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Thank you dear Saker for reminding your audience of this grave injustice to my people. This excellent documentary is witness to an ongoing crime against a freedom loving and Christian people who have endeared centuries long suffering on their holy land of Kosovo & Metohia. Unfortunately the remaining Serbian population continue to suffer occupation long after this documentary was made and site’s like yours allow our suffering to reach a wider audience. Many blessings to you and all the Saker community!
Also check out film maker Boris Malagurski
Kosovo: Can You Imagine? | Boris Malagurski (2009)
The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010)
And more. Lots of background.
And recent follow up, this year, The Weight of Chains 2 | Težina lanaca 2
Hi Saker,
You continue to spread hate and false hope for retarded and bankrupted, morally and any other way, nationalist movement of so called great serbia. You are not helping by denying war crimes and genocide in Bosnia or ignoring horrible crimes committed by serbian communist elite in kosova. If you are person of integrity, you should understand – no one trusts Serbs. We lost it, especially over last 30 years. Ask yourself why, educate yourself, serbian hegemonic dreams are real. Ask yourself when and how the real trouble in Yugoslavia started. Ask yourself what was the role of milosevic, who was he, where he came from. Milosevic and gangsters around him, brought so much evil and misery on all people of former yugoslavia. My message to you is simple, you are protecting war criminals and mass murders, today in power spineless, gutless, racist politicians in Belgrade, in the name of some false orthodox slavic brotherhood cult. It takes guts to admit wrong doing. I and many other Serbs do not want such help from you. I want to live in peace and prosperity with my neighbours. You are making all Serbians, like myself, responsible for crimes committed by few in so called Serbian name. Not in my name. Your message should be a respect for other nations and work on peace, building connections, one step at the time, because we want to re-build trust, that we lost it, and it is so hard to get it back.
Dear Stevo, you are totally entitled to your opinion. I am quite used to it as there are a certain incompressible amount of Russians (2-3% max) who feel the same way about Russia. But you will have to allow me the right to my own opinion, which is that you are either a terminally brainwashed Serb or, which is more likely, somebody impersonating a Serb. Judging by your spelling, I think that you are probably an Albanian. It really matters little to me: you believe that the Serbs are exceptionally evil and I think that their enemies are exceptionally evil. So we can agree about one party here begin exceptionally evil, which just disagree on who this party is. The good news is that none of that will matter one bit: as soon as Camp Bondsteel is gone, so will KosovA :-P
The Saker
What a wonderful reply to Mr. Stevo. If Stevo is Serbian, then I’m the pope. Stevo, Do you really think that your utterly transparent trolling helps your cause? It was easy to make such pathetic statements when the empire was spinning their Anti-Serb 24/7. But good people around the world have learned the truth.
A new dawn is coming, and like Saker says, the empire’s lies and misdeeds, will all be exposed. And when it falls, your fellow fascists and gangsters will be running for the hills.
Stevo (Insults aren’t permitted,MOD.). Serbia has nothing to be ashamed of, unlike the one you impersonate –Albanian, Croat, or BosnjaK, you all sent thousands to the gas chamber. Serbians fought and died to save Europe from the Middle East barbarians, they fought and died to save Europe from the Austro Hungarians, and they fought and died to save the world from the Nazis. What did you fight for Stevo, , hanging bodies from every telephone pole from Mostar to Dubrovnik, gas oven and expulsion of a million people from their homes. This is your heritage in the Balkans while Serbian heritage with that of the Greeks is honorable amongst nations.
If you go to the YouTube page, you will notice overwhelming support for Serbian brethren from Poland, I am very glad to say. I do sense a wider Slavic reconciliation coming and I still reckon Poland and Russia will be drifting ever closer with time, despite most Russian commenters on this site dismissing this idea completely.
Sunrise State,
“A wider Slavic reconciliation coming”. From your mouth to Gods ears!
For centuries, the Vatican and the European Imperial powers have successfully pitted the Slavs against each other. One day soon, May our peoples be courageous enough to oust the Empire’s puppets and foster a true Slavic brotherhood.
Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic are refusing the EU Diktat to commit migration cultural suicide. I congratulate them!
Stari mi je dido reko
Kada budes badnjak sjeko
Ka istoku okreni se,
Sa tri prsta prekristi se,
Jer s’istoka sunce sija,
Na istok je i Russia
Badnjak sjeci, Boga Moli,
i Srbiju Majku voli.
Boga moli za Kosovo
I za zdravlje Putinovo.
Nedaj Gubi na torine
Srecan badnjak Moj Srbine
Serbia dindoo nuttn….
Except their Hungarian comrades
Now THERE, they have the no complaint from either eu, nato, or….wait…wait….just abit longer…
The Hungarian government?
We are a bloody mess, even without them muslim invaders – about to become soldiers for izrahell.
Mark my words.