovna Vovk, a citizen of Ukraine, born in 1979,” the special service said in a press release.
The FSB also reported that Vovk, along with her 12-year-old daughter, arrived in Russia on July 23 and rented an apartment in the house where Dugina lived to collect information about her.
To monitor the girl, the perpetrator of the crime used a car on which she changed the numbers from the DNR to Kazakh and Ukrainian.
On the day of the murder, Vovk and her daughter were at the literary and musical festival “Tradition”, where Dugina was present as a guest, and in the evening she carried out a controlled explosion of a car driven by a journalist.
After that, Vovk and her daughter disappeared through the Pskov region in Estonia.
Russian world is the same as the Arab world, Anglophony, Francophony, DACH, Lusophony, Hispanidad, etc. Countries where the Russian language and Russian culture are widespread. That’s all. And MSM propaganda writes about some terrible mysterious “ideology”.
Seems this was a hit by a Ukrainian woman who escaped afterwards to Estonia. They know who she is now.
See the following for an update: (in Russian)
From the article:
“A Russian journalist was killed by a Ukrainian citizen on the order of Kiev. She has already left Russia.
The Federal Security Service reports that the case of the high-profile murder of Daria Dugina has been solved in hot pursuit.
According to the FSB, both the Ukrainian special services prepared and committed the crime. The direct executor was a woman – a citizen of Ukraine Natalia Pavlovna Vovk, born in 1979.
She arrived in Russia just two weeks ago – on July 23, 2022, together with her 12-year-old daughter – Sofia Mikhailovna Shaban.
Vovk, together with his daughter, rented an apartment in the neighborhood with Dasha’s apartment, in the same drive-in. From there, she watched Dugina and gathered information.
For external observation, Vovk used a Mini Cooper machine. It was on it that she came to Russia. Moreover, when entering Russia, she used the numbers of the Donetsk People’s Republic – E982XN DPR, in Moscow she used – Kazakhstani numbers – 172AJD02, and when leaving Russia – Ukrainian – AH7771IP.
On the day of the murder, Vovk, together with his daughter Sofia, visited the literary and musical festival “Tradition”, where Daria was as an honorary guest.
The explosion of Daria’s Machine was controllable. Immediately after it, the Ukrainian woman, together with the girl, immediately went through the Pskov region to Estonia. And there she left Russia.”
I was concerned that the perpetrator was a Ukrainian refugee as I mentioned yesterday (above). However, one wonders who was actually behind this: secret services of UK, Israel, US? Making it appear as coming from the Ukraine is an obvious, all-purpose, cover. Certainly, it could be just Ukraine, but the fallout of this works against the Ukraine in almost every way. It would have been about the most stupid move possible.
Russians will become more resolute and united, and countries engaging in car bombings of young women come off looking bad, that is, cruel and monstrous. It is 95% terrible PR for the Ukraine, and the remaining 5% just a momentary rah-rah for hard-core anti Russians.
My feeling that this is a major turning point event continues to grow stronger.
Alexander Dugin’s appeal:
“As you all know, as a result of a terrorist attack carried out by the Nazi Ukrainian regime, on August 20, when returning from the Tradition festival near Moscow, my daughter Daria Dugina was brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes. She was a beautiful Orthodox girl, a patriot, a military officer, an expert on central channels, a philosopher. Her speeches and reports have always been deep, grounded and restrained. She never called for violence and war.
She was a rising star at the beginning of her career. The enemies of Russia have viciously, surreptitiously killed her…
But we, our people, cannot be broken even by such unbearable blows. They wanted to suppress our will with bloody terror against the best and most vulnerable of us. But they won’t get their way.
Our hearts are not just hungry for revenge or retribution, it’s too petty, not in Russian. We only need our Victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on her altar. So win, please!
We wanted to raise her as a smart girl and a hero.
Let her inspire the sons of our Motherland to the feat even now.”
Vladimir Putin’s condolences:
“A vile, cruel crime ended the life of Daria Dugina – a bright, talented person with a real Russian heart – kind, loving, sympathetic and open. A journalist, scientist, philosopher, war correspondent, she honestly served people, the Fatherland, proved by deed what it means to be a patriot of Russia.”
Statement by Alexander Dugin, published through Konstantin Malofeev:
“…Our hearts are not just hungry for revenge or retaliation. That would be too shallow, not Russian. We only want our Victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on its altar. So, be victorious, please!”
Lone Wolf
May God rest the soul of this latest victim of Nazi terror and all those who were also murdered before her!
Nazi Terror Or Otherwise.
I learned very fast the way west works …When they need someone to blame they produce the reason ….
And they never blame the side that they are protecting even if it is a fascist side…
Thanks good we have Russia to give us a hope of a better future for our children and grandchildren….
The sheer idiocy being traded on social media concerning Dugin’s work and relationship to the Kremlin is enough to resign from society. America is not salvageable.
que descanse en paz. May she rest in peace, may the Holy Virgin aid her journey.
The primary aim of this assassination seems to be to reinforce the false western narrative that Putin is the new Hitler who is pushing the expansion and territories of the new Russian Empire, contrary to arguments made against that propaganda narrative by Mearsheimer, McGovern and Cohen.
When Putin says that the west is the empire of lies, he has got that right.
Assassinating a female civilian for such purposes is pretty low, but I believe it was intentional. They killed a Russian woman, so the west doesn’t care, and such insouciance becomes more habitual when reinforced. It will increase Russian extremism to support the war, and the west wants the war, so they don’t mind more excuses to support Ukraine.
So a political assassination becomes part of a pure psyop, and murder is made secondary to mind control and manipulation.
There is no real strong ideological connection or parallel between Dugin and Putin but since western media mentions it, the media managers of the west have decided to make it so.
RIP Daria Dugina. We all fight the same empire of lies. Alexander didn’t have to lose his daughter to those fuckers, and Daria didn’t have to die because her father had a sense of honor.